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Highlands United Methodist ChurchHighlands United Methodist ChurchHighlands United Methodist ChurchHighlands United Methodist Church

5555thththth Sunday of EasterSunday of EasterSunday of EasterSunday of Easter May 6May 6May 6May 6, , , , 2012012012012222 –––– 10:50am10:50am10:50am10:50am


UMH: United Methodist Hymnal; � Congregation standing


Chimes of the Trinity

Opening Voluntary Bless God’s Holy Name -Kenneth T. Kosche


Pass the Peace


Call to Worship “As the Deer” As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after you. You alone are my heart’s desire, and I long to worship you. You alone are my strength, my shield,

to you alone may my spirit yield. You alone are my heart’s desire, and I long to worship you.

Opening Prayer (in unison) O God, the Holy Spirit, Come to us, and among us; come as the wind, and cleanse us; come as the fire, and burn; come as the dew, and refresh; convict, convert, and consecrate many hearts and lives to our great good and to thy greater glory; and this we ask for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.


�Hymn of Praise “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” UMH #89

Scripture Reading 1 John 4:7-16 pew Bible, p. 241

Children’s Time (Children in pre-kindergarten through 2nd grade are invited to go downstairs for Children’s

Worship. Younger children are invited to the nursery. Please pick up your children downstairs following worship)


Sharing of Our Concerns (If you would like your prayer request to be added to the prayer list in the bulletin

please let us know.)

Silent Prayer

Pastoral Prayer The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the Kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

�Hymn of the Word “Blessed Assurance” UMH #369


Tithes and Offerings

Offertory Sing We Hallelujah -Haydn, arr. Hopson

�Doxology “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” UMH #94

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below; Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

�Offering Prayer


Anthem Let My Heart and Soul Praise the Lord -Handel, arr. McFadden

Scripture Lesson John 20:26-30 pew Bible, p. 115

Sermon “I Love a Mystery”


�Hymn of Faith “Hymn of Promise” UMH #707


�Congregational Response “Let There Be Peace on Earth” UMH #431 Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me; let there be peace on earth,

the peace that was meant to be. With God our creator, children all are we. Let us walk with each other in perfect harmony. Let peace begin with me;

let this be the moment now. With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow: to take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally.

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.


As the congregation, remember, we are all ministers. You are now entering the mission field.


We welcome Bishop Woodie White and his wife Kim to worship this morning.

We Welcome The North Georgia Children’s Chorus, featuring the

Youth Choir and the Children’s Choir from North Georgia to our worship service. A full concert will be offered at 3:00pm in the church sanctuary. The Chorus is made up of talented young people singing a wide variety of gospel and secular music.

Worship Leaders Today: Sermon: Bishop Woodie White; Liturgist: Paul Christy & Beth Bowser; Minister of Music: Les Scott; Piano: Hannah Chapman; Lay Reader: Sammie Leffler; Children’s Time: Gena Futral; Acolyte: Sydney Potter; Children’s Worship: Valerie, David & Daniel Long

Serving our Church Today: Ushers: Head Usher: Larry Ray; Team 3: Team Leader, Clark Picklesimer, Team Members: Alan Marsh, Curtis Rich, Kenneth Crowe, Austin Forrester, George Binder, & Linda Harty; Counters: Tom Stribling & John Temple

Welcome to the Highlands United Methodist Church A joyous welcome to you! We are glad each of you has come to worship the Lord. Please sign the attendance pad located at each pew so we know of your presence. Hearing Amplification Devices are available from the ushers if needed. Large print copies of the hymnals and Bible are available in the narthex.

Our presence on April 29th 193

The rose on the altar this morning is given in honor of the birth of Caroline

Hamilton on April 21st. Caroline is the granddaughter of Carol Shuttleworth.

Financial Update

March Receipts Plate $ 8,731 Pledge $18,168

YTD Plate $36,148 YTD Pledge $57,465

Total $93,613 YTD Budget $105,810

Church Studies & Activities: Everyone is Welcome!

Monday Home Study Group meets at 7:30 pm each Monday at the Motz's house. The Lectionary Texts for the week are discussed.

Tuesday Women’s Emmaus Group meets at 11:00am in the church parlor.

Knitting & Crocheting Group [Chicks with Sticks] meets at 2:00pm.

