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Geometric Topology

Localization, Periodicity, and Galois Symmetry

(The 1970 MIT notes)

byDennis Sullivan

Edited by Andrew Ranicki

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Dennis Sullivan

Department of MathematicsThe Graduate CenterCity University of New York365 5th AveNew York, NY 10016-4309USA

email: [email protected]

Mathematics DepartmentStony Brook UniversityStony Brook, NY 11794-3651USA

email: [email protected]

Andrew Ranicki

School of MathematicsUniversity of EdinburghKing’s BuildingsMayfield RoadEdinburgh EH9 3JZScotland, UK

email: [email protected]

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POSTSCRIPT (2004) 261


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Editor’s Preface

The seminal ‘MIT notes’ of Dennis Sullivan were issued in June1970 and were widely circulated at the time. The notes had a ma-jor influence on the development of both algebraic and geometrictopology, pioneering

the localization and completion of spaces in homotopy theory,including p-local, profinite and rational homotopy theory, lead-ing to the solution of the Adams conjecture on the relationshipbetween vector bundles and spherical fibrations,

the formulation of the ‘Sullivan conjecture’ on the contractibilityof the space of maps from the classifying space of a finite groupto a finite dimensional CW complex,

the action of the Galois group over Q of the algebraic closure Q ofQ on smooth manifold structures in profinite homotopy theory,

the K-theory orientation of PL manifolds and bundles.

Some of this material has been already published by Sullivan him-self: in an article1 in the Proceedings of the 1970 Nice ICM, andin the 1974 Annals of Mathematics papers Genetics of homotopytheory and the Adams conjecture and The transversality character-istic class and linking cycles in surgery theory2. Many of the ideasoriginating in the notes have been the starting point of subsequent

1reprinted at the end of this volume2joint with John Morgan


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developments3. However, the text itself retains a unique flavour ofits time, and of the range of Sullivan’s ideas. As Wall wrote in sec-tion 17F Sullivan’s results of his book Surgery on compact manifolds(1971) : Also, it is difficult to summarise Sullivan’s work so briefly:the full philosophical exposition in (the notes) should be read. Thenotes were supposed to be Part I of a larger work; unfortunately,Part II was never written. The volume concludes with a Postscriptwritten by Sullivan in 2004, which sets the notes in the context ofhis entire mathematical oeuvre as well as some of his family life,bringing the story up to date.

The notes have had a somewhat underground existence, as a kindof Western samizdat. Paradoxically, a Russian translation was pub-lished in the Soviet Union in 19754, but this has long been out ofprint. As noted in Mathematical Reviews, the translation does notinclude the jokes and other irrelevant material that enlivened theEnglish edition. The current edition is a faithful reproduction ofthe original, except that some minor errors have been corrected.

The notes were TeX’ed by Iain Rendall, who also redrew all thediagrams using METAPOST. The 1970 Nice ICM article was TeX’edby Karen Duhart. Pete Bousfield and Guido Mislin helped preparethe bibliography, which lists the most important books and papersin the last 35 years bearing witness to the enduring influence of thenotes. Martin Crossley did some preliminary proofreading, whichwas completed by Greg Brumfiel (“ein Mann der ersten Stunde”5).Dennis Sullivan himself has supported the preparation of this editionvia his Albert Einstein Chair in Science at CUNY. I am very gratefulto all the above for their help.

Andrew Ranicki

Edinburgh, October, 2004

3For example, my own work on the algebraic L-theory orientations of topological manifoldsand bundles.4The picture of an infinite mapping telescope on page 34 is a rendering of the picture in theRussian edition.5A man of the first hour.

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This compulsion to localize began with the author’s work on in-variants of combinatorial manifolds in 1965-67. It was clear from thebeginning that the prime 2 and the odd primes had to be treateddifferently.

This point arises algebraically when one looks at the invariants ofa quadratic form1. (Actually for manifolds only characteristic 2 andcharacteristic zero invariants are considered.)

The point arises geometrically when one tries to see the extent ofthese invariants. In this regard the question of representing cyclesby submanifolds comes up. At 2 every class is representable. At oddprimes there are many obstructions. (Thom).

The invariants at odd primes required more investigation becauseof the simple non-representing fact about cycles. The natural invari-ant is the signature invariant of M – the function which assigns the“signature of the intersection with M” to every closed submanifoldof a tubular neighborhood of M in Euclidean space.

A natural algebraic formulation of this invariant is that of a canon-ical K-theory orientation

4M ∈ K-homology of M .

1Which according to Winkelnkemper “... is the basic discretization of a compact manifold.”


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In Chapter 6 we discuss this situation in the dual context of bun-dles. This (Alexander) duality between manifold theory and bundletheory depends on transversality and the geometric technique ofsurgery. The duality is sharp in the simply connected context.

Thus in this work we treat only the dual bundle theory – howevermotivated by questions about manifolds.

The bundle theory is homotopy theoretical and amenable to thearithmetic discussions in the first Chapters. This discussion con-cerns the problem of “tensoring homotopy theory” with variousrings. Most notable are the cases when Z is replaced by the ra-tionals Q or the p-adic integers Zp.

These localization processes are motivated in part by the ‘invari-ants discussion’ above. The geometric questions do not howevermotivate going as far as the p-adic integers.2

One is led here by Adams’ work on fibre homotopy equivalencesbetween vector bundles – which is certainly germane to the manifoldquestions above. Adams finds that a certain basic homotopy relationshould hold between vector bundles related by his famous operationsψk.

Adams proves that this relation is universal (if it holds at all) –a very provocative state of affairs.

Actually Adams states infinitely many relations – one for eachprime p. Each relation has information at every prime not equal top.

At this point Quillen noticed that the Adams conjecture has ananalogue in characteristic p which is immediately provable. He sug-gested that the etale homotopy of mod p algebraic varieties be usedto decide the topological Adams conjecture.

Meanwhile, the Adams conjecture for vector bundles was seen toinfluence the structure of piecewise linear and topological theories.

The author tried to find some topological or geometric under-standing of Adams’ phenomenon. What resulted was a reformula-tion which can be proved just using the existence of an algebraic

2Although the Hasse-Minkowski theorem on quadratic forms should do this.

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construction of the finite cohomology of an algebraic variety (etaletheory).

This picture which can only be described in the context of thep-adic integers is the following – in the p-adic context the theory ofvector bundles in each dimension has a natural group of symmetries.

These symmetries in the (n−1) dimensional theory provide canon-ical fibre homotopy equivalence in the n dimensional theory whichmore than prove the assertion of Adams. In fact each orbit of theaction has a well defined (unstable) fibre homotopy type.

The symmetry in these vector bundle theories is the Galois sym-metry of the roots of unity homotopy theoretically realized in the‘Cech nerves’ of algebraic coverings of Grassmannians.

The symmetry extends to K-theory and a dense subset of the sym-metries may be identified with the “isomorphic part of the Adamsoperations”. We note however that this identification is not essentialin the development of consequences of the Galois phenomena. Thefact that certain complicated expressions in exterior powers of vec-tor bundles give good operations in K-theory is more a testament toAdams’ ingenuity than to the ultimate naturality of this viewpoint.

The Galois symmetry (because of the K-theory formulation ofthe signature invariant) extends to combinatorial theory and eventopological theory (because of the triangulation theorems of Kirby-Siebenmann). This symmetry can be combined with the periodicityof geometric topology to extend Adams’ program in several ways –

i) the homotopy relation implied by conjugacy under the actionof the Galois group holds in the topological theory and is alsouniversal there.

ii) an explicit calculation of the effect of the Galois group on thetopology can be made –

for vector bundles E the signature invariant has an analyticaldescription,

4E in KC(E) ,

and the topological type of E is measured by the effect of theGalois group on this invariant.

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One consequence is that two different vector bundles which arefixed by elements of finite order in the Galois group are also topolog-ically distinct. For example, at the prime 3 the torsion subgroup isgenerated by complex conjugation – thus any pair of non isomorphicvector bundles are topologically distinct at 3.

The periodicity alluded to is that in the theory of fibre homotopyequivalences between PL or topological bundles (see Chapter 6 -Normal Invariants).

For odd primes this theory is isomorphic to K-theory, and geomet-ric periodicity becomes Bott periodicity. (For non-simply connectedmanifolds the periodicity finds beautiful algebraic expression in thesurgery groups of C. T. C. Wall.)

To carry out the discussion of Chapter 6 we need the works of thefirst five chapters.

The main points are contained in chapters 3 and 5.

In chapter 3 a description of the p-adic completion of a homotopytype is given. The resulting object is a homotopy type with theextra structure3 of a compact topology on the contravariant functorit determines.

The p-adic types one for each p can be combined with a rationalhomotopy type (Chapter 2) to build a classical homotopy type.

One point about these p-adic types is that they often have sym-metry which is not apparent or does not exist in the classical con-text. For example in Chapter 4 where p-adic spherical fibrations arediscussed, we find from the extra symmetry in CP∞, p-adically com-pleted, one can construct a theory of principal spherical fibrations(one for each divisor of p− 1).

Another point about p-adic homotopy types is that they can benaturally constructed from the Grothendieck theory of etale coho-mology in algebraic geometry. The long chapter 5 concerns thisetale theory which we explicate using the Cech like construction ofLubkin. This construction has geometric appeal and content andshould yield many applications in geometric homotopy theory.4

3which is “intrinsic” to the homotopy type in the sense of interest here.4The study of homotopy theory that has geometric significance by geometrical qua homotopytheoretical methods.

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To form these p-adic homotopy types we use the inverse limittechnique of Chapter 3. The arithmetic square of Chapter 3 showswhat has to be added to the etale homotopy type to give the classicalhomotopy type.5

We consider the Galois symmetry in vector bundle theory in somedetail and end with an attempt to analyze “real varieties”. Theattempt leads to an interesting topological conjecture.

Chapter 1 gives some algebraic background and preparation forthe later Chapters. It contains the examples of profinite groups intopology and algebra that concern us here.

In part II6 we study the prime 2 and try to interpret geometricallythe structure in Chapter 6 on the manifold level. We will also pursuethe idea of a localized manifold – a concept which has interestingexamples from algebra and geometry.

Finally, we acknowledge our debt to John Morgan of PrincetonUniversity – who mastered the lion’s share of material in a few shortmonths with one lecture of suggestions. He prepared an earlier man-uscript on the beginning Chapters and I am certain this manuscriptwould not have appeared now (or in the recent future) without hisconsiderable efforts.

Also, the calculations of Greg Brumfiel were psychologically in-valuable in the beginning of this work. I greatly enjoyed and bene-fited from our conversations at Princeton in 1967 and later.

5Actually it is a beginning.6which was never written (AAR).

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Chapter 1


We will discuss some algebraic constructions. These are localiza-tion and completion of rings and groups. We consider properties ofeach and some connections between them.


Unless otherwise stated rings will have units and be integral do-mains.

Let R be a ring. S ⊆ R − 0 is a multiplicative subset if 1 ∈ Sand a, b ∈ S implies a · b ∈ S.

Definition 1.1 If S ⊆ R− 0 is a multiplicative subset then

S−1R , “R localized away from S”

is defined as equivalence classes

r/s | r ∈ R, s ∈ S


r/s ∼ r′/s′ iff rs′ = r′s .


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S−1R is made into a ring by defining

[r/s] · [r′/s′] = [rr′/ss′] and

[r/s] + [r′/s′] =[rs′ + sr′



The localization homomorphism

R → S−1R

sends r into [r/1].

Example 1 If p ⊂ R is a prime ideal, R−p is a multiplicative subset.Define

Rp , “R localized at p”

as (R− p)−1R.

In Rp every element outside pRp is invertible. The localizationmap R → Rp sends p into the unique maximal ideal of non-units inRp.

If R is an integral domain 0 is a prime ideal, and R localized atzero is the field of quotients of R.

The localization of the ring R extends to the theory of modulesover R. If M is an R-module, define the localized S−1R-module,S−1M by

S−1M = M ⊗R S−1R .

Intuitively S−1M is obtained by making all the operations on Mby elements of S into isomorphisms.

Interesting examples occur in topology.

Example 2 (P. A. Smith, A. Borel, G. Segal) Let X be a locallycompact polyhedron with a symmetry of order 2 (involution), T .

What is the relation between the homology of the subcomplex offixed points F and the “homology of the pair (X,T )”?

Let S denote the (contractible) infinite dimensional sphere withits antipodal involution. Then X × S has the diagonal fixed pointfree involution and there is an equivariant homotopy class of maps

X × S → S

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Algebraic Constructions 3

(which is unique up to equivariant homotopy). This gives a map

XT ≡ (X × S)/T → S/T ≡ RP∞

and makes the “equivariant cohomology of (X,T )”

H∗(XT ;Z/2)

into an R-module, where

R = Z2 [x] = H∗(RP∞ ;Z/2) .

In R we have the multiplicative set S generated by x, and the coho-mology of the fixed points with coefficients in the ring S−1R = Rx =R[x−1] is just the localized equivariant cohomology,

H∗(F ;Rx) ∼= H∗(XT ;Z/2) with x inverted ≡ H∗(XT ;Z/2)⊗R Rx .

For most of our work we do not need this general situation oflocalization. We will consider most often the case where R is thering of integers and the R-modules are arbitrary Abelian groups.

Let ` be a set of primes in Z. We will write “Z localized at `”

Z` = S−1 Z

where S is the multiplicative set generated by the primes not in `.

When ` contains only one prime ` = p, we can write

Z` = Zp

since Z` is just the localization of the integers at the prime ideal p.

Other examples are

Zall primes = Z and Z∅ = Q = Z0 .

In general, it is easy to see that the collection of Z`’s

Z`is just the collection of subrings of Q with unit. We will see belowthat the tensor product over Z,

Z` ⊗Z Z`′ ∼= Z`∩`′

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and the fibre product over Q

Z` ×Q Z`′ ∼= Z`∪`′ .

We localize Abelian groups at ` as indicated above.

Definition 1.2 If G is an Abelian group then the localization of Gwith respect to a set of primes `, G` is the Z`-module

G⊗ Z` .

The natural inclusion Z → Z` induces the “localization homomor-phism”

G → G` .

We can describe localization as a direct limit procedure.

Order the multiplicative set s of products of primes not in ` bydivisibility. Form a directed system of groups and homomorphismsindexed by the directed set = s with

Gs = Gmultiplication by s′/s−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ Gs′ if s 6 s′ .

Proposition 1.1lim−→


Gs∼= G⊗ Z` ≡ G` .

Proof: Define compatible maps

Gs → G⊗ Z`

by g 7→ g ⊗ 1/s. These determine


Gs → G⊗ Z` .

In case G = Z this map is clearly an isomorphism. (Each mapZ→ Z` is an injection thus the direct limit injects. Also a/s in Z` isin the image of Z = Gs → Z`.)

The general case follows since taking direct limits commutes withtensor products.

Lemma 1.2 If ` and `′ are two sets of primes, then Z` ⊗ Z`′ is iso-morphic to Z`∩`′ as rings.

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Algebraic Constructions 5

Proof: Define a map on generators

Z` ⊗ Z`′ρ−→ Z`∩`′

by ρ(a/b ⊗ a′/b′) = aa′/bb′. Since b is a product of primes outside `and b′ is a product of primes outside `′, bb′ is a product of primesoutside ` ∩ `′ and ρ is well defined.

To see that ρ is onto, take r/s in Z`∩`′ and factor s = s1s2 so that“s1 is outside `” and “s2 is outside `′.” Then ρ(1/s1 ⊗ r/s2) = r/s.

To see that ρ is an embedding assume


ai/bi ⊗ ci/diρ−→ 0 .



aici/bidi = 0, or




bjdj = 0 .

This means that∑


ai/bi ⊗ ci/di =∑


aici(1/bi ⊗ 1/di)



( ∏





bh ⊗ 1/∏




= 0

so ρ has kernel = 0.Lemma 1.3 The Z-module structure on an Abelian group G extendsto a Z`-module structure if and only if G is isomorphic to its local-izations at every set of primes containing `.

Proof: This follows from Proposition 1.1.

Example 3

(Z/pn)` ≡ Z/pn ⊗ Z` ≡

0 p /∈ `

Z/pn p ∈ `

(finitely generatedAbelian group G


∼= Z` ⊕ · · · ⊕ Z` ⊕ Z`︸ ︷︷ ︸rank G factors

⊕`-torsion G

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Proposition 1.4 Localization takes exact sequences of Abelian groupsinto exact sequences of Abelian groups.

Proof: This also follows from Proposition 1.1 since passage to adirect limit preserves exactness.

Corollary 1.5 If 0 → A → B → C → 0 is an exact sequence ofAbelian groups and two of the three groups are Z`-modules then sois the third.

Proof: Consider the localization diagram

0 // A



// B



// C



// 0

0 // A`// B`

// C`// 0

The lower sequence is exact by Proposition 1.4. By hypothesis andLemma 1.2 two of the maps are isomorphisms. By the Five Lemmathe third is also.

Corollary 1.6 If in the long exact sequence

· · · → An → Bn → Cn → An−1 → Bn−1 → . . .

two of the three sets of groups

An, Bn, Cnare Z`-modules, then so is the third.

Proof: Apply the Five Lemma as above.

Corollary 1.7 Let F → E → B be a Serre fibration of connectedspaces with Abelian fundamental groups. Then if two of

π∗F, π∗E, π∗B

are Z`-modules the third is also.

Proof: This follows from the exact homotopy sequence

· · · → πiF → πiE → πiB → . . . .

This situation extends easily to homology.

Proposition 1.8 Let F → E → B be a Serre fibration in which π1B

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Algebraic Constructions 7

acts trivially on H∗(F ;Z/p) for primes p not in `. Then if two ofthe integral

H∗F, H∗E, H∗Bare Z`-modules, the third is also.

Proof: H∗X is a Z`-module iff H∗(X;Z/p) vanishes for p not in `.This follows from the exact sequence of coefficients

· · · → Hi(X)p−→ Hi(X) → Hi(X;Z/p) → . . . .

But from the Serre spectral sequence with Z/p coefficients we canconclude that if two of

H∗(F ;Z/p), H∗(E;Z/p), H∗(B;Z/p)

vanish the third does also.

Note: We are indebted to D. W. Anderson for this very simpleproof of Proposition 1.8.

Let us say that a square of Abelian groups




i // B



// D

is a fibre square if the sequence

0 → Ai⊕j−−→ B ⊕ C

l−k−−→ D → 0

is exact.

Lemma 1.9 The direct limit of fibre squares is a fibre square.

Proof: The direct limit of exact sequences is an exact sequence.

Proposition 1.10 If G is any Abelian group and ` and `′ are twosets of primes such that

` ∩ `′ = ∅, ` ∪ `′ = all primes




// G⊗ Z`

²²G⊗ Z`′ // G⊗Q

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is a fibre square.


Case 1: G = Z: an easy argument shows

0 → Z→ Z` ⊕ Z`′ → Q→ 0

is exact.

Case 2: G = Z/pα, the square reduces to



// 0

²²Z/pα // 0

or Z/pα


∼= // Z/pα

²²0 //0 .

Case 3: G is a finitely generated group: this is a finite direct sum ofthe first two cases.

Case 4: G any Abelian group: this follows from case 3 and Lemma1.9.

We can paraphrase the proposition “G is the fibre product of itslocalizations G` and G`′ over G0,”

More generally, we have

Meta Proposition 1.12 Form the infinite diagram




B G3


G5 . . .



Then G is the infinite fibre product of its localizations G2, G3,. . . over G0.

Proof: The previous proposition shows G(2,3) is the fibre productof G(2) and G(3) over G(0). Then G(2,3,5) is the fibre product of G(2,3)

and G(5) over G(0), etc. This description depends on ordering theprimes; however since the particular ordering used is immaterial thestatement should be regarded symmetrically.

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Algebraic Constructions 9


We turn now to completion of rings and groups. As for ringswe are again concerned mostly with the ring of integers for whichwe discuss the “arithmetic completions”. In the case of groups weconsider profinite completions and for Abelian groups related formalcompletions.

At the end of the Chapter we consider some examples of profinitegroups in topology and algebra and discuss the structure of the p-adic units.

Finally we consider connections between localizations and com-pletions, deriving certain fibre squares which occur later on the CWcomplex level.

Completion of Rings – the p-adic Integers

Let R be a ring with unit. Let

I1 ⊃ I2 ⊃ . . .

be a decreasing sequence of ideals in R with



Ij = 0 .

We can use these ideals to define a metric on R, namely

d(x, y) = e−k, e > 1

where x−y ∈ Ik but x−y 6∈ Ik+1, (I0 = R). If x−y ∈ Ik and y−z ∈ Il

then x− z ∈ Imin(k, l). Thus

d(x, z) 6 max(d(x, y), d(y, z)


a strong form of triangle inequality. Also, d(x, y) = 0 means

x− y ∈∞⋂


Ij = 0 .

This means that d defines a distance function on the ring R.

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Definition 1.3 Given a ring with metric d, define the completionof R with respect to d, Rd, by the Cauchy sequence procedure. Thatis, form all sequences in R, xn, so that1

limn,m→∞ d(xn, xm) = 0 .

Make xn equivalent to yn if d(xn, yn) → 0. Then the set of

equivalence classes Rd is made into a topological ring by defining

[xn] + [yn] = [xn + yn] ,[xn] · [yn] = [xnyn] .

There is a natural completion homomorphism

Rc−→ Rd

sending r into [r, r, . . . ]. c is universal with respect to continuousring maps into complete topological rings.

Example 1 Let Ij = (pj) ⊆ Z. The induced topology is the p-adic

topology on Z, and the completion is the ring of p-adic integers, Zp.

The ring Zp was constructed by Hensel to study Diophantine equa-

tions. A solution in Zp corresponds to solving the associated Dio-phantine congruence modulo arbitrarily high powers of p.

Solving such congruences for all moduli becomes equivalent to aninfinite number of independent problems over the various rings ofp-adic numbers.

Certain non-trivial polynomials can be completely factored in Zp,for example

xp−1 − 1

(see the proof of Proposition 1.16.)

Thus here and in other situations we are faced with the pleas-ant possibility of studying independent p-adic projections of familiar

problems over Z armed with such additional tools as (p− 1)st rootsof unity.

1In this context it is sufficient to assume that d(xn, xn+1) → 0 to have a Cauchy sequence.

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Algebraic Constructions 11

Example 2 Let ` be a non-void subset of the primes (p1, p2, . . . ) =(2, 3, . . . ). Define

I`j = (



The resulting topology on Z is the `-adic topology and the comple-tion is denoted Z`.

If `′ ⊂ ` then I`j ⊂ I`′

j and any Cauchy sequence in the `-adic

topology is Cauchy in the `′-adic topology. This gives a map

Z` → Z`′ .

Proposition 1.13 Form the inverse system of rings Z/pn, whereZ/pn → Z/pm is a reduction mod pm whenever n > m. Then thereis a natural ring isomorphism

Zpbρp−→∼= lim← Z/pn .

Proof: First define a ring homomorphism

Zp −→ρn

Z/pn .

If xi is a Cauchy sequence in Z, the pn residue of xi is constantfor large i so define

ρn[xi] = stable residue xi .

If xi is equivalent to yi, pn eventually divides every xi − yi, soρn is well defined.

The collection of homomorphisms ρn are clearly onto and com-patible with the maps in the inverse system. Thus they define

Zp −→bρp

lim← Z/pn .

ρp is injective. For ρpxi = 0, means pn eventually divides xi forall n. Thus xi is eventually in In for every n. This is exactly thecondition that xi is equivalent to 0, 0, 0, . . . .

ρp is surjective. If (ri) is a compatible sequence of residues inlim← Z/pn, let ri be a sequence of integers in this sequence of residue

classes. ri is clearly a Cauchy sequence and

ρpri = (ri) ∈ lim← Z/pn

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Corollary Zp is compact.

Proof: The isomorphism ρp is a homeomorphism with respect tothe inverse limit topology on lim← Z/pn.

Proposition 1.14 The product of the natural maps Z` → Zp, p ∈ `yields an isomorphism of rings

Z` −→∼=∏


Zp .

Proof: The argument of Proposition 1.13 shows that Z` is an in-verse limit of finite `-rings

Z/I`j .



Z/I`j =




j =∏


Z/pj .

Note: Z` is a ring with unit, but unlike Zp it is not an integral

domain if ` contains more than one prime. Like Zp, Z` is compactand topologically cyclic – the multiples of one element can form adense set.

Example 3(K(RP∞), Atiyah


Let R be the ring of virtual complex representations of Z/2,

R ∼= Z [x]/(x2 − 1) .

n + mx corresponds to the representation

1, 0 →


. . .1

−1. . . −1






. . .


of Z/2 on Cn+m. Let Ij be the ideal generated by (x− 1)j. Thecompletion of the representation ring R with respect to this topology

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is naturally isomorphic to the complex K-theory of RP∞,

R ∼= K(RP∞) ≡ [RP∞ ,Z×BU ] .

It is easy to see that additively this completion of R is isomorphicto the integers direct sum the 2-adic integers.

Example 4 (K(fixed point set), Atiyah and Segal) Consider againthe compact space X with involution T , fixed point set F , and ‘ho-motopy theoretical orbit space’, XT = X × S∞/((x, s) ∼ (Tx,−s)).

We have the Grothendieck ring of equivariant vector bundles overX, KG(X) – a ring over the representation ring R. KG(X) is arather subtle invariant of the geometry of (X, T ). However, Atiyahand Segal show that

i) the completion of KG(X) with respect to the ideals (x− 1)jKG(X)is the K-theory of XT .

ii) the completion of KG(X) with respect to the ideals (x + 1)jKG(X)is related to K(F ).

If we complete KG(X) with respect to the ideals (x− 1, x + 1)jKG(X)(which is equivalent to 2-adic completion)2 we obtain the isomor-phism

K(F )⊗ Z2[x]/(x2 − 1) ∼= K(XT )2 .

We will use this relation in Chapter 5 to give an ‘algebraic descrip-tion’ of the K-theory3 of the real points on a real algebraic variety.

Completions of Groups

Now we consider two kinds of completions for groups. First thereare the profinite completions.

Let G be any group and ` a non-void set of primes in Z. Denotethe collection of those normal subgroups of G with index a productof primes in ` by H`.

2(x− 1, x + 1)2 ⊂ (2) ⊂ (x− 1, x + 1).3Tensored with the group ring of Z/2 over the 2-adic integers.

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Now H` can be partially ordered by

H1 6 H2 iff H1 ⊆ H2 .

Definition 1.4 The `-profinite completion of G is the inverse limitof the canonical finite `-quotients of G –

G` = lim←H`

(G/H) .

The `-profinite completion G` is topologized by the inverse limitof the discrete topologies on the G/H’s. Thus G` becomes a totallydisconnected compact topological group.

The natural mapG → G`

is clearly universal4 for maps of G into finite `-groups.

This construction is functorial because the diagram

H = f−1H ′


// H ′



f// G′


f// G′/H ′

shows f induces a map of inverse systems –

H ′` → f−1H ′` ⊆ H`

G/Hf−→ G′/H ′, H = f−1H ′

and thus we have f

G` ≡ lim← G/Hbf−→ lim← G′/H ′ ≡ G′

` .

4There is a unique continuous map of the completion extending over a given map of G intoa finite group.

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1) Let G = Z, ` = p. Then the only p-quotients are Z/pn. Thus

p-profinite completionof the group G

= lim←−n


which agrees (additively) with the ring theoretic p-adic comple-tion of Z, the “p-adic integers”.

2) Again G = Z, ` = p1, p2, . . . . Then

Z` = lim←−α

Z/pα11 . . . pαi


whereα = (α1, α2, . . . , αi, 0, 0, 0, . . . )

is the set of all non-negative exponents (eventually zero) partiallyordered by

α 6 α′ if αi 6 α′i for all i .

The cofinality of the sequence

αk = (k, k, . . . , k︸ ︷︷ ︸k places

, 0, 0, 0, . . . )

shows that

Z` = lim←−k











3) For any Abelian group G



Gp .

4) The `-profinite completion of a finitely generated Abelian groupof rank n and torsion subgroup T is just

G⊗Z Z`∼= Z` ⊕ · · · ⊕ Z`︸ ︷︷ ︸

n summands

⊕ `-torsion T .

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5) If G is `-divisible, then `-profinite completion reduces G to thetrivial group. For example,

Q` = 0, (Q /Z)` = 0 .

6) The p-profinite completion of the infinite direct sum∞⊕Z/p is

the infinite direct product∞∏Z/p.

From the examples we see that profinite completion is exact forfinitely generated Abelian groups but is not exact in general, e.g.

0 → Z→ Q→ Q /Z→ 0

becomes0 → Z` → 0 → 0 → 0 .

If we wanted a construction related to profinite completion whichpreserved exactness for non-finitely generated groups, we could sim-ply make the

Definition 1.5 The formal `-completion of an Abelian group G, G`

is given byG` = G⊗ Z` .

Proposition 1.15 The functor G → G` is exact. It is the uniquefunctor which agrees with the profinite completion for finitely gen-erated groups and commutes with direct limits.

Proof: The first part follows since Z` is torsion free. The secondpart follows from

i) any group is the direct limit of its finitely generated subgroups

ii) tensoring commutes with direct limits.

If ` is all primes then G` is called “the profinite completion” of

G and denoted G. G` is the “formal completion” of G and denotedG. Thus G = G⊗ Z = G⊗ Z.

We note here that the profinite completion of G, G is completeif we remember its topology. Namely, let H denote the partially

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ordered set of open subgroups of G of finite index. Then

G∗∼= lim←

bHG/H = “continuous completion of G” .

It sometimes happens however that every subgroup of finite in-dex in G is open. This is true if G = Z, in fact for the profinitecompletion of any finitely generated Abelian group. Thus in thesecases the topology of G can be recovered from the algebra using theisomorphism ∗.

The topology is essential for example in

∞∏Z/p = profinite completion

( ∞⊕Z/p


Examples from Topology and Algebra

Now we consider some interesting examples of “profinite groups”.

1) Let X be an infinite complex and consider some extraordinarycohomology theory h∗(X). Suppose that πi(X) is finite and hi(pt)is finitely generated for each i (or vice versa.)

Then for each i, the reduced group hi(X) is a profinite group.

For example, the reduced K-theory of RP∞ is the 2-adic integers.

The profiniteness of hi(X) follows from the formula

hi(X) ∼= lim←skeleta X

hi(skeleton X)

and the essential finiteness of hi(skeleton X).

2) Let K containing k be an infinite Galois field extension. K is aunion of finite Galois extensions of k,

K =⋃∞

L .

Then the Galois group of K over k is the profinite group

Gal (K/k) = lim←L

Gal (L/k) .

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i) Let k be the prime field Fp and K = Fp, an algebraic closure ofFp. Then K is a union of fields with pn elements, Fpn , n orderedby divisibility, and

Gal (Fp, Fp) = lim←−n

Gal (Fpn , Fp)

= lim←−n


= Z .

Moreover each Galois group has a natural generator, the Frobe-nius automorphism


x 7→xpFpn .

F is the identity on Fp because of Fermat’s congruence

ap ≡ a (mod p) .

Thus the powers of F generate Z topologically (they are dense.)

The fixed fields of the powers of the Frobenius are just the variousfinite fields which filter Fp.

ii) If k = Q, and K = AQ is obtained by adjoining all roots of unityto Q, then

Gal (AQ/Q) = Z∗,

the group of units in the ring Z.

AQ can be described intrinsically as a maximal Abelian extensionof Q, i.e. a maximal element in the partially ordered “set” ofAbelian extensions of Q (Abelian Galois groups.)

The decomposition




tells one how AQ is related to the fields

ApQ = Q with all pα roots of unity adjoined ,

for Gal (ApQ,Q) = Z

∗p, the group of units in the ring of p-adic


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iii) If k = Q and K = Q, an algebraic closure of Q, then

G = “the Galois group of Q”

= Gal (Q/Q)

= lim←Galois number fields K

Gal (K/Q)

is a profinite group of great importance.

G has very little torsion, only “complex conjugations”, elementsof order 2. These are all conjugate, and each one commutes withno element besides itself and the identity. This non-commutingfact means that our (conjectured) etale 2-adic homotopy type forreal algebraic varieties (Chapter 5) does not have Galois symme-try in general.

Notice also that in a certain sense G is only defined up to innerautomorphisms (like the fundamental group of a space) but itsprofinite Abelianization


is canonically defined (like the first homology group of a space).Perhaps this is one reason why there is such a beautiful theoryfor determining G/[G,G]. This “class field theory for Q” gives acanonical isomorphism

G/[G,G] ∼= Z∗ .

We will see in the later Chapters how the Z∗-Galois symmetry of

the maximal Abelian extension of Q, “the field generated by theroots of unity” seems to permeate geometric topology – in lineartheory, C∞-theory, and even topological theory.

iv) We will see below that the group of p-adic units is naturallyisomorphic to a (finite group) direct sum (the additive group),e.g.

Z∗p∼= Z/(p− 1)⊕ Zp (p > 2) .

Thus there are non-trivial group homomorphisms

Z→ Z∗

e.g. Zp maps non-trivially into Z∗q for q = p, and q ≡ 1 (mod p).

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Such non-trivial maps

Z // Z∗

“Galois group of Fp”Abelianization of

“Galois group of Q”

allow us to connect “characteristic p” with “characteristic zero”.

The p-adic units

Besides these interesting “algebraic occurrences” of profinite groups,in the p-adic case analytical considerations play a considerable role.For example, the p-adic analytic functions log and exp can be em-ployed to prove

Proposition 1.16 There is a “canonical” splitting of the (profinite)group of units in the p-adic integers

Z∗p∼= Z/(p− 1)⊕ Zp (p > 2)

Z∗2∼= (Z/2)⊕ Z2 (p = 2)

Proof: Consider the case p > 2. Reduction mod p and the equiva-lence

F ∗p = multiplicative group of Fp = Z/(p− 1)

yields an exact sequence

1 → U −−−−−−→inclusion

Z∗p −−−−−−−−−−−→

reduction mod pZ/(p− 1) → 1 ,

where U is the subgroup of units U = 1 + u where u = 0 mod p.Step 1. There is a canonical splitting T of

1 // U // Z∗p

// Z/(p− 1)

Txx R_l

// 1 .

Consider the endomorphism x 7→ xp in Z∗p and the effect of iterating

it indefinitely (the Frobenius dynamical system on Z∗p). The Fermat

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congruences for x ∈ Z∗pxp−1 ≡ 1 (mod p)

xp(p−1) ≡ 1 (mod p2)...

xpk−1(p−1) ≡ 1 (mod pk)...

follow from counting the order of the group of units in the ringZ/pk Z (which “approximates” Zp.)

These show that the “Teichmuller representative”

x = x + (xp − x) + (xp2 − xp) + . . .

is a well defined p-adic integer for any x in Z∗p.

However, x is justx = lim


Thus, every point in Z∗p flows to a definite point upon iteration of

the Frobenius pth power mapping, x 7→ xp.

The binomial expansion

(a + pb)pn



(l + k



= apn+ pn

( ∑



(pn − 1)(pn − 2) . . . (pn − (k − 1))1 · 2 . . . (k − 1)





shows (a + pb)pn ≡ apn(mod pn).

Thus x only depends on the residue class of x modulo p.

So each coset of U flows down over itself to a canonical point.The (p− 1) points constructed this way form a subgroup (compris-ing as they do the image of the infinite iteration of the Frobeniusendomorphism), and this subgroup maps onto Z/(p− 1).

This gives the required splitting T .

Step 2. We construct a canonical isomorphism

U −→∼= Zp .

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Actually we construct an isomorphism pair


pZp ⊆ Zp .


(1 + u) l−→ log(1 + u) = u− u2/2 + u3/3− . . .

This series clearly makes sense and converges. If u = pv, the nth

terms un/n make sense for all n and approach zero as n goes to ∞(which is sufficient for convergence in this non-Archimedean situa-tion.)

The inverse for ` is constructed by the exponential function

xe7→ ex = 1 + x + x2/2 + · · ·+ xn/n! + . . .

which is defined for all x in the maximal ideal

pZp ⊆ Zp .

Again one uses the relation x = py to see that xn/n! makes sense forall n and goes to zero as n approaches infinity. The calculationalpoint here is that

νp(n!) = bn− ϕp(n)p− 1


where νp(n) is defined by

n =∏p


and ϕp(n) = the sum of the coefficients in the expansion

n = a0 + a1p + a2p2 + . . .

Since elog x = x, and log ex = x are identities in the formal powerseries ring, we obtain an isomorphism U ∼= pZp. Since Zp is torsion

free pZp is canonically isomorphic to Zp. This completes the prooffor p > 2. If p = 2 certain modifications are required.

In step 1, the exact sequence

1 → U → Z∗2

T−→ Z/2 → 1

comes from “reduction modulo 4” and the equivalence

(Z/4)∗ ∼= Z/2 .

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The natural splitting is obtained by lifting Z/2 = 0, 1 to ±1 ⊆Z2. But the exponential map is only defined on the square of themaximal ideal,

4Z2e−→ U .

Namely,ν2(n!) = n− ϕ2(n)


n!is defined (and even) for all n but only approaches zero

as required if y is also even.

From these functions we deduce that U is torsion free from thefact that Z2 is torsion free.

Then we have

U −−−−−−→squaring

U2 log−−→∼= 4Z2 ←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−multiplication by four


where log is an isomorphism because the diagrams





















commute. (The first shows that 4Z2exp−−→ U is injective. The second

shows that exp · log is an isomorphism onto its image.)

Note: There is some reason for comparing the splittings

Z∗p∼= Z/(p− 1)⊕ Zp, p odd

Z∗2∼= Z/2⊕ Z2



arg z⊕log |z|−−−−−−−−−→∼=S1 ⊕ R+

R∗ sign x⊕log |x|−−−−−−−−−→∼=Z/2⊕ R+

where C is the complex numbers, R is the real numbers, R+ denotesthe additive group of R, and S1 denotes R+ modulo the lattice of

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integers in R+.

Localization and Completion

Now let us compare localization and completion. Recall

localization: G` = dir lim−−−−→(`′,`)=1

G ·`′−→ G·`′−→ G → . . . = G⊗ Z` .

profinite `-completion: G` = lim←−“subgroupsof index `”

finite `-quotients of G

formal `-completion: G` = G⊗ Z` = dir lim−−−−→finitely generatedsubgroups H ⊂ G

H` .

Let G be an Abelian group and let ` be a non-void set of primes.

Proposition There is a natural commutative diagram

G` ≡ G⊗ Z`


22ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff //



G` ≡ lim←

finite `-quotients

of G

Proof: First observe there is a natural diagram

Glocalization //

profinite completion''PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP G`



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For taking direct limits over `′ prime to ` using



·`′ // G

²²G/Hα ∼=

·`′ // G/Hα , Hα of finite `-index in G

implies G` maps canonically to each finite `-quotient of G. ThusG` maps to the inverse limit of all these, G`. The diagram clearlycommutes.

Using the map c and the expression

G = lim−→α

Hα , Hα finitely generated subgroup of G



naturalmap←−−−−− lim−→



c−→ lim−→α


naturalmap−−−−−→ G` .

But the first map is an isomorphism and the third group is just theformal completion. Thus we obtain the natural sequence

G` → G` → G` .

We can then form the desired diagrams. The upper triangle isjust a direct limit of triangles considered above (for finitely gener-ated groups). So it commutes. The lower triangle commutes bynaturality,





// lim−→α




Hα)` .

Corollary In case G is finitely generated we have


²²0 // `′-torsion G // G


// G`

²²G` G` .∼=


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For G = Z we get the sequence of rings

Z −−−−−−−→localization


completionZ` ,



naturalmap−−−−−→ G`

is isomorphic to (identity G) ⊗c.

Regarding limits, it is clear that localization and formal comple-tion commute with direct limits. The following examples show theother possible statements are false –

a) localization: (lim←−α

Z/pα)⊗Q = Qp, while lim←−α

(Z/pα ⊗Q) = 0.

b) formal completion: (lim←−α

Z/pα)⊗ Zp 6= Zp = lim← (Z/pα ⊗ Zp).

c) profinite completion:

i) write Q = lim→ Z, then lim→ Z = Z⊗Q, but Q = 0.

ii) lim← (. . . 2←− Z 2←− Z 2←− Z) = 0,

but lim← (. . . 2←− Z 2←− Z 2←− Z) =∏



If we consider mixing these operations in groups, the followingremarks are appropriate.

i) localizing and then profinitely completing is simple and oftengives zero,

(G`)`′ =

p∈`∩`′Gp if ` ∩ `′ 6= ∅

0 if ` ∩ `′ = ∅ .

e.g. (G, l, `′) = (Z , ∅, p) gives Qp = 0.

ii) localizing and then formally completing leads to new objects, e.g.

a) (Z0)p = Qp = Q ⊗ Zp, the “field of p-adic numbers”, usually

denoted by Qp. Qp is the field of quotients of Zp (although it

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is not much larger because only 1/p has to be added to Zp tomake it a field). Qp is a locally compact metric field whose

unit disk is made up of the integers Zp. The power series forlog(1 + x) discussed above converges for x in the interior of

this disk, the maximal ideal pZp of Zp.

Qp is usually thought of as being constructed from the fieldof rational numbers by completing with respect to the p-adicmetric. It thus plays a role analogous to the real numbers, R.

b) (Z0)¯ = Q = Q ⊗ Z is the restricted product over all p of the

p-adic numbers. Namely,

Q⊗ Z =∏p




is the subring of the infinite product consisting of infinitesequences

(r2, r3, r5, . . . , rp, . . . )

of p-adic numbers where all but finitely many of the rp areactually p-adic integers.

Note that Q is contained in Q as the diagonal sequences

n/m → (n/m, n/m, . . . , n/m, . . . ) .

If we combine this embedding with the embedding of Q in thereals we obtain an embedding

Q → Q× real completion of Qas a discrete subgroup with a compact quotient.Q×real completion of Q is called the ring of Adeles (for Q.)

Adeles can be constructed similarly for general number fieldsand even algebraic groups

(e.g. Q (ξ) = Q (x)/(xp − 1) and

GL (n,Z).)

These Adele groups have natural measures, and the volumesof the corresponding compact quotients have interesting num-ber theoretical significance. (See “Adeles and Algebraic Groups”Lectures by Andre Weil, the Institute for Advanced Study,1961 (Progress in Mathematics 23, Birkhauser (1982).)

In the number field case the Adeles form a ring. The unitsin this ring are called ideles. The ideles are used to constructAbelian extensions of the number field. (Global and localclass field theory.)

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The Arithmetic Square

Now we point out some “fibre square” relations between localiza-tions and completions. The motive is to see how an object can berecovered from its localizations and completions.

Proposition 1.17 The square of groups (rings) and natural maps



ˆ // Zp



// Qp

integers localized

at p

localizationat zero²²

p-adiccompletion //



localizationat zero ²²



p-adic completion



is a fibre square of groups (rings).

