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  • 8/10/2019 Goodbye Deponia Walkthrough



    Page 1 of 40 Dec 18, 2014 04:06:33AM

    GOODBYE DEPONIA walkthrough

    This is a third person point and click game.Gameplay:

    The Main Menu has New Game-Continue, Load-Save, Settings, Bonus, Credits and Exit


    The settings option has language, music, effects, videos and general volume adjustments.

    Subtitles, fullscreen-window mode, high resolution videos, window size, screen resolution and

    open inventory in one click selections are seen.

    The cursor has 2 wheels; the icons inside show the possible actions that can be done. The left

    larger gear action is done by left mouse click and right gear action is implemented by right click

    of the mouse.

    The inventory can be accessed by mouse wheel click and scrolling or if the option is selected;

    click the handle at top right corner of the screen.

    Active spots in the screen are shown by pressing the space bar. The space bar also pauses the


    The minigames can be skipped by pressing the "skip" or X button at right edge of screen.

    : Learn the game interface from Toni.Tutorial

    Prime Controller Ulysses announces to the Elysians that they are still waiting for Inspector

    Cletus and companion to return from the ruins of Porta Fisco. Cletus is checking if Deponia isinhabited and then the Organon will be given the go ahead to blow up the world of Deponia.

    Bozo's cutter:

    Goal wakes after smelling the smoking breakfast Rufus is cooking. Rufus is fishing at the

    moment. They are supposed to be at the Sea of Shards but Rufus changed destination to the

    cruiser route-ramp of the Organon monorail. The route will take them to the Upper Ascension

    Station in Porta Fisco where the Organon HQ is located.

    The diving crane that Rufus attached to Bozo's cutter at the Sea of Shards catches somethingeven though they are out of the water. Whatever it is pulled off the top of the cabin of the former

    Organon cruiser-Bozo's cutter.

    Go on deck to follow Goal. See that Bozo's cutter is on the monorail and has noUpper deck:

    roof. Go to the prow and see that the Organon cruiser is towing them.

    Inside the cruiser, Cletus tells Bailiff Argus to stop because he realizes that Donna and not Goal

    is in the body of his fiance. Oppenbot is to go with Cletus to find Goal.

    Go to the stern. See Goal holding on the rope.Get to Goal:
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    Climb the side wall of the container. See a signal stand at right side of screen that hits Rufus

    every few seconds.

    Place the cursor on the signal label and then keep on clicking on it.

    See Rufus hold onto the signal stand and dive to the front part to get closer to Goal.

    Rufus caught a big one - an Organon cruiser.Release Goal:

    Check the crane fitting right of Goal holding on the rope of the diving crane.

    Goal wants Rufus to tighten the screws while she releases the cable from the gear.

    Turn the middle screw; then turn the right screw. The left screw falls off.

    Turn the middle screw twice and the right screw falls off.

    Turn the middle screw again and it falls off. Uh oh!

    Hold on to Goal. Rufus ends up with Goal's jumpsuit.

    Organon cruiser:

    Goal holding on to the cable is turning round and round on the cable spool.Barry the fan:

    Rufus is holding on the ramp of the cruiser. A guard stands by the cannon.

    Barry, a Rufus' fan with a camera wants to know the technique Rufus will use to get rid of the

    guard. Barry will adjust his camera to whatever techniques Rufus will try.

    Answer with any technique but the one that works is: I'll confuse him with my blackout tactics.

    The guard is blinded and falls off.

    The dialogue is a recap of the past Deponia storyline with aRecap of Deponia series:

    Rufus twist.

    Use the cannon panel. The aim is off.Release Goal:

    Press the large red button on right wall to expose a lever. It is the manual speed


    Pulling the lever to slow down gets Barry to want an extreme action maneuver.

    Push the lever to the red and see that the cable pulls the cutter to the cogs.

    Click on the lever twice and fire ensues. Barry is on fire.

    A box with a fire axe and hose drops down from ceiling rendering Barry unconscious.

    Take the .fire axe

    Take the hose and use it with the cannon. Fire the cannon and it wraps around the

    cable spool.
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    Click on the hose to get Rufus join Goal. Use the fire axe on the hose.

    Goal and Rufus land on Bozo on the released cutter.

    Hotel Menetekel:

    The group walks the rail to the hotel. Enter the hotel.

    Enter the first door on the next level. There is a warning sign beside the door.Reception:

    Ring the bell on the reception desk. Talk to the receptionist.

    Rufus' friends are in room 5. Get .key to room 5

    Room 13 might be haunted and members of an apocalyptic group are in the laundry. Menetekel

    means impending doom.

    : Go right to check the restaurant.Restaurant

    Take the in the hutch inside the service room.corkscrew

    Take the moldy and from the stand by the table.salt shaker pepper shaker

    Check the coffee maker and get . (See the dwarf platypus egg on the top pipe of the coffeedust


    Check the crookedly hang picture. Behind it is a nut that might hold the key panel or the clock

    or both of them. Exit to the left.

    (See a long hair platypus egg left of the door to the rooms.) Enter the door at theRooms:next level. These are the rooms.

    : Enter the first door at left. Hear a prophetic statement -Soothsayer the destroyer come

    .through the door and he will bear the sign of the beast

    Talk to the soothsayer from Porta Fisco. He is an apocalyptic leader. The end of the world will

    happen tomorrow before the evening news.

    Check the hood of the bathrobe he is wearing and Mister Toffee the tarantula in the jar.

    Check and then take the on the bathroom door. The toothpaste causes fever,toothpastesweaty feet and permanent loss of awareness of danger. It is not to be mixed with rug cleaner

    because chloroform gas will be produced. Exit.

    : Check next door and get a with head lice.Closet pillowcase

    : Enter next door at left. Talk to the ghost. Pick up the broken dishes to get a .Ghost fish knife

    Talk again to expound on guilty secrets. The ghost's secret is - it likes to listen to people while

    they sing in the shower.
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    Rufus cannot look through the hole or exit through the window.

    The back right room is locked while the front right room has voices.Room 5:

    Use room 5 key on the front right room. See that Goal is in a neurofusion chamber.

    Talk to Doc. Learn that Doc is trying to repair Goal's brain implant. Goal will be returned to her

    old self when her implant is fixed.

    Bozo wants Rufus to take a shower.

    To get Rufus out of the room he is sent out to do a professional difficult task. He is to get a

    plasma exchange whoop dee doo mammoth fur relay.

    Talk to Bozo. Bozo is hungry. Rufus is bothered by a naked Bozo. Bozo's clothes are in the

    laundry. He is not cold because the heater is on.

    Bozo might also catch whooping pox. The symptoms are blue tongue, cough, sniffles and fever.

    Take Bozo's below Doc's desk. Check the bag to get a shampoo that will get a full head ofbag


    Check and use the intercom right of door.

    Get Bozo to put some clothes on:

    Go down the stairs.Turn off the heat:

    See a pie vending machine by the stairs. It electrocutes Rufus.

    Check the heater machine left of the pie making machine.Heater control:

    It has 3x3 squares. It controls the heat in the rooms. To turn off the heat, all lights

    should be blue.

    There are buttons to control the diagonal, right column, middle column, left column

    and sides.

    Press the diagonal button at right. Pull lever.

    Press the middle button, side button at left and diagonal button again.

    : Exit the door at left. See the pipe leaking on top floorBalcony


    Check the trash bin and see a pelican that doesn't want Rufus to check

    the fish guts. (See the snow platypus egg left of the balcony.)

    Go back inside, then go up and out the main door.

    : Enter the room at next lower level.Laundry
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    See the members of the mysterious laundry sect. They would not let

    Rufus move. Check the washing machine below. (See the wooly

    platypus egg left of the middle washing machine.)

    Take and the .Bozo's suit hanger

    : Go to the rooms and enter room 5.Bozo

    See that Bozo has icicles. He is still hungry and stubbornly won't wear

    his clothes because of Rufus.

    Exit the room and the hallway.

