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  • 7/27/2019 Guest Post_ What Causes Hyperinflations and Why We Have Not Seen One Yet _ Zero Hedge

  • 7/27/2019 Guest Post_ What Causes Hyperinflations and Why We Have Not Seen One Yet _ Zero Hedge


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    Why would a central bank need to pay interest on itsliabilities?

    This is a key point to understand inflation. According to mainstream

    economists, inflation is a process that pops once the potential output

    gap of a currency zone is eliminated. Inflation is the consequence of

    reaching full employment of resources, they say, and place the

    situation within the context of hydraulics. In the figure below, I

    illustrate this context, showing two glasses: One is not full, and

    therefore, there should not be inflationary pressures.

    Please, do not laugh at the figure. It also contains a citation from a

    speech given by Feds Governor Jeremy C. Stein a few months ago,

    that uses this same metaphor to illustrate how the Fed thinks about

    their policies. If it wasnt so sad, it would be comic. And it is sad

    because there is absolutely no historical evidence of a nation

    sustainably living under inflation that would have reached full

    employment. In fact, it is quite the opposite: Inflation breeds

    unemployment, which breeds shortages and further inflation. This is

    why this whole situation is so sad. Millions of lives have been and will

    continue to be ruined because of this error.

    The truth is however that inflation and financial repression are

    inseparable. They are different faces of the same coin, and as

    inflation develops, financial repression morphs into plain

    confiscation. As at December 2012, we have only had increasing

    financial repression, mostly in the form of price manipulation. Some of

    this manipulation is open, as with interest rates, and some of it is

    covered, as with gold, the consumer price index or the unemploymentrate. But as the US fiscal deficits grows, the manipulation will be

    increasingly open and the fear of confiscation will be very tangible.

    Yes, the manipulation will be so open that even the GATA (Gold

    Anti-Trust Action Committee) will completely lose its raison

    dtre. It will be worthless to expose what will be public.

    With regards to the fear of confiscation, there is a good example in the

    drop in deposits from the banks in the periphery of the Euro zone. Any

    rational investor could see that his bank was being coerced into

    purchasing the worthless debt of its sovereign and that the likelihood

    of being caught in a bank run was exponentially rising. Policy makers in

    the Euro zone chose not to confiscate. It was too early to do so, in

    the presence of other alternatives. But deposits dropped nevertheless,

    and to restore them, the European Central Bank will have to pay higher

    interest rates on its sterilized purchases, when it finally engages in

    Open Monetary Transactions (i.e. purchase of sovereign debt with

    maturity under three years). I explained this in September: Since thebackstop of the ECB removes jump-to-default risk from the front end

    (i.e. 1 to 3 years, in sovereign debt), selling the sovereign debt to the

    central bank for cash will be a losing proposition for banks. The Euro

    zone banks will demand that the purchases be sterilized, to receive

    central bank debt in exchange and at an acceptable interest rate. This

    rate will have to be higher than it currently is. This is why, in my

    opinion, we are seeing a st ronger Euro and weaker Treasuries.
  • 7/27/2019 Guest Post_ What Causes Hyperinflations and Why We Have Not Seen One Yet _ Zero Hedge


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    Why would a government want to maintain a certain levelof deposits?

    Governments need bank deposits to fund the bonds they force their

    banks to buy. The regulations, the pressure on the bankers, the open

    threats are all part of the same means to coerce bankers to fund their

    debts with your savings. Is this what was behind the failed moves in

    2012 to destroy the US money market funds?

    Essentially, hyperinflation is the ultimate and most expensive

    bailout of a broken banking system, which every holder of the

    currency is forced to pay for in a losing proposition, for it

    inevitably ends in its final destruction. Hyperinflation is the vomit of

    economic systems: Just like any other vomit, its a very good thing,

    because we can all finally feel better. We have puked the rotten stuff

    out of the system.

    Why would depositors not want to renew deposits?

    Whenever the weight of deficits passes a certain milestone, people

    begin to flee en masse from the system. They not only take their

    savings from the system, but they generate income outside it too. This

    has happened since times immemorial. Below is a picture of buried

    coins, found in Hertfordshire. They are presumed to have been hoarded

    in 4th century during the final years of Roman rule.

    Then and now, the tax pressure ended breaking capital markets and

    trade. In the early stages, everyone seeks to stop investing and

    collect by any means whatever capital that can be recovered. Nobodyshould be surprised if, with these low interest rates, the wave of share

    buybacks and dividend payments increases. The shrinkage of the

    system exacerbates the fall in tax revenue and the intervention of

    central banks, leading to the self fulfilling outcome of quasi-fiscal

    deficits. Production falls and the shortage of goods, together with the

    increase in the circulation of money, triggers high inflation. Price

    controls follow.

