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GEZE UK Limited

Employee Handbook

This Employee Handbook belongs to GEZE UK Ltd and, if printed, must be returned on

request. Please keep it in a safe place.

This handbook is a guide and on its own is not a contract, it is intended to be read in

conjunction with your Contract of Employment and/or Job Offer Letter.

It is intended to answer your questions about your employment with GEZE UK Ltd.

It is revised periodically and you will be given updates as and when they occur.

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Employee Handbook

1.0 Introduction / About This Handbook

1.1 Mission Statement

1.2 Environmental Statement

2.0 Purpose of the Employee Handbook

3.0 First Things First

3.1 Induction and Training

3.2 Your Appearance

3.3 Probationary Period

3.4 Hours of Work

3.5 Time Keeping

3.6 Working Time Regulations

3.7 Payment of Salaries

3.8 Salary Reviews 3.9 Childcare Vouchers

3.10 Overpayment

3.11 Changes in Bank Details

3.12 Expenses

3.13 Holiday, Leave and Pay

3.14 Absence from Work

3.15 Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)

3.16 Authorised Absence

3.17 Deductions from Salary

3.18 Notice 3.19 Garden Leave

Maternity Rights In separate document

Parental/Paternity Leave In separate document

Flexible Working In separate document

4.0 Health and Safety

4.1 Smoking

4.2 Vehicles, Plant and Site Working

4.3 Site Safety

5.0 Equal Opportunities In separate document

6.0 Anti Harassment and Bullying In separate document

7.0 Alcohol, Drugs, Substance Policy

7.1 Alcohol

7.2 Drugs/Substances

8.0 Redundancy Policy 8.1 Lay-off/Short Time Working

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9.0 Data Protection, Social Media and Computer Usage

In separate document

10.0 Business Continuity

11.0 Telephone Calls

12.0 Capability Procedure, Disciplinary Rules, Disciplinary & Grievance Procedure

In separate document

13.0 Anti-corruption, Bribery and Whistleblowing

In separate document

14.0 Security

15.0 Drivers Handbook In separate document

16.0 Lone Working

17.0 Confidentiality

18.0 Acknowledgement of Receipt of the Company Handbook

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1.0 Introduction/About This Handbook

1.1 Mission Statement

GEZE is a progressive company with over 140 years experience in research, development

and manufacture of high quality products.

GEZE is an equal opportunities employer and does not discriminate on the grounds of

gender, sexual orientation, marital or civil partner status, gender reassignment, race,

colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, disability or age.

GEZE is committed to achieving total customer satisfaction, responding to their needs with

a wide range of products, designed to meet the most exacting requirements.

GEZE’s aim is to:

Supply a comprehensive range of innovative, high quality, reliable products

Offer a comprehensive system design, supply and installation package

Develop a close working partnership with their distribution network and architects’


Maintain a highly skilled and well motivated workforce through a continuing training

and development program

1.2 Environmental Statement

GEZE is committed to protecting the environment and to achieving accreditation to the ISO

14001 standard

2.0 Purpose of the Employee Handbook

The purpose of this employee handbook is to provide you with information relating to the

policies and procedures of the Company. It is very important that you read through this

handbook as together with your Contract of Employment and/or Job Offer Letter it sets out

the main terms and conditions of employment. If you have any questions regarding any

part of this handbook then please do not hesitate to ask. Please note that where there is any conflict between this handbook and your Contract of Employment and/or Job Offer

Letter, the Contract of Employment and/or Job Offer Letter take precedence.

We recognise that our employees are our most important resource and are vital to our

continued success. We hope through this handbook to provide a measure of support to all

our employees and also to ensure that rights of individuals are respected and that all

employees are treated with courtesy and consideration.

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Except where specified otherwise, this handbook read in conjunction with your Contract of

Employment and/or Job Offer Letter sets out the basis of your employment with the

Company. But this handbook does not form part of your Contract of Employment and/or

Job Offer Letter.

For the sake of convenience the masculine gender has been used throughout this

handbook. Please note that no discrimination is intended or implied.

