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Invitation to Tender

Hanlon Park Cricket Practice Wicket Construction

Contact Officer: Malcolm Armstrong Phone: 03 55222214

Contract No. 02131632

Closing Date: Thursday, 23rd July, 2009 Closing Time: 3:00pm Tenders lodged after the closing time or otherwise than in the Tender Box will not be accepted.

Contract No. 200851

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PART 1 Section 1. Tendering Conditions

Section 2. Tender Response

Section 3. Draft Contract Agreement

PART 2 Section 4. Specification

4.1 – Occupational Health and Safety

4.2 – Specification for Works

4.3 – Drawings

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1. Tender Response 1.1 Each Tender Response must -

(a) Indicate how the objectives and critical success factors set out in the specification will be met; and

(b) Indicate how the tenderer proposes to address the various issues as

detailed in the Specification; and

(c) prove that the respondent has the necessary competence, resources,

industrial relations, quality, safety management and financial capacity to carry out all requirements detailed throughout tender; and

(d) address all the requirements detailed in Section 2 – Tender Response


2. Lodgement of Tender Response 2.1 Tender Responses must be –

(a) in a sealed envelope;

(b) addressed to "Glenelg Shire Council" and marked with the contract

number stated on the covering page of these tender documents; and (c) placed in the Tender Box located in the foyer of the Portland Council

Offices, in Cliff Street, Portland by the time and date stated on the front

cover of these tender documents. (PO Box 152 Cliff Street Portland)

2.2 Tenders received by facsimile or email will not be accepted.

2.3 Tenders lodged after the closing time or otherwise than in the Tender Box will not be accepted.

2.4 Tenderers must provide two (2) copies of all documentation lodged with the

Tender Submission.

3. Tender Evaluation

3.1 The evaluation of tenders will be carried out in accordance with the following

evaluation criteria. Tenderers should ensure that tender submissions clearly address the evaluation criteria. Failure to do so may result in the tender

submission not proceeding to evaluation.

3.2 Weighting factors are designed for each of the criteria. These weightings will be used to aggregate and compare each Tenderer’s evaluated ability to meet

the criteria based on the tender submitted.

3.3 The following method shall be used to evaluate tenders submitted.

• Each tender will be individually assessed against the evaluation criteria and given a “raw score” on ability to meet the requirements specified.

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• Weighting factors will be applied to the “raw scores” and the steps added

to obtain an “Aggregated Weighted Score”.

3.4 The evaluation scoring will be an element of, and a guide for, the overall tender evaluation.





• Previous relevant demonstrated experience in successfully

completing and operating projects of a similar type and

scale). • Skills, Qualifications and Experience of staff • Compliance to specified requirements



• References

• Organisational capacity to resource (eg. human,

mechanical, physical etc.) sufficiently to undertake the

specified requirements. • Ability to meet Council’s timeframes.

• Quality Assurance

• Occupational Health and Safety Management • Risk Management

Financial Analysis

• Price

3.5 Tenderers must be able to demonstrate any assertions made in respect of these criteria. Failure of the Tenderer to meet the minimum standards established for

these criteria may result in the Tender Submission not being successful.

3.6 Council will undertake appropriate investigations to confirm details provided in

the Tender Submission. As part of the evaluation process, Council may request

interviews with Tenderers, visit other contract sites where a Tenderer performs services and/or request additional information to aid in the evaluation process. Failure to submit the required information by the date and time stipulated by

Council may result in the Tender Submission being rejected.

3.7 Council may as part of the tender evaluation process engage the services of

an independent financial consultant to provide a comprehensive financial assessment report. In order to complete this report a representative from the

independent financial consultant will contact the nominated company representative requesting such financial information as is necessary in order to

assess the company’s financial status. Tenderers failing to provide this information will not be considered.

3.8 The report shall be used in the assessment and verification of the financial

capacity to undertake the services associated with this Contract. Receipt by

Council of an unsatisfactory financial assessment report may lead to the tender

submission being excluded from further evaluation. 3.9 The independent financial assessment report shall remain private and


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4. Acceptance of Tender

4.1 Council may accept any tender.

4.2 Council is not bound to accept the lowest or any Tender Response. 4.3 Civil construction works: Council will only accept a tender from tenderers who

have a OH&S Management Systems with a preference with systems audited by a registered third party auditor. Council will consider Tenderers who satisfactorily complete Schedule 4.

Tenderers must complete Schedule 5, OH&S Safety Risk Matrix for the tender to be accepted.

4.4 Notwithstanding any other requirements of the Request for Tender documents, the Council may, before any tender is accepted, require any tenderer to

submit promptly on request and without charge, any further information relevant to its tender.

4.5 Council may conduct post-tender negotiations with a preferred tenderer for the purpose of concluding the Contract.

4.6 All tenderers will be promptly notified in writing of Council’s acceptance of any

Tender Response.

5. Contract Agreement

5.1 The successful tenderer must execute a Contract Agreement in the form

contained in Section 3 within 7 days of receipt of tender acceptance from

Council, or such other period as the parties may mutually agree.

5.2 Failure to comply with this clause will constitute grounds for Council not to award the contract to such a tenderer.

6. Negotiation

6.1 The Council reserves the right to negotiate with tenderers on any aspect of their proposals, relating to services offered, including timetables, prices and

conditions of supply.

7. Enquiries to Council

7.1 All tender enquiries must be directed to Council’s designated officer whose name and telephone number appear on the front cover of these tender

documents and must not be directed to any other Council staff or to


7.2 Any clarifications required in relation to the tender specification must be

submitted in writing and must be directed to Council’s designated officer

whose name and telephone number appear on the front cover of these tender

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documents and must not be directed to any other Council staff or to

Councillors. 7.3 A tenderer who breaches this clause will be disqualified from the tendering


8. Information Given in Response to Enquiries 8.1 No statement made by any member of Council’s staff may be construed as

modifying this Invitation to Tender unless confirmed in writing by Council. 8.2 Any advice, in whatever form, given by Council to a tenderer for the purpose

of clarifying the meaning of the Tender documentation, will also be given to all

other tenderers in writing.

8.3 All tender enquiries must be received no later than 3 working days prior to the

close of tender.

9. Non-Conforming Tenders

Council may reject a non-conforming tender.

10. Goods and Services Tax

All prices and fees must include and detail any applicable GST.

11. No Collateral Contract

The submission of a tender by a tenderer will not give rise to any contract

governing, or in any way concerning, the tender process, or any aspect of the

tender process, for the Contract. Council expressly disclaims any intention to enter into any such Contract.

12. Confidentiality, Security and Privacy

12.1 The Contractor, under the conditions forming part of the Tender, has consented

to the Council publishing (on the internet or otherwise) the name of the

Contractor and the contract value together with the conditions of this Contract generally. Subject to this right of publication the Council will treat as confidential all information provided to it in the Tender.

12.2 All Information provided to the Contractor by or on behalf of the Council under

the Contract shall be treated as confidential by the Contractor. Such Information shall be referred to as "Confidential Information".

12.3 The Contractor agrees that the Contractor or its employees, agents, directors, partners, shareholders or consultants shall not disclose to any person, any Confidential Information or Information relating to the Council or the affairs of

others which may have come to its or their knowledge as a result of this Contract.

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12.4 All Confidential Information shall remain the property of the Council and (where

possible) shall be returned by the Contractor to the Council on completion of the Contract.

12.5 The Confidential Information supplied to the Contractor pursuant to this

Contract shall be used only as directed by the Council and shall not be reproduced or used for any purpose other than pursuant to this Agreement or

that Purchase Order Contract.

12.6 The Contractor shall not divulge any Information regarding the nature or progress of the Services or give any publicity concerning the Services except with prior written consent of the Council's Representative.

12.7 The Contractor's obligations under this clause shall not extend to:

a) Information already in the public domain other than due to a breach of

this Contract by the Contractor;

b) Any disclosure required by law.

