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  • 7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 15 (2007.02.17 - 2007.04.02) (eng) (pdf) [ALTA1207_PALL]


    ALTA 1207 - Part Zero

    Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence ReportChanges in language precede changes in behavior.By Tenax SE for

    Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayedin this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner representsforeknowledge on the part of the authors of this report.

    Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such,human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here,NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the

    mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy oflack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor anyaction any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior basedon this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation ofreality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mentalaberrations on the part of the reader.


    Note: Entities are identified by ablue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in brackets [aspect]. Attributewords/phrases are within parentheses (attributes). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leadingaspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by anasterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Navigation links are in italicized bold green, andred when visited.

    Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 partreport series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series.

    This report in the series created from summation of data from previous ALTA 907 series reads.

    From here we start

    The graphic below is from ALTA series 907. It displays some of the key elements of the timeline for2007 as defined by modelspace. It represents the movements of 'emotional tension values' from 'releasestates' {the downward slopes} to 'building states' {rising angle lines}. The totality of the timeline isdeveloped from all 3/three of our data types and their ranges of 'affective potential'. The data types arethey are defined within our processing are as follows:

    Value Type Range of Potential Processing Schedule into Report

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    As the graphic shows, the period of March 7th through March 15th is showing as an 'emotionalstandstill'. The secondary descriptors also include such as 'stand off/pause/pending' and include thecomplex definitions which go toward the idea of a 'confrontation held in abeyance'. Further descriptorsin the set reinforce the meme as in 'conflict paused'. It is pertinent to note that the meta data layer of'conflict' goes vertical within the Bushista entity over those 8/eight days in March. This suggests that'conflict' will dominate *all* aspects of Bushista after that point. Further the interpretation is that

    'conflict' will affect the Bushista entity will come to dominate both internally and externally the[manifestation] of the Bushista entity over the course of the 'release period' which we have previouslylabeled as the 'Ides of March' release period.

    A note about 'release' and 'building' periods and their natures. Within our experience with this work, wenoted a defining set of lexical descriptors with accompanying numeric values which, when summed,pointed to either 'emotional release' words, or 'emotional tension building' words. As a practical examplefrom our past work, the period from July through to November of 2005 was defined as a buildingemotional tension period within the USofA, but it included the 'emotional release period' of 11/elevendays which was the impact of hurricane Katrina on the national psyche. So the video images presentedfor the time of Katrina until the 'rescue' of New Orleans represents what is seen in an intense releasetime. However, the larger period began with the rising anti-Bush political tensions marked by theappearance of Cindy Sheehan as a national anti-war political leader. Get the difference? Still plenty ofhistrionics on teevee in both cases, but the Katrina images were of people 'releasing emotions', andrather intensely. So impacting was that compressed release period, that we even were observing theournalistas weeping openly into their cameras. As with other emotional release times, a new and

    defining teevee personality emerged, in this case, Anderson Cooper. The whole concept of the 'release'versus the 'building' emotional tension periods is difficult to pin down, as well as being something thatmost humans are able to define for themselves after the events have been experienced. Having recentlyexperienced hurricane strength storms here in the PNW, we can use the following illustration to providea definition: when you are huddling in the building as the winds howl and the trees snap, your lifesuddenly exposed raw as a wisp of clenched breath in universal of storms, THAT is building emotionaltension. After the storm, with the nerves raw and jangling still from stress chemicals and lack of sleep,

    food, and water, muscles fatigued, and spirit stretched thin, that is the release of emotional tension. Wenote that it is after the emotional build of the storm that people behave really badly, stupidly, and usuallyloudly. This was seen in the aftermath of the recent PNW hurricane, as well as with the previousKatrina/Rita release.

    So, note that ALTA reports from 2006 have pinpointed the Ides of March (the 15th, about 3:20 pmUTC) as being the beginning of an emotional release period. This is *NOT* to say that large storms orother radical earth changes are necessary to precipitate such a period. In fact, the data from 907 suggeststhat a lot of the driving force for this release will be political. Further the data suggests that the releasewill be centered around 'conflict' and will, as noted, totally involve the Bushista entity. There are several


    3/three days to3/three weeks

    Parts 1 and 2, then 5 and finishing into Part6

    short termvalues

    3/three weeks to3/three months

    Parts 3, 4, and 5

    longer term


    3/three months to3/three years

    (18/eighteenmonths in details)

    Parts 4, 5, and 6 {carry over into Part Zeroin the next series, as well as modelspaceextension definition}

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    previously observed indicators for such storms or radical climate changes, or earthquakes which areannotated on the graphic as 'terra intrudes'. Much of the summation values for these 'intrusions of terra'go to 'flooding' within our lexicon of value sets.

    TPTB - Fears of Tears

    A developing trend line seen growing slowly for the whole of 2006, and 'emerging' with significantforce in 2007 is centered around a resurgence of use of psychedelics. While likely a common misnomer,the 'psychedelic' drugs are, as noted in this very good article on where the 'drug war' stands in 21stcentury America, not responsible for as many deaths a year as coffee nor aspirin, *and* are illegalprecisely due to the desperate need of the-powers-that-be {TPTB} to attempt to retain control of

    humanity. Our work in the last 3/three years has shown a continuing escalation of demand for, and useof the psychedelic class of drugs including both naturally occurring chemicals as well as laboratoryproducts. With the exception of [Ecstasy (MDMA)], the laboratory products most seen on the increaseinclude DMT, and LSD as well as other phenylamine/harmine chemicals. Ecstasy is explicitly excludeddue to several factors pointing to it being a [pass-off] drug being offered by TPTB as a sop to the'archaic revival' movement. The issue is that the 'delivered doses' and 'formulation' of Ecstasy does notdeliver the clinically observed MDMA 'trip to visit the Other'. Rather, the pills sold as Ecstasy deliverpart of the psychedelic experience without the 'crossover' to other dimensions usually associated withthe 'traveling drugs' as they are known. Could it be that the Israeli manufacturers of the global ecstasysupply are intending to deliver only 'part of the trip'? Could it be that TPTB are attempting to dilute or

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    disrupt the building wave of demand for the 'psychedelic' benefits of Other contact which they, TPTB,find so difficult to control? Our work suggests that this is a very significant order of probability, andfurther, that it will not succeed. The nature of the last 3/three years acceleration of demand forpsychedelics of the more natural form, and with the use of these substances tinged with what is knownas 'the far look', or 'Other speaking/viewing', it is becoming apparent that the conscious andsubconscious awareness of the biospheric break-down is driving these new drug use trends. As theglobal mind of humanity becomes increasingly affected by the degradation of the biosphere around

    them, the more adventurous, and sensitive persons within the social order are increasingly seeking[wisdom] from any place available since it cannot be discovered among the [leadership]. This trend is indirect opposition with the same biospheric degradation causing TPTB to require increased control oftheir populations. This scenario is found within both the TPTB entity, and the 2/two populace entities,GlobalPop and Populace/USofA. If ecstasy was intended as a diversionary drug, then itsuse/introduction has failed in that sense as its primary user base is *not* the demographic driving theincrease in demand for psychedelics. Rather, ecstasy is confined to a narrower use pattern limited byboth age and intent of the user class. What currently has TPTB most disturbed is the very rapidlygrowing global demographic of psychedelic demand outside of the traditional definitions of the 'youthculture'. When reading articles about this subject be advised that TPTB are using the term 'citizen' tomean 'the sheeple class', also known as the 'middle class'. Their problem with this developing trend,

    especially in the current decade, has to do with the inability to control 'citizens' who have had 'Othercontact' as a result of psychedelic experiences. Once the 'citizen' has returned from their trip to visit theOther, the tendency is to no longer fear. Further, after direct experience of the Other, and the many otherdimensions, the psychedelic using citizen emerges with solid grounding within their own immortality.This is perhaps the most frightening problem to TPTB since fear of death is their ultimate tool, andindeed, the core upon which their whole arsenal is based. If this is disregarded as a meaningless threat,then TPTB are truly hobbled as even they realize that they can't kill everyone, and that the point is'control - able ' humans, not dead humans. The data sets in the last year have reinforced this developingtrend line within the linguistics to the point where emotional energy around the subject has clearlyslipped away from the control of TPTB. Within the TPTB entity we saw data in the most recent ALTAreport, 907, which indicates that the 'light is dawning', and now the [fear] aspect is clearly within TPTBentity, and is very robustly supported by cross links to [psychedelics, natural] within the populace

    entities. It will also be interesting to note that sometimes words have multiple meanings. In the case of akey supporting attribute for the [fear] aspect, we have (tears) which can be thought of as meaning'product of crying/eye irritation', however in this case we discovered within the lexicon associations forthe descriptor sets, that this use of (tears) is referring to a 'ripping or shredding within fabric'. Hmmm.Interesting that also (wrinkle) is a supporting attribute to this set.