Proof: We have to check exactness for

0 → Z(p)(b)⊕(0)−−−−→ Zp ⊕Q i−j−−→ Qp → 0

where i and j are the natural inclusions

Zp −−→⊗Q Qp , Q −−→⊗bZp

Qp .

Take n ∈ Z and q ∈ Zp then

(n/pa) + q = (n + paq)/pa

can be an arbitrary p-adic number. Thus i− j is onto.

It is clear that ( )⊕ (0) has zero kernel.

To complete the proof only note that a rational number n/m isalso a p-adic integer when m is not divisible by p. Thus n/m is in Zlocalized at p.

Corollary The ring of integers localized at p is the fibre product ofthe rational numbers and the ring of p-adic integers over the p-adicnumbers.

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Proposition 1.18 The square



// Z⊗Q


⊗bZ// Q


localizationat zero


profinitecompletion //

product over all p

of the p-adicintegers

localizationat zero ²²





restricted productover all p of thep-adic numbers

“finite Adeles”

is a fibre square of rings.

Proof: Again we must verify exactness:

0 → Z→ Q⊕∏p


∏Qp → 0 ,

where we have used the relations

Z =∏p

Zp ,

Q = the restricted product∏p

Qp .

An element in∏p

Qp is an infinite tuple

a = (r2, r3, r5, . . . )

of p-adic numbers in which all but finitely many of the componentsare integers Op.

If the non-integral component rp equals Op/pα take n to be aninteger in the residue class (mod pα) of Op. Then

a + (n/pα, n/pα, . . . , n/pα, . . . )

has one fewer non-integral component than a. This shows the finite

Adeles∏Qp are generated by the diagonal Q and


Zp. Thus i− j

is onto.

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As before the proof is completed by observing that a rationalnumber which is also a p-adic integer for every p must actually bean integer.

Corollary The ring of integers is the fibre product of the rationalnumbers and the infinite product of all the various rings of p-adicintegers over the ring of finite Adeles.

More generally, for a finitely generated Abelian group G and anon-void set of primes ` there is a fibre square

G⊗ Z` ≡ G`

localization at zero


`-adic completion // G` ≡ G⊗ Z`

localization at zero

²²G⊗Q ≡ G0

formal completion// (G`)0 ≡ (G0)−` ≡ G⊗Q⊗ Z`

Taking ` to be “all primes” we see that the group G can be recov-ered from appropriate maps of its localization at zero G⊗Q and its

profinite completion,∏p

Gp into G⊗ “finite Adeles”. Taking ` = p

we see that G localized at p can be similarly recovered from itslocalization at zero and its p-adic completion.

We will be doing the same thing to spaces in the next two Chap-ters. Thus to understand a space X it is possible to break theproblem up into pieces – a profinitely completed space X and a ra-tional space X0. These each map to a common Adele space XA, andany information about X may be recovered from this picture



// XA .

This is the main idea of the first three Chapters.

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Chapter 2



In this Chapter we define a localization functor in homotopy the-ory. There is a cellular construction for simply connected spaces anda Postnikov construction for “simple spaces”.

At the end of the Chapter we give some (hopefully) enlighteningexamples.

We work in the category of “simple spaces” and homotopy classesof maps. A “simple space” is a connected space having the homotopytype of a CW complex and an Abelian fundamental group which actstrivially on the homotopy and homology of the universal coveringspace.

Let ` be a set of primes in Z which may be empty. ` will be fixedthroughout the discussion and all localization will be made withrespect to it.


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Definition 2.1 We say that X` is a local space iff π∗X` is local,i.e., π∗X` is a Z`-module. We say that a map of some space X intoa local space X`

X`−→ X`

is a localization of X if it is universal for maps of X into localspaces, i.e., given f there is a unique f` making the diagram


f !!BBB


B` // X`




Local spaces and localization are characterized by

Theorem 2.1 For a map

X`−→ X ′

of arbitrary “simple spaces” the following are equivalent

i) ` is a localization

ii) ` localizes integral homology


⊗Z` %%JJJJJJJJJ` // H∗X ′


H∗X ⊗ Z`

iii) ` localizes homotopy (∗ > 0)


⊗Z` %%KKKKKKKKKK` // π∗X ′


π∗X ⊗ Z`

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Taking ` = identity we get the

Corollary For a “simple space” the following are equivalent

i) X is its own localization

ii) X has local homology

iii) X has local homotopy.

Corollary If X`−→ X ′ is a map of local “simple spaces” then

i) ` is a homotopy equivalence

ii) ` induces an isomorphism on local homotopy

iii) ` induces an isomorphism of local homology

are equivalent.

Note the case ` = all primes. We also note here that a map inducesan isomorphism on local homology iff it does on rational homologyand on mod p homology for p ∈ `.

The proof of the Theorem is not uninteresting but long so wedefer it to the end of this Chapter.

We go on to our construction of the localization which makes useof Theorem 2.1.

We begin the cellular construction by localizing the sphere.

Choose a cofinal sequence `′n from the multiplicative set of in-tegers generated by primes not in `.

Choose a map Si `′n−→ Si of degree `′n and define the “local sphere”Si

` to be the “infinite telescope” constructed from the sequence

Si `′1−→ Si `′2−→ Si → . . . .

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mapping cylinders

picture of “the local sphere”

The inclusion of Si `−→ Si` as the first sphere in the telescope clearly

localizes homology, for Hj we have

0 `−→ 0 j 6= i

Z `−→ lim`′Z = Z` j = i .

Thus by Theorem 2.1 ` also localizes homotopy,


⊗Z` ##HHHH



` // π∗Si`

∼ =

π∗Si ⊗ Z`

and ` is a localization. This homotopy situation is interesting be-cause the map induced on homotopy by a degree d map of spheresis not the obvious one, e.g.

i) S2 d−→ S2 induces multiplication by d2 on π3S2 = Z. (H. Hopf)

ii) S4 2−→ S4 induces a map represented by the matrix

(0 10 0


π8S4 = Z/2⊕ Z/2 (David Frank).

Corollary The map on d torsion of πj(Si) induced by a map ofdegree d is nilpotent.

Definition 2.2 A local CW complex is built inductively from a

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point or a local 1-sphere by attaching cones over the local sphereusing maps of the local sphere S` into the lower “local skeletons”.

Note: Since we have no local 0-sphere we have no local 1-cell.

Theorem 2.2 If X is a CW complex with one zero cell and no onecells, there is a local CW complex X` and a “cellular” map

X`−→ X`

such that

i) ` induces an isomorphism between the cells of X and the localcells of X`.

ii) ` localizes homology.

Corollary Any simply connected space has a localization.

Proof: Choose a CW decomposition with one zero cell and zeroone cells and consider

X`−→ X`

constructed in Theorem 2.2. By Theorem 2.1 ` localizes homotopyand is a localization.

Proof of 2.2: The proof is by induction on the dimension. If Xis a 2 complex with X(1) = point, then X is a wedge of 2-spheresX =


∨S2 → ∨

S2(`) satisfies i) and ii), and is a localization.

Assume the Theorem true for all complexes of dimension less thanor equal to n− 1. Let X have dimension n. If f : A → A` satisfies i),ii) and is a localization then

∑f :

∑A → ∑

A` does also. We havethe Puppe sequence


Ä _


f // X(n−1)Ä _



c // Xd //


Pf// ∑X(n−1) // . . .


f` // X(n−1)(`)

f` exists and is unique since by Theorem 2.1 X(n−1)(`) is a local space.

Let X(`) be the cofiber of f`. Then define ` : X → X(`) by

` = `n−1 ∪ c(i) : Xn−1 ∪f C(∨

Sn−1) → Xn−1

(`) ∪f`C

( ∨Sn−1



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` clearly sets up a one to one correspondence between cells and localcells, since `n−1 does. We may now form the ladder


Ä _


f // X(n−1)



c // X



d //∨

SnÄ _


Pf // ∑X(n−1)




f` // X(n−1)(`)

c` // X(`) //∨


Pf`// ∑X

(n−1)(`) .

All the spaces on the bottom line except possibly X(`) have localhomology thus by exactness it does also. Since all the vertical mapslocalize homology except possibly `, it does also. This completes theproof for finite dimensional complexes. If X is infinite take

X` =∞⋃


X(n)` .

This clearly satisfies i) and ii).

There is a construction dual to the cellular localization using aPostnikov tower.

Let X be a Postnikov tower





fibre of nth k-invariant²²

// K(πn+1, n + 2)











// K(πn, n + 1)


²²X0= ∗

We say that X is a “local Postnikov tower” if Xn is constructedinductively from a point using fibrations with “local K(π, n)’s”.(Namely K(π, n)’s with π local.)

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Theorem 2.3 If X is any Postnikov tower1 there is a local Post-nikov tower X` and a Postnikov map

X → X`

which localizes homotopy groups and k-invariants.

Proof: We induct over the number of stages in X. Induction startseasily since the first stage is a point. Assume we have a localizationof partial systems

X(n−1) −→ X(n−1)`

localizing homotopy. Then the k-invariant

k ∈ Hn+1(X(n−1);πn


may be formally localized to obtain

k` ∈ Hn+1(X(n−1); πn ⊗ Z`


k` determines a unique

k` ∈ Hn+1(X

(n−1)` ;πn ⊗ Z`


satisfying `∗k` = k`. This follows from remarks in the proof of The-orem 2.1 and the universal coefficient theorem.

We can use the pair of compatible k-invariants (k, k`) to constructa diagram




// Xn`





B `n−1






K(πn, n) ⊗Z`

// K(πn ⊗ Z` , n)

where Xn is the fibre of k (by definition of k), Xn` is defined to be

the fibre of k`, and `n is constructed by naturality.

Proceeding in this way we localize the entire X-tower.

1We need not assume π1 acts trivially on the homology of the universal cover to make thisconstruction.

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Corollary Any “simple space” has a localization.

Proof: Choose a Postnikov tower decomposition for the “simplespace”. Localize the tower by 2.3 to obtain a “simple space” local-izing the original.

We remark that any two localizations are canonically isomorphicby universality. Thus we speak of the localization functor.

Proposition 2.4 In the category of “simple spaces” localization pre-serves fibrations and cofibrations.

Proof: We will use the homology and homotopy properties of lo-calization. Let

F −→i

E −→j


be a fibration of “simple spaces”.

// π∗(F ) // π∗(E)

%%KKKKKKKKK// π∗(B) // π∗−1(F ) // . . .

π∗(E, F )


is an exact sequence. Now form




i` // E`f` // B`

fibre (f`) // E`// B` .

g` exists since f` i` = 0. This gives rise to a commutative ladder:

(∗)// π∗(F`)


// π∗(E`)


f`∗ // π∗(B`)


// π∗−1(F`)


// . . .

// π∗(fibre) // π∗(E`)fl∗ // π∗(B`) // π∗−1(fibre) // . . .

To see that (∗) commutes recall that the following commutes:

π∗(B`) π∗(E`, F`)fl∗∼=



δ // π∗(F(`))


²²π∗(B`) π∗(E`,fibre)


oo δ // π∗(fibre)

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Thus (∗) is a commutative ladder. By the Five Lemma g` : F` → fiber

is a homotopy equivalence, hence F`i`−→ E`

f`−→ B` is a fibration. Let

Af−→ X

i−→ X ∪f CA be a cofibration of simple spaces. Then thefollowing commutes up to homotopy:




f // X //



X ∪f CA






Pf //




f` // X`// X` ∪f`

C(A`) //∑


Pf` //

∑X` .

There b ∪ C(a) : X ∪f C(A) → X` ∪f`C(A`) is an isomorphism of Z`


To complete the proof we need to show that

X` ∪f`C(A`) = Y`

is a “simple space”. Then it will follow from the second corollary toTheorem 2.1 that the natural map

X` ∪f`C(A`) → (X ∪f CA)`

is an equivalence.

We leave to the reader the task of deciding whether this is so incase Y` is not simply connected.

We note here that no extension of the localization functor to theentire homotopy category can preserve fibrations and cofibrations.For this consider the diagram


double cover²²


// S1 // RP2

natural inclusion²²

RP∞ = K(Z/2, 1)

The vertical sequence is a fibration and the horizontal sequence is acofibration. If we localize “away from 2” (i.e. ` does not contain 2)

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we obtainS2



` ∼=// S1

`// RP2


²²RP∞` ∼= ∗

If cofibrations were preserved RP2` should be a point. If fibrations

were preserved RP2` should be S2

` (which is not a point).

It would be interesting to understand what localizations are pos-sible for more general spaces.2

We collect here some additional remarks and examples pertainingto localization before giving the proof of Theorem 2.1.

(1) We have used the isomorphism for local spaces X

[Si`, X]based

∼= πiX .

This is a group isomorphism for i > 1 (since Si` = ΣSi−1

` the lefthand side has a natural group structure) and imposes one on theleft for i = 1.

(2) For a local space X,

ΩiX ∼= Mapbased(Si`, X)

generalizing (1).

(3) The natural map(ΩiX)` → Ωi(X`)

defined by universality from

ΩiXΩi`−−→ ΩiX`

is an equivalence between the components of the constant map.(Note ΩiSi has “Z-components” but Ωi(Si

`) has “Z`-components”).Thus (

Mapbased(Si, Si)+1

)`∼= Mapbased(Si

`, Si`)+1 .

2See equivariant localization in the proof of Theorem 4.2.

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(4) If ` and `′ are two disjoint sets of primes such that ` ∪ `′ = allprimes, then



// X`

²²X`′ // X0

is a fibre square. (It is easy to check the exactness of

0 → πiX → πiX ⊗ Z` ⊕ πiX ⊗ Z`′ → πiX ⊗Q→ 0

see Proposition 1.11.)

(5) More generally, X is the infinite fibre product of its localizationsat individual primes Xp









. . . . . .


over its localization at zero X0.

X(2,3)∼= X2 ×X0 X3

X(2,3,5)∼= X(2,3) ×X0 X5...

X ∼=((X2 ×X0 X3)×X0 X5

)×X0 X7 . . .

(See Proposition 1.12.)

(7) X0 is an H-space iff it is equivalent to a product of EilenbergMacLane spaces. (See Milnor and Moore, On the structure ofHopf algebras, Annals of Math. 81, 211–264 (1965)).

(8) X is an H-space if and only if Xp is an H-space for each prime pwith H∗(Xp;Q) isomorphic as rings to H∗(Xq;Q) for all p and q.(They are always isomorphic as groups.)

Proof: If X is an H-space, let X×Xµ−→ X be the multiplication.

µ induces µp : (X ×X)pµp−→ Xp, and thus Xp ×Xp

µp−→ Xp. Thuseach Xp inherits an H-space structure from X. (Xp)0 inheritsan H-space structure from Xp. (Xp)0 = X0, and if we give X0

the H-space structure from X, this homotopy equivalence is an

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H-space equivalence. Thus we have the ring isomorphism


) ∼= H∗(X0;Q)

∼ =

H∗(Xp;Q) .

Conversely if Xp is an H-space for each p and H∗(Xp;Q) ∼= H∗(Xq;Q)as rings then (Xp)0 ' (Xq)0 as H-spaces, since the H-space struc-ture on a rational space is determined by its Pontrjagin ring.Thus we have compatible multiplications in the diagram




B X3


X5 . . .



This induces an H-space multiplication on the fibered product,X.

Note: If H∗(X;Q) is 0 for ∗ > n, some n, then the condition onthe Pontrjagin rings is redundant. This follows since H∗(Xp;Q) =H∗(Xq;Q) as groups, and both must be exterior algebras on afinite set of generators. This implies that they are isomorphic asrings.

(9) If H is a homotopy commutative H-space then the functor F =[ ,H]⊗ Z` is represented by H`.

(10) If X has classifying space BX, then X` has one BX`.

(11) (BUn)0c∼=



K(Q , 2i), the isomorphism is defined by the rational

Chern classesci ∈ H2i(BUn,Q), 1 6 i 6 n .

To see this recall

H∗(BUn;Q) ∼= Q [c1, . . . , cn] ,

H∗(K(Q , 2i);Q) ∼= Q [x2i] .

(12) Since H∗(BSO2n;Q) ∼= Q [p1, . . . , pn;χ]/(χ2 = pn)

BSO2np1,p2,...,pn−1;χ−−−−−−−−−→ ( n−1∏


K(Q , 4i))×K(Q , 2n)

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defines the localization at zero of BSO2n.

(13) H∗(BSO2n−1;Q) ∼= Q [p1, . . . , pn−1]. In fact this is true if Q isreplaced by Z [1/2]. Thus

a) (BSO2n−1)0 ∼=n−1∏


K(Q , 4i)

b) If we localize at odd primes, the natural projection

BSO2n−1 → BSO

has a canonical splitting over the 4n− 1 skeleton.

(14) The Thom space MUn is the cofiber in the sequence

BUn−1 → BUn → MUn ,

thus (MUn)0 is the cofiber of



K(Q , 2i) →n∑


K(Q , 2i) → (MUn)0

e.g. (MUn)0 has K(Q , 2n) as a canonical retract.

Geometric Corollary: Every line in H2i(finite polyhedron;Q)contains a point which is “naturally” represented as the Thomclass of a subcomplex

V ⊂ polyhedron

with a complex normal bundle.

(15) (BU)0 is naturally represented by the direct limit over all n, k

BUn⊗k−−→ BUkn .

(16) We consider Sn for n > 0.

a) Sn0 is an H-space iff n is odd. In fact S2n−1

0 is the loop spaceof K(Q , 2n).

b) S2n−12 is an H-space iff n = 1, 2, or 4 and a loop space iff n = 1

or 2. (J. F. Adams)

c) S2n−1p is an H-space for all odd primes p and for all n. S2n−1


is a loop space iff p is congruent to 1 modulo n. (The ne-cessity of the congruence is due to Adem, Steenrod, Adams,

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and Liulevicius. For the sufficiency see Chapter 4, “PrincipalSpherical Fibrations”.)

Thus each sphere S2n−1 is a loop space at infinitely manyprimes, for example S7 at primes of the form 4k + 1.But at each prime p only finitely many spheres are loop spaces– one for each divisor of p−1 if p > 2 (or in general one for eachfinite subgroup of the group of units in the p-adic integers.)

(17) a) PL =

piecewise linearhomeomorphisms

of Rn


of Rn

= Top

becomes an equivalence away from two as n → ∞. (Kirby-Siebenmann)

b) If G is the limit as n → ∞ of proper homotopy equivalencesof Rn, then away from 2:

G/PL = G/Top = BO (see Chapter 6) .

at 2:

G/Top = product of Eilenberg MacLane spaces



K(Z/2, 4i + 2)×∞∏


K(Z , 4i)

G/PL = almost a product of Eilenberg MacLane spaces

K(Z/2, 2)×δSq2 K(Z , 4)×∞∏


K(Z/2, 4i + 2)×∞∏


K(Z , 4i) .

c) Away from 2, the K-theories satisfy

KPL∼= KTop

∼= K∗0 ⊕ Finite Theory . (Chapter 6)

where K∗0 denotes the special units in K-theory (1+ KO) and

the natural map

KO → KPL∼= KTop

is given by a certain exponential operation θ in K-theory

KOθ⊕zero−−−−→ KO∗ ⊕ Finite Theory . (Chapter 6)

We will expand on these remarks in part II of this work.

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Proof of Theorem 2.1: First we show i) and iii) are equivalent.For this we need three general remarks.

Remark a) For studying the map

X`−→ X ′

we have its Postnikov decomposition

I Xn


`n // (X ′)n


“right side upPostnikov system”

n = 1, 2, 3, . . .



`n−1 // (X ′)n−1

nth k-invariant of X ′²²

K(πn, n + 1)kn(`) // K(π′n, n + 1)

where X0 = X0` = ∗, the vertical sequences are fibrations, and

X`−→ X ′ = lim← Xn `n−→ (X ′)n .

(The use of lim← here is innocuous because of the skeletal convergence

of Postnikov systems. In Chapter 3 we consider a more non-triviallim← situation and illustrate one of the pitfalls of lim← .)

II Xn+1


`n+1// X ′



“upside downPostnikov system”

n = 1, 2, 3, . . .



`n// X ′


²²K(πn, n)

kn(`) // K(π′n, n)

where (X1`1−→ X ′

1) = (X `−→ X ′), the vertical maps are fibrations, and

Xn`n−→ X ′

n is the (n− 1) connected covering of X`−→ X ′.

Remark b) For studying the maps

K(πn, n + 1)kn(`) //

kn+1(`)// K(π′n, n + 1)

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which are induced by homomorphisms πk−→ π′ we have the diagram

III K(π, n)


kn // K(π′, n)



// P

²²K(π, n + 1)

kn+1 // K(π′, n + 1) .

Here P “the space of paths” is contractible and the vertical se-quences are fibrations.

Remark c) Propositions 1.7 and 1.8 generalize easily to the following:if we have a map of fibrations



f // F ′



g // E′


h // B′


i) If all spaces are connected, have π1 Abelian and two of the mapsf , g, and h localize homotopy then the third does also.

ii) If the fundamental groups act trivially on the homology of thefibres and two of the maps f , g, and h localize homology the thirddoes also.

The proof of i) follows immediately from the exact ladder of ho-motopy as in Proposition 1.7.

The proof of ii) has two points. First, by Proposition 1.8 if twoof the homologies

H∗F ′ , H∗E′ , H∗B′

are local the third is also. Second, if we know the homologies on theright are local then to complete the proof of ii) it is equivalent tocheck that f , g, h induce isomorphisms on

H∗( ;Z`)

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since e.g.H∗(F ′) ∼= H∗(F ′)⊗ Z`

∼= H∗(F ′;Z`) .

But this last point is clear since if two of f , g, h induce isomor-phisms on H∗( ;Z`) the third does also by the spectral sequencecomparison Theorem. With these remarks in mind it is easy now tosee that a map of simple spaces

X`−→ X ′

localizes homotopy iff it localizes homology.

Step 1. The case

(X `−→ X ′) =(K(π, 1) `−→ K(π′, 1)


If ` localizes homology, then it localizes homotopy since π = H1X,π′ = H1X

′. If ` localizes homotopy then

(π → π′) = (π → π`) .

So ` localizes homology if

i) π = Z. ` is just the localization

S1 → S1`

studied above.

ii)π = Z/pn for π` = 0 if p /∈ `

π` = Z/pn if p ∈ ` .

For general π, take finite direct sums and then direct limits of thefirst two cases.

Step 2. The case

(X `−→ X ′) =(K(π, n) `−→ K(π′, n)


If ` localizes homology, then it localizes homotopy as in Step 1because π = HnX, π′ = HnX ′.

If ` localizes homotopy, then we use induction, Step 1, diagramIII in remark b) and remark c) to see that ` localizes homology.

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Step 3. The general case X`−→ X ′.

If ` localizes homology, apply the Hurewicz theorem for n = 1 tosee that ` localizes π1. Then use Step 1, diagram II in remark a) forn = 1 and remark c) to see that

X2`2−→ X ′


localizes homology. We apply Hurewicz here to see that `2 and thus` localizes π2. Now use Step 2 for n = 2, diagram II for n = 2 andremark c) to proceed inductively and find that ` localizes homotopyin all dimensions.

If ` localizes homotopy then apply Step 2 and diagram I induc-tively to see that each

Xn `n−→ (X ′)n

localizes homology for all n. Then

` = lim← `n

localizes homology.

Now we show that i) and ii) are equivalent.

If X`−→ X ′ is universal for maps into local spaces Y , then by

taking Y to be various K(π, n)’s with π local we see that ` inducesan isomorphism of H∗( ;Q) and H∗( ;Z/p), p ∈ `. Thus ` induceshomomorphisms of

H∗( ;Q) and H∗( ;Z/p), p ∈ `

which must be isomorphisms because their dual morphisms are. Us-ing the Bockstein sequence

· · · → Hi( ;Z/pn) → Hi( ;Z/pn+1) → Hi( ;Z/pn) → . . .

and induction we see that ` induces an isomorphism on H∗( ;Z/pn)for all n. Thus ` induces an isomorphism on H∗( ;Z/p∞) sincetaking homology and tensoring commute with direct limits, and

Z/p∞ = lim−→n

Z/pn, p ∈ ` .

Finally ` induces an isomorphism of H∗( ;Z`) using the coefficientsequence

0 → Z` → Q→ Q /Z` → 0

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and the equivalence

Q /Z` =⊕


Z/p∞ .

Now X ′ is a local space by definition. Thus the homology of X ′is local by what we proved above. This proves i) implies ii).

To see that ii) implies i) consider the obstruction to uniquelyextending f to f` in the diagram




B` // X ′




These lie inH∗(X ′, X; π∗Y ) .

Now π∗Y is a Z`-module and ` induces an isomorphism of Z` homol-ogy. Using the natural sequence (over Z`)

0 → Ext(Hi( ;Z`),Z`

) → H i+1( ;Z`)

→ Hom(Hi+1( ;Z`),Z`

) → 0

we see that ` induces an isomorphism of Z`-cohomology. By uni-versal coefficients (over Z`) the obstruction groups all vanish. Thusthere is a unique extension f`, and ` is a localization.

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Chapter 3


In this Chapter we extend the completion constructions for groupsto homotopy theory.

In spirit we follow Artin and Mazur1, who first conceived of theprofinite completion of a homotopy type as an inverse system ofhomotopy types with finite homotopy groups.

We “complete” the Artin-Mazur object to obtain an actual ho-motopy type X for each connected CW complex X. This profinitecompletion X has the additional structure of a natural compacttopology on the functor, homotopy classes of maps into X,

[ , X] .

The compact open topology on the functor [ , X] allows us tomake inverse limit constructions in homotopy theory which are nor-mally impossible.

Also under finite type assumptions on X (or X) this topology is

intrinsic to the homotopy type of X. Thus it may be suppressed orresurrected according to the whim of the moment.

A formal completion X is constructed for countable complexes.X is a CW complex with a partial topology on the functor

[ , X] .

1Etale homotopy theory, Springer Lecture Notes 100 (1969).


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We apply the formal completion to rational homotopy types whereprofinite completion gives only contractible spaces.

In this case, an essential ingredient in the extra topological struc-ture on the functor [ , X] is a Z-module structure on the homotopy

groups of X. This Z-structure allows one to treat these groups whichare enormous Q-vector spaces.

These completion constructions and the localization of Chapter 2are employed to fracture a classical homotopy type into one rationaland infinitely many p-adic pieces.

We discuss the reassembly of the classical homotopy types fromthese pieces using an Adele type and a homotopy analogue of the“arithmetic square” of Chapter 1.

Construction of the Profinite Completion X

We outline the construction.

We begin with the following observation. Let F denote a spacewith finite homotopy groups. Then the functor defined by F ,

[ , F ]

may be topologized in a natural way. This (compact) topology arisesfrom the equivalence

[Y, F ]∼=−→ lim←

finite subcomplexes Yα

[Yα, F ]

and is characterized by the separation property – Hausdorff.

Now given X consider the category f of all maps

Xf−→ F , πiF finite .

This category is suitable for forming inverse limits and a functor Xis defined by

X(Y ) = lim←f

[Y, F ] . 2

2f depends on X.

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The compact open topology on the right implies that the Brownrequirements for the representability of X hold.

Thus we have a well defined underlying homotopy type for theprofinite completion X together with a topology on the functor[ , X].

Note: The essential nature of this compactness for forming inverselimits is easily illustrated by an example – let L denote the inverselimit of the representable functor

[ , S2]

using the self map induced by

S2 degree 3−−−−−→ S2 .

It is easy to check

L(S1) ∼= L(S2) ∼= ∗, but

L(RP2) has two elements .

Thus L is not equivalent to [ , B] for any space B.

We, perhaps prematurely, make the

Definition 3.1 The profinite completion X of a connected CWcomplex X consists of the triple

i) The contravariant functor X,



[ , F ]

category ofcompact Hausdorfftotally disconnected


ii) a CW complex (also denoted X) representing the composite func-tor into set theory







iii) The natural homotopy class of maps (profinite completion)

Xc−→ X

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corresponding to


f−→ F ) in lim←f

[X,F ] .

The following paragraphs discuss and justify this definition.

Proposition 3.1 If F has finite homotopy groups, [ , F ] may benaturally regarded as a functor into the topological category of com-pact Hausdorff totally disconnected spaces.

A homotopy class of maps F → F ′ induces a continuous naturaltransformation of functors

[ , F ] → [ , F ′]

Proof: The proof is based on two assertions:

i) for each finite complex Yα,

[Yα, F ] is a finite set .

ii) for an arbitrary complex Y the natural map

[Y, F ] restriction−−−−−−−→ lim←Yα a finite

subcomplex of Y

[Yα, F ]

is a bijection of sets.

i) and ii) will be proved in the note below. Together they implythat [Y, F ] is naturally isomorphic to an inverse limit of finite dis-crete topological spaces. But from general topology we know thatsuch “profinite spaces” are characterized by the properties compact,Hausdorff, and totally disconnected.

A homotopy class of maps Y ′ f−→ Y induces a continuous map ofprofinite spaces

[Y, F ] → [Y ′, F ] .

A cellular representative of f induces a map of directed sets

Y ′β → fY ′

β ⊆ Yα

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and thus a map (the other way) of inverse systems.

Similarly Ff−→ F ′ induces a continuous natural transformation of


[Y, F ]


([Yα, F ] ∗−→ [Yα, F ′])

−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ [Y, F ′] .

Corollary The full subcategory of the homotopy category deter-mined by homotopy types with finite homotopy groups is canonicallyisomorphic to a category of functors from the homotopy category tothe category of compact Hausdorff spaces,

F ↔ [ , F ] .

Each space X determines a subcategory of this category of “com-pact representable functors”.

First consider the category f, where

i) an object of f is a (based) homotopy class of maps

Xf−→ F ,

where F has finite homotopy groups.

ii) a morphism in f, f ′ → f , is a homotopy commutative diagram




Af // F


F ′

Proposition 3.2

The category f satisfies

a) f is directed, namely any two objects f and g can be embeddedin a diagram






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b) morphisms in f are eventually unique, any diagram f→→g canbe extended to a diagram

f→→g → h

where the compositions are equal.


a) Given Xf−→ F and X

g−→ F ′ consider Xf×g−−→ F × F ′. Then

F × F ′








f ##GGGG


GG g//


F ′


b) Given




A// F ′




consider the “coequalizer of h and h′”,

C(h, h′) → F ′ h−→−→h′

F ′ , h g ∼ h′ g .

If h′ is the point map, C(h, h′) is just the fibre of h (after h ismade into a fibration). In general C(h, h′) may be described asthe space mapping into F ′ which classifies (equivalence classesof) a map g into F ′ together with a homotopy between h g andh′ g in F . (This is easily seen to be a representable functor inthe sense of Brown.)

Or, more explicitly C(h, h′) may be described as a certain subsetof the product (paths in F )× F ′, namely,

C(h, h′) = P ∈ F I , x ∈ F ′ | P (0) = h(x), P (1) = h′(x) .

As in the fibre case there is an exact sequence of homotopy groups

· · · → πiC(h, h′) → πiF′ h∗−h′∗−−−−→ πiF → . . . .

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From the construction of C(h, h′) we can (by choosing a homo-topy) form the diagram

F ′′


= C(H, h′)


f ""DDDD


f //

f ′′==F ′



F ′ .

From the exact sequence we see that X → F ′′ is in the categoryf (

F ′′ = C(h, h′) has finite homotopy groups.)

We find ourselves in the following situation –

i) for each space X we have by Proposition 3.2 a good indexingcategory X → F = f. (We also assume the objects in fform a set by choosing one representative from each homotopytype with finite homotopy groups.)

ii) we have a functor from the indexing category f to the cat-egory of “compact representable functors”

f → [ , F ] .

This should motivate

Proposition 3.3 We can form the inverse limit of compact repre-sentable functors Fα indexed by a good indexing category α. Theinverse limit


is a compact representable functor.

Proof: The analysis of our limit is made easier by considering foreach Y and α, the “infinite image”,

Iα(Y ) = intersectionover allα → β

image Fβ(Y ) → Fα(Y ) .

One can use the directedness and eventual uniqueness in α tosee that all the morphisms from α to β

α→→→ β

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induce one and the same morphism

Iβ(Y )αβ−−→ Iα(Y ) .

For example, equalize α→→ β by α→→ β → γ, then

Fγ(Y ) → Fβ(Y )→→ Fα(Y )


Fβ(Y )→→ Fα

but Iβ(Y ) is contained in the image of Fγ(Y ). Thus all maps ofFβ(Y ) into Fα(Y ) agree on Iβ(Y ).

To see that this unique map

Iβ(Y ) → Fα(Y )

has image contained in Iα(Y ) use the strong form of directedness ofα – if

Fγ(Y ) → Fα(Y )

is an arbitrary map into Fα(Y ), dominate β and γ by δ′, then equalizethe compositions by δ





::ttttttδ′ // δ



to obtain a commutative diagram



66mmmmmmFα(Y ) .

Fγ(Y )


Any point in Iβ(Y ) is contained in the image of Fδ(Y ). By com-mutativity its image in Fα(Y ) must also be contained in the imageof Fγ(Y ). Since

Fγ(Y ) → Fα(Y )

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was chosen arbitrarily we obtain

Iβ(Y )αβ−−→ Iα(Y ) .

It is clear that the inverse limit lim←−α

Fα can be taken to be the

ordinary inverse limit lim← Iα over α with morphisms

α→→→ β collapsed to α

αβ−−→ β .

Moreover, Iα(Y ) is clearly compact Hausdorff and non-void if allthe Fβ(Y ) are.

(To see that Iα(Y ) is non-void an argument like the

above is used to check the finite intersection property for the imagesof the Fβ(Y )’s.


Of course, Fα(Y ) always contains the constant map so



−−−−→ lim←−α

Fα(Y )

assigns to each space Y a non-void compact Hausdorff space. (Herewe use the fundamental fact (∗∗), the inverse limit of non-void com-pact Hausdorff spaces is a non-void compact Hausdorff space.)

To see thatG = lim←−


is representable we need to check the Brown axioms –

i) the exponential law

ii) the Mayer Vietoris property.

The first property requires the natural map

G( ∨


) →∏



to be an isomorphism. But this is clear since inverse limits commutewith arbitrary products.

The second property is more subtle and usually the one that fails.If Y = A ∪ B, Z = A ∩ B (all complexes are subcomplexes), and

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we are given elements in G(A) and G(B) which restrict to the sameelement in G(Z), then there should be at least one element in G(Y )restricting to these elements in G(A) and G(B).

Now this is true at each index α since Fα is a representable functor.Moreover, the set of solutions is clearly a compact subset of Fα(A∪B). Fundamental fact (∗∗) then insures that the inverse limit ofthese compact solution spaces will be non-void. Thus lim← F = G has

the Mayer Vietoris property.

It is now easy to construct for such a functor as lim← F (universally

defined and satisfying i) and ii) universally) a representing CW com-plex X


Fα∼= [ , X] .

(See for example, Spanier, Algebraic Topology.)

Note: We left two points open in Proposition 3.1.

First if Y is finite and πiF is finite for each i, then

[Y, F ] is finite .

This is proved by an easy finite induction over the cells of Y . Oneonly has to recall that the set of homotopy classes of extensions of amap into F over the domain of the map with an i-cell adjoined hascardinality no larger than that of πiF .

The second point was the isomorphism

[Y, F ]∼=−→r


[Yα, F ] ,

α the directed set of finite subcomplexes of Y .

Step 1. r is onto for all Y and F . Let x be an element of the inverselimit. Let β denote any subdirected set of α for which there is amap

Yβ =⋃


Yαxβ−→ F

representing x/β. The set of such β’s is partially ordered by inclu-sion and the requirement of compatibility up to homotopy of xβ.Any linearly ordered subset of the β’s is countable because this istrue for α. We can construct a map on the infinite mapping tele-scope of the Yβ’s in any linear chain to see that the partially ordered

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set of β’s has an maximal element (by Zorn’s Lemma). This max-imal element must be all of α because we can always adjoin anyfinite subcomplex to the domain of any xβ by a simple homotopyadjunction argument.

Step 2. r is injective if πiF is finite. Let f and g be two maps whichdetermine the same element of the inverse limit. Then f and g arehomotopic on every finite subcomplex Yα. Since πiF is finite thereare only finitely many homotopy classes of homotopies between fand g restricted to Yα. These homotopy classes of homotopies be-tween f and g form an inverse system

(over α) of finite sets. The

inverse limit is then non-void (by compactness, again). Now werepeat step 1 to see that such an inverse limit homotopy can be re-alized to give an actual homotopy between f and g.

Some properties of the profinite completion

We study the homotopy and cohomology of the profinite comple-tion X.

Proposition 3.4 If X is (k − 1) connected, then

πkX ∼= (πkX ) , as topological groups .

Proof: By definition of X

πkX = lim←f

πkF .

Every finite quotient

πkXr−→ π

occurs in this inverse system, namely

X −−−−−−−−−−→1st k-invariant

K(πkX, k) r−→ K(π, k) .

A covering space argument for k = 1 and an obstruction theoryargument for k > 1 shows the full subcategory of f where F is

(k − 1) connected and πkXf−→ πkF is onto and cofinal. This proves

the proposition.

Before considering the relation between the higher homotopy ofX and X, we must first consider cohomology.

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There is a natural diagram

H i(X;Z /n)








H i(X;Z /n) lim−−→f

H i(F ;Z /n)∼=l


Proposition 3.5 ` is an isomorphism for all n and i.

Proof: To see that ` is onto consider the map

(Xf−→ F ) =


x−→ K(Z /n, i))

for some cohomology class x.

To see that ` is injective, consider the diagram

F ′



f ′99tttttttttttF


K(Z /n, i)

where x is some class in H i(F ;Z /n) which goes to zero in X, thevertical sequence is a fibration, and f ′ is some lifting of f .

The canonical direct summand image c in H i(X;Z /n) is closely

related to the continuous cohomology of X, those maps

X → K(Z /n, i)

which induce continuous transformations between the respectivecompact representable functors

[ , X] and [ ,K(Z /n, i)] .

Proposition 3.6 The two natural subgroups of H i(X;Z /n),

L = lim←−f

H i(F ;Z /n) ∼= H i(X;Z /n)

C = “continuous cohomology of X

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satisfyL ⊆ C ⊆ (L closure) .

Proof: Let us unravel the definition of C.

Xx−→ K(Z /n, i)

is a continuous cohomology class iff for each Y the induced map

[Y, X]x∗ // [Y, K(Z /n, i)]


[Y, F ] lim←−α

[Yα,K(Z /n, i)]

is continuous. This means that for each finite subcomplex Yα ⊂ Y

there is a projection Xfα−→ Fα, and a (continuous) map

[Y, Fα]gα−→ H i(Yα;Z /n)

so that

(I)[Y, X]


x∗ // [Y,K(Z /n, i)]


[Y, Fα]gα // [Yα,K(Z /n, i)]

commutes. Moreover, the map Yα → fα should be order preservingand the gα’s should be compatible as α varies.

Thus it is true that an element in

L = lim−→f

H i(F ;Z /n)

determines a continuous cohomology class. For if we take an indexX → F and a class u ∈ H i(F ;Z /n) for Yα ⊆ Y define

fα = (X → F )

gα =([Y, F ]

u/−→ [Yα,K(Z /n, i)])

to see that (u) ∈ L is continuous. On the other hand, if x ∈H i(X;Z /n) is a continuous cohomology class take Y = X and apply

commutativity in (I) to the identity map of X. We obtain that for

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each finite subcomplex Xα of X the restriction of x factors throughFα,

Xx // K(Z /n, i)


// Fα .


The element in L determined by x′ has the same restriction to Xα

as x. So for each finite subcomplex of X, L and C restrict to thesame subgroup of H i(Xα;Z /n).

Thus C cannot be larger than (L closure) = L′. Any point outsideL′ is separated from L′ in one of the finite quotients H i(Xα;Z /n)

Lemma 3.7 Suppose X has “countable type”,

Hom (π1X;finite group) and H i(X;Z /n)

are countable. Then X is a simple inverse limit

X ∼= lim←−n

· · · → Fn → Fn−1 → · · · → ∗

where each Fn has finite homotopy groups.

Proof: Let F(n) denote the “coskeleton of F” obtained by attach-ing cells to annihilate the homotopy above dimension n. For spaceswith finite homotopy groups

F ∼= lim←−n


as compact representable functors.

ThusX = lim←

fF = lim←



is an inverse limit of spaces with only finitely many non-zero, finitehomotopy groups.

The collection of such homotopy types is countable. The homo-topy set defined by any two is finite.

Under our assumption the homotopy set [X, F(n)] is countable.

Thus X has an inverse limit over an indexing category C whichhas countably many objects and finitely many maps between anytwo of them.

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One can now choose a linearly ordered cofinal subcategory

1 → 2 → · · · → n → . . . .

That is, each object O in C maps to n and any two maps

O →→ n

can be equalized using n → m:

O →→ n → m .

(Order the objects in C, O1, O2, . . . and suppose 1 → 2 → · · · → rhas been chosen so that O1, . . . On all map to r. Then choose

rf−→ r + 1

so that On+1 maps to r + 1 and f equalizes all the elements in

Hom (Oi, r) i 6 n .

And so on.)

We get a sequence of spaces

· · · → Fn → · · · → F2 → F1

andX ∼= lim←



as compact representable functors. QED.

Now we can give a more precise interpretation of the topology onthe functor [ , X].

Suppose the maps in the above sequence

· · · → Fn → · · · → F2 → F1

are fibrations. (If this is not so we could achieve this by inductivelyapplying the path construction.)

Let F∞ denote the inverse limit space. F∞ has a natural topologywhich is not usually locally contractible.

It might be interesting to look at the topology induced on thehomotopy set

[Y, F∞] =path components F Y

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by the compact open topology on the function space. A set of ho-motopy classes is open iff the set of all representatives is an openset in the function space.

Proposition 3.8 If X has countable type the topological functors[ , X] and [ , F∞] are homeomorphic.

Proof: The natural map

[ , F∞] → lim← [ , Fi] = [ , X]

is onto by the fibration property. The injectivity then follows by thesame compactness argument used to prove

[Y, F ] ' lim←α

[Yα, F ]

in the preceding note.

For the topologies consider first the case when F∞ = X = X = Fa single space with finite homotopy groups. It is fairly easy to checkthat the “inverse limit” and “compact open” topologies on [Y, F ]agree.3

It follows that the natural bijection

[ , F∞] → [ , X]

is continuous. The openness follows from the fibration property.QED.

Since F∞ and X have the same weak homotopy type they have thesame singular homology and cohomology. Also the set of singularsimplices of F∞ is just the inverse limit of the sets of singular sim-plices of the Fi. It seems that it is an unsolved problem to use thisprecise information to relate the singular cohomology of the inverselimit F∞ and the limit cohomology of the Fi.

To continue to study the cohomology and homotopy of X we musttake a new tack and place more restrictions on X.

