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  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges


    Lefmer Bohfstreobhfl hf t`e OaMJ

    [rhfdhpies - Opprgod`es - D`oiiefles

    Lhfette-Ursuie XGBOFMhvhshgf Bofoler

    Lefmer ofm Tgdhoi Meveigpbeft Mhvhshgf

    Bofhio Medebjer ?; :;?4]`e vhews expressem hf t`hs poper ore t`e vhews ga t`e out`grs ofm mg fgt fedessorhiy reaiedt t`e vhews gr pgihdhes ga t`e Oshof Meveigpbeft Jofc (OMJ), gr hts Jgorm ga Lgverfgrs, gr t`e lgverfbefts

    t`ey represeft. OMJ mges fgt luoroftee t`e oddurody ga t`e moto hfdiumem hf t`hs poper ofm oddepts fg respgfshjhihty agr ofy dgfsequefde ga t`ehr use. ]`e dguftrhes ihstem hf t`hs poper mg fgt hbpiy

    ofy vhew gf OMJ's port os tg sgverehlfty gr hfmepefmeft stotus gr fedessorhiy dgfagrb tg OMJ's terbhfgigly.

  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges



    HFT]H]U]HGFOIH^O]HGF ga Lefmer Bohfstreobhfl




  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges


    OaMJ Dgbbhtbeft tg Lefmer

    ]`e Oarhdof Meveigpbeft Jofc hs dgbbhttem tg suppgrt t`e

    eaagrts ga Zelhgfoi Bebjer Dguftrhes (ZBDs) tg prgbgte

    lefmer equoihty ofm wgbefs ebpgwerbeft os o beofs tg

    omvofde pgverty remudthgf ofm hfdiushve lrgwt`.

    ]`e Jofcs Lefmer [gihdy (:;;?) eiojgrotes t`e dgbbhtbeft tg

    prgbgte lefmer equoihty ofm sustohfojie `ubof ofm edgfgbhdmeveigpbeft hf Oarhdo.

  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges


    ]g gperothgfoihze hts pgihdy dgbbhtbefts, t`e Jofc meveigpem

    htsLefmer [iof ga Odthgf (:;;=-:;;

  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges


    ]`e Lefmer Ttrotely (:;?=-:;?0) agduses gf t`ree phiiorsw`hd` sdoie up lefmer equoihty sustohfojiy ofm w`hd` ore hf

    ihfe wht` t`e ]XT :;?4-:;::>

    Ieloi stotus ofm prgperty rhl`ts

    Edgfgbhd ebpgwerbeft

    Cfgwiemle bofolebeft ofm Dopodhty juhimhfl

  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges


    Lefmer Bohfstreobhfl

    ?. Lefmer bohfstreobhfl ]ochfl oddguft ga lefmer equoihty

    dgfderfs hf oii pgihdy, prglrob, ombhfhstrothve ofm ahfofdhoi

    odthvhthes ofm hf grlofhzothgfoi prgdemures,.

    :. ]`hs beofs t`ot t`e prgbgthgf ga lefmer equoihty hs t`e

    respgfshjhihty ga oii hf oii oreos.

    4. Ht oisg beofs t`ot oii gperothgfs t`e Jofc ahfofdes bust

    prgbgte lefmer equoihty.

  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges



    Lefmer hf t`e Jofc Gperothgfs

    EF]ZX [GHF]T

    [gihdhes ofm strotelhes jgt` hf t`e Jofc ofm hf ZBDs

    Dguftry Mhoiglue hf DT[s, mgfgr lrgups ofm hf pgihdy-josem


    [rgnedts - hf t`e efthre prgnedt dydie argb hmefthahdothgf gver

    hbpiebeftothgf tg dgbpiethgf3

  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges


    Hfsthtuthgfoihzothgf ga Lefmer


    ]`e Lefmer ofm Tgdhoi Meveigpbeft Bgfhtgrhfl Mhvhshgf wos

    dreotem hf Boy :;?;. ]`e spedhahd bofmote ga t`e mhvhshgf hs tg

    ieom t`e hfsthtuthgfoi ofd`grhfl ga bohfstreobhfl lefmer, sgdhoi

    meveigpbeft ofm dhvhi sgdhety eflolebeft hftg t`e gperothgfs

    ga t`e Jofc Lrgup.

  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges


    Hfsthtuthgfoihzothgf ga Lefmer


    ]`e mhvhshgf hs respgfshjie agr >

    ?) meveigphflstrotelhes, pgihdhes, luhmeihfes, tggis ofmprgdesses agr t`e prgbgthgf ga lefmer equoihty ofm DTG

    eflolebeft hf Jofc gperothgfs ofm hf ZBDs3

    :) meveigphfl ofm gperothgfoihzhfl t`e DTG eflolebeft

    arobewgrc34) prgmudhfl ofm mhssebhfothfl cfgwiemle prgmudts gf lefmer

    equoihty ofm DTG reiotem hssues3 ofm

    =) streflt`efhflJofc stoaas ofm ZBDs dopodhthes

    5) [rgbgte omvgdody

  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges


    Bohf Od`hevebefts hf t`e post yeors>

    ]`e omgpthgf ga cey pgihdy mgdubefts ofm prgvhshgf ga t`e

    fedessory tggis agr lefmer bohfstreobhfl ofm DTG


    (o)t`eLuhmofde Fgte gf t`e Lefmer Mhbefshgf ga t`e _uoihty-

    ot-Eftry Ttofmorms ga t`e Zeomhfess Zevhew, t`e Ttumy gf

    Lefmer-respgfshve Jumlethfl hf Oarhdo ofm t`e hfagrbothgf

    jrhea Jumlet Tuppgrt hf t`e OaMJ> O Ttrotelhd ]ggi agr t`e

    [rgbgthgf ga Lefmer Equoihty.

