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  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    Hannah Arendt

    On Revolution

    Faber Sarah

    Margani Dennyz

    Tosti Mattia

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    Hannah Arendt

    Born in 190

    19!!" #or$ed to leave %er&any

    be$ause o# Anti'Se&itis&

    (art o# lively intelle$tual $ir$le in)e* +or,

    Most i&-ortant *or,s . The

    Origins of TotalitarianismandThe Human Condition

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    On Revolution

    (ublished in 19!

    Main #o$us is on the

    analysis o# revolutions" in-arti$ular the Fren$h andthe A&eri$an

    Arendt/s &ain goal *as to

    deter&ine the spirit ofrevolution

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    ars and revolutions


    'Oldest -oliti$al -heno&ena originally never$onne$ted *ith the $on$e-t o# liberty


    'Re$ent -oliti$al -heno&ena born a#ter&odern age

    '2onne$ted *ith the $on$e-t o# liberty

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    ars and revolutions

    The author identi3es 4 trends o# *ar use#ul tounderstand and inter-ret revolutions .

    1 2hange in -oliti$al &eaning o# &ilitary

    5 2on$e-t o# survival

    ! 2hange in nature o# *ar

    4 6ntera$tion bet*een *ar and revolution

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    6ntera$tion bet*een *arand revolution

    6ntensi3$ation in the intera$tionbet*een the t*o

    More e&-hasis on revolutionsthan on *ar

    Histori$ally interde-endent

    Both are -oliti$al -heno&enadi7erent #ro& the rest i&-ossibleoutside the do&ain o# violen$e

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    The (oliti$al theory on the &atter is relevant only i#

    18 Glorifes violence


    58 Justifes violence

    ' state o# nature

    ' $on$e-t that ea$h beginning it/s al*ays $onne$ted *ithviolen$e and $ri&e $ain abel

    Ro&ulus and Re&us


  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    Meaning o# revolution

    Origins o the term

    18 Ma$hiavelli. s-iritual #ather o# revolutions:

    be$ause. '(oliti$al -eriod . 6talian renaissan$e

    ' 6nterest in -oliti$al $hange

    ' ;&-hasis on use o# violen$e

    )ever used the ter& revolution.

    &utatio reru&

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    58 2o-erni$o. De rivolutionibus orbiu& $aelestiu&

    '&eaning. designates a regular la*#ully &otion o# the stars

    beyond the in

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    !8 %lorious Revolution

    'hen the ter& *as used in it/s -oliti$al sense" but still *ithits astrologi$al &eaning

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    48 A&eri$an and the Fren$h revolution

    ' 6nitially &anaged as a restoration o# an oldorder o# things that had been disturbed andviolated either by a $olonial govern&ent or by a


    - here are the ele&ents o# a ne* beginning$hara$teristi$ o# the &odern &eaning o#revolution =

    American revolution. &ove&ent *as not

    revolutionary but it lead to a revolution

    French revolution: at the beginning $on$eivedas a a restoration and a#ter the initial -hase *e$an 3nd ele&ent o#: -athos o# so&ething ne*:

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    The So$ial >uestion

    Historical shit

    1) Beore Moern Age

    'distin$tion bet*een rulers?ruled " -o*er#ul?-o*erless *asinevitable in the stru$ture o# a state

    !) Ater Moern Age

    'started @uestioning i# -overty is inherent in hu&an naturea#ter $olonial e-erien$e A&eri$a. sy&bol o# so$iety

    *ithout -overty

    greatest inuence of the American Revolution on the FrenchRevolution was not the bill of rights but welfare:

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    So$ial -roble& and theFren$h Revolution

    (overty. state o# -er&anent ne$essity

    #reedo& and -overty are in$o&-atible: ' arl Mar


    18 State *as over$harged o# e$ono&i$ -roble&s

    Biggest &ista,e to inter-ret ne$essity in -oliti$al ter&s

    58 Revolution ins-ired" su--orted and then su7o$ated byne$essity

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    !8 Heavy histori$al tradition

    48 Role o# $o&-assion

    The only #or$e that $an uni#y di7errent so$ial $lasses:'Montes@uieu

    ;&-hasis on -eo-le rather than on institutions

    o-ened the doors o# -oliti$s to the -oor

    C8 Hunting the hy-o$rite

    reign o# terror double #ear

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    So$ial -roble& and theA&eri$an Revolution

    18 Revolution ins-ired not by so$ial needs but by-oliti$al needs

    58 Hidden so$ial -roble&

    400000 bla$,s vs 1C0000 *hite

    )o $onde&n on the state that reserves #or a se$tiono# so$iety ignoran$e and -overty

    )e$essity didn/t su7o$ate the revolution

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    !8 ;&-hasis on -oliti$al institutions

