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GET BOOKS! U.S. History Mr. LaBonte
Europe &World War II GET BOOKS! U.S. History Mr. LaBonte USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republic 1922-1991 Communism
Government control!! Joseph Stalin After WW I, many European democratic nations struggled & turned to Dictators to help them out Soviet Union: became a Communist nation 1st leader was V.I. Lenin Died 1924 Stalin became Dictator Wanted to create a model communist nation for the rest of the world to see! Joseph Stalin Eliminated all private enterprises
By 1939, Soviet Union became the worlds 3rd largest industrial country Behind the U.S. & Germany!!! Totalitarian Stalin controlled everything!
Govt. that does not tolerate different opinions w/in the country If anyone disagreed w/Stalin, they were forced to work hard labor or executed 8-13 million were executed by Stalin! Benito Mussolini Dreamed of making Italy a great world power
PM Controlled Italy by using: Fascism Govt. under control of a Dictator Adolf Hitler Leader of Nazi Germany Believed in:
Post WW I & Depression = about 6 million Germans unemployed Hitler was appointed Prime Minister in 1933 Dismantled Germanys democracy Believed in: Nazism Extreme nationalism Expansion Germans formed the master race
Especially blue eyed, blond haired They were destined to rule the world! Inferior Races were not fit to serve the Germans Jews, Slavs & non-whites The U.S. Response These European nations began to fight for expansion
The U.S. pledged to stay out of foreign problems Many Americans wanted to be isolated Neutrality Breaks During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
Hitler & Mussolini tried to take Spain Austria and Czechoslovakia
Read pg. 708 How does Hitler want to solve German problems? Austria: Fell to Germany Czech: Hitler promised thiswould be the last territorial demand The German Offensive Hitler lied!!! He wanted to take over Poland
Polands eastern neighbor was: Soviet Union Felt they had more to lose by fighting for Poland
Germany & Soviet Union signed a pact promising not to fight each other Blitzkrieg AKA Lightning War
Germanys aggressive military takeoverof Poland France & Britain Britain & France declared war on Germany beginning WW II in 1939 Hitler also attacked Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium & Luxembourg! The Holocaust Throughout WW II
Systematic murder of about 6 million Jews by the Nazis Why the Jews? Debatable The Nazis had a lot of anti-semitism
Discriminatory towards Jews Many believe that Hitler blamed the German Jews for not helping enough during WW I Hitler hated Jews! Jewish Refugees Beginning in 1933 Thousands of Jews left Germany
About 60,000 Jewish refugees went to the U.S. Albert Einstein*! Genocide The Nazi plan for Jews
Unhealthy Jews were sent to extermination camps Deliberate killing of an entire group of people The Nazis also tried to eliminate: The insane, disabled, ill, homosexuals, mentally retarded, etc Anyone that they felt was not part of the master race Concentration Camps Prison camp operated by Nazis
Prisoners were starved while doing slave labor or were murdered Auschwitz The Survivors About 6 million Jews died Miraculously some escaped
Hiding in homes and escaping to neutral countries Read the quote page 718 Survivor transcripts The U.S. & World War II Bell Ringer?
Do you think the U.S. should enter WW II? Away from Neutrality As Germany moved across Poland
FDR called a special session He wanted to help France & Britain defeat Germany The U.S. supplied them w/weapons The Axis Threat By 1940: France had fallen & Britain was under German attack Late 1940: Germany, Italy & Japan signed a mutual defense treaty AKA Axis Powers If the U.S. joined WW II, we faced potential attacks on both coasts! Building Americas Defenses
People in the U.S. demanded a stronger military Just in case! In 1940, Congressmilitary spending & enforced a draft 16 million men were now registered!!! Roosevelts Reelection
FDR wins reelection Only President to serve 3 consecutive terms Says, We cannot let the Axis Powers defeat Britain! Or else they could rule the world!!! Soviet Union? Attacked by Hitler in 1940
Hitler stabbed Stalin in the back by ignoring the peace treaty they had They are now battling the Nazis! Planning for War Winston Churchill Britains leader Also formed the:
Received weapons from FDR to fight against Germany Also formed the: Allies S.U., U.S., Britain & 23 others
The Big 3 S.U., U.S., Britain & 23 others The U.S. was moving towards war, BUT Not officially in WW II yet! Japan Attacks The U.S. was moving towards war
The U.S. knew that Japan was going to attack Just no idea where FDR sent a war warning to Hawaii, U.S. bases in Guam& the Philippines FDR insisted that we were a peaceful country & that we would not attack 1st Why? Japan dreamed of having a world empire
Angry at the U.S. for cutting off their oil supply in the Pacific Japan attacked: Pearl Harbor Largest U.S. Navy base in the Pacific
Japan attacked it by surprise on December 7th, 1941 Sunk 18 U.S. ships Destroyed 350 planes 1,178 wounded 2,400 people died!!! Watch some of Pearl Harbor
Chapter 20-31 Attack Aftermath Response Pearl Harbor FDR wanted to stay out of the war, BUT
FDR declared war on Japan the next day 3 days later, Germany & Italy declared war on the U.S. A U.S. Senator said, It is time to kick the hell out of them! Selective Service & the GI
Japan wanted to show just how powerful they with the attack on Pearl Harbor Japan thought the U.S. would be scared, BUT Americans were energized! 5 million soldiers volunteered to go to war There was a draft that provided 10 million more About 15 million Americans went to training & became GIs Government Issue (uniforms, weapons & supplies) Women & Minorities About 250,000 women served in WW II
Segregation = is it a war for minorities? Why die for democracy elsewhere when we dont even have it here? Af. Am. were drafted More than a million Af. Am. served in segregated units The Industrial Response