    If this is correct, Jim Rogers is wrong and you should not buy

    farmland. Farming will not be profitable. The increase in food

    prices would not be a signal to encourage farming, but the

    reflection of the fact that farming is not profitable because it is

    easy to tax. Hence, the food shortages. The same applies to real

    estate in general, as the rule of the mob spreads and the rights

    of debtors and tenants are favoured over those of creditors and

    landlords. Hyperinflation therefore is not just a run from a

    currency, but from the economic system entirely. Thousands of

    years of Diaspora are screaming to us in the face that theadvantage of gold as an easy-to-transport and store asset is not

    to be underestimated.

    Why have we not seen a quasi-fiscal deficit yet and howclose are we too see one?

    I think that at this point one can easily see how high nominal interest

    rates (to attract deposits) and hyperinflation go together. The loss of

    confidence in the system pushes nominal rates higher, which causes

    even more pain to produce, unleashing shortages of goods and higher

    prices. Von Mises, for instance, remembered that in the case of the

    German hyperinflation, With a (my note: nominal) 900 per cent

    interest rate in September 1923 the Reichsbank was practically giving

    money away (Chapter 7, in Money, Method, and the Market


    Frankly, I do not have a definitive answer to the question of why we

    have not seen a quasi-fiscal deficit yet. But I can intuit that we are

    still far from seeing one. There are many factors at play. The existence

    of coercive pension plans (i.e. monies coercively taken from salaries to

    fund collective distributions) could be playing an important role. These

    funds are other peoples monies to their managers and they will not

    risk their careers to protect them from governments that force them to

    assign a zero risk weight to US Treasury holdings. It is conceivable

    that as funds are burdened with losses, the contributors wake up to,%20Method,%20and%20the%20Market%20Process.pdf
  • 7/27/2019 Guest Post_ What Causes Hyperinflations and Why We Have Not Seen One Yet _ Zero Hedge


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    Wed, 12/19/2012 -

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    Wed, 12/19/2012 -

    them and decide that at a certain point, one is better off working

    outside the system than in it, to avoid this hidden tax. Just like

    Romans left the city, millions of workers in the developed world may

    decide to become self-employed and leave the system. This is a

    typical characteristic of under-developed economies.

    So far, the Federal Reserve does not even need to sterilize what it

    prints. The European Central Bank did have to sterilize but the market

    does not demand an interest rate on its liabilities, higher than that of

    the sovereign debt it purchases. Not yetPerhaps because the market

    somehow still believes that institutional structure of the European

    Monetary Union is fixable. Further downgrades in the risk rating of core

    Europe, the concurrent rise in the yields ofGermanys sovereign debt

    and corporate defaults in USD denominated bonds will eventually wipe

    this belief. For now, the European Central Bank has been successful in

    not even having to pay interest on deposits.

    If I have to think of a main and most likely trigger of quasi-fiscal

    deficits, I have to name the future bailout of the next wave in

    corporate defaults, particularly from the Euro zone.

    25175 reads Printer-friendly version Send to friend

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    Banking system = fractal

    destruct ion cycle


    Long before we reach

    hyperinflation, your savings have been wiped out.


    Forgot sumpn.

    ... unless you save in gold & silver.

    THX 1178

    What about debts?


    I'm guessing that our "dear

    leaders" are thinking that we can muddle our way through

    for 20 more years like Japan.

    The thing I'm concerned about is that everything moves a whole lot

    faster than yester-year. Facebook, Groupon, Pinterest - the

    Internet can accelerate at breakneck speed, so the 15 minutes

    after "The View" does a story on "should you spend all of your

    money asap?" hyperinflation kicks off and then ends within 6

    months. (With lots of death and destruction).

  • 7/27/2019 Guest Post_ What Causes Hyperinflations and Why We Have Not Seen One Yet _ Zero Hedge


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    21:01 |

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    It seems the current

    bubble is in guns and

    ammunition. Of all the bubbles to worry about, perhaps

    this is the one.


    Or it might be a

    bubble multi decade bubble in liberalism and

    ignorance. In which the ones that need to worry are

    the liberals - they just be about ready to pop in a bad way.


    Interest rates will never

    have to go up in the USA, as long as the dollar is WRC the

    Fed can monetize as much as it wants.

    Al Huxley

    Yep, lucky no other

    country out there is angling to take over the role of

    WRC provider. Infinite prosperity for everybody. I'm

    just looking forward to the day when all taxes are abolished and

    everything is just outright monetized without consequence.


    ... this assumes that

    the Fed is the marginal price setter for pricing what is

    considered "risk-free" Treasury assets across the

    curve. Today, that is certainly the case.

    Tomorrow? Who knows?


    We'll be fine along as the

    House of Saud stays in power and there is more net exports

    of oil on the market than there are net US imports...

