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April 1,


Contact Tim @ 701-690-3301 1

Spring is here

“Who decided that people doing bad things, deserves to be news. News

should be good, we deserve better.” Tim Dunnagan

Van Gogh

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April 1,


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This is one of my proudest

moments. Giving this check to the fire

department for the Metzger property.

The ability of all involved to make a WIN-

WIN for everyone, shows that we can

work together for the betterment of all

concerned. Good job guys; outside the

box thinking is awesome.

I really believe that this is just the start of

many more good things to happen in our community.

When people work together like we did here,

fantastic things will follow.

When the new station is done I will be

donating trees for the new home of the Gladstone

Consolidated Fire District. I urge everyone to help in

some way. These are our neighbors that are willing

to put themselves in harms way for you and me. In

1935 most of Gladstone burned down, it happened

then and it could happen again. The town of Bucyrus North Dakota is living

proof of what is possible. Larry Praus, thank you for working so hard to make

things work, Leo and all the guys at the fire district thank you.

Nelson Mandela

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

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My Whippet “Honee” has had a rough month

I wanted to share an awesome story. My Honee had several very large

tumors on her inside thighs and chest removed. My veterinarian, who is fantastic

felt that after the surgery to remove the tumors, that things did not look good. In

fact looked terrible. The next day Honee was very energetic and the bruising that

you see in the middle photo was gone, like it had never happened.

The little amount of pink on the right photo is due to the shaving she had

before surgery. The lab results came back on the tumors and they are not the

malignant type, which is incredibly great news. She will be with me a bit longer

now. I do not claim to understand how things work in the universe, but I have to

say that this is pretty close to a miracle as far as I can tell. It goes to show you that

little miracles are all around us.

“Quote for the month of May”

Find out whose quote this was, in the May issue of the Gladstone Good News

“There is always a silver lining, it’s just a pain in the ass for a pessimist”.

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April 1,


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“I have come to the conclusion that the best way to Good News is thru laughter”

Give Gladstone Some Love

Ronnie Brost & Lee Leiss being goofy 1950’s Gladstone kids laughing

“Children laugh an average of three hundred or more times a day; adults

laugh an average of five times a day, we have a lot of catching up to do.”

Heather King

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It has an awesome fireplace The Van Gogh Model

The Van Gogh Model It has a fantastic floor plan

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The Creekside Model It has a great glass deck rail

The Creekside Model It has a wonderful open feel

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Dickinson Press’s Best Headlines about Gladstone

10. Gladstone names wild turkeys town mascot

9. Gladstone decides to switch to east coast time

8. Gladstone has special election decided by 3 ½ votes

7. Gladstone funds new stadium project

6. Gladstone approves measure to remove streets in effort to

get back to its roots

5. Gladstone seeks ruling on making town a State

4. Gladstone declares April 1st a national holiday

3. Gladstone who?

2. Gladstone debates name change to Pheasantville

1. Gladstone residents report sightings of little green men

Top Ten List

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“ What is the difference” Five things are different. Answer in back

“What is it-Where is it” Answer in back

This is a “Pay it forward” newsletter

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April 27th Car Show (time TBA)

April 28th Test & Tune (time TBA)

May 4th Regular Race

May 18th Regular Race

June 1st Regular Race

June 15th Regular Race

June 29th Regular Race

Midseason Championship

July 5th Regular Race

July 10th Mod Tour

July 20th Regular Race

August 3rd Regular Race

August 17th Regular Race

August 24th Regular Race


September 6th Harvest Shootout

September 7th Harvest Shootout

September 27th Frostbite “100”

September 28th Frostbite “100”

Kendall Booke

Southwest Speedway Schedule 2013

Gladstone Homes proud sponsor of Kendall Booke “Go 2X”

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April 1,


Contact Tim @ 701-690-3301 10

We love our vehicles in Gladstone

Do you need help setting up your internet business?

You need to contact: Kyle Thiel [email protected]

Joe Reuter Model T

Cliff Davis

George Aman & Fred Stoltz

Oct. 1938 Joe Kolling 1924 Whippet

Ralph Keller

Grover Jopp

Creative Landscaping

Sonny Martin Chevy 1956

Joe Birdsall

“Change, a simple idea that means you can be whatever you want to be.”

