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Page 1: Hand-Out Kuliah Budidaya Tanaman Pangan D3-PSL Unsoed Bab 1 pendahuluan budidaya tanaman pangan




1.1. Pengantar

1.2. Tujuan dan Manfaat Mempelajari

Budidaya Tanaman Pangan

1.3. Overview Budidaya Pertanian


1.4. Kedudukan Strategis Tanaman


1.5. Komoditas Tanaman Pangan.

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1.2. Pengantar


Agriculture helps to meet the basic needs of human and their civilization by providing

food, clothing,

shelters, medicine and recreation. Hence, agriculture is the most important enterprise in

the world. It is

a productive unit where the free gifts of nature namely land, light, air, temperature and

rain water etc.,

are integrated into single primary unit indispensable for human beings.

Secondary productive units

namely animals including livestock, birds and insects, feed on these primary units and

provide concentrated

products such as meat, milk, wool, eggs, honey, silk and lac.

Agriculture provides food, feed, fibre, fuel, furniture, raw materials and materials for and


factories; provides a free fare and fresh environment, abundant food for driving out famine;


friendship by eliminating fights.

Satisfactory agricultural production brings peace, prosperity, harmony,

health and wealth to individuals of a nation by driving away distrust, discord and anarchy.

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Agriculture is derived from Latin words Ager and Cultura. Ager

means land or field and Cultura means cultivation. Therefore the

term agriculture means cultivation of land. i.e., the science and

art of producing crops and livestock for economic purposes. It is

also referred as the science of producing crops and livestock from

the natural resources of the earth.

The primary aim of agriculture is to cause the land to produce

more abundantly, and at the same time, to protect it from

deterioration and misuse (=use wrongly/treat badly).

It is synonymous with farming–the production of food, fodder and

other industrial material.

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Definitions (FAO):

Agriculture is defined in the Agriculture Act 1947, as including

‘horticulture, fruit growing, seed growing, dairy farming and

livestock breeding and keeping, the use of land as grazing land,

meadow land, osier land, market gardens and nursery rounds, and

the use of land for woodlands where that use ancillary to the

farming of land for Agricultural purposes”.

It is also defined as ‘purposeful work through which elements in

nature are harnessed to produce plants and animals to meet the

human needs. It is a biological production process, which depends

on the growth and development of selected plants and animals

within the local environment.

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Agriculture as art, science and business of crop production

Agriculture is defined as the art, the science and the business of

producing crops and the livestock for economic purposes.

As an art, it embraces knowledge of the way to perform the

operations of the farm in a skillful manner.

The skill is categorized as; Physical skill: It involves the ability and

capacity to carry out the operation in an efficient way for e.g.,

handling of farm implements, animals etc., sowing of seeds, fertilizer

and pesticides application etc.

Mental skill: The farmer is able to take a decision based on

experience, such as (i) time and method of ploughing, (ii) selection

of crop and cropping system to suit soil and climate, (iii) adopting

improved farm practices etc.

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As a science :

It utilizes all modern technologies developed on

scientific principles such as crop

improvement/breeding, crop production, crop

protection, economics etc., to maximize the yield

and profit.

For example, new crops and varieties developed by

hybridization, transgenic crop varieties resistant to

pests and diseases, hybrids in each crop, high

fertilizer responsive varieties, water management,

herbicides to control weeds, use of bio-control

agents to combat pest and diseases etc.

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As the business :

As long as agriculture is the way of life of the rural

population, production is ultimately bound to


But agriculture as a business aims at maximum net

return through the management of land, labour,

water and capital, employing the knowledge of

various sciences for production of food, feed, fibre

and fuel.

In recent years, agriculture is commercialized to

run as a business through mechanization.

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A. Crop Improvement (i) Plant breeding and genetics

(ii) Bio-technology

B. Crop Management (i) Agronomy

(ii) Soil Science and Agricultural


(iii) Seed technology

(iv) Agricultural Microbiology

(v) Crop-Physiology

(vi) Agricultural Engineering

(vii) Environmental Sciences

(viii) Agricultural Meteorology

C. Crop Protection (i) Agricultural Entomology

(ii) Plant Pathology

(iii) Nematology

D. Social Sciences (i) Agricultural Extension

(ii) Agricultural Economics

Allied disciplines (i) Agricultural Statistics

(ii) English and Indonesia

(iii) Mathematics

(iv) Bio-Chemistry etc.


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1.2. Tujuan dan Manfaat Mempelajari Budidaya

Tanaman Pangan


1. Mempelajari tatalaksana membudidayakan tanaman pangan

utama di Indonesia.

2. Memahami komoditas tanaman pangan utama.

3. Memahami faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap produksi

biomassa (hasil tanaman).


1. Memperoleh pengalaman teoritik dan praktikal tatalaksana

budidaya tanaman pangan utama di Indonesia.