    Get food for Bozo:

    : Go to the toilet at next lower level. Talk through the door to the time traveler.Toilet

    He came here from the past to watch the end of the world. There is toilet paper but it feels like


    Get smooth paper:

    Go to the top door and enter reception. See Cletus and Oppenbot.Cletus and Oppenbot:

    Cletus wants his clothes cold washed. Cletus gets his room 1 key.

    Cletus tells Oppenbot to watch the bag with money. The bag is similar to Oppenbot's bag that

    has his plasma exchange whoop dee doo mammoth fur relay.

    Go to the restaurant and exchange the bag with Rufus' bag. Check the bag in inventory and get

    paper .money

    Go to the time traveler at the toilet.Time traveler:

    Give him the paper money through the door. He gives a in exchange. The time travelercoin


    : Open the door. Take the rough .Toilet toilet paper

    Flush the toilet to learn that there must be a leak in the pipes because it didn't flush correctly.

    : Go to the pie vending machine and use the coin. It is too thick.Get the pie

    In inventory use the toilet paper with the coin to get an .abraded coin

    Use the abraded coin on the slot of the machine to get a .pie

    Get to the balcony where the pipe leaks:

    Remember the open window in the ghost room that Rufus is not allowed to go to. That is where

    the leaky pipe is located.
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    Also remember the guilty secret of the ghost - it likes to listen to people while they sing in the


    Go outside to the balcony. Use the salt shaker onGet the soothsayer to take a shower:

    the trash bin to spice up the fish guts.

    The pelican gets thirsty and gets a drink of water from the dripping pipe.

    Use the hanger in the pelican's beak. Take the inside the pelican's

    Use the fish knife on the fish to get .scales

    Go to the soothsayer room; back left door at the rooms level.

    Use the scales on the hood he is wearing.

    Talk to the soothsayer. Learn that the members in the laundry are waiting for their guru.

    Choose: . He will pull up the hood. HeWhat are you doing again? I think you look just fine

    believes he has dandruff but doesn't have shampoo.

    : Give him the shampoo taken from Bozo's bag. The seer tells Rufus toFix the pipe leak

    leave. The seer showers.

    Go next door to the ghost room. See that the ghost is peeking on the hole to listen to the seer.

    Go through the window and go left to the seer's window. Take Mr. Toffee the tarantula.

    Use the corkscrew on the tarantula bottle to get and Mr. Toffee escapes.cork empty bottle.

    Use the cork on the leak on the pipe just outside the ghost's window.

    Exit the ghost room.

    Enhance Bozo's pie:

    : Go to the toilet now that the pipe is fixed.Get blue dye

    Flush the toilet. Look in the toilet bowl to see something - a freshener. Take the blue urinal cake


    Prepare Add the toothpaste, urinal cake, pepper shaker and dust tothe whooping pox pie:

    the pie.

    : Go to Bozo at room 5. Give him the pie with the ingredients that causes fever, blueBozo

    tongue, sniffles and cough.

    Give Bozo his clothes and he gives the .red towel

    Get Cletus' clothes:

    Enter the ghost's room and take the from the floor.Ghost room: sheet
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    Go to the seer's room. The seer now has a head full of hair.Get the seer's habit:

    Use the blue pillowcase with lice on the seer's hood.

    Choose - from the dialogue. He puts theWhat are you doing again? I think you look just fine

    hood up and starts itching.

    Rufus is asked to leave. Go back inside the room and take the on the bed.habit

    Go to the laundry. The members want the relics engraved with insignia six.Be the guru:

    Give the relics in this order: sheet from ghost. blue pillow case and red towels.

    The items are hung in front of Rufus and sent to the laundry.

    Rufus is also thrown in the washing machine (that cleans him also).Get washed:

    Rufus has to come out together with Cletus clothes.

    Choose from items hung at the balcony: sheet, Cletus clothes, Rufus, sheet, red

    towel and blue pillow.

    The washing is complete. Now for the ritual dental operation. I think his teeth are

    cleaned. Get .Cletus' clothes

    Get Cletus out of his room:

    See the menu: Go to room 5 and tell Doc that Cletus is here.

    Use the intercom and say that you are in room 1.

    Ask about dining now. You need a menu to be taken from the reception desk.

    Ask about laundry and be told to pick the clothes yourself.

    Ask to talk to the assistant. Oppenbot is asked to sing on the way. Exit the room.

    Go down the stairs at foreground to hide from Oppenbot.

    See Oppenbot talk to Cletus outside room 1 while Rufus sneaks out the door.

    Go to the receptionist and ask to see the menu. Rufus is asked to sign a waiver.

    Automatically Rufus hides when Oppenbot is heard.

    Go back to room 5. Use the intercom again and order food for room 1.Change the clock:

    Learn that food is served at 12 on the dot at the restaurant.

    Go to hallway. Change to Cletus clothes by right clicking the clothes in inventory. Rufus

    automatically wears Cletus clothes.
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    As costumed Rufus; enter room 5. Doc and Bozo hide from Cletus. Take the fromscrewdriver

    Doc's table.

    Go to the restaurant. Use the screwdriver on the nut on the wall twice. This turns the clock to 12


    The receptionist calls Cletus to tell him his food is ready.

    Cletus comes down and turns in his key to room 1. Cletus goes to the restaurant.

    Get the plasma exchange whoop dee doo mammoth fur relay:

    As costumed Rufus, go to the reception to ask for room 1 key. TheEnter room 1:

    receptionist gives a .key

    Go to room 1 and try to use the given key. It is the wrong key - it is room 9 key since the

    clock-key holder was turned.

    Go back to the receptionist. Show room 9 key to the receptionist.

    Cletus finished eating and goes to the reception desk. Automatically costumed Rufus hides at

    the restaurant but first tells the receptionist to give his opinion about something before giving

    his room key.

    Immediately, turn the nut twice to mix the key holder again. Cletus gets the wrong key.

    Turn the nut twice again to put the key holder and clock in the correct position.

    Go back to the receptionist and tell him you got the wrong key again. Give him room 5 key.

    Get . Oppenbot notices strange things going 1 key

    Go to room 1. Use the key and enter.

    Take the from the floor that has the plasma exchange whoop dee doo mammoth fur relay.bag

    Take care of Cletus:

    Find a way to k Hear Cletus returning to his room. Hide in the closet rightnock out Cletus:

    of door and behind the mirror.

    Cletus says he needs to remove the taste of the food at the restaurant from his mouth. He has a

    bowl of champagne truffles.

    Take the and from the closet shelves.mothballs carpet cleaner

    Combine the toothpaste with the warning label and the carpet cleaner to get chloroform

    . Smell-check the chloroform toothpaste in inventory. LOL.toothpaste

    Look close at mirror and see 2 screws holding the back of the mirror. Use the screwdriver to

    remove the bottom right screw.
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    Replace the toothpaste on the shelf with the chloroform toothpaste.

    Back out from close-up with the arrow at right of screen.

    Look at the air conditioning pipe at top of the closet.Get Cletus to brush his teeth:

    See that the air ends up above the bowl beside Cletus.

    Use the mothballs on the air conditioning pipe. Mothball drops on the bowl and Cletus eats the

    mothball. Cletus brushes his teeth.

    See Cletus brush his teeth. Look close at mirror. Move the mirror.Mimic Cletus:

    Copy his movements.

    Check the small arrows at top left of the bar at left. It shows the direction of the

    toothbrush movement: up, down and around.

    Place the cursor a bit below Cletus' toothbrush to watch his movement. Time the

    rotation similar to the rotation of Cletus' toothbrush.

    Get the bar to the right.

    When successfully done, Rufus realizes that he was using the chloroform toothpaste on

    himself. Rufus passes out.

    Cletus looks through the mirror to see Rufus. The mirror drops down and hits his head. Cletus

    is knocked unconscious to the shower.

    : Oppenbot enters the room and asks for the bag with money to pay part of the bill.Oppenbot

    Give Oppenbot a bag. Of course, Rufus realizes that he gave the wrong bag.

    Go to reception and automatically talks to the receptionist. Cletus calls from his room. Rufus

    talks to Cletus.

    When Cletus arrives, Rufus hides and automatically gets the other .bag

    Musical doors:

    : Go back to room 5 and see Goal is repaired to her old self again.Goal

    Rufus gets upset upon realizing that he was given a useless task to get him out of the way.

