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Page 1: 20v1,n07_Cord_Weekly


GO ‘WAY BOY, YOU BOTHER ME-Terry Stewart probably wished that he! had had as maqy arms as the picture shows in some of the tighter spots of the Ryerson -Watt%%@ game last Friday night,


World University Service of Canada has announced that the 1959 WUS, Seminar and Study Tours will be in the newly-formed Federation of the West Indies. The theme of the Seminar is, “The West Indies in Transition: Impli- cations of Self-Government”.

, Forty-five Canadian students and professors will be selected from some twenty universities to represent Canada at the Seminar. They will assemble in mid-June for an introductory programme and then travel by air to Jamaica. The three-week Seminar will be held at the University College of the West Indies, Kingston, and will consist of lectures, panel dis-

cussions, and field trips. An im- portant part of the Seminar will

EST INDIES be the Study Groups to enable both students and faculty to spe- cialize in a*’ particular field of in- terest. Subjects for study will in- clude Political and Constitutional Developments, Economic Prob- lems in the West Indies, Prospects for Industry and Agriculture, Problems of Health and Welfare, Patterns of Culture, and Educa- tional Needs and Problems. After the Seminar, the participants will travel in five small groups, each with a’ faculty leader, to other parts of the West Indies and will re-assemble in Trinidad, the Fed- eral Capital, for a final session.

Nearly one hundred students


The January ‘59’quarter of the Engineers have ,elected their new

_ class representatives, with a few hold-overs from last time. They are: William Lennox, 2A2; Jack Kruuv, lB2; Dave Founder, 2Al; Peter Kent, Pre. Eng. Al; Bob Kuhi, lA2; Al Strong, Pre. Eng. A2; Matt Stander, Fre. Eng. Bl; Bill McGratton, 1Al; Joe Eskritt, Pre. Eng. lB2~; Enn Pajin, 1Bl.

and professors from North Amer- ica, the Caribbean Region, and South America are expected to participate in this project. This year’s Seminar is the 10th in a series initiated by WUS of Can- ada in 1948. Seminars have been held in France, Germany, Holland, India, Japan, Ghana, and Jugo- slavia.

Further information and appli- eation forms are available from Local WUS Chairman, the Regis- trar’s Office, or direct from the WUS, National mce, 2, Willcocks Street, Toronto 5.

School of Fine Arts .

Just before the Christmas va- zation rolled around a group of people met in the Amphitheatre to discuss the possibility of start- ing a Faculty of Fine Arts on the Waterloo campus. This meeting was attended .by both professors and students. It was the desire.of those there to establish a school which would give courses in Mu- sic, Drama, Dance and Art.

The committee depa.rts for Ot- tawa tomorrow morning at 6:3!0 a.m. to attend the Ontario Re- gional Conference. It is hoped that a clarification of the Bursary question can be obtained while the members are in session.

The latest news from the NFCUS workers is that there will be a Blood Drive on Febru- ary the eighteenth which the SILIE thinks should be well supported. The Red Cross has promised one unit for sure and possibly a sec- ond on the strength of our claim that we can supply more than the 300 donors that one unit can handle in one day. If the second unit does come we will have a bloody competition between the Artsmen and Engineers. We can also enter the national contest sponsored by the NFCUS called the Corpuscle Cup. This contest is run on a percentage basis which gives every University an equal chance at the cup. So stock up on iron pills so ‘that we can all do our bit for the Red Cross.

The next item of interest is the forthcoming National Univer- sity Student Day.

The purpose of University Stu- dent Day is to acquaint the gen- eral public with the -university student, his role and his prob- lems. The day is to be of an in- formative, nature. The theme will run along the lines of: the place of the university student, the problems he will encounter, what he must do to overcome them, and the part played by the uni- versity.

The Federation, as a partici- pating member of the Canadian Conference on -Education, will co- operate in every possible way for Education Week. On March 5th, 3ne day in this week, we ask that !he views of the university stu- dent be highlighted and antici- oate the co-operation of the Cana- dian Conference on Education and Education Week.

The National Federation of Clanadian University Students at ts last annual Congress felt that

,Waterloo Waterloo was considered an

ideal location because of its proxi- mity to well known mediums in each of the desired fields. The most prominent examples of these would be’ the Stratford Shake- spearean Festival and both the Royal Conservatory of Music and the school of music at the Uni- versity of Western Ontario.