    The [fear] showing within the TPTB entity is supported by both strong attribute sets as well as internal{to the entity} cross links to other aspects including the surprising appearance of many of the sub sets tothe 'secrets revealed' meta data layer. The meta data layers are linguistic structures found in multipleentities. Such linguistic structures share a common lexical center, as well as the same supportingattributes, but may vary in detail within individual entities.To qualify as a 'meta data layer', the structure

    must occur in *all* of the primary entities as well as at least half of the secondary entity contextdescriptions. There, clear as mud? As we have noted in previous ALTA reports, the 'secrets revealed'meta data layer is going vertical within the Bushista entity over the course of Spring 2007. By goingvertical we mean when the values for just that term are graphed, the trend line described is verticalrelative to the time axis for the chart. The last of the 907 series data shows that TPTB entity is alsogoing to have 'secrets revealed' vertical within it, and this will occur before the end of September, 2007.As with the Bushista entity, TPTB entity, when progressed along with the modelspace into Fall of 2007,is beset with [devils] as an aspect, which is defined by the attribute details as being (of their own flesh).We interpret this to be read as 'devils of their own devising'. Specifically the detail attributes includereferences to the [911 truth movement] as well as [lihop/mihop]. These references are *only* a small

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    part of the total emotional tension values which drive the TPTB as it participates in the upward slant onthe chart above. As the chart displays the emotional tension values as a summation, it is not showing therelative contributions of each entity. However the graphic is telling in that the whole of the trend line isvery sharply rising with virtually no minor releases from September 19th through to December 1. A veryunusual formation in our experience that probably is not a good sign for humans.

    Bushista - Meta Data Meat

    As we start this series, the data from the 907 series, and accumulated date range extension descriptorsets from the 2006 ALTA series, all have the Bushista entity being hoisted on meta data layers all eitherat vertical ascent, or just leaving the knee of the logarithmic curve and heading vertical. These meta datalayers include 'secrets revealed', 'duality','tension/confrontation', and now also both 'conflict', and'restrictions on movement' join the vertical lift affecting the Bushista entity. The 'restrictions onmovement' meta data layer is showing, by way of extensive cross links to Populace/USofA entity, thatthe 'restrictions' will affect 'movement' for both entities. The interpretation from the complex of dataaround this meta data layer is not only that the Bushista entity will be [boxed] and [curtailed], but also

    some very significant impacts from the 'restrictions on movement' meta data layer will emanate from theBushista entity as it attempts to [impose](forced control/restrictions) on its perceived [attackers]. Thislast will include the populace at large at least to the extent that the 'secrets revealed' meta data layershows a 'rift/split' will 'cause leakage' about 'money spent' to 'restrict popular expression/movement'.

    The supporting aspects for the Bushista entity for the month of March have 2/two major changes as themodelspace is progressed from the last weeks in February and across the March 7th to 15th periodwhich we are interpreting as some form of "emotional barrier". This period might involve a legal oractual 'stand off' or 'confrontation, face-2-face' between the Bush cabal and the populace of the USofAor their recently elected representatives. While it is clear that the [tensions] (escalate) between theentities within modelspace and progress towards a point of 'restrictions on movement', it is less clear asto whom or what the 'restrictions' impact. The probabilities now must include a manifestation of the'restrictions on movements' as coming from Congress and laying on Bush et al. The data set goes on tosuggest that the Bushista entity [suffers] (restrictions in stocks/leg bindings) and this such that the (toesare lost). Further attributes within the supporting descriptor set can be interpreted as [planning/plotting](emerges/revealed) about (damaging) the [popular/common] (base). Within this set are numerousreferences to human body parts or functions; as prototypical archetypes any references to human bodyparts/functions are taken as significant given our processing experience. The interpretation for the datafrom the starting point of the modelspace and the Bushista entity is that a certain 'insanity' will grow intopublic view over the last week of February and up through the Ides of March. This may well present assome form of 'ultimatum' being expressed between the populace and the Bush cabal. The data wouldargue that Bush will [resist], and will [stubbornly defy] up to the point that [conflict] breaks out into theopen. The progression of the entities through the modelspace takes us up to March 15th, where we

    suspect that the 'tension breaks' and there after, until late September, the modelspace shows the planetarypopulation plunged into a 'release period'.

    If we examine the last of the Emotional Tension charts developed for ALTA 907, we can note that theBushista entity was showing 'conflict' going vertical both internally and externally with the emotionaltension peak being between March 7th and the 15th. We can also see that 'revolution', yet another metadata layer developing throughout 2005/2006 is now emerging in 2007.

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    Chart for 907.

    As a component to the emotional release period indicated from March 15th through September 19th, thecross links grow between the TPTB entity and the Bushista entity. The formation of the links is unusualin our experience an is seemingly implying that a recent 'split' or 'war' within TPTB will soon be

    'cemented' or 'sealed', and that this will arise from a 'settlement' within TPTB about Bush et al. The datasuggests that an 'internal alliance' will 'emerge' as an 'inseparable block {of} interests'. This [block] isthen showing as [wrapping] or [pressuring] the Bushista entity from late March onward. As aconsequence of these developing cross links, the aspect of [delusion] within the Bushista entity gainsvery large amounts of new emotional values all bordering on the extreme end of the range. Thesuggestion coming across from the modelspace is a descent, as Spring progresses, into intensified self-delusion , or a 'further retreat from reality'. This is not a good sign for humans.

    As we proceed along, inevitably it would seem, into Spring from the Ides of March, the long term dataset which defines our starting position for modelspace is forecasting the [visible]

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    (emergence/manifestation) of several of the meta data themes, including 'revolution', and 'reversal offortunes'. This last is a meta data level for only the Bushista entity and the Populace/USofA entity.Specifically it appears to forecast very large scale changes in [relationships/proportions], as well as[power](flows). The details are pointing to a time of 'manifesting conflict within Bushista' in which thecabal is 'held hostage' to their own 'internal warfare', and this occurs during a period of 'external conflictwaves', as well as 'revolution' and 'global resistance'. These last attributes are also aspects with their ownsupporting sets. The data is suggesting that the Bush fortunes have 'turned sour', and further that the

    populace of the USofA is about to begin paying the price for the last 40/forty plus years of 'sheepledom'.

    As the modelspace is progressed to its "ready state" prior to loading the new data, we note how eventfilled and just crowded the chart has become.

    Populace/USofA - 'transformation' initiated, Busy Spring, Damn UFO's

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    Noting the 'restrictions on movement' meta data layer and the numerous cross links to the Bushista entitywhich exist as modelspace was loaded prior to processing the new 1207 data sets, the interpretation ofthe initial state of things is that at some point within Spring, 2007, which is to say between the Marchequinox and the Summer solstice in June, either actual 'restrictions on movement' will be [imposed] onthe populace of the USofA, or it will be 'revealed' that active consideration to this end has been [paidfor/invested]. The data set does not offer much confirmation that the 'imposition of restrictions onmovement' will actually "take", and so the interpretation takes the fallback position of considering that

    the data may be referring to leaks about the considerations of martial law, as opposed to the impositionof same. In either case, the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer within the Populace/USofA entity goesdirectly to a [blowback/response] which does not do the already crumbling relations between thepopulace and those of the self-appointed 'Bush elite'. The last of the ALTA 907 series long term datavalues were dominated by the rising impact of the meta data layer of 'revolution' within the populaceentities. Within the Populace/USofA entity the rise of 'revolution' as a meme is also being accompaniedby indications of [resistance] as an aspect signaling actual behavior changes. The [resistance] aspect hassupporting attributes going to (pogrom) and (purge), both in their turns supported by (behavior) as anattribute which in its turn is supported by details pointing to an 'anti-Bush' popular action wavesweeping through the populace. This will express itself, according to our data with the[destruction/desecration] of Bush signs and logos, including a [telling/speaking] (revelation of self)

    which our data suggests will lead to instances of former Bush supporters removing signs that they usedto [lean] that way. Given the cross links to the Press entity, this will rise to the level that teevee reportson signs being vandalized or removed.

