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  • 1. Webinar Series BE Your Child's Best Advocate How to Support Your Exceptionally Able Child at Home and at School Presented by Margaret Keane & Anna Giblin Supported by Social Entrepreneurs Ireland, C.T.Y.I. & N.C.T.E.
  • 2. SUMMARY The love of learning - keeping up with your exceptionally able child Negotiating the early years preschool activities Choosing a School Home and school - the key partnership between teacher and parent Transition from Home to Primary School Transition from Primary School to Secondary Home support some helpful tips
  • 3. Keeping up with your Exceptionally Able Child . . . Is exhausting! Not always easy! Difficult for their Love of siblings! Learning So many questions!
  • 4. SPEED of Learning Get READY for the rollercoaster RIDE!
  • 5. DEPTH of Learning Get READY to go DEEP!
  • 6. The EARLY Years Get the information you need to effectively parent READ, RESEARCH, TALK Learn about asynchrony in gifted children accept that your child may be different to other kids their own age Allow for unscheduled time Dream & Play time Let them be children Connect with other parents & families create a support network for yourself & your child Encourage their passion Don't put too much emphasis on fitting in Don't stop reading to your exceptionally able child when they have become independent readers
  • 7. Early Years Activities Provide enrichment ACTIVITIES Museums & Galleries Libraries Local Heritage Sites Online Resources Gardening Cookery Nature Walks Games Sports encourage physical activity Play Detective treasure trails Make & Do Create a spirit of ADVENTURE out of the mundane! Family members can act as MENTORS
  • 8. Which School?
  • 9. Choosing a School Act early look at enrolment, admissions policy, etc. Talk to other parents, teachers & pupils Check out Whole School Evaluations on the Department of Education's website Read the School's Policies View the School's website ethos, school discipline, subjects taught, extra-curricular activities Visit the School, talk to the Principal Be clear about what type of education you want for your child Be realistic in your requirements Be careful of league tables published in newspapers they only tell part of the story
  • 10. Classrooms to Avoid! Whitmore (1980) identified ways in which a classroom can support underachievement: LACK of RESPECT for individual child their unique learning style and ability STRONGLY COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT continuous negative feedback regarding expected standards can reinforce feelings of inadequacy INFLEXIBILITY and rigidity UNREWARDING CURRICULUM gifted learners need curriculum extension that challenges Source:
  • 11. First Day! She's already read all of her books will she be bored? HOME What if he doesn't to make any friends? How will the teacher Primary cope with his constant questions? Will she sit still? School
  • 12. Preparing for BIG School Do Your Homework talk to other parents Enrol your child early Get organised Be enthusiastic Visit the school with your child Practice Let your child organise their bag, try on school uniform, etc. Involve Your Child discuss their fears, anxieties and hopes Down time make sure your child gets enough rest
  • 13. The Expectation It's great. He's so excited about starting school next week!
  • 14. One Week Later! Today we're going to learn the letters A and B.
  • 15. Twos Weeks Later! You have to go! All BIG boys go to school!
  • 16. Your child is badly behaved in school. Is My Child is badly She thinks I'm a there something wrong behaved in school bad Mother! at home? because he's bored! She thinks I'm a bad Teacher!
  • 17. Don't Mention the B Word!!!! Me too! I'm bored!