3.0 First Things First

As an employee of the Company your own personal file will be created and retained within

the office. It is very important that we ensure all information within your file is accurate

and up to date and consequently you must advise the Company of any changes in your

circumstances. In particular you must notify the Company of any change of:

Name and address/telephone number

Health, including if you are or become disabled Persons to be notified in case of emergency and their relationship to you

Bank details for salary payment

The Company maintains the confidentiality of all employee records, whether held on paper

or on computer. Employees have the right to view their personal records to ensure the

accuracy of the data. Requests to view your personal file should be made to your Line

Manager and arrangements will be made to guide you through the contents of your file.

The holding and the disclosure of personal data is strictly in accordance with the Data

Protection legislation.

3.1 Induction and Training

All employees of the Company will receive a general induction upon commencement of their

employment. This will make provision for basic and general information about the

Company, the employee’s place of work, their job role, important health and safety issues

and also the relevant topics.

As and when training is required it will be provided. It is the policy of the Company to

provide for all necessary training. However, should you leave the Company within twelve months of undertaking an element of training then it is at the Company’s discretion that

you may be required to repay the cost of this training. If required, the Company reserves

the right to deduct the cost of this training from your salary and you consent to such a


If you are required to attend our Head Office and in order to do this you have made travel

arrangements via public transport, reimbursement will be made against receipts.

The contents list at the front of the handbook should help you to source information easily.

If however there is something you cannot find, please ask your Line Manager or, failing that, contact the Company Secretary.

The handbook should become a useful source of reference throughout your career with


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3.2 Your Appearance

The Company dress code for office based staff is smart but informal. Specifically, suits,

jackets and ties need not be worn. However, men are expected to wear shirts with collars.

Denim jeans and shorts are specifically excluded from this dress code.

External sales staff are expected to dress appropriately and this will generally mean a suit

or jacket and tie for men and suit or dress for women (except when visiting a construction


Warehouse and production staff and Site Technicians will be issued with a Company

uniform and safety clothing. This should be worn at all times whilst on Company business

and must be kept clean and pressed.

All personal protective clothing and equipment issued by the Company must be used at all

relevant times. Failure to wear protective clothing and make use of any relevant equipment

may result in disciplinary action. This is a Health and Safety issue and therefore extremely


You are a representative of the Company and as such your conduct and dress should at all

times be reflective of a reputable professional company. You are responsible for ensuring

that your appearance is appropriate having regard to your job role and also the standards

of the Company.

Good standards of personal cleanliness and hygiene are very important and are essential

for ensuring good working relations with colleagues, customers and clients.

3.3 Probationary Period

It is the policy of the Company that all new employees are subject to a three month

probationary period running from the first day of their employment where provided for in

the employee’s Contract of Employment and/or Job Offer Letter. The purpose of this period

is to assist both you and the Company to ensure mutual compatibility.

The Company retains discretion to extend the probationary period for an additional period if

it is deemed necessary and appropriate.

3.4 Hours of Work

Your working hours will be detailed in your Contract of Employment and/or Job Offer Letter

3.4.1 Hours of Work (Service Site Technicians Only)

Emergency out of hours call out:

GEZE UK operate a rota system to ensure we can provide the necessary service levels out

of hours. The GEZE management team is committed to ensuring that any calls you are asked to attend are genuine and absolutely necessary. The rota will be based on an

individual being on call a maximum 1 week in 4. A rota identifying your allocation will be

issued by your area manager.

Every effort will be made to assist you with changing your date with a colleague should

circumstances deem necessary – it is your responsibility initially to make the alternative

arrangements which must be confirmed and approved before action. If you are scheduled

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to be on call during a bank holiday an additional payment at the prevailing rate will be

made and you will be guaranteed not to be allocated this time the following year. A

payment at the prevailing rate will be made per week of you being on call, you will need to

record this on your timesheet.

Details of payments made will be in your Contract of Employment and/or Job Offer Letter.