Instead of producing cars We began making tanks, planes, boats & war weapons Guns, bombs, etc Japanese Americans What should America do about the Japanese living in the U.S.? Many thought they were in on a master plan! All Japanese/Americans in HI were confined In the western U.S. Prejudice against Japanese was an everyday occurrence Newspapers articles, public treatment, etc 1942: FDR ordered the removal of people w/Japanese ancestry from the Western U.S. 110,000 Japanese Americans were held in camps War Production Board 1942 Decided which companies would convert from peacetime to wartime production Organized nationwide drives to collect scrap iron, tin cans, paper, rags, etc Throughout the U.S. children searched everywhere for these things!! The U.S. & Britain After Pearl Harbor FDR & Churchill met War plans:
These 2 ended up having a good working relationship War plans: Hitler was #1 enemy Defeat Germany before Japan Battle of the Atlantic After Pearl Harbor
Hitler attacked Americas east coast w/submarines 7 months = Allies lost 681 ships The U.S. began destroying more subs than Hitler could produce! Stalingrad Turning point battle of WW II
Hitler was trying to capture Stalingrad Major Soviet Union city Hitler wanted to control the Soviet Union!!! Stalingrad 3 months in, Germany controlled most of Stalingrad
Stalin ordered a massive counter attack Against the Germans The Soviets were able to turn the Germans back & keep control of Stalingrad! Lost 1.25 million soldiers!! The North African Front
While Stalingrad was going on Joseph Stalin pressured Britain & the U.S. to open a 2nd front The Allies tried to gain control of North Africa November, 1942 About 107,000 troops landed in N. Africa & were led by: Dwight D. Eisenhower American General
Defeated Hitlers troops in North Africa Message to Churchill: All enemy resistance has ceased. We are masters of the North African shores. Europe The Allies helped free Italy of Mussolini & German influence
Next, they set their sights on pushing Hitler out of the rest of Europe They wanted to catch him by surprise on: D-Day June 5, 1944 June 6, 1944 Cancelledcloudy! Game onclear skies!
AKA Invasion of Normandy Allies attack the European mainland which is under German control Troops, planes & ships (U.S., Canada, Britain) Large amount of causalities! 2 minute clip George Patton August 25th, 1944
American General that helped free France from 4 years of German control By September, 1944 The Allies also free Belgium, Luxembourg & the Netherlands! Battle of the Bulge While the Allied front was advancing into Germany
Hitlerattacked the Allies Month long battle Allies win! The last major German offensive of the war Hitler lost 120,000 troops, 600 tanks & 1,600 planes From this point on, the Nazis will do nothing but retreat! 30 second clip, stop after battle of the bulge! Surrender Allies advanced from the west & Soviets from the east into Germany Along the way they discovered Hitlers death camps Hitlers guards tried to hide evidence This is not a concentration camp, it is a gigantic murder plant. Soviet Soldier Read the quote pg. 745 Keep reading What happened to Hitler? Hitler married his longtime companion Eva Braun Hitler committed suicide the next day V-E Day May 8th, 1945 Surrender by Nazi Germany
Marked the end of WW II in Europe! 30 second clip Invasion of Normandy Very graphic! 4 brothers serving in the war 3 of them have been killed in action Captain Miller is trying to save the last one! War in the Pacific GET YOUR BOOKS! The Allies vs. Japan Japan was successfully expanding its empire
Watch Chapters of Pearl Harbor The U.S. finally responded to Pearl Harbor on April 18, 1942 ColonelDoolittle led 16 B-52 Bombers over Tokyo Blasted factories, mills, oil tanks, etc The Allies vs. Japan Both sides fought for islands in the Pacific
Battle of the Midway U.S. won control of the important Midway Island Kamikaze Suicide-plane attack
Japanese pilots crashed their bomb filled planes into Allied ships When they were shot down, and brought aboard our ship, we were surprised to find the pilots looked like ordinary, scared young men, not the wide-eyed fanatical devils we imagined them to be. - American Soldier The Atomic Bomb April 12, 1945 FDR has a stroke & passes away
Vice President Harry Truman becomes President U.S. creates the Atomic bomb Huge nuclear bomb! Okinawa Japans last defensive outpost
Brutal defeat by the Allies over Japan More than 1,900 kamikazes!!! Sunk 30 ships, damaged 300 more 7,600 Americans died 110,000 Japanese died!! Atomic Bomb Nuclear AKA: Weapon of Mass Destruction
Only 2 nuclear bombs have ever been dropped in the history of the world! Drop the Bomb or Not? While battling the Japanese, the U.S. could drop the Atomic Bomb at any time! 3 questions? Would Japan even surrender Bomb might be a dud Japan may move American prisoners on bombing sight Hiroshima President Truman warned Japan to surrender They said no!
August 6, 1945: The U.S. dropped the 1st A-Bomb on this important Japanese military center 1st city to ever be hit by the A-Bomb Destroyed almost everything! Japan still did not surrender!!! Nagasaki 3 days later U.S. dropped another A-Bomb here
11 miles above Nagasaki! Nagasaki 3 days later U.S. dropped another A-Bomb here 1 year = 200,000 people died from radiation poisoning by the A bomb Read the quote bottom of page 751 September 2, 1945 Japan finally surrenders! Rebuilding Begins With the war over, it was time to rebuild the war torn world Truman, Churchill & Stalin 3 main leaders held the Yalta Conference Created the United Nations International peace keeping body Germany divided into 4 sections U.S., British, French, Soviet Many Nazis were found guilty of crimes & sent to prison Japan was occupied by the U.S. for 6 years Created a stable govt. & economy

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