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Homesteading List Of Top 20 Items Needed for Survival

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Page 2: Homesteading List Of Top 20 Items Needed for Survival

Survival gear – with so many options to choose from but limited space to store it all, what essential items should you actually include?

Ultimately, your final decision needs to be based upon the environment you are needing to survive in. For instance, you would need different gear in the mountains in comparison to surviving in the desert or on an island. Read on to discover the top 20 items needed for overall survival gear and some reasons why for each one.

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Homesteading List Of Top 20 Items Needed for Survival

Page 3: Homesteading List Of Top 20 Items Needed for Survival

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1. Sealable container pre-filled with water: As humans, we cannot survive for long periods of time without water. You want a sturdy, sealable container that can repeatedly be refilled with water from other sources once you are out of the original supply.

2. Water purification method: After you deplete your original water supply, you must find outside sources of water. However, the issue with this is that there are bacteria and other sources of possible illness that could be present in the water. You should pack a way to purify the collected water with water purification tablets, a straw filter, or other variety of water filter.

3. Mini fishing pole setup & tackle kit: If you are around water, chances are that there are fish that you can catch and eat for sustenance. You want to make sure that your mini fishing pole setup is of good quality and that your tackle kit includes a variety of hooks and lures.

4. Bundle of paracord: This lightweight nylon rope has been tested to handle a lot of weight. There are unlimited uses for paracord – a few include using it to build shelter, making a snare out of the internal strands, using those strands for fishing line or a stringer, sewing torn clothing, using it for kindling a fire – the list goes on and on.

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5. Cast iron pots / pans: Once you catch your food, you need something to cook it in over the fire. The pots and pans could also be used to collect rainwater or to carry gathered food. Additionally, you can boil water for safe drinking.

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6. Sealable plastic bags: This can be used to store extra food, keep things dry, storing dry tinder, etc., and they can also be used to carry water.

7. Food rations: High-calorie energy bars will be good to pack along with other emergency food rations made specifically for survival, such as freeze-dried meals. Canned items may also be a good idea to bring along.

8. Survival book:Bring a survival book that focuses on the type of environment you will be surviving in. These books provide extremely valuable information pertaining to edible plants, fruits, fungi, and animals and how to find and prepare them. Additionally, there may be illustrations of medicinal herbs, poisonous things to be on the lookout for, different strong knots to tie, how to build shelter, how to signal for help, how to build a fire, and much more.

9.First-aid kit with anti-diarrheal and anti-nausea medications:In the wilderness, the chance of being bitten by something poisonous or getting injured could be quite high. The first-aid kit should have something for snake and spider bites along with the medications mentioned, as they would be important in reducing or preventing body fluid loss from diarrhea or vomiting. You do not want to become dehydrated.

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10. Survival multitool with utensils and magnifying glass: The tools can be quite useful for whittling, cutting, crafting, etc. smaller projects and more. Utensils can make eating your food simpler, and the magnifying glass can come in handy for focusing the sun’s rays on a pile of tinder and starting a fire.

11. Survival knife /machete: A large and sturdy knife can be used to clear a campsite, cut firewood, utilize for self-defense, butcher animals, make traps, and dig into the soil for edible roots or other reasons.

12. Gun and ammunition: A gun with ammunition will help defend you against wild animals, provide a way to kill animals for food, and help with noise signaling for rescue.

13. Large tarp: You might want this to be a brightly-colored orange on one side to be more noticeable and have a higher chance of being rescued. The other side could be a reflective surface to keep in heat better. Make sure the tarp is thick and durable. You can also use the tarp for shelter, collecting rainwater, or as a makeshift container for collecting firewood and/or other gathered items.

14. Emergency blanket: An emergency blanket is lightweight and helpful in reducing body heat loss. It can also be strung up to reflect the sun and be served as a signal device. Additionally, it can be used to collect evaporated water from boiled saltwater or be used to melt snow.

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15. Flashlight:

It would be useful to have a good flashlight handy to be able to see things more clearly after night falls. You can opt for one that charges by hand cranking or through solar energy, if you wish. There are also some that have a radio equipped.

16. Whistle & compass combo: Blowing the whistle would help with chances of being rescued if there is anybody nearby to hear it, whereas the compass on it helps with finding your way back and forth from your campsite while gathering items or keeping track of which direction you are traveling.

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17. Waterproof lighters: These would aid in starting a fire, which is needed for warmth, to cook, and to help with warding off wildlife.

18. Magnesium fire starter:You need multiple ways of starting a fire, as a fire is essential for survival.

19. Duct tape: This strong tape can repair tarp, repair broken containers, bundle items together securely for various reasons, reseal packages of food, fix a broken fishing pole, help make a weapon, repair clothing, and much more.

20. Hiking backpack: Last but not least, you need a large, sturdy backpack to store all of your survival items in. It should be water resistant and brightly colored in order to increase chances of being rescued.

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