  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges


    (j) ]`e Ttote ga Lefmer Equoihty hf Oarhdoofm t`e Zevhew gaLefmer Equoihty Zesuits ga [ujihd Tedtgr [rgnedts ofm [rglrobs

    :;;8-:;??were dgfmudtem tg hfagrb of evhmefde-josem

    lefmer strotely.

    (d) ]`e Jofc `os meveigpem o Lefmer Ttrotely (:;?=-:;?0) tg

    luhme hts opprgod` tg t`e prgbgthgf ga lefmer equoihty gf t`e

    dgfthfeft tgworms jetter resuits3

  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges


    (m) Murhfl :;??-:;?4, ahve relhgfoi trohfhfl wgrcs`gpsottefmem jy Jofc stoaa argb 4; OaMJ aheim gaahdes .

    (e) ?4 Dguftry Lefmer [rgahies were dgfmudtem murhfl :;??

    ofm :;?4 (meveigpem tg hmefthay lefmer equoihty lops, ossess

    t`e pgihdy, hfsthtuthgfoi ofm ieloi arobewgrcs hf dguftrhes,

    prgvhme luhmofde tg pgihdy bocers ofm aodhihtote opprgprhote

    dguftry ievei lefmer bohfstreobhfl strotelhes hf gperothgfs

    ofm DT[s).

  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges


    (a) eflolebeft wht` t`e sedtgrs t`ot ore iess peragrbhfl hf

    lefmer bohfstreobhfl hf t`e Jofc, fobeiy t`e lgverfofde,prhvote sedtgr ofm hfarostrudturesedtgrs. ]G JE HB[ZGQEM

    (l) Beofhflaui porthdhpothgf hf DT[s> tg efsure t`ot lefmer hs

    bohfstreobem hf t`e DT[. ]G JE ZEHFAGZDEM

    (`) ]`e hbpiebeftothgf ga t`e Oarhdof \gbef Hf Jushfess

    (O\HJ)Aufm. LEFMEZ AUFM 7

  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges


  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges


    Lefmer Bohfstreobhfl hf Jofc


    [UZ[GTE > hfsthtuthgfoihzet`e prhfdhpie ga lefmer

    bohfstreobhfl hftg t`e Jofcs gperothfl systebs, tggis ofm

    prodthdes. JET] [ZOD]HDET

    ]`e lefmer mhbefshgf ga quoihty-ot-eftry stofmorms wht` cey

    drhterho agr lefmer bohfstreobhfl hftg prgnedt meshlf. DT[s7

    o lefmer perspedthve hftg t`e Gfe Jofc ZesuitsBeosurebeft Arobewgrc w`ere cey lefmer respgfshve

    hfmhdotgrs `ove jeef hfdiumem hf t`e :; Dgre Tedtgr

    Hfmhdotgrs tg beosure prglress. JET] [ZOD]HDET

  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges


    Lefmer spedhoihsts hf t`e sedtgrs `eip gperothgfoihzelefmerbohfstreobhfl hf prgnedts>


    ]`ere ore gfiy 5 lefmer spedhoihsts hf gperothgfs ofm fg

    spedhoihst hf t`e aheim gaahdes.

  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges


    \oy agrworm

    ]`e :;?=-:;?1 prhgrhthes agdus gf t`e hbpiebeftothgf ga t`e

    agrt`dgbhfl Lefmer Ttrotely, hf ihfe wht` t`e ]ef-Xeor Ttrotely,

    ofm t`e gperothgfoihzothgf ga t`e DTG Eflolebeft Arobewgrc>

    Hfdreoshfl t`e Jofcs eflolebeft wht` ZBDs gf lefmer

    equoihty, porthduioriy relormhfl ieloi arobewgrcs ofm

    prgperty rhl`ts3

    Ttepphfl up t`e prgbgthgf ga wgbefs edgfgbhd

    ebpgwerbefthf o fubjer ga sedtgrs, hfdiumhfl hf

    olrhduiture, hfarostrudture, t`e prhvote sedtgr ofm


  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges


  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges



    ]`e mhvhshgf `os bohftohfem o strgfl redgrm ga eaaedthve meihvery

    ga gutputs. @gwever>

    Zesgurdes jgt` `ubof ofm ahfofdhoi rebohf o bongrd`oiiefle (mhvhshgf equhppem wht` = lefmer experts.,?

    stothsthdoi edgfgbhst ofm ? DTG gaahder) D@OZ] GA OMJ7

    Odthvhthes reiotem tg t`e DTG Eflolebeft Arobewgrc, t`eLefmer Ttrotely, cfgwiemle prgmudts ofm t`e dopodhty

    meveigpbeft odthvhthes represeft o dgfshmerojie wgrcigom aor

    exdeemhfl t`e mhvhshgfs dopodhthes.

  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges



    ?. DGZ[GZO]E HTTUE > Dgbpihofde Bed`ofhsb/@ubof

    Zesgurdes / Lefmer Aufm

    :. EAAED]HQE BOHFT]ZEOBHFL> eaahdheftiy ommress t`e phiiors 3

    4. BEOTUZEBEF]> od`heve sustohfojie resuits hf relhgfoi

    bebjer dguftrhes ofm hf t`e Jofc

    =.OMQGDODX> pgihdy mhoiglue portfers`hp wht` dhvhi sgdhety

  • 8/13/2019 Gender Mainstreaming in the AfDBPrinciples - Approaches - Challenges


    ]@OFC XGU

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