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Page 1: Germany handout



Germany is the northern-most wine region of Europe. It does not make many wines, the total production is just 10% of France and Italy and about 1% of world’s total. But it produces some of the major dry whites and sweet whites. The wines are primarily in the valleys of Rhine (Rhein in German) and Moselle (Mosel in German) rivers. Because of this northern location, the summers are short and crops are damaged by severe frosts. The vines are planted on riverbanks. Due to shortage of sun the grapes do not ripen properly therefore making it more acidic. German wines are best consumed on their own or with dessert but not with any strongly flavored foods.


The origins of viticulture in Germany can be traced back to the Romans, at the first century. The earliest vineyards existed at the left bank of the Rhine, and plantings spread to the Mosel probably around the 3rd century. The vine advanced further in the Middle Ages, mainly through the church, its monastries in particular. In the Rheingau, Benedictines founded an abbey which later became the Schloss Johannisberg. Kloster Eberbach was established by Cistercians in 1135. The planting of vines reached a high point in the 15th century, when the area under vine was four times larger than it is today. This included Alsace, which was the most highly esteemed region during that period. The most important early variety was probably Elbling. Silvaner, Muskat, Traminer, Spätburgunder, and Trollinger were also known. Riesling arrived relatively late, and is first reliably documented in the Rheingau in 1435 and in the Mosel not much later. Different varieties were generally mixed within a vineyard, rather than carefully distinguished.

A serious crises developed around the 17th century, when prices fell, due to overproduction and competition from beer. The 30 Year War raged, which ended in 1648, with Alsace becoming a French province. In the wake of the disaster, quality improved as unsuitable land was returned to other uses. Riesling replaced lesser varieties, often by decree from political and clerical authorities. The term "Cabinet" was first used in 1712 by the Kloster Eberbach to indicate wines of superior quality. In 1720 the first monoculture of Riesling was planted at Schloss Johannisberg. Noble Rot was discovered a little later, and Kloster Eberbach produced a successful wine from botrytised grapes in 1753. The invention of Spätlese is generally dated at 1775, when the harvest at Schloss Johannisberg was delayed by accident, resulting in a late harvest of largely rotten grapes. The wines made from these grapes became a legend.

In the 19th century, in the wake of the French occupation, most of the church's wine estates were secularised. Technological progress, such as the invention of the ``Oechsle" must weight scale, helped to further improve the wines. In many ways, German wine entered a golden age. The great estates of the Rheinpfalz and Mosel-Saar-Ruwer rose to

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fame, alongside the Rheingau. At the hight of its prestige, Rhine wine generally sold at prices above those of first growth Bordeaux. The Mosel's first Trockenbeerenauslese was made by the Thanisch estate from the Bernkasteler Doctor vineyard in 1921, and created something of a ``Doctor cult". Yet, times were not easy during the deterioration of the political and economic situation in the early 20th century. Phylloxera added to the troubles. The worst blow to German wine since the 17th century came with the Nazis, when the 2nd world war eventually devastated Germany's wine regions, along with much of the rest of Europe.

German Wine since 1945

German wine industry slowly began to loose its way in the “economic miracle". Post war western Germany saw large increases in wine production, and consumption. New vineyards were planted, usually on flat land which was accessible to machines, and suitable for production of high quantities of wine at lower costs. The Mosel area for example expanded to twice its size by planting on the valley floor and on slopes that are famously "gently rising to the south". New crossings of varieties were introduced. The notorious wine law of 1971 cemented the confusion of must weight with "quality in the glass", and allowed labels to carry the names of large, undistinguished vineyards zones, with no indication of their inferiority to the finest single sites.

Facts of German wines

Most Northerly of wine growing countries. Produces most lightest, and delicate white wines. Low in alcohol exquisitely balanced. Practice of harvesting grapes at various degrees of ripeness. National drink of Germany is beer.

Soil:Lime Stone, Slate, Clay, Loam, Sand

Climate Germany lies north of equator therefore its wine producing regions are the coldest in

the world.. Short summers. Rivers regulate the temperature. Late harvesting (starting from middle or end of November) provides aromas to

grapes. Lack of heat and cool nights leave ripe grapes with good sugar levels but also high

acid levels.

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White Grape Varieties

Muller thurgau : wine flowery bouquet, mildly acidic. Swiss Dr. Muller from the canton of thurgau developed by cloning Riesling and silvaner.

Riesling : balance between sweetness and acidity. Silvaner : mild acidity full body.,more user friendly. Grauburgunder : also called Rulander makes oily sweet wines. Gewürztraminer : makes rich fruity wines. Weissburgunder : used to make dry wines.