    Other outbreaks of 'open rebellion', as well as more serious instances of [active revolution] will begin*apparently* later in Spring. The data set suggests a rather nasty confrontation with the Bush cabaldevelops over March and April, with [eruptions] of (disfavor) from the populace dominating the Presscross links beginning late in April. This suggests, that if confirmed by new data from the processing ofthe shorter term value sets, that some form of 'blood producing' active anti-Bush actions will actually[capture] the media this Summer here in the USofA.

    While the populace is showing as 'acting out', it will be also expressing frustration with the

    [imprisonment] or [restrictions] that the Bushista is showing as attempting to put into place in April. Themodelspace, as it is progressed with the data set we have now, shows that a 'conflict' with Congress, andthe people versus the Bushista breaks out with the [shift] of the [stalemate] in March, and what followsin March is a series of [staged/planned] (actions) intended to [place] (people). Or alternatively this lastcan be interpreted as 'putting people in their place'. However badly the data set shows the opening weeksof the Second American Revolution proceeding against the people, Congress is shown as really gettingthe brunt of the 'displeasure' of [those-who-would-be-royal]. The modelspace is pointing toward a verydifficult opening to Spring, with March and April bring twin dominant aspects to the Populace/USofAof [disillusionment] and [disappointment]. Both aspects are completely supported and all parts of thedescriptor set are filled. The implication is that the Congress is 'held back' and 'restricted' from [realactions], and as a result, all through April until about the 21/twenty-first. Thereafter an [act] of [purple]

    [revolution] is showing as [freeing/releasing] the (restraints/constraints) on Congress and a very serious[battle] for [supremacy] begins....our long awaited manifestation of the 'constitutional crisis'. Also, as ofthis time, and lasting through all of July, the Bushista entity is described as being [unhinged]. This lastaspect brings along a supporting set indicating that the 'actions' of the administration will be 'dailyquestioned' both by the populace and by the press. Further the developing [conflict] with the KingGeorge faction will be very ugly. The implications are for all sorts of unintended consequences toevolve out of this coming fight. Some of the cosmic slop-over effects will include a rash of "leaks andwhistle-blowing" from within the [civil service] as many employees of the government suddenlydiscover actual 'warfare' swirling through their offices.

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    The modelspace is, and has for some months now, forecast a very trying time for the Populace/USofA.While the merits of karma can be discussed, the whole of the energies shown within the modelspace areindicating that a 'transformation' is emerging from the Populace/USofA entity. This 'transformation' willbe energized by 'constitutional crises' as well as 'UFOs' this Spring and Summer. The energies pouringin suggest that the outcome will be fundamentally transforming to the nature of the populace. The[transformation] aspect has moved to a vertical and pervasive level within the Populace/USofA entity asis acting as a meta data layer through which other developments should be viewed. The data is

    suggesting that the transformation of the populace will be a long(ish) process lasting for at least18/eighteen months in an active state {as far out as our initial modelspace defines), and further, that itbegins with the Ides of March of 2007. As a last note here, the 'transformation' is showing as affecting'multiple generations' and will cause the populace to [repudiate] the past use of the USofA military for[commercial enforcement]. Much of these areas of the data sets are cross linked or directly held bylinguistic structures supporting the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer within Markets entity, and Bushista.Some of the 'revelations' showing up as emerging this Spring, will be 'poison pens' let loose from withinTPTB as the factions fight it out internally.

    The 'buffeting winds of war' worrying the populace will not only be emerging from TPTB. There arealso thousands of data sets centered on the cross linked nature of the Bushista and Populace/USofA

    entity. The data sets at the point the modelspace is loaded, and the progression into the release periodbegins, are pointing to a period of [vitriolic rhetoric] from the end of March through to about mid-April.Thereafter the Bushista entity acquires new rising aspects/attribute sets going to [aggressive](overly,without restraint), and [confrontation](explosive, Middle East), and [combative](internal, selffixated/delusion). These are all cross linked over to the Populace/USofA entity where they, andhundreds more such references, terminate in supporting sets under the aspect of [disaster]. It is notsurprising to find that the [disaster] aspect and all its supporting aspect/attribute sets are held under theprimary aspect of [transformation]. Most of the increased [aggression], and [defiance] from the Bushistaentity starts piling on from April 15th and continues to build through to some rather dramatic eventstemporally indicated around May 15th. These will continue to unfold their complex ramificationsthroughout the rest of May and into June. There are indications within the data that a label of 'purple'will emerge during these events, though given the many temporal overlays for this part of the

    modelspace, and absent the yet-to-be-processed data from 1207, we can't quite define it with any greaterclarity. So we have labeled the appearance as a 'purple revolution' in the chart above. Hmmm. Soundslike that the 'world changes' here in the USofA this Spring.

    But, why limit it to just the USofA? The modelspace for the last several ALTA reports has had a very'unhealthy' fixation on [UFOs] as a rising aspect globally. Now the data from the last of the 907processing, as well as the accumulated "score reference values" which are used to start the modelspaceoff, are all pointing to several rising aspect/attributes within the [ufo] sub sets throughout the variousentities. Curiously, some of these sets also contain references to 'purple' either as aspects, or supportingattributes. To return to the main point, the primary, secondary, and n+4 layers descriptors for [ufo] subsets are now all including either 'emergence' or 'manifestation' as major supporting aspects. Further at

    both of the functioning groupings for meta data values, [ufo] is within the 'secrets revealed' meta datalayer which are in the process of going vertical in several different entities. The data sets are alsoextensively cross linked to all of the larger entities such as Terra, Bushista, Markets, and the populaceentities.

    Including the [ufo] emotional sub sets and the summations of their many cross links, as well as theterminating cross links which originate within Bushista entity, the total emotional tension summationswithin Populace/USofA are forecasting a 'turn to the negative' within this release period. While theremay be early dramatic statements, and much posturing of the 'elite' and 'personalities' seen on teevee, thereal drama begins in late April and will sweep us all along through July. This will be a very rough

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    emotional release period according to the summations noted above. The Populace/USofA entity, evenabsent the further complications coming from the Terra entity, is pointing to a release period dominatedby [danger] with supporting aspects of [disaster] and [continuance/continually]. In our several yearsexperience with these models, there has never been so bleak a projection. The rate of descent of theemotional tension values is running at a .001 value loss over barely 6/six months. This is comparable toseveral hundred Katrina/Rita/Fema sized events. Ought to be one hell of a ride.

    Terra - Sloshing in Antarctica

    The news out of Antarctica actually is arriving from space. The use of lasers from space have allowedresearchers to discover something already confirmed by other means, the existence of giant lakes underthe glaciers. When reading the article at the link provided it is important to *not* accept the conclusionsfirmly put in place by the author. Those are conclusions based on several assumptions now known to be*not* factual. The reporting here is that these lakes must have always existed entirely because they are'too deeply buried' beneath the ice of the glaciers to have been formed recently. Of course what is notbeing stated is that the author is actually saying that 'because we have a particular model of global

    warming which precludes energies from space acting in any way except the narrow way in which ourlimited understanding will accept'...we can't believe (wish to be true) that these lakes must be 'harmless'since they have 'always existed'. The report of the lakes, on the contrary, is huge news. The suppositionthat planetary reaction to increased amounts and types of radiation from space *would* include aheating effect at the rock levels of the planet is now being supported by the discovery of lakes of suchsize. Bear in mind that when the Laurentian Ice Sheet gave way and slid off of Canada thousands ofyears ago, there was a vast collection of lakes which supported the ice mass, acting as a lubricating baseas it slid off into the Atlantic. Also note that when the sheet moved, there were ruptures of the ice rimwhich allowed for vast jets of water to be forced out from the layer under the ice sheet. These rivers ofcompressed water were miles wide and hundreds of feet tall. These are thought to be the actual shapingmechanisms for much of the bad lands of the west (the Laurentian sheet extended down into present dayUSofA).