    Rufus leaves the room. Goal tries to defend Rufus to Doc and Bozo.

    : Bailiff Argus and Donna arrive. They talk to costumed Rufus.The baddies

    Goal follows Rufus. Cletus comes out of his room.

    The aim of the puzzle is to try to get Donna and CletusTrap the baddies:

    together in a room.
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    Donna should think that Cletus is Rufus. They should see each other in the hallway.

    The cursor becomes active when it is costumed Rufus in the hallway.

    Note: Goal enters the dark room when she sees Argus and Cletus.

    Goal goes down when she sees Donna.

    Argus follows Donna in dark room.

    Rufus should stay away from Donna as much as possible.

    As soon as control of Rufus is possible, : Doc's room (room 5), dark roomenter

    (Ghost room), dark room, closet, stairs at foreground and dark room.

    If mistake is done - start over after Donna beats up Rufus in the closet.

    Donna beats up Cletus in the closet.

    Bailiff Argus sees costumed Rufus and Goal at the hallway. They are to go back to Porta Fiscoto catch the last highboat to Elysium. Rufus convinces Goal to go and do the ruse.

    Organon cruiser cabin:

    Rufus and Goal are now on the way to Porta Fisco. Rufus is still mad at Doc and Bozo. Goal

    writes her report to the Council. She asks Rufus to go to bed.

    Look around. Take the beside Goal.letter opener

    Press the top drawer button right of Goal. Take from the open drawer at rightCletus' shoes

    wall. Push to close the drawer.

    Check the air duct above the drawer. It leads to the interior of the cruiser.

    Open the closet left of the drawer to see Cletus' clothes.

    Open the door and talk to the guard. The guests are told to remain in their cabins. There are

    intruders - Deponian rebels that might have gained access to the cruiser.

    Open the door left of exit door to see a coffee dispenser. Get a cup of .coffee

    : Press the bottom button right of Goal to open the bed. Go to bed.Bed

    Rufus takes his clothes off and calls Goal. Rufus learns that the room is filmed by security

    cameras. He realizes that he has to get to the computer core to erase the film because he took

    off his disguise.

    Use the letter opener on the air duct. Climb up to the duct. See the computer core.Air duct:

    Go back.

    Remove the guard:
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    Open the closet. Place Cletus' shoes under the clothes.Make an intruder:

    Remove the mattress from the bed. Take the .slatted frame

    Use the slatted frame on the open air duct.

    Open the door and talk to the guard. Ask him to check the room again.Trap the guard:

    He sees the opened clothes closet and the shoes.

    He checks where the intruder went and climbs the slatted frame.

    Use the top button to open the drawer. The guard under the slatted frame falls in the open bed.

    Push the bed button to hide the bed on the wall. You can check on the guard if you want.

    :Locate the computer core

    Exit the room and see a doormat in front of the room.

    Go around to see if Rufus can find the computer core. He just goes around in circles.

    Go back to the room with the doormat.

    Climb up the air duct. Look around the computer core and check the terminals.Make a trail:

    See a very clean floor mat below the air duct.

    Use coffee on the doormat. A tidybot comes and cleans the mat. Check and talk to the tidybot.

    See that it even has a cup holder.

    Go back to the room and outside. Pour coffee on the doormat outside the room. The tidybot

    comes and cleans the coffee.

    Use the coffee cup on the tidybot. Use the knife to make holes on the coffee cup. Now the

    coffee cup drips.

    Go back inside and get another cup of .coffee

    Go to the air duct again. Pour coffee on the computer core room doormat again.

    The tidybot comes to clean again. See that the coffee cup on the tidybot is empty.

    Pour coffee on the tidybot's empty coffee cup. If you don't, the tidy bot will clean the trail of

    coffee he makes.

    Go back outside the room and follow the trail of coffee.

    Meet the tidybot cleaning his trail of coffee. If you did not add coffee to the empty cup earlier,

    you will have to start over.

    Go to the computer core room.
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    Distract the security cameras:

    Goal follows Rufus to the room. Goal knows what Rufus is up to.

    Goal says that the cameras cover only in 45 deg angle.

    The squares are colored by the camera that can see it.

    The cameras are 3 yellows, 2 reds and 3 blues.

    Remember that yellow+blue=green; red+blue=purple and red+yellow=orange.

    The aim is to clear a path for Goal to get to the terminal to be checked.

    Move one square at a time only.

    There is an arrow on theTerminal 1 (left):left terminal.

    Walk the perimeter of the squares until in front

    of terminal at left. The go back to the back are

    until an area is clear for Goal.

    Talk to Goal to get her to the terminal. Goal

    fixes the left terminal.

    Terminal 2 (right): There is an arrow on the

    right terminal.

    Follow the line on the picture. Talk to Goal to

    get her to the terminal. Goal fixes the right

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    Terminal 3 (center): There is an arrow on

    the center terminal.

    When Rufus is standing on this red square

    after doing above, tell Goal to move.

    Immediately move to the purple square which

    turns orange and blocks Goal from terminal 2.

    Then move to square in front of terminal 2. Tal

    to Goal to get her to the terminal. Goal fixes th

    center terminal.

    Disco time!


    After the Saturday Night Fever scene; see that Bailiff Argus and his guards surround the

    couple. Argus believes that Rufus is Cletus and wonders why he changed his heart about


    Goal is taken to the bridge while Rufus as Cletus is to be executed.

    Rufus asks for a last wish. Select . Rufus automatically spills thehave a last cup of coffee

    coffee. Tidybot comes to the rescue.
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    Leave the room to the main ship at left. See 2 guards play at not watching the exits.

    Rufus goes back to the computer room. Exit through the right doorway.

    End for lover and enemies:

    Hear Bailiff Argus ask about the interrogator. He wants him at the bridge immediately.

    Rufus as Cletus comes out of the computer core room.

    See Oppenbot in a glass case. (See the clown platypus egg left side (behind pipe) of

    Oppenbot's glass case.)

    Cletus and Donna enter from above.

    Hide at the good hiding place - a round container at right. Rufus removes his costume. The

    cover goes down and seals Rufus inside.

    The guard that tidybot pushed arrive and captures a willing Cletus. Donna follows Cletus.

    Rufus as the interrogator arrives. Argus removes his mask and looks likeArgus and Goal:


    Argus says that Prime Controller Ulysses is the evil one. He wants to save Deponia but would

    not leave it in the hands of Rufus.

    He asks Goal to go back to Elysium as his fiance.

    Press buttons and in the end Goal is given an injection of Sodium amytal - truth serum.

    .Because I love Rufus

    Rufus is thrown overboard.

    Where am I?

    Rufus lands at the tutorial room. Pick up the black from the floor.Get light: yin

    Go right and step on the red indented area of the platform. Light comes on at far right. Rufus

    moves off and the light turns off.

    Use the yin on the odd floor panel to hold the panel down. (See the fire platypus egg above the

    chair at left and behind one of the pipe.)

    : Go to the console and check it out.Console

    There are 5 fuses with icons on them. Each one are on a colored stand.

    Pick up the at base of the console.power inverter

    : Use the power inverter on the indentation at the center of the panel on theConveyor belt
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    platform. The press closes.

    Press the button left of the stand. The press separates and a big hole at the base opens up.

    Jump in to be at the conveyor belt. Rufus is hit with a bat, burned, cut with a blade, frozen and

    cut with light saber.

    After that torture, Rufus is dropped back to the platform.

    : Go to the fuse console and see that the treatment on the conveyor beltFuse consolecorresponds to the arrangement of the fuses.

    Arrange the fuses to get Rufus through the conveyor belt somewhat intact.

    From left to right, arrange the fuses: snowflake, circular blade, light saber, fire and

    baseball bat.

    Press theGet processed:

    button on the stand again and

    jump down to the conveyorbelt.

    If the fuses are arranged correctly, Rufus is body whole and stands up.

    : Go to the light. Rufus presses the light and turns it off. See that Rufus is in a factory -Light

    not hell.


    Rufus is not dead. Look around.

