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  • 8/14/2019 Gogo and the Sailor Win a Championship (September 24th,


    Gogo And The Sailor Win A Championship (September 24

    It was a warm day. The older Teenie Weenies sat about on the lawn under the rose bush, and reading, while the children played hide and seek.

    It is entirely too hot for the boys to run so hard, said Mrs. Lover. Im afraid theylsunstroke. But how can I stop them?

    I tell you, said the General, jumping up. Let me take your whole family for a ride.

    0, how lovely, said Mrs. Lover. That will be just the thing. And youve learned to now, I dont feel at all afraid.

    Thank you, said the General, stiffly. He still did not like to hear any one refer to the accidhe began to drive.

    Alter the little car had rolled away, the other Teenie Weenies began to wish that theysomething special to do, and at last the Dunce jumped up and exclaimed: Lets go swimmi

    0, do lets, cried the Lady of Fashion, and she and the Guff girls rushed into the house their tiny bathing suits.

    Quite soon all the little ladies were on their way to a swimming hole nearby, where Weenie men and boys were already enjoying the cool water.

  • 8/14/2019 Gogo and the Sailor Win a Championship (September 24th,


    It was decided that the Indian, the Sailor, Paddy Pin, and Zip should do the paddling, Turk, Gogo, the Dunce, and the Cook handled the lances, and soon the four little canoesupon the water, and the fun began.

    Luckily, a long, low limb from a bush grew out over the pond, and a good grandstand itthe other Teenie Weenies and for Tillie Titter, the English sparrow, who flew down for a bdrink, and stayed to see the fun.

    The Dunce, with Paddy Pin paddling, fought with Gogo, rowed by the Sailor, and Zip macanoe for the Cook, who was to conquer the Turk and the Indian.

    They all went at it as skillfully as they could, but Zip got so excited watching the Cook he part, and splash! the two went into the water. Then the Dunce tried to be funny as well asand during one of his pranks Gogo gave a clever shove with his straw that sent the Dunce hheels. All the Teenie Weenies applauded and Tillie Titter shrieked herself hoarse.

    Ere, ere, she cried as the Turk and Gogo, the two victors, faced each other for the decidiHim for the gentleman of color, Hi am.

    Thlee yells for the Turkie, shrieked the Chinaman.

    Carefully the two canoes came up and faced each other. Skillfully Gogo and the Turk fetheir long straws. The audience sat, now in breathless interest, now yelling with excitemenminute they were sure the Turk would win But suddenly the colored boy gave a clever

  • 8/14/2019 Gogo and the Sailor Win a Championship (September 24th,


  • 8/14/2019 Gogo and the Sailor Win a Championship (September 24th,


    Pea Pod Canoes (August 9 th , 1942)

    For several days there had been much activity under the rosebush where the Teenie Weeni The peas which the little people had planted in their garden were ripe. The huge pods were c

    from the vine with Teenie Weenie axes and carried under the rose bush, where they wereslit open along one side and the fat green peas lifted out. Most of the peas were to be driedaway for next Winters use. However, the Teenie Weenies always eat some of the peas how the little folk do enjoy them!

    Peas are a very important crop to the Teenie Weenies. Of course, the food they suppimportant, but the big pods also supply the little people with transportation. When the removed the pods are carefully dried and then coated with a waterproof liquid which is mthe milk, or sap, of the dandelion plant. Tiny seats, ribs and floor boards are then added tovery nice little canoe that will safely carry two Teenie Weenies. Most of the Teenie Wehow to build pea pod canoes and they always try to see who can make the best boat.

    It takes over a week to make one of the pea pod canoes. Of course, the little folk are alway

    to put them in the water at once to try them out. But for several days before the canfinished there came very hard rains, and the water was so high and swift in the creekGeneral considered it unsafe for such tiny craft.

    You must wait until the water goes down, the General warned. We dont want to invite a

  • 8/14/2019 Gogo and the Sailor Win a Championship (September 24th,


    Thats not a very good place, said the Turk. Theres hardly enough room to turn a canin a pan of water. The creek will settle down in a day or two, and then we can have a reatry the canoes out.

