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Page 1: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.

I. North v. South

Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years

NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life span; “grandparents.”

Page 2: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.

Family life

South - 6x as many men; lots of teen pregnancy

North – stable families, divorce only for abandonment or adultery, Scarlett Letter and the city on the hill

Page 3: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.


South – first families/tutors, headright system – 50 acres to bring someone here, tobacco overproduction

North – more equality, farming and something else, public ed, 50% literacy and Harvard

Page 4: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.


Name top 3 diseases. Contrast Life expectancy in North

and South. Contrast family structure in North

and South. What was the headright system? Contrast economic and education

system in North and South

Page 5: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.

II. Struggling servants

Land became more scarce and harder to acquire for freemen.

Gov. Berkeley took away franchise and made land promises to Natives.

Page 6: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.

Bacon’s rebellion

When Gov. Berkeley wouldn’t retaliate for frontier attacks, Bacon and his followers did

Bacon, a 29 year old planter, led “the rabble” in burning Jamestown and chasing Berkeley out.

Page 7: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.

What to do?

Bacon died ended, 20 hung; Planters feared frontiersmen, needed an easier to control labor force.

1680s rising wages in England ==more black than white arrivals

Page 8: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.


What was getting harder for freemen?

What did Gov. Berkeley do that angered freemen?

Who led the rebellion? What conclusion was reached?

Page 9: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.

III. slavery

10 million came over 300 years; 400,000 to N. America

Triangular /transatlantic trade – Europe Africa Americas; slaves came on Middle Passage; North involved (RI)

Page 10: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.

New slave trade

10,000 slaves brought 1700-1710; half Va population 1750, 2/3 SC population

More slaves==less assimilation; smaller numbers == more assimilation

Page 11: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.

Quality of slave life

Only imports could replace slaves on rice and indigo plantations of South Carolina.

Closer together Tobacco plantations allowed family life, natural reproduction.

Page 12: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.

Slave culture

Mixed African/American language, music , religion

Slave rebellions –NY; Stono Rebellion in South Carolina, 1739, attempt to march to Florida - not as serious as Bacon’s Rebellion.

Page 13: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.


How many slaves? What’s the triangular trade and the

Middle Passage? How did the number of slaves impact

culture? How did slaves impact society? What slave rebellions were there?

Page 14: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.

IV. Halfway covenant, Salem witch trials Jeremiad – angry

sermons concerning whether the next generation of Puritans was devout enough.

Number of conversions declining

Page 15: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.

½ way Covenant

Halfway Covenant gave partial church membership to the young.

Weakens distinction between elect and others; eventually ended it, and women became church majority

Page 16: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.

Salem witch trials

1693 Salem 19 hung 1 pressed; younger girls accused older women.

Hysteria ended when governor’s wife was accused; role of economics?

Page 17: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.


What was the concern about the next generation?

What was a jeremiad? What was the Halfway Covenant? What was its effect? Who accused whom in Salem? How did the hysteria end?

Page 18: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.

I. 13 colonies

There were 32 colonies; Population doubling every 25 years.

Biggest Colonies: Va, Mass, PA, NC, MD; Cities: Philly, NY, Boston, Charleston

Page 19: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.

Immigrant groups

Germans/Lutherans in Pennsylvania – 1/3 of pop.; kept customs

Scotch-Irish left Scotland, failed in Ireland, came to PA , squatted west then came South.

Page 20: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.


20% African-American; mostly English in NE, over half non-English in middle colonies

Crevocoeur: “What then is the American, this new man?” – Fr. Huguenots, Welsh, Dutch, Swedes, Jews, Irish, Swiss, Scots Highlanders

Page 21: I. North v. South  Malaria, dysentery, typhoid took 10 years off Southern lifespan - 50 years  NE settlers added 10 years to their life – 70 yr. life.


How many colonies? Biggest colony? Biggest city? What were top 3 foreign groups? What other groups? Where was the most and least


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