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GM Diet Plan GM Diet Day 1 GM Diet Day 2 GM Diet Day 3 GM Diet Day 4 GM Diet Day 5 GM Diet Day 6 GM Diet Day 7 GM Diet Vegetarian GM Diet Indian Version GM Diet History GM Diet Forum GM Diet Tips GM Diet Prep Exercises Recipes Vegetarian Recipes Indian Recipes Chicken Recipes Weight ChartGM Diet GM Diet OverviewWhat is GM DietGM diet is a weight loss management plan developed by the General Motors Corporation to help keep their employees stay in shape. This diet system involves the consumption of specific foods per day, in contrast to weekly schedules like that of Atkins and South Beach diets. What started as an in-house program for individuals within the General Motors Corporation today has become a worldwide phenomenon. The GM diet plan has grown to be a popular diet plan over time has caught on and today has become very popular with people looking for a diet plan that works.The GM diet and its unique diet plan help your to reduce close to 10-17 lbs in 7 days. Reducing weight is the primary goal, additionally with reduced weight comes the added benefit of feeling good, looking good all translating to a great experience. Not only does it improve the mental state and attitude of the person following the diet course, it also help you to cleanse and detoxify your body. Infact quite a few people follow the diet once every 6 months to cleanse and detoxify primarily rather that weight loss.Does the GM Diet Work?While it has been a very popular diet plan over the years, there are still some questions about the effectiveness of the GM diet. According to recent studies, this diet plan is indeed effective in reducing excess pounds at a fast rate. While normal weight loss strategies induce at the most of 1 pound per week lost, the GM diet can help get rid of up to 10 lbs each week by simply following its food intake regimen.At the same time however, this diet plan may prove to be overwhelming to first time users, as it involves radical change of diet intake that consists mainly of raw fruits and vegetables and reduced meat servings.The effectiveness of the GM diet should also be supplemented by a regular exercise routine, as according to nutrition experts, the diet alone would leave the individual tired and weak. Through routine exercise of up to 10 minutes each day, the bodys metabolism would be sped up and be able to keep up with the diet requirements. Followers of this diet plan would also benefit from regular exercise as they get to enjoy normal energy levels and use the pounds they shed in more productive activities.How to Prepare for the GM DietTo those who are planning to follow the GM diet as their weight loss management regimen, they should be able to withstand excess sweating, occasional feeling of hunger, and momentary weakness, as these are among the common side effects during the first days of the diet routine.One way to prepare for the GM diet is by staying hydrated. That is, regular water intake should be observed, at 8-10 glasses each day. This is because once the body welcomes the effects of GM diet it would require extra water for energy and metabolism. Those who instantly follow the diet system may suffer from incessant muscle pain and weakness, increased body heat, and malaise, and all of these could only be regulated by adequate amounts of water in the body.Avoiding alcohol intake should also be observed when preparing for the GM diet. This is because alcohol prevents the effects of the diet from taking place, and followers would only end up stumped with their current weight even after a week of weight loss management. Alcohol also triggers water retention, which prevents individuals from getting rid of the excess fluids from their systems.Weight Loss Objectives and GoalsThe primary reason for the development of GM diet is to help middle-aged employees of the General Motors Corporation to slim down and enjoy better health as they are only a few years to retirement. Through this diet plan followers were expected to get rid of the unnecessary pounds they possess, as this triggers various health risks that may interfere with their work at the company and at the same time prevent them from enjoying retirement.Those however, who are planning to follow the GM diet plan should have the following objectives in mind: Shed off the extra pounds in order to achieve a proportional weight-height body mass. Experience a cleaner body system through routine detoxifying effects. Enjoy a better toned muscle through supplemental exercise. Prevent the onset of obesity related conditions such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and arthritis.Followers of the GM diet should also observe strict yet at the same time manageable weight loss goals in order not to experience the diet plans side effects. These include:Following the diet plan in daily schedules until desired weight is attained.Using the diet plan in weekly intervals to maintain the achieved weight combined with proper exercise to avoid bouts of fatigue and other related health risks.Side Effects of GM DietBeing a fast-paced diet plan, the GM diet has also become known for its side effects. Like many other quick weight-loss regimens, followers of the GM diet may experience conditions such as:Sudden muscle weakness. This is because the muscle tissues are deprived of adequate amounts of protein during the first few days of the diet plan. This condition can be regulated once the system gets used to the nutrients provided by the regimen.Incessant thirst and dehydration. Persons following the GM diet also feel incessantly thirsty and even suffer from dehydration as their fluids are used by the body to foster metabolic processes. Followers are therefore advised to take more water to prevent the onset of dehydration and experience a more rejuvenated feeling.Headaches and malaise. Persons who are in their first days of the GM diet may experience headaches and malaise, as they are still on the process of getting used to the diet effects. These tend to be psychosomatic, as followers are subject to cravings which have to withstand in order to achieve their diet goals.The side effects of GM diet are likewise similar to those of other diet fads, but these can be effectively managed by Following the regimen in a sequential and chronological manner. Skipping days and cheating on the food intake may result not only to the ineffectiveness of the diet, but as well as getting extra, unwanted pounds. Supplementing the diet with proper exercise, rest and water intake. By supporting the body system with regular exercise, water intake and rest, the body would be able to adjust to the diet settings at a faster manner and avoid routine side effects. It would also lead to better effects and easier maintenance procedures.Posted to: General Motors Diet212 CommentsCommon GM Diet Questions, FAQs & TipsCommon GM Diet Questions, FAQs & Tips1) Can I have tea or coffee?Herbal teas are fine. The only sweetener allowed is stevia. I will never recommend coffee, however if you do have it you can only have stevia in it.2) What days can we eat the Wonder Soup?You can eat the Wonder Soup on any of the 7 days when you are hungry. Never go hungry on this diet. Folks tend to have better results when they eat the soup.3) Can I drink alcohol?No alcohol during this plan! There are no redeeming health values to alcohol.4) Can I eat at places like Subway or eat processed meats/foods?No, never actually. Subway foods like most processed foods are full of toxic chemicals like dough conditioners in the bread, sulfites, msg, nitrates and phosphates in the meats, not to mention sugar and too much processed salt in the dressings. Run away from foods like this. The point of the GM Diet is to cut all processed foods.5) How many bananas can we eat on day 4?If you have read that 8 bananas are allowed, you are not following our plan but another plan. We do not help with other plans. This is the original GM Diet here. The answer is 4 regular size bananas, or of the 6 tiny bananas.6) On day 4, can I have buttermilk or yogurt in stead of milk?Yes, yogurt or buttermilk is a fine replacement as long as there is no sugar in the yogurt.7) Can we have chapati, wheat, cereal, bread, etc?No, this is a gluten free diet. Wheat is so bad for you. It has been genetically modified and over processed. It causes weight gain and other health issues. If you eat lots of wheat, you will likely not maintain your weight loss after the diet.8) Can I have honey lemon water in the morning?No, you cannot have honey in your water. There is nothing healthy about this at all; you are essentially just drinking sugar water. You can have as much lemon in your water as you like though.9) I am a vegetarian, what do I do instead of meat?We have laid out two plans for vegetarians. Here are the links. Keep in mind whenever you replace meat, you need to make sure you have a little good fat in that dish. Example would be: olive oil, coconut oil, butter or ghee. Also if you have curd as a meat replacement, it will already contain some good fat. Can I have salt, pepper, or spices?Yes, you can have a normal amount of salt. Never over do it. However since you are drinking extra water on this plan, salt is very important. Even adding a dash in your water can be important if you are using the unprocessed form of salt. Sea salt or unprocessed salt is always the best option for salt. Pepper, herbs and spices are allowed. Try and enjoy your food.11) Will I gain the weight back after the GM Diet?Most diets are going to fail if you plan on returning back to an unhealthy lifestyle after the diet. Yes, you will likely gain your weight back if you go back to a poor eating plan. If you want to keep your weight off you must make a serious lifestyle change. Many people have underlying health issues such as thyroid problems, cortisol issues and so on. These health issues can hamper weight loss and cause weight gain. In order to try and maintain a healthy weight and lose more weight you must eat healthy!12) Can I have dried fruits or nuts?No, you cannot have dried fruits or nuts on this plan. Afterwards you can enjoy them in small quantities but you do have to limit these as they are very concentrated sources of food.13) What do I eat after the GM diet?This is a loaded question really. Here is what we have found by study and experience. Whether you are a meat eater, vegetarian or vegan, each meal must be balanced.Eat 3 meals a day. Do not eat them all at once, spread them out. Each meal should have a protein, a good carb and plenty of vegetables. You can also have 2 to 3 servings of fruit a day. We never recommend wheat or bread. We prefer gluten free and even grain free. Whole foods are always best. Cut out processed foods completely if at all possible.Good carbs/starches are white potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, squashes, white rice, taro root, plantains and celery root.Also do not go fat free. You need good fat like animal fats found in good grass fed meats, ghee, olive oil and especially coconut oil.14) Can I do the GM Diet continuously?No, this is meant to be a weight loss kick starter. The GM Diet should not be a lifestyle. You can however do the diet again but you must wait at least two weeks, but preferably one month. In between that time eat healthy. Do not go back to your original way of dieting or eating.Posted to: General Motors Diet, GM Diet Tips8 Comments Older EntriesGeneral Motors Diet Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 GM Diet Forum GM Diet FAQ'sCategories General Motors Diet GM Diet Chicken Recipes GM Diet Exercises GM Diet Indian Recipes GM Diet Prep GM Diet Recipes GM Diet Tips GM Diet Vegetarian RecipesDisclaimer The material on this site is intended to be of general informational use only and does not constitute recommended diets, dieting programs, treatment for weight loss or medical advice. Always consult with a licensed dietician and a doctor before embarking on any dieting program. GM Diet Exercises Can I Exercise while on the GM Diet Yoga and GM Diet GM Diet Grocery List Weight Chart How Does the GM Diet Work? GM Diet Vegetarian Version GM Diet Indian Version GM Diet for Non Vegetarians GM Diet after Delivery GM Diet History GM Diet Recipes GM Diet Indian Recipes GM Diet Vegetarian Recipes GM Diet Chicken Recipes GM Diet Wonder Soup GM Diet FAQscopyright 2012 All rights reserved. Privacy - Terms Of Use - Sitemap - A Congregate Media Property.< div style="display:none;">< img src="//" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="Quantcast"/>< /div>