    )e* govern&ent Division o# -o*er

    Eiberty through long lasting institutions

    48 Hunting o# hy-o$rites too, -la$e a#ter the revolution*ith in, rather than *ith blood

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    (rere@uisites #or

    revolution Revolutions are i&-ossible in states *here the authority

    of the body politic is truly intactG

    )eed o# a sucient number of men who are prepared forits collapseG

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    )otion o# Freedo&

    6n the Fren$h Revolution

    (resen$e o# Mass'(overty and So$ial >uestion during the


    Tennis 2ourt Oath *as a 3rst atte&-t to bring an end to the;tats gnrals

    Fren$h $itizens didn/t have any e-erien$e in the

    3eld o# Freedo&

    )o o--ortunity to dis$uss a $onstitution

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    )otion o# Freedo&

    6n the A&eri$an Revolution

    The $reation o# the 2onstitution $reated Freedo&

    )u&erous #a$ts $aused the su$$ess o# the A&eri$an revolutionsu$h as.

    ' Eu$, Ino Mass'-overty and So$ial >uestion that *as do&inant8

    ' ;-erien$e Iorganization o# the $olonies8

    (resen$e o# To*n Hall MeetingsG" *here A&eri$ansheld debates" and -oliti$al dis$ussions

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    The 2onstitution

    2onstitution and #oundation o# a state are

    t*o $orrelative $onJun$tions

    2onstitutional asse&blies be$a&e the

    hall&ar, o# revolutions

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    The 2onstitution in theKnited States

    ar o# 6nde-enden$e *ith the British 2ro*n

    Founding o# a ne* govern&ent and a2onstitution

    The A&eri$an revolutionaries based the&selveson Montes@uieuLs do$trine o# se-aration o#-o*ers

    ohn Ada&s. The great art o# la*'giving

    $onsists in IN8 and in $onstituting the legislativea -er#e$t balan$e against the ee$utive -o*erG

    6ntrodu$tion o# the $he$, and balan$e syste&

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    The 2onstitution in theKnited States

    "i#erences $ith the French Revolution

    An i&-ortant -art o# the de$laration o# the Rights o#

    &an and the $itizen $a&e to -lay in the $ourse o# theFren$h Revolution

    These rights *ere assu&ed not to indi$ate theli&itations o# all la*#ul govern&ent but on the $ontrary

    to be its ounation

    2ontrast to the Knited States" *here the but thesour$e o# all la*s should be the 2onstitution" and notthe -eo-le the&selves

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    )ovus Ordo Se$loru&

    %ro&lem: legitimi'ation o (o$er

    An$ien Rgi&e divine -o*er grants

    legiti&a$y to &onar$h

    Stable govern&ent &ust

    originate #ro& a su-eriorauthority

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point



    FR*+H R,O-./0O*

    Robes-ierre #ound a su-erior authority in religion Ior

    ho* he so&eti&es de3ned it a $ontinuous a--ealto Justi$e:8

    His des-erate solution *as the $reation o# the $ult o#the Su-re&e Being

    (e$uliar given se$ularization *as trying to do theo--osite

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point



    AMR0+A* R,O-./0O*

    Ro&an -oliti$al institution. senate potestas inpopulo! auctoritas in senatu

    A&eri$an govern&ent se-aration o# authority #ro&legislative -o*er

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point



    Other issue #or granting stability *as that o#&aintaining alive the -rin$i-les that &oved

    the t*o revolutions. -ubli$ #reedo&

    -ubli$ ha--iness Iindividual ha--iness o#

    the &asses8 -ubli$ a$$ountability Ia$tive -arti$i-ation in

    -ubli$ li#e8

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point



    R,O-./0O* FR"OM

    6nvasion o# -ubli$ s-here by-rivate s-here.

    Freedo& is no* intended as

    #reedo& o# s-ee$h" o#o-inion and #reedo& to-arti$i-ate a$tively in -ubli$ad&inistration

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point




    2ivil $oun$ils and societ"s populaires.

    Revolutionary institutions in *hi$h #reedo& $ould bee-ressed

    2ivil $oun$ils held a sli$e o# legislative -o*ers" ea$hinde-endent one #ro& another

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    Reign o# terror

    6n order to sto- the strea, o# violen$ebrought by revolution Robes-ierre

    atte&-ted su$$ess#ully to $entralizegovern&ental -o*ers 6n this -ro$ess $ivil$oun$ils *ere $rushed

    #or the si&-le #a$t thattheir eisten$e *as

    in o--osition *ith a$entra' lizedsour$e o# -o*er

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point




    Fren$h e-erien$e

    A2T6O). violen$e and rebellion #reedo& violen$e

    e7erson identi3ed in #reedo& di7erent-rin$i-les

    A2T6O). ad&inistration #reedo&

  • 7/23/2019 Hannah Arendt power point


    e7erson/s heritage

    0eal re(u&lican government

    2on$eived by e7erson *ith the division o# the

    $ountry in $onstituen$ies" s&aller individualre-ubli$s in *hi$h every &an $ould be$o&ean a$tive &e&ber o# the govern&ent

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