    Check the gauges for fat, carbohydrates, water, minerals, protein and the mysterious gauge.

    Check the funnel. Take the from the last stand of the conveyor belt.junkball bat

    Go left. See a very old man with a sickle at the walkway above.

    See a time clock at right by the factory entrance.

    There is a light gate at left blocking access to the patio.


    Go forward and then right to the residence.

    Look around. The door is locked

    See pots and an olive plant by the window. Pick the .olives

    Pick up the at end of table.sack of soybeans

    Take the with olive oil from the island at right.oil bottle
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    Check the oil mill. Use the picked olives on the oil mill. Pick up the vial of .olive oil

    Take the at back wall. (See the earth platypus egg on the shelf above the waterwater cooler

    cooler and right of fan.)

    Follow the man with scythe:

    The door is bolted from outside. Use the junkball bat on door.

    Exit and go left.

    : Talk to Hermes, the old man with the scythe.Hermes

    Learn that this is the place where the Organon was created - a cloning factory. Yes - it is a

    waste processing plant.

    Hermes calls Rufus - Prototype R. Hermes was the former head of this facility.

    Learn that Rufus is one of 3 prototypes that predated the Organon. Prototype A, C and R:

    Argus, Cletus and Rufus. They were made with no respect for life; that is why there are only 3left of the first batch.

    Put back Hermes' eye.

    Rufus was recloned after he died from the crash. Everything is organic except the nucleic acid;

    it is synthesized from radioactive waste.

    The prototypes have hope. Rufus never learned from his mistakes. LOL.

    Use the bat on the 4 red steel beams.Rufus releases his rage:

    Hermes is now the one that is depressed. He blames himself for what happened to Elysium and

    Deponia. He leaves to end his life.

    A chamber opens and Goal's body collapses. She's still dead.

    See Hermes commit suicide. He lost hope.

    Cloning machine:

    Go back to the left and check the console.

    See that the skeleton is Rufus. Press the purple button above and see the one for Organon and

    then Hermes.

    See the 6 bulbs at top left for materials. There is also a 1, 11 and 111 selection and a lever.

    Pull back at right side of screen.

    Check the pipe at left to see a vampire platypus and a nest of its eggs. The platypus hisses if

    you try to get the eggs. (See the vampire platypus egg in the lower pipe.)
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    Collect ingredients for cloning:

    Time card: Go back to the residence and then to the time card machine by the entrance to

    the factory.

    Take the . The punches have now closed up.time card

    Go back to the clone lab and then the pipe.

    Use the time card on the vampire platypus to get .stamped punch card

    Use the stamped punch card on the time clock. Get a reward for the length of the overtime.

    Take the .garlic

    Patio: The light gate opens after the time clock gives Rufus a well-deserved off time.

    Go to the food truck and try to open the door. It is very rusted.Food truck:

    Use the oil bottle on the door. Rufus refuses to use the oil bottle on it because it is too old.

    Use the freshly made olive oil on the food truck door. Open door and check everything.

    Take the ancient , , and . (See the potbelliedfryer grease bag of fries swill- o-fizz iodized salt

    platypus egg at right side of counter.)

    Go back to the pipe at clone lab.Platypus eggs:

    Use the garlic on the vampire platypus. Get the .vampire platypus eggs

    Fill the tanks:

    Go back to the factory. Check the funnel at front left. It is where the ingredients are added to fill

    the tanks.

    Add oil bottle and fryer grease for a full tank of fat.

    Add sack of beans for carbohydrates and protein.

    Add French fries for carbohydrates.

    Add water cooler for water and minerals.

    Add soda to complete water.

    Add iodized salt to complete minerals.

    Add eggs for proteins.

    Check the gauges and see that they are now at maximum. The green mysterious sixth gauge is

    not known.

    Clone Hermes:
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    Go back to the clone lab. Use the console.

    - Select Hermes' skeleton.

    - Check the bulbs and see that all the yellow lights are enough for 3 clones.

    - Select 3 on the red knob at bottom left.

    - Press the lever.

    See 3 clones of Hermes. All 3 went off to commit suicide again. The third was saved by the

    pillow on the right chopper.

    Clone Goal:

    Talk to Hermes the third. He got a scan of Goal before she died. He gives Goal's brain scan


    Go to the console at the clone lab.

    : Automatically insert Goal's brain scan cartridge on the console.Goal

    Flip the switch to 1 and see the lights turn yellow.

    The mysterious 6th gauge is flickering red.

    Pull the lever.

    Uh oh! There's no nucleic acid left to get Goal to mature.

    A baby Goal is cloned. The baby falls down the sewer pipe. She is now in the sewers underPorta Fisco.

    Clone Rufus:

    There is not enough time to stop Argus and the highboat from leaving, getting Goal and

    contacting the Resistance.

    Hermes sacrifice himself and Rufus to get enough biomass to make 3 Rufus clones. Only one

    will have the nucleic acid to get Goal to mature.

    The cloning was started by the vampire platypus using the setup with sandbags that pulls the

    lever of the cloning machine.

    3 Rufus' appear in the cloning chamber.

    Check all 3 Rufus' inventory to see who has the nucleic acid. The right Rufus has the nucleic


    Middle Rufus and Right Rufus fight over the nucleic acid.

    Select Left Rufus to control the other 2 Rufus'. As the Left Rufus, take the nucleic acid.
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    The nucleic acid falls into one of the sewer pipes. The 3 jump into the sewer pipes and go their

    separate ways.

    The 3 clones are seen at bottom of screen:3 Rufuses:

    Left Rufus is the one in the sewers with baby Goal.

    Middle Rufus is the one that is looking for the resistance in the city of Porta Fisco.

    Right Rufus is the one that will try to stop Argus from leaving with the highboat.

    : Sometime in the game, the 3 Rufuses can exchange inventory items.Inventory

    Select the item from inventory and then click on the Rufus that you want to give it to.

    : Click on the picture of the Rufus you want to change to.Switching Rufuses

    The active Rufus' picture is grayed out.

    Left Rufus:

    In the dark, Rufus is with a crying Baby Goal.Sewers:

    Move the cursor around or press the space bar to see the hotspots.

    Move the cursor to top of the 2 set of eyes and feel a branch. There is a crevice and brush at

    bottom of the eyes.

    Baby Goal cries whenever Rufus tries something.

    :Middle Rufus

    Change-click to the middle Rufus.

    Ruined settlement:

    See Bozo by the porta-potty. Mrs. Mook says that Bozo is afraid of the end of the world. Bozo

    says not.

    Bozo enters and Rufus pops out of the toilet. Rufus runs home.

    : Look around. Talk to the Mooks. The resistance camp is down the stairs andThe Mooks

    across the square.

    : Check the rotary clothes dryer.Rotary clothes dryer

    Check and wear Cousin David's firefighter outfit.

    Turn the rotary clothes dryer. Check and wear Cousin Alec's ninja outfit.
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    Turn the rotary clothes dryer. Check and wear the romper. Mrs. Mook throws a caffeine lollipop

    to Rufus.

    Check the bag of the mailman hanging on the window.Mailman:

    Open the bag to see a letter. Take the . It is from Papa Bozo to Mama Bozo.letter

    : Enter the house. See Grandpa Bozo, Mama Bozo and Baby Bozo.Bozos

    Talk to the mailman and to Grandpa Bozo.

    Talk to Mama Bozo. Learn that Bozo's doll is Fifi fairyfrills.Mama Bozo:

    Learn about the new general of the resistance. Learn that the full head of hair on Baby Bozo

    was because of her breast milk.

    Grandpa will fix dinner if a girlfriend of Bozo visits. Remember Bozo's girlfriend is Bambina.

    : Check Baby Bozo with the pacifier. Take the .Baby Bozo baby phone

    Give the lollipop to Baby Bozo. Baby Bozo spits the pacifier and it goes down the sewer pipe.

    Baby Bozo crawls out of the house.

    : Go to Bozo in the bedroom. Talk to Bozo.Bozo

    He's depressed. Check and try to take the piggy bank.

    Check and take the note on Bozo's coat at right. It is a to a's referral

    Try to give him the letter or the baby phone.