    Note that of the 3/three bullets at the top of the article, only the first is factual. The second is a hugeconclusion with no evidence offered, and is merely stated as fact. This is what you should believe, thatis, the authors' purpose in presenting the information in this manner. Then a quess(timate) is presented,again, as a fact so that your mind will have to go ponder which is to say, turn to mental imagery, andthus shift your attention out of right-brain analytical mode, and into left brain image cogitation. Thusyou will 'accept' the conclusion without question.

    Link to article about Antarctic lakes.

    For several years now the modelspace has maintained a small, but emotionally significant sub set within

    the Terra entity which centers on [antarctica]. This sub set has steadily grown. It has always beensomething of a curiosity as the continent has not enough residents to bring out such as large emotionalbase, relative to the larger of the entities, the Terra entity. It has been an assumption of ours for severalyears that very large scale, potentially planetary impacting events would come out of Antarctica, giventhe continuing build up of emotional tension summation connected with this sub set. There is now moresupport than ever for the potential 'left field event' to arise from Antarctica.

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    Markets - Reflections of Change, Won Ton Too

    As may be noticed in global markets behavior, our predictions for the last several ALTA reports that lateFebruary {specifically from 23rd} marks the 'danger point' for paper and debt assets globally. Ourprevious ALTA reports are having a very difficult time establishing that any form of 'globalism' as weknow it today continues to exist much beyond September of 2007. Of course the reality is that the'defining characteristics' or what we call our 'descriptor sets' are likely changing, and thus the data sets as

    they exist now will not or do not match the definition of what the markets look like from Fall of 2007 onward. Perhaps, as our data suggests that the 'usofa dollar' is taken out of the global equation in largemeasure. Perhaps the release period of Spring and Summer [torpedoes] global shipping in large measureand thus global trading no longer exists, and thus also goes the concept of global markets. All this isspeculation, but in part based on what we can glean from the starting point of modelspace.

    What is clear from the early stage values sets is that the Markets entity is continuing to support the ideaof a pending 'employment crash' in the USofA. This is 'dollar' related, but recent announcements alsowould tend to put the housing markets at the center of the precipitous issues which come on the heels ofthis employment crash. Much of the impact will go to the very sizeable non-citizen population withinthe USofA borders. The sudden burdens of unemployment, with no social safety net will cause very

    large scale disruptions in the social fabric of all 3/three north American continent countries. Canada, theUSofA and Mexico will find themselves 'seemingly suddenly' afflicted by economic refugee populationshifts unimagined. The resulting impacts will alter the social mood over such a short period of time as toelicit comment from teevee and other sources as to how 'quickly the American Dream fell'.

    From February 23rd on, the Markets entity no longer [owns] (its own soul). Our data set suggests thatfor the rest of the year and beyond, the Markets entity will be 'held captive' by 'changing reality'. And asan always 'backward looking complex system' the Markets will fair very badly indeed since the 'change'rates that they do not yet reflect will accelerate beyond the rate of comprehension and reaction of themarkets. This will be a critical component of the mass failure of software trading programs as realchanges within social orders can come over weeks, and yet take years to 'cement' enough to be coded.The markets globally will alter. The data suggests large scale shifts of 'paper' and 'debt' based 'wealth' toS. America, India, South Asia, and Australia/New Zealand. The implications are a serious flight fromthe USofA dollar, with attendant repercussions on the USofA populace, and the slower-reacting USofAgovernment. All coming to a planet near you this Spring and Summer.

    Of course we need to note that the 'rampaging queen' and his 'shotgun slinging' side-kick will be primaryproblems for the USofA dollar, and will personally be responsible for the increased 'slide of values'beginning on March 15th. Further, the Bushista entity points to the Bush mental state, and Bushistainternal 'warfare' as contributing very large impetus to 'dollar abandonment'. After all, what sane personwants to invest/rely on the currency of a country run by a madman? Soon the international perceptionwill be that the 'usofa dollar' is held in the same esteem as the North Korean won. The shockingcomponent to the whole of the data set is actually how rapidly the changes proceed.

    As may be expected, the Spring and Summer of 2007 will be a very good time to *not* sell any gold orsilver that may be held.

    Conclusion: Part Zero, ALTA 1207

    Our data pipes opened a few days early thanks to the kindness of our telco supplier, and we are posting a

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    few days earlier than thought. Due to the proximate of the Ides of March, our goal is process the datasets of the immediacy values for 1207 and get Part 1 posted before Thursday, March 1.

    We will send out notifications of the posting of Part 1 as soon as it is available. If the data interpretationwarrants, given that we are processing immediacy value sets, we may send out email updates.

    ALTA 1207 - Part One

    Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence ReportChanges in language precede changes in behavior.By Tenax SE for

    Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayedin this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner representsforeknowledge on the part of the authors of this report.

    Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such,human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here,NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in themind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy oflack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor anyaction any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based

    on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation ofreality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mentalaberrations on the part of the reader.


    Note: Entities are identified by ablue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in brackets [aspect]. Attributewords/phrases are within parentheses (attributes). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leadingaspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by anasterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Navigation links are in italicized bold green, andred when visited.

    Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 partreport series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series.

    This report in the series created from 14.931 million reads.

    In the beginning..

    The beginning of all of our processing is the word. Or words, rather - actually excessively large amountsof them. Totals of words beyond all reason. These then are distilled down into a thick syrupy mass and

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    placed in an inadequate visual display and from there interpretation proceeds. Well, sort of.

    Just the 'static' bits such as data bases are large, and to a surprising extent, dynamic. The changing natureof our lexicon was an unexpected part of our processing. It requires constant tuning as the 'emotionalquantifiers' placed on the words change over time, as well as usage. Ever notice how some words andphrases get 'burned out' by excessive popular usage? As though they had no real emotional legs and bythe time that the mainstream media grabs hold of them, or now, by the time they have been round the neta few times their emotional 'cache' has diminished and they fade away? Well, Igor and I sure notice suchlinguistic flows as we have to then adjust whatever emotional values that we had placed on that word or

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    phrase and which has now had its emotional 'tonality' altered. Such tuning of the lexicon is quite tediousand as may be imagined requires a significant level of feedback with testing to even come close toobtaining a decent emotional representation within the confines of numbers.

    Speaking of numbers, when the interpretation refers to an entity or lexical structure {note: a lexicalstructure is a collection of descriptor sets} as being 'fully populated' or 'complete and correct' in beingpopulated, it means that the current data set has a representation within it for a required number of

    contexts which go into entity definition. So as an instance, there are nearly 20/twenty thousand contextswithin the Bushista entity definition. These are composed of nearly 50/fifty thousand words. But not allof the contexts will be found by the spyders at any given point within the processing, and so an arbitraryper centage has been set at 64/sixty-four percent for the Bushista entity in order to consider that it hasbeen 'minimally constituted'. This is an important distinction as when the times, and emotional waveswithin the populace change, it is possible for entities to also change. We have several large changeswithin entities already showing for 2007. So far these include our Markets entity, specifically the sub setfor 'global markets' which apparently undergoes a large scale redefinition over the course of this comingSummer {June solstice to September equinox}.

    Some of the entities involved within our modelspace are detailed in the table below. The entities are

    actually rather numerous, but many are either small, and thus rarely reported upon, or primarily used as'supporting confirmation' for movements shown in larger entities. Some entities are so large, such asTerra entity, that the modelspace has to be dumped and reloaded to clear space for its display. Thisnecessitates a rather tedious process for look ups on the cross links to other, not currently loaded,entities.

    Entity Constituted as:

    MarketsDescriptor set for all trading including paper debts,commodities, global currencies, et cetera.


    Proxy for the cabal required to keep Geo. W. Bush in


    Populace/USofAProxy for the populace of the USofA. Defined broadlyand representative of issues which rise to national


    GlobalPopulaceProxy for all populace groups *not* part ofPopulace/USofA. Division forced by emotional splitsarising from anti-Bush reactions post October 2001.

