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Page 1: Health benefits of spices and herbs


Page 2: Health benefits of spices and herbs

WHAT ARE HERBS ? Leaves of plants that

lack woody stems. Typically, the green,

leafy part of the plant is used in cooking.

The plants are grown for their flavor and medicinal value.

Some define herbs as plants with healing properties.

Page 3: Health benefits of spices and herbs

WHAT ARE SPICES ? Spices are dried

roots, stems, and seeds of plants that are usually grown in the tropics.

Aromatic substances of vegetable origin used as a preservative

Used to add flavor and zest to foods.

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What is the difference between herbs and spices?

Spices and herbs are both from plants and are used in very small amounts to flavor food.

"Spice" refers to seasonings made from dried seeds or bark. Spices generally originate in the Far East and tropical countries.

"Herb" refers to any plant with fleshy parts that are used in brewing tea and seasoning foods, or as medicines.

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1. Used as Flavoring agents

2. Enhance the flavors of foods

3. Posses antioxidant properties

4. Used as preservatives

5. Pungent spices can cause sweating

6. Posses strong antimicrobial properties

7. Used as colorant

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Health Benefits of Spices

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Allspice (Kabab Cheene)Allspice is a soothing, anti-inflammatory, and carminative spice. It has been positively linked to reducing cancer, improving oral health, stimulating digestion, facilitating bone growth, boosting the immune system, reducing blood pressure, and acting as an analgesic or anesthetic substance.

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Black Pepper (Kali Mirch)Perhaps one of the most common spices in the world, black pepper is important due to its ability to reduce inflammation and excess gas, optimize gastrointestinal action, regulate enzymatic reactions, control heart rate and blood pressure, and prevent cancer due to its antioxidant capabilities.

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Black Cumin (Shahi Jeera)

Antioxidant action of volatile oil.

Hypoglycemic impact of black cumin seed.

Impact on Immune system & cancer.

Anti microbial effects.

Anti-inflammatory impact.

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Cardamom (ILayachi)The health benefits of cardamom include the ability to aid digestion, lower blood pressure, increase the metabolism, increase circulation, increase frequency and volume of urination, and also gives the body many of its necessary vitamins and minerals, including riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, iron, manganese, and potassium. Its essential volatile oils are also very effective in healing various conditions.

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Cayenne Pepper (LaL Mirch)Hot pepper might be too much for some people to handle, but it is a very healthy thing to eat! It has the ability to clear the sinuses, increase urination, eliminate toxins from the body, help manage diabetes, prevent cancer, lower blood pressure, optimize the metabolism, regulate hormonal activity, and perhaps most importantly, fights against all foreign invaders, toxins, and potential infections, due to its powerful antioxidant properties!

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Cinnamon (Dalchini)Cinnamon is a beloved spice around the world that is praised for its ability to reduce inflammation, eliminate pain, manage diabetes, eliminate infections, reduce excess gas, improve heart health, increase cognitive function, build strong bones, prevent cancer, and increase the health of the eyes and skin!

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Cloves (Laung)Cloves have a very strong taste, and are antioxidant, antiseptic, anesthetic, anti-inflammatory in nature. They also contain a number of valuable organic compounds and volatile oils that are good at protecting against cancer, managing heart rate, balancing bodily fluids, improving digestion, increasing oral health, eliminate premature aging, and strengthen the membranes throughout the body.

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Fennel Seeds (Saunf)Fennel has long been known for its ability to regulate bowel movements, prevent cancer, reduce premature aging through antioxidant activity, increase enzymatic activity, and act as a great source of many vitamins and minerals, including copper, iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, selenium, zinc, and magnesium as well as organic compounds and acids like pinene, myrcene, fenchone, chavicol, cineole, anethole, limonene, and anisic aldehyde.

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Saffron (Kesar)This powerful spice includes many carotenoids and boost immune system health in a big way. Saffron also fights infections in wounds, elevates mood, induces sleep, stimulates red blood cell formation modulates hormonal activity, and can reduce blood pressure through the vasodilating properties of potassium.

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Mustard Seeds (Sarson)Mustard seeds are packed with organic compounds and volatile oils that can boost your overall health. They are also a wonderful source of B-complex vitamins, which are essential for normal functioning of your organ systems. It can also reduce triglyceride and cholesterol levels, improve the strength and health of your teeth, boost circulation, build strong bones, prevent cancer, and reduce signs of premature aging.

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Aloe Vera (Gheekumari)Aloe Vera is a popular medicinal herb with healing components that include mannans, anthraquinones, polysaccharides, and lectins that grows in arid climates. This herb efficiently heals wound and burns. Moreover, drinking Aloe Vera juice is highly recommended for diabetes, minor skin infections, cysts, and elevated blood lipids. Aloe Vera extract is an important skin care agent.

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Dill This herb is an excellent source of niacin, dietary fiber, zinc, copper, and phosphorus, and it also has a host of vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, riboflavin, folate, and minerals like iron, calcium,magnesium, potassium, and manganese. The herb helps in dealing effectively with issues like indigestion,diarrhea, insomnia, dysentery, respiratory disorders, menstrual disorders, cancer and a number of others. This herb contains ‘Eugenol’, a volatile oil that has potent antiseptic and anesthetic powers. Dill also helps in the generation of breast milk and increases sperm count.

