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Page 1: Glosario Tags HTML

Resumen Tags HTML 4.01

Page 2: Glosario Tags HTML


Tabla de Contenidos

Resumen Tags HTML 4.01 ................................................................................................................... 1

Tabla de Contenidos ............................................................................................................................ 2

Lista de Etiquetas Disponibles en HTML 4.01/XHTML 1.0 .................................................................. 3

Page 3: Glosario Tags HTML


Lista de Etiquetas Disponibles en HTML 4.01/XHTML 1.0

- Las etiquetas en italica indica etiquetas que no se recomiendan en su mayoria reemplazadas por opciones de estilo en CSS

Nombre Atributos Marca de fin Descripcion

<a> accesskey="accessibility key character" charset="character encoding of linked source" class="class name" coords="client-side image maps coordinates" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" href="URI for linked resource" hreflang="language code" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" name="name of target loca-tion" onblur="script" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onfocus="script" onhelp="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" rel="forward link types" rev="reverse link types" shape="client-side image maps coordinates" style="associated style info"

</a> Ancla

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tabindex="position in tabbing order" target="frame target" title="advisory title" type="content type"

<abbr> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</abbr> Abreviatura

<acronym> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</acronym> Acronimo

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<address> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</address> Informacion del Autor

<applet> align="vertical or horizon-tal alignment" alt="short description" archive="comma-separated archive list" class="class name"

code="applet class file"

codebase="optional base

URI for applet"

height="initial height"

hspace="horizontal gutter" id="document-wide unique id"

name="unique name"

object="name of applet file" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

vspace="vertical gutter"

width="initial width"

</applet> Applet de Ja-va

<area> accesskey="accessibility key character" alt="short description"

F Area de una imagen ma-peada del lado

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class="class name" coords="client-side image maps coordinates" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" href="URI for linked resource" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" nohref onblur="script" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onfocus="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" shape="client-side image maps coordinates" style="associated style info" tabindex="position in tabbing order" target="frame target" title="advisory title"

del cliente

<b> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script"

</b> Negrita

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onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

<base> href="URI for linked resource" target="frame target"

F Documento base

<basefont> color="color"

face="font name(s)" id="document-wide unique id"

size="1-7 (+/-)"

F Tipo de Letra de base

<bdo> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</bdo> I18N BiDi over-ride

<big> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</big> Letra Grande

<blockquote> cite="URL of source infor- </blockquote> Apartado

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mation" class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

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</body> O

Cuerpo del Documento

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title="advisory title" vlink="color name"

<br> class="class name" clear="left - all - right - none" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

F Salto de linea

<button> accesskey="accessibility key character" class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" disabled id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" name="name of target loca-tion" onblur="script" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onfocus="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" tabindex="position in tabbing order" title="advisory title" type="content type" value="value"

</button> Boton

<caption> align="left - center - right

- justify - char" class="class name"

</caption> Titulo de una tabla

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dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

<center> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</center> Centrado

<cite> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script"

</cite> Cita

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onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

<code> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</code> Fragmento de codigo fuente

<col> align="left - center - right - justi-fy - char" char="character" charoff="number" class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script"

F Columna en una tabla

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onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" span="number" style="associated style info" title="advisory title" valign="top - middle - bottom - baseline" width="column width specifica-tion"

<colgroup> align="left - center - right - justi-fy - char" char="character" charoff="number" class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" span="number" style="associated style info" title="advisory title" valign="top - middle - bottom - baseline" width="column width specifica-tion"

</colgroup> O

Grupo de co-lumnas en una tabla

<dd> class="class name" </dd> Descripción de

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dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

O una definicion

<del> cite="URL of source infor-mation" datetime="date" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" onselectstart="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</del> Texto Borrado

<dfn> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id"

</dfn> Instancia de una definicion

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lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

<dir> class="class name"

compact dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</dir> Directorio

<div> align="left - center - right - justify - char" class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script"

</div> Contenedor generico de estilo

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onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

<dl> class="class name"

compact dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</dl> Lista de defini-ciones

<dt> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script"

O Termino en una lista de defini-ciones

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onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

<em> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</em> Enfasis

<fieldset> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</fieldset> Grupo de con-troles de formu-lario

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<font> class="class name" color="color" dir="direction for weak/neutral text"

face="font name(s)" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code"

size="1-7 (+/-)" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</font> Definicion lo-

cal del tipo de letra

<form> accept-charset="list of sup-ported charsets" action="URL of server-side form handler" class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" enctype="content type" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" method="get - post" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" onreset="script" onsubmit="script" style="associated style info" target="frame target" title="advisory title"

</form> Formulario

<frame> class="class name" frameborder="0 - 1" id="document-wide unique id" longdesc="link to long descrip-

F Frame

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tion" marginheight="pixels" marginwidth="pixels" name="name of target loca-tion" noresize scrolling="yes - no - auto" src="source of frame content" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

<frameset> class="class name" cols="list of lengths" id="document-wide unique id" onload="script" onunload="script" rows="list of lengths" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</frameset> Definicion de frames

h1,h2,h3 h4,h5,h6

align="left - center - right

- justify - char" class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</h#> Encabezados

<head> dir="direction for weak/neutral </head> Encabezado

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text" lang="language code" profile="URL"

O del documento

<hr> align="left - center - right" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id"

noshade onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script"

size="pixels" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

width="percentage - pix-


F Linea Horizon-tal

<html> dir="direction for weak/neutral text" lang="language code"


</html> O

Inicio del doc-umento html

<i> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script"

</i> Italica

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onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