3.4.1 Hours of Work (Installation Site Technicians Only)

Weekend Working:

You will be expected to be available for working one weekend or two weekend days in every

month should circumstances arise.

3.5 Time Keeping

Your working hours are set out in your contract of employment. The principle is that you

must arrive on time and not leave early without the express permission of your Line


By the nature of Installation and Service Site Technicians’ work, you will be required to

attend the sites of customers at the time stated on your work profile, or the time stated by

your planning co-ordinator. If this time is not achievable then you must inform the planning

department that you report to for your daily work or line manager at the earliest


If you are running late or unable to attend work for whatever reason you must also inform

the planning department or your line manager. If you are working with anyone else please

also contact them.

These measures are essential to enable GEZE UK to plan labour requirements effectively

and efficiently.

Where time keeping becomes a consistent problem then this may become a matter for

disciplinary action.

3.6 Working Time Regulations

Working hours are subject to statutory control. Any staff who are externally based will be requested to sign an agreement to “opt out” of these Regulations in respect of the

maximum working week of forty eight hours.

3.7 Payment of Salaries

All employees are paid monthly, on the 23rd of each calendar month directly to their bank.

Payslips will be available for employees to download from our payroll bureau, which is a secure site. No paper copies will normally be provided

Salaried staff will be paid on the basis of three weeks in arrears and one week in advance.

For Installation and Service Site Technicians, basic hours are calculated for the month on

the assumption that the employee will work the full number of available working hours and

payment for this will be made three weeks in arrears, one week in advance, plus overtime

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hours for the prior month (paid in arrears), Adjustments will be made for the difference

between the assumed standard hours above, and the actual hours worked, in the following


Your rate of pay will have been specified in your Job Offer Letter or at your review


3.8 Salary Reviews

The Company will undertake a review of all employees’ salary each year. Other than

increases as required by statute, all other increases (whether following a review or at any other time during the year) are at the Company’s absolute discretion.

The rate for Installation and Service Site Technicians is calculated using the following

criteria (among others) for which a sum of money is applied to each area. Base rate,

BS7036/EN 16005, Service 3yrs, 5yrs, 10yrs, NVQ qualification, Product and Personal


Payment rate reviews relating to continued skill improvement are carried out annually.

These reviews take place on the anniversary of the employee’s start date and will be in addition to the annual July company review.

3.9 Childcare Vouchers

The company offers any employee the opportunity to claim Childcare vouchers against

salary sacrifice through a registered scheme. Please contact HR Support for further details.

3.10 Overpayment

Should you leave the Company before completing the period for which full payment has been made then the Company reserves the right to recover from you the total amount of

the overpayment and you consent to such a deduction.

Unfortunately, from time to time errors may occur in the processing of salary. If there is

any underpayment, overpayment or other anomaly then you must inform the Company

immediately. The Company reserves the right to recover any amount of overpayment and

also to make any further payments to you as necessary to rectify these errors and you

consent to such a deduction.

Should you leave the Company prior to making a full repayment then the Company

reserves the right to deduct any monies owing to the Company from the final pay or from

any other monies due to you upon the termination of your employment and you consent to

such a deduction.

The Company does not accept responsibility for any bank transfer delays or for any other

delay or problem that is beyond our control.

3.11 Changes in Bank Details

Please remember that you are wholly responsible for notifying the Company of any changes

to your banking details. You must notify the Company of any such changes to avoid any

unnecessary delays in the payment of your salary.

3.12 Expenses

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Invoices or documentary evidence of expenditure must accompany all claims that are

submitted for expenses. In respect of “non-travel” expenses these must be authorised

beforehand by a Line Manager or where appropriate a more Senior Manager. In the case

where expenses relate to customer or staff entertainment, the names of all those

entertained must be written on the back of the invoice.

You are provided with an expenses float. The purpose of this is to ensure that you have the

means, at all times, to cover any reasonable expenses – failure to be able to fund expenses

or purchase of materials as required is not acceptable.