    Upper limit 20 years.... tops...

    Edit: For perspective, check this out...


    Body of Lies

    You are right about Saudi

    Arabia ... and if you are looking for trigger event it will be

    th fall of Saud.

    1) Saud falls

    2) Crisis prevails worldwide in oil pricing (If Obama is in office

    we're screwed, if a Bushie is there we have a chance by taking

    over Saudi Arabia)

    3) Islamists come to power rapidly IN SA

    4) They refuse US dollars for oil payment (demand gold only)

    since they are ideology driven, the money is not so important.

    5) Energy rationing in US, colossal depression results

    6) Dollar collapses as everyone t ries to 'redeem' them for

    tangible assets

    7) Reset ... whatever that means


    I asked my mother what
  • 7/27/2019 Guest Post_ What Causes Hyperinflations and Why We Have Not Seen One Yet _ Zero Hedge


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    causes hyper-inflation.

    She says its velocity.

    Picture this.

    Bernanke's man-tits are squirting milk to the hungry (his banker


    But there is so much hunger in banking land that his milk isn't

    distributed t o the regular folk.

    Hence, no big spikes in inflation. Why? No velocity.

    But what does she know?

    becky quick and...

    jim rogers (and me)

    advocate buying farmland so that you will not starve to

    death while the 'smart people' with underground food

    bunkers try to figure out how to 'save us.'

    buying farmland is investing in 'staying alive, live, live, live,



    Just make sure that you

    have water....

    Which eliminates a lot of places...

    Bohm Squad

    ...and water rights.


    Farm land is a great

    place to keep your gold, guns, etc . I've never quite

    understood what any of the prepping supplies are worth unless

    you are part of several counties of folk who think and act like


    Getting more interested in specialty crops. I hate tobacco, but

    I've noticed those who are so inclined will pay almost anything

    to get it. Gray market, Bitches?


    Prepping "supplies" are a method to get going. Gardening is

    a steep learning curve, as is animal husbandry, meat

    preservation, etc . Water is essential of course.

    One will need tools, and the skills to use them. I would like

    to be warm when the lights go out, and I will be. Preserving

    vegetables, while not hard, takes supplies and know how.

    Moral: Get some seeds and learn how to grow them. It will

    be at least two years before you have a meaningful

    harvest. Prepare now or starve. Learn to hunt, clean and

    preserve animals. Learn to raise them. Learn to find water.

    There is much to learn, do it now, or die.


    Everybody laughs

    at the hillbillies

    but they will go

    under last, if at all.
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    Sure, that was

    never in


    The question is do you want to live like that now....

    ultimate warrior

    The way I look atfarmland is (1) you don't need or want a lot of it

    (confiscation/theft could result if you have to much land) (2)

    Store what you can but sell extra produce at inflated price to

    pay off debt at fixed interest rates i.e. mortgage. (This was

    done in Weimar Republic). Farmland could possibly be a



    you miss the point: it is

    about t axes on farm product ion and just as importantly

    and unmentioned in above article, the gov jacking up RE

    taxes, which will occur 100% and thus extract from you wealth,whether saved in fiat or buried on said RE in form of PMs.


    Also, land can not be

    moved or hidden. Time and again, governments have

    taken land from their owners and given it to its

    preferred constituencies.


    hence the

    leverage of

    renters and non-

    land owners as per above article.

    ultimate warrior

    The government can

    only jack up taxes so far especially in a hyper-

    inflationary environment. Eventually the public will say get

    fucked while stroking their AR15. The black market will

    be flourishing and the government will be limited in their


    Body of Lies

    There will no black

    market ... with

    everyone armed and

    the level of morality in the American psyche we become

    a Mad Max world with the strongest strong man in the

    area trumping all others. Take a look at criminality in the

    US ... Gangs can and will rule in the black market just as

    they rule the black market in drugs. One season of

    produce will mean a dead farmer. We become Somalia.

    You worry about Gov taking your produce ... at least

    they leave you alive

    Rusty Diggins

    The point that is missed

    in the "buy farmland" meme is that you do not need very

    much for you and yours.... 10 ac res will do quite well for
  • 7/27/2019 Guest Post_ What Causes Hyperinflations and Why We Have Not Seen One Yet _ Zero Hedge


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    a dozen paople.

    Body of Lies

    I had a plum tree ...

    watched it every day until one day all the plums were

    gone ... warefare over farmland will result if it gets

    that bad


    Why is this story so full of



    What an insightful


    I am a Man I am...

    It also helps if you are asmaller country that no one likes or that a bunch of other

    countries are aligned against. Europe against Argentina,

    world against Weimar Germany, Zimbabwe because it is easy.


