Please tick the box to continue:

Page 1: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.


5?N04Nweein a.6153 MCDONOUGH

FAcctromar;nct±c and Mag-ne t ic Suinrey f o r


I ' r o j e c t 225

McDonough Township, Ontario (a"o Accompany Maps 83-2^40, 2i1 )

November '), 3 983


• ^ ^ • • ^ i cw

Page 2: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.

- 1 -


An e l e c t r o m a g n e t i c and m a g n e t i c s u r v e y was c a r r i e d

o u t f o r Dome E x p l o r a t i o n (Canada) Lima tod on I ' r o j c c t 22^,

^icDonough Tov\rnship, Ont.irdo an Sep t ember , 19'^3»

The g r i d i s l o c a t e d i n t h e n o r t h - e a s t p a r t of McDonougli

Township , sou t l i of t l ie Chukuni ] U v e r , a ] ) p r o x i m a t e l y 10 Km n o r t h

of t i le town of Red Lake» The ap])roxi mate l a t i t u d e i s jil 1 0 ' N o r t h

and t h e a]3])roxiinate l o n g i t u d e i s 93 'l6Mi'est»

Access t o t h e p r o j j o r t y was o b t a i n e d by canoe from

Red Lake ,

The purj)ose of t h e s u r v e y was t o l o c a t e s u b - s u r f a c e

g e o - e l e c t r i ca l c o n d u c t o r s wlii cli migh t c o n t a i n economic m e t a l

dcpos i t s o

IVo c o n d u c t i v e zones were l o c a t e d , Tlie accomj^anying

ma])s sliow t h e a r e a s u r v e y e d and t l ie r e s u l t s o b t a i n e d .

A t e c h n i c a l d a t a s h e e t I s ap]>onded t o t h i s r e j ) o r t .

Page 3: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.

- 2 -


Opera tin/; PrincipJ o; V]ien an electrical conductor is subjected to a

primary altornatinc field, a secondary current is induced in the

conductor. This current produces a secondary alternating field

wliich together Avith the primary field produces a resultant field of

different amplitude and phase from the applied primary field. Tliese

differences may indicate the presence of a conductor.

Operation; The battery-powered transmitter sets xip a ]irimary field

while the in-phase and out-of-pliase (quadrature) components of the

complex secondary vertical field are detected by a receiving coil

and measured by means of a compensator-amplifier unit located a fixed

distance from the transmitter unit, Tlieso parameters are expressed

in percentage of the primary field,

Conductor Rcco/yiitioii; The typical curve over a steeply-dipping coixductoi'

shows a low (negative - greater than y/o) over the centre of the

conductor, flanked by positive readings on both sides of the conductor,

riotli the in-phaso and the out-of-pliase components usually produce

the same general shape of curve. An asymmetrical curve may indicate

one or more of tlie following conditions: (l) more than one conductoj^"

(2) variable conductive overburden (3) a shallow dipping conductor.

Conductjvity Determination; l io ratio of the amplitudes of the two

measured components, in-phase to out-of-phaso, is directly jiroportional

to the conductivity of tlie conductor, in areas of non-conductive


Conductox' bocation; For a single conductor, both component readings are zero wlien either tlie transmitting or receiving coil is

directly above the conductor. The location of the conductor is cal­

culated by adding one-half the distcuice between tlie transmitting coil

and the receiving coil (coil interval) to the co-ordinate at wliic}i

the readings arc zero. A unique solution is generally not possible

in the case of multiple conductors s])aced less than one coil interval

apart. This results in tlic possibility that an apparently wide

conductor may actually consist of two or more narrow conductorso

Depth of Pcnotration; Tiie maximum depth of ])cnotration for detection of

a stoc]>ly-dip])ing conductor in a gco-el ectrlcally neutral background

is about 0,7 times the coil interval. Uvor }iori/;ontal or flatly-

di])jiing condvictors, ])cnetrotion of up to 1,5) times tlie coil interval

i s j)Ossi bl e .

