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Main Text with translation

The very top of the palace roof was very high and I was in danger of being

blown off by the wind. The monkey that had carried me there had now

disappeared and I waited nervously while the Queen's servants tried to rescue me.

After some time, a brave servant reached up from his ladder, put me in his pocket

and carried me back down to the ground. After this adventure, I was so ill that I

had to stay in bed for two weeks. The King and Queen often visited me to see how

I was, and I was told that the monkey had been sent away from the palace. I did

not need to worry about it ever again.

Page 3: Gulliver 's travels chapter7 with translated questions


��ح �� �����، ��� أ���� ا�� د ا���ى ����� ا��� �' &�ا وآ�" �� �! أن ������ ا��� � آ�." ذروة *!) ا��(

6��5 ا����"، و3�4 ���دم �0�1ع ا��� ���6�):9' ���96 ���م ا����8' ���7و��ن أن �����و.�، و6 ه��ك وا.� ا>ن ا.�;

��� �� &C:9 و���� �A�Bا ا�� ا@رض Dوو C6 ص�Fا� G�H�6ا*!' ا� ��B@ا .ا��& �J�� ة آ��" ���Kا�� L�ه ��6

وا آM�9 آ��ن �� ��8� ��:��N ��.وراO� ���ة أ*:��9B، آ�ن ا���P وا���8' � Hا� �� Q8رت أن أ� !Dر&' أ.�� أ��

6��9ا �� ا��) ، وأ. C��*أر G� د . W9� C ه��ك �&' أن أ��C.TU6 V أى � ة أ� ى���، وأ�: ت أن ا��

When I was better, I visited the King one day in his office. "It's good to see

you're feeling better, Gulliver." he said. "Tell me, what would you

have done if a monkey had taken you in your own country?" "We

don't have any monkeys in my country." I told him, "but if we did, I

wouldn't be frightened of them at all. They're so small that they

wouldn't be a problem for me." "What, they're smaller than you?"

laughed the King, who thought that this was very funny. "I'd love to hear more

about your country. Please, tell me more." So I told him all about

England: its government and its weather, about the arts and our education, and

about our own kings and queens. I explained England's legal system and told him

all about the events in the country's history. The King was very interested in

everything I told him, and took notes while I talked.

�9 ، ا�: .� ��ذا آ�" : " ����B��H7" زرت ا���P ذات ��م �� �C:�8، ��ل ���& �� �H7�6 �U� ا��90 أن أراك ��

ود �� ���6ى، ��� ��� ��ث ه��ا ��� أآ��ن : "���: �C" أ��ك وأ." �� ��6ك *���3 �� أن � دا � '���� أ�� W9� �7.

��� ':H����6 '�8U�� �8.��ا� ��� G��.ر &�ا ��ر&' أ�K4 G�� ،ا`_^ق ��B G��� �6�B ��P7J ا����P وه���;� أن " �

�87J� Pذ�" : �� �B ��6ك، �� �P�J أ�9Oا�� a�*؟ أود أن أP�� K4أ Gذا، ه�� cأآ �. " d9�1 3آ� C� ���P أ�:

�����8 و_��B ،��H ا����ن و ا����G9، و�B ���آ�� و���8���، ���� �1 " ا��;��م ا����.�.� ��� ا.���0 ا : �B ا.��0 ا

C���;^� ون���وا�: �C آ�B d91 3 ا`�اث ا��� ��3c ��ر�e ��6ى، آ�ن ا���d91 386 ����� P أ�: �C6 C، وآ��ن

. ���96 آ�" أ��7ث

After each of these talks, the King later used his notes to ask me questions.

He seemed to think that my country's legal system was very weak and the

government was extremely strange, and slowly I began to see England through his

eyes. "Where does your country get its money from, and why do you

have so many wars?" he asked me. I told him about our weapons that could

easily kill people and destroy buildings. "Would you like me to show you

how to make such weapons yourself?" I asked him. The King looked

Page 4: Gulliver 's travels chapter7 with translated questions


horrified. "I've always been very interested in science." he said, "but I

cannot believe that anyone would want to have such terrible things.

Please, I never want to hear about such weapons again."

��F�Hم ��6 ��9� Pآ�ن ا��� Q�6�� آ3 وا�ة �� ه�L ا`�د ������:�و ا.C آ�ن ،'�f*@5 ا�6 ���TH� �8� C��;^�

�' و�6أت ��ر�90� أرى ا.���0 ا ��� ��^ل �K�� ':� N ".�9� &�ا وأن ا���87' آ��D أن ا��;�م ا���.�.� �� ��6ى آ�ن

،C9�9B���T*" : ة؟���B �6و G8����H�6 a9' أن أ�: ��B C أ*�����7 ا���� ���H! " �� أ�� �T�� ��6ك ����6ل، و���ذا ��

C��T* Gg ،�.�:ا�� ��� آ�" دا�A� ����� : "���ل" ه3 ��د أن أر�P آ M9� a�(��P ا@*�PH��6 '7؟: "���3 ا���س و���

و���8 ` أ*�!a9 ان أ��4ق أن أى أ�� ���د أن �����3�c� P ه��L ا@�9�1ء ا��;9��'، ��� : "Gg �6ا ���Bرا " &�ا ��6���م

"3c� �B a ه�L ا@*�7' � ة أ� ى�P�J، ` أر�� أ�6ا أن أ*�

My country, which I was so proud of, suddenly seemed small, unimportant

and badly run. "I feel sorry for your people." he continued. "You're very

lucky because you've escaped to a better place, where people want to

grow food rather than make war." In my many talks with the King, I

discovered that the country of Brobdingnag was very different to our own. They

did not need weapons but also they did not have many books, and the King's

library, the largest in the land, had only a thousand books in it. The King said that

I could borrow anything that I wanted to read and asked his carpenter to make me

a ladder so I could reach the top shelves.