Red Grape Varieties

Spatburgunder : wines are velvetty full bodied Portugieser : flavourful, light, mild Trollinger : ripens very late, fruity, good acidity


Rhine Regions:

RHEINGAU: Germany’s most central wine region. It is a long hillside by the thick forests of the

Taunus Hills and bordered by the Rhine river. The Mediterranean-type climate produce densely rich flavors and elegant wines. Famous for its sweet, botrytis affected QMP wines. Main grape varieties : Riesling, Spatburgunder Soil : quartz, clay, loam and sandy. Climate: Vines protected from cold due to mountains & river. White Wines - Schloss Johannisberg, Steinberger,Schloss Vollrads. Wines are fragrant, acidic and with great character and elegance.

PFALZ: Bounded by the Rhine on the eastand Haardt mountains on the west. Formely known as Rheinpfalz and before that Palatinate (some Pope of ages past

lived here) The largest producer of wines and known for its inexpensive wines Wines are aromatic,mild, round and fullbodied. Main Grape Varieties- Mueller-Thurgau,Riesling, Kerner, Silvaner, Portugieser. Soil: Laom,sandstone, limestone, granite and clay. Climate: Sunniest and driest wine producing areas. Popular Wines :Deidesheimer (W),Ruppertberger (W), Durkheimer (R)

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RHEINHEISEN: Lies in the valley of hills bordered by Nahe River on the west and north and east by

the Rhine. The second largest producer. of wines and produces both red and white wines. Popular for LIEBFRAUMILCH-Generic style, of a blend of lower quality wines, that

people connect with. Grapes used - Muller Thargau, Silvaner, Riesling, Portugieser, Spatburgunder. Soil : Loess , limestone, sandy. Climate: Temperate. Popular Wines : Blue Nun (S), Guntersblumer (R), Niersteiner (W),Oppenheimer

(W), Bodenheimer (W) Wines are fragrant, mild, soft, medium bodied.

MITTERHEIN: Lies between Bonn and Bigen on the stretch of Rhine valley. Main grape variety : Riesling. Soil: Slate and Climate: Temperate. International star wine is Toni Jost.

NAHE: Named after its river and lies on the west of Rheinhessen and east of Mosel. Main Grape Varieties : Riesling, Mueller-Thurgau, Silvaner. Soil: slate, sandstone, loam. Climate: Temperate,sunny, no frosts. Popular wines: Schlossbockelheimer ( W), Munsterer ( W ) Wines are fruity, fragrant and full of flavour.

Moselle Regions

MOSEL SAAR RUWER: This region follows the Mosel river and its tributaries, Saar and Ruwer. The region produces the excellent white wines. Soil : sandstone, limestone and slate. Climate : Moderate. Main Grape Varieties : Riesling, Mueller-Thurgau, Elbling Wines are fragrant, piquant, fruity, and delicate White wines : Bernkastler Doctor, Piesporter, Wiltengener. Both bottles of Moselle and Rhine are tall fluted but Rhine bottles are brown while

moselle bottles are green Mosel region has its generic equivalent to Rheins LIEBFRAWMILCH and generic

wines were named selblumchen (little flower of Moselle) now called as Moselleseltaler.

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FRANKEN: Easternmost wine region and also known as Franconia. The wines are bottled in a flat, green, flask shaped bottles named "Bocksbeutel”. These wines are often dry and similar to French wine’s often refered as Steinwein and

drunk in stein mugs Main Grape Varieties: Mueller-Thurgau, Silvaner, Bacchus Soil: sandstone, limestone, clay and loess. Climate: Continental with warm dry summers and cold winters. Popular Wines : Casteller (W), Wurzburger (W). Wines are vigorous,earthy, robust, dry, acidic ( due to cold winters and late spring

climate ) and full bodied.

Other Wine Regions

AHR: Germany’s most northerly region, along the Ahr river, as it flows into the Rhine. Smallest German wine region Specialises in red wines mostly from Spatburgunder. Main Grape Varieties: Spatburgunder, Portugieser, Riesling, Muller Thargau. Wines are velvety, fiery, light and fresh and are domestically consumed. Soil: slatey and loess. Climate: Temperate. Popular Wines: Heimersheimer(W), Neuenahrer (W), Marienthaler Klostergarten(R).

BADEN: South-west region of Germany. Wines are heavy, flowery and high in alcohol content. Famous for Weissherbst- rose wine made of pinot noir grape. Soil: Gravel,limestone, clay, granite. Climate: Sunny and warm climate.

