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Introduction 3

Astrological Information 4

Origins of the Elder Race and Man 24

Service Paths 37

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This issue is the beginning of a compendium… documenting the discussions on

the Antiquatis Institute Fora, over the years.

A handful of people who came together and found a shared base of knowledge

and spiritual attitude, have discussed and shared their thoughts on a wide range of

topics, on these fora. From Astrology to Physics, from Psychology to Medicine,

from Mythology to Religion, an attempt has been made to develop a coherent

view of the Universe, which would help us be better participants in mankind’s de-

velopment. The chronicles have been named after Hanuman, as the life story and

attitude of this being from mythos corresponds closely to the aspirations of many

on the forum.

Since the format of a forum naturally makes it a little difficult to follow all the

threads pertaining to a single topic, an attempt has been made here to compile

those exchanges into something one can refer to, for an overview. The reader can

use the Ra Material as a reference for any terms not understood. First person ref-

erences occur where necessary, via the handle name of the forum user.

We hope you are able to share this journey of new ideas with us.


Hanuman Chronicles

July 2012


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Astrological Information


The Sun is the primary focus of astrology. The Sun's position in the zodiac is very important

and most people agree it deserves first consideration. It's the core of the individual; the overrid-

ing nature and will. This is the influence that describes the "you" that is trying to be in this life-

time. This is your "awake" side, your consciousness and outer-directed individuality. Thus, the

Sun is the most important single indicator, energizing the total personality. The nature of your

Sun sign is your true colors that you display to world day in and day out.

1. Sun in Aries

In Aries, the Sun is highly action oriented. You like to do your thing, and you are opinionated

and direct in doing it. Your Aries personality constantly wants to charge ahead, and insists on

being the one who organizes, rather than ever allowing yourself to be led or organized by oth-

ers. You have a hard time recognizing any point of view except your own. Highly action ori-

ented, when an idea strikes you, you are off quickly to carry it out. Yet you are not so good in

seeing projects through to a conclusion. Follow-up and finish work are not matters that suit

your style. You constantly need new goals, new projects, and new challenges.

You are a quick learner and a self-starter; enthusiastic and curious. The main challenge for an

Aries Sun sign native is the control of impulses. You must avoid scattering forces, for if you

can learn to think before taking action, your energetic nature will enable you to do much. Natu-

ral impulsiveness and inability to listen to the advice of others sometimes involves you in diffi-

culties. To succeed, you must learn to think everything through carefully before you proceed.

Patience and the ability to plan are areas in which you may have to apply extra effort. You must

reflect on the total effect of your actions to grow and progress in life.

You may have a sharp temper and a quick fuse as Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet associated

with war and combat. Fortunately, you get over anger as quickly as it comes, and you never

hold a grudge. You are neither devious nor subtle in your actions. Many Aries Sun natives are

down right blunt. Only with concentration and attention can you ever acquire much diplomacy

and tact.

With your natural Aries inclinations, you have a true adventurer's or pioneer's spirit; a longing

for independence and a tendency to fancy yourself as a free soul. Born to lead, but not born to

handle the mundane responsibility or bureaucratic red tape. When faced with complex details,

you become very frustrated. Fully matured, your Aries spirit aspires to a gallant "never say die"

attitude, and a willingness to take advantage of each new opportunity that comes along.

2. Sun in Taurus

As a Taurus, you are likely to be very patient, a hard worker, and one of those people who con-

stantly put forth much sustained effort. Your demeanor is slow and deliberate, and attempts by

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others to hurry you rarely succeed. You need time to adjust to new ideas and changes. You can

be stubborn to the point of becoming rigid, but you are practical and constructive in nearly eve-

rything you do. You carefully consider options before starting any action or coming to any con-

clusion. You function best under conditions where there is predictability, and where you can

exercise a degree of control.

Good-natured and friendly, your placid demeanor rarely shows upset or anger. When you are

aroused, as suggested by the symbol of the sign, your reactions are very much like those of the

angered bull. This anger can be reckless, and often lingers.

There is a certain reluctance in the Taurus nature to try anything new or different. You don't

take many chances, and you believe in sticking with the familiar and comfortable. There is not

much adventure in your soul, and it is probably fair to label you a conservative individual. The

danger with Taurus is the tendency to become too narrow-minded and to dismiss anything that

can't be seen, touched, smelled or tasted.

You are not usually the first to learn a lesson, but when it is mastered, you are not likely ever to

forget. Retentive and steadfast, you don't scatter your energies. You may be lazy at times, per-

haps not spending any energy at all for extended periods. Yet long term, you are very willing to

assume responsibility and shoulder more than your fair share of the load.

You may be materialistic, often showing interests in money, security, and comforts in life. To

those you love, you often show your feelings in a material way, and you appreciate the same in

return. The Taurus personality is sometimes too concerned with money and possessions. Per-

haps a little indulgent and luxury-loving, you relish creature comforts and appreciate beautiful

possessions. Because of these interests, you have good taste in clothing and furnishings. You

also may have a talent for landscaping and working with plants and flowers to make your sur-

rounding more pleasant and appealing.

You may excel as a cook, but even if you don't have the inclination to prepare it, you certainly

enjoy food; perhaps too much. Because of this, you may have a battle with your weight. A slow

metabolism and lack of interest in exercise often compound this problem.

A natural interest in art and music often leads to careers or hobby pursuits in some form of art.

Taurus is the sign that rules the throat, so you may have a fine singing and speaking voice.

Love relationships are very important to you. Since you don't like being alone, you may settle

for a partnership that is less than ideal, instead of accepting loneliness. Once settled in a rela-

tionship, you are very steadfast and dependable. You are exceedingly loyal, and make a very

faithful friend. The most appealing aspect of Taurus, that sweet and loving temperament, is the

often present when the Sun appears in Taurus.

3. Sun in Gemini

In Gemini the Sun is active, restless and changeable. You like plenty of variety in your every-

day activities, in your friends, and even in your diet. Your interests are many and diverse--

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almost anything will attract your attention if only for a brief time. Truly, this is the sign of the

jack-of-all-trades. As the story goes, you may find that unless you can develop your powers of

perseverance, you may be the master of none. Your varied interests can result in a tendency for

you to spread yourself too thin, sometimes failing to follow through on projects you've begun.

Being very curious, you want to know and experience as much as you can. Gemini is the sign of

duality. You find it difficult to limit yourself to one job, to one relationship, or one hobby, as

you constantly seek variety and mental adventure. You scatter your energies because you don't

want to miss anything. You are a lifelong student, never tiring of learning new subjects. You

collect facts and tidbits of data, but you may not always have the big picture.

To the Gemini person, communication is of utmost importance. You flourish on ideas, with a

mind that is ever so quick and curious. You are a person who enjoys talking and writing. All

sorts of communication ideas appeal to nature. You are aware of all that is going on around you,

and you want to understand and participate in it all. You are hard to pin down and even harder

to beat in a debate. Your abilities of combining quick comprehension, and the communication

of this comprehension to others, are the hallmarks of your sign. You can talk yourself into and

out of situations with ease. Often Mercury people (Gemini's ruling planet is Mercury) take mis-

chievous delight in disconcerting slower minds with their fast paced mental antics. You like to

be around people, and you never do well working alone or on any routine type job.

Extremely friendly, you enjoy companionship, and really thrive on it. Just as you don't like to

be without activity, you don't like to be alone. You are likely to have a very wide circle of

friends with whom you enjoy many activities--movies, games, conversation, and such. You are

naturally outgoing and possess a sparkling wit. You are apt to become quickly bored with con-

servative types that can't make a decision or agree with your need to impose change. Not being

very introspective or reflective, often you don't understand your motivations or the motivations

of others. So in many ways, relationships can be shallow and superficial. Your restless mercu-

rial nature requires constant excitement and change, or you'll become very dispirited and mo-


4. Sun in Cancer

The Sun is in this fourth sign of the Sidereal zodiac from July 17 to August 16 each year. The

symbol for Cancer is the Crab, with its protective shell. People with this Sun sign are some-

times also called "Moon Children," because the Moon is the ruler of the sign.

In Cancer the Sun is receptive and moody. You are a very sensitive person who is easily influ-

enced by your environment. You are likely to be exceedingly protective of your feelings, as

well as the feelings of those to whom you are close. Emotions are strong in your nature. You

approach life with many feelings and a strong nurturing tendency. Your moods are varied and

changeable. They are synchronized to the Moon, flowing in and out like the tide. You are

acutely aware of the atmosphere of feelings surrounding you. You're skeptical and distrustful of

people. It's not what they say, but simply the way they say it and the way you interpret their


You need to tell your deepest thoughts. When those around you are not receptive, you can be-

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come quite difficult to reach. The "crabby" part of Cancer shows up once in awhile, as well.

When these moods are in control of your behavior, you can snap someone's head off for no rea-

son at all. People you live around have to learn that you are not really angry with them. This is

just the way Moon children are sometimes. By nature you are quiet and somewhat reserved, fre-

quently retreating or putting up a protective barrier when you feel in any way threatened.

You are attuned to the past. You tend to cling to reminders and memorabilia of your family and

of earlier times. Many Cancers are attracted to collecting antiques. You may be one of those

people who collect just about everything. It's hard for you to part with something when there

may be a chance need some rainy day, no matter how remote that chance may be. Cancers are

the original "pack-rats."

You place much importance on the home and family. Your family or your "family of friends" is

the center of your life. They provide you your sense of security and belonging. Your role in this

environment is the source of your self-esteem and often overshadows your sense of individual-

ity. It's hard to break away from your early upbringing and depart from the family traditions

you have experienced. Cancer is the sign of motherhood. In both sexes, it produces a parenting

instinct that is caring, protective, and indulging. Even unmarried Cancers adopt friends, co-

workers, and neighbors in an extended family situation.

Hardworking and dedicated, you make an excellent employee. You are loyal and respect au-

thority. This makes you supportive and protective of the boss and rarely questioning company

policy. You do find it very difficult to handle change and disruption. If you are the boss, you

like your employees to be dedicated as you are. Unfortunately, sometimes you may surround

yourself with "yes men" who simply reinforce your decisions. You don't take chances or risk

sweeping change.

Money is very important to you. Not for what it will buy or for the freedom it provides, but for

the sense of security it provides. No matter what else is to be said of Cancer, security and hav-

ing the protective shell in place, is overriding.

5. Sun in Leo

In Leo, the Sun is magnetic, forceful, and dominant. You possess a good nature that is very gen-

erous, allowing you to attract many friends and followers. You can easily become a natural

leader because of your demeanor and because you are ambitious, determined, and highly indus-

trious. Self-assurance and dignity are very strong in your nature. Your magnetic personality lets

you sell yourself or your ideas easily, and your persistence at doing so further enhances your

leadership potential. You are at your best when placed in charge of a large scheme, for you are

truly a fine organizer. You enjoy being in a position of authority because you know you were

born to rule. Your sunny disposition allows you to be candid, outspoken, and very direct in all

matters, without upsetting people. You possess natural leadership ability, and project such con-

fidence and authority that you inspire others to follow you.