A��� Pأآ�3 ا��� ،'f9* '�� 9 ���' و��ار 6!Nة و 9K4 ةT0� را &�ا ��6 �6ت�F� "ن : "��6ى ا��� آ�O7���6 �أ�1

a��4 ��� ���ون أن �Oر��Bا ا�!���م ��6 �1�:P، أ." �7;�ظ &�ا أ.P ه 6" ا�� ��8ن أ� ،3JQ�9 ا����س L�0�

9 ة �a ا���P أآ��U" أن دو�' 6 و " ا�7 وبcآ Q�����7&�ن و�� أ�د ` G���6ى، ه� ��B ا��& '����F� ".��0ج آ����6

9 �� ا�n�8، و��8:' ا���P ا��� ��� ا@آ: �� أرm��� ��6 G�D أ��M آ���ب، ���ل c8�8ن ا����� ` �J�أ*�7' و�G��8 أ

9 أى d91 أر�� أن أ� أL و_�n �� ا���0ر ا��Fص C6 أن �)�a �� *���� ���8 أ3�4 ا ���� ا���P أ.�� �����8 أن أ*�

�9�� .ا@ر�M ا�

When I found a book that I was interested in, I would push it open against a

wall. I would then use the ladder to climb to the top of the page so I could read the

first line, then slowly walk down the ladder until I had read all the page. Then I

would use both hands to turn the page and do the same thing again. Because their

language does not have many words, I could read the books easily and soon I had

read most of the books in the library. I learned a lot about the country's ideas and

Page 5: Gulliver 's travels chapter7 with translated questions


beliefs and understood that, although they never had wars with other countries,

they did sometimes have rebellions between different areas inside the country.

����B آ�" أ&� آ��6� أ.� ���C6 G، آ�" أد�� ��B C7��@ C�Gg ،mA أ*��Fم ا�G�H ��8 أ�V�H ا�� أ���B ا��)�7' ���8

�� ���8 أ���n ا��)�7' ��� ا@ول، Gg أ.Oل d!:6 أ*�3 ا�G�H " أ� أ آ�3 ا��)�G�g ،'7 آ��" أ*���Fم آ�^ !Hأ ا� أ�

���6 W9�� G����K� ى، و@ن ات أ����� d9Uا��� W��. 3����9 ���� ا������8ت ����8" ���� �� اءة ا����H��6 n���8' وآ��" أ�c8ا� �

��� GN ���6 C�.و����" أ ���ا�����9 ��B أ���8ر ا��و��' و�c8ا� "���و* �Bن �� � أت ��;G ا�n�8 ا��� �� ا���8:'، �

��7ر�6ا دول أ� ى �� �:3، آ�ن ����G أ�9.� �� د �96 ا����_V ا�����F' دا�3 ا��و�' G� G�.أ.

The books also told me about the music in Brobdingnag, and when I asked

the King about it, he asked me if I would like to hear a concert. So, one day, my

box was carried into a huge room and placed on a table where I could hear the

King's best musicians. However, when the concert started, the noise was so great

that the music only sounded like thunder. I told the King my problem, so it was

decided that my box should be moved to the room next door, but even here, the

music was too loud for me. It was only when the box was put in a far room in the

corner of the palace, with the doors and windows closed, that I could begin to

hear music and not just a loud noise. In fact, the music was then quite nice.

�������T�* ����B P ��� أ�n أن أ*��a ���' ��� أ�: ��� ا�n�8 أ��B �J ا���*��9 �� 6 و��6����0ج، و�T�* �����B" ا

����8�� Q�9 ةO�96ا � ���B C��Dو G��ة و ��' آ:�9N ص ��6 ا����F3 ا�)��وق ا�� G� ،م����*9�9'، و���P، ذات

،P3 ��*�99�9 ��ى ا���J�9' &��ا ��ر&�' أن ا���*���9 *��ع أ���B ء�D�J��6أت ا����7'، آ�.�" ا�� �����B ،ا�ه aو�

،�B �' ا���0ورة، و��8 ��� آ�." ��m �:�و �3c ا�K3 ��4و�� ا�� ا��. G�� ر أن � P�����8 و�U�6 Pت ا��� أ�:

G��و 6��9ة �� زاو�' ا���) '� N �� ا�)��وق aDو G� ����B m�� C.إ ،�� ':H���6 ا�& ':F4 ��9*ه��، آ�." ا���

�0 د ��D�Dء � W9�8" �� أن أ�6أ �� *���ع ا���*���9 و����، أن �ا`�6اب وا���ا� V�N "�.�9'، ��� ا���9�7'، آ���B

. ا���*��9 ��� ذ�P ا��97 &��9' ا�� � آ:9

I had now been in Brobdingnag for two years and I began to think more and

more about my own country. I wanted to see my family again, but how could I get

home? The ship that I arrived on was the first to arrive on the coast from another

land, but perhaps another one would arrive one day. When the King found out

about what I thinking, he said he would like to help me. "If my soldiers find

another ship like yours, I'll ask them to bring it at once to the capital.