    Exit the house and then go down the stairs at left.

    District Center:

    Check the sign left of the woman. Take the - Male assistantBread wrap woman: sign


    Talk to the bread wrap woman. She needs a male assistant. (See the naked platypus egg attop left of the entrance to the ruined settlement.)

    See a storm drain left of the stand. It is where the Rufuses can talk to each.Storm drain:

    Now items can be exchanged between the clones.

    See 2 adjacent buildings across the road. Go there and enter.Office buildings:

    Enter the first building and be a rope-noose store. Listen to the rope seller andRope store:

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    Talk to the rope seller. Look around. Take the on the desk. Rufus made it into aflyer paper


    : Click on Barry at the newspaper office at bottom right to go there.Newspaper office

    Remember that he was the one that took pictures at the Organon cruiser that Rufus set on fire.

    Go right and take the on the blue cabinet. Take a from below the blue cabinetletter case paper

    and below the sink.printer's ink

    In inventory combine the paper and the printer's ink to get a .blackened paper

    Talk to Barry. Rufus will look for a subject of a heroic deed. This will be the proof of his

    selflessness. A for the deed is now in inventory.finger focus

    : Go to the therapist. Rufus needs a referral. Give the therapist the doctor's referralTherapist

    taken from Bozo's coat.

    Talk to the therapist completely.

    Rufus is given a Rorschach test. See 3 ink blots. Remember your answers and the shape of the

    ink blots.

    Check the medicine cabinet. It is where the antidepressants are kept.

    Rebel camp:

    Go right from the bread wrap stand. Look around. Check the Upper Ascension station.

    Check and take the . In inventory combine the antenna and baby phone to hear aantenna


    Look at and talk to Bambi (Bozo's girlfriend) and Lotti (formerSgt. Bambi and Pvt. Lotti:

    City Hall receptionist). They talk about the new general.

    Go upstairs to the rebel camp gate.Gate to rebel camp:

    Liebold needs someone else to verify Rufus' identity.

    Go back down to the 2 women. They want to have a tattoo design first before they help Rufus.

    Find Baby Bozo and get heroic deed: Look at the moving blob on the scaffolding.

    Use the finger focus on the moving object on the scaffolding at top right. It's baby Bozo!

    Go back to the district center.

    Right Rufus:

    Change to the Right Rufus. Rufus comes out of the drain. The Organon army is withdrawing
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    from the city and marching towards the Ascension Station.

    See the guards on the platform prepare crates for delivery to the station.

    Check the sewer drain in front of Rufus. Nobody is down the sewer at this moment (this is

    where Left Rufus will be later).

    Enter the sewer pipe at right side of the platform. (See the poison dart platypus egg on the

    posts left of the right pipe on the water.)

    Rufus emerges at the platform.

    Press the red button on the lamp post close to where Rufus is located. This turns on the TV as

    well as the lamp at the sewer.

    Cowboy Dodo is doing his show. The Organon surveillance guard and the other guards like

    Cowboy Dodo. They all watch the TV.

    Move forward and check which crate is open to hide in.

    Left Rufus:

    Change to Rufus at left.

    In the dark, move the cursor somewhere below the left eye of GoalStop Goal from crying:

    to find the pacifier. Take the and use it on Goal.pacifier

    Now that Goal can't cry; take the at top of the eyes and the somewhere belowbranch brush

    Goal's right eye.

    Use the brush on the crevice below Rufus. Then use the branch on the crevice.

    Rufus sets fire to the beast. The beast tries to swallow Rufus.

    Baby Goal in a pot floats by. Rufus is spat out by the beast.


    Look around. Check the window - storm drain at top of the wall. (See the water platypus egg at

    bottom of the ramp above Baby Goal.)

    Talk to Goaly. See that the lamp on the turnstile is on (because Right Rufus turned on the

    power above).

    Turn the turnstile. This caused the TV show above to change to the B side and play the Look

    Around music. Right Rufus is caught.

    See that the darkness hid 3 children. Rusty, Gritchen and Hansel want to follow Rufus because

    he's an adult.
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    Pipe Forest:

    Go to top left and be at the Pipe Forest. See a witch and pipes. (See the Mimicri platypus egg

    left of the mushroom behind Rusty.)

    Learn that the witch found the nucleic acid vial and sold it to the Sewers Inn for 5 zlottis.

    Talk to the bottle witch. There is no exit from the sewer.

    Leper Colony:

    Go left. Talk to the bouncer in front of the Inn. He would not let Rufus in because of the children.

    Talk to the Monkey and Organ grinder. Climb the rung right of the monkey. The kids can't

    follow. The kids are called by the Creep.

    Talk to Goon the Bum and June in a gondola. Rufus wants to do a good deed for Goon afterwhat he did to him in Deponia 2.

    : Go to the storm drain grate at top left.Exchange items at Storm drain grate

    Talk to the Middle Rufus at the Bread Wrap Shop. They can now exchange items.

    Change to Middle Rufus. Select the inventory you want to give - and then clickblackened paper

    that item on Left Rufus' picture.

    Change to Left Rufus again by clicking on his picture.

    : Go down the rung and talk to the Creep at the van.Creep

    Rufus goes inside to pet the the cute furry animal (active spot is on the wall). Rusty doesn't

    believe that Rufus petted a furry animal.

    Go back inside the Creep's place and then use the blackened paper on the cute furry animal

    (active spot is on the wall) to get .imprint

    No need to go to a sewer drain. Select the from inventory andExchange item again: imprint

    click it on Middle Rufus.

    Middle Rufus:

    Change-click on Middle Rufus. You now have the imprint taken by Left Rufus.

    Go to the Rebel Camp at right.Tattoo design:

    Give the imprint to Sgt. Bambi. She uses it as tattoo design for the squad insignia.

    Tank: Take the leaning on the building and the left of Lotti. Rufus doesn'tdeck chair crowbar
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    need the instructions for the deck chair.

    Talk to Private Lotti. She can't help with the gate until her tattoo swelling goes down.

    Enter the Tank. Bambi can't help with the gate either because she has to watch the radio for

    new orders.

    The Major is Rufus' ex girlfriend Toni.

    Open the locker to get Lotti's . Check the lunchbox in inventory to get . See alunchbox hormonespicture of Cowboy Dodo on the locker door.

    Talk to Bambi. Show her the letter from Papa Bozo. BambiGet girlfriend to Casa Bozo:

    worries about Bozo and leaves.

    : Talk to Toni. Toni is very mellow and relaxed. There is a secret plan made byAgitate Toni

    the new leader - the general. Toni has a new therapist.

    Rufus tries to agitate Toni. He tells Toni that there are 3 Rufuses.

    Look at the CB radio and get the frequency of the CB radio. Use the baby phone on the CB

    radio and automatically Rufus enters it on the baby phone.

    Give the baby phone to Left Rufus. Change to Left Rufus and right click-use the baby radio.

    Left Rufus appears on the monitor. Toni loses it after seeing the Rufuses and runs to her


    Exit the tank. Change back to Middle Rufus.

    : Go left to District Center. Enter the first doorway to get to the Rope store.Therapist

    See Toni on the couch in therapy.

    In inventory, combine the paper airplane made from the flyer and the Yrk key.

    Use the on Toni or Therapist. It flies but a draft lands it on the wall of theweighted flyer

    Ascension Station.

    : Give the crowbar to Left Rufus.Exchange

    Right Rufus:

    Change to Right Rufus. See that Rufus is put in the cell.

    Check the wrapped body on the ceiling. It is Cletus but Rufus thinks it is a clone.

    Talk to the cell guard completely. He gives all the hints to escape the cell. :)Escape the Cell:

    Food cabinet and the bathroom are now opened.
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    Take the breakfast: , and .coffee bagel pepper

    Take the , and from the bathroom.toothpaste toothbrush urinal cake

    The guard mentioned that the rug has just been cleaned. Use the coffee on the rug. Tidybot

    arrives. Take the from his back.dust bag

    In inventory; combine pepper, toothpaste, urinal cake and dust with bagel.

    Give the flavored to Cletus.bagel

    Cletus throws up. Talk to the cell guard. Rufus hides.