I did the following weight loss diet program and it worked wonders. I strongly recommend anyone desirous of loosing weight to start on this program immediately. Best part of the program is that it is doable! --- B. H. Jajoo

General Motors: Weight Loss Diet Program

The following diet and health program was developed for employees and dependents of General Motors, Inc. and is intended for their exclusive use. This program was developed in conjunction with a grant from U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration. It was field tested at the Johns Hopkins Research Centre and was approved for distribution by the Board of Directors, General Motors Corp. at a general meeting on August 15, 1985. General Motors Corp. wholly endorses this program and is making it available to all employees and families. This program will be available at all General Motors Food Service Facilities. It is management's intention to facilitate a wellness and fitness program for everyone. This program is designed for a target weight loss of 10-17 lbs per week. It will also improve your attitudes and emotions because of its cleansing systematic effects. The effectiveness of this seven day plan is that the food eaten burn more calories than they give to the body in caloric value. This plan can be used as often as you like without any fear of complications. It is designed to flush your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well being. After seven days you will begin to feel lighter because you will be lighter by at least 10 lbs. You will have an abundance of energy and an improved disposition. During the first seven days you must abstain from all alcoholYou must drink 10 glasses of water each day Day One All fruits except bananas. Your first day will consist of all the fruits you want. It is strongly suggested that you consume lots of melons the first day. Especially watermelon and a loupe. If you limit your fruit consumption to melons, your chances of losing three lbs. on first day are very good.

Day Two All vegetables. You are encouraged to eat until you are stuffed with all the raw or cooked vegetables of your choice. There is no limit on the amount or type. For your complex carbohydrate, you will start day two with a large baked potato for breakfast. You may top the potato with one pat of butter. Day Three A mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount, any quantity. No bananas yet. No potatoes today. Day Four Bananas and milk. Today you will eat as many as eight bananas and drink three glasses of milk. This will be combined with the special soup which may be eaten in limited quantities. Day Five Today is feast day. You will eat beef and tomatoes. Eat two 10 oz. portions of lean beef. Hamburger is OK. Combine this with six whole tomatoes. On day five you must increase your water intake by one quart. This is to cleanse your system of the uric acid you will be producing. Day Six Beef and vegetables. Today you may eat an unlimited amount of beef and vegetables. Eat to your hearts content. Day Seven Today your food intake will consist of brown rice, fruit juices and all the vegetables you care to consume.

Tomorrow morning you will be 10-17 lbs. lighter than one week ago. If you desire further weight loss, repeat the program again. You may repeat this program as often as you like, however, it is suggested that you are allowed two glasses of white wine in addition to the instructions on the program. You may substitute champagne for white wine. Under no circumstances are you to drink any other alcoholic beverages with the exception of beer which is allowed. Any liquor (bourbon,vodka, rum) is forbidden. Cream drinks are especially forbidden. You may have an occasional cordial such as creme de menthe or schnapps, but you must always limit yourself to two drinks. If you wine, drink only wine that day. If you have beer, drink only beer that day, etc. Alcohol adds empty calories to your diet. However, after the first week it will help your digestion and settle your stomach. G.M.'S Wonder Soup The following soup is intended as a supplement to your diet. It can be eaten any time of the day in virtually unlimited quantities. You are encouraged to consume large quantities of this soup. 28 oz, Water, 6 Large Onions, 2 Green Peppers, Whole Tomatoes (fresh or canned), 1 Head Cabbage, 1 Bunch Celery, 4 Envelopes Lipton Onion Soup Mix, Herbs and Flavouring as desired. Additional Comments Vegetables as may be taken in the form of a salad if desired. No dressing except malt, white or wine vinegar, squeezed lemon, garlic, herbs. No more than one tea spoon of oil. You have been given a recipe for the WONDER SOUP which can be eaten in unlimited quantities. This soup is a supplement while you are on the program and it should be a pleasure to eat. Not everyone likes cabbage, green peppers, calory etc. This recipe is not inflexible. You may substitute vegetables according to your taste. You may add any vegetables you like: asparagus, peas, corn, turnips, green beans, cauliflower, etc. Try to stay away from beans (lima, pinto, kidney, etc.), however, because they tend to be high in calories even though they are very good for you. Beverages you may consume while on the program : 1. Water (flavoured with lemon/lime if desired). 2. Club Soda is OK. 3. Black Coffee. No cream or cream substitute. No sugar or sweetness. 4. Black Tea = Herb or Leaf. 5. Absolutely nothing else except the fruit juices which are part of day seven. No fruit juices before day seven. How and Why It Works Day One you are preparing your system for the upcoming programme. Your only source of nutrition is fresh or canned fruits. Fruits are nature's perfect food. They provide everything you could possibly want to sustain life except total balance and variety. Day Two starts with a fix of complex carbo-hydrates coupled with an oil dose. This is taken in the morning for energy and balance. The rest of day two consists of vegetables which are virtually calorie free and provide essential nutrients and fibre. Day Three eliminates the potato because you get your carbohydrates from the fruits. You system is now prepared to start burning excess pounds. You will still have cravings which should start to diminish by day four. Day Four, bananas, milk and soup sound the strangest and least desirable. You're in for a surprise. You probably will not eat all the bananas allowed. But they are there for the potassium you have lost and the sodium you may have missed the past three days. You will notice a definite loss of desire for sweets. You will be surprised how easy this day will go. Day Five, Beef and tomatoes. The beef is for iron and proteins, the tomatoes are for digestion and fibre. Lots and lots of water purifies your system. You should notice colourless urine today. Your allowance calls for the equivalent of five "quarter ponders". Do not feel you have to eat all this beef. You must eat the six tomatoes. Day Six is similar to day five, Iron and proteins from beef, Vitamins and fibre from vegetables. By now your system is in a total weight loss inclination. There should be a noticeable difference in the way you look today, compared to day one. Day Seven finished off the program like a good cigar used to finish off Victorian meals, except much healthier. You have your system under control and it should thank you for the flushing and cleaning you just gave it.

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The Fit Indian Daily Health, Fitness and Diet Tips Health Fitness Exercises Weight Loss Diet Nutrition Recipes Beauty Hair SkininShare0 The Fastest Indian Vegetarian Diet to Lose Weight 7 Days GM DietBipasha MukherjeeVegetarian 824 CommentsObsessed with losing weight? Tell me who isnt! Every second person would tell you they want to change their body. Losing weight isnt impossible, as many people think it is. It does take a lot of dedication and a little bit of hard work. Well, actually it takes immense dedication and a whole lot of hard work. However, here is a secret diet plan to slim down your body and cut down your weight in just 7 days! This is the best vegetarian diet to lose weight. Are you wondering why this diet is any different? When you have tried almost everything possible in the world and havent got the best results. This vegetarian diet to lose weight will help you lose weight very quickly. It is also called as the GM Diet plan.

The Vegetarian diet plan for weight loss is not just to lose weight, but it is also a maintenance method for a slim and proportionate body. Along with these, it will help you practice eating vegetables and fruits which will help to boost up the metabolic rate. Vegetarian diets and weight loss go hand it hand. It is the healthiest and the fastest way to shed pounds. This vegetarian diet program has become famous around the world. Every one is addicted to it, it actually works!Advantages Of GM Diet Plan:This 7 day vegetarian diet plan was developed for the well being of General Motors Inc. employees. That is the reason it is called the GM Diet Plan. The aim of the program is to gain a healthy body. You can expect the following things by practicing this Diet Plan regime:1. Lose around 5 to 8 kilograms in 7 days2. Natural glow to skin3. Elimination of toxins will make you feel light and energetic4. Reduces the flab around the tummy and waistAll these in just 7 days! It is a miracle diet plan! At the beginning it may sounds a bit impossible to follow it, but just 7 days of dedication will bring you a healthy body. If you successfully complete these 7 days, you will definitely love the results. You would never want to break the diet regime, because you know the worth of it. Just to make sure that you are healthy enough to practice this diet, consult your doctor before you begin.The GM Diet Vegetarian Plan:This Diet Plan includes the intake of fruits, vegetables and starch. To prepare yourself for the vegetarian GM diet plan, you need to avoid alcohol for a few days. Especially in the time of the diet schedule and before it. This is a very important tip you need to follow. Alcohol increases the uric acid in the body, which leads to water retention. This blocks the natural detoxifying process from taking place.

It is also very essential that you drink up to 10 glasses of water everyday. As you will not be consuming the same amount of carbohydrates which you normally do. Water will be your main source of energy for the whole day. It will also boost your metabolism and remove the unwanted pounds from the body, naturally. In case you have already tried this diet plan, it is better to take a break for 2 to 3 days before you resume the diet again. This will help the body to adjust to the new method of nutritional intake, which will also relieve your body from any kind of anxiety. Here is what you have to do for the 7 days of your Diet Plan.Day 1:Being the first day, it is always the hardest. Try to keep yourself away from all kinds of cravings as you will be consuming only fruits. You can consume all the fruits, excluding grapes, bananas, litchi and mangoes. You can have them in any quantity you like. It is suggested that you consume more watermelon, lime, oranges, apples, pomegranates, strawberries and melons. You can eat 20 times a day, but you should eat only fruits.