  • 18. The PARENT Advocate MEET with Teacher early in school year OFFER Supplementary materials SUGGEST ways you can help at home PROVIDE enrichment opportunities e.g. source speakers, competitions, etc. BUILD a relationship with the Teacher and the School Become a VISIBLE parent volunteer Note of THANKS at end of school year JOIN Parents Association Don't be afraid to ASK for help NEPS, Learning Support
  • 19. Parent Teacher Partnership
  • 20. Parent Teacher MEETINGS Always request a SUITABLE time for unscheduled meeting giving the teacher time to prepare cover for her class PREPARATION is the key, so do your HOMEWORK Be CLEAR about what you want to achieve for your child and be REALISTIC Be SPECIFIC in the questions you ask write them down beforehand Be COURTEOUS at all times, especially when there are differences of opinion Take someone with you, whether it's a PARTNER or trusted FRIEND Stay CALM Try to PRE-EMPT the teachers response if you can
  • 21. Parent Teacher MEETINGS Familiarise yourself with the TERMINOLOGY that may be used Read the NCCA Guidelines on Teaching Exceptionally Able Students as a source of suggested STRATEGIES Know your child's CURRICULUM - Ask what you can do to HELP Be SOLUTION BASED, rather than problem focused Try to get agreement around TIME LINES At the end of the meeting, SUMMARISE any AGREEMENTS Afterwards CONFIRM any agreements in writing with a letter of THANKS
  • 22. Strategies to Suggest DIFFERENTIATION of school curriculum PULL OUT programmes children attend special classes usually taught by Learning Support Teacher Resource Teacher comes into the CLASSROOM and provides enrichment activities for the high ability group CURRICULUM COMPACTING teacher holds a pre-test on a new subject to gauge what pre-knowledge students have, then can differentiate accordingly ACCELERATION can be done on a subject basis, rather than grade skipping Examples of EXCELLENCE in Gifted Education Programmes: Bunclody NS More Able & Talented Programme (MAT) SESS Equality of Challenge Initiative Carlow Gaelscoil Daynuv/Giftedkids ICT Project
  • 23. Onwards & UPWARDS
  • 24. Transition to Secondary The DIFFICULTIES More INDEPENDENCE more RESPONSIBILITY LOSS of security and possible support network Missing FRIENDS New RULES Lots of TEACHERS remembering names ORGANISATIONAL Issues timetable, more books, materials SUBJECT Choice - daunting HOMEWORK Anxieties extra workload
  • 25. Transition to Secondary The DIFFICULTIES Having a LONGER day - exhausting Managing EXTRACURRICULAR activities The SCHOOLBAG Horrors Perhaps moving to a MIXED school Finding a PEER GROUP dangers of UNDERACHIEVEMENT to fit in - particularly for girls Possible FALLING levels of achievement risk of underachievement A good transition is crucial to academic ACHIEVEMENT and social emotional stability
  • 26. Transition to Secondary Moving Up The Experiences of First-Year Students in Post- Primary Education (ESRI Research 2004) SETTLING IN Most children feel that have settled in within the first week Quarter of students by the first month One student in 6 take longer than a month THOSE MOST AT RISK OF EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES Girls Less confident students low self esteem Students from ethnic minorities/travellers
  • 27. Transition to Secondary How Primary Teachers can Help SEN Students Teach how to read a TIMETABLE (maths) Give different DUE DATES for assignments ORGANISATIONAL SKILLS colour coding of books/copies TERMINOLOGY - Teach key words for specific subjects Use SPHE time to explore ISSUES around transition Attend OPEN EVENINGS in secondary schools (take photos to familiarise students) IDENTIFY key personnel EXPLAIN their roles Begin recording HOMEWORK at the end of each lesson, rather than end of the day Source: S.E.S.S. As a primary teacher, how can I prepare students for transition to post- primary?
  • 28. Transition to Secondary How Primary Teachers can Help SEN Students Encourage parents to NOTIFY post primary of any special educational needs so that supports can be put in place prior to entry Be prepared for possible ENQUIRIES from post primary after enrolment Have a GRADUATION or leaving ceremony at the end of sixth class signal to students that they are moving on Source: S.E.S.S. As a primary teacher, how can I prepare students for transition to post- primary?
  • 29. Transition to Secondary How Post Primary Schools can help SEN Students Organise OPEN DAYS for prospective pupils, their parents and staff IDENTIFY a contact person on your school staff who will COMMUNICATE with parents around SEN needs LIAISE with feeder schools around sharing information on any resource needs for specific students Provide INFORMATION packs parents & students IDENTIFY and explain roles of key staff to parents & teachers INDUCTION activities during first week of enrolment Consider implementing a BUDDY system for first week Source: S.E.S.S. As a primary teacher, how can I prepare students for transition to post-primary?