    Good observation


    Well I don't know about notseeing hyper inflation. OK maybe not hyper in the technical

    sense but when you compare the real cost of fuel, food,

    college tuition, healthcare, prescription meds, insurance, housing

    we are seeing plenty. It would perhaps be useful to measure

    inflation by the same definition as they did in say 1950 and

    compare. These govt stats are so watered down and manipulated

    now who knows what to believe. The planners have a number they

    want to publish and then work their way back to make the math

    work. Also measure the amount of food, any packaged food today

    vs what you were paying for 5 years ago and tell me there is no

    inflation. Same bag, a little bit more in price and a lot less in

    product . Smells like inflation to me.


    Food is easy to tax ?

    Go and try to tax that carrot out there in my garden that i

    will eat tonight.

    Body of Lies

    Food on tax, and I'll get

    the carrot f rom your garden LAST Night


    It's really just not likely we'llsee hyperinflation in the USA until a meaningful alternative

    medium for exchange exists.

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    What has any alternative

    currency got to do with

    chronic governmental overspending, rising debt and its

    concurrent monetization? Your argument, heard so often, is in

    fact so lame and intellectually insulting it is laughable.

    Just for one example, the Romans' lack of any "alternative

    medium of exchange" did not prevent the utter debasement

    (hyperinflation under the specie system) of the denarius in the

    third century AD from happening nevertheless, leading to the

    effective (and permanent) death of the money-oriented

    economy in the (Western) Roman Empire.


    What has any

    alternative currency got to do with chronic

    governmental overspending, rising debt and its

    concurrent monetization?

    Nothing at all, but those things are not hyperinflation.

    Hyperinflation is loss of faith in the currency to the extent

    that it can no longer be used as medium of exchange.

    In the USA, in order for the "dollar" to go out of use,

    something else will have to be available. Too much of our

    entire SOCIETY is dependent on exchanging colored paper

    for it to *end*--it has to be subsumed by something else.

    Once we have other options, like easily located barter-

    exchanges, or alternative means of transacting business, it'll

    be easy to dump the dollar.


    There is a run on the Banks

    today it is called default. $178 Billion in defaults today on

    mortgages. That is a hefty run on the bank.


    Hyperinflation in $ terms is a

    run on the bank that issues the $.


    fed can't eat that balance

    sheet any more than bonds will move at any rate when

    the jig is up. sh-- will hit the fan and blood will flow.

    Bicycle Repairman

    Money shot:

    "...the tax pressure ended breaking capital markets and

    trade. [...] If this is correct, Jim Rogers is wrong and you shouldnot buy farmland. Farming will not be profitable. The increase in

    food prices would not be a signal to encourage farming, but the

    reflection of the fact that farming is not profitable because it is

    easy to tax. Hence, the food shortages. The same applies to real

    estate in general, as the rule of the mob spreads and the rights of

    debtors and tenants are favoured over those of creditors and

    landlords. Hyperinflation therefore is not just a run from a currency,

    but from the economic system entirely."

    Head for the hills. Your guns get used only if they c orner you.


    The way to crush the

    bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstone oftaxation and inflation.

    Thats Vladimir I.Lenin. And whats more thats the two-party tag

    team of Washington, DC, Obama and the GOP arm-in-arm with Ben

    Bernanke -- stealing, cheating, compromising and enjoying their


    The American Thinker writes: We have seen this before. Lenin
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    triggered inflation to eliminate the Tsarist monetary system,

    which he planned to replace with centrally-managed

    rationing. He increased the money supply twenty-five fold."

    Obama cares no more about Americas children or her elderly than

    did Clintons Jewish Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, who

    said the price of 500,000 dead Iraqi children for U.S. sanctions

    on Iraq was worth it.

    Case in point: The New York Times is reporting Obama will cut

    social security, but spare the Pentagon, by drastically reducing the

    spending power of Americas elderly using CPI gimmickry. It comes

    as no surprise, in that Obama made a promise to international

    banker Bob Rubin in 2006 that he would do just that.

    And while the cost of seniors non-discretionary spending soars,

    Security benefit payments will rise by only 1.7 percent in 2013.

    Obamas spending cut proposal cuts $122 billion by "adopting

    a new measure of inflation that slows the growth of

    government benefits, especially Social Security," even

    though, as Don Smith writes on OpED News, Social Sec urity hasn't

    contributed a penny to the deficit.

    In fact, according to Paul Craig Roberts in a recent article: For

    the past quarter of a century the Social Security portion of the

    payroll tax has built up a surplus of over $2 trillion.

    Obamas stealth redistribution strategy is merely robbing the old

    to finance SSD and Medicaid for his constituents, including the

    bankers. A fellow I know (Ive ac tually had to help him out), has

    been addicted to drugs for years, has no job and every month the

    government puts a sizable cash deposit into his checking account.

    And then he was angry because I dont care for the poor. Why? I

    didnt vote for Obama.