3.13 Holiday, Leave and Pay

3.13.1 Holiday Entitlement

The Company’s holiday year runs from the 1st January to the 31st December. You will be

entitled to twenty working days of paid annual leave. In addition, for each full calendar

year of completed service with the Company, you will be entitled to a further one working

day up to a maximum of five days (for the avoidance of doubt, the maximum holiday

entitlement is twenty five working days). After completion of your first year’s service if your anniversary falls in the first half of the year then you get one extra day, if on the second

half of the year, then an additional half day

Holiday leave is calculated pro-rata according to the number of days worked per week. For

example if you work five days per week then you are entitled to twenty days annual leave,

if you work three days per week you would be entitled to a maximum of fifteen days annual

leave (25 / 5 * 3 = 15).

3.13.2 Public / Bank Holidays

In addition to the above you are entitled to the statutory bank holidays unless you are

required to work by the Company on those days. When this occurs you may be entitled to

additional holiday in lieu to be taken at a time agreed with the Company.

3.13.3 First Year of Service

During your first year of service you will not be permitted to take holiday leave until it has

been accrued. You will be able to calculate the amount of holiday leave accrued at any

point in time. Simply take your annual entitlement and divide it by twelve (representing the number of months in a year), then multiply this figure with the number of complete

months you have worked.

Any request during your first year of service to take more leave than you have accrued

must be made in writing to your Line Manager. It is at the Company’s discretion to grant or

deny this written request.

3.13.4 Carrying Holiday Forward / Payment in Lieu

You will not be allowed to carry forward into the next holiday year any unused holiday leave

without the written consent of your Line Manager. Therefore you are required to take all of

your holiday leave before the end of each holiday year (31st December). The Company will

not make a payment in lieu of unused holiday except upon the termination of your

employment where there is accrued but untaken holiday leave.

3.13.5 Holiday Pay on Termination of Employment

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Please note that upon termination of your employment where holiday leave has been taken

in excess of that which you have accrued a deduction equivalent to the overpayment in

respect of the additional holiday taken will be made from any monies owing to you.

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3.13.6 Notice

You are asked to give as much notice as possible of any holiday leave you wish to take.

Please note that as a matter of policy the Company requires at least two weeks’ notice prior

to any holiday which you may wish to take. If you wish to take holiday leave of five days or

more then at least one months notice must be given. The Company retains its discretion to

allow holiday leave to be taken where the above notice requirements have not been

complied with.

3.13.7 Authorising Holiday

In submitting your request to take holiday leave then all internal procedures must be

followed and relevant forms completed and submitted to the correct people. Holidays must

be taken at times that are convenient to the Company and whilst every effort will be made

to accommodate your preference when considering holiday requests, the needs of the

business may have to take precedence. In addition pre-authorised annual leave taken by

other members of staff will need to be taken into account. In the event that the Company

refuses a holiday request, the Company is not responsible for any financial commitment

made by you prior to authorisation of holiday leave request.

All holiday leave requests will be fully considered within three working days of the forms

being submitted. All requests will be considered in the date and time order that they were


The Company will not normally agree a holiday leave request, which involves more than

two consecutive weeks’ leave. Any such requests must be put in writing and submitted to

your Line Manager and will be considered at the Company’s sole discretion.

3.14 Absence from Work

3.14.1 General Absence

The Company recognises that there are occasions when you may be absent from work for

various reasons. If you are unable to attend work then it is your responsibility to inform

your Line Manager in person as early as possible and in any event before 08.30 on the first

day of absence. If you cannot locate your Line Manager then you must speak to your next

Senior Manager. You must be aware that failure to follow the general policy may render

you subject to disciplinary investigation and potential disciplinary action.

