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Page 1: How to Install Askozia

Chapter 1. InstallationAskoziaPBX is distributed as a firmware image which needs to be installed on storage media readable by your telephone system. Itis not a standalone piece of software but rather a complete operating system for your hardware. This chapter describes step by stephow to install AskoziaPBX on different platforms.

There are three ways to get your system up and running:

• use the Live CD when using a PC with a monitor as a telphone system

• prepare the system storage media directly, which applies for most telephone systems

• support Askozia and buy a pre-installed system on In this case you can skip this chapter.

Live CDInstalling a system using the Live CD is the easiest method if the target system is a desktop PC with a monitor. First, you need todownload the Live CD image, available at Burn the image to a CD using your favorite disk au-thoring tool.

The AskoziaPBX Live CD is an installation CD as well as a Live CD. It can be used without leaving a trace or fortesting or for installation purposes. If you decide to install, data will be written on the hard disk of your telephone sys-tem.

Boot the Live CD in the system you wish to use for AskoziaPBX. You might need to adjust the boot order to boot from CD, mak-ing sure the CD drive containing the Live CD is in the first position. Once it has booted, the following console menu will appear.

***This is AskoziaPBX, version 2.0.xbuilt on Thu Nov 25 21:14:08 CET 2010 for GenericAskoziaPBX is Copyright (C) 2007-2010 IKT. All rights reserved.m0n0wall base Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Manuel Kasper. All rights reserved.

LAN IP address assigned via DHCP:

PBX console setup*****************1) Interfaces: assign network port2) set up LAN IP address3) Reset webGUI password4) Reset to factory defaults5) Reboot system6) Ping host7) Asterisk Console8) Install on Hard Drive

Enter a number: _

Select option 8 to start the installation. All available target hard drives are listed. In this example it is only one drive called "hda".

Valid disks are:


Page 2: How to Install Askozia

hda: 2097152 sectors (1073 MB) w/32KIB Cache, CHS=2080/16/63

Enter the device name you wish to install onto: hda

Enter the desired target hard drive, in this case hda, to install AskoziaPBX there.

Presentation for your system might be different. It does not necessarily have to be "hda", depending on how manydevices your system has recognized. Note that the installation will delete everything on the target hard drive. Pleasechoose carefully.

********************************************************* WARNING!* The PBX is about to be installed onto the hda device.* - everything on this device will be erased!* - this cannot be undone!********************************************************

The PBX will reboot after installation.

Do you want to proceed? (y/n) y

Confirm again with y.

Installing...doneCopying configuration...done

Once the installation is finished, the system will reboot. Please make sure the boot devices are set in the correct order or simply re-move the Live CD so the system boots from the hard drive.

Direct Media InstallationIf your target system is an embedded system or does not have an attached CD drive, you will need to install the firmware directlyon to its media. This boot media could be a CompactFlash card, an SD card (most platforms only support cards up to 2GB), a harddrive or a USB flash drive. Anything your target system can boot from will work.

First, you need to download the appropriate image for your hardware from If you have pur-chased one of our products from the webshop (e.g. Auerswald, Deciso, PIKA), the latest firmware can be found on its productpage. If your system has a standard VGA output, you should download the "Generic" image. If its console is accessible via a serialport, use the "Embedded" image.

The firmware image is not a file which can simply be copied onto a disk and booted from. It is a compressed image ofa hard drive which must be decompressed and written bit-by-bit onto a drive.

Now on to the operating system specific instructions.

Windows XP



Page 3: How to Install Askozia

Let us assume that you have downloaded the correct firmware image for your system from andsaved it to your desktop. Also, attach the target device, on which you wish to install AskoziaPBX, to your PC.

To write the firmware to the target drive you need the program "physdiskwrite". You can download this free of charge from ht-tp:// Download the version without PhysGUI (Graphical User Interface). Unzip the file with yourfavorite tool and save it to your desktop.

First, we need to format the target drive because existing data and partitions might influence the installation. Right-click on MyComputer and choose Manage.

Figure 1.1. Open Disk Management

Then click on Disk Management.

Then right-click on the target drive for the installation. Choose Format. Make absolutely sure you have chosen the correct drive.