    TerraLargest of the entities. Proxy for all biosphere relatedsub sets at all levels.


    Proxy for print, teevee, and most radio. Define withcorporate sponsorship or funding as requirement. Soincreasingly *does* apply to some bloggers.Represents the conduit for 'official' messages at alllevels. Also referenced as the 'global mediastream'.

    FreeStreamProxy for independent information exchange. Rarelydiscussed as it has potential for circuitous references.

    Proxy for UFO, NASA, NSA, and other 'strange

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    Some particulars of interest include that our data sets are constructed on a lunar month calendar. We usethe sidereal lunar month as opposed to the synodic since humans inherently seem to be synchronized, atleast linguistically, to the 27.321 day length month. The ALTA report series is built around amodelspace which extends out 1.618 lunar years from the incept date. Our lunar year contains 13 lunar,sidereal months for a 'year' length of 355.173 days. Our modelspace extends out to 575 days from thefirst date of processing for details on that ALTA series, for a total of 1.57 solar years of 365.25 dayseach. Not that any of this will be on the test later. But it sometimes does surface in interpretation ofparticular event/condition predictions.

    Meta data layers are not visible within our display. These are dominating aspects/attribute sets which are'active' or 'rising' within a number of entities, yet the lexical sets are based on the same core set. Furtherdefinition for a meta data layer requires that the lexical structure relate back to one of the 'primeemotional sets' within the lexicon. These are sets which, as a rule, contain lots of bespoke emotionwords for aspects and even supporting attribute details. Such words would be 'fear', 'elation', 'confusion',and other words or phrases which can broadly be thought of as describing either an emotion, or a mentalstate *resulting* from emotional impacts to the human system. The meta data layers are composed ofthese sorts of aspect/attributes in their descriptor sets. Further, the same lexical structure, arranged in thesame hierarchical fashion must be on a 'rise' in emotional summations within many of the larger entitiesin order to be considered as a candidate for meta data status.

    Spacereports' from/concerning Space including local to earthenvironmental reports.


    Proxy for The Powers That Be. Proxy for groups whichmay be loosely described as both 'elitist', and 'global' inthinking. Includes proxies for such as RCC, UN, OD,Illuminati, CFR, and others too numerous to detailhere.

    Layer Label Entities involved

    restrictions on movementBushista, both Populace entities, rising inMarkets

    encounters with scarcity GlobalPop, Markets, Pop/USofA

    secrets revealed

    vertical in Bushista in March, dominatingPop/USofA starting in March, GlobalPop inJuly, goes vertical in Markets in late March,Press entity impacted from 2/27 onward.


    vertical in Bushista in March, dominatingPop/USofA - multigenerational change here

    begins in July, GlobalPop dominated fromSept. Vertical in Press as of March 7.

    dualityrising in Bushista, strong but flat inPop/USofA, rising in GlobalPop, rising inMarkets. Dominates Press. Dominates Terra.

    impetus for change - aka'resistance/rebellion/revolution'

    rising in Pop/USofA, shift here from rebellionover to revolution begins March, GlobalPopshift from resistance to rebellion by July, largeTerra associations with this meta data layer,

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    Bushista - Pressurized and Apoplectic?

    As noted in Part Zero, the Bushista entity is dominated by meta data layers. Not only does 'conflict' govertical for Bushista indicating both internal and external strife, but the entity is also suffering fromother meta data layers also reaching out to stamp their influence on events. We have noted how 'secretsrevealed' as a meta data meme will begin to squeeze Bushista in the [guts] as the aspects would have it,such that [bloated] (passages erupt). This last is from the immediacy values as details to the comingprominence of the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer. There is more along this line which could be takenas either describing the 'halls of congress' or the 'passages of power' in some other sense, including howboth 'oil' and 'electricity' flow. There is very little within the descriptor set to suggest that it is referringto any Terra based event. Rather the data sets are pointing to the next few weeks prior to March 7th as atime in which 'secrets revealed set nerves blazing'.

    As a conjunct, and complementary meta data meme, we have the [rupture] of the (dream/delusionsoutward) appearing as the first level of primary immediacy support for the meta data layer 'restrictionson movement'. As we note from our experience predicting a 'wounding' involving the White House, andspecifically the Dick in chief, in which we though *he* would be the woundee, we now take a moreambivalent point of view in these sorts of interpretations. The data seemingly is predicting that'restrictions on movement' will be [applied to] the Bushistas, such that the [bottle/container] becomes[excessively/too much] (pressured) and in the end, an [eruption] of (dark delusion) comes [rushing] (out)at the world. The immediacy data would be pointing to a Bush versus Congress dust-up as fulfilling theforecast 'stand-off' or 'confrontation' for March 7th through the 15th. The data set is pointing toward thisas the [real/substantial] (battle/conflict) rather than the other attention getters which will also appear.

    The data suggests that very large amounts of [energy] including [money] is being put toward a[distraction]. This area is cross linked back to the Populace/USofA entity where it terminates in[hatreds/antagonism]. However, the data is weighted to the 'restrictions on movement' being [applied] toBushista. The results of this [application] of (restraints) will be a [pressurized] (vessel). This last ispointing to the whole of the entity as being the 'vessel' in question. The supporting aspect/attribute setsare indicating that the [pressure] will be so [intense] and [excessive] as to have such predictable effectsas a sudden [swooning] within the [weaker] members of the Bushista entity who then find any excuse,even the (implausible) to beat a hasty exit. This is but 1/one component of the [visible] manifestations of[internal] (conflict) within Bushista over March.

    Other noticed effects will include a sudden [confusion] emerging which the Press entity will pick up,further amplifying the [concern/worry] about the [impact] of 'secrets revealed'. The [worry] will bespecifically focused on the [decay] within the [mind] of Bushista which will be seen to be [distancing]itself from (reality). Further it will be [without] even and [internal] (consensus) on anything relating to(external)[reality]. The number of cross links within the Bushista entity, and this sub section of theimmediacy values suggest that the interpretation needs to be applied as a fractal or design pattern in thesense of fitting both the Bushista entity as well as Bush himself. The data set is self referencing anumber of times at various layers pointing to [internal] manifestations of the meta data of 'conflict' at somany points within Bushista as to be completely dominate. This does not bode well for anyone.

    The movement, by way of the summation of the emotional tension values, is for 'secrets revealed' and

    actively resisted in Bushista

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    'restrictions on movement' to bring the Bushista entity up to the point where 'conflict' breaks outinternally. This scenario of a 'movement restriction' causing a pressure cooker effect on the entity issupported by examining the very far range of the immediacy values in isolation for what glimpses theycan provide. At the moment, the values are pointing to [confusion] as the reigning mental condition atwithin Bushista just at the point on the 15th of March when the [standoff] is showing as [breaking-open/rupturing]. At that point there are data sets suggesting that the Bush war of aggression in Iraq willbe a central issue. As a side point, yet more 'secrets revealed' will push yet another 'rationale' for the war,

    or [goal] into the dustbin of history. The data suggests that the [confusion] state dominating Bushistaimmediately after the Ides of March release 'breaking point' will not be completely as a result of the Iraqwar. The data set does show a supporting set for [war] which is very bad indeed.

    What we have had for a long while within the modelspace is a general linguistic set floating aroundwhich goes to the idea that no wars can be won during these times. At the moment, what is shaping upwithin Bushista is a variant of this general set with very specific references. The interpretation *could*easily be made that *if* the power-path lunatics actually do launch another war anywhere, that theresulting [defeat] of the USofA and/or its proxies will be so [swift] and [total] as to generate[shocks/shockwaves] of [confusion]. The numerous cross links between this area of Bushista and thePopulace/USofA is suggesting that the [confusion shock] potentially *could* be transferred out into the

    general populace. So a scenario which would fit these linguistic clues would have the USofA and/orproxy attack Iran. This causes a devastating response in which 3/5ths {three-fifths} of the USofA navalfleet is destroyed, and within the same day, events are put in motion which completely shatters theUSofA economy and its participation within the global economy. Now a [pariah state], the USofA isplunged into a [WTF?] state of [confusion] which will dominate for weeks as the situation progresses.Not to say that the nutters at the top will attack Iran.