12.8 The Contractor acknowledges that the Council shall be entitled (in addition to any entitlement to damages) to an injunction or other equitable relief with

respect to any actual or threatened breach by the Contractor of this clause

12.8 and without the need on the part of the Council to prove any special damage.

12.9 The Contractor shall be bound by the Information Privacy Principles of the Victorian Information Privacy Act 2000 and or the Health Privacy Principles of

the Victorian Health Records Act 2001 and any applicable Code of Practice with respect to any act done or practice engaged in by the Contractor for the

purposes of this Contract in the same way and to the same extent as the State,

the Council or a Purchaser would have been bound by the Information Privacy Principles and or Health Privacy Principles and any applicable Code of Practice

in respect of that act or practice had it been directly done or engaged in by

the State, the Council or that Purchaser.

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SECTION 2 – TENDER RESPONSE 1. Tenderers are required to submit such information as is necessary to enable

Council to undertake an effective assessment of the tender in respect to the evaluation criteria.

2. The following schedules have been provided to assist tenderers in providing

the information necessary. 3. To ensure compliance Tenderers must complete all of the schedules in full and

respond to each of the specific tender information requirements and submit

the tender by the nominated closing date.

4. Tender response schedules are provided in electronic format (Adobe pdf) as

part of the online tender documents download available during the tender

advertising period.

5. Tenderers may obtain a hard copy of the tender document from The Glenelg

Shire Council.

6. The Tender Response must comprise all of the following completed schedules and tender information:

• Schedule 1 - Business Information Questionnaire • Schedule 2 - Demonstrated Experience (Schedules A to C)

• Schedule 3 - Insurance Requirements

• Schedule 4 - Occupational Health and Safety Compliance Statement • Schedule 5 - Safety Matter / Safety Risk Matrix

• Schedule 6 - Specific Tender Information • Schedule 7 - Tender Pricing Forms

• Schedule 8 - Receipt of Addenda • Tenderers Declaration Each schedule shall be completed in full and in the form provided. References to attachments or company profiles will not be accepted unless it is requested for in the documents. Failure to comply may result in the tender not proceeding to evaluation.

7. During the assessment period, tenderers may be required to submit additional information or to personally discuss their submission in detail. Any information so requested will be supplied in writing and made available to Council as soon

as possible, but no later than 48 hours following the request.

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COMPANY INFORMATION Company Name: Business/Trading Name: (if applicable)

Australian Company Number (ACN): Australian Business Number (ABN):

Company Contact Person: Company Contact Information:

Title: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss (Please circle)



Mobile No. ………………………...….....

Tel. No. ( …. ) ………………………...

Fax No. ( …. ) ………………………... Email: ………………………………….

Business Address: Postal Address: (if different):



Postcode: ………………………



Postcode: ………………………

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BUSINESS INFORMATION State whether business is; an Individual, a Partnership or a Limited Liability Company:

(If other, please specify)

Give full names and addresses of all Directors/Partners:



How many years has the Company been in business as a contractor?

Previous business names (if applicable)

(a) Under its present business name

…………. years

(b) Under a previous business name(s)

…………. years

In what other types of business has the Company a financial interest?

Business/Company Name:

Financial Interest:

Tenderers shall disclose any relationship which may exist between any of the Company’s directors, partners, employees, agents or contractors and Councillors, staff, agents or contractors of Glenelg Shire Council.

Tenderers shall attach a copy of the latest set of audited company accounts for the last two years. Failure to submit this information may result in the tender not proceeding to evaluation.

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Tenderers shall detail the demonstrated experience of the Company and Principal individuals relevant to the nature of works for which it is tendering. Details shall

include the experience and qualifications and area of specialisation of the principal individuals and any other key personnel.

DEMONSTRATED EXPERIENCE How many years’ experience has the Company had in the nature of works for which it is tendering?

Pavement construction …………. Years,

Concrete works…………. Years,

Chain mesh Fencing…………. Years,

What is the relevant experience and qualifications of the principal individuals and key personnel of the nature of works for which it is tendering?



Experience and Qualifications

Role and Responsibility for this Project ………………………………………………………



Experience and Qualifications

Role and Responsibility for this Project ………………………………………………………



Experience and Qualifications

Role and Responsibility for this Project ………………………………………………………

Add additional as required

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Schedule 2B : Demonstrated Experience – Current Contracts Commitments Tenderer’s Name:

Tenderers are required to provide information of nominated customer organisations to which they are currently providing services of similar scope and complexity.

Note: Tenderers shall insert additional lines where required to provide an indication of all current commitments. Privacy: As part of the evaluation process, Tenderers agree to Council undertaking appropriate investigations to confirm the

experience and performance of current contracts, which shall not be limited to the referees provided in this tender submission. This

information shall not be given to any other organisations.

Name of Tenderer: Signature of Tenderer: Date:

This Schedule must be completed in full and shall form part of the Tenderers submission.

Demonstrated Experience – Current Contract Commitments

Organisation and Facility or


Brief Description of


Estimated Commencement


Estimated Completion


Approx. Value


QA To Be Used


Client Contact Name


Phone Number





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Schedule 2C : Demonstrated Experience – Previous Contracts of Similar Nature Tenderer’s Name:

Tenderers are required to provide information of nominated customer organisations to which they previously have provided services of

similar scope and complexity.

Demonstrated Experience – Previous Contracts



Approx. Value ($AUD)

Approx. Value ($AUD)

Organisation and Facility or Site

Brief Description of works


completion date


completion date


Contract value


Contract value

Client Contact Name


Phone Number





Privacy: As part of the evaluation process, Tenderers agree to Council undertaking appropriate investigations to confirm the

experience and performance of past contracts, which shall not be limited to the referees provided in this tender submission. This

information shall not be given to any other organisations.

Name of Tenderer: Signature of Tenderer: Date:

This Schedule must be completed in full and shall form part of the Tenderers submission.

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This statement verifies that the Contractor has insurance suitable for the requirements of the contract in accordance with the conditions stated in the Tender Document. Failure to answer these questions shall deem the tender NONCONFORMING. Evidence of the responses below shall be required before Council commits to a contract.


Public Liability Insurance Contractors shall provide public liability insurance with a minimum limit of liability of:

$20 MILLION. The insurance policy shall include a Principals Indemnity Extension (for

the sole purpose of any contract awarded to the contractor). Note: An ‘interested party’ policy does not constitute a Principals Indemnity Extension.

Does your company have or will your company provide an insurance policy compliant to these requirements?

Circle as appropriate

Do you have or will you obtain Principal's Indemnity Extension on

the Public Liability Insurance cover?

Circle as appropriate

Motor Vehicle Insurance

Contractors shall ensure that all motor vehicles engaged on any contract works or services are covered by an appropriate insurance policy

Is your current motor vehicle insurance a Comprehensive Insurance Policy?

Circle as appropriate

If no above do you have a current Third Party Insurance Policy

covering property damage?

If so what is the minimum limit of liability provided?

Circle as appropriate

$... … … … …

Work Cover Insurance Contractors engaged by Glenelg Shire Council on contracts must be able to provide

evidence that the company is registered as an employer for the purposes of the

Accident Compensation Act 1985.

WorkCover Employer Registration Number : No…………….

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

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This statement verifies that the Contractor has in place a safety program and systems which as a minimum demonstrate compliance with the employer duties section of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Evidence of the responses below will be required before Council commits to a contract. 1 Accreditation Yes No

1.1 Does the company have an OHS Management System certified by a


independent authority (eg.SafetyMap, NSCA 5 Star etc)? If Yes provide details / OHS Manager / auditors name and qualifications.

If Yes to 1.1 go to Q8

2 OHS Policy and Management Yes No

2.1 Is there a written company health and safety policy?

If yes provide a copy of policy.


2.2 Is there a company OHS Management System manual or plan?

If yes provide a copy of contents page(s).