I'd like to find you some friends of your own size. They can live in the

palace with you." he said. It was a kind offer. However, I did not like the idea

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of more people being kept to please the King and Queen. I decided I wanted to

speak to people who shared my ideas and who I could talk to without worrying

about a giant stepping on me, or a bird taking me away. For that to happen, I

needed to leave Brobdingnag.

� �� cوأآ cاآ 6 و�6����0ج ���ة *���9 و�6أت أ�8 �� "c8� ��� ��8ى، و� ة أ���� ���A��B أن أرى ����_��، أر

�����8 أن أ34 ��_��؟ ا��9�H' ا��� و���9�B "��4 آ�.�" أول *�� '�9���H��� 3(3 ��� أرض أ�� ى، و���8 M9آ

،�.�B�H�����د أن C�.ل أ��� إذا و&�� : "���ل ��� ر��6 �)3 *��9' أ� ى ذات ��م، ����B أآ�MU ا���P ���9 آ�" أ�8

3c� ى وه� �� ا��7ل ا�� ا�����4'، أود أن أ&�� 6��5 ا@����4ء &��دى *��9' أ�J7� *�G��� n�_T* ،P��9 أن

P�� ��U9ا �� ا��)���G��8 أن ،P�0 W�. �� ". ��� ���O�6 ظ����ة ا` �8� nأ G� ��8و� ،���!B �D B آ�ن

��وا ا���P وا���8'، � رت أ.�� أر�� أن أ��7ث �a أ.�س ��Uرآ�.� أ��8ر H�ى، أ.�س أ*��!a9 أن أ���7ث ا���س ��8

6��9ا، و���8 ���7ث ه��ا �T.�� ��� �&�' ا��� أن �.��T� *�ف A�_ أو ،��Hه��ا�G�9 دون ��V �� أن �B^ق *�ف

6 و�6����0جأ�Nدر .

One day, Glumdalclitch and I were travelling with the King and Queen in

the south of Brobdingnag. As usual, I was carried in my wooden box until we

arrived at one of the King's palaces which was about thirty kilometres from the

coast. Glumdalclitch and I were very tired, and Glumdalclitch felt a little ill, so

she said she was going to bed. I knew we were near to the sea, so before she left

the room, I asked her if I could go to the beach to get some fresh air. She agreed

and asked a young servant boy to take me there in the wooden box. When we

arrived at the beach, I was very pleased to see the sea again after such a long time.

I looked out of the windows of my box and enjoyed watching the waves and

thought about England, which was somewhere to the west. After a few minutes,

the sea air made me feel tired, so I lay down in my box and went to sleep. The

young servant closed my windows to keep out the cold wind and, thinking there

would be no danger to me, went off to look for birds' eggs on the beach.

��� ���� G�� ،د���� ون ��a ا����P وا����8' ��� &���ب 6 و��6����0ج، وآ�����H�� q�9�8م، آ�" أ.� و&�����ا���ذات

�� ��ا�� ��g^gن آ�����9 ا ��� ا���H3، آ��" ا.�� :���4و�� ا�UF:� �� و���4 ا�� أ� �)�ر ا���P وا��ى آ�ن

،M9�� ض �6 q�9�8ت &����ا� ��:�9 &�ا، و1�� q�9�8ا.��� و&����ا� G��Bأ.�� ذاه:�' ا��� ا����م، آ��" أ "��� P���

5��6 J�@ d_�Uا�� ا�� nاذا آ�ن �� ا����8 أن أذه ���� ":�_ ،'� Kدر ا��K� 3 أن:� P��و� ، �:�9 �� ا�:7 �

�:UFا�� ه��ك �� ا�)��وق ا� �.��T�9 أن K4 6'، وا��" و_�:" �� ��دم������B و�4" ا�� ا�d_�U، . ا��L�9 ا�

و H� "آ� "� ة أ�� ى 6��� ه��L ا���� ة ا�!����' &��ا، .;� ت ��� .�ا��� ا��)��وق وا*������ را &�ا أن أرى ا�:�7

Page 7: Gulliver 's travels chapter7 with translated questions


����� ه��اء ا�:�7& VAد��� aJ�6 ��� ب، و6K9' ا�ا، وا��� آ�." �� ��8ن �� .� �U�6ه�ة ا@��اج و�8 ت �� ا.��0

���6�n، و���P ر��ت �� ��4و�� وذه:" �� ا���م، أV�N ا��Fدم ا� ���ح ا�:�ردة، و@.C أ1 �� ا�:��Uب ا���ا�� ��8

d_�Uا� ��B 596 ا�!�9ر �B Q7:9� �B H� nذه ،r�B !� �&�� ` C.أ �s .

I do not know how long I slept for, but I found myself suddenly woken up

by a noise. I felt something lift up my box very suddenly, and I was carried

forward at great speed. I realised that the box was being carried high into the air.

"Hello? Who's picking me up? Please, put me down!" I called, as loudly

as I could but it was no good, the box continued to rise. I looked from my bed to

the window, but all I could see were clouds. I could now hear a noise above me

which sounded like the flapping of wings, and as I stood up, I finally realised what

had happened. A huge sea bird had picked up my box and carried it off in its feet.