This is the way of preparing your body for the upcoming days. The only source of nutrition is from the fruits, they provide you will all that you need for your body. If you prefer to cut them up and eat, its great but make sure you arent adding anything else to it. Its just a pure fruit for me day! If you can limit your fruit intake to only melons, your have a good chance of losing 3 pounds on your first day.Day 2:Like the first day, the second day is All veggies day. You can eat nothing but vegetables and only vegetables. You can eat to your hearts content, feel your stomach filled up with vegetables if you need to. Boiled or raw vegetables will do. You can even begin your day with a boiled potato and a tea spoon of butter. This is done in order to give the body enough energy and carbohydrates for the day. But after that only raw and boiled vegetables.

Only one potato this day is enough, dont consume more than that. Adding a pinch of oregano or basil seasoning to make the vegetables more edible is perfect. Day 2 is a calorie free day with a good amount of fibre and nutrients. If you make it through day two, you are definitely dedicated!Day 3:Day 3 is a combination of day 1 and 2. You can eat the mentioned fruits and vegetables. Eat any quantity and any amount you like and drink lots of water as directed. You need to avoid potatoes on day 3 as you are getting enough carbohydrates supply from the fruits. Your system is all set to burn the excess pounds. Your cravings may try to dominate, but think about the weight loss and the great results. You will feel light and happy by this time.Day 4:Everything has its perfect time, if you believe in this saying then your right. Remember how you were told not to eat bananas on the first three days? Well on the 4th day of the vegetarian diet for losing weight, you have the liberty to eat up to 6 bananas for the whole day. You can drink up to 4 glasses of milk. You must have heard that bananas help in weight gain, however in this diet, they act as a source of potassium and sodium for the body. Since the intake of salt is reduced, bananas will do the job.

You can also have one cup of a highly diluted soup for a meal. The soup should consist of capsicum, onions, garlic and tomatoes. It is a tasty and healthy recipe which will help in the weight loss process. You can drink it only 1 time a day, it is only to refresh your taste buds from all the vegetable and fruit intake. Be careful to resist yourself. You are just 3 days away from a losing weight!Day 5:Day 5 is a festival day for you, as you can have a tasty meal. You can munch on tomatoes, sprouts and cottage cheese, also known as paneer in India. You can also add soya chunks to you meal. Make a tasty soup with the mentioned ingredients and drink it. Make sure to increase your water intake on day 5.

Image: photobucket.comYou can eat up to 6 tomatoes and increase the water intake with 1/4 of the daily consumption. This is done in order to cleanse your body from uric acid. The tomatoes are for the fibre and digestion process. The water will purify your body from all kinds of toxins.Day 6:Day 6 is a little different to day 5. You will be eating sprouts, cottage cheese and other vegetables but by excluding tomatoes. No tomatoes on day 6, avoid them. The tasty soup and lots of water should help you through your day. Vegetables will provide vitamins and fibre to your body. You will already notice change in your body by this time. Continue consuming a good amount of water everyday.

Day 7:The last and final day of the diet plan. This is the most important day. You will be feeling light on your toes and happy inside out. You can have fresh fruit juice, one cup of brown rice or half chapathi and other vegetables you would want to eat. You can complete your day with the consumption of water.

That is the whole diet plan for 7 days. If you can follow it strictly, no one can stop you from gaining a healthy and slimmer body. The below tips will help you to plan your 7 days effectively. No fruit juices allowed in the first 6 days. Try to increase water intake to 15 glasses by the fifth day Completely avoid tea coffee or alcohol. You can replace these with black tea, black coffee and lime water (all these are without sugar) A 45 minute work out on alternative days will help you get the best results. In case this weight loss program you are under taking is for a particular occasion, try it 2 months before hand with 2 to 3 days gap after every 7 days. Vegetables can be taken in salad form or eaten as a whole. You can dress it with squeezed lemon, herbs, garlic or even white or wine vinegar. Nothing else should be added to this. The soup recipe given can be consumed in unlimited quantities. It will be a pleasure to eat while you are following this diet regime. In case you do not like the ingredients, you can add other vegetables like cauliflower, corn, peas, asparagus, cabbage and others. try to stay away from all type of beans (kidney, lima, pinto etc) they are said to be high in calories.Your complete vegetarian diet plan is ready for you. Now what? You lose 5 to 8 kilograms for that week and gain it back the next? This easy vegetarian diet plan to lose weight was not made to help you gain weight right? It is definitely hard to stick to this vigorous diet plan all your life. All you need to do after this diet plan is to maintain yourself. You dont have to live on this food forever. So here are a few things you should be doing, to maintain a healthy and happy life.1. You need to be focused on improving your diet habits. All the nutrients should be in moderation.2. Exercise regularly to maintain your body.3. Have a balanced diet with a daily dose of minerals, fibre, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fat etc.The GM diet has become the most popular diet which is practiced by Indians. This is mainly because of vegetarian attributes. Just 7 days of dedication and hard work will make you shed lots of weight. This diet is extremely effective and has satisfied many Indians. Dont wait any longer! Take up this 7 day challenge and say hello to a better lifestyle and a better body. It is a great regime for you to follow. Watch what you eat, control your food cravings and you will be a happier and slimmer person next week!Frequently Asked Questions About Day 5 of the Indian GM Diet Plan:People often get confused as to what to eat on the 5th day to get enough of proteins and fibers. Therefore, we have presented the complete disambiguation of the 5th day of GM Diet with a sample diet plan.Day 5 of the GM Diet plays a pivotal role in the entire scheme of the diet because it is the day when we transform back to normal foods habits from just fruits and vegetables. The 5th Day calls for high level of proteins and fibers that we can get from various foods sources other than meat.Foods you can eat on the 5th Day:The 5th day of the GM diet lays emphasis on tomatoes and proteins for flushing out toxins from the body. It is true that meat is the most widely available source of protein but the vegetarians need not worry, because there are several plant sources of protein and fiber as well that works equally well. Here is a list of foods that can be consumed during Day 5 of the diet. Tomatoes Brown Rice Paneer (Cottage Cheese) Red Kidney Beans Sprouts Spinach Tofu Cucumber Soy ChunksSample Diet Plan for Day 5:Here is a sample diet plan that includes all the foods that you are allowed to eat during Day 5. You are free to introduce changes as you like though.Breakfast- 2 tomatoes, A Bowl of Red Kidney Beans seasoned with salt, pepper and lemon.Mid-Morning- A Cup of Tofu or CurdLunch- A Bowl of Brown Rice, 2 tomatoes, Palak Paneer (Spinach and Paneer)Evening-Sprouts Salad with onions, lemon juice, pepper and a pinch of salt.Dinner-Light Curry made from Soy Chunks/ Vegetable Soup, Cucumber and tomato salad made from 1 cucumber and 2 tomatoes.Few Points to Keep in Mind: Raise the amount of water intake during Day 5 in order to flush out the toxins. Drink at least 14 glasses of water throughout the day. It is compulsory to consume 6 tomatoes throughout the day. Tomatoes can be slightly roasted with olive oil if you cant eat them raw. You can substitute brown rice with roti during Day 5 of the diet.Note: After following the Indian GM Diet Plan, we suggest you to follow the 1200 calorie Indian Diet Plan to control your weight and eating habits. There are healthy chances that your weight might increase if you keep eating junk and processed foods.About Author