The magnitude of the task was disdussed and it was decided that although it would be an enormous undertaking that it would be by no means impossible. The need for further information and tenta- tive financial backing were felt to be the two most pressing prob- lems. At the present time Bob

Ottawa Editor Admitted to U. of M.

Normand Lacharite informs us that his application for registra- tion at the University of Montreal has been endorsed by the Univer- sity Administrative Council. Di- rector of Studies, Abel Gauthier, informed Lacharite by telephone (at home in Drummondville, P.Q.) of the final decision.

It will be recalled that Lacha- rite, a First Class, Third Year Science (Physics) student, expell- ed from Ottawa and Lava1 Uni- versities, has been accepted by the Science Department but the final decision was (1) in the hands of the Administrative Council of the University and the Rector, Mgr. I. Lussier.

PLacharite 21~0 declared -that no restrictions or conditions would be imposed and that he is free to be active in all student affairs department including the Quar- tier Latin.

I Scott is collecting -the. necessary information to lay the ground- work for such a s’chool.

The possibility of starting this faculty as a summer school came up and met with considerable en- thusiasm. It was felt that this way we could possibly interest people who would be travelling to the Festival at Stratford.

The feeling was apparent that with the expansion of Waterloo along the lines of science and’en- gineering that it would be de- sirable to expand on the Arts side of the programme at the same time. It was hoped by those present that any interested mem- bers of the student body .would attend the next meeting, which will be held when the desired further information has been re- ceived. If you are interested in any branches of the fine arts watch the bulletin board and come to the next meeting.

INSURANCE COURSE On Tuesday, January 2.0th, the

course “Introduction to Insurance, Estates and Trusts” commenced. The lectures will be given by officials from the head offices of the firms participating in the pro-. gramme, and will be held from 7:30 to 9:45 p.m. on Tuesdays in Room 2051 in the Arts Building.

This course is recognized as a half course for University of Western Ontario credit and is ’ open to all students of Waterloo College and Waterloo College As- sociate Faculties free of charge. Students desiring to enrol1 in this course should consult Dean Schaus immediately.


Waldo Ryerson, 24, a graduate of Waterloo College in 19517, died Sunday morning of injuries suf- fered when he was struck down

in general the Canadian public was not familiar with the educa- tional problems in Canada and more particularly the university problem, including the role of the student and the barriers he must overcome.

by a car at aI traffic light in Strat- ford on Slaturday evening. Wit- nesses say that a car cut around another stopped vehicle at a light and hit Mr. Ryerson as he crossed the intersection. He had been visiting his parents in Stratford and was due to return to his teaching post at Wheable Col-

, legiate in London on Monday.

Those who were here while

We believe that with a properly informed public, the problem will gradually disintegrate, the end end result being that, to quote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit”.

Waldo was, will remember his performance in the P&G Revue as a highlight of the show. He was also active in Arts and Letters and , NFCUS as well as writing a col- umn called STATIC for the Cord when it was still a monthly maga- zine. Services were held Wednes- day. .

Page 2: 20v1,n07_Cord_Weekly


/ . by Marg &A.tschi&

(“This is Wateiloo” is the name f the alumni ptiper. Jt is edite’d y Mr. ,Don &off tiho is assisted y Mr. Richard Capling. ’ Its fea- qxres are .handled by Miss Pat [eidrich. This paper began publi- ation, in .Nov’e-her bf 1957 and ; at present sending out about ?ur ptiblications ‘a year. Each Iember of the $lumrii receives a 3-p~ of the paper which attempts ) iresent items of interest to, all.

Although plans for the paper’s lture are uncertain, -it does hope ! sufficient funds .aj;low, to ex- and its $70 pages to ‘a review, rhich would indeed .comphre to le best of university reviews. .t present it iB a p?per of mostly lformatibn, not only of things Dini on among the alumni but LSO of ,events occurring on cam- us,. but it would like, in future, ) become a more informal qews- sper with+p.erhaps a literary se’c- on $0 whit@ .tienibers, of the lculty and ‘the administration )uld write. I .

Tuesday, January 27 ; . ’ ’ 7.00 p.m.-S.L.E. regular meet- ’

ing -Board Room. 1 e x Wednesday, January 28

Psychological $ociety meeting. Thursday, January 29

4.00 p.m. & 8.00 p.m.-Arts ,& , Letters will present the

_ film “Alexander Kerenski” -Amphitheatre. 35&

Friday, January 30 8.00 p.m.-Basketball game--

Waterloo vs. O.A.C. 9.00 p.m.-Dance - ’

Seagram Gym. q ’ Friday, February 6

9.00 p.m.-Rhythm in Royalty ’ Seagram Gym. / .?