��a ���4و�� � ��� d9U�6 ت ��G أG�B آG �� ا���" .�"، و���8 و&��ت .���H أ*��T�0� t�9ة �6ا*�!' ��D�Dء، �1

�9��B� ��� ا����اء B' آ:�9 ة، أدرآ�" ان ا��)��وق آ��ن ����7H�6 ��6 ك T0� : ��BT�6 "7�4ة، و��G ���� وا���7

��� أر�D : "�4ت ���8 D ،P�J� �� ؟��B@ ��:7!(�` ���Aة، أ*��� ا��)��وق ��� و��8 " � :�؟ �� ا��ى

'0D a�*أن أ "� ى �L�0 ا�����ة، و��8 آ3 �� أ*�!�" أن أراL آ�ن *7:�، وا>ن أ*�!� ا`ر���ع، و.; ت �� *

�76 ى A�_ ��4و�� mث، ��� أ����ا �� �� �'�� وا��� آ�." �:�و �3c ر� �' أ&�7'، و����B و��"، أدرآ" أ�9

C9��� �� 'B H6 C��و GFD.

I know that in many countries there are birds which pick up and carry

seashells high into the sky. They then drop them onto a hard rock to break, open

the shells so they can get to the soft food inside. Surely this was what this huge

bird was planning to do with my box. I was extremely worried. After a few

minutes I heard the flapping of wings get faster, and my box moved up and down

very quickly. Then the wings went quiet and I felt myself falling very quickly

towards the ground. It was a horrible feeling. How high was I? It seemed as if I

was falling for a long time, although it was probably only seconds. Then I felt a

terrible jolt, and for a few seconds I could not breathe. What had happened? I had

stopped falling and the box had not broken, but it continued to move slowly up

and down. I now understood that the box had landed in the sea. I silently thanked

the carpenter for making the box so well, using strong wood and metal for the

edges. No water came in through the edges of the doors, and the box floated quite

well. The bird, perhaps seeing that its food was still protected, flew away into the

clear sky.

Page 8: Gulliver 's travels chapter7 with translated questions


��ة ه��ك _�9ر ����m ا�)�ف �B دول �� C.أ G�Bة ) ا���7رات(ا F�4 ���B ���.�� � G�g ،ء��H�9� ��� ا����B ����7�و

و���( ا���7رة ��8 H8�� �8� ��4ء GFJا�� A��!ا ا��ه� C���)��ا ا��� ا�!���م ا����9 ��6ا����، T���6آ��9 ه��ا ��� *��9

���B@ ك �7���" ر� �' ا@&� '�7��Oداد *� B'ن وآ��ن ���4و�� �* ،VAد�� aJ6 ���' و6�K�� ���� "6)��و��، آ�

B' آ:�9 ة .��7 ا@رض، ���� آ�� H�6 m��*ت أ.��� أ � B' آ:9 ة، و6�� ذ�P ه�ءت ا@&�7' و1H6 3�*@را و��ن �1

9��، آ ;�G د ة _���'، ���B ا�� GN ��� أ.��� آ�.�" ر�0� ���6��� m�*و �� �� ا.�� آ�" أ�:� ا`ر���ع ا��ى آ�" �C9؟

G�� ط و ا��)��وق��Hا�� ��B "����� ث؟��ذا ��� ،W��8 ��� ا�������أ G� ة���B �.ا�cو� 'f&��� ةO�6 ت �1 Gg ،ان�g

���Bأ ��� d�!:6 ك ، و�C�8 أ*�� �� ا���7H8��@*��3، ����" ا>ن أن ا��)��وق ��� و��a ��� ا�:�7 و��� ��4"

��� L��9� 3 أى���� G�� ،n�.أ&�3 ا��0ا ��� ���81 ت ا���0ر @.a�4 C ��4و�� &�9ا &�ا، ���F�H� أ�01ر ����' و�

��C رأى أن _���C آ�ن ��� ��Oال ��9�7� ��� �� A�!�9ة &�ا، أ�� ا�& '�� � �^ل &�ا.n ا`�6اب، و_�� ا�)��وق 6!

6��9ا �� ا���Hء ا�)��9' 9!� C��& .

I knew, however, that I was far from Glumdalclitch, who would surely have

rescued me. I worried, too, about the rocks that the King had told me were all

around the coast of Brobdingnag. If the box hit a rock, or if one window broke to

let in the water, I would surely drown. I had not died in the fall, but I was still in

great danger.

و�a ه�ا، آ�" ��رآ� أ.�� آ�" 6��9ا �B &����ا�q�9�8 وا��� آ�." T���6آ�9 *����.�، آ�" ���� أ�TU6 �Jن ا�)�Fر

B �. ة، أو أن أ�� ا���ا��� ��� ا���P ا��� أ�:F(�6 ��0ج، ��� ان ا���4وق أ�4!�م��أ.�� �m97 3�86 *��ا3 6 و��6

ق T���6آG� ،�9 أ�" �� ا���Hط و���8 آ�" �� أزال �� �! آ:9N3، *�ف أ��� و� ك ا���ء H8.أ.

