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How To Attract Sales Prospects -

5 Tactics to Help Find Qualified Clients

Chris HamiltonSales Tip A Day

[email protected]

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How to Attract Prospects

Most salespeople struggle with finding qualified sales leads. All salespeople need a steady stream of sales leads to ensure that they hit their targets and earn money.

Included in this white paper are 5 tactics you can incorporate into your sales process to help you attract better qualified prospects. They are; SlideShare, Twitter, YouTube, Google Places and Events.

As a bonus to this white paper, you are invited to an exclusive web cast on May 25th at 1 PM EST that will go over many different tactics to attract sales leads. The link for this free event is

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].


PS. Feel free to connect with me on Facebook, LinkedIN, Twitter or You Tube.

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SlideShare:SlideShare is perhaps one of the best ways to get your word out to a targeted audience. SlideShare is a website where you can post your presentations, documents, PDF’s and videos.

It is among the top 250 sites on the web and draws in millions of visitors each month.

Here is how your use SlideShare to get your message in front of millions of targeted potential clients and drive sales leads your way.

How To:

1. Set up account - Go to sign up and create a profile.

2. Create content - SlideShare allows you to upload multiple formats of content. The most common content uploaded on SlideShare are presentations. Create a good presentation that conveys the message you are trying to get across. If you want to see examples, just got to SlideShare and type in a keyword in the search box. This will bring back many great examples.

3. Contact information - Make sure that you add contact information and if you can, a call to action in your presentation. If you go to the trouble of creating killer content, you need to have a way for people to get in contact with you. Look at some of my recent presentations to see what I mean -

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4. Upload your presentation - There is an upload button on the main page of SlideShare. Click it and upload your presentation. You can also upload white papers and one great feature of slide share is that you can also upload a You Tube video.

5. Add an appropriate Title, description and keywords - You will need to add this information so that people will be able to find your content and so they know what it is about. Don’t make the description too long as people will only look at the first line or two to understand what your presentation is about.

6. Promote via social media - There is a Twitter and a Facebook share feature on SlideShare. Once your content is uploaded, go to the page that it is listed on. You can do this by clicking on your account name in the upper right hand corner and then select “My Uploads”. Once you see your presentation, click on it and you will be taken to your presentation page. That’s where you share the information on Twitter and Facebook. You can also link your presentations on SlideShare with your LinkedIn profile.

Bonus points:

• ZipCasts and SlideCasts - Check out the ZipCast and SlideCast features from SlideShare. This is a whole new way to reach potential clients.

• Put your presentation on your blog or website. There is an embed feature on SlideShare that will allow you to get the proper code to add to your website so that your presentation will display.

• Don’t limit your content to just presentations, SlideShare is a great place to put documents or other forms of content. Look at my content from my profile for an example - (follow me while you are there).

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Twitter:In Jeffrey Gitomer’s book, Social Boom!, I contributed an article entitled “The 12 Things I Have Learned About Twitter”.

Twitter has over 200 million registered users and gets millions of visitors per month. It is a great way to have your messages read by a targeted audience. In fact, Twitter is my 3rd most popular form of traffic to my blog,

Here are a few ways to use Twitter:

How To:

1. Set up a Twitter Account - Go to and set up a twitter account. Make sure that you choose wisely. If it is a personal account, then keep it personal. If it is a business account, then use something that people will be able to identify with for years to come.

2. Edit Your Profile - You can set up a profile on Twitter, but you have limited space on the characters that will be displayed on your profile page, so make sure you nail down what you want people to know about you or your company if they come to your profile. Also, use a picture instead of you or your business logo or something personal. Don’t use the Twitter supplied pictures, it looks unprofessional.

3. Think of what you want to tweet - You have to start somewhere. I can’t event remember my first tweet, probably something like

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“Hi”. Be cautious, you only have 140 characters to get your point across. In fact, you should leave 20 characters off the end so that your tweets can be retweeted. By allowing 20 characters at the end of your tweets, you will have others spread your tweets for you, thus getting your message out. Also make sure that you use hashtags. What are hashtags? See #4.

4. Use #HashTags - Hashtags are a way of people on Twitter having a way to figure out what you are talking about. You add a hashtag by using the “pound” of “number sign” and a term, like #marketing. This way people who are looking for information on marketing know that your tweet is specific to marketing. The term has to be one word, so if you have multiple words, like Sales Tip A Day Rocks, it would be #salestipadayrocks. Also I have noticed that people will abbreviate terms. For example, I live in Calgary, the common hashtag for Calgary is #YYC. YYC is our airport code. Also I have seen terms put together like #YYCRE which means “Calgary Real Estate”.

5. Use Twitter frequently - If you want to get anything out of Twitter, make sure that you use it frequently. As with anything that you do, if you Tweet once and expect to get a whole lot of action, then you will be disappointed. You need to be Tweeting on a regular basis, at least once every 2 days or better. I send out several tweets per day.

6. Use Twitter how you want - There are a whole lot of so called “Twitter Experts” that will tell you how you have to use Twitter. Here is my take on using Twitter, use it how ever it works for you. If you do a tweet on a product and you end up selling your product, then great. If you use it as a conversation tool and that works, then great. Point is, just use it and see what works for you and keep doing it.

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Bonus Points:

• Go to and type in “Twitter”. You will find numerous video’s I have created on how to use Twitter.

• Follow me on Twitter at salestipaday

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You Tube:Did you know that 69% of all content consumed online today is via video? Do you know that Cisco predicts that this will be 90% by 2013?