3This uses two basic facts about CW complexes

i) the finite subcomplexes are cofinal in the lattice of compact subspaces of a CW complex

ii) the “compact open” topology on [finite complex, CW complex] is discrete.

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Theorem 3.9 If X is simply connected4 and its homotopy groupsare finitely generated then

i) H i(X,Z /n) ∼ H i(X,Z /n)

ii) (π1X ) ∼ πiX

iii) H i(X,Z) ∼ H i(X, Z) ∼ H i(X, Z)

iv) any map of X into a space with profinite homotopy groups ex-

tends uniquely to X.

v) X → X is characterized among maps of simply connected spacesby any one of the above properties and the fact that the homotopygroups of X are profinite.

vi) the topology on the functor [ , X] is intrinsic to the underlying

homotopy type, |X|, in fact

(|X|) ∼ X

as compact representable functors.

Note: part ii) of the Theorem has the corollary

K(Y ) ∼= [Y,BUˆ] ,

for Y a finite complex. This is proved by induction over the cells of Yusing ii), the Puppe sequence, and the fact that profinite completionis exact for finitely generated groups.

The proof of Theorem 3.9 is based on the following.

Lemma 3.10 Suppose X is a simple space with finitely generatedhomotopy groups. Then there is a map X → Y and an inversesystem of spaces with finite homotopy groups Fi so that

i) πiY ∼= (πiX )

ii) Y ∼= lim← Fi

4The simply connected hypothesis may be replaced by π1X is “good” for example π1Xis finite or π1X is finitely generated Abelian. Then a form of Lemma 3.10 with twistedcoefficients may be proved using twisted k-invariants. See remark below for the first step.

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iii) H∗(X,Z /n) ∼= H∗(Y,Z /n) ∼= lim→ H∗(Fi,Z /n) .


Step 1: The case X = S1. Let X → Y be the natural map K(Z , 1) →K(Z, 1). Let Fi be the inverse system

K(Z /i, 1)

. Then i) and

ii) are clear. The first equivalence of iii) holds because

K(Z , 1) → K(Z, 1) → K(Z/Z , 1)

is a fibration and Z/Z is a vector space over Q. The second equiva-lence of iii) follows from the first by calculating

lim→ H∗(K(Z /i, 1),Z /n) ∼= H∗(S1,Z /n) .

Step 2: The case X = K(G,n), G any finitely generated Abelian

group. Take Y = K(G, n) and Fi to beK(G⊗Z /i, 1)

. The above

argument commutes with finite products to take care of n = 1, thecase G = Z /r being trivial. The case n > 1 is reduced to n = 1 asusual using the fibration

K(π, n− 1) → ∗ → K(π, n) .

The first equivalence of iii) follows by comparing the spectral se-quences of the fibrations

K(G,n− 1)


// K(G, n− 1)

²²Path space


// Path space

²²K(G,n) // K(G, n) .

The second equivalence of iii) follows by studying the map be-

tween the mod p cohomology spectral sequence for K(G, n − 1) →∗ → K(G, n) and the direct limit of the corresponding sequences for

K(G⊗ Z /i, n− 1) → ∗ → K(G⊗ Z /i, n) .

Since taking homology commutes with direct limits we can generatea direct limit spectral sequence. Since the cohomology groups in

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question are all finite in each degree the E2 term of the limit sequenceis the appropriate tensor product. The comparison then proceedsas usual.

Step 3: Suppose i), ii) and iii) hold for n-stage Postnikov systems andconsider the case when Xn+1 is an (n + 1)-stage Postnikov system.We have the fibration

Xn+1 → Xnk−→ K(π, n + 2)

where Xn is the n-stage of Xn+1 and π is πn+1(Xn+1). We alsohave by induction the map Xn → Yn and the inverse system Fisatisfying i), ii) and iii).

Using iii) we can distribute the various reductions mod r of thek-invariant in Xn among the Fi to construct maps of fibrations



// Eir



// Fir


²²K(π, n + 2)

reductionmod r

// K(π ⊗ Z /r, n + 2)

which are compatible over r.

Then we consider the Eir and Yn+1 = lim← Eir . We have a map

Xn+1 → Yn+1, namely lim fr. ii) holds by construction.

We have the map of sequences



// Xn+1



// Yn

²²K(π, n + 2) // K(π, n + 2) .

The sequence on the right is a fibration because its homotopy se-quence is the inverse limit of exact sequences of finite groups andtherefore exact.

i) clearly holds.

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The equivalence of iii) then follows from step 2 by the spectralsequence and limit spectral sequence arguments used there.

Step 4: General case. X is the inverse limit of its n-stages Xn. LetFi be the union inverse system of spaces constructed inductivelyabove. Let Y be the inverse limit of these (or of the Yn). By theskeletal convergence of homotopy and cohomology i) and iii) followfrom step 3.

Proof of Theorem 3.9. Let us consider defining the profinite com-pletion of X by considering maps into simply connected spaces withonly finitely many non-zero (finite) homotopy groups. Thus we have

a general inverse system Ei, a map X → Ei and X = lim← Ei. We

can assume the Fi in the Lemma form a subsystem.

Since H∗(X,Z /n) ∼ lim→ H∗(Fi,Z /n) each map X → Ei factors

in an eventually unique manner through some Fj by elementaryobstruction theory.


X ' lim← Ei ' lim← Fi ' Y

and i) and ii) of the Theorem are proved.

The second part of iii) follows from i) since K(A, n) ∼ lim← K(Ai, n)if A is the profinite group lim← Ai, Ai finite.

The first part of iii) is analogous to the remark about Eilenberg-Moore spaces or follows by direct calculation.

iv) follows by a covering space argument, obstruction theory, andi).

iv) shows (|X|) and X are defined by the same inverse system ofsimply connected spaces. This proves vi).

Now consider v). If we have Xf−→ Y and Y has profinite homotopy

groups, there is a canonical extension Xbf−→ Y by iv).

If f satisfies ii) then f must induce an isomorphism of homotopygroups.

If f satisfies i), then

π2X → π2Y

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is isomorphic to H2X → H2Y which is profinite completion byLemma 3.11 below. If we pass to the 2-connective of f we are in thesame situation by a spectral sequence argument. And so on. QED.

Lemma 3.11 Suppose πc−→ π′ is a homomorphism of Abelian groups

such that

i) c⊗ Z /n is an isomorphism of finite groups

ii) π′ is an inverse limit of finite groups.

Then π′ ' π and c is profinite completion.

Proof: Note that G⊗ Z /n finite implies

G ' lim←−n

(G⊗ Z /n) .

Thus c induces an isomorphism of profinite completions,

π = lim(π ⊗ Z /n)lim← c⊗ Z /n−−−−−−−−−→ lim(π′ ⊗ Z /n) = π′ .

It suffices to prove that π′ ' π′.

Topologize π′ using the hypothesis

π′ ' lim←−α

Fα .

Now π′ ·n−→ π′ is continuous since


(Fα·n−→ Fα) is .

Thus the image nπ′ is compact and closed.

The quotientπ′/nπ′ = π′ ⊗ Z /n

is finite. So nπ′ is also open.

Thus, the natural map

π′ `−→ lim←− (π′ ⊗ Z /n) = π′

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is continuous.

` is onto by the usual compactness argument. But

π′ → π′

is always a monomorphism for any profinite group π′. This provesthe Lemma.

Note: Finally we make a remark5 that is useful for non-simply con-nected examples.

We can normalize the inverse system for defining X so that eachmap X → Fi is surjective on π1 and πjFi is zero above some point.

Then any local system of finite groups defined on X is eventuallydefined on any subsystem Ej → Fi when

(π1X ) ∼ lim← π1Ej .

Suppose that

H∗(X;M) ∼ lim→ H∗(Ej ; M)

for all such twisted coefficients M . Then obstruction theory showsthat Ej is cofinal in Fi so

X ∼ lim← Ej .


i) If G is finitely generated and Abelian then

K(G,n) ∼ K(G, n) ∼ K(G⊗ Z, n) .

ii) If π∗X is finite, X ∼ X.

iii) Sn is not the Moore space M(Z, n). Sn has rational homology ininfinitely many dimensions (A. Bousfield).

iv) K(Q /Z , 1) ∼ (CP∞) ∼ K(Z, 2).

The above note shows that the systemK(Z /n, 2)

is cofinal.

5Due to Artin and Mazur.

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v) If X = BO2, the classifying space for the orthogonal group of

degree 2, then X is the total space of the natural non-orientablefibration with base K(Z /2, 1) and fibre K(Z, 2). We will see belowthat the completion of X at odd primes is completely different.

vi) A recent striking observation6 in homotopy theory implies profi-nite completion K(S∞, 1) ∼ F0 where S∞ = lim→ Sn, Sn the sym-

metric group of degree n and F0 = lim→ (ΩnSn)∗, the limit of the

function space of degree zero maps of Sn to itself under suspen-sion.

A map K(S∞, 1) → F0 is defined by converting a finite cover overX into a framed subspace of X×Rn and applying the Pontrjaginconstruction.

Now F0 has finite homotopy groups, π1F0 = πn+1Sn = Z /2, and

π1S∞ is Z /2 because of the simplicity of the alternating groupsAn, n > 4. The map K(S∞, 1) → F0 induces an isomorphism offinite cohomology.

vii) Suppose X has the homotopy type of a complex algebraic varietyV . Then under mild assumptions on X Cech-like nerves of alge-braic (etale) coverings of X give simplicial complexes with finite

homotopy groups approximating the cohomology of X. (Lubkin,On a Conjecture of Weil, American Journal of Mathematics 89,443–548 (1967).)

The work of Artin-Mazur7 related to Grothendieck’s cohomologyimplies

X ' lim←

etale covers

(Cech-like nerve) .

A beautiful consequence is the Galois symmetry that X inheritsfrom this algebraic description. This is a preview of Chapter 5.

`-profinite completion

One can carry out the previous discussion replacing finite groupsby `-finite groups. (` is a set of primes and `-finite means the order

6Contributed to by Barratt, Kan, Milgram, Nakaoka, Priddy and Quillen.7Etale Homotopy, Springer Lecture Notes 100 (1969).

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is a product of primes in `. ` = all primes is the case alreadytreated.)

The construction and propositions go through without essentialchange.

A new point in the simply connected case is a canonical splittinginto p-adic components.

Proposition 3.16 If (π1X )` = 0, there is a natural splitting

X` '∏



in the sense of compact representable functors. Furthermore anymap

X`f−→ Y`


f =∏


fp .

Proof: Write any space F with finite homotopy groups as aninverse limit (in the sense of compact representable functors) of itcoskeletons

F = lim←−n

Fn .

Fn has the first n-homotopy groups of F .

If π1F = 0, each Fn may be decomposed (using a Postnikov argu-ment) into a finite product of p-primary components

Fn =∏


Fnp .


F = lim←−n

( ∏






Fnp )


Fp .

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If πiF is `-finite, we obtain

F ∼=∏


Fp .

More generally,

X`∼= lim←−


F , Xf−→ F , F `-finite .

So we obtainX`

∼= lim←−f









Xp .

Recall that the topology in [ , F ] was canonical so that it maybe used or discarded at will. This should clarify the earlier manip-ulations.

The last equationlim←−


Fp∼= Xp ,

uses the splitting on the map level

(F → F ′) =∏


(Fpfp−→ F ′

p) .

This follows from the obstruction theory fact that any map

Fp → F ′q p 6= q

is homotopic to a constant map.

This generalizes (using obstruction theory) to – any map

Xpf−→ Yq p 6= q

is null homotopic.

Example Let X = BO2, the classifying space of the 2 dimensionalorthogonal group. Let ` be the set of odd primes. Then X` satisfies

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i) π1X` = 0

ii) H∗(X`;Z /p) = Z /p[x4], p odd.

These imply

iii) ΩX`∼= S3

` .

So the 2 non-zero homotopy groups of O2 have been convertedinto the infinitely many non-zero groups of S3

` .

More precisely,


odd primes


and for (BO2)p,

π1, π2, π3, π4, . . . , π2p, . . . ∼= 0, 0, 0, Zp, 0, 0, . . . , 0,Z /p, . . .

The calculation ii) is discussed in more detail in Chapter 4 under“principal spherical fibrations”.

Formal Completion

We give a construction which generalizes the completion construc-tion

rational numbers⊗bZ`−−→ `-adic numbers .

Let X be a countable complex8. Then X may be written as anincreasing union of finite subcomplexes

X0 ⊂ X1 ⊂ X2 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Xn ⊂ · · · ⊂ X .

Definition (Formal `-completion) The formal `-completion is de-fined by

X` =∞⋃


(Xn)` ,

8This condition is unnecessary – a more elaborate mapping cylinder construction may beused for higher cardinalities.

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the infinite mapping telescope of the `-profinite completions of thefinite subcomplexes Xn.

Note that Xn is a CW complex and the functor

[ , X`]

has a partial topology. If Y is a finite complex then

[Y, X`] ∼= lim−→n

[Y, (Xn)`]9

∼= lim→ profinite spaces

has the direct limit topology.

Proposition 3.17 The homotopy type of X` and the partial topologyon

[ , X`]

only depend on the homotopy type of X.

Proof: If Xj is another filtering of X by finite subcomplexes, wecan find systems of maps

Xi → Xj(i)

Xj → Xi(j)

because the CW topology on X forces any map of a compact spaceinto X to be inside Xi (Xj) for some i (for some j). The compositions

Xj → Xi(j) → Xj(i(j))

Xi → Xj(i) → Xi(j(i))

are the given inclusions. So the induced maps




[Y, Xi]→← lim−→j

[Y, Xj ] , Y finite

are inverse. In the second line maps are continuous, so this provesthe proposition.

9See proof of Proposition 3.17.

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A similar argument using cellular maps shows that a filtering ona homotopy equivalent space X ′ leads to the same result.

In fact, the formal completion is a functorial construction on thehomotopy category.

The homotopy groups of X` are direct limits of profinite groups.The maps in the direct system are continuous and Z`-module ho-momorphisms. So πiX` is a topological group and a Z`-module.Similarly πiX ⊗ Z` is a Z`-module and a topological group. Thetopology is the direct limit topology

πiX ⊗ Z`∼= lim

−→finitely generated

subgroups H

H` .

Proposition 3.18 If X is simply connected, there is a natural iso-morphism

πiX`∼= πiX ⊗ Z`

of topological groups and Z`-modules.

Proof: Write X as an increasing union of simply connected finitesubcomplexes Xi. Then

πjX`∼= lim−→


πjXi` since Sj is compact,

∼= lim−→i


since π1Xi = 0 and

Xi is finite(Proposition 3.14),

∼= lim−→i


i)⊗ Z`

)since πjX

i is finitely generated,

∼= (lim−→i

πjXi)⊗ Z` since tensoring commutes

with taking direct limits,∼= (πjX)⊗ Z` again using the compactness of Sj,

and all isomorphisms are Z`-homomorphisms and continuous.

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The Arithmetic Square in Homotopy Theory

We consider the homotopy analogue of the arithmetic square,

rational integers =

rational numbers =




Zp = Z

²²Q // Q⊗ Z = Q = finite Adeles .

Say that X is geometric if X is homotopy equivalent to a CWcomplex with only finitely many i-cells for each i. We consider theprocess



localization localization


and assume for now that X is simply connected.

The profinite completion of X, X is a CW complex together witha compact topology on the functor

[ , X] .

In this simply connected geometric case, we saw that this topologycould be recovered from the homotopy type of X. The homotopygroups of X are the Z-modules,

πiX ∼= (πiX ) .

The localization at zero of X, X0 is a countable complex whosehomotopy groups are the finite dimensional Q-vector spaces

πiX0∼= πiX ⊗Q .

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The localization at zero of X gives a map of CW complexes

Xlocalization−−−−−−−−→ (X)0

which in homotopy satisfies


x 7→x⊗1

''NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNlocalization // πi(X)0



The isomorphism is uniquely determined by the requirement ofcommutativity. Thus πi(X)0 has the natural Z-module structure (ortopology) of

πiX ⊗Q ∼= lim−→n

(πiXn−→ πiX) .

The formal completion of X0 may be defined since X0 is countable.This gives a CW complex (X0)

− with a partial topology on

[ , (X0)−] .

In particular, the homotopy group are topological groups and Z-modules; and these with structures satisfy

πi(X0)− ∼= (πiX0)⊗ Z .

Proposition 3.19 Let X be a geometric simply connected complex.Then there is a natural homotopy equivalence between

(X0)− and (X)0 .

The induced isomorphism on homotopy groups preserves the modulestructure over the ring of “finite Adeles”,

Q⊗ Z .

Proof: Filter X by simply connected finite subcomplexes Xi.Then the natural map

X ≡ lim−→i

(Xi) → X

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is a homotopy equivalence (lim→ means infinite mapping telescope).

This follows since our assumptions imply

πiX ∼= πiX ⊗ Z ∼= (πiX ) ∼= πiX .

So apply the formal completion functor to the map

Xl−→ X0 .

This gives a map

Xl−→ (X0)

which on homotopy is a map of Z-modules

πiXl− // πi(X0)

bZ-module isomorphism

πiX ⊗ Z l⊗identity bZ // πiX0 ⊗ Z .

But l is the localization





πiX ⊗Q .

So for the composed map l′


∼= ÂÂ>>>


>l′ // (X0)



we can construct a diagram


x 7→x⊗1


bZ-module isomorphism

πiX ⊗Q .

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Thus (X0)− is a localization at zero for X with the correct Z-

module structure on its homotopy groups. It follows that it has thecorrect (Z⊗Q)-module structure.

Definition Let (X)0 or (X0)− be denoted by XA, the “finite Adele

type of X”. The homotopy groups of XA have the structure of mod-ules over the ring of “finite Adeles”,

A = Q⊗ Z .

Using this equivalence we may form an arithmetic square in ho-motopy theory for X “geometric” and simply connected

“rational type of X” =




profinitecompletion // X




(p-adic completion

of X


X0// XA = “Adele type of X”

In the homotopy level we have




// Z

²²Q // Z⊗Q


This proves the

Proposition 3.20 The arithmetic square is a “fibre square”. Thatis, if

X → XA , X0 → XA

are converted into fibrations, then

Xlocalization−−−−−−−→ X0 and


profinitecompletion−−−−−−−→ X

are equivalent to the induced fibration over X0 and X, respectively.

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Corollary 3.21 X is determined by its rational type X0, its profi-nite completion X, and the equivalence

(X0)− ∼=

e(X)0 (≡ “Adele type of X)” .

e is a Z-module isomorphism of homotopy groups. The triple

(Y0, Y , f)

also determines X iff there are equivalences

X0u−→ Y0 , X

v−→ Y

so that



e // (X)0v0


− f // (Y )0commutes.

In this description of the homotopy type of X one should keep inmind the splitting of spaces

X =∏p


(product of compact representable functors) and maps

v =∏p

vp .

Then one can see how geometric spaces X are built from infi-nitely many p-adic pieces and one rational piece. The fitting to-gether problem is a purely rational homotopy question – with theextra algebraic ingredient of profinite module structures on certainhomotopy groups.

In this pursuit we note the analogue of the construction of Adelespaces in Weil, Adeles and Algebraic Groups (Progress in Mathe-matics 23, Birkhauser, 1982).

Let S be any finite set of primes. Form

XS =( ∏


(Xp)0)× ( ∏




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The second factor is (as usual) constructed using the natural com-

pact topology on the functors [ , Xp].

The XS form a directed system and

Proposition 3.22 The “Adele type” of X satisfies10

XA ∼ lim−→S

XS .

The equivalence preserves the Z-module structures on homotopygroups.

Proof: Using obstruction theory one sees there is a unique exten-sion f in

Y × Y ′

localization × identity²²



Y0 × Y ′f

//___ (Y × Y ′)0 .

Thus we have natural maps


which imply a map



It is easy to see that A induces a Z-module isomorphism of ho-motopy. One only has to check the natural equivalence

Q⊗ Z ∼ lim−→S

( ∏



)× ( ∏




the ring of finite Adeles is the restricted product over all p of thep-adic numbers.

Note: This proposition could be regarded as a description of thelocalization map for a profinite homotopy type X,

X → (X)0 .

10As always direct limit here means infinite mapping cylinder over a cofinal set of S’s.

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Note: In summary, we apply this discussion to the problem of ex-pressing a simply connected space Y – whose homotopy groups arefinitely generated Z-modules – as the profinite completion of somegeometric complex X,

Y ∼= X .

We take Y and form its localization at zero. To do this we couldmake the direct limit construction using the individual p-adic com-

ponents of Y as in Proposition 3.22 (using Y ∼= Y ∼=∏p

Yp). Thisgives the “Adele type”, XA, of X if it exists.

XA is a rational space – its homotopy groups are Q-vector spaces(of uncountable dimension). However, these homotopy groups are

also Z-modules. The problem of finding X then reduces to a problemin rational homotopy theory – find an appropriate “embedding” ofa rational space (with finitely dimensional homotopy groups) intoXA. Namely, a map

X0c−→ XA

so thatπiX0 ⊗ Z →∼=

πiXA ,

as Z-modules.

Then the desired X is the induced “fibre product”



// Y


X0c // XA

For example, in the case of a complex algebraic variety X we seewhat is required to recover the homotopy type of X from the etalehomotopy type of X ∼ X.

We have to find an “appropriate embedding” of the rational typeof X into the localized etale type

X0 → (X)0 .

Note: It is easy to see that any simply connected space Y whose

homotopy groups are finitely generated Q-modules is the localizationof some geometric space X,

Y ∼= X0 .

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One proceeds inductively over a local cell complex for Y =⋃

Yn –


a−→ Yn−1, Yn = Yn−1/Sk0 = cofibre a .

If Xn−1 is constructed so that

(Xn−1)0 ∼= Yn−1 , Xn−1 geometric

we can find a′ so that



a′ // Xn−1



a // Yn−1

commutes, for some choice of the localization Sk → Sk0 . In fact

choose one localization of Sk, then the homotopy element

Sk l−→ Sk0

a−→ Yn−1

may be written (1/m) · a′, where a′ is in the lattice

image (πkXn−1 → πkYn−1) .

Then a′ works for the new localization

Sk → Sk0

m−→∼= Sk0

and Xn = Xn−1/Sk ∼= cofibre a′ satisfies

(Xn)0 ∼= Yn .

This argument also works for localization at some set of primes `.

It would be interesting to analyze the obstructions for carryingout this argument in the profinite case.

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The Local Arithmetic Square

There is an analogous discussion for constructing the “part of Xat `”.

The square of groups



// Z`


` a non-voidset of primes

Q // Q⊗ Z` = `-adic numbers

has the homotopy analogue



// X`


// XA` = (X`)0 = (X0)−` .

The above discussion holds without essential change.

If ` = p, the square becomes



// Xp


// XQp ,


XQp = (Xp)0 = (X0)−p

is the form of X over the p-adic numbers – the p-adic completionof Q.

One is led to ask what XR should be where R is the real numbers– the real completion of Q, and how it fits into this scheme.

For example, the “finite Adele type” XA should be augmented to“the complete Adele type”

XA ×XR .

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Then the fibre of the natural map

X0 → XA ×XR

has compact homotopy groups and this map might be better under-stood.

If ` is the complement of p, then spaces of the form X` can beconstructed algebraically from algebraic varieties in characteristicp.

The problem of filling in the diagram


²²“finite dimensional over Q” → X0

//___ (X`)0

appropriately(π∗(X`)0 ∼= π∗X0 ⊗ Z` as Z-modules

)provides homo-

topy obstructions to lifting the variety to characteristic zero.

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Chapter 4


We will discuss the theory of fibrewise homotopy classes of fibra-tions where the fibres are l-local or l-adic spheres. These theoriesare interrelated according to the scheme of the arithmetic squareand have interesting symmetry.

Definition. A Hurewicz fibration1

ξ : S → E → B

where the fibre is the local sphere Sn−1l , n > 1, is called a local

spherical fibration. The local fibration is oriented if there is givena class in

Uξ ∈ Hn(E → B;Zl)2

which generatesHn(Sn−1

l → ∗;Zl) ∼= Zl

upon restriction.

When l is the set of all primes the theory is more or less familiar,

i) the set of fiberwise homotopy equivalence classes of Sn−1 fibra-tions over X is classified by a homotopy set

[X, BGn] .

1E → B has the homotopy lifting property for maps of spaces into B.2Hn(E → B) means Hn of the pair (mapping cylinder of E → B , E).


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ii) BGn is the classifying space of the associative H-space (compo-sition)

Gn = Sn−1 f−→ Sn−1 | deg f ∈ ±1 = Z∗that is, ΩBGn

∼= Gn as infinitely homotopy associative H-spaces.(Stasheff, Topology 1963, A Classification Theorem for FibreSpaces.)

iii) the oriented theory3 is classified by the homotopy set

[X, BSGn]

where BSGn may be described in two equivalent ways

a) BSGn is the classifying space for the component of the iden-tity map of Sn−1 in Gn, usually denoted SGn.

b) BSGn is the universal cover of BGn, where π1BGn = Z/2.

iv) the involution on the oriented theory obtained by changing ori-entation

ξ → −ξ

corresponds to the covering transformation of BSGn.

v) there are natural inclusions Gn → Gn+1, BGn → BGn+1, corre-sponding to the operation of suspending each fibre. The union

BG =∞⋃



is the classifying space for the “stable theory”.

The stable theory for finite dimensional complexes is just the di-rect limit of the finite dimensional theories under fiberwise suspen-sion. This direct limit converges after a finite number of steps – sowe can think of a map into BG as classifying a spherical fibrationwhose fibre dimension is much larger than that of the base.

For infinite complexes X we can say that a homotopy class ofmaps of X into BG is just the element in the inverse limit of thehomotopy classes of the skeleta of X. This uses the finiteness ofthe homotopy groups of BG (see Chapter 3). Such an element in

3The fibre homotopy equivalences have to preserve the orientation.

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Spherical Fibrations 91

the inverse limit can then be interpreted as an increasing union ofspherical fibrations of increasing dimension over the skeletons of X.

The involution in the “stable theory” is trivial4 and there is acanonical splitting

BG ∼= K(Z/2, 1)×BSG .

Some particular examples can be calculated:

BG1 = RP∞ , BSG1 = S∞ ∼= ∗BG2 = BO2, BSG2

∼= CP∞ ∼= BSO2

All higher BGn’s are unknown although the (finite) homotopygroups of

BG =∞⋃



are much studied.

πi+1BG ∼=stablei-stem ≡ lim−→


πi+k(Sk) .

Stasheff’s explicit procedure does not apply without (semi-simplicial)modification to Sn−1

l -fibrations for l a proper set of primes. In thiscase Sn

l is an infinite complex (though locally compact).

If we consider the l-adic spherical fibrations, namely Hurewiczfibrations with fibre Sn−1

l , the situation is even more infinite. Sn−1l

is an uncountable complex and therefore not even locally compact.

However, Dold’s theory of quasi-fibrations can be used5 to obtainabstract representation theorems for theories of fibrations with ar-bitrary fibre.

Theorem 4.1 (Dold). There are connected CW complexes Bnl and

4This is the germ of the Adams phenomenon.5See Halbexakte Homotopiefunktoren, Springer Lecture Notes 12 (1966), , p. 16.8.

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Bnl so that

theory ofSn−1

l fibrations

∼= [ , Bn

l ]free ,

theory of

Sn−1l fibrations

∼= [ , Bn

l ]free .

Actually, Dold must prove a based theorem first, namely


∼= [ , B]based .

then divide each set into the respective π1B orbits to obtain the freehomotopy statements of the Theorem.

The Main Theorem

Theorem 4.2

i) There is a canonical diagram



fibrewiselocalization //




l -fibrationtheory



which corresponds to a diagram of classifying spaces




l // Bnl


Bnl .

ii) The diagram of fundamental groups is the diagram of units

±1 = Z∗



Z∗l .

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iii) The universal cover of the diagram of classifying spaces is canon-ically isomorphic to


))TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTlocalization at l // (BSGn)l


(BSGn)l .

This diagram classifies the diagram of oriented theories. Theaction of the fundamental groups on the covering spaces corre-sponds to the action of the units on the oriented theories –

(ξ, Uξ) → (ξ, αUξ)

where ξ is the spherical fibration, E → B, Uξ is the orientation

in Hn(E → B; R), α is a unit of R = (Z,Zl, Zl).

The proof of 4.2 is rather long so we defer it to the end of theChapter. However, as corollary to the proof we have

Corollary 1 There are natural equivalences

π0 AutSn−1l

∼= Z∗l ,

(AutSn−1l )

l∼= (SGn)l ,

π0 Aut Sn−1l

∼= Z∗l ,

(Aut Sn−1l )

1∼= (SGn)l .

Here AutX is the singular complex of automorphisms of X – asimplex σ is a homotopy equivalence

σ ×X → X .

The subscript “1” means the component of the identity.

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The Galois Group

A second corollary of the Main Theorem which should be empha-sized is the symmetry in

(BSGn)l and (BSGn)l .

Corollary 2 Since the Theorem shows these spaces classify the

oriented theories they have compatible Z∗l and Z∗l symmetry.

For l = p,Z∗l ∼= Z/2⊕ Free Abelian group

generated by theprimes other

than p


Z/(p− 1)⊕ Zp (p > 2)Z/2⊕ Z2 (p = 2)

So in the complete theory we see how the rather independent sym-metries of the local theory coalesce (topologically) into one compact(topologically) cyclic factor.

We will see below (Corollary 3) that the homotopy groups ofBSGn are finite except for one dimension –

πnBSGn = Z⊕ torsion n even

π2n−2BSGn = Z⊕ torsion n odd

The first (n − 1) finite homotopy groups correspond to the firstn− 2 stable homotopy groups of spheres.

Then (BSGn)l has for homotopy the l-torsion of these groups plus

one Zl (in dimension n or 2n− 2, respectively).

The units Z∗l act trivially on the low dimensional, stable groups

but non-trivially on the higher groups. For example, for n even we

have the natural action of Z∗l on

πn(BSGn)l /mod torsion ∼= Zl .

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On the higher groups the action measures the effect of the degreeα map on the homotopy groups of a sphere. This action is com-putable up to extension in terms of Whitehead products and Hopfinvariants. It seems especially interesting at the prime 2.

The Rational Theory

If l is vacuous, the local theory is the “rational theory”. Usingthe fibration

[(Ωn−1Sn−1)1 → SGn → Sn−1]localized at l = 0

it is easy to verify

Corollary 3 Oriented Sn−1∅ fibrations are classified by

i) an Euler class in Hn(base;Q) for n even

ii) a “Hopf class” in H2n−2(base;Q) for n odd.

It is not too difficult6 to see an equivalence of fibration sequences

[. . . // SG2n

∼= evalu-ation²²

// SG2n+1


// SG2n+1/SG2n


// BSG2n


// BSG2n+1]∅Hopfclass²²

. . . // S2n−1∅ // S4n−1

∅ Whiteheadproduct

// S2n∅ // K(Q , 2n)


// K(Q , 4n)

Corollary 3 has a “twisted analogue” for unoriented bundles.

Stably the oriented rational theory is trivial. The unoriented sta-ble theory is just the theory of Q coefficient systems, H1( ;Q∗).

Note that Corollary 3 (part i) twisted or untwisted checks withthe equivalence


∼= K(Q , 2n− 1) .

The group of units in Q

Q∗ ∼= Z/2⊕ free Abelian group generatedby the primes

6It is convenient to compare the fibrations SOn → SOn+1 → Sn, (ΩSn)1 → SGn+1 → Sn.

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acts in the oriented rational theory by the natural action for n evenand the square of the natural action for n odd.

The Stable Theory

Corollary 3

i) For the stable oriented theories, we have the isomorphisms

oriented stablel-localtheory

∼=oriented stable







ii) The unoriented stable theory is canonically isomorphic to thedirect product of the oriented stable theory and the theory of Zl

or Zl coefficient systems.



, K(Z∗l )×∏






, K(Z∗l )×




iii) The action of the Galois group (units of l-adic integers) is trivialin the stable oriented theory.


i) Since BSG has finite homotopy groups there is a canonical split-ting

BSG ∼=∏p


into its p-primary components.

Clearly, for finite dimensional spaces[,∏



] ∼= [ , (BSG)l]

∼= [ , lim→ (BSGn)l]

∼= lim→ oriented Sn−1l theories

∼= stable oriented local theory .

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Also, because of the rational structure


((BSGn)l → (BSGn)l


is an isomorphism. This completes the proof of i) since the stableoriented l-adic theory is classified by

limn→∞ (BSGn)l .

ii) Consider the l-adic case. A coefficient system

α ∈ H1( , Z∗l )

determines an S1l -bundle α by letting the units act on some repre-

sentative of S1l by homeomorphisms. (A functorial construction

of K(Zl, 1) will suffice.)

Represent a stable oriented l-adic fibration by an l-local fibrationγ using the isomorphism of i). The fiberwise join α∗γ determinesa (cohomologically twisted) l-adic fibration since

S1l ∗ Sn−1

l∼= Sn+1

l .

One easily checks (using the discussion in the proof of Theorem4.2) that this construction induces a map

K(Z∗l , 1)× (BSG)l →





which is an isomorphism on homotopy groups.

The local case is similar. In fact an argument is unnecessarysince one knows a priori (using Whitney join) that the stablelocal theory is additive.

iii) The action of the Galois group is clearly trivial using ii). Or, moredirectly in the local theory the action is trivial because there areautomorphisms of

S1l fibre joinγ , γ an oriented local fibration

which change the orientation by any unit of Zl. Then the action

of the profinite group Z∗l is trivial by continuity.

Note that part iii) of Corollary 3 is a “pure homotopy theoreticalAdams Conjecture”.

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The Inertia of Intrinsic Stable Fibre Homotopy Types

We generalize the “purely homotopy theoretical Adams conjec-ture” of the previous Corollary 3, iii).


B0 → · · · → Bni−→ Bn+1 → . . .

be a sequence of spaces. Assume that each space is the base of aspherical fibration of increasing fibre dimension

Sdn → γn → Bn ,

and that these fit together in the natural way


(γn fibre join Sdn+1−dn


We will study the “stable bundle”

B∞γ−→ BG ,

where B∞ = mapping telescope Bn, and a representative of γ isconstructed from the γn and the equivalences fn.7

The basic assumption about the “stable fibration” γ is that it is“intrinsic to the filtration” Bn of B∞ – there are arbitrarily largeintegers n so that the spherical fibration γn+1 is strongly approxi-mated by the map

Bn → Bn+1 ,

i.e. the natural composition

Bncross section−−−−−−−−→ i∗γn+1

i∗−→ γn+1

is an equivalence over the d(n)-skeleton where(d(n)−dn


infinity as n approaches infinity.

7Recall from Chapter 3 that mapping into BG defines a compact representable functor. γn

over Bn determines a unique map Bn(γn)−−−→ BG and γ is the unique element in the inverse

limit lim← [Bn, BG] ∼= [B∞, BG] defined by these. In particular, γ is independent of the

equivalences fn.

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The natural stable bundles

“orthogonal” BO → BG ,“unitary” BU → BG ,“symplectic” BSp → BG ,“piecewise linear” BPL → BG ,“topological” BTop → BG ,“homotopy” BG −−−−−→


are “intrinsic” to the natural filtrations

BOn , BUn , BSpn , BPLn , BTopn , BGn .

We make the analogous definition of intrinsic in the local or l-adic spherical fibration context. In the oriented case we are thenstudying certain maps,

B∞ → (BSG)l∼=


(BSG)p .

It is clear that the localization or completion of an intrinsic stablefibration is intrinsic.

Theorem (Inertia of intrinsic fibre homotopy type)Let γ be a stable spherical fibration over B∞ (ordinary, local orcomplete) which is intrinsic to a filtration Bn of B∞. Let A∞ beany filtered automorphism of B∞,

B∞A∞−−→ B∞ = lim


An−−→∼= Bn


Then A∞ preserves the fibre homotopy type of γ, that is




A∞ // B∞





Proof: Assume for convenience dn = n and d(n) = 2n. The di-mensions used below are easily modified to remove this intuitivesimplification.

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We have the spherical fibrations

Sdn // γn


Sdn+1 // γn+1


i // Bn+1

i∗γn+1∼= γn fibre join Sdn−dn−1 ,

the filtered automorphism

fibre j = Fn → Bn


An // Bn


Bn+1An+1 // Bn+1

and the map e which is a d(n)-skeleton equivalence,


cross section ##GGGGGGGGe // γn+1



We can assume that An+1 is a skeleton-preserving map, that An

is fibre preserving in the sequence

Fn → Bn → Bn+1 ,

and that e is a fibre preserving map covering the identity.

We restrict e and (An+1, An) to the pertinent spaces lying over then-skeleton of Bn+1 –

γn+1/ Bn/e/



An/ // Bn/


An+1/// (Bn+1)n-skeleton

Then we make e/ and An/ cellular and restrict these to 2n-skeletonsgiving

(γn+1/)2n-skeleton(e/)2n-skeleton←−−−−−−− (Bn/)2n-skeleton

(An/)2n-skeleton−−−−−−−−→ (Bn/)2n-skeleton.

The second map is still an equivalence, while the first map be-comes an equivalence by the intrinsic hypothesis. On the otherhand,

γn+1/ → (Bn+1)n-skeleton

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Spherical Fibrations 101

is a Sn-fibration, so

γn+1/ ∼= (γn+1/)2n-skeleton .

We can then transform the automorphism of (An/)2n-skeleton using

(e/)2n-skeleton to obtain an automorphism A of γn+1/ covering theautomorphism (An+1)n-skeleton,



∼=eA // γn+1/


(An+1)n-skeleton // (Bn+1)n-skeleton

Then the composition

γn+1/eA−→ γn+1

A∗n+1←−−− A∗n+1(γn+1/)

is a fibre homotopy equivalence

γn+1/ ∼ A∗n+1(γn+1/)

covering the identity map of (Bn+1)n-skeleton.

Letting n go to infinity gives the desired homotopy commutativity




A∞ // B∞




Corollary Any automorphism of BG which keeps the filtrationBGn invariant is homotopic to the identity map.

Remark: There is at least one homotopy equivalence of BG whichis not the identity – the homotopy inverse

x 7→ x−1

defined by the H-space structure in BG.

Remark: In the intrinsic examples above BO, BPL,BG, . . . , the fil-tered automorphisms are precisely those operations in bundles whichgive isomorphisms and preserve the geometric fibre dimension. That

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is they are isomorphisms which are geometric in character. The The-orem can then be paraphrased “geometric automorphisms of bundletheories preserve the stable fibre homotopy type”.

When is an l-adic fibration the completion of a localfibration?

According to Chapters 1 and 3 there are the fibre squares



// Zl


Q ⊗Zl

// Ql




// (BSGn)l

²²(BSGn)0 // (BSGn)formal l-completion


This leads to the

Corollary 4 An oriented Sn−1l -fibration is the completion of a

Sn−1l -fibration iff

a) for n even, the image of the Euler class under

Hn(base; Zl) −−→⊗Q Hn(base; Ql)

is rational, namely in the image of

Hn(base;Q) −−→⊗bZl

Hn(base; Ql) .

b) For n odd, the Hopf class, which is only defined in

H2n−2(base; Ql)

is rational.

Proof: The fibre square above is equivalent to (n even)


rationalEuler class


// (BSGn)l

l-adicEuler class²²

K(Q , n) // K(Ql, n)

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The corollary is a restatement of one of the properties of a fibresquare. Namely, in the fibre square of CW complexes



// B

²²C // D

maps into C and B together with a class of homotopies betweentheir images in D determine a class of maps into A.

Addendum. Another way to think of the connection is this – since



(BSGn)p ,

a local Sn−1l -fibration is a collection of Sn−1

p -fibrations one for eachp in l together with the coherence condition that the characteristicclasses (either Euler or Hopf, with coefficients in Qp) they determineare respectively in the image of a single rational class.

Principal Spherical Fibrations

Certain local (or l-adic) spheres are naturally homotopy equiva-lent to topological groups. Thus we can speak of principal sphericalfibrations. The classifying space for these principal fibrations is easyto describe and maps into the classifying space for oriented sphericalfibrations.

Proposition (p odd) Sn−1p is homotopy equivalent to a topological

group (or loop space) iff n is even and n divides 2p− 2.8

Corollary S2n−1l is homotopy equivalent to a loop space iff

l ⊆ p : Z/n ⊆ p-adic units .

Let S2n−1l have classifying space P∞(n, l), then

ΩP∞(n, l) ∼= S2n−1l .

8For p = 2, it is well known that only S1, S3 and S7 are H-spaces, and S7 is not a loopspace.

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The fibrationS2n−1

l → ∗ → P∞(n, l)


i) H∗(P∞(n, l);Zl

)is isomorphic to a polynomial algebra on one

generator in dimension 2n.

ii) For each choice of an orientation of S2n−1l there is a natural map

P∞(n, l) → (BSG2n)l .

In cohomology the universal Euler class in (BSG2n)l restricts tothe polynomial generator in P∞(n, l).

Proof of the proposition: A rational argument implies a spher-ical H-space has to be odd dimensional.

If Sn−1p is a loop space, ΩBn, it is clear that the mod p cohomology

of Bn is a polynomial algebra on one generator in dimension n.Looking at Steenrod operations implies λ divides (p−1)pk for some k,where n = 2λ. Looking at secondary operations – using Liulevicius’mod p analysis generalizing the famous mod 2 analysis of Adamsshows k = 0, namely λ divides p− 1.

On the other hand, if λ divides p− 1 we can construct Bn directly–

i) embed Z/λ in Z/(p− 1) ⊆ Z∗p ,

ii) choose a functorial K(Zp, 2) on which Z∗p acts freely by cellular


iii) form

Bn =(K(Zp, 2)/(Z/λ)


We obtain a p-adically complete space which is simply connected,has mod p cohomology a polynomial algebra on one generator indimension n and whose loop space is Sn−1

p .

In more detail, the mod p cohomology of K(Zp, 2)/(Z/λ) is the

invariant cohomology in K(Zp, 2) –

(1, x, x2, x3, . . . ) α−→ (1, αx, α2x2, . . . ), αλ = 1 .

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This follows since λ is prime to p and we have the spectral sequenceof the fibration

K(Zp, 2) → K(Zp, 2)/(Z/λ) → K(Z/λ, 1) .

Bn is simply connected since


(K(Zp, 2)/(Z/λ)


= (Z/λ)p = 0 .

Bn is then (n− 1)-connected by the Hurewicz theorem.

The space of loops on Bn is an (n− 2)-connected p-adically com-plete space whose mod p cohomology is one Z/p in dimension n− 1.The integral homology of ΩBn is then one Zp in dimension n−1 and

we have the p-adic sphere Sn−1p .

Proof of the Corollary. If l is contained in p : n divides (p −1)9 construct the “fibre product” of



²²K(Q , 2n) // K(Ql, 2n)

where Bp2n is the de-loop space of S2n−1

p constructed above.

