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One Master – Three European Countries First year in Denmark and the Netherlands

Second year in either England, Wales or Germany

Student Handbook Hamburg 2008-2010

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CONTENTS 1. Welcome 2. Disclaimer 3. Erasmus Mundus – The European Programme of academic

excellence and worldwide student mobility 4. The Erasmus Mundus Masters Programme

– an outline of the degree scheme

4.1 Introduction 4.2 Erasmus Mundus – structure of the study programme 4.3 Description of the semesters 4.4 Outline of the Programme specification 4.5 Admission and practicalities 5. The partners in the Erasmus Mundus Masters programme 6. Being a student on the Erasmus Mundus Masters programme

6.1 Key dates 6.2 Enrolment 6.3 Notification of change of address 6.4 Regulations 6.5 Payment of fees 6.6 Attendence and progress 6.7 General conduct and behaviour 6.8 Complaints 6.9 Extensions to deadlines 6.10 Transferring / withdrawing or suspending studies 6.11 Transcripts and Diploma Supplement 6.12 Graduation 6.13 Careers information, employability and work experience 6.14 The Erasmus Mundus Alumni Association 7. Examination and assessment matters

7.1 Assessment requirements of a module 7.2 Marking Schemes 7.3 Progression/ Appeals 7.4 Re-Assessment 7.5 Late submission of work 7.6 Unfair Practice and Plagiarism 7.7 The Harvard Referencing System 7.8 Illness during the assessment period 7.9 Anonymity/Double Marking/External examiners

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8. Regulatory and policy information

8.1 Attendance policy 8.2 Student Support 8.3 Students with extenuating circumstances and / or special needs 8.4 Assessment and academic regulations 8.5 Repayment policy for withdrawal from course 8.6 Disciplinary regulations 8.7 Appeals against academic decisions 8.8 Appeals against non-academic decisions 8.9 Complaints procedure

8.10 Office of the independent adjudicator – students studying in Britain only

9. Practicalities

9.1 Visas and residence permits 9.2 Funding 9.3 Health insurance 10. Studying in Aarhus – Semester 1

10.1 Information on the study programme 10.2 The City 10.3 The University 10.4 Services 10.5 The departments 10.6 Introduction 10.7 Communications 10.8 Student records 10.9 General regulations 10.10 Complaints 10.11 Travel arrangements from Aarhus to Amsterdam 11. Studying in Amsterdam – Semester 2

11.1 Information on the study programme 11.2 The City 11.3 The University 11.4 Services 11.5 The department 11.6 Introduction 11.7 Communication 11.8 Student records 11.9 General regulation 11.10 Complaints 12. Studying in Hamburg – Semester 3 and 4

12.1 Information on the degree specialism: Media Systems, Journalism and Public Spheres in a Comparative Perspective

12.2 The city 12.3 The university 12.4 Services 12.5 The department 12.6 Introduction 12.7 Communications

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12.8 Student records 12.9 General regulations 12.10 Complaints 13. Glossary

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1. WELCOME Welcome to the Erasmus Mundus Masters – Journalism and Media within Globalisation: The European Perspective. This is an innovative programme supported by the European Commission under the Erasmus Mundus initiative, and designed to promote student mobility within masters programmes. Students will be offered a different perspective on the subject areas in each partner institution and will be taught by world-class scholars in three countries. You will be spending your first semester in Aarhus, Denmark at the University of Aarhus and the Danish School of Journalism, before moving to Amsterdam University, the Netherlands in the second semester. Your third and fourth semester will be spent either at Swansea University, UK, at City University London, UK, or at the University of Hamburg, Germany depending on your specialism. The purpose of this handbook is to explain how the Erasmus Mundus Masters in Journalism and Media (‘The Mundus’) will work, and what you can expect from it. The information is intended to help you find your feet and settle into postgraduate life as quickly as possible. The handbook outlines what you can expect at each stage of your studies, the resources available, the structure and staffing at each institution where you will be studying, and procedures for dealing with any problems you may encounter. Please read this handbook carefully as it is in your interest to familiarise yourself with the regulations and procedures. Students who are uncertain about the information in this handbook should ask their course coordinator or contact any of the departmental offices. We hope you will find your time as a member of the postgraduate community at each university rewarding and enjoyable.

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2. DISCLAIMER The Consortium has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information contained within this publication is accurate and up-to-date when published but can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions. The Consortium reserves the right to revise, alter or discontinue modules and to amend regulations and procedures at any time, but every effort will be made to notify interested parties. It should be noted that not every module listed in this handbook may be available every year, and changes may be made to the details of the modules. Students and others who require further information should address their enquiry to: The Danish School of Journalism Hans-Henrik Holm and Inger Munk Tel.: +45 89 440440, Fax: +45 86 168910, Email: [email protected] The University of Aarhus Henrik Bødker and Bettina Andersen Tel.: +45 89426921, Email: [email protected] University of Amsterdam Isabel Awad and Wendy van der Linden Tel.: +31 20 525 3178, Fax +31 20 5253681, Email: [email protected] Swansea University Kevin Williams, Geraint Evans and Eleanor Parker Tel: +44 1792 602550, Fax: +44 1792 513453, Email: [email protected] or [email protected] University of Hamburg Monika Pater and Sabine Hoffkamp Tel.: +49 40 42838 3821, Fax +49 40 42838 2418 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] City University London Neil Thurman Tel.: +44 20 7040 5060, Fax +44 20 70408594, Email: [email protected]

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What is the Erasmus Mundus programme? The Erasmus Mundus programme is a cooperation and mobility programme in the field of higher education. It aims to enhance quality in European higher education and to promote intercultural understanding through cooperation with third countries.

With a budget of EUR 230 million for the period 2004-2008, the programme is intended to strengthen European cooperation and international links in higher education by supporting high-quality European Masters Courses, by enabling students and visiting scholars from around the world to engage in postgraduate study at European universities, as well as by encouraging the outgoing mobility of European students and scholars towards third countries.

Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses Erasmus Mundus supports European top-quality courses at master level in order to promote the EU as a centre of excellence in learning around the world. These are integrated courses of one to two years offered by at least three universities from three different European countries. They involve a study period in at least two of the three universities and lead to the award of a recognised double, multiple or joint degree. Scholarships for third country students and scholars In order to encourage graduate students and scholars from all over the world to obtain qualifications and experience in Europe, a scholarship scheme for highly qualified third country nationals is linked to the Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses. Students receive scholarships to follow the Masters Courses, scholars to teach or do research. Scholarships for EU students As the consortium has set up a partnership with three Non-EU universities with funding for 2008-10, two EU students enrolled in the MA program are eligible for a stipend to exchange one of the Amsterdam modules with the News21 module at University of California at Berkeley (late May - mid July), and eight EU students are eligible for a stipend to exchange (subject to confirmation from the specialism institution in question) one of the specialism modules with a module at either University of Technology Sydney, Australia or Pontifica Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile (late July - mid September). A call for applications will be sent out shortly before the end of the first term to all eligible students. For further information on Erasmus Mundus: For further information on this Erasmus Mundus Masters in Journalism and Media: Statements from the Erasmus Mundus expert panel about this Masters The Erasmus Mundus Masters in Journalism and Media received very good reviews from the expert panel prioritizing Mundus Masters for funding:

• The new masters course is quite unique, in so far as no other university offers a course in Journalism that opens the possibility to study in at least three countries

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• A chance to deepen journalistic knowledge and to gather comprehensive experiences about different European cultures

• This masters course is well structured

• The proposal as a whole is excellent

• The learning outcomes are very comprehensive and convincing

• Due to the wide spread connections of the consortium to associations and international networks, outstanding research activities can be offered

• The existing international network of cooperating institutions may contribute much to the success of the project.

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4.1 Introduction Journalism is undergoing a fundamental transformation. Developments in technology, politics and society are increasingly putting the media industries and the profession of journalism at the centre of people’s attempt to make sense of what is happening in the world around them. The Erasmus Mundus Masters degree explores the practice and performance of journalism and the media in the context of a new environment brought about by globalisation, modernization, commercialisation and professional developments. The scheme offers a unique educational experience. You will study in three European countries. You will be able to specialize in one of three distinct areas of journalism: War and Conflict, Business and Finance and Media Systems, Journalism and Public Spheres in a comparative Perspective. You will be part of a group of 40 students selected from a pool of candidates from around the world. You will also be part of a network of classmates that draws on a variety of experience and knowledge and meets the global ambitions of the degree. The Erasmus Mundus programme in Journalism and Media seeks to produce alumni who will shape the future of global journalism. The degree scheme brings together five leading European institutions in the journalism and media education, combining the best academic research and teaching from the different national educational cultures. The programme aims to prepare students for the challenge of working in the new global information society. Globalisation is penetrating cultural and social borders around the world and simultaneously reinvigorating smaller regions and feelings of local identity. Political and social power is taking on new dimensions. Cultural awareness and misunderstanding are growing. Journalism is at the centre of these changes.

• Politically, states in Europe are coming together and falling apart at the same time. Journalists need new tools to understand and to interpret the processes of integration and disintegration.

• Economically, a global world market is creating growth and havoc at the same time. Journalists need tools to be able to describe it in clear language.

• Socially, people are getting connected in new ways through modern technologies. Journalism is the crucial field in a network society.

• Culturally, there is increasing onus on the media and journalism to explain differences and similarities between peoples and societies.

The focus of the Erasmus Mundus Masters in Journalism and Media is to give participants the intellectual tools for a new and better understanding of reporting the global challenge.

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4.3 Description of the semesters Semester 1 All students study three compulsory 10 ECTS credit modules at the University of Aarhus / the Danish School of Journalism; ‘Reporting Global Change’, ‘The Transformation of the State’, and ‘The Roles of Media in Cultural Globalisation’. In addition, students will receive a one week intensive introduction course coordinated by the Centre for University Studies in Journalism and the DSJ International Office, consisting of an introduction to the scheme, the institution and to Denmark. Students will also be taught survival language skills in Danish. Dates: 27 August – 19 December 2008 (Submission date of final assignment to be announced). Semester 2: All students study at the University of Amsterdam in The Netherlands. Students take three compulsory 10 ECTS credit modules: ‘Journalism and Cultural Diversity’, ‘Entertaining the Citizen’ and ‘The Politics of News’. Depending on staff availability, one of these courses may be replaced by another relevant subject. In addition, there is an introductory program and regular extra-curricular meetings. The introductory program provides basic information about the university and the city of Amsterdam, as well as about Dutch language and Dutch society. The extra-curricular meetings include guest lectures and field trips related to Dutch and European culture, history, politics and media. Dates: 2 February – 26 June 2009 Semesters 3 & 4: In semesters 3 & 4 students will study modules of 60 ECTS. Students are divided into specialism groups studying at either of the following partner institutions:

• Swansea University, UK: War and Conflict • City University, London, UK: Business and Finance • University of Hamburg, Germany: Media Systems, Journalism and Public

Spheres in a Comparative Perspective

Swansea University, UK: War and Conflict The specialism in war and conflict at Swansea begins with three modules in War Reporting, Risk Reporting and Reporting the Middle East, all of which combine a rigorous theorising of media institutions with an informed understanding of journalistic practice. Students then complete a research dissertation during their final semester on a topic related to the reporting of war or the operation of media institutions during periods of conflict. War Reporting (coordinated by Prof Kevin Williams) provides a historical overview of the development of war journalism and war propaganda. Starting with nineteenth-century conflicts such as the Crimean War, the module explores the reporting of conflicts such as the First World War, the Spanish and Ethiopian civil wars, the Second World War, Korea, Vietnam and the two Gulf Wars. Risk Reporting (coordinated by Geraint Evans) explores the theoretical and conceptual issues that frame the reporting of warfare and conflict in modern society, and some of the practical issues facing the war correspondent. Reporting the Middle East (coordinated by Janet Harris) examines one of the major hot spots of war coverage in recent decades. Focusing on the reporting of Iraq the module will consider topics such as orientalism, embedding and the impact of Al Jazeera. The module is coordinated by Janet Harris, who was an embedded journalist during the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

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City University, London, UK: Business and Finance The three modules/courses on offer at City are intended to enable students to bring together rigorous academic understanding and explanation of business and finance with the practical knowledge and experience that comes from being based in one of the three key centres of global business and finance. The courses will integrate theory and practice in a variety of ways. The core course in Global Political Economy will be taught by Professor Roger Tooze and will provide the key concepts and theoretical understanding necessary for any critical analysis of business and finance. The course in business will cover the key elements of business analysis and business journalism necessary for understanding contemporary global business structures and processes. The final course in Finance follows a similar pattern – finance is the core activity of global business and understanding global finance is a necessary prerequisite for successful journalism in this field. The Finance course will be taught by a practising high level financial journalist.

University of Hamburg, Germany: Media Systems, Journalism and Public Spheres in a Comparative Perspective The main emphasis of the second year in Hamburg is to enhance the knowledge of developments in the media and journalism systems within the European public sphere. Characterized by an interdisciplinary approach from both communication studies and political science the programme consists of three modules/courses of equal credit weighting. Journalism, Media and Society (Dr. Monika Pater), Media Systems in an international comparative perspective (Professor Hans J. Kleinsteuber, Dr. Kathrin Voss), and Journalism and its contribution to European Public Spheres (Professors Uwe Hasebrink and Irene Neverla). The rationale of this specialism is to concentrate on the issues involved in the development of European public spheres and the question, what journalism in different countries is able to contribute to that development. Therefore it is necessary to take a close look at the framework within which journalists work and at the relations between journalism and society. The first module introduces students to the basic concepts and issues of the study of journalism. It aims at a critical understanding of the characteristics and problems of media in society. At the same time, it seeks to provide a “holistic” understanding of European media and their complex interrelationships – both on a ”macro” and “micro” level and from an external and internal perspective. The focus of the second module is to provide a survey of the media systems around the world, including the systems of the home countries of the participants. In the end, students should also have gained an overview of the theories and methods of comparative research. The final module examines the interrelation between journalism and the development of European Public Spheres. Concentrating on journalistic approaches towards European public spheres, it aims at providing students with an informed understanding of the requirements of coverage of European activities to a professional level. 4.4 Outline of the Programme specification Scheme Aims General aims

a) to enable students to acquire knowledge of European journalism and its scholarly study in a global perspective, including:

(i) the political, economic, and historical contexts that affect the reporting of Europe;

(ii) journalism practices and media contexts; (iii) disciplinary approaches to the practice and study of journalism;

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(iv) theoretical approaches adopted by scholars; b) to specialize within a journalistic field. c) to familiarise students with the key contemporary issues and debates in the

area of European Journalism and to provide them with the analytical skill and techniques to make sense of them and assess the merits of different approaches and theories;

d) to prepare students for employment in a wide range of contexts drawing on knowledge of European journalism and their choice of specialization, and to enable students to be reflective practitioners and consumers of media content;

e) to provide students with a trans-national perspective on journalism, by learning and living in at least three different European countries;

f) to develop the research skills of students to allow them to prepare for further study of journalism including, if desired, at the PhD level.

The scheme also aims to:

a) develop students' critical, communicative and methodological skills, enabling them to produce high-quality research and journalistic work;

b) help students use new media technologies, including the Internet, to enhance journalistic and academic research;

c) develop students' ability to engage critically with journalism and generate cutting-edge approaches to reporting;

d) encourage students progressively to take ownership and direction of their learning so that they may develop as independent life-long learners;

e) cultivate an ethos of professional, social and ethical responsibility within the learning environment and beyond;

f) contribute to increasing the diversity within Higher Education, by continuing to recruit high quality entrants irrespective of national, social or cultural background.

Scheme Content Students must pursue and accumulate a total of 120 ECTS credits in order to gain the final degree award, with 30 ECTS credits pursued in each semester. • Part One of the scheme (Semesters 1, 2 & 3), consists of taught modules.

Semester 1 is based at The University of Aarhus/Danish School of Journalism, Semester 2 at the University of Amsterdam and Semester 3 at the specialism university.

• Part Two of the scheme (Semester 4) will also be offered at the specialism university and will involve the student being supervised in the preparation of a dissertation. The dissertation must be submitted by the date specified by the specialism institution. The date may vary slightly from institution to institution.

An Exit Qualification of a Postgraduate Diploma may be offered to students who complete Part One but who do not proceed to or complete Part Two. However, due to national legislation this qualification will not be available for students specialising in Hamburg. The MA degree will be awarded on completion of Part Two (120 ECTS credits). Teaching and learning methods The Erasmus Mundus MA in European Journalism comprises two elements (Part I consisting of coursework at The University of Aarhus/ Danish School of Journalism, supplemented by taught modules offered at the Amsterdam University and followed

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by specialist modules at the specialism university; and Part II consisting of course work and dissertation work at the specialism university, (this part may include an optional Internship period). Teaching and learning are geared to this configuration and aim to facilitate the progressive development of independent learning among students to at least the point where they can successfully complete individually a piece of original research at the appropriate postgraduate level, whether it be presented in the form of a journalistic or academic project. This is seen as making a positive contribution to the wider aims of the development of lifelong learning. The overall learning outcomes of the scheme are focused on the development of student capabilities in the areas of critical analysis, research, development and presentation of argument, development of journalistic skills, knowledge and understanding of the field, and communication and collaboration. It is felt to be constitutive of the postgraduate learning experience that students are exposed to a variety of teaching approaches. Thus the MA does not restrict teaching to one mode. On the contrary, the following principles are applied:

(a) variety in teaching (i.e. a mix of lectures, workshops, group and individual presentations, self-directed learning and tutorials);

(b) variety in assessment (i.e. a mix of essays, research papers, journalistic pieces, literature reviews, group and individual projects, oral presentations, unseen examinations etc.);

(c) a policy of transparency in both (a) and (b) above, including the publication of learning outcomes and assessment criteria in the Student Handbook;

(d) formal and informal discussions among staff and students, including general scheme meetings for Exam Boards and curriculum evaluation, meetings of the Staff/Student panel, and annual Scheme evaluation meetings with participation from students and staff, on issues of teaching and learning.

Insofar as the items above describe predominantly staff-led initiatives, it is necessary actively to seek input from students, too. This is done primarily through the administration of student response forms at the conclusion of each semester. The responses are seen by members of teaching staff and by the External Examiner. In addition, they are discussed annually with the staff/student panel. This committee is deployed more generally as a mechanism for student feedback. Research-led teaching and learning is seen as being embedded in the exchange of knowledge and understanding derived, on the one hand, from research undertaken by staff and, on the other hand, from the responses of students informed by a variety of cultural and practitioner experiences, with the objective of providing both staff and students with a positive learning experience founded on an acknowledgement of

(a) research as a primary mechanism for advancing knowledge and understanding;

(b) the relevance of the historical, economic, and political context of the development of the field;

(c) scholarship, debate and interrogation of research methods, approaches and findings.