    What we do have points to Iraq being very dominate within the Press throughout March, and in ways notpreviously noticed. The theme of [power] struggles being (un resolvable) will dominate themediastream. Violence levels will increase beyond what has been seen and to the level that general[condemnation] will begin globally to affect Markets within USofA. Movements to [end support] for the[madness] will become organized boycotts of USofA financial markets/instruments.

    Also within the expression of the 'conflict' meta data layer impacting Bushista entity will be a [spillover] to internal 'conflict' within the USofA. At this point, the most reasonable and probable unfoldingof events would have Congress placing 'restrictions' on Bush such that by March 7th the Bush cabalfeels [threats/threatened], and within their [fear] develops further [delusion] and over the course of the8/eight days until the 15th of March remains in [constitutional deadlock] with Congress, the military,and the populace of the country. Then the emotional 'release' period hits, and events start to play outrapidly. A number of [financial] (worries) show up in the Bushista entity for mid March and onward. Allof these are [external] concerns, many of which appear to be [global] in scope. The accumulating totalsof [tension] will take their toll. And already dysfunctional government is shown by our data as headedinto [coagulation] and [seizure]. The lexical clues within the details of the supporting aspect/attribute

    sets are indicating a [backlash/splash-back] from the [economic] *AND* [financial/currency] problemsof Spring which will finally and irrevocably severe the financial support for Bushista, as well as pushthe last of the 'true believer' camp into single-digit minority. "At what point in loss of public support,"asks Cicero, "does the ruler cross over to become dictator?".

    An entertaining prediction would be that the actions of Congress brings [pressure] to the Bush cabalsuch that the stand-off breaks with Bush and associates in crime attempting to defy the will of Congresswith new [actions] from the US military. Assuming the military to be loyal to the constitution, the[actions] on the part of the administration result in orders being issued to arrest the [treasonous]. In thiscase, the resulting internal turmoil within the American Empire is such that larger wars with outside

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    forces are precluded as the planetary population withdraws contacts and trade as the populace of theUSofA works on setting its house in order. A nice fiction, but far too neat to actually be reflectingdeveloping reality. Rather, the real world will provide some stew of messiness for our March build up tothe plateau, and then the release. Not to say that [resistance] won't be showing against the Bushistaentity, as the data sets are clearly indicating that such [resistance] and [rebellion] will be visible as toeven penetrate to the limited awareness of Bush himself.

    Markets - Iceberg Rolls Over, Gold Floats on Debt

    The [illusion] of (prosperity) that has propped up the Bush administration these last 6/six years isbreaking up. Unlike previous market situations, our data suggests that no mere correction is underway,rather what is happening is akin to the [economic] and [financial] iceberg of the USofA rolling over. Thevastly disparate ratio of wealth transfer these last few decades, which accelerated to gigantic proportionsunder the Bush decider-ship, and which has resulted in the top 1/one percentile of the populacecontrolling 99/ninety-nine percent of the wealth, is about to [flip] or roll over. As with real icebergs, theprocess is observable only at the point rolling begins, and by then it is way too late to react. As with real

    icebergs, it is entirely unequal distribution of 'mass' which results in the flip. As with really big icebergs,the actual flipping can take minutes.

    The data suggests that the economy of the USofA based markets, and specifically all forms of [usofadollar] associated debts are rolling over, and the actual visible signs of the roll will be apparent onFebruary 27, 2007. The roll has been initiated, and came 2/two days early for us on February 21, insteadof the 23rd as we had supposed. However the 'weekend tension' is still showing as of this point in theprocessing of the immediacy values, and therefore is still showing as an inflection point in ourmodelspace. However the actual [visible flip/roll] shows for February 27. The coming period of 8/eightdays leading up to the Ides of March release period will also be presenting more [visible](manifestations) of financial crumbling, but by that time, it is far too late to react to stem the process. Infact, as of this interpretation, ...alea jacta est/the die is cast. Start running now, just guess correctly as towhich way the iceberg will roll.

    As part of the [economic] degradation, soon to be exacerbated by political degradation, the populace ofthe USofA is going to have to endure a Spring of [employment] (crashes). The data sets are quite clearabout the projection, and it is very dire. The data being interpreted has been showing up for over the last6/six months and has been posted in previous ALTA report series.

    The fundamental core of our modelspace is the replacement of words. These words are showing up inbasically the same sorts of conversations about the same kinds of things, but the nature of the wordsused to discuss all this same-old at the same-old, is different. So as an instance, since early July (2006)the Markets entity has been moved through modelspace by the replacement values associated with

    words used to describe 2/two very large {linguistically, that is lots of verbiage's on the internet} generalareas. The dominant of these has been [housing], with the subordinate element being [instruments,paper/debt]. In this last area there are all the references to such things as stocks, bonds, derivatives,notes, et al. Further the lexicon for this group naturally contains references back to the other element[housing] just as within the [housing] lexical structure are supporting aspect/attributes which include[paper debt] and [note] references. This brief description is to provide a certain sense of the muddynature of our interpretations. That is to say, the data sets are not usually very cleanly separated, and thusa certain amount of bleed-through on the interpretation will occur.

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    At this time the Markets entity is exhibiting what we have termed in the past "splitting behavior". Wehave seen this most frequently within the Bushista entity as the various layers of support feel away fromthe BushCo entity and subsequently the linguistic descriptor set was split or pared down to its currentshape. Within the Markets entity, and specifically within the [usofa] sub set, a split of direction isbecoming visible as the [housing] lexical element is now dropping below the neutral line. This occurs asa result of the summation of the emotional values associated with the words now linked to this [housing]aspect. As the summation drops past 0/zero and into the negative range, it has a tendency to drag down

    the entity as a whole by lowering the many related summations which compose an entities movementthrough modelspace. All that just as clear as crystal at the bottom of a lake on a cloudy day?

    Well, here is the developing issue within the Markets entity. The [housing] sub set, a large sub set, isnow dropping into negative territory, and this is JUST as the [paper debt] sub set is roaring along on a[stressed] (run up/climb). Further, the [housing] section of the data set is larger than the total [paperdebt] sub set in several key ways within our modelspace. The data sets and processing that we use tendto put humans first over information. So the emotional component of [housing] in the real world will beseveral orders of magnitude more impacting than that of [stocks/bonds/et al] since more humans havehouses than 'own' paper debt. The emotional bespoke values within the [housing] set include bespoke[fear], and secondary impacting verbs such as [crushing]. These sorts of bespoke emotion holding words

    are now dominating the [housing] section of the lexicon just as the [paper debt] side is making a step upinto more abstract descriptor sets, that is, more emotionally 'removed' words. These twin effects havesignificantly shifted the relative weights within the Markets entity. The relative weight shifting withinMarkets entity as the modelspace is progressed forward into March is why it appears as an icebergrolling over.

    As the modelspace provides in its rather tedious presentation, as the iceberg starts to roll, the whole ofthe processes involved accelerate. This is the view of the whole of the Markets entity as March movesforward. Within the details the dominant aspect of [energetic behavior] for the [paper debt] sub set shiftsin early March to [disassociated/disconnected/discordant/cut-loose]. As the shift within [paper debt]takes place, some of the very key supporting aspects also shift. Descriptor sets such as [force] (emergingfrom lower elements/center) are supporting rising aspects such as [exhaustion] which in its turn supports

    [haste/hurry]. Further supporting sets go to the idea that [strength/energy/force] (totally consumed)which is showing as [producing] (depleted reserves). This in turn points to [unrelenting] [math] whichapparently will emerge as a [trigger] for [meltdown]. This last is heavily cross linked to the [currency]and [fed reserve] sub sets.

    Several of the Markets entity shifts within modelspace are temporally linked to [flooding] and[pulsations/perturbations] (magma). This last is probably not a good sign, but may be linked, asindicated within the supporting aspect/attribute sets, to the [commercial] (ventures) which are within[extermination] distance of a volcano likely to pop off. By far the largest sets of cross links within thedescriptors within Markets entity are internal sets. Of these, the cross links to [currency] dominate all.The largest group of external cross links go to Bushista entity. Most of these are below neutral as

    individual sums.