Page 4: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.

3 -

]d:sui/j 'S

IVo c o n d u c t s v e z o n e s a r e l o c a t e d on Ma]) 8 3 - 2 ' ) 0 . The

m o s t S3 Ki^if l e a n t o n e i s a n a r r o w c o n d u c t o r wliach o c c u r s b e t w e e n

L i n e s 8 S , 0+25E and 5 S , 0+52W. F o r m o s t o f i t s 3 c n c t l i i t i s

c o i n c i d e n t v;i t h a s t i ^ o n ^ i y m a f j n e t i c i^ock u n i t , A s e c o n d c o n d u c t ­

i v e z o n e i s on. ly p a r t i a l l y d e f i n e d a t t l i e e a s t e r n b o u n d a r y o f t l i e

{Vrld. Tile d a t a d o e s n o t e x t e n d f a r e n o u g h o a s t t o d e t c r i i i i n e i f

t h i s i s a c o n t i n u o u s z o n e o r a n u m b e r o f s l i o r t u n r e l a t e d c o n d u c t ­

o r s . T l i c r c i s n o c o r r e l a t i o n w i t l i t l i e iiia^.noti o s .

Tile s t r o n g m a g n o t i c z o n e , s u b p a r a l 1 e i t o t h e b a s e l i n e ,

h a s ] )oaks u p t o 2 3 , 0 0 0 gammas . The r e s j j o n s e may i n d i c a t e t l i e

p r e s e n c e o f 3 > y r r h o t i t e o r m a g n e t i t e ,


The c o n d u c t i v e z o n e w i t l i t h e c o i n c i d e n t m a g n e t i c j ^ e s -

j j o n s e n e a r t h e centime o f t h e g r i d s h o u l d b e d r i l l t e s t e d a t

s e v e r a l l o c a t i o n s .

A d d i t i o n a l g r o u n d g c o ] ) l i y s i c a l s u r v e y i n g i s r e q u i r e d t o

d e t e r m i n e t l i e o : ; a c t n a t u r e o f t h e c o n d u c t i v e z o n e l o c a t e d a t t l i e

e a s t b o u n d a r y o f t h e c l a i m s .

G e o s e a r c h C o n s u l t a n t s 1 / imi ted

'J/ tx>/ ' /"j- /l^i^'y/j/'y^'C"/-yHT/mrii Wo h , 'J']u)mi)son P . E n g .

Page 5: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.


Project 225


Instrument: Max Min li

Accuracy: 1°o per scale division

Method: In line

Coil confi{^ration: Co-planar

Parameters measured: The vertical in-phase and out-of-phase

(quadrature) components of the secondary field.

Frequencies: 3555 n^ and 888 llz

Coil separation: 3 OOni

Number of readings at 25m stations:

Total number of readings: 3 15 Lino spacing: lOOm

Profile scale: 3 cm to lO'/b


Instrument: Scintrox Model MP2 Total J' ioJd Proton Magnotoinctor

Magnetic field measured: Total fjeld

Accuracy - scale constant: 1 gamma

Diurnal correction method: Proton Magiietoiaetcj Recorder

at 60 second intervals

Base station locations: IS on ]iaso Lino

Number of readings at 25m stations:

Total number of readings: 3<JO Line spacing: 1 OOiii

Contour interval: ] OOO gamina

Page 6: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.
Page 7: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.
Page 8: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.


cK . \0 i ^ •—>

1984 05 16 Your File: 67-83 Our File: 2.6153

Mr. Albert Scott Rivett Mining Recorder Ministry of Natural Resources Ontario Government Building Box 324 Red Lake, Ontario POV 2M0 Dear Sir:

RE: Geophysical (Electromagnetic and Magnetometer) Survey on Mining Claims KRL 623269 et al In

R the Township of McDonough

The Geophysical (Electromagnetic and Magnetometer) Survey assessment work credits as listed with my Notice of Intent dated April 27, 1984 have been approved as of the above date.