  • 30. Transition to Secondary How Post Primary Schools can help SEN Students Find out if students with SEN needs need a type if MODIFIED entrance assessment NAME BADGES for teachers during the first few weeks Ensure that there is a formal system of COMMUNICATING specific students SEN needs to subject teachers EXPLAIN clearly classroom and general school organisation timetables, homework journals, lockers Consider a BEGINNING ceremony Have clear ANITI-BULLYING policy and explain to students Be watchful of any new DIAGNOSIS Consider offering TASTER subjects in first year
  • 31. Transition to Secondary How PARENTS can Help ATTEND Open Days encourage pre-entry contact to reduce child's anxiety FAMILIARISE yourself with your child's timetable and curriculum HELP them to get organised colour coding/homework journal IDENTIFY the key staff in your child's school and understand their roles SUPPLY any documentation you have in relation to your child's abilities or learning challenges, e.g. NEPS or private educational assessments to ensure a smooth transition of resources
  • 32. Transition to Secondary How PARENTS can Help ENCOURAGE your child to participate in extracurricular activities opportunities to make friends Give GUIDANCE around subject selection get additional information from school if required REPORT any concerns to school staff, e.g. bullying TALK to your child about their day but do not interrogate INVITE new friends round JOIN the parents association and VOLUNTEER to help at school events
  • 33. REMEMBER: If your Child received any learning support or resource hours in Primary it won't necessarily follow that they will receive similar supports in Post Primary! The new school will need to re-apply so NOTIFY them prior to enrolment! Include any documentation that supports your request!
  • 34. REALISTIC Expectations?
  • 35. Potential High Achievement Professor Deborah Eyre 2009 Source: What Really Works in Gifted and Talented Education by Professor Deborah Eyre
  • 36. HOME Support is VITAL!
  • 37. Filling in the Gaps Irish Centre for Talented Youth 6 to 12 Years Saturday Courses, nationwide 13 to 16 Years Talent Search, D.C.U. - 3 week residential Summer course Correspondence Courses Online Learning Websites Online Gaming Clubs & Voluntary Organisations Competitions Junior Inventor, Write a Novel, Texaco Art Competition Find a Mentor
  • 38. Home Support NURTURE don't push ACCEPT that your child may be different to others UNDERSTAND asynchronous development it explains a lot DON'T push them to fit in Show GUIDANCE, ACCEPTANCE and UNDERSTANDING Have REALISTIC expectations regarding their academic achievements Praise the EFFORT not the ability Encourage their PASSION but introduce them to other activities too ENCOURAGE them to talk, share and laugh Help them find a PEER group Don't be afraid to ask for HELP during difficult times
  • 39. Helpful Techniques Praise or punish the BEHAVIOUR not the child Encourage the child to EXPRESS their feelings Be clear about your EXPECTATIONS TOUCH your child e.g. hand on shoulder, reinforces the praise or the discipline Let them know that your TRUST them to act wisely or make the right choice ENCOURAGE gradual steps SHARE activities, give time Use successive successes when it comes to new activities or experiences REWARD at each stage Source: Guiding the Gifted Child, James T. Webb et al 1994
  • 40. MORE Input Please!
  • 41. Dealing with the Constant questions Never be afraidto say you don't know parents or teachers don't have to be experts suggest ways you can explore this area together or independently If it's not a convenient time then say so, acknowledge the question and explain that you will get back to it later Follow through, exceptionally able children ALWAYS remember the important stuff i.e. IMPORTANT to them!
  • 42. The FEAR Factor
  • 43. Dealing with Fears & Anxieties SOURCE of Fears over excitabilities, intensities, asynchronous development ENCOURAGE your children to talk to you about their fears, dreams and hopes Use the power of IMAGINATION Use PROPS such as favourite cuddlies to help the child to talk Use RELAXATION techniques Use VISUALISATION techniques Create a SAFE place to share
  • 44. You're Grounded for Life!
  • 45. Setting Boundaries Don't get into a DEBATE with your exceptionally able child chances are they will WIN! Set APPROPRIATE boundaries Ensure there are REALISTIC consequences to bad behaviour FOLLOW THROUGH Be CONSISTENT
  • 46. WEBINAR Series NextWebinar coming in MAY 2010! Free to Parents & Teachers Introductory Online Seminars Download Recorded Webinars & Presentations Characteristics of the Exceptionally Able Faster, Earlier, Differently How to be your Childs Best Advocate Supporting your Child at home and at School Dual Exceptionality Aspergers, Adhd, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Behavioural Issues Educational Assessment In Class Strategies Differentiation, Enrichment, Acceleration, ICT Resources Social & Emotional Sensitivities

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