The typical Leo is a natural showman, and delights in having a full measure of recognition and

admiration. Leo is the most expressive sign in the zodiac. You love to show off. You probably

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see your role in life as the starring role. Often the Leo personality chooses some artistic form

through which to express talent. There is much drama associated with Leo, and the general ap-

proach to life is full of emotional exuberance. If you are not careful, these traits can result in too

large an ego, which in turn can make you very susceptible to flattery. Though you have a high

opinion of yourself, you still need the approbation and appreciation of your friends and follow-

ers. Your ego needs constant reinforcement. This helps keep the spotlight focused on your ac-


Naturally emotionally exuberant, you are not only a good actor, but you make a truly out-

standing teacher, as well. The Leo association with the fifth house of the chart suggests a strong

bond with children. You may consider your children to be expressions of your creativity. Typi-

cally, the Leo is very close to children, the loving benefactor and protector.

The lordly Leo sometimes feels there should be an automatic granting of power and authority.

Because of this, you may be one of those Leo types who don’t feel the need to work your way

to the top. Though in many ways you show that you are ambitious, you also can be lazy. You

may only want to work at jobs that offer prestige, glamour, power or a good time. You exert

yourself only in those situations were you can exhibit your star quality, and garner the attention

and respect of others.

Your gift is surely the ability that you naturally possess to lead and to inspire. You are at home

on the stage or at the podium. Your poorest showing comes when you are unable to control

your ego, and you let an exaggerated sense of your own importance get the upper hand. In spite

of your self-assurance and dignity, you may have a degree of concern about being laughed at or

disgraced in some way. Again, ego is at the base of your nature and being.

6. Sun in Virgo

In Virgo the Sun is orderly and thoughtful. With the Sun in Virgo you are predisposed to be

hardworking, conscientious, and well-organized. Modest, discriminating and thorough, every-

thing you do, you do well. Practical and down to earth, you are a diligent worker with a compe-

tent, discriminating intellect. You are highly analytical and exacting, especially adapted to han-

dling projects with painstaking perfection. Thus, you are fond of good workmanship and the

utmost in quality. You are dependable because your approach is always one based on common

sense and a realistic and analytical assessment of the problem.

You give much attention to detail, but you can carry this to extremes, becoming fussy and criti-

cal, sometimes interfering. Large-scale projects can overwhelm you because of your insistence

on perfection. Unless you can deliver such quality, you may become frustrated and discouraged.

There is always the tendency and danger with Virgo that the big picture idea will be missed in

search of minute details. You expect yourself and everyone around you to be perfect, often set-

ting yourself up for disappointment. Your outlook is too negative and picky sometimes.

Modest and unassuming, you are usually content to live in the background. Your attitude, at

times, can become puritanical and prudish. You consider yourself an ordinary person, and you

are never given to any airs of pretentiousness or showing off. There may be a tendency for you

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to see your role as one of service and "behind the scenes" support activity.

You have a serious attitude toward refining your mind and acquiring knowledge. With your

highly varied interests, you can gain a remarkable amount of data about different subjects. You

instinctively know that you must grasp all parts before you can fully understand the whole. Sys-

tematizing and detail organization are your strengths. You are idealistic, but always practical

and reasonable. You're not likely to make general statements based on too few facts.

You may be somewhat health conscious, for you have an instinctive sense of balance in diet.

You're very sensible in taking care of your health, and for that matter, the health of others. Of-

ten, the Virgo becomes exceptionally neat and orderly, even a bit neurotic about cleanliness.

You're likely to be susceptible to stress related problems because you do tend to worry too


7. Sun in Libra

In Libra the Sun is tolerant, affectionate, and well balanced. You are a courteous and agreeable

person who is considerate of other people's feelings. You have a personal charisma attracting

friends. Functioning well when working in harmony with other people, you are an excellent

team player. You like being on the winning team.

You prefer working in a pleasant and very orderly atmosphere, with people who don't put undue

pressure on you. You like to see your role as that of peacemaker. Peace and tranquility are so

important. The least sign of hostility or discord is very upsetting to you. You refrain from

speaking your mind if you fear your thoughts would alienate or start an argument. Always

ready to compromise or mediate, you need to be careful not to appear wishy-washy or less than


In many ways, you are dependent upon the approval of others. Libra is the sign of relationships.

You think of yourself as half a partnership rather than an individual. Because of this feeling of

dependence, you put your mate's needs and desires ahead of your own. You may become con-

fused as to what you want at any particular time, versus what your partner wants. Your partner's

goals and ambitions become your goals and ambitions. You are the true helpmate. Because of

this attitude, Libra is very stable and dependent in a relationship, even a bad one.

As attached as you are to your partner, you may not really show it much. In your quest for bal-

ance and harmony, you rarely have or express strong emotions of any kind. Yours is a very dis-

passionate demeanor that is detached. You don't invest much passion or feeling in your relation-

ships, loving with your head instead of your heart.

When cast in a supervisory role you may have some difficulties. This is because you weigh

each decision before choosing your direction. You can experience problems if you are called on

to make frequent snap decisions for the group. You are an excellent go-between, and not as

good at being the leader or boss. Unfortunately, such a balanced view of situations sometimes

makes decisive action more difficult. You have a hard time making everyday decisions of little

or no consequence. On the big issues, you may vacillate indefinitely.

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One of your main personality traits is a love of justice. You are insistent on fair play. In this too,

you have a very balanced and unbiased way of looking at everything in your world. Accord-

ingly, you are often called on to be mediator in family disputes or in disagreements at work.

Your impartial judgment can always see both sides of a matter. You can be very cool and de-

tached, keeping your feelings well under control in pursuit of fairness.

Your love of balance and harmony allows you to appreciate music and the arts. Libra is ruled

by Venus, the planet closely associated with artistic endeavors. If you don't have talent yourself,

you probably to do have an interest and excellent taste in these matters.

Courteous and refined, good manners are important to you. You exhibit them and you expect

them. You are especially repelled by vulgarity and coarseness. Tactful, diplomatic, refined and

socially successful, you strive to say and do the right thing. It is always so important for you to

make the right impression.

8. Sun in Scorpio

Like the other water signs, this sign is very sensitive and emotional. With Scorpio, unlike the

water signs Cancer and Pisces, the emotions remain under rigid control. They may not even be

apparent to those who are very close to you. When your emotions do erupt, they do so very vio-

lently, often with a strong burst of sarcasm and vindictiveness.

The strength of Scorpio is in the methods employed to meet every challenge. You approach

everything with intensity and passion. Nothing is ever halfway because you put everything you

have in your work; mind, heart, soul. You are one of those people who always give 100% and

sometimes more. Many born under the sign Scorpio become classic workaholics.

You may have an undesirable trait commonly found in the Scorpio person, holding a grudge for

a very long time. The underside of Scorpio is often possessed with uncontrollable jealousies and

the strongest passions. When offended the reaction is surely revenge. The higher side of Scor-

pio still dominates people and situations, but with much for the common good. This sign pro-

duces very few lukewarm people. You are either very bad or very good.

In Scorpio, the Sun is intense, skeptical and secretive. There is an intensity and a secretiveness

in your makeup which results in an inscrutable persona most people cannot penetrate. This trait

makes the Scorpio personality hard to detect. You like to remain incognito, and do so with your

very secretive nature. You are a master at hiding your emotions. You neither flinch nor blush.

It's hard for you to share your inner feelings with anyone.

You can be very critical and demanding, creating a forceful and dominating demeanor. You are

strong-willed and determined, and you usually act with incisiveness. Your critical nature allows

you to make shrewd and unusually accurate judgments at a rapid rate. You can penetrate the

hidden agenda of those you meet. It is in your nature to protect yourself by knowing what your

opponents are thinking and doing. You have uncanny intuition and accurate perceptions, mak-

ing you almost psychic in understanding and making emotional connections with other people.

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Very few successfully earn your trust. Often, you experience difficulties with the authority fig-

ures in your life.

At home, you may be something of a tyrant, wanting everything done your way. You think you

are always right and won't tolerate dissent. There is a tendency for you to impose your will on

friends and family since you feel so passionately that your ideas are in their best interest. No

one takes relationships more serious than you. Although you are highly attracted to, and attrac-

tive to, the opposite sex, in many respects you function well as a 'lone wolf' type.

9. Sun in Sagittarius

. In Sagittarius the Sun is idealistic and optimistic. Sagittarius is the sign that espouses such

high principles as universal love and world peace. As this period of the year is associated with

the spirit of giving and good cheer, the Sagittarius personality is recognized for its generosity

and expansive demeanor.

You are very gregarious, enthusiastic, and open, in all that you do. You have an ability to un-

derstand a broad perspective, and to see everything from a total point of view. Your foresight

and an ability to visualize the big picture make matters work out well for you most of the time.

Always thinking in broad abstract terms, you usually have trouble focusing on details that arise.

In many ways you are spontaneous, but with this comes an inclination to be bluntly honest and

frank, or at least, straightforward and much to the point. You never intend to hurt anyone, but

the truth is all important to you, and you never hesitate to tell it like it is. Tact and restraint can

be issues of concern, but you probably don't care. You are so independent. You can rarely be

pushed an inch in any direction unless you decide the direction your being pushed is where you

want to go.

These blows are softened only by your warm, jovial and outgoing friendliness. Even when you

stick your hoof in your mouth you can recover and show up as a winner. Often "lady luck" just

smiles on you. Sagittarius has a happy-go-lucky, honest, cheerful, and ever optimistic approach

to life; but then can turn right around and be so careless, restless and extravagant.

You have a natural love of the outdoors and may develop strong enthusiasm for sports and out-

door adventure. Sagittarius is the sign most often associated with sports, and you are inclined to

physical activity and active endeavors, particularly outdoors.

Future-oriented, you rarely allow problems or setbacks to get you down for long. You put dis-

appointment behind you and start working toward your next adventure. Never satisfied with

moving along in slow lane, you want to set the pace on a grand scale. Whatever you set out to

do, must be the biggest and best. You want to live life to its fullest. You can work well with

anybody, accepting them for what they are. You are the natural, open-hearted extrovert, an easy

person live and work with. Relying on your glibness and complete self-confidence, you are a

natural in the world of selling. Still in the area of organization and perseverance you may need

help from other factors in the chart. If you are like most Sagittarius natives, you can be down

right irresponsible and unreliable at times. Your personality is such, however, that people don't

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get upset about it. It's that natural Sagittarius charm that carries you through the tough spots.

Sagittarius is the sign of higher education. You live to expand your horizons in every possible

way, wanting to see the world and experience it. You want to meet interesting people and try

everything. Your curiosity is boundless and your desire for knowledge is paramount.

10. Sun in Capricorn

In Capricorn, the Sun is strongly goal-directed and persistent. Ambitious, serious and dedicated

to duty, life is difficult, but you are the type of person who will triumph and achieve success.

Your aptitude to persevere, no matter how difficult the road, sets you apart from most of your

peers. You are anxious to climb the ladder of fortune, and you can usually reach your goals be-

cause of your sense of the right way of doing everything. Your patience is never ending.

You are a very thoughtful and serious person, thinking everything through carefully before you

set off in any direction. You possess excellent reasoning skills, and you can be counted on to

select options that are both practical and that provide an economic advantage. Your attitude is

conservative; conservative with time, money, and all other resources. Your philosophy is waste

not, want not. You are also likely to be conservative in your political and social attitudes, al-

though your age, upbringing, and education perspectives may influence this somewhat.

You are especially well suited to business and government because of your sense of organiza-

tion and structure. You combine a talent for management with an ability to carry out instruc-

tions with care. You are the quintessential careerist, taking job and duties very seriously. There-

fore, you are never one to shirk responsibility and you have very little use for those that do.

