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  • 7/25/2019 Heartbreak of Suicide



    tng kreibmcjczeig weitgr ;637-38 tng kreibmcjczeig weitgr ;637-38

  • 7/25/2019 Heartbreak of Suicide


    C lduitry musel sdijwretgr dilg pgiiga tng wdras td c sca sdij tnct ng tetoga, \tdp tng

    Zdroa cia Ogt Mg Dhh. Mdst dh us ncvg suij tndsg oyrels td dursgovgs, dr ct ogcst eagiteffiga

    wetn tngm, ct dig temg dr cidtngr. \dmgtemgs et es tng pcei dh c krdbgi rgoctedisnep, c trcjel odss

    dh c odvga dig, dr `ust tng uirgogiteij prgssurg dh oehgs agmcias. Cixegty ldmgs quelboy cs wg

    agspgrctgoy try td pogcsg tndsg crduia us dr cjrgg td ldmmetmgits wg lciidt bggp.

    Zg crg idt emmuig hrdm tngsg hggoeijs. Agspcer es sdmgtemgs krdujnt di kglcusg wg oevg ei c

    hcoogi wdroa wngrg gveo gxests2 dtngr temgs ets c prdault dh dur dwi agseji. Et es ngcotny td jregvg

    trcjgay cia td kg aescppdeitga wetn dur dwi pddr lndelgs. Et es idt ngcotny wngi aescppdeit-

    mgit prdjrgssgs eitd agprgssedi cia wg kgjei td qugstedi dur dwi wdrtn. Hggoeijs tnct crg

    idrmco turi trcjel wngi tngy ogca td tndujnts dh sueleag.

    Qng Wietga \tctgs rgldras 13,666 sueleags pgr ygcr. Qnct cmduits td dig sueleag gvgry 3< mei-

    utgs. Qng empoelctedis crg hcr rgclneij seilg tngrg es id icrrdwoy agffiiga agmdjrcpnel chhgltga

    ky tnes clt. Qneib ckdut et tnes wcy0 tng pgdpog wnd ldmmet sueleag ldmg hrdm coo wcobs dh oehg

    sd coo typgs dh pgdpog crg chhgltga. Hcmeoegs clrdss coo gaulctedico kclbjrduias cia gldidmel

    stctusgs hggo tng pcei wngi c odvga dig lnddsgs td ldmmet sueleag. C wesg doa scjg dilg

    rgmcrbga tnct sueleag es c pgrmcigit sdoutedi td tgmpdrcry prdkogm tnct ogcvgs hcmeoy mgmkgrs




    Qngrg es id quelb-ffix sdoutedi tnct weoo tcbg

    cwcy tng pcei cssdlectga wetn tng odss dh

    sdmgdig td sueleag. Et nurts aggpoy kglcusg

    wg lcrg aggpoy hdr tng pgrsdi. Qncibhuooy,

    Lnrestecis ncvg c ndpg tnct jdgs kgydia tnes

    wdroa. Herst Ldreitnecis 37071-7: tgoos us

    tnct agctn ncs kggi swcoodwga up ei veltdry.

    Agctn ncs id steij kglcusg @gsus Lnrest ncs

    ldiqugrga sei cia agctn.

    Zg ncvg veltdry ei @gsus cia tng cssurcilgtnct Ng es mdrg tnci gidujn. Ng es mdrg

    tnci gidujn td prdveag ldmhdrt, jrclg,

    cia pgclg ei trcjel setuctedis. Zg lci rui

    td @gsus cs tng Dig wnd uiagrstcias dur

    ocmgit. Qng ciswgr td Zny4 mcy igvgr

    ldmg, kut wg kgodij td c odveij Hctngr wnd

    agsergs td ngco dur pcei. Dur lry dh Ckkc

    igvgr jdgs uingcra (Jcoctecis 1082 [dmcis


    Zg emmgrsg dursgovgs ei tng \cvedrs odvg

    cia rgglt di Nes sclreffilg, gspglecooy ei

    trdukoga temgs. Ngrg crg sgvgi preilepogs td

    ngop ydu ffiia ldmhdrt wngi agcoeij wetn tng

    odss dh c odvga dig td sueleag0

    3. Camet tnct et nurts.

    ;. Coodw ydursgoh td jregvg.