    Social Security was

    already looted long ago. Nothing in the lockbox except

    IOU's to ourselves.


    Exactly. The

    Congress has been busy looting Social Security andother untouchable monies to use as general

    revenue for their favorite vote-getting programs. Then they

    simply add what they steal to the Federal debt figure but

    not to the yearly deficit and leave a worthless IOW in the


    As to why the sum of the yearly deficit and the

    accumulated federal debt doesnt add up to a new total for

    federal debt, the answer they give is that these disparities

    dont show up because we owe it to ourselves.

    In Human Action, Austrian economist, Ludwig von Mises,

    wrote regarding this economic accounting abyss and "owing

    it to ourselves":

    The most popular of these doctrines is crystallized in the

    phrase: A public debt is no burden because we owe it to

    ourselves. If this were true, then the wholesale obliterationof the public debt would be an innocuous operation, a mere

    act of bookkeeping and acc ountancy. The fact is that the

    public debt embodies claims of people who have in the

    past entrusted funds to the government against all

    those who are daily producing new wealth. It burdens

    the producing strata for the benefit of another part of

    the people.

    Congress is responsible for this grave injustice to the

    American people. And now you know why the bankers such

    as Rubin want to do away with SS: it ain't there.

    Bicycle Repairman

    The SS fund

    hasn't been

    looted. That's

    bullshit. Cut the defense budget and all the money is


    Run the numbers. Take defense spending and pay SS.

    The IOUs are still there. Do you know what IOU

    means? The empire was fun for some folks. Show's
  • 7/27/2019 Guest Post_ What Causes Hyperinflations and Why We Have Not Seen One Yet _ Zero Hedge


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    over now.

    Body of Lies

    It works the same in my

    house ... I sock away money in the Boodle Bag and

    match it with an equal increase balance on my credit

    card and say 'I'm saving', but in reality, I'm going farther

    behind for each dollar I 'save' because I get no interest on

    it, but have to pay interest on the money I borrow.

    Unfortunately for us the Gov keeps a huge increasing credit

    card balance and robs the Boodle Bag at the same time


    I'm not a huge rogers fan,

    but he's right, barring a population adjustment.


    Hyperinflation happens when

    Investors, consumers and business lose faith in it. Currently

    our trading partners still accept US Dollars for transactions,

    and have been holding on to surplus dollars caused by tradeimbalances. Some trading partners have smartened up, like China,

    by converting their US Dollars into tangible assets (PMs, Land,

    rights to natural resouces). The dollar will tank when other join into

    China's diversification program, as there will be excessive number of

    countries willing to chase a small pool of tangible assests, and

    those with tangible assets are less than egar to trade assets for


    Consumer Credit, and Domestic Consumption are meanless for

    causing hyper-inflation. Consider hyper-inflation in Argentina, and

    the Former Soviet Union. During the period when currencies

    collapse, domestic unemployment, consumption and credit was

    deflationary. This is because the citizens had no money to spend

    and no access to credit. Domestically, they were in a state of

    deflation, but globally their currencies were distrusted. The lost of

    external confidence crushed the Ruble and the Argentina dollar.

    When Hyperinflation does arrive, It will be very devistat ing forAmericans, since few are Americans are self- reliant, and America is

    very very depend on imports (energy, raw and manufacturered

    goods). I sudden collapse of imports would bring the American

    economy to a complete standstill.


    Fail sorry. Back to the

    chalkboard you go.

    Why post half baked articles like this?


    Another fucking ilene

    sailer boy special. Sad days.


    was it: "Frankly, I do not

    have a definitive answer to the question of why we

    have not seen a quasi-fiscal deficit yet."that c linched

    it for you?


    Seriously, I t hink the

    article was written by a kid taking over from a ZH

    editor that is now gone on holidays. He must have

    discovered a new word and just had to add it to his

    vocabulary and let it flap in the wind. I hope ZH in the

    future will send homework back from whence it came, after
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    Wed, 12/19/2012 -

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    - 00:42 |

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    00:07 |

    Wed, 12/19/2012 -

    22:52 |

    allowing the dog to chew on it, with a note attached saying

    'we'll all pretend that this didn't happen, now lose it in the

    bird cage'.


    The fiscal cliff discussions

    are just the beginning of the problems. Remember, we've

    been kicking the proverbial can down the road for several

    years now. We haven't experienced ANY of the hardships of fiscal

    restraint. The sledding will be gett ing tougher. Fed is applying

    more pressure to politicians to cut deficits. Fed is running low on

    bullets. As more an more people fall out of soc iety, due to lack of

    jobs, income, ability to survive - there will be repercussions. The

    government will need to confiscate more from those that are still in

    society to make up for the ever increasing deficits - as well as

    those that have fallen off the map. The gig is up. It's coming

    soon. I can't wait to hear those teachers and firefighters

    complaining about their cuts in income and pension benefits - It will

    be loud and will scare the markets. It will be like nothing the

    current equity generation has ever experienced. There will be fear.