At the same time, the scheme also benefits from the experience of teachers who are cutting-edge journalism practitioners and are therefore able to develop in students:

(a) a recognition of the importance of a reflective approach to journalism practice;

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(b) an appreciation for the rapidly changing nature of abilities required for European journalists, and journalists from third countries;

(c) knowledge of the latest research and information-gathering techniques to explore the impact of global change on Europe.

The Consortium shall employ a variety of methods and institutions, dependent on national circumstances, for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of learning such as annual reviews, student evaluations, and formal or informal consultations between students and staff. Intended Scheme Outcomes The scheme provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas:

a) Knowledge and understanding Intended Outcomes On completion of the scheme a typical student will have knowledge and understanding of:

(a) broad perspectives and background information necessary to understand and report on a changing Europe, including but not limited to knowledge of: (i) the media systems of Europe and globally; (ii) the economic and political context of globalisation; (iii) contemporary global trends, including the movements towards

localism and political devolution, state politics, and the global flows of people, products and capital;

(iv) policy factors affecting the place of media and publics in a global context; fundamental concepts, methods, principles and theories relevant to the study of global journalism;

(b) how to formulate and study research questions about the media; (c) the role of the journalist in democratic societies; (d) the challenges to contemporary European journalism; (e) the interplay between political institutions and journalism in an European

context; (f) the impact of cultural and national identity on the theory and practice of

journalism. Teaching/learning & assessment methods to achieve and demonstrate these outcomes Item (a) will be attained through a combination of lectures, tutorials, presentations, external site visits and coursework in Aarhus. Specifically, the module the Transformation of the State introduce the processes and issues surrounding the political aspects of globalisation, while the Role of Media in Cultural Globalisation module will look at the media and the publics (b). Reporting Global Change will focus on policy factors affecting the place of Europe in a global context. Students will also gain insights into the workings of European political and media institutions by field trips and (c) will be attained through a combination of interactive lectures, tutorials, and dissertation work, starting with the module Reporting Global Change, taught in Aarhus, continued with the dissertation workshop in Aarhus, and culminating in the students' dissertation work at the specialism university. (d), (e) and (f) will be central themes in lectures and independent work throughout the scheme.

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Assessment Knowledge and understanding are assessed continuously, and feedback provided to the students, through essays, research papers, journalistic pieces, literature reviews, group and individual projects, oral presentations, and unseen examinations. b) Intellectual (thinking skills) Intended Outcomes Upon completion of the scheme a student will be able to:

(a) plan, conduct and communicate original research in journalism studies, whether in the form of journalistic or academic writing;

(b) critically analyse media coverage of European issues in a global perspective;

(c) identify new and creative angles on European issues in a global perspective; (d) recognise the issues, processes and complexities of globalisation; (e) situate current events within a wider perspective; (f) evaluate the merits of a variety of theoretical approaches to globalisation.

Teaching/learning & assessment methods to achieve and demonstrate these outcomes While (a) is central to both The Role of Media in Cultural Globalisation, and the students' dissertation work, they will work on (b) in Reporting Global Change. (c), (d), (e), and (f) will be integral aspects of all modules, but will be especially central in the module the Transformation of the State. Lectures, seminars and workshops will be used to develop and enhance students’ intellectual skills. In the preparation of the dissertation students will be able to apply the intellectual skills they have developed on the programme. Small groups and individual tutorials as part of the dissertation process provide the opportunity to refine intellectual skills. Assessment Intellectual skills are assessed continuously, and feedback provided to the students, through essays, research papers, journalistic pieces, literature reviews, group and individual projects, oral presentations, and unseen examinations. c) Practical Skills (Subject-Specific) Intended outcomes Upon completion of the scheme a student will be able to:

(a) use a variety of research methods useful to the field of journalism studies, including content analysis, discourse analysis, interviews, focus group research, survey research, statistical analysis, archival and policy research, and ethnographic field work;

(b) write journalistically, and have the knowledge and confidence to report competently on issues in global and European Journalism studies;

(c) critically reflect on issues in Global and European Journalism Studies; (d) conduct independent analysis of the economic, political and historical

factors affecting countries other than the ones studied on the programme; (e) discuss the factors that are currently changing the nature of European

Journalism; (f) Specialise within one field of journalism.

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Teaching/learning & assessment methods to achieve and demonstrate these outcomes Methods for journalism studies research and information-gathering will be taught on all modules. Similarly, (b), (c) (d) and (e) will be developed throughout the scheme, and will be particularly important for the students in their dissertation work. (f) gives the opportunity of specializing within a specific journalistic field. Practical skills are developed through workshops and seminars and are integral components of the specialism modules in London. The specialism culminates in the intensive experience of the dissertation module in Semester 4 which will enable students to acquire practical skills in writing, research and independent analysis. Assessment Intellectual skills are assessed continuously, and feedback provided to the students, through essays, research papers, journalistic pieces, literature reviews, group and individual projects, oral presentations, and unseen examinations. d) Key skills Intended Outcomes Upon completion of the scheme a student will be able to:

(a) communicate effectively, both in writing and orally; (b) access and utilise information in a variety of research resources, including

library and Internet; (c) employ a systematic approach to gathering, analysing and communicating

knowledge; (d) manage resources and time; (e) use critical reading and writing skills in broader contexts; (f) work in a self-organised way, individually or in teams; (g) undertake lifelong learning, particularly for continuing professional

development. Teaching/learning & assessment methods to achieve and demonstrate these outcomes The communication of ideas, the gathering of information, and the ability to work critically, systematically, effectively and independently are integral to the scheme, and form a key part of all modules. Promotion of communication skills forms the basis of most of the course assessment, as well as the dissertation. Lectures, seminars and workshops are the primary method by which these skills are imparted. However, special introductory session to the library and Internet will be conducted by LIS as well as the Department’s technical staff. Assessment Assessment of transferable skills takes place through the successful completion of essays, presentations, journalistic pieces, and dissertations, on time, and without detriment to other activities. In particular, the successful submission of the dissertation will demonstrate all or most of students' skills in these areas.

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4.5 Admission and practicalities Language All courses are taught in English. Non Native English speaking applicants will be required to obtain an IELTS minimum score of 7.0 before they are accepted unconditionally. For the IELTS test see Applicants who have studied for at least a year in, or received a degree from, a college or university in an English speaking country do not need to present an English language test. This education must however have taken place within two years prior to admission to the graduate application. Admission The Consortium aims to admit highly qualified students from a wide range of countries. Applicants will normally only be admitted if they have a Bachelors degree or equivalent (at least an above average class mark is expected) and the equivalent of at least three months fulltime work as a journalist. Candidates whose first language is not English will normally be expected to obtain a minimum IELTS score of 7.0 before they start. Degree Students are awarded, on successful completion of the course, a double masters degree (MA) from the institutions where they start and end. A joint degree may be offered in the future when national legislations might allow it. The title is ‘ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTERS Journalism and Media within Globalisation: The European Perspective.’ Fee 2008 - 2010 The fee for the whole master programme is 8,413 euro for EU nationals and 14,100 euro for non-EU nationals. Accommodation Students are responsible for securing their own accommodation. However, the host institution will assist in making accommodation arrangements. Visa Students are responsible for securing their own visa, if a visa is needed. However, the host institution will assist in applying for visa. See Section 9 for further information.

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The Erasmus Mundus Masters programme in Journalism and Media within Globalisation: the European perspective has been designed by a Consortium of five leading European institutions (the partners) in the journalism and media education. Partners in the Consortium are the following institutions:

• The Danish School of Journalism and the University of Aarhus, Denmark ( and;

• University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands (; • Swansea University, United Kingdom (; • City University, London, United Kingdom (; • The University of Hamburg, Germany (; The Danish School of Journalism The Danish School of Journalism (DSJ), and the University of Aarhus (AU) have had close teaching and research cooperation since the first Danish journalism course was established as part of the university in 1946. In 1971, DSJ was established as a freestanding institution conducting research and offering undergraduate level programmes. It has more than 1100 students. In 2004, DSJ and AU established the new Centre for University Studies in Journalism (CJU), which formalized cooperation and enabled DSJ to offer master courses in journalism, with AU as the degree awarding body. DSJ has a strong focus on the field of journalism education. It is the oldest and largest of the institutions offering journalism education in Denmark and has well-established contacts both nationally and internationally. Address: Olof Palmes Allé 11, DK-8200 Aarhus N, Denmark. Contact Details: Inger Munk and Hans-Henrik Holm, tel: +45 89 44 04 40, fax +45 8616 8910, e-mail [email protected]. The University of Aarhus The University of Aarhus (AU), was established in 1928, and has more than 34.000 students. AU is the degree awarding institution of the Danish part of the Erasmus Mundus degree. The Department of Information and Media Studies and the Department of Political Science contribute to the teaching. The coordinating institution of the Masters at the University is the Centre for University Studies in Journalism (CJU). Address: Centre for University Studies in Journalism, Building 1451, Nobelparken, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 3, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. Contact details: Henrik Bødker and Bettina Andersen tel: +45 89 42 69 21, e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] University of Amsterdam This University was founded more than 400 years ago. More than 20,000 students study at the University of Amsterdam. The Erasmus Mundus Masters in Journalism is organized by the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. Within each faculty there are different departments - the Erasmus Mundus programme is in the Department of Communication. This department is located in a building, which is more than 400 years old in the centre of Amsterdam.

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Address: Department of Communication, Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Contact details: Jan de Ridder and Isabel Awad Cherit, tel +31 20 525 3178, fax +31 20 5253681, e-mail: [email protected]. Swansea University, Wales Swansea University was established by Royal Assent (as University College of Swansea) in 1920. It currently offers degrees of the University of Wales at undergraduate and postgraduate level and has approximately 12,000 students. The Erasmus Mundus Masters is offered by the Department of Media and Communication Studies which is within the School of Arts. The Department was founded in 2001 and has developed expertise in a number of areas, particularly the reporting of war and conflict. Address: Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, Wales, UK. Contact details: Geraint Evans and Eleanor Parker, tel: +44 1792 602550, Fax: +44 1792 513453, Email: [email protected], [email protected] City University, London City University was granted a royal charter in 1966, based on its reputation as a centre for professional education dating back to 1894. Its first one-year postgraduate journalism course was offered in 1976. The University is in the heart of London and on the doorstep of the world's major news and media organisations. The journalism department has an outstanding reputation with excellent contacts and access to the industry. The vast majority of its graduates work in the media in the UK and overseas and it has around 4,000 journalism alumni constituting a formidable contacts network. City University is cosmopolitan (153 nationalities on campus) so international students fit in easily. Address: Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB, England, UK. Contact details: Neil Thurman, tel: +44 (0)20 7040 8222, e-mail: [email protected]

The University of Hamburg The University of Hamburg (UHH) was established by the federal city state Hamburg in 1919. With approximately 39,900 students, the University of Hamburg is one of the largest educational and research institutions in the Federal Republic of Germany. The first study programme in Journalism was offered in 1982. Today, the Institute of Journalism and Communication Studies (IJK) is part of the newly founded School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, Department of Social Sciences. The University of Hamburg, School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, is the degree awarding body. Address: Institut für Journalistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Allende-Platz 1, 20146 Hamburg, Germany. Contact details: Monika Pater and Irene Neverla, tel: +49 40 42838-3821, fax + 49 40 42838 2418, e-mail [email protected]

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6. BEING A STUDENT ON THE ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTERS PROGRAMME 6.1 Key dates Dates of Semesters: Semester 1: August 27 – December 19, 2008 The University of Aarhus and The Danish School of Journalism, DK Semester 2: February 2 – June 26, 2009 University of Amsterdam, NL Semester 3 (Exact dates to be confirmed): Hamburg: October 2009 – March 2010 (Christmas break: last day of lessons: December 19; first day of lessons: January 4, 2010) Swansea: September 2009 – January 2010 City: September 2009 – December 2009 Semester 4 (Exact dates to be confirmed): Hamburg: April – August 2010 Swansea: January – June 2010 City: January – May 2010 Deadline for Submission of Dissertation: To be announced at specialism institution. Degree Ceremony: Each specialism university organises its own degree ceremony. Dates and more detailed information will be given at the specialism universities. 6.2 Enrolment The enrolment with the Danish School of Journalism/University of Aarhus will automatically enrol the student at University of Amsterdam and at the specialism university. However, on arrival at each institution students may need to complete a further enrolment process. Information on this will be provided to you before your departure from the previous institution. The enrolment process is a means of recording data on students and for institutions to provide important information to students. During the enrolment process students also declare that they will abide by the regulations of the universities concerned. 6.3 Notification of change of address The Consortium needs to be informed of any change of address – whether it is a change in term-time or home address. Normally students should inform the Scheme coordinator at whichever institution they are studying. The coordinator will then have the responsibility for informing all other institutions within the Consortium.

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Whilst studying in Aarhus please notify change of address to: Centre-coordinator, Bettina Andersen, tel: 89 42 69 21, e-mail [email protected]. Whilst studying in Amsterdam please notify change of address to the coordinator, email [email protected]. Whilst studying in Swansea please notify change of address to Rhianydd Rees, email [email protected]. Whilst studying in London please notify change of address to Departmental office, telephone 020 7040 3222, email [email protected]. Whilst studying in Hamburg please notify change of address to student advisor Sabine Hoffkamp, tel. +49 40 42838 2764, email [email protected]. 6.4 Regulations By enrolling in this course, students agree to abide by the Academic Regulations and Assessment Regulations included in this handbook. In addition, each university may have its own general or financial regulations that students will need to adhere to. Information on these will be provided when you commence studies in that institution. 6.5 Payment of fees Tuition fees are payable in two instalments to the Consortium. The first instalment of €3,500 for EU-students and €4,274 for non-EU students will be collected at the outset of the course by the University of Amsterdam. The second instalment of €4,913 for EU-student and €9,826 for non-EU-students will be collected by the specialism university at the beginning of Semester 3. The full tuition fees of €14,100 for students receiving stipends from the Erasmus Mundus programme will be deducted automatically from the stipends and transferred to the Consortium. Non-payment of fees will normally result in sanctions, which may include the withholding of library and computer facilities, results and non-examination of dissertation/project. 6.6 Attendance and progress Students are expected to attend all lectures and examinations scheduled. It is recognised however, that due to illness or exceptional circumstances, this may not be possible in all instances. Students should report absences and reasons for them to the scheme coordinator at whichever institution they are studying. You may be required to present a medical certificate where this is appropriate. Please note that new immigration rules for international students require UK Universities to report non authorised absences to immigration which could result in students’ rights to remain in the UK being terminated. In addition, students are reminded that they should inform the Scheme co-ordinator of any circumstances they feel might adversely affect their performance. Failure to do

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so will result in you not having legitimate grounds for appeal of assessment decisions. The local coordinator will be responsible for informing the appropriate Examining Board. 6.7 General conduct and behaviour Students shall conduct themselves in an orderly manner. Please note that: • If you wilfully damage University property you must pay for its repair and may be

subject to disciplinary action. • If you attempt to obstruct teaching, study, research or the administration of any

University within the Consortium you will be liable to disciplinary action. • Unauthorized absence from any part of your course without proper cause will

render you liable to disciplinary action. • You are under an obligation to inform the Consortium of any criminal conviction

prior to and during your period as a student. Each institution operates its own disciplinary procedures. Information on these will be provided to students during their introduction at that institution. 6.8 Complaints The Consortium is committed to ensuring a high quality educational experience for its students, supported by appropriate academic, administrative and welfare support services and facilities within each of its institutions. In order to help us to help you and improve our delivery and support, you are under an obligation to raise and resolve any issues that you may be dissatisfied about at the institution in which you are studying as soon as they arise. Most issues can be resolved quickly. If problems persist issues can be raised with the course coordinator, or – in Britain - at Student/Staff committees. In exceptional circumstances students might feel the need to pursue a complaint through the formal complaints procedures. Details of these procedures will be available in the respective institutions. It would be envisaged that formal complaints will have been resolved before moving on to the next institution within the Consortium. Should a student be unable to resolve a complaint to their satisfaction within the institution concerned, he/she may approach the Board of Studies of the Consortium. An independent member of the Board will be asked to conduct an investigation into the complaint. 6.9 Extensions to deadlines Please speak to your personal tutor/adviser or scheme coordinator at whichever institution you are currently studying for advice if you believe you have extenuating circumstances which might be affecting your studies. Seek advice on whether to apply for an extension to any course assessment deadline or to your overall deadline.

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Extending the deadline for individual assessments The assessment deadlines for each module will be given to you by the module tutor and or the module handbook at the outset of the semester. There should be no excuse therefore for missing these deadlines. In exceptional circumstances due to ill health or exceptional personal reasons you may find that you are unable to meet a deadline. In this case you should contact the relevant professor as soon as you become aware that there is an issue and before the submission date in question. You should state your case in writing and provide appropriate documentary evidence to support your request. Extending the time limit for completion of the degree You should be aware that the time limit for assessments and, in the case of Swansea and City, the time limit for the final completion of the degree may be extended in exceptional cases only. In this case you should contact the relevant professor as soon as you become aware that there is an issue. A reasoned application, supported by appropriate independent evidence, must be submitted to the Board of Studies and the appropriate academic committees within the institution. The Erasmus Mundus stipend cannot be extended. 6.10 Transferring / withdrawing or suspending studies Transferring Prior to the commencement of the course students are informed at which institutions they will be studying. All students commence the course in Aarhus and proceed to Amsterdam in the second semester; therefore there are no transfer options in the first year. Transferring of schemes is not encouraged as the Consortium makes careful consideration in the selection of students to ensure that there is an even spread of numbers and nationalities throughout the Consortium. However, in exceptional circumstances the Consortium Board of Studies may consider allowing students to transfer specialisms. Should you wish to transfer specialism you will need to make a reasoned case, supported by documentation, stating the academic and personal reasons as to why you wish to transfer. Withdrawing Before deciding to withdraw from studies, speak to the relevant professor at whichever institution you are currently studying for advice on your decision. All institutions at which you are studying offer advice and counselling services which may also help you with your decision. If you are sure you cannot continue with your studies, it might be better for you to suspend studies instead. Suspensions You should think carefully before deciding to suspend studies. The nature of the scheme whereby students must pass each semester before progressing to the next, and the geographical consideration that each of the first 3 semesters are spent in different countries, mean that it would be difficult to make up time lost by suspending. You may have to repeat the entire year or wait until the following year before proceeding, even if you are only planning to suspend for a short period of time.