Tuesday, February 10 IUCF - Missionary Day,

Watch Bulletin Boaid.

II I Too Far From School?

.At present the ,most cpthusiasm 1~. , the pap& is shown by i&- iediate grad&es of the past four : fii7e years. But with Waterloo riiversity not s& -very far ’ away, te paper hopes to take bigger

Two ‘single beds ’ with drivate entrance and parking:

One block from schobl. . ’ PHONE 3-676? . .

I! . . -.**.* ,. . ‘f steps forward. They, look ahead tb the day when faculty members and prdsp&c% graguates will also receive a copy, of the paper. .

’ .- ‘Lkuia lSharpGi i?liheks f


I ’

’ ! ’ I , UNITY OR DIVISION? ’ 1 ( The c?se presently before the S.L.E. is not in the nature

\ of a battle for supremacy ‘between Arts and Engineers.\ NOI ’ should anyone draw the conclusion that he is gbsolutely righ*

2:\ / \ : and’ the other absolutely wrong. In our position as an execu t’“i , tive on the NFCVS, we have had the chance to bbserve or

1 otlier campi the sengeless clash of, faculties ‘in petty riiralry ’ - No, conflict is more fruitless than one based on the belief tha

1 there is an inherent and $nattiral difference between ttic “ mem@,ers of different schools or faculties.

You will, recall that the friendly rivalry betbveen ‘Art: , and Engineering students was ‘put to good use on a playing 1 field. There, people enjoyed ,themselves, shduted until the3

: . I were hoarse, danced until tired, and contributed to the Spring ’ hill Disaster’ Fund. It is hoped that in the future this plar

c&n be employed again and again to provide a fuhd to be used when money is nedessary to aid strickefi areas.

Think for a moment how a unified campus‘with the built. in advantages that we have will appear to the p,ublic. The possibility.of a twelve month liaison with the bervice, organ&

’ zations, like WUS and Circle K, presents itself. There will bc / 1 no “Fall Scramble” as there usually is when the S.L.E. returns

! since all the chairmen in the summer quarter.s would have :. kept the, organizational work up-to-date. Even with the short

’ -three month quarter, .a new Engineering executive could benefit from the continuity and experience of the $j.L.E.I <

‘> ’ These Engineering executives could even be elected-for twc li r1 terms, a total of ,six months, which would furtheS facilitate

the business of the student government. t .._ _ We could thus become the most efficient student govern- ,’ nient in Canada and the’ iname, Waterloo Student Legislative

l Executive would be one to respect.

Throughout the past ten day! $n acute problem /has be&n de. veloping within the student gov. ernment of the College and As. sociate Faculties. Although the cofistitution of the student. bodl has not yet b,een ratified by the Boards of Goveinors, the Studen Leiislative Executive has At- temp:ed to carry. out the policy oJ that constitution, ,simply becaugc it is the o$ly document that ir any way pi;ovides for the o?gani- zation of’ the EhgineeSitig stu- dents, as” well as of the Art: students. In approving the co&i- tution last March,, the student body approved its basic concepf of ,the Student Union: ;pe student body with one . student govern- ment to administer. a commbn activity piogramme.

The growth of the Applied Science & Ehgineer_ing Faculty has, led a number of it’s s$udents to assert wishes for an independ- znt status, as a 8 distinct student Gody ^ with its own government 2nd activity programme. ‘Such, a division, ‘if it were carried out, would negate the whole policy of student union. And so the basic principle of the entire student pFogramme at Waterloo must be zither re-stated or amended. The question is this. ‘Within the com- ng university do &Q want oae student body and government :omposed .of ail the faculties . ,. b or do we want separate and dis- ;inct faculties, each with its own ?eculi,tir form of gotiernment, ?ach with an independent pro- gramme of activities . . . ?

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Published weekly by the Adergraduate students of Waterloo College and Asqociate Faculties at the office of The Cord Weekly, Room 105, Willison Hall, Phone SH. 4-8471. The opinions expressed are those of the editorial and publi- cation staff, and are not official opinions of the Students’ Council, OI! the College Administration, unless otherwise noted.