If we take loop spaces, we get the fibre square








//(S2n−10 )−l .

Thom Isomorphism

(Thom) A Sn−1l -fibration with orientation

Uξ ∈ Hn(E → X;Zl)

9The case left out is taken care of by S3l .

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determines a Thom isomorphism

H i(X;Zl)∪Uξ−−→∼= H i+n(E → X;Zl) .

This is proved for example by induction over the cells of the baseusing Mayer-Vietoris sequences.

Conversely (Spivak), given a pair Af−→ X and a class

U ∈ Hn(A → X;Zl)

such thatH i(X;Zl)

∪U−−→ H i+n(A → X;Zl)

is an isomorphism, then under appropriate fundamental group as-

sumptions Af−→ X determines an oriented Sn−1

l -fibration.

For example if the fundamental group of X acts trivially on thefibre of f , then an easy spectral sequence argument shows that

H∗(fibre f ;Zl) ∼= H∗(Sn−1l ;Zl) .

If further fibre f is a “simple space” a fiberwise localization10 ispossible, and this produces a Sn−1

l -fibration over X,

fibre f


// A



// X


// E // X

A similar situation exists for l-adic spherical fibrations.

Whitney Join

The Whitney join operation defines pairings between the Sn−1l ,

Sm−1l theories and Sn+m−1

l theories. We form the join of the fibres

(Sn−1l and Sm−1

l ) over each point in the base and obtain a Sn+m−1l -


This of course uses the relation

Sn−1l ∗ Sm−1

l∼= Sn+m−1

l .

10See proof of Theorem 4.2.

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The analogous relation is not true in the complete context. How-ever, we can say that

(Sn−1l ∗ Sm−1

l )l∼= Sn+m−1

l .

Thus fibre join followed by fiberwise completion defines a pairingin the l-adic context.

Proof of 4.2: (page 92)

i) The map l is constructed by fiberwise localization. Let ξ be afibration over a simplex σ with fibre F , and let ∂l

ξ | ∂σ

fibre F ##FFFFFFFF∂l // ∂ξ′

fibre Fl||||



(F a “simple space”)

be a fibre preserving map which localizes each fibre. Then fillingin the diagram

ξ | ∂σ



// ξ


∼= σ × F


²²∂ξ′ t //____ Fl F


gives an extension of the fiberwise localization ∂l to all of σ.Namely,




>l // ξ′




= mapping cone of t

∼ =

σ × Fl


But t exists by obstruction theory,

H∗(∂ξ′, ξ | ∂σ; π∗Fl) ∼= H∗(∂σ × (Fl, F );Zl -module)

= 0 .

Thus we can fiberwise localize any fibration with “simple fibre”by proceeding inductively over the cells of the base. We ob-tain a “homotopically locally trivial” fibration which determinesa unique Hurewicz fibration with fibre Fl.

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The same argument works for fiberwise completion,

F → Fl

wheneverH∗(Fl, F ; Zl) = 0 .

But this is true for example when F = Sn−1 or Sn−1l .

This shows we have the diagram of i) for objects. The argumentfor maps and commutativity is similar.

To prove ii) and iii) we discuss the sequence of theories

U :


f−→ SR-fibrations w−→ H1( , R∗)

where SR = Sn−1, Sn−1l , or Sn−1

l ; and R is Z, Zl, or Zl.

The first map forgets the orientation.

The second map replaces each fibre by its reduced integral homol-ogy. This gives an R coefficient system classified by an element inH1( ;R∗).

Now the covering homotopy property implies that an SR fibrationover a sphere Si+1 can be built from a homotopy automorphism ofSi × SR preserving the projection Si × SR → Si. We can regard thisas a map of Si into the singular complex of automorphisms of SR,AutSR.

For i = 0, the fibration is determined by the component of theimage of the other point on the equator. But in the sequence

π0 AutSR → [SR, SR] → πn−1SR → Hn−1SR

the first map is an injection and the second and third are isomor-phisms. Thus

π0 AutSR∼= R∗ ∼= Aut (Hn−1SR) .

This proves ii) and the fact that oriented bundles over S1 are allequivalent.

More generally, an orientation of an SR fibration determines anembedding of the trivial fibration SR → ∗ into it. This embeddingin turn determines the orientation over a connected base.

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Thus if the orientation sequence U corresponds to the sequenceof classifying spaces

BRf−→ BR

w−→ K(R∗, 1)

we see that for i > 0

πi+1BR ∼= [Si+1, BR]free∼= oriented bundles over Si+1

∼= based bundles over Si+1

∼= [Si+1, BR]based

∼= πi+1BR .

So on homotopy we have

∗ f−→ R∗ w−→∼= R∗ for π1 ,

πi+1f−→∼= πi+1 → ∗ for πi+1 .

Therefore, U is the universal covering space sequence.

Also the correspondence between based and oriented bundles showsthe R∗ actions correspond as stated in iii).

We are left to prove the first part of iii).

The cell by cell construction of part i) shows we can construct(cell by cell) a natural diagram

Gn = AutSn−1




Aut Sn−1l

Also, a based or oriented SR-fibration over Si+1 has a well definedcharacteristic element,

Si → component of the identity of AutSR .

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So we need to calculate the homotopy in the diagram


c &&LLLLLLLLLLL// (AutSn−1

l )1


(Aut Sn−1l )


For example, to study c look at the diagram

(Sn−1, Sn−1)based1



c1 // (Sn−1l , Sn−1

l )based





c // (Aut Sn−1l )




c0 // Sn−1l .

Now c0 just tensors the homotopy with Zl.

An element in πi of the upper right hand space is just a homotopyclass of maps

Si × SR → SR , SR = Sn−1l

which is the identity on ∗×SR and constant along Si×∗. By trans-lation to the component of the constant we get a map which is alsoconstant along ∗ × SR, thus a homotopy class of maps

Si ∧ SR → SR .

This homotopy set is isomorphic to

[Sn+i−1l , Sn−1

l ] ∼= [Sn+i−1, Sn−1l ] ∼= πn+i−1S

n−1 ⊗ Zl .

The naturality of this calculation shows c1 also l-adically com-pletes the homotopy groups.

There is a long exact homotopy sequence for the vertical sequenceon the left.

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A proof of this which works on the right goes as follows. Look atthe obstructions to completing the diagram


∗ × σi+1

σi+1 × SR

∂σi+1 × SR ∪ σi+1 × ∗SR

These lie inHk

((σi+1, ∂σi+1)× (SR, ∗);πk−1SR


But these are all zero except k = n + i and this group is just


∼= πi(“fibre”) .

So we can construct an exact homotopy sequence on the right.

This means that c also tensors the homotopy with Zl.

This proves that

BSGn → universal cover Bln

is just l-adic completion.

The localization statement is similar so this completes the proofof iii) and the Theorem.

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Chapter 5


(Etale1 Homotopy Theory)


We discuss a beautiful theory from algebraic geometry about thehomotopy type of algebraic varieties.

The main point is this – there is a purely algebraic construction ofthe profinite completion of the homotopy type of a complex algebraicvariety.

We will be concerned with affine varieties over the complex num-bers, V ⊂ Ck, such as

GL (n,C) ⊆ Cn2+1 = (x11, x12, . . . , xnn, y) | det(xij) · y = 1 .

We also want to consider algebraic varieties of finite type builtfrom a finite collection of affine varieties by algebraic pasting suchas

P 1(C) = space of lines in C2 = A1 ∪A2

where the pasting diagram

A1 ← A1 ∩A2 → A2

1“etale” equals smooth.


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is isomorphic to


C− 0 −−−−−−→inversion

C .

The role of C in the above definition is only that of “field of defin-ition”. Both of these definition schemes work over any commutativering R giving varieties (defined over R)

GL (n,R) and P 1(R) .

For this last remark it is important to note that the coefficients inthe defining relation of GL (n,C) and the pasting function for P 1(C)naturally lie in the ring R (since they lie in Z).

The notion of a prescheme over R has been formulated2 to de-scribe the object obtained by the general construction of glueingtogether affine varieties over R.

The notion of algebraic variety over R (or scheme) is derived fromthis by imposing a closure condition on the diagonal map.

One of the main points is –

To any prescheme S there is a naturally associated etale homo-topy type ε(S). The etale homotopy type is an inverse system ofordinary homotopy types. These homotopy types are constructedfrom “algebraic coverings” (= etale coverings) of the prescheme S.

One procedure is analogous3 to the construction of the Cech nerveof a topological covering of a topological space.

As in the Cech theory the homotopy types are indexed by the setof coverings which is partially ordered by refinement.

In Artin-Mazur4, a number of theorems are proved about therelationship between

i) the classical homotopy type of a variety over the complex num-bers and its etale homotopy type.

2For precise definitions see for example I. G. Macdonald , Algebraic Geometry. Introductionto Schemes, Benjamin (1968)3For a simple description of this construction see p. 456 of Lubkin, On a Conjecture of Weil,American Journal of Mathematics 89, 443–548 (1967).4Etale Homotopy, Springer Lecture Notes 100 (1969).

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ii) various etale homotopy types for one variety over different groundrings.

For example,

Theorem 5.1 If V is an algebraic variety of finite type over C, thenthere is a natural homotopy class of maps


classicalhomotopy type

f−→ Vet

etalehomotopy type


inverse systemof “nerves” ofetale covers

of V

inducing an isomorphism on cohomology with finite coefficients

H∗(V ; A) −→∼= lim→etale cover

H∗(nerve; A)

A finite Abelian (twisted or untwisted).

Actually, Artin and Mazur use a more elaborate (than Cech like)construction of the “nerves” – interlacing the actual nerves for sys-tems of etale coverings.

This construction uses Verdier’s concept of a hypercovering.

They develop some homotopy theory for inverse systems of ho-motopy types. The maps

Xi → Yi




[Xi, Xj ] .

Theorem 5.1 then implies for X a complex algebraic variety of finitetype

5One has to assume that X satisfies some further condition so that the homotopy groups ofthe “nerve” are finite – normal or non-singular suffices. Anyway, if they are not, one canprofinitely complete the nerve and then take an inverse limit to construct bX algebraically.

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etale homotopy type of X ≡ inverse system ofhomotopy types withfinite homotopy groups5

∼= Ff .in the sense

of mapsdescribed above

f is the category used in Chapter 3, X f−→ F, to construct theprofinite completion of the classical homotopy type.

Thus we can take the inverse limit of the “nerve” of etale coveringsand obtain an algebraic construction for the profinite completion ofthe classical homotopy type of X.

We try to motivate the success of the etale method. To do thiswe discuss a slight modification of Lubkin’s (Cech-like) constructionin certain examples. Then we study the “complete etale homo-topy type” and its Galois symmetry in the case of the finite Grass-mannian.

For motivation one might keep in mind the “Inertia Lemma” ofChapter 4.

Intuitive Discussion of the Etale Homotopy Type

Let V be an (irreducible) complex algebraic variety. Let us con-sider the problem of calculating the cohomology of V by algebraicmeans. It will turn out that we can succeed if we consider only finitecoefficients. (Recall that the cohomology of a smooth manifold canbe described analytically in terms of differential forms if we considerreal coefficients.)

The singular method for calculating cohomology involves the no-tion of a continuous map

simplex −→ underlying topological space of V

so we abandon it.

The Cech method only involves the formal lattice of open sets forthe topology of V . Some part of this lattice is algebraic in nature.

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In fact we have

lattice ofsubvarieties of



latticeof open sets

which assigns to each algebraic subvariety the complement – a “Zariskiopen set”.

The open sets in image c define the Zariski topology in V –which is algebraic in nature.

Consider the Cech scheme applied to this algebraic part of thetopology of V . Let Uα be a finite covering of V by Zariski opensets.

Proposition If Uα has (n + 1) elements, then the Cech nerve ofUα is the n-simplex, ∆n.

The proof follows from the simple fact that any finite intersectionof non-void Zariski open sets is a non-void Zariski open set – eachis everywhere dense being the complement of a real codimension 2subvariety.

n = 2

Notice also that if we close U under intersections (and regard all theintersections as being distinct), the simplices of the first barycentricsubdivision of the n-simplex,

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correspond to strings of inclusions

Ui1 ⊆ Ui2 ⊆ · · · ⊆ Uin .

Since the homology of the n-simplex is trivial we gain nothingfrom a direct application of the Cech method to Zariski coverings.

At this point Grothendieck enters with a simple generalizationwith brilliant and far-reaching consequences.

i) First notice that the calculation scheme of Cech cohomology fora covering may be defined for any category. (We regard Uα asa category – whose objects are the Uα and whose morphisms arethe inclusions Uα ⊆ Uβ.)

We describe Lubkin’s geometric scheme for doing this below.

ii) Consider categories constructed from coverings of X by “etalemappings”,

Uαπ−→ Uα ⊆ X .

Uα is a Zariski open set in X and π is a finite6 covering map.(The images of π are assumed to cover X.)

The objects in this category are the maps

Uαπ−→ X

and the morphisms are the commutative diagrams



@////// Uβ




(three morphisms)

So the generalization consists in allowing several maps Uα→→ Uβ,

instead of only considering inclusions.

Actually Grothendieck generalizes the notion of a topology usingsuch etale coverings and develops sheaf cohomology in this context.

It is clear from the definition that the lattice of all such categories(constructed from all the etale coverings of X) contains the followinginformation:

6Only finite coverings are algebraic. Riemann began the proof of the converse.

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i) the formal lattice of coverings by Zariski open sets

ii) that aspect of the “lattice of fundamental groups” of the Zariskiopen sets which is detected by looking at finite (algebraic) cov-erings of these open sets.

To convert this information into homotopy theory we make the

Definition (The nerve of a category) If C is a category define asemi-simplicial complex S(C) as follows –

the vertices are the objects of Cthe 1-simplices are the morphisms of C...the n-simplices are the strings of n-morphisms in C ,

O0f1−→ O1

f2−→ . . .fn−→ On .

The face operations are obtained by composing maps. The de-generacies are obtained by inserting the identity map to expand thestring.

The “nerve of the category” is the geometric realization of S(C).The homology, cohomology and homotopy of the category are de-fined to be those of the nerve.

To work with the nerve of a category geometrically it is convenientto suppress the degenerate simplices – those strings

O0f1−→ O1

f2−→ . . .fn−→ On

where some fi is the identity.

The examples below begin to give one a feeling for manipulatingthe homotopy theory of categories directly without even going tothe geometric realization of the category.

Example 0

i) The non-degenerate part of the nerve of the category

A → B ←← C

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is the semi-simplicial complex

ii) If K is a simplicial complex, let C(K) denote the category whoseobjects are the simplices of K and whose morphisms are the facerelations

σ < τ .

Then the non-degenerate part of the nerve of C(K) is the firstbarycentric subdivision of K.

K nerve of C(K)

iii) If there is at most one morphism between any two objects of C,then nerve C(U) forms a simplicial complex.

iv) If C has a final object A, then the nerve is contractible. In fact

nerve C ∼= cone(nerve (C −A)


v) C and its opposite category have isomorphic nerves.

The next example illustrates Lubkin’s ingenious method of utiliz-ing the nerves of categories.

Example 1 Let U = Uα be a finite covering of a finite polyhedronK. Suppose

i) K − Uα is a subcomplex

ii) Uα is contractible

iii) Uα is “locally directed”, i.e. given x ∈ Uα ∩ Uβ there is a Uγ

such that x ∈ Uγ ⊆ Uα ∩ Uβ.

Then following Lubkin we can construct the subcovering of “smallestneighborhoods”, C(U). Namely Uα ∈ C(U), iff there is an x such that

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Uα is the smallest element of U containing x. (Property iii) and thefiniteness of U implies each x has a unique “smallest neighborhood”.)

We regard C(U) as a category with objects the Uα and morphismsthe inclusions between them.

Proposition 5.1nerve C(U) ∼= K .

Proof: Suppose K is triangulated so that

i) each simplex of K is in some element Uα of C(U).

ii) For each Uα of C(U) the maximal subcomplex of the first barycen-tric subdivision of K, K(Uα) which is contained in Uα is con-tractible.

(If this is not so we can subdivide K so that

i) each simplex is smaller than the Lebesgue number of U

ii) each complement K − Uα is full – it contains a simplex iff itcontains the vertices.)

Then the category C(U) is equivalent to a category of contractiblesubcomplexes of K, K(Uα). It is easy now to define a canonicalhomotopy class of maps

nerve C(U)f−→ K


Map each vertex Uα of nerve C(U) to a vertex of Kα. Map each1-simplex Uα → Uβ of nerve C(U) to a (piecewise linear) path in Kβ.

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We proceed in this way extending the map piecewise-linearly overnerve C(U) using the contractibility of the K(Uα)’s.

We construct a map the other way.

To each simplex σ associate Uσ the smallest neighborhood of thebarycenter of σ. One can check7 that Uσ is the smallest neighbor-hood of x for each x in the interior of σ.

It follows that σ < τ implies Uσ ⊆ Uτ .

So map each simplex in the first barycentric subdivision of K,

σ1 < σ2 < · · · < σn , σi ∈ K

to the simplex in nerve C(U),

Uσn ⊆ Uσn−1 ⊆ · · · ⊆ Uσ1 .

This gives a simplicial map

K ′ −→g

nerve C(U) , K ′ = 1st barycentric subdivision .

Now consider the compositions

K ′ −→g

nerve C(U) −→f


nerve C(U)f−→ K = K ′ g−→ nerve C(U) .

One can check for the first composition that a simplex of K ′

σ1 < · · · < σn

has image in K(Uα1). A homotopy to the identity is then easilyconstructed.

For the second composition consider a triangulation L of nerveC(U) so that f is simplicial.8 For each simplex σ of L consider

a) the smallest simplex of nerve C(U) containing σ, say U1 ⊂ U2 ⊂· · · ⊂ Un.

7The subset of Uα consisting of those points for which Uα is the “smallest neighborhood” isobtained by removing a finite number of Uβ ’s from Uα. It this consists of open simplices.8f may be so constructed that this is possible.

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b) all the open sets in C(U) obtained by taking “smallest neighbor-hoods” of barycenters of f∗τ , τ a face of σ.

Let C(σ) denote the subcategory of C(U) generated by U1, U2, . . . , Un;the open sets of b); and all the inclusions between them.

The construction of f/σ takes place in Un so all the objects ofC(σ) lie in Un. This implies nerve C(σ) is a contractible subcomplexof C(U)

(C(σ) has a final object – Un.


Also by construction τ < σ implies C(τ) ⊆ C(σ). g f and theidentity map are both carried by

σ → C(σ) ,

that isI(σ) ⊆ C(σ) ,

g f(σ) ⊆ C(σ) .

The desired homotopy is now easily constructed by induction overthe simplices of L.

Note: The canonical map

KgU−→ nerve C(U) U = Uα

C(U) = category of “smallest neighborhoods” .

is defined under the assumptions

i) K − Uα is a subcomplex

ii) U is finite and locally directed.

We might prematurely say that maps like gU

(for slightly morecomplicated U ’s) comprise Lubkin’s method of approximating thehomotopy type of algebraic varieties.

The extra complication comes from allowing the categories to havemany morphisms between two objects.

Example 2 Let π be a group. Let C(π) be the following category:

C(π) has one object π

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the morphisms of this object are the elements of π. These composeaccording to the group law in π.

ThenN = nerve of C(π) ∼= K(π, 1) ,

the space with one non-zero homotopy group π in discussion one.

Proof: First consider π1N . In the van Kampen description of π1 ofa complex we take the group generated by the edge paths beginningand ending at the base point with relations coming from the 2-cells,

(See Hilton and Wylie, Homology Theory, CUP (1960).)

Now N has only one vertex (the object π).

An element of π then determines a loop at this vertex. From thevan Kampen description we see that this gives an isomorphism

π −→∼= π1N .

Now consider the cells of N . The non-degenerate n-cells corre-spond precisely to the n-tuples of elements of π,

(g1, . . . , gn) : gi 6= 1 .

An n-cell of the universal cover N is an n-cell of N with an equiv-alence class of edge paths connecting it to the base point.

We obtain a non-degenerate n-cell in N for each element in π andeach non-degenerate n-cell in N .

It is not hard to identify the chain complex obtained from the cellsof the universal cover N with the “bar resolution of π”. (MacLane– Homology Springer (1967), p. 114.)

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Thus N is acyclic.

But N is also simply connected, thus

π ∼ K(π, 1) .

The preceding two examples admit a common generalization whichseems to be the essential topological fact behind the success of etalecohomology.

Example 3 Let U be a locally directed covering of X by K(π, 1)’s,

πiUα = 0 if i > 1 , Uα ∈ U .

Consider the “generalized etale”9 covering of X by the universalcovers of the Uα

Uα → X

and construct the category of “smallest neighborhoods” as before.(We assume for all x ∈ U only finitely many U ’s contain x). Themaps are now all commutative diagrams



@// //// Uβ



X .

Then X is homotopy equivalent to

nerve C(U) .

A map X → nerve C(U) is slightly harder to construct than inexample 1. It is convenient to use contractible “Cech coverings”which refine U as in Theorem 5.12 below.

One homological proof can then be deduced from Theorem 2,p. 475 of Lubkin, On a Conjecture of Weil, American Journal ofMathematics 89, 443–548 (1967).

Rather than pursue a precise discussion we consider some spe-cific examples. They illustrate the geometric appeal of the Lubkinconstruction of etale cohomology.

9We are allowing infinite covers.

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i) (the circle, S1) Consider the category determined by the singlecovering map,

Rx 7→eix−−−−→

πS1 .

This category Z has one object, the map π, and infinitely manymorphisms, the translations of R preserving π.

The nerve of Z has the homotopy type of a K(Z , 1) ∼= S1.

ii) (the two sphere, S2) Let p and σ denote two distinct points ofS2. Consider the category over S2 determined by the maps

object name

S2 − p⊆−→ S2 e

S2 − q⊆−→ S2 e′

(universal cover S2 − p− q) → S2 Z .

The category has three objects and might be denoted

C ≡ e ← Z→ e′ .

e and e′ have only the identity self-morphism while Z has thecovering transformations πn, −∞ < n < ∞. There are uniquemaps

Z→ e and Z→ e′ .

The nerve of the subcategory Z is equivalent to the circle. Thenerve of e is contractible and the nerve of Z → e looks likethe cone over the circle. Thus the nerve of C looks like two conesover S1 glued together along S1, or

nerve C ∼= S2 .

iii) (the three sphere S3) Consider C2 − 0 and the cover

U1 = z1 6= 0 ∼= S1 ,

U2 = z2 6= 0 ∼= S1 ,

U1 ∩ U2 = z1 6= 0, z2 6= 0 ∼= S1 × S1 .

Let C be the category determined by the universal covers of theseopen sets mapping to C2 − 0. Then C might be denoted


Z⊕ Z −→p2

Z ,

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where p1 and p2 are the two projections. (We think of the ele-ments in Z or Z⊕ Z and p1 and p2 as generating the morphismsof the category.)

The nerve of C is built up from the diagram of spaces

S1 ←−p1

S1 × S1 −→p2

S1 ,

corresponding to the decomposition of S3 into two solid tori gluedtogether along their common boundary.

the realization of the natural functor

Z← Z⊕ Z→ Z → e ← Z→ e′

corresponds to the hemispherical decomposition of the Hopf map

S3 H−→ S2 .

iv) (Complex projective plane) Consider the three natural affine opensets in

CP2 = (z0, z1, z2) “homogeneous triples” ,

defined by

Ui = (z0, z1, z2) : zi 6= 0 i = 0, 1, 2 .

Ui is homeomorphic to C× C,

Ui ∩ Uj is homeomorphic to (C− 0)× C i 6= j,

U0 ∩ U1 ∩ U2 is homeomorphic to (C− 0)× (C− 0).

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The category of universal covering spaces over CP2,

U1 U2


U1 ∩ U2

U0 ∩ U2U0 ∩ U1

U0 ∩ U1 ∩ U2

might be denoted

e e




Z⊕ Z

`0 `1


wherel0(a⊕ b) = a ,

l1(a⊕ b) = b ,

l2(a⊕ b) = a + b .

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Notice that C looks like the mapping cone of the Hopf map

e ←


Z⊕ Z










e4 ∪H

S2 ∼= CP2.

Note that the category C has an involution obtained by reflectingobjects about the l2 axis and mapping morphisms by sending ainto b.

The fixed subcategory is

e ← Z 2−→ Z

whose nerve is the mapping cone of

S1 degree 2−−−−−→ S1

or the real projective plane RP2.

v) (Complex projective n-space) Again consider the category deter-mined by the universal covers of the natural affines in CPn

Ui = (z0, . . . , zn) : zi 6= 0, 0 6 i 6 n

and their intersections. This category is modeled on the n-simplex,one imagines an object at the barycenter of each face whose selfmorphisms form a free Abelian group of rank equal to the dimen-

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sion of the face,















∼= CP3 .

The nerve of this category is equivalent to CPn.

This decomposition of CPn occurs in other points of view:

i) the nth stage of the Milnor construction of the classifying spacefor S1,

S1 ∗ S1 ∗ · · · ∗ S1︸ ︷︷ ︸n join factors


ii) the dynamical system for the Frobenius map

(z0, z1, . . . , zn)Fq−−→ (zq

0, zq1, . . . , z

qn) .

If we iterate Fq indefinitely the points of CPn flow according tothe scheme of arrows in the n-simplex. Each point flows to atorus of the dimension of the face.

For example, if we think of P 1(C) as the extended complex plane,then under iteration of the qth power mapping

the points inside the unit disk flow to the origin ,the points outside the unit disk flow to infinity ,the points of the unit circle are invariant .

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This corresponds to the scheme

S2 ∼= P 1(C) ∼= e ← Z→ e .

(John Guckenheimer).

This (n-simplex) category for describing the homotopy type ofCPn has natural endomorphisms –

F q =

identity in objects ,

f → f q for self morphisms .

(F q is then determined on the rest of the morphisms.)

The realization of F q is up to homotopy the geometric Frobeniusdiscussed above, Fq.

From these examples we see that there are simple categories whichdetermine the homotopy type of these varieties

V : C1 − 0,C2 − 0, . . .

CP1 ,CP2 , . . . ,CPn , . . . .

These categories are constructed from Zariski coverings of V byconsidering the universal covering spaces of the elements in theZariski cover.

These categories cannot be constructed from etale coverings of V ,collections of finite to one covering maps whose images are Zariskiopen coverings of V .

If we consider these algebraically defined categories we can how-ever “profinitely approximate” the categories considered above.

For example, in the case V = S2 = CP1, look at the etale covers

Un : S2 − p⊆−→ S2 ,

S2 − q⊆−→ S2 ,

S2 − p− q −−−−−−→degree n

S2 .

The category of this cover,

C(Un) ∼= e ← Z /n → e

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has nerve the suspension of the infinite dimensional lens space

suspension K(Z /n, 1) .

These form an inverse system by refinement











(n ordered by divisibility).

The nerves give an inverse system of homotopy types with finitehomotopy groups

suspension K(Z /n, 1)n .

We can think of this inverse system as representing the etale ho-motopy type of S2 (it is homotopically cofinal in the inverse systemof all nerves of etale coverings).

We can form a homotopy theoretical limit if we wish10,

X ∼= lim←−n

suspension K(Z /n, 1) .

The techniques of Chapter 3 show

HiX ∼= lim←−n

Hisuspension K(Z /n, 1)




(Z /n) if i = 2

0 if i 6= 2

=Z if i = 20 if i 6= 2 .

Since π1X is zero we have the profinite completion of S2, con-structed algebraically from etale coverings of CP1.

10Using the compact topology on [ , Σ K(Z /n, 1)] as in Chapter 3.

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In a similar manner we construct the profinite completions of thevarieties above using the nerves of categories of etale coverings ofthese varieties.

For a more general complex variety V Lubkin considers all the(locally directed, punctually finite) etale covers of V . Then he takesthe nerves of the category of smallest neighborhoods. This givesan inverse system of homotopy types from which we can form theprofinite completion of the homotopy type of V .

The success of the construction is certainly motivated from thetopological point of view by the topological proposition and exam-ples above.

From the algebraic point of view one has to know

i) there are enough K(π, 1) neighborhoods in a variety

ii) the lattice of algebraic coverings of these open sets gives the profi-nite completion of the fundamental group of these open sets.

The following sketch (which goes back to Lefschetz11) providescredibility for i) which was proved in a more general context byArtin.

Consider the assertion

Kn: for each Zariski open set U containing p ∈ V n, there is aK(π, 1) Zariski open U ′ so that

p ∈ U ′ ⊆ U ,

where V n is a non-singular subvariety of projective spaceCPn.

“Proof of Kn”:

a) Kn is true for n = 1. V 1 is then a Riemann surface and

U = V − finite set of points .

11First few pages of Colloquium volume on algebraic geometry.

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But then U is a K(π, 1).

b) If F → E → B is a fibration with F and B K(π, 1)’s then E is aK(π, 1). This follows from the exact homotopy sequence.

c) Kn is true for all V if Kn−1 is true for V = Pn−1(C).

Consider U ⊆ V a Zariski open set about p. Choose a genericprojection π of Pn(C) onto Pn−1(C),


x1 x2

the curveπ−1(π(p))


V − U

so that

i) π(p) is a regular value of π/V ,

ii) the non-singular Riemann surface C = π−1(π(p)

)cuts V − U

transversally in a finite number of points x1, . . . , xn.

Choose a K(π, 1) neighborhood W of π(p) in Pn−1(C) contained inthe set of images of points where i) and ii) (with constant n) hold.

Then by b) π−1W − (V − U) is a K(π, 1) neighborhood of p con-tained in U . It is fibred by a punctured curve over a K(π, 1) neigh-borhood in Pn−1(C). Q. E. D.

For the fundamental group statement of ii) it is easy to see thatan etale map determines a finite covering space of the image. (Onemay first have to apply a field automorphism of C to obtain a localexpression of the map by complex polynomials.)

The converse is harder – the total space of a finite cover has ananalytic structure. This analytic structure is equivalent in enoughcases to an algebraic structure to compute π1. For n = 1, this factis due to Riemann.

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The Complete Etale Homotopy Type

In order to apply etale homotopy we pass to the limit using thecompactness of profinite sets (as in Chapter 3). We obtain a singlehomotopy type from the inverse system of homotopy types com-prising the etale type. This “complete etale homotopy type” is theprofinite completion of the classical homotopy type for complex va-rieties.

We study the arithmetic square (in the simply connected case) andlook at the examples of the Grassmannians – “real” and “complex”.

Let X denote the homotopy type of an algebraic variety of finitetype over C or a direct limit of these, for example

Gn(C) = limk→∞

(Grassmannian of n-planes in k-space) .

The etale homotopy type of X is an inverse system of CW com-plexes with finite homotopy groups.12

Each one of these complexes determines a compact representablefunctor (Chapter 3) and the inverse limit of these is a compact rep-

resentable functor. Let us denote this functor by X.


bX−→category of

compact Hausdorffspaces


Recall that X determined a single CW complex (also denoted X).

Definition 5.2. The compact representable functor X,



etale covers

[ ,nerve]



together with its underlying CW complex X is the complete etalehomotopy type of the algebraic variety X.14

12Under some mild assumption for example X normal.13[ , Y ] denotes the functor homotopy classes of maps into Y .14Recall that if in some case the nerve does not have finite homotopy groups, then we firstprofinitely complete it.

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Theorem 5.2 Let V be a complex algebraic variety of finite type.The “complete etale homotopy type”, defined by

[ , V ] ≡ lim←etale covers

[ ,nerve]

is equivalent to the profinite completion of the classical homotopytype of V .

The integral homology of V is the profinite completion of the in-tegral homology of V ,

HiV ∼= (HiV ) .

If V is simply connected, the homotopy groups of V are the profi-nite completions of those of V

πiV ∼= (πiV ) .

In this simply connected case V is the product over the primes ofp-adic components

V ∼=∏p

Vp .

Moreover, the topology on the functor

[ , V ]

is intrinsic to the homotopy type of the CW complex V .

Proof: The first part is proved, for example, by completing bothsides of the Artin-Mazur relation among inverse systems of homo-topy types,

etale type ≡inverse system

of “nerves”

∼= Ff . (see Chapter 3)

To do this we appeal to the Lemma of Chapter 3 – the arbitraryinverse limit of compact representable functors is a compact repre-sentable functor.

Since the inverse system Ff was used to construct the profinitecompletion of V the result follows.

The relations between homology and homotopy follow from thepropositions of section 3.

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Note: Actually it is immaterial in the simply connected case whetherwe use the Artin-Mazur pro-object or Lubkin’s system of nerves toconstruct the complete etale type. The characterization of Chapter3 shows that from a map of V into an inverse system of spaces Xiwith the correct cohomology property

H∗(V ; A) ∼= lim→ H∗(Xi; A) A finite

we can construct the profinite completion of V ,

V ∼= lim← Xi .

(This is true for arbitrary π1 if we know the cohomology isomorphismholds for A twisted.)

To understand how much information was carried by the profinitecompletion we developed the “arithmetic square”

“rational type of X” =



profinitecompletion // X




// XA

Adele type of X

= “profinite type of X”

∼= (X0)− ∼= (X)0

If for example X is simply connected then

i) X ∼=∏p

Xp .

ii) The homotopy of the “arithmetic square” is




// Z

²²Q // Z⊗Q


Under finite type assumptions,

H i(X;Z /n) finite for each i

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the topology on the homotopy functor is “intrinsic” to the homo-topy type of X.

Thus we can think of X as a homotopy type which happens tohave the additional property that there is a natural topology inthe homotopy sets [ , X].

This is analogous to the topology on Z which is intrinsic to itsalgebraic structure,

Z ∼= lim← (Z⊗ Z /n) .

iii) The problem of determining the classical homotopy type of X

from the complete etale type X was the purely rational homotopyproblem of finding an “appropriate embedding” of the rationaltype of X into the Adele type of X,

X0i−→ XA = (X)localized at zero .

The map i has to be equivalent to the formal completion consid-ered in Chapter 3.

Then X is the “fibre product” of the i and ` in the diagram


` localization






o l i f b _ \ Y U R OL

(X0)− ∼=


(X)0 ≡ (Adele type of X) .

Notice that we haven’t characterized the map i, we’ve only man-aged to construct it as a function of X0. This is enough in theexamples below.


1) X = limk→∞

Gn,k(C) = Gn(C), the classifying space for the unitary

group, BUn.

i) The profinite vertex of the “arithmetic square” is the “directlimit” of the complete etale homotopy types of the complex

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Grassmannians (thickened)

Gn,k∼= GL (n + k,C)/GL (n,C)×GL (k,C)15 .

More precisely, the underlying CW complex of X is the infi-nite mapping telescope

Gn,n(C) → Gn,n+1(C) → . . . .

The functor [ , X] is determined on finite complexes by thedirect limit


[ , Gn,k(C)] .

Almost all maps in the direct limit are isomorphisms so thecompact topology is preserved.

The functor [ , X] on general complexes is the unique exten-sion via inverse limits

lim← [finite subcomplex, X] .

ii) The rational vertex of the “arithmetic square” is the product



K(Q , 2i)

of Eilenberg MacLane spaces. The rational Chern classes givethe “localization at zero”




K(Q , 2i) .

This map induces an isomorphism of the rational cohomologyalgebras and is thus a localization by Theorem 2.1.

iii) For the Adele type of X we have

XA∼= formal completion of localization at zero BUn

∼= localization at zero of (BUn) ∼=n∏


K(Q⊗ Z, 2i) .

(Since the latter is the formal completion of the rational type∏K(Q , 2i).


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The Z module structure on the homotopy groups on XA de-termined by the partial topology in

[ , XA]

is the natural one in∏

K(Q⊗ Z, 2i)

iv) We have the fibre square










K(Q , 2i) //n∏


K(Q⊗ Z, 2i)

= complete etale type

= Adele type

2) (The “real Grassmannian”).

Consider the “complex orthogonal group”

O(n,C) ⊆ GL (n,C) = A ∈ GL (n,C) | (Ax,Ax) = (x, x)where x = (x1, x2, . . . , xn) ∈ Cn and (x, x) =


i .

There is a diagram

O(n,C)j // GL (n,C)




i // GL (n,R) .



j is an inclusion of complex algebraic groups,

i is an inclusion of real algebraic groups,

c and r are the inclusions of the real points into the complexplane.

Studying the inclusion

GL (n,R) → GL (n,C)

homotopy theoretically is equivalent to studying the map of com-plex algebraic groups

O(n,C) → GL (n,C)

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because c and i are both homotopy equivalences.

i is an equivalence because of the well-known Gram-Schmidt de-formation retraction. That c is an equivalence follows for examplefrom Chevalley16 – who showed that any compact Lie group17 Ghas a complex algebraic form

(in our case O(n) and O(n,C)

)which is topologically a product tubular neighborhood of thecompact form.

If we adjoin the equation detA = 1 we get the special complexorthogonal group

SO(n,C) ,

the component of the identity of O(n,C).

Now consider the “algebraic form” of the oriented real Grassman-nians (thickened)

Gn,k(R) ∼= SO(n + k,C)/(SO(n,C)× SO(k,C)) .

These are nice complex algebraic varieties which have the samehomotopy type as the orientation covers of the real Grassmanni-ans

GL (n + k,R)/(GL (n,R)×GL (k,R)) .

Let X = limk→∞

Gn,k(R) ∼= BSOn, the classifying space for the spe-

cial orthogonal group.

Using the Euler class and Pontrjagin classes we can compute the“arithmetic square” as before:










K(Q , i) //∏


K(Q⊗ Z, i)


complete etalehomotopy type

= Adele type

whereS = (4, 8, 12, . . . , 2n− 4, n) n even

S = (4, 8, 12, . . . , 2n− 2) n odd

16Chevalley, Theory of Lie Groups (Princeton, 1949, 1957, 1999), last chapter, Vol. 1.17Thus we can apply this etale homotopy discussion to any compact Lie group. I am indebtedto Raoul Bott for suggesting this.

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The Galois Symmetry in the Grassmannians BUn andBSOn

Now we come to the most interesting point about the “algebraic”aspect of etale homotopy type.

The varieties that we are considering – the “Grassmannians”

Gn,k(C), Gn,k(R)

are defined over the field of rational numbers. The coefficients inthe defining equations for

GL (n,C) and O(n,C)

are actually integers.

Thus any field automorphism of the complex numbers fixes the co-efficients of these equations and defines an algebraic automorphismof these Grassmannian varieties. Such an algebraic automorphismdetermines an automorphism of the system of algebraic coverings,an automorphism of the system of corresponding nerves, and finallya homotopy equivalence of the complete etale homotopy type.18

We can describe the action informally. Our variety V is built froma finite number of affine varieties

V =⋃

Ai ,

Cn ⊇ Ai = (x1, . . . , xn) | fji(x1, . . . , xn) = 0, 0 6 j 6 k .

The Ai are assembled with algebraic isomorphisms between com-plements of subvarieties of the Ai.

To say that V is defined over the rationals means the coefficientsof the defining equation fji = 0 lie in Q and the polynomials definingthe pasting isomorphisms have coefficients in Q.

If σ is an automorphism of C,

z 7→ zσ ,

we have an algebraic isomorphism of Cn

(z1, . . . , zn) 7→ (zσ1 , . . . , zσ

n) .

18Actually a homeomorphism of the homotopy functor [ , bV ].

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σ has to be the identity on the subfield Q (1σ = 1, 2σ = 2, (12)σ

=12σ =

12, etc.) 19

Thus σ preserves the equations

fji(z1, . . . , zn) = 0

defining the affines Ai and the pasting isomorphisms from which webuild V . This gives

Vσ−→ V ,

an algebraic isomorphism of V .

We describe the automorphism induced by σ on the system of“etale nerves”.

Let U be an etale covering of V ,

. . . Uα




Uγ . . .



Each π is a finite algebraic covering of the complement of a sub-variety of V . The images of the π cover V .

Given σ we proceed as in Cech theory and form the “inverse im-age” or pullback of the π

V × Uα ⊇ σ∗Uα



σ∗ // Uα


²²V σ

//V ,

σ∗Uα = (v, u) : σ(v) = πα(u) .

Thus we have a “backwards map” of the indexing set of etalecoverings used to construct the etale type,

U 7→ σ∗U .

19I think some analogy should be made between this “inertia” of Q and the “inertia” of stablefibre homotopy types of Chapter 4.

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On the other hand there is a natural map of the categories deter-mined by U and σ∗U in the other direction

C(σ∗U) σ−→ C(U) .

This is defined by

(σ∗Uα) 7→ Uα ,

(σ∗Uαf−→ σ∗Uβ) 7→ (Uα

σ∗f−−→ Uβ) ,

where σ∗ is defined so that



σ∗ // Uα


σ∗Uβσ∗ // Uβ


Thus σ induces a map of inverse systems of categories

indexing set : U → σ∗U ⊆ U ,

inverse system of categories : C(σ∗U) → C(U) .

Similarly we have a map of the inverse system of nerves

U → σ∗U ,

nerve C(σ∗U) → nerve C(U) .

Finally we pass to the limit and obtain an automorphism

Vσ−→ V

of the profinite completion of the homotopy type of V .

Remark: (General Naturality). In this case when σ is an isomor-phism σ∗ is also an isomorphism so that it is clear that σ∗f existsand is unique.

If σ were a more general morphism, say the inclusion of a subva-riety

W → V

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then the “smallest neighborhood” concept plays a crucial role.

The elements in C(U) were really “smallest neighborhoods” (seeexample 1 in the preceding section – “Intuitive Discussion of theEtale Homotopy Type”) constructed from the locally finite locallydirected etale covering U . σ∗U is also locally finite and locally di-rected so it has “smallest neighborhoods”, which are the objects ofC(σ∗U).

One can check that

σ∗Uα ⊆ σ∗Uβ σ∗Uα, σ∗Uβ “smallestneighborhoods” in Wof ωα and ωβ

impliesUωα ⊆ Uωβ

Uωα , Uωβ“smallest

neighborhoods” in Vof ωα and ωβ .

So we have a functor

C(σ∗U) → C(U)

induced by

σ∗Uα 7→ Uωα .20

The functor is not canonical, but the induced map on nerves iswell-defined up to homotopy – as in the Cech theory.

Lubkin uses an interesting device which enlarges the calculationscheme restoring canonicity on the map level. We use this device inthe proof about the “real variety conjecture”.

Example V = C− 0.

The etale coverings with one element

Un Unπ−−−−−−−→

covering ofdegree n

C− 0

are sufficient to describe the etale homotopy.

21For the purpose of the moment we think only of ordinary covers.

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The associated category is the one object category Z /n – theself-morphisms form a cyclic group of order n.

Now Unπ−→ C−0 is equivalent to C−0 Fn−−→ C−0 where Fn is raising

to the nth power. So




σ∗ // Un



(C− 0)



σ // (C− 0)



∼=(C− 0) σ // (C− 0) (C− 0) σ //(C− 0) .