If you need to be absent from work for a dental, medical or other essential appointment,

(excluding pregnancy related appointments), then prior permission should always be

obtained from your Line Manager. Payment for such absences will be at the sole discretion

of the Company. You are asked to make all necessary appointments outside working hours

wherever possible. Any such absences during working hours should be minimal and the

Company will require one of the following:

That you take holiday leave to cover absence That additional work is undertaken to make up for the time taken during the absence

3.14.2 Unauthorised Absence

Where there is no acceptable explanation for your absence or where the period of absence

is not supported by a sick note or leave of absence authorisation or where the reason for

your absence is not considered genuine, then the Company reserves the right to undertake

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a disciplinary investigation. This may result in the termination of your employment. The

Company reserves the right to deduct from your salary the amount equivalent to your

salary for the period of the unauthorised absence.

3.14.3 Sickness Absence

If you are unable to attend work due to sickness or injury you must initially follow the

procedure as outlined in “General Absence”. You should also, as far as possible, give an

indication of your condition and the likely duration of your absence.

All absence on grounds of sickness or injury must, no matter how short, be covered by a

self-certification form or a valid sickness certificate, (a fit note prepared by your general

practitioner). You are able to self-certificate your absence for a period of seven days

(including working and non-working days). Please contact the HR Support for a self

certification form. As far as is possible the form must be completed and returned to your

Line Manager by no later than the 8th day of your period of absence.

Upon your return you will be asked to complete a Return to Work form and may be asked

to attend a Return to Work interview.

Failure to follow the self-certification procedure may result in any statutory sick pay being

delayed or forfeited for days in respect of late or non-notification.

Where you are absent due to sickness or injury for a period in-excess of seven consecutive

calendar days then the Company thereafter will require a detailed fit note from your doctor.

For periods of ongoing sickness, certificates should be sent regularly to your Line Manager

covering all the period of absence as soon as they have been issued by a doctor. It is

important that you maintain regular contact with your Line Manager during your absence so

that we are kept up to date of your condition.

The Company may need to contact your general practitioner to obtain a medical report as

to your medical condition. The cost of such a report will be met by the Company and your

permission will be obtained before any steps are taken to obtain such a report. Please note

that this is merely a matter of Company policy to ensure that you are dealt with as fairly as

possible in all the circumstances. In addition there may be certain situations when the

Company may require an additional medical opinion. It is therefore a condition of your

employment that you participate in any examination by a registered medical practitioner as

appointed and arranged by the Company.

3.15 Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)

The Company pays SSP in accordance with the current government rules enforced at the

particular time. If you do qualify to receive SSP then this will be processed through the

usual payroll arrangements. Please note that failure to follow the Company procedures

properly may result in payments being delayed or even forfeited. SSP is paid in respect of

“qualifying days” and which you are unable to work due to sickness or injury. “Qualifying

days” are defined as those days on which you would normally work. However, please note that SSP will not be paid for the first three days of absence, which are known as “waiting

days”. This means that SSP will only be paid in respect of absence due to sickness or

injury, which is for four or more consecutive qualifying days.

The Company will only pay SSP up to a maximum of twenty eight weeks.

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In addition, the Company operates its own sick pay scheme, which operates in respect of

any period between the 1st January and 31st December. Sick pay under the Company

scheme is only paid after the waiting days and will be the difference between SSP (where

applicable), or any other welfare benefit and your normal basic salary for the period of

certified sickness. Please note that periods of absence due to sickness or injury are

aggregated over a twelve month period for the purpose of totalling eligibility under the

Company sick pay scheme.

The Company reserves the right to recover any payments made under this scheme to an

employee where litigation against the third party or any insurance or other similar benefits has resulted in the individual receiving compensation in respect of loss of earnings. It is

necessary that you have complied with all of the Company’s absence notification

procedures in order to make you eligible for the Company discretionary sick pay scheme.

The scheme will apply as follows:


Less than one years service Nil

One to two years service One week

Three to four years service Two weeks

Five plus years of service Four weeks

Any payment of salary in addition to SSP is at the sole discretion of the Company.

3.16 Authorised Absence

All requests for compassionate leave should be in writing and must be presented to your

Line Manager as soon as practicably possible before you require the period of leave. In the

event of a family bereavement or other exceptional personal circumstances then you should

contact your Line Manager who is authorised to deal with each situation on an individual basis.

