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Page 1: Geographical enquiry into a disaster

Geographical enquiry into a disaster

LO: To plan, research and present appropriately information about a

geographical disaster of your choice.

Page 2: Geographical enquiry into a disaster

Starter: make a disasters A-Z

Page 3: Geographical enquiry into a disaster


You the chief reporter for an English broadsheet newspaper. A major natural

disaster has happened yesterday. You are to include an in-depth report

of this disaster.

Page 4: Geographical enquiry into a disaster

Criteria: What to include:

Must:Choose an appropriate disasterInclude information on how the disaster was causedInclude information on the effects of the disasterInclude an appropriate headline

Should:Include maps and diagramsExplain what short terms and long term aid will be requiredInclude reference to a range of appropriate resources such as websitesInclude background information on the country affected e.g. state of development and how this may influence the impact of the disaster

Could:Include an editorial comment about what you think should be done to assist with this disasterComparisons of the effects of this disaster with a similar disaster that happened in a country with a similar state of development.

You explain how this disaster can be managed sustainably

Page 5: Geographical enquiry into a disaster

Must choose and appropriate disaster

Page 6: Geographical enquiry into a disaster

Should Include maps and diagrams

Page 7: Geographical enquiry into a disaster

Should Include maps and diagrams

Page 8: Geographical enquiry into a disaster

What annotations could we put on this picture?

Page 9: Geographical enquiry into a disaster

Geographical enquiry:H: You suggest suitable geographical questions

• What questions could you ask about your chosen disaster to help you with your research?

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