Editor-In-Chief: GORD. SMITH - Managing Editor: LINDSAY SCOTT Business Manager: &IKE VALERIOTE

Advertising : BERN. S’OLOMXN Sports Editor: MERRILL GRAHAM , Circulation: JOHN TEMPL& News Editol;: GEO. McCULLOUGH

, Photography Editor: TED RUSHTON Layout: ‘MIKE’ WHIV

~ Printing by The Bean Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd. ’ 372 King Street North, Waterloo, mtario. ,

Repr&entBtives of the Arts and sngineering Faculties have .dis- :ussed this question at length. 3ut the ultimate decision- must :ome from the student body’ as t whole. The Cord Weekly and he/ Enginews will present, ’ all

sides of th.e question in forth- Zoming *issues. I can only request that you familiarize yourself with the’ situation and its implications, md make your comments and ideas known to your representa- tiv&.

The press has requested a state- ment on the question of union. Basing this statement upon my experience in student activities 2nd government, I ca’n only stand completely in favour of a unified student body, with a central ad- ninistrative authority and a co- lrdinated common activity pro- gramme. \

Of P: m Pl di dc ‘2

it CE nt ar bc SI;

With the establishment of the miversity, there will be ‘four or nore faculti&s on campus. The duplication and conflict that vobld accompany separate activ- tY prbgrammes can hardly be ustified. Any attempt to co- )r,#nate the independent rulings If separate student douncils could neet with littie success. If student )rganizations and activities are to nake any valupble and dynamic contribution to the university and ,he community, I submit that they tan accomplish this, most effec- ‘ively through union.


E le

Arts and Engineering student executive representAtives h&e lasically agreed upon this, prin- liple. A proposal for revision of ,he present student government las received commendation in lrinciple from the faculty Deans, md is being cdtisidered in deta’il )y the S&E. and.the Engineering executive. Until more concrete nformation can ‘be reported, students of’ b.oth faculties would 10 well to consider the full’imbli- :ations of the question of student mion, in terms of its potential Jontribution to t,he university )ver and above sectional faculty nterests.

With the Usual small nuhber : supper.ters in attendance, resident Harry Brewer held .a .eeting of the Frosh Class. The Irpose of thi$ meeting was to iscuss the Frosh Formal. It iYas zcided earlier to have thiS dance, Le. last social event of the school ?ar, on February 6. As this is the last social ever-it, is hoped’ that it will. be a suc-

>ssful endeavour. Many will be zed‘ed to assist with decorations Id the other odd jobs that must 5 . done to mdke this. event a [mess. ’


The F&h* P’rinceis ’ will be bow&d at this evening, and SQ, ;iingly, the theme is ,to be along ie lines of royalty., The dance ill be called Rhythm in myqlty. any felt that the Waterloo Col-

tion wise, as it could have b.een, so the Frosh intend to go all out ‘in ’ order $0 transfer Seagram Gym- nasium into a royal court.,

Making music for the dance will be Bruce Littlejohn a?d the Jesters. This group hails from’ Hamilton, and has made itself a’: good name in that are;.

One or two items of importance should be added here about the dance. It &ill be semi-formal, and corsages are#‘thus optional. In the Frosh Princess , election@, only freshmen, ’ of both faculties, will ’ be allowed to vote. The dancing will be from nine until one. The- 1 admission price will be three-do%* : lars per couple. Pundh and- light’ refreshments will be provided. Tickets go on &ale today. ’ ’ ’

So’ don’t forget - Rhythm in ge,Ball was not as nice, decora- Royalty, Februhry 6.

In the future the newspaper will come to you on Thursday in- stead of. on Friday as it has in the past.

With this in mind, neiv ,dead- lines must be observed. Column- ists and Advertisers must have their copy in on Sunday night or early Monday morning at the lgtest. The staff will meet every Monday night to finish the paper; up so that it may go to the pub- lisher at 9:00 a.m. Tuesdqy morn- ing. News ite\ms of special im- portance vi11 be accepted up until but no later than noon of Tuesday. Those preparing Club Notices would be well advised to bring them in’ Monday night.,

It is hoped that this neti change will allow The Cord Weekly to bring more news to you at an earlier date.


Dear Editor:

. Would you please list \these names in the next {edition of the paper. I am trying to find these people’s addresses for our Alumni

ix Records, and perhaps some of the \ present students might. know

i , them. Sonny Rampsand-Singh , Douglas Blue ” . . . John Mattar

- Demand Anthony \ Charinaine Hasson

Pat Hedrich, , Corresponding Secretary,

, : i ’ Alumni Organization.