BipashaBipasha Mukherjee is a professional content writer at She has done her post graduation in English from The University of Calcutta and has flair to write articles on Health, Fitness, Beauty and Diet.Related Posts 12Benefits of Eating Sprouts in Our Daily Diet ... 0Top 5 Vegetarian Diets to Lose Weight Veggie... Comments (824)1. MurtazaThank you for the superb article. I am for sure gonna try this as soon as my Moharam end. will post you the results. Thanks once again.Reply harry patelThough i am a hostel student soups r not possible so can i strt it with only veg. N fruits all seven daysplz rplyReply Bipasha MukherjeeYou must have only fruits on day 1 and only vegetables on day 2. Day 3 will be a combination of fruits and vegetables. Day 4 is banana and milk day. On day 5 you can have paneer, yougurt, brown rice, boiled vegetables. On day 6 and 7 you can have boiled vegetables, sprouts, paneer, fruit juices, brown rice or rotis.Reply SadaHi,What about the protein for the day? if we limit the carbs it will also affect the Muscles more than fat. Our body will start converting muscle to energy which will result in weight loss but after the diet will it not decrease BMR which means we will burn less calories than before the diet? i feel this diet will do more damage than gains. Let me know if i wrong in my understanding of this diet.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeHi Sada, see any kind of short term diet is only a temporary solution for quickly losing a few pounds and a strict diet like GM diet will definitely affect the muscles along with the fat. But yet again its only a temporary effect. In order to stay healthy in the long run we all have to follow a healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise regime. R.OYou can use whey protine with water only three times a day .make sure the suger is less then 1 percent in it and no more then 120 calTrust me it will work and make you less hungry throughouthe day and you wont lose as much muscle Bipasha MukherjeeThanks for this great tip. Preeti AgarwalHi Bipasha,Thank You for giving us GM diet plan. I have a question regarding this plan? What is the recommend quantity of paneer and sprouts I should have on days 5 and 6.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYOu can have a small bowl of paneer and a dish of soaked sprouts. Prashant DEOREKya nai ese after 7 days bhe continue kar sakta hu ???? Agar kar sakta hu to aur kitne week??Reply Bipasha MukherjeeSorry Prashant, the GM diet should not be continued for more than 7 days at a stretch, you can how ever again resume it the following month. (GM diet 7 dino se zyada continue na karein. Aap ise fir se agle mahine 7 dino ke liyea follow kar sakte hain.) ramyahi,what is the combination with brown rice.if any curry or sabji is good?they have spices right,is it gud?please reply soon.thank uReply Bipasha MukherjeeYou can have vegetable soup or a light paneer curry with brown rice. NipaHi I have thyroid and have less metabolism after taking my thyroid medicine on empty stomach. What can I have earliest in morning and as breakfast as lemon creates acidity breakfast.Reply ParvathiHi I like did plan very much see I have given delivery to a baby and she is six months old. I am giving my feeding to her before delivery I was 58 now I became 80kgs my delivery was Cesarean delivery so my doubt can I start did from now on wards ? For 7 days around 6 kilos means to reduce to my original weight I have to follow did for one month right? Plz reply me ASAP I am eagerly waiting to reduce weight plz plzReply ParvathiHi my name is Parvathi I have given delivery to a baby she is six months old and giving my feeding to her my delivery was Cesarean before delivery I was 58 KGS now I became 80 KGS so can I start dis from now onward? For 7 days 6 kilos means I have to follow did for one month to reduce to my original weight? I am eagerly waiting plz reply me ASAP? PlzReply Bipasha MukherjeeCongratulations from the Fit Indian team on this happy news. But I can not suggest you to follow this diet for the time being because its a highly restrictive diet that will make you weak which is harmful for both your baby and you. GuruHi bipasha,Can we follow this diet plan with swimming and jogging?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYou might feel a bit weak during the first four days of the diet, therefore it is best to resume exercise from the 5th day of the diet. prakash karnacan i continue my gym workout during this diet plan?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThe first 4 days of the diet can make you feel a bit weak and its best to resume exercise form the 5th day. sagarHi, I just want more clearance on day 6th. Which is not cleared for me. Can you please suggest what I can have on day 6th. Thanks and kindly repky on my mail id it appreciates.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYou can have sprouts, cottage cheese, vegetables and brown rice on day 6 of the diet. You can have sprout salad for breakfast, a bowl of brown rice and cottage cheese for lunch, a bowl of curd in the evening and vegetable soup for dinner. SwapnilThis is insane.One should not follow..Regualr walk and controlled diet will give you better results for longer term..Avoid outside snack fried stuff..n all..once in fifteen days should be fine.This diet will make you weeak n take away all your will givemany side effects like hair fall..weak muscles..n once u stop dis diet will gain in a double speed dan ever..control ur portion of meal,to control the portion,u can try drinking water before you eat..dat will make u feel full n quantity will be in control..but u shudn everything but limited..regular walk can do wonders..Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThank you for this helpful advice. ThirzaHI i just started today with the diet?But i have one question?On some days you must consume soup is there anything you can consume instead of soup? Like veggies?Lovely Greetz ThirzaReply Bipasha MukherjeeYes you can consume boiled vegetables seasoned with a little salt and pepper instead of soup.Reply soma duttaHi Bipasha,Really nice article you have . got the insight about it. But i have a small question on it. on day 2 and 3 and after that whenevre I will be consuming vegitables can I intake salt with it. Thanks in advanceSomaReply Bipasha MukherjeeYes you can always have salt for seasoning your vegetables but have it in very less amount.2. TomasHi Evangeline,What a difference in the Before and After pictures! One question though. As I understand the GM diet, meat is allowed to some extent. Have you made your own special vegetarian version of the GM diet or where did you hear about it?Thanks!Reply3. SahanthaIve tried this diet many times before and it has doubled my energy as well as helped me become more active. Ive lost around 5 kgs in my 1st week itself. Thanks for the share..Reply4. umakantCan I have salt with salads and other soups food. I am following the diet from yesturday without salt.Reply priyahiiireally u r article is good. m trying to loose weight and i found this article.after reading this i feel i can do it. today is my first day and m 70kg .will keep post after 7days. i will follow all .lets hope i will loose some weight.thanks Reply Bipasha MukherjeeBest of luck for your diet and keep us updated.Reply priyaHII m on 3day. i loose 2kg second day is so difficult but result is good..lets see what will happen on 7th day fingers are crossed.. its really hard to follow.Reply priyahi..i m on 4th day.can i add sugar in milk???rply plzzz Samona SarinHi bipasha, jus started dere any subsitute to tomatoesI hate demReply Bipasha MukherjeeHi Samona, all the best for the rest of the days. If you dont like raw tomatoes then you can have them bakes with a sprinkle of olive oil, seasoned with a pinch of salt and black pepper, I think you will like it.5. diathank works i lost 7 kgs in the very first week Reply Fruitydid it really help u lose 7 kg healthy and that to in 1 weekhow u use to weight b4 and u r now can u give me sm information coz i started this diet 2 days back and really want sm good results and wht kind of workouts did u do coz i am just doing walking , jogging, and running so can u just let me know what did u doi want a reply as fast as possiblethank uReply6. veenucan i add salt in soups n in vegetables. pls reply me.Reply Evangeline SupriyaI think if your soup tastes extremely bland, you can try adding a little salt. Better yet try adding a few drops of lemon juice to give you the perfect taste.Reply7. Abhijeet KulkarniHi,A great article i must say. Its difficult to get the exact details of a GM diet for indian veggies. So appreciate your effort here. I have a few questions.Day 4 do you have any specific recipie for the soupDay 5 You have mentioned we can eat cottage cheese and other veggies. Can you create a sabzi out of it and eat the same? or do we have to consume it raw..I have started with the first day of the diet now hoping for some good resultsAlso how safe it is to continue the same diet week after weekReply Evangeline SupriyaThank You. For Day 4 there is no particular recipe. However, to keep the soup healthy try to boil capsicum, onions, garlic and tomatoes. Add a few drops of lemon juice and drink it. It may not taste delicious but it is definitely healthy. Do not over boil the vegetables as they lose their richness.Day 5: Cottage cheese and other vegetables can be made into a salad. You can definitely use your creativity to get a healthy meal.It is recommended that you take 3 to 4 days off the diet after every week. The body needs to get enough energy to continue the diet. You need to watch what you eat in the other days.Reply8. KanshuAwesome article This is what i was looking for a long time (The indian version of GM Diet plan)Going to start this from tomorrow.GOD give me courage Reply9. vishwajaHey, i really intend to follow this diet strictly, but there is only one fear. I have a pear shaped body and am extra fat upper portion is just fine. So am i going to lose weight from my breasts as well? cause i really dont want that!Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThe GM Diet can not concentrate on a certain portion of the body and you are going to lose weight from your entire body. You will be able to feel the results after the completion of the diet, as you will come down a dress size.Reply drishtiHey bipasha, I m following ur 7 day diet but wen I weighed myself on the 4th day to check my weight it increased by 2 kgs I m sooo depressed!!Reply Bipasha MukherjeeDont worry, just stick to the diet. may be its the water weight that you saw, because you are consuming 8-10 glasses of water per day.Reply yashdristi/BipashaWhat was the end result? Even i gained weight. I am doing 5th day . phethetic!!! Bipasha MukherjeeDear Yash, please dont feel disappointed as the diet will show results differently for different people because we all of us are separate individuals. Keep up with the diet as instructed and eat only when you feel hungry. Dont stuff in more food than you can eat just because it is instructed in the diet. Yashhi drishti,did it work to you? wat was the result after 7 days?because even i have put on weight after 3 daysReply DimHey plz can u help me for day 4. What all we can have in sprouts ?? N all those have to b compulsorily be sprouted ??Reply Bipasha MukherjeeIts healthiest to have them sprouted.Reply prakruthiHey I am lly stressed out I wanA loose weight this is being reli hard fr me n doin gm diet wuld b hard Bt aftr that thr is a gain bk in d weight it wuld b waste of tym wuld u plz teme hw to maintain fr a pretty longer time !!Reply Bipasha MukherjeeIn order to maintain your weight you must make a habit of regular exercise and you can try out the 1200 calorie diet.Reply10. BhanuHy I m impress by ur routine diet . I want to follow ur diet . Bt I have 1 confusn regarding ur weekly diet plan . Let me kw me abt ur 5 nd 6 day diet plan . As I kw that I have to take soup , bt dont kw that hw many times I have to take soup in day . Oslo want to kw d meal plan of 7 day I ll vry b very thankful to u if u reply me soon Reply11. girikcan i use salt in vegitable planReply Bipasha MukherjeeYes, but very negligible amount.Reply12. AparajitaDear Evangeline. Thanks for a great diet plan. Day 4 confuses me though. is it just 6 bananas, 4 glasses of milk and 1 cup of soup for the whole day? Appreciate a quick revert. I plan to start tomorrow if day 4 gets easier. Thanks.