    As we have reported in the last few ALTA reports, the Markets data set, as well as the Populace/USofAdata sets both contain directly held sub sets pointing to the idea of an 'employment crash'. The data setfor this aspect/attribute descriptor arose spontaneously, and does *not* fit within our current conceptssuch as 'mass layoffs'. In the case of the latter, a 'mass layoff' would include a 'pre-announcement' aswell as a 'defined value' for the number representing the 'layoff'. These are usually within the thousands.What is now developing is a lexical set which goes to the idea of an 'after the fact' or 'post temporal'descriptor, this is to say that there will be no recognition of the 'employment crash' by the globalmediastream until after the [bulge] of the crash has occurred. Much of this will be due to the way in

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    which the process will play out. While the data set implies that the 'crash' will have unemploymentsweeping upwards into the [millions], it is also pointing to an [oscillating] effect in which [layers] are[peeled off/removed] from the economy. Some of these layers will be composed almost entirely ofillegal workers who will *not* have a social safety net nor will be counted, at least not at the time. Thelexical sets are pointing to a very rapid process, perhaps only months.

    In examining the chart below, note that the downward sweep of release period following the Ides of

    March represents a composite of 'reasons' for the release of emotional tensions. The totality of the dropis the summation of all of the various global brouhaha occurring that day, however some consistenttrends power periods. In the case of the next few months, the rolling over of the iceberg that is theUSofA economy will be providing a significant component. Further the 'economic woes' resulting willfurther exacerbate the political pressures cookers and the various releases from that realm. Such a stew.

    Within the [gold/silver/precious metals] sub set of the Markets entity, the immediacy values are showingthat a [pushing effort] or [trend] is to begin emerging this week. Our data set shows that February 27 the

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    Markets will enter a pattern where [gold/et al] will be [pushing] (back/against pressures from stronghands). Further the data set is pointing to a shift from the current dominating aspect for [gold et al] of[ceiling] (held down) over to the rising aspect of [push] (through restraints). This aspect/attribute set is itself only short lived in that it is replaced as the modelspace moves through March and into April withthe aspect/attribute of [energy] with supporting attributes of (formerly/previously) and(restraint/restrained). This aspect/attribute group rises within the [gold et al] sub set over the course ofMarch and accumulates further supporting aspect/attribute sets which go to the idea of a 'destruction,

    completely' of the 'past form/order', and the 'replacement' of 'energetic patterns' with 'emerging realities'.This last aspect/attribute is also cross linked extensively to the Terra entity and the Press entity. It wouldappear that the whole biospheric change problem is finally going to impact USofA markets withinradically altering patterns of thinking. Over the course of the last few ALTA series we have been gettingthe predictions of a 'change' of a very fundamental nature arriving in 2007. This change was to emergeas behavioral changes for the masses beginning shortly after the Ides of March. The impact on themodelspace of the 'wave of mind sets' being altered is apparently just starting to manifest. Now we areshowing that the Markets entity, already facing change forced on it by perceptions of those outside theUSofA who are, as an instance, no longer financing the debt of the USofA government, will also nowhave to accept the alteration of the basic 'perceptions of core/nature/status' by the populace of theUSofA. The Populace/USofA has much of this emotional wave dominated by both 'secrets revealed',

    and 'revolution'. The Markets entity has the terminating cross links within it dominated by 'duality', and'secrets revealed'.

    As noted previously within this series as well as earlier ALTA reports, the complex system that is theglobal economy which is what supports [debt trading] is undergoing changes at such fundamental levelsas to preclude a 'return to business as usual'. The nature of the changes is predicted by the "duration ofimpact" values for the descriptors within the immediacy values sets. The "duration" values are runningat multiple generational lengths. This is to say that our "duration of impact" range which extends out tothe length of a saeculum is fully extended by the values currently associated with the changinglinguistics coming in under almost all of the [precious metals] contexts. Again, stated another way justto be sure to be confusing, the 'gold and silver et al' emotional values bound to the words we find linkedto 'gold/silver/et al' are showing for 100/one hundred years impact or longer. This is very long indeed.

    Before change of this magnitude can be visible to time travelers such as us {ed note: you do travelthrough time, don't you? at least one direction}, a whole series of emotional and mental abstractions andconstructs must be demolished. The modelspace shows this clearly under the aspect/attribute sets of[separation] (from the past). In the case for [gold/silver/et al] sub sets in several entities, the supportingaspects/attributes are suggesting that the 'separation from the past behavior' will be accomplished as[stairs/levels] of [discord/disharmony]. Both of these supporting aspects have common supportingattribute sets which include lexical clues such as 'layers of destruction' which are archetypicallysupported further down the descriptor set as being [furrows] (plowed by history). The [furrows]supporting aspect has its own supporting sets going to the idea that [large scale/core/primary level][destruction] (of perceptions, view-points) will [overthrow/invert/revolutionize] (inter/between) [human]

    (behavior). The underlying message coming through from the Markets entity is also being confirmed bythe Populace/USofA entity. Now we note that the Populace/USofA entity represents the most stupid andignorant people on the planet, that is to say, the sheeple of the USofA who are content to receive theirnews/information via 'official' sources such as the global mediastream. So we find it very important thatthe detail levels of supporting aspect/attributes in a number of entities are pointing to what can only beinterpreted as a 'revolution' within the 'awareness' if not consciousness of the Populace/USofA. That thisshift is also showing up in descriptors of the "after effects" tends to reinforce our reading of thelinguistic clues. Basically, now is not a good period to try to 'time' any gold or silver trading. Apparentlythe emotional attachment to precious metals at a core human level is about to rekindle over the course ofthis release period and into Fall of 2007. But we bear in mind that this attachment is merely the frothy

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    wave riding the top of a saeculum length change in behavior.

    Populace/USofA - America's Gandhi?, War with Israel

    As shown in the Markets entity, a large scale change in perception of reality is being forecast by themodelspace for the Ides of March release period. This change is manifesting within the Populace/USofAentity at very key support levels. We note with some irony that the 'death of religion' meme which hadbeen discussed in several previous ALTA report series of 2005 and 2006 chooses just this particularemotional nexus in time (moment) to resurrect itself. Not as if there are not enough emotional flashpoints around the planet that the species just has to have 1/one more really juicy emotional trigger suchas religion to scrap over.

    The continuing pressures on the social order are being reflected within the Populace/USofA entity whichis growing several large supporting structures of aspects under the broad category of [social

    order/arrangements]. This is the area that first shown as a context change within our data set severalmonths prior to the appearance of the 'illegal alien movement' and their demonstrations around thecountry. Our data set showed several months prior to the demonstrations that a 'context change' wasgoing to occur at that particular time. We had some lexical hints as to its nature, and did get some ofthem correct, but in the main we were just aware that the core of the national psyche and self image wasgoing to change forever. What awaits the populace of the USofA over the course of the Ides of March isust such a change in the 'social order/context', however this go-round the level of magnitude is much

    larger, and the visible manifestations of the change emerging into society stretches over months, notmerely a few weeks. And it will be a less than peaceful experience for all involved.

    The Populace/USofA is forecasting that the [light/guidance] of the [social order/milieu/national identity]

    is about to be tested, seriously and repeatedly over these next 7/seven months. And then we get a75/seventy five day respite where we get to switch over to building our emotional tensions rather thanenduring their expressions. The extent of the coming 'perception change' within the populace of theUSofA is such that much of the supporting aspects/attribute sets are also falling under the [revolution]meta data layer, and *all* of these newly accrued value sets are dominated by the [secrets revealed]meta data layer. The data sets suggest that the 'national identity' will not survive the tests ahead.

