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    Prepared By

    Chandni P. Patel


    Roll No: 60

    Seat No:

    Academic Year: 2007-2008

    CollegeJ.H. Bhalodia Womens College , Rajkot.

    Submitted ToSaurashtra University

    Guided By

    Prof. Smita C.Vyas

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    T he I nd ia n m a r ke t f o r i n su ra n ce i s b i g . T h er e a re

    c h a l l en g e s f a c ed b y n e w e n t r an t s t o t h e b u s in es s.

    T a p p i n g t h e f u l l p o t e n t i a l w o n t b e e a s y . I C I C I

    P r u de n t i a l , a j o in t v e nt u r e b e t w e e n t h e l o c al I C I CI a n d

    U K b as ed i ns ur e r P ru de nt ia l , h as a l r ea dy k ic ke d o ff

    o pe r at i on s i n I n d i a . I CI C P r u de n t i a l i n t en d s t o p a y a

    l ea di ng r ol e i n r es ha pi ng t he i ns ur an ce s ec to r i n t he

    c o u n t r y a n d d r i v e m a r k e t e x p a n s i o n .

    I C I C I P r u d e n t i a l f e e l s t h a t w i t h t h e i r n e e d b a s e d s e l l i n g,

    d i f f e r e n t i at e d p r o d u c t - o f f e r i n g s a n d s e r v i c e , t h e y w i l l b e

    a b le t o e x pa n d t h e m a r ke t s i g ni f i ca n t ly . T h ei r p r o du c t s

    h av e b ee n d es ig ne d t o p ro vi de t he c on su me rs m or e

    f r e e d o m o f c h o i c e , c o m p r e h e n s i v e p r o t e c t i o n a n d v a l u e

    p r i c i n g . I n a d d i t i o n , t h e y h a v e i n c o r p o r a t e d s o m e

    f ea tu re s , w hi ch a r e u ni qu e t o t h ei r p r od uc ts . T he ir

    m a r ke t i ng s t r at e g y i s c l ea r l y t o r e p os i t io n t h e c a t eg o r y

    b y c h a n g i n g c o n s u m e r a t t i t u d e s .

    I C I C I w i l l b e h a p p y t o g o f o r a m u l t i - c h a n n e l

    d is t r ib ut i on n et wo rk i n t h e f or m o f b an ca ss ur an ce ,

    c or po ra te a ge nt s , e tc . , s ub je ct t o c er ta in r eg ul a t or y

    c h an g es , w h i c h a r e ex p ec t e d s oo n . D i r ec t m a r ke t i ng i s

    g o i n g t o p l a y a k e y r o l e , a n d s o w i l l t h e I n t e r n e t , w h i c h

    I C I C I P r ud e n t i a l p l a n s t o u s e f o r d i s s e m i n a t i n g

    i n f o r m a t i o n a n d p r o d u c t s o u r c i n g .

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    In order to find how the management is handled at organization, we

    made a detailed study of the marketing department and Human

    Resource department at ICICI Pru Life Insurance Company. We

    have tried our best to prepare this organizing report, as well our

    understanding and views about it.

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    One must thank those who have been guiding them like milestones in

    their journey. We are lucky enough to get the opportunity to thank the

    guiding stars for our project.

    Through this acknowledgement to all those who helped us in the

    preparation of this project report which has been a clearing experience.

    First of all, we would like to thank our project co-ordinater Mrs

    Smita C. Vyas(Prof.) and Mr Kanani(Principal). They had been really

    very supportive and kind enough to share his views with us. We are alsothankful other staff members.

    I must thank my project guide at ICICI Prudential, Mr. Pankaj

    Sankhavra (Unit Manager) for his generous support and guidance at each

    and every step of the project.

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    Sr. No. Particulars1. General Information

    2 Marketing Department

    3 Personnel Department

    4 Financial Department

    5 Products of ICICI Prudential

    6 About Project

    7 SWOT Analysis

    8 Findings and Suggestions

    9 Conclusion

    10 Bibliography

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    SR NO

    1 Background

    2 What is life insurance?

    3 The Company

    4 Vision

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    ICICI Prudential Life Insurance was established in 2000 witha commitment to expand and reshape the life insurance

    industry in India. The Company was amongst the first private

    sector insurance companies to begin operations after receiving

    approval from Insurance Regulatory Development Authority

    (IRDA), and in the time since, has taken several steps towards

    its realizing its vision.

    The companys wide range of products, distribution strengthsand powerful brand has driven its growth across a cross-

    section of people and cities. As on March 31,2003, the company

    had issued nearly 350000 policies, with a total premium

    income of over INR 5 billion and a total sum assured in excess

    of INR 87 billion. Today, the company has established itself as

    the No. 1 private life insurer in the country.

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    can be much lesser than the sum assured. Evidently, the potential financial

    loss to the family of the policyholder is sizable.

    Encourages And Forces Thrift

    A savings deposit can easily be withdrawn. The payment of life insurance

    premiums, however, is considered sacrosanct and is viewed with the same

    seriousness as the payment of interest on a mortgage. Thus, a life insurance

    policy in effect brings about compulsory savings.

    Easy Settlement and Protection Against Creditors

    A life insurance policy is the only financial instrument the proceeds of

    which can be protected against the claims of a creditor of the assured by

    effecting a valid assignment of the policy.

    Administering The Legacy For Beneficiaries

    Speculative or unwise expenses can quickly cause the proceeds to be

    squandered. Several policies have foreseen this possibility and provide for

    payments over a period of years or in a combination of installments and

    lump sum amounts.

    Ready Marketability and Suitability for Quick Borrowing

    A life insurance policy can, after a certain time period (generally three

    years), be surrendered for a cash value. The policy is also acceptable as a

    security for a commercial loan, for example, a student loan. It is particularly

    advisable for housing loans when an acceptable LIC policy may also cause

    the lending institution to give loan at lower interest rates.

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    ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company is a joint venture

    between ICICI, a premier financial powerhouse andPrudential Plc, a leading international financial services group

    headquartered in the United Kingdom.