That which matter most to you is your public image. You show your best face to the public.

You enjoy being in a position of power and authority, although you are not very much inclined

to enjoy the limelight. You may prefer instead to run your business from an isolated perspec-

tive. You are loyal and dedicated, and you demand utter loyalty and dedication from subordi-

nates. Advancing up the ladder of success is all important. You are unconcerned about, some-

times even ruthless toward, those getting in your path as you move upward.

You don't handle chaotic situations very well. You may need to develop the ability to lighten up

a little and not take life, and everything else so seriously. Although you are self-disciplined, re-

sponsible, and practical, at times you can wallow in self-pity. It's essential for you to remember

that your most important asset is self-esteem, and you should never devalue this. Rigidity and

fear of change may be your biggest stumbling block.

Sober and reserved in your dealings with others, it takes you a good while to warm up enough

to anyone to be considered a close friend. Yet once you do, you are a very caring, reliable, and

most steadfast ally. Your private side is different from your public side. In private you are shy

and sensitive. The harshness of your public image disappears. Emotionally demanding relation-

ships are very difficult. Love relationships may be more like business relationships, and you are

unsure of yourself in most intimate situations.

11. Sun in Aquarius

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In Aquarius the Sun is eccentric and original. You're apt to be a superb thinker, and your ideas

are frequently advanced, no matter what field of profession you select. Often, your unique ap-

proaches to problem solving are viewed as too radical and unworkable, but you prefer to think

of them as advanced and progressive instead. Unconventional and outspoken, you see your role

as the rebel and the person who rejects worn out traditions and old ways of operating. You like

to be with those ushering in the new order and fostering advanced thinking.

Paradoxically, you're a good team player, but one who must have personal freedom. You don't

like to feel fenced in. While you're headstrong and inflexible in your ways, you can work very

effectively within a large group. You have complete respect for the sound ideas put forward by

others. You are aloof and detached, and your concerns are directed toward society rather than to

the problems of any one person. You are somewhat impersonal most of the time. You're more

emotionally involved with your work than you are with people. You can be highly critical and

demanding in a position of authority. Nonetheless, you are a strong leader and organizer. You

have a deep understanding of human nature, but often you lack sensitivity to the emotional con-

tent of many situations.

You thrive on change and managing the unexpected. Always ahead of your time, you are

viewed by everyone as being different and unusual, labels you don't mind accepting. You pride

yourself on your ability to find a better way of doing the job. Sometimes you lack follow

through, and you always dislike routine. You like to take chances and keep everything stirred

up. Occasionally, you enjoy antagonizing people in positions of authority, and stimulating a

good argument now and then. You don't mind that you are seen as a bit unusual, in fact, you

may encourage this image.

Equality, freedom and fairness are all important issues for you. You strongly subscribe to the

doctrine that all people are created equal and should have the same rights and opportunities. In

this regard, you are likely to be classified as a progressive and often associated with humanitar-

ian issues and causes. Though you are very involved with such matters, your approach is always

somewhat in the abstract, with ideological concepts, the sort that don't usually stem from true

emotions. Your approach is often very impersonal and detached.

Friendly and sociable, you may have a wide circle of acquaintances. Friends are very important

to you. Intellectually oriented, you are happiest with friends that share common ideas and inter-

ests. Strangely, you find it more difficult to cultivate a truly satisfying intimate relationship.

This aloofness exists because feelings are rarely expressed outwardly, and you usually seem

distant. You resist anything or anyone threatening your independence.

Sun in Pisces

In Pisces, the Sun is sensitive and idealistic. You are "tuned in" to your environment, and aware

of everything happening in your world, and to everyone around you. Pisces is the dream sign of

the zodiac. You may be one of the true dreamers of the world, often getting caught up in im-

practical plans and ideas. You absorb the ideas and the mental outlook of those around you, for

better or for worse. The decisions that you make may be workable, if sometimes emotional and

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erratic. Often these decisions are made on hunches and feelings with little or no foundation in

fact. Creative, spiritual and often a bit mystical, you can be impractical and illogical.

You're a moody and introspective person, and it's hard for others to understand you. It may be

hard for you to understand yourself sometimes. Your temperament varies from being optimistic

to being acutely pessimistic.

Although you may be very shy and unassuming, you care deeply about your stature and suc-

ceeding in your endeavors. You may feel vulnerable and anxious when you are unsure of your

status and circumstances. You have a deeply hidden inner pride and when this is attacked in any

way, you react emotionally.

Compassionate, tolerant, kind, and loving, you are easily influenced by others because you

don't want to hurt anyone. Always charming and likable, you are good to those in distress. You

are as fond of animals as you are people. You are sympathetic to the world's unfortunate, in-

cluding every stray animal and helpless soul you meet. You are more concerned with others'

well-being than your own, and you want to save people from themselves. You are easily taken

in by a hard-luck story and often leave yourself open to be used. You are always there with a

shoulder to cry on for your friends in need. Frequently people take advantage of this compas-

sionate nature.

If you are a typical Pisces, you're likely to suffer from an inferiority complex. You probably

lack an adequate sense of self-confidence, as you are so very sensitive, shy and introspective.

You never feel that you do enough, so you often overwork, putting stress on your physical

body. In your quiet way, you accomplish much. Having a natural tendency to become a worka-

holic, you must have a generous amount of escape time, preferably with total solitude.

Pisces, more than any other sign, draws strength or weakness from the rest of the horoscope.

The nature of Pisces is very adaptable and pliable. You may have to fight for a sense of stability

and to resist the impulses of the moment.


This first house is the "house of the self "as it deals with the physical person. The Rising sign

or Ascendant is a filter lens through which the Sun, the Moon, and the planets come into play.

The Ascendant distinguishes the different variables in disposition, temperament and even physi-

cal appearances in persons born on the same day, but at different times. Your Ascendant de-

notes the way you look at life. Often, it's the impression of "you" perceived by those around


Aries Rising

Mars, ruler of Aries, produces a personality that is positive, aggressive, and competitive. Tact is

usually lacking when Aries is on the rise because of the headstrong and aggressive mode of this

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influence. With Aries rising, diplomacy must generally be learned or obtained from other fac-

tors in the chart. Mars is the planet of direct action and high energy. Its influence in your horo-

scope suggests that true decisiveness allows you to act on ideas the moment they are formed,

without much hesitation. You move from your ideas to action, never looking back.

You aren't one to waste any time getting into a project. Yet you are likely to become bored or

impatient if results don't come as readily as expected, abandoning such a project to initiate

something new. There's a desire to continuously prove yourself through a constant series of en-

deavors, whether anything gets finished or not.

Physical activity is a necessity for you, and if you don't get it, energy is apt to escape in the

form of temper and frustration. You are keen, alert and possess quick reflexes. The influence of

Mars produces individuals with above average athletic ability. The sign combines outstanding

physical characteristics with competitive spirit.

Properly controlled, Aries can move mountains, but when out of control it can be too impulsive

and self-centered in an unthinking way. You are a champion of independence and freedom, but

sometimes outspoken in your opinions.

The aggressiveness of this sign often extends to mental outlook. Accordingly, you may do ex-

ceptionally well in circumstances requiring mental drive, ambition and cunning. Many leaders

in business and the military can attribute their success to an Aries Ascendants.

Taurus Rising

Taurus rising produces a personality that is stable, graceful and harmonious, very much the

country squire at heart. The nature of Taurus is affectionate, steadfast and loyal. You're an indi-

vidual with very basic needs: good food, good sex, and a suitably luxurious place to live. Ferdi-

nand the bull symbolized Taurus; very happy to sit in the meadow, smell the flowers and enjoy

a cool summer breeze. This personality is passive and easygoing until pushed. When finally

provoked, Taurus is stubborn and rigid, and can display an uncontrollable bull-like temper.

With Taurus on the rise, the majority of the time, your manner is slow and reserved. You are

never one to take big chances. All reactions to proposed changes are carefully considered, and

there is often resistance. You are very possessive and fixed in your convictions. Your steady

and dependable methods insure that whatever project you undertake will be completed. Though

dependable always, you cannot be hurried, and you refuse to do anything at other than your

regulated pace.

You have a strong appreciation for the good things in life, and you never hesitate to indulge

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your desires. This is because Venus, as ruler of Taurus, is the ruling planet in your chart. The

planet Venus, like Taurus, is associated with love, beauty, ease of living, graciousness, and

charm. In a positive sense, Venus brings a high degree of diplomacy, tact, and sociability. From

a more negative perspective, it can show laziness and self-indulgence. The temptation for one

with this rising sign is pleasure. That can include pleasure of the sight, taste, touch, and feel-

ings. The sensual nature is hyperactive. Frequently, there is talent or at least a strong interest in

singing or speaking, natural Taurus attributes.

Physically, there is a tendency toward being heavy (prompted by both bone structure and the

self-indulgence tendency) and very strong. With this strength and body design come endurance

that is rarely surpassed. The stability and steadfastness of Taurus are characteristics of the earth

element. You are apt to display a very practical and pleasure-seeking approach to life that can

be clearly defined as "down to earth."

Gemini Rising -

Life is never the least bit dull when Gemini is in the rising position because this sign produces a

personality that is so witty and clever. Unfortunately, the nature is also anxious, high-strung and

diffusive. With this lively sign on the rise, you need constant mental stimulation. This is be-

cause you cannot stand the thought of being bored, not even for a minute. You want to keep

yourself surrounded with people, activities, and exciting situations. You are happiest when you

are very busy and fully engaged in a variety of activities. Gemini is a mental or air sign and you

are by nature very active mentally. You identify with ideas and consider yourself essentially a

mental person.

You are friendly and adaptable, but at times you can be temperamental and a little indecisive.

Although you appear confident, inner assurance is not a natural trait. Your disposition is good

when you can manage to stay calm and serene.

You are a wonderful conversationalist, and many natives of this sign become writers, reporters

or active in some phase of communication. Mercury is the ruling planet of your horoscope since

Mercury is the planetary ruler of Gemini. Like the metallic chemical mercury, you are slippery

and quick, extremely hard to pin down. Gemini is clever. You can outtalk, outthink and out-

smart most people you meet.

Physically, you are agile and well coordinated. Nervous activity keeps you slender. Your enthu-

siasm for change is a trait that makes you perpetually young and progressive of mind, even as

you grow older.

The symbol for Gemini is the twins, and this symbol depicts a duality in your nature. There is a

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tendency to be somewhat fickle. You can handle more than one job at a time. You tend to dart

from one topic to another, from one task to the next, in and out of relationships. You are a col-

lector of trivia and random information. With a Gemini Ascendant, you may indeed be a walk-

ing encyclopedia.

Cancer Rising

The Moon rules the sign Cancer, and therefore is called the ruler of your horoscope. When the

Moon is so predominate in a chart, it produces a personality that is sensitive and a little on the

timid side. You like to feel out a situation before projecting yourself into it. The Moon is the

indicator of emotions, the feelings, and the sensitivities. It is also closely related to the mother-

ing instinct. You are very protective of those who are close to you, as you are protective of

yourself. If you don't have a family around you to mother, you'll probably exhibit these charac-

teristics with your friends.