    ) .

    7. [gca tng Jdspgos ciaVcuos gpestogs.

    8. Jd td lnurln gvgi

    eh ydu ad idt hggooebg et.

    :. [ui td @gsus. Ng

    weoo sustcei ydu.

    \WELEAGes agrevga hrdm tngOctei wdra sueleaeum,

    mgcieij beooeijdh digsgoh.

    tng kreibmcjczeig

  • 7/25/2019 Heartbreak of Suicide


    QNG[G E\



    16 tng kreibmcjczeig weitgr ;637-38

  • 7/25/2019 Heartbreak of Suicide




    Qng meiestry dh prgsgilg es sdmgtemgs

    tng kgst cttgmpt wg lci mcbg td prdveag

    ldmhdrt td sdmgdig tnct es nurteij. Qngrg

    es ngcoeij ei `ust ncveij c hregia lodsg ky td

    ngop lcrry tng kuragi.

    Qng cpdstog Vcuo eistrultga us td kgcr dig

    cidtngrs kuragis (Jcoctecis 80;). Vgdpog

    wnd ncvg kggi suaagioy empcltga ky c

    trcjel odss crg idt oddbeij hdr mdrg eihdrmc-

    tedi. Qnger aggpgst igga es idt c sgrmdi,

    pdgtel sgitemgits, dr wgoo-eitgitediga

    cavelg. Qngy crg ldmhdrtga mdst ky kgoegv-

    grs wnd ldmg ei Lnrestoebg numeoety td kgprgsgit aureij c aehffiluot temg.

    Qng weadw dh c pcstdr wnd ldmmettga

    sueleag scea, Et wcs c mdmgit tnct oehg

    adgsit prgpcrg ydu hdr. E nca td lcoo my

    beas . . . Ndw ad ydu tgoo ydur beas tnct tnger

    aca es jdig cia tnct ng tddb nes dwi oehg4

    Qng eiagslrekckog pcei dhtgi sggms td

    rgvgrkgrctg wetn gvgry ndoodw wdra tnct

    hcmeoy mgmkgrs spgcb td jevg vdelg td tng

    trcjgay. Ngrg crg c hgw tndujnts di ndw

    td ngop lcrry tng kuragi dh c hregia wnd es

    wcobeij tnrdujn c suaagi odss0

    3. Kg prgsgit wetndut tryeij td ffix tngsetuctedi.

    ;. Cvdea tretg stctgmgits oebg, E bidw

    ndw ydu must hggo dr, Qng Kekogscys idt td wdrry.

  • 7/25/2019 Heartbreak of Suicide


    hurtngr cltedi cs nes agprgssedi oeijgrga (3 Beijs 3501). Zg quelboy ogcri tnct Jda

    nca c kgttgr poci hdr nes oehg cia sgit ci cijgo td meiestgr td Goe`cn (3 Beijs 3507).

    Ng aea idt jevg up cia Jda jcvg nem c rgigwga purpdsg!

    Oehg wetn Jda es cowcys lncrcltgrezga ky ndpg. Pgoac Zeooecms, tng acujntgr dh tng

    octg cltdr [dkei Zeooecms, pogcaga wetn tndsg kcttoeij agprgssedi td ndoa di td

    tng pdssekeoety dh ndpg. Qng Lnresteci mgsscjg scys td ndoa di td tng lgrtceity

    dh ndpg tnct wg ncvg ei @gsus. Ngkrgws 803>-35 tgoos us wg lci ncvg jrgct ldiffi-

    agilg ei Jda cs wg ndoa td tng ndpg kghdrg us. Qnct ndpg es c strdij cia trust-

    wdrtny cilndr hdr dur sduos.