<iframe> align="left - middle - right - top" class="class name" frameborder="0 - 1" height="percentage - pixels" id="document-wide unique id" longdesc="URL" marginheight="pixels" marginwidth="pixels" name="name of target loca-tion" scrolling="yes - no - auto" src="source of frame content" style="associated style info" title="advisory title" width="frame width specifica-tion"

</iframe> Frame inserto

<img> align="left - middle - right - top" alt="short description"

border="pixels" class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" height="pixels"

hspace="pixels" id="document-wide unique id" ismap lang="language code" longdesc="URL" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script"

F Imagen embeb-ida

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onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" src="URL of image" style="associated style info" title="advisory title" usemap="URL of client-side image map"

vspace="pixels" width="image width"

<input> accept="MIME types" accesskey="accessibility key character"

align="left - middle - right

- top" alt="text" checked class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" disabled id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" maxlength="max chars for text field" name="name of target loca-tion" onblur="script" onchange="script" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onfocus="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script"

F Control para formulario

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onselect="script" readonly size="field size" src="URL of image" style="associated style info" tabindex="number" title="advisory title" type="input type/text" usemap="URL of image map" value="value"

<ins> cite="URL of source infor-mation" class="class name" datetime="date and time of change" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</ins> Texto Insertado

<isindex> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" href="URI for linked resource" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code"

prompt="message" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

F Prompt

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<kdb> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</kbd> Texto que debe ser tipeado por el usuario

<label> accesskey="accessibility key character" class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" for="field ID value" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onblur="script" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onfocus="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</label> Campo de eti-queta para for-mularios

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<legend> accesskey="accessibility key character"

align="left - right - bottom

- top" class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

Leyenda de un grupo de cam-pos de formula-rio

<li> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

type="content type"


</li> O

Item de una lista

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<link> charset="character encoding of linked source" class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" href="URI for linked resource" hreflang="language code" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" media="media type" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" rel="forward link types" rev="reverse link types" style="associated style info" target="frame target" title="advisory title" type="content type"

F Link

<map> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" name="name of target loca-tion" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script"

</map> Mapa de ima-gen del lado del cliente

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onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

<menu> class="class name"

compact dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</menu> Lista de me-nú

<meta> content="associated infor-mation" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" http-equiv="http response header name" lang="language code" name="name of target loca-tion" scheme="select form of con-tent"

F Meta-informacion generica

<noframes> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script"

</noframse> Contenido al-ternativo para navegadores que no sopor-tan frames

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ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

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</noscript> Contenido al-ternative para navegadores que no sopor-tan scripts

<object> align="left - right - bottom

- top - middle" border="percentage - pixels" class="class name" classid="id" codebase="URL for classid, data, archive" codetype="content type for code" data="URL to data" declare dir="direction for weak/neutral

</object> Objeto generico embebido

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text" height="percentage - pixels"

hspace="percentage - pix-

els" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" name="name of target loca-tion" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" standby="message to show while loading" style="associated style info" tabindex="position in tabbing order" title="advisory title" type="content type" usemap="URL to client-side image map"

vspace="percentage - pix-els" width="column width specifica-tion"

<ol> class="class name"

compact dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script"

</ol> Lista ordenan-da

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onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script"

start="starting sequence number" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

type="content type"

<optgroup> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" disabled id="document-wide unique id" label="text" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

Grupo de op-ciones

<option> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" disabled id="document-wide unique id" label="text" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script"

O Opcion selec-cionable

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onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" selected style="associated style info" title="advisory title" value="value"

<p> align="left - center - right - justify" class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</p> O


<param> id="document-wide unique id" name="name of target loca-tion" type="content type" value="value" valuetype="data - ref - object"

F Parametro

<pre> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text"

</pre> Texto prefor-mateado

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id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

width="width specification"

<q> cite="URL of source infor-mation" class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"


<s> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script"

</s> Texto tacha-do

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</samp> Salida de pro-gramas de ejemplo

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script language name" src="URL of code" type="content type"

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<select> class="class name" Opciones de

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</small> Texto pequeño

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</span> Contenedor Generico de estilo

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</strike> Texto techado

<strong> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script"

</strong> Enfasis mayor

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<sup> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id"

</sup> Superindice

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lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

<table> align="left - center - right - justify - char"

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</table> Definicion de la Tabla

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<tbody> align="left - center - right

- justify - char" char="character" charoff="number" class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title" valign="top - middle - bottom - baseline"

</tbody> O

Cuerpo de la tabla

<td> abbr="abbreviation" align="left - center - right - justi-fy - char" axis="comma-separated list"

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Celda de una tabla

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onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title" valign="top - middle - bottom - baseline"

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</textarea> Campo de texto multilinea

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Pie de la tabla

<th> abbr="abbreviation" align="left - center - right - justi-fy - char" axis="comma-separated list"

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height="pixels" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code"

nowrap onclick="script"

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Encabezado de una celda de una tables

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width="column width spec-


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</thread> O

Encabezado de la tabla

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<title> dir="direction for weak/neutral text" lang="language code"

</title> Titulo del doc-umento

<tr> align="left - center - right - justi-fy - char"

bgcolor="color name" char="character" charoff="number" class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title" valign="top - middle - bottom - baseline"

</tr> O

Linea de la tab-la

<tt> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script"

</tt> Texto tipo mo-noespaciada o teletipo

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onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

<u> class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

</u> Texto Subra-yado

<ul> class="class name"

compact dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" lang="language code" onclick="script" ondblclick="script" onkeydown="script" onkeypress="script" onkeyup="script" onmousedown="script" onmousemove="script" onmouseout="script" onmouseover="script" onmouseup="script" style="associated style info" title="advisory title"

type="content type"

</ul> Lista de-sordenanda

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