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Home Remedies for Minor Ailments


1. Home Remedies for Black Spots on Your Face2. Homemade Remedies to Lighten Skin Naturally3. Herbal Remedies for Pimples4. Herbal Remedies for Abdominal Fat5. Home Remedies for Anemia6. Home Remedies for Chapped Lips7. Some Natural Home Remedies for Dandruff8. Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under the Eyes Fast9. Home Remedies for Flatulence10. Home Remedies for Bloating11. Home Remedies for Snoring12. Home Remedies for Stretch Marks13. Home Remedies for Hair Removal

Homemade Remedies for Black Spots on Your Face

1. Lemon Juice for Black Spots on Your Face

Get this: Lemon juice Cotton ball

Do this: Pour some lemon juice on the cotton ball. Now apply this juice to your black spots. Let it dry off on its own. Wash your face with water and moisturize it.Do not step out in sun after applying lemon juice as it makes your skin more sensitive to the sun rays that can further damage your skin.

2. Buttermilk for Black Spots on Your Face

Get this: Buttermilk- 4-5 tsp Fresh juice of tomatoes- 2 tsp

Do this: Mix buttermilk and tomato juice. Tomato juice has excellent bleaching properties and will thus enhance the skin lightening capacities of buttermilk. Apply this mixture to your black spots. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with water.

3. Potatoes for Black Spots on Your Face

Get this: Potatoes- 2-3 Lemon juice-3-4 drops Honey- to 1 tsp

Do this: Grate the potatoes and extract their juice using a cloth or a sieve. Add lemon juice and honey to this. Apply this to your face. Leave for about 20 minutes. Wash it off with water.

4. Watermelon Rind for Black Spots on Your Face

Do this: Take a manageable piece of watermelon rind. Rub the inner side of this rind on your face so that the juice gets transferred to your skin. Do this for few minutes and then leave it for sometime before washing off. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

5. Turmeric for Black Spots on Your Face

Get this: Turmeric- 1 tsp Milk- 1-2 tbsp Lemon juice- few drops

Do this: Take the turmeric and add milk to this in drizzle so that you put only such amount of milk in it which is enough to make a paste. Add lemon juice to this. Apply this to your face or only on the black spots affected area. Leave it there for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water. You may also use a very gentle soap. Take care when handling turmeric as it leaves stains.

6. Papaya for Black Spots on Your Face

1st Way to Use Papaya for Black Spots on Face- Ripe Papaya Mask

Get some ripe papaya pulp. Mash it properly. Apply this to your face. Leave it for 20 minutes. Wash off with water. Repeat daily.

2nd Way to Use Papaya for Black Spots on Face- Green Papaya Mask

Get this: Raw green papaya Lemon juice

Do this: Grate the green papaya. You may also blend it to get the paste. Add a few drops of lemon juice to this. Mix well and apply this to your black spots affected area of your face. Leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with water.

7. Aloe Vera for Black Spots on Your Face

1st Way to Use Aloe Vera for Black Spots- Aloe Tomato Mask

This is especially beneficial for dark spots due to acne or pimples.

Get this: Aloe vera gel- 1 tbsp Tomato juice- 2 tbsp

Do this: Mix aloe vera gel and tomato juice. Gently massage your face with this mixture for 2-3 minutes focusing more on the black spots. After massaging, take some more mixture and apply this to your face like a mask. Leave it for 20 minutes. Wash off with water. Repeat 2-3 times a week initially and then once a week.

2nd Way to Use Aloe Vera for Black Spots- Aloe Orange Lemon Mask

Get this: Aloe vera gel- 2 tbsp Orange peel powder- 1 tbsp Lemon juice- 1 tbsp

Do this: Mix aloe gel, orange peel powder and lemon juice to make a paste. Apply this to your face. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cold water.

3rd Way to Use Aloe Vera for Black Spots- Aloe Papaya Mask

Get this: Aloe vera gel- 2 tbsp Ripe papaya pulp- 2 tbsp

Do this: Combine aloe gel and papaya pulp. Mix them well. Massage your face with this for 2-3 minutes. Apply some more mixture to your face. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cold water.

4th Way to Use Aloe Vera for Black Spots- Aloe Honey Mask

Get this: Aloe vera gel- 2 tbsp Honey 1 tbsp

Do this: Mix aloe vera gel and honey. Clean your face and apply this mixture to your face. Massage for 2 minutes. Leave for about 15 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water.

8. Onion Juice for Black Spots on Face

Do this: Grate the onions to get its pulp. Squeeze out the juice from the onion pulp. With the help of a cotton ball, apply this onion juice to your black spots affected area. Leave it there for 5-10 minutes. Wash off with water. Repeat daily.If you feel stinging sensation with raw onion juice, mix some honey to it and then apply to your face.

9. Oatmeal Lemon Juice Mask for Black Spots on Face

Get this: Rolled oats- cup Lemon juice- 3-4 tbsp

Do this: Grind the oats to get its powder. Add lemon juice to this and mix well to make a paste. Apply this to our face and rub gently focusing more on black spots ridden areas. Do this for few minutes and then leave for a couple of minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water once it dries down. If this sticks to your skin, take a clean cloth and wet it with warm water. Rub your face gently with this cloth to remove the oats scrub from your face. Repeat 2 times a week to get rid of black spots on your face.

Homemade Remedies to Lighten Skin Naturally

1. Milk for Skin Lightening

How to use milk for skin lightening?

Get this: Milk (preferably cows or goats milk)- 1 bowl Washcloth

Do this: Take the bowl of milk and warm it a little. You need just warm milk and not hot. Soak your washcloth in this. Take out the washcloth and wring it out to discard excessive milk. While the cloth should be fully soaked in milk, it should not drip. Now gently rub your skin with this cloth. Once the cloth gets dry, soak it again in the milk and repeat the process. Repeat the cycle of dipping and rubbing for 3-4 times. Do this daily, preferably after taking bath. After a couple of weeks, you may do this twice a week instead of doing it daily.

2. Yogurt for Skin Lightening

Ways to use yogurt for skin lightening

1. Take some plain, unflavored and unsweetened, yogurt. Rub this gently on to your skin for a couple of minutes. Then leave the yogurt on your skin for another few minutes. Now wash off using lukewarm water. Repeat this daily.2. Mix yogurt, lemon juice and oatmeal to get make a face mask. Apply this to your skin. Leave it there for 15-20 minutes before washing off with water.3. Add 1-2 tsp of honey to 1 tablespoon of yogurt. Apply this to your skin. Leave it for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with water. Repeat daily.

3. Lemon Juice for Skin Lightening

Ways to use lemon juice for skin lightening

1. Take a lemon and squeeze out its juice. Dip a cotton ball in this lemon juice and apply it on your face or dark skin anywhere else. Leave it for 20-30 minutes and then wash off with water. Repeat daily.2. If you want to save yourself from the hassle of squeezing out the lemon juice, just cut a lemon in two halves and rub one of the lemon half gently on your face for 10-15 minutes. Then leave the juice on your face for another 10-15 minutes before washing it off.3. For oily skin, make this face mask which will also lighten your skin. Mix 1 tsp of lemon juice with 2 tsp of rosewater and 1 tsp of Fullers earth. Make a paste by mixing them and apply to your face. Leave for 15-20 minutes and then wash off.4. If your skin is dry, mix a tsp each of lemon juice, honey and olive oil. Now apply this to your skin. Massage gently for a couple of minutes. Now leave this on your skin for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water.Precaution:Never go out in sun after applying lemon juice to your skin. Lemon juice makes your skin ultra sensitive to sunrays that can, I n fact, lead to more discoloration of skin. Also do not use lemon juice if you have open wounds on your skin.

4. Rice Powder for Skin Lightening

How to make skin lightening rice powder mask?

Get this: Uncooked rice- 1 cup Milk- enough to make paste Warm water

Do this: Grind the rice to get its fine powder. Add enough milk to the fine rice powder to make a paste. If you are allergic to milk, you can even use water to make this paste. Apply this rice powder paste to your face and neck. Leave for 20-30 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

5. Aloe Vera to Lighten Skin Naturally

How to use aloe vera for skin lightening?

Get a slice of an aloe vera leaf. Cut open the leaf slice and with the help of a spoon, collect the gel inside it. Apply this aloe gel to your skin 4 times a day. Repeat this daily for about 15 days. After 15 days, you can reduce the application frequency by apply it twice a day 3-4 times a week.You may also buy aloesin which is extracted from the aloe plant and apply this to your skin four times a day.

6. Citrus Fruits Peels for Skin Lightening

How to make a mask for skin lightening with orange peel?

Get this: Dried orange peel- enough to get 1 tbsp powder Yogurt (plain)- 1 tbsp

Do this: Grind the orange peels to get one tablespoon of its powder. Mix the orange peel powder with plain yogurt and make a paste. Apply this to your face and neck. Leave it there for 20-30 minutes. Wash off with water. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

7. Almond Oil for Skin Lightening

How to use almond oil for skin lightening?

Take some sweet almond oil. Warm it up a little by indirect heat. For this, you may take the oil in a steel bowl and place the bowl in a bigger bowl with hot water. Remove it after sometime. Massage your face and neck with this warm almond oil. Do this for 10-15 minutes. After that, gently press a tissue over your face to remove the excess oil. Repeat this every night before going to bed. Do this for 15 days and then do it 2-3 times a day, ultimately reducing it to once a week.

8. Make Gram Flour Face Mask for Skin Lightening

How to make gramflour face mask for skin lightening- Recipe 1

Get this: Gram flour- 1 tbsp Milk cream- 1 tbsp Honey- tsp Lemon juice (freshly squeezed)- 2-4 drops

Do this: Mix all the ingredients and make a paste. Apply t his to your face and neck. Leave for 15-20 minutes or till it dries out completely. Wash off with lukewarm water. Apply this mask daily for 4 weeks and then once a week.