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Consider why you are thinking of suspending and seek advice accordingly. Each university offers advice and counselling services to support students. Speak to them about why you wish to suspend and they may be able to advise you on other options available to you. For those having an Erasmus Mundus stipend suspension is not possible if you want to keep the stipend. See rules on the homepage of the Erasmus Mundus programme 6.11 Transcripts and diploma supplement Students will be issued with an academic transcript and a Diploma Supplement at the end of their studies (free of charge). The diploma supplement is a document, which aims to facilitate academic and professional recognition of qualifications across Europe. It provides a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies that were pursued and successfully completed by the individual named. 6.12 Graduation The degree shall be conferred upon successful candidates at an awards ceremony, to be organised by the specialism university. The degree certificate(s) to be issued shall include reference to the collaborative nature of the degree and shall include the name of each institution involved in the teaching. Exit qualifications shall not normally be awarded to candidates at a ceremony, but such awards shall be conferred upon candidates administratively. 6.13 Careers information , employability and work experience Careers information and advice is available at each institution at which you will be studying. In order to compete successfully in the job market it is becoming increasingly important to gain practical work experience to complement your course of study. There is no work placement component of the Erasmus Mundus MA in European Journalism degree. However if you are suitably qualified, opportunities exist to gain work experience during the degree scheme. This can be part of your Personal Development Plan and the relevant Specialism Department will support and assist you to the best of its abilities. 6.14 The Erasmus Mundus Alumni Association In the spring of 2006 the European Commission and student representatives from all Erasmus Mundus programs launched the Erasmus Mundus Alumni Association. The association is free to join for Erasmus Mundus students. You can register at the webpage and get instant access to an online student forum, a newsletter and a database of students and former students.

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Right now a student committee is working to launch more services for current and former Erasmus Mundus students: a magazine, conferences, a web community, a job/internship database and much more. The association also plans to get involved in policy-making with respect to the Erasmus Mundus programs and the conditions of students. On the association webpage you can read more about the plans of the committee and give your input to their work. If you need help with registration or have questions regarding the association please feel free to contact Rikke Skovgaard Andersen ([email protected]) from year group 2005.

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Assessment policy One of the objectives of the Consortium is to ensure that assessment is fair. To achieve this, the Consortium has produced an assessment policy, which is summarised below. For full details of the assessment and academic policy and regulations see the section of this handbook entitled ‘Regulatory and Policy Information’ (section 8). In case of doubt, national rules are to be followed.

Assessment on the Erasmus Mundus Masters in Journalism degree is based on assignments and project dissertation taken in Part One and Two respectively. To complete the degree you will need to obtain a total of 120 ECTS credits points in the two parts. Students must accumulate 90 credits in Part One before they can progress to Part Two.

Students will normally first have to pass modules in Part One. In some modules, as specified in individual module handbooks, students will need to satisfy other criteria as well, e.g. submit every assignment or pass each piece of assessment. On successful completion of a module, students will be awarded the credit points. The award of the Erasmus Mundus Masters in European Journalism degree will be based upon your successful completion of both Part One and Part Two. Due to national requirements relating to assessment there will be different practices adopted by the three institutions to convey to students their performance in assessment. For instance, grades in Aarhus, percentages in Swansea and London. A conversion table is offered overleaf. National rules vary slightly therefore the award of a degree with distinction or merit will depend on the rules of the institution in which you study your specialism. 7.1 Assessment requirements of a module Students are strongly advised to take note of the various methods, which your Institution/Department has decided to adopt on assessing students and to raise any queries, which you may have with your lecturers, early in the session. You should also know in advance whether an essay/ practical report would contribute to the overall mark for the module. Please also note any deadlines set by your Institution/Department for the submission of work and the consequences of failing to meet them. Students are also advised that they are required to complete all elements of a module’s assessment pattern.

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7.2 Marking Schemes Criteria of Assessment All assessed work is marked according to the following criteria and conventions: German Grade conversion table Due to changes in the Danish grading system the conversion table for Danish to UK grades has to be confirmed yet. DANISH TO GERMAN




A+ Excellent (Distinction level) 12 1,0

A/B Very good 10 1,3

C Good 7 2,0

D Satisfactory 4 3,0

E Sufficient/Pass 0,2 4,0

0,0 4,3/5,0 F/FX Fail -3 6,0





10 1,0

9.0-9.9 1,0

A+ Excellent (Distinction level)

8,7-8,9 1,0

8.4-8.6 1,3 A/B Very good

8.0-8.3 1,7

7.9-7.7 2,0 B Good

7.4-7.6 2,3

C Good/Satisfactory 7.0-7.3 2,7

6.7-6.9 3,0 D Satisfactory

6.4-6.6 3,3

6.0-6.3 3,7 E Sufficient/Pass

5.5-5.9 4,0

F/FX Fail 5.4 4,3-6,0 7.3 Progression/ Appeals Students must accumulate 30 ECTS per semester by passing all modules at 02 or

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above in Denmark, 5.5 or above in the Netherlands, 50% or above in the UK and 4.0 or below in Germany in order to progress from semester to semester and from Part 1 to Part 2. 7.4 Re-Assessment Students who fail a module follow national rules to redeem a failure. Under British national rules special regulations regarding capping of redeemed failures apply. 7.5 Late submission of work Deadlines for assignments are an important component of the assessment procedure and this Consortium stresses the need for students to hand in work on time. Your module handouts and/or course tutor will indicate deadlines for coursework or any other forms of assessment.

All assignments, unless otherwise stated, must be submitted to the departmental office, in whichever institution you are studying by 4.00pm on the day of the deadline. Failure to submit work on time without prior approval would normally mean a mark of 0 being recorded for that assignment. In the event that you are unable to meet a deadline, you are advised to seek prior approval for an extension from the module co-ordinator. If your extension is due to illness you may be asked to submit a medical certificate from your doctor. Unexplained and unauthorised late submission of work would mean that you will be deemed to have failed the module and you receive a mark of 0 for that assignment. Cases of persistent late submission will be brought to the attention of the Examining Board and could influence your right to remain on the programme. 7.6 Unfair Practice and Plagiarism Gaining unpermitted advantage in any element of the programme is not tolerated by the Consortium. Therefore it gives considerable emphasis to preventative measures both at departmental and University level and warn students against engaging in any form of unfair practice. Unfair practice, here, is defined as any act whereby a person may obtain for himself/herself or for another, any unpermitted advantage. This applies whether candidates act alone or in conjunction with another/others. An action or actions may be deemed to fall within this definition whether occurring during, or in relation to, a formal examination, a piece of coursework, or any form of assessment undertaken in pursuit of an academic or professional qualification at any institution within the Consortium. Each institution shall consider cases in accordance with their procedures and regulations, and report the outcomes to the Consortium Board of Studies. Examples of Unfair Practice include the following: • Plagiarism,

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• Collusion (i.e. sharing information or results or receiving outside help in individual exams, whatever their form), and

• Falsification of the results of data collection and analysis. In the experience of the Consortium universities there is a particular necessity of explicating and explaining the regulations against plagiarism in academic work, as cases of this type of unfair practice appear to be increasing in number. Plagiarism means using the phrases or words or ideas of someone else and passing them for one’s own. More concisely it may be defined here as using, without acknowledgement, another person's work and submitting it for assessment, as though it were one’s own work, for instance, through copying or unacknowledged paraphrasing. The Consortium partners concur with, and strongly urge all students to read, the text by Professor Dale Carter, Beyond the Loan Word: Plagiarism in Academic Writing, published at, on the Website of Aarhus University’s English Department. Other texts may be given to students in connection with sessions on avoiding plagiarism and academic writing in the course of study.

Examples of plagiarism include, first the use of any direct quotation(s) from the published or unpublished work of other persons which have not been clearly identified as such by being placed in quotation marks and acknowledged with reference to author, source (publication), year, and page number. Plagiarism, here, is involved whether a person uses, without proper acknowledgment, long passages of texts, such as entire paragraphs or short ones of a sentence or a few words. They may include all forms of written sources including web sites. Secondly, plagiarism is involved, in cases of summarising – ‘paraphrasing’ - another person's ideas, judgments, figures, software or diagrams without reference to that person in the text and the source in the bibliography. Here, although the words (or figures etc.) or most of the words are changed, while the meaning remains, plagiarism is still involved. The boundary between plagiarism and non-plagiarism is slightly less easy to specify in the abstract, than in the case of unacknowledged quotation. However, you should be on the safe side and make a habit of citing your sources whenever you use the ideas and arguments of someone else (which one invariably must do in academic writing). Dale Carter’s Beyond the Loan Word, which was noted above, contains some examples of illegitimate paraphrase. Quotation (of verbatim sections of texts) and referencing (of arguments, ideas, descriptions, and analyses) should follow established rules of citation (Harvard, Chicago, MLA, APA etc.) - see the following section. Students should acquaint themselves with such rules of citation or academic styles and will be given opportunity to do so early in the course of the study programme. In particular, it is important that one’s citation and referencing reflects the real degree to which another author’s work is actually used (i.e., citing once in a paper is not enough if the work in question is used several times). It should be noted, also, that the same basic principles of does and don’ts hold regardless of one’s choice of style. In cases where the unacknowledged use of other people’s work takes place collectively, such as in group work, plagiarism is still involved. Whenever written work for assessment is produced jointly by a group of students, the responsibility for this work is shared.

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In cases of oral presentations the rules regarding plagiarism also apply. This holds for presentations where texts are read aloud or a rehearsed talk is delivered. Here, it may often be enough to use expressions such as ‘as argued by Jürgen Habermas’, but even though oral presentations by their nature may involve less formality, the principle of never presenting ideas and arguments of others as if they are one’s own still applies. The cases of power point presentations and slides should be treated on a par with other written work such as essays and assessment papers. Finally, plagiarism is of course involved in cases where a student submits another student’s work as his or her own, as well as where a student uses essay writing agencies/internet sites in the preparation of assessed work. A specific instance of unfair academic practice is ‘self-plagiarism’, i.e., re-using one’s own previous work (e.g. extracts from, or the entire text of essays, examinations papers or any other written material previously authored by oneself). Using specific ideas or arguments previously expressed by oneself is of course legitimate, but here it will often be appropriate to cite oneself as source, certainly when such re-use is substantial, or when sections of texts are paraphrased (e.g. in the fashion: ‘The following section is substantially based on my account in “…….”.’) Universities in the Consortium use a variety of electronic detection software, which some of your work – and in all circumstances your final dissertation – will be run through to identify cases of unfair practice, although the results of such electronic detection are always subjected to scrutiny by academic staff before any action is taken. Such software has proved particularly effective in detecting plagiarism based on sources accessed via the internet and purchased essays. Course tutors are often able to detect cases of plagiarism and are within their rights to award a mark of 0 and report the student to the Head of Department or other relevant authority in the university concerned. It is possible that an oral examination on any piece of work may be conducted if the institution suspects a candidate of unfair practice. The institution may require students to provide copies of notes/earlier drafts of assessed work as proof that the final submission was their own. Students should not underestimate the consequences associated with plagiarism and other forms of unfair academic practice. If they are caught, the penalties imposed could be enough to ruin a career. The penalties vary in degree, and different universities – in accordance with the overall principle of the consortium – have slightly different procedures and, to some extent, slightly different modes and degrees of punishment. However, all the universities of the Consortium adhere strictly to the rules outlined above, are determined not to tolerate detected breaches, and will take action in measured relation to the severity of each case. If a student takes the risk and is found guilty, the likelihood is that all the marks for the semester will be cancelled, i.e. 0 for each module, and he or she may even be required to withdraw. Also, pleading un-intentionality, ignorance of rules, excessive work load, or other personal circumstances as an excuse for plagiarism, is not likely to be effective. Teachers in the programme on some occasions have been given to understand that some students, in some countries or universities, are not accustomed to the rules against plagiarism and other unfair academic practice such as those laid out here. In particular, it appears to be the case that some students during their bachelor studies have encountered ‘teaching cultures’, which permit or even to some degree encourage students to submit work, which basically repeats the words and ideas of a teacher – or

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by extension of some other authority (i.e. authors of the specific books assigned in a course). What should be stressed here is that the standards of excellence, which the universities of the consortium seek to encourage in students – standards which are shared by advanced institutions of learning across the globe – do not agree with unquestioningly referring the words and ideas of a few authors or teachers, as if these were the only, incontestable truth. On the contrary, students are encouraged to independently reflect upon, compare, discuss, and indeed even question any of the texts they are required to read and any of the lectures they hear. And it is their ability to produce reasoned arguments and analyses in class and at exams, which reflect such academic stances, which will be rewarded. The vast majority of students would not of course consider using plagiarism and would agree that it is against the very nature of honest academic pursuit. In order to avoid plagiarism it is important, as already noted, to reference one’s work and attribute all information meticulously to the relevant sources. Methods of referencing and attribution will vary for academic and practical coursework. In particular, it may be that journalists, given the habits of the trade, are somewhat less accustomed to these practices. If a student feels that this is the case for him or her it is particularly important – and the students own responsibility – to make an effort to get acquainted with the appropriate rules and standards. Tutors will explain the relevant and acceptable forms of referencing and attribution required in their coursework. We do, however, recommend the ‘Harvard’ system of referencing for academic work for its simplicity and widespread use. 7.7 The Harvard Referencing System This is a widely used system and is recommended for its simplicity and clarity. It is also known as the ‘Author-Date’ style of referencing and requires you to cite the author and date of your reference in both the text and at the end of your essay or dissertation in the ‘Bibliography’. Harvard referencing involves two steps:

1. Within the text of your essay or dissertation you must insert the author's surname and year of publication with no punctuation separating the two. You can quote directly ("..."), or indirectly e.g. Smith claims that... If you include a long quotation (more than two or three lines) it is usual to indent it to make it stand out.

2. At the end of your work list all your references alphabetically and with full bibliographic details.

A piece of text with Harvard referencing might look like this: Productivity and work satisfaction are functions of the 'person-environment fit'. Person-environment fit represents the congruence between characteristics of individuals, their needs and abilities, and the 'supplies and demands of environment as expressed in role expectations and prerequisites' (Kahn 1979 p.78). Motivation is heightened by conditions that 'pull' (Cummings and Schwab 1973) individuals towards a particular behaviour (extrinsic incentives). In the third case, needs that exist within a person (intrinsic incentives) 'push' him to behave in a way that will satisfy those needs. Baldwin (1979) has suggested that faculty vitality and institutional well-being can be enhanced by moving faculty members to different roles as their developmental

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needs (intrinsic incentives) change. Baldwin and Blackburn's model of faculty career development (1981) assumes people move through initial phases. The corresponding list of references of Bibliography might look like this: Baldwin, R. L. (1979) The faculty career process: continuity and change. PhD thesis, University of Michigan. Baldwin, R.L. and R.T. Blackburn (1981) The academic career as a developmental process: implications for higher education, Journal of Higher Education 52 (6), pp. 598-614. Cummings, L. and D. Schwab (1973) Performance in Organisations: determinants and appraisals, Glenview: Scott, Foresman. Kahn, R. L. (1979) Aging and Social Support in M. Riley, ed. Aging from birth to death. Boulder: Westview, pp. 75-93. The references are arranged in alphabetical order by author's surname. The above example of the Harvard system of referencing has been taken from Swansea University’s Library and Information Services website at: 7.8 Illness during the assessment period Students should always ask their doctor for a medical certificate for illnesses, which affect their studies, and present these to the department/ school as soon as possible. It is usually too late to tell your tutor after an Examination Board has met, retrospective medical circumstances will not normally be accepted. 7.9 Anonymity/Double Marking/External examiners National rules regarding anonymous marking double marking and external examiners differ, so you have to familiarise yourself with the national rules.

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8. REGULATORY AND POLICY INFORMATION This handbook aims to present students with all the relevant regulations governing the degree, along with related regulations and policy governing attendance and more general issues such as conduct. Naturally, students when studying at more than one university will need to familiarise themselves and comply with the rules, regulations and practices of each one of these institutions. Wherever possible, these rules and regulations are printed in this section and will be applied at each institution. However, it is inevitable that there will be slight differences to approaching certain issues. Students must therefore refer to the procedures of the particular university which is relevant for the issue of concern. Each institution has its own specific regulations in relation to:

• Complaints • Library and Computing • Financial • General Conduct/Discipline

Students shall be bound by these regulations and it is incumbent upon you to familiarise yourself with these for each institution. They will either be available on the website or printed in the Institution’s general Handbook. For further clarification on any point contact your Department/Scheme co-ordinator at the institution concerned. 8.1 Attendance policy You are expected to attend all lectures, seminars and tutorials and to submit all the work which is required for each module. Repeated absence from class will need to be explained to the class tutor and/or the Department. Students whose work is interrupted by illness may be required (according to university rules) to submit a medical certificate. The Consortium’s Attendance Policy is given below:

1 Definition teaching session A teaching session represents a means of offering tuition to students.

Examples of teaching sessions include lectures, seminars, practical classes, example classes, tutorials and field trips.

2 Unsatisfactory attendance includes: Failure to attend seminars, lectures, tutorials, or any other activity defined

as compulsory by a University, in the Module Handbooks, without providing a satisfactory reason for absence.

3 Attendance and absence Policy

3.1 The Consortium expects students to attend all the teaching sessions associated with each module, which they have elected to pursue.

3.2 Non-attendance by students at teaching sessions will result in the

department initially investigating the reason for the absence. Prolonged absences will result in the application of sanctions, either at departmental level or, in the more serious cases, by the

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University/ Consortium. Under new UK immigration rules unauthorised absences over a specific length of time will need to be reported to the visa authorities and could affect students’ immigration status.

3.3 The Consortium may notify sponsors of any known prolonged

absences, taking 28 days as a measure of prolonged absence.

3.4 A student who has been absent from an examination must send a written explanation without delay to the Departmental/ Scheme Co-ordinator of the institution in which he/she is currently studying. In the case of illness, he/she must also submit a medical certificate upon the prescribed form, which will be supplied by the Co-ordinator concerned.

8.2 Student Support On arrival at each institution you will be assigned a student support tutor or given details of the appropriate person to whom you may refer queries. The three institutions are committed to offering you appropriate advice and guidance. The way in which this support is offered may differ slightly from institution to another and you must familiarise yourself with the way in which you can raise concerns or share worries. Your student support tutor is one of the ports of call you have if things are becoming difficult. Their responsibility is to help you, advise you and make sure that any problems you have can be dealt with properly. They will monitor your academic progress and provide help and advice in the planning of your programme of study. 8.3 Students with extenuating circumstances and/or special needs Extenuating Circumstances A student shall report in writing any special or extenuating circumstances which may have an effect on his/her performance in any examination, class test or in-course assessment to the Departmental/Scheme Co-ordinator at the institution in which he/she is currently studying, as soon as the circumstances arise, and where possible, before the examination is due to be taken or the element of assessment is due to be submitted. The report shall be supported by documentary evidence.