Being extremely receptive, you may be somewhat psychic or at least extremely sensitive to

your environment. Your moods are very strong and changeable, much like the tides. You are

ruled by your strong emotions and intuition. You can change moods in a significant way, two or

three times in any day. You respond to life through feelings and emotions, instead of from

thinking. You can become easily upset, but never stay that way for any length of time. When

you are in control of your emotions, you can be the most understanding person one could hope

to find. You are compassionate and receptive, in touch with those around you. When you are

not in control, you can be miserable; the victim of your moods and sensitivities.

The symbol of Cancer is the crab. Like the crab, a Cancer Ascendant often chooses an indirect

approach to meeting objectives. There is a tendency to retreat when directly confronted, but

with a tenacity of purpose that is unsurpassed. The Crab is always vulnerable, but seeks shelter

in a rock-hard shell. Like the crab, you can protect yourself with a shell-like personality that can

make you nearly unapproachable when you feel threatened.

You identify strongly with your family, and a solid "home base" is essential to your well-being.

There is a very strong connection with background and tradition, leaning toward a sense of heri-

tage and warm, homey trappings. You can become very attached and sentimental about people,

places, and belongings. You are particularly affected by memorabilia that reminds you of good

times and special people.

You pick up the feelings of those around you. This makes you especially sensitive to slights, or

just about any other type of negative energy. It's important for you to avoid people with prob-

lems because you are so receptive that you pick up their problems as your own.

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Leo Rising

Leo rising produces a personality that is generous, warmhearted and forceful. Leo is the royal

sign and having this sign for your Ascendant gives you a regal bearing and a sense of control

over most situations. You are a very open and active person, showing a very happy face when

things are going well. Integrity, courage, and dignity are your chief virtues, and your "sunny,"

extroverted disposition helps you gain the popular following you need.

Being fond of power and command, you sometimes attempt to dominate situations when it may

not be called for. Even if you're not the one in charge, you carry yourself so proudly and almost

reek dignity and self-assurance. You're so self-confident that you may be even a little careless at


Though you are quick tempered, you get over your upsets as quickly. Your personality is so en-

gaging when everything is going well, but you are less well equipped to handle adversity. You

haughtily ignore persons causing conflict in your life.

There is a tendency for you to overdo, at times becoming too extravagant and too daring. You

are stubborn, but not in an unpleasant or disagreeable way. You are romantic and sentimental,

but sometimes a little foolhardy. You appreciate what people do for you, and you are a devoted

friend who will remember and repay a kindness. You have royal tastes and a sense of luxury,

prompting you to spend much to keep up appearances. Your personality is on the dramatic side,

steeped in pomp and ceremony, and you may look for opportunities to release a flamboyant side

of your nature.

Virgo Rising

The sign Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. Virgo is an earth sign, suggesting a practical ap-

proach to life. Mercury expresses mental energies. Thus, this rising sign is known for its practi-

cal approach, objectivity, basic detail, and analysis. Virgo rising produces a personality often on

the quiet side, somewhat unassuming, and never crude or coarse.

With Virgo on the rise, you possess a mental acumen expressed in everyday practical affairs.

Analytical and methodical in everything you do, you are very systematic in developing ideas

and seeing projects through to completion. You are careful to notice details. So much so there is

rarely a flaw in anything you do. Your mind is the epitome of neatness and order, absorbing

facts and tidbits like a squirrel storing away nuts for the winter. You are a master at handling all

the boring nit-picking matters others want to avoid. There is a tendency for you to become

something of a workaholic, going over the same ground to be sure you haven't missed anything.

You probably are a list-maker, wanting to have everything you need at hand. Everything should

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have a place and everything should be in its place for you to be comfortable.

As you love detail, you also love precision and order. You're refined in your conduct and de-

meanor. Unassuming in your behavior, you can be so modest that you may not get the credit

you deserve. There is a tendency to hide behind an inquiring mind and stay out of the lead. You

prefer the role of researcher, observer, critic, or teacher.

You can become very restless and nervous, having difficulty learning to relax. Your restless-

ness, combined with a critical nature, sometimes results in picayune fault findings. Despite the

tendency to be a little fussy, Virgo rising is rarely mean or ugly. Even the tendency to criticize

is just a bad habit formed early in life as a defense mechanism.

There is a tendency to focus on what is in the immediate present, often neglecting to form a vi-

sion for the future. You feel comfortable living in a world of facts and you tend to arm yourself

with intellectual awareness to combat natural feelings of insecurity.

Libra Rising

Libra rising produces a personality that is naturally diplomatic and sociable. Graciousness,

compatibility, and sociability are your obvious personality traits. This is the sign of the scales of

balance and justice. The primary quality associated with Libra is a strong sense of fair play.

You can see both sides of nearly any issue, and there is always a demand in your nature that

justice be served. Perhaps because of this latter trait, an amazing number of the world's most

famous political leaders have had Libra on the rise.

With Libra on the rise, you are good at debate, but you are not likely to be too argumentative.

You strive to win your points in ways that are shrewd and politically careful. Your fixed nature

is well hidden by your cooperative demeanor.

You don't function well in discordant environments as there is an overwhelming need in your

nature for harmony. Neatness and order must be maintained if you are to remain comfortable in

any situation. You may constantly find yourself readjusting to align yourself to the forces

around you to get an inner sense of balance. You have such an even disposition, and so much

charm, that you can usually please nearly everyone. You usually try to do just that. You are one

who reacts to others, and you are better suited to making your way by being agreeable and tak-

ing what comes your way almost naturally.

On the negative side of Libra rising is the tendency to maintain the status quo. You want to

avoid the disruption of change and avoid making waves. You may give in sometimes to the

temptations of indolence. You may have a natural tendency to say what you think will please

others, rather than what you really feel…the object being to hide your true feelings for the sake

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of winning approval and maintaining order and harmony.

Because of your inborn peace-loving and diplomatic tendencies, you are sometimes prone to

fail in the primary job of taking care of number one. You are not very good at aggressively ad-

vancing yourself. You need to concentrate on learning how to stick up for yourself and realize

your identity.

Scorpio Rising

Scorpio rising produces a personality that is deeply reserved, secretive and determined. The

power of the personality emerging from a Scorpio Ascendant is so intense, magnetic, and char-

ismatic, that it is often somewhat overwhelming. Symbolized by the scorpion, you have an ex-

ternal "coat of armor" that protects and lets you survive in hostile situations. You are not the

sort of person who ever knuckles under, even when pressures and circumstances would defeat

lesser souls. When cornered, the famous "deadly scorpion sting" may be brought into play.

With Scorpio on the rise your personality is very powerful. People find you hard to understand,

to know what you are thinking at any particular time. There is a hidden depth to your persona

that is nearly impossible for others to comprehend. Much of the time you may feel as though

you are misunderstood. You are very willful and self-reliant, appearing calm and in control on

the surface. Yet there are strong emotions at work inwardly. Scorpio is a water sign and it is a

fixed sign. This means that you are an emotional person. These emotions are very controlled

(fixed), giving you the determination and the strength to overcome just about any opponent.

Resentment and jealousy can be intense with you. You always pursue your goals with intensity.

You can stand under heavy strain, and be relied upon to stay cool, even in the most serious


You're inclined to be very suspicious or skeptical, and occasionally you can be "stingingly” sar-

castic. Every sign has a positive and negative expression, but with the Scorpio the range of pos-

sibilities is extreme. Everything is black or white. There are no shades of gray with Scorpio on

the rise. Your penetrating stare can look right through a person or a situation. You can make an

instant diagnosis and it is usually the right one.

The Scorpio personality is often maligned as over-sexed, a bit on the evil side, and often bent

on revenge. This is not completely true, but Scorpio does get what it wants, when it wants it,

most of the time. It is not a personality to be trifled with.

Sagittarius Rising

Sagittarius rising produces a personality that is restless, outgoing, and very independent. This

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Ascendant is one that produces goal oriented individuals; people with a long-range outlook and

philosophical attitude. Your ambitions are geared to those long-range and large-scale goals. Si-

multaneously, you are apt to have a positive and optimistic outlook. You feel matters will turn

out okay, no matter how large the challenge may be.

You have strong urges to cover vast distances, both physically and mentally. Usually, every-

thing does turn out well for you. Your "Ruling" planet is Jupiter, the "great benefic." Jupiter is

considered the luckiest planet in the zodiac. It produces a personality characterized by humor

and a happy-go-lucky disposition. You have a need to experience life fully in a variety of ways.

Open and friendly, you are usually cheerful, interested, and jovial.

One difficulty that you may have from time to time is that you to take everything and everyone

for granted. You don't like dealing with pessimistic or emotional people, and you don't want the

burden of dealing with their problems. You don't even like dealing with your own problems,

often ignoring them with an attitude that if you don't acknowledge these situations, they will go

away. There may be a fear of disappointment in your makeup that can prevent you from seeing

your path to success clearly.

Although you are an excellent abstract thinker, you are also very much an outdoor person. You

love nature. In this vein, you are a very spiritual person who can tune in to the higher forces in

life simply by taking a walk in the woods.

You are a very direct person. Your speech can be blunt and to the point, often lacking in tact

and diplomacy. Your reasoning powers are superb. To be fulfilled, you need a constant chal-

lenge and goal. If these two factors are combined in effective ways in your life, you may do

much. This sign enjoys the good fortune of having thought patterns that remain young and fresh

throughout life. Your outlook won't become jaded by time or turmoil.

Capricorn Rising

Capricorn on the rise produces a personality that is serious, prudent and patient. Saturn rules

Capricorn, and becomes the ruling planet in your chart. The Saturn influence suggests the most

responsible type of personality, and gives a "never say die" approach to life that is the essence

of your nature.

The Capricorn Ascendant also gives a reserve and a restraint that can make you seem very aus-

tere and even melancholy. You appear critical and cold because of an ethical and righteous atti-

tude that duty must be done. This is a complex sign.

You seem aloof and remote, yet an elegant quality may conceal an inherent shyness. You are

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somewhat timid, and you may even suffer from feelings of inadequacy, especially in the early

years of your life. Very straight-laced and proper behavior is sometimes a facade hiding a sense

of insecurity or of feelings that you are unwanted or unappreciated.

You may be somewhat a workaholic and expect those around you to share such dedication to

duty. You can be judgmental of others on a variety of issues. This often strains personal rela-

tionships. Because you're such a perfectionist with your work, you procrastinate a great deal.

You are conservative in your actions and habits, and will remain this way even if you accumu-

late considerable wealth.

Usually, Capricorn on the rise produces an ambitious person. Yet you have more concern with

your degree of prestige and status, than with the amount of money that achieving your goals

may eventually bring. You seem very serious and old before your time while you are in your

youth; even as a child, you are likely to be very self-sufficient. Sometimes responsibility is as-

sumed at an early age.

Like the Capricorn symbol, the Mountain Goat, you climb to the top in a very slow, sure-footed

way, always staying on solid ground and taking your sweet time about it. There is much stabil-

ity in your makeup and you rarely become discouraged, even when you are faced with frequent

setbacks and roadblocks. The combination of your superior organizing ability and overwhelm-

ing determination assures your eventual, if sometimes delayed, success.

Aquarius Rising

Aquarius rising produces a personality that is creative, independent and detached. It is a sign

that suggests many unique qualities. Often, an unusual personality which is different and ahead

of its time emerges. You are intelligent and in many ways eccentric. You have a good mind that

is spontaneous, inventive, original, and unique. Yet you always seem to operate on intuition and

impulse, instead of a set plan. If you resist these natural inclinations to be "different," and at-

tempt to conform to be like everybody else, you're apt to revert and rebel at crucial and inoppor-

tune times. You can become high-strung and unpredictable, thinking of yourself as a maverick.