    ICICI Bank is Indias second largest bank with an asset base

    of Rs.106812 crores. ICICI Bank provides a broad spectrum of

    financial services to individuals and companies. This includes

    mortgages, car and personal loans, credit and debit cards,

    corporate and agricultural finance. The Bank services agrowing customer base of more than 7 million customer

    accounts and 5 million bondholders accounts through a multi-

    channel access network. This includes about 450 branches and

    extension counters, 1675 ATMs, call centers and Internet

    banking ( ICICI Bank posted a net profit

    of Rs.1206 crores for the year ended March 31, 2003. ICICI

    Bank is the only Indias company to be rated above the

    country rating by the international rating agency Moodysand the only India company to be awarded an investment

    grade international credit rating. The Bank enjoys the highest

    AAA (or equivalent) rating from all leading India rating


    Prudential Plc Established in 1848, is a leading international

    financial services company in the UK, with some US$ 250

    billion funds under management and more than 16 million

    customers worldwide. Prudential has brought to market an

    integrated range of financial services products that nowincludes life assurance, pensions, mutual funds, banking,

    investment management and general insurance. In Asia,

    Prudential is UKs largest life insurance company with a vast

    network of 22 life and mutual fund operations in twelve

    countries- China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea,
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    Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and

    Vietnam. Since 1923, Prudential has championed customer

    centric products and services, supported by over 60,000 staff

    and agents across the region.

    1.2 VISION

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    To make ICICI Prudential the dominant Life and Pension

    player built on trusty by world-class people and service.

    This vision of ICICI

    Understanding the need of customers and offering them

    superior products and service

    Leveraging technology to service customers quickly,

    efficiently and conveniently

    Developing and implementing superior risk management

    and investment strategies to offer sustainable and stable

    returns to our policyholders

    Providing an enabling environment to foster growth and

    learning for our employees

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    1 Introduction

    2 Organisational chart

    3 Marketing Mix of ICICI Prudential

    4 Marketing Strategies of ICICI Prudential5 Promotional Campaign for Distribution

    Channel Development

    6 Advertisement Strategy of ICICI Prudential

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    IntroductionThe term marketing may be defined as the performance of

    all those business activities that direct the flow of goods and

    services from producers to consumers.

    Marketing is frequently considered as synonymous with

    selling, but selling refers to the transfer of goods and services,

    which are already sold to the customer in exchange of money.

    In marketing, understanding of the needs and wants of

    customers is of prime importance and then production and

    distribution of the goods and services takes place accordingly.

    Selling concept:

    Focus: products already manufactured

    Means: selling and promoting

    Aim: profit through sales volume

    Marketing concept:

    Focus: customer influencing the production goods.

    Means: consumer oriented marketing mix.Aim: profit through consumer satisfaction.

    Marketing under sellers and buyers market:

    While deciding the marketing strategy businessmen

    have to basically consider the market situation for the

    concerned product and service.

    Sellers market is a market situation in which there is a

    shortage of goods on the one hand and large number of

    unsatisfied buyers on the other hand. There is tremendous

    demand of goods but supply is not adequate to satisfy them.

    Manufacturer-suppliers have complete control over the

    market. Consumers may have accept the goods and services of

    whatever the quality and price of them.

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    Price means the amount of money charged for a product or

    service, or the sum of the values that consumers exchange for

    the values that consumers exchange for the benefits of having

    or using the product or service. Price is all around us. All

    Profit organization and many non-profit organizations must

    set prices on their products or service. Price has been the

    major factor affecting buyer choice. Price is one of the most

    flexible demands of the marketing mix.

    Particularly in the case of Life Insurance sector the prices arethe premiums paid by the policyholders. In the case of the

    premiums the first premium and subsequent premiums are

    two categories. The premium charges are differing from case

    to case.. Further there are many criteria, which are necessary

    for determining the premiums. They are:

    1 Age of the policyholder.

    2 Time span of insurance coverage

    3 Medical check-up of the policyholder4 The ability of policyholder for payment.

    5 Convenience of policyholder.

    6The place where the policyholder live.

    7The occupation of the policyholder means whether he is doing

    service, he has some business, or he is engaged in some


    The family background of the person, etc.

    Particularly in the ICICI Pru they are using different schemes

    determining the premium charges. They have major 9 schemes

    recently designed for each category of the persons and their

    requirement. This schemes includes all the matters like:

    1 The amount of Insurance

    2 The time duration

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    3 Annual premium charges

    4 Income tax benefit

    5 After tax actual amount to be paid

    6 The total amount obtained on the maturity

    7 total amounts to be obtained8 The net profit

    9 The timing of various instalments to be obtained

    10 The various other benefits obtained by the policyholder, etc.


    A Product means anything that can be offered to a market for

    attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy awant or need. The following are the product, which the ICICI

    Pru provides for the customers

    ICICI Prudential


    Single premium bond Investing bonus or a windfall

    as a one-time premium. Term

    plan for 5 to 10 years.

    Level term assurance Providing financial support to

    family in case of death. Term

    plan of 5 to 25 years.

    Forever life (deferred annuity) Retirement planning. Annuity

    for life or for 5,10,15 years.

    Cash back (anticipated

    endowment assurance)

    Meeting periodic financial

    requirements. Fixed term of

    15 or 20 years.

    Save n protect (endowment

    Assurance with extended life


    For those who want to

    accumulate funds on regular

    basis while being recovered.

    Works like an endowment


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    Riders: Accident/disability benefit.

    Critical illness

    Major surgical assistance benefit

    Flexible term

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    2.1.3 PLACE

    Delivering products elements to customers involves decision on

    the place and time of delivery as well as on the methods and

    channels employed.

    Distribution, so critically important for Insurance products, isa bottleneck that new player have to navigate. In their attempt

    to tap distribution channels, insurance companies are hawking

    their products through the ready distribution channels of

    banks, NBFCS and housing companies. It is the only way that

    the new insurance company can expand its reach, say Vijay

    Singh, director, Birla Sun Life Insurance. The companies have

    to be a little careful because they are creating levels of

    distribution and distance that they cant control. The distanceexposes the company to quality control issue.


    As the IRDA is fixing norms for delivery channels, or

    intermediaries, even the public sector companies will have to

    follow suit. New India has already got IRDA accreditation for

    its corporate and regional training centres at Chennai,

    Bangalore and Coimbatore. The company started training

    agents at its Chennai centre in January this year.

    Making the technology face complete are the IVRS

    (Interactive Voice Recognition System) across 60 locations,

    which offers complete information about policy status, survival

    benefit, due dates for premium payments, and should you need

    a lone, then how to go about that as well. Every possible

    operation from issuing a policy to claim settlement has been


    Earlier, a successful agent was one who would be needy and

    greedy. Today, he just has to be tech savvy.