The covering transformations of π are rotations by nth roots ofunity

fξ : z 7→ ξz , ξn = 1 .

Now σ∗fξ is defined by

(C− 0)


σ // (C− 0)


²²(C− 0) σ // (C− 0)


(σ∗fξ)(zσ) =(fξ(z)


This reduces toσ∗fξ(z) =



=(ξ · (zσ−1


= ξσ · zor

σ∗fξ = fξσ .

So if we identify the one object “group” categories C(Un) withthe group of nth roots of unity, the automorphism of C acts on thecategory via its action on the roots of unity

ξ 7→ ξσ , ξn = 1 .

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Notice that the automorphism induced by σ on the etale homo-topy of C−0 only depends on how σ moves the roots of unity around.

This is not true in general21 however it is true for a general varietyV that the automorphism induced by σ on the etale homotopy of Vonly depends on how σ moves the algebraic numbers around.

Roughly speaking Q, the field of algebraic numbers and C are twoalgebraically closed fields containing Q

Q ⊆ Q ⊆ C ,

and nothing new happens from the point of view of etale homotopyin the passage from Q to C.

So we have the “Galois group of Q”,

Gal (Q/Q)

acting naturally on the profinite completion of the homotopy typesof the Grassmannians

Gn,k(C) and “Gn,k(R)” .

(“Gn,k(R)” ≡ O(n + k,C)/O(n,C)×O(k,C).


The existence of the action is a highly non-trivial fact. The au-tomorphisms of the ground field Q are very discontinuous when ex-tended to the complex plane. Thus it is even quite surprising thatthis group of automorphisms acts on the (mod n) cohomology ofalgebraic varieties (defined over the rationals).22

We have some additional remarks about the Galois action.

i) Many varieties if not defined over Q are defined over some numberfield – a finite extension of Q. For such a variety V defined overK, a subgroup of finite index in the “Galois group of Q”,

Gal (Q/K) ⊆ Gal (Q/Q)

acts on the profinite completion of the homotopy type of V .

21Although it is an open question for the Grassmannians. For partial results see the section“The Groups generated by Frobenius elements acting on the Finite Grassmannians”.22I am indebted to G. Washnitzer for explaining this point to me very early in the game.

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ii) The actions of these profinite Galois groups are continuous withrespect to the natural topology on the homotopy sets

[ , V ] .

For example, in the case V is defined over Q a particular finiteetale cover will be defined over a finite extension of Q. Thevarieties and maps will all have local polynomial expressions usingcoefficients in a number field L.

The effect of the profinite Galois group is only felt through thefinite quotient

Gal (L/Q) .

It follows that the inverse limit action gives homeomorphisms ofthe profinite homotopy sets

[ , V ] .

iii) A consequence of this “finiteness at each level” phenomenon isthat we can assume there is a cofinal collection of etale cover-ings each separately invariant under the Galois group. Thus weobtain a beautiful preview of the Galois action on the profinitecompletion –

an infinite scheme of complexes each with a finite symmetry andall these interrelated.

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Action of Gal (Q/Q) on Cohomology

Gal (Q/Q) acts on the multiplicative group of roots of unity con-

tained in Q. The full group of automorphisms 23 of the roots of

unity is the group of units Z∗. The action of Z

∗is naturally given


ξ 7→ ξa , ξn = 1, a ∈ Z∗ .

(ξa means ξk where k is any integer representing the “modulo n”

residue of a ∈ Z∗.)This gives a canonical homomorphism

Gal (Q/Q) //


&&Galois group of thefield generated bythe roots of unity

⊆ Z∗ .

Class field theory for Q says that A is onto and the kernel is thecommutator subgroup of Gal (Q,Q).

The Abelianization A occurs again in the etale homotopy type ofP 1(C).

Proposition 5.3 The induced action of the Galois group Gal (Q,Q)on


((P 1(C)) ;Z

) ∼= Z

is (after Abelianization) the natural action of Z∗

on Z.

Proof: Consider the etale map V → P 1(C),

V = C∗ −−−→z→zn

C∗ ≡ C− 0 ⊆ P 1(C) .

The covering group is generated by

z 7→ ξz where ξn = 1 .

23This is easily seen using the isomorphisms

group of all roots of unity ∼= lim−→n

Z /n ,

bZ∗ ∼= lim←−n

(Z /n)∗ .

(eQ is the field of all algebraic numbers).

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Let σ be a field automorphism of Q. We saw in the example ofthe preceding section that the action of σ corresponds to the actionof σ on the roots of unity

covering map ξ → covering map ξ .

We apply this calculation to the system of etale covers of P 1(C)




P 1C

complementof q

complementof p

degree n

complementof p and q

p, q ∈ P 1C

corresponding to the system of categories Cn

Cn = e ← Z /n → e .

The automorphism determined by σ on the entire system of etalecovers of P 1(C) is “homotopic” to an automorphism of the cofinalsubsystem Cn. The above calculation24 shows this automorphismof Cn is

i) the identity on objects,

ii) sends ξ 7→ ξσ, ξ ∈ Z /n, for maps.

The realization or nerve of the covering category Cn is

suspension K(Z /n, 1)

with 2-dimensional homology Z /n.

24The example C− 0 of the previous section.

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The action of σ on the inverse limit of these homology groups


Z /n = lim←−n

H2(suspension K(Z /n, 1);Z) = H2

((P 1(C)) ;Z

)= Z

is built up from its action on the nth roots of unity. This is what wewanted to prove.

Remark: One should notice the philosophically important pointthat the algebraic variety P 1(C) does not have a canonical fun-damental homology class. The algebraic automorphisms of P 1(C)permute the possible generators freely.

The topology of the complex numbers determines a choice of ori-entation up to sign. The choice of a primitive fourth root of unitydetermines the sign.

Conversely, as we shall see in a later Chapter (the Galois groupin geometric topology) and in a later paper, choosing a K-theoryorientation on a profinite homotopy type satisfying Poincare Dualitycorresponds exactly to imposing a “homeomorphism class of non-singular topological structures” on the homotopy type25.

Corollary 5.4 The induced action of G = Gal (Q/Q) on

H∗((Pn(C)) ; Z) ∼= Z[x]/(xn+1 = 0)

is (via Abelianization) the natural action of Z∗, namely

x 7→ ax , a ∈ Z∗ , x any 2 dimensional generator .

Proof: This is clear from Proposition 5.3 for n = 1, since

H2((P 1(C)) ; Z

)= Hom

(H2(P 1(C)) ; Z


The general case follows from the naturality of the action and theinclusion

P 1(C) → Pn(C) .

Corollary 5.5 G acts on

H∗((BUn) ; Z)

= Z[c1, c2, . . . , cn]

25Actually this works well in the simply connected case away from the prime 2. (Otherchoices are required at 2 to “impose a topology”).

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ci 7→ aici , a ∈ Z∗ .

Proof: For n = 1, this is true by passing to a direct limit in Corol-lary 5.4, using

P∞(C) = lim−→n

Pn(C) = BU1 .

For n > 1, use the naturality of the action, the map

P∞(C)× · · · × P∞(C)︸ ︷︷ ︸n factors

→ BUn ,

and the fact that the Chern classes go to the elementary symmetricfunctions in the 2 dimensional generators of the factors of the prod-uct.

Corollary 5.6 The action of G = Gal (Q/Q) on H∗(BSOn; Z) isdetermined by

i) the action on H∗(BSOn;Z /2) is trivial.

ii) If g ∈ G Abelianizes to a ∈ Z∗,pi 7→ a2ipi dim pi = 4i ,

χ 7→ anχ dimχ = 2n ,

where (modulo elements of order 2)

H∗((BSO2n+1) ; Z) ∼= Z[p1, p2, . . . , pn] ,

H∗((BSO2n) ; Z) ∼= Z[p1, p2, . . . , pn, χ]/(χ2 = pn) .

Proof: Any action on

H∗(Pn(R);Z /2) = Z /2[x]/(xn+1 = 0)

must be trivial. In the diagram of “algebraic” maps


²²P∞(R)× · · · × P∞(R)︸ ︷︷ ︸

n factors

// BOn

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the horizontal map induces an injection and the vertical map a sur-jection on Z /2 cohomology. This proves i).

For part ii) use the diagrams


complexifyBU2n+1 ,

BSO2 × · · · ×BSO2︸ ︷︷ ︸n factors

l−→ BSO2nC+−−−−−−−→

complexifyBU2n .

Modulo elements of order 2, C∗− is onto, C∗+ is onto except for

odd powers of χ, l∗ is injective in dimension 2n, so ii) follows fromCorollary 5.5.

Remark: The nice action of Gal (Q/Q) in the cohomology is relatedto some interesting questions and conjectures.

For each p there is a class of elements in Gal (Q/Q) representingthe Frobenius automorphism in characteristic p, x 7→ xp. Let Fp

denote one of these.

In our Grassmannian case Fp acts on the q-adic part of the coho-mology by

ci 7→ pici , ci ∈ H2i( , Zq) .

The famous Riemann Hypothesis in characteristic p – the remain-ing unproved Weil conjecture26 – asserts that for a large class ofvarieties27 Fp acts on the cohomology in a “similar fashion” –

the action of Fp on the q-adic cohomology in dimension k has

eigenvalues (if we embed Zq in an algebraically closed field) which

a) lie in the integers of a finite extension of Q ,

b) are independent of q 6= p ,

c) have absolute value pk/2 .

In our Grassmannian case the cohomology only appears in evendimensions, the eigenvalues are rational integers (pi if k = 2i).

26Proved by Pierre Deligne, La conjecture de Weil, Publ. Math. I.H.E.S. I. 43 (1974),273–307, II. 52 (1980), 137–252.27Those with good mod p reductions.

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This simplification comes from the fact that the cohomology ofthe Grassmannians is generated by algebraic cycles (also in charac-teristic p) – the Schubert subvarieties,

Sk i→ G . (k = complex dimension)

Looking at homology and naturality then implies

Fp (i∗Sk) = i∗ Fp Sk in homology

= i∗pkSk

= pki∗Sk

(the second equation follows since the top dimensional homologygroup is cyclic for Sk – the value of the eigenvalue can be checkedin the neighborhood of a point).

Tate conjectures28 a beautiful converse to this situation – roughly,eigenvectors of the action of Fp in the Zq-cohomology for all q cor-respond to algebraic subvarieties (in characteristic p).

The action of Gal (Q/Q) on K-theory, the Adams Op-erations, and the “linear” Adams Conjecture

Gal (Q/Q) also acts on the homotopy types

BUˆ = limn→∞ (BUn) (infinite mapping cylinder)

BOˆ = limn→∞ (BOn)

since it acts at each level n.

These homotopy types classify the group theoretic profinite com-pletions of reduced K-theory,

KU(X ) ∼= [X,BUˆ]

KO(X ) ∼= [X,BOˆ]

for X a finite dimensional complex.

28J. Tate, Algebraic cycles and poles of zeta functions, pp. 93–110, Arithmetical AlgebraicGeometry (Purdue, 1963), Harper and Row, 1965.

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For X infinite dimensional we take limits of both sides, e.g.

KU(X ) ≡ lim←finite subcomplexes

of X

KU(finite subcomplex) ∼= [X,BUˆ] .

Thus for any space X we have an action of Gal (Q/Q) on theprofinite K-theory (real or complex)

K(X ) .

In the original K-theories, we have the beautiful operations ofAdams,

k ∈ Z KU(X)ψk

−−→ KU(X) ,


−−→ KO(X) ,

In either the real or the complex case the Adams operations satisfy

i) ψk (line bundle η) = ηk = η ⊗ · · · ⊗ η︸ ︷︷ ︸k factors


ii) ψk is an endomorphism of the ring K(X),

iii) ψk ψl = ψkl.

ψk is defined by forming the Newton polynomial in the exteriorpowers of a vector bundle. For example,

ψ1V = ΛV = V

ψ2V = V ⊗ V − 2Λ2V...

The Adams operations determine operations in the profinite K-theory,

K(X )(ψk )−−−→ K(X )

for finite complexes, and



(ψk )

−−−−−−→ lim←−α

K(Xα) Xα finite

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for infinite complexes.

We wish to distinguish between the “isomorphic part” and the“nilpotent part” of the profinite Adams operations.

K(X ) and the Adams operations naturally factor


K(X )p


(ψk )p


K(X )p

and (ψk )p is an isomorphism iff k is prime to p.

If k is divisible by p, redefine (ψk )p to be the identity. We obtain

K(X )ψk

−−→∼= K(X ) ,

the “isomorphic part” of the Adams operations.

We note that (ψk )p (before redefinition) was topologically nilpo-

tent, the powers of (ψk )p converge to the zero operation on the re-duced group

K(X ) , for k ≡ 0 (mod p) .

One of our main desires is to study the ubiquitous nature of the“isomorphic part” of the Adams operations.

For example, recall the Abelianization homomorphism

G = Gal (Q/Q) → Z∗

obtained by letting G act on the roots of unity.

Theorem 5.7 The natural action of Gal (Q/Q) in profinite K-theory

K(X ) reduces (via Abelianization) to an action of Z∗.

The “isomorphic part” of the Adams operation ψk

K(X )ψk

−−→∼= K(X )

corresponds to the automorphism induced by

µk =∏



p|k(1) ∈


Z∗p = Z

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Thus – if we think in terms of homotopy equivalences of the “alge-braic varieties”

BU = lim→n,k

Gn,k(C) , BO = lim→n,k


we see that the “isomorphic part” of the Adams operation is com-patible with the natural action of

Gal (Q/Q)

in the category of profinite homotopy types and maps coming fromalgebraic varieties defined over Q.

Remark. We must restrict ourselves to the “isomorphic part” of theAdams operation to make this “algebraic” extension to the Adamsoperations to the Grassmannians and other varieties. For example,

Proposition 5.8 ψ2 cannot be defined on the 2-adic completion

G2,n(C)2 , n large ,

so that it is compatible with the nilpotent operation

ψ2 on (BU )2 .

We give the proof below. It turns out the proof suggests a wayto construct some interesting new maps of quaternionic projectivespace.

We recall that an element γ in K(X ) has a stable fibre homotopytype, for example in the real case the composition

X → BOˆ −−−−−→naturalmap

BGˆ ∼= BG .

Corollary 5.9 (Adams Conjecture). For any space X, the stablefibre homotopy type of an element in

K(X ) (real or complex)

is invariant under the action of the Galois group


= Abelianized Gal (Q/Q)

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and therefore under the action of the “isomorphic part” of theAdams operations.

Proof of Corollary 5.9: We have filtered the homotopy equiva-lences of

(BU ) or (BSO)

corresponding to the elements of the Galois group by homotopyequivalences of

(BUn) or (BSOn)

(corresponding to elements in the Galois group). By the InertiaLemma of Chapter 4 applied to complete spherical fibration theoryS1, S2, . . . , Sn, . . . we have the homotopy commutative diagrams


n ÀÀ<<<


α // BUˆ







α // BOˆ




where α ∈ Gal (Q/Q) and B∞ classifies the “stable theory” of profi-nite spherical fibrations. (See Chapter 4). But by Theorem 4.1

B∞ ∼= K(Z∗, 1)×BSG .





Aα // BUˆ







α // BSOˆ

BSG commute.

This completes the proof for the complex case.

For the real case we only have to add the remark that the naturalmap


canonically factors

(BSOˆ→ BSG)× (RP∞ identity−−−−−→ RP∞) ,

and α restricted to RP∞ is the identity. Q. E. D.

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Note: If we apply this to a finite complex X, recall that

[X, BG] ∼=∏


[X, (BG)l ] ∼= product of finite l-groups .

Thus ψkx− x determines an element in


which is concentrated in the p-components for p dividing k. Thisgives the conjectured assertion of Adams – “the element

khigh power(ψkx− x), x ∈ K(X)

determines a trivial element in

J(X) ⊆ [X, BG] . ”

Note: The proof of the Inertia Lemma simplifies in these vectorbundle cases – for example, the stable bundles

BOnaturalmap−−−−−→ BG

is “exactly intrinsic” to the filtration BOn. Namely,

fibre → BOn−1 → BOn

is fibre homotopy equivalent to canonical spherical fibration overBOn

Sn−1 →

total space ofsphericalfibration

→ BOn .

Thus the skeletal approximations used in that proof are not needed.

Furthermore, the proof then gives a much stronger result than the“classical Adams Conjecture”. We obtain homotopy commutativi-ties at each unstable level




Bα // (BOn)




α ∈ Gal (Q/Q) .

In the next section we study certain α’s by bringing in certainprimes. This gives Frobenius operations on various p-adic compo-nents of the profinite theory of n-dimensional vector bundles

[ , (BOn) ] .

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In a later Chapter we relate the action of the Galois group onn-dimensional profinite vector bundle theory to Galois actions onthe analogous piecewise linear theory, topological theory, and theoriented spherical fibration theory. These are the Adams phenomenawhose study inspired the somewhat extensive homotopy discussionof the earlier Chapters.

This discussion also yields the more natural statement of Corol-lary 5.9.

However, the Adams Conjecture for odd primes29 was provedmuch earlier (August 1967) in Adams’ formulation using only theexistence of an algebraically defined “space-like” object having themod n cohomology of the complex Grassmannians plus an awkwardcohomology argument with these space-like objects.

The use of etale homotopy at this time was inspired by Quillen –who was rumored to have an outline proof of the complex Adamsconjecture “using algebraic geometry”.

The “2-adic Adams Conjecture” came much later (January 1970)when a psychological block about considering non-projective vari-eties was removed30. Thus

Gn,k(R) ∼homotopyequivalent


could be treated.

The final section describes an intermediate attempt to treat realvarieties directly. This was to be the first half of a hoped for proofof the 2-adic Adams Conjecture, the second half (required by lackof Galois symmetry) would depend on a step like that used in thenext section and the simple structure of the cohomology of the com-mutator subgroup of Gal (Q/Q).

Note (Higher order operations in K-theory) As in ordinary coho-mology one can obtain secondary operations in K-theory by measur-ing the failure on the “cocycle level” of relations between operationson the “cohomology class level”.

29Reported to the AMS Winter Meeting, Berkeley, January 1968.30In a heated discussion with Atiyah, Borel, Deligne and Quillen – and all present wererequired.

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Thus the relation

ψ2 ψ3 = ψ3 ψ2

leads to a secondary operation in K-theory (Anderson). If we thinkof maps into BUˆ as cocycles we have a representative


(the etale type of Gn,k(C)


on which Gal (Q/Q) acts by homeomorphisms.

Thus one can imagine that secondary operations are defined onthe commutator subgroup of the Galois group – the elements in herecorrespond to the homotopies giving the relations among Adamsoperations.

Furthermore, if in some space like K(π, 1), π finite, the K-theoryis generated by bundles defined over the field, AQ, “Q with the rootsof unity adjoined” the secondary operations should give zero. Forexample

ψ2 ψ3 = ψ3 ψ2

holds on the “level of cocycles” for a generating set of bundles overK(π, 1).

(We recall that for K(π, 1), π finite, the homomorphisms of π intoGL (n,C) which factor through GL (n, AQ) generate the K-theory ofK(π, 1) topologically.)

Proof of 5.7: Let B denote BSO or BU .

Claim: two maps




are homotopic iff they “agree” on the “cohomology groups”, H∗(B; Z)⊗Q.

Assuming this we can deduce the Theorem –

first the calculations of the preceding section (Corollary 5.5 and5.6) show that G is acting on cohomology through its Abelianization.

Thus in the complex case we are done –

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acts on complex K-theory and “µk ∈ Z∗” and “isomorphic part

of ψk” agree on the cohomology of BUˆ (see note below). Thus theaction of µk agrees with that of ψk (see note below).

In the real case, recall that BO naturally splits

BO ∼= BSO × RP∞

using the “algebraic maps”

RP∞ ∼= BO(1,C) → lim−→n

BO(n,C) ∼= BO ,

BSO ∼= lim−→n

BSO(n,C) → lim−→n

BO(n,C) ∼= BO

and the “algebraic” Whitney sum operation in BO,

lim→ (BOn ×BOn → BO2n) .

Thus the homotopy equivalences of BOˆ corresponding to the el-ements in the Galois group naturally split.

The same is true for ψk. This uses

ψk (line bundle) = line bundle ,

ψk (oriented bundle) = oriented bundle ,

ψk is additive .

A homotopy equivalence of RP∞ must be homotopic to the iden-tity so we are reduced to studying maps

BSOˆ→ BSOˆ .

Our claim and the previous calculations then show that Z∗

actsin real K-theory (the elements of order two all act trivially,

tp ∈ Z /(p− 1)⊕ Zp = Z∗p

t2 ∈ Z /2⊕ Z2 = Z∗2)

and ψk corresponds to the action of µk.

Note: One can repeat the arguments of the previous section to see

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the effect of ψk on the cohomology – the properties

ψk(η) = ηk η line bundle ,

ψk additive ,

ψk commutes with complexification

are all that are needed to do this.

We are reduced to proving the claim.

For the case BUˆ or BSOˆ away from 2 a simple obstruction theoryargument proves this. For completeness we must take another tack.We concentrate on the case B = BSO.

It follows from work of Anderson and Atiyah that the group

[B, B]

i) is an inverse limit over the finite subcomplexes Bα of the finitelygenerated groups [Bα, B].

ii) There is a “cohomology injection”



H4i(B;Q) .

We claim that B can be replaced by B and ii) is still true.

Let Tα denote the (finite) torsion subgroup of [Bα, B], then

0 → Tα → [Bα, B](ph)α−−−→



is exact. If we pass to the inverse limit (ph)α becomes an injectionso


Tα = 0 .

So we tensor with Z and pass to the limit again. Then since

a) lim←−α

(Tα ⊗ Z) ∼= lim←−α

Tα = 0 ,

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b) lim←−α

([Bα, B]⊗ Z) ∼= lim←−α

[Bα, B]

∼= lim←−α

[Bα, B]

∼= [B, B] ,

c) if we choose Bα to be the 4α skeleton of B it is clear that




H4i(Bα;Q)⊗ Z ∼= lim←−α



H4i(Bα)⊗Q⊗ Z



H4i(B; Z)⊗Qwe obtain the “completed Pontrjagin character injection”,

0 → [B, B]ph⊗bZ−−−→



H4i(B; Z)⊗Q .

This proves our claim and the Theorem.

Proof of Proposition 5.8. We first note a construction for “Adamsoperations on quaternionic line bundles and complex 2-plane bun-dles”.

Suppose “ψp is defined” in (BU2)p.31

Now ψp is defined on (BU2)q q 6= p by choosing some lifting of

µp ∈ Z∗ to the Galois group Gal (Q/Q). Putting these ψp togethergives ψp on

(BU2) =∏p

(BU2)p .

ψp can be easily defined on the localization,

(BU2)0 = K(Q , 2)×K(Q , 4) .

Thus ψp is defined on BU2, the fibre product of (BU2)0, (BU2) ,

and (BU2)0 ∼= K(Q⊗ Z, 2)×K(Q⊗ Z, 4).

This operation has to be compatible (by a cohomology argument)

with the map BU2c1−→ BU1

∼= K(Z , 2). Thus ψp is defined on the

31“ψp is defined” means an operation compatible under the natural inclusions into K-theorywith the original Adams operation.

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BSU2∼= BS3 ∼= “infinite quaternionic projective space” .

For p = 2 we obtain a contradiction, there is not even a map ofthe quaternionic plane extending the degree four map of

HP1 ∼= S4 .32

Thus ψ2 cannot be defined on a very large skeleton of (BU2)2.Since BU2 is approximated by G2,n(C) this proves the proposition.

For p > 2 we obtain the

Corollary 5.10 For self maps of the infinite quaternionic projec-tive space the possible degrees on S4 ∼= HP1 are precisely zero andthe odd squares.

Proof: The restriction on the degree was established by variousworkers.

(I. Berstein proved the degree is a square using complex K-theory,R. Stong and L. Smith reproved this using Steenrod operations,G. Cooke proved the degree was zero or an odd square using realK-theory.)

We provide the maps. From the above we see that it suffices tofind

ψp on (BU2)p , p > 2 .

This follows by looking at the normalizer of the torus in U2,

N : 1 → S1 × S1 → N → Z /2 → 1 .

Z /2 acts by the flip of coordinates in S1 × S1.

Consider the diagram of classifying spaces

BS1 ×BS1 // BN



// RP∞

BU2 .

32A cell argument (Arkowitz and Curjel) or a transversality argument plus the signatureformula shows the degree would have to satisfy a congruence ruling out degree 4, d(d−1) ≡ 0(mod 24).

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The horizontal fibration shows for p > 2

H∗(BN ;Z /p) ∼= invariant cohomology of BS1 ×BS1 .

Thus j is an isomorphism of cohomology mod p. Sine π1BN =Z /2, j becomes an isomorphism upon p-adic completion,

(BU2)p∼= (BN )p .

Now N has a natural endomorphism induced by raising to the kth

power on the torus. Thus BN has self maps ψk for all k. These giveψk for all k on (BU2)p, in particular we have ψp.

The proof actually shows


(B(normalizer of torus)

)p, p > n .

So we have

Corollary 5.11 ψp exists in BUn and BSUn for n < p.

Remark: For n > 1, these give the first examples of maps of classi-fying spaces of compact connected Lie groups which are not inducedby homomorphisms of the Lie groups. (SU2 = S3 is fairly easy tocheck). This was a question raised by P. Baum.

Conjecture: ψp does not exist in BUp.

Remark: It is tempting to note a further point. The equivalence


(B(normalizer Tn)


can be combined with the spherical topological groups of Chapter 4to construct exotic “p-adic analogues of Un”.


B(normalizer Tn) =( n∏


BS1 × EΣn


where Σn is the symmetric group of degree n and EΣn is a con-tractible space on which Σn acts freely.

So consider for λ dividing p− 1,

U(n, λ) = Ω( n∏


B(S2λ−1)p ×EΣn/Σn

)ˆp, n < p .

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For λ = 1 we get the p-adic part of unitary groups up to degreep− 1. For λ = 2 we get the p-adic part of the symplectic groups upto degree p−1. For λ another divisor we obtain “finite dimensional”groups (p-adic). (All this in the homotopy category.)

The Groups generated by Frobenius elements actingon the Finite Grassmannians

We saw in the previous section that the action of Gal (Q/Q) wasAbelian in the profinite K-theory – this action being densely popu-lated by the “isomorphic part of the Adams operations”.

Thus we have a homomorphism


(closure of

“Adams isomorphisms”




space ofhomotopy equivalences

of B

≡ π(B)

B =

BOˆ = lim−−→n,k


BUˆ = lim−−→n,k

Gn,k(C) ,

so that

Gal (Q/Q)


Galoisaction // π(B)


“closure of Adamsisomorphisms”



This Galois symmetry in the infinite Grassmannians is compatiblewith the Galois symmetry in the “finite Grassmannians” (k and/orn finite).33

33In fact this is the essential point of the Adams Conjecture.

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So we have compatible “symmetry homomorphisms”

Gal (Q/Q)







The action on cohomology Abelianizes as we have seen so it isnatural to ask to what extent the “homotopy representation” ofGal (Q/Q) Abelianizes.

We can further ask (assuming some Abelianization takes place)whether or not there are natural elements (like the Adams operationsin the infinite Grassmannian case) generating the action.

We note for the first question that this is a homotopy problemof a different order of magnitude than that presented by the cal-culations of the last section. There is no real theory34 for provingthe existence of homotopies, between maps into such spaces as finiteGrassmannians,



(finite Grassmannian) .

One has to construct the homotopies or nothing. In this case thefirst part of the construction depends on arithmetic properties ofthe equations defining the Grassmannians. The second part comesessentially from the contractibility of

(K(π, 1)


where π is a non-p group.

Thus these considerations must be sifted through the sieve ofprimes. We do this by considering only one p-adic component ofthe profinite completion of the finite Grassmannians.

34Besides the “tautological bundle theory”.

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We find an infinite number of groups of symmetries (one for eachprime not equal to p)



Frobenius mapat q // π


(p-adic finite Grassmannian)


Uq is the subgroup of Z∗p generated by the prime q.

Each of these Frobenius actions is compatible with the single ac-

tion of the p-adic component of the Abelianized Galois group Z∗, Z


on the p-adic component of the infinite Grassmannians,

Galois group of allpn-th roots of unity

n = 1, 2, 3, . . .

= Z


Galoisaction−−−−→ π(p-adic infinite Grassmannian) .

However at the finite level we don’t know if the different Frobeniusactions commute or are compatible – say if the powers of one primeq converge p-adically to another prime l does

(q-Frobenius)n → (l-Frobenius)

in the profinite group

π(p-adic finite Grassmannian) ?

It seems an interesting question – this compatibility of the differ-ent Frobenius operations on the finite Grassmannians. The groupthey generate might be anywhere between an infinite free product

of Z∗p’s and one Z

∗p. The answer depends on the geometric question

of finding sufficiently many etale covers of these Grassmannians todescribe the etale homotopy. Then one examines the field extensionsof Q required to define these, their Galois groups, and the coveringgroups to discover commutativity or non-commutativity relationsbetween the different homotopy Frobenius operations. The “intu-itive” examples above35 and the “nilpotent” restriction of the lastChapter imply that “non-Abelian groups have to enter somewhere”.

35The categories of projective spaces.

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The simplest non-commutative Galois group G that might enterinto this question36 is that for the field extension of Q obtained byadjoining the “pth roots of p”, the twisted extension

1 → Fp → G → F ∗p → 1

Fp the prime field.

We close this summary with the remark that the arithmetic of thedefining equations of O(n,C) (as we understand it) forces us to omitthe case q = 2, p odd for some of the finite (odd) real Grassmannians.

This omission provides a good illustration of the arithmetic in-volved. We describe the situation in Addendum 1.

The essential ingredients of the Theorem are described in Adden-dum 2.

We describe the Theorem.

The Galois group Gal (Q/Q) contains infinitely many (conjugacyclasses of) subgroups

“decomposition group” = Gq “⊆” Gal (Q/Q) .

Gq is constructed from an algebraic closure of the q-adic completionof Q. Gq has as quotient the Galois group of the algebraic closureof Fq,

Gq“reduction mod q”−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ Gal (Fq/Fq) ∼= Z

with canonical generator the Frobenius at q.

There is a natural (exponential) map

Z exp−−−−−−−−−−→Frobenius 7→ q


with image Uq ⊆ Z∗p.

Theorem 5.12 For each prime q37 not equal to p there is a natural

36Informal oral communication from J. Tate.37We make certain exceptions for q = 2, p odd in the real case. These are discussed below.Note these exceptions do not affect the study of the “2-adic real Grassmannians”.

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Frobenius diagram

Gal (Q/Q)Galoisaction // π

(p-adic finite




conjugacyclass of



“reductionmod q”

// ZFrobenius 7→ q // Uq

to be constructed


⊆ Z∗p

provides a partial Abelianization of the Galois action.

The image of the canonical generator Frobenius in Z gives a canon-ical Frobenius (or Adams) operation ψq, on the p-adic theory of vec-tor bundles with a fixed fibre dimension and codimension.

Caution: As discussed above we do not know that

ψq ψl = ψl ψq .

However we are saying that the subgroup generated by a single ψq

is ‘correct’, Uq ⊆ Z∗p.Proof: First one constructs an algebraic closure of the q-adic num-bers Qq which has Galois group Gq and contains (non-canonically)

the algebraic closure Q of Q. Then Gq acts on Q and we have a map

Gq → G = Gal (Q/Q) .

This map is defined up to conjugation and is an injection. Gq alsoacts on the integers in this extension of Qq and their reductions

modulo q which make up Fq the algebraic closure of the prime field.Thus we have a map

Gq → Z = Gal (Fq/Fq) .

The Z has a canonical generator, the Frobenius for the prime q;and the map is a surjection.38

38I am indebted to Barry Mazur for explaining this situation and its connection to etalehomotopy.

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These two maps are part of the commutative diagram

(I) GAbelianization // Z




onto $$IIIIII


ZFrobenius 7→ q // Z


Now Artin and Mazur show under certain circumstances that thep-adic part of the etale homotopy type of the variety can be con-structed just from the variety reduced modulo q, q 6= p. For example,for complex Grassmannians it is enough to observe that the defini-tion of “the Grassmannian in characteristic q” gives a non-singularvariety of the same dimension –

GL (n + k, Fq)/GL (n, Fq)×GL (k, Fq)

is non-singular and has dimension 2nk.

In this (good reduction mod q) case it follows from Artin-Mazur

that the action of Gal (Q/Q) restricted to Gq factors through an

action of Z generated by the Frobenius at q,












(p-adic finite




The action of Z on cohomology (because of diagram (I) factors

through Z∗p,

Z r−−−−−−−−−−→Frobenius

for q → q

Z∗p .

We claim that the action of π = kernel r is trivial in the p-adichomotopy type (denote it by X). Then the natural map

Gq → Z −−−−−−→Frobenius


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factors through Uq ⊆ Z∗p,

Gq // UqFrobenius // π(X)⊆


as desired.

Now the action of Z (and therefore π) is built up from an inversesystem of actions on simply connected nerves39 on which π is actingvia cellular homeomorphisms.

In each nerve Nα the action factors through the action of a finiteGalois quotient group πα. Let Eα denote the universal cover ofK(πα, 1) and form the new inverse system

N ′α = (Nα × Eα)/πα .

We have a fibration sequence

Nα → N ′α → K(πα, 1)

of spaces with finite homotopy groups. We can form the homotopytheoretical inverse limit as in Chapter 3 to obtain the fibration se-quence

X → X ′ π−→ K(π, 1) .

The action of π on the mod p cohomology of the fibre is trivialby construction. Also, the mod p cohomology of π is trivial – for wehave the exact sequence

0 // π // Z // Uq// 1

|| ⊆

( ∏

l 6=p


)× Zp//_____ Z∗p = Z /(p− 1)× Zp

Thus by an easy spectral sequence argument X ′ has the samemod p cohomology as X. Also, π, the fundamental group of X ′ has

39In the real case we consider only the oriented Grassmannian.

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a trivial p-profinite completion. It follows that the composition

p-adic part offinite


= X → X ′ c−−−−−−−→


(X ′)p

is a homotopy equivalence. This means that π × c gives an equiva-lence

X ′ π×c−−→ X ×K(π, 1) .

The action of π was trivial in X ′ by construction. It follows from

X ′ ∼= X ×K(π, 1)

that the action is homotopy trivial in X. This is what we set out toprove.

Remark: From the proof one can extract an interesting homotopytheoretical fact which we roughly paraphrase – if a map

Xf−→ X

is part of a “transformation group” π acting on X where

i) the mod p cohomology of π is trivial,

ii) π acts trivially on the mod p cohomology of X,

then f is homotopic to the identity on the p-adic component of X.

Addendum 1. In the case of the real Grassmannians we sometimesexclude q = 2 for p odd. The reason is that our description of thecomplex orthogonal group

O(n,C) ⊆ GL (n,C)

used the formx2

1 + x22 + · · ·+ x2

n .

In characteristic q = 2

x21 + · · ·+ x2

n = (x1 + · · ·+ xn)2 .

So the subgroup of GL (n, Fq) preserving x21 + · · · + x2

n can also bedescribed as the subgroup preserving the linear functional x1 + · · ·+

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Algebraic Geometry 175

xn. This defines a subgroup which is “more like GL (n − 1)” than

the orthogonal group. It has dimension n2 − n instead of12n(n− 1)

so our description of O(n,C) does not reduce well mod 2.

We can alter the description of the complex orthogonal group forn = 2k. Consider the subgroup of GL (n,C) preserving the “splitform”

x1x2 + x3x4 + · · ·+ x2k−1x2k .

This defines a conjugate subgroup

O(n,C) ⊆ GL (n,C) .

This description reduces well modulo 2 – the dimension of this

subgroup of GL (n, Fq) is12n(n− 1).

Thus, we can include the cases of the “even” real Grassmannians

G2n,2k(R) = SO(2n + 2k,C)/SO(2n,C)× SO(2k,C)

for q = 2 in Theorem 5.12.

For example,BSO2n = lim


is included for q = 2.

BSO2n+1 may also be included for q = 2 using the following device.At an odd prime p the composition

BSO2n+1 → BU2n+1 → B1 → (B1)p

is p-profinite completion. Here B1 may be described in either of twoways –

i) B1 = (BU2n+1 × S∞)/(Z /2) where Z /2 acts by

complex conjugation× antipodal map ,

ii) (B1) is the limit of the etale homotopy types of the “real Grass-mannians”


GL (n + k,R)/GL (n,R)×GL (k,R) .

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(For a further discussion of this see the next section.)

So the subgroup of Z∗p generated by 2 acts on the homotopy type


via its action on (BU2n+1)p.

In all cases (p = 2, 3, 5, . . . ), the element of order 2 in Z∗p cor-

responds to complex conjugation and acts trivially on the p-adiccomponent of the homotopy type of the real Grassmannians.

Addendum 2. We might indicate the essential ingredients of theproof.

Suppose V is any variety defined over Q. If the cohomology ofV is generated by algebraic cycles then the action of Gal (Q/Q) onthe cohomology (which then only occurs in even dimensions) factors

through its Abelianization Z∗.

If V can be reduced well mod q the action of Gal (Q/Q) restricted

to Gq simplifies to a Z action.

This action of Z can then be further simplified to a Uq ⊆ Z∗p ac-

tion if (π1V )p = 0 using the homotopy construction described in theproof.

The etale homotopy of real varieties – a topologicalconjecture

Suppose the complex algebraic variety VC can be defined over thereal numbers R – the equations defining VC can be chosen to havereal coefficients. Let |VR| denote the variety (possibly vacuous) ofreal solutions to these equations.

VC has a natural involution c, complex conjugation, induced lo-cally by

(x0, x1, . . . , xn) c7→ (x0, x1, . . . , xn) .

c is an algebraic homeomorphism of V with fixed points |VR|.A natural question is – can one describe some aspect of the ho-

motopy type of the real variety |VR| algebraically?

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We have the etale homotopy type of the complex points VC,Vet,and Vet has an involution σ corresponding to complex conjugationin VC. The pair (Vet, σ) is an algebraically constructed homotopymodel of the geometric pair (VC, conjugation).

Thus we are led to consider the related question of “geometrichomotopy theory” –

What aspect of the homotopy type of the fixed points F of aninvolution t on a finite dimensional locally compact space X can berecovered from some homotopy model of the involution?

In the examples of Chapter 1 we saw how certain 2-adic comple-tions of the cohomology or the K-theory of the fixed points couldbe recovered from the associated “fixed point free involution”

(X ′, t′) ≡ (X × S∞, t× antipodal map) , S∞ = infinite sphere

with orbit space

Xt = X ′/(x ∼ t′x) ≡ X × S∞/(Z /2) .

Now (X ′, t′) is a good homotopy model of the geometric involution(X, t). For example, the projection on the second factor leads to theuseful fibration

X ∼= X ′ → Xt → RP∞ ≡ S∞/antipodal .

Let (geometric,Z /2) denote the category of locally compact finitedimensional topological spaces with involution and equivariant mapsbetween them. let (homotopy, free Z /2) denote the category of CWcomplexes with involution and homotopy classes of equivariant mapsbetween them.

We have two constructions for objects in (geometric,Z /2):

a) the geometric operation of taking fixed points,

b) the homotopy theoretical operation of passing to the associatedfree involution

(X ′, t′) = (X × S∞, t× antipodal) .

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These can be compared in a diagram

(geometric,Z /2)



×(S∞,antipodal) // (homotopy, free Z /2)


topological spaces forget // homotopy category .

Our basic question then becomes – can we make a constructionF , “the homotopy theoretical fixed points of a fixed point free invo-lution”, so that the above square commutes?

Note we should only ask for the 2-adic part of the homotopytype of the fixed point set. This is natural in light of the aboveexamples in cohomology and K-theory. Also examples of involutionson spheres show the odd primary part of the homotopy type of thefixed points can vary while the equivariant homotopy type of thehomotopy model (X ′, t′) stays constant.

There is a natural candidate for the homotopy theoretical fixedpoints. We make an analogy with the geometric case – in (geometric,Z /2)the fixed points of (X, t) are obtained by taking the space

equivariant maps (point → X) .

In (homotopy, free Z /2), the role of a point should be played byany contractible CW complex with free involution, for example S∞– the infinite sphere.

Definition. If X is a CW complex with an involution t define thehomotopy theoretical fixed points F of (X, t) by

F(X, t) =[singular complex ofequivariant maps (S∞ → X)


We list a few easy properties of F :

i) F(S∞, antipodal map) is contractible (' point).

ii) F(X, t) ' F(X ′, t′).

iii) F(X ×X,flip) ' X.

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iv) F(X ′, t′) ' singular complex of cross sections (Xt → P∞(R))(generalization of i).)

We make the

Fixed Point Conjecture If (X, t) is a triangulable involution ona locally compact space, then

(fixed points (X, t)

)2' (F(X ′, t′)


that is,

(geometric,Z /2)“geometric

fixed points”²²

×contractiblefree Z /2-space

(say S∞) // (homotopy, free Z /2)“homotopy theoretical

fixed points” ²²triangulable topological spaces

2-adiccompletion **TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

homotopy category2-adic


homotopy category

commutes for triangulable involutions on locally compact spaces.

Paraphrase – “We can make a homotopy theoretical recovery ofthe 2-adic homotopy type of the geometric fixed point set from theassociated (homotopy theoretical) fixed point free involution”.

One can say a little about the question.

i) The conjecture is true for the natural involution on X ×X – thisfollows by direct calculation – property iii) above.

ii) The conjecture is true if the set of fixed points of X is vacuous –for then Xt is cohomologically finite dimensional. So there are nocross sections on Xt → RP∞. (This has the interesting CorollaryE below.)

iii) If the involution is trivial – the fixed points are all of X. However,the homotopy fixed points is the space of all maps of RP∞ intoX. For these to agree 2-adically it must be true that the space

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of all based maps of RP∞ into a finite dimensional space X iscontractible. 40

iv) The latter conjecture seems quite difficult from a direct point ofview. The fixed point conjecture seems to hinge on it –

In fact suppose (X, t) is a smooth manifold with smooth involu-tion with fixed submanifold F – say F connected.

Let ν denote the projectivized normal bundle of F , then one candetermine that

Xt∼= F × RP∞ ∪ν (X − F )/(x ∼ tx)


ν → (X − F )/(x ∼ tx) is the natural inclusion ,

ν → F × RP∞ is the

(projection onto F )× (canonical line bundle over ν)

F × RP∞


closure offinite dimensionalimage of X − Fin Xt

The conjecture of iii) indicates that any map of RP∞ into Xt cannotinvolve the “locally compact part of Xt” too seriously so we needonly consider maps into the infinite part of F ×RP∞. Applying theconjecture of iii) again gives the result.