The Departmental/ Scheme Co-ordinator shall report all special or extenuating circumstances to the Examining Board or, where appointed, to a Special Circumstances Sub-Group. A Progression Board or Special Circumstances Sub-Group may disregard the circumstances if appropriate documentary evidence is not provided.

Failure to report such circumstances, without good grounds, prior to the date of the Progression Board for that Semester will result in the student not being able to rely on the extenuating circumstances and/or special needs in question as mitigating circumstances with regards to performance in assessment.

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Special Needs A student requiring specific provision for assessment due to special needs should submit a written application to the Departmental/ Scheme Coordinator at the Institution concerned. The application must be supported by documentary evidence. The Consortium Board of Studies will review all such requests. The institutions are permitted to disregard requests for specific provision if not supported by appropriate documentary evidence.

Where a student's circumstances are known to be prolonged or permanent and identified prior to the start of the session, a student requiring specific provision for classes or assessment should contact the Consortium prior to the start of the course so that the Universities concerned may assess the level of support required and advise whether they are able to provide it.

Each institution has appropriate departments to support students with special needs. The specialists in the various fields will be at hand to advise the departments on providing students with necessary support.

Specific provision may be considered for circumstances including Dyslexia; Visual impairment; Hearing impairment; Physically impairment; Medical impairment.

8.4 Assessment and academic regulations The following progression and award regulations (Assessment Rules) shall apply to the Erasmus Mundus Master’s degree in European Journalism. 1. General principles 1.1 Presentation of Marks

When determining progression/grades issues, the Examining Boards shall be presented with all marks of assessment undertaken during the semester(s) concerned. Resit marks must be clearly identified in the presentation of marks to the Examining Board. Module marking indicators will follow national rules.

1.2 Presentation of Marks for Part Two Exam Boards

The full set of results for each candidate considered at a Part Two Exam Board, shall be presented to the examiners. The result profile of the relevant students will include:

• The Part One results, also including the Part One average and the Part One

decision; • The results of the dissertation; • An indication of any failures in modules at the first attempt.

1.3 Progression/Award Decisions

1.3.1 Students on the Erasmus Mundus Masters in Journalism and Media will be required to progress from one Semester to another, in addition to satisfying the

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requirements to qualify to proceed to Part Two. This is due to the collaborative nature of the scheme. A Progression Board will therefore be held at the end of each Semester. The pass mark for a module shall be 50%, or an equivalent grade. Credits shall be awarded on the successful completion of a module. 1.3.2 Semester 1 – Progression Board A Progression Board shall be held at the end of Semester 1 to determine whether or not students qualify to proceed to Semester 2, to be pursued at Amsterdam. Students who fail modules will be given one opportunity to redeem the failure before the beginning of Semester 2 (i.e. January), either by completing additional course work or by re-sitting an examination. Students must accumulate 30 ECTS credits to proceed. If a student fails the second time no further opportunity to redeem the failure will be offered until the next session. The consequences could be that the student might have to withdraw from the programme.

Appeals against progression decisions from Semester 1 shall be considered in accordance with the appeals procedures developed by the Consortium’s Board of Studies, and administered by the Danish School of Journalism/University of Aarhus. The appeals procedures will be made available to all students who fail. 1.3.3 Semester 2 – Progression Board A Progression Board shall be held at the end of Semester 2 to determine whether or not students qualify to proceed to Semester 3, to be pursued at the specialist institution. Students who fail modules will be given one opportunity to redeem failures before the beginning of the new session (i.e. August/September), by either completing additional course work or by re-sitting examinations. Students must accumulate 30 ECTS credits during Semester 2 to proceed. If a student fails the second time no further opportunity to redeem the failure will be offered until the next session. The consequences could be that the student might have to withdraw from the programme. Appeals against progression decisions shall be considered in accordance with the appeals procedures adopted by the Consortium’s Board of Studies and administered by the University of Amsterdam. 1.3.4 Semester 3 – Progression Board A Progression Board shall be held at the specialist Institution at the end of the Semester 3 to determine whether or not students qualify to proceed to Part Two. Students who fail modules will be given one opportunity to redeem the failure before the beginning of Semester 4, either by completing additional course work or by re-sitting an examination. Students must accumulate 30 ECTS credits during Semester 3 to complete the semester and, in total 90 ECTS credits to complete Part One and proceed to Part Two. In accordance with British academic Regulations a student who fails a module at the second attempt will fail the degree and will be required to withdraw from the programme. Academic regulations at Hamburg University allow two attempts after a failed first sit. A candidate who fails a module at the third attempt will fail the degree and will be required to withdraw.

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Appeals against progression decisions shall be considered in accordance with national appeals procedures endorsed by the Consortium’s Board of Studies. 1.3.5 Semester 4 – Award Board (Part Two) A full Award Board shall be held at Aarhus at the end of Semester 4 to determine award decisions on students pursuing all Erasmus Mundus Master’s schemes offered by the Consortium. The students’ overall performance on the schemes shall be considered. Appeals against award decisions shall be considered in accordance with national appeals procedures endorsed by the Consortium’s Board of Studies.

1.4 Disclosure of marks

A distinction should be drawn between confirmed marks and unconfirmed marks.

Confirmed Part One marks are those that have been agreed by the Examining Board and endorsed by the external examiners.

Confirmed Part Two marks are those agreed by the internal and external examiner and subsequently reported to the Part Two Board.

Unconfirmed marks include the marks of assessment undertaken during, or at the end of, a semester and marks of continuous assessment which have yet to be presented to the Examining Board. These might be conveyed to students orally, for instance, by a lecturer. You must note that an Examination Board can change marks.

All results will be disclosed to students in writing by the relevant partner institution after the formal Progression/Award Boards.

General assessment rules G1 The Pass mark for modules will be set at 50% (or equivalent grade). Credits will

be awarded to candidates who pass a module. All modules pursued must be passed (see G5 below).

G2 Modules shall be assessed individually, as prescribed by the relevant

institution(s). The assessment method of a module may take the form of an unseen written examination paper, set projects or other course work assignments, but must be appropriate to assess whether a student has met the learning outcomes of the module. If group work is assigned, the assessment methods must be designed to assess the performance of each student individually. A candidate may also be required to demonstrate to the appropriate examining board, satisfactory completion of any period of professional training or practical experience, failure of which may lead to failure of the module, despite a mark of 50% (or equivalent grade) having been gained for the other assessed work.

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G3 In order to proceed from one semester to another, a candidate must aim to accumulate 30 ECTS credits by passing modules with a mark of 50% (or equivalent grade) or better in each module. To qualify for an award, students must accumulate credits as follows:

• Master in Arts in Journalism and Media within Globalisation, 120 ECTS • Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism and Media within Globalisation 90 ECTS credits (awarded only for the Swansea and London specialisations)

G4 In Britain candidates who pass every module at the first attempt; obtain an overall average of 65%+ (or an equivalent grade) in Part One; and a mark of 70%+ (or equivalent grade) in the dissertation; and an overall mark of 70%+ (or an equivalent grade) in the scheme overall, shall be eligible for the award of a distinction.

Students studying in Swansea who achieve an overall average mark of not less

than 60% and not more than 69.99% for the whole scheme, having achieved 60% or more in Part One and in Part Two shall be eligible for the award of a Master’s degree with merit (provided that they have not re-sat any modules).

In Germany candidates who obtain an average of 100% in the scheme overall

shall be eligible for the award of a distinction. There are no restrictions on repeating modules.

G5 Candidates who have qualified to proceed to the next semester shall not be

allowed to elect to repeat any module for which credit has been awarded in order to improve their performance.

G6 The Consortium reserves the right to charge a re-examination fee in respect of

the re-submission of a dissertation. Students who repeat failed modules shall be charged fees as appropriate.

G7 A candidate who is absent for the whole of a written examination (or who fails to

submit set projects or coursework by the required date(s)) will be deemed to have failed the modules(s) in question. In the case of illness or other exceptional circumstances, the Examination Board may grant an extension to the submission date or permit a supplementary examination to be held as appropriate.

G8 A candidate who has failed any module at the first attempt of the examination

shall not subsequently be eligible for the award of the mark of Distinction in the UK, irrespective of the level of his/her performance in any subsequent assessment.

G9 The late submission of assessed work shall result in a mark of 0% being awarded

and a decision of fail being recorded, unless an extension has been granted prior to the deadline. There are no other penalties.

G10 Both Parts of the degree must be completed successfully before a candidate may

qualify for the award of a degree G11 A candidate’s Part One results may not be subsequently reviewed at the Part Two

Board, to determine the outcome for the whole scheme.

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G12 A candidate who fails at Part Two, to submit the dissertation/project by the

deadline specified for the scheme, and who has not been granted an extension of candidature due to special circumstances will fail the degree.

G13 The time limit for the completion of the degree may be extended in exceptional

cases only. A reasoned application, supported by appropriate independent evidence, must be submitted by the candidate’s tutor for consideration, to the Consortium Board of Studies, and any appropriate institutional academic committees.

Requests for an extension shall be considered with reference to the following criteria:

(a) Normally, suspensions/extensions will be granted only on compassionate

grounds, or in cases of illness, serious domestic difficulties or exceptional commitments, which can be demonstrated to have adversely affected the candidate. A full and reasoned case, supported by appropriate, satisfactory, medical or other independent evidence, and a work-plan for completion of the thesis within the extension requested, must be made by the department for consideration by the Consortium Board of Studies, in the first instance, and thereafter by the appropriate committee of the awarding institution.

(b) In cases which arise as a result of illness:

(i) Satisfactory medical or other relevant documentary evidence must be supplied. (The extent and nature of the illness as described in the certificate are invaluable in assessing the case.) (ii) A clear statement must be supplied, showing that the institution concerned has evaluated the situation in which the candidate finds himself / herself as a result of the illness and that it considers the requested extension to be appropriate for completion in accordance with the work-plan. Such a statement will, wherever possible, follow direct contact between candidate and institution.

Specific progression rules – completion of a semester / teaching block S1 Candidates who accumulate 30 ECTS credits, by passing the module with a mark

of 50% (or equivalent mark) or above, shall qualify to proceed to the next semester.

S2 Candidates who accumulate 90 ECTS credits, by passing all modules during

Semesters 1,2 and 3, shall have been deemed to have passed Part One and shall qualify to proceed to Part Two (4th semester).

S3 Candidates who fail to complete the assessment of a module due to mitigating

circumstance may, at the discretion of an Examination Board and in accordance with the guidelines published above, be allowed to sit the examination/submit course work at a ‘First-sit’ candidate. The mark(s) of such candidates shall be considered at the “Supplementary Exam Board”. If the student fails the module, the next opportunity to redeem the failure will be the next academic year.

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S4 Candidates who fail a module in the first, second or third semester will fail to proceed to the next semester and shall, normally, be given an opportunity to redeem the failure(s) prior to the beginning of the next semester. At the discretion of the Progression Board and provided that the student has not been given an opportunity to redeem a previous failure in the failed modules, candidates may be required to sit supplementary examinations or present new coursework as appropriate in all failed modules before the start of the next semester. However an Examination Board may require the student to redeem only the failed elements of a module where more than one piece of work contributes towards the final module mark. Students, who choose not to resit a failed module, or an assessment component, will be awarded a mark of 0% regardless of the original mark.

S5 Candidates whose performance is deemed by the Progression Board, to be weak

i.e. whose marks are generally very low (for instance whose average mark is between 20 & 30%, or equivalent mark) will normally be advised to withdraw from the scheme.

S6 All candidates who fail to complete a Semester have the right of appeal. S7 Students who study in Britain in Semester 3 may exit at this point with a Post-

graduate Diploma, provided that they have accumulated 90 ECTS credits. Specific rules – re-sit progression board S8 Candidates who pass the failed modules and accumulate at least 30 ECTS

credits, at 50% (or equivalent mark) or above, in modules at the appropriate level qualify to proceed to the next Semester.

S9 All candidates who fail to complete a Semester and / or progress to Part Two

have the right of appeal in accordance with the appeals procedure adopted by the Consortium Board of Studies and the respective university where the semester is failed to be completed.

S10 ‘First Sit’ candidates who have failed modules shall be allowed to redeem failures

at the next available opportunity according to national regulations. S11 Candidates who have failed modules for the second time will normally be deemed

to have failed the degree. However, recognising national regulations, the Progression Board has the discretion to award a further attempt provided that the student enrols as an external candidate to resit the module the following year.

Specific rules – Exchange of modules at non European partner institutions for European students S12 European students are eligible to exchange some core modules with modules

taught at University of Berkeley, California, USA; Pontificia Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile; and University of Technology Sydney, Australia. Specific rules apply regarding the exchange of modules. These rules will be made available to any student interested in taking part in an exchange.

Specific rules – part two – dissertation / project S13 Each candidature shall be completed by the presentation of, up to a 20,000

word dissertation and the approval of such dissertation by the examiners.

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S14 A supervisor will be appointed for each candidate who will be responsible for

ensuring that studies are carried out in line with the institution’s good practice guidelines.

S15 Every candidate in submitting a dissertation shall state to what extent it is the

result of his/her independent work or investigation, and shall indicate any portions for which he/she is indebted to other sources. Explicit references should be given, and a full bibliography should be appended to the work.

S16 Every candidate in submitting a dissertation shall certify that it has not already

been accepted in substance for any degree and is not being concurrently submitted in candidature for any degree.

S17 Dissertations submitted for examination shall normally be openly available and

subject to no security classification or restriction of access. However Partner Institutions may, place a bar on photocopying of and/or access to a dissertation for a specified period of up to five years. It shall be the responsibility of the candidate’s project supervisor to make an application to the Consortium Board of Studies and any appropriate body in the partner institutions as soon as possible and before the result is known. This request will be reported to the Part Two Award Board.

S18 The deadline and regulations for submission of the dissertation will vary slightly

between each specialism university, as a result of differences in national rules. Consequently the rules regarding submission of your dissertation including the number of copies you are required to submit and the format of that submission will be provided to you once you commence your studies at the specialism institution.

Examination S19 The Dissertation will be examined by two examiners. S20 The mark of 50% (or equivalent grade) represents a Pass mark. S21 If a dissertation is not awarded a mark of 50% (or its equivalent) by the

examiners. Re-presentation follows the rules of the universities awarding the double or joint degree. A fee may be payable to the University concerned for the examination of such a re-presented dissertation.

S22 Retention and disposal of a dissertation shall be in accordance with the policy of

the awarding institutions.

Part Two Award Board S23 At the end of the fourth semester, the final Joint Award Board for all students

will be held at the Danish School of Journalism/University of Aarhus and shall be attended by representatives from each Institution and a Senior External Examiner, appointed by the Consortium Board of Studies to be responsible for overseeing the schemes overall. It will be serviced by a senior administrative officer from one of the partner institutions.

S24 The remit of the Board will be to:

• receive notification and formally endorse Part 2 results

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• receive notification and formally endorse any requests for Bars on Access • to determine the overall award and in particular to consider cases of

candidates who might be eligible for the award of distinction • consider statistical data on all schemes offered by the consortium • conduct an annual review of all schemes

S25 Any appeals against the decision of the Award Board shall be considered in

accordance with the appeals procedures developed by the Consortium Board of Studies, and administered by the awarding institutions.

8.5 Repayment policy for withdrawal from course Should students withdraw during Semesters 2, 3 or 4, or be unable to proceed due to failure at the end of the Semesters 2 or 3, fees will be returned as follows: Should students withdraw/ be required to withdraw as a result of failure at the end of the first semester 50% of the fees paid will be retained by the consortium as an consortia fee for administering the course. Should students withdraw during the first semester a percentage of the fees less than 50% will be retained by the consortium for the administration of said student. The percentage will be calculated pro-rata by the Board of Studies depending on when students withdraw from the scheme. The Board of Studies has the discretion in any case not to retain the fees where particular hardship can be shown. This discretion will not be utilized where the student has received Erasmus Mundus funding. For students receiving Erasmus Mundus Funding there will be no refunds of paid fees. Accordingly percentages of paid fees will be retained for withdrawals in semesters 2–3 –4. 8.6 Disciplinary regulations Any disciplinary issues will be dealt with at the institutional level, in accordance with partner institutions own disciplinary procedures. It is the responsibility of the institution to monitor such cases and report any problems that they deem to be sufficiently serious to the Consortium Board of Studies. Details of the institutions disciplinary procedures will be available as you commence studies in that institution. 8.7 Appeals against academic decisions Appeals against academic decisions shall be through the institutional appeals procedure in the first instance with a review by the Consortium Board of Studies if the student is still not satisfied. Details of institutions’ appeal procedures shall be made available to you during your study in the institutions concerned and shall be stated in your result letter. If, after pursuing the institutions appeals procedure you are still dissatisfied you may apply to the Consortium for review of the decision.

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Appeals to the Consortium should be based upon one or more of the following grounds:

• irregularities in the conduct of the relevant procedures, which are of such a nature as to cause reasonable doubt whether the party/parties concerned would have reached the same decision had they not occurred;

• exceptional personal circumstances which were not known to the party/parties concerned when the candidate’s case was considered and which can be shown to be relevant to the case. (In appeals based on these grounds the appellant must show good reason why such personal circumstances were not made known prior to the decision being made. Where a candidate could have reported exceptional personal circumstances prior to the decision being made, those circumstances cannot subsequently be cited as grounds for appeal.);

• the severity of the penalty (non academic decisions only).

The Consortium Board of Studies will review the case based on the written evidence provided and will decide whether to: (i) dismiss the appeal; (ii) permit the appeal to proceed; and

refer the case back to the institution concerned to reconsider the case in light of the new evidence;

establish an independent appeals committee before which the student could present his/ her case;

(iii) in consultation with the relevant institution modify the severity of the penalty (non academic decisions only).

Once the appeal process has been completed the Consortium will issue the student with a Completion of Procedures letter. 8.8 Appeals against non-academic decisions As with Academic Appeals, appeals against non-academic decisions shall be through the institutional appeals procedure in the first instance with a review by the Consortium Board of Studies if the student is still not satisfied. 8.9 Complaints procedure As with appeals complaints shall be dealt with at the institutional level first, and in the event of them not being resolved to the Consortium Board of Studies who will issue the student with a completion of procedures letter. For details of institutions complaints procedures see sections 10-12. However, if the institution concerned deems that the complaint relates to the overall management of the Erasmus Mundus scheme as opposed to an element of the scheme offered by the institution concerned, the complaint shall be referred to the Chair of the Board of Studies.

