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Results when the lower

esophageal sphincter — the muscle

that acts as a valve between the

esophagus and stomach — becomes

weak or relaxes when it should not,

causing stomach contents to rise up

into the esophagus. Abnormalities

in the body such as hiatal herniasmay also cause GERD. Hiatal

hernias occur when the upper part

of the stomach moves up into the

chest. The stomach can slip through

an opening found in the diaphragm. The diaphragm is the muscle wall

that separates the stomach from the

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chest. Hiatal hernias may cause

GERD because of stomach acid

flowing back up through theopening; however, most produce no


  Dry Chronic Cough 

the trachea ('windpipe') and

the esophagus form from a

common precursor and thus are

linked by a common nervous

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system reflex. thus, irritation in

the esophagus due to acid

reflux causes a neuronallymediated reflex in the trachea

and the end result is a nagging,

dry cough. another theory is that

very small amounts of refluxed

acid are aspirated from the

esophagus down the trachea and

the direct caustic irritation of

this acid fluid causes cough.


occurs when the sphincter

between the esophagus and

stomach either relaxes

inappropriately or is weak. Thisallows stomach juices to back

up, or reflux, into the esophagus,

creating heartburn. When the

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stomach fluid backs up into the

esophagus and overflows into the

breathing tubes, this can resultin airway blockage which

can lead to wheezing that can

be misdiagnosed as asthma.

  Nausea and Vomiting 

A couple of factors can play

into this, and they relate to how

acid reflux works. Reflux occurs

when the lower esophageal

sphincter (LES), a ring of muscle

that separates

 your esophagus and

 your stomach, is unable to close

tightly after you’ve ingested  foodor fluids.

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At the upper end of the

esophagus is the upperesophageal sphincter (UES). The

UES is a circular ring of muscle

that is very similar in its actions

to the LES. That is, the UES

prevents esophageal contents

from backing up into the throat.

When small amounts of refluxed

liquid and/or foods breach (get

through) the UES and enter the

throat, there may be an acid

taste in the mouth. If larger

quantities breach the UES,

patients may suddenly find their

mouths filled with the liquid orfood. What's more, frequent or

prolonged regurgitation can lead

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to acid-induced erosions of the


  Sore Throat 

the back portion of the throat

that includes the last third of the

tongue, the soft palate and the

tonsils (fleshy tissue that are part

of the throat's immune defenses).


occurs when gastric acid from

the stomach goes up into the

esophagus, often

causing inflammation of the

esophagus - esophagitis .

  Dental Erosion 

Gastric acid will displace

saliva easily from tooth surfaces,

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and proteolytic pepsin will

remove protective dental pellicle


Reflux means that stomach

acid and juices move back up

into your esophagus, the tube

that leads from the throat to the



An obstruction, or blockage, of the

appendiceal lumen causes

appendicitis. Mucus backs up in the

appendiceal lumen, causing bacteria

that normally live inside the

appendix to multiply. As a result,

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the appendix swells and becomes

infected. Sources of blockage



are produced by repeatedinvoluntary contractions of a

hemidiaphragm. Just after the

muscle begins to contract, the

glottis shuts off the trachea

producing the noise which givesthe condition its name. 

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as an unpleasant subjective

sensation as a result fromstimulation of the

gastrointestinal lining, the

chemoreceptor trigger zone in the

base of the fourth ventricle, the

vestibular apparatus, or the

cerebral cortex.


It is controlled by a region of

medulla which is outside the

blood-brain barrier, so can be the

target of long range signals like

hormones. When you are having

GI problems, like infections, partof the immune response is the

release of hormones and

chemokines. Which starts non-

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specific immune functions, like

recruiting neutrophils and



is a condition of the digestive

system. The sufferer has hard

feces that are difficult to expel. In

most cases, this occurs because

the colon has absorbed too much

of the water from the food that is

in the colon. The slower the food

moves through your digestive

tract, the more water the colon

will absorb from food.   Diarrhea

Appendicitis is thought toresult from obstruction of the

appendiceal lumen, typically by

lymphoid hyperplasia, but

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occasionally by a fecalith, foreign

body, or even worms. The

obstruction leads to distention,bacterial overgrowth, ischemia,

and inflammation. 

  Low Grade Fever

 The appendix may become

swollen and filled with pus (a

fluid formed in infected tissue,

consisting of while blood cells

and cellular debris), and may

eventually rupture. Signs of

rupture include the presence of

symptoms for more than 24

hours, a fever, a high white blood

cell count, and a fast heart rate.

Very rarely, the inflammationand symptoms of appendicitis

may disappear but recur again


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  Abdominal Swelling

 The mucus or stool hardens,

becomes rock-like, and blocksthe opening. This rock is called a

fecalith (literally, a rock of stool).

At other times, it might be that

thelymphatic tissue in the

appendix swells and blocks the

opening. After the blockage

occurs, bacteria which normally

are found within the appendix

begin to invade (infect) the wall of

the appendix. The body responds

to the invasion by mounting an

attack on the bacteria, an attack

called inflammation. 

  Autoimmune Hepatitis

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 is a disease in which the body's

immune system attacks liver cells.

 This immune response causesinflammation of the liver, also called


  Enlarged Liver

It is a disease in which the body's

immune system attacks liver cells.

