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How Many Miles to Babylon

How Many Miles to BabylonJennifer JohnstonOpening Activities:Alec is our narrator. He is telling us the story using flashback. Write down three words you might use to describe him. Introduction to AlecAlec tells us immediately that he has no future except what can be counted in hours. We learn that he is going to die. Alec seems to be calm and controlled about his impending death.

Alec is alone. Even though he knows his death is coming he fails to contact his parents. This appears cold. Activity: What are your first impressions of How Many Miles to Babylon?

You can refer to your impression of Alec ( main character) the cover of your book Activity: Alicia MooreWrite down three words that you think describe what kind of person she is?

Do you think the Moore family is a happy family?

Jot down anything that showed you that the Moores are a wealthy family. Alicia Moore:Immediately we learn of her intimidating presence, she intimidates the piano teacher.

She is clearly an ignorant snob. She is a cold and calculating person.

She does not want to live alone with her husband. Alec Alec opens by telling us about his lonely and isolated childhood As a child I was alone.

He didnt attend school because of his privileged position. He was educated at home.

He is aware of the poor state of his parents marriage. Activity:Pretend you are Alicia and you are writing a letter to a good friend whom you trust.

You could: explain to her why you got rid of the music teacher.How you really feel about your husbandWhy you do not want your son sent away to schoolJerry Alec encounters Jerry while he is swimming. Initially Alec acts superior referring to his trespass. Jerry is not bothered and teases him.

The two are typical boys and end up play fighting. They make a bargain Ill teach you to fight. You teach me to ride. JerryJerry is a catholic peasant. He is poor and is very thin. He has no shoes on. He is a fun loving and friendly boy.

Meeting Jerry :Pages 9-13Write down three words you would choose to describe Jerry Crowe?

What details indicate that Jerry is poor?

Activity: Write down what you think about Alec and Jerrys friendship?

I felt happy for Alec.

I liked/ disliked

I thought that.Similarities and differences SimilaritiesDifferencesActivity: Diary Imagine you are Jerry and that you keep a diary.

Write a diary entry describing how you feel about your new friendship with Alec?

Meeting in the hills, riding school, drinking poteen, swimming,

Activity pg 22-30There is a lots of evidence of the wealth in the Moore household.

Jot down anything you notice:

Friendship over?When Alicia finds out about this unsuitable relationship she takes Alec to Europe for four months. She wishes to keep him away from Jerry.

Their class differences will not allow their friendship. It was believed by Landlords that chaos would occur if the classes became friends.Alec In contrast, Alec wishes to escape the responsibilities and limitations of his class.

He no longer wants to pretend. He wishes to be free like a rook.

He is forced by his parents decision. Friendship over?Alicia is jealous that Alec has a friend. She refers to Jerry as that person, to her the peasant classes were some sort of criminals.

She dominates her entire family.

Frederick treats Alec like more of an adult. He explains why Alec can not be friends with Jerry. Activity:If you could give Alec advice about the situation what would you say to him?

What would you say about the way his mother treats and speaks to him.

What could he say about the way his mother treats him and his father?Alec and Fredericks relationship30-39

When Alec returns from Europe, he and his father grow closer. He becomes more involved in the running of the estate and closer to his father. Much to Alicias disgust. Activity:Your are a journalist for BIG HOUSE magazine.

Write out five questions you would ask Alicia and Frederick ( who will not be in the same room)Activity:Write down your thoughts on what Alicia tells Alec?

I think. Should Alec go to war?Yes NoActivity:Write a letter to Alec informing him of your decision (whether he should go to war or not?)

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