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Page 1: Guidance for Lectures & Certificate Programs at Center for Sustainability Science, Hokkaido University

Guidance for Lectures &Certificate Programs at Center for Sustainability Science HUIGSHUIGS: : Hokkaido University Inter-departmental Graduate Study in SustainabilityStraSS: StraSS: Sustainability Leader and Meister Program


Page 2: Guidance for Lectures & Certificate Programs at Center for Sustainability Science, Hokkaido University

Sustainability"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Brundtland Report 1987 Three elements of these implications; 1)A common agenda that Sustainability refers to the Sustainable Development of society, 2)To realize Sustainable Development while allocating finite resources for human needs, we need to maintain the ecological services provided by the earth as conditioned by the current state of technological and social structures, and 3)Sustainable Development must ensure we meet present and future needs.

Page 3: Guidance for Lectures & Certificate Programs at Center for Sustainability Science, Hokkaido University

Sustainability and Sustainability Science

• Sustainability Science as the Science of Sustainability dependent on a notion of multiple disciplines addressing a common theme, Sustainable Development .

National Research Council (1999)

• Sustainability Science is problem-driven, with the goal of creating and applying a cluster of interdisciplinary knowledge to support the decision-making for Sustainability Development.

Page 4: Guidance for Lectures & Certificate Programs at Center for Sustainability Science, Hokkaido University

Your motivations to come to CENSUS (Center for Sustainability Science)

1. You want to take lecture(s) just for credits (the common graduate course: 大学院共通講義 );

1. You want to study Sustainability Science ;

1. You want to get a certificate(s);1. HUIGS (Hokkaido University Inter-department Graduate

Study in Sustainability )2. StraSS (Special coordinated training program for

Sustainability Leaders and Sustainability ‘Misters’ )3. SSC (Sustainability Science Consortium)

Page 5: Guidance for Lectures & Certificate Programs at Center for Sustainability Science, Hokkaido University

Why should you take certificates in Sustainability Science?

Extend your interdisciplinary views Gain competences (ability to solve sustainability

issues with knowledge and skills) International experiences Improve your English communication skills Better opportunities in the Job markets

Page 6: Guidance for Lectures & Certificate Programs at Center for Sustainability Science, Hokkaido University

Hokkaido University Inter-departmental Graduate Study in Sustainability (HUIGS)

Sustainability Leader-Meister (StraSS) Program

• Degree education (Master & PhD) at graduate schools• Sustainability Certificate Programs at CENSUS

Two elective classes from the HUIGS list

Master program

Ph.D program

Degree program


Sustainability Leader (Master Level)

5) Ethics4) Policy

2) Culture, Language & …

1) Leadership

3) Field study (ECOSUS)

On-site problem solving training

Trainer training


Sustainability I and IISustainability I and II

Sustainability “Meister” ( Ph.D Level)

Page 7: Guidance for Lectures & Certificate Programs at Center for Sustainability Science, Hokkaido University

Three types of certificates (1) HUIGS (8 credits)

1. Compulsory lectures: Sustainability Science 1 and 2 (4 credits).2. Elective lectures: two minor lectures (4 credits)

It is a little complicated to pick up elective lecture(s), because elective lectures are different for each graduate school. Please refer to page 8 of Hokkaido Univ. CENSUS Education Program Course Guide.

3. Master Degree.

(3) SSC (Sustainability Science Consortium) (10 credits)1. Sustainability Science V. (five-universities joint lectures)2. Sus. I, II, and 2 elective lectures other than Sus. V.

(2) StraSS (12 credits)

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Lectures provided by CENSUS(1) Title Key words Semester

Sustainability Science Iサステナビリティ学 俯瞰講義 I

Interaction between human & the Earth system


2 credits1

Sustainability Science IIサステナビリティ学 俯瞰講義 I

Wisdom for sustainability of human & social systems



2 credits1

Sustainability Science III地域の持続的発展のための ガバナン

(Only available in Japanese)


8 月 2-6 日(集中)


Sustainability Science IV


Collect the newest sustainability information by yourself.