The thing you fear most is being "fenced in" and suffering the loss of your innate individuality.

You are friendly and can always make significant contributions to group activities. Even in a

group, you remain personally independent and somehow resist yielding to, or becoming part of,

the establishment.

You can seem cool and calculating where feelings are concerned. The Aquarius personality ex-

presses the most humanitarian instincts of the signs, but it does so in a very impersonal and de-

tached manner. You care about people in a special way, while sometimes being accused of ne-

glecting family and those closest to you. You can always think of ways that things could be im-

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proved, and you are a reformer at heart.

Your original and free flowing spirit allows you to succeed at most intellectual pursuits. Yet

you may have difficulties with everyday mundane affairs. Being tolerant, broad-minded and

curious, your interests may include many "off beat" areas of life. You especially enjoy anything

that involves helping some segment of society, or reforms for the benefit of humankind.

Pisces Rising

With Pisces rising, the planetary "Ruler" of your horoscope is Neptune. This Ascendant pro-

duces a personality that is idealistic, supersensitive, and usually a person with much vision. The

Neptune influence in your nature causes you to have something of a Don Quixote complex,

with little concern for reality. You may be very easygoing, at times you can even seem indolent;

a romantic and a dreamer.

With Pisces on the rise you may the type of person who frequently asks for advice, because you

often lack the confidence to move ahead on your own, and you are so unsure of yourself.

Strangely, you rarely take the advice you receive. You tend to dream your way through life,

glamorizing situations, people, status, and circumstances. You are a very secretive person, in

part because you are somewhat timid, a fact you hide with great skill. You may avoid drawing

attention to yourself, and because you do, you may not receive the credit you often deserve.

You have a strong inner need to serve others in your life's work and you can be really happy if

you can do so.

Self-realization is of prime importance, and it is therefore essential for you to spend a good deal

of time by yourself. Often this sign denotes involvement or strong interest in music or another

form of art.

You are likely to set high goals and expect much from yourself and from those around you.

Since you expect people to be perfect, you are often disappointed in them. Although you don't

at all like being confrontation, you are heavily vested in the idea that you are right all of the

time. Living the utopian life, you find it hard to accept that you have miscalculated.

Pisces is a water (emotional) sign and it is mutable, or adaptable. The sign of Pisces is the two

fish, swimming in opposition directions. This symbolizes the difficulty that you may have in

making decisions. Confrontation and clear-cut decisions are not easy for you to manage. You

prefer a more considered approach that relies on your strong intuitive feelings to lead the way.

There is a certain naiveté associated with this Ascendant that is not unlike the Ostrich who has

hidden his head in the sand.

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The Creative Force of the Law of One acted upon the mind/body complexes of the more ad-

vanced apes some 10 million years ago, bringing them the spirit complex and creating the Elder

Race while the Earth was still in the 2nd density. They were joined in the 2nd density by the

entities of Maldek some half million years ago, and it was these two groups that formed the

Harvest into the 1st cycle of the 3rd density of Earth, approximately 74,868 BC, on the conti-

nent of Mu. The bulk of the harvest were the Elder Race; the Maldek entities being harvested


During this 1st cycle of the 3rd density, the Guardians imported the Martians to Earth and the

Confederation made their first contact with the souls incarnate. Those early inhabitants recog-

nized a major difference between the Elder Race and the Maldek/Martian races, and the Elder

Race became known as the "pure race", a term used to account for the fact that the Elders did

not have any karmic reprocussions to deal with, as the other two races did (and were karmically


Near the end of the 1st cycle of the 3rd density, the Confederation re-established contact with

the races of Mu with a two-fold purpose: to introduce the Law of One (since the influence of

the Maldek/Martian complexes greatly accelerated the development of the Elder Race), and to

prepare those of Mu for the introduction of yet another off-world complex, those of Deneb.

Those of Deneb were Harvested into the 2nd cycle of the 3rd density, around 51,000 BC. Earth

changes occured, splitting Mu into a number of continents and the Lemurian age began, with

the Deneb entities splitting their incarnation between the area now known as China, India and

Africa (they were all connected together at the time).

The Elder Race, due to conflicts of philosophy with the Denebians, relocated to the continent of

Atlantis (which was a single continent formed from the land masses we now know as North

America, South America and Antarctica), where they, along with the Martians and Maldek,

continued to study the Law of One with one major difference: the Elder Race pursued the

knowledge without technology; the Martians and Maldek entities, being familiar with technol-

ogy, took the technological path and became known as the Atlanteans.

Some of the more advanced Elders were able to access Intelligent Infinity thru direct use of

their mind and spirit. When the Harvest came for the 3rd cycle, some 150 of the Elder Race

were Harvestable to the 4th density, but chose to stay in the 3rd to help others with harvest. To

the technological Atlanteans, these Elders were Wizards and Witches, and their direct use of

Intelligent Infinity gave them the ability to perform "magic." A lot of mythology stems from the

memory of this time.

Thru the study of the Elder Race, the Atlanteans were able to access Intelligent Infinity them-

selves, thru the use of technology to compensate for the lack of certain mental disciplines, and

Origins of Mankind

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abused it -- they used it for material gain, and to create life, but life as automatons, not true

mind/body/spirit complexes. They deviated strongly to service-to-self with the material luxury

this provided.

About 9,000 BC, the first Atlantean war occured over materialistic values, and vaporized some

40% of the Atlanteans. This was the beginning of the end for the Atlantean age, since the use of

Intelligent Infinity also affected the Earth, and Atlantis broke into "islands" -- the Americas and

Antarctica; the former containing the Elder Race and the Atlanteans that were dedicated to the

service-to-other aspect of the Law of One, and the latter to the STS entities.

8,840 BC marked the end of the Atlantean era, another war causing the Earth to respond again,

sending Antarctica to the south pole. Atlantis is still "under water" -- some two miles of ice,

even today.

Due to the disruption of the continents and the splitting of peoples, the knowledge of the Law of

One degenerated, and during the Confederation visit of 5,500 BC they found the situation al-

most hopeless. The severe misuse of pyramids and temples cause the Confederation to abort the


The Birth of Venus on August 12, 3114 BC brought new hope to the Elder Race, a new Confed-

eration contact from Venus that would show them how to correct the distortions in their under-

standing of the Law of One -- Quetzalcoatl had arrived.

4th Density Influences

Though the Elder Race operates under the drive of 4th density love, they have not had access to

4th density functionality, such as the social memory complex:

But, as the Earth moves further into the 4th density, the social memory complex of Earth is be-

coming available to them. Even now, those who have reached the upper sub-densities of the 3rd

density are accessing that complex.

The Brotherhood of the Seven Rays (Secret of the Andes)

The Ra Material refers to George Hunt Williamson's book Road in the Sky as containing some

description of the Elder Race... here's an chapter from another of his books, the Secret of the

Andes, that summarizes his information:

RA: ... these entities are not a social memory complex, but rather a group of mind/body/spirit complexes dedi-

cated to service. These entities work together, but are not completely unified; thus, they do not completely see

each the other's thoughts, feelings and motives. However, their desire to serve is the fourth-dimensional type of

desire, thus melding them into what you may call a brotherhood.

--The Ra Material, Session 15, January 30, 1981

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Brother Philip; George Hunt Williamson

PART III - The Elder Race

If we are really to understand the meaning behind the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays and the

Golden Sun Disc of Mu we must go back in time on Earth to one billion years ago. After the

Earth planet had cooled, and was ready for inhabitants, a race arrived from out of space that was

not human, but was of the race of original true man. They were called Cyclopeans, and are

known in the secret, arcane knowledge as the 'L' Race or simply, the 'Els.' Before coming to the

Earth planet they traversed space following all the great cycles of Time; they were Titans who

rode the starways (and they still do in another dimension of Time and Space) and sought always

the best pastures of space for their flock. They were the first life upon the Earth and are the Im-

mortals of our legends, the God Race or Elder Race that preceded man.

Some of the Els were true Cyclops in that they had only one great central eye in the middle of

their forehead. Others had two eyes like human beings, and still others had the development of

the psychic third eye. They were about twelve feet tall and were male and female, but not as we

think of sex differentiation today. Before coming to Earth they had colonized much of what is

known today as the Milky Way Galaxy; thousands of suns and worlds came under their influ-

ence. They usually preceded other life forms to a world after it was ready for habitation. Once

they took up existence on a new planet they attempted to leave behind what we can only call

great libraries in their deep, underground empire of enormous cities. In these libraries tiny crys-

tal records contain the history of the Universe, and are enclosed in a magnetic field which, at

times, finds an affinity with some 'sensitive' person living on the Earth today.

The Els were not exactly three-dimensional beings as we are today, although they were defi-

nitely physical creatures in a physical world. They had been attempting for countless ages, as a

race, to achieve a Timeless condition, that it, to reach a place where they could not only create

by mere thought, but escape from the chains of physical existence to break the ties that bound

them to physical planets and systems. They were searching for the great secret that would make

them Immortals, that they might march across Time and the Stars fettered by nothing.

The Earth planet was possibly the last world they colonized in the Milky Way Galaxy, for soon

after their arrival here they achieved the power of creative thought. They conquered physical

matter and became Gods. They annihilated Time and Space; no longer did they have need of the

Earth world or the great Galaxy it belonged to. They were free! They had become true members

of the Thought Universe, the Theta Universe.

Actually, the Els were not known by that name until they achieved this Theta condition. Before

this they were known as the Cyclopean Race. It was their method of leaving physical existence

and conditions that gave them the name of Els. Through the secret use of the Ninety Degree

Phase Shift they abandoned the Earth and the entire Galaxy and left it vacant for humanity.

A ninety-degree angle forms the letter 'L.' Therefore, when we call them Els we are referring to

a symbol of their race and not really to a name. Many words today have been derived from the

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name of this most ancient race. That is why they are called the El-der Race. The words eleva-

tion and eliminate are clearly from this source. Did not the Els elevate to another dimensional

condition? Did they not eliminate Time and Space? If you will but look in any dictionary, you

will discover some astounding things among the words that start with EL and L. Then there is

the magnificent word Elohim; and the Twenty-Four Elders of Holy Scripture.

On April 24, 1955, Koot Hoomi Lal Singh (Master Kuthumi) reported:

'Over the planet stands the great Presence of the Beloved Elohim, Cyclopea. His radiation cov-

ers the entire Earth.'

Master Kuthumi is obviously referring to a member of the great Elder Race. Although, in 1956,

most of the Els were no longer on Earth, they still acted as Mentors, and were usually the

Teachers of the Earth's Masters or Saints. We say most of the Els were no longer on our planet,

because some of them did not leave when their race achieved the Theta condition and con-

quered M-E-S-T (Matter-Energy-Space-Time). Because of certain karmic reactions, a few

members of the Cyclopean Race did not pass through the Ninety Degree Phase Shift, and were

forced to remain on Earth to work out their destiny, eventually to rejoin their race in a later age.

In the meantime, they would act as Mentors to hu-man beings when the latter arrived on Earth.

Aramu-Muru (God Meru) was a member of the Cyclopean Race. He has retained the same

physical form for untold ages, renewing his lifestream energy by polarization with his feminine

aspect, Arama-Mara. For, as already stated, these beings do not reproduce as a hu-man does.