    Fear will cause volat ility and this will create more fear. Prices will

    drop. Rates will spike and we'll be in the same situat ion as Greece,

    Ireland, Portugal etc. We'll be begging from the IMF and the new

    socialist world government leaders. We're really just a sad excuse

    for another third world country.


    You will know we are on the

    verge of hyper-inflation when Benny at the Fed starts

    laughing uncontrollably in front of CON-gress questioning

    him -- what gives benny boy??

    Louie the Dog

    I got a headache just

    reading this article. I don't understand any of this shit.

    Someone just give me a heads-up before it happens.


    Well... for starters, it's

    a poorly written article.

    Body of Lies

    You are right ... when

    the average reader cannot understand the point, the

    article is not well written. I read it carefully and can't

    see that he made his case at all.


    It's also complete


    Quasi-fiscal deficit? I don't think so.


    I have no clue what the guy

    meant on buying farmland, but the guy that said farming

    would not be profitable had a point. What might be more to

    the point though is what is known as subsistence farming where

    you just produce enough food to feed your family until the financialdebacle runs its inevitable course. Our economy is based on a very

    complex distribution system and i do not mean wealth redistribution.

    Hyperinflation results in plenty of cash but goods are hard to get.

    People can get by with the same clothes for a long time but people

    must eat every day. The govt. has a problem with forcing the

    farmer to deliver his goods to the market. Espec ially if t he farmer

    has guns and ammo.
  • 7/27/2019 Guest Post_ What Causes Hyperinflations and Why We Have Not Seen One Yet _ Zero Hedge


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    Wed, 12/19/2012 -

    23:13 |

    Wed, 12/19/2012 -

    23:13 |

    Wed, 12/19/2012 -

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    Wed, 12/19/2012 -

    23:40 |

    Thu, 12/20/2012- 10:00 |


    My wife went through

    hyperinflation, this is what she told me how it had began

    from regular cit izen point of view (T minus about 8-6


    1. Everyday local media broadcasted "everything is good with the

    economy", people do not have to worry

    2. Unempoyment was rising

    3. Interest rates started rising in geometric progression

    4. Banks advertising high interested rates trying to attract money

    5. Smart few started to withdraw cash from bank accounts

    6. Interest rates upto almost 100%

    7. Run on banks

    8. Prices rise in geometric progression

    9. Absense to goods to purchase

    10. Hyperinflation

    11. Crash and Default

    H E D G E H O G

    you can try to t ax me into

    oblivion, but to try and take my land and the air space

    above it, that'll be where the shit hits the proverbial fan. as a

    most famous person of late voiced, "bring it on!" assholes........


    Very interesting that the

    Author c laims he knows what hyperinflation is but he misses

    the biggest reason why it has not arrived yet. He frankly

    admits that he doesn't understand..

    In fact it is very simple, there is leverage in the system AKA

    shadow banking, which is an inflation buffer and its slowly dying...

    that's the reason why system is deflating.. in US there is 10 times

    more credit than real cash savings, hence the leverage is 10. In

    Europe they say its 30 times.. some say in France its 100 times..

    Nobody knows exactly the real leverage is in each country but the

    effects are same in each country, when the banks cannot lend

    money/credit , deflation starts and credit dies, it shrinks ,

    companies c annot make profit, start to lose money, lay off more

    people, less people buy goods, more companies lose money etc.

    this is the killing loop... Gradually Central banks print cash and add

    to the system buy it slowly adds inflation and at some point

    inflation will be visible and its not near yet.. buy all of us will see

    how inflation will rise and exponentially increase and within couple

    years will turn into hyperinflation, it can happen in any country and

    it has nothing to do with reserve currency..


    Not true. The author

    makes the point on leveraging at the source: deposits,

    or money in the system. Leverage is money in the

    system. He also mentions the dumb money of pension funds.

    Another way to look at this is that even WITHOUT leverage,

    you can still avoid hyperinflation if the central bank gets away

    with not having net interest losses. It is a simple accounting


    sessinpoAuthor: "Frankly, I do

    not have a definitive answer to the question of why

    we have not seen a quasi-fiscal deficit yet . But I

    can intuit that we are still far from seeing one"

    I think this is the statement cbaba is referring to. I actually

    agree with both of you. But I also tend to keep things more
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    10:03 |

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    - 02:56 |

    Thu, 12/20/2012 - 01:26



    I suggest we do not see such type of inflationary pressures

    because, despite of the printing or monetary easing, we do

    not see that money flowing freely through the system.