You will be allowed a short period of leave of absence following the death of a close relative

(for the purposes of this handbook the close relative constitutes spouse, parents, children

or sibling). The length of time allowed should be agreed between you and your Line

Manager but the Company will retain its discretion in the amount of time allowed.

If you are required to attend Court for jury service then you must notify your Line Manager

as soon as you are made aware of this requirement. You must also provide written confirmation of your required attendance at Court. You will be allowed time off with normal

basic pay less a deduction from the Loss of Earnings Allowance which you should claim from

the Court together with any travelling and any other expenses.

If you are required to attend Court as a witness in matters not affecting the Company you

will be granted unpaid leave of absence upon production of written confirmation of the

notification of the requirement for you to attend Court.

The Company will respect any reasonable requests for unpaid leave due to voluntary public duties such as a Magistrate, a Member of the Statutory Tribunal, a Member of the Police

Authority, a Territorial Army volunteer reserve etc. If you have such an involvement then

any potential for leave of absence should be communicated to your Line Manager either at

the commencement of your employment or the commencement of any relevant

involvement, whichever is the earlier.

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3.17 Deductions from Salary

Deductions from your pay will be made: -

If property issued to you and in your care and control is deliberately or accidentally

damaged, the costs of repair to or replacement of the property may be deducted from

your salary and by your acceptance of the terms of this Handbook you consent to such

a deduction If you make unauthorised telephone calls, except in an emergency situation, costs

may be deducted from your salary and by your acceptance of the terms of this

Handbook you consent to such a deduction

Employees who have exceeded their accrued holiday entitlement and leave their

employment will have the excess holiday pay deducted from their final salary.

If you are overpaid for any reason you must notify the Company. The amount of

overpayment will usually be deducted from the following payment but where this

would cause hardship, alternative arrangements may be made at the Company’s

discretion. Failure to report an overpayment may result in disciplinary action Where you leave the Company within two years of undertaking training which has

been funded by the company, an amount equivalent to the cost of that training may

be deducted from your salary. You will be asked as part of your induction or training

to consent to this.

Leaving within 3 (three) months of training/ certification 100%

Leaving within 6 (six) months of training/ certification 75%

Leaving within 12 (twelve) months of training/ certification 50%

Leaving within 18 (eighteen) months of training/ certification 25%

Leaving within 24 (twenty four) months of training/ certification 0%

Should you fail to give the requisite notice upon terminating your employment the

Company reserves the right to deduct an amount from your salary in respect of the

period of notice that ought to have been given.

Where a proven case of gross misconduct has resulted in a loss, financial or otherwise,

to the Company then the Company shall be entitled to deduct an amount equal to the

loss suffered and by your acceptance of the terms of this Handbook you consent to

such a deduction

The above list is not exhaustive and the employer reserves the right to make reasonable

deductions from your pay in exceptional circumstances.

3.18 Notice

Unless otherwise specified in your Contract of Employment and/or Job Offer Letter, either

the Company or you are able to bring the employment relationship to an end by the giving

of the following period of notice in writing:


Over one month but less than two

years service One weeks notice

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Between two and twelve years


One weeks notice for each complete year of


Over twelve years service Twelve weeks notice

3.19 Garden Leave

If you give or are given notice of termination of employment, the Company reserves the

right to require you not to attend work during part or all of the requisite period of notice.

Furthermore, the Company shall not be under any obligation to provide you with any work

during that period. However, you must be prepared to perform any duties required of you

immediately upon notification.

3.20 Maternity, Paternity, Adoption, Parental Leave,

Time off for dependants, flexible working

GEZE are fully committed to ensuring compliance with current legislation – a

separate policy and procedure document with full administrative detail

accompanies this handbook.

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4.0 Health and Safety

It is the Company’s responsibility to ensure the provision and maintenance of a working

environment which is safe and without risk to health in accordance with the Health and

Safety at Work Act 1974 Section Two.

A written statement of our policy on Health and Safety at Work and the arrangements in

force for carrying out that policy is contained within a separate manual. You are expected to read this and fully understand the policy. If there is anything you do not understand,

you should immediately seek clarification from your Line Manager.

