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Page 1: He Is Risen!! He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia · He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia Happy Easter one and all I n H is S ervice ♰ Rev. Donald P. Beaumont Rev. Donald P. Beaumont

The Beacon of Bethel Lutheran Church

Let God’s light shine before all mankind.

“Where Faith Grows” 440 943-5000 E-mail= [email protected]

APRIL 2017

Pastoral Message

Greetings in the name of our Risen and Glorified Lord and Savior,

“April showers, yada yada yada” and of course all that goes with that old rhyme. But April showers

are not what’s on my mind today. As I sit and compose this message my mind is focused on the

upcoming preparations for Confirmation and First Communion, along with Holy Week and Easter. All

this while doing the duties associated with the pastoral office. The demands and stresses are enormous

this year. It is only through the knowledge that God has, and always will, provide me the needed

strength to do what we all know that needs to be done. I have had many offers to help in the upcoming

weeks and I have accepted a few. But truth be told there are some things that need to be handled

through the pastoral office.

Now I am going about the task of writing a pastoral message for the April issue of the Bethel

Beacon. I was thinking of writing about the upcoming events and the opportunities for worship. But

that would be redundant and you can see all that in this issue. So, let me just say a few important


He Is Risen!!

He is Risen



Happy Easter one and all

In His Service

♰ Rev. Donald P. Beaumont Rev. Donald P. Beaumont [email protected]

Joshua 24:15

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Page 2: He Is Risen!! He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia · He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia Happy Easter one and all I n H is S ervice ♰ Rev. Donald P. Beaumont Rev. Donald P. Beaumont

THE ROLE OF THE CROSS If the cross is the place where the worst thing that could happen happened, it is also the place where the best thing that could happen happened. Ultimate hatred and ultimate love met on those two crosspieces of wood. Suffering and love were brought into harmony. ... To be “saved” requires a severance from the former life as clean and sharp as though made by a knife. There must be a wall of separation between the old life and the new, a radical break. That means death — death to the old life, in order for the new to begin. … This wall of separation, this barrier, is the cross.

—Elisabeth Elliot, A Path Through Sufering

___________________________________ 2017

___________________________________ WHEN WE CAN’T FIND EASTER

Easter is the most joyous Christian holy day ... except when it’s not. What do we do

when our mood isn’t what we think it “should” be? The kids are sugared up, we’re juggling

family gatherings (and conflicts), everyday challenges remain, and festive hymns — however

rousing — fail to lift our spirits. We wonder, “What’s wrong with me, that I can’t seem to

find Easter?”

Been there, done that. And it’s okay. You’re okay.

Jesus’ resurrection doesn’t scoop us out of our troubles, but the death-defying Christ

walks through them beside us, on our own Emmaus road (Luke 24). We aren’t alone. When we

can’t find Easter, Easter somehow finds us — if not on this designated Sunday, perhaps two

days from now, or next week or mid-May. Watch for it; keep your heart open. Christ is risen

indeed — and you shall be too.

—Heidi Mann

Midweek Wed., March 29 7pm

Palm Sunday Sun., April 9 10am

with Confirmation and 1st Communion

Maundy Thursday Thur., April 13 7pm

with Communion

Good Friday Fri., April 14 11am & 7pm

Contemporary Service Sat., April 15 6pm

Easter SONrise Service Sun., April 16 6:30am

Easter Celebration Sun., April 16 10am

Page 3: He Is Risen!! He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia · He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia Happy Easter one and all I n H is S ervice ♰ Rev. Donald P. Beaumont Rev. Donald P. Beaumont


Our last Outreach meeting was held on the 9th of March. We began with a

half hour discussion on the first two chapters of the book “Joining Jesus on His

Mission” that Pastor gave us at the last meeting. Everyone seemed to enjoy this

book so far. We learned that we have to develop a different mindset as far as

reaching out into our community, and you will be hearing more about this later as

we continue to read the next four chapters - this being our “homework” to

prepare for discussion in the future. Jack presented the committee with a

revised description of the duties of the Outreach Committee, as outlined in

our bylaws. The proposed changes will be voted on at the next voter’s meeting on Tuesday, March 28th.

Plans are moving right along for the 7th Annual Bethel Outreach Golf Outing, which will be held on Friday,

June 16th. There is a page in this issue of the Beacon with details on the outing and sign up instructions. Jim

Krainz has also put this information on our website – check it out at

With Maundy Thursday being the date that we would have held the April meeting, we agreed to change the

date of our next meeting to April 6th, which is a week earlier than usual. Since then, I have found out that

Pastor and Jack have another commitment, so there is a chance we may change the date – again! Look to the

weekly bulletin for further updates!