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    ICICI Prudential a joint venture between the local ICICI and

    UK based insurer Prudential has already kicked of its

    operation in India. ICICI-prudential life insurance co has six

    products. These bare a combination of saving and protection

    products, which have certain rider options that can take along

    with the basic policy. For example, the critical illness rider

    providers accelerated payment of maturity benefits in case the

    policyholder is affiliated by critical illness. This provides living

    benefits towards medical expenses or the major surgical

    assistance rider, which provides for payment of lump sum in

    the event of medical emergencies that involve surgicalprocedures. The level term rider offers the policyholders the

    option to in cress his protection at a marginal incremental cost.

    The accident and disability rider provides added protection

    against accidental death and disability caused as a result of an

    accident. The difference lies in the various rider option that a

    person can opt for. Most of our products are priced lower than

    other comparable products available in the market, says

    ICICI-Prudentials Chief marketing officer, Saugata Gupta.Companies products are design to provide the customer more

    freedom of choice, comprehensive protection and value in

    pricing. Their marketing strategy is clearly to reposition the

    category by changing consumer attitudes. This will be achieved

    through differentiated products; need base sealing,

    communication and service


    Importance of service

    Characteristics of a service product

    Marketing of services has come to occupy a prominent place in

    the economy of every country. Service is assuming paramount

    importance in terms of contribution to the GDP of a country

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    and also in generation of employment. In our country also in

    service sector. In our country also it has gone beyond 60% Life

    insurance industry is also part of the services sector. Life

    insurance industry is also part of the services sector. Life

    insurance industry is also part of the service and therefore it isnecessary that the concepts and practices of this sector are

    understood and appreciated.


    Concepts of marketing initially developed for selling

    physical products. But the society cannot depend upon only

    manufactured products. There are several industries whichprovide the much needed services like hotels airlines, banks

    insurance companies etc. Rising affluence, more leisure time

    and growing complexity of products all require servicing.

    Service industry varies greatly. Government itself is a great

    provider of services to the people through courts, employment

    services hospital military and police services and fire and

    postal service schools etc.

    2. CHARACTERSTICS OF A SERVICE PRODUCTR:A service is any activity of benefit that one party can

    offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not

    result in the ownership of anything. The characteristics of any

    service product are..



    Variability and




    One of the major challenges faced by the private insurance

    companies is to develop a strong distribution channel to

    compete against their big competitor LIC, who commands

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    91% market share. LIC has around 200,000 insurance agents

    whereas ICICI Prudential has around 18,000 advisors. Most of

    these private have following channels of distribution.

    Insurance Advisors

    Direct Selling Agents

    Insurance Brokers & Financial Consultants

    Banc assurance



    The Marketing Challenge facing ICICI Prudential:

    The task for ICICI Prudential was to build a relevant brand

    that customers could trust. It also involved breaking some

    myths. Life insurance had long been regarded as expensive,

    rigid, and difficult to understand and good only for tax saving.

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    The Challenges established category drivers (death payment &

    tax saving) and to get the consumer to evaluate insurance on a

    more emotional platform (protection) rather than a mere

    rational decision (tax saving).

    The Campaign Objectives:

    Reposition the category in the consumers mind.

    Influence the consumer to view it as a protection

    instrument and not as a tax saving product alone.

    In the process, create differentiation of the ICICI

    Prudential brand as a provider of social security and

    family protection.

    Achieve leadership status in image and product


    Build credibility and trust.

    To present the visiting card of the company to the public

    at large and build credibility and status, so as to give the

    consumer the confidence that here is a company that

    can be trusted to invest funds with.

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    To position ICICI Prudential as the new and modern face

    of the life insurance provider in India.

    Change the perceptions of the target audience to view

    insurance not as a compulsory tax saving instrument, but

    as a means to lead a worry free and secure life.

    This required a corporate campaign, which started with

    advertising to establish the brand, build awareness and give

    the brand a larger than life image.

    The Target Audience:

    Target Audience representes an ideal mix of medium to high

    net worth individuall and the consumers most disposed

    towards buying life Insurance.They are: Middle-aged

    professionals, salaried and self employed, age group: 28-45

    years, household income: Rs.20, 000 and above.


    The Creative Execution:.

    Amongst ICICI Prudentials innovative was the introduction

    of life stage and need-based Solutions selling, thereby

    unshackling the category and meeting specific customer needs.

    The brand proposition for all the ad campaign was reflected inthe line We cover you. At every step in life, i.e., that ICICI

    Prudential Life is the only private life insurance company that

    provides consumer insurance solution which are relevant to

    the unique needs at every stage of life.

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    The campaign also provided several lines of support serving to

    inculcate trust and belief in the company, such as the

    competitive advantage or product performance, a showcase of

    product available for different segments, the flexibility and

    value addition in products and the sound financial backing andcredentials of ICICI and Prudential.

    The advertising idea was encapsulated in an endearing, lasting

    and universally recognized symbol of protection- the

    sindoor. The company launched a mass media campaign

    print, outdoor Internet and radio and finally culminating in

    the corporate film.

    TVC: With the geographical expansion of the company, TVbecame a viable medium and the corporate campaign was run

    on TV, because the medium lends itself well to an emotional

    type of film that strikes a chord with the audience

    Radio: ICICI Prudential has bought spots both in the morning

    (8 am to 9:30 am) and the evening (7 pm to 8:30 pm) on Radio

    City. Says Saugata Gupta, chief marketing officer, ICICI-

    Prudential: Our target audience for insurance is the young

    executive driving to office and back home in his car. Soadvertising in the right time segmentation makes immense


    Press: It gives the consumer a rational and tangible reason to

    buy insurance first and secondly from ICICI Prudential. The

    product specific advertising focussed on changing the

    prevalent perception about insurance and breaking a few

    myths like non- affordability, insurance not being good

    investment option and the myth that insurance was good onlyfor tax saving.

    Selling the Product: Once the corporate image and brand

    identity were established, we had to give the customer a

    rational and tangible reason too buy- first of all insurance, and

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    1 Introduction

    2 Recruitment and Promotion

    3 Resignation, Increament and Travelling Allowance

    4 Benefits to Employees

    5 Training to Sales Agents

    6 Three Import Concept

    7 What is in for Advisor

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    Only LIC is an old player in life insurance market of India. Otherplayers are new. So in person most of the information available is about LIC

    only. P&IR and OS Department of the Divisional Office should the

    responsibility of providing the main infrastructure facilities like men and

    material, for smooth functioning of all the offices of the Division. These two

    departments also look after various needs of the employee and benefits to


    Managers (P&IR) & (OS) are in charge of the Department. Some of

    the important function of Managers P& IR can be said to be.