It is also your duty as an employee to take reasonable steps for the health and safety of

yourself and others who may be affected by your act and omissions at work.

Please ensure that you:

Co-operate with the Company to enable the Company to carry out its legal duties Utilise all items provided to ensure the health and safety of you and others

Ensure that any issues presenting a health and safety hazard are brought to the

attention of management

Look after your own health and safety and the health and safety of other employees as

well as those who may be affected by your actions at work

4.1 Smoking

The law states that all Company premises and certain classes of company vehicle must be

maintained as smoke-free environments. Consequently the Company has adopted a policy that all Company premises and vehicles will be maintained as smoke-free environments

4.2 Vehicles, Plant and Site Working

It is the Company’s policy to ensure that no employee is endangered by faulty equipment of

any type. Clearly the company cannot control all equipment, particularly that which is not

at its Head Office. Therefore if at any stage in your daily work you are uncertain of the

integrity of any equipment or vehicle DO NOT USE IT – report your findings immediately to

Resources at Lichfield for instructions.

4.3 Site Safety

It is the Company’s policy to ensure that no employee is endangered by their actions, or

the actions of others on site. Accordingly employees are required to abide by the guidelines

within the enclosed Health & Safety Manual and if uncertain about working practices on

site, to contact their Line Manager for guidance

5.0 Equal Opportunities

GEZE are fully committed to ensuring compliance with current legislation – a

separate policy and procedure document with full administrative detail

accompanies this handbook.

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6.0 Anti Harassment and Bullying

GEZE are fully committed to ensuring compliance with current legislation – a

separate policy and procedure document with full administrative detail

accompanies this handbook

7.0 Alcohol, Drugs, Substance Policy

7.1 Alcohol

The Company’s policy is to forbid the consumption of alcohol during working hours or while

you are on Company business.

Any employee who is found consuming alcohol or found to be intoxicated or under the

influence of alcohol at work, will face disciplinary action under the Company Disciplinary


If an employee arrives for work under the influence of alcohol, the Company reserves the right not to allow the employee to remain on the premises and to impose suspension

pending disciplinary investigations.

7.2 Drugs/Substances

The Company will not employ anyone who is found to be an illegal drug user or trafficker.

You must note that being under the influence or in possession of non-prescribed drugs

when on Company business, whether on or off the premises, is strictly forbidden and will

result in disciplinary action. If you are prescribed drugs by your doctor that may affect

your ability to perform your work in any way, you must discuss this with your Line Manager.

The Company reserves the right to search you or any of your property held on Company

premises if there are reasonable grounds to believe that our policy relating to prohibition of

drugs or substances is being, or has been infringed. If you refuse to comply with the

requested search procedure, your refusal will normally be treated as misconduct and will

result in disciplinary action under the Company Disciplinary Procedure. As part of this

policy, all employees are required to support management by reporting to the Company

any use or trafficking of drugs on Company premises or by Company employees.

Please note that the Company reserves the right to invoke the Disciplinary Process in

connection with alcohol or drug abuse even where this occurs outside working hours, where

such action brings yourself or the Company into disrepute.

8.0 Redundancy Policy

The Company recognises that, for whatever reason, a redundancy situation may arise. The

Company will make every reasonable effort to avoid compulsory redundancies such as

reducing working hours, lay-off with statutory guarantee pay or voluntary


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However, should compulsory redundancies become necessary then all employees likely to

be affected will be issued with the formal procedure and be involved and consulted at

various meetings regarding the situation. Specifically, employees will be informed of the

selection criteria, any alternative positions within the Company and every effort will be

made to give them the opportunity to put forward their own views.

8.1 Lay-off/Short Time Working

The Company recognises that there may be times when there is a reduction in the volume

of work or some other occurrence which could affect the normal running of the business. In those circumstances the Company retains the right to either lay-off without pay, or

implement shorter working hours.

The Company reserves the right to select the employees which it regards are best suited to

carry out the available work. All employees will be offered work wherever this is possible.

