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  • 1. Hiring and Retaining the right people Recruit and retain a GREAT team in your firm Presented by Sam Jones, CCH iFirm Solutions Manager

2. The GoToWebinar Attendee View 3. How to participate today Build a high performing team Welcome to your CCH iFirm Webinar. Open and close your panel View, select, and test your audio Submit text questions As this is a public webinar, you have all been muted. 4. About me and this webinar About Me 9 years with CCH iFirm (previously Acclipse). Visited with hundreds of Accounting Firms. Due to the large amount of clients running iFirm, my role has become more and more advisory. Why this webinar? Firms are finding it harder than ever to find good staff. HR is not a natural role for Accountants. Sam Jones Solutions Manager 03 964 7340 [email protected] Connect with me on LinkedIn 5. Webinar Overview 1. Getting the right people on the bus in the right seats. 2. What to do once your right people have started. 3. How to keep them interested. 4. Re-evaluation engage, grow, retain. 6. Understanding the current situation In most areas of NZ, there is a real issue finding great people for your team. Too often, we hire for a technical ability, rather than a position on/in our team. HR is often an uncomfortable role for an Accountant. It is important to think of who you are hiring, and then for what role you are wanting to fill. In the 2013 CCH Business Fitness NZ The Good the Bad and the Ugly, a significant number of firms indicated that their financial performance was poorer than expected due to a bad hire. Having to terminate a staff member and then hire a new team member is not only uncomfortable, but also massively time and financially consuming. There are HR professionals that specialise in hiring for the Accounting Industry, yet we shudder at the price and then pay the price if we get it wrong. 7. Its okay Youre not alone 8. 1. The challenge is to get the right people on the bus and in the right seats 9. Before you hire do you need to empty the seat? Would they be better in another seat? Are you related to them? Can they be trained? Why do they not fit the seat they are in If you need to move someone on, hire a professional its a horrible process so do it once and do it right. 10. Attracting the RIGHT People 11. What is your reputation as a Firm and an Employer? What does your website say about you? Potential staff will look is the information up to date and accurate? Is your ad effective? Is it written properly? Are you hiring juniors to save money? Are you hiring for the future, do you have a plan? Are you Attracting the right people? 12. On your website use your tools 13. Define the role What does the business need? This might not be a position, it might be a number of skills to cover a number of positions. Write this down! It works if you write down every position needed in your Firm and then hire to cover those. Plan the next Hire. Write the ad like you were explaining it to someone in person. Be on the same page. Hire a professional its worth it. You need to hire hire for your business 14. What are the roles? 15. This will allow you to know you have to hire well before time. This process will take it out of your hands and make sure everything is covered. If key staff leave then the recruitment process wont leave with them. Take the advertising, process, interview, contract very seriously. Make sure the contract is legal and correct, you might have to rely on it in the future. Use the tools available to you Systemise your hiring process 16. There are tools: BFNZ HR Procedures 17. CCH Intelliconnect HR Documents 18. EC Credit Control 19. The best protection against having useless staff is having a thorough and proper recruitment/selection processpsychometric testing is very useful for assessing both aptitudes and organisational fit. The professionals can help 20. Employer Brand 21. In the Interview Follow a process, have questions ready and look for clues in the answers identify warning bells. Engage with the applicant, talk to them as a human and someone who could really add value to your team. Remember, they are interviewing you too. Ask about what their plans are in their professional career, what education they want to pursue? Talk about your culture and what your team love about the firm. 22. Set the expectations upfront This is the role now. This is where we see the role could take you. Its OK for the role to not meet their expectations. Saves both them and you long term headaches. The last thing you want is a competitive frenzy of people wanting to get the job. 23. Be careful to be clear of what the role is Be careful that the role is right for the person sitting in front of you we all want to succeed so they might be going through the process to get the job. 24. 2. Once they have started 25. Who looks after them when they start? Who do they report to? Do they know the chain of command? Whos managing their initiation? Is this the best person to be looking after them? One of the main influences on a staff member staying or leaving is their direct manager. 26. Where does their leadership come from? Is their manager the best person to be leading them? Where does the transformational leadership come from in your firm? Who inspires them to be better than they think they can be? If you dont naturally have the boss type personality, do you have the systems and technology to help you with managerial processes? 27. CCH iFirm Practice Manager 28. 3. Keeping them interested 29. Junior Role What is their starting role? What is their dream role or job? What qualifications are they after with you? What gets them out of the bed in the morning? What is their motivation? Lifestyle, Money etc? Encourage them to do their time, gain education and experience, but not to lose their imagination and love for meaningful numbers. 30. Senior Role You still have to define their role. What are their strengths? What challenges them? What gets them out of bed in the morning? Performance bonuses and incentives. Improvement is always possible. You never stop learning how to be better. 31. 4. Re-evaluation 32. Re-evaluation Regular performance reviews. Self-evaluation and then reviewed by manager. Two way feedback. Are people still on the right seat in the bus? People grow and develop. Are they still being challenged? Does your firm culture encourage engagement? 33. What if this all seems too hard? There are other options Outsource 34. Outsourcing works 35. Here is how outsourcing works best You need to get the work in cleanly we can help with this and it works best if you plan to outsource as a long term plan not a panic plan. If you just want to outsource to get rid of the busy period then we can do that but it is better as a practice plan, not a temporary plan. Think about who its hard to hire and manage and outsource them when there is a shortage, 36. Interested in more depth around this topic? Management Bites Webinar Series 1. Clever Communication 3 July 2014 2. Perfect Performance Reviews 31 July 2014 3. Dealing with Poor Performance 14 August 2014 4. Building a Positive Culture 16 October 2014 Run by Angela Atkins, Elephant Training and HR 37. Questions? Sam Jones 029 2004554 [email protected] iFirm Webinar Feedback Please

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