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Narrative For Music Video

We have come up the concept of our music video as being based around a ballet dancer. We will begin the music video as the main character the little girl and then show how she grows up and progresses in her dancing. The narrative is going to show how the girl uses ballet as a form of escapism from the continuous unhappy marriage of her parents. It also shows how the little girl feels alone and also constantly let down by her parents who always fail top attend her ballet rehearsals. We are going to focus the camera work mainly on her dancing shot in both a dance studio and also on a main stage with a audience, there will also be other locations we will film at such as streets where the girl will make her way to ballet classes and also a shot of her sitting down on the pavement on the side of the road, after her parents have failed to collect her after her dance lesson.

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Goodwin’s Analysis • We will in cooperate Andrew Goodwin’s elements in our music video by following his rules,

codes and conventions. • Our music video will demonstrate the pop genre through the type of music we will be using

and the visuals we will construct. As the music we have selected, ‘Battlefield’ by Jordan Sparks, is upbeat it reflects the genre of pop. Our music video will consist of visuals of ballet dancing and our pop artist singing which will demonstrate pop characteristics.

• There will definitely be strong relationships between the lyrics and music with the visuals. This is as the song goes along with the narrative well of the girl’s parents arguing and love feeling "like a battlefield". Although it may be contrapuntal at parts of the music video due to the calm peaceful visuals of ballet dancing, we think that overall it will work really well and amplify the narrative as well as the pop genre feel due to the song being upbeat.

• The demands of the record label will be fulfilled as there will be lots of close-ups and mid-shots of the artists amplifying the pop genre; taking close-ups is one of the main pop music video conventions.

• There will be a reference to notion of looking by presenting the artist and maybe the ballet dancer in a voyeuristic way.

• Not too sure about intertextual reference.

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Details of Performance Our music video is based around ballet dancing, for these scenes we have taken influence from films such as Black Swan and Pixie Lott's Music Video Broken Arrow. During looking at these we have noted the camera angles used, the positioning of the camera, the lighting and also the colouring of the background. In both they use quite a dull and bland colour ballet.

Therefore when it comes to shooting our music video, we will ensure that we using a similar lighting, so, the dark blue's, blacks and whites, solely focusing on the artist who is dancing, perhaps even shining a spot light on her making her stand out as an angelic, innocent figure, this would fit in with the narrative of our music video as she is presented as the innocent young girl, who has had an unhappy childhood, in which she is trying to escape from, therefore the white tones in the shot, could represent the light at the end of the tunnel, and that there is hope for her towards the end.

In addition to this the dark tones also represent that bad times in her life, so her background story of her being brought up in a unhappy childhood and her dad leaving, when she was younger. This white light at end, could also be a representation of when her dad finally shows up to one of her performances at the end of the music video. The dark tones could also connote the artists dark side, therefore they could be present when the artist reflects back on her childhood in the song, and this also creates a more serious tone to the music video, suggesting that our artist is being 'real' and all the lyrics that are being sung are truthful, in this aspect our music video would relate to Goodwin's analysis as the lyrics "Battlefield" would actually relate to the visuals of her constant battle during her childhood.

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We begun researching into locations into where we could film our music video, one of the places we are considering is the Curzon Cinema, Soho However a problem with this is that we would have to film at the location after it has shut. And also find a audience large enough to make the shot look as if there is a moderate sized audience. We are also considering the Bob Hope theatre.

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