&.IElETING . i Wednesday, January 28 ,

’ 7.301 p.m. t Room 2,68 (Amphitheatre)

Two Films: , (1) “Monkey on his Back” -A . L documentary on the real life

‘experience of a drug-addict. (2) “Neighbours” (Prize Winner)

tr I Interesting film dealing with \ social prejudice.

\ 10% Discount to 1 Studynts

Board of Directors for lQ59 was elected at last business meeting of Circle-K held on Thursday, January 115, 1959:

Pres’ident . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Garry Caldwell Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jim Roberts Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Creighton Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bruce Anderson Projects Chair&an..Garry Morton Membership Chairman,. John Enns PSogramme Chairman..Tom’Cline

A Priticess will ./be crowned

Opposite Post Off ice

Come in and see our newly renovated store. ,


3 I’. Only, $3.00


Page 3: 20v1,n07_Cord_Weekly

January 22, 1959 Page Three

It’s an ill wind that blows no-good and to say the least the lack of publication of last week’s The Cord Weekly saved a near catastrophe. At any rate, it saved a red-headed sports editor from being red-faced. You can imagine being in the position of having predicted a non-defeated season for a hockey team, and on the eve of said editorial, seeing said hockey team being\ skated into the ice to the tune of 5-3.

To add to the dilemma, on the previous evening the Mulettes (what a monicker!) were soundly trounced by Western, a score too horrible to repeat. This would not seem too bad except for the fact that same sports editor was about to predict for them the happy thought of a championship.

Which proves a very important point. One should never go out on a limb as someone will surely be handy with a saw. Thus, I am now prepared to take up a position of relative security; that being one of fence-sitting, of complete neutral- ity of opinion. From now-on this column will be steeped in words such as “perhaps “, “maybe” and appropriate synonyms.

Perhaps the hockey team will win a championship. They have all the potential needed and with a little more organi- zation could do it. On Thursday they were disorganized and seemed to lack a knowledge of one basic fundamental. They were especially inept in clearing the puck out of their own end.

These fundamentals are not lacking, I’m sure. They ‘need to be brought out, however. For this cause there needs to be more practices and it’s up to the Athletic Committee to see that this ice time is acquired. The players will turn out, I’m sure. If this is done, then it will give the coach more time to stress the fundamentals and in turn would produce a winning team. Maybe then we can have an intercollegiate champion- ship to boast about.

The Basketball Mules are in a somewhat the same posi- tion. However, they do get sufficient practice and should round into shape. Perhaps the talent is there and perhaps it is not. If it is the boys are capable of regaining their championship. But maybe it isn’t. The first game against Ryerson was a poor example as fouls played an..important part in Waterloo’s loss. Once again, I say that it is a possi- bility that the Totzke coached aggregation can do it. We shall see.

As for the “you-take-it-I-don’t-want-it-I’ve-just-had-a- manicure” league, I have to use once again the word potential. The girls’ ,basketball ‘team, hampered by a game that looks more like a British squadron drill, have some star players and with more practice could avenge their Western defeat. But I doubt it. But perhaps they will come in second. One thing is for sure; they will always have fans as feminine pulchritud,e seems to have retained its spectator appeal down through the ages.

To sum it all up, the three teams have what it takes. Whether they can win consistently or not remains to be seen. Perhaps they can. Maybe they will. It is a possibility that they might.

Hockey Sna

FRED MARTIN Fred Martin, who hails from

the great hockey town of Whitby, Ontario, is a slim freshman and one of the more capable rookies who turned out for the squad. Fred played all his minor hockey, which included Junior C, in Whitby. Although he has not had a chance to hit his stride, ob- servers have lauded his skill at setting up plays from his centre position. Fred is active also in lacrosse, being a member of the Junior A team in Whitby, as well as participating in curling here at the College,


18 Albert .St.

Try our College Cut Rate SPECIALS


Doug Murphy, a lanky rookie goal-tender from Haileybury, On- tario, is counted on to strengthen our goal-keeping this season. Al- though known by his team-mates as “Sieve Murphy” this does not apply to the quality of his goal- keeping ability. Doug consistently turns back wave after wave of attackers and he is known for a driving, crowd-pleasing type of performance. He obtained all his early hockey training in the Northern leagues around his home town and attended St. Andrews High School where he played on the hockey team five years. Be- tween hockey practices Doug par- 1,icipates in curling.