Lord Muru says that when he was on Lemuria he was a young student or man. However, he can

mean many things by this. Perhaps he means 'young' in things Universal, and by 'man' he can

mean that he is of the race of original true man. Many of the wise men of Lemuria, and earlier

in Mu itself, were Cyclops. (We do not call them Els because they had not yet achieved the

Theta Universe.) All of these Cyclops left Lemuria and journeyed to other parts of the world;

therefore, many of the Spiritual Heads of Mystery Schools (Inner Retreats) were Cyclops who

would one day rejoin their Elder Race and become true Els.*

{*We say 'were Cyclops' because they are no longer on the Earth as we shall explain in Part


The Brotherhood of the Seven Rays had its original beginning with the Cyclopeans since they

were the first to manifest the Seven Rays of Life upon the Earth planet. These beings projected

from themselves a special radiation of energy which enabled the Seven Rays of Life to be es-

tablished on our planet, and without this, there could never have been a Brotherhood of the

Seven Rays. Also, the Cyclopeans passed the Seventh Condition and entered Theta, the Eighth

or Thought Universe.

The Golden Sun Disc of Mu was not made by the Cyclopeans, although the principle of its op-

eration and the secret of its power was to be found in the abandoned libraries of the under-

ground Cyclopean cities, Those sensitive enough to tune in to such know- ledge in the later ages

of hu-man, discovered these Truths and made the construction of the Golden Disc possible,

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Thus, the Disc found its way into the life of the Motherland of Mu.

Let it be known that man on Earth will never become an L, but he will achieve a Timeless con-

dition as they did, for the present plan of the Hierarchy is: the production of a subjective synthe-

sis in humanity and of a telepathic interplay which will eventually annihilate time!

While man will not be an L, simply because he does not belong to the Cyclopean Race (now the

El Race), he will conquer M-E-S-T, and reign as a true God, a Son of the Creator.

There are races in the Universe that are far, far older than the civilizations of the Confederation

or Orions. The Cyclopeans are one of them. These Titans were the "mother race" in this particu-

lar area of the galaxy. They visited planets when the conditions were right for 2nd density, and

seeded life into them, initiating the biological level of existence. Like the Ancients of Stargate

SG-1 they were seeking a path of Ascension -- but NOT "harvest" to a higher density -- they

sought to ascend to the next Octave of existence.

Williamson states that they did not seek the Law of One; they already had achieved it (hence

the reference to the "One Eye" -- a metaphor for seeing the One-ness in everything). They

sought the Law of Foreverness (aka The Law of Timelessness), which is a 7th density concept;

the Law of One being 6th density. It makes sense that they sought Ascension to the next Oc-

tave, since they were pretty much finished with this one.

The Earth was the last planet they visited before achieving Ascension to the next octave of exis-

tence. Some stayed behind, in order to help others find this route to Ascension. One stayed here

on Earth, their last outpost where they finally learned the Law of Timelessness. Stargate calls

her Oma Desala; we call her Mother Nature -- Gaia -- Arama Mara.

But unlike the Ancients of Stargate, they did not build a gate network across the galaxy -- but

they DID discover that there is a natural network of what they call "starways", paths to the

"other side of the sky" that can be traversed under certain conditions, thru the Golden Sun


We, the Elder Race of Earth, are not the Cyclopeans (their name prior to Ascension), or the L-

Race (their name after Ascension), but their "Next Generation". I also find this a fascinating

parallel to Stargate, where humans are the "next generation" of the Ancients, seeking the same

path. Even more interesting is that Williamson's books are rare, published in 1959, and few peo-

ple have read them -- yet they tell the story of the "Ancients"--of sufficient interest that they

based the entire series of Stargate Atlantis on it some 40 years later.

With the L-Race now in the Theta Universe of the next octave, they left the care of the younger

races to the Confederation of Planets and the Orions -- the Vorlons and the Shadows -- waiting

for mankind to evolve enough to send them "beyond the rim", to join the Cyclopean "First

Ones" in the Theta Universe.

The Elder Race

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There exist beings in the Universe that are far, far older than the races of Earth, the Confedera-

tion or the Orion Group. The oldest of the old are the Cyclopeans. They were the First Ones, the

titans who rode the Starways between worlds, colonizing thousands of planets in the galaxy.

They studied and searched the universe for the secrets to the Law of Foreverness, which would

bring them into the timeless state that would allow them to reach a place where they could not

only create by mere thought, but allow them to escape the chains of this Universe altogether,

and no longer be bound to the stars and planetary systems of the Seven Densities.

A billion years ago, they came across a young world out on the edge of the spiral arm of the

great Andronover nebula, a world just entering the second density of existence. Here, they es-

tablished their last colony on the small world of Tera, building their great cities of polished,

glass-like obsidian in the mountains.

Unbothered by their progeny they had seeded across millions of worlds, it was at this lonely

outpost on the edge of explored creation they called together their scholars from across the gal-

axy to come to this outpost with all the knowledge they have gathered for their quest, and fi-

nally discovered the secret of Timelessness -- the Law of Foreverness.

With this secret in hand, the Cyclopeans were able to transcend space and time, to go beyond

the Seven Densities into an entirely unexplored domain beyond the known. As a last act, they

gathered all the knowledge they had collected over untold millennia and place a record in a

great, crystalline hall, an obsidian pyramid to serve as an Archive for those who may follow

them in the distant future. They gathered their race together, and departed this Universe for the

Theta Universe. But a few stayed behind, to care for their last outpost for a while, to ensure

their Archive survived, and to leave this one, last beacon for any straggler Cyclopeans that may

not have yet returned from their exploration of the galaxies.

But the Archive was not their only legacy. The mere presence of these great thinkers on this

second-density world influenced the evolving life forms, so eventually another race of Cyclope-

ans would emerge from millions of years of genetic evolution.

Those remaining, and those of the other races from nearby star systems, in remembering their

ascension spoke of it as making a "Ninety-degree Phase Shift" to this Universe, like the shape

of an "L". Because of this path they took, the ascended Cyclopeans became known as the L-

Race, or Els.

The symbol for the ascended Els became the "L", placed in the four quadrants of a unifying cir-

cle, showing how they left this Octave for the next.

From The Ra Material, Session 9, January 27, 1981

Questioner: Where did these beings come from? Were they a product of evolution as understood by our sci-

entists? Were they evolved from the original material of the earth that you spoke of?

RA: I am Ra. This is correct.

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Life continued to evolve over the the millions of years after the ascension of the Els from Tera,

eventually resulting in a promising apeman. The Creative Force of the Law of One acted upon

the mind/body complexes of the more advanced apemen some 10 million years ago, bringing to

them the spirit complex, and creating the beginnings of a "next generation" of Els--the Sons and

Daughters of the Creative Force of the Law of One -- the El-ders or Elder Race.

The Elder Race (Elders) is hence a term used in the ancient Americas that refers to the original

inhabitants of Earth, whom have gone through the process of evolution and been given an

Earthly soul directly by the One Infinite Creator. They are the "evolved apes" of the planet.

In Eurasia during the Greek, Roman and Egyptian eras, the Elder Race was referred to as Anti-

quatis (medieval Latin for The Ancients or the Ancient Ones), which refers to the longevity of

their development, having started in the 1st density on Earth, and working their way up.

During the Atlantean era, the Elder Race was referred to as the Sons and Daughters of the Crea-

tive Force of the Law of One, which eventually became shortened to the Followers of the Law

of One, or simply the Followers (or Sons) of One. Psychic Edgar Cayce used these names when

doing a trance readings for an Atlantean incarnation. The name reflects the origin of the Elder

Race, being a manifestation of Creative Force from the second distortion of the Law of One.


It might be useful to re-iterate in more detail what the difference between Wanderers and Trans-

plants is. I erroneously described all off Earth folk as "Wanderers". In a sense they are, as they

destroyed their homeworlds, but they were transplanted here by the "Guardians"/Confederation

to Earth. Why Earth? is the next question. Was it the only possible place, or was it more do do

with the nature of an experiment in polarity growth/spiritual evolution for the potential benefit

of all? Is Earth some kind of cosmic laboratory experiment. Or is there something about this

gorgeous planet that best serves the spiritual growth of all? I understand there are 16 groups on

Earth, including the Elder Race. Thus 15 are "alien" to Earth. Of those 15, the question is, are

the Wanderers included?


The destruction of Maldek, Malona, Nibiru, The Twelfth Planet, Lucifer, Phaeton, Tiamat, The Original Atlantis

(all the same), between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, was the single greatest catastrophic event to occur in the

history of this solar system.

This great interplanetary event, variously placed at between 8800 and 1500 BC(the longer dates are unreliable),

changed our solar system and all life on it forever.

This is the Luciferian rebellion which brought devastation and chaos to our solar system and beyond. There may

have actually been two planetary destructions, the fragments of which littered the solar system with asteroid belts,

comets, errant moons, and planetary rings.

From all the sources I've read it appears the great planet Maldek either destroyed itself in a nuclear detonation or

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was destroyed by huge planet-sized enemy ships(one of which may have been the famed Nibiru). There is no clear

consensus on what actually happened except that the planet blew up and left its survivors wandering space for a

new home.

The debris and impact of the explosion cratered the inner planets and modified their orbits. Mars was particularly

hard hit leaving its surface a scarred and barren wasteland. Our Moon is heavily cratered because it was originally

Maldek's moon receiving the brunt of the explosion. It served as a kind of Noah's ark for Maldek's survivors before

it was blasted away and captured by our Earth. Another theory circulating is that what was left of Maldek actually

became our Earth. Maldek's other moons were also sent hurtling in all directions. It may be that mini-planets like

Chiron or Quaoar or even Pluto may have once been moons of Maldek.

Billions of lives were lost, and the Maldekians (who were a mix of human and reptilian) had to reincarnate on

other planets, mostly Earth, and are now replaying the same nuclear scenario of their former home. Hopefully, this

time, the outcome will be different.

Not sure about the accuracy of some of the detail above, but it seems clear that these fellow

other selves had nowhere to go, or were too traumatized, thus the decision was taken from their

hands. Was this not an abridgement of freewill? It also seems clear that the resultant trauma is

being played out on earth, along with that seemingly irresistible desire to "blow everything up

again" as referenced in the Quo channeling.

I would assume that the inhabitants of these destroyed planets were not only of STS in inclina-

tion, thus they were working through the same choices that are playing out on Earth today. So

with the trauma of self-destruction in tow, they are here on Earth seeking to balance that karma.