Tim Dunnagan

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Kevin Booke

Horse power vs. Horse power

One real fast car

1970 Dodge Challenger RT

440 Magnum 500cubic inch automatic

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Danny Voigt

Love the interior

1957 Chevy Belair 283 Turbo

1978 Ford F150 the truck is a

family member

Cool fins and love the chrome

Very proud owner Kyle Wandler

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Contact Tim @ 701-690-3301 13

I have been designing

outdoor spaces for more than

thirty years. One conclusion I

have come to is that most

people do not have the time to

do traditional gardens. The

other conclusion is, if you do

have the time, health issues

might often be an impediment

to having an ornamental garden


To add variation in texture

and color, containers are the

way to go. Containers are not

meant to be the backbone of a

good garden design, but rather

only a part of the overall design or concept. I think the container

planting pictured above is fantastic in almost every way. Contrast,

texture, color and size variation are all present in this small micro

garden. Plan your container this way and you will have a winner.

Personally I think that this is enough if you want a great garden

accent for your space, but you can add some additional details to this if

you want, but it’s not necessary. First of all, you can choose a container

that reflects a certain style, such as modern or traditional.

Creative Landscaping

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Color of the container is another

detail for good container gardens. I

would suggest staying with the

brown as pitctured on the left. That

color is the most versatile as brown is

very earthy feeling.

Blue glazed pots with blue flowers

can be awesome. Green pots are very

garden feeling and also work well

with flowers, but I find that they

work even better with dwarf schrubs.

White is ok, if you want

traditional. To have an awesome

white container plant only white

flowers and green leafed plants in a

white container. You will love the

look. This is a very clean look.

Always use saucers

I love these pots High fired pots will last

“To Plant a garden, is to believe in the future”

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Gwen Jung-Lefor is one interesting person. She plays piano, sings, is a

cook’s cook, an accomplished photographer, a wedding florist, an eight minute

tire changer, a mother of nine, and the envy of “moonshiner” drivers everywhere.

In 1947 Gwen’s family received the contract to deliver the mail to

Gladstone and the surrounding areas. Sixty-six years later, the family is still

delivering the mail. That fact is amazing. She sorts the mail before she starts her

route and drives two hundred miles per day six days a week. From 2006 until

today, there have only been three days that her customers have failed to receive

their mail because of weather. Twelve hundred miles a week is just staggering.

Gwen replaces her Buick about every three years. “Another one bites the dust” is

a common term describing Gwen’s Buick. She tried a Ford once, but it failed to

“Another one bites the dust”

“I like Buicks”


Gwen Jung-Lefor

Gladstonian of the Month

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meet Gwen’s needs.” I like Buicks”

Gwen says, “they last and they get

good gas mileage.”

Gwen also loves photography.

The Lefor church, pictured on the

left, is an example of her work. She

has witnessed some amazing things

on her mail route. The birth of a wild

antelope tops her list. She also has

six sightings of mountain lions to her

credit. She loves her job delivering

the mail. She takes great pride in her

work, for which all of her customers

are very grateful.

But wait there’s more… Gwen loves to cook! She once owned a restaurant,

and she also does weddings and flowers. She told me that she has done about a

hundred weddings. In her early thirties, with seven children, she managed to

enroll at DSU for a short while. She wanted to be a teacher, but life happened and

teaching was not an option. Oh, did I mention she plays the piano? Why not, she

does everything else!

Gwen has been giving and giving all her life. Now she plans on giving to

herself. Plans are in the works to travel across America for a month or so, driving

of course. No place in particular, just where ever the road takes her. Thanks Gwen

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Denny even as a young child had dreams

of Big Toys

Dreams became reality very

quickly for Denny. Many said he was

the virtuoso of the loader.

As Denny got older he was

able to see over the steering

wheel. He loved his loader and

drove it all day and night.

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“Men are apt to mistake the strength of their feeling for

their strength of their argument. The heated mind resents

the chill touch and relentless scrutiny of logic”

William E. Gladstone

Sure there were a few mishaps, but only minor things. Soon word

spread far and wide about Denny’s achievements. Denny has now become

a legend in Gladstone. There is talk of a television show in the works. Good

luck Denny. “Tool time with Denny” is the name of the new TV Series.

See, very easy to repair damage

Another easy fix

Denny with co stars

We will forget about this one

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Robin Reynolds is a potter from Hebron. She has a shop in

Hebron, but also teaches ceramics at DSU. I’m very grateful that our

paths have crossed. I always wanted to learn how to do clay sculpture.

I didn’t want to say “oh I wish I had done that.” Now I’m taking

sculpting lessons every Sunday afternoon. I couldn’t be happier about

making this commitment. I hope that this might inspire others to

stretch their learning muscles too. Tyler Mason, I think the conversation

we had about your pilots license inspired me. Thank you.