BOYS’ BASKETBALL8 TEAM FOR ‘59-This1 group of smiling faces will be upholdiug the honour of Waterloo College on the basketball court this year. Although final selection has not been Imade, ;hese twelve will be helpin g toI retain the charnpimship which they captured last year. In their only eague outing SQ far the team dropped a close decision to Ryerson Rams by a 61-54 score.


Before a large, enthusiastic :rowd, Waterloo lost a close and exciting game to the Rams from Xyerson by a 61 - 51 count.

A rash of fouls that knocked )ut three players in the starting ine-up hurt the Mule’s chances against the Rams. A total of 72 iouls were called in the game by what seemed to be two over- officious referees. A close game lhroughout, the half-time score was 36-35 for Ryerson, but the Rams went into a tight zone de- tence to control the ball in the second half ., High scorers for Ryerson were Villani and Olynk, who each hit for 12 points. For :he Mules, Terry Stewart was top gunner with 23 points, while Alf spricenieks added eight.

The Mules should provide plenty of thrills on the court this year. Although they got off to 2 rather slow start, the squad should come up with some good 3asketball for the fans in future ;ilts. Continued fan support will so a long way to bolster the ;eam’s spirits.

THE FllRST ANNUAL late: Tuesday, January 27th. ?lace: Granite Club. Zame times:

Morning 1. 8.30 a.m. 2. 11.010 a.m.

Afternoon 1. 4.30 p.m.


Details: 1. There will be three sets of

prizes for various aspects and possibly more if the number of entries permits.

2. Entries will be handled as follows:

Entries are not limited tc schedule teams. Engineers are urged to enter and form their own teams The Engineers are asked tc see Frank Rachich re this.

3. Entries are to be run on a ten point system. Each player in the present league is allotted a value according to his position, Skips-4, Vices-3, 2nds--2; LIeads -1. Teams containing players no1 registered in regular teams will be considered individuals (1).

4. To enable the Bonspiel Com- mittee to run the Bonspiel WE

urge that the Skips line up teams and officially enter their teams as soon as possible.

Omcial entry forms will be placed up on the Bulletin Board or may be obtained from any



Fh? 4% Dan Yarnley

Dan is a 5’ 8%” freshman guard, who comes from Bathurst Heights Clollegiate in Toronto. An all- round athlete, Dan played foot- Dal1 as well as basketball during High School. At Bathurst, for bhree years, he was a member of Lhe school’s Junior T.D.I.A.A. championship basketball team. A nustling ball player, Dan’s pro- 3cient set-shot should swish through the hoops for a good nany points this season.

Terry Stewart This left-handed terror hails

Erom the northern mining town 3f Sudbury. Terry, who stands 5’ 11” and weighs in at 155 lbs., is a shifty forward. A hold-over from last year’s squad on which he was high scorer, he is in his sixth year of basketball. Terry is counting on his hook shot to keep him scoring regularly this year and to retain his team scoring lead for another season.

Alf Spricenieks Another second year member

is this 6’ l”, 190 lb. utility man from Kitchener. Alf gained all

member of the Bonspiel Commit- tee.

The Committee would like to emphasize that to make this Bon- spiel successful, as it is antici- pated, there must be at least ten entries by January 22nd, or there will be no ‘S#piel’.

Entries must be positive of a 100% participation. This point is important because prizes will be based on the number of entries and the resulting entry fee, i.e., 50 cents per participant or $2.00 per team.

A maximum of 16 teams will be accepted for the bonspiel.

Skips are reminded that they are responsible for the formation, entry, and guaranteed participa- tion of their teams!

David Howe, Vice-Chairman.

of his basketb,all experience play- ing for teams in and around Kit- zhener. Captain of last year’s championship team, and one of its highest scorers, Alf’s experi- ence and leadership should do much to ensure the success of this year’s squad.

Alec Godfrey Returning for his second year

of College ball is this crew-cut blond from Coppercliff, Ontario. Although only 5’ 8”, in a game that features six foot plus men, Alec’s speed and versatility make him a valuable addition to any team. A man with eight years experience on the basketball courts, Alec will be playing for- ward for the Mules this year.