2.3 Are health and safety responsibilities clearly identified for staff?

If Yes provide details

3 Safe Work Practices and Procedures Yes No

3.1 Has the company prepared safety procedures or specific safety

instructions relevant

to its operations? If yes, provide a summary listing of procedures or instructions. Comments

3.2 Does the company have any “permit to work” systems?

If Yes, provide a summary listing of permits:

3.3 Is there a documented accident and incident investigation procedure?

If Yes provide a copy of a standard incident report form.

3.4 Are there procedures for maintaining, inspecting and assessing the

hazards of plant

operated/owned by the company? If Yes, provide details.

3.5 Are there procedures for storing and handling Hazardous Substances?

If Yes, provide details.

3.6 Are their procedures for identifying, assessing and controlling risks associated with

Manual Handling?

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If Yes, provide details.

4 OHS Training Yes No 4.1 Describe what health and safety training is conducted in your company.

4.2 Is a record maintained of all training and induction programs undertaken


employees in your company? If Yes, provide examples of safety training records.

5 Health and Safety Workplace Inspection Yes No

5.1 Are standard workplace inspection checklists used to conduct health

and safety

inspections? If Yes, provide details or examples:

5.2 Is there a procedure by which employees can report hazards at


If Yes, provide details

6 Health and Safety Consultation Yes No

6.1 Is there a workplace health and safety committee?

If Yes, please provide details.

6.2 Are employees involved in decision making over OHS matters?

If Yes, please provide details.

6.3 Are there employee elected health and safety representatives?

If Yes, please provide details.

7 OHS Performance Monitoring Yes No

7.1 Is there a system for recording and analysing health and safety statistics?

If Yes provide details:

7.2 Are employees regularly provided with information on company health and safety

performance? If Yes, provide details.

8 Victorian WorkCover Authority Yes No

8.1 Has the Victorian WorkCover Authority visited the provider in the past 3


If Yes provide details:

8.2 Has the Provider been issued with Provisional Improvement Notices, Prohibition

Notices or Written Directions in the last 3 years? If Yes, provide details.

8.3 Has the company ever been convicted of an occupational health and safety offence?

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If Yes, provide details.

9 Management of Subcontractors Yes No

9.1 Does your company/organisation have systems in place to ensure the management of subcontractors

If Yes provide details:

10 Company References Yes No

10.1 Has the Company had any ‘lost time’ injuries in the past 2 years?

If Yes provide details:

Contract 1 Contract 2 Contract 3

Contract Description

Number of lost time injuries

Number of person days on


Total days lost due to


I certify that the above answers provide a true and accurate brief in relation to OH&S compliance by: Company name:

Name: Position in company:


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To avoid doubt and for the purposes of enhancing health and safety outcomes and

compliance with the statutory provisions under both State and Commonwealth legislation over the life of the works undertaken pursuant to this Agreement, the Contractor and Glenelg Shire Council acknowledge and agree that:

a) the Contractor has control and management of the matters that give rise or may give rise

to risks to health and safety as listed in the completed safety risk matrix and indicated as under the Contractor’s control and management to the exclusion of Glenelg Shire


b) Glenelg Shire Council has control and management of the matters that give rise or may

give rise to risks to health and safety as listed in the completed safety risk matrix and indicated as under the Glenelg Shire Council’s control and management to the exclusion

of the Contractor;

c) the Contractor and Glenelg Shire Council have co-existing control and management of the matters that give rise or may give rise to risks to health and safety as listed in the

completed safety risk matrix and indicated as under the co-existing control and management of the Contractor and Subcontractor.

d) Where the risk of the construction work included in the Safety Risk Matrix is not relevant to

this contract, the Tenderer should mark that item with “NA”.

Where the respective control and management of a matter that gives rise or may give rise to risks to health and safety is not included or indicated in the completed safety risk matrix or otherwise provided for in the Agreement then the Contractor and Glenelg Shire Council acknowledge and agree that the Contractor has control and management of that matter.

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Safety Risk Matrix

As the tenderer will have control and management of the site during the period of the contract, this table must be completed to reflect what the tenderer envisages who will manage and control the Occupational Health and Safety related to the worksite hazards listed below. The tenderer will also assume the role of ‘Works Manager’ as defined in the Road Management Act 2004 during the period of the contract. Please use: C = Contractor X = Coexist P = Principal (Glenelg Shire Council) N/A = Not Applicable. ANDR / S

Construction work involving:

Provide and

maintain systems of


Provide and maintain plant and equipment

Use, handling, storage or transport of


Use, handling, storage or transport of substances

Condition of the


Provision of adequate facilities

Provide information, instruction, training or supervision

Means of entering and leaving the workplace

Provide a safe


Provision of PPE

Risk of person falling


Construction of

kerb and channel,

vehicle crossings

and footpaths

The disturbance or

removal of




Confined space entry

Excavation to a

depth up to 1.5


Excavation to a

depth greater than

1.5 metres


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Tree Removal

Work on, near or


pressurized gas

Work on, near or

involving chemical

Work on, near or

involving energized electrical

Contaminated or



Tilt-up and recast


Adjacent to

roadways or


Powered mobile


Artificial extremes

of temperature

Transmission towers

Provide adequate


Other – please


Company name: Name: Position in company:

Signature: Date:

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The specification requests tenderers to provide a specific response to certain criteria detailed

in the tender document. This schedule provides a summary of the specific response

requirements for this Tender.

Note: Tenderers shall complete this schedule in full and in the form provided ensuring that

they address all criteria. If there is insufficient space to provide your response tenderers are advised to add additional lines as required. References to attachments or company profiles will not be accepted unless it is requested for in the documents. Failure to comply may result in the tender not proceeding to the next stage of evaluation.

Item Description

1. Resources Please detail your ability to resource this project to ensure the successful delivery in

accordance with the contract timelines and requirements of this contract. Details

shall include:

1. The ability to resource the project with sufficient and appropriately licensed and

skilled personnel


2. The ability to resource the project with sufficient and appropriate equipment as



3. The ability to resource multiple jobs on a concurrent basis


4. The ability to manage and supervise the project to ensure the quality of service and

successful completion


2. Contract Timelines Based on an estimated contract award by 31 July, 2009 please indicate your ability to complete the requirements of this contract within the timeframe specified.

Completion by: 14th September 2009 Circle as appropriate

If you are unable to meet the specified timeframe please provide a proposed

alternative date for consideration. Where the tenderer proposes an alternative date

then this shall be accompanied with an indicative programme of works.

Where tenderers are unable to meet the above completion date, a statement

regarding alternatives proposals inclusive of a proposed completion date shall be

provided for consideration.

Yes No

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3. Quality Systems

Do you have a documented Quality Assurance System currently applying to the

services to be provided for this contract? Circle as appropriate

If so is the system accredited by a third party?

Please provide your accreditation no. …………….(please attach a current copy of the

certificate). If not please provide details and examples of the Quality Assurance System including

quality control systems and document control and its use on other contracts.

Does your Quality Assurance System have a documented Environmental

Management Plan currently applying to the services to be provided for this contract? Circle as appropriate

If so please provide details including examples of the Environmental Management

Plan including control systems and document control and its use on other contracts.

Yes No

Yes No

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TO: Glenelg Shire Council (“Principal”)

I/we the undersigned do hereby tender to undertake, carry out and complete the work under


In accordance with the following Documents:







For the Lump Sum (inclusive of GST):……………………………………………………………


and to otherwise comply with the Contract and bring the Works to practical completion

within the period or by the date specified in the Annexure to the General Conditions of


I/we hereby release council and its Agents from any claim in relation to or connected with the Conditions of Tendering, the Tender information, the issuing of the Invitation, the

consideration of the Tenders or the awarding of the Contract (including any claim by reason

of any negligence, default or lack of care).

I/we submit this Tender in accordance with the attached Conditions of Tendering and hereby

give the Tender Warranties referred to therein. I/we agree to be bound by the Conditions of

Tendering in exchange for Council investigating and considering this Tender with others

received by Council.