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8.10 Office of the independent adjudicator – students studying in Britain only Should a student still be dissatisfied with the outcome of his/her appeal/complaint, he/she shall, if part of the course has been taught in Britain, have recourse to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA). The Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA) operates an independent student complaints scheme pursuant to the Higher Education Act 2004. All higher education institutions in England and Wales are required to comply with the Rules of the scheme. The OIA is not a regulator; it handles individual complaints against higher education institutions and is a free service to students. Students who are dissatisfied with the outcome of their appeal may be able to complain to the OIA providing that their complaint is eligible under its Rules. (These are on the OIA website Students will need to send to the OIA a Scheme Application Form within three months of the date of the Completion of Procedures letter. (See 8.7 and 8.9 above) A Scheme Application Form may be downloaded from the OIA website Students should send a copy of their Completion of Procedures letter to the OIA with their Scheme Application Form.

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9.1 Visas and residence permits

Students are responsible for securing their own visa, if a visa is needed. However, all consortia partners will assist you in applying for visa. Visa regulations can be very strict. Students are advised to abide by the regulations very carefully to prevent delay of your application. It is important that: - you check if all the forms are filled in completely, - you send all the required documents within the time fixed, - you make copies of the original documents. When original documents are required, keep a copy for your own administration. If possible, save a digital copy of all important documents. Visas for Denmark Information from the Danish Immigration Service. A foreign national must have a residence permit in order to pursue a post-secondary education in Denmark. In order to obtain the permit, the applicant must document:

• That he or she has been admitted to a post-secondary educational programme at a publicly accredited learning institution.

• That he or she will be self-supporting for the duration of the stay in Denmark.

As a rule, a residence permit must be received prior to a foreigner's entry into Denmark. An application for a residence and work permit must therefore be submitted in the applicant's country of origin. In certain cases, a foreign national already in Denmark can submit an application, although this is contingent, first and foremost, on what grounds he or she has for being in Denmark.

If submitted abroad, an application for a residence and a work permit must be submitted to a Danish representative office - in other words, an embassy or general consulate, in the applicant's country of origin. The application form can be downloaded from the Immigration Service’s website or at the representative office. When the applicant has completed and returned the application form, the representative office will forward it for assessment to the Danish Immigration Service in Denmark, ‘Udlændingestyrelsen’.

Visas for the Netherlands For a stay longer than three months in the Netherlands you need a Provisional Residence Permit (Machtiging tot Voorlopig Verblijf = MVV). A MVV is a ‘single entry visa’ allowing you to enter the Netherlands. A MVV is a sticker placed in your passport at the Dutch Embassy or consulate in the country where you are legally residing. This requirement does not apply to citizens of the EU/EEA and Switzerland, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, Vatican City, Monaco and South Korea. Even if you do not need a MVV it may still be advisable to apply for one, so you can be sure a residence permit will be granted before you travel to the Netherlands. It is only in exceptional situations that the holder of a MVV will not granted a residence permit.

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The University of Amsterdam applies for the MVV on your behalf. Your advantage is that the application costs a couple of weeks only. As soon as we have received all the required documents and the handling fee of 250 Euro we send your application to the Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND). If you need a MVV to enter the Netherlands, we advise you to apply for a D+C visa at the Dutch embassy that enables you to travel within the Schengen-countries. See for more information The following documents are required: copy of ALL pages (also empty pages) of your passport, a proof of sufficient and lasting means of subsistence, and a Danish residence permit (to pick up your MVV at the Dutch Embassy in Denmark). Residence permit Upon arrival in the Netherlands residents of the EU/EEA and Switzerland, except for Romanian and Bulgarian citizens, should register with the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND). If you do not have an EU/EEA (or Swiss) nationality, or are Bulgarian or Romanian, you are required to apply for a residence permit to legally stay in the Netherlands. The Universiteit van Amsterdam will process the application for your residence permit on the basis of study. You cannot apply for your residence permit yourself. The Student Visa Wizard of NUFFIC ( gives information on the set of procedures that apply to your nationality. An appointment is scheduled at the Service & Information Centre of the University of Amsterdam. At this appointment you can register with the IND or apply for your residence permit. Payments can only be done by transferring the fee to the account of the Universiteit van Amsterdam, by credit card, or by pin (Dutch debit card system). You will not be able to pay using traveller’s cheques or cash. Within a couple of weeks the IND informs you about the decision made. After a positive decision the applicant can collect the residence permit at the Immigration Office.

Registration City Council All students are required to register with the city council of the city or town you will be living in. For students residing in Amsterdam an appointment for registration with city council will be made by the University. Students residing outside of Amsterdam will need to make their own arrangements. For registration at the City Council you need to bring to following documents

• a valid passport or EU-identity card; • an original lease or contract of sale (regarding your house or apartment) or

a statement, signed by the main tenant of the house, in which permission is granted for your registration at that address. The Universiteit van Amsterdam will provide a blank statement. You also need to provide for a copy of the passport or identity card of the main tenant

• it is advisable to bring an original birth certificate. At the city council they may ask for it, however you can be registered without the certificate.

For more information and up to date costs please visit the website of the IND ( or the Nuffic website ( During the semester in Denmark you will be given more detailed information about the procedures .

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Visas for Germany Germany has various requirements for international students entering the country. Some students will be required to obtain an entry visa before entering Germany, whereas others can apply for a residence permit once on German soil.

Citizens from Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, Switzerland and the USA may obtain the residence permit that is required after entering Germany. Citizens of EU-countries are exempt from this rule. Some countries have, however, also been awarded a special status. These countries include: Honduras, Iceland, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Switzerland and Lichtenstein. Citizens of all other countries who intend to come to Germany for a longer stay (more than three months) must apply for visas at the competent mission before arriving in the country, e.g. in Copenhagen or Amsterdam. Visa applications must be approved by the relevant alien authority in Germany, in this case in Hamburg. Visa application forms for a long-term stay can be downloaded from the website of the Foreign Office ( You must fill in at least two original application forms and then submit these to the competent mission. Please contact the mission beforehand to find out exactly which forms are required. The current cost (2008) of a student visa application is € 60,00. Please be advised that the visa application procedure can take up to three months. It is therefore advisable to start dealing with this matter as early as possible.

Do not enter as a visitor if you plan to study in Germany. A tourist visa cannot be changed into a student visa, so it is critical to first enter Germany with a student visa.

General visa information concerning how to apply for an entry visa for purposes of studying ("Visum zu Studienzwecken") should be acquired from the German diplomatic mission (local embassy, consulate or representative office) in the student's home town or current place of residence or have a look at the German foreign office's website (“Auswärtiges Amt” Please contact the mission beforehand to find out exactly which forms and documents are required. Visas for the United Kingdom All those who are not British or EEA nationals will need a visa or entry clearance in order to study in the UK. Visa application forms and information on visa procedures can be downloaded from the website The current cost (2008) of a student visa application is £99, payable in local currency. In order to obtain entry as a student you will need to satisfy the following: That you can meet the cost of your fees, living expenses and accommodation, and

the maintenance of your spouse and children if they are accompanying you without claiming public funds. For this you will need evidence of sponsorship or bank statements showing that you have enough money to pay all fees and support yourself.

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That you have been accepted on a course of study at a bona-fide institution. For this you will need a letter from the place of study confirming acceptance on a course, the duration of the course, confirmation that you fulfil the academic requirements for the course and a statement of charges for the course.

That you are able and intend to follow a full-time degree course. For this you will need to show relevant diplomas or educational certificates that you hold. It may also be helpful to give an indication of the institution’s English language entry requirement and any test results that you have achieved. All documents should be originals, not photocopies. You will also need to show them to the immigration officer at the port of entry to the UK.

That you intend to leave the UK at the end of your studies. To show this you could send evidence of your job, or continuing studies in your home country.

Further advice on how to enter the UK as a student can be found at Most visa applications are processed within 13 weeks however this may vary depending on where you are applying. Applications for visas should be made at a UK visa office in your home country, or where you are normally and legally resident. Please check with the British mission overseas where you intend to apply to find out what ways of applying are available. There is no set list of documents which should be provided, as this varies from application to application. As you will be resident in Amsterdam prior to studying in the UK, it is advised that you apply to the British Consulate-General in Amsterdam. For information on how to apply and what documentation you will need to provide please visit Do not enter as a visitor if you plan to study in Britain. If you have a visitor’s visa you are not allowed to change it for a student visa. This means you will have to return to the Netherlands or to your home country to make the application. Also, any application to change or extend your visa in the UK costs £295 by post or £500 in person (2008).

9.2 Funding

EU-citizens EU nationals are not eligible for Erasmus Mundus stipends. However, each EU country has different national stipends which may be applied for. Erasmus Socrates stipends may also be applied for. Socrates stipends can only be held for the duration of the second year of the Erasmus Mundus Masters. The application involves signing a declaration confirming that you understand and accept the Socrates-Erasmus laws and ideas as described in the Erasmus University Charter and completing an application to the Socrates-Erasmus stipend. The stipend is a fixed rate, which amounts to 180 euros per month. Information on the Erasmus Socrates stipend will be given during the first semester in Aarhus. Non-EU citizens Excellent students from Non-EU-Countries are supported in their application for an individual Erasmus Mundus stipend by the European Commission. For this kind of stipends only participants of Erasmus Mundus Masters programmes can apply. This

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programme is expected to be granted a pool of about 25 stipends depending on the nationalities of the applicants. The Board of Studies for this Erasmus Mundus Masters makes a prioritized list and organises the application to the European Commission who decides on the grants. Erasmus Mundus stipends The general principles for the stipend follow the lines mentioned on the European Commission website for the Erasmus Mundus Programme: The specific principles for the payment follow the lines from the Consortium for The Erasmus Mundus Masters Journalism and Media within Globalisation: The European Perspective. The stipend is 42,000 euro for the two year period. The stipend is transferred from the European Commission to the Financial Department of University of Aarhus, who will make the following payments:

• The full programme fee of 14,100 euro is directly transferred to the consortium by the University of Aarhus

• The stipend will be transferred to a Danish bank account in 5 instalments. The 5th instalment of 500Euro will be paid on submission of the dissertation.

9.3 Health insurance

EU-citizens European citizens who are travelling within the European Economic Area, (i.e. the European Union, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and Switzerland, for private or professional reasons are eligible for a European Health Insurance Card, which will simplify the procedure when receiving medical assistance during their stay in a Member State. This document will facilitate access to health care during your stay abroad and will allow you to receive health care in accordance with the legislation of the country of stay (i.e. in some countries, it will allow you to receive free health care). For information on how to get your card please visit the website Students receiving Erasmus Mundus stipends Students receiving Erasmus Mundus stipends are automatically ensured while enrolled at the programme. An insurance card and an insurance policy will be given to you in Aarhus. General information for both EU-citizens and non- EU-citizens Living in Denmark With the residence permit you will get a *CPR number after registering at the National Registry (Folkeregistret). All persons with a CPR number are automatically health insured. It usually takes about 6 weeks after the registration at at the National Registry (Folkeregistret) to get the CPR number, so make sure you have a health insurance for the first 7 weeks of your stay in Denmark. Under the Danish system, visits to a doctor, a medical specialist as

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well as necessary hospitalisation in a public hospital is free. However, expenses for dental work are only partly covered by the Danish health insurance system. You must pay for all medicine including prescribed medicine. You will have to choose a general practitioner (doctor) from a list. It is advisable to ask Danish students in your residence to recommend a doctor. He or she will be your personal doctor throughout your stay in Denmark, so it is important that you choose one with a convenient location. * Everyone who lives in Denmark has a registration number - the CPR number which makes the public system very efficient – once you get in! The National Registry (Folkeregistret) automatically supplies other public units with information, e.g., change of address. The National Registry is linked with the police, social services, the tax office, and public health services. You need a CPR number to be covered by the Danish health insurance system, to obtain a library card, and even to sign up for an evening class. It will also make it easier to open a bank account. Living in the Netherlands Getting health insurance is not only essential from a practical point of view; it is actually one of the requirements of the immigration office (IND). Your own insurance from your home country may be valid in the Netherlands, but check with your insurance company first. If it is not, you might have to take out a new policy in the Netherlands. More information on International students enrolled at the University of Amsterdam are entitled to use the Student Medical Service if they are properly insured. In other cases access to the Student Medical Service requires an annual fee or payment per consultation. These fees do not cover the cost of prescriptions. Check with your insurance company on how your medical costs are reimbursed. Living in Germany To be enrolled successfully at the University of the Hanseatic City of Hamburg (UHH), you have to prove that you are either in possession of a private health insurance which covers all potential costs in Germany or you join a statutory health insurance scheme. The insurance provided to Erasmus Mundus stipend holders in the context of the stipend is accepted as private health insurance. EU students need to obtain a European Health insurance card from their health insurance company. Information on this card can be found under: The presentation of the European Health Insurance Card guarantees you reimbursement of the medical costs on the spot, or soon after your return home. Going to the doctor You'll need to present your insurance card and pay a 10 € practice fee. Public insurance schemes take over the costs for medical and dental treatment, medications and hospital stays; however, you will have to take over at least part of the costs for medications from the pharmacy, for eyeglasses and for dental prosthetics.

For further helpful information on living in Germany see: Living in United Kingdom If your course is longer than 6 months, you and your family can have free medical care while you are in Britain. You should register with the University Health Centre which is located on the ground floor of Fulton House on campus or a doctor (GP) near

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your accommodation soon after you arrive. You will then receive a medical card by post with your National Health Service number. Medical care under the National Health Service (NHS) includes consultation with a doctor and, if necessary, hospitalisation. You may need to cover the cost of prescriptions for medication. Further information on Health Care in the UK can be found at Remember, if you have a medical condition which may need attention while you are in the UK; please bring copies of medical notes with you. Note that dental care is not covered under the NHS. All treatment must be paid for at the time of consultation/ treatment. It is advisable therefore to take out travel insurance to cover personal property and medical costs. One policy which has been designed to meet the needs of international students is the ISIS policy available through Endleigh Insurance Services Ltd. For further information on living in the United Kingdom see

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10. STUDYING IN AARHUS - SEMESTER 1 10.1 Information on the study programme Introduction The first week of the semester is an introduction week arranged by the University of Aarhus and the Danish School of Journalism. The programme includes an introduction to courses, to facilities including computers and library, to Aarhus, culture, politics, history and Danish media. The introduction includes a short course in survival Danish. Module 1: Reporting Global Change Instructor: Hans-Henrik Holm, Head of Department, Danish School of Journalism / Aarhus University Aim and content Globalisation is clearly evident in our understanding of global change. Events such as terrorism, problems such as humanitarian disasters and wars impact national agendas in such a way that global agendas are created. Some push for more global solutions. Others look for regional solutions and some prefer national or even local solutions. This course will introduce the highlights of the agendas and demonstrate the complexities of the interplay between media reporting and global change. The purpose of this course is to introduce graduate students from a multitude of countries and continents to the global and the globalisation agenda.

• The course aims to acquaint the students with the content of current global issues and current global thinking about how these issues may be resolved.

• It further aims to heighten awareness and understanding of how global issues are reported, or not reported.

• Finally it aims to provide an understanding of how national and global perspectives are becoming intertwined.

The course will provide an introduction to the follow-up courses in Aarhus by introducing both the media studies component and the course on globalisation and the state. It will also present the issues that are the subjects of the specializations in the subsequent semesters of the course. As part of the course guest professors from Swansea will participate. Through a series of smaller assignments students will receive experience in working with analytical journalism. Classes will be based on instructor presentations, individual assignments between classes, group discussions, debates and student essays and articles. The course is intensive and starts September 1. Module 2: The Transformation of the State Instructor: Tonny Brems Knudsen, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Aarhus Aim and content The sovereign state is a core institution; we expect it to provide basic social values: security, freedom, order, justice, and welfare; in some places it does, in other places it doesn’t. The sovereign state is in a process of transformation, both in the advanced, post-industrial societies in the North, in the weak states in the South, and in the modernizing states in Asia and Latin America. The processes of change have sparked

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a comprehensive debate about what is going on. Some find that the sovereign state is on the way out: it is too large for some things and too small for other things. Others find that it is more important than ever in a confused, globalised world. Who is right? What kind of transformation is the sovereign state undergoing? Does international society as represented by the United Nations have a right to intervene in the internal affairs of a given state, if its government is guilty of crimes against humanity, or if it poses a threat to international peace and security? Are there international legal rules which are above the state? Does the problem of security look different for different types of states? A well-informed answer to these questions is a vital precondition for an informed view of today’s global developments. The aims of the course are:

• Provide a comprehensive introduction to the academic debates about the transformation of the sovereign state in context of globalisation. Which arguments are made, on what theoretical and empirical foundation? Focus will be on the following subjects: Changing principles of sovereignty; political changes (multilevel governance); changes in nationhood and identities; changes in the practices of intervention and the use of force; consequences for democracy and citizenship.

• Provide a well reasoned and argued answer to the overall research question: what happens to the sovereign state and on that basis, what kind of world order do we have?

• Train abilities in problem identification and formulation, theory discussion and application on concrete cases, ability to structure and set forth an argument that contains both theoretical and empirical dimensions.

Classes will be based on instructor presentations, group discussions, plenary debates, student presentations, and student essays. Structure of classes:

• For each class, focus will be on a specific research question. Students write brief summaries of the day’s readings and take turns in presenting the day’s s subject.

Module 3: The Role of Media in Cultural Globalisation. Department of Information and Media Studies, University of Aarhus. The aim of this course is to introduce and discuss a wide range of views and theories regarding how media play into the formation of communities and identities within, across and beyond national cultures. The main themes of media, community and identity will evolve from discussions of how various media were an intrinsic part of the construction of nation states. After that we will look at how different media and content have been perceived to both maintain and threaten national and local cultures. We will, however, from the start and throughout also question this interpretive frame of national and local cultures by looking at notions of inter-, trans- and post-national media, communities and identities. Such perspectives will partly be introduced through audience studies. Central concepts to be discussed are media, globalisation, (local, imagined, virtual) community, identity, (mass, popular) culture, public spheres, public service, networks, cultural imperialism and media reception.