Gord Harris Gord, our import guard from

Guelph, is 6’, 180 lbs. of aggressive basketball talent. A freshman at the College and a first year man on the squad, Gord played five seasons of ball for Guelph Col- legiate. Gord boasts a very suc- cessful set-shot and he should be a big help to this year’s team.

HOCKEY After an undefeated exhibition

series the Waterloo hockey Mules lost their first league game to 0.A.C. -0.V.C. 5 to 3. It was a hard fought game with Guelph holding an obvious edge in skat- ing and passing. Though both teams had golden opportunities to score, Guelph came through to put the puck in the net more often. Paul Knox was again the big man, scoring two goals with the able help of Ted Lotecki and Jack Taylor. The persistent efforts ’ of Johnny Enns paid off with the other tally for Waterloo. Gen Hameda, Bill Weiler and Gary Brown all contributed a good effort to the cause. In the nets Earl McKee made the Guelphmen work for every goal. In spite of the defeat there is an optimistic feeling among the team and‘they are hoping to come up with a win against Osgoode in Toronto on Saturday.

Well, the second term has start- ed, bringing girls’ sports into full swing and right now Basketball is being featured. Last Wednes- day, after only two practices, our team met Western at London in a fast moving game that ended in defeat for Waterloo. Although our girls played courageously, they weren’t a match for the Western team which surged ahead to take the game with a score of 59 to 18.

However, last Friday night Waterloo met Ryerson here in Waterloo with a much different result -the teams were evenly matched and at half-time Ryerson was leading by one point, the score being Ryerson 22% and Wat- erloo 21. But during the second half Mulettes spurted ahead to defeat the Ryerson team with a final score of 45 to 41. Congratu- lations girls and coach Bob Neal.


Page 4: 20v1,n07_Cord_Weekly

Page Four January 22, 1959

with the lovable Tom Dontly

I As the Soviet Union makes new

strides in the satellite field this column is making new strides in order that yours truly might tuck in more scandal, lies, and the odd poke at some poor defenseless soul.

Monday, January 12, the Willi- son Hall Hidden Committee held their semi-annual get-together. The most outstanding feature of this meeting was the serving and eating of coffee by the minister of advice. The 50% of the residents that attended the social were warned about the use of sawed- off pea shooters. The committee announced the proposed purchase of a washing machine, the pro- posed failure of the sports pro- gram, suggested that boys desir- ing hot showers contact the girls’ residence, and without further ado went off to bed.

One sad note in this column deals with the loss of one of the very few decent members of our flock. Although I for one am sorry to see our ,Judo expert go, I’m sure he will ‘be quite happy in his new home.

And from the sublime to the ridiculous, Dontly would like to propose that a couple of benches be placed at the bottom on the tower stairs. How anybody could sit on those cold steps and neck with an equally frigid female iz beyond me. . . . Pity. . . .

The religious emphasis week meetings aren’t worth much men- tion here, although I am sure they will accomplish something, bui I’m not too sure just what thai something will be. And no won der, for the speakers on the open- ing night, and their interrogators didn’t seem to have a clue as to what they were trying to prove.

fly small and simple gift to the liscussion is this: if those opposers ,o belief in God and His spirit rave no scientific or concrete or empirical evidence to prove that ihere is no God, let them cease iheir useless babble until they Irove that they have such evi- lence.

Congratulations are due to Les Lumber for his new innovations n the dining hall, to Keith Crouse ior shaving off his hairy growth and for becoming an uncle, and ;o Andy Bald for shaving his growth.

Perhaps congratulations of an- Dther type are forthcoming for the ‘gentlemen” who. assisted in wel- soming the girls to the residence two weeks ago. Let us hope that there will be a chance to redeem ourselves.

The latest in men’s fa.shions around the dorm has been re- vealed in some new portraits that reveal lower necklines and short- er trousers. These portraits will be sifting about for a short time only, so be sure and see them.

With this icy weather, the mat- ing season for cars is well under way, and perhaps the most mov- ing affair locally was between twc elderly Chevs behind the men’2 residence, when Sidecar’s bus and Crouse’s carriage met under ex- ceedingly romantic conditions.

Next week, if nothing else turn: up, I will say something about E possible mascot for the residence at least. Till then, keep you] slander clean, and this is old Ton reminding you that Valentine’: Day is less than a month away.

The names used in this issue of News Fouled-up were not fic- titious and no satire was implied in connection with them.