    Well, urged the Dunce, who was always impatient, couldnt we use the swimming pool?Thats silly! exclaimed the Cook. How in the name of common sense are you going canoe in a sauce dish? I agree with the General that wed better wait until the creek is safe.

    The Teenie Weenies watched the creek carefully. In a couple of days the water began to farained again and the water was higher than ever. The little people were greatly disappoi

    the very next day the Chinaman brought news that filled them all with joy.Me find place for canoe. Allee same hose makin big lake over there, shouted thepointing with his tiny finger. Muchie water for canoe.

    Where is this lake? asked the Turk.

    Flollow me. Me show where lake is, said the Chinaman, and he set off, followed by se Teenie Weenies.

    The Chinaman led the little men to a spot in the garden back of a big house, where thgarden hose lying on the ground. The little boy and girl who lived in the house had beyou spray me and Ill spray you in their bathing suits and forgot to shut the water off

  • 8/14/2019 Gogo and the Sailor Win a Championship (September 24th,


  • 8/14/2019 Gogo and the Sailor Win a Championship (September 24th,


    A Teenie Weenie Flood (March 21 st , 1943When the heavy snow melted and ran off into the creek near the Teenie Weenie villlittle stream was filled almost to the top of its banks. But when it rained hard for tw

    the water overflowed and flooded the land on either side of the creek. The Teenie Weenies spent most of their time standing on the bank and watching thflow by. They saw all sorts of things drifting on the current, and occasionally

    would go out in his pea pod canoe, fasten a line around a lead pencil or wooden cland tow it to shore. For pencils and clothespins make fine Teenie Weenie firewsawed and split into suitable sizes for Teenie Weenie stoves.

    The Teenie Weenies worried considerably about Nick the Squirrel, because his housthe top of a tree which was right in the middle of the flooded woods.When the water settles down a little and is not running so swiftly, I think we hapaddle out and see if Nick is all right, the General said.

    In a couple of days the water had quieted down some and the Sailor and the Genout in a pea pod canoe. When they came to the tree in which Nick lived, theranswer to their shouts, then they heard Nick call from a tree near by. The Sailor toward the tree, while Nick ran down the trunk and settled on a small limb near the

  • 8/14/2019 Gogo and the Sailor Win a Championship (September 24th,


    That wont do, said the General. Well bring some food to you just as soon as we The Sailor paddled back to shore and the General told some of the Teenie Weenibring down a few nuts from the Teenie Weenie storehouse.

    Well need a raft to carry the nuts out to Nick, said the Sailor. A pea pod calight to carry nuts in.We all could make a raft out of these, put in Gogo, pointing to some clothespinof pencil and several sticks which had been towed in for firewood.Thats fine, said the General. Get busy and make one.

    The Teenie Weenies soon made a stout raft by lashing together two clothespinsstub and a small stick with a bit of string. The Old Soldier with the wooden leg maof paddles, while the other Teenie Weenies brought the nuts down to the edge of th

    Two peanuts and a hazelnut were loaded onto the raft. Then Gogo and the Dunceoff, while the Sailor and the General led the way in a pea pod canoe.

    It was hard work to paddle the raft in the swift water, and there were many floating which had to be avoided. Once they ran into an empty, floating bottle and it nearthe raft. One of the peanuts rolled off and floated away, but fortunately that was damage done.

  • 8/14/2019 Gogo and the Sailor Win a Championship (September 24th,


  • 8/14/2019 Gogo and the Sailor Win a Championship (September 24th,


    Pea-Pod Canoes (August 1 st , 1943)

    Now that the vegetables in the Teenie Weenie garden were ready to eat, the lit were kept mighty busy. The vegetables had grown well and some of them wer

    became a problem for such little people to handle them. The carrots were so huge it took a week to get five of them out of the ground and the Teenie Weenie storehouse.

    First, the great tops had to be chopped off with Teenie Weenie axes and dragged awthe little men had to dig around each carrot, and they had to dig down so deeply hole had to be timbered to keep the earth from falling in on the workers. When thhad been uncovered, it was then necessary to put up a derrick and slowly pulvegetable out of the ground with a Teenie Weenie block and tackle.