    Man- power planning which includes recruitment, training,

    promotion, placement, transfer, etc. This requires great care as

    manning pattern is to be developed keeping in view the needs of

    various offices and long term regards to future expansion.

    Playing the role as Industrial Relation Manager, by creating a sense of

    belonging to the organization in each member and also developing

    cordial relation with Employees Union and Association, employees

    and colleagues.

    Disseminate and formulate new concept as are useful in proper

    utilization of human resource.

    Interpreting policies of the organization. Effective communication

    would make every one participate in the achievement objectives of

    the corporation ..

    Maintaining high standard of discipline and keeping the moral of the

    staff high, which helps in the general working.

    Keeping record of latest developments in the spheres of labors laws.

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    Holding Training sessions for Division Office and Branch Personnel

    including induction training for newly recruited assistants.

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    Recruitment and Promotion


    Section 49 of the LIC act, empowers corporation, to make regulation with

    the previous approval of the central government by notification in thegazette of India, to prove for the method of recruitment of employees and

    the terms and conditions of their service, as also the terms and conditions of

    service of persons, who have become employees of the corporation by virtue

    of their service, as also the terms and condition of service of person, who

    have become employee of the corporation by virtue of their being

    transferred employees under section 11 of the Act. Sub- section 23(i) of the

    Act empowers the corporation to employ such number of persons as it

    deems fit for the purpose of enabling it to discharge its functions. Staffs of

    the corporation are classified as:

    Class I OfficerClass II Team Leader

    Class III supervisory and Clerical Staff

    Class IV subordinate staff (Agent)



    As per (staff) Regulation 1960 (as amended up to date) promotions

    are based on merit, seniority and suitability. Eligible candidates for

    promotion within class III cadre or from class IV cadre to class III cadre are

    required to qualify in written test/tests and also qualify in the interview.


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    Resignation, Increament and Travelling Allowance


    An employee (other than probationary) shall leave or discontinueservice on giving notice in writing. Period of notice is 3 months in case of

    class I officers and 1 month in case of other employees. Notice may be

    waived in part or full by the competent authority at his discretion. On the

    alternative three months or one month salary respectively may be paid to the

    corporation in lieu of notice.


    Increments shall fall due on the first day of the month following that

    in which employee completes 12 months service from the date of hisappointment. Increments shall ordinary be drawn as a matter of course,

    unless employee has reached maximum of the grade or is with held as a

    disciplinary measure. In case of release of E.B (Employee Benefit) and also

    for stagnation increments a special C.R (Customer Relation) is obtained

    before releasing the increment.

    Travelling Allowance

    The competent authority may sanction Tours on official business.Rates of Travelling allowances and conditions under which they become

    payable are regulated in accordance with Schedule V of Staff Regulations,

    and the (Travelling & transfer Allowances in India) Instruction, 1977 as

    revised and amended from time to time.

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    Some Of The Benefits Available To Employees

    Housing loan with concessional rate of interest.

    Rebate on life insurance premium.

    Medical benefits

    Reimbursement of medical expenses for ailments of casual nature.

    Reimbursements from LIC Employees Relief Fund in deserving


    Injuries arising out of accident while on duty.

    Emergency Medical / First Aid arising during office hours.

    Leave travel concession.

    Travelling allowance and daily allowance on tours and transfers.

    Group personal accident insurance scheme.

    Encashment of Privilege leave.

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    Training To The Sales Agents

    The stress is now on the quality of agents. Hence, the training

    program is more stringent. IRDA has recommended 100 hours of trainingfor insurance consultants or agents for both life and non-life areas.

    Nationwide, there are 47 training institutions, both registered with and

    approved by the IRDA. These institutions are currently conducting pre-

    licensing training for recently licensed private sector insurance. For now, the

    focus is on Mumbai and Delhi.

    The IRDA specified 100 hours of training would get the consultants

    license to sell. However, most companies are going beyond the stipulated

    100 hours. HDFC Standard Life has structured its course in such a way that

    75 per cent of the time is spent on the technicalities of insurance-what

    insurance is all about and how to develop selling skills through interactive

    training programs. It has spent as many as 20 months in developing its

    training program. In fact, the National Stock exchange has been authorized

    by IRDA to conduct on line examination for insurance agents.

    ICICI Pru provides its advisor with additional in company training

    of 50 hours, so that the advisor are well aware of the culture, codes and

    products details before venturing out in the market. The end result is a

    different class of agents altogether. In addition, it is necessary for the agentto be able to compete with multiple other channels like corporate agents,

    corporate brokers, banks and the Internet. Hence employee with right set of

    knowledge skill and attitude are needed to service the insurance sector. The

    need of the customer will be identified accurately and the right product will

    be targeted.

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    On the onset of the project we were understand that SALES here has

    three important aspects:FIND: This deals with the identification of the target segment. It is an

    exercise involving how to find the segment and where to get them. This part

    of the project deals with the survey of the area.

    WIN: This step deals with convincing the target segment. Here one has to

    make the following vital decisions:

    What to say?

    Where to say?

    How to say?

    What will be the follow up exercise?

    KEEP: This is a corporate policy to maintain communication with the

    segment to retain them. This is much of human resource but sales also play

    a vital role in it.

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    ICICI Prudential Life Company Limited aspires to provide state of the art

    customer service and opportunities and avenues for enterprising people to

    grow and prosper. Backed by the latest technology, we will offer our customer:

    Complete and diversified product portfolio

    Faster and more accurate service.

    Multi-channel distribution system.

    Highly trained professional salesperson offering high quality pre and

    post sales service.


    Your earning potential is unlimited.

    You have a clear career path

    You are supported in your effort with exclusive advertising, your own

    in-house consult, and supervisor training.

    Flexi-time business Being a part of world class sales team

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    ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited has the following

    career options available

    The Agency Offer

    This involves enrolling a prospective advisor for the training program

    and after the training program, the prospect has to clears an examination

    conducted by IRDA. Then the prospect is issued a license by IRDA to issue


    To keep the agency active the advisor has to sell at least 12 policies in

    a year. The advisor receives commissions on the premium he collects by

    selling policies.

    The commission structure:

    % of the premium collected

    1st year 25-35%

    2nd & 3rd 7.5%

    4th to the end of policy term 5%

    Over and above these commissions the advisor is also given

    incentives if he achieves his minimum targets, which include: monetary

    benefits, Membership to various worldwide clubs.

    Career Option for Advisors

    In this offer if the advisor is able to sell around 30-40 policies within

    6 months of issue of the license, then he gets an offer letter from the

    company to join in as Unit Manager (Average package 2-2.5 lakhs). The

    Unit Manager is responsible for heading and guiding a team of 30 advisors.He can further grow in the organization to Agency Manager.