Women’s Bible Study – 7:00pm in the parlor: Come join us for a study... Cheryl A. Kirk-Duggan's "Wising Up, Applying Wisdom of

Proverbs to Daily Life." Call Sara Mayer, 526-9293 for more info.

Wednesday Men’s Emmaus Group meets at noon in the Fellowship Hall.

Wednesday Night Activities 6:00pm - Childcare provided

Discipleship: Going Deeper, a long term study.

May 9 – Training Session for Prayer Vigil Leaders

May 16 - Dulcimer Club Program

May 23 – "Scrubbies Are Not Just For Sinks." Join Evelyn Hall as she shows how to make scrubbies and shares a few surprising uses for them.

May 30 – "Our Methodist Roots in Highlands," by Sue Potts. Learn about how our church grew with the town.

June 6 – Welcome Back picnic in Fellowship Hall. Hymn sing, using Cokesbury Hymnal. Tillie Arwood will play the piano.

June 13 – Penny Mawyer – Fashion, Design, and Style

June 20 – "What's Happening in Bucharest." An update from Dave and Jennifer Cox, missionaries we support in Romania.

Thursday Afternoon Bible Study – 4:00-5:15pm, will meet on May 17 & 31 and are doing a series on New Testament figures.

Women’s Bible Study: If you hunger to experience the greatness & power of God, hear His voice, & live in the abundance promised to you, then this Bible study class is for you. The name of the book is, “One in

a Million”, by Priscilla Shirer. Please join us as we share together, learn together, and laugh together. We meet from 10 -11:00am in the parlor. For questions call, Jan Potts 526-4263

We frequently hear people say, "Highlands UMC is a special place." And,

it is. We would like to hear what Highlands UMC means to you. What makes it a special place for you? Please take a few minutes and send us an e-mail with your thoughts, or bring a written response to the church office. Please don't be shy about this! Responses will be compiled and shared in worship services between May 13 and June 3. Have questions? Contact Beth at 526-3376.

HUMC Cookbooks are here!! They are available at the church office for

a cost of $10.

Page 2: Highlands United Methodist ChurchHighlands United · Highlands United Methodist ChurchHighlands United Methodist Church

Adult Classes Nursery provided. Come to Sunday School at 9:45am!

• Buck’s class (starts at 9:30 at Buck’s Coffee Shop) Studying “Enough:

Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity”. Led by Wiley & Sarah Sloan & Fred & Elizabeth Motz

• Seekers are currently studying “Genesis, God’s Creative Call”. (meets in the Board Room) Led by Bob Gregory

• Abundant Life is currently doing a study about Heaven. (meets in the parlor) Led by Coach Butch Smart

• Over & Under 50 Disciples is studying: The Wired Word, an email distributed, brief, current event message, with related scripture and discussion questions, connecting our faith to current life events (meets in the library). Each Sunday there is a different topic, and you may request to be added to the weekly email-distribution list or obtain a copy when you come to class. Led by class members.

• Parent Class, "Parenting Teens with Love & Logic" Led by Jayme Christy (meets in the Pre-School Room)

Family Night Supper this week will be a covered dish meal. Please make

your reservations on the attendance pad today or call the church office no later than 4pm on Monday.

The United Methodist Men will meet for their monthly breakfast on Saturday,

May 12th at 7:30am at the Sport’s Page. All men are invited.

Graduates: On Sunday, May 20th we will recognize our Highlands UMC high

school and college graduates in worship. Please let us know of anyone who will graduate or has graduated since last June. A Baccalaureate Service will be held on Sunday, May 20th at Community Bible Church at 4pm followed by a dinner for the high school seniors and their families.

Save July 6-7 to help fellow Church members at the FOLLOW THE STAR

BAZAAR. We need many hands and strong backs. Please volunteer. Call Wiley (526-5938) or Gay (526-2745).

Givens Estates Mother’s Day Offering on May 13th Even the smallest gifts will make a big difference in the lives of seniors with limited resources living in at Givens Estates. Your donations help pay for medical or dental costs, health care, prescriptions, transportation, meals, groceries, in-home nursing care, and other ongoing living expenses for those residents who are facing significant financial challenges Please take a moment to consider a gift in memory or in honor of your

mother or a special person that has nurtured and supported you

Church Library Books: Please check the list next to the library cart in the

hallway to see if you have a library book that needs to be returned. Thank you.