How to make gramflour face mask for skin lightening- Recipe 2

Get this: Gram flour- 2 tsp Turmeric powder- tsp Milk Lemon juice- 2-3 drops

Do this: Combine flour, turmeric powder and lemon juice. Add enough milk to make a paste. Apply this to your face and neck. Leave for 15-20 minutes to let it dry. Wash off with water. Repeat daily for a month and then once a week.

9. Tomatoes for Skin Lightening

Ways to use tomatoes for skin lightening

1. Take a small tomato and grate it to get its pulp. Apply the pulp on your skin. Leave it for some time to dry and then apply one more coat of tomato pulp. Repeat this cycle for about 15-20 minutes. Finally wash off with water.2. Add few drops of lemon juice to a tablespoon of tomato juice. Apply this to your face and neck. Leave for about 15 minutes before washing off.3. Add four tablespoons of buttermilk to two teaspoons of tomato juice. Apply to your face and neck using a cotton ball or with fingers. Leave for 30mminutes and wash off. Do this especially if your skin has darkened due to sunburn.4. If you have a mixed skin or a combination skin use tomatoes with avocado. Mash one small tomato with one small avocados pulp. Apply this on your face. Leave for about half an hour. Wash off with warm water.5. Add 2 tbsp of yogurt to the pulp of small tomato. Apply this to your skin. Leave for 20 minutes and then wash off.All these home remedies for skin lightening are effective. However, it will take some time to discover which remedy works best for you.

Herbal Remedies for Pimples

How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast1. IceIce can be used to quickly get rid of pimples. It helps in improving blood circulation to the affected area, and in freezing the skin pores and removing dirt and oil accumulated on the skin. You can use ice cubes or crushed ice, whichever is convenient.1. Wrap the ice in a piece of cloth and hold it on the affected skin area for a few seconds.2. Wait a few minutes and repeat the process.When used repeatedly on the pimples throughout the day, ice helps reduce inflammation or swelling and will immediately soothe your skin.2. LemonAnother quick way to get rid of pimples is the use of lemon juice, which is rich in vitamin C. Lemon juice helps pimples dry up faster. Be sure to use fresh lemon juice and not bottled juice, which has preservatives.There are a couple of ways to apply this remedy. Dip a clean cotton swab in fresh lemon juice and apply it to the pimples before going to bed. You can also make a paste by mixing one tablespoon of lemon juice with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and put it on the pimples overnight. In the morning, wash the skin well with lukewarm water. However, this particular remedy is not suitable for those with sensitive skin.3. HoneyHoney is a source of natural antibiotics that can speed up the healing process, as well as help prevent infections.1. Dip and clean cotton swab in honey, put it directly on the affected area and leave it on for half an hour.2. Wash the skin well with lukewarm water.Another option is to mix honey and cinnamon together to make a paste and applying it over the pimples before going to bed. In the morning, there will be less inflammation or swelling. Wash the skin well with cold water.4. ToothpasteThe toothpaste that you use every morning to clean your teeth also can be used to treat pimples quickly. It is most effective when used following the ice remedy. You must use white toothpaste; avoid using gel toothpaste.1. Apply some white toothpaste over the affected skin area before going to bed.2. In the morning, wash your face with water and you will see a significant improvement in the swelling.If you wish, you can repeat the process in the daytime also. Just make sure the toothpaste remains on the pimples for at least half an hour.5. SteamSteaming is wonderful for your skin at any time, but particularly when you have pimples. The steam will open your pores and allow your skin to breathe. This helps get rid of oils, dirt and bacteria trapped in the pores that can cause infection or inflammation.1. Fill a large container with hot water and allow the steam to come in contact with your face for a few minutes.2. Rinse your face with lukewarm water and, after drying, apply an oil-free moisturizer.This treatment will also give your complexion a lovely glow.6. GarlicGarlic is an antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic and antioxidant agent that can help in the fast treatment of pimples. The sulfur in garlic also promotes quick healing of pimples.1. Cut a fresh garlic clove into two pieces.2. Rub the garlic on the pimples and leave it for five minutes before washing the skin with lukewarm water.3. Repeat the treatment several times a day.Eating one raw garlic clove daily can also help purify your blood. But do not to eat too much raw garlic as it can upset the stomach.

Top 3 DIY Homemade Acne Face MasksIngredients such as cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, green tea, turmeric, and milk are also useful in reducing acne and acne scars. Like honey, cinnamon has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. The alpha hydroxyl acids inapple cider vinegar help unclog skin pores and dissolve dead skin cells. Moreover, apple cider vinegar treats blemishes, restores the natural pH of your skin, and minimizes the appearance of pores. Green tea is packed with antioxidants that fight harmful free radicals and help you maintain bright, flawless, and younger-looking skin. It too has anti-inflammatory benefits. Turmeric is good for treating skin problems, owing to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It also helps fade blemishes and acne scars. Raw milk contains lactic acid that works as a gentle exfoliant and delivers anti-aging benefits.

Here are recipes for thetop three face masks foracne. Make sure you remove all makeup and wash your face thoroughly before applying these natural face packs. Cleansing your face helps unclog pores and allows the masks to penetrate deep into your skin.

Turmeric, Milk, and Honey Face Mask for Acne

Steps1. Put one teaspoon of turmeric powder in a bowl.2. Mix in one teaspoon of honey.3. Add one to two teaspoons of milk.4. Mix the ingredients to form a thin paste.Apply the mask to your face and neck using a makeup brush (you dont want to stain your nails and fingers yellow!).If it leaves a yellowish tinge on your skin, soak a cotton ball in milk and rub it on the stained areas. Use this mask two to three days a week.

Acne Face Mask with Cinnamon and Honey

Things you will need: Cinnamon powder Honey A teaspoon A bowlHow to prepare an aloe vera and lemon juice mask

Things you will need: 2 aloe vera leaves Half a lemon 3 bowls A sharp knife

1. Step 1Cut two thick aloe vera leaves from an aloe vera plant with a sharp knife.2. Step 2Cut off the serrated edges of both the leaves.3. Step 3Slit the top layer of the leaves lengthwise. You will see the translucent aloe vera gel inside.4. Step 4Carefully peel off the aloe vera gel from the leaves.5. Step 5Put the gel pulp into a bowl.6. Step 6Squeeze out the juice from half a lemon.7. Step 7Pour the thick, succulent aloe vera gel into a blender.8. Step 8Pour the lemon juice into the blender as well.9. Step 9Blend the mixture for about one minute.

10. Step 10Pour the mixture from the blender into a bowl.

Herbal Remedies for Abdominal Fat1. Say Good Morning with Lemon Juice to Reduce Belly FatYes, you should start your day with lemon juice. Lemon detoxifies your body of all toxins along with fat. Mixed with warm water, it works even better by strengthening your liver and helping it in melting that fat around your waist.

Get this: Lemon- 1 Warm water- 1 glass

Do this: Squeeze out the juice of lemon Mix this lemon juice into the glass of warm water. Drink this water on empty stomach every day in the morning.This will boost your metabolism excellently for the whole day.

2. Spice up Lemon Juice for Losing Abdominal FatWhile in the morning, you should have plain lemon juice with warm water, you may have another glass of lemon juice later in the day after adding certain fat burning ingredients. You may have it after lunch or in the evening. Theres no harm if you drink this twice in a day!

Get this: Lemon juice- 4 tbsp Black pepper powder- 1 tsp Honey- 1 tsp Lukewarm water- 1 glass

Do this: Add lemon juice, pepper powder and honey to warm water. Mix well. Have this lemon juice once or twice every day.

3. Eat Almonds to Get Rid of Abdominal FatOne of the superfoods that fights obesity are almonds. Almonds are high in fats- the good fats. How do almonds then reduce belly fat? It is because they are also a powerhouse of essential nutrients like magnesium, protein, Vitamin E and fiber! When you have enough good protein, you develop lean muscle mass which in turn helps you burn fat. Fibers are good not only for digestion but also to give you the feeling of fullness which stops you from overeating. The monounsaturated fats or the good fats in almonds not only help in losing weight but also in reducing Body Mass Index (BMI). This has been established by a study published in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders. This food has many other advantages apart from a miracle for reducing obesity. It is also good for heart diseases and diabetes as it not only reduces bad cholesterol in arteries but also stabilizes blood sugar. So, without any worry, you can have almonds daily. But remember, excess of anything is bad. Have a handful of them, 10-20 almonds per day, not more than that! And yes, do not have the fried or sugar coated ones, have plain or at the most, roasted almonds!

Ways to have almonds to reduce belly fat

1. Soak 6-8 almond in water overnight. Have them first thing in the morning. However, if you are having lemon water first thing in the morning, wait for about 30-40 minutes before having soaked almonds.2. Add almonds in your morning breakfast. Add them to your salad, fruit mix, porridge or even to your breakfast cereal combined with milk!3. Snack on almonds when feeling hungry.4. Use them in salads, stir fries etc.

4. Include Beans in Daily Diet to Reduce Abdominal FatAccording to the Harvard School of Public Health, lean sources of protein like chicken and beans, help your body in keeping the intake of saturated fats at a healthy level. If you cant have chicken daily, have beans. Beans help to flatten your belly not only due to its lean protein but also due to its various other healthy compounds including soluble as well as insoluble fibers. Due to their low glycemic index, beans get digested at slower pace keeping you fuller for a longer time, thus saving you from hunger pangs too. Beans are good for diabetes and heart disease too. So, what types of beans and how much of them will help you lose abdominal fat? Check it out!

What Beans to have?

All or any type of beans can help you in fighting off obesity, particularly belly fat.1. White beans2. Pink beans3. Red kidney beans4. Black beans5. Pinto beans6. Lentil7. Garbanzo beans aka chickpeas

How much beans to have daily?

Not more than one cup of beans every day. Rinse them thoroughly before using. If you soak beans, wash them thoroughly before soaking and try not to discard the water when cooking beans. If you are using canned beans then also wash them properly to keep off the gas producing sugars.