    Cletus is sent down to sick bay and the cell is opened to be aired out.

    : Exit to the right and be at the balcony. See the sleeping guard.Flyer

    Take the flyer on the wall thrown by the Middle Rufus. Rufus gets the key and throws theYrk

    flyer out the balcony.

    It lands back to the therapists and he thinks it's a good medicine for Toni.

    Check the mail pneumatic mail chute on the corner wall.

    Open the cover of the terminal at right.Application form:

    Check the crate right of the terminal. There are s for medical assistance #27,application form

    screwdriver- Holla 55 and for a Yrk key - Yrk 122.

    Use the application form on the terminal. Apply for Yrk-75 (sanitary service or ask for a doctor).

    The Yrk is not working. Use the Yrk key sent by Middle Rufus on the terminal.

    Use the application form again and request for Yrk-75.

    Go down and press the red door sensor of the medical bay at left.Get entry to medical bay:

    See a Sanbot and an ill Cletus.

    Go through the crawl space at right and through the door.Find the resistance:

    Argus talks to Oppenbot. There are 11,000 Organons. Oppenbot will stay here at AscensionStation. Check the highboat and the Officials.

    Talk to Janosch and Cowboy Dodo. Cyndi, Hotti and Cutis vote for Cowboy Dodo. The plan is

    to lower Cowboy Dodo down to Argus' office below and take the ascension codes.

    Talk with Janosch. Borrow the .screwdriver

    Use the screwdriver on the pneumatic mail tube to get hit by a .pneumatic tube cartridge

    Talk to Cowboy Dodo. The two heroes do not get along well.Cowboy Dodo:
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    Exit and Cowboy Dodo follows Rufus outside. A challenge is issued.

    Rufus leaves. Go back to the balcony and the pneumatic mail chute.

    In inventory combine the pneumatic mail cartridge and the filled application form.

    Place the filled pneumatic mail cartridge on the mail chute. The request for medical help was

    approved. The medic is on the way.

    Rufus runs and hides while the Medic continues to Cowboy Dodo.

    Go to the crawl space above Argus' office. See that the medic is tied up with the rope.

    Talk to the captured Organon Medic to get his .Organon outfit

    : Go back to the medical bay.Treat Cletus

    Wear-right click the Organon outfit. Press the door sensor of the medical bay.

    Enter and talk to the Sanbot. Cletus has a tapeworm. Rufus might operate at once.

    Take the organ where the head of the tape worm appears.Remove the organs:

    First the stomach at bottom right, liver at middle left, spleen-heart at middle right,

    intestines at bottom and lungs at top.

    Take the .tapeworm

    Right click to turn.Put back the organs:

    Place the lungs on top with the trachea at top and hole at right.

    Place the intestines at the bottom with hole at right side.

    Place the heart at middle right side with the purple spleen at right side.

    Place the liver-bumpy pink random organ at middle left with the hole pointing right.

    Place the stomach at bottom right with holes attached to intestines and the liver.

    Where does the last part go?
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    : Cletus follows Rufus. Bring Cletus to the rebels.Cletus

    The vote was for Cletus to get the codes. They now need a rope. Talk to Cletus and Rufus and

    they agree to get rid of Cowboy Dodo.

    Go to the terminal again. Get from crate.Get rid of Cowboy Dodo: application form

    Use application form on terminal. Request a screwdriver - Holla 55. Place the application form

    in the pneumatic mail cartridge.

    Place the pneumatic mail cartridge in the mail chute. Get a .screwdriver

    Go back to the rebels at the crawl space. Give the screwdriver to Cletus. He will now get

    Cowboy Dodo's help to open the pneumatic mail tube.

    Get another application form, fill it out for anything except a medic. Place the filled form in

    cartridge and send it on the chute.

    Go back to the rebels at the crawl space. Find out that Cletus saved the life of Cowboy Dodo

    and is unanimously voted to get the codes.

    Give the tapeworm to use as rope to Janosch.

    Upper middle, lower middle, lower right, upperLower Cletus to Argus office:

    right, upper middle, upper left, lower left, lower middle, lower right, upper right,

    upper middle, lower middle, lower right, upper right, upper middle, upper left, lower

    left and destination.

    Cletus identifies himself to Rufus. Cletus is caught.

    : See that the rebels are gone. Go out.Argus

    See that the rebels are in the cell. Argus orders the guards

    to line up at the balcony.

    Go to the balcony. See Argus reprimands the guards.

    Oppenbot is assigned to lugging crates. He then asks the
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    Organon guards who is responsible.

    Use the Organon outfit and Rufus does a clothes change.

    Go up to talk to Argus and assume responsibility. They

    sing the Organon hymn before they toss him out the


    Left Rufus:

    Left Rufus should have the crowbar from Middle Rufus


    : Climb the rung. Talk to Rusty. Rufus calls the children close toDo a good deed for Goon


    Talk to Rusty. Rufus climbs over the kids to get to the van.

    Look at the banana crate on top of the van.

    Use the crowbar on the crate. Take the . Drop down to the water.banana

    Give the banana to the monkey and organ grinder. The organ grinder takes the banana.

    Take the . The monkey takes his fez off and wants the crank back later.crank

    Use the crank on the jack right of the monkey.

    Turn the crank and the gondola with Goon and June rise up to the city.

    Middle Rufus:

    Change to Middle Rufus. Go to District Center.

    Talk to Goon and June. The gondola is under the bread wrap shop of the vampiress.

    Give the deck chair to Goon so that he'll exit the gondola. Goon tries to open the chair.

    Back to Left Rufus:

    Change to Left Rufus down at the sewer. Use the crank again on the jack. The monkey says

    that Rufus can only use the crank only once more. June in the gondola drops back down to thesewer. June cries.

    : Talk to the Monkey. Try to take his fez.Get a new monkey

    Use the crank release button and give the crank back to monkey or place it on the organ.

    Take the . If Rufus gets a replacement monkey, the monkey will give the first take of thefez

    replacement monkey to Rufus.

    Go to June. Talk to June about working and getting the crank to go back up to the surface.
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    Give the fez to June.

    Take the s above the entryway of the gondola.pace heater

    Go down to the sewer. Go right to the pipe forest.Get a paying audience:

    Talk to the bottle witch who sold the nucleic acid. Tell her about the new monkey.

    Go back to the left. The witch gives 5 glottis on the tray.

    Take the from the tray. June finds out that Rufus sold her to the monkey.5 glottis

    : Give the 5 glottis to Middle Rufus.Exchange

    Middle Rufus:

    Change to Middle Rufus who has 5 glottis.

    : See that the bread wrap stand is back on the ground.Get a male assistant

    Goon is sad. Talk to Goon because of June. Give the male assistant wanted sign to Goon. The

    vampiress pulls in Goon.

    Give the 5 glottis to bread wrap Goon and get .4 XXL bread wraps

    Go to the settlement and Bozo house.Casa Bozo:

    Try to talk to a bonding Mama Bozo and Bambi. They are engrossed in Bozo's picture album.

    Talk to Grandpa Bozo who is now cooking dinner because Bozo's girlfriend came to visit.

    Take the and pump on the counter. Take the pot of roast drippings - .mother's milk gravy

    : Give the gravy, mother's milk, 4 bread wraps, antenna and hormones to LeftExchange


    Left Rufus:

    Change to Left Rufus.


    : Go right to pipe forest and then to the top path.Take care of the children

    See 2 slime monsters. The green at right is a vegetarian. The green slime monster goes to

    sleep with his mouth open.

    Rufus and the kids arrive. (See the swamp platypus egg in a hole of a pipe by the children.)

    Check the monster's tongue - ideal spot for a campsite. Rusty thinks it's dark and cold.

    Place the space heater on the tongue.Get heat and light:
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    Climb up the ladder. Pull up the lever to get power on the outlets. Go down.

    Take the plug by the fuses and socket. Plug it on the bottom outlet because it can't reach the

    top socket. There's no power because there is no fuse beside it.

    Take the top fuse. It's stuck and will only fly out during electrical spike.

    Use the antenna fork on the top socket and see Rufus' X-ray. The lever goes down and turns

    off the power.