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeAlthough surviving on 6 bananas and 4 glasses for the whole day might appear a bit tough, but banana is a fairly heavy fruit and keeps the stomach full for a considerable amount of time. You can make a banana milk shake which also helps to keep the stomach full. So, dont worry and get started with your diet.Reply farican i have olive oil in tikka on 5 and 6 dayReply Bipasha MukherjeeYes, but limit it to 1 tps.Reply13. akshyahey..Evangeline..really thankful for ur wonderful articleits really worksi lost 2.2kgs in 7 days..thnx.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThank you for following The Fit Indian.Reply14. AshimaDear Evangeline, can I take salts n pepper with fruit n vegetable diet on day 1 and day 2.can I also take green tea between meals.Thank you.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYou can take green tea between your meals. As for salt and pepper, try to keep it as low as possible.Reply15. Fruityi wanna ask u that can i eat oats on second day i mean an oatmeal soup with corns and coriander or something like that .Reply Bipasha MukherjeeDont go for any kind of soups on day 2. Soups are allotted to day 6. You can spice up your platter of boiled vegetables with a pinch of black pepper power and a dash of lemon juice.Reply16. trivedi jagdish revashankarmy weight is 112 kg .how much diet plan do for 75 kgs?Reply17. swati vijaynic veg so its useful im going to try this definatlyReply18. HimeI am allergic to milk. Is there a way to replace milk in Day 4??Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYou can substitute milk for yogurt or soy milk. Better still, forget the milk and go for some fresh fruits.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYou can substitute milk with yogurt or soy milk.Reply19. THIRUMALAIreally this works and i lost around 4 kgs in a week.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThank you for trying the GM Diet Plan.Reply20. Subramanya BharadwajHelloIt is really a great article i started yesterdayJust wanted to know the quantity of liquid intake in ML like for water every day and milk on day 4..Thank you Reply Bipasha MukherjeeAn average glass of water is around 250 ml, so 10 glasses of water per day would be 2500 ml and 4 glasses of milk on day 4 would be 1000 ml approximately.Reply21. Subramanya BharadwajThank you very much Reply22. Gaurav DalalHi All,I too have tried this diet plan thrice. It worked for me. It increases amount of energy and thus will also increase stamina. Follow it religiously, i bet on it , it will definitely works.Keeping yourself away from FOOD you love just for seven days isnt that tough. You can resist it.Reply23. shinuit seems effective.going to have a try.thank you for this diet planReply24. NithaHi Could you tell me if I can use salt and pepper on the fruits and vegetables?Or for that matter, any other masalas?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYou can use black pepper powder, but try to limit the use of salt.Reply25. seemaHey I m on my 3 rd day of gm diet.. I just want to know can I include sweet corns in my diet??., I checked my weight.. I didnt loose at all .. M worriedReply Bipasha MukherjeeYes sweet corn can be consumed during the 3rd day of GM Diet, but remember to eat the vegetable raw or boiled, dont use oil for frying the veggies. Follow the instructions religiously and you will surely see positive results.Reply26. DheepaHi.Do we have leave a gap after 7 days for the body to adapt this diet change. If so, what will be the diet during the gap period. Or can we can continue 7 day plan for the next cycle. Can I substitute honey in green tea, black tea or black coffee.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThis diet plan is for 7 days, you should not continue it for more than 7 days at a stretch. As soon as 7 days are over gradually shift back to a normal healthy diet and if required follow the GM diet for another 7 days the following month. Yes, you can add honey to your green tea and black coffee.Reply DheepaThank you. Will keep you posted on the results of the 7 day plan.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeWe will be waiting to know your results.Reply27. SrikanthHi,i have heared the GM plan one of friend. i reached this site through google i am so excited after reading this article.. thanks to author.. i am impressed after reading all the comments posted by our friendsi am going to start from Monday God support me i will share my results on next monday..Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThank you for deciding to try the GM Diet plan after reading our article. Just follow the instructions of the diet plan religiously and you will surely see great results. Keep us updated about your progress.Reply SrikanthI have completed three days successfully Now i am in fourth Day way to go another three days Seeing weight loss.:)Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThanks for the update! Keep it up.Reply Srikanthhi,almost i have completed 6 Days.. i want to share to excitement news- Followed strictly..Results:-i have reduced 5 Kg Weight.. its true believe me or not..i have reduce 2 inches of waistHappy to share these information..28. PoojaHi,Please tell me can I have morning tea without sugar, everyday.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYes, its fine to have a cup of plain tea without sugar or milk in the morning.Reply29. PoojaThanks.I have to attend marriage on 3rd march.I am working in 1pm-9pm, can you please advise me in details how should I follow this diet plan in my daily routine?Looking forward for your replyReply30. sanI am bit confused on the diet for on day 5. It just says feast meal and tomtoes. i didnt get that. what shuld i consume for breakfast,lunch and dinner ?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThe original diet on day 5 of GM Diet Plan is 6 tomatoes and beef. But in the vegetarian version, the beef can be substituted for a bowl of brown rice or cup of yogurt. you can have 2 tomatoes and a cup of yogurt for breakfast, followed by a small bowl of brown rice and soup for lunch. Snack on 2 tomatoes in the evening and have the rest of the 2 tomatoes and a bowl of soup for dinner.Reply31. sumaCan u pls clear me what we can eat on 5th&6 th day of GM diet.We can eat vegetables and fruits also .I am on fourth day now.please reply. ThanksReply Bipasha MukherjeeOn the fifth day you have to eat a total of 6 tomatoes throughout the day. So you can have 2 tomatoes and a bowl of soup for breakfast, a bowl of brown rice and soup for lunch, 2 tomatoes in the evening and the rest of the tomatoes and another bowl of soup for dinner. You have a lot of options on day 6. Gorge on cottage cheese, sprouts and vegetables except tomatoes. Have some boiled vegetables for breakfast, followed by a bowl of vegetable and cottage cheese soup for lunch. Have a mixture of sprouts with a dash of lemon in the evening and some fresh salad and soup for dinner.Reply32. Jayeeta ghoshHi , I am only 52 and currently weigh 75 kgs, I put on weight easily and now I think I will try to do this GM diet. But my question is will I have the enough energy to carry on with the daily household chores as I live in UK and have to do everything my self including taking care of a six year old and the work is never ending. I also have a low iron level and insomnia.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeGM diet is a sure way to lose weight, but the first 3 day can be difficult and you might feel weak and lethargic. As you say that you have low iron level and insomnia, I would suggest you to consult your physician before going for the GM diet.Reply33. sunnyHiCan we have frozen green peas on day 2 along with other vegetablesThanksReply Bipasha MukherjeeYes, you can have frozen peas along with other vegetables, but its always better to go for the fresh ones if available.Reply Mohan RaoCan I eat green leaves on the second day ?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYes of course, you can eat leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce, cabbage, etc.Reply Mohan RaoDear Bipasa,Ive successfully completed 2 days.Ive few doubts regarding remaining days.1.Can I take butter milk or curd ?2. Can I eat eggs with vegetables? Bipasha MukherjeeAs you say you have already completed day 1 & 2 so you must be knowing that day 3 is a combination of day 1 & 2 where you can eat both fruits and vegetables. On day 4 you can have 6-8 bananas and up to 4 glasses of milk. On day 5 you must have 6 tomatoes along with sprouts, cottage cheese (paneer), brown rice and soy chunks.You can have butter milk or curd on the 5th day. On day 6 and 7 you can have eggs, but only egg whites.34. IshaHi, just done with my first day ..feeling not too bad Please help me for day 5 as I dont like to eat raw tomatoes!!can I add it to other veggies n jv a salad??also can I substitute brown rice for raw rice(unpolished )??? Awaiting your prompt replythnxReply Bipasha MukherjeeBrown rice is the best substitute for beef. But if you cant manage it then you can substitute it for yogurt and cottage cheese (paneer). As for the tomatoes, if you dont like it raw then roast them a bit and sprinkle some salt and pepper.Reply35. Mohan RaoCan I eat sweet corn on day2?In what quantity?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYes, sweet corn can be consumed on day 2. Mix it with the other vegetables you are eating.Reply36. chanduDay 5, is it vegetable day or do we need to drink the soup only with the mentioned ingrediets ? If only soup, then how many times in a day.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeNo, day 5 is not a vegetable day. You must consume at least 6 tomatoes throughout the day coupled with yogurt, cottage cheese and soup. You can also have a small bowl of brown rice for lunch.Reply ramyahi,can i have tomato with any type of dal on day5?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeTry to stay away from lentils during the 7 days of the diet, have the tomatoes raw or slightly roasted with a sprinkle of olive oil.Reply37. subeeCant we eat daals(in soups) in the GM diet plan?If yes, which all days can it be eaten?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYou can eat sprouts and lentil salads but not daal because it requires salt and sugar for preparation and you need to stay from those 2 things during the GM diet.Reply38. Mohan RaoDear Bipasa,Im very glad to say that Ive my completed my 4 days of diet.Actually Im a south Indian and Im a complete non vegetarian.My food habbits are idly or dosa in breakfast,rice with curries like dhal,other vegetables,chicken and curd etc.Can you pls tell me whether theres any south related diet that I can follow for the remaining 5,6,7days.