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    Products OfICICI


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    Market Linked Plans


    Life time is a Regular Premium Product that has the option of

    the yearly, half yearly and monthly modes of premium.

    Lifetime works in the form of units, which are issued to the

    policyholder depending upon the U nit Value and the investment done

    in the form of premium.

    The riders associated to this are Accidental DeathBenefit(ADB), Major Surgical Assistance (MSA) and Critical Illness

    Rider (CI)

    Key Features:

    Death Benefit: Death benefit will be the multiple of the yearly

    premium. The policy holder has the flexibility to choose the death benefit.

    Withdrawal: the policy holder can withdraw the units at the unit

    value on the pricing date following the receipt of the withdrawal request.

    The value of withdrawal reduces the sum assured with the same amount.

    Flexibility Option:

    o Increase in death benefit: the policy holder can increase the

    death benefit by 25% subject to a maximum of Rs. 100,000 every time. This

    can be done every third year (3rd, 6th, & 9th year), without further

    underwriting. The DB can be increased further with underwriting.

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    o Decrease in Death Benefit: the policy holder has the option of

    decreasing the death benefit in the multiples of Rs.100,000. However a

    minimum residual death benefit of Rs. 100,000 will have to be maintained.

    o Premium Holiday: The policy holders can discontinue the

    premium payment, but his death benefit and the rider benefits cover would

    continue. The premium for this will be deducted from the unit fund. The

    policyholder can enjoy this facility if hes facing some financial constraints

    and he wants to discontinue the premium payment for a certain period.

    Choice of fund: There are four funds options for the policy holder to

    invest the money. He has the flexibility of investing in all the four funds inthe proportions he wishes, fewer than one single policy.

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    The funds are as follows :







    Steady Returns

    over a long timeModerate

    Debt Instruments: Max


    Money Market and Cash:

    Max 25%



    Balance of capital

    appreciation and

    steady returns over

    a long term


    Debt, Money Market and

    Cash: Min 60%

    Equity and Equity Related

    security: Max 40%



    High growth and


    appreciation over a

    long time


    Equity and equity related

    Security: Max 100%

    Debt, Money market and

    Cash: Max 25%





    Debt Market: Max 50%

    Money Market and Cash:

    Min 50%

    Switching: The policy holder would have the control to direct his

    investments depending upon the market conditions by switching the money

    between the funds. Four switches a year are free for the policy holder.

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    Top - Ups: the policyholder can put top up premium only if he has

    paid up to date regular premiums. Top up gives the flexibility to the policy

    holder of increasing the value of his investments over a long term.

    Flexible Contribution: The regular premium can be increased or

    decreased. The policyholder can up to 20% of the initial premium choose

    the maximum decrease on any occasion at the time of inception of the


    Bonus Units Allocation for Policyholders: At the end of 4th, 8th and



    years the policy holder will be provided with additional allocation ofunits. This would be credited to the policyholders unit account, only if the

    regular premiums are completely paid.

    Loans: A loan can be availed on the policy if it has acquired a

    surrender value. No partial withdrawal can be done during the loan period. If

    the loan amount along with the accrued interest becomes equal to the value

    of units, then the policy will be terminated.

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    Minimum age at entry 0

    Max age at entry 60 years

    Max cover ceasing age 70 years

    Minimum contribution

    Annual Rs.18000

    Half Yearly Rs.9000

    Monthly Rs.1500

    Modes of payment Yearly, half yearly and monthly

    Death Benefit

    The death benefit is higher of the

    sum assured reduced by the

    withdrawals or the value of units, at

    the time of death.

    Life Link:

    Life link is a unique single premium market linked plan that combines the

    security of a life insurance policy with the opportunity of enjoying high

    returns on investments.

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    Key features

    Death Benefit: Death benefit in this plan is the higher of the sum assured

    chosen reduced by the amount of withdrawals made and the value of

    investments at the time of death.

    Sum Assured: Sum assured in life link is a multiple of the single

    contribution that is paid by the policyholder. However, this product has two

    options of sum assured, which the policyholder can choose from at the

    inception of the policy.

    Value of Units: Value of units in the policy would be the total sum of all the

    value of units held by the policyholder in the various investment options at a

    particular point of time.

    Life Cover: life cover is the part on which the cost of insurance is charged,

    in case of Life link. Life cover at any point of time during the tenure will be

    Life cover = sum assured at that point of time value of units at that

    point of time

    Mortality charges are always calculated on the life cover

    Investment Options:

    Single contribution : The policy holder has the option to put

    a contribution amount that he is comfortable with and that

    would be required as per the financial requirements of the


    Minimum contribution to be done is Rs. 50,000.

    Choice of Funds : It is same as in case of Life Time plan.

    Switch Between The Funds : Same as Life Time.

    Top Ups : The allocation of all the top up is 99%. The

    policyholder can make as many top ups as he may like

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    during the tenure of the policy. The top ups can be invested

    in any of the funds irrespective of the fund pattern of the

    regular contribution.

    Liquidity with withdrawal Option : ULIP offer the liquidity

    to the policyholder to make the product more attractive for

    them. Life link provides the flexibility of partial

    withdrawal from the value of the investments of the

    policyholders, after first year of the policy. Minimum

    amount of partial withdrawal should be Rs. 2000.

    Liquidity with Loan Option : the loan facility is alsoavailable with life link. Loan will be available after the

    first year premium is paid. The amount of loan would be

    linked to the surrender value of the policy and would be

    40% of the surrender value, at the time of taking loan

    Surrender Value : life link allows the policy holder the

    option of surrendering the policy from the first year of the

    policy itself.

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    Policy Specifications

    Min Age at Entry 0 years

    Max Age at Entry 62 years

    Max Cover Ceasing Age 65 yearsMin. Contribution Rs.50,000/-

    Min Term 5 years

    Unit Linked Smart Kid

    It is a regular premium unit linked child solution, which provides

    flexible options for the client so as to match the requirement of the

    childs education and other future needs.

    Key Features:

    1. Sum Assured: In Smart Kid plan the sum assured is the multiple of

    the annual contribution that is paid by the policyholder.

    2. Premium Holiday: Even in case if the policyholder discontinues the

    premium payment, the death benefit and the rider benefits will

    continue. The premium for this will be debited from the unit fund.