5. Cucumber Helps Reduce Abdominal FatCucumber is a great summer food but whats interesting is that it is also an excellent fat burning food! Elizabeth Somer is a dietitian and in her book Nutrition for Women, she has suggested ways to lose weight and keep it off She says cucumbers have rich content of two trace minerals- sulphur and silicon. These trace minerals may be the reason why cucumbers burn fat. Cucumbers are also high in water content and thus act as diuretics preventing the belly to bloat. Bloating may give an impression of a fat abdomen. When you add cucumbers with lemon, it becomes a superfood for burning fat as lemons excellently boost metabolism and their high acidic content helps in breaking down the fat. Have this very low-calorie food called cucumber extensively during the day. Yes, cucumbers contain about 96% water and theres only about 45 calories in a whole cucumber.

Ways to have cucumber to reduce belly fat

1. Add a bowl of sliced cucumbers with your breakfast2. have cucumber salad everyday with lunch. Add a dash of lemon juice, pepper, salt or vinegar and some herbs plus olive oil to make it a tangy treat.3. Carry cucumber with you wherever you go- office, college or such regular places where you need to spend longer periods. Snack on these cucumbers when you feel hungry.

8. Apple for Reducing Abdominal Fat

How to eat apples to reduce abdominal fat?

Have at least one apple during the day. You can have this with your breakfast or as mid morning snack, in afternoon or before any of your meals. Always wash off your apple well before eating it to scrub out all the pesticides on its peel. Most of the apples these days are sprayed with wax that traps the pesticides into it. So, you need to remove the wax off it. Normal washing with water cant remove this wax. Wash and scrub your apple with lukewarm water. You may also use apple cider vinegar (or normal vinegar) to clean off the wax, or even a mixture of warm water, lime juice and baking soda before having your apple.

Mint Remedy for Losing Belly Fat

Ways to have mint to lose belly fat

a) Make Chutney with Mint Leaves:Get this: Mint leaves- 2 tbsp Coriander leaves- 2 tbsp Curry leaves- 10-12 Chilli powder- 1 tsp Salt- a pinch of it Lemon juice- 1-2 tsp

Do this: Mix mint leaves, coriander leaves and curry leaves. With the help of grinder, grind them to make a paste. If needed, use a little water. Add chilli powder, lemon juice and salt to this mint chutney. Use this mint chutney as a spread or dip along with your meals. Have this chutney with all your meals during the day. Make fresh chutney everyday in the morning to use throughout the day.

b) Make Peppermint Tea:Get this: Fresh mint leaves (or dried leaves)- 1 tbsp Water- 1 cup Honey (optional)- 1-2 tsp

Do this: Boil the water. Add mint leaves to this hot water. Let it steep for 5 minutes. Strain and add honey if you need a sweetener. Do not use sugar. Have this tea once or twice a day.

Vitamin C Boost for Belly Fat Reduction

1. Gooseberry (amla)2. Oranges3. Lemons4. Papaya

Sip Green Tea to Lose Belly Fat

Get this: Green tea leaves- 1 tsp Hot water- 1 cup Honey (optional)- 1 tsp

Do this: Put the tea leaves into the cup. Pour the hot water into the cup. Let steep for 2-3 minutes, not more than that. Strain the tea. If you need sweetener, add honey Have the green tea.Have green tea two to three times a day.

Aloe vera Juice for Losing Abdominal FatAloe vera is a wonder herb with many health benefits. One of its benefit is that it reduces your belly fat. It is a fine natural antioxidant. Regular consumption of aloe vera juice increases your metabolism thus helping you in reducing body fat. It also detoxifies your system thus cleansing your digestive system and further reducing weight. However, because aloe vera also have mild laxative effects, you should control the quantity that you take daily. Mixing aloe vera juice with some other herbs will give you an excellent recipe for losing belly fat!

Get this: Aloe vera juice- 30 g Turmeric powder- 3 g Cumin seeds powder- 3 g Tinospora cordifolia powder (giloy/guduchi)- 3g Terminalia chebula powder (haritiki)- 3 g Warm water- glass Honey (optional)- 1 tsp

Do this: Mix aloe vera juice and all the other herbs powders in half glass of lukewarm water. If you want it to be sweet, mix a little honey to it. Mix well and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. After having this herbal aloe vera juice, do not eat anything for about an hour.

Curry Leaves to Melt Abdominal FatCurry leaves are superb fat-burning food. They are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and are very good at regulating blood sugar. They excellently improve the functioning of stomach and small intestine. However, the most important fact about them is that they help estrogen which is the fat-producing hormone. You can add fresh curry leaves to your gravies, sauces, curries or any other dish. You may even chew them as they are or make tea with curry leaves. These leaves are slightly laxative so watch the quantity you take.

Get this: Fresh curry leaves- 8-10 Buttermilk- 1 glass

Do this: Extract juice of 8-10 fresh curry leaves. Add this juice to a glass of buttermilk. Have this buttermilk after your lunch or dinner.Fresh curry leaves are also good for reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing good cholesterol (HDL).

Fenugreek to Reduce Abdominal FatThe bitter tasting fenugreek seeds are perfect fat burners. They dissolve fat right within the liver. Fenugreek leaves is high on fibers. Fenugreek also controls blood pressure and regulates your blood sugar levels. All these conditions lead to a feeling of fullness for a longer time. They are low in carbohydrates and calories. So have fenugreek in any way you can.

Ways to have fenugreek to reduce abdominal fat

1. Soak 1 tsp of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Take these seeds lukewarm water in the morning on an empty stomach.2. Take some fenugreek seeds and dry roast them till they get brown. Grind them into powder and store in an airtight container. Use this powder to sprinkle over yogurt, salads, soups etc.3. Make fenugreek tea by pouring hot water over -1 tsp fenugreek seeds. Steep for a couple of minutes, strain and have it after one of your major meals- breakfast, lunch or dinner.4. Include a few fresh fenugreek leaves when making soups, curries or gravies. You can even use dried leaves as spice. Dry these leaves and store in a container. Use a tsp or so after crushing these dried leaves.

Cinnamon for Losing Abdominal FatCinnamon is a great spice that balances your insulin which leads to weight loss. The thermogenic properties of cinnamon boosts your metabolism and thus can make you burn fat without excessive exercise. Cinnamon can also reduce cholesterol levels and prevent diabetes, the diseases that you can get due to your obesity. However, you need to have your daily dose of cinnamon to boost your metabolism.

Ways to have cinnamon for belly fat loss

1. Add 1 tsp. of cinnamon powder to your coffee, tea or any other drink which you have during the day.2. Add cinnamon powder to your breakfast. Mix it with your cereal, sprinkle on toast or salad.3. Add 1 tsp of cinnamon powder to a glass of warm milk and have this before going to sleep.4. Use cinnamon powder in your gravies, curries, sauces.Dont forget to move your body daily. Whether it is walking, dancing, playing or swimming, move you must. Use these home remedies to flatten your abdomen and see what wonders they can do when it comes to losing belly fat!

Sip detoxifying tea throughout the dayWhen you are up to lose your weight, you not only have to keep your digestive system intact and break down all accumulated fat of your body but also remove all the toxins from your body. When you get rid of the toxins, you allow all your bodys systems function to their full capacity, including metabolism. So, make this detox tea every day in the morning and sip it hot or warm throughout the day.

You will need: Cumin seeds- tsp Coriander seeds- tsp Fennel seeds- tsp Water- 4 cups Thermos flask- 1

Directions: In the morning, boil 4 cups of water. Add cumin, coriander and fennel seeds to the boiling water. Allow it to boil for about five more minutes. Then strain the tea and store in thermos flask. Now have this tea in small amounts all through the day. It should be tolerably hot or at least warm when you have it.Initially, you may take some time to adjust your taste buds to this tea and it may feel a little stronger to you. So, you may start your detox tea regime by adding tsp of each seed to your 4 cups of water and then about two weeks later, when you are used to the tea, make it half a teaspoon.

Ginger for weight lossHow to have ginger for treating obesity?

A big question indeed but the answer is simple. You can have ginger in two ways. Chew a piece ( or 1 inch will do) of fresh ginger daily before meals. Make a ginger tea and have it daily after meals.

To make ginger tea, you will need: Ginger powder tsp (you can also use 1 inch piece of fresh ginger root) Water- 1 cup Honey (optional)- 1 tsp

Directions: Boil the water. Add ginger powder to it. Steep for about 5 minutes. If using honey, mix it. Have it.

Chew curry leaves to shed extra body fat

How to have curry leaves for weight loss?

Chew a few curry leaves, about 8-10 leaves, daily on empty stomach in the morning for at least 3 months.

Minty fresh way to shed kilograms

How to have mint for weight loss?

Make chutney out of fresh mint leaves and include this mint chutney in your daily diet. If you havent heard about chutney any time before, you may like to know that chutney is a spicy condiment of Indian origin. Many vegetables, specially green leafy herbs as well as fruits are used for making chutney as an accompaniment with the main diet. Here is the basic recipe for making mint chutney.

You will need: Fresh mint leaves- 1 bunch Tomato 1 Green chili 1 Salt- as per taste Coriander leaves (optional) 2-3 tablespoon (some people find mint to be bitter and add coriander leaves to avoid its bitter taste)

Directions: Wash the mint leaves properly. Roughly chop the tomato and green chilly. Now mix all the ingredients- mint leaves, tomato, salt and green chili as well as coriander leaves if using. Grind it to get its chutney. It will look like a green paste. You dont need to add any water as mint leaves as well as tomato contain enough water to give you the right consistency of chutney.

Now have this mint chutney every day, with as many meals as you can. Youll love the aroma and taste of the chutney and also its ability to enhance the taste of your dishes. You can use it as bread spread or for making sandwiches along with other veggies. You may mix it with yogurt to get a great mint flavored yogurt for snacking. Use it as salad dressing. Practically, you can have mint chutney with any dish you have during the day. If you extensively have mint daily, you may reduce your weight by up to six kg within 40-45 days provided you continue your daily exercise regime too!

How to cook white kidney beans for weight-loss?