You Tube is a great way to get your word out to the masses through video. Create some compelling content and drive sales leads your way.

Here is how to get started on You Tube.

How To:

1. Sign up for a You Tube account - Go to and sign up for a You Tube account, or if you have a Google Account, you can add You Tube under it.

2. Figure out your content - Figure out what you want to make a video about. You can make a how to video, a product/service video, an interview, etc.

3. Shoot some video - Use an iPhone, FlipCam, Handicam, do a screen capture of a presentation on your computer, etc.

4. Edit your video (optional) - if you use a PC, use Window’s Movie Maker. If you use a MAC, use iMovie. You don’t have to edit your video, you can use your raw footage and post it to You Tube.

5. Add your content to You Tube - Click the upload button on You Tube, this is the yellow button near the top of the page.

6. Add the appropriate information - Make sure that your title, description and keywords are relevant to your video.

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7. Use your videos for promotion - Put your video on your website, your blog, in presentations, in emails, anywhere where you think that people could see it.

8. Keep adding videos to YouTube - Did you know that properly optimized keywords, descriptions and tiles on YouTube have a 53 times better chance of hitting the first page of Google. Besides this, Google loves video and local information, so you should see more and more videos showing up in the Google results that show videos that are local in nature. Make sure you add your geographic location in your video keywords and/or descriptions.

Bonus Points:

• Include your website address with http:// at the beginning of your description. For example, my site would be The reason is that this will show up on the page that the video is being played on and it will provide a hyper link to your website. See and example here: . You will notice that my web address shows up just below the video.

• Have a call to action in your description on You Tube - I always ask people to come to my website.

• Have a way for someone to get a hold of you in your video and or in your description on You Tube - Making killer content without having a way for someone to reach you is not a wise choice.

• Make your own commercial. Film your product or service in action and show it off to the world.

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Google Places:Have you ever heard of Google Places? It is often called the yellow pages of the internet.

The reason that you want to have a Google Places listing for your business is simple. People will generally find out about your company one of 2 ways, through word of mouth (referrals) and/or online. If people are searching online for what you offer, chances are it’s through Google (71% of all online searches are on Google and 33% of all Google searches are for local products and services).

Google Places is a great way to potentially get your business listing in the top results of Google...and get free sales leads.

Here is how to get started.

How To:

1. Sign up for a Google Places account - go to and claim your business listing.

2. Fill out your profile - Pay attention to the categories. This is where you will drive traffic from. Make sure that your categories accurately describe your business offerings.

3. Add Video - If you have video, it will show up on your listing. Refresh this content regularly.

4. Add Pictures - Pictures show up on your listing when people search. It draws them in. Refresh this content regularly.

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5. Add a Coupon or Offer - Google Places has a Coupon and an Offer section. This is a great way to get people to contact you. Refresh this content regularly.

6. Add an update on your page - This is located in the upper right hand corner. It keeps viewers informed with what is going on in your business. Refresh this content regularly.

7. Get reviews - Entice your clients to write reviews. This will make you look better compared to your competition.

Bonus Points:

• Have a 100% profile - The more that your potential clients can find out about you, the more they are likely to contact you.

• If you want, you can use Google Boost, which is paid advertising, to promote your listing. Look into Google Boost here -

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Events:Speaking at an events is a great way to get your name out in front of many qualified prospects.

There are many opportunities to speak in front of people. You can do this through associations, trade

shows, your own events, etc.

Events will get you noticed and allow you to become a leader in your industry. Here is a way of creating your own event to draw people in and get qualified sales leads.

Here’s how.

How To Create Your Own Event:

1. Come up with an idea for an event - Figure out what kind of event you want to do. You can do a seminar, an education session, webinar, networking event or whatever will work for you. Determine if you are going to speak, have someone speak or just have a casual event that people can attend. It is really up to you to determine what your event is about.

2. Pick a place - Find a venue for your event or if it is a virtual event (webinar). If it is a virtual event, get it scheduled through the service you use.

3. Promote your event - Go to LinkedIn, Facebook, EventBrite, Craigslist, Kijiji (in Canada) and others. There are many online places to promote your event. Don’t forget the offline or real

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world, there are place you can promote your event too, like at work, church, coffee shop or any place you interact with people.

4. Add the event description - Make sure that your description of the event is accurate and get’s your point across. Think like your audience. Put in the time, location, topic and any relevant information that your audience will need to know.

5. Have a good event.

Bonus Points:

• Put a limit on the amount of people that can attend - This will put urgency on signing up.

• Spread the word via social media.

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Free Web Cast:If you like these techniques, you will really like the 1 hour webcast that I will be giving with Kersten Kloss from Refreshed IT. The two of us will be going over numerous other tactics you can use from the online world and the real world.

Here are the details:

Web Cast: How to Attract Qualified Sales Prospects

In this web cast you will learn:

• What 1 thing influence 66% of all sales, yet only 18% of sales people and companies do

• How to book up to 20 X's more meetings• How to find more qualified sales leads• How to close more business in less time• One tactic that will drive hundreds of sales leads per year

Date: Wednesday, May 25th @ 1 PM EST

Event Link:

Please note that you will have to put a reminder in your calendar.

If you don’t want to put a reminder in your calendar, then you can register at the link below and we will send you a reminder.

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SlideShare Logo: www.SlideShare.netTwitter Logo: www.Twitter.comYou Tube Logo: www.YouTube.comGoogle Places Logo:

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