7iffE In this episode, by the magic of

coloured radio, we recount the adventures of two Engineers, who have just ’ been visiting colourful Tahiti . . . where an- cient palm trees sway in the breeze . . . shimmering in the waters of the blue lagoons. There, little Tahitian children gather crabs, shrimps, oysters, clams, lobsters and Tartar Sauce. Beauti- ful Tahiti, where joy is King, and laughter, Queen, and all day long the natives eat crabs, shrimps, oysters, clams and lobsters with Tartar Sauce. As their boat ap- proached the shore, they passed a native outrigger.

“Hello outrigger!” “Hello.” “Where have you been” “Out. R.igging.” Just ahead of them they spied

a rock sticking out of the water, called ‘Plymouth Rock’ by the natives, after a breed of hens raised on the island. They ap- proach closer . . . closer . . . closer . . . CRASH ! ! !

“Didn’t think that you could hit it!”

“It’s a breed of hens they raise in Tahiti.”

And then the natives saw them, and as they lined the shore, they sang a Tahitian chant of welcome. When the boat touched the beach, the natives rushed forward, lifted the both of them up on their shoulders, and threw them both back in the ocean. SPLASH ! ! SPLASH ! !

This is an old Tahitian custom. . . . SPLASH ! ! .

“Who was that third guy?” “I dunno. He came over on the

boat with us.” This old Tahitian custom, sig-

nifies thanks to the sea for bring-


ing them safely to this island And so, happy and dripping, the: crossed the sands and stood ir the welcome shade of the cocoa nut trees. CONK. “OUCH ! ! ”

CONK. “OUCH ! ! ” It is fall in Tahiti, and tht

cocoanuts do. CONK. “OUCH ! ! ” “Who got that third one?” “That guy who came over or

the boat with us.” As they stood under the cocoa,

nut trees, a line of dancing girl: approached them.

“Hey Pat! The women hert don’t wear any. . . .”

“This is a native dance callec the ‘Wingding’.”

“Pat! The women! They don’ wear any . . . .”

“An ancient native custom WHAT . . . ?”

“The women in Tahiti don’ wear any make-up! ! ”

Then, the chief approached. “Ungo! Bungo! Chickamungc

alungo who go Pogo!l” Since we were hungry, WC

accepted. “Thank you, Chief ,” “Thank you, Chief .” “Thank you, Chief .” “Who is that third guy?” “The guy who came over or

the boat with us.” And so it was, that severa

hours later, they found them selves seated on the ground, Ta hitian fashion, partaking of a de licious meal, spread out on paln leaves.

“Chief, this is a delicious din ner. What is this main dish?”

“The guy who came over on the boat with you!”

And so, having changed the eating habits of the natives, ou: two Engineers hastily departed.

The Administration said no, the I.L.E. said no, but still they try.

Undaunted by the refusal of the ,.L.E. and the administration to ?t them form separate political lubs, a spirited group of close 3 fifty met on Thursday, Jan. 8 D discuss their future plans. The dea now is to form one politics lub, a political science group, in ;rhich no voice of opinion shall ke unheard. The aim of this club irill be to educate those who are nterested in becoming good, re- ponsible citizens in the political ssues of the day. It is the hope If the club that interesting peakers will be brought in, such .s the Honourable Paul Martin, dr. Lester Pearson, and Mr. John Vintermeyer. Through listening o such men, and through their

own informal discussions, the- group should be able to learn a lot more than the average Cana- dian knows about that Great White Shrine, Ottawa. With the interesting programme that it hopes to be allowed to provide, the club should be one that is well worth watching in the future, here at Waterloo.

The first chore was to select a chairman, pro tempore, and the obvious choice was Herbert Epp, who has worked very hard to pro- mote an interest in politics on this campus. As temporary secretary, Pat Baldwin was put into office. A nominations committee of three, Bill Dyer, Sandy Sinclair, and Paul Creighton, were chosen. They will not be able to function until the Constitution Committee,

consisting of John Horman, Peter Knechtel, Lloyd Weber and Keith, Rae, has formed a constitution. Helping the latter group with this job will be Dr. F. G. Adams, who will undoubtedly be of invaluable assistance.

After the constitution has been formed, and heard by the mem- bers, it will go before the S.L.E., and shall probably run into no opposition there. The next meet- ing of the group, at which the new constitution will probably be read, will be announced shortly. If the interest remains as high as it presently is, and if the pro- gramme turns out as well as is hoped, this club will surely prove to be one of the most interesting and worthwhile on campus.











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