    Premium holiday option can be used only after 5 complete policy


    3. Death Benefit: In this case even after the death of the policy holder,

    the policy continues. Therefore on death of the policy holder, the

    product offers following benefits;

    4. The sum assured chosen at the inception by the policy holder is paid

    immediately on death.

    5. The policy keeps on continuing and hence the withdrawals from the

    plan can be done as per the needs and the appointee will have the

    right to do so.

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    6. All the future annual premiums are waived, till the end of the term of

    the policy i.e. the co. will pay on behalf of the policyholder.

    Additional Protection Options:

    Cover for annual recurring expenses in case

    of death: in the income benefit rider in case of death, 10% of the sum

    assured under this rider is paid from the year of death till the maturity

    of the plan.

    Cover against accidental death/disability: An extra accidental cover is

    available by help of added benefit of accidental death benefit rider.With this protection, the nominee of the policy holder would receive

    additional insurance cover over and above the death benefit payable

    by the base product.

    Cover against accidental disability: the added protection against the

    accidental disability with this plan can be availed by taking the

    advantage of Waiver of Premium Rider.

    Annual Contribution : The policyholder has the option to start with a

    contribution amount that he is comfortable with and that would be

    required as per the financial requirements of the person. Minimum

    contribution to be made is Rs.18000 per annum.

    Change in Annual Contribution : the policy holder can change the

    annual contribution;

    Increase in contribution: Under Smart kid plan the policy holder has

    this added flexibility to increase the contribution. But this can be done

    only on the policy anniversaries. Minimum increase has to be Rs.


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    Traditional Plans

    Traditional plans are those plans, which work only on insurance and saving

    objectives, usually are of low premium and long term.

    Save n Protect:

    It is a with profit endowment plan with free extended life cover. The

    prospect chooses a term and a sum assured for this plan. It provides life

    cover during the term of the plan. After the end of the term, on maturity

    the policy holder gets the whole sum assured along with the bonuses if


    Key Features:

    Death Benefit:

    o If age at death is less than 7 years then death benefit is equal to

    the sum of the total premiums paid.

    o If the age at death is 7 years or more then the death benefit is

    sum assured + guaranteed additions (GA @ 3.5% compounded

    annually on SA for the first 4 years) + vested bonus.

    o If death occurs during extended life cover period then death

    benefit is 50% of sum assured.

    Extended Life Cover:

    After maturity of the plan, free life cover is

    provided to the policyholder for 5 more years. It

    makes this plan very useful for senior citizens because

    they can enjoy the free life cover.

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    Maturity Benefit: On maturity the policyholder is paid Sum assured

    + guaranteed additions for 4 years + vested bonus.

    Target Market:

    Young people who have just started career

    Low income groups i.e. min 10,000 pm.

    Cash Back:

    It is also with profits anticipated endowment plan. It provides liquidity at

    regular intervals of time and also helps in saving money.Key Features:

    Death Benefit: Death Benefit is sum assured + guaranteed additions

    +vested bonus.

    Maturity Benefit: On maturity the policy holder is paid 50% of sum

    assured + guaranteed additions for 4 years + vesting bonus on entire

    sum assured.

    General Features:

    o Surrender: It can be surrendered after three completed policy


    o Loan: No loans are provided, as regular payouts are allowed.

    o Paid Up: policy attains paid up after three years.

    o Tax Benefits: It carries sec 88 on the premium and sec 10(10)

    D benefit on death and maturity claim.

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    A. Target Market:

    Young people of the age group 20-30 years who have just

    started a career and family

    Income group of minimum Rs. 10,000 per month.

    Middle aged professional, service holders and businessmen.

    ForeverLife :

    Life Guard is with profit deferred annuity plan with life cover. This plan

    is made keeping in mind the recent increase in life expectancy and

    decrease in earning period. That is well live long but will earn for a

    short time. There fore theres a need to make money work for us.

    ForeverLife is a retirement solution that assists in meeting with that need

    in a disciplined planner.

    Key Features:

    Death Benefit: If death occurs during the deferment period and the

    spouse survives the annuitant has the following options

    o Take the sum assured along with the guaranteed additions and

    vested bonuses accrued.

    o Commute up to 33.33% of the money as a lump sum and use

    the remaining fund to take an annuity.

    o Use the entire money to take an annuity

    Maturity Benefit: the plan vests once the deferment

    period is over. The annuitant then uses the purchasing price to

    purchase an annuity. On maturity the following options are


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    Life Annuity: Provides an annuity till the time the annuitant lives, once

    the annuitant dies then the contract ends. It is suitable for people who

    dont have any dependent or heirs.

    Life Annuity with return of Purchase Price: The annuity is paid till the

    annuitant survives and after the demise the purchase price is given as a

    claim to the nomination or beneficiary.

    Joint Life Annuity, Last survivor Annuity: annuity is paid to the

    annuitant and after the annuitant passes away and the spouse survives,the same annuity will be disbursed to the spouse. With the death of

    spouse annuity will stop and nothing will be payable.

    Annuity option once taken cannot be changed, it has a 5

    or 7 years reset option

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    Insurance Solutions for IndividualsICICI Prudential Life Insurance offers a range of innovative, customer-

    centric products that meet the needs of customers at every life stage. Its 20

    products can be enhanced with up to 6 riders, to create a customized solution

    for each policyholder.

    Savings Solutions

    Secure Plus is a transparent and feature-packed savings plan that offers

    3 levels of protection.

    Cash plus is a transparent, feature-packed savings plan that offers 3

    levels of protection as well as liquidity options.

    Save-n-Protect is a traditional endowment savings plan that offers life

    protection along with adequate returns.

    CashBakis an anticipated endowment policy ideal for meeting milestone

    expenses like a childs marriage, expenses for a childs higher education

    or purchase of an asset.

    Lifetime & Lifetime II offers customers the flexibility and control to

    customize the policy to meet the changing needs at different life stages.

    Each offer 4 fund options i.e. Preserver, Protector, Balancer and Maxi

    miser. Life Link II is a single premium Market Linked Insurance Plan, which

    combines life insurance cover with the opportunity to stay, invested in the

    stock market.

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    Premier Life is a limited premium paying plan that offers customers life

    insurance cover till the age of 75.

    Invest Shield Life is a Market Linked plan that provides capital

    guarantee on the invested premiums and declared bonus interest.

    Invest Shield Cash is a Market Linked plan that provides capital

    guarantee on the invested premiums and declared bonus interest along

    with flexible liquidity options.

    Invest Shield Gold is a Market Linked plan that provides capital

    guarantee on the invested premiums and declared bonus interest alongwith limited premium payment terms.