Thank You!

Alice Beeman, Mike Bretz, Jim Krainz, Christine Risher, Steve Risher,

Jack Schimmelmann & Jackie Storts (Committee Chairperson)

(Article submitted by Christine Risher)

FORSAKEN FOR US Church reformer Martin Luther considered Jesus’ cry from the cross, “My God, my God, why have you

forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46) as “the greatest words in all of Scripture,” writes Timothy Keller. In Walking With

God Through Pain and Suffering (Penguin Books), Keller notes, “Luther knew personally about what he called

Anfectungen, a word that means the ‘assaults’ that the world, the flesh and the devil make on human beings

through the evils and suffering of life.”

Jesus suffered Anfectungen “in infinite degrees, beyond anything any other human being will ever

experience,” Keller writes. And he did it all for us. As Luther said, “In Christ, the God-forsaken sinner has a Savior

who has taken on himself the full depths of human estrangement from God — and overcome it.”


Our March “Potluck & a Movie” was held on the 19th. Sixteen people showed

up to watch the movie “Risen.” As always, we enjoyed some good food and

fellowship. We will not be hosting a movie in the month of April – BUT we are

having our annual Easter Breakfast, held right after the SONrise Worship

Service until 9:00am. We hope you can join us! The menu will include casseroles,

sausage, cheesy potatoes, French toast sticks, hard-boiled eggs, fruit, dessert,

coffee and juice.

Our next “Potluck & a Movie” will be on Sunday, May 21st. The featured

movie is called “Miracles from Heaven” – as always, dinner at 5pm with movie at 6pm. Hope to see you there!

Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 18th, and as always, everyone is welcome to attend!

Christine-Dave-Georgann-Julie-Sherry (Committee chairperson) - Steve

(Article submitted by Christine Risher)

Page 4: He Is Risen!! He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia · He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia Happy Easter one and all I n H is S ervice ♰ Rev. Donald P. Beaumont Rev. Donald P. Beaumont

Lutheran Ministries Media, Inc. 5 Martin Luther Drive Fort Wayne, IN 46825-4996

Worship for Shut-Ins Sermon Summaries

These Worship services on WRLM can be viewed on Time Warner Cable channel 12 and U-verse channel 67 at 11:30 am on the following Sundays

APRIL 2017 April 2, 2017 – Fifth Sunday in Lent Psalm: 130; Epistle: Romans 8:1-11; Gospel: John 11:17-27, 38-53 “The Death of a Friend” - Sermon Text: John 11:17-27, 38-53 by Rev. Paul E. Shoemaker, Emanuel Lutheran Church ~ New Haven, IN The death of a loved one changes our world. Jesus had a friend who died and He felt great sorrow at the loss. The Good News is that Jesus has conquered death. As Jesus says, “He who believes in Me shall never die.” April 9, 2017 – Palm Sunday/Sunday of the Passion Psalm: Psalm 118:19-29; Epistle: Philippians 2:5-11; Gospel: John 12:12-19 “Palm Sunday Exclamation” - Sermon Text: John 12:13b by Rev. Dr. Daniel J. Brege, St. Paul Lutheran Church ~ Decatur, IN On Palm Sunday the people shouted a profound exclamation: They were quoting from the Old Testament, they were labeling the work that Jesus was about to perform, and they were describing Christ's work among us now through Word and Sacrament: "Hosanna, Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord." April 16, 2017 – The Resurrection of Our Lord – Easter Day Psalm: Psalm 118:15-29; Epistle: Acts 10:34-43; Gospel: Matthew 28:1-10 “This Is The Day!” - Sermon Text: Psalm 118:24 by Rev. Dr. Thomas R. Ahlersmeyer, Holy Cross Lutheran Church ~ Fort Wayne, IN Can you point to one day that changed the entire course of your life? Absolutely! Jesus’ Easter Sunday victory over death has changed your eternity as well as how you face each day of your life. “THIS IS THE DAY that the Lord has made” is a hope-filled, joy-filled reality because Jesus Christ IS risen! April 23, 2017 – Second Sunday of Easter Psalm: Psalm 63:1-8; Epistle: 1 Peter 1:3-7; Gospel: John 20:19-31 “In Trials, Rejoice!” - Sermon Text: 1 Peter 1:3-7 by Rev. Dr. Walter A. Maier III, Concordia Theological Seminary ~ Fort Wayne, IN The apostle Peter encourages us to rejoice even in trials, and he tells us why we can do this. God has caused us to be born again to a living hope. Also, the genuineness of our faith is found through trials. April 30, 2017 – Third Sunday of Easter Psalm: Psalm 116:1-14; Epistle: 1 Peter 1:17-25; Gospel: Luke 24:13-35 “Resurrected Redeemer” - Sermon Text: Luke 24:21 by Rev. Dr. Daniel J. Brege, St. Paul Lutheran Church ~ Decatur, IN The Emmaus disciples had hoped that Jesus was the long awaited Redeemer. Alas, they thought He had failed, because He had been crucified. Amazingly this crucifixion is precisely the center of our redemption!