    Give the antenna fork to Rusty. Then pull up the lever when Rusty is in position.

    Go down and take the top . Place the fuse on the bottom socket. The heater is on.fuse

    Get the children to sleep.Time to sleep:

    The 4 kids climb onto the teeth of the slime monster.

    Talk to the children. They want to be tucked in.

    Give each one a XXL bread wrap.

    Talk to Rusty or other kids and they want a bedtime story.

    Adjust the TV antenna by moving it higher. Turn the TV on. Get a cooking show.

    Talk to Rusty again. They are hungry.

    Use the gravy on each of the kids. Gravy is poured on each kid.

    Leper Colony:

    Go back to the Inn. Now that kids are asleep, enter the Inn.

    : See the nucleic acid above the barkeeper.Inn

    Talk to the barkeeper. He will sell the nucleic acid for 6 glottis.

    Rufus can earn 2 glottis tip if he serves the customers.

    He would not give the picture of Elysium.

    Look around. Check the mushroom swill green tap. The barkeep stops serving because it

    caused the customers to fling items at each other.

    Check the hormone swill pink tap. They don't serve it anymore because of the bad effect on the

    customer that can be changed only by surgical intervention.

    Check the hair growth swill yellow tap. They don't serve them anymore because of hair

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    Take the mushroom swill poster at right.advertisement

    Talk to the delivery man on top of the barrel at left. Take his tankard and use it on the swill left

    of the barkeep. He says it doesn't taste as the yummy hair growth swill. Fill his tankard again

    and this time, mix it with the mother's milk. Give him the . He becomes hairy ashair growth swill

    a monkey.

    Talk to the fruit seller at left. Take his tankard and use it on the swill left of the barkeep. He says

    it doesn't taste as the yummy hormone swill. Fill his tankard again and this time, mix it with thehormones. Give him the . He changed gender.hormone swill

    A romance is blooming between the monkey and blond person.

    Talk to the plumber at right. Take his tankard and use it on the swill left of the barkeep. He says

    it doesn't taste as the yummy mushroom swill.

    Exit the inn. Go to the bottle witch. Ask her about the mushroom. Check allGet mushroom:

    4 of the red-white mushrooms here.

    Show her the mushroom advertisement. Take her toe fungus - . Go back to the pub.mushroom

    Fill the plumber's tankard again and this time, mix it with the mushroom. Give the mushroom

    to the plumber.swill

    Uh Oh. Attention is given to the blond person and the monkey does not like it.

    Rufus is thrown out of the pub. Go back in.

    Take the that fell down on the bar.picture of Elysium

    : Give the picture and the leftover soup to Middle Rufus.Exchange

    Middle Rufus:

    Change to Middle Rufus.

    Go to the rebel camp. Enter the tank and talk to Toni. Note that she isSave Baby Bozo:

    back to her normal self.

    Take the below the monitor.prescription

    Go to the rope store. Give the prescription to the rope seller. He gives the .rope

    Go to the editor's office and Barry. Show finger focus to Barry.

    Automatically be at the scaffolding. (See the flying platypus egg at left scaffolding.)

    Climb on support. Oh.

    Talk to Baby Bozo and see that he crawls to the other end.
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    Use the rope on the hook of the post. Talk to Baby Bozo and the baby moves on the noose.

    Climb on support. Rufus is caught in the trap and is choked by the noose.

    Click on rope end tied to the post. A scared Barry saves Rufus. Rufus ends up holding the baby

    and one end of the rope. The other end is held by Barry. Take the picture!

    At the editor's office, Rufus shows the to poor Barry.hero photo

    Go to the therapist above the editor's office.Get medicine for Bozo:

    Go to Bozo at Casa Bozo. Show Bozo the 3 pictures. Remember Bozo's answer to each


    Go to the therapist at District Center. Rufus asks for another session.

    Can we play card game again?

    Imprint from the Creep - That's terrible. Why would you show me something like


    Picture of Elysium - Elysium is crashing into Deponia.

    Hero Photo - It's the devil.

    The therapist tells Rufus to help himself to the medicine cabinet.

    Open the cabinet and take and .antidepressant emetic

    Go back to Bozo.Cure Bozo:

    Combine the left over soup and the antidepressant.

    Open the inventory and see that Baby Bozo ate the soup with all the antidepressant.

    Give emetic to Baby Bozo. Use the green-faced Baby Bozo on Bozo. Baby throws up on Bozo's


    Bozo releases his anger. He feels liberated.

    Take the while Bozo is busy putting his coat on.piggy bank

    : Bozo vouches for Rufus. Enter the camp.Rebel camp

    See Garlef guarding the door. The General cannot be disturbed. Organon has retreated.

    : Give the picture of Elysium and the piggy bank to Left Rufus.Exchange

    Right Rufus: Change to Right Rufus.

    Fire the cannon. The rebels think they are being attacked. Garlef mans one of the guns.
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    Enter through door. See Doc manning a gigantic cannon. Toni is hereMeet the General:


    Meet the General - Dad - Seagull. Seagull berates Rufus.

    Learn that they plan to blow up Elysium before the Elysians blow up Deponia. They are going to

    use Doc's cannon and the planet destroyer taken by Toni's group.

    Left Rufus:

    Change to Left Rufus.

    Still at the pub, Give the piggy bank to the barkeeper. Get the nucleic acid.

    : Go to the children at the campsite.Campsite

    Only Gritchen is here and a straw. Goaly was taken inside the tunnel.

    : Go to the tunnel and see Goaly inside a barred location.Lantern

    Go in any entryway and end up back at the Lantern area.

    Right Rufus:

    Change to Right Rufus.

    Argus calls his guards to attention thinking that the rebels are attacking.

    Go to the Goods Transporter behind the window next to the mail chute.

    Oppenbot has finished lugging the crates. Rufus comes through the transporter.

    Enter the pipe next to the lamp post to exit to the water.

    Go left to the storm drain at left. Look in and see Left Rufus.

    : Change to Left Rufus and give the picture of Elysium to Right Rufus (MiddleExchange

    Rufus cannot do this).

    Change back to Right Rufus.

    Go back to the platform. Use the picture of Elysium on the barrel left on the platform.

    Enter the barrel of leeches. Call Oppenbot.

    Left Rufus:

    Automatically change to Left Rufus.

    See that Goaly is sucked by the whirlpool.

    Exit through the entryway at top left to be at bottom right.
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    Follow Goaly down the whirlpool and through drainage pipe.

    Right Rufus:

    Automatically change to Right Rufus.

    At the Ascension customs, Oppenbot leaves to report to the bailiff. Rufus comes out of the


    Press the button right of the door to the highboat. Look at the code entry on the wall. There is a

    cartridge lock.

    Go to the door at the tower at right to be in Argus' office.Argus' Office:

    Check the safe on the wall.

    Go to the desk and take the . Listen to Argus talk.Dictaphone The cartridge is in the safe and

    . Hear the bailiff enter.the combination is 4437

    Hear Argus say to change to silly clothes and then get the cartridge from safe. Argus comes outdressed as Cletus. He can't remember the safe combination.

    Go under the desk.

    Argus goes to the desk and didn't see the Dictaphone. Argus calls Oppenbot. Argus is dressed

    as Cletus only for invading Elysium.

    Examine the Dictaphone in inventory.

    Eject (right button) the .minicartridge

    Place the empty Dictaphone on the desk.

    Argus takes the empty Dictaphone. Talk to me.

    Click on Argus - Answer: .The cartridge is in the safe. The combination is 4437

    Argus opens the safe and the alarm goes off.

    Oppenbot tries to switch off the alarm.

    Go the window at left through the pipe.

    Open the window.

    Go back behind the desk.

    Take the Dictaphone from desk.

    Press the red button beside Rufus. The alarm is turned off.

    Argus goes back to the desk and cannot find the Dictaphone.
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    Go to the window again.

    Go out the open window.

    Place the minicartridge with the Dictaphone.

    Play (middle button) to listen to the safe combination: 4473.

    Record (left button) - The cartridge is not in the safe. It fell behind the desk.

    Go back inside and go behind the desk.