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    Protection Solutions

    Lifeguard is a protection plan, which offers life covers at very low cost. It is

    available in 3 options i.e. level term assurance, level term assurance with

    return of premium and single premium.

    Child Plans

    Smart Kid education plans provide guaranteed educational benefits to a

    child along with life insurance cover for the parent who purchases the

    policy. The policy is designed to provide money at important milestones in

    the childs life. Smart Kid plans are also available in unit-linked form both

    single premium and regular premium.

    Retirement Solutions

    ForeverLife is a retirement product targeted at individuals in there


    Secure Plus Pension is a flexible pension plan that allows one to select

    between 3 levels of cover.

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    Market-linked retirement products

    Lifetime Pension II is a regular premium market-linked pension plan

    Life Link Pension II is a single premium market-linked pension plan.

    Invest Shield Pension is a regular premium pension plan with a capital

    guarantee on the investible premium and declared bonuses.

    ICICI Prudential also launched Salaam Zindagi, a social sector group

    insurance policy targeted at the economically underprivileged sections of the


    Group Insurance Solutions

    ICICI Prudential also offers Group Insurance Solutions for companies

    seeking to enhance benefits to their employees.

    ICICI Pru Group Gratuity Plan: ICICI Prus group gratuity plan helps

    employers fund their statutory gratuity obligation in a scientific manner. The

    plan can also be customized to structure schemes that can provide benefits

    beyond the statutory obligations.

    ICICI Pru Group Superannuating Plan: ICICI Pru offers a flexible

    defined contribution superannuating scheme to provide a retirement kitty for

    each member of the group. Employees have the option of choosing from

    various annuity options or opting for a partial commutation of the annuity at

    the time of retirement.

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    ICICI Pru Group Term Plan: ICICI Prus flexible group term solution

    helps provide affordable cover to members of a group. The cover could be

    uniform or based on designation/rank or a multiple of salary. The benefit

    under the policy is paid to the beneficiary nominated by the member on

    his/her death.

    Flexible Rider Options

    ICICI Pru Life offers flexible riders, which can be added to the basic policy

    at a marginal cost, depending on the specific needs of the customer.

    Accident & disability benefit: If death occurs as the result of an

    accident during the term of the policy, the beneficiary receives an additionalamount equal to the sum assured under the policy. If the death occurs while

    traveling in an authorized mass transport vehicle, the beneficiary will be

    entitled to twice the sum assured as additional benefit.

    Accident Benefit: This rider option pays the sum assured under the

    rider on death due to accident.

    Critical Illness Benefit: protects the insured against financial loss in

    the event of 9 specified critical illnesses. Benefits are payable to the insured

    for medical expenses prior to death.

    Major Surgical Assistance Benefit: provides financial support in the

    event of medical emergencies, ensuring benefits is payable to the life

    assured for medical expenses incurred for surgical procedures. Cover is

    offered against 43 surgical procedures.

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    Income Benefit: This rider pays the 10% of the sum assured to the

    nominee every year, till maturity, in the event of the death of the life

    assured. It is available on Smart Kid, Secure Plus and Cash Plus

    Waiver of Premium: In case of total and permanent disability due to

    an accident, the premiums are waived till maturity. This rider is available

    with Secure Plus and Cash Plus.

    Cancer Care : it s new product for cancer people, which is launch recently

    by company.

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    About the Project

    During this 1.5 months training period that Ive undergone at ICICI

    Prudential (Barouche Branch), my project was to do the Recruitment Calls

    and to make the Sales Presentations.

    First I would like to tell about what are recruitment calls.

    Recruitment Calls means to meet people or call people to make them awareof the Organization and its functions and then to offer them the business

    opportunity of joining the organization as an Advisor. Under this job, I too

    met people and talked about the business opportunity of joining with ICICI

    Prudential. The person should be HSC Pass for becoming an Advisor, but if

    hes from rural area then he should be SSC pass. For conducting this

    project, Ive visited homes of people and even contacted the people on

    phone by getting a prospective list of phone numbers from job website. The

    following method was used to inform .By joining like an advisor the person

    will have role:

    To provide the financial advice to the clients; this can be done by ;

    o Identifying the future clients

    o Making appointments

    o Conduct financial review meetings with prospects/ clients

    o Get referrals

    o Provide service to clients.

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    The opportunity:

    o No start up capital required

    o Flexible working environment

    o Hes his own boss

    o Unlimited earning potential

    o Being a part of world class team

    Working environment

    o Being part of markets number one player

    o Work from own office or home

    o Work full time or part time

    o No upper limits on earning

    Support Package for advisors:

    o High quality management support

    o Attractive payments and benefits

    o Strong reputation

    o Excellent customer service

    o Extensive training

    o Superior products

    Extensive Product Portfolio:

    o Product range that provides financial solutions to cover all

    basic needs like;

    o Premature death

    o Living too long

    o Living death

    o Childrens future

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    o Wealth creation

    Trainings conducted on:

    o Selling skills

    o Product knowledge

    o Relationship skills

    Training delivery by:

    o Face to face

    o Online

    o Self Learning

    Recognition Programs:

    o Foreign trips and seminars

    o Select club memberships

    o MDRT (Million Dollar Round Table) memberships

    Career Progression and Future Opportunities:

    o Exclusive program for high achievers

    o A fast tract career path

    o Recognition as Tiger

    o Continuance as Advisor

    o Criteria

    Age 25 40 years

    At least 1 year in system

    2 cases per month

    Mobile Tigers

    o Part time career as a trainer

    o Conduct foundation programs

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    Agency Champion:

    o Take business to next level

    o Now act like entrepreneurs, i.e. develop own


    o Recruit new advisors and make own team

    o Increased reach and earning potential

    o Criteria:

    Age at least 1 year in system

    Minimum 36 policies and 3.6 laces


    Selection process(assessment centers)

    for further development

    o Next Step:

    Confirmation of mutual interest

    Selection interview

    Profiling test dates

    Draft payment favoring

    ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company payable at


    Finalize training dates and venue.

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    The Procedure for Recruitment

    The procedure for recruitment as an Advisor in the ICICI Prudential

    Life Insurance Company is either through personal contact or by phone

    calls. Since personal contact could be done when we know that person so I

    followed the calling option. I got the prospective list of people form my

    peers group, my friends or other source i.e. from internet or reference from

    other people. From total 75 people I talked to, almost 20 people were

    interested in the opportunity that I discussed. From those 20 people 5 are on

    way to turn up as advisors and others will take time in deciding for it. From

    the 75 people I contacted 80% were jobbers and rest 20% people were small

    or middle level businessmen. There were 10% housewives also and they too

    show the interest in joining the business as it will be a source of extra


    The people who refused to join the organization had the following

    reasons for it:

    They wanted to finish studies first.

