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GPMC NEWS The Greater Pittsburgh Mustang Club Newsletter

Visit our website at:

Next Meeting:

March 4 Meeting at King’s in Harmarville

7:00 p.m. Board Mtg.

7:30 p.m. General Mtg.

Inside this issue:

President’s Message


Minutes of Febru-ary meeting


Membership Sur-vey Results


Officers & Directors; GPMC Merchandise


Sponsors 7

Notices 8

Can Am 3

Important Dates 6

Greetings Pony lovers!

I want to thank all of you who replied to Dwight Hutton’s Activities Survey that came in the mail last month. Dwight received many great ideas that we hope to incorporate into our activity agenda for 2009. And if you think of anything else, I’m sure Dwight will be glad to hear from you.

One suggestion that was returned by several survey responders is that we should move the summer meetings to different parks around the area, instead of always holding them at the Roosevelt Grove in North Park. We’re starting to investigate this option, and hope to be able to start a rotation at different parks around the area. If anyone has a suggestion for a specific picnic grove that you feel would be appropriate for holding a meeting, please let me know by sending an email to mailto:[email protected]

For those of you who are into automobile flea markets, the North Hills Historic Auto Club is holding their annual Indoor Flea Market on March 1st at Krebs

Dodge in Gibsonia, just north of the PA Turnpike on Route 8. For more

details, check out their website at:

club=nhhac and click on “Flea Market”

Niagara Classic Mustang Club has published more details regarding this year’s Can-Am schedule. We’ve enclosed a copy of their flyer for the event, but to

get the latest up-to-the-minute info, you can check out their website at

We had a very enthusiastic meeting in February. Come on out - it’s your club,

and we need you to keep it strong. I look forward to seeing you all on March

4th. Keep those motors runnin’, Ken Barker

March 2009 Volume 24 Issue 3

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March 2009 Page 2 GPMC News

The meeting was called to order by President Ken Barker at King’s Restaurant in Harmarville. There is a sign in sheet being passed around and Tom Horner is selling 50/50 tickets.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: From the January 7, 2009 meeting were read. There were no corrections or additions. Motion to accept by Cheryl Bakaj; seconded by Denny Lane.

TREASURERS REPORT: Jason Uhler gave report stating that everything is paid, deposited and up to date.

MEMBERSHIP: ValJean Rossman is not present to give report.

NEWSLETTER: Jennie Barker gave report. Sent decals to man in Germany and now he would like a t-shirt. Deadline for the March newsletter is February 21. Discussed advertising rates and will include them in the next newsletter. Getting some response from members and their cars. Keep them coming.

MERCHANDISE: Andy Schor has t-shirts and window decals. He can also take custom orders for t-shirts.

WEBSITE: Nathan Hupp is slowly updating the website. If anyone wants to send him any information he will post it.

TRCCC LIASION: Tom Cavataio is not present for report.

MCA: Ed Saitz needs everyone’s MCA number to apply for the President’s Award. For the All Ford Show the registration fee will be $10 and the t-shirts will also be $10. We will ask everyone to bring a non-perishable item for the Food Bank. We will also be making some changes on classes and where the registra-tion table will be. Should have flyer ready by next meeting. Ed is also passing around a volunteer sign-up sheet.

ACTIVITY: Dwight Hutton sent out 63 surveys and got 28 back. Will have the results put in the next newsletter. Also discussed getting a patron parking tent for the Vintage Grand Prix so members can watch the races together.

OLD BUSINESS: Can Am is the last weekend in June. No new info to report. Mustang night will be in May. More info in the March newsletter.

NEW BUSINESS: North Hills Historic Auto Club is having an Indoor Flea Market on Sunday March 1 at Krebs Dodge on Route 8 in Gibsonia. Pennies for Patients are having a Poker Run and Cruise on May 17. Ken and Jennie Barker went to Open House at the Northway Christian Community Church and saw the new plans for the 2009 Starlite car cruises. NCCC would like us to host a Mustang and service night. Discussed when to have the Hospitality Picnic and where. Decided on August 1 but not the location. Will try to have the summer meetings at different parts of the city in county parks.

50/50: Won again by Tom Horner

Next Meeting: Wednesday March 4, 2009 at King’s Restaurant in Harmarville. Board Meeting at 7 pm and General Meeting at 7:30 pm.

MOTION TO ADJOURN: Made by Ed Saitz and seconded by Andy Schor.