    Just as we had advance 'word' {ed note: pun intended} of the appearance of Cindy Sheehan on thenational stage a few months before her first 'camp out at crawford', we are now getting data that suggeststhat a new [personality] will be appearing who will act as the focus for much of the perceptual changesunderway within the general populace. Our label for this individual is the [america's gandhi]. We couldhave chosen several other appellations including such as [america's krishnamurti], but while all the

    others brought across the idea of the 'enlightened human', none also convey the idea of the 'ascetic' whois willing to [step into/enjoin] the (political/social) realm and put [life] and [limb] at risk. Our data hassupporting aspects which are defining this new personality much more in this vein. This individual isalso [irreligious] and [denigrating/mocking] of the whole of the [church/organized religion] structure.There are details suggesting that our [america's gandhi] will [present] a [threat] to ThePowersThatBeand will suffer some level of [legal] wrath along the rise to the national consciousness. Further, it mustbe remembered that Gandhi was not well liked by TPTB in his time. The British Crown andGovernment were actually quite rude to M. Gandhi. The data suggests the same sort of relationship willexist between the American Crown and Government and this personality-who-will-bedevil. However we

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    note that the data sets are showing this individual will be more than merely the [focus] of the times, andwill also act as a [focusing lens] for the energies emerging within the populace of the USofA. Theimplications are that this individual will emerge during the release period and should start showingwithin the global mediastream during the release of tensions from [war powers] which will also betemporally close to [power struggles] of a huge level within China. {ed note: more on this in GlobalPopdiscussion in part two} There are *no* supporting sets suggesting that our [america's gandhi] is apolitician. There are supporting sets suggesting an [incarceration] and the [suffering] of [punitive

    punishments]. The emergence of this personality over the course of these next few months will bring outour previous report hints of 'identity of the green man'. The emergence of this personality onto theplanetary global mediastream consciousness will be able to be used as a temporal marker for Terra entityintrusions to appear shortly thereafter. There are many data sets which suggest that shortly afteremerging into the mediastream, [america's gandhi] will be within the USofA.

    On key element about the [america's gandhi] is that the whole of the relationship between USofA at thepopulace level and the 'nation state' of Israel will change at this time. It is not possible for us to be ableto separate out how much of the change in relationship is due to the appearance of our human emotionallens, and how much is merely also happening at that same time. What we can say is that the aspects of[sudden] and [huge/large/gargantuan] are both showing within the Populace/USofA relative to the aspect

    of [israel] and the [support] of the [populace] of the USofA. We can also note that the [america's gandhi]personality is not the cause of the backlash against Israel emotionally, but rather is merely temporallyclose to the emergence of the 'anti-zionista' movement as an [visible] open political force within theUSofA. Further it would appear that the [beast] of bespoke emotions such as [rage] and the drivingmental states of [betrayal] are what will motivate the populace of the USofA into a *never-before-demonstrated* mass movement of [outrage/hatred]. As part of this movement, former 'israel supporters'within the USofA will be making large public demonstrations of their change of heart. This is connectedto very realistic fears for an 'anti-judaism' pogrom globally catching fire within the Populace/USofA.More on this in further reports dealing with the 'death of the faith based religions meme'.

    In projecting the probabilities of the future from our linguistic clues it becomes problematic when datasets begin to confirm each other in a stair stepping fashion with actual events. We could be tempted to

    interpret this sub set as being the natural outgrowth of an Israeli attack on Iran. It could be that thepopulace of the USofA would rise up really pissed to find that Iran in response destroys a very large partof the USofA naval infrastructure stupidly stationed as a target by the StupidAdminstration of the GOPPolitburo. *However*, there are also data sets in support of the [rage] emerging from [actualbetrayal/underhandedness] which goes right to the [core values] of the populace. The implicationcoming from the emotional sums of the data sets is that [war] will be declared with [israel] over theemerging [scandal]. Of course we note that [scandal] is supported by [intelligence] and [prostitution].On this last, note that [prostitution] is a general term for [selling out personal interest] within our data setbefore it references sex for money. All of the supporting aspects for the [betrayal] linguistic sets arefalling under the meta data layers of 'secrets revealed' or 'conflict'. We note also that the cross linkssuggest a very large level of 'conflict' within the Bushista internal organization to arise from this 'israel

    situation'. Further the level of [resignations] showing as [appearing] all in a (rush/haste) will probablycripple the ability of the Bushies to even get breakfast made in the morning, let alone 'sway government'or populace.

    Again, it is worth noting that 'conflict' goes vertical within the Bushista entity beginning in March.Followed very closely by 'secrets revealed' going vertical in Populace/USofA.

    We need to also note that the changes within the Populace/USofA entity relative to its values definingcontexts over the course of the Ides of March release period are reinforcing of the alterations discussedin the economic landscape in other entities. The Populace/USofA entity is showing that there will be

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    'civil strife' as a result of the emergence of 'extreme economic weakness' over the course of the releaseperiod and well into Fall and beyond. The data sets are pointing to [riots], which will be connected to[food restrictions] as well as [riots/mayhem] connected to [housing] and vast pending [wave] of[foreclosure] and [homelessness] which manifests with some vigor during this time. It is predicted bythe accretion values of the data that the government and politicians at all levels will be way behind thecurve on the 'home loss' front. So much so in fact that the primary aspect in support of the [foreclosurewave] is [sudden]. When the Populace/USofA entity is progressed along with the modelspace through

    early March and into Spring, there are several aspects accruing to [revolution] directly held within theentity. These aspects include [fluffy] as is defined in GlobalPop. Examples of [fluffy] revolution as it isapplied globally can be found at the Chaos Works. Within the [fluffy] revolution coming to a town inUSofA near you the primary association within our data set is under the aspect of [homelessness]. Thiswill be missed by the TPTB within the USofA as being the beginnings of the [new politicalmovement/reality], but it seeds will come from the [fluffy] [revolution] as it will be practiced by young[squatters] here in the USofA. This last is pertinent as the [american populace] will put their ownnational stamp on [fluffy] strategies and [tactics]. It is tempting to label the whole of the 2007 theemergence of the [fluffy revolution] to all aspects of popular culture globally. So many of the pendingalterations in thinking will be influenced by [fluffy] strategies, but that would imply a will by universeto employ such tactics. While a pleasant change from the usual universal slap-upside-the-head-to-get-

    the-stupid-human's attention, it is premature to think that the emergence of the [fluffy] aspect within[revolution] implies that no smacks are awaiting our collective noggin over Spring and Summer.

    Terra - West Coast North America - Spring Quivers

    The data set for the Terra entity is still building its immediacy values, and we do feel a need to get theMarkets data posted so we are proceeding with the interpretation even though the Terra entity is not yetas stable as we would like it. Further the data sets are only partially loaded into modelspace. That beingnoted, we do have data suggesting that March, and the continuing Spring will show as [upsetting] for thepopulace on the [west coast] of north america. We note that our geographic references are the weakestelements within the system, and so are loath to point to specific places. In the Terra entity at themoment, the 'north america' sub set with its sub set of [west coast] is showing a dominant aspect of

    [finality] for March which will change rapidly to [pulsating motion]. This last aspect is related to[volcanoes] and seems to suggest that [earthquakes] will be [initiated] at a considerable [distance] by[motions] beneath [volcanoes]. Further the data shows this as bring in the (complacency) supporting[finality] to an end, and replacing it with [shaken/upset] after a [disquieting][quiet] period. This last,when further explored, is best interpreted as a 'time of perhaps some weeks' in which a very 'disquietingcalm' or 'lack of measurable activity' will be noticed. In the way in which our technique works, we donot *see* earthquakes within our data sets, rather what we see are changes in language which reflecthow the populace will speak, and what they will be speaking about, *after* the quake. So in the case ofthe Hawa'ii earthquake we were able to perceive the "6.3" size since that was what was 'spoken about'within the global mediastream immediately after the earthquake. Did that make sense? Kind of lookingnot at events, but at mirror images of news paper headlines discussing the event.

    What our 'headlines' are telling us now is that some humans will have to 'extract themselves' from the'entangling embrace of earth and rubble' after the earthquake. From this we can surmise that at leastsome injuries will come. This idea is reinforced with linguistics implying [desperate] emotionsassociated with [transporting] [wounded] to (distant) [resources]. This last is implying hospitals and[care based] functions. We do not have indications that the earthquake is of huge proportions, but we donote that 'mountain tops' within the vicinity of the 'rubble strewn plaza' will be [visible] in theirmovements. From the cross links to the Press entity we can surmise that this will show up as video onthe global mediastream. Since the data under interpretation are immediacy values, we do not get asmuch details within the attribute sets as the shorter and longer term value sets. What details we

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