    Place the Dictaphone on the desk.

    Automatically, Rufus goes back to the window again.

    Argus listens to the Dictaphone. He goes behind the right chair to look for the cartridge.

    Go out the window.

    Cletus enters and sits on the desk chair.

    Go to the window close to the safe and then enter to Argus office.

    Open the safe with the known combination.

    The alarm goes off and Rufus hides under the lamp. Argus calls Oppenbot. Cletus hides by the

    red button.

    Open the safe again and take the with the ascension code.cartridge

    Exit and is seen by the guards.

    Automatically go right to dressing room and come out dressed as Cletus.

    The guard alerts Argus and they look for the intruder. Cletus is caught.

    Exit through the door again.

    Middle and Left Rufus and Right Rufus:

    Automatically change to Middle Rufus at the Rebel's camp.

    : Left Rufus and Baby Goal come through the drainage pipe.Baby

    Left Rufus gives the nucleic acid to Baby Goal. The baby turns out to be Donna. !Hermes

    : Seagull places the order - . They will blow up Elysium.Seagull Aim that cannon

    : Use the cartridge on the code entry inside the door of the highboat.Right Rufus
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    Hear the officer ask if Rufus will leave without Goal. Goal is here. She was never dead.

    It was Donna that was thrown down. They demand the code or else Goal will be thrown off the


    Seagull demands an apology from Rufus. This is to teach him aBack at Rebel camp:


    Talk to Seagull completely. Rufus' friends are defending him. The third Rufus can still turn the


    Seagull pulls a gun on Rufus.

    Go through the dialogues again. Middle Rufus faces Seagull.

    Left Rufus goes beside the cannon. Try to pull the plug left of Rufus while Middle Rufus shouts

    all of his faults.

    - Middle Rufus is shot by Seagull.Caused Mom to die

    The 2 Rufuses jump in the cannon and attempt to climb to the end.

    : Argus demands the codes or Goal is to be thrown down.Right Rufus

    Goal is thrown.

    Jump down. Rufus jumps on Oppenbot.

    The 2 Rufuses come out of the mouth of cannon. Seagull waits for them.2 Rufuses:

    Answer: The baby phone rings. Hear Right RufusRufus number three didn't screw it up.scream.

    Right Rufus lands behind Seagull.

    Enter the tank at left and in front of the cannon's mouth.

    The 2 argue who will drive the tank. Click on the gas lever.

    Hit the wound of Middle Rufus. Left Rufus drives the tank. Click on gas lever.

    The tank goes on reverse and plugs the mouth of the cannon.

    Middle Rufus makes his last wish. Select all the dialogue. I believe in you. I love you.

    The one and only Rufus:

    See the highboat rise. His friends blame Rufus. Goal arrives and defends Rufus.

    Learn that Right Rufus saved Goal.

    Masterp : Rufus is asked to make a plan. Talk to Doc. The Ultimate Maneuver.lan
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    Look at the plan board beside Toni. Take the . Use the pen on the plan. See the plan.pen

    Rufus wearing the Right Rufus' costume is seated with Goal on the tank; waiting toLift off:

    be fired to the highboat.

    Push the ignition. Nothing happened.

    Push the door button and see the Deponians packed like sardines.

    Push the ignition again. The tank flies.


    The tank hits the side of the highboat. Rufus is in the midst of Organons.

    Talk to the Organon. Atten-tiooon! Division Halt!

    Go right to the center of the highboat.

    : Rufus enters the elevator and sees 3 guards. Behind the guards is the real Bailiff.Elevator

    Push the lever and then stop.

    This is the right floor? The guards leave and exposes Argus.Of Course.

    Argus wants a fight.Bailiff in elevator:

    Step on the pedal on the floor. The cover opens and hits Argus.

    Check the throttle valve inside and then take it. Now the elevator does not have speed control.

    If Argus closes the door, open it again using the pedal.

    Pull down the lever to the down position. They stick to the ceiling.

    Place the lever to stop position. Argus falls through the opening on the floor.

    Go right to exit the elevator.Organon speech:

    The Organon is waiting for the bailiff to make a speech.

    Rufus is caught saying a word not intended to be heard. Rufus expounds on the word.

    Have fun making a speech.

    The speech is concluded with the singing of the Organon Anthem led byOrganon Anthem:

    the Bailiff.

    Choose a note and place it in the correct position in the stave-staff. The notes are sung

    continuously to show if correct or not.
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    If it is correctly placed, the Organon will show hearts when that note is sung.

    : GoPrime Controller Ulysses

    to the end of the hall. Meet Ulysses.

    Rufus, Argus and Cletus try to stop

    Ulysses from destroying Deponia.

    Learn about Ulysses' reason forsaving Elysium - his daughter Goal.

    The Organon and the first

    prototypes such Cletus, Argus and Rufus are destined to die. Not wanting to die is a flaw in the

    first prototypes' design.

    Goal enters.

    Stop the destruction of Deponia:

    Ulysses presses the radio signal that will send a message toStop the transmission:activate the blast towers in the planet. Elysium will then travel to Utopia ahead of schedule.

    Aborting the detonation is impossible. The only way to stop it is to destroy the transmitter at the


    The 3 prototypes led by Rufus volunteer to destroy the transmitter.

    Note that Rufus' beard is made up of 3 small pointy hair while the other 2 have a goatee.

    : See the huge antenna connected by a cable to the main highboat's bridge.Transmitter

    Take an beside the prototypes.antenna

    Use the antenna on the cable. Rufus tightropes to the antenna. The others follow.

    See the transmitter flashing yellow at center of the complex.

    Use the antenna on the transmitter. The transmitter falls down to the rotor and is still flashing.

    : Talk to the other 2 guys and see the chances of dropping down there.Pass the blades

    Cletus calculated that there is 1 out of 3 chances of succeeding.

    Talk to Argus to start the count.

    Place the cursor under Rufus. The count starts. At count 2 or first chance the down arrow

    appears - jump.

    If the others caught on; start over by talking to Argus again. Jump at count 2.

    Cletus and Rufus jump.
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    A dazedGet to the transmitter:

    Rufus is woken up by Argus. Cletus

    is nowhere to be seen.

    See the flashing transmitter at

    bottom left. Look around.

    See screws holding the bridge. The

    arch at under the rotor blades at

    center of bridge has holes for

    missing screws.

    Tilt the bridge by removing one at left side. Place that screw on the middle of the bridge.screw

    Remove the other left screw and the 2 at right end. This makes a seesaw.screws

    Move over to the left and take the .transmitter

    : Use the transmitter on the rotor.Destroy the transmitter

    Rufus can't just throw it on the rotor because it will just ricochet.

    Use a screw on the hole where the transmitter was to hold the bridge steady. Go close at right

    end under Argus.

    Use the transmitter on the rotor. One, two and three.

    Deponia is saved.

    Stop the destruction of the highboat:

    The rotor is blocked by the transmitter and will cause the breakup of the highboat.

    Before Rufus is helped by Argus; Argus wants Rufus' help in the coup of the Council of Elders.

    Goal felt the shaking of the highboat. She can already see the airlocks of Elysium.

    Ulysses will keep the ship steady while Goal organize the evacuation of her friends from

    Deponia and possibly the Organons.

    Rufus declines to help with the coup.

    Argus removes the transmitter blocking the rotor.

    Cletus wrestles with Argus.

    The 3 end up on a blade each.

    : Goal has to choose the one to save.Goal

    I am Rufus!
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    I know something that the other two definitely don't.

    Doesn't matter what I say... we're just going round in circles here.

    Who cares which one of us is Rufus? Just leave us here and save yourself.

    . Rufus points to Cletus.It's true. I'm not Rufus

    Absolutely sure.

    Use the down arrow and Let go. Rufus sacrifices himself.

    Barry? Barry lands on a space station.

    : Cletus is dressed as Rufus. He gives his ideas to save Elysium to the Council of Elders.Elysium

    Goal looks out from the balcony. Remember what she said under truth serum.

    This document may not be distributed without express written permission of the author and th

    content may not be altered in any way.

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    Please write to: MaGtRo

    Copyright 11/2012 MaGtRo

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