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Homeroom Read Warm UP Name the 4 types of asexual reproduction. Define them. Give an example of each one. Name the 4 types of asexual reproduction. Define them. Give an example of each one. Types of organisms Unicellular One celled Makes their own food or consumes it Simple Move without feet, another source Unicellular One celled Makes their own food or consumes it Simple Move without feet, another source Multicellular Many cells Gets food from other sources Complex Moves with feet or appendages Examples of Single cell organisms Amoeba Paramecium Volvox Euglena Amoeba Paramecium Volvox Euglena Paramecium How does it move? Moves by cilia (tiny hairs surrounding the cell How does it eat? Uses cilia to gather food as it sweeps across its surroundings. How does it reproduce? Sexually and asexually One nucleus for each (2 of them!) Asexually most of the time- binary fission Sexually if in stressful conditions Amoeba How does it move? Cytoplasmic streaming: movement of the cytoplasm to gain nutrients How does it eat? Using pseudopods false feet which engulfs solid particles. How does it reproduce? Asexually-binary fission-splits into two 22 volvox How does it move? They live in colonies! Each cell in the colony has a Flagellum(tail) How does it eat? Contains an eye spot Swims towards light for Photosynthesis (theyre green!) How does it reproduce? Forms a daughter colony inside of Itself that splits off Sometimes sexually: one colony produces egg They other produces sperm Euglena How do they move? Flagellum-tail-like structure How do they eat? Absorbed through the cell or photosynthesis. Has plant and animal characteristics How do they reproduce? asexually->binary fission->splits in two