You must be aware that if laid off you must still be available for work as and when required;

this is because continuity of service is not affected by any lay-off period.

9.0 Data Protection, Social Media and Computer Usage Policy

GEZE are fully committed to ensuring compliance with current legislation and

protecting its staff, customers and suppliers – a separate policy and procedure

document with full administrative detail accompanies this handbook.

10.0 Business Continuity

Unplanned events can have a devastating effect on businesses. Crises such as fire, flood,

damage to stock or IT system failure could make it difficult or even impossible to carry out

our normal day-to-day activities.

GEZE are fully committed to ensuring business continuity and have a comprehensive Business Continuity Plan in place.

11.0 Telephone Calls

The Company accepts from time to time you may need to make telephone calls regarding

personal matters of importance during working hours. The Company permits the making of

brief local calls for such purposes. You are asked to treat this privilege responsibly.

The use of personal mobile phones on the Company’s premises is not permitted during

working hours except in emergency or unless specifically authorised by your Line Manager.

If you are provided with a Company mobile telephone, this is to be used for business

telephone calls only. If the telephone is used for private calls, the Company may require

you to reimburse the cost of these calls.

You should take care of the Company mobile telephone and ensure it is secure at all times.

In the event that the mobile telephone is stolen you should notify your Line Manager

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immediately to report the theft. In the absence of your Line Manager you should take all

reasonable steps to report the matter so that steps can be taken to disconnect it.

Mobile phones must not be used for text and/or email whilst driving. Only when an

approved Hands Free kit is provided can they be used for receiving calls, none should be

made, while driving. In the absence of a Hands Free kit, the phone should be switched off

while driving.

12.0 Combined policies: Capability Procedure, Disciplinary Rules, Disciplinary & Grievance Procedure

GEZE are fully committed to ensuring compliance with current legislation – a

separate policy and procedure document with full administrative detail

accompanies this handbook.

13.0 Anti-corruption, Bribery and Whistleblowing

GEZE are fully committed to ensuring compliance with current legislation – a

separate policy and procedure document with full administrative detail

accompanies this handbook.

14.0 Security

Certain precautions have been taken to render the office secure. All staff and visitors to

the Fradley office should enter and leave via the main door or another which will register

your departure on the access control system installed within the building.

Different provisions will apply at other offices

Individual offices within the building may have side door facilities which have security locks

and should always be left locked. Any internal security doors should be kept locked. Do

not secure any door in breach of Fire Regulations.

You are warned never to leave personal items of value and money unattended as the

Company cannot accept responsibility for personal losses.

At the end of the day, ensure all windows and Fire Escape doors are shut and the last

person to leave a section must lock the door as well as turning out the lights. Where offices

are fitted with an intruder alarm, the last person to leave the office must check the building and set the alarms.

Any unusual circumstances should be reported to your Line Manager, or in his absence

another Senior Manager or a Director.

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15.0 Drivers Handbook

GEZE employees who are drivers of company vehicles may be issued with a driver’s


16.0 Lone Working

The detailed Company policy on Lone Working is contained within the Health and Safety

Policy Document.

16.0 Confidentiality

The Company requires you to abide by a strict duty of confidentiality. This covers all

information concerning our clients/customers, their businesses or the Company’s business.

The Company regards this matter as very serious and requires you not to share any such

confidential information with any third parties and under no circumstances with anyone

outside the Company. Should you become aware of any breach of confidentiality either on

your own part or by any other employee, then this must be reported to your Line Manager

or Director immediately.

When you joined the Company, you will have been required to sign a Confidentiality

Undertaking. You should understand this is a legal document. The Company takes confidentiality very seriously and will take all necessary steps to ensure it is maintained.

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17 Acknowledgement of Receipt of the Company Handbook

I acknowledge receipt of the GEZE UK Ltd Employee Handbook and have read and fully understood its contents.

………………………………………… ………………………………………….

Signed Date


Please print name

This acknowledgement slip should be returned to HR Support.

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