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Holy Basil (Tulasi) Holy Basil leaves are probably one of the most ancient herbs used for medicinal purposes. Holy basil leaves are rich in protein, riboflavin, folate, niacin, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, copper and zinc. Holy Basil also had high levels of vitamin E, A, C, K, and B6, and dietary fiber. Holy basil leaves aid in curing fevers (especially dengue and malaria) very quickly. Since ancient times, tulsi leaves have been added to tea, honey or warm water to cure colds, coughs, sore throats, and respiratory disorders. Holy Basil leaves have anti-inflammatory properties and are also effective in case of kidney stones, cardiovascular diseases, insect bites, skin infections, dental and eye problems. This herb has a special spiritual reverence in India.

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Lavender This herb is a symbol of purity and cleanliness. Lavender also speeds healing, relieves muscle tension, and reduces stress, while improving the circulatory, immune, and nervous systems. Lavender oil is a great antiseptic and spasmolytic (relieves muscle spasms). The medicinal properties of this herb include anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and antiseptic abilities. In modern times, many stores sell lavender scent for perfumes, diffusers, soaps, talc and other cosmetics as well.

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Peppermint (Pudina) Peppermint is rich in phosphorus, niacin, potassium, copper, magnesium, manganese, riboflavin, folate, calcium, iron, zinc, and is a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and dietary fiber. Peppermint is a good stomach calmer, especially if you are suffering from digestive problems, flatulence or any other related gastric problems. Mint restricts bacterial and fungal growth, as well as helping to relieve allergies and asthma. Many researchers say that mint also shows positive effects for cancer treatment, Mint juice is said to cure irritable bowel syndrome, thereby preventing constipation and colon ailments.

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Fenugreek (Methi)

Fenugreek seeds are often used as spices and the leaves of the plant are used as herbs. It is rich in protein, copper, magnesium, manganese, iron and dietary fiber. Apart from the seeds, the other parts of the fenugreek plant also have medicinal value. Intake of fenugreek balances cholesterol levels, treats diabetes and lowers blood sugar. The fenugreek seeds have lots of mucilage, which smoothes gastrointestinal inflammation by protecting the stomach and intestinal linings. This herb cures inflammations and is thereby a home remedy for boils, abscesses(skin pus), burns, and gout. Fenugreek is often recommended for pregnant women as it aids in child birth and milk production while lactating.

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Psyllium is also known as ispaghula (‘Isabgol’ in India). This is usually found in husk form from the seeds of the Plantago ovate herb. Rich in soluble dietary fiber, psyllium is the major ingredient in many commonly used bulk laxatives. This herb usually helps to cope with constipation problems and intestinal ulcers, cleans the colon, and helps to control cholesterol, weight and blood pressure

Psyllium (Isabgol)

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Winter Cherry (Ashwagandha)Winter cherry is a well-known herb that is commonly used as a diuretic, aphrodisiac, sedative, revitalizing tonic, anti-inflammatory agent, and immune stimulator. It helps to reduce swelling and aids in retaining blood supply in the body. Furthermore, it aids in the proper functioning of the nervous system. It improves concentration, sexual abilities and asthmatic conditions.

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Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi)Like Tulsi, Bacopa is also another ancient herb used in medicines, especially in Asia. This medicinal herb is extensively used as a mental tonic, body revitalizer, memory enhancer and as a nerve tonic. It is best known for its ability to enhance memory and also helps to cope with the negative effects of stress. Bacopa is an excellent home remedy for a host of skin problems like psoriasis, eczema, abscess and ulceration. It is good for skin, hair and nail growth. Brahmi considerably reduces the oxidation of fats in the blood, thereby reducing the chances of cardiovascular diseases.

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GARLIC (Lehsun)It is an natural antibiotic.

Garlic is a potent antibacterial, antiviral and agent.

Contains more then 100 biologically useful chemical compoundTwo priciple antimicrobial components present in garlic are allicin and allyl isothiocyanate.

Allicin is a colourless capable of killing both gram positive and gram negative bacteria.

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GINGER (Adrak)Ginger Contains Gingerol, a Substance With Powerful Medicinal PropertiesGinger Can Treat Many Forms of Nausea, Especially Morning SicknessGinger May Reduce Muscle Pain and SorenessThe Anti-Inflammatory Effects Can Help With OsteoarthritisGinger May Drastically Lower Blood Sugars and Improve Heart Disease Risk FactorsGinger Can Help Treat Chronic IndigestionChronic indigestion (dyspepsia) is characterized by recurrent pain and discomfort in the upper part of the stomachGinger May Lower Cholesterol LevelsGinger Contains a Substance That May Help Prevent Cancer

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TURMERIC (Haldi)Turmeric is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent and can be used as an effective disinfectant.Turmeric contains a substance known as lipopolysaccharide, which helps stimulate the body’s immune system.turmeric as a food seasoning can reduce serum cholesterol levels.Turmeric can be used in the treatment of diabetes by helping to moderate insulin levels.It is used as anti-inflammatory agent Curcumin also exerts very powerful antioxidant effects.

Use of turmeric also lowers rate of prostate, lung & colon cancer

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