    The Teenie Weenies seldom use more than two carrots, but they like to store awextra for their friend, the Rhyming Rabbit, who is quite old and so crrheumatism that he cant always get food when he needs it during the Winter.

    The little people dry most of their vegetables, although the Cook does put up a nutwo and three-drop cherry seed jars of berry jam and tomato preserves. Corn, bepeas are always dried for Winter use and some of the little men are impatie

  • 8/14/2019 Gogo and the Sailor Win a Championship (September 24th,


    the little men.) There the canoe is placed on Teenie Weenie work horses outside thethe weather is nice, for the Teenie Weenies love to work outdoors.

    First, the pod is given a coat of a certain paint which the Teenie Weenie D

    invented. This keeps the pod from drying too quickly. Next, the Old Soldier with thleg carefully takes measurements for the wooden framework which must be built incanoe to make it sturdy. The Old Soldier is a fine workman, even though he is than a common safety match, and he usually plans the work for the rest of the little m

    When the measurements for the pea pod have been taken, the little men set to work

    out the various wooden parts which are needed to strengthen the canoe. Burned mand other lumber is cut up to furnish the wood necessary for making the canoe seawAs soon as the wooden parts are in place, the canoe is given several coats of wpaint, and when that is thoroughly dry, the boat is ready for the water.

    Almost all the Teenie Weenie men build pea-pod canoes. The Sailor is very particu

    his canoe, and he spends a great deal of time over the work. The Dunce is always inhurry to get his canoe done he never makes a very good one. So after he has usedtimes it has to go to the workshop for repairs.

    The Teenie Weenies enjoy building their canoes, and the tiny workshop fairly buz

  • 8/14/2019 Gogo and the Sailor Win a Championship (September 24th,


  • 8/14/2019 Gogo and the Sailor Win a Championship (September 24th,


    By The Thimble Full (April 11 th , 1948)

    All night long the rain came down by the thimble full. It beat on the roofs of thWeenie houses with a roar that kept many of the little folks awake most of the nightmorning great puddles of water stood through out the village and the Policeman, wthe first of the Teenie Weenies to venture out of the shoe house, found one ofhouses completely surrounded by water.

    The old tea pot where the Chinaman lived and did the Teenie Weenies laundry stoolowest spot in the Teenie Weenie village. A great pool of water surrounded the builit had flooded through the doorway into the tea pot. The Chinaman stood on top of over the tiny door clutching the laundry sign with one hand and in the other he hprecious flat iron.

    Muchie floodses! he shouted when he saw the Policeman. Me be up here long tim

    The Policeman quickly organized a rescue party and soon two pea pod calaunched on the puddle. The Sailor paddled his canoe up to the flooded tea pot Policeman helped the Chinaman into the tiny boat.

    Why are you hanging onto that iron? asked the Policeman pointing to the flat

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    The Cowboy and the Cook pulled the Policeman and the Chinaman into their canthe Sailor swam ashore. The Dunce was sent to bed for his part in the accident Chinaman thoroughly cleaned and polished his iron before he changed into dry cloth

    By digging ditches the Teenie Weenie men soon drained off much of the water arlaundry and when the Chinaman visited the tea pot he found it a mess. A number of of rice which had been stored in a cupboard swelled up when soaked by the water anhad burst the doors off the tiny piece of furniture. Some food was spoiled, a freshlbasket of clothes had to be washed and ironed over again and the water had leftcoat of mud on the laundry floor.

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  • 8/14/2019 Gogo and the Sailor Win a Championship (September 24th,


    A Real Engineer (June 25 th , 1950)

    There had been mighty little rain during the past few weeks but the creek which runs Teenie Weenie village was nearly overflowing its banks. The Teenie Weenies wondered

    great deal and finally the Dunce and Gogo decided to look into the matter. The little chaps ppod canoe into the water and paddled down stream for quite a distance. Where the creek ruthe big woods they discovered a dam had been built. It was made out of sticks and mcertainly held back the water. While the two Teenie Weenies were looking over the dam theynoise near the shore and they paddled cautiously towards it.