BERGSTRASSE: This wine region is a very small wine producing region. Wines are very seldom exported.

WURTTEMBERG: Vineyards lining the slopes of Neckar river. It is the largest red wine region in Germany producing for domestic consumption. Main grape varieties: Spatburgunder, Riesling,Kerner,Silvaner. Wines are fruity, earthy, powerful. Soil: Clay, loess, loam Climate: Warm climate Popular wines: Maulbronner (R), Stockheimer (W)

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German Wine Classification

German wine law of 1971 which decreed the”system by ripeness” allowed all producers to make “fine wines” or qualitatswein that would be the equivalent of the French AOC. As long as your grape had the right sugar content, a content that could be measured, they were entitled to a category of special distinction or “PRADIKAT” grade.

Chaptalisation: most German wines need addition of sugar to the must to achieve adequate fermentation. This process is called capitalization after its inventor, Frenchman Andre chaptal. The process is often called “GALLIZATION” after the German inventor gall. The addition of sugar to the must is termed “ANREICHERUNG “ (ENRICHMENT).

Tafelwein -simple table wines. Deutcher Tafel wein -wines from grapes harvested in Germany. Liebfraumilch -not an official category but an export style of mass production. Trocken and Halb Trocken -dry and semi dry styles of wine


Qualitatswein (Quality Wine) (these include QBA and QMP).

Qualitatswein Bestimmter Anbaugebiete (QBA)

Quality wines from designated regions. If the grape juice undergoes the practice of Verbesserung I.e. if sugar is added to the wine then the wine is classified as (QBA).

Qualitatswein Mit Pradikat (QMP)

If the grape juice does not undergo the process of “Verbesserung” i.e. if no sugar is added to the wine then the wine is classified as QMP. These wines are similar to

AOC wines of France. There are five categories of QMP wines. They are:

Qmp Classification

1. Kabinett - light, fairly dry, white.2. Spatlese -late harvested.3. Auslese -superior rich wine from fully ripe grape.4. Beerenauslese -finest quality, individually packed, over ripe grapes.5. Trokenbeernauslese - very expensive hand picked shriveled.

Eiswein (Icewine): Grapes harvested in between-8 to -10 degree centigrade. The fermentation is very

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slow hence a dry wine with high acidic content is produced. The grapes are harvested in

the night underflood lights when the grapes are in the frozen condition.

Reading A Wine Label

1= Grower Producer2= Vintage Year3= Village and Vineyard4= Grape Variety5= Quality Level of Grape6= Taste and Style of Wine8= Official Tasting Number9= Estate Produced & Bottled7= Quality Level of Wine10= Wine Region11= Bottle Size in litre12= Alcoholic Strength 13= Name & Address of Producer/Bottler.14= Sub Growing Region

Terms related to Wine Styles

Basis Of Dryness Trocken : Dry. Halb Trocken : Medium Dry. Lieblich : Medium sweet Suss : Sweet.

Basis Of Colour Weisswein : White Wine Rotwein : Red Wine Weissherbst : Pink Wine from black grapes only. Rotling : Pink Wine from black and white grapes

Basis Of Effervesence Schuamwein : Sparkling Wine made by Champagne Method. Sekt : White Sparkling Wine.

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Perlwein/ Spritzig : Light sparkling white or red wine.

Glossary: Anbaugebiete: Wine regions. Abfullung: Bottling. Amtliche Prufung : also called A.P, it is a certification of standard quality by

chemical analysis and tasting .Compulsory since 1971 for all QbA and QmP wines. Bereiche : Village. Edelfaule : noble rot. Einzellage : an individual vineyard. Erzeugerabfullung : estate bottled. Gemeinde : village, parish or commune. Grosslage : a collective vineyard. Jahrgang : vintage. Restsusse : residual sugar, the unfermented sugar in a wine at the time of bottling. Saure : acidity. Schillerwein : a pale red wine of QmP or QbA status produced only in Wurttemberg. Schloss : castle. Schoppenwein : wine served opened in a large glass. Sussreserve : unfermented grape juice.


Sotheby’s World Wine Encyclopedia by Tom Stevenson. Modern Encycolpedia of Wine by Hugh Johnson. Exploring Wine by Steven Kolpan, Brain H. Smith., Micheal A. Weiss. The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Wine, Spirits, Beer, Liqueurs by Stuart Walton, Brain

Glover. Beverage Management by Micheal M. Coltman. Wines of the world by Andre Simon. Websites:

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