Page 9: Gulliver 's travels chapter7 with translated questions


QQuueessttiioonnss aanndd AAnnsswweerrss

1- Who tried to rescue Gulliver after the monkey had left him? �� ��� ان ��آ� ا���د؟ �� '& %!ول ا"�!ذ �♣The servants of the queen. ()� ,�ام ا�*

2 – Who saved Gulliver ? ؟���� '& ا"�- �♣A brave servant used a ladder , put Gulliver in his pocket and carried

him back down to the ground. <!=�ا ا�7 ا;رض� 78 ���6 و%*��,!دم 45!ع �2ا10) 0�/ وو.�

3 – How long did he stay in bed after the adventure of the monkey? آ/ 2Fل ا�*�ة ا�D 7Eزم 8�B! ا���اش ��� '@!'�ة ا���د؟ ♣He stayed ill in bed for two weeks. &� Dزم ا���اش ا260<4 – What happened to the monkey? د؟��� '!ذا %�ث �♣It was sent away from the palace. �Hا��� <& ا�� 5 – What did the king ask Gulliver when Gulliver visited him? �� <�J'! زارI؟ ��4� K� '! ا�NOال ا�-ى �L0) ا�*

♣He asked him what he would have done if the monkey had taken him to

his country. ؟I����P �2 ا,-ة ا���د �6� 0!�� '!ذا آ!ن 0

6 – What was Gulliver's answer ? ال؟NO7 ا��> ���� '! ه2 رد �♣He said there were no monkeys in his country. ��2� D ل!R ؟I�� �Rود 78 �

7 – What was Gulliver's opinion of the monkeys? 78 ا���ود؟ ���� '! رأى �

♣He said he wouldn't be afraid of them as they were so small and they

wouldn't be a problem for him. ��@T /B*4% آ!ن /B"D /BJ' ف!VW &)W /� �"ل ا!R (�)X' �� 2ا�Y*W /� ا و��

8 – What did Gulliver tell the king about his country? ؟I��� &> K��� ا�*�� '!ذا ا,�6 �♣ He told him many things about England , its government, weather , arts

and education, kings and queens, the legal system and the events in the

country's history. � ������8 و_��B ،��H ا����ن و ا����G9، و�B ���آ: أ�: L آ�B d91 3 ا.��0 ا :��ا� ��ر�e ���، ا��;�م ا���.�.� �� ا.��0 ا وا�: L آ�B d91 3 ا`�اث �و���8�

9 – What was The king's reaction on hearing about England ? '! ه2 رد P�8 ا�*��J> K 0*!<� <& ا"4��Eا؟

♣He was excited and took notes while Gulliver was talking. �W را و آ!ن!Y' آ!ن ����� ZW�% ء!J\ون '_%^!ت ا

10 – What did the king use the notes for? ا�*_%^!ت؟ K�8�*! ا�VE0م ا�* ♣He used them to ask Gulliver questions. (��2�� ا0`� !B'�VE0ا ����4�

11 – What did the king seem to think about England's legal system? 4��Eا؟ "D 7"2"!م ا��!^J78 ا� K� '!ذا آ!ن راى ا�*

♣He thought that it was a weak legal system . a� ا<��E ا"� "^!م .�12 – How was the king when Gulliver tell him how to make weapons? 0��b؟ Dا (>!JT (����� <& آ�� آ�a آ!ن 2�5ر ا�*��J> K'! ا,�6ة �

Page 10: Gulliver 's travels chapter7 with translated questions


♣He looked horrible. �2! آ!ن �6Wو '�<

13 – What did Gulliver realize after his talk with the king? �� ��� %�c' �YW ا�*�K؟ �� '!ذا ادرك �

♣He felt his country was small , unimportant and badly run. �`�0 (�W�1� و ��ار (*B' ��e و ���`. I�� ��5 ان �

14 – Why did the king think that Gulliver was lucky? �� آ!ن 'f2^b!؟ �*!ذا ا<��E ا����K ان �*

♣Because he escaped to a better place where people wanted to grow

food rather than make war. e.fر<2ا اgW ون أن�W�W س!Jا� Z�% ،Pj8ه�ب ا�7 '(!ن أ &' D�� 2ا ��1!مJXW وبان�bا�

15 – What was the difference did Gulliver discover between his country

and Brobdingnag ? ��I و ��و��l"!JW؟ � &�� ����� ��XEق ا�-ى اآ��'! ا� ♣He found that Brobdingnag did not need weapons , they didn't have

many books and even the largest library of the king had only a thousand

books. �6����0جأآ�MU أن دو�' 6 و ��9 �� ا�n�8، و��8:' ا���P ا��� �c8�8ن ا��������7&�ن أ*�7' ` ` ا@آ: �� أرm�� ��6 G�D أ�M آ��ب

16 – What would the carpenter make Gulliver ? ؟���� '!ذا 0�cJH ا�4J!ر �4♣He would make him a ladder to help him reach the top shelves.

0�/ I�>!OW 78 ا�2T2ل ا�7 ا �� cJH�0 !��Dرa8 ا��

17 – How could Gulliver read a book? ؟!�!Eأ آ��W ان ���� آ�a ا1E0!ع �♣He pushed the book against the wall, then use the ladder to climb to the

top of the page to read the first line , then walk down the ladder till he had

read all the pages. He used his two hands to turn the page. �ن �آ C���� Gg ،mA� ��B C7��� �8� G�Hم ا��F�H���V�H ا�� أ��B ا�)��8� '7 Gg ،ا@ول !Hأ ا� �� d!:6 لO�

� G�Hأ*�3 ا�� ��ن�آ3 ا�)�Gg ،'7 آ� أ �� ��n ا�)�7' ��C �8 أ*��Fم آ^

18 – Why could Gulliver read most of the books in the library easily? �� ان ��Wأ '�^/ ا�(nE 78 ا�*��2BO� (6E)؟ �� �*!ذا ا1E0!ع �

♣ Because the language of Brobdingnag doesn't have many words. ��ة Yت آ!*� Dن �@) ��و��B� &)W /� l"!4JW! آ

19 – What did Gulliver learn from reading the books ? ؟nE)أة ا��R &' (*� '!ذا ��

♣He learned a lot about the country's ideas and beliefs and there were

sometimes rebellions between different areas inside the country. 6 ا;�i و�Gi أ.e آ�ن / �Gi أ��.� ;�7د =:, . ا/kl��7 ا/7!���6 دا�A ا/ و/�;,�G ا/jF� ': أ��Fر ا/ و/� و

20 – What else did he learn from books? ؟nE)ا� &' �*��� !jWذا ا!'

♣He learned about the music of Brobdingnag. l"!JW7 ��و����02' &> ��Y)ا� /�>

21 – What did the king invite Gulliver to hear? �� �O*!<�؟ '!ذ��� K�ا د<7 ا�*

♣He invited him to hear a concert. !���02' _� د<!O� I*!ع %22 – How was the music when Gulliver heard it at first?

�� 78 ا��6اW)؟ ��� !B�*0 !'�J> 7�� آ�a آ!"o ا�*02

♣It sounded like thunder. �>2ت ا��T �6X� o"!آ

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23 – What was Gulliver problem during the concert? �P ا�*02��7؟ bء ا�!J\ا ����� (�)X' 7ه !'

♣The sound of music was loud so Gulliver's box was moved to the another

room. But this didn't solve the problem. � ':H���6 ا�& ':F4 ��9*ا آ�." ا����� C 3 ��4و��. G�CKا���0ورة، و��8 ا�� ا� '� �37 ا���8U' اه� G�

24 – When was this problem solved? ؟(�)X*ا� o�% 7E' ♣When they put his box in the far room and the doors and windows were

closed. �Dا o��e وق 78 ا��� %�4ة و�JHا� c.و !'�J> K��!6X2اب و ا�

25 – How long had Gulliver been staying in Brobdingnag now? �� 78 ��و��l"!4JW؟ ��� !BY)' 7E2ل ا�*�ة ا�F /آ ♣For two years !> ن!' 26 – What was Gulliver thinking of after two years? �� ��� '�ور <!'!ن؟ ��� ��8 �)�W ا�-ى آ!ن !' ♣He was thinking of returning to his family and country. �JFوو (��0D 78 ا��2دة �)�W آ!ن 27 – What was the king's reaction about that? ؟Kل ذ�!�% K� '! ه2 رد P�8 ا�*♣He told him that he would like to help Gulliver. (��>!O' 2دW ("ا I�6,ا 28 – What did the king tell Gulliver? ��؟ ��� K�'!ذا ا,�6 ا�*

♣He told Gulliver that he would ask his soldiers if they found a ship like his

ship , they would bring it to the capital. and would find people like him to

live with him in the palace. وه� �� C* ،9 *��9' أ� ى ��L��9�* 3cدإذا و&� &� J7�!�G��� n أن 6�5 ا@���4ء �� .�W �0وا��7ل ا�� ا����4'، و أن �&C�� ��U9ا �� ا��)���G��8 أن ، C

29 – Did Gulliver like the idea of getting more people like Gulliver in the

palace? Why? ��� o64>ا P؟ �*!ذا؟ ه�H78 ا�� (�Y' ون��Yر ا"!س آ!j%8(�ة ا ��

♣No, he didn't like this. as he wanted to speak to people who shared his

ideas and who he could talk to without worrying about a giant stepping

on him, or a bird taking him away `` ':0�� G� .� C أن �� ���7ث ا�G�9 دون ��V �� أن �B^ق �a9!�H أن �، أ.�س L أ��8ر�7�Cث �a أ.�س ��Uرآ�.

Hه�� *�ف ��T�C*�ف A�_ أو ،L�9ا�6

30 – What did Gulliver ask one day from Glumdalclitch ? �pE ذات 2Wم؟ �)��*�ا�� &' ����� n�F ذا!'

♣He asked her to go to the beach to get some fresh air. �2Hbل <�7 ا�*!ء ا��-ب � qF!Xا�7 ا� nه-W ان !BJ' n�F

31 – Who took Gulliver to the beach? ؟qF!X�� ���� '& ا,- �

♣A young servant boy took him in the wooden box. 76X, وق�JT 78 ا,-ة ��@T دم!, 32 – Why did Gulliver sleep? ؟���� �*!ذا "!م �♣Because he felt tired of the sea air. �b6ه2اء ا� &' n�E��!� ��5 ("D 33 – Why did the young boy leave Gulliver ? ���� ��@H؟ �*!ذا ��ك ا���2 ا��

♣He went to look for birds' eggs on the beach. qF!X7 ا���r ا�1�2ر <� &> Zb6�� nذه

34 – Why did Gulliver suddenly wake up? ة؟L48 ����� s��E0ذا ا!*�

Page 12: Gulliver 's travels chapter7 with translated questions


♣ by a noise of something that lifted up his box and was carried high into

the air. �! 78 ا�2Bاء �!> �� �n6O .2.!ء q5 '! ر�JT c8وR) و %*

35 – What did Gulliver see when he looked to the window? �� <�J'! "^� ا�7 65!ك ا��JHوق؟ �� '!ذا راى �

♣He saw only clouds. t�8 ب!bOراى ا� 36 – What picked up Gulliver's box? ؟���� '! ا�-ى ا��JT t�Eوق �♣A huge sea bird had picked up the box and carried it off in its feet.