Please Inform the recorded holder of these mining claims and so Indicate on your records.

Yours sincerely.

S.E. Yundt Director Land Management Branch

Whitney Block, Room 6643 Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1W3 Phone:(416)965-6918

D. K1nv1g:mc

ce: Dome Exploration (Canada) Limited Box 270 1 First Canadian Place Toronto, Ontario M5X IHl

ce: Mr. G.H. Ferguson Mining & Lands Commissioner Toronto, Ontario

ce: Resident Geologist Red Lake, Ontario


Page 9: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.
Page 10: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.

Ministry of

Natural Resources ^^l^h' 1984 04 27

Mr. Albert Scott Rivett Mining Recorder Ministry of Natural Resources Ontario Government Building Box 324 Red Lake , O n t a r i o POV 2M0

Dear S i r :

Your Me: 6 7 - 8 3

c^^"'ie: 2 . 6 1 5 3


Enclosed are two copies of a Notice of Intent wi th statements

l i s t i n g a reduced rate of assessment work cred i ts to be allowed

for a technical survey. Please forward one copy to the recorded

holder of the claims and re ta in the other. In approximately

f i f t een days from the above date, a f i n a l l e t t e r of approval of

these cred i ts w i l l be sent to you. On receipt of the approval

l e t t e r , you may then change the work entr ies on the claim record


For fu r ther in format ion, i f requi red, please contact

Mr. F.W. Matthews at 416/965-6918.

Yours very t r u l y ,

Yundt ector

Land Management Branch

Whitney Block, Room 6543 Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1W3 Phone: 416/965-1316 D. K i n v i g : m c


cc:Dome E x p l o r a t i o n ( C a n a d a ) L i m i t e d Box 270 1 F i r s t Canadian P lace T o r o n t o , O n t a r i o M5X I H l

cc:Mr. G.H. Ferguson Mining & Lands Commissioner Toronto, Ontario


Page 11: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.

Ministryol I C C 7 ] Natural V V V Resources Ontario

Notice of Intent

for Technical Reports

1984 04 27


An examination of your survey report indicates that the requirements of The Ontario Mining Act tiave not been fully met to warrant maximum assessment work credits. This notice is merely a warning that you will not be allowed the number of assessment work days credits that you expected and also that in approximately 15 days from the above date, the mining recorder will be authori?ed to change the entries on his record sheets to agree with the enclosed statement. Please note that until such time as the recorder actually changes the entry on the record stieet, the status of the claim remains unchanged.

If you are of the opinion that these changes by the mining recorder will jeopardize your claims, you may during the next fifteen days apply to the Mining and Lands Commissioner for an extension of time. Abstracts should be sent with your application.

If ttie reduced rate of credits does not jeopardize the status of the claims then you need not seek relief from the Mining and Lands Commissioner and this Notice of Intent may be disregarded.

If your survey was submitted and assessed under the "Special Provision-Performance and Coverage" method and you are of the opinion that a re-appraisal under the "Man-days" method would result in the approval of a greater number of days credit per claim, you may, within the said fifteen day period, submit assessment work breakdowns listing the employees names, addresses and the dates and hours they worked. The new work breakdowns should be submitted direct to the Lands Management Branch, Toronto. The report will be re assessed and a new statement of credits based on actual days worked will be issued.

B4C (F.2/&)

Page 12: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.

March 22, 1984 Our File: 2.$153

Doric Exploration (Canada) Limited Box 270 1 First Canadian Place Toronto, Ontario M5X 1111

Attention: Ed Pigulski

Dear Sir:

RE: Geophysical (Electromagnetic and Magnetometer) Survey sulmltted on Mining Claims KRL 623269 et al In the Township of McDonough

We are endeavouring to compile a list of qualifications of those persons who sign reports of geo-technlcal surveys submitted to this Ministry for assessment work credits. It would be appreciated therefore, if you would please furnish a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records.