All information recorded from all volumes of The Ra Material


BP = Before Present

D = Density/Dimension

A. Pre-Human Civilization

705,000 BP -- Extensive Maldek Wars (creates Maldek soul's metaphysical-astral -- knot of fear)

600,000 BP -- Confederation spiritual healing of Maldek population souls on inner 3D planes

500,000 BP -- Destruction of 3D Maldek (current "asteroid belt"), soul-transfer to Earth (Bigfoot)

Earth hosting only 2D life (mineral, plant, animal kingdoms); no native 3D human soul-groups

Eventually, highest 2D animal groups become bi-pedal 3D homo Sapiens (become ensouled)

B. Early Human Civilization (75,000 - 25,000 BP)

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75,000 BP -- Final destruction of Mars civilization / atmosphere, soul-transfer into 3D Earth bodies

Beginning of human civilization / Earth 3D evolution: 50% Martian, 25% native, 25% other 3D

Confederation / Yahweh aid to Martian souls (genetic cloning to sharpen senses/strengthen mind)

Light-Quarantine intensified around Earth (re. Yahweh action) / Human life-span -- 900 years

60,000 BP -- Orion group influence: (a) telepathic contact / (b) power-charged stone-formations in Cen-

tral America/Pacific Oceana (Nazca, Easter Island; unsuccessful attempt, no negativity achieved)

58,000 BP -- Confederation initial direct aid to early Lemurian/Mu civilization (prolonged contact)

53,000 BP -- Lemurian civilization fully established (primitive group-mentality, spiritually advanced)

Later destroyed by Earth tectonic-plate readjustment / flooding; survivors, Russia, North / South Amer-

ica (current indigenous' groups; originally from 2D Deneb star planet)

50,000 BP -- END OF 3D MAJOR CYCLE I / No harvest of Earth 3D souls; life-span -- 700 years

46,000 BP -- Spiritual calling from Earth Maldek souls (Bigfoot) Confederation aid (love/light)

31,000 BP -- Atlantean civilization begins development (slow-growing, agrarian, conglomerate)

25,000 BP -- END OF 3D MAJOR CYCLE II / No harvest; life-span 35-100 years. (pop. -- 345,000)

S. American group (Elder Race; pop. 150; life-span 900 years.) all 4D+ harvestable yet remain in 3D

human bodies (world service)

C. Later Human Civilization (18,000 - 2,300 BP)

18,000 BP -- RA contact w/Egyptians (crystal-powered bell-shaped craft); UFO-sightings only

15,000 BP -- Beginning of rapid, intensified Atlantean technological development in society

13,000 BP -- Confederation aid to Atlantis (pyramids, crystals, healing); life-span greatly reduced

Initial usage of intelligent energy for negative polarization (cloning for genetic superiority)

11,000 BP -- RA contact w/Egyptians (direct landings for teaching Law of One); meaning distorted

First major Atlantean wars, approx. 40% population death, partial migration to North Africa

10,840 BP -- Final destruction of Atlantis by nuclear/crystal-energy warfare, civilization ends

Triple migration to safe, mountainous regions: Tibet, Peru, Turkey: root of mystery schools

9,600 BP -- Final Earth Changes and sinking of Atlantean land-masses; direct result of warfare

8,500 BP -- RA enters/returns to Earth inner planes, begins thought-construction of Great Pyramid

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7,500 BP -- Confederation aid to S. America: Amazon landings/teaching, pyramids/hidden cities

6,000 BP -- Great Pyramid completed (by RA/thought, instant appearance); Ikhnaton contacted

4,500 BP -- Additional pyramids constructed from physical, Earth - based materials

Orion distorts previous Yahweh intervention (builds upon elite-group biases); replaces/co-opts Yahweh

telepathic contact (sends negative philosophy to Hebrews); reveals itself as UFO/fiery cloud (suggest

"wrathful God" philosophy).

Confederation/Yahweh sexual/genetic intervention: strengthening Anak-group physical bodies

3,000 BP -- Orion group leaves Earth 3D skies; Confederation completes S. America aid / contact

Armageddon 4D "thought-war" of light continues/intensifies (reduces 3D negative influence)

2,600 BP -- Greek calling, Confederation aid leads to + philosophy (Heraclitus, Thales, Pericles)

2,300 BP -- Confederation aid to Egypt only (telepathic contact, love/light)

D. Modern Times (1700 - 2000 AD)

1784 AD -- Increased influx of harvestable 3D souls and Wanderers, increased Confederation aid

Primarily telepathic info, love/light sent; no major UFO landings or direct contact-teaching

Positive free will philosophy (freedom, liberty, justice, democracy, human rights) developed; most

teaching expresses 4D+ quality (love/compassion); Wanderers include B. Franklin, T. Jefferson

1945 AD -- Increased Confederation UFO thought-form appearance, coincides w/ nuclear age

Confederation aid to humans killed in Hiroshima/Nagasaki atomic blasts (spirit-complex healing)

Increased influx of Wanderers and 4D+ "double-bodied" children to assist Harvest/New Age

2010 - 2013 AD -- Final Earth 3D-cycle Harvest: planetary Logos/surface humanity fully 4D+

All Earth Changes complete; all electro-magnetic planetary grids readjusted; humanity 4D+ only; major

influx expected of additional inter-galactic 4D+ ETs for planet-balance / support

Slow development of telepathic group interplay, Earth acceptance into local ET Confederation

According to the above, the Wanderer consciousness only came into play since about 1700 till

the present. And it would seem correct to think that the Elder consciousness, having agreed to

remain after achieving harvestability, has no karmic restitution to balance. But we do have

many lessons in discernment to work through. I (Vuyiswa) think many of us are exhausted by

the testing encounters with those that have karmic issues to balance. Many examples of broken

trust because of assumptions about spiritual orientation.

I seek this understanding about origins because it gives many clues for us in our daily encoun-

ters. I have recently had some interesting experiences regarding my own spiritual growth. As an

empath, I am vulnerable to over-identification with other selves working through heart issues. I

have much to learn regarding discerning what in my energy field is of me, and what is not. As I

understand it, the Law of One does not mean absorbing all aspects of other selves shadows, but

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is about discerning which aspects one chooses to work with. Sometimes it is best to just work

with the baby, not the bathwater. A more conscious choice, rather than being pulled in by the

projections of other selves. Quite a conundrum if the other self is unconsciously, or consciously

seeking to absorb one's energy. The typical energy vampire is both threatened and attracted to

the light. But I find they tend to take the path of least resistance, which is the arena of the green

ray that seeks to serve all, so plenty of "sweet" talk to deal with. And ultimately, as one is seen

as a projection, the other self in fear, will seek to either change one's polarity, or seek destroy

the other.

As an off-shot, I have read about those that are considered to be "organic portals". i.e mechani-

cal beings with no soul. I find the notion hard to swallow, but I have seen how the idea works to

create suspicion, division and justification for lack of compassion.

The situation as I (LoneBear) see it

25,000 years ago, 150 of the Elder Race whom achieved 4th density harvestability made the

conscious decision to remain in the 3rd density, for the last cycle, in order to help their brethren

reach a similar state. Needless to say, it did not go to well.

The Confederation of Planets transplanted 16 other civilizations to Earth, most of which were

from planets that had destroyed themselves thru war; either destroying their species, or destroy-

ing the physical planet, altogether. The sudden destruction of these races tied them into a "knot

of fear", some for many thousands of years. This "knot of fear" has one, very noticeable effect

on the re-incarnated entities here--a MAJOR need for SECURITY, on personal, familial and

societal levels.

Those races that did not destroy themselves tended to keep to themselves in isolation, being

peaceful people on a planet of warfare-oriented cultures. After time, the isolation resulted in

fear of the violent others, and again, even the peaceful people needed security more than any-

thing else.

The Elder Race, however, moved thru both the peaceful and violent cultures, having never

really been "tight" as its own culture, and experienced both sides of service -- self and others.

The Ori-ons, the negative entities influencing this planet, made use of that unconscious fear to

take control of populations thru religion and government, and do their best to keep the people

fearful and ignorant--with themselves providing the only "security blanket", thru laws that sup-

posed to protect the people, but actually imprison them.

With the control of education originally in the hands of religious leaders for centuries, people

were kept ignorant and fearful in feudal systems. These days, education is now in the hands of

government, with a deliberate dumbing-down of students to lower and lower standards with

each year, as they consider intelligence a threat to their fear-based control.

With the advent of the "attack" of 9/11 in the United States, the "world leader" took a major

step backward in its evolutionary development as a society. In terms of spiral dynamics, the

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"orange" industrial age, poised to move into the "green" of eco-friendly systems, jumped back-

wards to "blue" fundamentalism. This is not something that can be easily undone, and if it were

attempted, there would be yet another "terrorist" attack to re-affirm the fear status.

Q'uo spoke of how violence and fear have now become habitual with the people of this planet.

People will not stand up for what they believe in any more; they will not "buck" the security of

the system, even if it means compromising their deepest spiritual values. It is the monetary sys-

tems that provide that "buck" that prevents this. In the old days, we had "real" money, gold and

silver. Tangible things, that had intrinsic value. Everyone wanted gold, regardless of the country

or people. These days, "real" money has been replaced by fiat currency -- slips of paper with

numbers on them, that have no intrinsic value, except to pay taxes to the oppressors of govern-

ment, to keep them in power, and the people subserviant to their service-to-self needs.

Because of these systems, and the major fall of Atlantis (destroying 40% of their population,

repeating yet again the accidents of their home worlds), the Confederation of Planets put in

place a "time lateral", which is like an evolutionary "rest stop" on the path to enlightenment,

and parked the 3rd density humanity of Earth at that rest stop, since it's engine -- the spiritual

momentum that keeps us evolving -- had broken down and had to be moved out of the way of

the spiritual path of the rest of the solar system, until our "engine" could be repaired, and we

could get up to speed to rejoin the momentum of the rest of the solar system.

There does exist a bridge on this "time lateral" that allows a crossing back to the main, evolu-

tion flow of the solar system -- that bridge is 4th density activation in an individual. This activa-

tion can only take place once they have completed the "pattern of 3rd density", as Q'uo put it in

the session of Jan 1st, 2006. This "pattern" is the pattern of choice, the causal nexi of decisions

that activate the thinking and feeling sections of a human, that allow those valuing systems to

come into bloom, without fear or judgement. Once a person can make a choice, as an [b]

individual[/i], then they can choose their service path -- self or other, it does not matter. Both

paths are equally valid.

This "bridge" that is the time lateral of 3rd density Earth will be shutting down on December

21, 2012. What that means is that the "rest stop" is being closed for renovation, and everyone

there MUST LEAVE. There are several possibilities:

1) Repair the engine, and make a choice -- as a planetary "one-ness" -- to voluntarily cross the

bridge and get back on the evolutionary track, without having to wait to be kicked out.

2) Push the engine out of the rest stop when the time comes, and hope it will start running again

to get us on the track and moving.

3) Forget the train, and grab a car or two and get back on the track yourself, or with a group.

4) Do nothing, and wait for the Guardians to come in and clean house, relocating you to another

rest stop that is good for another 75,000 years of 3rd density.

5) Hop on board another train that stopped by... the "Orion Express", which will give you a ride

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back to the 2nd density, to live in fear and servitude, as you're accustom to, for another billion

years or so.

What are the options for the Elder Race, though? Of all the people on Earth, we are the only

group that has not been tied up in a knot of fear, and has not been thru the spiritual trauma of

being forced into a social memory complex by the Guardians to be brought to Earth, and

dumped on an alien world, with their only comment being, "so long, and thanks for all the


We have a unique position, which was why Q'uo and his comrades got so excited about the con-

cept of the "Rangers", now the Phi-Core. Their attempt to fix our evolutionary dead-end was to

throw Wanderers at us (which means, in medieval Latin, "fallen angels"). They did not do the

job, and many of them are now stuck at the rest stop with the rest of us.

As the Ancients battling the Ori-ons, whom are set on destroying us--and succeeding--what are

we to do about this situation? There are less than 6 years left, before a decision is forced upon

this planet.

It is virtually impossible that there will be a massive planetary waking-up by then, so "option 1"

above is not going to happen.