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10.2 The City Aarhus was founded around the year 900 by an unknown King of Denmark, at the time when the Vikings ruled the country. Today, Aarhus is a thriving business and commercial sector as well as many schools and educational institutions are located in the area. Thus, the city hosts more than 50,000 students of higher education, making Aarhus a young and vibrant city. Aarhus is situated right on the waterfront – close to the beaches, and Aarhus offers all the usual city comforts, such as restaurants, cafés, parks and gardens, theatres, art galleries, shopping centers and night clubs. It has also a variety of offers for all levels of sports enthusiasts. Foreign films are subtitled and cultural events take place all year round. The city has an international reputation as a living music venue with the Aarhus Festival every first week of September as one of the highlights. The city is also well connected to both its Nordic neighbours and to the European continent. Flights leave Aarhus Airport ( regu-larly for Copenhagen, Malmö, Oslo, London and Stockholm, and the city is situated at one of the most important railway junctions in Denmark. 10.3 The University The University of Aarhus, Denmark’s second oldest and second largest university was first established in 1928 with only 78 students. With more than 34.000 regular students and close to a thousand PhD students, it is by now a regional centre of higher education, still with close ties to the local founding community, but also a middle-sized Northern European University with faculties in all the major sciences. The university's modest yellow-brick buildings were deliberately designed by architect C.F.Møller to suit the naturally hilly landscape of an ancient moraine valley with large oak trees, a stream and two small lakes in what has become a favourite leisure spot for students and townspeople alike. The very recently added Nobel Park, so called in honour of 1997 Nobel laureate (chemistry) Jens Christian Skou, has brought many hitherto scattered departments together and allowed the university to expand its activities further. The Centre for University Studies in Journalism (CJU) which is established in cooperation between University of Aarhus and the Danish School of Journalism is also situated here. Strategic goals of the University The University of Aarhus aims, according to its preamble, to ‘conduct research and provide research-based education complying with the highest international standards’. In recent years, culminating in the latest development contract, the university has been committed to maintain the sound positions it has already gained in an international context, as well as using them to acquire a stronger and more comprehensive profile for the University in the areas of research, education, and institutional partnerships. In line with this general focus on internationalisation, the University establishes frameworks and activities in a number of fields, focusing on researchers and students as the carriers of internationalisation:

• Support of own researchers, making it easier to participate in more extensive international research partnerships either in Denmark or abroad. This involves increasing the numbers of major research applications, particularly for EU-programmes, the hosting of more international conferences, provision of opportunities and funds for research semesters, and increased use of teaching in English

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• Support of own students who complete part of their courses abroad. This involves efforts to meet tuition fees by special agreements, practical guidance of students, easier credit transfers, focus on the documentation of foreign language skills and cultivation of bilateral exchange partners

• Support for researchers from abroad – making it easier, also financially, for foreign academics to establish themselves and their families for shorter or longer periods in Aarhus. This involves exchange programs, help with housing, social programs for accompanying spouses, taxation consultancy and cultural programs

• Support for students from abroad – aiming to integrate students into the University environment as speedily as possible, in terms of assistance with housing, provision of a Mentor scheme, the introduction of fully transparent international ECTS-models, support on an International Student Centre and the ‘Denmark today’ course in Danish language and culture, English language courses, English language teaching and English language internal information, and exchange agreements and top-up grants for overseas and Eastern European students.

10.4 Services The International Secretariat The International Office – or International Secretariat - provides many services to support foreign students during their time in Aarhus. The International Secretariat guarantees accommodation to all foreign exchange students who submit their application before a deadline. A reception, ‘Ekspedition’, is open to students on all week days, and the staff will assist with all concerns and questions relating to a course of study, as well as practical and personal matters. For detailed information see the website at Here you will also find useful information and links on matters concerning which, as students in the Erasmus Mundus Masters Programme, your assigned mentors and other programme staff will of course also assist you during the first, introductory week of your stay. This information includes how to obtain a residence permit and your personal registration number (cpr-number) – crucially important for a large number of private and public services in Denmark, including banks and libraries; regulations for different categories of foreign visitors concerning health insurance, doctoral and dental services; a ‘post arrival checklist’, and information regarding such student services as computer and printer facilities, libraries and reading rooms (including the University’s large State Library), student bookshops, counselling and student organisations (see below). Student Welfare Student Counselling (‘Studievejledningen’) For counselling regarding specific questions pertaining to your programme of study, including any aspect of rules and regulations, e.g. regarding exams, Centre for University Studies in Journalism in the Nobel Park, building no. 451, 5th floor, office 526 (Centre coordinator Ms Bettina Andersen, phone: 8942 6921; E-mail: [email protected].

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For more substantial advice on the content and direction of your studies or your personal progress, you should approach the relevant professors of each of your three course modules. For any type of more general counselling and practical advice you may wish to contact the Centre for University Studies in Journalism in the Nobel Park, building no. 451, 5th floor, office 526 (Centre coordinator Ms Bettina Andersen, phone: 8942 6921; E-mail: [email protected]. For any questions concerning the consortium and/or the connection with the Erasmus Mundus programme contact Inger Munk, The Danish School of Journalism. Phone +45 8944 0320; email – [email protected]. Social and Psychological Counselling (‘Studenterrådgivningen’) At the Student Advisory Office (Studenterrådgivningen), a group of social workers and psychologists employed by the Danish state can assist students on personal matters. An initial psychological consultation is given to assess whether the services offered can meet the student's needs. There might be a waiting period of a few weeks for a consultation. This service is free of charge and completely confidential. Contact information: Phone – 86 19 04 88 ; Email – [email protected] Disabilities The Studies Centre for Students with Special Needs responds to inquiries from and provides assistance to students with physical disabilities in this regard.

Rådgivnings- og støttecentret Finlandsgade 20 bygn. 5124 8200 Århus N

Phone 8942 2375 [email protected]

Religious Services – Student Priest The University has a Student Priest. For an appointment, contact him at: Land line 8942 2103 Mobile 6020 2640 Sports and Extra-mural Activities The University of Aarhus Sports organization, AUS, acts as the student organization for sports activities and offers 14 different sports activities: badminton, basketball, bridge, dance, soccer, fencing, gymnastics, handball, hunting, rowing, chess, shooting, swimming/water polo, and volleyball. See Telephone: 8612 8512 Aarhus Universitets-Sport Studenternes Hus Ndr. Ringgade 3 8000 Århus C Building. 1420 Phone 8942 2200 [email protected] In addition the university has a a long established film society (

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Language Classes As part of the one week introduction programme a short course in Danish survival language is offered. No Danish courses for foreign students are organised at the University during the semester. Instead you have the option of participating in courses held by the International Student Centre and the Municipality of Aarhus. The municipality of Aarhus (Aarhus Kommune) offers Danish language courses at various levels. It is possible to start a course after the semester starts in January or September.

10.5 The departments The Erasmus Mundus Masters courses at the University of Aarhus will take place under the legal auspices and academic regulations of the Department of Information and Media Studies. The University administrative responsibility for the program, however, has been placed with the recently established Centre for University Studies in Journalism, CJU. This Centre has been set up as a co-operative venture between the Social Science and Humanities Faculties at the University of Aarhus and the Danish School of Journalism ( The aim of the centre is to facilitate close co-operation between these institutions in order to develop a series of new university degrees in journalism, including a PhD-education, and to instigate and coordinate cross-disciplinary research in journalism. Hence, the three courses offered will be taught by professorial staff from three different departments and institutions. Apart from Information and Media Studies (which is part of the Humanities Faculty) these are the Danish School of Journalism, which is an independent higher education institution and the University’s Department of Political Science (in the Social Science Faculty). The Department of Information and Media Studies The Department of Information and Media Studies hosts 37 permanent academic staff, some 8-10 PhD-students and about 900 students. The department offers degrees at all levels in Information- and Media Studies as well as a Masters degree in Multimedia Studies and several shorter degrees in various related fields. The department recently moved to brand new buildings in the recently established Aarhus University IT-Park in Helsingforsgade 14, which is situated in an area of Northern Aarhus close to the University’s main campus. Research in Information Studies comprises historical, sociological, communicative and design oriented approaches to studying the development and employment of information technology at the levels of individuals, organisations and society. Research in Media Studies comprises projects relating to the aesthetics of production, textual analysis, and recipient group focus in the areas of the printed media as well as radio and television broadcasting, film and Internet, as well as projects on subjects concerning institutional, historical, political and theoretical aspects of the media. The two sections of the department do joint research in the fields of IT-learning, net work communication and multimedia. Information about staff, courses, research and future objectives may be found on the departmental website at

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The Department of Political Science The Department of Political Science was established in 1959 as the first of its kind in Denmark. It is located inside University Park areas, close to the lakes and has recently been expanded into new neighbouring buildings. With 1,700 students, 43 academic staff, some 20 PhD-students, and an administrative staff of 20, it is one of the largest political science departments in Europe, and a consistent high scorer in various academic rankings. The department produces research and education of the highest rank within all the major sub-fields of political science, i.e. comparative politics, international relations, public administration, public policy, sociology, social science methodology and IT, history of ideas and political theory. Information about staff, courses, research, and future objectives may be found on the departmental website at The Danish School of Journalism The Danish School of Journalism (DSJ) was established as a freestanding higher education institution more than 30 years ago conducting research and offering a broad variety of study programmes at undergraduate level. It has more than 1100 students. Situated close to the University, in the northern part of Aarhus, it is the oldest and largest institution offering journalism education in Denmark. The Danish School of Journalism, which has provided training for most Danish journalists and maintains very close relationships with all the major Danish media, also has a particularly strong profile in terms of international contacts and study programmes, and conducts various projects for the support of free media all over the world. DSJ coordinated the Erasmus Mundus application for the Mundus Masters in Media and Journalism and is the consortia contact to the European Commission’s for this programme. 10.6 Introduction Before arrival at Aarhus, Erasmus Mundus Masters Students are allocated a mentor. A mentor is an experienced student who will make arrangements to pick up the newcomer and help him or her settle in at Aarhus and at the University. In addition, The Danish School of Journalism in a co-operation with the Centre for University Studies in Journalism (CJU), and the various institutional partners and staff involved at the University, coordinates an introduction week. Here students are introduced to the University/DSJ and the programme of study, as well as to life in Denmark and Danish society. 10.7 Communications It is very important that students make sure that the University, the Centre for University Studies in Journalism, and their various teachers are informed immediately of any change in contact details. As the institution keep track of your AU files, the CJU will also need contact information after you leave Denmark. Make sure also to keep your bank informed if you move while retaining your original bank account. Student Comments/ Feedback During the course students will have a number of opportunities to give their views on how individual modules and degree schemes are running. First of all, students should not hesitate to contact their teachers with constructive comments and suggestions. A formal evaluation procedure – involving questionnaires as well as oral feed-back – shall take place for each course module in the course of the term period. At the end of

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term, and before students leave for Amsterdam, a final evaluation of the whole term takes place with both a written and oral evaluation. The oral evaluation will take place at the last day of the term, and will also be a social/farewell meeting, during which all students are obliged to help us improve and develop the program, both in terms of practical organisation, didactic elements and course content. 10.8 Student records The Centre for University Studies in Journalism maintains records on each student who studies in a programme under its auspices. Records include details of the modules for which students have registered as well as personal details (such as home and term addresses, contact numbers etc.). They also include copies of any correspondence between the student and the CJU and your examination results. The Department of Information and Media Studies – under whose legal auspices and academic regulations the degree programme is placed – will maintain records of examination results, assessment essays and correspondence pertaining to re-examinations etc. A copy of the student records are sent to the specialism university. NOTE: Your student records are confidential. Details are only available to members of staff of the Centre/the Department of Information and Media Studies and other authorised persons within the University. We do not disclose anything to any other parties, including your family, unless you give your written permission. 10.9 General regulations General information about study regulations of the Erasmus Mundus Master’s degree programme may be found in the ’Studieordning’ (in English), which may be obtained from the Centre for University Studies in Journalism. 10.10 Complaints The University of Aarhus makes every effort to ensure a high standard of service and academic instruction. However, should you wish to register a formal complaint please contact the Centre for University Studies in Journalism which will inform you about the proper procedures and channels. If you wish to complain specifically about an examination, you must address your complaint to the University of Aarhus and send it to the Centre for University Studies in Journalism. The secretariat will forward your complaint to the person(s) responsible for dealing with it. Complaints must be in writing, stating the reasons. And they must be submitted not later than two weeks after the result of an examination has been published. This date is also stated in notices about examinations.

If you wish to complain about a decision made by the examination invigilators (e.g. expulsion from an examination), you must address your complaint to the University of Aarhus and send it to the Registry Office.

10.11 Travel arrangements from Aarhus to Amsterdam After the final evaluation and good-bye meeting students are free to leave Aarhus.

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Students are advised to make their own travel arrangements from Aarhus to Amsterdam. − Eurolines Scandinavia ( connects Aarhus and

Amsterdam by bus 3 times a week. The fare takes around 13,5 hours and costs from DDK 300,-.

− Daily Flights to Amsterdam are available from Aarhus Airport (via Copenhagen) and from Billund Airport. From Schiphol International Airport (Amsterdam) the least expensive option is to take the train to Amsterdam Central Station. For most days trains run from Schiphol International Airport to the Central Station every 10 minutes. From midnight until 6.30 a.m. trains run every hour. The journey takes about 15 minutes and a one way train ticket costs about 4 Euro. A taxi from the Airport to the city costs approximately 40 Euro. Note that the length and thus the costs of your journey by taxi depends much on the traffic.

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11 STUDYING IN AMSTERDAM - SEMESTER 2 11.1 Information on the study programme All students study 30 ECTS at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. (Semester dates: 2 February – 26 June 2009)

Introduction: The Amsterdam semester starts with a short introductory program meant to familiarize students with Dutch society, the city of Amsterdam, and the university. The program includes: a welcoming meeting with the highest authorities of the department as well as with the lecturers of the Erasmus Mundus courses; a tour of the university; an introduction to the digital library and to the university’s online learning system. Module 1: Globalisation, news and net-media: the reflexive modernization of journalism Lecturer: dr James Slevin Credits: 10 ECTS Globalisation, understood as a transformation in systems of communication, has transformed in a profound and irreversible way the nature of the production and consumption of news in contemporary society. No matter where we are or what time of day it is, a vast number of different media allow individuals to produce news and receive news outside their immediate social surroundings. The more globalized our societies become, the more we become dependent on sources of news in order to construct our lives. Journalism finds itself both embedded in this time of turbulence and contributing to our understanding of it. Like the activities of day-to-day life, in our present-day world, journalism has to be increasingly reflexively made. Living and working in such a media saturated environment leads to new understandings of the limitations of traditional journalistic professional culture and news content. Globalization disrupts traditional journalistic expertise. On the one hand, there is a declining trust in traditional journalism. On the other hand, there is not a declining demand for news. What journalists and citizens really want is a redefinition of journalism. This course explores and critically evaluates circumstances where the reform of journalism facilitated by the use of net-media makes and can make significant contributions towards bringing journalistic professional culture in line with the new world in which we live. Throughout the course, students relate theories and concepts in media, together with fundamental questions about the nature of modern journalism to practical debates and case studies. Module 2: Transformations in European Media, Journalism and Media Governance Lecturer: Prof dr Jo Bardoel Credits: 10 ECTS This course examines the recent transformations in the European media landscape and discusses how these transformations can be critically assessed. Until the 1980's European media were predominantly national, public, supply-driven, paternalistic, and information-oriented. Over the last twenty-five years, European-media have largely become international, commercial, demand-driven, consumerist and entertainment-

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oriented. The course focuses on both the positive and negative implications of the new European media landscape on media production in general and on journalism in particular. Grounded on the notion of the public sphere and on the media’s democratic potential, the course pays special attention to how media responsibility and accountability can be safeguarded in this completely changed regulatory context. Traditionally media governance relied on media self regulation. After World War II, the welfare state stepped in as the most important instrument for securing the media’s compliance with the public interest. However, in the last three decades, the market has regained its primacy. In this context, the development of new media governance arrangements in Europe, on a national and on EU level, must respond to major transformations in technology (convergence) and society (individualization, post-modern citizenship), while taking into account new approaches towards the role of and relation between the state, the market and civil society. Module 3: The Politics of News Course supervisor: prof dr Claes de Vreese Lecturers: dr Hajo Boomgaarden and drs Malte Hinrichsen Credits: 10 ECTS This module is about politics and the news media and it deals primarily with the role news media play in and for political processes. The course focuses on the nature and content of news coverage of politics and political issues, the relationship between politicians and journalists, and the effects of news coverage on public opinion and political behaviour. Special attention is devoted to the role played by the news media during elections on a national and European level. The course also focuses on the role of news media for the process of European integration. The literature will deal with news production, news contents, and effects of news. Topics addressed are among others Dutch and European elections, European integration, and immigration. 11.2 The City Amsterdam provides an ideal environment for academic study. Amsterdam attracts students from all over the Netherlands and beyond: the city has become increasingly internationally oriented in recent years. Although Amsterdam is famous, it is not a big city. Less than a million people live there – and you can easily reach all parts of the city by bike - it has all the advantages of a major metropolitan centre but with a cozy, small-scale feel.. Amsterdam has one other university (Vrije Universiteit) and a lot of other institutions for higher education, making it a real student city. Although it is relatively small Amsterdam is a colourful and lively city that has a lot to offer. In the Netherlands the Euro is the official currency as in many other European countries. Prices are more or less the same as in Denmark although the cost for housing tends to be a bit higher while drinks are less expensive. More information on (living in) Amsterdam can be found on

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11.3 The University

The University of Amsterdam (UvA) has approximately 26,000 students. It has a strong international programme and offers a number of English language courses. There are seven faculties, covering humanities, social science, law, economics, medicine, dentistry and sciences.

The UvA offers a comprehensive range of academic study programmes. UvA staff publishes around 7,500 scholarly articles each year. The university's fundamental academic research is in many respects top of the international league. The applied research programmes are often of an interdisciplinary nature and concerned with social issues.

The UvA aims to offer an inspiring, widely oriented international academic environment, where both staff members and students can develop their capacities to optimum effect. The UvA is characterised by a critical, creative and international atmosphere, open-minded and strongly engaged with society. Because the UvA is located in both historic and modern buildings spread throughout the city, the university forms an integral part of the city of Amsterdam.

Mission Statement The University of Amsterdam (UvA) is a comprehensive university which:

• aspires to occupy a leading position internationally in education and research • aspires to be a multidisciplinary university where research is carried out, as well

as education offered and followed in a broad range of disciplines • aims to contribute in an active manner to social developments at regional and

international level, in particular in the region of Amsterdam • aspires to be a transparent and efficient organisation of professionals • aims to effect improvement of its financial basis aims to confirm its image,

which is based on its achievements and ambitions, and which its employees, students and graduates are acquainted with and support, and which is recognised by the outside world.