    \dmgtemgs tng qugstedi jgts pdsga tnes wcy0 Es sueleag c sei4 Qng sndrt ci-

    swgr es uigquevdlcooy, Ugs! Id pgrsdi ncs tng cutndrety td tcbg c oehgidt gvgi

    nes dr ngr dwi. Qnct kgodijs td Jda codig.

    Ndwgvgr, sueleag es idt tng uipcradickog sei. Qng clt dh sueleag adgs idt cotgr tng

    gtgrico agsteiy dh tng pgrsdi kglcusg scovctedi es kcsga di dur rgspdisg td Jdas

    prdmesgs (@dni 360;:-;5). Qnct adgs idt lncijg tng hclt tnct tndsg wnd ldmmet

    sueleag ogcvg c sncttgrga mgss hdr tnger hregias cia hcmeoy td wcob tnrdujn. Qng

    pceihuo empclt oght ky sueleag es odij ocsteij di tndsg oght kgneia.

    Qng pcei tnct es gxpgregilga ei tnes oehg es rgco cia agprgssedi lci tcbg us td c acrb

    poclg, kut tngrg es c wcy dut wetn Lnrest. Qngrg es cowcys tng

    ndpg dh c krejntgr tdmdrrdw gvgi eh wg lciidt sgg et ei tngmdmgit. Qng cpdstog Vcuo bigw tnes td kg trug wngi ng wrdtg

    tnct ng wduoa kdcst coo tng mdrg jocaoy ei nes wgcbigssgs sd

    tng pdwgr dh Lnrest wduoa rgst di nem. Qng Odra aea idt prdm-

    esg td rgmdvg gvgry dkstclog cia aehffiluot setuctedi. Eistgca, tng

    Odra cssurga Vcuo tnct Nes jrclg es suhffilegit hdr us, cia Nes

    pdwgr es mcag pgrhglt ei wgcbigss (; Ldreitnecis 3;05).

    Zg must trust dur ngcvgioy Hctngr wetn dur oevgs. Ng ncs prdm-

    esga td jueag us cia td usg gvgrytneij tnct ncppgis ei dur oevgstd mcbg us c oettog mdrg oebg Nes \di. @gsus weooeijoy ocea adwi

    Nes oehg td agmdistrctg Jdas odvg hdr us ([dmcis 70>). Ng

    pcea tng uotemctg prelg sd wg id odijgr ncvg td hgcr sei, gveo,

    cia agctn. Nes agctn krdujnt us oehg cia tng lgrtceity dh ndpg

    sd wg lci truoy oevg. Dur oevgs crg mcag igw ei @gsus sd wg id

    odijgr oevg hdr dursgovgs kut hdr Nem wnd purlncsga us ky Nes

    kodda (; Ldreitnecis 7031-37).

    Udur kday es c tgmpog dh tng Ndoy \peret. Udu crg idt ydur dwi,

    hdr ydu wgrg kdujnt wetn c prelg (3 Ldreitnecis 8035-;6).

    Eh ydu crg ncveij tndujnts

    dh ncrmeij ydursgoh,

    pogcsg lcoo tng




    OEHGOEIGhdr ngop0

    3 (>66) ;:;77;1 NDW[\, : ACU\ C ZGGB

    D[ XE\EQ


    Gawcra G. Mdday, @r., Vn.A.

    HE[\QCEAhd rUDW[Gmdt edic o Nurts




    Eh ydu crg oddbeij hdr rgsdurlgs ckdut

    tnes tdpel, pogcsg lnglb dut

    Ar. Gawcra G. Mdday, @r.s kddb sgregsHerst Cea Hdr Udur Gmdtedico Nurts.

    1; tng kreibmcjczeig w e i t gr ;637-38

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