    There is such an overhang of debt, that basically that

    money dissappears. Of course there are various details that

    change that simplistic statement, that equation. But that is

    the most basic form I can state it. It doesn't change the

    overall picture that this fiat system will likely fail.


    Hyperinflation is a political

    phenomenon. It happens when a government decides to

    utterly trash its currency and monetary system. I don't

    mean a currency devaluation or bank reform. I mean utterly TRASH.

    The larger public eventually gets the idea and flees the currency.

    That's not happening in the US and is unlikely. What is likely is a

    1970s or late 40s style inflation, sustained over 5-10 years, to

    erase part of the debt. This is already happening in the UK --

    although it's not hyperinflation -- as the BoE has abandoned trying

    to claim with a straight face that the inflation is "temporary." No

    one believes it any more, and everyone there knows what's



    Gross misunderstanding of


    Stuck on Zero

    The reason we don't have

    hyperinflation is that spending meoney hasn't reached the

    average man. All the money printing by the Fed has gone

    to the top 5% and they reinvest it with the Treasury, Fed, or stock

    market. If but a tiny fract ion of that money gets to main street we

    will have explosive inflation.


    Stuck on Zero IQ -- of

    course it's gett ing out. What do you call trillion dollar

    deficits every year. Dot gov spends that.

    Alpha Monkey

    And where do they

    spend that? The nominally paid gov't employees, or

    the overpaid corporates.

    steve from virginia

    More nonsense to gin up hyperinflation fears when there is too

    much debt remaining to delever.

    Angels dance on the head of a pin. How many? Who knows but the

    central banks do not print, they lend, they do not create currency

    they create debt, they replace one form of debt with another, from

    one account @ the central bank to another account @ the same

    bank ... they cannot create anything real only claims against real


    There are already too many claims ... way, way too many claims.

    Real things are gone, burned up for nothing.

    BTW: there are as many reasons for hyperinflation as there have
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    Thu, 12/20/2012 - 04:23


    Thu, 12/20/2012 -

    04:26 |

    Thu, 12/20/2012

    - 05:40 |

    Thu, 12/20/2012 -

    05:27 |

    Thu, 12/20/2012 -

    been episodes of hyperinflation, including in countries with no

    central banks. Asset price 'bubbles' are ipso-facto hyperinflationary

    with central banks on the sidelines doing nothing. In a debt-money

    system all banks and finance non-banks can create credit on

    demand. Finance institutions do not need reserves to re-lend and

    do not re-lend anything.

    The only way (excess) reserves in central bank accounts can be

    deployed is during bank runs (when banks themselves are subjected

    to involuntary deleveraging). Sorry, FAIL.



    Another jaw breaking

    'american' theory.

    Could be elected as the poster child for 'american' justification for


    there is no other justification to be found to consumption than the

    capacity to consume.

    Probably a highly educated 'american' (consumption) who puts that

    previous consumption to good usage from an 'american'

    perspective: that is it allows him to achieve even more


    Same drivel posted by a non 'american', non graduated, non

    corporated employed person would be mocked for what it is and the

    waste associated to it would be immediately shut down.

    'America' is a big club and if you aint part of it, you wont get the

    priviledges of it .


    And as the 'american' he

    is, that 'american' author thinks that he deserves every

    single c ent he makes.

    Dont try to cut him down on his lethal non sense, he will call in

    his unalienable rights coming from the 'american' natural rights


    Wonderful an 'american' world is. No digging.


    And as the Chinese

    citizenism citizen he is, that AnAnonymous author

    thinks that he deserves success as shown through

    examples like an hypothetical against reality based on

    supposed distorted view of an hand out given to Chinese

    citizenism citizens by grateful Tibetans.

    Don't try to sit him down on flush toiletry for his fecal non

    sense, he will call in his unalienable rights coming from the

    Chinese citizenism citizen natural roadside squats theory.

    Wonderful a Chinese c itizenism citizen roadside is. No latrine



    Same drivel, posted by

    AnAnonymous, non graduated, Chinese Citizenism

    Communautist Ministry of Truth employed propagandist,

    mocked for what it is and the waste associated to it is

    immediately laughed down.

    It is an observation based on collection of facts.

    Are Chinese citizenism citizens in love with battling wind mills?

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    06:30 |

    Thu, 12/20/2012 - 04:39


    Thu, 12/20/2012 - 06:10


    Thu, 12/20/2012 - 06:39


    Lid has been blown off.

    Have you ever stayed at a

    Holiday Inn Express?


    Two points regarding


    1) you can farm it, and eat what you grow, thereby

    surviving a general economic disaster such as what the Fed seems

    hellbent on creating;

    2) when a new system replaces the destroyed one, the land willretain its value.