Presentation for your system might be different. It does not necessarily have to be "Disk1", depending on how manydevices your system has recognized. Note that the installation will delete everything on the target hard drive. Pleasechoose carefully.



Page 4: How to Install Askozia

Figure 1.2. Format Target Disk

In case your target drive has more than one partition, you need to delete these. Skip this part if there is only one partition on yourinstallation disk.

To delete a partition right-click on the partition and then on Delete Volume. A warning shows up before the partition is de-leted. Confirm with OK to delete the partition. Repeat this for all partitions on the target drive.



Page 5: How to Install Askozia

Figure 1.3. Delete Volume

After formatting, we can now install AskoziaPBX. We will assume that you have saved physdiskwrite to your desktop.

Open the windows command prompt to install the firmware on the target drive using physdiskwrite. Click on Start/Pro-grams/Accessories to open the command prompt.

You need to enter cd Desktop to change into the installation directory. Now, enter the following command to start the installa-tion:

physdiskwrite.exe askozia-pbx-myplatform.myversion.img

The name of the firmware image (.img file) differs between platforms and software versions. Use the appropriatename of your image and replace my "myplatform" and "myversion" with the platform's name and the version number(e.g. askozia-pbx-embedded-x86-i486-uclibc-2.0.3.img).

C:\Users\Documents and Settings\MyUsername\Desktop>physdiskwrite.exe askozia-pbx-myplatform-myversion.img

physdiskwrite v0.5.2 by Manuel Kasper <[email protected]>

Searching for physical drives...

Information for \\.\PhysicalDrive0:



Page 6: How to Install Askozia

Windows: cyl: 19452tpc: 255spt: 63

C/H/S: 16383/16/63Model: ST3160815ASSerial number: 9RX4H316Firmware rev.: 3.ADA

Information for \\.\PhysicalDrive1:Windows: cyl: 31

tpc: 255spt: 63

Which disk do you want to write? (0..1) x

You choose the target drive for the installation by entering its number. Replace the x in the example with the according drive num-ber of the target drive. Make absolutely sure you have chosen the correct drive.

In this example PhysicalDrive0 is the hard disk of the system. PhysicalDrive1 is the target drive for the AskoziaPBX installation.Here we choose 1.

Presentation for your system might be different. It does not necessarily have to be "PhysicalDrive1", depending onhow many devices your system has recognized. Note that the installation will delete everything on the target harddrive. Please choose carefully.

About to overwrite the contents of disk x with new data. Proceed? (y/n) y

Enter y to write the firmware to the disk. This might, depending on the hardware used, take some time. Once it has finished writ-ing, you see something similar to this:

Found signed compressed image file33554432/33554432 bytes written in total

The installation is finished and AskoziaPBX can now be used.

Windows Vista and Windows 7Let us assume that you have downloaded the correct firmware image for your system from andsaved it to your desktop. Also, attach the target device, on which you wish to install AskoziaPBX, to your PC.

To write the firmware to the target drive you need the program "physdiskwrite". You can download this free of charge from ht-tp:// Download the version without PhysGUI (Graphical User Interface). Unzip the file with yourfavorite tool and save it to your desktop.

First, we need to format the target drive because existing data and partitions might influence the installation. In order to do this youneed to open the command prompt.

You need to execute the command prompt as the administrator. Signing in as the administrator is not enough. To open the com-mand prompt click on Start, enter cmd in the text box below and confirm with enter. Click right-click on "command prompt" inthe appearing list. Then choose Run as administrator.



Page 7: How to Install Askozia

Enter diskpart in the window of the command prompt. The command opens the windows program "Diskpart". You can formatthe target drive using Diskpart. After executing the command you will see this:


Microsoft DiskPart version 6.1.7600Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Microsoft Corporation.On computer: My-PC

Enter list disk to list all devices Windows has recognized.

DISKPART> list disk

Disk ### Status Size Free Dyn Gpt-------- ------------- ------- ------- --- ---Disk 0 Online 149 GB 1024 KBDisk 1 Online 247 MB 214 MB

Choose the drive you would like to format by entering the command select disk x. Replace the x in the example with thedrive number of the target drive. Make absolutely sure you have chosen the correct drive.