11.4 Services Service & Information Centre The Service & Information Centre (SIC) is the general information centre of the UvA. It is the first port-of-call for all students with general questions and it takes care of a number of services such as matters regarding enrolment, housing, studying, and student ID card. For Erasmus Mundus students, these arrangements shall be made via their Student Adviser. The SIC also maintains a large documentation centre with information about other Dutch universities and studying abroad. Students will receive more information about these services before coming to Amsterdam. Address: Service and Information Centre Binnengasthuisstraat 9 1012 ZA Amsterdam The Netherlands, Phone: +31 20 525 8080 Fax: +31 20 525 2921

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E-mail: [email protected] Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10 am-5 pm. International Students Website Nuffic, Netherlands Organisations for International Cooperation in Higher Education, has opened a website specifically for international students in the Netherlands. The site contains, among other things, information on Dutch history, the education system, living in the Netherlands, and a forum. Accommodation As in other major cities, the demand for housing in Amsterdam is extremely high. Student housing comes in short supply and can be quite expensive. Like most Dutch universities, the University of Amsterdam does not have a campus. To assist international students, the university have signed agreements with several housing cooperation’s. The UvA offers different types of accommodation: single rooms with private facilities, single rooms with shared facilities (bathroom and kitchen), shared rooms with shared facilities. The rent of the rooms varies according type, size and location. Important: Individual students cannot apply for a room themselves, but have to be put forward by their faculties. The student coordinator will provide you with more information for accommodation. If you want to apply a room by yourself, see for more information and advice ( Student Welfare The UvA offers several student welfare services including: counsellors, doctors, dentists, psychologists and other medical assistance. International students enrolled at the UvA are entitled to use the Student Medical Service free of charge if they are properly insured. In other cases access to the Student Medical Service requires an annual fee or payment per consultation. These fees do not cover the cost of prescriptions. Check with your insurance company on how your medical costs are reimbursed.

For further information about Student Welfare see

Student Organisations Every department has its own student organisation. Student organisations are active in a variety of fields such as social and academic related activities, and book discounts. Student organisations often play an important role in department and faculty committees. Mercurius is the student organisation of the Communication Science department. In addition, there are student unions which represent interests of all students such as ASVA. Student organisation such as AEGGEE and ISN look after interests of international students. ISN also has a mentor network. For international student organisations, see ( Sports The University Sports Centre (USC) is open to everyone who loves sport. Students of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) get discounted entry. The USC offers over 50

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sports activities. The main building at De Boelelaan covers more than 5,500 squared metres and a number of halls for a range of activities. Apart for the main location the USC offers a high range of activities at other sports locations. All the locations have well-equipped changing rooms and showers. Visit for detailed information. Language Classes Students who would like to learn Dutch whilst studying at the UvA, can follow a course in Dutch at the INTT, Institute for Dutch as Second Language, at special student rates see ( The Language Academy of the UvA offers courses in English. There are several courses: • English Skills at different levels, from beginners to advanced • English Conversation • Writing Papers in English

The Language Academy organises courses in various other languages as well. For a full course programme, please visit (

11.5 The department During your study at the UvA you will be based in the Department of Communication Science. The Department of Communication Science is located in a building more than 400 years old in the centre of Amsterdam. This department is part of The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. This Faculty has a prominent standing within the social sciences in Europe and is the largest social science faculty in the Netherlands. It offers a creative study, research and working environment for students, researchers, and staff members. More than 7500 students follow courses within the Faculty. The academic staff works for the educational institutes, the six faculty departments, as well as the (inter-) faculty research institutes. Almost 1100 employees make a direct or indirect contribution. To optimize its core functions of education and research, the faculty department offers room for further development of separate disciplines in an international framework. Where desirable, it offers a platform for an inspiring interaction between relevant disciplines.

Oost Indisch Huis (OIH) / Bushuis Kloveniersburgwal 48 1012 CX Amsterdam Telephone: +31 20 525 3989 / 3906 Fax: +31 20 525 3681 Teaching Staff The Department consists of a full-time staff in the field of Communication Science, associate lecturers and teachers from other departments in the University as well as visiting and part-time teachers. Academic staff is located at Oost Indisch Huis. 11.6 Introduction The International Student Network Amsterdam (ISN) is part of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN), which has over 100 branches all over Europe. The ISN is a non-profit organisation that was founded in 1997 by Dutch UvA students. The ISN’s goal is to facilitate the social and cultural integration of international students in Dutch society. It

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works towards this goal by organising a wide array of activities including weekend trips, city tours and weekly drinks. See the website for a calendar of upcoming events, or subscribe to the ISN digital newsletter. The ISN also has a bimonthly magazine called The Insiders, to which international students are encouraged to contribute. At the beginning of each semester, the ISN organises an introduction period for all newly arrived UvA international students. The introduction opens with an official welcome reception, and includes many different activities such as a tour of Amsterdam and the main university buildings, a boat ride through the canals and a social programme in the evenings. It ends with a big party. If you are interested in participating, you can register via the website at The ISN has set up a network of coaches to encourage Dutch and international students to mingle and become friends. If you sign up for the ISN Coach programme, a Dutch student will be assigned to act as your coach during your stay. She or he will show you around the UvA and assist you in getting settled and can also help you connect to Dutch student culture. Students who are interested in using this service are requested to come to the introduction period, for which you can register on the website ( If you have questions, please email [email protected]. International Student Network Amsterdam Vendelstraat 2 1012 XX Amsterdam T: +31(0) 20 525 3721 11.7 Communication There are a number of ways in which the department communicates to students. It is important that you make sure the department is properly informed if you change your address. An increasing amount of official University information is only sent by e-mail. All students are given an e-mail account when they first enrol. Students can access e-mail via the internet by opening the UvA student webmail site, see Student Comments/ Feedback During the semester you will have a number of opportunities to give your views on how individual modules and degree schemes are running. We welcome constructive comments and will act swiftly to resolve any fundamental problems. The usual form for expressing yourself is by filling out a questionnaire in the end of the course requesting your comments and feedback. An overall evaluation session is planned in the last week of the semester. 11.8 Student records The Department maintains records on each student who studies with us. Your record will include details of the modules for which you have registered and personal details (such as home and term addresses, contact numbers etc.) Copies of students’ records will be sent to University of Aarhus and the specialism university. NOTE: Your student records are confidential. Details are only available to members of staff of the Department and other authorised persons within the University. We do not

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disclose anything to any other parties, including your family, unless you give your written permission or there is an emergency. If you wish to inspect your own file at any time please contact the Head of Department. 11.9 General regulations/Academic regulations Whilst studying at the Universiteit van Amsterdam, students must abide by the University’s Academic Regulations and General Regulations. A printed copy is available at the student desk. 11.10 Complaints There are official channels and procedures by which students can lodge complaints. However, problems can often be solved more quickly through informal means. Students with a complaint can contact the Program Manager or the International Student Adviser (Elly Lancker, [email protected]). A student who is dissatisfied with the solution produced by an informal approach can lodge an official complaint. You can also contact the student counsellors at the Service & information Centre. The Student Adviser can provide you the contact information. Examination appeals Appeals concerning examinations, qualifications, the allocation of credits, admission to examinations and the like can be made to the Examination Committee. This hears submissions by those involved and investigates whether the matter has been handled properly and correctly. Complaints must be submitted within four weeks of the matter arising.

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12. STUDYING IN HAMBURG – SEMESTER 3 AND 4 12.1 Information on the degree specialism: Media Systems, Journalism and Public Spheres in a Comparative Perspective Those students electing to specialise in Media Systems, Journalism and Public Spheres in a Comparative Perspective will study in Hamburg. Semester dates: start of term: October 1; end of term: March, 31 start of classes: 19 October 2009 - 6 February 2010; Christmas break: last day of lessons: Dec. 19; first day of lessons: January, 4, 2010 The International Students Office has collected useful tips on living in Hamburg, see: Furthermore, there is a multi-lingual website with information on culture, transportation and more in Hamburg in diverse languages – e. g. Chinese, Danish, Portuguese, Russian and of course English: Introduction: The semester starts with an introduction week containing an introduction to culture and history, computers, library facilities and a survival course in German etc. Students will also be offered the opportunity to follow a course in German during the semester. Module 1: Journalism, Media and Society Instructor: Dr. Monika Pater or N. N. (University of Hamburg) Credits: 10 ECTS The module aims at a critical understanding of the characteristics and problems of information and media in society. For this purpose, we will analyse the performance of media and journalism on three dimensional levels: - in the social dimension (functions, effects, system relations); - in the institutional dimension (economic, technological, organisational constraints); - in the professional dimension (role concepts, journalistic standards etc.). Emphasis will be laid on the interrelationships between journalism on the one hand and society and its various subsystems on the other. By isolating the main factors we will get a closer look at what makes the media system tick. Furthermore, international comparisons will enable us to critically discuss our evidence. In this context we will discuss how the state of media in society affects journalism. Module 2: Media Systems in an international comparative perspective Instructor: Prof. Hans J. Kleinsteuber, Dr. Kathrin Voss (University of Hamburg) Credits: 10 ECTS This module aims at giving a survey of the relevant media systems in the world, including those systems which are representative of a specific region (e.g. Europe, North America, Asia etc.). Other systems will be included according to the interests and choices of the participants. Furthermore, the growing relevance of comparisons will be discussed, focusing on the methods, the generation of types and the generation of theory.

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At the outset, we will have to clarify what is presentable and comparable: namely media systems as a whole (including overall legal framework, specific media like the press, broadcasting, online media), and how the different media systems relate to specific aspects (e.g. freedom of the press, media regulation etc). Concerning content, the module will focus on the description of a few representative systems. These descriptions will be integrated by comparison. Therefore, an overview of the approach and practices of the comparative research is essential. The comparative strategy within communication studies implies several aspects such as a transcultural approach, the logic of comparisons and methods of comparative research. This kind of research characteristically results in a typology (press freedom, public service broadcasting). We will also discuss the global media system as the sum of individual systems. In the end, students will have developed their own approach to a study of at least two specific media systems. Module 3: Journalism and European Public Spheres Instructors: Prof. Dr. Uwe Hasebrink, Prof. Dr. Irene Neverla (University of Hamburg Credits: 10 ECTS This module aims at preparing for the particular challenges to journalism which result from the development of European Public Spheres. It focuses on theoretical approaches, empirical observations and practical experiences which are relevant to the interrelations of journalism and European Public Spheres by discussing recent journalistic and theoretical approaches. The on-going European unification process calls for acceptance and support from the European people; it requires active participation and democratic control. As a pre-condition, Europe needs the evolution of a broad public discourse on European affairs which allows for exchanging views and arguments and for building consensus on certain aspects; in brief: Europe needs Public Sphere(s). Based on different models and concepts of European Public Spheres, the following aspects are addressed: the pre-conditions to the coverage of Europe, the recurring patterns of coverage in national media; experiences with pan-European media (e. g. Euronews), the evaluation of the European Media by the media users. Dissertation - 30 ECTS 1 April - August 2010 In the 4th Semester students will progress to Part 2 – the dissertation element of the degree. Students will continue at the same university as semester 3 and do their dissertations in a selected topic related to the specialism subject. Dissertation rules will follow the national rules. Students are expected to meet their supervisors regularly. The Dissertation is worth 30 ECTS credits and the deadline for submission will be set individually; the deadline for registration is end of March latest. 12.2 The City The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, one of the 16 states of the federation, is the second largest city in Germany with its 1.7 million inhabitants. In this sense, it is a city as well as a state. Culturally and commercially, Hamburg is also the centre of all of Northern Germany. The metropolitan region consists of 3.5 million people – for all of them, Hamburg is the shopping and cultural metropolis.

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The city, located on the Elbe and Alster Rivers, is well known for the colourful activity in the St. Pauli entertainment district, its unforgettable musicals, famous theatres, the Michaelis Church (colloquially ‘der Michel’) and the impressive harbour. Hamburg, 1200 years old, is loved both for its contemporary scene and for its cultural offerings. In between traditional trading houses and renowned theatres, the latest trends are always cropping up. Hamburg lies open to many streams of influence. With city-state traditions reaching back for centuries, it has always played a special political and cultural role. Today, as a key commercial hub, an international harbour and a media and cultural centre, the metropolis on the Elbe River is once again pursuing ancient traditions with typically hanseatic aplomb. On the whole, Germanys’ second largest city offers a high quality of life and international flair. 12.3 The University With approximately 39,900 students, the University of Hamburg ranges fifth in size among the institutions of higher learning in the Federal Republic of Germany. Corresponding to Hamburg’s view of itself as the “gateway to the world” the University with its diversity and traditions of subjects and educational offerings, sees itself as the “gateway to the world of knowledge”.

The University is spread over 270 buildings (alone 120 occupied by the Faculty of Medicine). The centre of the University is its campus at Von-Melle-Park, which is situated close to the lake in the heart of Hamburg, the Außenalster. The Institute of Journalism and Communication Studies is situated next to the campus. Mission Statement After intensive negotiations, the University of Hamburg adopted guidelines for itself in the summer semester of 1998. These guidelines contain the goals and corporate identity of the University as the "gateway to the world of knowledge". There are six global aims of the University:

• strengthening responsibility: The University sees its educational task to be the development of knowledge, decision-making ability, and the ability to communicate using scientific-based arguments. It should be a place of life-long learning for all people and a public forum for cultural, social and political discussion.

• internationalisation: In the tradition of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, the University realises liberal-mindedness and tolerance, international cooperation and the universality of science.

• increasing quality: In awareness of its social responsibility, the University of Hamburg sees itself as a mediator between science and its practical application, guided by the foundations of ecologically, socially and economically sustained development.

• interdisciplinary cooperation: In interdisciplinary cooperation among its members and offices the University develops and imparts academic methods, results and qualifications. This cooperation is based on information and transparency, democratic participation and the desire to solve problems.

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• regional integration: With its large variety of academic services and medical care utilising the latest research developments, the University contributes to the welfare of the public and to the fulfilment of its public and societal duties.

• open access to education and science: The members of the University want to fulfil their academic duties of research and teaching, education and training in academic independence. They wish to contribute to the development of a humane, democratic and just society and to offer men and women equal access to education and science.

12.4 Services International Office - Enrolment Hamburg’s International Office is geared at offering support specifically for foreign students. It is responsible for carrying out admissions procedures for foreign students. As a student in the Erasmus Mundus Master Journalism and Media within Globalisation: The European Perspective, you belong to one of the ‘special groups’ of international students. Admission in these cases is not the decision of the International Students Office. The registration form for the UHH is handed in to the local coordinator at the Institute for Journalism Studies who in turn hands it in to the International Students Office. Then the temporary semester documents are issued which include the temporary semester ticket. This ticket allows you to travel by public transport in the Hamburg metropolitan region, the temporary ticket is valid for 4 weeks. Please note: this can take up to 10 work days so please hand in the enrolment form in time (when meeting with a Hamburg representative in Amsterdam)! After the semester fee has been transferred, you'll receive your final semester documents (including your student ID and the semester ticket for the entire semester). International Students Office, Rothenbaumchaussee 36 (near Dammtor station), 20148 Hamburg Office for Incoming International Students, Tel. 040/42838-2353 or 040/42838-3884 (international student registration for special groups) To be enrolled successfully at UHH, you have to prove that you are either in possession of a private health insurance which covers all potential costs in Germany or you join a statutory health insurance scheme. Please enclose a copy of the front and the back of your insurance card with the enrolment form: EU citizens: Generally, a copy (back and front) of the European Health Insurance

Card issued to EU citizens in their home country is sufficient proof of health insurance.

Non-EU citizens: A health insurance is provided to Erasmus Mundus stipend holders, which is accepted as private insurance in the enrolment process; please provide a copy (back and front).

Arrival in Hamburg If possible, the Institute will organise for you to be picked up at the airport, central station or bus station – but only if you provide the date of your arrival in time! Within one week after entering Germany you MUST register with your Einwohnermeldeamt (district office). You'll then receive a Meldebestätigung

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(certificate of registration). You will need this Meldebestätigung for extending your visa, opening a bank account and for getting a library card. The International Students Office has gathered useful tips on living in Hamburg. Please see: The Department “Counselling and Assistance – B&F” of the International Students Office offers information about scholarships, and counselling in questions concerning social and personal issues that affect your studies. We offer you support in achieving your study goals. If you experience difficulties while studying, we offer help (when necessary, we refer you to further specialised support). The counselling is free of charge and confidential. For further information please see the following:

• Advice related to studying Susanne Amon Tel.: +49(0)40 42838-4472 E-Mail: [email protected] Consultation hours (please give notice in advance that you wish to come): Wednesday 2 - 5 p.m. and by appointment Room 007, Rothenbaumchaussee 36.

• General Information General information for foreign students, who are enrolled at the university Gabriele Warnke Tel.: +49(0)40 42838-3305 E-Mail: [email protected] Consultation hours: Tuesday and Thursday 2 - 4 p.m. and by appointment Room 114, Rothenbaumchaussee 36.

• SPAS- Programme of Activities for International Students This project offers many interesting activities every semester. The activities are planned to enhance your stay in Hamburg and to support your introduction to studying here. The current program is available online:

Accommodation Hamburg has a range of accommodation for new postgraduate students. The Institute will support you by acquiring offers of rooms or apartments. We advise you to purchase a Service package for international students (called ambience) offered by the Studierendenwerk Hamburg. A service package comes in two variations at an affordable and transparent total-price! Besides a place in a furnished dormitory, you get a number of further services and options. The package “ambience” guarantees a place in the very centrally located student dorm “Berliner Tor”. A service package can be purchased for a six month period – either for the winter or the summer term. You have to apply for it before July 31st each year. Please see:

Financial Aid For information and advice on financial problems please visit the Allgemeine Sozialberatung des Studentenwerkes (General Social Councelling of the German Students Union) near campus, Grindelallee 9, 20146 Hamburg.

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Contact details: telephone 040/41 902-150 or 41 902-111, Fax 040/41 902-180 Office hours: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 10-12 a.m. and by appointment e-mail: [email protected] Furthermore, the International Students Office has a leaflet on the topic of financial assistance. The following FAQs-page of the International Students Office lists addresses, where you might find grants and/or financial assistance: If you are facing financial difficulties and a Part-time Fee Waiver might help, please contact somebody from the Consortium’s Board of Studies. All conversation and information on this topic are treated on an individual basis and in the strictest of confidence. Student Welfare All services within the Studentenwerk (German Students Union) are open to you. Check out the tips in English in the brochure “... so that studying succeeds!”; to find the brochure please visit, on that page please click “international”, which leads on to a page where you can download the brochure. In the download section of this website you will find a lot of useful information and other forms you might need, see Regional Computer Centre This is where you go to apply for an e-mail account, get support with login or other difficulties; access the general computer pool (there is also one in the Department of Social Sciences). Contact details: Schlüterstraße 70, Room 19 (ground floor), telefone 42838 - 4113 (operators: 4117), support open from Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm, email: [email protected] Careers Services Individual councelling on career services is available from the Women's Career Centre. Contact details: Ms. Christiane Eiche, Telephone: 040/42838-6762, office: Tel.: 040 42838 6761, [email protected] Address: Schlüterstraße 18, 20146 Hamburg, Opening hours: Monday - Wednesday 10am to 1pm, Wednesday 2.30pm to 4pm, Thursday 2 to 4pm, Wednesday 1 to 2pm open for short counselling. Students with Special Needs/ Disabilities Hamburg welcomes applications from those with disabilities/ special needs. The University Disability Office can provide a wide range of support services for those with disabilities. The office is located on campus (Von-Melle-Park 8, room 317). Contact details: Dr. Maike Gattermann-Kasper, Telephone: 040/42838-3764; Fax: 040/42838-2112; E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected].