For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.

Yours sincerely.

S.E. Yundt Director Land Management Branch

Whitney Block, Room 6643 Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1W3 Phone:(416)965-1918 H.E. Anderson:mc

ce: Mining Recorder Red Lake, Ontario

Page 13: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.
Page 14: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.


8 Kenewen Court, Toronto, Ontario M4A 1R8

Mr. S. E. Yundt Director Land Management Branch Whitney Block, Room 6643 Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1W3 Dear Mr. Yundt

RE: Your File42.6153 Request f( t._R£suitie of Qualifications

April 6, 198V ^ "Ci'J V E D I ' i^!.J liijiiCi'firmit Brancfi

'•r'' 'iuI984

'•• 1 coott

As per request, herewith is my brief resume.

1. Honours B.A., Geology - University of Toronto, 1951

2. Master of Arts, Geology - University of Toronto, 1952

3. Twenty years field work on exploration projects for Kennecott Copper - 1952-1972

4. Eight years Exploration Manager for Gulf Minerals (Canada) Limited - 1974-1982

5. Member of Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario

I would be pleased to furnish further information if required.

Yours truly,


' ' f\ C M 3 I


ce: Mr. F.W. Matthews

Walter H. Thompson


Page 15: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.
Page 16: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.

1983 12 20 Our File: 2.61G3

Mr. Albert Scott Rivett Mining Recorder Ministry of Natural Resources Ontario Government Building Box 324 Red Lake, Ontario POV 2M0

Dear Sir:

We have received reports and maps for a Geophysical (tlectrortiagnetic and Kagnetonieter) Survey submitted under Special Provisions (credit for Performance and Coverage) on Mining Claims KRL 623269 et al in the Township of McDonough.

This material will be examined and assessed and a statement of assessment work credits will be issued.

Vie do not have a copy of the report of work which is normally filed with you prior to the submission of this technical data. Please forward a copy as soon as possible.

Yours very truly.

E.F. Anderson Director Land Management Branch

Whitney Block, Room 6643 Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1W3 Phone:(416)965-1380

A. Barr:mc

ce: Dome Exploration (Canada) Limited Box 270 1 First Canadian Place Toronto, Ontario M5X lin Attention: td Pigulski

Page 17: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.

Coi)y For: Mr. I'rcd W. Matthews

o Dome Exploration (Canada) Limited

Executive Office

R E G I S T E R E D December 9, 1983

Mr. Scott Rivett Mining Recorder Ministry of Natural Resources P.O. Box 324 Our Project No. 225 Red Lake, Ontario POV 2M0

Re: Mining Claims KRL.623269, 623270 and KRL.623784 to 623789 inclusive - McDonough Township (M.2182)

P.O. Box 270 1 First Canadian Place Toronto, Ontario M5X1H1 (416) 364-3453 Telex 065-24590

Dear Mr. Rivett:

Enclosed is a Report of Work covering an Electromagnetic Survey (40 - days for each claim) and a Magnetic Survey (20 - days for each claim) performed by Geosearch Consultants Ltd. (W. H. Thompson), on 8 mining claims as shown on the Report.

We will be forwarding the survey report and plans in duplicate, for these surveys to Mr. Fred W. Matthews within the prescribed time. This assessment work is being filed under the Special Provisions Regulations.

Yours very truly,


EAP:ts Enclosures

Edward A. Pigulski Assistant Secretary

b.c.c. Mr, Fred W. Matthews y^ T% I". -, -,,

iVlomber of the Dome Mines GroLip

Page 18: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.
Page 19: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.
Page 20: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.
Page 21: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.
Page 22: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.
Page 23: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.
Page 24: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.
Page 25: GEDSEHRCH CDnSULTHIITS limiTED€¦ · a brief resume of Mr. VI.H. Thompson's qualifications for our records. For further information, please contact Mr. F.H. Matthews at (416)965-6918.

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