While you can get canned white beans too but the dry beans are healthier due to absence of added sodium. Pre-soak dry white kidney beans overnight in water. If not overnight, you still need to soak them for at least 8 hours. In the morning, discard the water in which you had soaked the beans. Rinse the beans well and boil them till they are cooked fully. You can use pressure cooker for the purpose. These fully cooked beans can be now eaten by you in various dishes. Here are some suggestions.1. Toss them in your salad.2. Add tomatoes and scallions to it and use dressing made with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and black pepper.3. Grind your cooked kidney beans with garlic, cumin and chilli peppers to make a delicious bread spread or dip or use this as sandwich filling.4. Add beans to your soup.

Take cinnamon honey water

You will need: Cinnamon powder- tsp Honey- 1 tsp Water- 1 cup

Directions: Boil the water. Put the cinnamon powder in a cup. Pour the hot water on the cinnamon powder. Allow the water cool off. Add honey to this water. Drink it.Have this cinnamon and honey mixed water twice a day- in the morning and at night, half an hour before going to bed.

Home Remedies for Anemia

Beetroot-Apple Juice for AnemiaGet this: Apple juice- 1 cup Beetroot juice- 1 cup Honey- 1-2 tsp

Do this: Mix apple juice with beetroot juice. Add honey to this and stir well to mix it in the juice. Have this juice twice a day.

Sesame Seeds for Anemia1st way to have sesame seeds for anemia

Get this: Sesame seeds- 1 tsp Honey- 1 tbsp Water- to soak sesame seeds

Do this: Soak sesame seeds in water for two hours Then strain and crush the seeds to get a paste. Add honey to this sesame seeds paste and mix well. Have this honey-sesame paste twice a day.

2nd way to have sesame seeds for anemia

Get this: Black sesame seeds- 1 tsp Milk- 1 cup Honey- 1-2 tsp (or jaggery) Warm water- to soak sesame seeds.

Do this: Soak sesame seeds in warm water for 2 hours. Grind it to get paste. Strain to get its emulsion. Mix it with a cup of milk. Add honey or jaggery and mix well. Have this sesame flavored milk daily.

Blackstrap Molasses for Anemia

Get this: Blackstrap molasses- 2 tsp Apple cider vinegar- 2 tsp Water- 1 cup

Do this: Mix molasses with apple cider vinegar. Add water to this and mix well. Have this once daily.

Spinach for AnemiaJust half cup of spinach daily is what you need to cure your anemia. This dark green leafy vegetable is high on Vitamins A, B9, E and C, iron, fiber, calcium and beta carotene. Just half a cup of boiled spinach has 3.2 mg of iron which is about 20% of daily iron requirement for a woman! So, include spinach in your daily diet. However, never forget to boil spinach, even if for a minute because spinach also has oxalic acid in it which interferes with the absorption of iron by body. Boiling the leaves can reduce its oxalic acid levels.

Tomatoes to Cure Anemia

Ways to have tomatoes for anemia

1. Eat 1-2 raw tomatoes everyday. You can include them in your salad, sandwiches etc. or just eat them separately.2. Drink a glass of tomato juice everyday.3. Add tomatoes while making your dishes.

Pomegranate for AnemiaWays to have pomegranate for anemia Have a medium sized pomegranate (about 200 g) every morning on an empty stomach. Have a glass of pomegranate juice everyday with your breakfast.

Dates Remedy for Anemia

Ways to have dates for anemia

1. Soak 2 dry dates in a cup of milk overnight. Eat the dates in the morning on an empty stomach. Do not discard the milk, drink this as well.2. If you do not want to soak dates, have a handful of them on an empty stomach in the morning after which drink a cup of milk to remain energetic throughout the day.3. You may also soak 1-2 dates in a cup of warm water for 2-3 hours. Drink this water once it cools down. This is specially good for people who are lactose intolerant and cannot have milk or milk products.

Wholegrains, Legumes, Nuts for Anemia

What to have for getting iron from vegetarian diet?

Have legumes like kidney beans, lima beans, green peas, chick peas and pinto beans all of which are good sources of iron. Have nuts like peanuts, almonds and walnuts. Half a cup of walnuts can give you 3.75 mg of iron. Have pulses and wholegrain cereals. Have lots of fruits and vegetables as there vitamin C and organic acids keep iron in a reduced form so that nonheme iron is absorbed better by your body. Do not have tea, coffee, and cocoa with meals as polyphenols in them inhibit the absorption of nonheme iron by the body.

Raisins Remedy to Treat Anemia

Get this: Raisins- 8-15 Water- half a cup Honey- 1 tsp

Do this: Soak raisins in water overnight. In the morning, have them along with honey. Honey, also rich in iron, doubles up the amount of the nutrient you get.

Diet Plan for AnemiaAbove home remedies for anemia are great for acquiring nutrients that your body lacks. However, having well balanced diet is essential to prevent recurrence of anemia.1. Iron rich foods- like liver, figs, seafood, molasses, beets, brown rice, whole grains, poultry, eggs, grapes, raisins, yams, almonds, and beans.2. Potassium rich foods- like broccoli, bananas, sunflower seeds, vegetables, whole grains, kiwi, dried fruits.3. Manganese rich foods- like whole grains, legumes, nuts, pineapple, eggs.4. Vitamin C rich foods- like citrus fruits, tomato, green pepper, and chives.5. Folic acid rich foods- like fresh green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, lima beans, black-eyed peas, kidney beans.6. Avoid having coffee, tea, beer, or carbonated drinks like colas with meals otherwise youll block the absorption of iron by your body.When you eat these foods, you may not require to follow home remedies for anemia any more!

Natural Remedies for Bad Breath

Keep your mouth clean Brush your teeth twice a day and keep the process going for at least 2-3 minutes. It should not just be for namesake. Floss your teeth once a day to clear the food tapped between your teeth and gum line if you dont want these areas to be the feeding ground of bacteria. Clean your tongue with either tooth brush or a tongue cleaner.

Keep your mouths saliva active; drink water

Have Natural Mouth Fresheners after Meals

Green tea -its antibacterial compounds fight off the germs in your mouth Cardamom -one whole cardamom or a few seeds of it work fine Fennel seeds -chew a pinch or two of the fine ones Fresh mint -just a leaf or two will do Clove-only a pod is too much Anise seeds-chewing them will help in digestion too Cilantro, coriander or parsley-they contain chlorophyll- the well known breath deodorizer; if you cant chew them, spread some leaves on to your salad, yogurt or any other food!

Eat yogurt everyday

Make your own gargling water Put a few drops of wild oil of oregano in water. After cleaning your mouth, gargle with this water. The oil that you are using should have at least 80% corvical- the active ingredient within the oregano oil. Add a teaspoon of ginger juice in a glass of warm water. The temperature of the water should be more than lukewarm nearing a little hotness that may kill the bacteria in your throat. Simply gargle with barberry tea.

Home Remedies for Chapped Lips

Use Coconut Oil to Moisturize Chapped Lips

How to Use Coconut Oil for Chapped Lips?

You just need to take a few drops of coconut oil and rub it gently over your lips whenever you feel them going dry. Also use this oil regularly before yo go to sleep at night.

Almond Oil to Cure Chapped LipsUse Honey for Chapped LipsAloe Vera gel for Chapped Lips

1st Way to Make Sugar Scrub for Chapped Lips: Honey-Sugar-Scrub

Get this: Sugar, preferably brown- 2 tsp Honey- 2 tsp Warm water

Do this: Mix honey and sugar. Apply this to your chapped lips. Let it sit there for a couple of minutes. Now rub the sugar honey mixture on your lips gently with fingers. Do this for about a minute. Wash off with warm water.

Rose Petals Remedy for Chapped Lips

1st Way to use Rose Petals for Chapped Lips: Milk-Rose Lip Mask

Get this: Rose petals- a handful Milk- enough to soak rose petals

Do this: Wash the rose petals thoroughly. Soak them in milk for 2-3 hours. Now mash the petals along with the milk. Youll get a thick paste. Apply this paste on your lips. Leave it there for 5-10 minutes. Wash off. Repeat 2-3 times a day. Also do this before going to sleep at night.If you are allergic to dairy products and cannot use milk, read the steps below to use honey and water with rose petals to make lip mask for your chapped lips.

2nd Way to use Rose Petals for Chapped Lips: Honey-Rose Lip Mask

Get this: Rose petals- 8-10 Water- 1-2 tbsp Honey- 1-2 tbsp

Do this: Soak the rose petals in water for 2-3 hours. Mash the petals to get a paste. Add honey to this. Mix well and apply this to your lips. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with water. Repeat 3-4 times a day.

Some Natural Home Remedies for Dandruff

Dont just eat your yogurt awayUse it to wash and condition your hair too. How? Well tell you. First note, what all you need: Shampoo Water YogurtNow off to the method for using these natural ingredients to cure dandruff. Wash and rinse your hair, rubbing gently the scalp too with shampoo and water. Apply yogurt to your scalp and leave for about 20 minutes. Again wash the hair with water. If needed use some shampoo too.

Give a good coconut oil massage to your hairThis is what women do in India, actually did in India. I have never heard any complaint from my mother or grandmother regarding dandruff. They used to massage their hair with coconut oil every two to three days. Some of them even did it daily. We, on the contrary, do not find time to massage our hair but if you want the cheapest, sure shot remedy for dandruff, you must do it.You only need: Coconut Oil TimeWhat will you do then? Take a little coconut oil in your palms and apply to your scalp and hair too. Massage gently with your fingers. Once you realize, your hands feel dry, take some more oil. Massage again. Do it for about 20-30 minutes. Do not wash off hair immediately. Let the oil be there for about two to three hours. Better if you leave it overnight. Now wash off the hair with shampoo and water. Make it a habit to massage with coconut oil at least twice a week to not let the dandruff come back once it has gone

Make use of natural antibacterial Neem leavesNeem or Margosa leaves have natural anti bacterial properties that you can use to get rid of your dandruff. You need to have: Neem leaves Water

You should then: Boil the Neem leaves in water for about 30-40 minutes. Let the water get cool. Now separate the leaves with the help of sieve. Collect the water in another bowl. Crush the boiled leaves to make a paste. Apply this paste to your scalp. Leave it for 30 minutes. Wash off with water. You can use the water that you got after boiling the leaves. Once again rinse with clean water. If possible, do not shampoo the same day. Next day, shampoo your hair. Do this for at least four weeks, once or twice a week.

Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under the Eyes Fast

Cold Compress to Reduce Dark Circles

Take some cold water. Cold milk will also do. Soak a washcloth in this cold water or milk. Lie down and close your eyes. Place the cold washcloth over your eyes. Leave it there till it loses all its coldness. Soak it again and place over the eyes. Repeat this for about 10-15 minutes. Do this 3-4 times a day.

Use Cool Cucumber to Get Rid of Dark Circles

Ways to Use Cucumber for Dark Circles

1. Take a chilled cucumber and cut it in round slices. Lie down and close your eyes. Place a cucumber slice on each of your eyes. Once the slice looses its cold temperature, take fresh slices and place them on your eyes. Do this for about 10-15 minutes.2. You may also grind a cucumber and take out its juice. Apply this under and around your eyes with the help of a cotton ball.3. Mix lemon juice with cucumber juice to make it some more effective. The natural bleaching properties of lemon will help reduce darkness of skin under your eyes.

Raw Potato for Dark Circles Under Eyes

Ways to Use Potato for Dark Circles

1. Place 1-2 potatoes in refrigerator, even better if you place them in the freezer for sometime. Take out the chilled potato and cut thick slices out of it. Lie down and place slices of chilled potato on your eyes covering the dark skin underneath your eyes. Let it stay there for about 10-15 minutes.2. Grate some frozen potatoes. Use it on your eyes as if its an eye pack. You can even place the grated potato over a cheesecloth and wrap it to make a cool poultice. Place it on your eyes for about 10-15 minutes.3. Squeeze the grated potato to extract its juice or grind a potato and take out its juice. Soak two cotton ball in this juice and place it on your eyes.4. To get the benefit of both potato and cucumber, peel and chop half cucumber and one potato. Grind them together. Now using a sieve or cloth, extract the juice. Place this juice in the refrigerator for sometime so that it becomes cold. Now soak two cotton pads in this iced juice of cucumber and potato and place them on your eyes for 10-15 minutes before washing off.

Tomato-Lemon-Turmeric Eye Pack for Dark Circles

Get this: Tomato- 1 Lemon juice- tsp Turmeric powder- a generous pinch Gram flour- 2 tsp

Do this: Grind or crush the tomato and extract its juice. Add lemon juice, turmeric and gram flour to this tomato juice. Mix well to get a paste. Apply this around your eyes covering the dark circles. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Turmeric-Pineapple to Reduce Dark Circles Under Eyes

Get this: Turmeric powder- 2 tsp Fresh pineapple juice- 1-2 tsp

Do this: Mix pineapple juice with turmeric powder to get a paste. Apply this to the area around your eyes covering your dark circles completely. Leave for 20-30 minutes. Wash with water and if required lukewarm water because turmeric stains a lot.

Buttermilk for Dark Circles

Get this: Turmeric- tsp Buttermilk- 2 tsp

Do this: Add both the ingredients to make a paste. Apply this paste to your dark circles. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water. Take care as turmeric stains a lot.

Rosewater for a Soothing Dark Circles Remedy

Ways to Use Rose Water for Dark Circles

1. Take two cotton balls or pads and soak them in rosewater. Place them on your closed eyes while lying down. Cover whole of your dark circles. Leave them for 15-20 minutes.2. Mix some cold milk with rosewater. Soak cotton pads in the solution and place them on your eyes for 15-20 minutes.

Mint Herbal Remedy for Dark Circles Under the Eye

Get this: Mint leaves- handful Lemon juice- from half a lemon

Do this: Crush the mint leave to get its paste. Add lemon juice to this mint paste. Apply to your dark circles. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with water. Repeat twice a day.

Castor Oil to Remove Dark Circles

Get this: Castor oil- 1 tsp Fresh cream- 1 tsp

Do this: Mix oil with cream. Clean your face and eyes of any makeup that you had been wearing. Pat dry and apply the mixture all around your eyes. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with water. If required, you may use lukewarm water as cream and oil will make it a little greasy.

How to Use Lemon for Dark Lips?There are many ways for doing so. Simply squeeze out the juice of a lemon and apply this on your lips every night before going to sleep. Dont lose patience and continue the regime for a month or so, even longer for stubborn darker lips. Get a thin slice of a lemon and some sugar. Sprinkle the sugar on the lemon slice and rub your lips with this. This will exfoliate as well as bleach your lips. Do this every day for few weeks to get results. Mix half tsp each of lemon juice, glycerin and honey and apply this to your dark lips daily at night. Mix lemon juice with almond oil and rub on your lips. While lemon will bleach and exfoliate, almond oil will moisturize your lips from within. Mix 4 tbsp of lemon juice with 2 tbsp of honey. Massage your lips with this mixture daily for at least five minutes.

How to Use Pomegranate to Lighten dark Lips? Take 1 tbsp of pomegranate seeds and crush them. Add some rosewater and milk cream to this to make a paste. Apply this on your lips. Wait for a couple of minutes and then gently rub the lips with it. This will have a scrubbing effect taking off all the dead skin with it. Now wash off with water. Repeat this daily. Take equal amounts of pomegranate juice, beetroot juice and carrot juice. Mix them. With the help of a cotton ball, apply this mixed juice daily on your darkened lips.

How to Use Beet Juice for Dark Lips? Take some fresh beetroot juice and apply on your dark lips before going to bed every night. Wash it off next morning. Take 1 tbsp each of beet juice and carrot juice. Mix them and apply on your lips. Leave for about 10-15 minutes and then wash off with water. Mix beet juice with pineapple juice and some coconut oil. Rub your lips with this mixture. The bromelain present in pineapple will take off dead skin when you rub your lips with this mixture on it. Coconut oil will keep your lips hydrated.

Make Daily Care Routine to Get Rid of Dark Neck

Take milk and rub your neck with it. Milk is an excellent cleanser and a toner too. After cleansing, use a scrub, preferably natural one, to exfoliate the skin around your neck. You may mix olive oil with sugar and rub gently to scrub your neck. Sometimes use another scrub having bleaching agent such as lemon juice. You will find many scrubs here in this article that you can use for daily exfoliation. After exfoliating, wash off with water and apply some moisturizer. Whenever you go out, apply sunscreen to your neck along with your face. This will avoid pigmentation. Never step out in sun when you apply lemon juice on your skin. This will make your neck darker than before.

Lemon Bleach for Lightening Dark Neck Skin

1st way to use lemon for dark neckYou will need: Lemon juice (squeezed from fresh lemon) -1 teaspoon Rose water 1 teaspoon

Directions: Mix lemon juice and rose water. Apply this mixture gently on your dark neck before going to bed at night. Leave it overnight. In the morning, wash your neck with water.You can even store lemon juice- rose water mix in a bottle. Mix both the ingredients in equal amounts and then store. Apply whatever amount is required every night on your dark skin. Do it for at least one month to see your neck get whitened.2nd way to use lemon for dark neckYou will need: lemon juice from a fresh lemon Turmeric powder (optional) a generous pinch Cotton ball (optional)

Directions: Take the lemon juice and apply it on your neck region with the help of cotton ball or your hand. Let it sit there for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with water. You may even add turmeric powder to lemon juice and then apply it on your dark neck. It gives glow to your skin. If using turmeric powder, wash off with lukewarm water after 10-15 minutes.Take PrecautionDo not step out in sun just after using lemon juice on your skin or when you have it on your skin.

Oats Natural Scrub and Mask for Dark Neck

You will need: Oats ground it coarsely, do not make fine powder out of it Tomato pulp Water Moisturizer

Directions: Take the coarsely ground oats powder. Mix tomato pulp to it to get a paste like consistency. Apply this mixture to your entire neck region. Leave it for about 15-20 minutes. Now wet your fingers a little and start rubbing your neck gently in circular motions. The coarse oats will have an exfoliating effect to remove dead skin cells from your dark neck. After scrubbing your neck with this natural oats scrub for about 5-7 minutes, wash off with water. Apply some moisturizer on neck and massage gently.You may use this scrub twice or even thrice in a week depending upon the intensity of dark patchy skin on your neck. While oats will remove dirt and dead cells, tomato pulp will lighten the skin due to its natural bleaching properties. Oatmeal Powder mixed with milk Oats powder mixed with honey Oats powder mixed with yogurt

Soothe Your Neck with CucumberYou will need: Grated cucumber (its preferred but you can also use cucumber juice) Rose water

Directions: Take the grated cucumber and apply it on your neck. Leave for about 10 minutes. Gently rub the neck with cucumber on it as if you are scrubbing. Wash off and apply some rose water. If using cucumber juice, just apply on neck with a cotton ball and leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off and apply some rose water.

Powerful Bleaching with Potato Juice

Cut round slices of a cold potato and rub them on your neck daily for 5-10 minutes. Do this for at least 2-3 months. For faster results, add lemon juice to potato juice and apply this mixture on your neck. Leave for 15 minutes and then wash off with water. You can even apply grated potato or potato juice without adding anything. Leave this on your neck for some time before washing off.

Raw Papaya MaskYou will need: Raw papaya Water

Directions: Grate the raw papaya. Using a fine cloth or sieve, squeeze out the juice from the grated papaya. If needed, you can add a little water to facilitate squeezing out the juice. Apply this juice on your neck and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off.The enzymes found in papaya help generate new skin cells thus giving your dull skin of neck a new glow. Apply this mask on daily basis for a month or so.Orange Peel MaskYou will need: Dried Orange Peel (always dry the peel in shade and never in sun) Milk

Directions: Grind the dried orange peel to obtain its powder. Mix the orange peel powder with milk to get a paste like consistency. Apply the mask on your neck. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with water.

