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Page 1: HP Flemish Government Case Study

How one government used

technology to help its people

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Page 2: HP Flemish Government Case Study

Flemish Government: The Numbers

The Flemish Government wanted to stream-line its operations and was determined that no citizen should have to give their details twice in order to get state benefits or ser-vices. It turned to HP for a solution.

The Flemish Government had

The Challenge

agencies serving a population of nearly


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Page 3: HP Flemish Government Case Study

“In this connected world, we needed to

completely reinvent how we interact with

citizens who not only demand instant

access to information, but expect our

agencies to capture and share key data


Luc Chauvin, CIO, Flemish Government

How do governments create better online experiences for their citizens? Countries across the world are spending huge amounts of money on making information more accessible online, focussing on building better user experi-ences and delivering useful content. One government has gone a step fur-ther and has taken measures that will improve its citizens’ lives online and offline.

Approximately 55% of Belgium’s population is Flemish and lives in Flanders, part of the Belgian federal administration. The Flemish Government over-sees over 70 different agencies, dealing with people entitled to benefits, including education, culture and healthcare. Previously they relied on a paper-based system, manually processing and distributing benefits. But this system was flawed.

People and businesses had to repeatedly submit the same details to differ-ent agencies, causing data redundancy and, occasionally, conflicting informa-tion.

The Flemish Government wanted to create a better experience for its people. It wanted to reinvent the way it used technology, shifting from a ‘pull’ model to a ‘push’ one, while also increasing efficiencies and reducing costs.

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The Solution

The Flemish Government turned to HP to help it streamline its operations. It wanted to build an IT architecture that meant its citizens never had to give the same information twice and that they could submit that information from anywhere at any time, via any kind of communication channel. The Flemish Government didn’t want to just digitise its existing paper-based processes - it wanted to re-think the whole thing.

HP built the Flemish Government’s platform on its Service Orientated Architec-ture (SOA). Together, the organisations designed and built a state-of-the-art, inter-agency data exchange platform called the Maximum Data Sharing Be-tween Administrations and Agencies (MAGDA), which enabled once-only data collection.

Increase efficiencies Reduce costs


Deliver a better service

“The Flemish Government is demonstrating

how technology can be embedded to

better serve its constituents and deliver

Instant-On government services.”

Thomas E. Hogan, Executive Vice President, Enterprise Sales and Marketing, HP

The Flemish Government’s Core Needs

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The Outcome

Since MAGDA’s introduction, the Flemish Government has been able to virtu-ally eliminate data deduplication and human error. It has increased data secu-rity by controlling information access and storing data separately. It has also managed to reduce costs by eliminating many of the manual processes it once relied on. Approximately 500,000 mailings for scholarship applications have been phased out, saving postage costs and staff time.

Above all else, HP and the Flemish Government have created a better user experience. The speed of delivery has improved, meaning people can access government benefits and services more efficiently. For example, when apply-ing for college grants before the introduction of MAGDA, students had to fill in at least three different paper forms and locate information from a number of different government offices. Now, all they have to do is log on with their e-ID card.

Governments across the world now recognise the MAGDA framework as e-government best practice and have visited Belgium to gain insight into its forward thinking processes.

The Benefits of MAGDA

MAGDA helped eliminate

paper forms

Up to

mailings were cut out of the budget

Streamlined IT opera-tions

Enhanced security

Data deduplication virtually eliminated

Improved delivery speed

Substantial cost sav-ings

Simplifying Online Scholarship Applica-tions A Better Experience

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“It’s so easy and sometimes I think why

didn’t we do this twenty years ago.”

Geert Mareels, e-government Manager, Flemish Government

Since MAGDA’s introduction, the Flemish Government has been able to virtu-ally eliminate data deduplication and human error. It has increased data secu-rity by controlling information access and storing data separately. It has also managed to reduce costs by eliminating many of the manual processes it once relied on. Approximately 500,000 mailings for scholarship applications have been phased out, saving postage costs and staff time.

Above all else, HP and the Flemish Government have created a better user experience. The speed of delivery has improved, meaning people can access government benefits and services more efficiently. For example, when apply-ing for college grants before the introduction of MAGDA, students had to fill in at least three different paper forms and locate information from a number of different government offices. Now, all they have to do is log on with their e-ID card.

Governments across the world now recognise the MAGDA framework as e-government best practice and have visited Belgium to gain insight into its forward thinking processes.

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