Dated this _____________________ day _________________ month in the year _____

Full name of Tenderer _______________________________________________________

Australian Company/Business Number (A.C.N)/(A.B.N) ________________________

Telephone No: _________________________ Facsimile No: _______________________

Address of Tenderer for service of notices: ____________________________________

If the Tenderer is a company, it must execute this tender under seal:


was hereunto affixed in accordance with its )

Articles of Association in the presence of: )



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If the Tenderer is a sole trader or partnership, the names and addresses of the individual members are:

(1) __________________________________________________________________________

(2) __________________________________________________________________________

(3) __________________________________________________________________________

Name and position of person submitting Tender for and on behalf and with the authority of

the Tenderer:

Name: __________________________________________________________________________

Position: __________________________________________________________________________

Telephone No: _________________________ Facsimile No: ________________________

Signature of person submitting Tender: __________________________________________


If the Tenderer is a body corporate other than a company, the appropriate sealing clause must be inserted

If the Tenderer is an individual:


by )

in the presence of: ) ___________________________


If the Tenderer is an In-House Unit:

SIGNED on behalf of the Tenderer by:



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(To be submitted with Tender)

Name of Tenderer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Signed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The quantities shown in the Schedule are estimated quantities only and are not guaranteed

to be the actual or correct quantities of work to be carried out.

In preparing its Schedule of Prices, the Tenderer must:

� show the quantity and price for each item of work required in order to complete the

Works in accordance with the Contract.

� include all items for which the Principal has suggested a provisional quantity in the

Schedule of Estimated Quantities

� use the provisional quantities (if any) suggested by the Principal in the Schedule of

Estimated Quantities

� Include GST

The amount calculated by extending the quantities and rates shown in the Schedule and

totaling the extensions shall agree with the Lump Sums for Parts A and B shown in the Tender


The fixed price and any rates are to be inclusive of all costs including GST.

Schedule of Quantities and Rates for Lump Sum tender.

Project Name: Hanlon Park Cricket Net Construction

Contract No.: 200851 Drawing No.: Sheets as attached

Name of Tenderer:



exc. GST

1 Part 1 - Lump Sum

1.1 Excavate road area, wicket run up and

wicket base as necessary. Reshape general

area to suit finish levels. Ensure table drain drains at 3% fall away from wicket for about 2m then falls to Kerb and Channel,

excavation depths need to allow for top soiling area.

Any excess fill to Portland landfill, fees apply.

100 m3

1.2 Supply and install wicket base of 75mm

minimum depth compacted limestone

(approved at 95% Std compaction) at a grade to suit finished levels. Hold Point.

30 m3

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Schedule of Quantities and Rates, continued.

Project Name: Hanlon Park Cricket Net Construction

Contract No.: 200851 Drawing No.: Sheets as attached

Name of Tenderer:

Signed: 1.3 Supply and install road base of 300mm

minimum depth compacted limestone (approved at 95% Std compaction) at a grade to suit finished levels. Hold Point. Reuse

insitu road pavement as appropriate. Excavate where necessary to attain required

pavement base depth.

72 m3

1.4 Supply and install 15m *(24.5~30m) Concrete Wicket: minimum depth 125mm thick,

reinforced with F92 reinforcement mesh, 25Mpa. Surface finish to required levels +/-

1.5mm and suitable for cricket wicket. Finish levels are to not pool water at any location.

395 m2

1.5 Supply and install (3)12m synthetic cricket

wickets 1.8m wide, Classic Club or approve equivalent and



1.5.1 synthetic cricket wicket adhesive (drum). 3 drums

1.6 Fencing 3.6m height with chain wire mesh(also referred to as Chainlink)

50*50*3.15mm heavy duty galvanised chain

mesh. Galvanised railing top midpoint and


120 3.6H/m

1.7 Wicket roofing with 50*50*3.15mm heavy duty

Galvanised chain wire mesh, additional support spiral fencing wire at half 3m support

galvanised rail spacing.

180 sq m2

1.8 Reinstate, topsoil 75mm deep and reseed disturbed areas and areas as shaded on

plan. Reuse insitu topsoil as appropriate.

40 m3

Total Contract Amount (excl.GST) $


Lump Sum Tender Total Contract Amount (incl.GST) $

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Schedule of Optional / Provisional Sum Items Tenderers shall provide separate prices for the below items. Any or all items may be

substituted, added or deleted at Councils sole discretion and the total contract sum shall be

adjusted accordingly.



OptionS– Please place in an amount to add or deduct to

the Lump sum tender.


1 Option– Relocate a section of corner barbed wire

fence (see layout plan -red dotted line at Hurd Street and Tyers Street courner. Relocate fence to cnr posts of

wicket net <to> gate ((a)about 3.5m) and wicket net

cnr post <to> north east cnr post ((b) about 2m). Make feature of corner area by cleaning up and placing red

gum chips (8m3) about 100mm deep. (see plan)

2 Option– Asphalt wicket run up with type N, 30mm deep

to speckled area (100m2) and allow for concrete edge

25MPa 150*300 deep with 2*Y12, Control joints cut at

2m c/c to a depth of 20mm (see layout plan - white doted). (see plan)

3 Option– Power to be supplied from Score Board source

(north west corner). Allow for 90m of underground power, 230V circuit protected by 15A RCDs (Residual

Current Devices), with approved water proof point and switch on a post 150mm square/ pyramid shaped

toped painted or otherwise approved. (see plan)

4 Option– Removal of old cricket wicket on south east courner, including cricket wicket practice nets and

concrete. Reinstate, topsoil 75mm deep and reseed disturbed areas. Reuse insitu topsoil as appropriate.

(Leave retaining wall). Excess material is to be taken to the Portland Landfill. Landfill fees apply, separating items will reduce fee costs.


Name of Tenderer:


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The tenderer is to list below addenda that it received from Council prior to the

Closing Time for this tender. The tenderer acknowledges that its tender has been prepared having regard to these addenda.

Addenda No.

Brief Description

(with page no., clause no. or schedule no.)

Date Received



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I declare that the answers provided in response to these Tender Requirements are true and correct in the belief that a person making a false declaration is liable to the penalties of perjury.

Name of Tenderer:___________________________________________________________

Company name:_____________________________________________________________

Position in Company:________________________________________________________

Tenderers Signature:_________________________________________________________


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Hanlon Park Cricket Practice Wicket Construction

[name of service provider or contractor]

Contract No. 200851

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CONTRACT AGREEMENT made on [insert date]

PARTIES: Glenelg Shire Council


[insert name of contractor / consultant / service provider]

THE PARTIES AGREE that the following documents -

• letter of acceptance;

• Australian Standard General Conditions AS 2124, 1992 (incorporated by

reference in this Contract Agreement;

• completed annexure part A of the Australian Standard;

• completed Tender Response;

• any other correspondence between the parties;

• the Tender Documents including specifications, plans and attachments;

together with this Contract Agreement, constitute the contract between the parties.

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ANNEXURE PART A ANNEXURE to the Australian Standard AS2124, 1992 General Conditions of Contract This Annexure shall be issued as part of the Tender Documents and is to be attached to the General Conditions of Contract and shall be read as part of the Contract.

