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Page 1: Go-to-Market Strategy - Entrepreneurship 101
Page 2: Go-to-Market Strategy - Entrepreneurship 101

Entrepreneurship 101!Presented by: Jonathan Dogterom – Practice Lead, Cleantech March 2012!

Page 3: Go-to-Market Strategy - Entrepreneurship 101

Explore the key activities in attracting and winning new customers employing a customer

orientated perspective.

Pg 3

How  will  we  create  value?  

How  will  we  deliver  value?  

How  will  we  capture  value?  

Page 4: Go-to-Market Strategy - Entrepreneurship 101

¨ Marketing strategy has defined who the customers are and what they are being offered!

¨ GTM plan defines how the company will win new customers and feed the sales pipeline!–  Including the process to guide customer interactions!–  Process to guide channels and connect with customers!–  Interface between sales, customers and product development!

¨ Plans differ from product to product and industry to industry!

¨ Factors in development of the GTM Plan include:!–  Complexity of the solution!–  Price level!–  Relative disruptiveness!!

Feed the Sales Pipeline!!

Pg 4!

Page 5: Go-to-Market Strategy - Entrepreneurship 101

The specifics of the value proposition determine the direction!

Pg 5!

$ / Unit!

Volume and Timeline!

Relative market size of different segments/applications!!Colour represents the strength of the value proposition (green being strongest), when taking into account other factors!

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Pg 6!Time!

Adaptors differ by economic status, affinity for risk, knowledge and interest !!Transition points require different organizational competencies and product characteristics (example: service and support) !



Early !Adaptors!

Early Majority! Late Majority!


Crossing the Chasm!

Page 7: Go-to-Market Strategy - Entrepreneurship 101

Problem  Recogni7on  

Informa7on  Search  

Evaluate  Alterna7ves  

Purchase  Decision  

Post-­‐Purchase  Evalua7on  

The customer oriented approach!

Pg 7!

Solu7on  Recogni7on  

Proving  your  Company  and  Product  Tech,  Biz,  Partnership  

Nego7a7ng  the  Right  Deal  

Rela7onship  Building,  

Product  and  Service  



Page 8: Go-to-Market Strategy - Entrepreneurship 101

¨  Identify your specific audience / champion / coach within the customerʼs organization!

¨ Educate the target audience about the existence of your solution – they already know the problem!

¨ Possible tools to develop include white papers, magazine articles, keynote presentations and a company website!

¨ Need to get channels and partners involved at the beginning!

¨ Review which activities yielded the best results in terms of leads generated and attempt to replicate or scale up similar activities!

Customer is in the Problem Recognition Stage!

Pg 8!

Page 9: Go-to-Market Strategy - Entrepreneurship 101

¨ The customer needs both the technical and business information in order to access the relevance and feasibility of your solution!

¨ Understanding the various roles of the stakeholders in the purchasing decision is critical at this stage!

¨ Time to prove your productʼs ability to solve their problem, methods include:!–  Demonstration of the product or a prototype!–  Performance data from other deployments!–  Field Trial!

¨ Manage the risks and expectation!

¨ Ensure your resources are used wisely!

Customer is in the Information Search Stage of the Buying Process!

Pg 9!

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Case Study – Backup Power!

Pg 10!

•  Field trials to test value proposition assumptions and prove capabilities to the customer – product performance, cost and logistics












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re D




Page 11: Go-to-Market Strategy - Entrepreneurship 101

•  Availability: A > 99.99909%

•  Reliability: R = 99.920% per start-stop cycle •  MTBF = 1255 cycles in cycling tests •  MTBF = 562 hours in timed tests

Case Study – Backup Power!

Page 12: Go-to-Market Strategy - Entrepreneurship 101

¨ Often your biggest competition is Do Nothing!!

¨  If the customer is prepared to go forward at this stage you will need to write a proposal to enable the customer to make a formal review!

¨ Know: deadline, scope, who it is going to (type of buyer), how it will be evaluated and who else is bidding!

¨  Include:!–  Context!–  Solution!–  Pricing!–  Sample Contract!–  Supporting Documentation!

Customer is Evaluating Alternatives!

Pg 12!

Page 13: Go-to-Market Strategy - Entrepreneurship 101

¨ Show them you understand their problem!

¨ Materials need to clearly articulate the value you are offering!

¨ References:!–  Analyst briefing—seeking third-party validation for your strengths is key (i.e.,

appearing in Gartner, IDC or Forrester reports if you are in the IT industry)!–  Testimonials from similar customers!–  Well-documented reference projects which illustrate your strengths (can be

displayed on website or even published in industry magazines) !

¨ White paper done with the customer – shows their thought leadership in the industry!

¨ Partnerships!!

Pg 13!

Page 14: Go-to-Market Strategy - Entrepreneurship 101

¨ People buy from people – cliché, but true – emotion plays a role in purchase decisions!

¨ Negotiation:!–  You should be reasonable in your expectations, as should your customer in

their demands!–  Customer believes you can do the job and wants your product, just not at any

terms and conditions – example: price!–  There is a give-and-take process in play whereby the seller can ask for an

increased level of commitment every time the offer is improved!–  Preparation is the biggest success factor in negotiation. You should have: !!1) analyzed your own position on all key items (price, quantity, quality, timelines, etc.) to understand what your limits are!!2) analyzed the customerʼs position along the same lines so that you can anticipate their demands and defend your position !

Moment of truth!

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¨ Now you have established trust and a track record!

¨ Word of mouth and repeat buying are two of your best marketing tools!

¨ Use your new understanding of the customer and market – reference site, data and customer feedback!

¨ Exceed expectations and build a strong “say do ratio”!

Sales and marketing feeds into service and product development!

Pg 15!

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¨ Focus on the customerʼs perspective !

¨  Involve all of your functional groups !

¨ Fully understand the customers problem!

¨ Know where your technology is going!

¨ Use data to prove your capabilities!

¨ Differentiate your solution and approach!

¨ Build a strong relationship with an internal champion/coach!

Sales activities must focus on building a scalable, repeat sales process!

Pg 16!

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Jonathan J. [email protected]!

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