Presentation for your system might be different. It does not necessarily have to be "Disk1", depending on how manydevices your system has recognized. Note that formating will delete everything on the target hard drive. Pleasechoose carefully.

DISKPART> select disk 1Disk 1 is now the selected disk.

The command clean formats the target drive. Make absolutely sure you have chosen the correct drive.


Enter exit to quit Diskpart.


After formatting the target drive we can now install AskoziaPBX.

We will assume that you have saved physdiskwrite to your desktop. You need to enter cd Desktop to change in to the installa-tion directory. Enter the following command to start the installation:

physdiskwrite.exe askozia-pbx-myplatform.myversion.img



Page 8: How to Install Askozia

The name of the firmware image (.img file) differs between platforms and software versions. Use the appropriatename of your image and replace my "myplatform" and "myversion" with the platform's name and the version number(e.g. askozia-pbx-embedded-x86-i486-uclibc-2.0.3.img).


physdiskwrite v0.5.2 by Manuel Kasper <[email protected]>

Searching for physical drives...

Information for \\.\PhysicalDrive0:Windows: cyl: 19452

tpc: 255spt: 63

C/H/S: 16383/16/63Model: ST3160815ASSerial number: 9RX4H316Firmware rev.: 3.ADA

Information for \\.\PhysicalDrive1:Windows: cyl: 31

tpc: 255spt: 63

Which disk do you want to write? (0..1) x

You choose the target drive for the installation by entering its number. Replace the x in the example with the appropriate drivenumber of the target drive. Make absolutely sure you have chosen the correct drive.

In this example PhysicalDrive0 is the hard disk of the system. PhysicalDrive1 is the target drive for the AskoziaPBX installation.Here we choose 1.

Presentation for your system might be different. It does not necessarily have to be "PhysicalDrive1", depending onhow many devices your system has recognized. Note that the installation will delete everything on the target harddrive. Please choose carefully.

About to overwrite the contents of disk 1 with new data. Proceed? (y/n) y

Enter y to write the firmware to the disk. This might, depending on the hardware used, take some time. Once it has finished writ-ing, you will see something similar to this:

Found signed compressed image file33554432/33554432 bytes written in total

The installation is finished and AskoziaPBX can now be used.

Mac OS X



Page 9: How to Install Askozia

Let us assume that you have downloaded the correct firmware image for your system from andsaved it to your desktop. Before you attach the target system's boot media to your computer, open the Terminal.

To open the Terminal press "cmd+space". This opens the program "Spotlight". Enter Terminal in Spotlight and confirm bypressing enter. The Terminal window should now open.

Now execute the following command in the terminal:

ls /dev/disk*

The Terminal should show something like this:

macbook:myMac$ ls /dev/disk*/dev/disk0 /dev/disk0s1 /dev/disk0s2macbook:myMac$

This command shows which disks are recognized by the operating system. In this case "disk0" with the partitions "disk0s1" and"disk0s2". It is important to know this before attaching the disk so you easily see the newly recognized disk and can install thefirmware.

Now that we know this, attach the disk you would like install AskoziaPBX onto and open the program "Disk Utility".

To open Disk Utility press "cmd+space" to open the program "Spotlight". Enter Disk Utility in Spotlight and confirm bypressing enter. The Disk Utility window should now open.

In Disk Utility locate your target disk for the installation and unmount all partitions.

Figure 1.4. Unmount Recognized Partitions

Once these are unmounted, switch back to the Terminal and re-execute the command from above.

ls /dev/disk*

One additional device should show up in the overview now.

macbook:myMac$ ls /dev/disk*



Page 10: How to Install Askozia

/dev/disk0 /dev/disk0s1 /dev/disk0s2 /dev/disk2 /dev/disk2s1macbook:myMac$

The target device for the AskoziaPBX installation (in this case "disk2") is unmounted and its name is known. We can now installthe firmware. This might, depending on the hardware used, take some time.

Presentation for your system might be different. It does not necessarily have to be "disk2", depending on how manydevices your system has recognized. Note that the installation will delete everything on the target hard drive. Pleasechoose carefully.