Option 2 might get us back on the track for a while, but the engine WILL break down, and the

Guardians will be forced to remove us, yet again, to another world... but with the karma of

whatever damage we caused when our engine stopped on the evolutionary highway of the solar


Option 3 has some possibilities, and I would see it as the best option for the concept of the Phi-

Core. Get enough people together to get small groups who can teach others, and depart volun-

tarily when the time comes.

Options 4 and 5 I don't really see as viable, in any circumstance, though #4 is the most likely

event that will occur.

This is a summary as I see events unfolding. Do we attempt, as a brotherhood/sisterhood of the

Elder Race of Earth, make the attempt to get people together, unwind the knots of fear, open the

hearts and minds so others can make a conscious, rational choice, becoming individuals, and

trying to get back on the highway again--in the very little time left? Or just "to hell with it?"

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According to the Law of One, all the experiences of 3rd density lead up to a single conse-

quence: making the choice of the path on which you will continue your evolution of conscious-

ness. But what is not clear to many is that it isn't just a fork in the road where you can just con-

tinue to walk by following the Left or Right Path--forward and backward are also options.

The Service Paths

Service to Self

The Service-to-Self path is probably the most visible path on the planet, since our system of

commerce is based on it (greed, self-interest, deception). The STS path requires a dedication of

95% to that path in order to harvest as an STS entity. STS is the easiest path; all your intentions,

motivations and actions are directed towards the satisfaction of ego and self, without care or

consequence for others. It is manifest in these three valuing memes, comprising approximately

40% of the population:

Beige: Archaic-Instinctual (Survival Sense, < 1%)

Red: Power Gods, 10%

Orange: Scientific Achievement (Strive Drive, Entrepreneurial, 30%)

In Beige, the ego is in full charge, and all actions are done in order to survive--to stay alive.

With Red develops the alpha male, the leader, who can then manipulate a social group in order

to satisfy needs on a larger scale. This pattern is expanded further into the virtual entity of the

corporation in Orange. Orange, though not the most popular, is certainly the most visible. Tech-

nology falls into this category, as does commerce and corporations. Most governments these

days are "municipal corporations" and also fall into this category, where the primary motivation

is growth through the assimilation and control over others. The STS path can be seen:

The Ra Material: The Orion Group, whom enslaves planets.

Stargate SG-1: The Ori, the conjugate of the Ancients, probably a spin on the Orions.

Babylon 5: The Shadows, whom promote evolution through deception, trickery and war.

Star Trek TNG: The Borg, a hive-mind collective out to seek perfection by the removal of free


Star Trek DS9: The Ferengi, the archetype of the merchant system.

Any politician running for government!

Marketing: where you are convinced you must have things you don't need.

The STS path, the "Left Hand Path", exists as a counterpoise to the STO path, and is equally


Service to Others

The Service-to-Others path, according to the Ra Material, requires a 51% dedication to the path

Service Paths

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in order to become "harvestable" (having the option to move to the 4th density). The path re-

quires an internal motivation to assist others as an act of unconditional love; if a condition is

placed upon it, or the motivation is for personal gain, it is not an STO act.

Many STO-oriented people want to "Help" others. This is not the same as being of service to

them. To be of service means to assist them on their path, through the teach/learn system.

Cleaning toilets at the local church once a week isn't a STO path, and can actually be an STS

one if it is done with the intent of being an "STO act". To do things in order to "get points" for

that 51% won't actually count in the final tally!

(I have run across those who claim to be STO people, yet constantly demand of others to do

what they want--sometimes through a bit of chicanery, which is typically based on guilt, aloof-

ness, or the "poor me" psychological ploys. It is sad to say that much of the New Age move-

ment uses this technique--be wary of it.)

The STO path falls into three of the yin-based valuing memes (vMemes), comprising approxi-

mately 60% of the population:

Purple: Magical-Animistic (Kin Spirits; tribal, 10%)

Blue: Mythic Order (Truth Force, Religious orders, 40%)

Green: The Sensitive Self (Human Bond, New Age, 10%)

In Purple, Nature spirits are the focus; in Blue, vengeful gods; in Green, the Earth itself. The

valuing system adjusts motivations of people on the STO path so that they end up helping oth-

ers in order to "do good", which is what these external influences promote.

In the Law of One material, the STO path is epitomized by the Confederation of Planets, and in

the Sci-Fi series, Babylon 5, the STO path is the one promoted by the Vorlons.

The Unmentionable Third Way: The Path of the Ancients, "Kheb"

An interesting bit of research sequestered away in the Archive of the Ancients, is a path we re-

fer to as "Kheb" (a reference to the path left by Oma Desala in the Stargate SG-1 episode,

"Maternal Instinct").

The Law of One material has a concept referred to as "harvest" (or "graduation"). Here in 3rd

density, one must individuate in order to make a conscious, informed choice on a service path,

either STO (Service To Other) or STS (Service To Self). Once selected, you then move to the

4th density at harvest time. Given our polarized system, it makes perfect sense that you would

have these two paths available.

Those who do not reach a point of individuation, or simply don't make a service choice, will be

recycled back to yet another 3rd density planet for another three cycles--75,000 years--of learn-

ing/teaching until they learn enough TO make a choice.

The research in the Archive is basically a set of instructions for another type of "service path",

one that completely short-circuits the polarized service path we were told about. One cannot

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even claim that it is "neither STS nor STO" or "both STS and STO"... it is totally outside this

conceptual realm of service, altogether.

We have deciphered a very small part of the research "instructions", and it is quite fascinating...

it requires an entirely new way of looking at the Universe, and the Logoi that created it. (We

also suspect that it was "banned" by BOTH the STS and STO groups!). At the conceptual base,

it deals not with the dichotomy of polarity, but a quadrated system--4 "polarities". I realize that

as a concept--one polarity that can have THREE opposites that are totally different--is a bit dif-

ficult to comprehend! But it makes perfect sense, given the basic structure described in Kheb.

The Archive "instruction manual" is written as a neural network, so when you study the manual,

it actually re-programs your psyche and gives you a bit of an "upgrade", so you can understand

what it is talking about, and make a conscious choice on whether or not to proceed.

Some of the information explains the teach/learn, learn/teach system and how it works within a

polarized system. You have to remember that regardless of service polarity, the goal of the sys-

tem is to learn and grow, in one aspect or the other. Growth results in changes, namely move-

ment through the sub-densities and densities. We learn through interaction with our environ-

ment and other-selves. Our body and mind complexes are designed solely for that purpose. But

what if you were able to engage the teach/learn system, without the premises built in to the sen-

sory systems of the mind/body complex? And I am speaking not just of the physical senses, but

the metaphysical ones too.

The records describe how the learning process works; how information is taken from the

"outside", conceptualized, and added to the contents of the psyche. And it proposes a different

process... what if you can use the Unity of all things, as in the Law of One, and be "one" with

the information, itself? Rather than assimilating the information into the psyche (and resulting

in a STO/STS bias), one can assimilate the psyche into the information. The learning process is

therefore not externalized and projected onto others, it becomes a "consolidation" with the unity

of the Universe.

You realize that polarity really only exists in the 3rd through 5th densities. 1st and 2nd do not

have any type of individuated structure to be polarized; group mind predominates. 6th density

claims to be the density of unity, literally where the Law of One IS law, and polarity is no

longer supposed to exist. But one has to wonder...

7th density is beyond the Law of One, and is the Law of Foreverness. If it is beyond "one", then

it is "many", and therefore is also subject to polarity. The whole octave seems to be structured

towards the generation of polarity. BUT... what of entities like the Guardians, the major Logoi,

and the Council of Saturn? Never hear polarity mentioned in their context. Don't have an STS

Guardian. There does seem to be another path that does not engage the STS/STO polarization,

and rather than moving through the densities and Universe, you become part of that Universe.

The instructions at Kheb describe an alternate system that is apart from polarization; but still a

valid path in the Universe. Logically, it must lead somewhere, and that somewhere isn't the

same place the STS/STO path leads.

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Choice of Density

I (LoneBear) have heard psychological studies that the bulk of the human race is homo sapiens-

erectus--yes, they can walk upright, but "thinking" is a real challenge. In the Law of One mate-

rial, this better describes a person in the 2nd-to-3rd density transition. True, they are not trees,

but some people DO act like animals, particularly where the base instincts of sex and survival

are concerned.

There is no guarantee that, even though you made your "choice" of service path, that you will

graduate to the 4th density. One may even take a step back to the 2nd density, as that was docu-

mented as the Orion agenda for this planet--to revert it to 2nd density for a slave race, which is

promoted through a campaign of fear and insecurity.

Q'uo describes the process thus: when your time comes, if you have reached a point where you

CAN make a choice, you are put on a staircase, where each step up becomes more uncomfort-

able. You climb the staircase until you reach your level of discomfort--the comfortable levels

are the ones you have already completed successfully. Then you decide whether to continue

higher or not. After you have made the choice and picked the step you will stand on, it is re-

vealed to you what density that is, then you can incarnate into that density based on your

"service" choice. But there are no signs on the staircase to indicate what level you are at.

A person can be a dedicated, STO individual but yet when the time comes, find themselves

back in the 2nd density, trying again! It depends on how much discomfort you are prepared to

endure in your chosen incarnation.

So when Harvest comes, you choose not only your service path, but what density you will ex-

perience it in. Those who prefer the life of security and comfort will not go far up the staircase.

Those who are willing to put aside their comfort and push forward, like the old pioneers of the

West, are the ones who will advance.

Status of Faith

In the Sanctuary documentation, one of the things I commented on was:

Man's Law A commandment on the way something is to behave.

Natural Law An observation on the way something does behave.

I have faith in what I see with my TEN senses. I don't have "faith" in people, but faith in the

patterns of behavior which are always repeated. I know that our American government will

never do anything to actually HELP the people of this country grow, because government is

now a corporation with clients we call "criminals", and 100% market share. The only way they

can stay in business, increase in size and grow, is to constantly make more criminals by making

more and more things illegal, until all freedom has been removed. If they actually helped the

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people grow in education and ethics, then the NEED for government would diminish until it no

longer existed. The pattern established over a couple of centuries shows that won't happen!

The same holds true for people. Don't listen to the claims a person makes, look at what they do.

It is more a matter of honor than faith; an honorable person (or entity) does what they state, and

they clearly state what they intend to do. For example, I have complete faith in the Orions... I

know that all that they do will be to devolve the Earth back to the 2nd density to create a slave

race. True "evil" is actually very honorable in that respect. And what is often seen as the "good

guys", like the Confederation hiding behind their "encounter suits" (channelers), can often be

quite dishonorable, as the clouding of their statements and intentions will result in constant mis-


I have complete faith in people to act out their Nature. I have faith in the Els because they are a

force of Nature, and even though I may feel like a pawn at time, the pattern with them (through

retrospect) has revealed that they work consistently for the evolution of consciousness, which,

IMHO, is what we need to concentrate on.

There is an old Myposian saying, "there are none as blind as those who cannot see." The sim-

plest solution to "blind slavery" is to just open your eyes and see what is going on around you.

Though it often isn't a pretty picture, and many people who DO take a peek, often close their

eyes again and commit to "voluntary servitude"--letting others make decisions for them.

alluvion wrote:

trust in what? Faith in others without discernment is blind slavery.

cointreau wrote:

The solution that might best suit you would be to poke your eyes out so you don't see anything any more.

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