    True, governments can tax and confiscate, but at some level this

    becomes unworkable -- either because the government is pressured

    to stop confiscations (see the "foreclosure crisis"), or because

    individuals (e.g., Carl Drega) or the c itizenry as a whole will revolt.


    "Jim Rogers is wrong and you

    should not buy farmland" - it def initely makes sense to have

    enough of farm land to feed your self and have something

    left over but becoming a food supplier is mighty risky as the

    government will disown you the moment the hungry masses start

    stampeding through town, just look at White farmers in Africa oreven the recent Presidential Order(in the US) that gives him the

    power to confiscate ANY property in the event of a natural disaster



    as someone living in hyperinflation - or ok, very high inflation, not

    hyperinflation, but still double digit inflation with the 1st digit over 4

    or 5(Eastern Europe, '90s), contrary to most that post here, I beg

    to differ.

    The mechanics of hyperinflation, despite the fact that many

    attempt to reinvent the wheel, are always lost of trust in the

    currency. YES, IT HAPPENS. The govt . can print till kingdom come,

    their act ion is irrelevant. Population will just move to a different

    currency and let them be. In my case(Romania), the economy was

    USD based, than EUR based. After 20 years, and still many ppl.

    don't hold reserves in the local currency.

    You just use a different storage mechanism and convert in the local

    currency for current needs, being immune(bar exchange costs -

    which is usually high in this case) to the inflation promoted by the

    govt. And still, a big part of the economy functions like crap in such

    a system. Anyone selling something to the state(which in US case

    is even bigger chunk than in my case - over 30-40% of the econ.?)

    is penalized since it'll be paid back in the local currency, leaving him

    exposed till he gets paid. That obviously leads to huge mispricing

    since everyone tries to guess how much they'll lose till they get

    paid, especially since, when econ. starts malfunctioning, the govt.

    will pay you back when they want, not when they tell you.

    Obviously that guessing produces prices having nothing to do with

    reality and reinforcing the cycle, since everyone will expect

    inflation to go up and putting additional margins to try and protect

    themselves from such an outcome. Which obviously makes inflation

    go up.

    After 15 years of okish inflation, most contracts are still something

    like "pay x EUR at the rate established by the central bank for the

    day of payment". Ridiculous in a way, given how much the rest of

    the world inflates, but hey... what's far from you always looks

    better. Should the govt. try and manipulate the official exchange

    rate will just move more of the economy outside the system.

    the reason there's no hyperinflation is because everyone inflates.

    So there's no refuge currency. USD + EUR more or less = the entire

    world currency. Everyone else has more or less to come to the fold

    sooner or later(see Switzerland for instance) and join the printing

    press. But when that 'll happen(probably when mercant ilists get

    tired of holding the bag), you'll have huge inflation in all importing
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    Thu, 12/20/2012 - 07:34


    Thu, 12/20/2012 - 08:29


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    Thu, 12/20/2012 - 10:02|

    Thu, 12/20/2012 - 16:46


    nations. Sure, that'll affect fx rates and produce the waited


    The only reason why that might not happen for a long t ime is

    because the elite of the mercantilist countries have it good in such

    a system(China for instance - suppresed rates affect them way

    less than the average population since they get parts of their

    capital out and buy even more stuff), while the slaves doing the

    work have no power.

    But really, it's totally naive to believe that having a printing press

    has anything to do with the ability to pay your debt. Everyoneknows you have that press and you can use it. Heck, even 70

    years old communist educated people figured out the action of our

    govt. in... less than 5 years. I'm sorry, but population isn't as dumb

    as ec onomists hope it is(ok, I hold some reserves regarding the

    average Westerner since you had it good for so long, but trust

    me... need makes you learn things fast ; bloody fast).


    Diversified portfolio:

    Physical gold, silver, copper, platinum, palladium, zinc,

    nickel, farmland, food.

    A fair start.


    Most of the money supply is

    credit. Banks do not loan the money they have, it is

    created with the signature and contract to repay. About

    95% of the money supply comes into existance this way. And once

    created, it is used as a reserve in another bank so it to can create

    new money by loaning. The loan side is descreasing and the print

    side is increasing. Since the loan side of money creates 95% of the

    money supply, it takes A LOT of printing to off set any reductions

    in loaning. This is why there has not been hyperinflation.

    Fix It Again Timmy

    If we haven't arrived at

    hyper-inflation, it's only because the bus is running a little



    So being stuck in this

    artificial market is a good thing?

    midtowngSo he's predicting food

    shortages, but not recommending buying farmland?

    Something tells me he's missing something.


    "There cannot be

    hyperinflation without high nominal interest rates"

    Horse puckey.

    The actual interest rate in Weimar Germany was at 8% as late as

    early 1923. Look it up... or don't.
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    29/04/13 Guest Post: What Causes Hyperinflations And Why We Have Not Seen One Yet | Zero Hedge

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