The following command decompresses the image and installs it on the target device.

The name of the firmware image (.img file) differs between platforms and software versions. Use the appropriatename of your image and replace "myplatform" and "myversion" with the platform's name and the version number(e.g. askozia-pbx-embedded-x86-i486-uclibc-2.0.3.img).

sudo gzcat Desktop/askozia-pbx-myplatform-myversion.img | dd of=/dev/disk2 bs=512

Please note that it takes a couple of seconds to write the image to the disk after you've entered the password. The Terminal shouldlook like this afterwards:

macbook:myMac$ sudo gzcat Desktop/askozia-pbx-myplatform-myversion.img| dd of=/dev/disk2 bs=512Password:53481+0 records in53481+0 records out27382272 bytes transferred in 28.288661 secs (967959 bytes/sec)macbook:myMac$

Once it has finished writing, you can see in the Disk Utility that the disk has two new partitions on it. Eject this disk from the sys-tem, using the Eject button.

The installation is finished and AskoziaPBX can now be used.

LinuxThis section was written using Ubuntu Linux as a reference. Nevertheless, the utilization of the command prompt should make ituniform for other distributions as well.

Let us assume that you have downloaded the correct firmware image for your system from and saved it toyour desktop. Before you attach your target system's boot media to your system, open the Terminal.

After opening the Terminal, change into the desktop directory where you have downloaded the firmware.

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cd Desktop

Now, before attaching target drive we need to know which disks are present and how they are named. The following command listsall drives recognized by the system.



Page 11: How to Install Askozia

sudo fdisk -l | grep "Disk /dev/"

The Terminal should look like this:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ sudo fdisk -l | grep "Disk /dev/"Disk /dev/sda: 21.5 GB, 21474836480 bytes

Attach the target drive you wish to install the firmware onto and re-execute the previous command:

sudo fdisk -l | grep "Disk /dev/"

The command reveals the target's drives name:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ sudo fdisk -l | grep "Disk /dev/"Disk /dev/sda: 21.5 GB, 21474836480 bytesDisk /dev/sdb: 1999 MB, 1999568384 bytes

In this case it is /dev/sdb, which has a size of 1999MB.

Presentation for your system might be different. It does not necessarily have to be "/dev/sdb", depending on howmany devices your system has recognized. Note that the installation will delete everything on the target hard drive.Please choose carefully.

If the drive was recognized by the system it has probably already been automatically mounted. The firmware cannot be installed ona mounted disk. Execute the following command to find out where the disk is mounted.

df | grep "/dev/sdb"

In the Terminal you see the following:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ df | grep "/dev/sdb"/dev/sdb1 1952192 1600 1950592 1% /media/KINGSTON

If the target disk has more than one partition it may be mounted in several locations.

In this case the disk has only one partition. The partition which needs to be unmounted is /dev/sdb1. To unmount this partition, ex-ecute the following command:

sudo umount /dev/sdb1

In the Terminal you see the following:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ sudo umount /dev/sdb1

Now, that the system is no longer directly using the target disk, we can install the firmware on to it. The following command de-



Page 12: How to Install Askozia

compresses the image and installs it onto the target disk. The warning about "trailing garbage" is due to the digital signature onAskoziaPBX firmwares.

sudo gunzip -c askozia-pbx-myplatform-myversion.img | sudo dd of=/dev/sdb bs=512

The name of the firmware image (.img file) differs between platforms and software versions. Use the appropriatename of your image and replace "myplatform" and "myversion" with the platform's name and the version number(e.g. askozia-pbx-embedded-x86-i486-uclibc-2.0.3.img).

ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ sudo gunzip -caskozia-pbx-myplatform.myversion.img| sudo dd of=/dev/sdb bs=512

gzip: askozia-pbx-myversion.myplatform.img: decompression OK,trailing garbage ignored63825+0 records in63825+0 records out32678400 bytes (33 MB) copied, 7.54102 s, 4.3 MB/subuntu@ubuntu:~/Desktop$

To check if the firmware was written correctly, detach and reattach it to your Linux system and check if there are two partitions onthe disk.

The installation is finished and AskoziaPBX can now be used.



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