The vitamin C and anti oxidants of orange are a wonderful treat for your skin and so is its bleaching properties. Milk works as a natural cleanser to give you a glowing skin in place of dark neck.

You will need: Chickpea flour 1 tablespoon Turmeric- a pinch or two of it Water

Directions: Take the chickpea flour. Mix turmeric and water to make a paste. Apply to your neck. Leave for about half an hour or till it dries up. Wash with lukewarm water.If you have really dry skin, you may also add some fresh cream to this mix to moisturize your skin. While chickpea cleanses your skin, turmeric lightens it up to remove the darkness of the region.11. Aloe Vera for Neck PigmentationThose having dark neck with pigmentation can use aloe vera gel which is one of the best cleanser for skin. Just apply the gel, if possible daily, for some time on your neck. Sit back for a few minutes and wash off. Aloe Vera not only diminishes the spots but also lighten the skin tone of your neck. Rich in antioxidants and other beneficial natural compounds, this gel assists greatly in repairing and producing new skin cells.12. Rice Starch MassageThere is yet another way to reduce the dark spots on your neck and this is through the rice water or rice starch.You will need: Rice- 1 cup Water- 2 cups

Directions: Add rice in water. When the rice boils, put off the flame. You may like to boil the rice till the point when it is cooked enough to be eaten. You certainly dont want to waste the rice. Use a strainer to separate the rice and the water in which it was boiling. Let the water (it is in fact the starch) cool down. When the rice starch is just warm enough to handle, rub your neck with it gently scrubbing the region. Its better if you do this massage for about 10 minutes before taking bath.

Milk Cream for Glowing NeckMilk, as mentioned earlier, is a great cleanser and the cream of milk is a great moisturize. You can either use the cream alone or combine it with variety of ingredients to get most out of it. Mix yogurt with fresh cream and gently massage your neck daily with the mixture. Wash off with warm water or a mild soap. Rub your neck with fresh cream and then wash off with warm water. Mix gram flour with fresh cream and rub your neck gently. This is a very good scrub to exfoliate your neck as well as to moisturize it. Wash of with warm water. Add a pinch of turmeric to cream and rub your neck with it. Great remedy for a glowing skin around your neck and to get rid of dark neck.

Home Remedies for FlatulenceWith little changes in diet and lifestyle, we can always remove the foul smell from the gases we release as farts.1. Have food in a proper mannerWe will talk about what foods can lead to stinking farts later. As of now, some rules to eat and drink your things in the right manner so that you digest them properly and do not produce foul smelling farts. Always have smaller bites. Larger bites will need you to open your mouth wide which leads to more swallowing of air. Also, larger bites mean more saliva produced while chewing and more saliva means more bubbles that trap air which goes into your system. Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly so that all of what you eat gets digested. Do not gulp your food. While having lots of water during the day is good for health, do not have water half an hour before and after meals. This interferes into proper digestion of food. Avoid junk food and have healthy diet complete with fiber rich fruits and vegetables. Fibers are the great way to digest food. Indigestion leads to formation of smelly gases. Avoid sulphur rich foods like beans, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, yeast-laden foods such as breads, cheese and even carbonated drinks. Do not have cold drinks just after meals. If you need to have something then have warm healthy liquids such as certain herbal teas (like anise tea, chamomile tea, spearmint tea, and caraway tea). Hot water or liquids help in digestion thus eliminating even the bad gases.

Have lots of Ginger

You will need: Hot water- 1 cup Ground cinnamon- teaspoon Ground ginger- teaspoon Honey 1 tsp (optional)

Directions for making ginger tea Put cinnamon powder in a cup Pour hot water over it Add ground ginger to it Mix well and let it steep for 5-10 minutes Strain and add honey if you want to otherwise have this ginger-cinnamon tea without additional sweetness.

Make easy Yoga postures to comfortably pass windExercising is a must for our body. Make it a point to exercise even to get rid of flatulence. While walking is the easiest exercise and sure-shot remedy to keep farting at bay (even doctors advice walking for avoiding flatulence), a couple of Yoga postures too can be made to help yourself pass wind without any problem. These include Virasana yoga pose and Pawan Muktasana yoga posture.How to do Pawan Muktasana Yoga Pose?Pawanmuktasana literally means wind-relieving-pose (Pawan means wind, mukta means to release and asana means posture). Theres nothing more that can convince you about this postures capability of passing wind without any hassle!

Lie on your back while keeping your feet together and your arms beside your body. Breathe in deeply and while you exhale, with the help of both your hands, take your right knee towards your chest Press your thigh gently on your abdomen with your clasped hands. Now breathe in again and while you exhale, lift your head and chest off the floor to touch the chin to your right knee. Hold the posture for few second breathing in and out While exhaling, come back to the ground and relax. Repeat the steps with left leg and then with both the legs.How to do Virasana Yoga?Virasana yoga pose is a basic, seated posture which is adopted for meditation by Yoga experts. One of the many benefits, however, of Virasana is that it helps in digesting food in a very efficient manner thus giving you relief from flatulence. After having your meals, sit in Virasana pose for about 5-10 minutes (or even longer if you wish to) and thats it. Here are the steps to sit in Virasana pose: Kneel down on your mat or floor keeping your thighs perpendicular to the floor Ensure that your feets top are flat on the floor. Bring together both the inner knees together and then slide your feet little away from each other (they should remain a little wider than hips). Point your feet in line with your shins. Gently pull back your calf muscles and sit between your feet. See that your pelvis is at a ninety-degree angle with your thighs. Your hands should rest in your lap or on your thighs. Sit straight with a firm back. Sit in this posture initially for a minute and increase the time period as you get used to sitting like this.

Take digestive substances after mealsMake it a point to have something that supports digestion after every meal. This is actually a tradition followed in many cultures. For example, in China, people have some hot drink like tea or even hot water after meals. This practice helps them digest food fast and properly. In India, people have anise seeds or carom seeds and some of them even chew beetle leaves to support their digestive systems. Here is a list of certain things that you can have after meals so that your digestive system works efficiently and you are able to get rid of farting. Have two pinches of anise seeds (saunf) after meals. While you can have any type of anise seeds, you will find the fine anise seeds (the thick seeds are used for cooking) with a little sweet taste good for your taste buds too. Scented and slightly sweet flavored anise seeds are one of the best refreshing thing to freshen up your breath too. Cut ginger into fine slices. Soak these ginger slices in lemon juice and store in an air tight container. Chew one or two pieces of this after every meal. It cures gas. Mix a teaspoon of honey and a drop of dill oil. Take this after every meal to treat flatulence. Take equal amounts of pepper, dry ginger and green cardamom seeds. Grind them to make their powder. Have to 1 tsp of this dry mixture after mixing it with some water after every meal. You may also have peppermint after meals. It refreshes your breath and helps in digestion too. Have some tea like peppermint tea, anise tea, spearmint tea, chamomile tea or caraway tea after meals to cure farting due to flatulence.

Home Remedies for Bloating

Do these yoga asanas to release gas and get relief from bloating

Pada Hastasana (Hands to Feet Pose)

Steps for doing Pada Hastasana

Stand straight with your feet placed side by side, touching each other. While inhaling, raise your arms up, above your head. Now bend forward taking your hands down to touch your feet. Keep on bending forward slowly so that your stomach touches your upper legs. Place your hands beside your feet and and breathe deeply while stretching your legs to remain straight and your head to touch your legs till the point you can.

Supta Vajrasana (Reclining Thunderbolt Pose)

It is a very good posture for improving digestion and stamina too. It cures neck problems, strengthens your back, knees and thighs; reduces fat and sweat odor too.

Steps for doing Supta Vajrasana Bend your knees and sit on your feet with toes touching and heels supporting your hips. Slowly bend backwards, placing your arms and elbows on the ground. While making an arc with your back, bring your head down to touch the ground with it. Place your hands on your thighs. Your lower legs should stay in touch with the floor. You may separate your knees if needed. Do not overstretch your muscles or ligaments. While in this reclined arch position, close your eyes and relax your body, breathe deeply and slowly.

Supta Pavanmukta Asana (Wind Releasing Pose)

This pose, as its name suggests, helps in releasing gas out of your body. This improves digestion and cures bloating. Not only this, it also improves blood circulation in legs; helps curing joint pains, back pain and spondylitis; strengthens legs and hips; cures acidity, and even diabetes and high blood pressure.

Steps for doing Supta Pavanmukta Asana Lie down on your back. Bend your left knee and bring your hands forward to wrap around the knee. While holding your knee, raise your head forward and touch the left knee. Stay in this position for about half a minute and release. Repeat the whole process with right leg. You may also then bring both the legs forward, hold with hands together to touch your chest and raise the head to stay in the pose for 30 seconds.

Have Mint Tea for Bloating

You will need: Fresh mint leaves- 4-5 (or use 1 tsp of dried mint) Water- 1 cup Sugar or honey (optional)- to taste

Directions to make mint tea: Boil the water. Add mint to it. Let it steep for 5 minutes. Pour the tea in a cup discarding the leaves. Add sugar or honey if using.Have 2-3 cups of mint tea to get relief from bloating.

Ginger root Tea for BloatingYou will need: Ginger- 2 inch piece Water- 1 cup Honey (optional)- 1 tsp Lemon (optional)- 3-4 drops

Directions to make ginger tea Cut the ginger in thin slices. Heat the water. You dont need to boil it but make it very hot. When the water gets very hot, add the ginger slices. Cover and let it steep for 5 minutes. Strain and add lemon and/or honey if using. Have this tea twice or thrice a day.

Cinnamon Tea for BloatingYou will need: Cinnamon stick- 1 (you can also use 1 tsp cinnamon powder) Water- 1 cup Sugar or honey or some natural sweetener (optional) as per taste Black tea (optional)- 1 tea bag or 1 tsp if using dried tea leaves.All the optional ingredients are for enhanced taste of the tea.