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYou can eat vegetables, fruits, fruit juices, chicken stew and fish stew during the 5th,6th and 7th day.Reply39. chanduCan you provide a plan for 3-4 days which can be followed monthly once.Reply40. VinayaHi bipashaI did gm diet for 7 days ..and on dqy 8 i returned to day 1 and continued the diet now im on 2 nd day again..i did not know that gap of 2 -3 days was mustwhat should i do now?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYou should not continue the diet for more than 1 week. Stop it immediately and resume your normal diet. You should follow GM diet once a month.Reply41. Sunny MantriThis is my third day. I have lost 1.4kg and .3kg in the first two days itself.I am thrilled by the fact that my waist has come down from 39 to 37 !. These are amazing results ! These initial results have given me enough encouragement to continue..However, I should mention that I felt a constant headache for almost the whole part of the 2 days. It was also very hard to go to sleep on almost an empty stomach.I made a firm decision before starting this diet that I will not let any excuse (usually long hours at work) to ruin this diet plan and that I will follow this diet plan to the letter T. A big thanks to Bipasha and my awesome wife who always make sure that I have proper food available to eat.Will post the final results. Bipasha I will truly appreciate if you can elabourate on day 5 diet. Its bit confusing how many times we can have ? how much cottage cheese we can consume ? Thanks once again.-SunnyReply Bipasha MukherjeeCongrats! It feels great to know that the diet worked so well for you. As for day 5, you can have You must eat 6 tomatoes throughout the day. You can have a bowl of soup and 2 tomatoes for breakfast, followed by a cup of brown rice and a bowl of cottage cheese for lunch. Snack on 2 tomatoes in the evening and have another bowl of soup and the rest of the tomatoes for dinner.Reply42. GuruBoyHi, First of all, this is a great thing you are doing here, very much appreciated.Second I have a few questions of my own, if you will be so kind to answer them,A) Isnt it bad to loose more than 2 lbs /week , i.e. how do you know you are loosing fat, not Lean Body Mass, Muscle mass, things like that.B) Can men follow this diet, I read in an article that reducing carbs can reduce Testosterone, and induce estrogen in men. Please shed some light on this subject.RegardsGuruBoy.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThank you for recognizing our efforts. It is always bad to lose weight drastically and it is often the muscle mass that we loose. GM diet is not a permanent solution for weight issues, it is more of a detoxifying regime that helps in shedding a few pounds. And as for point B, I personally dont know about any such inverse relation between carbs and testosterone, even if there is, the effect is only temporary because as you get back to normal diet your carb intake will rise naturally.Reply Sunny MantriHi Bipasha,Just a bit concerned with your reply here. Are we losing muscle mass or actual fat ? I have lost 2.3kgs so far (day 6 morning) and I can notice that I have lost weight from all over the body but does that mean that I have lost muscles rather than the fat. Please clarify.Thanks,SunnyReply Bipasha MukherjeeHi Sunny, you are right. One of the major drawback of any diet is that in addition to burning fat, it also leads to loss of muscle mass and water to some extent and its the same for GM diet as well. You will lose some muscle mass till the 3rd day.From the 4th day you will feel better as milk and carbs are introduced to the diet. Light exercises can also help recover muscle weakness but dont try any exercises before the 4th day till proteins are introduced to the diet.Reply43. priyahiiii m on 5th day and again i put on weight.m worried. what should i do???Reply44. dishahi i am disha from chennai, this is my first day of dieting, nice diet plan really i want to reach soon to seventh day to lose weightReply Bipasha MukherjeeAll the best Disha.Reply Ranchitwhat about oats (any flavour) instead of Day 6 ?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYes, you can have plain oats with yogurt or milk but not flavored ones.Reply45. dishahi, i hate to eat rice what can i take on rice place.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYou can eat yogurt, curd and cottage cheese (paneer) instead of rice.Reply46. Mohan RaoHi,Ive successfully completed 6days of my diet and Ive almost lost 3 kgs.I want to know d exact diet that I should follow on d 7th day.Pls replyReply47. manuhi all..after 7days the weight increase and showing as it is.their is no use of using and following this diet.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThis diet usually works for weight loss, may be you have missed out some crucial points that is needed to be followed to achieve optimum results from this diet plan.Reply48. SusanthiHiI am a little confused about the diet on Day 5 & 6. You mentioned we can have soup. Is it any number of times a day? If its only once a day, what are we suppose to eat for the rest of the day. This also applies to Day 7 when we can have the proper meal? What do we eat rest of the day?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYou can have the soup twice a day. On day 5 you must have 6 tomatoes throughout the day. So start the day with 2 tomatoes and a bowl of soup. Have a bowl of brown rice and cottage cheese for lunch. Eat 2 more tomatoes in the evening. HAve another bowl of soup and 2 tomatoes for dinner. On day 6, have mixed sprouts salad for breakfast, followed by cottage cheese and boiled vegetables for lunch. Have a bowl of vegetable soup in the evening and salad and soup for dinner. Do not eat tomatoes on day 6. On day 7 you can have fruit juices in addition to vegetables and brown rice. Have boiled vegetables for breakfast, followed by a bowl of brown rice and vegetable soup for lunch. Have fresh fruit juices in the evening and salad and vegetable soup for dinner. You can resume your normal diet from the 8th day.Reply49. dishathanks it is my second day i lost 1.6 kg. it was difficult for second day morning. but keeping goal to lose weight we can do believe me its work.Reply50. nishiHi Bipasha,Just wanted to know dat d soup u have mentioned should be taken with salt or widout. Pl. Reply as am planning to start this diet from monday.. sounds great lets see wat happens !!!!!Reply Bipasha MukherjeeUse of salt should be negligible, just enough for seasoning.Reply51. radhii am doing this diet plan. today is my third day.. Morning i check my weight i lost 1.5 kg.. Usually how much everybody loose?I am waiting for the last day to see my weight Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThere is no fixed amount of weight loss and it varies from person to person and their metabolism. As I see, 1.5 kgs in 3 days, you are on the right path, just keep it up and you will see wonderful results by the end of the 7th day.Reply52. Mh90Hello, I am on the 4th day of the diet so far, and am ecstatic to have lost 2.7KG already (I weight 76KG starting the diet). I found the first two days difficult, as I had a constant headache. I powered through, and day 3 was much easier. Day 3 was a breeze, if you can get through the first two days. Already I feel 10 times more energetic than usual, and feel lighter. Thank you so much for posting the diet which is already increasing my confidence.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeIt feels great to know about your success with the GM diet. Do let us know about the final result.Reply Mh90Hi Bipasha, Ive completed the diet, and lost a total of 3.6KG! Today I had dal makhani and rotis, but didnt enjoy it much. I found myself missing the diet foods (never thought that would ever happen) and now plan on eating mostly fruit/veg/brown rice for the rest of the day! I found that I had so much more energy during the diet.This experience has definitely changed my eating habits for the better, even after the diet has finished. For anyone considering doing this diet, honestly it is only difficult for the first 2 days, and the rest of the week is actually enjoyable!! Youll feel lighter, energetic and fantastic.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThank you for this comment that will act as a great source of inspiration for those trying out the GM diet.Reply53. diyai have hypothyroid. i m taking a treatment for this. can i use this GM diet ?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeAs you say that you are under medication for hypothyroidism, therefore its a must to consult your physician before commencing GM diet.Reply54. MshahCan i follow this diet while i am feeding?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeIt best to follow a well balanced and nutritious diet while you are feeding because GM diet limits your options and strips the body of various proteins and essential fats temporarily.Reply55. SunnyHi,We a set of 6 people are going to try the diet, we wanted a brief of the diet to be followed on the 5th and 6th day along with the reciepe of the soup and quantity we should consume. Hoping for a quick reply. ThanksReply Bipasha MukherjeeIts great to see that people trying out the GM diet in a pursuit to stay healthy. Day 5 comprises of tomatoes,cottage cheese,soup,yogurt and brown rice. You must have 6 tomatoes throughout the day. Have 2 tomatoes and a bowl of soup for breakfast, followed by a bowl of brown rice along with 100 gm cottage cheese for lunch. Have 2 more tomatoes and 200 gms sour yogurt in the evening followed by rest of the 2 tomatoes and another bowl of soup for dinner. Day 6 will comprise of vegetables except tomatoes, sprouts, brown rice and soup. Start the day with a bowl full of mixed sprouts salad followed by a cup of brown rice and a bowl of sauteed or stewed mixed vegetable for lunch. have a bowl of soup in the evening followed by salad and soup for dinner. The recipe of the Soup is as follows:Onions- 6 Finely chopped, Green Pepper-2 chopped, Tomatoes-3 chopped, Cabbage-1 finely chopped, water-1.5 liters. Saute the onions and pepper in pan with olive oil, now add tomatoes and saute for a minute, now add the cabbage and saute for another minute. Now transfer everything into a large pot and add water. Bring it to boil and cook till all vegetables are tender. You might have to add more water if soups turns too thick. Add salt and black pepper powder for seasoning.Reply Mrs. SriramHi Bips,I am in day 4 with skimmed milk and bananas, really sick though. I had lost 2 kgs of weight from 66 to 64 in the first 3 days and today I have become 65 again, its discouraging ya, will it come down?I am religiously following your menu and Ideas. We are vegetarians, what do we eat along with brown rice on the following days . ? pl suggest.You are doing an awesome job, kudos to you.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThanks Mrs. Sriram for appreciating our efforts. I feel the weight gain is only a temporary effect, do follow the diet religiously. You can have a bowl of cottage cheese (paneer) prepared with light oil and spices along with the brown rice.Reply56. nehaHi all ur posts will start the gm diet plan from tomorrow and will keep u posted after that. thanks thoughReply Bipasha MukherjeeDo keep us updated about your progress.Reply57. rohiniJust wanted to know onething..will I gain back weight once I reduce in 7daysi workout at gym everyday and have healthy food onlybut Iam worried if I will gain moreReply Bipasha MukherjeeThere remains high chances of gaining back the weight that one loses during the 7 days of dieting but if you are following a healthy diet and in to regular workout then you wont gain back the weight.Reply58. KousalyaHi,I see you have told that we should take 3 to 4 days off from the diet. Can you please tell me what kind of food that we can eat at that time. What kind of food will help to get energy and as well maintain the weight.