2. Memperoleh pemahaman adanya faktor-faktor yang

berpengaruh terhadap produksi biomassa tanaman pangan


3. Manfaat profesional pengelolaan SDA untuk tanaman pangan.

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1.3. Overview Budidaya Pertanian (Agronomi)

CO2 + H


2O + O

2 + Energi










Lahan-lahan pertanian Tanah unsur hara, air, O2, mikroba

(biota tanah).

Air dari dalam tanah dan permukaan.

Unsur-unsur iklim cahaya, CO2, N

2, kelembaban udara, angin,


Organisme pengganggu tanaman.

Bencana alam banjir, kekeringan.

IPTEK, aliran finansial, perdagangan, poleksosbud

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1. faktor genetis : harus mengetahui sifat


2. faktor lingkungan : temperatur, iklim, musim

3. faktor tanah : mengetahui sifat fisik, kimia

dan biolois tanah


a. Klasifikasi tanaman berdasarkan umur :

tanaman setahun (annuals crops)

tanaman dwitahun (parenial crops) : wortel,


b. Tanaman tahunan : tanaman keras

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b. Perimbangan fase vegetatif dg generatif :

Vegetatif > generatif :

Karbohidrat banyak dipakai untuk pertumbuhan akar, batang

dan daun. Tanaman bersifat sukulen (banyak mengandung air),

pembungaan dan pembuahan tidak terjadi/ tertekan, pertumbuhan

bagian atas berlebihan, laju fotosintesis cepat.

Contoh : kubis, sledri, bawang daun, cesim,anyelir, bayam , dsb

Generatif > vegetatif :

Pertumbuhan vegetatif kerdil, buruk, karbohidrat banyak

dipakai untuk generatif (pembentukan buah), laju fotosintesis

rendah, hasil panenan rendah, batangnya berkayu, ruas-ruasnya

pendek, daunnya kecil dan berkutikula tebal.

Contoh : terong, Lombok, dsb.

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Seimbang antara vegetatif dg generatif : banyak buahnya.

Tanaman akan sedang pertumbuhan vegetatifnya,

Batangnya sedikit sukulen.

Contoh : Kedele, kacang hijau, kapri, timun, tanaman berkayu

(cengkeh, apel, mangga, duren, rambutan, manggis, dsb).

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c. Sifat tanaman berhubungan dengan air tanah :

Hidrofit : tumbuh di dalam atau di atas air

Mesofit : tumbuh di tempat yang airnya sedang

Tropofit : tumbuh berganti antara basah dan kering

Xerofit : tanaman yang tahan kekeringan

1. Gol. Ephemera : tanaman yg tumbuh cepat dan berbuah di

daerah gurun pada musim hujan. Buahnya mengalami

masa dormansi yg panjang.

2. Gol sukelenta : tan berdaun tebal tahan kekeringan

Contoh : tanaman kaktus, Alhagi camelorum di gurun sahara,

panjang akar mencapai 30 m

Saprofit : tumbuh diatas kayu : taliputri, benalu

Glicofit : sensitive terhadap kadar garam tinggi

Halofit : mampu hidup pada garam yang tinggi

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1.4. Kedudukan Strategis Tanaman


Tanaman pangan utama strategis internasional, nasional

buffer pangan.

Ekspor, impor.

Ketahanan pangan daerah, nasional spesifik komoditas.

Bahan industri pangan strategis.

Bahan perdagangan komoditas tanaman pangan dan hasil


Aspek finansial dan moneter pembiyaan budidaya dan kredit

usaha tani maupun off-farm bisa ada subsidi dengan APBN.

Produksi input pupuk, benih, zat pengatur tumbuh,


Peraturan pendukung swasembada dan ketahanan pangan


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1.5. Komoditas Tanaman Pangan

Padi sawah, padi gogo (lokal, hibrida)

Jagung lokal, hibrida


Kacang tanah


Ketela rambat


Ganyong (Jawa)

Kentang putih/kuning (sayur/industri)

Kentang hitam

Kacang merah


Tanaman masa depan ....................... ?????

Page 17: Hand-Out Kuliah Budidaya Tanaman Pangan D3-PSL Unsoed Bab 1 pendahuluan budidaya tanaman pangan

Daftar Pustaka:

Agus, F., D. Santoso, dan Wahyunto (Ed.). 2007. Lahan Sawah

Bukaan Baru. Balai Besar Penelitian dan

Pengembangan Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian, Bogor.

Agus, F., A. Adimiharja, S. Hardjowigeno, A.M. Fagi, dan W.

Hartatik. 2004. Tanah Sawah dan Teknologi

Pengelolaannya. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan

Tanah dan Agroklimat, Bogor.

Peterson, G.A., P.W. Unger, and W.A. Pane. 2006. Dry Land

Agriculture. ASA-CCSA-SSSA. Madison, Wisconsin,


Yoshida, S. Dasar-dasar Pengetahuan Tanaman Padi.

Terjemahan oleh: Sigit Yuli Jatmiko. IRRI, Los Banos,


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