Sustainability Science V

サステイナビリティ学最前線Joint class room efforts via the Polycom system

with U of Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and Ibaragi.July 13-15 1

Sustainability Science VI ODA と開発途上国の持続可能性

ODA & sustainability in developing countriesTBA


Sustainability Science VII

土地利用研究の最前線: 国際土地共同プロジェクト


Land Use, GIS



Page 9: Guidance for Lectures & Certificate Programs at Center for Sustainability Science, Hokkaido University

Lectures provided by CENSUS(2)

Title Key words Semester


Field trip, group work, training vessel, planning for local sustainability


2 credits

Asian/African Culture, Language & Local Regionalism (CLR)


Understand of cultural differences, ability to explain own cultural background

1 credits 2

Practical Environmental. Leadership Theory


Transformational leadership, vision formulation


1 credits2

Environmental Policy環境政策

Policy process, formulation, evaluation Tuesday

2 credits2

Environmental Ethics環境倫理

Environmental justice, Human rights, Democracy, Env. values


2 credits 2

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Corresponding table

Title HUSTEP(Hokkaido Univ. Short Term Exchange Program)

Sustainability Science I Interaction between Humans and the Earth

Sustainability Science IIKnowledge for Sustainability of Human & Social


Sustainability Science IV Latest Information on Sustainability

Sustainability Science V Frontiers of Sustainability Science

Sustainability Science VI ODA & Sustainability of Developing Countries

Sustainability Science VII At the Cutting Edge of Land Use Research

Page 11: Guidance for Lectures & Certificate Programs at Center for Sustainability Science, Hokkaido University

Sustainability Science

Sustainability Science

Nori Tanaka Geochemistry Nobuyuki Tsuji

Mathematical Biology, Sustainable Energy

Tony Chittenden Ecology, Sustainable Energy, Food Issues

Midori Yajima Agricultural Education

Gaku Ishimura Natural Resource Economics and Policy

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Sustainability Science I and IIIntroduction class for Sustainability Science Instructors: Tanaka, Tsuji, Chittenden, Yajima, Ishimura

Birds-eye view lectures on Sustainability ScienceSustainability Science 1: with a focus on natural science Sustainability Science 2: with a focus on humanity and social sciences.

Global classroom with six universities;Hokkaido Univ. (Sapporo, Hakodate)Univ. of Palangka Raya, University of Gadjah Mada (Indonesia)2iE (Burkina Faso)Nat. Cheng Kung Univ. (Taiwan) Zhejiang Univ. (China)

Date: Monday & Thursday 18:30-20:00Venue: CENSUS lecture room (Sapporo) Lecture room 8 (Hakodate)

Start April 8 Monday 18:30

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Sustainability Science IIIInstructor: Tsuji  

8 月 2 日から 6 日まで日本語でのフィールド実習上富良野、下川を回り、エコツーリズム,森林が主題。


Page 14: Guidance for Lectures & Certificate Programs at Center for Sustainability Science, Hokkaido University

Sustainability Science V organized jointly by 5 Japanese universitiesInstructors: Chittenden, Yajima, Ishimura

Hokkaido University is a member of Sustainability Science Consortium (SSC) consisting of 5 universities; Hokudai, Tokyo univ., Ibaraki univ., Kyoto univ., and Osaka univ.

Each university provides two lectures on Sustainability Science to the other universities through the internet video conference system (Polycom).

Intensive course: July 13-15 9:00- 18:00Venue: CENSUS lecture room (Sapporo) Lecture room 8 (Hakodate)

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ECOSUS: Field Training for Making a Sustainable Region10-day field study looking at creating a sustainable society Instructors: Tanaka, Tsuji, Chittenden, Yajima, Ishimura Four options!

ECOSUS Hokkaido Summer: focus on agriculture and energy August 17-27 ECOSUS China in September ECOSUS Taiwan in September ECOSUS Aqua (Hokkaido) November

If you register for StraSS, the costs will be covered.We will update information soon including

the deadline for an application.

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Registration StraSS and HUIGS

(2) Program (HUIGS, StraSS) registration to the center.Submit the application sheet to [email protected], [email protected], respectively.Deadline: April 19th (Friday) (rigid adherence)

(1) Lecture registration at your faculty (履修届け、 risyu-todoke).

You should register your lectures with your Academic Affairs Section ( 教務係、 kyomu-kakari).

the application sheet p.23 of Course Guide book or download from

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For StraSS

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