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYou should follow this diet only once a month and definitely dont stretch it beyond 7 days. Our body needs the fats, proteins and carbs for proper functioning and stripping it off these nutrients for more than 7 days is not a wise decision. After the 7 days are over go back to a normal,healthy and balanced diet.Reply59. SheyGuys is there anything else we can substitute instead of banana ?? I really am not a banana fan Really hope to have answer ASAP!!Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYou need to include bananas in your diet on day 4 for the diet to work effectively. Banana a rich source of potassium that is necessary for the body on day 4. Instead of eating the bananas whole, you can turn them into banana milk shake or you can avoid it all together and stick to the soup on day 4.Reply60. kalyaniCan the gm wonder soup be taken right from day 1 or only from day 5 onwards? or is it strictly fruits on day 1?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThe soup is to be taken from day 5 and not before that. Its strictly fruits on day 1, only veggies on day 2, only fruits and veggies on day 3, Milk and bananas on day 4. You may have a bowl of soup for lunch at day 4.Reply61. ESHAhi,actually i dont eat tomatoes. so is there any substitute for tomatoes on 5th day . cant this diet plan be complete without tomatoes .please reply asap!!!Reply Bipasha MukherjeeSorry Isha but there is no equally effective substitute for tomatoes. If you hate raw tomatoes, then you can roast them a bit and sprinkle some salt and pepper for better taste.Reply HARPREET KAURHIIICAN U TELL ME CAN I TAKE SALT IN SOUP AND IN VEGITABLESReply Bipasha MukherjeeYes, you can season the soup and boiled vegetables with a pinch of salt and black pepper powder.Reply62. ESHACan i drink cocunut water everyday during this diet? can i add carrots to my salads?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeOfcourse you can during coconut water during the diet and carrots are a great addition to salad.Reply divyai tried this diet bt again i gained 3kgs weight though i did workouts and had less amount of food gme soln im totally depressedReply eshaHII wanted to know whether it is one cup of cooked or uncooked rice for 5th day? And i have heard that after coming back to normal diet our weight also comes up to normal with maximum lost weight to be just one kilo?Reply eshaAnd i am doing about 30 min of walking on treadmill daily, is it enough or do i need more workout for better results so that i loose more wight and dat weight doesnt come up to my usual after normal deit? Can i add jus half spoon of oil to baked tomatoes on 5th day. plz reply soon.Reply eshacan i add cottage cheese with green peas, cucumber, carrorts an sprouts as a salad all together and hav it on lunch? plz reply as m on 3rd day Bipasha MukherjeeYes you can add cottage cheese to your salad. Bipasha MukherjeeWalking half an hour on the treadmill will be enough, and use olive oil for the baked tomatoes. Bipasha MukherjeeYou must have 1 cup cooked brown rice on the 5th day. It is true that with in a few days of resuming normal diet, the weight also comes back to normal because much of the weight that is lost during the diet is water weight and muscles along with fat.Reply63. divyai tried this diet and lost 4kgsbt my problem is I gaines bach 3kgs in 3 days what should i do.I even ate very small amount of foodand i even did work outs very much depressed..gime some solnReply Bipasha MukherjeeAs we lower our calorie intake during the GM diet, our metabolism is also slowed down and it often takes time to get back to normal even after we resume our normal diet. This slowed down metabolism leads to weight gain. Further, much of the weight we lose during the diet is water weight and muscles. This yo-yo effect of the diet can be avoided by boosting up your metabolism at the end of the diet. This can be done by increasing the amount of physical activities that increases the heart rate such as brisk walking, swimming, cycling.Reply64. poojacan i use sugar free instead of sugar? Pls give me the reply as early as possibleReply Bipasha MukherjeeIts better to stay away from sugar as well as any other artificial sweetener during the diet.Reply65. rohiniHi ..i have started my gm diet today..feeling good eating fruitsjust wanted to know if I cam add mushroom and babycorn to my day 2..also can I use 2spoons of olive Oil and soya sauce just to give a flavour to all vegetablesReply Bipasha MukherjeeBest of luck for your diet Rohini. You can add baby corn and mushrooms but its best to stay away from any kind of oil and soy sauce. Use lemon juice, black pepper powder and a pinch of salt for seasoning.Reply66. rohiniThanks for your responsecan I have lemon juice with salt and honey in these 7daysReply Bipasha MukherjeeHave lemon juice with warm water, dont add salt or honey to it for these 7 days.Reply67. rohiniCan I take sweet potato on day 2,3,5 and sixReply Bipasha MukherjeeYes sweet potatoes can be added to the vegetables, but have it in moderation.Reply68. imtiyazHi, I am following this diet from past 3 days.but today because of certain reasons I have taken little rice in my dietis it going to effect my diet.please respondthank uReply Bipasha MukherjeeOnly milk and bananas are allotted for the 4th day and if you have taken rice instead, then it is going to affect the diet a bit indeed but I dont believe it will have a very big impact. Continue the diet for the rest of the 3 days and check the results.Reply69. vasuI hv gastric prob. very sensitive to lemons and fasting.. can I follow dis diet or it aggrevates da acidity? pls reply fastReply Bipasha MukherjeePeople suffering from gastric problems are sensitive to fasting. Therefore I suggest you to avoid this diet because it might aggravate the problem.Reply70. vasuthank u so much for da reply.Reply71. imtiyazThanks a lot I will continue..Reply72. rohiniCan I add little of jaggery to sweet potatoesReply Bipasha MukherjeeJaggery has high glucose content and therefore it should be avoided while following the GM diet.Reply73. Muthulakshmi KannanI usually take lukewarm water with lemon and honey in early morning and i also take green tea without sugar. is it k for this diet..Reply Bipasha MukherjeeBoth are perfectly fine but cut out the honey during the 7 days of the diet.Reply74. SupriyaHi Bipasha, today is my 2nd day, can I drink green tea on these 7 days (without sugar)Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYes you can have green tea throughout the diet.Reply SupriyaThanks a lot Bipasha !! I am on day 3 today & will check my weight in evening.very excited, m feeling good & light..Reply75. SeharHi ..lovely diet planthe soup recipe is for 5 and 6 day right? Could u give a 1200 calorie indian meal plan so i can follow after finishing the diet to keep on losing weight plz..Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThank you. The soup recipe is for day 5 and 6 but it can also be consumed on day 4 during lunch. We will surely come up with an article on 1200 calorie Indian meal plan soon.Reply76. kalyaniim on day 4,, not lost even 1 kg, but i dont feel hungry n so i dont want to eat all what im supposed towhat to do?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThis diet is usually effective but it works differently for each and every individual. Therefore follow it till the 7th day and see the results. And you cant possibly starve yourself because you are not feeling hungry right at the moment, it must be a temporary phase and you will surely recover from it soon. Do eat when you feel hungry.Reply77. rohinicAn I drink slim skimmed milk without sugarReply Bipasha MukherjeeYou can have skimmed milk instead of normal milk on day 4.Reply78. suganyahi i need salad recipe for my gm diet day 2 ..pls reply meReply Bipasha MukherjeeMost of the vegetables cant be eaten raw therefore I suggest you to make a large quantity of boiled vegetables that you can eat through out the day. Chop carrots,beans,cauliflower,cabbage, broccoli, and other vegetables that you like to eat, put it in a pot and boil till all vegetables turn tender. Now drain out the water and store it. When ever you feel hungry, take a portion of it, season with salt, black pepper powder, lemon juice, and chopped tomatoes and have it. You can have a simple salad made of cucumber,carrots,tomatoes, onions and lettuce during lunch and dinner.Reply79. sonami m startin my die from 2day with melon only.please suggest some vegetable i can hv next day?cucumber and tomato are included?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeSorry Sonam its not clear the diet of which specific day or days you are asking about. Kindly be a bit more precise so that I may help you out.Reply80. HeenaAny substitute for bananas? I hate them. Cant even see them.And plz suggest any flavour to be added to the milk? Elaichi or turmeric or anythin?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeIf you dont like bananas then you can go for milk and banana shake with a hint of elaichi. Or substitute bananas for melons.Reply81. rohiniCan I have 2glasses of skimmed milk on 5th,6th and 7thdays..Reply82. sonamsry bt i ddnt strt my day wid a potatoe is it goin to be wrong?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThe motto of the 3rd day is to start the day with a boost of potassium and vitamin and continue with fibers for the rest of the day. Its ok if you didnt have a potato in the morning if you have gorged on vegetables throughout the day.Reply83. AsthaI am on my second day of dietfeeling hungry..but yes feels lighter Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYou are almost through the difficult phase of the diet. keep it up!!Reply84. kalaivaniDear hi im going to follow this diet pls suggest me for some vegtables on day 2 and shall i dring green tree with lemon for 3 times daily with out sugar onlyand my weight is 90 but i have to be 50 only so wthr i should continue this diet after one week also during this diet im going for gym also but in the evening timigs is it ok kindly waiting for your replyReply Bipasha MukherjeeOn day 2 you can make a large serving of boiled vegetables that you can eat throughout the day. Boil broccoli, carrots, beans, cauliflower, cabbage, peas, and all other vegetables you like to eat except potatoes, drain the water and keep aside. When you feel hungry, take desired portion on plate, season with a pinch of salt, black pepper powder, lemon juice and have it. Make a simple salad of cucumber, carrot, tomatoes, onions and lettuce that you can have during lunch and dinner.Reply85. rohiniHi. Should i take 1cup of brown rice on 5th,6rh and 7rh days??can i roast tomatoes as i heard its not really good to eat raw tomatoes so manycan i make a flavoured rice with soya chunks,paneer,tomatoes for lunch on day 5also U said we can have soup for breakfast,lunch and dinner..what vegetables i can add to soupplease revert soon as tomorrow is my 5th day..thankyouReply86. rohiniIam checking my weight everyday in the morning its constant last 3days..i have completed 4daysthere is no weight loss..what could be the reason??will I reduce end of 7days??do U suggest me to continue with the diet??Iam depressed..feeling like leaving this dietReply Bipasha MukherjeeI suggest you to stick to the diet till the end and see the results. Eat only when you feel you are hungry and dont stuff yourself with excessive fruits and vegetables just because its written in the diet.Reply87. rupaHelloDid gm diet plan work in pcod n I have completed 6 days with strictly diet n I have lost only 2 kgs. Previous my weight was 90.7kgsnow i am 88.2kgs..i am so depressed. .Please reply me..Reply Bipasha MukherjeeDont be depressed Rupa, because GM diet usually helps lose weight only in normal physical condition, but its a great news if you have lost 2 kgs even while having hypothyroidism. you should be happy that this diet is a success for you. After completion of the diet go back to your normal eating habit, but keep it healthy. You can again repeat the GM diet after a gap of one month.Reply88. fiaCan I just drink banana milkshake rather than eating them separately?