The law applicable is that the State or Territory of:

(Clause 1)


Payment under the Contract shall be made at:

(Clause 1)

Municipal Offices – Portland

The Principal: (Clause 2) Glenelg Shire Council

The address of the Principal: Municipal Offices, 152 Cliff Street Portland Vic


The Superintendent: (Clause 2) Engineer as appointed by Council

The Superintendent Representative Engineer as appointed by Council

The address of the Superintendent: 152 Cliff Street Portland Vic 3305

Limits of accuracy applying to quantities for which

the Principal accepted a rate or rates: (Clause


± 10%

Bill of Quantities – the alternative applying:

(Clause 4.1)

Alternative 1

The time for lodgment of the priced copy of Bills

and Quantities. (Clause 4.2)


Contractor shall provide security in the amount of:

(Clause 5.2)


Principal shall provide security in the amount of:

(Clause 5.2)


The period of notice required of a party’s intention

to have recourse to retention moneys is

reduced: Clause 5.5)


The percentage to which the entitlement to

security and retention moneys is reduced:

(Clause 5.7)


Interest on retention moneys and security. The

alternative applying: (Clause 5.9)


The number of copies to be supplied by the

Principal: (Clause 8.3)


The number of copies to be supplied by the


(Clause 8.4)


The time within which the Superintendent must

give direction as to the suitability and return to the

Contractor’s copies. (Clause 8.4)


Work which cannot be subcontracted without

approval: (Clause 9.2)


The percentage for profit and attendance:

(Clause 11(b))


The amount and percentage for profit and

attendance: (Clause 11(c))


Insurance of the Works – the alternative applying:

(Clause 18)


The assessment for insurance purposes of the costs

of demolition and removal of debris: (Clause



The assessment for insurance purposes of NIL

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consultant’s fees: (Clause 18(iii))

The value of materials to be supplied by the


(Clause 19(iv))


The additional amount of percentage: (Clause 18(v))


Public Liability Insurance – The alternative


(Clause 19)


The amount of Public Liability Insurance shall not

be less than: (Clause 19)

$20 MILLION per incident.

The time for giving possession of: (Clause 27.1) One week

The Date for Practical Completion:

(Clause 35.2)

4 weeks from date of acceptance and before

the 14 September 2009.

Liquidated Damages per day:

(Clause 35.6)

$1000 (completes works and invoice before 14th

September 2009).

Limit of Liquidated Damages:

(Clause 35.7)


Bonus per day for early Practical Completion:

(Clause 35.8)


Limit of bonus: (Clause 35.8) NIL

Extra costs for Delay or Disruption: (Clause 36) $500 per day

The Defects Liability Period: (Clause 37) 12 months

The Charge for overheads, profit etc. for Day


(Clause 41(f))


Times for Payment Claims:

(Clause 42.1)


Unfixed Plant and Material for which payment

claims may be made notwithstanding that they

are not incorporated in the Works: (Clause 42.1(ii))


Retention Moneys: (Clause 42.3) Note: items off Site but in Australia, N/A%;

items not yet in Australia, N/A%;

disbursements incurred by the Contractor for

customs duties, freight, marine insurance,

primage, landing and transport in respect of the

work under the Contract, N/A%.


Unfixed Plant or Materials – the alternative

applying: (Clause 42.4)


The rate of interest on overdue payments:

(Clause 42.9)


The delay in giving possessions on the Site which

shall be a substantial breach: (Clause 44.7)

2 weeks

The alternative required in proceeding with

dispute resolution: (Clause 47.2)


The person to nominate an arbitrator: (Clause


As appointed by Council Officers.

Location of arbitration: (Clause 47.3) VICTORIA

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is affixed in the presence of )

Councillor and or

Approved Officer / Chief Executive Officer




is affixed in accordance with its ) Articles of Association in the presence of: )




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4.1 - Occupational Health and Safety 4.2 - Specification for Works 4.3 - Drawings

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Section A -

Division 1 – The Concept of Ensuring Health and Safety 20. The concept of ensuring health and safety

(1) To avoid doubt, a duty imposed on a person by this Part of the

regulations to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, health and

safety requires the person –

(a) to eliminate risks to health and safety so far as is reasonably practicable; and

(b) if it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate risks to health and safety, to reduce those risks so far as is reasonably practicable.

(2) To avoid doubt, for the purposes of this Part and the regulations, regard

must be had to the following matters in determining what is (or was at a

particular time) reasonably practicable in relation to ensuring health and safety –

(a) the likelihood of the hazard or risk concerned eventuating;

(b) the degree of harm that would result if the hazard or risk eventuated;

(c) what the person concerned knows, or ought reasonably to know, about the hazard or risk and any ways of eliminating or reducing

the hazard or risk;

(d) the availability and suitability of ways to eliminate or reduce the

hazard or risk;

(e) the cost of eliminating or reducing the hazard or risk.

Division 2 – Main Duties of Employers

21. Duties of employers to employees

(1) An employer must, so far as is reasonably practicable, provide and

maintain for employees of the employer a working environment that is

safe and without risks to health.

Penalty: 1800 penalty units for a natural person ($188,658);

9000 penalty units for a body corporate ($943,290).

(2) Without limiting sub-section (1) an employer contravenes that sub-



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section if the employer fails to do any of the following -

(a) to provide and maintain Plant and Equipment or systems of work

that are, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risks

to health;

(b) make arrangements for ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, safety and the absence of risks to health in

connection with the use, handling, storage or transport of plant and substances;

(c) maintain, so far as is practicable, each workplace under the

employer’s management and control in a condition that is safe

and without risks to health;

(d) provide, so far as is reasonably practicable, adequate facilities for

the welfare of employees at any workplace under the control and management of the employer;

(e) to provide such information, instruction, training or supervision to

employees of the employer as is necessary to enable those persons

to perform their work in a way that is safe and without risks to health.

(3) For the purposes of sub-sections (1) and (2) -

(a) a reference to an employee includes a reference to an independent contractor engaged by an employer and employees

of the independent contractor; and

(b) the duties of an employer under those sub-sections extend to an

independent contractor engaged by the employer, and any

employees of the independent contractor, in relation to matters over which the employer has control or would have control if not

for any agreement purporting to limit or remove that control.

(4) An offence against sub-section (1) is an indictable offence. Note: However, the offence may be heard and determined summarily (see section 53 of,

and Schedule 4 to, the Magistrates’ Court Act 1989).

22. Duties of employers to monitor health and conditions etc. (1) An employer must, so far as is reasonably practicable -

(a) monitor the health of the employees of the employer; and

(b) monitor conditions at any workplace under the employer’s

management and control; and

(c) provide information to employees of the employer (in such other

languages as appropriate) concerning health and safety at the

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workplace, including the names of persons to whom an employee

may make an inquiry or complaint about health and safety.

Penalty: 240 penalty units for a natural person;

1200 penalty units for a body corporate.

(2) An employer must, so far as is reasonably practicable -

(a) keep information and records relating to the health and safety of

the employees of the employer; and (b) employ or engage persons who are suitably qualified in relation to

occupational health and safety to provide advice to the employer

concerning the health and safety of the employees of the


Penalty: 60 penalty units for a natural person;

300 penalty units for a body corporate.

23. Duties of employers to other persons

(1) An employer must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that

persons other than the employees of the employer are not exposed to risks to their health or safety arising from the conduct of the undertaking

of the employer.

Penalty: 1800 penalty units for a natural person;

9000 penalty units for a body corporate.

(2) An offence against sub-section (1) is an indictable offence.

Note: However, the offence may be heard and determined summarily (see section 53 of,

and Schedule 4 to, the Magistrates’ Court Act 1989).

Division 3 – Duties of self-employed persons to other persons 24. Duties of self-employed persons to other persons

(1) A self-employed person must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons are not exposed to risks to their health or

safety arising from the conduct of the undertaking of the self-employed person.

Penalty: 1800 penalty units for a natural person;

(2) An offence against sub-section (1) is an indictable offence.

Note: However, the offence may be heard and determined summarily (see section 53 of,

and Schedule 4 to, the Magistrates’ Court Act 1989).

Division 4 – Duties of employees 25. Duties of employees

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(1) While at work, an employee must –

(a) take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety; and

(b) take reasonable care for the health and safety of persons who may

be affected by the employee’s acts or omissions at a workplace; and

(c) co-operate with his or her employer with respect to any action taken by the employer to comply with a requirement imposed by

or under this Act or the regulations.

Penalty: 1800 penalty units

(2) While at work, an employee must not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided at the workplace in the interests of health, safety or welfare.