    As they drew near a birch tree that lay partly over the water the Dunce let out a gasp and with his Teenie Weenie finger. Look! he whispered to Gogo who was paddling the canoe,bear eatin that tree.

    Gogo paddled the canoe quietly towards the spot and they saw a great hairy animal gnawintree. The animal had nearly chewed the tree in two and it paid no attention to the canoe asnear. The two Teenie Weenies watched the animal chewing at the tree for some time and th

    paddled back to the shoe house to tell of their discovery to the rest of the Teenie Weenies.You saw a beaver! said the Old Soldier with a wooden leg, after he had listened to GogoDunces story of what they had seen. He built the dam. He did that to flood the water netrees so he can chew them down and float pieces of the trees near his house where he stores

  • 8/14/2019 Gogo and the Sailor Win a Championship (September 24th,


  • 8/14/2019 Gogo and the Sailor Win a Championship (September 24th,


    Wild Flower Deserve (May 11 th , 1952)

    One day Ginky reported to the Lady of Fashion that the violets were blooming on of the creek. He sniffed toward the kitchen door and the Lady of Fashion broucouple of Teenie Weenie cookies which she handed to the mouse.Thank you, Ginky, for telling me, said the Lady of Fashion, Ill get the Sailor to over to the flowers and Ill be glad to get a violet for a table decorationitsbirthday, you know.

    Early the next morning the Sailor put his pea pod canoe into the water, helped the Fashion in and paddled across the stream to the stand of early violets that stoodgood landing place. As they drew near the flowers they saw Ginky sitting on a nearby.

    Well, Ginky, what brings you out so early in the morning, asked the Lady of Fash

    0, Im warden here, answered the mouse, This is a wild flower deserve. Donpickin of wild flowers here.

    You mean wild flower preserve, corrected the Lady of Fashion, It wouldnt dofor me to take just one

  • 8/14/2019 Gogo and the Sailor Win a Championship (September 24th,


    The Lady of Fashion didnt answer and she stepped into the canoe and told the paddle away.

    The Teenie Weenies were mighty angry when they heard how the mouse had tri

    the violet, but the Lady of Fashion was very happy when a violet was found on thporch later in the day. No one had seen it left there, but mouse tracks were neathey were very much like Ginkys.

    The dear mouse! exclaimed the Lady of Fashion. He is ashamed for what he trying to make up. But the Lady of Fashion soon changed her mind when Ginky

    up and asked for two doughnuts for the violet.

  • 8/14/2019 Gogo and the Sailor Win a Championship (September 24th,


  • 8/14/2019 Gogo and the Sailor Win a Championship (September 24th,


    Not In A Pea Pod Canoe (May 10 th , 1953

    Now that the Teenie Weenie house cleaning is over, the grounds around the vcleaned up and the Teenie Weenie garden planted, the men have a little time for fi

    number of the little chaps spent most of their time at the creek but all they caughsmall crawfish which hardly had enough meat on it to pay for the trouble. The meand fished but without catching any more and all of them gave up in disgust exDunce, who would fish in a teacup if he was told there was a fish in it.

    One day the Dunce came running to the village with the news that he had seen a bIts as long as a lead pencil! he shouted. Its down in that big deep hole under thtree near the big rock.

    This news greatly encouraged the fishing Teenie Weenies, and the Cook, Gogo, tand the Sailor began searching for a worm. After nearly two hours of digging thfound a slender fish worm which they divided into four parts. Taking a couple ofcanoes the four Teenie Weenies hurried down the tiny trail to the creek.Now dont get excited and stand up if you hook a fish, the Sailor warned the Duhad his line in the water before they had reached the hole. If you hook a big fiplenty of line

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    Say, argued the Dunce, when I hook a big fish I hold onto it.

    Well, all I can say is that you dont hang onto a five inch perch when youre fishipea pod canoe.

    Well, I do, retorted the Dunce.You wont from my canoe, answered the Sailor, and boosting the pea pod over histarted home.

  • 8/14/2019 Gogo and the Sailor Win a Championship (September 24th,