Tel: (260) 471-LOVE (5683) ╋ Toll-Free: (888) 286-8002 E-mail: [email protected]

Page 5: He Is Risen!! He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia · He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia Happy Easter one and all I n H is S ervice ♰ Rev. Donald P. Beaumont Rev. Donald P. Beaumont


“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in

Him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16) In today’s world we tend

to take a lot for granted; for instance, all the things that enrich our daily lives. For

example , the thought and time that goes into Pastor’s sermon – the people that get

the church ready for us to pray and enjoy fellowship in, and the men and women who

serve our country protecting our freedom. So when I think of how Jesus died for our

sins, I wonder if some people unknowingly take that for granted also. In today’s fast

paced world it seems we take very little time to stop and appreciate God’s beauty. As

Pastor says, we are like batteries and our souls need to be recharged by hearing the

Word of God. So, with that in mind, I would like everyone to stop and reflect on Good

Friday and think about the unimaginable suffering that Jesus went through for all of us. Unfortunately most

people tend to sugarcoat things, looking past that pain and suffering. After I saw the movie “The Passion” I felt

His pain deep in my heart. I know for sure that His Father also had tears in His eyes that day. So, when you are

having a really bad day, or going through difficult times, reflect upon the love and forgiveness given to us by God.

And when Easter morning comes, let everyone know that



On the third day, the friends

of Christ coming at daybreak

... found the grave empty and

the stone rolled away. In varying ways they

realized the new wonder; but even they hardly

realized that the world had died in the night. What

they were looking at was the first day of a new

creation, with a new heaven and a new earth; and

in a semblance of the gardener, God walked again

in the garden, in the cool not of the evening but of

the dawn.

—G.K. Chesterton


Author George Thompson tells of a Jewish rabbi’s

appeal to Christians during the tumultuous 1930s. On

Easter Eve, the rabbi wrote in a newspaper: “I challenge

the Christian world to measure itself by the standards

of Christ. As long as any group is judged by its creed or

color or country in place of its character, Christianity is

a sacrilege rather than sanctity. To this end, I summon

Christians everywhere to make this Easter to signify

Christ realized and not merely Christ risen.”


This image is known as the Agnus Dei, Latin for “Lamb of God.” When pictured standing and with a banner, it represents the risen Christ, victorious over death. John the Baptist, seeing Jesus approach, famously declared, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29, NIV). In Revelation, too, Jesus is portrayed as a lamb who was slain but now reigns


Page 6: He Is Risen!! He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia · He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia Happy Easter one and all I n H is S ervice ♰ Rev. Donald P. Beaumont Rev. Donald P. Beaumont


Outreach Committee 32410 Willowick Drive Willowick, Ohio 44095

Bethel Lutheran Church Presents:

The 7th Annual Bethel Outreach Golf

Outing Friday, June 16, 2017

Briardale Greens Golf Course 24131 Briardale Ave., Euclid, OH 44123


Your Entry Fee Includes: 18 Holes of golf with cart

Scramble Format with teams of 4 players

Free range balls prior to the start of your round Gift bag for each golfer

Coffee and donuts in the morning Hotdogs, chips, and beer at the turn

Dinner that includes both ribs AND chicken following your round

One Raffle ticket entering you into the drawing for the door prize If you are registering as an individual, we will assign you to a team. If you are registering at least 2 but less than 4 golfers, be aware that we may need to exercise the option of assigning individual signups to your group to complete a foursome All proceeds from this golf outing will be used to support outreach programs in our local community. These programs include the Willowick Food Pantry and Willowick youth sports. Non-golfers are welcome to join us for the awards presentation and for only $26 per person; they are also welcome to join us for dinner beginning at 3:00 pm. So please feel free to mention this event to family, friends, and associates.