Penalty: 1800 penalty units

(3) In determining for the purposes of sub-section (1) (a) or (b) whether an

employee failed to take reasonable care, regard must be had to what

the employee knew about the relevant circumstances.

(4) An offence against sub-section (1) or (2) is an indictable offence.

Note: However, the offence may be heard and determined summarily (see section 53 of,

and Schedule 4 to, the Magistrates’ Court Act 1989).

Division 5 – Duties of other persons 26. Duties of persons who manage or control workplaces

(1) A person who (whether as an owner or otherwise) has, to any extent,

the management or control of a workplace must ensure so far as is reason ably practicable that the workplace and the means of entering

and leaving it are safe and without risks to health.

Penalty: 1800 penalty units for a natural person;

9000 penalty units for a body corporate.

(2) The duties of a person under sub-section (1) apply only in relation to

matters over which the person has management or control.

(3) An offence against sub-section (1) is an indictable offence.

Note: However, the offence may be heard and determined summarily

(see section 53 of, and Schedule 4 to, the Magistrates’ Court Act 1989).

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Section B -


Contractors tendering to undertake project works on behalf of Glenelg Shire Council are required, as part of the tendering process, to provide objective

evidence that they have in place a safety program and systems which as a minimum demonstrate compliance with the employer duties section of the OH&S Act (2004) inclusive of any amendments. Following is a listing of the

sections of the "Act" which must be addressed and examples of what may be

regarded by Glenelg Shire Council or WorkSafe as "compliance


(Tenderers must sequentially and comprehensively address all sections.) PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Ref. 21(2) (a) OH&S Act * Provide a statement outlining the company plant and equipment

maintenance program which should be in accordance with manufacturer's


* Provide examples of completed Plant and Equipment Maintenance Records

or other similar supporting documentation.

* Outline and completed documentation relating to the existence of a system of pre-start daily plant and equipment safety checks eg. by operators or


* Outline and documentation relating to plant and equipment fault reporting


* Outline of plant and equipment operators' training program - include typical

record(s) of training and experience.

* Provide explanation of controls to ensure the safety of any sub-contractor plant and equipment and to determine the proficiency of sub-contractor plant and equipment operators - include copies of completed


* Provide a listing of documentation which would be available on-site to Glenelg Shire Council Personnel on request which would demonstrate

ongoing compliance with stated Occupational Health and Safety obligations. SYSTEMS OF WORK Ref. 21(2) (a) OH&S Act

* Provide a listing and examples of any company safe operating procedures or specific safety instructions routinely issued to personnel.

* Provide documentation to support the existence of any permit to work




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* Provide examples of any documented "work procedures" or "operational notes" with OH&S implications.

∗ Provide a listing of documentation which would be available on-site to

Glenelg Shire Council Personnel or WorkSafe on request which would demonstrate ongoing compliance with stated Occupational Health and

Safety obligations.


* Provide a statement outlining the company approach to the application of

the Dangerous Goods Act in regard to use, handling, storage and transport.

* Outline systems used to ensure the safe and informed use of chemicals etc. by workers.

* Provide evidence of a register(s) or listing of chemicals maintained at the


* Advise as to the availability to workers of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).

* Provide a listing of documentation which would be available on-site to

Glenelg Shire Council Personnel or WorkSafe on request which would

demonstrate ongoing compliance with stated Occupational Health and Safety obligations.

SAFE WORKPLACE Ref. 21(2) (c) OH&S Act

* Provide a statement outlining company Workplace Hazard Identification and Control Programs - include advice as to the frequency of inspections and the

composition of inspection teams.

* Provide completed examples of Workplace Inspection Checklists or Reports.

* Provide a copy of any hazard reporting procedures, or instructions or other

similar documentation. * Provide a listing of documentation which would be available on-site to

Glenelg Shire Council Personnel or WorkSafe on request which would demonstrate ongoing compliance with stated Occupational Health and

Safety obligations.


* Provide a statement outlining company safety training policy/strategy.

* Provide examples of individual safety training records (or records incorporating safety training).

* Provide a summary or examples of safety training courses provided for, or

undertaken by relevant employees during the past 12 months.

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* Provide a statement outlining company safety induction programs and procedures as they apply to:

(a) company personnel

(b) sub-contractor personnel.

* Provide copies of completed induction checklist and records as evidence of

company employee and sub-contractor inductions.

* Provide a listing of documentation which would be available on-site to

Glenelg Shire Council Personnel or WorkSafe on request which would

demonstrate ongoing compliance with stated Occupational Health and

Safety obligations. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES

* Provide a statement outlining the company’s procedures for emergencies.

* Provide examples of emergency training records.

* Provide examples of the company’s accident and investigation procedures.

* Provide a listing of documentation which would be available on-site to

Glenelg Shire Council Personnel or WorkSafe on request which would demonstrate ongoing compliance with stated Occupational Health and

Safety obligations.


* Provide a statement outlining overall company requirements re: the

employment of sub-contractors.

* Provide a listing of documentation which would be available on-site to

Glenelg Shire Council Personnel or WorkSafe on request which would

demonstrate ongoing compliance with stated Occupational Health and

Safety obligations.

EXPERT OH&S ADVICE Ref. 22 (2) (b)

* Provide a listing of persons employed or engaged by the company to provide

expert OH&S advice.

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Section C -


Prior to commencing work successful tenderers will be required to submit a site safety plan as part of the contract quality plan detailing the practices and

procedures which will apply during the term of the contract. It is expected that site safety plans which will be subject to audit will include as

a minimum those factors identified hereunder and in the attached examples of

specific safety references.


1. Copy of site Statement of Safety Policy for display throughout site.

2. An outline of site safety organisation and structure i.e. names and/or positions of those with specific health and safety responsibilities (e.g. flow

chart format).

3. Position and/or name of senior "on-site" person who may liaise with Glenelg

Shire Council re: health and safety matters.

4. Evidence that management and supervisory staff are adequately trained in

OH&S matters i.e. training records, course outlines.

5. Evidence that health and safety responsibilities are formalised eg. included

in job descriptions.

6. Names and/or positions of those site personnel with authorisations, permits,

certificates, licences etc. who may be required to supervise specialist work activity and;

Copies of current authorisations etc. which must be sighted and available

for audit by Glenelg Shire Council or WorkSafe on request.

7. Name(s) and position(s) of those employed or engaged by the contractor to provide specialist OH&S advice regarding site safety in accordance with sect.22 (2) (b) of the OH&S Act (2004).

8. Other statements and/or documentation in relation to Responsibility and


SAFETY TRAINING/INDUCTION 1. An outline of health and safety training which has or will be provided for

managers, supervisors and employees who will be employed on site.

2. An outline of site induction procedures for employees and sub-contractors.



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3. Details of induction course content.

4. The maintenance of a current site induction records/register which will be

available for audit.

5. Details of plant and equipment operator training and experience and any other "skills" training provided.

6. Describe company procedures for ensuring sub-contractors engaged to

undertake work on site are adequately trained and/or experienced. 7. Include any other statements and/or documentation in relation to Health

and Safety Training and Induction.

WORKPLACE SAFETY 1. What workplace safety inspection policies and procedures are to be used

on site i.e. checklist format; frequency of inspection; team members. How will inspection findings be actioned?

2. Inspection checklists, records and/or reports to be available on site for audit.

3. Outline or example of any hazard reporting policies/procedures/instructions to be adopted on site.

4. Activities or site areas targeted for specific inspections eg. dangerous goods, electrical equipment etc.


1. Availability (preferably on-site) of plant and equipment maintenance records for audit.

2. Procedures and documentation to support existence of daily pre-start safety checks.

3. Copy or outline of plant and equipment fault reporting system to be used

on site. 4. Controls to ensure the safety of sub-contractor plant and equipment when

on site.