Directions to make cinnamon tea Boil water. Place the cinnamon stick (or powder) in a cup. Pour the hot water over it. Cover and let it steep for 5 minutes. Add the teabag (or dried tea) if using. Leave for 2-3 more minutes. Strain and add honey or sweetener if using. Have this tea 2-3 times a day.

Fennel Seeds for Bloating1st way of using fennel seeds

Store and even carry fennel seeds with you in a small air tight container. After meals, take out few seeds (about tsp) and chew them slowly. Choose the greener fine variety of fennel seeds for chewing. They are naturally sweet and have mouth refreshing properties. The yellow fennel seeds that are not so fine in texture are used in cooking.

2nd way of using fennel seedsMake tea with fennel seeds.You will need: Fennel seeds- tsp Water- 1- cup

Directions to make fennel seeds tea Boil water. Add fennel seeds and let it boil for another 5 minutes. Keep the pot covered. Strain the tea. Let it cool down. Have this tea twice or thrice a day.

1st way of using fennel seeds

Store and even carry fennel seeds with you in a small air tight container. After meals, take out few seeds (about tsp) and chew them slowly. Choose the greener fine variety of fennel seeds for chewing. They are naturally sweet and have mouth refreshing properties. The yellow fennel seeds that are not so fine in texture are used in cooking.

2nd way of using fennel seedsMake tea with fennel seeds.

You will need: Fennel seeds- tsp Water- 1- cup

Directions to make fennel seeds tea Boil water. Add fennel seeds and let it boil for another 5 minutes. Keep the pot covered. Strain the tea. Let it cool down. Have this tea twice or thrice a day.

Home Remedies for SnoringIf nasal congestion is your cause for snoring and if no home remedy is enough for you to clear of your stuffy nose, try neti pot. A neti pot is a pot made either of clay, ceramic, plastic or metal. It is an ancient Indian system of sinus irrigation. The neti pot is filled with saline water or plain water and the long mouth extruding out of the pot is used to take in and out the water from nose.

Get this: Neti pot- 1 Plain or saline water- enough to fill the neti potDo this: Fill the neti pot with water or saline solution. Tilt your head over a basin and using the open beak of the pot, pour water from one of the nostrils but dont let the water go into your throat. Instead, tilt your head to get the right position so that the water comes out of the other nostril. Now repeat the process, this time pouring water into the other nostril and taking it out of the first nostril. Turning your head continuously will controls the pressure of the neti pot and also bring out the water from the other nostril. It will need a little practice before you can do neti kriya or neti process correctly.11. Goldenseal Remedies for SnoringGoldenseal is one of the well known nasal decongestants. It has been used since years to soothe inflamed and infected mucous membranes. Goldenseal is often taken combined with other herbs like echinacea and licorice for cold flu and other respiratory infections.

Ways of using goldenseal for snoring

1. Make goldenseal tea: Take 2 tsp of dried goldenseal herb. Pour 1 cup of hot water over it. Cover and let it steep for about 15 minutes. Strain and have this tea. You may also add 1-2 tsp of honey to this tea.2. Sinus irrigation with goldenseal: Take tsp of goldenseal extract. You may also use tsp of goldenseal tincture. Put this in a neti pot and rinse sinus by mixing water to it once or twice daily. See how to use neti pot in the remedy about using neti pot given earlier in this article.3. Gargle with goldenseal: Mix 1 tsp of goldenseal tincture with a cup of lukewarm water. Use this water to gargle.Do not use goldenseal for more than 7 days at a stretch.Warning:Goldenseal should not be used for maximum of a 3 weeks at a time. If you have used it for 3 weeks, discontinue its usage for at least two weeks before you take it again. People with high blood pressure, diabetes or glaucoma should avoid using this herb. Pregnant and nursing women must not use goldenseal.12. Ginger Remedy for SnoringGinger has been known for its various properties along with its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects. It also increases secretion of saliva which then coats the throat to provide you with a soothing effect. When honey is used with ginger, it further lubricates the tissues and also opens up nasal cavity as well as throat by reducing the swelling therein. All this helps in reducing snoring incidence. The best way to use ginger for snoring is to make fresh ginger tea.Get this: Fresh ginger root- 1-2 inch piece Water- a little more than 1 cup Honey- 1-2 tsp

Do this: Wash, peel, cut and crush the ginger. Put the crushed ginger into a pan and add water. Heat the mixture and bring it to boil. Let the water boil for about 3-4 minutes. Put off the flame, cover and let it steep for another 5 minutes. Strain and add honey to the ginger tea. Mix well and have it. You may have 3-4 cups of ginger tea in a day.13. Garlic Remedies for SnoringHot foods such as garlic, onions and horseradish are said to reduce snoring. The probable reason for this may be that these foods help dry up nasal passages and airways which in turn, reduces mucus build-up that blocks your sinus. If sinus blockage is the cause for your snoring, you might get relief by using garlic. Some of the herbalists, however, say that garlic can even treat snoring due to sleep apnea as it helps soothe and reduce enlarged tonsils as well as inflammation in the respiratory system. Anyway, garlic is good for health and having this food would not do any harm.

Ways to use garlic for snoring

1. Chew on raw garlic, preferably before bedtime. However, this may be unacceptable as it will not only disturb your but your partners sleep as well!2. The better way to use garlic is to add it in your dinner menu. For example, crush raw garlic and mix it with butter to make a toast spread or add raw garlic to your salad dressing!14. Essential Oils Blend to Cure Snoring due to Improper SleepSometimes its just that you are not getting restful sleep, rather a deep sleep! And when you dont go deep into sleep, you tend to snore. Here is a recipe of essential oils blend to give you a restful sleep every night so that you may get rid of snoring. While you can make a lavender and rose essential oils blend and experiment with it if you are getting a good nights sleep. If not, make this blend.

Get this: Mixing bottle- 1 (size 30 ml) Lavender oil- 5 drops Rose oil- 5 drops Eucalyptus oil- 5 drops Cinnamon Bark oil- 5 drops Clove Bud oil- 5 drops Basil oil- 2 drops Cary Sage- 2 drops Myrtle oil- 2 drops Carrier oil (Wheatgerm oil and sweet almond oil or avocado oil)- enough to top up the bottle Argan or Rose Hip oil (optional- If you have sensitive or sun damaged skin)- to top up the bottle

Do this: Pour all the essential oils in your mixing bottle. Top up the bottle with your choice of carrier oil. Shake to blend well. Take a little of this oil blend and massage your chest before going to sleep. You may also use this oil blend in an essential oil vaporizer. If doing this, you dont need to use carrier oil in the blend. If you have a flame vaporise for essential oils, do not sleep leaving it to burn. Let the vapor circulate in the room for about 20-30 minutes before you go to sleep.15. Tongue and Throat Exercises to Cure SnoringExercising your tongue and throat muscles makes them stronger and reduces snoring. Tight muscles will not collapse backwards when you lie down.1. Pronounce vowel sounds (a, e, i, o, u). Repeat each of them loudly for three minutes at a stretch for 3-4 times a day.2. Place the tip of your tongue just behind the top front teeth. Now, slide the tongue backwards for three minutes a day.3. Close mouth. Then purse your lips and hold for thirty seconds.4. Open your mouth. Move your jaw to the right, hold for half a minute. Repeat by moving jaw towards left.5. Keep your mouth open. Contract the muscle at the back of your throat repeatedly for half a minute. Do this in front of a mirror. You will be able to see the uvula or the hanging ball which moves up and down.16. Sleep Pattern Remedies for SnoringSleeping in a wrong position can also block your air passageways and sometimes make the tissues at the back of your tongue collapse leading to snoring. Here are some tips on how you can improve your sleeping style and pattern to get rid of snoring.

1. Do not sleep on your back:In this position, your tongue and soft palate will collapse to the back portion of your throat which will give rise to vibrations. If you snore, its better to sleep on your side. You may take help of a body pillow to keep sleeping on your side. You may also use the traditional way of sewing tennis balls to your pajama back so that whenever you try to lie on your back, it makes you shift to sides.2. Raise your head:Take some extra pillows under your head your elevate the bed in such a manner that your head remains elevated so that you do not get nasal blockage. These measures, however, may give you neck pain.3. Use humidifier:Dry air too can cause snoring. A humidifier or steam vaporizer in your bedroom will help you keep your air passages moist.4. Check your medicines:certain medicines increase muscle relaxation which leads to snoring. If you have noticed that you snore after taking certain medication, talk to your doctor for substitutes or alternatives.

Lifestyle Remedies for SnoringSome of our habits too lead us towards snoring. So, you need to omit some habits and accept others to get rid of your snoring.1. Lose weight:It is not that slim people do not snore but if you have started snoring after you gained weight, you need to lose weight. More weight or fat around your neck squeezes the internal diameter of your throat. Thus, it is more likely to collapse when you sleep. Losing even just ten percent of your body weight can help you as this will ease constriction of your upper airway.2. Avoid alcohol:Alcohol and sedatives relax the throat muscles interfering with breathing.3. Clean your bedroom often:Dust mites in your bed, pillows, curtains etc. may give you allergies that too lead to snoring by making your throat and nose tissues swollen. Pets on your bed may do the same. Dusting regularly helps.4. Stay hydrated:When your body is dehydrated, the secretions in your nose as well as soft palate turn stickier leading to snoring. Drink more water and other healthy fluids.5. Dont smoke:Smoking irritates mucous membranes leading to throat inflammation. It narrows down your airway. Smoking also causes nasal congestion.6. Exercise regularly:When you exercise, not only your arms, legs, abs get toned, the muscles in your throat too get toned. This means lesser snoring.You need to identify what is causing your snoring. Whether its is nasal congestion, blocked air passage, weak muscles of your throat, alcohol, medicines, your sleeping habits or just exhaustion and not getting enough sleep! Once you identify the cause, apply one or more home remedies for snoring to eliminate that cause.