QUESTIONS? Contact the church office: (440) 943-5000

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Please tear here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Show your support here ▼…………………………AND / OR………… Sign up your team here ▼

B O G O SUPPORT (Please check appropriate line)

Cost: $75 each

TEAM MEMBER NAMES: (Please PRINT) Paid / Amount

_____ HOLE SPONSOR $100 (includes a sign on course at one of 18 tee locations) (PLEASE ENCLOSE BUSINESS CARD, .JPEG OR LETTERHEAD FOR SIGN CREATION)

1)___________________________________________ __________

_____ MONETARY DONATION – $ __________ 2) __________________________________________ __________


3) __________________________________________ __________

Your name:________________________________________________ Company name:____________________________________________ 4) __________________________________________ __________ Address:__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Non-golfers may join us for dinner at 3pm ($26 ea.) Phone:____________________________________________________ Include total # of non-golfers here > ____________ __________

MAIL CHECKS MADE PAYABLE TO: BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH (marked “Golf Outing”) along with this form to: Bethel Lutheran Church - 32410 Willowick Dr.- Willowick, OH 44095

Page 7: He Is Risen!! He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia · He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia Happy Easter one and all I n H is S ervice ♰ Rev. Donald P. Beaumont Rev. Donald P. Beaumont

Ladies Aid

It’s almost Easter! Can you believe it!

Easter blessings to each one of you reading this article today.

Our March meeting went good! Jeanne talked about the Mites that we collect and the grants that they go to.

This month, she talked about Veterans of the Cross. They were recently a recipient of a Grant from LWML. This

is not for the military but rather for Pastors or church workers’ pensions or for those that don’t have full salaries.

Some churches cannot afford to pay full salaries and this helps out.

We had a nice turnout at the prayer service that was held out at Grace – Thompson. We had around 9

ladies go with us and our Pastor went as well. There was a beautiful service and a lovely luncheon afterwards.

What a great day to spend with other ladies of our faith. The Spring Rally is April 22nd at Our Redeemer in

Solon. We will once again car pool from the church parking lot. Let Robin Bartley know if you are interested in

going ASAP. She needs to let them know so they can plan their luncheon, which costs $6 per person. Our Jeanne

Schimmelmann will be the speaker there on her trip to the Holy Land. And mark your calendars for the Fall

Retreat on September 16th at the Perry YWCA. Look for information/sign up documents to come soon, or ask

Robin Bartley for more information. Jeanne Schimmelman, Robin Bartley and Candy Smith will be going to the

LWML National Convention this year in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We can’t wait to hear all about it!!

Noisy Offerings are, well…..NOISY! On purpose! We would like to start doing these once a month at

both the Saturday and Sunday services. This would be an extra offering of just all the change you can save up

from month to month for our Mites! We take paper bills as well but they’re not as noisy!! These go to help fund all

the Mission Grants that LWML chooses every year. Please save all your coins (spare change) for the third

Saturday/Sunday services of every month and let’s make lots of noise when they collect them! Thank you!!

Our Spring Rummage Sale is right around the corner! It’s on Saturday, April 8th from 9am until 2pm.

Start bringing in your clean, gently used items now. If you would like to help set up for this sale, we will be doing

that on April 6th & 7th after 5:30 pm. Come and join in the fun! We are also looking for bakers to donate baked

goods. Please mark on it what it is and if there is anything in it that someone could be allergic to. AND, we sure

could use people to help clean up after the sale is done. Please be there by 2pm.

Pastor gave us a bible study about Philemon 1-25 – Friendship, Forgiveness and Reputation. It was very

informative and we even gave some right answers! Thank you Pastor Beaumont.

Also, our Mother’s Day Banquet is May 13th at 6pm!! The theme is “Mothers Bless our Nests”. The

menu will be Stuffed Pork Chops, Au Gratin Potatoes, Salad, Glazed Carrots, Rolls, Dirt Pudding with Gummy Bears

and beverages. Jeanne Schimmelman will be taking your reservations! The cost per meal is only $9 for adults and

$4 for children ages 12 and under. Such a bargain! Oh, and our entertainment will be a husband and wife duo

called, “More Than A Sparrow”. The concert will start approximately at 7pm upstairs in the church. EVERYONE

IS INVITED TO LISTEN TO THEM!! Come and join us. It’ll be fun!