Rو�JT t�Eأ� ��� ���'�R 78 (>�O� �� �b� �=!Fى .V/ و%*

37 – What did Gulliver think the bird was going to do? �� ان��� ��E>؟ '!ذا ا�� P��� ا�0 �=!1

♣He thought it would drop him onto a hard rock as shell to get food. ��'ا<��E ا"� 0 ���2ا ا��(�O)J� 7 و!�*b!رة آ <��VT 7ة T*!ءHW 7)� رة!b*ا� uE�!B��& ��ا,� �7 ا��1!م ا�

38 – What happened after that? ؟Kذا %�ث ��� ذ�!'

♣The bird dropped the box and Gulliver began to fall down very quickly

towards the ground. >�O� ����� t6BW رض ا�1�0 ا�1!=� و ��اD2 اb" (

39 – What happened to the box? وق؟�JH� '! ا�-ى %�ث �

♣After few seconds, it stopped falling but the box was not broken. �) �aR2 ا��JHوق <& ا�26Bط و �(��R w=!Rوق ��� د�JH�� q�& �/ �bWث 5

40 – How did Gulliver know that the box fall in the sea? �� ان ا��JHوق t�0 78 ا��b6؟ �� آ�a <�ف �♣Because the box moved slowly up and down. !�!Wء ذه!�! و اt6� ك�b� وق�JHن ا�D

41 – Why did Gulliver thank the carpenter silently at that moment? �� ا�4J!ر ��78 ه-ة ا�b^�؟ ) ا�-ى cJT ا��!رب( �*!ذا 5(� �

Because he made the box so well using strong wood and metal. cJT ("D ا��JHوق ��6ا<� '�VEO'! ا2Rى اX,D!ب و ا�*��ن

42 – What did the bird do? '!�-ا P�8 ا�1!=�؟

♣It left the box and flew away in the clear sky. (�8!Hء ا�!*Oر 78 ا�!F وق و�JHك ا��� 43 – What would happen if the box hit a rock or a window broke?

'!ذا آ!ن 0��bث �2 ار�1/ ا��JHوق ��VHة و آ�Oت ا%�ى 65!��(�؟

♣Gulliver would surely drown. ��0�@�ق �!�E!آ ���� آ!ن �

Quotations with answers

11 –– "" II wwaass iinn ddaannggeerr ooff bbeeiinngg bblloowwnn ooffff bbyy tthhee wwiinndd..""

1 – Who was the speaker?

@ Gulliver.

2 – Where was he at that moment?

@He was on the top of the palace roof.

3 – How was he taken there?

@ He was taken by the monkey.

Page 13: Gulliver 's travels chapter7 with translated questions


22 –– "" IItt''dd ggoooodd ttoo sseeee yyoouurr aarree ffeeeelliinngg bbeetttteerr..""

1 – Who was the addresser?

@The king of Brobdingnag.

2 – Who was the addressee?

@ Gulliver.

3 – What question did the speaker ask after that?

@ The king asked Gulliver what he would have done if the monkey had

taken him to his country.

33 –– "" WWee ddoonn''tt hhaavvee aannyy mmoonnkkeeyyss iinn mmyy ccoouunnttrryy..""

1 – Who was the speaker and to whom?

@ Gulliver to the king.

2 – What would happen if Gulliver had monkeys in his country?

@ He would not be frightened of them as they were smaller.

3 – What was the king's reaction to that?

@ He laughed when Gulliver said that monkeys would be smaller than


44 –– "" WWhhaatt ,, tthheeyy aarree ssmmaalllleerr tthhaann yyoouu?? ""

1 – Who was the speaker ?

@ The king.

2 – To Whom was he speaking?

@ To Gulliver.

3 – What does he mean by " they" ?

@ He refers to monkeys.

55 –– "" II wwoouulldd lloovvee ttoo hheeaarr mmoorree aabboouutt yyoouurr ccoouunnttrryy,, pplleeaassee tteellll mmee mmoorree..""

1 – Who was the speaker? To whom ?

@ The king. @ To Gulliver.

2 – Which country does he refer to?

@ He refers to England.

3 – What did Gulliver tell the king?

@He told him about England's government, weather, arts, education,

kings, queens and the legal system.

66 –– "" WWhheerree ddooeess yyoouurr ccoouunnttrryy ggeett iittss mmoonneeyy ffrroomm aanndd wwhhyy ddoo yyoouu hhaavvee ssoo

mmaannyy wwaarrss??""

1 – Who was the speaker?

@ The king to Gulliver.

2 – What did Gulliver say?

@ He told him that they had weapons that could easily kill people and

destroy things.

3 – What did Gulliver want to show the king?

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@ He wanted to show him how to make weapons himself but the king

looked horrified .

77 –– "" II hhaavvee aallwwaayyss bbeeeenn vveerryy iinntteerreesstteedd iinn sscciieennccee.. ,, bbuutt II ccaann''tt bbeelliieevvee

tthhaatt aannyyoonnee wwoouulldd wwaanntt ttoo hhaavvee ssuucchh tteerrrriibbllee tthhiinnggss.. ""

1 – Who was the speaker to whom?