Home Remedies for Stretch Marks

Aloe Vera to Remove Stretch MarksBenefits of aloe vera are now very popular among the fans of home remedies. This herb has in it the plant collagen which excellently repairs human skin too. Use, as far as possible, the fresh aloe gel taken from the leaves instead of using store bought gel.Get this: Aloe vera leaf

Do this: De-thorn the aloe vera leaf and remove its outer skin. Take out the sticky gel from the inside of the leaf. Apply this fresh aloe gel on your stretch marks. Now forget it for two hours. Wash off with water after this couple of hours.

Lemon Juice to Remove Stretch MarksGet this: Lemon- 1 Warm water- to wash off

Do this: Cut the lemon into 2 halves. Take a half piece of lemon and gently rub it on your stretch marks. Feel its juice soaking into your skin. Do this for at least 10 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.To make it a superfast remedy for stretch marks, you can mix lemon juice with other ingredients in equal quantities (for example 1tbsp lemon juice with 1 tbsp other juice): Lemon juice with cucumber juice Lemon juice with potato juice Lemon juice with tomato juice.

Home Remedies for Hair Removal

Indian Nettle-Turmeric Remedy to Remove Unwanted Facial HairOatmeal Scrub to Remove Facial HairGet this: Coarsely ground oatmeal- 1/2 tsp Honey- 1 tbsp Fresh lemon juice- 6-8 drops

Do this: Mix oatmeal, honey and lemon juice to get a paste. Apply this on your face. Leave for 15-20 minutes. After this, gently rub your face in circular motion for about 2-5 minutes. Where you have hair on your face, rub against the direction of the hair growth. Keep your hand gentle. Now wash it off. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

Use Fenugreek to Remove Unwanted Facial HairHow to make fenugreek scrub for unwanted facial hair removal?

Get this: You need equal parts of fenugreek powder and green gram powder. Fenugreek seeds- 1-2 tsp Green gram- 1-2 tsp Water to make past

Do this: Grind fenugreek seeds and green gram to get their powder. Mix both the herbal powders. Add enough water to make a paste. Apply this paste on your face. Let it dry. Once dried, use a soft dry cloth to gently rub the paste off your facial skin.

How to make citrus peel mask scrub to remove hair?

Get this: Dry orange peel (powdered)- 1 tsp Dry lemon peel (powdered)- 1tsp Oatmeal- 1 tsp Ground almond (almond meal)- 1 tsp Olive oil- 1-2 tsp Rose water- 1 tsp

Do this: Mix all the powdered ingredients- orange peel, lemon peel, almond meal and oatmeal. Add rose water and required amount of olive oil to make a paste. Apply on your face and leave for 5 minutes. The rub gently in circular strokes. Do this for about 5-10 minutes. Wash off with water. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

Raw Papaya Remedy for Unwanted Hair RemovalPapain is one of the active enzymes in papaya. It is capable of breaking down hair follicle and prohibit the growth of hair. Not only this makes your fine hair less noticeable but it also naturally exfoliate your skin to give it an improved texture. Papaya is most suitable for sensitive skin. Thus, use raw papaya in one of these two ways to get rid of your unwanted hair permanently.

1st way of using raw papaya for unwanted hair removal

Get this: Raw papaya paste- 1-2 tablespoons Turmeric powder- tsp

Do this: Make papaya paste by peeling and grinding raw papaya pieces. Mix turmeric powder with this raw papaya paste. Massage your face with this paste for about 15 minutes. Wash off with water. Do this once or twice a week.

2nd way of using raw papaya for unwanted hair removal

Get this: Papaya powder- tablespoon OR Papaya paste- 1 tablespoon Turmeric powder- tablespoon Gram flour- tablespoon Aloe vera gel- 4 tablespoons Mustard oil- 2 tablespoons Essential oil (optional- lavender or any other)- 2 drops

Do this: Combine all the ingredients and mix well to get a thick paste. Apply this paste to your body part in opposite direction of hair growth. Leave it for 15-20 minutes or till it dries off. Take a clean cloth and rub in the opposite direction of hair growth. When all of the paste has been removed in this way, wash off with water and pat dry. Take a few drops of olive oil, moisturizer or baby oil and massage the skin with this. Repeat this thrice a week and continue for at least 3 months.

2. Turmeric for Unwanted Hair RemovalTurmeric has been used for ages in India for healthy clean glowing skin. This is because along with its antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties, turmeric also has this quality of preventing hair growth. While turmeric is used with many ingredients to remove unwanted hair, this is a simple remedy where turmeric can just be used with water or milk.

Get this: Turmeric- 1-2 tsp (or enough to cover your body area with hair) Water or milk- enough to make paste.

Do this: Soak turmeric powder in water or milk to make a paste which is not too tight but which can stay on your face. Apply this to your face. Leave for 15-20 minutes or till it dries up. Wash off with warm water.However, this remedy is for those who have very little hair on face or other body parts. If you have denser hair, turmeric has to be used with some other ingredients like gram flour, rice flour or ground oats along with milk.3. Chickpea Flour Mask for Unwanted Hair RemovalChickpea flour, also known as gramflour and garbanzo beans flour, has been used traditionally in the Indian subcontinent for removing and preventing growth of unwanted body hair. Mothers use gramflour mixed with turmeric and water or milk on small babies face, hands and legs so that their skin remains soft, clean and hair free. You may also try this remedy for removing your unwanted hair.

Get this: Chickpea flour- bowl Milk- bowl Turmeric powder- 1 tsp Fresh cream- 1 tsp (omit this if you have oily skin)

Do this: Take the chickpea flour in a bowl. Add turmeric, milk and fresh cream to this and mix well to make a smooth paste. Apply this paste on your face in the direction of your hair growth. Ensure you have all your hair covered. Leave it for about half an hour. After 30 minutes, start rubbing the flour mask with gentle hand in the opposite direction of your hair growth. If the paste has dried a lot, you may wet your fingers a little to rub your face. Afterwards, wash off your face with lukewarm water.

Sugar-Lemon Mix to Remove Unwanted Hair on FaceWhen you mix sugar with water, it acts as an excellent exfoliate due to its granular texture. Lemon juice in this mixture acts as an astringent. Lemon juice is also a natural bleach which lightens the color of your facial hair.

Get this: Sugar- 2 tablespoons Fresh lemon juice- 2 teaspoons Water- 10 tablespoons

Do this: Mix sugar, lemon juice and water. Sugar will dissolve, though not fully, in the water. There will be granular effect of sugar. Apply this to your face in the direction of hair growth. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with water while rubbing gently. Do this twice or thrice a week. After few weeks, you will see noticeable reduction in hair on your face.5. Sugar-Lemon-Honey Mix to Remove Unwanted Hair on Arms, LegsWhile sugar and lemon juice mixed with water can act as agood remedy for facial hair removal, the same sugar and lemon juice when mixed with honey can act as a good homemade wax like ingredient to remove unwanted hair from your other body parts like arms and legs. However, this can be a little painful process just like waxing done in a parlor because sugar mixed with honey acts as a sticky paste that is used to pluck the hair.

Get this: Sugar- 1 tablespoon Honey- 1 tsp Lemon juice- 1 tsp Cornstarch or plain flour 1-2 tsp Strip of cloth OR Waxing strip Vessel (to heat)- 1 Waxing spatula or a butter knife Water (optional)- if needed to make the paste a little thinner

Do this: Add honey and lemon juice with sugar and put them in the vessel. Heat the mixture to get a smooth paste. You may also use microwave oven for the purpose. If using microwave, heat it for about 3 minutes. If you see that the paste is getting too thick, use a little water too. Now let the mixture cool down to a temperature where it is still a little warm. Dust your body part having unwanted hair with some cornstarch or plain flour. Using the waxing spatula or butter knife, spread a thin layer of this warm mixture on your body part. Do this in the direction of the hair growth. Now immediately, cover the area with the cloth strip or waxing strip, press to stick it to the paste and pull in the opposite direction of the hair growth.This is a painful process to remove unwanted hair but is a natural one. If you want painless remedy, use chickpea flour remedy for removing hair, given earlier in this article.

Egg Mask for Removal of Unwanted Facial HairWhen it comes to stickiness, egg white is no less then sugar-honey. Egg white too dries off and sticks to your face and when you pull it, this mask will come up with hair on your face.

Get this: Egg white- of 1 egg Sugar- 1 tablespoon Corn flour- tablespoon

Do this: Add sugar and corn flour with egg white. Beat till you get a smooth paste. Apply this egg mask to your face and let it dry. Once dried, it will become a thin mask attached to your face. Pull this egg mask with firm hand so that the hair too comes off with it. Watch though, pulling firmly doesnt mean hurting yourself!

Potato-Lentil Ayurvedic Remedy for Unwanted Hair RemovalPotato is a natural bleaching agent. When mixed with yellow lentil or moong daal as it is called in India, potato juice not only makes your hair light in color but also works with dried lentil paste in pulling hair off face. This is a natural Ayurvedic way of removing unwanted hair from face, legs and hands.

Get this: Potato (peeled and crushed)- 1 bowl Yellow lentil 1 bowl Honey- 1 tbsp Lemon juice- 4 tbsp 1 sieve or thin cloth to filter juice

Do this: Soak the yellow lentil in water overnight. In the morning, ground the lentil to get its paste. Take the peeled and crushed potatoes and place onto the sieve. Press with hands or a spoon to extract its juice. You can also use a cloth to extract potato juice. Add honey, lemon, and potato juice to yellow lentil paste and mix well. Apply this paste on face, hands, and legs, wherever you want your hair to go away. Leave it for 15-20 minutes or till the time it dries off. Once it dries, remove the paste by rubbing it with fingers. The dry lentil paste will pull off the hair with it.9. Banana- Oatmeal Scrub for Unwanted Hair RemovalIf your skin is dry, banana is one of the best ingredients that can be used for removing hair for you. Banana leaves your skin soft and supple. But just banana is not enough for removing hair. You need to mix it with something which is a little rough on skin to exfoliate it. H