We thank our Hostesses, Dianne Sprafka, Gertrud Neumann and Diana Helmink for the way yummy cakes

and candy! I do not think we have any Hostesses for April. Altar Guild for April is Jennifer Hummer.

Please note. Our next meeting is April 4th. If you are planning on attending this meeting, please

come in clothes you don’t mind getting dirty in. We are planning on cleaning the kitchen area after our

meeting is over. Also, if you have cleaning supplies such as rags, sprays, etc., please bring them!

Our March meeting ended at 8:18 with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted by Georgann Beaumont

Page 8: He Is Risen!! He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia · He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia Happy Easter one and all I n H is S ervice ♰ Rev. Donald P. Beaumont Rev. Donald P. Beaumont

MOTHER’S DAY BANQUET Saturday, May 13th at 6pm

“Mothers Bless Our Nests” $9.00 adults

$4.00 age 12 & under

Stuffed pork chops – Au gratin potatoes – Salad – Glazed carrots – Rolls

Dirt pudding with gummy bears – Beverages


Contact the church office at 440-943-5000

Entertainment provided at 7pm by the husband & wife duo

“More Than a Sparrow”









Page 9: He Is Risen!! He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia · He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia Happy Easter one and all I n H is S ervice ♰ Rev. Donald P. Beaumont Rev. Donald P. Beaumont

Below is a list of our elderly who

do not get out much. Please

remember them with notes, cards,

a phone call or a visit in person –

and most of all in our prayers.

Wally & Kim Morris Jr. 4/15

George & Beth Middleton 4/22

EASTER LIFTS THE FOG A friend stood one day where he could view the

Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. At first it was

completely shrouded in early morning fog. But as the sun rose,

the fog lifted between the upright piers of the bridge, leaving

the land anchors still unseen.

Is it not so with life? We see only what is between the

great piers called birth and death. But Easter lifts the fog from

both. Easter is the time when we see more completely the

anchorages that sustain life.

—George Mecklenberg

Vivian Anderson Marge Kenerson

Charles Babinyecz Helen Kovach

Harry & Lois Crispin Ralph Kruse

Joanne Drury Irene Kurz

Ethel Giuffre Virginia Potting

Helen Herborn Norma Pecsok

Manfred Ruhe

LACQUERED WITH LOVE Japanese artisans practice a 500-year-old

Japanese art called kintsugi, or “golden joinery,” to

reassemble broken pieces of pottery using a lacquer

mixed with gold, silver or platinum. The premise is

that brokenness doesn’t render something useless or

ugly. Indeed, another Japanese term, wabi-sabi,

means “to find beauty in broken or old things.”

We come to Jesus broken, but he doesn’t

discard us. He heals us, though our scars do often

remain visible — just as the spear and nail prints

remained in his own body when God raised him from

death. The Holy Spirit coats our wounds and

fractures with the lacquer of divine love, and we

become uniquely beautiful, appealing to others so

they can find support for their own healing. Our scars

tell them they aren’t alone, while the brokenness

that’s part of another’s faith journey assures us that

we, too, have companionship

along the way.

Robin Bartley 4/2

Dianne Sprafka 4/2

Gunter Neumann 4/4

Joanne Suydam 4/10

David Hummer 4/22

Frank Sajn 4/22

Sherry Warrington 4/22

Geriann Bossman 4/24

Daniel Blaha 4/25

Dan Bunsey 4/26

Page 10: He Is Risen!! He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia · He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia Happy Easter one and all I n H is S ervice ♰ Rev. Donald P. Beaumont Rev. Donald P. Beaumont


Apr 1


Alice Dave P.


John Linda




Apr 2


Wyn Brian


Dave Linda




Apr 5


Dave Linda Mark Christine




Apr 8


Christine Dave P.


Herman Christine




Apr 9


Dee Donna


John Christine




Apr 13


Scott Jim S.


Dave Jack




Apr 14


Christine Christine Herman Jack




Apr 14


Jeanne Gertrud


Ken Jack




Apr 15


Pat Dave P.


Herman Jack




Apr 16


Dee Brian


John Jack




Apr 16


Dave Jim K.


Mark Jack




Apr 22


Scott Dave P.


Herman Christine




Apr 23


Karen Brian


Dave Christine




Apr 29


Christine Dave P.


Ken Linda




Apr 30


Jeanne Christine


Mark Linda



Members who

are serving

this month

April 2017

Altar Duty:

Jen Hummer

Bold: Communion

* Denotes a change

Bold italics:


* Denotes a


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