@ The king to Gulliver.

2 – What were the " terrible things" ?

@ The weapons that kill and destroy.

3 – What did the listener feel after hearing these words?

@ He felt that his country seemed small , unimportant and badly run.

88 –– "" II ffeeeell ssoorrrryy ffoorr yyoouurr ppeeooppllee ,, yyoouu aarree vveerryy lluucckkyy ..""

1 – Who was the speaker? and to whom?

@ The king to Gulliver.

2 – Why did he feel sorry for those people?

@ Because they had weapons and so many wars.

3 – Why was the listener lucky?

@ He was lucky because he had escaped to better place where people

wanted to grow food rather than make wars.

99 –– "" WWhheenn II ffoouunndd aa bbooookk tthhaatt II wwaass iinntteerreesstteedd iinn,, II wwoouulldd ppuusshh iitt ooppeenn

aaggaaiinnsstt aa wwaallll.. ""

1 – Who was the speaker ?

@ Gulliver.

2 – Where could he get the books?

@ from the king's library.

3 - What did he use to help him read?

@ He used a ladder and both hands to turn pages.

1100 –– "" II hhaadd nnooww bbeeeenn iinn BBrroobbddiinnggnnaagg ffoorr ttwwoo yyeeaarrss.. ""

1 – Who was the speaker ?

@ Gulliver.

2 – What did he begin to think about?

@ He began to think about his country and his family.

3 – What did he want to do ?

@ He wanted to get home.

1111 –– "" IIff mmyy ssoollddiieerrss ffiinndd aannootthheerr sshhiipp lliikkee yyoouurrss ..""

1 – Who was the speaker and to whom?

@ The king to Gulliver .

2 – Where would the soldiers take the ship?

@ To the capital.

3 – What did the king want to find for Gulliver?

@ He wanted to find him some friends of his own size.

Page 15: Gulliver 's travels chapter7 with translated questions


1122 –– "" HHeelllloo?? wwhhoo iiss ppiicckkiinngg mmee uupp?? pplleeaassee,, ppuutt mmee ddoowwnn!!""

1 – Who was the speaker ?

@ Gulliver .

2 – Did Gulliver get an answer ?

@ No, he didn't get any reply.

3 – What did Gulliver hear?

@ He heard a noise above which sounded like the flapping of wings.

Find the mistake and correct it in the following sentences.

1- A brave soldier reached up from his ladder , put me in his pocket and

carried me back.

2-After this adventure , I was so ill that I had to stay in bed for five weeks .

3- I was told that the donkey had been sent away from the palace.

4-We don't have any cows in my country.

5-So I told him about France : its government and its weather.

6-Why do you have so many peace ?

7- I've always been very interested in geography but I can't believe that

terrible things

8- Please , I never want to hear about such sports again.

9- My country , I was so proud of , suddenly seemed small , important and

badly run.

10- You are very lucky because you have escaped to a worse place.

11- I discovered that the country of Brobdingnag was very similar to our


12- The King's library , the smallest in the land , had only a thousand books

in it.

13- He asked his carpenter to make me a ladder so I could reach the

bottom shelves.

14- Then I would use both legs to turn the page and do the same thing


15-The noise was so great that the music sounded like lightning.

16- In fact , the music was then quite bad.

17- I had now been in Brobdingnag for four years and I began to think

about my country.

18- I'd like to find you some friends of your own size.They can live in the

house with you.

19-As usual , I was carried in my wooden chair.

20- I looked out of the windows of my box and enjoyed watching the


21- The young officer closed my windows to keep out the cold wind.

Page 16: Gulliver 's travels chapter7 with translated questions


22- I felt something lift down my box and I was carried forward at great


23- A huge sea animal had picked up my box and carried it off in its feet.

24- After a few minutes I heard the flapping of legs get faster.

25-Then I felt a terrible jolt , and for a few hours I couldn't breathe .

26- I now understood that the box had landed in the floor 1-servant two monkey monkeys England wars science 8-weapons

9-unimportant better different largest top hands thunder 16- nice

10-two palace box waves servant up bird 24- wings

25--seconds sea

Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly : 1 – The queen's soldiers tried to save Gulliver.

2 – The servant used stairs to rescue Gulliver.

3 – After the adventure of the elephant Gulliver stayed in bed for two


4 – The monkey stayed in the palace after the accident.

5 – Gulliver told The king that there were monkeys in his country.

6 – Gulliver he would be frightened of monkeys.

7 – The queen was taking notes while Gulliver was talking about his


8 – The king thought that England's legal system was strong.

9 – The king looked happy when Gulliver told him about how to make


10 – The king told Gulliver that he was not lucky to come to Brobdingnag.

11 – Brobdingnag had a lot of weapons and wars.

12 – IN Brobdingnag there were many books.

13 – The largest library in Brobdingnag was of the queen.

14 – The king asked the carpenter to make Gulliver a lift to help him to

read .

15 – Gulliver used one hand to turn the page of a book.

16 – The language of Brobdingnag had many words.

17 – There were rebellions between different areas outside Brobdingnag.

18 – The king invited Gulliver to hear music in a ball.

19 – After two months Gulliver began to think of his own country.

20 – When the king knew what Gulliver was thinking of he was angry.

21 – Gulliver was carried in a golden box.

22 – Gulliver asked The queen to let him go to the beach.

23 – Gulliver wanted to go to the beach to swim.