    They were happy with their respective job and salary

    They were already having a part time business.

    They could not find time for extra works.

    After talking to the interested people, and finalizing their admission in the

    organization they were made to attend the 18 days IRDA training conducted

    at RNIS College of Insurance, Shalimar Complex, Barouche.

    After that they will attend the 3 days product training given by the trainer

    from Baroda Office. After completing this part they will give their exam for

    the license at Ahmedabad, which will be conducted by Insurance Institute of

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    India. After 15 20 days theyll get their licenses and they can start the

    career as an Insurance Advisor for ICICI Prudential.

    Sales Presentation:

    Apart from giving the recruitment calls I also did the sales

    presentation along with my Project Guide and Unit Manager Mr. Ahoy

    Polecat. Under this exercise I had to tell the prospect about insurance and

    the various assistance provided by ICICI Prudential in the area of life

    insurance. It is more of convincing act of making the prospect convert into

    client. For this purpose I had gone through the 18 days IRDA training and 3

    days product training conducted by the organization it self. This trainingmade me through in area of what is insurance and its other details and the

    product training provided the details of the products that the company

    provides. At the starting level I have avoided going for the cold sales calls

    (contacting people who are unknown to us), so I took the natural market for

    my prospecting.

    Procedure adopted for giving the sales presentation:

    The Opening:

    In the opening of the presentation firstly I introduced the company and

    myself. And the following points were discussed

    As an insurance company what ICICI Prudential is doing and how it

    is functioning in the corporate world.

    The various needs of a person in life (i.e. premature death, accidental

    disability, childrens future etc) and how to deal with them.

    What my role is? I.e. how I can help the person according to the

    different needs of his life.

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    or higher personnel if needed, which included my project guide and other

    Unit Managers.

    In usual cases, there were some common doubts that almost every

    client asked so the solution for that was prepared.

    The following approaches were followed in dealing with the


    Listening with out interrupting: listening is the first step of good

    communication so or dealing with clients objections also we have to listentheir part of case. Interruption will deny the kind of respect the client needs

    which may lead to misunderstanding. Even though I knew what the client

    was going to say I listened to his part then gave him the respective solution.

    Agree and counter: According to this approach I agreed to the clients

    statement but countered it in terms of what the reality was. For example, a

    client referred to the competitors policy and asked if the same thing is in

    our policy or not. So the simple thing was told that it is not available but

    other benefits are available.

    Closing the Presentation:

    Closing was the last step in presentation, in this the client was asked

    summarized over what all things were discussed by me and what the

    objections and solutions given, in a way the whole presentation was

    discussed in a nut shell. In this I also asked the client about their

    interest in investing money, or what they feel about all things

    discussed. If interested then further formalities were done.

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    Follow Up:

    If the client shows not enough interest then also he has to be taken

    care of, his details like name, phone no. and other information taken

    earlier was taken along in case he changes his decision and can be

    converted into prospect to client.

    While giving the sales presentation the following main points were


    About ICICI Prudential

    o The bank

    o The joint venture

    o About prudential

    Life style Changes

    o Talking about how the needs change as per our age.

    My Role

    oIt explains what I am doing and how I can help the client

    with by suggestions

    oHow to make the life of the client smooth i.e. with less of


    The Risks in Life

    o Premature Death

    How one can make his family financially sound

    even if

    hes not in the family (if hes the bread winner)

    To make them aware of the need of insurance.

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    o Living Too Long

    It is the retirement solution that what to do after

    job, with no source of income.

    The decreasing rupee value and increasing


    The medical expenses

    o Living Death

    It is the unfortunate situation when the person is not in

    state of good health i.e. he may not be able to do any

    work for income.

    There will be additional medical expenses.

    oChildrens Future

    The increasing expenses of education needs some

    extra source of money

    To give the best possible education to the child.

    No compromise on their future

    oWealth Creation

    For the financially independent future

  • 7/31/2019 icici prud.


  • 7/31/2019 icici prud.




    Introduction of innovate wide range of products, by Way of

    trying up with foreign companies.

    Fully computerized environment

    Make most use of the groups experience & brand name.

    Less manpower with increased working hours

    Created flexibility.

    Settlement of smaller claims within 24 hrs.


    Lack of experience in the Indian insurance sector

    Fear of insolvency in the minds of public.

    Large finding for creating the good brand image.

    Less distribution network.

    Difficulty to tap the Indian rural mkt.


    Target the industrial as well as industrial customer with better


    Speedy settlement of claims.

    Can attracts the experience insurance professionals with better


    4. THREATS

    Large distribution network public sector companies.

  • 7/31/2019 icici prud.


  • 7/31/2019 icici prud.



    Though there are many private insurance companies in the market it is

    evident that ICICI prudential one of the leading company. ICICI has the

    major proportion of the market share then its competitors but there is much

    to be done as in Ahmedabad there is a large market which is still untapped.

    In the current situation the financial and investment field is saturated

    and there is a tough competition which is haunting the companies in such a

    perspective it is the marketing and sales people who are promising and canmake the required changes which can help in giving a winning edge over its


    From the research conducted it is evident that the people are aware

    about the life insurance and the players that are involved in it. Thus now

    there is a need to give them the full knowledge about the products which are

    offered by the company and the benefits which the people can receive by

    taking the policies.

    To increase the market share the company must come up with new

    attractive gift packages for the customers and also provide more benefits to

    the investors. It is the only possible way in which the company can make

    more profit.

  • 7/31/2019 icici prud.



    The success of any company depends on the quality of staff it holds

    and it is convincing power of this staff, which leads to the success of the

    company. Thus Marketing can be said as the important section of the ICICI

    Prudential because it is this section that is involved in direct marketing of

    the products offered by the company.

    The competition within the insurance companies is intensifying day

    by day. But with its prudent portfolio and its wide distribution ICICIPrudential Life Insurance Co., is the number one player in private Life

    Insurance Sector.

    Other Insurance players are also looking forward to compete with the

    Product of the Company. Company is going to provide good job

    opportunities for management graduates, along with a lot of growth


    Gradually we gained much confidence talking with people and it was

    a great experience working with the ICICI Prudential.

  • 7/31/2019 icici prud.



    Principal of Management L.M. Prasad

    Management Sherleker & Sherleker

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