Respectfully submitted,

Danielle Lane, Secretary Greater Pittsburgh Mustang Club

Minutes of February 4, 2009 General Meeting

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March 2009 Page 3 GPMC News

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GPMC News March 2009 Page 4

Summary Of The 2009 GPMC Activities Survey Thanks to everyone who responded to the survey. We received responses from 39 members for a 54% return rate. As the results are numerous and basically just a bunch of numbers (boring!!), I will try to summarize the results below. If you like, I can email you the entire summary – just drop me an email at [email protected]. I have looked over the results and have decided that two numbers are the most telling – the average of all responses and the number of responses rated “3” or greater. The top vote getters with more than 20 “very interested” votes are listed below: Item Average 3 or > Annual All-Ford Powered Car Show 4.4 31 Starlite Cruise at Wexford - Mustang Night 4.2 28 Annual Christmas Party 3.9 28 Annual Hospitality Picnic 3.8 29 Other Local Car Cruises 3.7 26 Fall Foliage Cruise 3.7 27 Starlite Cruise at Wexford - Other Nights 3.7 22 Monthly Club Meetings 3.5 27 Monthly Cruise in Pittsburgh Area 3.4 24 Car Cruise & Sunday Brunch 3.4 23 Winery Tour/Cruise 3.2 25 Monthly Cruise/Dinner in Pittsburgh Area 3.1 24 A Night at the Drive-In Theatre 3.1 23 Visits to Speed Shops/Manufacturers 3.0 21 Additional Picnics or Parties 2.8 28 Other popular events that scored slightly lower were the Vintage Grand Prix, monthly dinners, a Gateway Clipper trip, local races and a Steelers party. The lowest rated events were go-cart racing, skiing and a Pirates game (big surprise, eh??). There were also several write-in suggestions such as bowling, a club-sponsored monthly cruise, mini golf, guest speakers at meetings, Valentines Day party, a cruise to the Flight 93 memorial and several others. We will publish a complete list in a later newsletter. You will note that most of the top vote getters were already established events. I’m sure these will continue. But our hope is to add more and varied events that appeal to a broader cross-section of the membership. At our March meeting, we will discuss these activities further and try to come up with a “short list” of possibilities for this year. Please attend - your input is important to the club! We will do our best to select activities that the members want, but the success is all dependant upon member participation. Some events may fail, others may go over very well. We will try to add a few new ones each year and see how it goes. I am looking forward to leading the charge for new activities but I need your help. I will be looking for members to step up and help coordinate some of the activities. I’m sure you can count on the support and help of the Directors and other members if you volunteer. So don’t be bashful. Give us a hand!!! Also of note, many of the comments on the surveys concerned the monthly meeting location. We have already brought this subject to the Directors attention and it will be discussed. Hopefully some changes will be made to accommodate more members. The second half of the survey covering member’s preferences on travel, etc. will be included in next month’s news letter. And it is my hope that we will have a tentative schedule for events in the May newsletter. Finally, I would like to thank my lovely and talented wife Mary for all her help compiling the results of the survey. Dwight Hutton, Activities director

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GPMC News March 2009 Page 5

Have you moved? Changed your email address?

Please send new information to: mailto:[email protected]

President Ken Barker

mailto:[email protected]

Vice President Dennis Lane

mailto:[email protected]

Secretary Danielle Lane

mailto:[email protected]

Treasurer Jason Uhler

412-364-6970 mailto:[email protected]

MCA Director Ed Saitz

412-693-7994 mailto:[email protected]

Webmaster Nathan Hupp

mailto:[email protected]

Newsletter Editor Jennie Barker

mailto:[email protected]

Membership Director ValJean Rossmann

mailto:[email protected]

Activities Director Dwight Hutton

mailto:[email protected]

Merchandise Director Andy Schor

mailto:[email protected]

Directors at Large Cheryl Bakaj

mailto:[email protected]

Mary Hutton mailto:[email protected]

Bob Sentner

mailto:[email protected]

Alternate Director Bob Kacinko

mailto:[email protected]

GPMC LOGO MERCHANDISE GPMC window stickers are available at $3.00 each, 2 for $5.00. Tee shirts are also available in a great design with the GPMC logo prominently featured in black & gold on the front and back. Pricing is as follows (adult sizes):

White short sleeve tees sizes S-XL $12 White short sleeve tees sizes XXL-XXXL* $15 White long sleeve tees sizes S-XL $18 White long sleeve tees sizes XXL-XXXL* $21

*Special order items

We also have a limited selection of “cruise” shirts in children’s sizes, sale priced at $5.00. See Andy Schor for your GPMC logo items and show your club colors with pride.

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GPMC News March 2009 Page 6

Our Canadian friends from 2007 CanAm, hosted by the Greater Pittsburgh Mustang Club. We had a good time, eh?

IMPORTANT DATES IN 2009 Please note: Monthly meetings are generally held the first Wednesday of the month. Location varies by season, but is generally at King’s Restaurant in Harmarville during the colder months and Roosevelt Grove in North Park in the warmer months. Board meetings are scheduled for 7:00 p.m., and general meetings for 7:30 p.m. Please check the website for the latest information.

March 4 GPMC Monthly Meeting - King’s Restaurant, Harmarville

April 1 GPMC Monthly Meeting - King’s Restaurant, Harmarville

April 16-19 Mustang 45th Anniversary Celebration - Birmingham, AL

May 17 Poker Run to benefit the Pennies for Patients program at St. Barnabas

May 22 Starlite Car Cruise season opener at Northway Christian Community Church, Wexford

May 24 Valley Forge Mustang Club 28th Annual Chester County Car Show or

June 5-7 Carlisle All-Ford Nationals

June 14 All Ford-Powered Show - Richard Bazzy’s Shults Ford Lincoln Mercury, Harmarville, PA

June 26-28 CanAm 2009 hosted by the Niagara Classic Mustang Club

July 5-19 Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix

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GPMC News March 2009 Page 7

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Newsletter Submissions Do you have a story or photo to share? Send them to: mailto:[email protected] The next deadline is: March 21, 2009

CORRECTIONS AND OMISSIONS Please submit corrections and omissions to: mailto:[email protected] or by mail to 2349 Highland Ave., Allison Park, PA 15101

March 2009 Page 8


Jennie Barker Newsletter Editor 2349 Highland Ave.

Allison Park, PA 15101


Next Meeting Wednesday

March 4, 2009 7:00 p.m. Board Meeting 7:30 p.m. General Meeting

King’s Restaurant Harmarville

ADVERTISING RATES The cost for a business card ad in the GPMC newsletter is $36 per year. You can also place your ad on the GPMC website for $36 per year. If you want your business card in the newsletter and on the website, the cost is $50 per year. Classified ads of 50 words or less are free for members for a maximum of three months, and $10 per month for non-members. Contact the newsletter editor for details.

Find us on the web:

Newsletters sent to email addresses are in full color. Printed copies of the newsletter are in black and white and a limited number are available at meetings.

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