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Page 1: GE Equipment Insight powered by Predix · customers use their machines, while helping end users optimize asset performance, processes and profitability. The GE Equipment Insight powered

GE Equipment Insight powered by PredixAn Industrial Internet solution for data collection, analysis and management of distributed OEM fleets

Improve Asset Performance & Uptime

• Preconfigured,scalablesolutionimprovesvisibility into equipment performance,even in remote locations

• Improvesassetavailabilityandoptimizesequipment via better maintenance insight

Enhance Customer Experience

• Helpsbuilddeeperconnectionswithcustomers by predicting problems andscheduling preventative maintenance

• Reducescomplianceandwarrantyrisk

• Improvesservicescapacityutilizationand time-to-serve

• Providescompetitiveadvantage

Create New Service Models & Increase Profitability

• Monetizenewfleetdatamonitoring services

• Sellpreventativemaintenancecontracts

• Captureincreasedpartsandrepair revenue

• Expandtocovercompetitiveinstalled base

AtGE,werecognizethepowerfulpotentialofconnecting machines and turning the mass ofrawdatatheyproduceintoactionableinformation. The Industrial Internet of connectedmachinesisthenextrevolution in industry, and GE is on the frontline.

Asoneoftheworld’slargestOEMs,GEhas theexperienceandvastinstalledbasetoharnessthepoweroftoday’stechnologicaltransformation—elasticcomputingpower,ubiquitous connectivity and the cloud — and putittoworkforOEMsandtheircustomers. Today’sOEMsarebeingpressedtodeliverhigher levels of service to their customers withoutincreasingcost.Mostarelookingtomonitor their equipment and share asset informationwiththeirendusers,butmanylacktheresourcestodoso.GE Equipment Insight powered by Predix makescloud-based data collection, analysis and management simple and affordable.

Improve Asset Performance & Uptime

GE Equipment Insight powered by PredixsolutionbenefitsbothOEMsandtheirendusers.PoweredbyGE’sleading softwareandruggedRXiIPCs,it enables OEMs to securely collect and analyzefleetdata,andthengetinformation topeopleintheirownorganizationandto enduserswhohavepurchasedtheirequip-ment. With the GE Equipment Insight powered by Predix solution, OEMscanbetterunderstandhowcustomersusetheirmachines,whilehelpingendusersoptimizeassetperformance,processes and profitability.

TheGE Equipment Insight powered by Predixsolutionquicklyandcost-effectivelytransformsrawdataintoactionable information. It aligns the state of

thecustomerassetwithitshealth.Alarms, overall equipment effectiveness and Key PerformanceIndicator(KPI)dataisviewed in a single, accessible screen on any device. Andacustomizedriskindexprovidesadvanced analytics and predictive detection, allowingOEMstocontactcustomersbeforetheirprocessgoesdown.

Enhance Customer Experience

The GE Equipment Insight powered by Predix solution helps OEMs quicklyaddresscustomerissuesbydelivering the right information to the right person, wherevertheyare,onanydevice.Servicescapacityutilizationandtime-to-repairareimproved as critical information is delivered toservicepeoplebasedontheirproximityto customer assets. Once on-site, personnel can capture asset status, project details, and knownassetissuesviatext,picturesorvideoforfastersolutiondelivery.Havingactionableinformation enables OEMs to proactively schedule maintenance and record standard

operatingprocedures(SOPs)andsequenceofevents(SOEs)duringdowntimetoreduceriskandimprovecompliance.OEMsbenefitfrom better, more efficient service operations whileendusersgetfast,effectiveresolutionof process issues.

Create New Services & Increase Profitability

With the GE Equipment Insight powered by Predix solution, OEMs cancreatenewrevenue-generatingservicesmodels such as data monitoring services and preventativemaintenancecontracts.Sincethe solution is brand agnostic, OEMs can cover competitive installed base and reduce costsbyleveragingafewexpertstomonitorand troubleshoot an entire asset fleet.

Page 2: GE Equipment Insight powered by Predix · customers use their machines, while helping end users optimize asset performance, processes and profitability. The GE Equipment Insight powered

GE Equipment Insight powered by PredixImproveassetperformanceanduptime,enhancecustomerexperience,createnewservicemodelsandincreaseprofitability

Advanced Analytics

PoweredbyGE’sprovensoftware,the Equipment Insight solution collects and manages long-term fleet performance data and alarms and administers user access. Based on this historical data, the Equipment Insight solution performs trend analysis of a single machine or an entire fleet. It then delivers role specific KPIs, alarms and trends to either the end user or OEM personnel via mobiledeviceapplicationsorawebbrowser.All of this is guided by an equipment asset model created by the OEM.

Secure Data Collection

The Equipment Insight solution collects OEM equipment data from nearly any brand of intelligent control device. The data is buffered toprotectagainstnetworkoutages,encryptedand transmitted to, and verified using:

• X.509CertificatebasedAuthentication• SecureTunnelviaTLS/SSL• HTTP/HTTPSoverInternet-

No VPN required• NolisteningportsontheFieldAgent• Anoptional3Ginterfaceprovidesaccesswhereendusernetworksorpublicinfrastructurearen’tavailable.

Affordable, Simple Integration

GE’sEquipmentInsightsolutionishostedona private, cloud-based server and offered as a subscription-based service. This reduces initialinvestmentcostsandallowsforquickROIasnew,revenue-generatingservicesoffset monthly fees.

Field AgentMachine Controller

Mobile Operators Field Service Personnel

Cloud-based Equipment Insight

Hosted Server


Encrypted Data



SetupofGE’sEquipmentInsightsolution isfastandeasy,withlittleornoimpactoncustomerITfunctions.Configurationofsev-eral machines is also simple—an equipment datamodelisallthat’sneeded.GettingtheEquipmentInsightupandrunningquicklymeansfastertimetovalue,lowerrisk,andlowerimplementationcosts.

Equipment Insight is a universal solution, so OEMs can improve their service offerings, regardless of the control system or intelligent devices used on customer equipment. When layered on top of GE controllers, the architec-ture is further simplified, reducing automation investment, improving system performance, anddeliveringlowtotalcostofownership.

And,thankstoitsflexiblearchitecture, itreducescapitalizationcosts,leverageseconomies of scale, and provides accessibility to critical information.

Learn More and Get Started

FordetailsontheEquipmentInsightsolution, OEM services, and special opportunities to help you get started, visit the GEwebsiteat:


Contact informationAmericas: 1-855-YOUR1GE (1-855-968-7143) [email protected]

©2015 General Electric. All rights reserved. *Trademark of General Electric. All other brands or names are property of their respective holders. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

About GEGE (NYSE: GE) is the world’s Digital Industrial Company, transforming industry with software-defined machines and solutions that are connected, responsive and predictive. GE is organized around a global exchange of knowledge, the "GE Store," through which each business shares and accesses the same technology, markets, structure and intellect. Each invention further fuels innovation and application across our industrial sectors. With people, services, technology and scale, GE delivers better outcomes for customers by speaking the language of industry.

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