40This is the original formulation of the conjecture which was subsequently solved by HaynesMiller, The Sullivan conjecture on maps from classifying spaces, Ann. of Maths. 120, 39–87(1984).

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The Real Etale Conjecture

Let us return to the original question about the homotopy of realalgebraic varieties.

Let (X, t) denote the etale homotopy type of the complex pointswith involution corresponding to complex conjugation. We firstthink of (X, t) as approximated by an inverse system of complexesXα each with its own involution. We can do this by restrictingattention to the cofinal collection of etale covers of VC which areinvariant (though not fixed) by conjugation.

We form the fibration sequence

Xα → Xαt → P∞(R) (= RP∞)

and pass to limit to obtain the complete fibration sequence

X → Xt → P∞(R) .

This sequence has a direct algebraic description.

To say that a variety VR is defined over R means that we have ascheme built from the spectra of finite R-algebras. We have a map

VR → Spec R .

The complex variety VC is the fibre product of natural diagrams


²²Spec C // Spec R .

Applying the complete etale homotopy functor gives a fibre prod-uct square



// etale homotopy type

²²∗ // etale homotopy type


Spec R = K(Z /2, 1) ,

i.e. the sequenceX → Xt → P∞(R) .

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Thus we can conjecture three equivalent descriptions of the 2-adichomotopy type of the variety of real points |VR| –

i) The 2-adic completion of the space of equivariant maps of theinfinite sphere into the etale homotopy type of the associatedcomplex variety. (We first form the inverse system of equivariantmaps into each nerve in the system, then 2-adically complete andform a homotopy theoretical inverse limit as in Chapter 3).

ii) The space of cross sections of the etale realization of the definingmap

VR → Spec R .

(Again complete the etale homotopy type of VR. We get a mapof CW complexes

Xt → P∞(R) .

Then take the singular complex of cross sections and 2-adicallycomplete this.)

Note: This last description is analogous to the definition of the“geometric real points”: a real point of VR is an R-morphism

Spec R→ VR ,

namely, a “cross section” of the defining map

VR → Spec R .

iii) A set of components of the space of all maps

etale type (Spec R) → etale type (VR)2-adically completed.

(The space of cross sections of

Xt → RP∞ = etale type (Spec R)

may be described (up to homotopy) as the subset of the functionspace of all maps

RP∞ → Xtconsisting of those components which project to the non-trivialhomotopy class of maps of RP∞ to RP∞. This description isperhaps easier to compute theoretically.)

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We first prove a subjunctive theorem and then some declarativecorollaries.

Theorem 5.13 The topological fixed point conjecture implies theabove etale descriptions of the 2-adic homotopy type of a real vari-ety are correct.

Proof: Let Un be a linearly ordered inverse system of locally di-rected, finite etale covers of the variety of complex points VC so that

i) Un is invariant by complex conjugation,

ii) VˆC∼= lim←−


nerve C(Un) where the nerve of the category of smallest

neighborhoods is as discussed above.

However instead of using the little category C(U) discussed aboveuse the (larger) homotopy equivalent category C(U, V ) (introducelabels).

Ux is an object of C(U, V ) if “Ux is a smallest neighborhood of x”.The morphisms are the same diagrams as before




A// Uy



– we ignore the “labels” x and y.

Enlarging the category like this makes the map between nerves

nerve C(U1, V ) → nerve C(U, V )

canonical if U1 refines U .

Inductively choose a linearly ordered system of locally directedfinite topological coverings Vn so that

i) Vn refines Un and Vi for i < neach V ∈ Vn is contractible.

ii) V is invariant by conjugation.

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Then we have a canonical diagram of equivariant maps



nerve(C(Vn, V )



// nerve(C(Un, V )






nerve(C(Vn−1, V )



//nerve(C(Un−1, V )


²² .

(To construct fn we assume as above for each n that VC is triangu-

lated so that

i) complex conjugation is piecewise linear,

ii) VC − Uα is a subcomplex, Uα ∈ Vn.)

By the proposition above each fn is an equivalence. By etalehomotopy theory the right hand column converges to the profinitecompletion of VC.

From this it follows that the profinite completion of the map

VC × S∞/(Z /2) t−→ RP∞

is equivalent to


(nerve C(Un)× S∞/(Z /2)

) a−→ RP∞


etale type VR → etale type (Spec R)).

Thus the 2-adic completion of the space of cross sections of thesemaps agree. The topological fixed point conjecture asserts we obtainthe 2-adic completion of the homotopy type of the real points in thefirst instance. This proves the Theorem.

The proof does show that some aspect of the cohomology and K-theory of a ‘real variety’ |VR| can be described algebraically.

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Algebraic Geometry 185

Cohomology: Let R denote the “cohomology ring of Z /2”,

Z /2[x] ∼= H∗(P∞(R);Z /2).

The Z /2 etale cohomology of VR is a module over R – using theetale realization of the defining map

VR → Spec R .

Then P. A. Smith theory (which follows easily from the “pictureof Xt” above) implies

Corollary H

H∗(variety of real points;Rx) ∼=etale cohomologyVR localized byinverting x

∼= H∗(VR;Z /2)⊗R Rx ,

Rx = Z /2[x, x−1] .

K-theory: Let R denote the group ring of Z /2 over the 2-adicintegers,

R = Z2[x]/(x2 − 1) .

The work of Atiyah and Segal on equivariant K-theory may beused to deduce

Corollary K The K-theory of the variety of real points |VR| sat-isfies

K(|VR|)⊗ R ∼= K((etale homotopy type VR)2


A final corollary is interesting.

Corollary E If fi is a finite collection of polynomials with realcoefficients, then the polynomial equations

fi = 0

41The right hand side may be described for example by


lim→etale coverings

of VR

K(nerve;Z /2n) .

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have a real solution iff the etale cohomology of the variety definedby fi has mod 2 cohomology in infinitely many dimensions.

Proof: We actually prove a variety VR defined over R has a realpoint if the etale cohomology (with Z /2 coefficients) is non-zeroabove twice complex dimension VC.

If there is a real point p,

Spec R


p // VR

“defining equation”²²

Spec R

the etale realization shows

H∗(etale type VR;Z /2) ⊇ H∗(P∞(R);Z /2).

If there is no real point,

H∗(etale type VC × S∞/(Z /2);Z /2)

vanishes above 2n, n = complex dimension VC,(etale type VC × S∞/(Z /2) ∼= etale type VC/(Z /2)


Butetale type VC × S∞/(Z /2) ∼=

2-adicallyetale type of VR

as shown above.

Note: The “picture of Xt” above shows

H i(etale type VR;Z /2)

is constant for large i.

Moreover this stable cohomology group is the direct sum of themod 2 cohomology of the real points.

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Chapter 6



We combine the Galois phenomena of the previous Chapter withthe phenomenon of geometric periodicity that occurs in the the-ory of manifolds. We find that the Abelianized Galois group actscompatibly on the completions of Grassmannians of k-dimensionalpiecewise linear subspaces of R∞.

We study this symmetry in the theory of piecewise linear bundlesand other related geometric theories.

To motivate this study consider the problem of understandingwhat invariants determine a compact manifold.

There is the underlying homotopy type plus some extra geometricinvariant. In fact define a map




types , “tangentbundles”


With the appropriate definitions and hypotheses ∆ is an injectionand the “equations defining the image” are almost determined.

We remark that the notion of isomorphism on the right is some-what subtle – we should have a diagram



dg // TL

²²M g

// L ,


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g is any homotopy equivalence between the underlying homotopytypes M and L and dg is a bundle isomorphism of the “tangentbundles” TM and TL which is properly homotopic to the homotopytheoretical derivative of g, a naturally defined proper fibre homotopyequivalence between TM and TL.1

So to understand manifolds we must understand bundles, bundleisomorphisms, and deformations of fibre homotopy equivalences tobundle isomorphisms.

There are questions of a homotopy theoretical nature which wecan decompose and arithmetize according to the scheme of Chapterstwo and three. (We pursue this more strenuously in a sequel.)

It turns out that the odd primary components of the piecewiselinear or topological questions have a surprisingly beautiful struc-ture – with Galois symmetry and four-fold periodicity in harmonicaccord.

Piecewise linear bundles

Consider a “block of homeomorphisms”,

f σ × Rn → σ × Rn.

σ a simplex

f satisfies

i) f is a piecewise linear homeomorphism which fixes the zero sec-tion σ × 0,

ii) for every face τ < σ, f keeps τ × Rn invariant, “f preserves theblocks”.

This defines a simplex of the piecewise linear group PLn.

1See Sullivan, 1966 Princeton Thesis for a definition of dg.

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The Galois Group in Geometric Topology 189

This group determines a theory of “Rn-block bundles”,




we have a “total space” E which admits a decomposition into blocks,σ×Rn, one for each simplex in the “base”, B which is embedded inE as the “zero section”, σ × 0 ⊆ σ × Rn.

The notion of isomorphism reduces to piecewise linear homeomor-phism of the pair of polyhedra (E, B). The isomorphism classes forma proper “bundle theory” classified by homotopy classes of maps intothe “PL Grassmannians”, Gn(PL) (or BPLn – the classifying spaceof the group PLn).

The fact that block bundles are functorial is a non-trivial factbecause there is no “geometrical projection”, only a homotopy the-oretical one.

The lack of a “geometric projection” however enables the tubularneighborhood theorem to be true. Submanifolds have neighborhoodswhich can be “uniquely blocked”,

and transversality constructions can be made using the blocks.

In fact, it seems to the author that the category of polyhedra withthe concomitant theory of block bundles provides the most generaland natural setting for performing the geometrical constructionsassociated with transversality and intersection.

We note the fact that a homotopy theoretical “non-zero section”of a block bundle cannot necessarily be realized geometrically pre-cisely because there is no “geometric projection”.

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The Transversality Construction

Consider a closed submanifold Mn+l of the block bundle E. Itis possible2 (if B is compact) to perform a compactly supportedisotopy so that

M is transversal to B ,

M intersects a neighborhood of B in a union of blocks intersect theneighborhood.




The intersection with B is a compact manifold V l which is a sub-polyhedron of B. There are certain points to be noted.

i) If Mn+l varies by a proper cobordism Wn+l+1 in E×unit intervalthen V varies by a cobordism.

ii) A proper map Mf−→ E can be made transversal to B by making

the graph of f transversal to M ×B. We obtain a proper map

V → B .

iii) More general polyhedra X may be intersected with B. The in-tersection has the same singularity structure as X. For example,consider a Z /n-manifold in E, that is, a polyhedron formed froma manifold with n-isomorphic collections of boundary componentsby identification. The transversal intersection with B is again aZ /n-manifold. We can speak of Z /n-cobordism, and property ii)holds.

iv) Passing to cobordism classes of proper maps

M → E

2Rourke and Sanderson, Block Bundles, Annals of Mathematics 87, I. 1–28, II. 256–278, III.431–483 (1968).

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The Galois Group in Geometric Topology 191

and cobordism classes of maps

V → B

yields Abelian groups (disjoint union)

Ω∗E and Ω∗B

and we have constructed the Thom intersection homomorphism

Ω∗E∩B−−→ Ω∗B ,

plus a Z /n analogue

Ω∗(E;Z /n) ∩B−−→ Ω∗(B;Z /n) .

Proposition 6.1 Intersection gives the Thom isomorphism

Ω∗E∩B−−→∼= Ω∗B .

Proof: If M ∩B = ∂W , then we can “cobord to M ′ off of B” usingM × I union “closed blocks over W”, schematically


M ′W


M ∩B

Now use that fact that the one point compactification of E, E+

with B removed is contractible to “send M ′ off to infinity”, using aproper map M ′ × R → E − B. This proves ∩B is injective. ∩B isclearly onto since

(blocks over V ) ∩B = V .

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Note if E were oriented by a cohomology class

U ∈ Hn(E, E −B;Z)

the isomorphism above would hold between the oriented cobordismgroups (also denoted Ω∗).

We define Z /n-manifolds by glueing together oriented isomorphicboundary components and obtain the Z /n-Thom isomorphism

Ω∗(E;Z /n) ∩B−−→∼= Ω∗(B;Z /n) .

The Signature Invariants and Integrality

The Thom isomorphism

Ω∗E∩B−−→∼= Ω∗B

is the basic geometric invariant of the bundle E. To exploit it weconsider the numerical invariants which arise in surgery on mani-folds.

If x ∈ H4i(V ;Q), define “the signature of the cycle x” by

signature x = signature of quadratic form on H2i(V ;Q)

given by 〈y2, x〉, y ∈ H2i(V ;Q).

An oriented manifold V has a signature in Z. An oriented Z /n-manifold has a signature in Z /n,

signature V = signature (V/singularity V ) mod n .

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The Galois Group in Geometric Topology 193

These signatures are cobordism invariants. For example, if V iscobordant to zero, we can unfold the cobordism





where Q and W are obtained from the cobordism of V to ∅ and seethat

0 Thom= signature ∂QNovikov= signature V + 3 signature W

using the Addition Lemma (Novikov) for the signature of “manifoldswith boundary”, (= signature W/∂W ) and the cobordism invarianceof the ordinary signature (Thom).

These signature relations are proved by pleasant little duality ar-guments.

Now note that we have

i) coefficient homomorphism

Ω∗( ;Z /kn)→← Ω∗( ;Z /n)

defined by


k = 2n = 3

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ii) an exact ladder

. . . // Ωi( )


·n // Ωi( )


// Ωi( ;Z /n) //


. . .

. . . // Ωi( ) ·kn // Ωi( ) // Ωi( ;Z /kn) // . . .

derived geometrically.

We can form

Q /Z -bordism Ω∗( ;Q /Z) = lim→n

Ω∗( ;Z /n)

Q -bordism Ω∗( ;Q) = lim→k

(Ω∗( ) k−→ Ω∗( )


and an exact sequence

· · · → Ω∗( ) → Ω∗( ;Q) t−→ Ω∗( ;Q /Z) → . . . .

Definition (signature invariant of E) Compose the operations

i) intersect with the zero section,

ii) take the signature of the intersection to obtain the “signatureinvariant of E”




// Q

²²σ(E) = signature

of intersection



Ω∗(E;Q /Z) // Q /Z .

We assume E is oriented.

The rational part of the signature invariant carries precisely thesame information as “rational characteristic classes of E”,

1 + L1 + L2 + · · · ∈∏

H4i(B;Q) . (Thom).

The extension of the rational signature to a Q /Z signature canbe regarded as a canonical integrality theorem for the rational char-acteristic classes of E.

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To explain this for bundles consider the localizations

Kn(E)l = KOn(E)c ⊗ Zl n = fibre dimension

H4∗(B)2 =∞∏


H4i(B;Z(2)) .


Z(2) = integers localized at 2,

Zl = integers localized at l, l = set of odd primes,

KOncompact support = KOn

c = KOn (one point compactification of


Q /Z =⊕


Z /p∞ =⊕



Z /pn.

Theorem 6.1 The rational characteristic class of a piecewise linearblock bundle E over B (oriented)

1 + L1 + L2 + · · · ∈∏


determined by the rational part of the signature invariant of E sat-isfies two canonical integrality conditions

i) (at the prime 2) there is a canonical “integral cohomology class”

LE ∈ H4∗(B)2

so that


under the coefficient homomorphism induced by 3

Z(2) → Q .

3In this work we only treat ii), but see D.P. Sullivan, Geometric periodicity and the in-variants of manifolds, in Manifolds, Proceedings of 1970 Amsterdam conference, SpringerLecture Notes 197, 44–75 (1971) and J.W. Morgan and D.P. Sullivan, The transversalitycharacteristic class and linking cycles in surgery theory, Ann. of Math. 99 (1974) 463–544.

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ii) (at odd primes) there is a canonical “K-theory orientation class”

∆E ∈ K(E)l l = odd primes

so that

Pontrjagin character ∆E ∈ H4∗c (E)

is related to L by the Thom isomorphism

ph∆E = LE · (Thom class) ,

ph is the Chern character of “∆E complexified”.

iii) LE is determined by LE and the 2-adic part of the Q /Z-signatureof E.

∆E is determined by LE and the l-adic part of the Q /Z signatureof E.


The invariants ∆E and LE are invariants of the “stable isomor-phism class of E”, the isomorphism class of

E × Rk .

If B is a closed manifold and the fibre dimension of E is even,then

B ∩B

represents the Poincare dual of the Euler class in homology, an “un-stable invariant”. If this class is zero then B is homologous to a cyclein E −B If B ∩B is cobordant to zero in B × I then B is cobordantin E × I to a submanifold of E −B (by the argument above).

We will see that

i) L and the rational Euler class form a complete set of rationalinvariants for E (fibre dimension E even). The set of bundles isalmost a “lattice” in the set of invariants.

ii) ∆E and the fibre homotopy type of E −B → B form a completeset of invariants at odd primes.

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At the prime 2, LE, the fibre homotopy type of E −B → B , anda certain additional 2 torsion invariant K determine E. The preciseform and geometric significance of K is not yet clear4.

We pursue the discussion of the odd primary situation and theK-theory invariant ∆E. We will use ∆E to construct the Galoissymmetry in piecewise linear theory. The construction of ∆E followsfrom the discussion below.

Besides the “algebraic implication” for piecewise linear theory of∆E, we note here that for smooth bundles ∆E will be constructedfrom the “Laplacian in E”. We hope to pursue this “analytical im-plication” of ∆E in PL theory in a later discussion.

Geometric Characterization of K-theory

We consider a marvelous geometric characterization of elementsin K-theory (real K-theory at odd primes).

Roughly speaking, an element in K(X) is a “geometric cocy-cle” which assigns a residue class of integers to every smooth Z /n-manifold in X. The cocycle is subject to certain conditions likecobordism invariance, amalgamation of residue classes, and a peri-odicity formula.5

Actually there is another point of view besides that of the title.Geometric properties of manifold theory force a four-fold periodicityinto the space classifying fibre homotopy equivalences between PLbundles.

This four-fold periodic theory is the germane theory for studyingthe geometric invariants of manifolds beyond those connected to thehomotopy type or the action of π1 on the universal cover.

The obstruction theory in this geometric theory has the striking“theory of invariants” property of the “geometric cocycle” above (at

4In principle, there is now a statement at two. See Chapter 16 of A.Ranicki, AlgebraicL-theory and topological manifolds, Tracts in Mathematics 102, Cambridge (1992) for theintegral L-theory orientation of a topological block bundle.5There is a good analytical interpretation of these residues.

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all primes). This can be seen by interesting geometric argumentsusing manifolds with “join-like singularities”.6

The author feels this is the appropriate way to view this geo-metric theorem about real K-theory at odd primes – where “Bottperiodicity” coincides with the “geometric periodicity”.

However, the proof of the geometric cocycle theorem (at oddprimes) is greatly facilitated using K-theory. Moreover the Galoisgroup of Q acts on K-theory.

In summary, the “geometric insight” into this theorem about K-theory comes from the study of manifolds, the Galois symmetry inmanifold theory comes from K-theory.7

We describe the theorem.

Let Ωl∗(X;Q /Z) denote the odd part of the Q /Z-bordism groupdefined by smooth manifolds,

Ωl∗(X;Q /Z) = lim→

n odd

cobordism class of

smooth Z /n manifoldsin X


Let finite



⊆ Ωl4∗(X;Q /Z) λ−→ Q /Z

be the subgroup of homomorphisms satisfying the “periodicity rela-tion”

λ((V −→ X)× (M −→ pt)

)= signature M · λ(V → X) , M closed .

Similarly let

geometriccocyclesover Q


⊆ Ω4∗(X;Q) λ−→ Q

be the subgroup of homomorphisms8 satisfying this periodicity re-lation.

6The author hopes a young, naive, geometrically minded mathematician will find and developthese arguments.7Today, anyway.8Defined for smooth or PL manifolds in X. Over Q the theories are isomorphic.

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Theorem 6.3 Let X be a finite complex. Then there are naturalisomorphisms

K(X)0 ∼=

geometriccocycles on X

over Q


K(X ) ∼=


cocycles on X


K(X)0 means the localization of K(X) at 0, KO(X)⊗Q. K(X )is the profinite completion of KO(X) (with respect to groups of oddorder).


a) The isomorphisms above are determined by the case X = pt,where

(Ω4∗(pt)signature−−−−−−→ Z)⊗Q ∼ 1 ∈ K(pt)0 = Q .

b) The proof shows that the isomorphism holds for cohomology the-ories – that is, if we consider geometric cocycles with values on4i+j-manifolds subject to cobordism and the periodicity relation,then we are describing elements in

Kj(X)0 or Kj(X ) .

c) Such elements provide essentially independent information. How-ever an integrality condition relating the rational and finite geo-metric cocycles



σQ // Q

²²Ω∗(X;Q /Z)

σf // Q /Z

implies we can construct an element in

K(X) = KO(X)⊗ Z [ 12] .

(For we have the exact sequence

0 → K(X)i⊕j−−→ K(X ) ⊕K(X)0

l−c−−→ K(X)(Adele)l→ 0

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corresponding to the arithmetic square of Chapter 1 for groups,l = odd primes.The integrality condition means that σQ is integral on the lattice

Ω∗(X) ⊆ Ω∗(X;Q) .

This in turn implies that the element determined by σf in

K(X ) ⊗Q = K(X)(Adele)l

is “rational” and is in fact the image of the element determinedby σQ (upon tensoring with Zl).


Corollary 6.4 The signature invariant of a PL block bundle Eover a finite complex



// Q

²²σ(E) =

Ω∗(E;Q /Z) // Q /Z

determines a canonical element in the K-theory with compact sup-ports of E,

∆E ∈ Kdc (E) , d = dimension E .

Proof of Corollary: We restrict the signature invariant to thesubgroup of Ω∗(E+;Q /Z) generated by smooth Z /n-manifolds ofdimension 4i + d,9 n odd. The periodicity relation is clear. We havea geometric cocycle of “degree d”.

Similarly for Q.

We obtain elements in

Kc(E) and Kc(E)0 .

The integrality condition implies these can be combined to give acanonical element in

Kc(E) .

We proceed to the proof of the theorem.

9All other values are zero anyway. E+ = one point compactification of E.

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First there is the construction of a map

K(X) ∆−→geometriccocycles


In effect, the construction amounts to finding the ∆E of the corol-lary when E is a vector bundle.

Let γ denote the canonical bundle over the Grassmannian BSO4n.

There is a natural element

∆4n =Λ+ − Λ−

Λ+ + Λ−∈ KOc(γ)⊗ Z [ 1

2] .

Λ = Λ+⊕Λ− is the canonical splitting of the exterior algebra of γinto the eigenspaces of the “∗ operator” for some Riemannian metricon γ.


a) KOc(γ) ≡ KO(Thom space γ) = KO(MSO4n) is isomorphic tothe kernel of the restriction

KO(BSO4n) → KO(BSO4n−1) .

b) Elements in KO(BSO4n) can be defined be real representations ofSO4n. Λ denotes the exterior algebra regarded as a representationof SO4n. Λ+ and Λ− are the ±1 eigenspaces of the involution

α : Λ → Λ

given by Clifford multiplication with the volume element in Λn

(i.e. α : Λi → Λn−i is (−1)i∗ where ∗ is Hodge’s operator).

c) Λ+⊕Λ− has dimension 24n so that it is invertible in KO(BSO4n)with 1/2 adjoined.

d) Λ+ and Λ− are isomorphic as representations of SO4n−1 so

Λ+ − Λ−

Λ+ + Λ−lies in the kernel

(KO(BSO4n) → KO(BSO4n−1)

)⊗Z [ 12] .

e) The element ∆4n ∈ KOc(γ4n) ⊗ Z [12 ] restricts to a generator ofKOc(R4n) which is 2−2n times the “natural integral generator”

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(defined using ∆+ − ∆− where ∆ = ∆+ + ∆− is the “basic spinrepresentation” defined using the Clifford algebra of R4n).

f) We shall think of K-theory K0,K1,K2, . . . (KO tensor Z [12 ]) asbeing a cohomology theory – periodic of order four with the pe-riodicity isomorphism defined by ∆4 in KOc(R4)⊗ Z [12 ]


x 7→x·∆4

KOc(X × R4) .

g) The elements ∆4q are multiplicative with respect to the naturalmap

BSO4q ×BSO4r → BSOq+r ;

∆4(q+r)/(γ4q × γ4r) = ∆4q ×∆4r

in KOc(γ4q × γ4r)⊗ Z [12 ].

(I am indebted to Atiyah and Segal for this discussion.)

The elements ∆4n are defined in the universal spaces for bordism,

MSO4n = Thom space γ4n .

They define then a natural transformation


∆−→ K-theory

either on the homology level, ∆∗ or on the cohomology level, ∆∗ andthese are related by Alexander duality.

Thus smooth manifolds can be regarded as cycles in K-theory.Then any element in Ki(X), ν may be evaluated in a manifold Mof dimension n in X and we obtain

(M → X) ∩ ν ∈ Kn−i(pt) .

If M is a Z /k-manifold we obtain an element in Kn−i(pt)⊗Z /k.10

10Technically, this uses the fact that Z /k-manifolds represent “bordism with Z /k coefficients”which is easy to prove. One defines a map by transversality and the coefficient sequence abovegives the isomorphism.

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Since the transformation is multiplicative (∆4n ·∆4l ∼ ∆4(n+l)),

((M → X)× (V → pt)

) ∩ ν = ∆(V ) · (ν ∩ (M → X))

where ∆(V ) is in Kv(pt), v = dim V .

To calculate ∆(V ) we recall the “character of ∆”, the germ forcalculating the characteristic classes of ∆ is

germ of φ−1ph∆ =(

φ−1phΛ+ − Λ−

Λ+ + Λ−


germ(φ = Thom isomorphism)


φ−1chΛ+ − Λ−

Λ+ + Λ−⊗ C




ex − e−x

ex + e−x=



= germ of 1/L-genus .

To calculate ∆(V ) we encounter the characteristic classes of thenormal bundle, thus

∆(V ) = 〈1/L(normal bundle of V ), V 〉= 〈L(tangent bundle of V ), V 〉= signature of V ,

by the famous calculation of Hirzebruch.

This proves each element in K(X) determines11 geometric cocy-cles,






cocycles overQ


11We note that there is a more direct evaluation of ∆ obtained by embedding the split Z /k-manifold M in D2∗ × RN equivariantly. D2∗ means D2 with Z /k rotating the boundary.One combines this embedding with the map of M into X and the classifying map of ν intoBSO4k. One can then pull ∆4k back to the mod k Moore space

D2∗/((Z /k)∂) × RN ,∞

with K-group Z /k. Following this construction through allows an analytical interpretationof the residue classes in Z /k in terms of the “elliptic operator for the signature problem”.

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To analyze ∆f consider again the natural transformation ∆∗ frombordism ⊗Z [1/2] to K-theory. By obstruction theory in the uni-versal spaces one sees directly that ∆∗ is onto for zero dimensionalcohomology.12

Namely: We have a map of universal spaces

M(∆)−−→ B (B = (BO)odd primes) , M = lim−→ (Ω4nMSO4n)odd primes)


i) (∆) is onto in homotopy,

π∗M = Ω∗ ⊗Z Z [ 12]

signature−−−−−−→ π∗B = K∗(pt)

V → ∆V


H∗(B; π∗−1 fibre (∆))

∼= H∗(B; (ideal of signature zero manifolds)−1 ⊗ Z [ 12])

∼= 0 .

We can find then a universal cross section.

It follows by Alexander duality when X is a finite complex that∆∗ is onto for all dimensions.

In the kernel of ∆∗ we have the elements

(V → pt)× (M → X), signature V = 0 .

In the elegant expression of Conner-Floyd we then have a map,

Ω∗(X)⊗Ω∗ Z [ 12] ∆∗−−→ K∗(X) ,

which is a naturally split surjection.

One passes again to cohomology in dimension zero to see that thisis injective. One sees by a rational calculation that ∆∗ is injectivefor the case

X = (MSON )large skeleton .

12We assume all groups are localized at odd primes.

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The result follows for any X because we can calculate ∆∗(µ) con-sidering µ as a map

h-fold suspension Xµ−→ (MSON )skeleton .

The natural splitting of ∆∗ implies

µ∗(kernel ∆∗) = (kernel ∆∗) ∩ image µ∗

in Ω∗ ⊗Ω∗ Z [1/2].

The left hand side is zero (∆∗ is injective for MSON) while imageµ∗ is a general element. Thus kernel ∆∗ = 0, and

Ω∗(X)⊗Ω∗ Z [ 12] ∆∗−−→∼= K∗(X) .13

From the definition of mod n homology (the ordinary homologyof X smash the Moore space) we see that for odd n

Ω∗(X;Z /n)⊗Ω∗ Z ∼= K∗(X;Z /n) .

Now Ω∗(X;Z /n) is a “multiplicative theory”. We can form theproduct of two Z /n-manifolds.

× =

one obtains a Z /n-manifold except at points like x. The normal linkat x is

Z /n ∗ Z /n , a Z /n-manifold of dimension one .

(Z/3 ∗ Z/3)

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Now Z /n∗Z /n bounds a Z /n-manifold (the cobordism is essentiallyunique) so we can remove the singularity by replacing the cone overZ /n ∗ Z /n with this cobordism at each bad point x.

We obtain then a product of Z /n-manifolds.

ThusK∗(X;Z /n) ∼= Ω∗(X;Z /n)⊗Ω∗ Z /n

has a natural co-multiplication14. In particular, it is a Z /n-module.

We can then define a natural evaluation

K∗(X;Z /n) e−→ Hom(K∗(X;Z /n);Z /n


The right hand side is a cohomology theory – “Hom of Z /n-modules into Z /n is an exact functor”. We have an isomorphism forthe point – this is Bott periodicity mod n. Thus e is an isomorphism,Pontrjagin Duality for K-theory.


K∗(X;Z /n) ∼= Hom(K∗(X;Z /n),Z /n


∼= Hom(K∗(X;Z /n),Q /Z


∼= Hom(Ω∗(X;Z /n)⊗Ω∗ Z ,Q /Z



lim←n odd

K(X;Z /n) ∼= lim←n odd

Hom(Ω∗(X;Z /n)⊗Ω∗ Z ,Q /Z


∼= Hom(lim−→


Ω∗(X;Z /n)⊗Ω∗ Z ,Q /Z)

⊆ Hom(lim−→


Ω∗(X;Z /n),Q /Z)

= Hom(Ωl∗(X;Q /Z),Q /Z


Now K(X) is finitely generated so we can tensor the Z /n coeffi-

cient sequence with Z, and pass to the inverse limit over odd n (the

14The existence of some multiplication can be seen by general homotopy theory. The cycleproof above illustrates in part the spirit of the author’s arguments in the geometric contextsans K-theory.

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groups are compact) to obtain the isomorphism

K∗(X ) ∼= lim←n odd

K∗(X;Z /n) .

But then the isomorphism above identifies the profinite K-theoryin dimension i with the finite geometric cocycles of degree i.

This proves the profinite statement in Theorem 6.3.

We note that the rational statement is a rational cohomologycalculation.

One checks that there is a unique element Σ in K(X)⊗Q so that

σQ(Mf−→ X) = 〈LM · ph f∗Σ,M〉

for each geometric cocycle σQ. (LM is the L genus of the tangentbundle of M .) Q. E. D.

Remark: Atiyah has an interesting formulation of the problem ofgiving a direct geometric construction of ∆E for a PL bundle. Con-sider a compact polyhedral submanifold of RN ,



τx M

M ⊂ RN with “PL normal bundle E”. If x is a non-singular point(x in the interior of a top dimensional simplex) we have the naturalvolume form γx on the normal space of M at x. γx may be regardedas an element in the Clifford algebra of the tangent space to RN atthese points of M .

γx satisfies γ2x = 1 and defines a splitting of Λ(RN

x ),

Λ(RNx ) = (Λτx ⊗ Λ+νx)⊕ (Λτx ⊗ Λ−νx) ,

τx the tangent space to M at x, Λ+, Λ− as above.

The formal difference of these vector spaces is

Λτx ⊗ Λ+νx − Λτx ⊗ Λ−νx = Λτx ⊗ (Λ+νx − Λ−νx)

“=”Λ+ − Λ−

Λ+ + Λ−(νx) ,

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the local form of the element above.

So the problem of constructing ∆E may be “reformulated” –

extend the function γx over all of M to the following –

i) for each point y there is a unit γy in the Clifford algebra of RN

at y.

ii) γy satisfies γ2y = 1 (or at least γ2

y lies in a contractible region aboutthe identity in the units of the Clifford algebra).

iii) γy is constructed by connecting the local geometry of M at y withthe homotopy of regions in the Clifford algebra of RN at y.

We note that the case (manifold, normal bundle in Euclideanspace) is generic for the problem of constructing ∆E, so this wouldgive the construction for any PL bundle E.

The profinite and rational theory of PL block bundles

We continue in this mode of considering a problem in terms of itsrational and profinite aspects and the compatibility between them.

This approach is applicable to the theory of piecewise linear bun-dles because of the existence of a classifying space,

BPLn = block Grassmannian of “PL n-planes” in R∞ .

Thus we can define the profinite completion of the set of n-dimensionalPL bundles over X by

[X,profinite completion BPLn] .

For each locally finite polyhedron we obtain a natural compactHausdorff space. In the oriented theory the “geometric points” cor-responding to actual bundles form a dense subspace15. The topolog-ical affinities induced on these points correspond to subtle homotopytheoretical connections between the bundles.

15This follows for finite complexes by induction over the cells.

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To interpret the general point recall we have the natural map ofclassifying spaces16

(BSPLn) → (BSGn) .

So a profinite PL bundle determines a completed spherical fibration.We can think of a completed PL bundle as having its underlyingspherical homotopy type plus some extra (mysterious) geometricalstructure.

The connectivity of SPLn implies the splitting








We will consider only the p-adic components for p odd – the 2-adiccomponent is still rather elusive.

In the discussion the profinite completion Xˆ will always meanwith respect to groups of odd order. We occasionally include theprime 2 for points relating to the 2-adic linear Adams Conjecture.

We can also define “rational PLn bundles” over X 17

∼= [X, (BPLn)localized at zero] .

Intuitively, the rationalization of a bundle contains the “infiniteorder” information in the bundle.

Recall that the arithmetic square tells us we can assemble anactual PL bundle from a rational bundle and a profinite bundlewhich satisfy a “rational coherence” condition.

In the case of PLn bundles this coherence condition is expressiblein terms of characteristic classes as for spherical fibrations in Chap-ter 4. This follows from the

16For the stable theory this means a profinite PL bundle has a classical fibre homotopy type.17We are thinking primarily of the oriented case. However BPL2n can be localized using thefibration

BSPLn → BPL2n → K(Z /2, 1)

and the fiberwise localization of Chapter 4. BPL2n+1 should be localized at zero asBSPL2n+1 because the action of π1 = Z /2 is rationally trivial.

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Theorem 6.5 (Q) The rational characteristic classes

L1, L2, . . . , Li ∈ H4i(B;Q)

and the ‘homotopy class’

Euler class χ ∈ Hn(B;Q) n even

Hopf class H ∈ H2n−2(B;Q) n odd

form a complete set of rational invariants of the n-dimensional ori-ented PL bundle E over B.

In fact the oriented rational PLn bundle theory is isomorphic tothe corresponding product of cohomology theories

n even Hn( ;Q)×∏

H4∗( ;Q)

n odd H2n−2( ;Q)×∏

H4∗( ;Q) .


i) We note the unoriented rational theory described in the footnoteis obtained for n even by twisting the Euler class using homo-morphisms

π1(base) → Z /2 = ±1 ⊆ Q∗ .

For n odd no twisting is required because (-1) acts trivially onthe Hopf class.

ii) We also note that the relations for even dimensions 2n

χ2 = “nth Pontrjagin class”

e.g. χ2 = 3L1 (n = 1)

χ2 =45L2 + 9L2


7(n = 2)


do not hold for block bundles, as they do for vector bundles. Itseems reasonable to conjecture that these relations do hold inthe intermediate theory of PL microbundles – where we have ageometric projection.

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The information carried by the rational L classes is precisely theintegral signatures of closed manifold intersections with the zerosection.

The Euler class measures the transversal intersection of B withitself.

The invariants for the profinite PL theory

Consider the two invariants of a PL bundle E over B,

i) the K-theory orientation class

∆E ∈ Kc(E) ,

ii) the completed fibre homotopy type

(E −B) ///o/o/o B

after fiberwise completion.

We have already remarked that the second invariant is defined fora profinite PL bundle over B.

The first is also defined – to see this appeal again to the universalexample En over BSPLn.

It is easy to see that KcEn is isomorphic to the correspondinggroup for the completed spherical fibration over (BSPLn) .

Theorem 6.5 (Z) The two invariants of a profinite PL bundle ofdimension n

i) fibre homotopy type

ii) natural K-orientation

form a complete set of invariants, n > 2.18

18For n = 1, the oriented theory is trivial. For n = 2, a complete invariant is the Euler classin cohomology.

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In fact we have an isomorphism of theories


PLn bundles


K oriented

Sn−1 fibrations


We see that the different ways to put (profinite) geometric struc-ture in the homotopy type E − B → B correspond precisely to thedifferent K-orientations.

We recall that an orientation determines a Thom isomorphism

K(B)∆∼= K(E) .

Since ∆E was constructed from the signature invariant σ(E), theK-theory Thom isomorphism is compatible with the geometric Thomisomorphism discussed above.

We then see the aesthetically pleasing point that at the odd primesthe pure geometric information19 in a PL bundle is carried by theZ /n signature of Z /n intersections with the zero section (n odd).

Moreover we see that any assignment of signatures to “virtual in-tersections” (with a subsequent geometric zero section) for a spher-ical fibration satisfying cobordism invariance and the periodicity re-lation can be realized by a homotopy equivalent profinite PL bundle.

From the homotopy theoretical point of view we see that the ob-struction to realizing a completed spherical fibration as the “comple-ment of the zero section” in a PL bundle is precisely the obstructionto K-orientability.

Remark: The obstruction to K-orientability can be measured by acanonical characteristic class

k1(ξ) ∈ K1(B) .

where ξ is any complete spherical fibration over B.

Thus the image of profinite PL bundles in spherical fibrations isthe locus

k1(ξ) = 0 ,

19Beyond homotopy theoretical information.

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the collection of K-orientable fibrations.

We discuss the proof of Theorem 6.5 in the “K-orientation se-quence” section.

Galois symmetry in profinite PL theory

We use the K-theory characterization to find Galois symmetry inthe profinite piecewise linear theory.

Recall the action of the Abelianized Galois group


in K(X) , x 7→ xα α ∈ Z∗ .

This action extends to the cohomology theory – K∗-theory

Kn(X) → Kn(X) .


(x)α = α−n/2xα if n = 4k

using the periodicity isomorphism

Kn(X) ∼= K0(X) , (x) ∼ x .

For other dimensions the action of Z∗

is defined by the suspensionisomorphism. The factor α−n/2 insures the action commutes withsuspension isomorphism in K-theory for all values of n.

The group Z∗ × Z∗ acts on the profinite PLn theory by acting on

the invariants,

(∆E , (E −B) → B

) (α,β)7−→ (β∆α

E , (E −B) → B),

β, α ∈ Z∗ , ∆E ∈ Kn(E+) ,

E+ the Thom space of the spherical fibration.

We compare this action with the action of Gal (Q/Q) in profinite

vector bundle theory. Also recall the action of Z∗

on oriented Sn−1-fibrations,

(ξ, Uξ) 7→ (ξ, αUξ) , α ∈ Z∗ .

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Theorem 6.6 (Generalized Adams Conjecture)Consider the natural map of oriented profinite theories with actions

vector bundlesof dimension n



PLn bundles




Gal (Q/Q) Z∗ × Z∗ Z


Let σ belong to Gal (Q/Q) with Abelianization α ∈ Z∗. Let V andE denote n-dimensional vector and PL bundles respectively. Then

t(V σ) =

αn/2 · t(V )α n even

α(n−1)/2 · t(V )α n odd

h(βEα) = βh(E) .

Corollary 1 The action of Gal (Q/Q) on the “topological type” ofvector bundle is Abelian.

Corollary 2 The “diagonal action” in PLn theory,

E 7→ αn/2Eα n even

E 7→ α(n−1)/2Eα n odd

is “algebraic”. It is compatible with the action of the Galois groupon vector bundles.


i) The signature invariant together with a 2-primary (Arf) invariantwere used by the author to show the topological invariance of geo-metric structures (triangulations) in bundles under a “no 3-cycleof order 2” hypothesis (1966). Since we are only concerned withodd primes here “homeomorphism implies PL homeomorphism”.This explains the wording of Corollary 1.

These invariants also gave results about triangulations of simplyconnected manifolds. This fundamental group hypothesis was es-sentially removed20 by the more intrinsic arguments of Kirby andSiebenmann (1968, 1969) who also constructed triangulations.

20The manifold S3 × S1 × S1 illustrates the interdependence.

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ii) We would like to reformulate Corollary 2 in the following way.Think of the symmetries in these theories of bundles as beingdescribed by group actions in the classifying spaces. Then thegroup action on the PL Grassmannian corresponding to

V 7→ αn/2V α α ∈ Z∗ n even

keeps the image of the linear Grassmannian “invariant” and theregives the action of the Galois group, Gal (Q/Q).

If we let n approach∞ these symmetries in profinite bundle theorysimplify,

i) the action of Gal (Q/Q) on stable vector bundle Abelianizes,


in K(X ) .

ii) The Z∗ × Z∗ action in PLn bundles becomes a Z


(∆E , (E−B) → B

)(α,β) =(β∆α

E , (E−B) → B) ∼=


E , (E−B) → B).

iii) The action of Z∗

on Sn−1-fibrations becomes trivial.

Theorem 6.7 We obtain an equivariant sequence of theories

stable vector


//stable PLbundles

//stable spherical








α is induced by the action of Gal (Q/Q) on the “real Grass-mannian”. This action becoming Abelian in the limit of increasingdimensions.

β is induced by the action of Z∗

on the signature invariant σ(E)via its identification with the K-theory class ∆E.

γ is induced by changing orientations and is the trivial actionstably.

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Corollary Stably, all the natural symmetry in PL is “algebraic(or Galois) symmetry”.

Problem It would be interesting to calculate the effect of the Galoisgroup on the signature invariant σ(E) per se,

σ(Eα) = ?(σ(E)


Note These theorems give a rather explicit formula for measuringthe effect of the Galois group on the topological type of a vectorbundle at odd primes.

This might be useful for questions about algebraic vector bundlesin characteristic 2.

The proofs of Theorems 6.6 and 6.7 are discussed in the “Equivari-ance” section below.

Normal Invariants (Periodicity and the Galois Group)

We consider for a moment the theories of fibre homotopy equiva-lences between bundles (normal invariants).

These theories are more closely connected to the geometric ques-tions about manifolds which motivated (and initiated) this work.Moreover, the two real ingredients in the ensuing calculations findtheir most natural expression here.