A Nursery is provided Sunday mornings for children birth through 4 years of age

starting at 9:30am downstairs. Please see an usher for help locating the nursery.

Children’s Worship Packets. They look like pencil holders. See an usher to

help locate one.

Highlands School Proctors Needed: May 8-11, 17, 18, 22, 23, & 24

from 8-11:45am. Contact the school at 526-2147 to sign up.

Birthday Wishes to (May 6) Jamye Christy, Christopher Codespoti, Barbara

James, Jane Oxford; (May 8) Jennifer Austin, Bill Bubenick, Wyn Shoptaw; (May 9) John Catlett, Bill Getzen; (May 10) Gayle Cummings, William Edwards, Jane McDade; (May 11) Niki Bloedow, Nancy Ostema; (May 11) Eden Smith; (May 12) Carrilea Potter, Cecile Watson


Cookies Needed for Kairos. Cookies are distributed to every resident and

staff member during the three-day weekend. Bring your cookies to the church by Wed., May 16th. Please don’t coat cookies with powdered sugar or use fruit. Also, donations are being accepted to provide a meal for inmates during Kairos. One meal cost $5.00. Please make checks payable to HUMC Missions-Kairos.

Food Pantry – Anyone in need, either temporarily or regularly, may visit the

Pantry on Mondays from 3:30 – 5:30pm. Donations are accepted at the church

office. Items most needed: rice, canned fruit, black beans, juices, tomato products,

& bread.

Nail Benders meet on an as needed basis to go paint, build, clean, and landscape

for those in our community who need help. If you want to get involved call the


Life Challenge is a Christian Discipleship Program created to help people with

life controlling issues. We can help fund this program by providing gently-used

clothing, household items, and small furniture for their Resale Shop in Dillsboro.

Please bring your items to the church.

The Cashiers Gathering Table/Soup Kitchen: Serving every Thursday

evening from 5 – 7:00pm at the Cashiers Community Center. The mission of the Cashiers Gathering Table (Soup Kitchen) is to provide a free, healthy, and homemade meal to those in our community. For more information please contact Tamara Bronaugh at 200-0737.

Nursery Helper Needed for Wednesday, May 9th from 5:45 to 7:15pm.

Call the church office at 526-3376 or Jennifer Forrester at 342-1674 if you can help. Thank you.

Wonderful Wednesdays FREE After School Program: Each Wednesday

the church bus picks up elementary students at Highlands School and brings them back to HUMC for snack, homework, playtime, and music. May 16 will be the last Wonderful Wednesday for the 2011-2012 school year.

Sunday School ~ Elementary students meet with Mr. Luke & Pre-Schoolers

meet with Miss Bobbie & Mr. Cotton at 9:45am.

Thursday Children’s Choir Program - The Cherub Choir (Pre-School) meets

12:30-1:00pm; the Asbury Choir (K-2nd grade) meets 3:30-4:15pm; the Wesley Choir meets 4:15-5:00pm. Both Choirs will perform on Mother’s Day (May 13). The final choir rehearsal for this school year will be Thursday, May 17. Please see Allison or Les if you have questions.

3,4,5 GANG (3(3(3(3rdrdrdrd, 4th, 5, 4th, 5, 4th, 5, 4th, 5thththth gradegradegradegraderrrrs) s) s) s) will meet today for their monthly get

together from 4:00-5:30pm.

Saturday, May 12: Youth will spend the day "soaring through forest

canopies." Zip line adventure in the Nantahala George. Departure time 8:00am.


Sunday School – The youth meet downstairs each Sunday at 9:45am. Each

week the “LiNC” curriculum, youth connecting faith to life, provides us with a new topic of study utilizing current events and topics.

Wednesday “After School” - Youth age students are invited to come to the

youth room after school each Wednesday for a time to work on homework and

fellowship. Dinner is provided at 5:15. At 6:00, we reconvene in the youth room for various studies. Please come join in the fun and fellowship!

Highlands United Methodist Church Post Office Box 1959

Highlands, North Carolina 28741 website address:

May 6, 2012 10:50am

Paul Christy, Pastor Beth Bowser, Associate Pastor

Les Scott, Minister of Music Ken Carter, District Superintendent

Larry Goodpaster, Bishop

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