5. System used to ensure the competency of any sub-contractor plant and equipment operators employed on site.

6. Only trained and experienced plant and equipment operators to be employed on site. Evidence of training, experience, licence etc. to be provided as requested by Glenelg Shire Council or WorkSafe.

7. Include any other statements and/or documentation in relation to

Workplace Plant and equipment and Safety.

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POST ACCIDENT PROCEDURES 1. Outline and copy of accident reporting and investigation system and

procedures to be used on site.

2. Type of accidents or incidents to be investigated and by whom.

3. Glenelg Shire Council is to be notified of any accident requiring WorkSafe

notification as soon as practicable after the event. 4. Summary of on-site accidents and accident reports to be maintained on

site and available for audit. To include accidents involving sub-contractors,

visitors and/or members of the public.

5. Site safety statistics to be maintained eg. cause of injury type of accidents

etc. for audit.

6. Glenelg Shire Council is to be notified of major incidents involving property

and equipment as soon as practicable after the event.

7. List any other site-specific requirements in relation to Post Accident


SYSTEMS OF WORK 1. Provide a list and copies of company safe operating procedures or

instructions routinely issued to site personnel.

2. Copies of site-specific instructions issued to personnel

3. Site operations which will be subject to permit to work systems (include copy

of permit documentation).

4. Include any other statements and/or documentation in relation to systems

of work.

CONSULTATIVE ARRANGEMENTS 1. Listing of current employee and employer health and safety representatives,

deputy health and safety representatives or health and safety groups or committees displayed on site.

2. Existence of company/site issue resolution procedures.

3. Format representation and frequency of site health and safety committee/designated work group meetings. Agendas and minutes of meetings to be available for audit by Glenelg Shire Council.

4. Any other health and safety consultative arrangements which will be


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1. Outline site emergency policies/plan/structure and the means by which it is brought to the attention of employees.

2. The provision of emergency equipment. First-aid supplies, fire extinguisher locations required under the relevant Code of Practice and section 21 (2)

(d) of the OH&S Act 2004.

3. Listing of current qualified First Aiders - copy of certificates available for audit purposes.

4. Arrangements/co-ordination with other site occupants in the event of an


5. Any other emergency procedure which will be adopted on-site.


1. A register of chemicals or manifest of dangerous goods and Hazardous Substances will be maintained on-site and be available for audit. Must

include quantities, classifications, etc and be co-ordinated with other site


2. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must be available for each chemical

product used or stored on-site and be available for audit.

3. Assessment factors to be regularly assessed and appropriate approvals and

licences obtained, emergency plans developed to be available for audit

where applicable.

4. Identify person(s) or position(s) responsible for conducting, co-ordinating

and/or assessing dangerous goods.

5. Appropriate HazChem signs to be displayed.


1. Outline and copy of system used to approve sub-contractors including

licences etc.

2 Outline of the induction procedure for sub-contractors.

3 Include any other documentation in relation to sub-contractors.

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Amenities Lunch, locker and wash rooms, toilets, cleaning/laundry

arrangements, hot/cold water. In accordance with

workplace code of practice. First Aid Compliance with Code of Practice. First aid kits, qualified

first aiders, records.

Site Traffic Traffic flow arrangements, speed controls, traffic control

access restrictions, Pedestrian Safety (General Public) and

visitor control.

Haul Roads Adequate width passing bays, grading, dust control,

identified authorised tracks, no road and other warning signs.

Heavy Plant and Planned maintenance program. Pre-start safety checks.

Seat Equipment belts, roll over protection, licenced and trained


Electrical Equipment Compliance with Code of Practice Regular inspections -

tagging of cables and portable power equipment. Lock

out procedures.

Workshops/ Gas Bottle Storage/Guarding. Chemicals/flammables

stored and Storage Areas and used correctly. Smoking restrictions.

Codes of Practice/Compliance

General awareness and commitment to comply with all relevant codes of practice/compliance.

eg. Plant and Equipment Safety Roadworks Signing

Scaffolding (Regs)

Noise Workplaces

First Aid in the Workplace Safe Work on Roofs Building and Construction Workplaces

Manual Handling Safe Use of Cranes in the Building and Construction

Industry Temporary Electrical Installations on Building and

Construction Sites

Provision of OH&S Information in Languages other than English

Protective Clothing Ensure all workers are issued and wear/use all necessary and Equipment protective clothing and equipment.

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Permits to Work For work undertaken in hazardous areas or work involving a

higher degree of risk, eg. confined spaces, explosives, scaffolding.

After Hours Safety Fencing, barriers, warning signs, lights, security patrol, plant

and /Security equipment, chemicals, etc.

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Specification of Works

1. Hold Point and minimum Standards

Hold Point Where the Tender has a Hold Point in this specification it will require 48 hour

notification to the Superintendent to arrange an inspection date and time so that the specified Hold point can be viewed with a Contractor representative.

All works are to be in accordance with Australia Standard requirements unless a higher reference applies.

2. Scope

This specification covers generally works as necessary for the construction of three

concrete cricket wickets and practice nets.

Works include quality concrete works, cricket net fencing and associated works.

The wicket works are located in Portland, at the corner of Hurd Street and Tyers Street.

2. General

This specification covers generally works as necessary for the construction of three

concrete cricket wickets and practice nets with an artificial grass wicket surface.

Wicket levels are to be set so drainage drains to the south west kerb and channel lip. The options are at the Councils discretion and may be discussed with the preferred


3. Design Consideration

The existing area grades / drains to the Kerb and Chanel. The proposed concrete

base will slope to the same south west direction into the Kerb and Channel as per

the % slope provided on plans.

4. Requirements Summary

Hold Point

a) Peg out wicket and mark finished levels as a hold point.

b) Excavate sub-base where required and removed excess material to landfill.

c) Create the required 75mm deep sub-base and road pavements with approved limestone and compact to 95% Std. Levels +/-10mm

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d) Install fence posts for wicket.

e) Supply and install concrete wicket.

f) Supply and install approved synthetic / artificial grass cricket surface.

g) Supply and install line markings.

a) Supply and erect new 3.6m fencing with roof, top, midpoint and bottom


b) Install options as approved.

c) Reinstate area.

5. Site Safety & Security

The Contractor shall take all reasonable means to ensure that the site remains safe and secure at all times.

Vandalism, including damage to any wet concrete, up to Practical Completion date shall remain the responsibility of the Tenderer to make good at the contractors


6. Site Clearance and Preparation

6.1 Wicket Preparation

Water supply is to be sourced if required.

The site shall be surveyed and pegged out by the Tenderer. The wicket is offset from the building line by 2 m to north east corner as shown on the layout plan.

Hold Point

The Tenderer is to peg out corners as a hold point to allow for any insitu relocation

issues, the pegging out of the site will be approved by the Club and or

Superintendent before proceeding to the next phase. The contractor is to allow for the meeting and any alterations.

6.2 Removal of Materials

The Club is to reuse the rubber matting on existing nets and this is to be relocated to

a nominated point for the clubs reuse. The Contractor shall remove and dispose of all excess matter to Landfill at the contractors expense. Recyclable material must be separated.

7. Levelling and Consolidation of Sub-Base

The wicket and surrounding area is to be excavated as required, excavated material

may be temporarily stored on site and re-used as appropriate. These materials may have topsoil, old pavement material and or rock material. Surplus material shall be disposed of to Landfill.

The excavated limestone base shall be moisture conditioned and proof rolled using

a pneumatic tyred plant, minimum 12 tonne static weight.

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Before obtaining the limestone sub-base material the Tenderer must satisfy himself it is

suitable. Further the Tenderer shall attain the Superintendents approval for the limestone sub-base materials; quality, type and source.

Any material responding poorly to proof rolling shall be further excavated until a solid

sub base is achieved at the Tenderers cost.

Fill material will be compacted in layers not exceeding 150mm in depth, with each lift being moisture conditioned as required and uniformly compacted to at least 95%

standard compaction density in accordance with Australian Standard 1289 E2.1.