Geometrically a normal invariant over the compact manifold M(with or without boundary) is a cobordism class of normal maps, adegree one map

Lf−→ M

covered by a bundle map

(normal bundle of Lin Euclidean space


(any bundle

over M


We may talk about smooth, PL, or topological normal invari-ants, sN , plN or tN . Normal invariants form a group (make f × f ′transversal to the diagonal in M ×M) and have natural geometricinvariants. For example for each Z /n-manifold V in M considerany “cobordism invariant” of the quadratic form in the transversalinverse image submanifold f−1(V ).

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From the homotopy theoretical point of view normal invariantscorrespond to fibre homotopy equivalences between bundles overM ,

Ef−→ F .

An equivalence is a fibre homotopy commutative diagram (overM)



f // F


E′ f ′ // F ′

where the vertical maps are bundle isomorphisms. These homo-topy normal invariants can be added by Whitney sum and theGrothendieck groups are classified by maps into a universal space

sN ∼ [ , G/O] plN ∼ [ , G/PL] tN ∼ [ , G/Top]

depending on the category of bundles considered.

The geometric description of normal invariants leads to a para-metrization of the manifolds (smooth, PL, or topological) within asimply connected homotopy type. This uses the “surgery on a map”technique of Browder and Novikov. 21

The homotopy description may now be used to study these in-variants of manifolds.

First there is an interplay between geometry and homotopy theory– it turns out that the geometric invariants suggested above (signa-tures of forms over R and Arf invariants of forms over Z /2) give acomplete set of numerical invariants of a normal cobordism class ineither the PL or topological context. (This is contained in Sullivan,“Geometric Topology Notes” Princeton 196722 for the PL case, anduses the more recent work of Kirby and Siebenmann constructingtriangulations for the topological case.)

The relations between the invariants are described by cobordismand a periodicity formula. This is the geometric periodicity, whichis a perfect four-fold periodicity in the topological theory (even at2).

21See author’s thesis. C. T. C. Wall extended this theory to non-simply connected manifoldsand another “second order” invariant associated with the fundamental group comes into play.22Published in The Hauptvermutung Book, K-theory Monographs 1, Kluwer (1996), 69–103.

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We will use this at odd primes where the periodicity may be in-terpreted in terms of natural equivalences with K-theory

PL normalinvariants


odd primes

topologicalnormal invariants

tN ∼ PLN ∼ K∗

(odd primes)

P equivalence withBott periodicity

unitsin K-theory

This isomorphism implies that we have an action of the Galois group


in the topological normal invariants.

The map P is constructed from the transversality invariants (thesignature invariant, again) using the geometric characterization ofK-theory above.

The K-orientation of a PL bundle developed as a generalizationof this odd primary calculation of PL normal invariants.

The isomorphism P is the first “ingredient” in our calculationsbelow. It is discussed in more detail below.

The second ingredient was constructed in Chapter 5.

The homotopy description of normal invariants can be profinitelycompleted. The discussion of the Adams Conjecture above showsthe following.

For each profinite vector bundle v over M and α ∈ Z∗ we have acanonical element

(vα ∼ v)

in the group of profinite smooth normal invariants over M .23

(Recall that the fibre homotopy equivalence

vα → v dim v = n

was canonically determined by the isomorphism induced by α onBOn−1.)

23We note here that a compact manifold with boundary has an arbitrary (finite) homotopytype.

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We only require the existence of these natural “Galois elements”for the calculation below. However, the precise structure of theseelements should be important for future ‘twisted calculations’.

We hope to pursue this structure and the quasi action of the Ga-lois group in a later discussion of manifolds.

Some Consequences of Periodicity and Galois Sym-metry

We will use the work up to now to study the stable geometrictheories.

Recall we have the signature invariant of a PL bundle leadingto the K-orientation theorem24 and the odd primary periodicity fornormal invariants.

We also have the Galois symmetry in the homotopy types of thealgebraic varieties,

Grassmannian of k-planes in n-space

leading to an action of the Galois group Z∗

on vector bundles.

We combined these to obtain a compatible action of the Galoisgroup on the linear and the piecewise linear theory and the canonicalfibre homotopy equivalence between conjugate bundles

xα ∼ x .

Consider the stable profinite theories









We may appeal to the homotopy equivalences (linearizations)

24Proved below in the K-orientation sequence paragraph.25As n approaches infinity and for odd primes.

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group ofdiffeomorphisms

of Rn


group of linearisomorphisms

of Rn


group ofhomeomorphisms

of Rn


group ofpiecewise linearisomorphisms

of Rn


to identify this array with the more computable26









we have been studying.

We consider these interchangeably.

Theorem 6.8 The kernels of the natural maps of the stable profinitebundle theories (the J-homomorphisms)











®®®®∼= ∼=






consist in each case27 of the subgroups generated by differences of

conjugates x− xα, α ∈ Galois group, Z∗.

26We can appeal to the combinatorics of Lie theory or rectilinear geometry to find invariants.27Recall that the prime 2 is excluded in the piecewise linear or topological case.

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Note on content

We have seen in Chapter 5 that xα − x has a (canonical) fibrehomotopy trivialization for vector bundles.

Assuming this Adams essentially proved Theorem 6.8 for vectorbundles by a very interesting K-theory calculation.

On the other hand it is clear from our definition of the Galoisaction for PL or Top that conjugate elements are fibre homotopyequivalent.

The burden of the proof is then the other half of the statement.

It turns out that the point is compatibility of the Galois action.This neatly reduces the PL case to the linear case and a modifiedform of Adams calculations.

To proceed to the proof of this theorem and to further study theinterrelationship between the stable theories we decompose every-thing using the roots of unity in Z.

Consider the p-adic component for one odd prime p. Recall from

Chapter 1, Z∗p has torsion subgroup

F ∗p∼= Z /(p− 1) .

Let ξp = ξ be a primitive (p− 1)st root of unity in Zp and consider

any Zp-module K in which Z∗p acts by homomorphisms. Denote the

operation on Kx 7→ xξ

by T and consider

πξi =∏

j 6=i

T − ξj

ξi − ξji = 0, . . . , p− 2 .

These form a system of orthogonal projections which decomposeK

K = K1 + (Kξ1 + · · ·+ Kξp−2) .

Kξi is the eigenspace of T with eigenvalue ξi (Kξi = πξiK). Wegroup the ξ-eigenspaces to obtain the invariant splitting

K = K1 + Kξp , independent of choice of ξp .

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If K is a Z-module on which the Galois group Z∗acts by a product

of actions of Z∗p on Kp, we can form this decomposition at each odd

prime, collect the result and obtain a natural splitting

K = K1 + Kξ ,

where K1 =∏p

(Kp)1, Kξ =∏p


We obtain in this way natural splittings of

profinite vector bundles

profinite topological bundles

topological normal invariants (profinite)

K0 K0∼= (K0)1 + (K0)ξ

Ktop Ktop∼= (Ktop)1 + (Ktop)ξ

tN tN ∼= (tN)1 + (tN)ξ .28

To describe the “interconnections between these groups” we con-sider another natural subgroup of Ktop, “the subgroup of Galoisequivariant bundles”.

Let C 1 denote the subgroup of topological bundles E whosenatural Thom isomorphism

K(base E) ∪∆E−−−→∼= K(Thom space E)

is equivariant with respect to the action of the Galois group.

Note that this means

(x ·∆E)α = xα ·∆E

or ∆αE = ∆E. Thus the identity map provides an isomorphism be-

tween E and Eα, i.e.

C 1 ⊆

fixed points ofGalois action on

topological bundles


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In particular C 1 ⊆ (Ktop)1, the subgroup fixed by elements of finiteorder.

Consider now the more geometric diagram of theories

theory of

fibre homotopyequivalences








topological normal




θ(vector bundle) = underlying Rn bundle


(fibre homotopy

equivalence E ∼ F

)= E − F .

By definition image θ consists of the smoothable bundles and im-age j consists of fibre homotopically trivial bundles.

Recall that the Galois group Z∗

acts compatibly on this diagramof theories.

Theorem 6.9 (decomposition theorem)

a) θ is an injection on the 1 component and

(Ktop)1 = θ(K0)1 ⊕ C 1 .

b) j is an injection on the ξ component and

(Ktop)ξ = j(tN)ξ .

c) (image θ)ξ ⊂ (image j)ξ, “a vector bundle at ξ is fibre homotopytrivial”.

d) (image j)1 ⊆ (image θ)1, “a homotopy trivial bundle at 1 is smooth-able”.

In other words the subgroups

C 1 = equivariant bundlesimage j + image θ = smoothable or homotopy trivial bundles

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are complementary. Moreover, the latter subgroup canonically splitsinto a subgroup of smoothable bundles and a subgroup of homotopytrivial bundles


C 1



Note: Since Ktop, (tN)ξ, and (K0)1 are representable functors so

is C 1. The homotopy groups of C 1 are the torsion subgroups ofKtop(Si). These can be described in the symmetrical fashion

C 1 =stable (i− 1) stem

image j∼= group of (i− 1) exotic spheres

∂ parallelizable.

For example (C 1)p is(2p(p−1)−2

)-connected. This follows directly

from the K-orientation sequence below. Calculations like these withhomotopy groups were also made by G. Brumfiel – in fact thesemotivated the space splittings.

Corollary 1 C 1 injects into homotopy theory and into “topologicaltheory mod smooth theory”.

Analogous to this statement that the equivariant bundles are ho-motopically distinct we have

Corollary 2 Distinct stable vector bundles fixed by all the ele-ments of finite order in the Galois group are also topologically dis-tinct.

These corollaries follow formally from Theorem 6.9.

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The K-theory characteristic class of a topologicalbundle

In order to prove the decomposition theorem we measure the “dis-tance” of a topological bundle from the subgroup of bundles withan equivariant Thom isomorphism.

The key invariant is the K-theory characteristic class ΘE definedfor any topological bundle E.29

Consider the function

Z∗ ΘE−−→ K∗(Base)

(where K∗ = 1 + K) defined by the equation

Θα ·∆E = ∆αE α ∈ Z∗ .

ΘE measures the non-equivariance of the Thom isomorphism definedby ∆E

x 7→ x ·∆E .

We note that

o) ΘE is a product of functions

(ΘE)p : Z∗p → K∗(Base)p .

i) ΘE satisfies a “cocycle condition”.

Θαβ = (Θα)βΘβ .30

ii) ΘE is continuous.

iii) ΘE is exponentialΘE⊕F = ΘE ·ΘF .

iv) If k is an integer prime to p then (see K-Lemma below)


(oriented 2-plane

bundle η




(ηk − ηk

η − η

)(η + η

ηk + ηk




29The ‘idea’ of the invariant is due to Thom. A related Θ for vector bundles was used byAdams and Bott.

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(We regard η and η as complex line bundles for the purposes ofcomputing the right hand side. The element obtained is fixed byconjugation so lies in the real K-theory.)

The multiplicative group of (diagonal) 1-cocycles functions satis-

fying o), i) and ii) is denoted Z1d(Z

∗,K∗), the group of continuous

crossed homomorphisms from the group Z∗

into the Z∗-module K∗.

Among these we have the principal crossed homomorphisms theimage of

K∗ δ−→ Z1d(Z

∗, K∗)

u 7→ δu , defined by δuα = uα/u .31

The quotient of crossed homomorphisms by principal crossed ho-

momorphisms is the 1-dimensional cohomology of the group Z∗

withcoefficients in K∗


∗;K∗) .

now consider the problem (at odd primes) of classifying a vectorbundle E up to

linear isomorphism

fiberwise homeomorphism

fibre homotopy type .

The geometric characterization above gave a ‘geometric cocycle’which determined the stable isomorphism type of E,

∆ ∈ Hom(Ωl∗( ;Q /Z),Q /Z) .

These numerical invariants can be calculated analytically given aRiemannian geometry on E.

The K-theory Thom class ∆E can also be determined by theHodge complex on E. ∆E and the fibre homotopy type of E deter-mine the topological type of E. The Θ invariant is then calculatedfrom the action of the Galois group on ∆E.

Theorem 6.10 A vector bundle E is topologically trivial iff the co-cycle ΘE is identically 1.

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Theorem 6.11 E is fibre homotopy trivial iff ΘE is cohomologousto 1.

Any cohomology class contains the Θ invariant of some vectorbundle E.

Let J0 and Jtop denote the images of the passage to fibre homotopytype.


J0∼= H1

d(Z∗; K∗)

Jtop∼= C 1 ⊕H1

d(Z∗; K∗)

Ktop∼= C 1 ⊕ Z1


(all isomorphisms are canonical.)

Corollary Any cocycle is the Θ invariant of some topological bun-dle.

Note: The natural maptopological


Θ−→ Z1

d(Z∗, K∗)

is split using the decomposition above. In fact, the group of cocyclesis isomorphic to the subgroup of topological bundles



homotopytrivial bundle


∼= K1 ⊕K∗ξ .

In these natural K-theory coordinates for topological bundles,

i) a vector bundle V has topological components(V1, δ

−1(ΘV )ξ, 0),

ii) a topological normal invariant ∼ u ∈ K∗ has components(Θ−1(δu)1, uξ, 0


in Ktop.

32The homotopy statement is true at 2 for vector bundles.

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Note: Because ΘE is a product and Z∗p is cyclic ΘE is determined

by its value at one “generating” point α ∈ Z∗.33 Thus the singleinvariant Θα(E) ∈ K∗(B) is a complete topological invariant of thevector bundle E. In these terms we can then say that E is fibrehomotopically trivial iff Θα(E) = δu(α) = uα/u for some u ∈ K∗(B).

We stated the theorem in the invariant form above to show therather striking analogy between the “problem” and the “form” ofthe solution.

We pursue this “form” and add a fourth “K-group” to the collec-tion

K , K∗ , Z1d(Z

∗,K∗) .

Consider the fibre product K in the diagram





// K


K∗ δ // Z1d

K-theory square

K = (V, u) ∈ K∗ ×K | ΘV = δu .

An element of K is a vector bundle together with a cohomologyof its Θ invariant to 1.

Recall the theory of smooth normal invariants or fibre homotopyequivalences E ∼ F between vector bundles. We have the naturaldiagram









// K0

²²tN //Ktop








The periodicity tN ∼ K∗, the identity K0 ∼ K, and the Θ invari-

ant KtopΘ−→ Z1 define a canonical map of this geometric square into

33Note bZ∗ is not cyclic thus our emphasis on diagonal cocycles, coboundaries, etc. Onewonders at the significance of the full cohomology group (and even the full cohomologytheory) in connection with fibre homotopy types and Michael Boardman’s new cohomologytheories.

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the K-theory square.

Theorem 6.12 The induced additive morphism


betweensmooth bundles

= sNformalization−−−−−−−−−→ K = (V, u) : ΘV = δu

is onto. Thus any deformation of the Θ invariant of a vector bundleV to zero is realized by a fibre homotopy trivialization.

Note: The proof will show that K is naturally isomorphic to therepresentable theory

Kξ ⊕K∗1 .

Thus sN splits as theories. The splitting is not necessarily addi-tive. In fact, it seems reasonable to believe that the obstructions toan additive splitting are non zero and central.

The proofs.

We work our way backwards making the K-theory calculation andproving Theorem 6.12 first.

Let α ∈ Z∗ be such that αp ∈ Z∗p is a topological generator for eachp.

K-Lemma The diagram(θα(x) = Θ invariant of x evaluated at α



xα−x ²²

x 7→θα(x) // K∗u7→


x 7→θα(x)// K∗

commutes .

Moreover the horizontal map is an isomorphism at 1, and the ver-tical maps are isomorphisms at ξ.


a) The diagram commutes because

i) any homomorphism K → K∗ is determined by its effect in thereduced K-theory of the 4i-spheres. To see this note that we

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have an H-map of classifying spaces

O ×BO → 1×BO

with given action on the primitive homology (rational coef-ficients) – the spherical homology classes. We have alreadyseen (the claim in Theorem 3.7 or by elementary obstructiontheory here in the odd primary case) that this determines thehomotopy class.

ii) The reduced K-theory of the sphere S4i is cyclic so if θα maps

a generator ν of K(S4i) to (1 + ν)θi in 1 + K(S4i) = K∗S4i,then

(θαν)α/θαν = (1 + θiν)α/(1 + θiν) since ν2 = 0

= (1 + θiα2iν)/(1− θiν)

= 1 + θi(α2i − 1)ν ,

butθα(να − ν) = θα(να)/θα(ν)

= (1 + να)θi(1− θiν)

which also equals 1 + θi(α2i − 1)ν. So they agree on spheres.

b) We have used the formulae

να = α2i ∈ KS4i ,

(1 + ν)α = 1 + α2iν ∈ K∗S4i .

The second follows from the first. The first follows from ourcalculations on homology in Chapter 5. Together they imply thevertical maps act on the 4i-spheres by multiplication by α2i − 1,i = 1, 2, . . . .

These are isomorphisms if i 6≡ 0 mod (p − 1/2), the region ofdimensions where ‘Kξ of the spheres’ is concentrated. This provesthe vertical maps are isomorphisms for all spaces.

c) To study the horizontal maps recall the formula

θk(η) =1k

(ηk − η−k

η − η−1

)(η + η−1

ηk + η−k


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This is proved by noting the Laplacian K-theory Thom class ofan oriented 2-plane bundle η is

U∆ =η − η

η + η∈ KO2(CP∞) ⊆ K0

U (CP∞)

where we calculate in the complex K-theory of CP∞. (We canregard KO2 as the subspace reversed by complex conjugation,and KO0 is subspace preserved by conjugation). U∆ is correctbecause it has the right character

ex − e−x

ex + e−x= tanhx .

The formula for θk(η) follows.

We relate our θk to Adams’s ρk-operation

ρk(η) =1k

(ηk − 1η − 1


which he calculated in S4i,

ρk(ν) = 1 + ρiν

and as far as the power of p is concerned for k a generator of Z∗p

ρi is the numerator of (Bi/4i). 34 Thus it gives an isomorphism

between the 1 components K1 and K∗1 .

Recall η = η−1, thus

θk(η) =1k

(ηk − η−k

η − η−1

)(η + η−1

ηk + η−k



(η2k − 1η2 − 1

)(η2 + 1η2k + 1



(η2k − 1η2 − 1

)2k(η4 − 1)η4k − 1


)2 · (ρk(η4))−1



34J. F. Adams On the groups J(X) I. Topology 2, 181–195 (1963), II. Topology 3, 137–171(1965), III. Topology 3, 193–222 (1965).35That is, θα(x) = ρα

2x(2) − x(4)


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θα(x) =(ρα(xβ)


)−1 , ∀ x ∈ K

α ∈ Z∗β = 2 ∈ Z∗35

using the fact that these two exponential operations agree oncomplex line bundles. If we calculate K(S4i) then,

θα(ν) = (1 + 22iρiν)2(1− 42iρiν)

= 1 + 22i+1(1− S2i−1)ρiν .

Since (1− 22i−1) 6≡ 0 mod p if i ≡ 0 mod (p− 1)/2 we see that θk

also induces an isomorphism on the eigenspace of 1.

Note: The calculation here and that of Adams show that the primesp for which smooth theory is not a direct summand in topologicaltheory are precisely the irregular primes and those for which 2 hasodd order in the multiplicative group of F ∗

p . More explicitly,

37, 59, 67, 101, . . . ∪ 7, 23, 31, . . . ∪ 73, 89, . . . irregular 8k − 1 some of the

primes ofthe form8k + 1 .36

There are infinitely many primes in each of these sets.

36Namely p = 8k + 1 and 2 has odd order in F ∗p .

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The Galois Group in Geometric Topology 233

Proof that sNf−→ K is onto.

Consider the canonical elements xα ∼ x in sN , This gives rise toa diagram









x 7→ (xα − x) 33ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggsN f // K













where g(x) = xα ∼ x. (Note we don’t have to check any compatibilitysince we only need the map g on any arbitrarily large skeleton of theclassifying space for K-theory.)

A check of homotopy groups shows dξ and d1 are isomorphismsup to some large dimension. This shows f is onto K and

K ∼= Kξ ⊕K∗1

for complexes up to any large dimension.

(If we wish, the theory of compact representable functors thenshows f has an actual cross section.)

This proves Theorem 6.12.

Proof of Theorem 6.9 We have the canonical map of diagrams,



// K0








// K




(θ∆ means the Θ cocycle associated to our Laplacian Thom class).

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a) Id is the identity,

b) p is an isomorphism by the construction below,

c) f is onto by what we just proved,

d) (θ∆)1 is isomorphic to(x 7→ θα(x)1

)so it is an isomorphism by

the K-Lemma,

e) δξ is an isomorphism similarly,

f) C 1 = kernel θ by definition.

Theorem 6.9 now follows formally – the crucial point being thenaturality of the eigenspaces under the maps j and θ.

Proof of Theorems 6.10, 6.11 We also see that

θ(K0)1 ⊕ j(tN)ξΘ−→∼= Z1

d(Z∗,K∗) ,


∼= C 1 ⊕ Z1d(Z

∗, K∗) ,

and under this identification the maps

tN → Ktop , K0 → Ktop

are just 0 + δ and 0 + θ∆ respectively.

This proves 6.10 and parts ii) and iii) of the corollary. Part i) isa restatement of Theorem 6.11.

Theorem 6.11 part i) follows from the definition of Θ and theontoness of f .

Part ii) follows from the fact that H1d is “concatenated at 1” since

δξ is an isomorphism. But the smooth bundles generate because(θ∆)1 is an isomorphism.

Proof of Theorem 6.8 We have proved xα − x ∼ 0. For the con-verse first consider the vector bundle case:

V is fibre homotopy trivial iff θV ∼ 0 by Theorem 6.11.

θ∆(V ) ∼ 0 means there is a u so that

θ∆(V )α = δu(α) .

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The Galois Group in Geometric Topology 235

By the K-Lemma V also in K1 implies V = xα − x. This takescare of the eigenspace of 1.

At ξ every element is a difference of conjugates. The proof iscompleted by adding two cases 1 and ξ.

The topological case:

The Galois action in (Ktop)ξ is isomorphic to that in K∗ξ by Theo-

rem 6.9 and periodicity. Thus any element in (Ktop)ξ is a differenceof conjugates.

The eigenspace of 1 is all smooth except for C 1 which doesn’t en-ter by 6.9. Thus we are reduced to the smooth case just treated.Q. E. D.

The K-orientation sequence and PLn theory

To study K-oriented fibration theory and its relation to PL theorywe us the K-orientation sequence on the classifying space level

· · · → KGn → SGn → B⊗ → (BKGn) → (BSGn) .

(BSGn) classifies the oriented fibration theory with fibre Sn−1.

(BKGn) classifies the theory of K-oriented Sn−1 fibrations. (Theargument of Dold and Mayer-Vietoris sequence for K-theory implies(BKGn) exists and classifies the K-oriented theory.)

B⊗ classifies the special units in K. The group of K-units acts onthe K-oriented fibrations over a fixed base.

Then we have the loop spaces SGn, KGn, . . .

The maps are the natural ones, for example,

i) B⊗ → BKGˆ is obtained by letting the K-theory units act on thetrivial orientation of the trivial bundle.

ii) If n →∞ SGn → B⊗ is induced by the natural transformation

stable cohomotopy


ˆ→ K-theory

by looking at the multiplicative units.

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The sequence is exact, for any consecutive three spaces there is along exact sequence of homotopy.

Note: There is an orientation sequence for any multiplicative coho-mology theory h

→ hGn → SGn → H⊗ → BhGn → BSGn ,

where[ ,H⊗] ∼= special units h0( ) .

In case the multiplication in the theory is associative enough inthe cocycle level the obstruction to h-orientability is measured byan element in h1⊗(BSG) – the h∗ analogue of the 1st Stiefel Whitneyclass.

This is true for K-theory although the details of this discussionare not secured.

Another way to find the first Stiefel Whitney class for K-theory isto use the identification (below) of the orientation sequence (stable)with the sequence

· · · → G → G/PL → BPL → BG Ã B(G/PL) Ã . . .

This sequence has been extended to the right (infinitely) by Board-man. The space B(G/PL) may be infinitely de-looped and its loopspace is equivalent to BOˆ at odd primes. Postnikov arguments(taught to me by Frank Peterson) show B(G/PL) is equivalent at

odd primes to the classifying space for K1, and K0 ∼= K∗.

Another construction of the 1st Stiefel Whitney class in K-theory(for odd primes) can be given by constructing a “signature invariantin BG” using recently developed techniques for surgery on PoincareDuality spaces.37 This makes the construction canonical.

We compare the K-orientation sequence with the (PLn ⊆ Gn)-sequence

. . . // SPLn


// SGn


// Gn/PLn



// BSPLn



// BSGn


. . . // KGn// SGn

// B⊗ // (BKGn) // (BSGn) .

37Norman Levitt and Lowell Jones.

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The Galois Group in Geometric Topology 237

∆PL is defined by mapping an oriented bundle E to its canonicallyassociated K-oriented fibration

((E −B) → B, ∆E


p is induced by commutativity in the right hand square (and isunique). (Or historically by its own signature invariant.)38

Claim: p is the completion map at odd primes for Gn/PLn for n >2.

The surgery techniques of Kervaire, Milnor and Levine reformu-lated 36 give the periodic homotopy groups of Gn/PLn, n > 2.

0 , Z /2 , 0 , Z , 0 , Z /2 , 0 , Z , . . . 36

The generator of π4k(G/PL) is represented by

γt−→ Rn

where γ is a block bundle over S4k and t is a proper “degree one”map which is transversal to 0 ∈ Rn and t−1(0) is a 4k-manifold withsignature a power of 2

(16, 8, 8, 8, . . . ) .36





38See D. Sullivan Thesis, Princeton 1966, Geometric Topology Seminar Notes Princeton 1967(published in The Hauptvermutung Book, Kluwer (1996)).

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If we unravel the definition of ∆PL defined in terms of transversal-ity and signatures of manifolds we see the claim is true on homotopyin dimension 4k

Z→ Z

generator 7→ power of 2 .

All other groups are zero at odd primes.

Corollary ∆PL is profinite completion at odd primes. Thus profi-nite PLn theory is isomorphic to K-oriented Sn−1 theory.

Proof: We tensor the upper homotopy sequence with Z to obtainan exact sequence isomorphic by the Five Lemma to the lower se-quence.

This completes the proof of Theorem 6.5 (Z).

Theorem 6.5 (Q) follows from the discussion of BSGn in Chapter4, the diagram



// BSPLn


// BSGn

²²G/PL // BSPL // BSG

n > 2

and the finiteness of πiBSG. These imply

(BSPLn)0 ∼= (BSPL)0 × (BSGn)0



H4i( ;Q)×Hd( ;Q)

where d = n or 2n− 2 if n is even or odd respectively.


We obtain group actions in the three oriented theories

n-dimensionalvector bundles

n-dimensionalPL bundles



Gal (Q/Q) Z∗ × Z∗ Z


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The Galois Group in Geometric Topology 239

i) etale homotopy of Chapter 5,

ii) the identification of PL theory with K-oriented theory just dis-cussed,

iii) the completion construction of Chapter 4 for fibrations.

The first formula of Theorem 6.6 follows easily from the cofibra-tion

(BSOn−1) → (BSOn) → Thom space γn

where γn is the completed spherical fibration associated to the canon-ical bundle over BSOn.

An element α in Gal (Q/Q) determines a homotopy equivalence(α) of the Thom space and obstruction theory shows

(α)∗x = β · xα

where x is an element in K (Thom space), and

β =

αn/2 n even ,

α(n−1)/2 n odd .

(The diagram, suitably interpreted,

Thom space γn



x // B

operation β·( )α

²²Thom space γn

x // B

commutes on the cohomology level.)

The second formula is immediate.

For the stable equivariance of Theorem 6.7 note that there is anautomorphism of

(γ fibre join K(Z, 1)

)fibrewise completion

which multiplies any orientation by an arbitrary unit in Z.

The actions simplify as stated and the equivariance follows fromthe unstable calculation.

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, R.C. O’Neill, H. Toda. On p-equivalence in the sense of Serre. Japan J.Math. 40 (1971), 1–10.

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J.A. Neisendorfer. Lie algebras, coalgebras, and rational homotopy theory for nilpo-tent spaces. Pacific J. Math. 74 (1978), 429–460.

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Some remarks on etale homotopy theory and a conjecture of Adams. Topology7 (1968) 111–116.

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D.P. Sullivan. Geometric periodicity and the invariants of manifolds. in Manifolds,Proceedings of 1970 Amsterdam conference, Springer Lecture Notes 197, 44–75(1971)

Galois symmetry in manifold theory at the primes. Actes du Congres Interna-tional des Mathematiciens (Nice, 1970), 169–175. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1971.Reprinted in this volume.

Genetics of homotopy theory and the Adams conjecture. Ann. of Math. (2)100 (1974), 1–79.

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Triangulating and smoothing homotopy equivalences and homeomorphisms.Geometric Topology Seminar Notes. The Hauptvermutung book, 69—103, K-Monogr. Math., 1, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 1996.

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M. Vigue-Poirrier and D.P. Sullivan. The homology theory of the closed geodesicproblem. J. Differential Geometry 11 (1976), 633–644.

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On phantom maps and a theorem of H. Miller. Israel J. Math. 58 (1987),129–143.

Bibliography prepared by Pete Bousfield, Guido Mislin and Andrew Ranicki.

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Galois Symmetry in Manifold Theory

At the Primes

Dennis Sullivan

(M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, U.S.A.)

Let M denote the category generated by compact simply con-nected manifolds1 and homeomorphisms. In this note we considercertain formal manifold categories related to M. We have the profi-

nite category M, the rational category MQ and the adele categoryMA. The objects in these categories are CW complexes whose ho-motopy groups are modules over the ground ring of the category(Z = lim←−Z/n,Q, and A = Q ⊗ Z) and which have certain additionalmanifold structure.

From these formal manifold categories we can reconstruct M up tothe equivalence. For example, a classical manifold M corresponds to

a profinite manifold M , a rational manifold MQ and an equivalence

between the images of M and MQ in MA. In fact, M is the fibre

product of M and MQ over MA .

Thus we can study M by studying these related categories. Herewe find certain advantages.

– the structure of M finds natural expression in the related cat-egories.

– these categories are larger and admit more examples-manifoldswith certain singularities and more algebraic entities than topo-logical spaces.

– there is a pattern of symmetry not directly observable in M.

For the last point consider the collection of all non-singular al-gebraic varieties over C. The Galois group of C over Q permutesthese varieties (by conjugating the coefficients of the defining re-lations) and provides certain (discontinuous) self maps when thesecoefficients are fixed.

1The case π1 6= 0 can be treated to a considerable extent using families (see [S3]).

Proceedings of 1970 Nice International Congress of Mathematicians, Vol. 2, p. 169 a 175.


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As far as geometric topology is concerned we can restrict attentionto the field of algebraic number Q (for coefficients) and its Galoisgroup Gal (Q/Q). Conjugate varieties have the same profinite ho-motopy type (canonically) so Gal (Q/Q) permutes a set of smoothmanifold structures on one of these profinite homotopy types. [S3]

If we pass to the topological category M we find this Galois actionis abelian and extends to a natural group of symmetries on thecategory of profinite manifolds;



group of units

of Z

acts on M .

First description.

The possibility of defining formal manifold categories arises fromthe viewpoint begun by Browder and Novikov. For example, Brow-der observes that

(i) a manifold has an underlying homotopy type satisfying Poincareduality.

(ii) there is a Euclidean bundle over this homotopy type – the normalbundle in Rn (which is classified by a map into some universalspace B)

(iii) the one point compactification of the bundle has a certain homo-topy theoretical property- a degree one map from the sphere Sn

(the normal invariant).

Novikov used the invariant (iii) to classify manifolds with a fixed ho-motopy type and tangent bundle, while Browder constructed mani-folds from the ingredients of (i), (ii), (iii).

We propose tensoring such a homotopy theoretical description ofa simply connected manifold with a ring R. For appropriate R wewill obtain formal manifold categories MR.

To have such a description of MR we assume there is a naturalconstruction in homotopy theory Y → YR which tensors the homo-topy groups with R (under the appropriate hypothesis) and that amap ν : X → BR has an associated sphere fibration (sphere= Sn


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Galois Symmetry in Manifold Theory 253

There are such constructions for R any of the subrings of Q,Z,any of the non-Archimedian completions of Q,Qp, the arithmetic

completions of Z, Zp and Z, the finite Adeles Q⊗ Z (see [S1]).

The fibre product statement

M ∼ MQ ×MAM (M = MbZ)

follows from the Browder surgery theorem and the analogous de-composition of ordinary (simply connected) homotopy theory (see[B] and [S1] chapter 3).

Second description.

If one pursues the study of Browder’s description of classical man-ifolds in a more intrinsic manner – internal to the manifolds studied– certain transversality invariants occur in a natural way. These sig-nature and Arf invariants of quadratic forms on submanifolds controlthe situation and the structure which accrues can be expressed inthe formal manifold categories see [S2] and [S3].

In the ”rational manifold theory”, a manifold is just a rationalhomotopy type satisfying homological duality over Q together witha preferred characteristic class

ln + ln−4 + · · ·+ ln−4i + . . . = lX ∈ Hn−4∗(X,Q) , n = dimX .

Here ln is an orientation class and l0 is the signature of X (if n ≡0(4)). To pursue a more precise discussion we should regard X as aspecific CW complex endowed with specific chains representing thecharacteristic class.

Then a homotopy equivalence Xf→ Y between two such complexes

and a chain ωf so that f#lX − lY = ∂ωf determines a ”homeomor-phism” up to concordance.

There is an analogous ”homological” description for MA if wereplace Q by A = Q⊗ Z (or by any field of characteristic zero.)

The profinite manifold theory has a more intricate structure. Firstof all there is a complete splitting into p-adic components

M ∼∏p


where the product is taken over the set of prime numbers and Mp is

the formal manifold category based on the ring R = Zp, the p-adicintegers.

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For the odd primes we have a uniform structure. Let (k∗, k∗) de-note the cohomology theory constructed from the p-adic completionof real k-theory by converting the skeletal filtration into a grading.Then the p-adic manifolds are just the k-duality spaces at the primep. That is, we have a CW complex X (with p-adic homotopy groups)and k-homology class

µX ∈ km(X) m = dimX (defn)

so that forming cap products with the orientation class gives thePoincare duality

ki(X) ∼ km−i(X) 2

The homeomorphisms in Mp correspond to the maps X → Y givingan isomorphism of this natural duality in k-theory

k∗X // k∗Y


µX∩ 'OO


µY ∩ 'OO

”homeomorphism condition”

i.e. f is a homotopy equivalence and f∗µX = µY .

Again a more precise discussion (determining a concordance classof homeomorphisms . . . ) requires the use of cycles (analogous tothe chains above) and a specific homology producing the relationf∗µX = µY .

Note that K(X)∗, the group of units in k0(X), acts bijectivelyon the set of all orientations of X. Thus the set of all manifoldstructures (up to equivalence) on the underlying homotopy type ofX is parametrized exactly by this group of units.

Also note that a homotopy type occurs as that of a p-adic manifoldprecisely when there is a k-duality in the homotopy type: (see [S2]and [S3]).

At the prime 2 the manifold category is not as clear. To besure the 2-adic manifolds have underlying homotopy types satisfy-ing homological duality (coefficients Z2). Thus we have the natural

2We could reformulate this definition of a k-duality space at the prime p in terms of homo-logical Poincare duality and the existence of an orientation class in “periodic” K-homology.Using the connective k-theory seems more elegant and there is a natural cycle interpetationof k∗ in terms of manifolds with signature free singularities, (see [S2]).

We also note that the Pontryagin character of µx would be compatible with the rationalcharacteristic class of a classical manifold determining X.

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Galois Symmetry in Manifold Theory 255

(mod 2) characteristic classes of Wu

vX = v1 + v2 + · · ·+ vi + . . . (i 6 dimX


where vi ∈ H i(X,Z/2) is defined by duality and the Steenrod oper-ations

vi ∪ x = Sqi(x) dimx + i = dimX .

The square of this class only has terms in dimensions congruent tozero mod 4

v22 + v2

4 + v26 + . . .

and the ”manifold structure” on X defines a lifting of this class toZ2-coefficients 3

LX = l1 + l2 + · · ·+ li + · · · ∈ H4∗(X, Z2) .

The possible manifold structures on the homotopy type of X areacted on bijectively by a group constructed from the cohomologyalgebra of X. We take inhomogeneous cohomology classes,

u = u2 + u4 + u6 + · · ·+ u2i + . . .

using Z/2 or Z2 coefficients in dimensions congruent to 2 or 0 mod4 respectively. We form a group G from such classes by calculatingin the cohomology ring using the law

u ¦ v = u + v + 8uv .

Note that G is the product of the various vector spaces of (mod 2)cohomology (in dimensions 4i + 2) and the subgroup G8 generated

by inhomogeneous classes of H4∗(X, Z2).

If we operate on the manifold structure of X by the element u inG8 the characteristic class changes by the formula

LXu = LX + 8u(1 + LX) .

For example, the characteristic class mod 8 is a homotopy invariant.(See [S3]).

3Again, the Poincare dual of LX would be compatible with the rational characteristic classof a classical manifold determining X.

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Local Categories

If l is a set of primes, we can form a local manifold category Ml

by constructing the fibre product

Ml ≡ MQ ×MA(∏



The objects in Ml satisfy duality for homology over Zl plus theadditional manifold conditions imposed at each prime in l and at Q.

For example we can form M2 and Mθ, the local categories corre-sponding to l = 2 and l = θ = (odd primes). Then our originalmanifold category M satisfies

M ∼= M2 ×MQ Mθ

and we can say

M is built from M2 and Mθ with coherences in MQ.

M2 is defined by homological duality spaces over Z(2) satisfyingcertain homological conditions and having homological invariants(at 2).

Mθ is defined by homological duality spaces over Z[1/2] with theextra structure of a KO ⊗ Z[1/2] orientation.

MQ is defined by homological duality spaces over Q with a ratio-nal characteristic class.


(1) Let V be a polyhedron with the local homology properties of anoriented manifold with R coefficients. Then V satisfies homologicalduality for R coefficients.

If R = Q, the rational characteristic class can be constructed bytransversality, (Thom) and we have a rational manifold

V ∈ MQ

The Thom construction can be refined to give more information.The characteristic class lV satisfies a canonical integrality condition4.

4See J.Morgan and D.Sullivan, The transversality characteristic class and linking cycles insurgery theory, Ann. Maths. 99, 463–544 (1974)

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Galois Symmetry in Manifold Theory 257

At p > 2 lV can be lifted (via the Chern character) to a canonicalK-homology class [S1].

So if V also satisfies Z/p-duality (p > 2) we have a k-duality spaceand a local manifold at odd primes V ∈ Mθ.

If V satisfies Z/2-duality we have a good candidate for a manifoldat 2 (V ∈ M2?)

Note that such polyhedra are readily constructed by taking theorbit space of an action of a finite group π on a space W 5. Forexample if the transformations of π are orientation preserving thenW/π is a Z/p homology manifold if W is, and p is prime to the orderof π. W/π is a Q homology manifold if W is.

(2) Now let V be a non-singular algebraic variety over an alge-braically closed field k of characteristic p. Then the complete etaletype of V determines a q-adic homological duality space at eachprime q not equal to p. (See [AM] and [S1]).

V has an algebraic tangent bundle T . Using the etale realizationof the projective bundle of T one can construct a complex K-dualityfor V . To make this construction we have only to choose a generatorµk of

H1(k − 0, Zq) ' Zq .

This K-duality is transformed using the action of the Galois groupto the appropriate (signature) duality in real K-theory, q > 2. Ifπ1V = 0, we obtain a q-adic manifold for each q 6= 2 or q 6= p.6

[V ] ∈ Mq

Now suppose that V is this reduction mod p of a variety in char-acteristic zero. Let VC denote the manifold of complex points forsome embedding of the new ground ring into C.

Of course VC determines q-adic manifolds for each q, [VC] ∈ Mq.

We have the following comparison. If µk corresponds to the nat-ural generator of H1(C− 0, Zq) then

[V ] ' [VC] in Mq .

5More generally with finite isotropy groups.6The prime 2 can also be treated. [S3]

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The Galois symmetry

To construct the symmetry in the profinite manifold category Mwe consider the primes separately.

For p > 2 we have the natural symmetry of the p-adic units Z∗p in

isomorphism classes in Mp. If M is defined by the homotopy typeX with k-orientation µX , define Mα by X and the k-orientation µα


using the Galois action of α ∈ Z∗p on k-theory (q ∈ Z∗p acts by theAdams operation ψq when q is an ordinary integer). Note that Mand Mα have the same underlying homotopy type7.

For p = 2 we proceed less directly. Let M be manifold in M2 withcharacteristic class LM = l1 + l2 + . . . If α ∈ Z∗p define uα ∈ G8(M)by the formula

1 + 8uα =1 + α2l1 + α4l2 + . . .

1 + l1 + l2 + . . .


ua =(α2 − 1

8)l1 +

(α4 − 18

l2 +1− α2


)+ . . .

Define Mα by letting uα act on the manifold structure of M . Aninteresting calculation shows that we have an action of Z∗2 on theisomorphism classes of 2-adic manifolds – again the underlying ho-motopy type stays fixed7.

We have shown the

Theorem. – The profinite manifold category M possesses the sym-metry of the subfield of C generated by the roots of unity.

The compatibility of this action of Z∗ on M with the Galois actionon complex varieties discussed above is clear at p > 2, and at p = 2 upto the action of elements of order 8 in the underlying cohomologyrings of the homotopy types. We hope to make the more precisecalculation in [S3]8.

7This connection proves the Adams conjecture for vector bundles ([S1] chapters 4 and 5), anextension to topological euclidean bundles (chapter 6), and finally an analogue in manifoldtheory [S3].8The calculation was completed but not published. It can be deduced as well from thepapers of John Wood, Removing Handles form Non-Singular Algebraic Hypersurfaces inCPn+1, Inventiones math. 31, 1–6 (1975), Complete Intersections as Branched Covers andthe Kervaire Invariant, Math. Ann. 240, 223–230 (1979).

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Galois Symmetry in Manifold Theory 259


[S1] Sullivan – Geometric Topology, Part I, Localization, Periodic-ity, Galois Symmetry, MIT preprint, Cambridge, Mass. [in thisvolume]

[AM] Artin and Mazur – Etale Homotopy, Springer Lecture Notes inMathematics 100 (1969 and 1986)

[B] Browder, W. – Surgery on simply connected manifolds, Ergeb-nisse der Mathematik 69, Springer (1972)

[N] Novikov, S.P. – Homotopy equivalent smooth manifolds I. Izv.Akad. Nauk SSSR, ser. mat. 28, 365–474 (1964) AMS Transla-tions 48, 271–396 (1965)

[S2] Sullivan, D.P. – Geometric Periodicity and the Invariants ofManifolds, in Manifolds-Amsterdam 1970, Springer Lecture Notesin Mathematics 197, 44–75 (1971)

[S3] Sullivan, D.P. – Geometric Topology, Part II, [never appeared]

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Dennis Sullivan

These notes were motivated by some twists and turns in the geo-metric story of the classification of high dimensional simply con-nected manifolds, HDSC for short. Part II of the notes (never com-pleted, but see [15]) was planned to use the theory of Part I forthis application. Perhaps here would be a good place to sketch thathistory and mention some outstanding problems and conjecturesrelating the Galois theory of Part I and new developments suchas Ranicki’s theory, Mandell’s recent theorem, Donaldson’s theory,Casson’s lifting of the Rochlin invariant and the interplay of topol-ogy and quantum physics. The story will be punctuated by a fewpersonal anecdotes.