 This causes the liver to become

inflamed (hepatitis).   Jaundice

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  The liver itself can be temporarily

or permanently damaged, reducing

its ability to break down bilirubin(mix it with bile) and move it into

the gallbladder. The gallbladder or

its bile ducts can become blocked,

preventing excretion of bilirubin into

the intestine. Bilirubin will then

back up into the liver and then into

the bloodstream. Any condition that

leads to very rapid destruction of

red blood cells can create too much


  Itching/ Skin Rashes

 This symptom occurs because

when the liver is inflamed, the bile

ducts can become inflamed as welland as a result they back up and

deposit bile products into the skin. 


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 caused by the flu at the time and

ate only fruits and vegetables and

plain pasta. When after a while Ididn't even want to eat those foods,

and began to feel nauseated at the

very idea of eating anything, I knew

something was seriously wrong. 


  Loss of appetite

  Dark Urine

  Gray-Colored Stool

 This is due to a build-up of the

chemical bilirubin which is made in

the liver and spills into the blood in

some liver conditions. (With jaundice due to hepatitis your urine

goes dark, your faeces (stools) may

go pale and and you tend to itch.) 

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  CELIAC DISEASE  is a digestive disease that

damages the small intestine and

interferes with absorption of

nutrients from food. People who

have celiac disease cannot tolerate

gluten, a protein in wheat, rye, and

barley. Gluten is found mainly in

foods but may also be found in

everyday products such as

medicines, vitamins, and lip balms.

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  Abdominal Bloating 

  Chronic Diarrhea 

  Vomiting   Constipation 

  Fatty Stool 

  Weight Loss 


  Tingling Numbness in the

Hands and Feet 


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  LIVER CIRRHOSIS  is scarring of the liver. Scar tissue

forms because of injury or long-term

disease. Scar tissue replaces healthy

liver tissue and blocks the normal

flow of blood through the liver.

  Loss Weight 


  Increased Blood Pressure 

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is a genetic disorder that prevents

the body from getting rid of extra

copper. A small amount of copper

obtained from food is needed to stay

healthy, but too much copper is

poisonous. In Wilson disease,

copper builds up in the liver, brain,

eyes, and other organs. Over time,

high copper levels can cause life-

threatening organ damage.

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   Swelling of the Liver 

  Swelling of the Spleen 


Most bilirubin is produced

when Hb is broken down intounconjugated bilirubin (and

other substances). Unconjugated

bilirubin binds to albumin in the

blood for transport to the liver,

where it is taken up byhepatocytes and conjugated with

glucuronic acid to make it water

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soluble. Conjugated bilirubin is

excreted in bile into the

duodenum. In the intestine,bacteria metabolize bilirubin to

form urobilinogen. Some

urobilinogen is eliminated in the

feces, and some is reabsorbed,

extracted by hepatocytes,

reprocessed, and re-excreted in




  Muscle Stiffness 

  Low Platelet Count 

  Low White Blood Count 


causes inflammation, or swelling,

and irritation of any part of the

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digestive tract — also called the

gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The part

most commonly affected is the endpart of the small intestine, called the

ileum.The GI tract is a series of

hollow organs joined in a long,

twisting tube from the mouth to the

anus. The movement of muscles in

the GI tract, along with the release

of hormones and enzymes, allows

for the digestion of food.

  Abdominal Pain 

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  Rectal Bleeding 

  Weight Loss   Fever 


is a condition that occurs when aperson has problems from small

pouches, or sacs, that have formed

and pushed outward through weak

spots in the colon wall. Each pouch

is called a diverticulum. Multiplepouches are called diverticula.The

colon is part of the large intestine.

 The large intestine absorbs water

from stool and changes it from a

liquid to a solid form. Diverticula are

most common in the lower part of

the colon, called the sigmoid colon.

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 Abdominal Cramping 


is a sore on the lining of the

stomach or duodenum, the

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beginning of the small intestine.

Less commonly, a peptic ulcer may

develop just above the stomach inthe esophagus, the tube that

connects the mouth to the stomach.

  Weight Loss 

Since nausea and vomiting are

other symptoms of stomach

ulcers, they result in an

additional loss of weight. The

lining of the stomach is damaged

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and the scar tissue that’s formed

blocks the passageway to the

stomach. This results in a loss ofappetite and a subsequent loss of


  Poor Appetite 

cause edema or swelling of the

tissues that lead from the

stomach into the small intestine,

and prevent the food from

passing out of the stomach. This

gives a falsefeeling of fullness

and results in a loss of appetite.




  Vomiting it’s  result from obstruction of

the pylorus or mechanical

obstruction from scarring or

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acute swelling of the inflamed

mucous membrane adjacent to

the ulcer.  Black Stool 

  Bloody Vomiting 

  Burning Sensation

It is believed that the pain

occurs when the increased acid

content of the stomach and

duodenum erodes the lesuin and

stimulates the exposed nerve

ending. Another theory suggests

that contact of the lesion with

acid stimulates a local reflex

mechanism that initiates

contraction of the adjacent

smooth muscle.


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  I s a disease of the large intestine 

that causes severe constipation  or

intestinal obstruction. Constipationmeans stool moves through the

intestines slower than usual. Bowel

movements occur less often than

normal and stools are difficult to

pass. Some children with HD can’t

pass stool at all, which can result in

the complete blockage of the

intestines, a condition called

intestinal obstruction.

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