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Page 1: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

Harry and Rosemary Wong

Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class


Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch

Page 2: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

Activating Activity With a partner or by yourself, script in

detail the first five minutes or the first day of your new school year.

Page 3: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

Some background

Today’s most widely followed authorities in classroom management.

They believe the key to desirable classroom behaviour and learning lies in

1.clarifying the responsibilities of teachers and students and 2.teaching the procedures students are expected to follow in


They have found that once students are habituated to responsibilities and procedures, misbehaviour fades away.

Page 4: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

The Wongs’ Principles

They believe the main problem is not discipline, it is a failure to plan, and that by applying their strategies, classrooms can run like clockwork.

Teachers need to plan the entire first day of school right down to the minute.

During the first week the most important thing a teacher can provide is the security of consistency.

Page 5: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

Principles Cont’d

Well-managed classrooms are task oriented and predictable.

Ineffective teachers spend the first day teaching a subject, and the rest of the year running after students.

Effective teachers spend most of the first two weeks teaching students to follow classroom procedures so that students are better able to learn.

Page 6: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

Establish Good Procedures

Decide what routines are needed for the activities you provide.

Make lists for students to follow in order to participate and benefit.

Suggest that teachers have a large number of procedures.

Every time you want students to do something you need to have a procedure to follow.

Page 7: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

Example: Grade 4 Morning Entry Procedure

Empty your backpack, place it neatly outside, and bring in homework and needed supplies.

Enter the classroom in a quiet and orderly manner. Greet your teacher as you enter and say “hi” to

your classmates. Turn in your homework or keep it at your desk to

be graded in class. Begin your seatwork.

Page 8: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

Classroom Procedures Must Be Taught

Teachers need to teach procedures, not just talk about them

Three Step Method for teaching procedures: Explain – teacher states, explains and

demonstrates Rehearse – students rehearse and practice

procedure Reinforce – teacher provides re-teaching, rehearsal

and reinforcement until procedures are habituated.

Page 9: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

About Classroom Teachers and Procedures

Poor behaviour is not bad discipline, but errors in classroom management.

Classrooms must not be allowed to degenerate into chaos.

The Wongs claim their approach works quite well at the secondary level, their website includes testimonials from high school teachers.

Page 10: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

Stress Established Responsibilities Within the Classroom Environment

My Responsibilities As Your Teacher To treat you with respect and care as an individual To provide you an orderly classroom environment To provide the necessary discipline To provide appropriate motivation To teach you the required content

Page 11: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

Your Responsibilities As My Students

To treat me with respect and care as an individual.

To attend classes regularly. To cooperate and not be disruptive. To study and do your work well. To learn and master the required content.

Page 12: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

The First Day of School

What you do on the first day of school determines the success for the rest of the year.

Page 13: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

First Day Advice from the Wongs Have the room ready when the students arrive. Post schedules, rules, and procedures and a

preview of what’s to come. Post info and a picture of yourself and a welcome

sign. Display your diploma and credentials. Wear neat, professional clothing. Stand when speaking and use short, clear

sentences or phrases.

Page 14: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

More advice…. Use a firm but soft voice. For younger students: clearly label desks,

coat hooks, and cubbies and encourage student use of them.

Use a seating plan. Go to school early. Set high expectations.

Page 15: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

More advice… Have an assignment that’s interesting but fairly

easy to give students a sense of accomplishment -this sets the tone of the class. Take roll while the students work.

Don’t have any student free time at first, plan too much rather than too little.

Stand outside your classroom door and greet students.

You mission during the first few days is to establish student routines and procedures.

Page 16: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

Advice for the First Week of Teaching

Three most important things to teach – discipline, procedures and routines.

Explain your discipline plan and put it into effect immediately.

State procedures and rehearse them until they become routine.

Page 17: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

About Discipline Follow suggestions about teaching routines, you’ll

have little trouble with discipline. To have a safe, orderly environment, establish rule

indicating expected student behaviour and enforce rules.

Helps to create a work-oriented atmosphere Consequences should be attached to rules, positive

for compliance, negative for non-compliance.

Page 18: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

Discipline cont’d

Explain expectations, rules and consequences on the first day of school.

Limit the number of rules to five, post them in class.

State rules in a positive manner. Example:

Follow directions the first time they are given. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.

Page 19: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

The more students work together responsibly, the more they learn.

Short assignments produce higher student achievement.

Intersperse questions throughout a lesson for greater retention.

Students learn more from an activity question approach that from a textbook-lecture approach.

You can have your achievements or you can have your excuses.

Some of the Wongs’ aphorisms

Page 20: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

The Wongs believe… Teachers go through four stages of development: Fantasy – unrealistic imagined teaching scenarios Survival – just getting by day to day Mastery – reaching a high level of competence Impact – making a major difference in students’


Good management moves you quickly from the fantasy stage to mastery.

Page 21: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

Closing thoughts Teacher directed approach - teacher establishes

class expectations and procedures, explains them fully, and teaches them to the students through modeling and direct practice until the associated behaviours become routine.

Plan specifically and in detail – organization enables you to stay on schedule.

Feel secure in teaching and present yourself as a knowledgeable professional.

Page 22: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

Helpful Resources The Wongs write a monthly column at

They also have their own website

Page 23: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.


Page 24: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

Activating Activity Discussion Pull out your detailed plan that we had you

script at the beginning of our presentation. Are there any concepts or procedures that

the Wongs suggest that you will now incorporate into your first five minutes or the first day of the new school year?

Page 25: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

Teacher Quiz True or False

1. It is more efficient to have your students pass their papers across the rows than up the


2. Scatter questions throughout the lesson or chapter rather than placed at the end.

3. An assignment must be posted and in a consistent location before the students enter the class.

4. To increase assignment completion, give structures, precise assignments.

5. Use a norm-referenced test to check for achievement.

6. The number of students in a group is determined by the size of your room.

7. Begin each day or period by taking roll as quickly and efficiently as possible.

8. Tests must be given when enough material has been covered.

9. A teacher can change to most any other position in education in three to five years with a raise in salary of 25 percent or more.

Page 26: Harry and Rosemary Wong Using Responsibilities and Procedures to Establish Class Discipline Lindsay Black, Carolyn Coupland, Jodi Kelsch.

Teacher Quiz

10. Teachers are an underpaid group of people who do not have respect of the public.

11. Praise the student when the student does well.

12. An excellent way to get class attention is to flick the lights.

13. The assignment and the test should be written at the same time.

14. Beginning teachers are better off using general rules.

15. The number one problem in the classroom is discipline.

16. Procedures have no penalties or rewards.

17. To increase student learning and achievement, tell the students what to do.

18. The main purpose of aq seating arrangement is keeping students quiet.

19. The number of questions on a test is governed by the number of objectives on the assignment.

20. Learning is more effective when it takes place as a solitary activity.

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