The story begins in my graduate days at Princeton where Loriwas born (March ‘64): the photo was taken in the common room ofold Fine Hall.

Motivated by Browder’s lectures (1964-65) combining Poincareduality spaces and Novikov’s theory for constructing smooth man-ifolds, my thesis [10] developed a geometric obstruction theory fordeforming a homotopy equivalence f : L → M between closed man-ifolds to a geometric equivalence (either smooth or combinatorial).The difference between these two obstruction theories was equiva-lent to an already existing obstruction theory (Hirsch and Mazur [4])for classifying the smooth structures up to isotopy on a given com-binatorial or PL manifold. The latter obstruction theory had finitecoefficients, the finite groups πn(PL/O) of Milnor’s exotic spheres.


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The orders of these groups begin (in dimension 7)

28, 2, 8, 6, 992, 1, 3, 2, 16256, 2, 16, 16, . . .

but were largely unknown in general, being essentially equivalent tothe Bernoulli numbers and the stable homotopy groups of spheres.Namely, except for the elements of Kervaire invariant one corre-sponding to a possible extra Z/2 in dimensions 2n − 2, take out im-age J , a cyclic group of order the denominator of Bn/4n and put ina cyclic group of order the numerator of Bn/4n, the exotic spheresbounding parallelizable manifolds, to get the Kervaire-Milnor [5]groups of exotic spheres.

It made sense (a suggestion of Milnor) to concentrate on the PLor combinatorial version of the obstruction theory, where the ob-structions were visible as middle dimensional surgery, i.e. construc-tive cobordism, obstructions along relative submanifolds of M pulledback transversally by f to L. Actually, a crucial fact for the sub-sequent developments was that the surgery obstructions defined bypulling back closed (or Z modulo n) submanifolds of M× Euclideanspace were actually invariants of the triple (L, f, M) and gave aprioricalculations of some of the obstructions.

However, I am getting ahead of the story. I was happy to presentthe obstruction theory at my thesis defense (January, 1966) withcompletely explicit coefficient groups. The obstructions were in thegroups

H2(M ;Z2) , H4(M ;Z) , H6(M ;Z2) , H8(M ;Z) , etc.

I was somewhat taken aback by Steenrod’s reaction at the question-ing, when he asked “A theory is all well and good but how doesone compute the obstructions?” “No one asked that for the Hirsch-Mazur smoothing theory” I answered.

Steenrod’s question and my defensive answer haunted me somedays later on the voyage aboard the USS United States heading forSouthampton along with Lori and her mother Kathy, to spend thenext eight months at Warwick University. The apriori invariantsmentioned above came back to me and I remembered Thom’s workon the Steenrod representability question – which homology classesin a polyhedron are represented by maps of a closed manifold intothat polyhedron. At the prime 2 all classes were proven by Thom[19] to be Steenrod representable. Then one could prove that atthe prime 2 all the obstructions above were deducible from apriori

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invariants. Thus the usual phenomena of obstruction theory thatlater obstructions depend on the deformations making earlier ob-structions zero could only apply to the odd primary torsion part ofthe obstructions in H4k(M ;Z).

This possibility arose here because some homology classes re-quired singularities in their representatives, and the singularities(Thom) were essentially related to the odd primes.

I tried first to extend the apriori surgery obstruction invariants tomore general objects – manifolds with singularities – that could rep-resent the general homology class. Using the explicit and beautifulnature of the smooth cobordism ring at odd primes. a very explicitset of singularities was found at Warwick after some months. Theobjects were stratified sets modeled on the stratified joins of a set ofgenerators for the smooth bordism ring (at odd primes) [15]. I re-member turning the page of my singularities notebook (while sittingon the deck of a ship going to Scandinavia) to start a new sectionon surgery for these spaces. The first case was a singularity stratumwhich was a submanifold of codimension 5 whose neighbourhoodwas the product with the cone over the complex projective plane –the first generator of cobordism. See [15].

The surgery argument didn’t work! For example, an eight dimen-sional cycle would have a 3 dimensional stratum with transversallink CP2. Surgery could first be done in dimension 3 then extendedover the 8-dimensional stratum to pick up a relative obstruction inthe middle dimension there. So far so good! However, in a homologyof this sort between two eight dimensional cycles of this sort, a rel-ative surgery obstruction along the homology of the 3 dimensionalstratum could appear and be multiplied by CP2 (the link) to influ-ence and change the eight dimensional obstruction [9]. No aprioriinvariants here! I was so disappointed, that in a pique I threw myentire singularities notebook overboard into the North Sea.

Upon calmer reflection, there was a lot to be said for the situationon the positive side. The argument seemed to work for singularitiesbased on manifolds with signature zero, and with these one couldcreate a new homology theory with coefficients agreeing with thoseof the obstruction theory at odd primes

(0 Z2 0 Z 0 Z2 0 Z . . . )⊗Z [1/2] = (0 0 0 Z [1/2] 0 0 0 Z [1/2] . . . ) .

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Also the argument showed there really was indeterminacy in theodd primary obstructions with the prime p causing trouble arounddimension 2p, as usual predicted by the Steenrod reduced pth powers.

It seemed the surgery obstruction theory, completely decided interms of ordinary cohomology theory at the prime 2, was equivalentat odd primes to a 4-periodic homology theory with the same groupsof a point as real K-theory at odd primes – KO ⊗ Z [1/2].

Actually, one could even prove an equivalence using a variantof the work Conner-Floyd and Landweber – see [16]. Whereasthey could prove complex bordism theory Z-tensored over the Toddgenus was complex K-theory, we could see by similar methods thatsmooth bordism Z [1/2]-tensored over the signature (or HirzebruchL-genus) was Z [1/2]-tensored real K-theory. Furthermore, the sig-nature surgery obstructions gave a map from the obstruction theoryat odd primes to KO ⊗ Z [1/2], providing the desired equivalence.

Again I am getting ahead of the story. In point of fact this latterargument was completed in Princeton around the time of the birthof my second daughter Amanda (October ‘66), and came about asa kind of rescue.

There was earlier a funny talk (by me) at the June 1966 Ar-beitstagung in Bonn that one could prove a good theorem aboutthe Hauptvermutung for a manifold if every homology class in thatmanifold was Steenrod representable, but that as was well knownthe latter fact (seemingly unrelated) was sometimes false. The con-nection with the Hauptvermutung came about because almost allthe apriori surgery obstructions for f : L → M could be shown to bezero for a homeomorphism f , employing the arguments Novikov [10]used to show that the rational Pontryagin classes were topological

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invariants. The only snag was the argument only gave 2O = 0 forthe obstruction O in H4(M ;Z).

Thus as more and more obstructions became “apriori” they couldbe shown to be zero for homeomorphisms (with the exception inH4(M ;Z)) and better and better results about the Hauptvermutungbecame true.

The idea arose then that all the obstructions that could not bedescribed apriori by surgery obstructions were in fact completelyindeterminant and didn’t matter in the sense they could be avoidedby redeforming on lower skeleta.

A complex argument using the above singularities was developedduring the summer of ‘66 to complete the analysis of odd primaryobstructions and the concomitant vanishing theorem for homeomor-phisms with a Hauptvermutung corollary 1.

During a series of lectures on this argument with singularities atPrinceton (fall ‘66) a problem developed with the product structurefor the singularities. This was solved using the above results relatingthe above theory with singularities, bordism, and KO⊗Z [1/2], andthe product structure in the latter. A crucial role was played byPontryagin duality for K-theory at odd primes, for n odd

Hom(KO∗( ,Z /n),Z /n) ' KO∗( ,Z /n) .

The Pontryagin duality as well as the connection with bordism isfalse at the prime 2 for KO-theory. (Actually KO is related to spinbordism. Also KO( ,Z /2) is not a multiplicative theory, which I hadlearned from Luke Hodgkin in England).

These issues motivated the localization of homotopy theory attwo and at odd primes described in Part I. But why worry aboutthe rational theory and the profinite completion?

1The result was for simply connected manifolds of dimension at least five. Namely, a home-omorphism between combinatorial manifolds was homotopic to a combinatorial equivalenceunless a certain obstruction of order two in the fourth integral cohomology vanished. Twoyears later Siebenmann’s work showed that the order two obstruction was realized. Kirbyand he had already shown somewhat earlier that a homeomorphism between combinatorialmanifolds of dimension five or greater was isotopic to a combinatorial equivalence if a certainobstruction in the third cohomology with mod two coefficients vanished, and non simplyconnected manifolds were included. These two obstructions are related by the integral Bock-stein (Kirby and Siebenmann [6]). In the early eighties Donaldson discovered an infiniteand realized obstruction for deforming a homeomorphism to a combinatorial equivalence indimension four [2], given that Freedman had simultaneously shown homotopy equivalenceand homeomorphism were almost the same in dimension four [3].

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The Adams conjecture about K(X) and the spherical fibre homo-topy types J(X), if proved, allowed the analysis of the PL obstruc-tion theory at odd primes to be extended to the smooth theory in thesense that the theory could be related to a standard homotopy con-struction. Motivated by a suggestion in characteristic p of Quillen, Ifound a simple proof of the Adams conjecture (Aug ‘67 for complexK-theory) that only used the existence of etale homotopy theory incharacteristic zero. In order to benefit from the etale construction inalgebraic geometry one had to produce the profinite completion ofthe homotopy type described in the notes. Then the results aboutthe smooth obstruction theory followed. There was a small snag fora while concerning real as opposed to complex Grassmannians thatlead to the conjecture about homotopy theoretic fixed points – laterproved by Haynes Miller [8].

The arithmetic square in the notes showed how Z informationcould be recovered from Q information and profinite information.Since the profinite part seemed to fit with abstract algebra becauseof the etale theory, I wondered whether the Q information was re-lated to abstract analysis – for example differential forms.

An answer arose in the following way in the months at MIT justprior to the birth of my first son Michael (February ‘72)

Frank Peterson had told me that Quillen (then also at MIT) hadan algebraic model of rational homotopy theory [11]. In 1970 I hadwanted to explore the structure of the representation of Aut(X) onH∗(X) for X a finite simply-connected homotopy type. I guessedthat Aut(X) should be an arithmetic group and the representationcame from an algebraic group homomorphism

Aut(X)Q → Gl(H∗(X;Q)) .

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In trying to put together the various ideas above, the minimal mod-els derivable from Q-forms on polyhedra in the sense of Whitney,and the subsequent model of rational homotopy theory were found.The above arithmetic and algebraic group conjecture could also beproved in this way very transparently [17]. Earlier, a more com-plicated proof using Kan’s machinery (as in Quillen’s theory) wasfound by me and independently by Clarence Wilkerson [21].

About this time dynamical systems, hyperbolic geometry, Kleiniangroups, and quasiconformal analysis which concerned more the geom-etry of the manifold than its algebra began to distract me (see ICMreport 1974), and some of the work mentioned above was left in-complete and unpublished.

For example, one new project began in the 1980’s in fractal geom-etry – the Feigenbaum universal constant associated to period dou-bling – presents a new kind of epistemological problem. Numeri-cal calculations showed that a certain mathematical statement ofgeometric rigidity in dynamics was almost certainly true, but theavailable mathematical technique did not seem adequate. Thus as-suming the result was true there had to be new ideas in mathematicsto prove it. The project consumed the years up to the birth of mysecond son Thomas in July ‘88 [18].

This same kind of epistemological point occurs again when we getback to the algebraic thread of the story.

The return of my attention to algebra and the underlying alge-braic nature of a manifold came about in the following way.

At a physics lecture at IHES in 1991 I learned the astonishing (tome) fact that the fundamental equations of hydrodynamics in threedimensions were not known to have the appropriate solutions. Yet

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engineers used these equations to predict the observable aspects offluid motion.

I needed a break after the long renormalization program posedby Feigenbaum’s numerics and I tried to understand the nature ofthe difficulties in the PDE analysis – not necessarily to solve them– which arose from the nonlinear terms in the equations. One couldmake several observations.

(I) The difficulties in the Navier-Stokes equation could be related tothe difficulties in the foundations of quantum field theory – multi-plying currents or distributions in the dual spaces of smooth objectslike differential forms. (Actually such algebraic difficulties also arosein earlier attempts to find local combinatorial formulae for the sig-nature and the Pontryagin classes [13]).

(II) Also much progress was happening on the quantum physics sideby bypassing the analytic issues about foundations and pursuing thealgebraic structure per se. In fact many things relating the topologyof manifolds and quantum physics were discovered. In the physicsformalism there was evidence of a role to be played by variants ofthe algebraic models of rational homotopy theory. By the time mythird son Ricardo was born in September ‘95

I had begun to dream about using transversality and cell decompo-sitions to apply nontrivial algebra from algebraic topology to hardproblems like Navier-Stokes or foundational quantum field theory.This would be guided by understanding the role of model ideas fromalgebraic topology in that part of quantum field theory which wasrigorous mathematics – 1) conformal field theory, 2), 3) gauge theoryinvariants of 4-manifolds and 3-manifolds, 4) J-holomorphic curvesin symplectic manifolds, and 5) generalized Kodaira Spencer theory.

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These theories offer new vistas for answering the question whatis a manifold (what is space time) to be added to the perspectiveat the beginning of the story of surgery theory d’apres Browder,Novikov, Wall and Ranicki.

The second occurrence of the curious epistemological idea happenshere. All of the above mentioned mathematical theories are unitedin the minds of theoretical physicists such as Vafa and Witten asbeing different aspects of quantum field theory. To me this seems al-most irrefutable evidence that such a synthesis actually exists insidemathematics. What is this synthesis?

Problem 1 Formulate an algebraic Math QFT definition which willbe realized by some or all of the above five theories 1), 2), 3), 4), 5).

Conjecture 1 Such a formulation will utilize a new abstract definitionof a manifold – e.g. over the rationals a differential graded algebrasatisfying Poincare duality in some appropriate form.

There is some nontrivial information about Conjecture 1. Theabove analysis of the odd primary obstruction theory of my thesisin terms of KO⊗Z [1/2] lead to the idea of a manifold (at odd primes)as a homotopy type enriched by Poincare duality for KO ⊗ Z[1/2](as well as satisfying Poincare duality for ordinary homology) [16].

Later Ranicki’s algebraic surgery theory allowed a complete resultto be stated over Z (namely for all the primes and Q) that a manifold(in the topological sense, simply-connected, and of dimension > 4)could be modeled by a homotopy type satisfying Poincare duality inan appropriate (and subtle) local sense at the level of the integralchains for homology [12].

Recently (2003), Michael Mandell [7] has shown that a finite-type simply-connected homotopy type is determined by the integercochains provided with the system of higher homotopies related tothe cup product being infinitely homotopy associative and gradedcommutative (extending Steenrod’s original system of homotopiesproducing Steenrod squares and Steenrod reduced powers).

A natural question arises to combine Mandell’s and Ranicki’s the-ories.

Problem 2 Construct an algebraic model of a simply-connected closedtopological manifold as an integral chain complex with a hierarchy ofchain homotopies expressing its structure as an infinitely homotopy

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associative, graded commutative, Poincare duality algebra. (All di-mensions).

Conjecture 2 Over Q, there is a construction of the rational char-acteristic classes from the models of the rational homotopy typeappropriately enriched with Poincare duality.

Actually, I once asked a theoretical physicist (going my way onthe Manhattan subway): what is an offshell topological string theory(for him)? His response was a differential graded algebra satisfyingPoincare duality. In some situations the adjective offshell (as op-posed to onshell) for a physicist means at the level of cochains ordifferential forms (as opposed to the homology level) for a topolo-gist. With Moira Chas I have studied some algebraic topology inthe loop space of a manifold called string topology [1]. This usedtransversality to construct new algebraic structures which are mys-terious but attractive for their simplicity of definition – althoughthey are no comparison to our new daughter (my third) Clara bornin April ‘02

The use of local transversality to construct new algebraic struc-tures in mapping spaces of circles or surfaces into a target man-ifold conjecturally goes beyond the topological category to probethe combinatorial or smooth structure. This is only about the fi-nite obstruction theory mentioned above (augmented by the Z /2 ofRochlin’s theorem) in higher dimensions but would be a significantfactor in dimension 4 because of Donaldson’s results about the pos-sible infinitude of combinatorial structures (or equivalently smoothstructures) on a given topological manifold structure. This infini-tude also uses Freedman’s results [3] to go from homotopy type tohomeomorphism type.

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Conjecture 3 A smooth manifold M has additional algebraic struc-ture in the chains of mapping spaces of surfaces with or withoutboundary into M , which is obtained by looking at transversal singu-larities and coincidences. These define structures like those from thetopological string theories in physics. These structures interact non-trivially with Casson’s lifting of Rochlin’s invariant (the latter beingresponsible for the 2O problem above), the Vassiliev and VaughanJones invariants in dimension 3 and Donaldson invariants in dimen-sion 4.

Problem 3 Formulate some of these structures more precisely – alongthe lines of algebraic models with Poincare duality.

Finally, let us return to algebraic varieties and Galois symmetry.The obstruction theory above and the work of these notes shows thefollowing result (planned for Part II): consider a nonsingular alge-braic variety V defined over some field of algebraic numbers, andthe profinite equivalence VC → profinite etale homotopy type as amanifold structure on a profinite homotopy type satisfying Poincareduality. The result is that the action of Gal(Q/Q) on the topolog-ical manifold structure (π1 = 1, dimC > 3) factors through the

abelianized Galois group Z∗. I think something similar is true for

the smooth manifold structure set – or at least it should be possibleto analyze it using the end of Part I, the ICM ‘70 paper followingand the footnote 8 there.

Problem 4 Analyze the action of Gal(Q/Q) on the smooth manifoldstructure set on a profinite homotopy type associated to nonsingularalgebraic varieties defined over Q (including π1 6= 1 and dimC = 2)

One should be careful here because even for elliptic curves the ac-tion of Gal(Q/Q) on H1(torus) contains much arithmetic information(Kazhdan communication).

We have two sorts of Galois symmetry which need to be synthe-sized, thanks to profinite homotopy theory.

Conjecture 4 There is a concrete context with symmetry in struc-ture which synthesizes these two compatible contexts, nonsingularsimply connected algebraic varieties over Q with dimC > 2 andGal(Q/Q) symmetry, and simply connected topological manifolds

with dimR > 4 and the Z∗

symmetry on the invariants (defined us-ing the isomorphic part of the Adams operations at odd primes from

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Part I and the cohomological construction of the ICM ‘70 paper andfootnote 8 there at the prime 2).

By concrete context I mean something like replace a manifold orvariety by the inverse system or limit of its finite (branched) coversto obtain solenoidal manifolds with branching singularities [19]. Thesymmetries might be combinatorially defined by rearrangement ofthe branched covers.

To this end I once noticed (Berkeley ‘68-‘69) that any finite co-efficient cohomology class of a manifold could be killed by passingto a finite branched cover. This uses transversality and the repre-sentation of Eilenberg MacLane spaces as large symmetric productsof simple spaces. Thus one could construct an analogue of the etalesite (see Part I) in algebraic geometry for any smooth manifold as apossible first step to Conjecture 4 - which was a kind of unrequitedJugendtraum for me.


[1] M.Chas and D.P.Sullivan, String Topology,e-print math.GT/9911159

[2] S.K.Donaldson, Polynomial invariants for smooth four-manifolds,Topology 29, 257–315 (1990)

[3] M.H.Freedman, The topology of four-dimensional manifolds, J.Diff. Geo. 17, 357–453 (1982)

[4] M.Hirsch and B.Mazur, Smoothings of piecewise linear mani-folds, Ann. of Maths. Studies 80, Princeton (1974)

[5] M.Kervaire and J.Milnor, Groups of homotopy spheres I., Ann.of Maths. 77, 504–537 (1963)

[6] R.Kirby and L.Siebenmann, Foundational Essays on Topologi-cal Manifolds, Smoothings, and Triangulations, Ann. of Maths.Studies 88, Princeton (1977)

[7] M.Mandell, Cochains and homotopy type,e-print math.AT/0311016

[8] H.Miller, The Sullivan conjecture on maps from classifyingspaces, Ann. of Maths. 120, 39–87 (1984)

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[9] J.W. Morgan and D.P. Sullivan, The transversality characteris-tic class and linking cycles in surgery theory, Ann. of Math. 99,463–544 (1974)

[10] S.P.Novikov, Rational Pontrjagin classes. Homeomorphismand homotopy type of closed manifolds. I., Izv. Akad. NaukSSSR Ser. Mat. 29, 1373–1388 (1965)

[11] D.Quillen, Rational homotopy theory, Ann. of Maths. 90,205-295 (1969)

[12] A.A.Ranicki, Algebraic L-theory and topological manifolds,Tracts in Mathematics 102, Cambridge (1992)

[13] — and D.P.Sullivan, A semi-local combinatorial formula forthe signature of a 4k-manifold, J. Diff. Geo. 11, 23–29 (1976)

[14] D.P.Sullivan, Triangulating homotopy equivalences, 1967 Prince-ton Ph.D. thesis.See also Triangulating and smoothing homotopy equivalences andhomeomorphisms. Geometric Topology Seminar Notes, pp. 69–103 in The Hauptvermutung Book, K-Monogr. Math. 1, Kluwer(1996)

[15] —, Singularities in spaces, pp. 196–206 in Proceedings of Liv-erpool Singularities Symposium, II (1969/1970), Lecture Notesin Math. 209, Springer (1971)

[16] —, Geometric periodicity and the invariants of manifolds, inManifolds–Amsterdam 1970 (Proc. Nuffic Summer School) pp.44–75 Lecture Notes in Math. 197, Springer (1971)

[17] —, Infinitesimal computations in topology, Inst. Hautes EtudesSci. Publ. Math. 47 (1977), 269–331 (1978)

[18] —, Bounds, quadratic differentials, and renormalization con-jectures, A.M.S. Centennial Publications, Vol. II (Providence,R.I., 1988), 417–466, A.M.S. (1992)

[19] —, Linking the universalities of Milnor-Thurston, Feigenbaumand Ahlfors-Bers, in Topological Methods in Modern Mathemat-ics (Milnorfest, Stony Brook, 1991), 543–564, Publish or Perish(1993)

[20] R.Thom, Quelques proprietes globales des varietes differentiables,Comment. Math. Helv. 28, 17–86 (1954)

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[21] C.Wilkerson, Applications of minimal simplicial groups, Topol-ogy 15, 111–130 (1976)

Dennis Sullivan’s List of Publications

[1] Triangulating homotopy equivalences. Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton,(1966) 187 pages. (See [105]).

[2] Triangulating homotopy equivalences. Preprint, Univ. of War-wick (1967), 10 pages.

[3] Smoothing homotopy equivalences. Preprint, Univ. of Warwick(1967), 12 pages.

[4] On the Hauptvermutung for manifolds. Bull. Amer. Math.Soc. 73 (1967), 598-600.

[5] On the regular neighborhood of a two-sided submanifold (withM. Cohen). Topology 9 (1970), 141-147.

[6] Geometric topology I. Localization, periodicity and Galois sym-metry. MIT, 1970, Mimeogr. notes, 432 pages. (See [20] and[117]).

[7] Combinatorial invariants of analytic spaces. Proc. LiverpoolSingularities Symposium, I (1969/70), 165-168, Lecture Notes inMath. 192 Springer, Berlin, 1971.

[8] Geometric periodicity and the invariants of manifolds. Man-ifolds - Amsterdam 1970, 44-75, Lecture Notes in Math. 197Springer, Berlin, 1971.

[9] Galois symmetry in manifold theory at the primes. Actes duCongres International des Mathematiciens (Nice, 1970), Tome 2,pp. 169-175. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1971. (See [117]).

[10] Singularities in spaces. Proc. of Liverpool Singularities Sym-posium, II, 196-206, Lecture Notes in Math. 209 Springer, Berlin,1971.

[11] On the Kervaire obstruction (with C. Rourke). Ann. of Math.(2) 94 (1971), 397-4l3.

[12] The signature, geometric cycles, and K-theory. Manuscript1973/74. (See P. Siegel, Witt spaces: a geometric cycle theory

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for KO-homology at odd primes. Amer. J. Math. 105 (1983),1067-1105).

[13] The transversality characteristic class and linking cycles insurgery theory (with J. Morgan). Ann. of Math. (2) 99 (1974),463-544.

[14] Genetics of homotopy theory and the Adams conjecture. Ann.of Math. (2) 100 (1974), 1-79.

[15] A remark on the Lefschetz fixed point formula for differentiablemaps (with M. Shub). Topology 13 (1974), 189-191.

[16] Inside and outside manifolds. Proceedings of the InternationalCongress of Mathematicians (Vancouver, B. C., 1974), Vol. 1, pp.201-207. Canad. Math. Congress, Montreal, 1975.

[17] Differential forms and the topology of manifolds. Manifolds- Tokyo 1973 (Proc. Internat. Conf., Tokyo, 1973), pp. 37-49.Univ. Tokyo Press, Tokyo, 1975.

[18] Homology theory and dynamical systems (with M. Shub). Topol-ogy 14 (1975), 109-132.

[19] On the intersection ring of compact three manifolds. Topology14 (1975), 275-277.

[20] Geometric topology, localization, periodicity and Galois sym-metry. (Russian translation of [6]). Library of the Journal ”Matem-atika”, Translated and edited by D.B. Fuks. Mir, Moscow, 1975,284 pages.

[21] Genericity theorems in topological dynamics (with J. Palis, C.Pugh, M. Shub). Dynamical systems -Warwick 1974 (Proc. Sym-pos. Appl. Topology and Dynamical Systems, Univ. Warwick,Coventry, 1973/1974), 241- 250, Lecture Notes in Math. 468,Springer, Berlin, 1975.

[22] A topological invariant of flows on 1-dimensional spaces (withB. Parry). Topology 14 (1975), 297-299.

[23] Currents, flows and diffeomorphisms (with D. Ruelle). Topol-ogy 14 (1975), 319-327.

[24] Real homotopy theory of Kahler manifolds (with P. Deligne,P. Griffiths and J. Morgan). Invent. Math. 29 No. 3 (1975).

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245-274. See also Seminaire Bourbaki, 1975/76, Exp. No. 475,69-80. Lecture Notes in Math. 567, Springer, Berlin, 1977.

[25] The Euler characteristic of an affine space form is zero (withB. Kostant). Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 81 (1975), 937-938.

[26] La classe d’Euler reelle d’un fibre vectoriel a groupe structuralSLn(Z) est nulle. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris S’er. A-B. 281, (1975),A17-A18.

[27] Geometrie differentielle. Sur l’existence d’une infinite de geo-desiques periodiques sur une variete Riemannienne compacte.C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris S’er. A-B, 281 (1975), A289-A291.

[28] Complex vector bundles with discrete structure group (with P.Deligne). C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris S’er. A-B. 281, (1975), A1081-A1083.

[29] A semi-local combinatorial formula for the signature of a 4k-manifold (with A. Ranicki). J. Differential Geom. 11 (1976),23-29.

[30] On the homology of attractors (with R.F. Williams). Topology15 (1976), 259-262.

[31] A generalization of Milnor’s inequality concerning affine foli-ations and affine manifolds. Comment. Math. Helv. 51 (1976),183-189.

[32] A counterexample to the periodic orbit conjecture. Inst. HautesEtudes Sci. Publ. Math. 46 (1976), 5-14.

[33] Cycles for the dynamical study of foliated manifolds and com-plex manifolds (dedicated to Jean-Pierre Serre). Invent. Math.36 (1976), 225-255.

[34] The homology theory of the closed geodesic problem (with M.Vigue Poirrier). J. Differential Geom. 11 (1976), 633-644.

[35] Cartan-de Rham homotopy theory. Colloque ”Analyse et topolo-gie” en l’honneur de Henri Cartan (Orsay 1974), Asterisque 32-33(1976), 227- 254.

[36] A new flow. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 82 (1976), 331-332.

[37] Real homotopy theory of Kahler manifolds (with F. Griffiths,P. Deligne, P. Morgan) (Russian). Uspehi Mat. Nauk 32 (1977),119-152.

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[38] Foliations with all leaves compact (with R. Edwards, K. Mil-lett). Topology 16 (1977), 13-32.

[39] Infinitesimal computations in topology. Inst. Hautes EtudesSci. Publ. Math. 47 (1977), 269-331.

[40] A foliation of geodesics is characterized by having no ”tangenthomologies” (George Cooke memorial volume). J. Pure Appl.Algebra 13 (1978), 101- 104.

[41] On complexes that are Lipschitz manifolds (with L. Sieben-mann). Geometric topology (Proc. Georgia Topology Conf.,Athens, Ga., 1977), pp. 503-525, Academic Press, New York,London, 1979.

[42] Hyperbolic geometry and homeomorphisms. Geometric topol-ogy (Proc. Georgia Topology Conf., Athens, Ga., 1977), pp.543-555, Academic Press, New York, London, 1979.

[43] A homological characterization of foliations consisting of min-imal surfaces. Comment. Math. Helv. 54 (1979), 218-223.

[44] On the density at infinity of a discrete group of hyperbolicmotions. Inst. Hautes Etudes Sci. Publ. Math. 50 (1979),171-202.

[45] Rufus Bowen (1947-1978). Inst. Hautes Etudes Sci. Publ.Math. 50 (1979), 7-9.

[46] Travaux de Thurston sur les groupes quasifuchsiens et les vari-etes hyperboliques de dimension 3 fibrees sur S1. Seminaire Bour-baki, 1979/80, 196-214, Lecture Notes in Math. 842, Springer,Berlin, 1981.

[47] For n > 3, there is only one finitely additive measure on Sn ro-tationally invariant and defined on all Lebesgue measurable sets.Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 4 (1981), 121-123.

[48] A finiteness theorem for cusps. Acta Math. 147 (1981), 289-299.

[49] Growth of positive harmonic functions and Kleinian grouplimit sets of zero planar measure and Hausdorff dimension two.Geometry Symposium (Nicolaas Kuiper volume), Utrecht 1980(Utrecht, 1980), pp. 127-144, Lecture Notes in Math. 894,Springer, Berlin-New York, 1981.

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[50] Zariski dynamics of a homotopy type (with R. Body). Manu-script 1978. (See [112]).

[51] Geometry of leaves (with A. Phillips). Topology 20 (1981),209-218.

[52] On lifting automorphisms of monotone σ-complete C∗-algebras(with J.D. Maitland Wright). The Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser.(2) 32 (1981), 371-381.

[53] On the ergodic theory at infinity of an arbitrary discrete groupof hyperbolic motions. Riemann surfaces and related topics: Pro-ceedings of the 1978 Stony Brook Conference (State Univ. NewYork, Stony Brook, N.Y., 1978), pp. 465-496, Ann. of Math.Stud., 97, Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, 1981.

[54] Disjoint spheres, Diophantine approximation, and the loga-rithm law for geodesics. Acta Math. 149 (1982), 215-237.

[55] Discrete conformal groups and measurable dynamics. Bull.Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 6 (1982), 57-73.

[56] Seminar on conformal and hyperbolic geometry, notes by M.Baker and J. Seade. Preprint IHES, 1982, 92 pp.

[57] Iteration des fonctions analytiques complexes, C.R. Acad. Sci.Paris Ser. I Math. 294 (1982), 301-303.

[58] On the dynamics of rational maps (with R. Mane, P. Sad).

Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. (4) 16 (1983), 193-217.

[59] Conformal dynamical systems. Geometric dynamics (Rio deJaneiro, 1981), 725-752, Lecture Notes in Math. 1007, Springer,Berlin, 1983.

[60] Manifolds with canonical coordinates charts: some examples(with W. Thurston). Enseign. Math. (2) 229 (1983), 15-25.

[61] Division algebras and the Hausdorff-Banach-Tarski paradox(with P. Deligne). Enseign. Math. (2) 29 (1983), 145-150.

[62] The Dirichlet problem at infinity for a negatively curved man-ifold. J. of Differential Geom. 18 (1983), 723-732.

[63] An analytic proof of Novikov’s theorem on rational Pontrjaginclasses (with N. Teleman). Inst. Hautes Etudes Sci. Publ. Math.58 (1983), 79-81.

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[64] On the iteration of a rational function: computer experimentswith Newton’s method (with J.H. Curry and L. Garnett). Comm.Math. Phys. 91 (1983), 267-277.

[65] Entropy, Hausdorff measures old and new, and limit sets ofgeometrically finite Kleinian groups. Acta Math. 153 (1984),259-277.

[66] Function theory, random paths, and covering spaces (with T.Lyons). J. Differential Geom. 19 (1984), 299-323.

[67] Rational ergodicity of geodesic flows (with J. Aaronson). Er-godic Theory and Dynam. Systems 4 (1984), 165-178.

[68] Brownian motion and harmonic functions on the class surfaceof the thrice punctured sphere (with H. McKean). Adv. in Math.51 (1984), 203-211.

[69] Nilpotent bases for distributions and control systems (with H.Hermes, A. Lundell). J. of Differential Equations 55 (1984), 385-400.

[70] Quasiconformal homeomorphisms and dynamics. I. Solutionof the Fatou-Julia problem on wandering domains. Ann. ofMath. (2) 122 (1985), 401-418.

[71] Quasiconformal homeomorphisms and dynamics. II. Struc-tural stability implies hyperbolicity for Kleinian groups. ActaMath. 155 (1985), 243- 260.

[72] Expanding endomorphisms of the circle revisited (with M.Shub). Ergodic Theory and Dynam. Systems 5 (1985), 285-289.

[73] On the measurable dynamics of the exponential map (with E.Ghys and L. Goldberg). Ergodic Theory and Dynam. Systems 5(1985), 329-335.

[74] On the dynamical structure near an isolated completely un-stable elliptic fixed point. Atas do 14o Coloquio Brasileiro deMatem’atica, vol. II, Publ. do IMPA, 1985, 529-542.

[75] A relation between probability, geometry and dynamics - therandom path of the heat equation on a Riemannian manifold.Atas do 14o Coloquio Brasileiro de Matem’ atica, vol. II, IMPA, 1985, 553-559.

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[76] Related aspects of positivity: λ-potential theory on manifolds,lowest eigenstates, Hausdorff geometry, renormalized Markovprocesses Aspects of Mathematics and its Applications. North-Holland, Math. Library 34 747-779, North-Holland, Amsterdam,1986. (Same as [82] with longer introduction).

[77] Generic dynamics and monotone complete C∗-algebras (withB. Weiss, J. Wright). Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 295 (1986),795-809.

[78] Ground state and lowest eigenvalue of the Laplacian for non-compact hyperbolic surfaces (with T. Pignataro). Comm. Math.Phys. 104 (1986), 529-535.

[79] Quasiconformal homeomorphisms in dynamics, topology, andgeometry. Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathe-maticians, Vol. 1,2, (Berkeley, Calif., 1986), 1216-1228, Amer.Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1987. (See [92]).

[80] Extending holomorphic motions (with W. Thurston). ActaMath. 157 (1986), 243-257.

[81] The convergence of circle packings to the Riemann mapping(with B. Rodin). J. Differential Geom. 26 (1987), 349-360.

[82] Related aspects of positivity in Riemannian geometry. J. Dif-ferential Geom. 25 (1987), 327-351.

[83] Estimating small eigenvalue of Riemann surfaces (With J.Dodziuk, T. Pig- nataro and B. Randol). The legacy of SonyaKovalevskaya (Cambridge, Mass., and Amherst, Mass., 1985),93-121, Contemp. Math. 64, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI,1987.

[84] The spinor representation of minimal surfaces in space. PreprintTexas 1986 (a letter to H. Rosenberg).

[85] On negative curvature, variable, pinched and constant. PreprintTexas 1986. (See [79]).

[86] Differentiable structures on fractal-like sets, determined by in-trinsic scaling functions on dual Cantor sets. Proceedings of theHerman Weyl Symposium, Duke University, Proc. Sympos. PureMath. 48 (1988), 15-23. See also: ”Nonlinear Evolution andChaotic Phenomena” (Noto, 1987), 101-110, NATO Adv. Sci.Inst. Ser. B Phys., 176, Plenum, New York, 1988.

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[87] Variation of the Green function on Riemann surfaces andWhitney’s holomorphic stratification conjecture (with R. Hardt,Rene Thom volume). Inst. Hautes Etudes Sci. Publ. Math. 68(1988), 115-137.

[88] Quasiconformal 4-manifolds (with S. K. Donaldson). ActaMath. 163 (1989), 181-252.

[89] Bounded structure of infinitely renormalizable mappings. (Thequasiconformal explanation of the universal constants in one di-mensional dynamical bifurcations), Cvitanovi’c, Universality ofChaos, 2nd Edition, Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1989. (See [92]).

[90] On conformal welding homeomorphisms associated to Jordancurves (with Y. Katznelson and S. Nag). Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn.Ser. A I Math. 15 (1990), 293-306.

[91] Renormalization, Zygmund smoothness and the Epstein class.Chaos, order, and patterns. (Lake Como, 1990), 25-34, NatoAdv. Sci. Inst. Ser. B Phys. 280, Plenum, New York, 1991.

[92] Bounds, quadratic differentials, and renormalization conjec-tures. American Mathematical Society Centennial Publications,II (Providence, RI, 1988), 417-466, Amer. Math. Soc., Provi-dence, RI, 1992.

[93] Quantized calculus on the circle and quasi fuchsian groups(with A. Connes). Preprint IHES. (See A. Connes ”Non-commutativegeometry”, Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, CA, 1994).

[94] Expanding directions of period doubling operator (with Y. Jiangand T. Morita). Comm. Math. Phys. 144 (1992), 509-520.

[95] Symmetric structures on a closed curve (with F. Gardiner).Amer. J. Math. 114 (1992), 683-736.

[96] Formules locales pour les classes de Pontrjagin topologiques(with A. Connes and N. Teleman). C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. IMath. 317 (1993), 521-526.

[97] Linking the universalities of Milnor-Thurston, Feigenbaumand Ahlfors-Bers. Topological Methods in Modern Mathematics,543-564 (The Proceedings of Symposium held in honor of JohnMilnor’s 60th Birthday, SUNY at Stony Brook, 1991), Publish orPerish, Houston, TX, 1993.

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[98] Infinite cascades of braids and smooth dynamical systems (withJ.-M. Gambaudo and C. Tresser). Topology 33 (1994), 85-94.

[99] Quasiconformal mappings, operators on Hilbert space, and lo-cal formulae for characteristic classes (with A. Connes and N.Teleman). Topology 33 (1994), 663-681.

[100] Lacunary series as quadratic differentials in conformal dy-namics (with F. Gardiner). The mathematical legacy of WilhelmMagnus: groups, geometry and special functions (Brooklyn, NY,1992), 307-330, Contemp. Math. 169, Amer. Math. Soc., Provi-dence, RI, 1994.

[101] Exterior d, the local degree, and smoothability. Proceedingsof a conference in Honor of William Browder, Prospects in topol-ogy (Princeton, NJ, 1994), 328-338, Ann. of Math. Stud. 138,Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, 1995.

[102] Teichmuller theory and the universal period mapping viaquantum calculus and the H1/2 space on the circle (with S. Nag).Osaka J. Math. 32 (1995), 1-34.

[103] Wandering domains and invariant conformal structures formappings of the 2-torus (with A. Norton). Ann. Acad. Sci.Fenn. Math. 21 (1996), 51-68.

[104] Determinant bundles, Quillen metrics and Mumford isomor-phisms over the universal commensurability Teichmuller space(with I. Biswas and S. Nag). Acta Math. 176 (1996), 145-169.

[105] Triangulating and smoothing homotopy equivalences and home-omorphisms. The Hauptvermutung book, 69-103. A collectionof papers of the topology of manifolds. K-Monographs in Math-ematics 1. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1996.

[106] Dynamics of geometrically finite rational maps (with G. Cuiand Y. Jiang), Manuscript 1996.

[107] Topological conjugacy of circle diffeomorphisms (with JunHu). Ergodic Theory and Dynam. Systems 17 (1997), 173-186.

[108] Quasiconformal homeomorphisms and dynamics. III. TheTeichmuller space of a holomorphic dynamical system (with C.McMullen). Adv. Math. 135 (1998), 351-395.

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[109] P -universal spaces and rational homotopy types (with R.Body, M. Mimura, and H. Shiga). Comment. Math. Helv. 73(1998), 427-442.

[110] On the foundation of geometry, analysis, and the differentialstructure for manifolds. Topics in low-dimensional topology (InHonor of Steve Armentrout. Proceedings of the Conference onlow-Dimensional Topology, University Park, PA, 1996), 89-92,World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 1999.

[111] String topology (with M. Chas). math.GT/9911159.

[112] Reminiscences of Michel Herman’s first great theorem. In”Michael R. Herman” Gaz. Math. No. 88 (2001). SocieteMathematique de France, Paris, 2001, 91-94.

[113] On the locally branched Euclidean metric gauge (with J.Heinonen). Duke Math. J. 114 (2002), 15-41.

[114] Closed string operators in topology leading to Lie bialgebrasand higher string algebra (with M. Chas). Proceedings of theAbel Bicentenniel Symposia, Oslo Norway 2002.

[115] Open and closed string field theory interpreted in classical al-gebraic topology. Proceedings of Oxford Symposium for GraemeSegal ”Geometry, Topology, and Quantum Field Theory”, 2003,ed. U. Tillman, Cambridge University Press, 2004, 344-357.

[116] Rene Thom’s work on geometric homology and bordism. Bull.Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 41 (2004), 341-350.

[117] Geometric topology, Part I: Localization, periodicity, and Ga-lois symmetry. K-Monographs in Math, Kluwer Academic Pub-lishers, Dordrecht, 2004 (This volume)

[118] Higher genus string topology (with M. Chas). Manuscript2004.

[119] Sigma models and string topology, in Proceedings of the Con-ference on Graphs and Patterns in Mathematics and TheoreticalPhysics dedicated to Dennis Sullivan’s 60th birthday, June 14–21, 2001 Stony Brook University, New York. Editors MichaelLyubich and Leon Takhtajan. Proceedings Symposia in PureMathematics, Amer. Math. Soc. 2004

[120] Dynamical systems applied to asymptotic geometry (with A.Pinto). IMS at Stony Brook University, Preprint No. 6, 2004.

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Stony Brook, September ‘04

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