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYes, Banana milk shake is a great idea to revamp the bland milk and banana menu of day 4, but dont add sugar or artificial sweeteners to your milk shake.Reply89. MrinaliniHi Bipasha, is there any way to continue this diet plan for diabetic patient. Day 1 and day 4 have to eat fruits and bananas.. Is there any substitute for these because they increases sugar level.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeIts better for diabetics to stay away from this diet as it affects the sugar levels indeed. We are trying to come up with a weight loss diet for diabetics very soon.Reply90. kalaivaniHi Dear,This is my day 1 im starting my diet and i would like have one enquiry on 4th day of the diet i dont like to drink milk instead of milk what shall i can takeKindly waiting for your replyRegards,KalaiReply91. mirai m on my 5 day and i have just lost 1 kg though i m going on regular walks for half an hourplz tell wat to do now?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeFollow the diet till the 7th day and see the results. Dont forget to drink 10 glasses of water during all the 7 days of the diet.Reply92. DivyaHi Bipasha, can you please tell me substitute for Brown Rice???Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYou can have lentils or beans instead of brown rice. You can also try oats if you like.Reply93. Vardaan ShahIs this suitable for men too?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYes, the GM diet is suitable for both men and women.Reply94. VijayI am currently in day 1 of GM diet..As of now i am completely taking fruits. Mistakenly i have taken 4 small pista seeds. Will this affect the final result at any cost?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeFour pistachios will affect the diet in no way Vijay, you can continue with your diet with a free mind.Reply95. SindrilHi Bipasha,The diet plans to seems to be very excitingjust one query, is work out is compulsary during the course of diet.Reply SindrilHi Bipasha,The diet plans to seems to be very excitingjust one query, is work out is compulsary during the course of diet.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThank you Sindril. Work out is always important for our body but during the first 3 days the body will remain weak because of lack of carbohydrates and proteins and therefore it is suggested not to do any type of exercises during the first 3 days. You can resume light exercises from the 4th day and gradually increase the intensity.Reply Nasreen PatelHI CAN U HELP ME WITH FULL DIET CHARTReply Bipasha MukherjeeYou can have your favourite fruits throughout the day on day 1, except bananas and mangoes. Try to have as much melons as you can. On day 2 you can have your favourite vegetables except potatoes in the form of soup or boiled with a pinch of salt and black pepper powder. Also have salads. On day 3 you can have a combination of fruits and vegetables. On day 4 you must have 4 glasses of milk and 6 bananas. Start your day with 2 bananas and a glass of milk. Have vegetable soup for lunch. Have a banana and milk shake made of 2 bananas in the evening and have rest of the two bananas and another glass of milk for dinner. On day 5 you must have 6 tomatoes throughout the day. Start your day with 2 tomatoes and a bowl of vegetable soup, Have a bowl of vegetable and paneer curry for lunch, have 2 more tomatoes in the evening, and a bowl of vegetable soup and the rest of the 2 tomatoes for dinner. On day 6 you can have sprouts salad for breakfast, a cup of brown rice and vegetables of lunch, salad in the evening and paneer and vegetable curry for dinner. On day 7 you can have fruits for breakfast, a cup of brown rice and vegetable soup for lunch, salad in the evening and another cup of brown rice and boiled vegetables for dinner.96. Yashwanthcan i have corn on day 1 ? and why are grapes excluded. in what way can they affect the diet ?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeCorn is not a fruit and therefore you cant have it on day 1, you can have it on day 2 though. Ofcourse you can add grapes to your diet on day 1.Reply97. ruchiFollowing this diet. Today is my day 5. Though it was all gud thill day 3 But on day 4- I have olmost 1 ltr skimmed milk. N I bowl diluted soup but I felt so heavy after having milk whole day. It feels lyk my stomach is swelled. N I gained weight again. What should I do?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeDont worry Ruchi, the weight gain from skimmed milk is most probably a temporary one. Continue with your diet and wait for the final result.Reply98. kalaivanihi dear today is my fourth day pls give me some suggestion for tomo 5 day break fast, linch & dinner after noon i shall i take 3 chapathi and tomoto gravy with out salt what abt breakfast and dinner6 day break fast, linch & dinner after noon i shall i take one cup rice and boiled vegtables with out salt what abt breakfast and dinner7 day break fast, linch & dinner after noon i shall i take 1 cup rice and chicken boiled gravy with medium salt what abt breakfast and dinnerReply Bipasha MukherjeeOn day 5, you can have vegetable soup for breakfast, 1 cup of brown rice and paneer for lunch, a bowl of sprouts and curd for dinner. On day 6 you can have sprouts for breakfast, 1-2 chapathis and boiled vegetables for lunch and a cup of brown rice and vegetables for dinner. On day 7 you can have fresh fruit juice and sprouts for breakfast, 1 cup brown rice and chicken stew for lunch, 1-2 chapathis and boiled vegetables for dinner.Reply99. Sree DhivyaHiiiiiiiii Bipasha,Im on Day 4, i had 2 glasses milk and 4 bananas For soup I changed it as RASAM (in Tamil language). It contains a 2 pinch of tamarid, tomato, garlic, pepper, 1/4 tsp oil, and salt.Is it okay???? If it is okay can i take it on Day 5 and Day 6?????Reply Sree DhivyaAnd also Rasam contains 3 glasses of water, coriander leaves, curry leaves and mustard seeds..Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThe rasam is an excellent food and you can have it during day 5 and 6, just try to keep the oil as low as possible.Reply Sree DhivyaYeah okay Thank you.Reply100. tiniHello bipashaI am following this diet plan and today is my 4 th day i m feeling very lite this is an awesome diet.but the problem is i cant have tomatoes tomorrow is there any substitute so i can have and continue my diet plan plzzz replyReply Bipasha MukherjeeYou can have vegetable soup instead of tomatoes.Reply prasadCan I take my regular BP and Cholestrol medicinesReply Bipasha MukherjeeYes, you must continue with your regular medicines.Reply101. kukihi ! please let me know if we can have tomato soup instead of raw tomatoes .kukiReply Bipasha MukherjeeYou can roast the tomatoes with a few drops of olive oil and season it with a little salt and pepper.Reply102. MeeraHI. I consumed oil less food, only chapathis, doing 1 hour exercise since 20 days. I hardly lost half to 1 kg. I am very upset on this. Are you sure that following your program helps to reduce weight???Reply Bipasha MukherjeeMeera, every thing depends on the rate of exercise you are doing and the amount of food you are consuming. Moreover, you have wrote that you eat chapathis but you have not mentioned the number of chapathis you consume. And 20 days is a very short time to see effective results. I can assure you that the GM diet helps lose weight if done in the proper way according to instructions.Reply Meeraok. I am starting the diet tomo. i pray that it works for me.. i was eating 2 for bf, 3 for lunch and 3 for dinner.. plenty of water(more than 4 lts) did i eat more???Reply MeeraI am 4th day. i followed 3 days of strict diet plan mentioned ablow. but increased the weight 3rd day night i checked my weight. I was 77.1 kg but now 77.6 kgs.Feeling so bad and lost..Reply Bipasha MukherjeeNo need to worry Meera, the diet will show results differently for different individuals. It may be more effective for some people while it may take a bit longer to show effective results for others. Stick to the diet and follow the instructions properly and You will definitely see positive results. MeeraI lost 1 to 1 n half kg. I strictly followed everything and workout also. but i am happy atleast 1 kg instead of nothing after hardwork!! Bipasha MukherjeeSorry to hear this Meera, but it varies from person to person as each of our metabolisms work in their own unique way.103. BhavikaAfter this 7 day diet is over..and I continue with my regular diet including rice,chapati,milk etc. I going to put on weight again?? Plz reply..Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThe GM diet is only temporary and after 7 days you should resume your normal diet. You have to make a habit of exercises on a regular basis in order to prevent weight gain.Reply104. pooja gabaHiBipasha i want to knw that can we replace bananas cause i never had bananas.. pls help me so i will start the plan.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYou can make a banana and milk shake if you dont like banana or you can substitute it with other fruits like melons, apples and ripe papaya.Reply105. Savii am on my 6th day and already reduced 3.5 kgs, loved the experience. However my only query is that if post GM diet even if i follow the healthy diet pattern, will i gain back? because we have not taken much carbs during these days other than brown rice. Also can i take egg whites on day 7?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeIn order to prevent your body from gaining back weight you must follow a regular workout regime.Yes, you can have egg whites on the 7th day.Reply106. kawalhiii want to begin this dietwas wondering if i coukd find a substitute or completely eliminate cottage cheese in my soup.i dont like cottage cheese much so i wanted help!!Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYou can have boiled vegetables or yogurt instead of cottage cheese.Reply107. kawalhiii want to begin this dietwas wondering if i could find a substitute or completely eliminate cottage cheese in my soup.i dont like cottage cheese much so i wanted help!!Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYou can have vegetable soup and substitute cottage cheese with yogurt.Reply108. Kiran NarulaGM plan seems to be interesting to be followed Is it OK to do it at the age of 55 yrs.Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYou can always try out this diet provided you are not suffering from any serious ailments.Reply109. manojim on my 3rd day & feeling really greati have a doubt about the 5th daywhich type of sprouts are used for soups? can i use just moong sprout? also how much quantity of paneer should i consume?Reply Bipasha MukherjeeYou can have any sprouts you like, and yes moong sprouts is a very good idea.Reply110. karthikHi Bipasha,Nice blog. One thing, Please refer to the pic for the 7th day, its a PRAWN (Sea Food) on the veggie plate Reply Bipasha MukherjeeThanks for pointing it out Karthik, w

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