The Contractor shall assure themselves that the % compaction has been achieved,

otherwise they will arrange for compaction testing to be carried out at the Contractor’s expense.

For the limestone subbase a tolerance of up to a maximum deviation of 12mm from

a 3 metre straight edge is acceptable and is not to affect any minimum depth


8. Drainage

It is essential that surface grades be installed so that no ponding or wet area can

develop adjacent to or on the wicket structure.

Construct spoon drains draining to the Kerb and Channel.

8.1 Spoon Drains

(a) Spoon drains shall be integrated outside the wicket / fence line. Spoon drain construction shall measure a preference of 2m width and 60mm deep.

(c) Drainage spoon drains and fencing shall be installed prior to placing concrete wicket and Synthetic Grass.

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Integrated spoon drain outside wicket / fence-line

9. Concrete Pavement

9.1 Waterproof Membrane

Prior to the installation of the concrete base the sub-base shall be covered with a

waterproof membrane, at least 0.2mm thick with sheets overlapping by at least 200mm and taped.

9.2 Inspection

Hold Point

The work to this point shall be inspected as a Hold Point by the Superintendent to

validate the acceptability, evenness of the surface and the required slope(s), the contractor is to provide a 3m straight edge and string lines and confirm all areas with

the Superintendent.

9.3 Concrete Slab

(a) The concrete wicket / slab is to be constructed on the sub-base preparation as

outlined. A wicket boxed out point 300*100 is to be provided through the slab if required.

(b) For each wicket the concrete base shall be constructed to a nominal thickness

of 125mm using 25mpa concrete. (c) The concrete is to be reinforced with one layer of SL92 fabric / mesh set centrally

on bar chairs to accurately position the mesh with overlap at joints.

(d) Concrete wickets shall be pumped in one continuous pour. (e) Junctions between any slabs shall be at the approval of the Superintendent. A

Connolly Key joint (or similar approved joint) is to be installed at the junction between any slabs if not undertaken in one pour.

Fence Post

Spoon 2m wide and 60mm deep

75mm Limestone

Sub-Base 95% Std.

Court extends

100mm past fence

line.Concrete Wicket

typically 2m

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(f) Control joints shall be sawn after concrete setting or formed in the concrete

before it sets, to a depth of 20mm. The joints should be about 3mm wide (the width of a saw blade) under the inner fence lines. (h) The surface shall be finished to provide a planar surface so that if a straight edge

is placed on any two points 3 metres apart, no point shall be more than 2mms below

the straight edge.

The fence post footings will be ultimately integrated with the concrete wicket base. Each fence footing shall be constructed by drilling a 300mm diameter hole into the

subgrade and concreted to a depth 125mm below the ultimate finished wicket surface.

Hold Point Wetting the concrete wicket surface to prove surface drainage is required. Any

variation to surface levels shall be repaired at the Contractors cost and by a method

to be agreed by the Superintendent. Painting the whole of the concrete surface (excluding synthetic carpet area) may be required with any concrete rework and

shall be allowed as part of the tender.

10 Wicket synthetic carpet Installation (Including Lines)

The wicket synthetic carpet (including lines) shall be laid to the manufactures

requirements. All seams will be permanently and neatly glued without contamination. The number and extent of any seams are to be approved and be

kept to a minimum.

The carpet shall be laid in such a manner as to prevent any shrinking of the seams

and the run of material is to be laid as per manufacturer’s requirements.

a) wicket lines shall be white.

b) All lines shall conform to the dimensions laid down in the governing Victorian bodies.

c) The line tolerances must be such that the lines are within ±1cm of the

correct position.

d) Lines will be straight and will be flush with the surface of the wicket

Note: Synthetic cricket 3*12m=36m + adhesive/about one drum per 12m

length is suggested, possibly need about *3 drums call for specialist advice. e.g. Greg Chappell Cricket 1300 130 707.

11. Fencing

All steel including pipe, tire wire, chain fence mesh, bolts, couplings, nuts and

washers shall to be galvanised to and built to Australian Standard - Chain-link Fabric Security Fences and Gates (AS 1725 2003).

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11.1 Fencing Requirements

a) wicket fencing shall be 3.6 metre minimum height from the wicket surface (refer proposed Layout diagram showing).

b) Top, midpoint and bottom rails shall be installed on all fences.

c) Backstays are not required due to all fencing having 3 rails.

d) Fences shall be constructed true to wicket lines and fence posts shall be

spaced at regular intervals. All posts shall be placed in a vertical position and shall be set in line so the tops have uniformity without irregularities.

11.2 Post Requirements and Minimum Dimensions (Class 1 – Medium Quality)


All galvanised min.

(Blue) C250LO

Nom Bore

O/D Gauge Diameter Depth

Posts DN65M 65mm 76.1mm 3.6mm 300mm 900mm

Top, midpoint

and/or Bottom Rails

DN65M 65mm 76.1mm 3.6mm

Cable Wire

Three rows of cable wire shall consist of 3 mid cables set at 600mm, 1200mm and 1800mm from ground level. Additional cable wire is to be placed on the roofing

section mid point between 3m posts for additional support.

11.3 Chain Mesh

Chain mesh shall be Heavy Galvanized (HG) wire (Class W10) 3.15mm “Heavy

Duty” 3.6 metre high, Standard diamond size 45mm pitch suitable for coastal

environments with a 10 year warranty. The wire end finish is Knuckle - Knuckle at both ends.

The chain-wire mesh wire shall be:

• installed on the outside of all posts (as per manufactures requirements)

• securely laced to corner posts

• fully laced through each diamond with 2mm wire to end posts, internal corner posts, gate posts and pipe rails with a minimum of two full twists

• tied to intermediate posts using a single loop of wire that is securely

tightened at intervals of not less than 480mm (each sixth diamond) with a minimum of two full twists

• tied to cable wires using a single loop of wire that is securely tightened at

intervals of not less than 480mm (each sixth diamond) with a minimum of two full twists or, optionally, secured with 2.24mm wire netting clips at

320mm spacings

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When correctly installed, the mesh should be taut and there should be no separation

greater than 5.0mm between each loop of any knuckle, when the diamonds are squeezed using hand pressure.

12.4 Fence Post Footings

Concrete footings for all fence posts are to be incorporated into the limestone / sub-base.

Allowance for all necessary excavations should be made as no extra will be paid if rock

or other obstruction is encountered in excavating for post holes or any other part of the


12.5 Corner Posts

Corner posts shall be galvanised of DN65 medium (76.1 O/D) pipe posts (capped at the top) set into 25mpa strength concrete footings 300mm diameter x 900mm depth.

12.6 Intermediate Posts

Intermediate posts shall be galvanised of DN65 medium (76.1 O/D) set into 25mpa

strength concrete footings 300mm diameter x 750mm depth. Pole spacing will be 3m


12.7 Top, Midpoint and Bottom Rails

Galvanised DN65 medium (76.1 O/D) pipe shall be fixed between the upright posts

with a 40mm clearance under the bottom rail.

13. Final Clearance of Area on Completion

On completion of the installation all plant, machinery, gear, structures and surplus

materials shall be removed. Any damage to pathways, roadways, gutters and fencing caused by performance of works in this contract shall be repaired. All

exposed areas shall be topsoiled and seeded.

All services, installations, drainage systems and characteristics shall be tested.

At Practical Completion the wickets shall be handed over to the Superintendent,

together with Instruction Manuals and any appropriate guarantees issued by various firms and authorities for materials used or works performed.

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General example of fence materials

General Layout Plan

Aerial Layout Plan

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Existing Site for Hanlon Park Cricket Net

Power source at Score Board.

Drainage to lip of Channel.

Club to reuse

rubber matting on

existing nets. Club

to relocate on fence line.

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Old nets and concrete to be removed - option

Club to reuse

rubber matting on

existing nets. Club

to relocate on fence line.

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