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Range of support services for those with special needs: • Information and counselling for those with disabilities or chronic illness on the

following subjects: o Conditions of study and examinations at the UHH, the possibilities of

modifying those conditions (especially in regard to balancing any disadvantages stemming from disabilities or illness during exams);

o how to make arrangements for pursuing one’s studies under the conditions of disabilities or illness (e. g. study assistance, technical aids, interpreter for sign language);

o regulations applying to disabled or chronically ill applicants (e. g. requests in cases of hardship);

o tuition fees. • cooperate with or arrange contacts with persons and institutions within or

outside of university, who might be of interest to students with disabilities or illness;

• Computer-workroom on campus for students with disabilities or illness (Betty-Hirsch-room, Von-Melle-Park 3, accessible by wheelchair, handicapped accessible toilet, Room 250/2nd floor) as well as the rental of technical aids to university institutions.

Student Counselling and Support Services The University operates a free, confidential, professional counselling service. The service provides individual counselling to any students who find they are unable to study effectively or enjoy their life at university. The Center for Academic and Psychological Counselling is based in ‘ESA1’ (i. e. Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1), the central building of the UHH, located opposite Dammtor station. Appointments can be arranged by contacting the Service between 10-12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. from Monday to Wednesday, and from 2-4 p.m. on Thursdays. Contact details: Telephone: 040/42838-2522, FAX 040/42838-2318, e-mail: [email protected] Committee of the Students’ Representatives (AStA) In addition, the Committee of the students’ representatives offers advice from students to students and there is an extra unit for foreign students. Contact details: AReF, Von-Melle-Park 5, WiWi-Bunker (on campus), for the current speaking hours please contact: 040/ 450204-36, Fax: 040/ 4107224, Religious Communities at Hamburg University There are several religious communities connected to the University of Hamburg. You will find a list of these communities under (German only, sorry!) Sports The college sport publishes a comprehensive guidebook at the beginning of every semester and holiday containing details of the activities on offer. The guidebooks are available from the Studierendenwerk and most of the colleges. Students enrolled at any institute of higher education in Hamburg can participate in the courses by paying the fees stated on the internet, see Contact details: Telephone: 040/428 38-72 00; Website:

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Fax 040/428 38--56 61, email: [email protected] Turmweg 2 (Sportpark) 20148 Hamburg Office hours: Monday - Friday 13.00-19.00 Language Classes For those not knowing any German, a language course on beginner’s level will be organized by the Institute; the information will be passed on before you come to Hamburg. Students with a basic knowledge in German can take part in free language courses for foreign students organised during the semester. You have the option of participating in courses offered by several institutions at the University of Hamburg; for an overview please see: (to take part you have to do an entry-level test) If you would like to improve your German by an online training before coming to Hamburg, you can do this for example by using DUO (Deutsch Uni Online) an interactive portal which aims at preparing foreign visitors to prepare for a stay in Germany ( TANDEM Partnerships If you already have a basic knowledge of German, a pleasant way to pick up more is entering a “Tandem partnership”. TANDEM is a method of learning languages through exchange. The idea is quite simple: “I will help you learn my language and you will teach me yours.” TANDEM is a language school who tries to match partners who want to learn the mother tongue of the other, so that each is teacher and student in turn. Meeting at least twice a week for an hour or longer, half of the time you will speak in one of the two languages, followed by the other half using the other one. The school charges 15 Euro for finding a partner. For more information see 12.5 The Institute of Journalism and Mass Communication Studies The institute During your study at Hamburg you will be based at the Institute of Journalism and Mass Communication Studies, which is part of the Department of Social Sciences. The Institute, which was founded in 1990, specialises in the areas of journalism and European studies. The Institute is excited to be part of the Erasmus Mundus Masters in Journalism and Media within Globalisation: The European Perspective. Mission Statement of the Institute of Journalism and Communication Studies The intention of the institute is to provide a stimulating environment for research, scholarship and teaching. In consequence, the aims of the Institute are: • to develop a reputation for excellence in research and scholarship; • to provide teaching and learning of the highest quality; • to provide an education relevant to the changing needs of society. Hans Bredow Institute for Media Research

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The Hans Bredow Institute is an independent non-profit research organisation at the University of Hamburg working on all aspects of current media developments, in particular media systems, media economy, media use and media effects. One focus is on international research, since 1957 the institute bi-annually edits the „International Media Handbook“, a comprehensive overview of the world’s media systems. The Institute is important for the Erasmus Mundus Master, as one of the professors is a leading member of this institute, and its library focuses on media and communications only and is very well stocked; see: Research Centre Media and Politics The Research Centre Media and Politics, founded in 1987 by one of the instructors in the master programme, Prof. Dr. Hans J. Kleinsteuber, has an international reputation as a centre of excellence in interdisciplinary research. Offering scientists an organisational network for a variety of research projects, the work of the Centre focuses on the interaction between politics and the media both from a systems theory view (relation between the political system and the media system) and an actor-oriented approach (relation between political actors and media protagonists). Trespassing the original combination of Political Science and Communication Research/Journalism, the Centre successfully brings together different disciplines, topics and research frameworks. The current research projects mainly investigate national and international media regulations, the influence of media on politics and society and the potentials of the new media (for more information see: Structure of the Institute Departmental Office The Institute of Journalism and Mass Communication Studies is located on the second floor of the building called “Pferdestall” on Allende Platz 1, next to campus. However, the advisor for Mundus Journalism students, Sabine Hoffkamp, has her office on the fourth floor. This is probably where you will go first if you require any general assistance or have routine enquiries. Adviser Erasmus Mundus Sabine Hoffkamp, a social worker by profession, has started working for the program in 2007. You find her office in Room 431 on the fourth floor of the building “Pferdestall”, Allende Platz 1 (AP1). Office Hours: Wed-Thu from 2 pm Telephone: 040/42838-2764, Fax: 040/42838-2418 E-mail: [email protected] The Institutes’ Secretary is Corinna Ohlmeier – a born-and-bred Hamburger – who has been working for the Institute for several years. You find her office in Room 219 on the second floor of the building “Pferdestall”, Allende Platz 1 (AP1). Office Hours: Mondays to Fridays from 9am to 12 o’clock. Telephone: 040/42838-5448, Fax: 040/42838-2418 E-mail: [email protected] Local Erasmus mundus contact person Besides acting as coordinator for this master, Dr. Monika Pater is also internship co-ordinator for the German language Master programme at the Institute.

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Office hours: Tuesday, 4pm to 5pm and by appointment, Room 216, AP1 Telephone: 42838-3821 E-mail: [email protected] Teaching Staff The Institute consists of full-time staff in the field of Journalism and Communication Studies, associate lecturers and teachers from other institutes at the Department of Social Sciences as well as visiting and part-time teachers. Academic staff are primarily located on the second floor of the Pferdestall. Their availability (‘Office Hours’) is indicated on their office door and on the website. Part-time staff can be contacted through the office. Academic director of the Mundus Master in Hamburg: Professor Irene Neverla After training as a journalist in Vienna, Austria she completed her studies in communications research, psychology and sociology at the University of Vienna, Salzburg (both Austria) and Munich (Germany). Since 1992 she is professor at University of Hamburg, Institute of Journalism and Communication Studies, of which she was head from 1996-2001. Her research interests are in the fields of theory of journalism, new media and online-communication, audience research, gendering in communication and media, risk and crises communication, public health communication, visual communication and photojournalism. She co-founded the research Centre European Media and Public Spheres (EuroMaPS) at the Institute. Office: Room 211, office hours: Thursday 10 - 12 Telephone: 42838-6260 Email: [email protected] Professor Hans J. Kleinsteuber With a PH.D and an education in political science from the Free University of Berlin and Tufts University, Fletcher School for Law and Diplomacy, Harvard, Hans Kleinsteuber focuses in teaching and research on Media policy (technology, economy) in Germany, Europe and Northern America in a comparative perspective, on the Internet and electronic democracy, and public spheres. Since 1975 he is Professor of Political Science/Comparative Government and Journalism (since 1982) at Hamburg University. He is also head of the Research Centre for Media and Politics (Research Centre Media and Politics) at the Institute of Political Science. He received research invitations to universities in the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan and others. Furthermore, he is a member of the Euromedia Research Group and the European Radio Research Group IREN as well as the German UNESCO Commission, Committee on Communication. Office: Room 248 office hours: Thursday 10 - 12 Telephone: 42838-2424 E-mail: [email protected] Professor Uwe Hasebrink

Trained as a social psychologist, Uwe Hasebrink completed his Ph.D. in 1986 at the University of Hamburg. He is director of the Hans-Bredow-Institute for Media Research, where he has been working since 1986 in diverse positions. Since 2001, Uwe Hasebrink also holds the position of a professor for Empirical Communication Research at the University of Hamburg. His main research interests and publications

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have been in the following areas: Individual patterns of media use, development of media use in Europe, programme quality and the public service function of broadcasting, the impact of online media on the usage of classic media among others. He has worked on several comparative projects on the European level, e. g. on “Children and their changing media environments” which was directed by Sonia Livingstone (LSE), and on “Television and the Viewers Interests”, directed by Jeremy Mitchell and Jay G. Blumler. Currently, Uwe Hasebrink is involved in several European networking and research projects: he is member of the executive board of the European Consortium for Communication Research (ECCR), a member of the Co-ordination action “International Radio research Network (IREN)” and a member of the executive committee of the European Association for Viewers Interests, a project funded within the EU e-learning programme. Office: Room 712, Philological Tower (Phil Turm) on campus Office hours: Tuesday 14-16, please get an appointment by email (!) Telephone: 450 217-81 Email: [email protected] Dr. Monika Pater After studying mass communication studies, English and Spanish language and literature she completed her Ph.D. in 1992 (on the future of journalism) and continued to work at the University of Münster in a research project dealing with the relevance of innovation and investment in newspaper publishing companies. Then she got a Post-Doc-Stipend by the University Essen on „Children, Mothers and the Media“. Her present research focus on media history – especially on the development of broadcasting in Germany – developed during her time with a research project at the University of Hannover. In these years Monika Pater taught at the Universities of Münster, Hannover and Bremen. Since 1998, she works at the Institute for Journalism and Mass Communication Studies, where she has coordinated the Magister program “Journalism and Mass Communication Studies”. As she is responsible for exchange programs since 2000, she also became the local coordinator of the Hamburg specialism of the Erasmus Mundus Master program “Journalism and Media within Globalisation”. Office: Room 216 office hours: Tuesday 16 - 17 Telephone: 42838-3821 Email: [email protected] Dr. Kathrin Voss After having finished her Master in political science and journalism, she has worked as a press relations officer with the internet company In November 2006 she completed her Ph.D. In her thesis she compared the PR of NGOs in the US and Germany as regards means, goals and internal structures. She is a member of the Research Centre Media and Politics at the University of Hamburg and in addition works freelance as consultant for Public Relations. Office: Room 310, Sedanstraße 19 office hours: by appointment Telephone: 42838-6197 Email: [email protected] Students representatives of the Institute (“Fachschaft”) This is an honorary institution where students engage themselves in the interest of all students studying at the institute. Normally, people from the “Fachschaft” often become the students’ representatives on the committees of the Department and those

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of the overall structure, the School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences. More important: they can help you settling down at the Institute and provide you with information on numerous topics. Contact details: Telephone and Fax 040 / 41 42 98 81 (during term), [email protected], 12.6 Introduction For this master, the Institute operates a personal tutoring system. Each student is allocated a personal tutor for the duration of his or her studies at Hamburg. You will have an initial meeting with the tutor in the first week of the year. You will also have a session in the introduction week which will introduce you to the University (libraries etc.), the City and some aspects of life in Germany. 12.7 Communications There are a number of ways in which the institute communicates to students and it is important you are aware of them. Obviously we may contact you directly if we want to speak to you about particular issues. It is important therefore that you make sure the department is properly informed if you change address. All students are reminded that an increasing amount of University information, from their Department, from the Administration and from Library and Information Services, is only sent by e-mail. You will get an e-mail account, for which you apply at the RRZ (the regional computer centre). You do not have to apply for this e-mail account and can go on using your previous account. But please check the capability of that account as there will be an automated time-out for messages which take too long to be transmitted (a problem typical for hotmail for instance). You are also asked to give your mail address to Sabine Hoffkamp so that we are able to pass on important news. All students should check their accounts on a daily basis, to ensure that they do not miss any important information. Student Comments/ Feedback In the course of the year you will have a number of opportunities to give your views on how individual modules and degree schemes are running. We welcome constructive comments and will act swiftly to resolve any fundamental problems. A questionnaire on individual courses is circulated to all students every year, requesting your comments and feedback. The results are carefully scrutinised and considered at an Institutes’ staff meeting. We aim at acting swiftly on any areas of concern. 12.8 Student records The Department maintains records on each student who studies with us. Your record will include details of the modules for which you have registered and personal details (such as home and term addresses, contact numbers etc.). NOTE: Your student records are confidential. Details are only available to members of staff of the Department and other authorised persons within the University. We do not disclose anything to any other parties, including your family, unless you give your

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written permission or there is an emergency. If you wish to inspect your own file at any time please contact the Academic Director (i. e. Irene Neverla). 12.9 General regulations Safety Regulations Owing to Fire and Safety Regulations (and from the general considerations of security), the hours of entry to certain buildings on the campus are restricted. Outside these hours, entry can only be gained on the permission of the Head of Department/ School or other authority concerned. 12.10 Complaints Examination appeals Appeals concerning examinations, qualifications, the allocation of credits, admission to examinations and the like can be made to the examination committee of the institute. The committee hears submissions by those involved and investigates whether the matter has been handled properly and correctly. Appeals must be submitted to the committee within four weeks of the matter arising. Formal complaints The University of Hamburg is committed to ensuring a high quality educational experience for its students, supported by appropriate academic, administrative and welfare support services and facilities. However there will be instances when students may feel dissatisfied with the teaching and learning, facilities or services provided by the University, or with the way the University, its students or its staff have acted or omitted to act. This may include unreasonable behaviour or an unsatisfactory level of service. It is expected that students and staff will make reasonable efforts to resolve matters at the outset and it is anticipated that the majority of complaints can be resolved satisfactorily on an informal basis. However, should you wish to make a formal complaint, please ask your local Erasmus Mundus coordinator for details on how to proceed. The University operates a three-tier complaints system. Stage 1: Informal Complaint Stage 2: In writing to the Head of examination committee (in 2008: Prof. Dr. Irene

Neverla) Stage 3: In writing to the University complaints board at the University of Hamburg

(Widerspruchsausschuss der Universität Hamburg), please address any communication to: Referat 31, Rechtsangelegenheiten in Studium und Lehre, Mrs. Bärbel Rühlemann, Moorweidenstr. 18, 20148 Hamburg, phone: 42838-4133 or -4405.

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13. GLOSSARY Assessment Criteria

are descriptions of what the learner is expected to achieve in order to demonstrate that a learning outcome has been met. Assessment Criteria should not be confused with methods of assessment.

AU University of Aarhus, Denmark Consortium means the group of higher education institutions which have

collectively developed the joint Erasmus Mundus Master’s degrees in Journalism and Media and which, in liaison with the degree awarding universities, are collectively responsible for monitoring the quality and standards of the degrees.

Credit is an award made to a learner in recognition of the achievement of designated learning outcomes at a specified credit level. The amount of credit attributed is based upon an estimation of the learning time, which it would take the average learner to achieve the learning outcomes specified.

CU City University, London, UK DSJ The Danish School of Journalism (Aarhus), Denmark Enrolment is the process by which students enter into a legal agreement with

a partner institution or more to study for the degree in European Journalism.

HBI Hans Bredow Institute of Media Research, Hamburg IJK Institute for Journalism and Communication Studies Institution means a University or Higher Education Institution. Joint Academic/ Assessment Regulations

are the regulations to be adopted by all Partner Institutions which are compatible with each institutions’ own regulations.

Learning Outcomes

are statements of what a learner can be expected to know, understand and/or do as a result of a learning experience.

For every learning outcome, assessment criteria must be specified either as an integral part of the outcome statement or separately. It is intended that learning outcomes should specify the minimum achievement required at the point of assessment.

Learning Time

is a measure of the learning substance of a module/ unit or a whole qualification. It is related to the amount of time a typical learner might be expected to take to complete all of the learning relevant to achievement of the learning outcomes.

Module A module is a discrete educational component of a scheme, which has the following attributes (i) specific aims, (ii) a syllabus and a reading list, (iii) a teaching and learning pattern, (iv) an assessment method and (v) learning outcomes. In addition, each module

(a) is assigned a unique reference number; (b) is assigned to a level of study which reflects the

academic standard of a module and its learning outcomes;

(c) may have pre-requisites and/or co-requisites; (d) may/may not be compatible with each other.

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Each module is allocated an ECTS credit weighting

Part 1 is the teaching component of the scheme consisting of 3 semesters of 30 ECTS credits.

Part 2 is the fourth semester of the scheme, the dissertation element. Programme or scheme

means a collection of taught components, referred to as modules, and a supervised thesis or academic projects, all deemed to be at the Master’s level, leading to a Master’s degree, other terms commonly used are “course”/ “degree course”.

Programme requirements

means duties, needs and responsibilities which the master’s programme entails and specifies in this Agreement.

Regulations means regulations adopted by the consortium and individual institutions governing the way in which the Master’s degrees in European Journalism shall be offered. These shall include, academic; assessment; financial and general regulations.

Semester means 30 ECTS obtained at a given institution. The master’s programme is composed of four semesters.

The student means the student enrolled on the joint Mundus Masters in Journalism and Media

UHH University of Hamburg, Germany UvA The University of Amsterdam, Netherlands UoW means the University of Wales. UWS means the University of Wales Swansea.

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