Gladstone Design

Artistic Creative Imaginative Inspired Original Unique

30+ years in Design & Landscape (701) 690-3301 Tim Dunnagan

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By: Joseph Zettelmaier

St. Patrick’s Day @ the Pub St. Patrick’s themed décor & food

The ladies sang Larry a stirring rendition of Happy

Birthday Mr. President. It was awesome! Happy 71

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Now I will admit that I’m not a Play person. Over the years I have gone to just a handful

of plays; Having said that, I decided to give the Bob Rauschenberg America play by Charles

Meedepart at DSU’s Stickney Auditorium at May Hall a try. I liked it… was it different? You bet

it was, and that’s okay. So what I’m saying here is give these folks a chance to perform for you

Gladstone. Maybe like me, you will like a Play once and awhile. They have a new Play coming up

called It Came From Mars Go see it, it will be fun.

April 18,19,20,24,25,26,27 Starts at 7:30 PM at the Backstage Theater

Zettlemaier’s latest work asks an important question, but frames it with a mix of laughs and

drama: What would you do if you faced imminent death?

In this particular case, the you is the cast and crew of the soon to be canceled radio drama

who, while rehearsing their next (and possible last) episode, hear what they believe is a live

broadcast from the scene of a Martian landing in nearby New Jersey. The year of course, is 1938, and

what the New York based team actually heard was a snippet from Orson Wells’ notorious Halloween

program, The War of the Worlds. Like much of the country they panicked and thus is set in motion a

night none of them will forget. This partial review was written by Donald V. Calamia

For Encore Michigan For the period Feb 19-25, 2013

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Gladstone things that you might not have known

Denny says, “It comes with snow plow attachment”

Denny’s new work vehicle

Drinking Gladstone Beer

Who knew there was a

Gladstone Bag

“If it’s important to you, you will find a way, if not

you will find an excuse.”

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Gladestone is a small West Dakota community, located on the banks of the

Hertzen River. Estimates on the population are just that; a guess. Many of the

long time residents can’t be convinced that the population is less than 750 souls;

yet they swear with all that is going on in town the population must be more.

Mary cuts slices of freshly made peach pie, “do you want ice cream with

that Hon?” She always addresses everyone as Hon. Carl smiles, “why not, I’ll give

it try.” (Carl has been eating Mary’s peach pie with ice cream longer than he can

remember, and yet Mary asks him every single time if he wants ice cream with his

pie). She slides the pie and ice cream filled plate in front of him.

“Have you seen the new house going up on Water Street?” she says. “I

have” he says, as he looks out the window next to the front door. “I think they

must have a big family or something, it looks like a large house to me” Carl says.

“Well I think it’s great to have some more youngsters in town” says Mary with a

wide smile. “Gladestone is just fine the way it is” says Carl. “All these new people

moving in, all the traffic, and just yesterday Peter Hoffman told me Taylor Mazze

Gladestone, West Dakota

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had told him that someone stole gas out of his neighbor’s truck. I tell you Mary,

all these people moving in are going to ruin this town.”

Just then Bob Park, Taylor Mazze’s neighbor walks in and has a seat at the

end of the long wooden bar. “What will you have Hon?” “Give me a cheeseburger

and fries Mary.” “You want onions on that cheeseburger Hon?” (In all the years

Bob has been ordering cheeseburgers from Mary he has never once had onions on

his cheeseburger). Bob smiles, “I think I will pass on those onions today Mary.”

After a moment of silence Bob says “Hey have you seen Larry Prince? I was

looking for him. “I wanted to thank him for getting that bad gas out of my gas


Mary quickly turns around and gives Carl “the look.” You know the look, it’s

the you’re in deep doo-doo look. Carl shovels the last bite of pie in his mouth. “I

got to go” says Carl, with his mouth still full of pie. “Have a nice day Hon”…

“Well how are you today Hon?” As Mary tilts her head ever so slightly to

the left in Bob’s direction. To Be Continued

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Ok… I guess it’s only fair that I share some of my old photos

1974 State Basketball Champions New Mexico

1973 State Basketball Champions New Mexico

I’m not telling which one is me; you will have to figure that out.

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“What is it-Where is it”

Brick wall at old Lumber Bldg.

Send me a photo

[email protected]

Gladstone Good News

Making Every Job Our Best

Gladstone Residents


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April 1,


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“Find the difference”

Gladstone Homes

Call Tim


Oh… NO!!!

Mr. Bill

Found this guy by the dump waiting for the burn

Wood at The Dump gets burned

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Gladstone Baseball team of 1935. Part of a long time tradition of

baseball in Gladstone

Gladstone High School basketball team of 1930. Front row, left to right: Rose

Marie Krier, Justine Enger, Helen Krier, Mary Martin. Back row, Leo Witzlaben,

EleanorNeal, Ann Putschler.

Give Gladstone Some Love

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