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Page 1: Ghostbusters 2   9 frame analysis

Ghostbusters 2

9 Frame Analysis

Page 2: Ghostbusters 2   9 frame analysis

In the first frame of the film we see the production/distribution company’s logo.

This institution logo is shown at the start which lets the audience know straight away who made the film. This ensures that the audience will want to watch the film, as this institution is well-known.

Page 3: Ghostbusters 2   9 frame analysis

In this shot we can see a pink goo oozing out from a crack in he street.

The goo shows the horror part of the film but because it is pink, the goo does not look very menacing. This represents the comedy part of the film.

It could be argued that the goo is iconic of horror as it is usually associated with monsters and creatures.

Page 4: Ghostbusters 2   9 frame analysis

In this shot, the camera tracks the main character as she walks down the road.

On the street the character is walking on, lots of things seem to be happening such as as man arguing with a policeman and a person on crutches being knocked over. These moments add to the comedic atmosphere of the film.

In this scene there is a light and cheerful soundtrack which reflects on how nothing is going wrong and everything seems to be alright.

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Here we can see the main character looking confused and surprised.

There is a close up of the character so that we can see her facial expression to understand her emotion but also so that the audience feels connected to her.

The close-up of this character suggests to the audience that she is the main character.

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This shot is from the POV of the child in the pram looking at his mother.

In this shot, a relationship between the audience and the baby is formed because the audience is seeing through the eyes of the child.

This shot also helps to illustrate the emotions of the main character, which is that of worry and panic; shown by her running and alert facial expression

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Here we can see a person on a bicycle falling over.

This shot shows the comedy genre of the film because a person falling off a bike is a sort of slapstick comedy. The shot also helps create a more chaotic atmosphere.

The music in this shot sounds more sinister and also faster than the music in previous shots. The music further adds to the chaotic atmosphere.

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In this next shot we are shown an animation of the Ghostbusters logo.

The logo is the classic Ghostbusters logo from the first Ghostbusters so audiences recognize it straightaway. The only change to the logo is that the ghost is holding up his two fingers to symbolize that this is he second Ghostbusters.

As soon as this shot comes into the film, the Ghostbusters theme song plays to announce that the Ghostbusters will feature shortly but it also helps distinguish the Ghostbusters as the heroes.

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This is a shot of the classic Ghostbusters car which featured in the previous film.

The car is coloured white which suggests to the audience that these people are the heroes in the film. The upbeat music in the background also reinforces this idea. The car looks old and worn which shows that the Ghostbusters aren’t perfect; you could say this adds to the comedic aspects of the film.

The car has lots of colourful equipment attached to it which is sort of over the top. This appeals to the younger audiences.

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In this shot we can see the Ghostbusters car driving off down the street.

This shot is good at showing the environment and where the film will take place. In the background are tall buildings which suggest this is a large city like New York. This is the typical setting for many big budget films and so would suggest to the audience that this film will be of a high standard.

As the car drives off we can see smoke trails and hear the car backfiring. This adds to the comedic element off the film which again attracts a younger audience.