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GAN-OPC: Mask Optimization WithLithography-Guided Generative Adversarial Nets

Haoyu Yang , Shuhe Li, Zihao Deng, Yuzhe Ma , Bei Yu , Member, IEEE, and Evangeline F. Y. Young

Abstract—Mask optimization has been a critical problem inthe VLSI design flow due to the mismatch between the lithog-raphy system and the continuously shrinking feature sizes.Optical proximity correction (OPC) is one of the prevailing res-olution enhancement techniques (RETs) that can significantlyimprove mask printability. However, in advanced technologynodes, the mask optimization process consumes more and morecomputational resources. In this article, we develop a genera-tive adversarial network (GAN) model to achieve better maskoptimization performance. We first develop an OPC-orientedGAN flow that can learn target-mask mapping from the improvedarchitecture and objectives, which leads to satisfactory maskoptimization results. To facilitate the training process and ensurebetter convergence, we propose a pretraining scheme that jointlytrains the neural network with inverse lithography technique(ILT). We also propose an enhanced generator design with aU-Net architecture and a subpixel super-resolution structurethat promise a better convergence and a better mask quality,respectively. At convergence, the generative network is able tocreate quasi-optimal masks for given target circuit patterns andfewer normal OPC steps are required to generate high qualitymasks. The experimental results show that our flow can facil-itate the mask optimization process as well as ensure a betterprintability.

Index Terms—Convolutional neural networks, generativemodel, inverse lithography, optical proximity correction.


W ITH the VLSI technology node continuously shrink-ing down, the mask optimization process becomes

a great challenge for designers [1]–[4]. Conventional maskoptimization process is illustrated in Fig. 1, where opticalproximity correction (OPC) aims at compensating lithographyproximity effects through correcting mask pattern shapes andinserting assist features. OPC methodologies include model-based techniques [5]–[7], [7]–[11] and inverse lithography-based technique (ILT) [12]–[15].

In model-based OPC flows, pattern edges are fracturedinto segments which are then shifted/corrected according tothe mathematical models. A high printability mask can then

Manuscript received January 4, 2019; revised April 20, 2019 and July 4,2019; accepted August 24, 2019. Date of publication September 4, 2019; dateof current version September 18, 2020. This work was supported in part by theResearch Grants Council of Hong Kong under Project CUHK24209017. Thepreliminary version has been presented at the Design Automation Conference(DAC) in 2018. This article was recommended by Associate Editor S. Held.(Corresponding author: Haoyu Yang.)

The authors are with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering,Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCAD.2019.2939329

Fig. 1. Conventional OPC flow and lithography process, where OPC is verytime consuming.

be obtained with subresolution assist features (SRAF) [16].Awad et al. [5] proposed a pattern fidelity aware maskoptimization algorithm that optimizes core polygons by simul-taneously shifting adjacent segmentations. Su et al. [7] signif-icantly accelerated the OPC flow by extracting representativeprocess corners while maintaining a good wafer image qual-ity. However, the model-based OPC flows are highly restrictedby their solution space, and hence, lacking in reliability forcomplicated designs. On the other hand, ILTs minimize theerror between the wafer image and the target with lithographyconstraints. Because ILTs conduct pixel-based optimization onlayout masks, they are expected to offer better lithography con-tour quality, which although comes with additional challengeson mask manufacturability problems, including manufacturingcost and mask design rules. Recently, Ma et al. [14] adoptedILT to simultaneously perform mask optimization and layoutdecomposition that brings a better solution of multiple pat-terning mask design. Although the model-based method andthe ILT-based method behave well on a variety of designs,they take the wafer image as a mask update criterion in eachiteration of the OPC process. In other works, multiple roundsof lithography simulation are indispensable in the optimizationflow which is drastically time consuming.

The explosion of machine-learning techniques has dramat-ically changed the way to solve design for manufacturabilityproblems. Recently, both shallow and deep learning modelshave been successfully utilized to estimate mask printabil-ity, accurately, and efficiently (e.g., [17]–[21]). There are alsoseveral attempts on mask optimization problems that con-tain more complex regression or classification procedures.Matsunawa et al. [22] conducted segment-based pattern cor-rection with hierarchical Bayes model. Gu and Zakhor [23]introduced discrete cosine transform (DCT) features and lin-ear regression to predict fragment movement. Luo [24] andChoi et al. [25] incorporated artificial neural networks toestimate mask patterns. However, existing machine-learningmodels can only perform pixel-wise or segment-wise maskcalibration that is not computationally efficient.

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Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have shown pow-erful generality when learning the distribution of a givendataset [26]–[28]. The basic optimization flow of GAN con-tains two networks interacting with each other. The firstone is called generator that takes random vectors as inputand generates samples which are as much closer to the truedataset distribution as possible. The second one is called dis-criminator that tries to distinguish the true dataset from thegenerated samples. At convergence, ideally, the generator isexpected to generate samples that have the same distributionas true dataset. Inspired by the generative architecture andthe adversarial training strategy, in this article, we propose alithography-guided generative framework that can synthesizequasi-optimal mask with single round forwarding calculation.The quasi-optimal mask can be further refined by few stepsof normal OPC engine. It should be noted conventional GANcannot be directly applied here, due to the following tworeasons.

1) Traditional DCGANs [28] are trained to mimic a datasetdistribution which is not enough for the target-maskmapping procedure.

2) Compensation patterns or segment movements in themask are derived-based upon a large area of local pat-terns (e.g., 1000 × 1000 nm2) that brings much trainingpressure on the generator.

In accordance with these problems, we develop customizedGAN training strategies for the purpose of mask optimization.Besides, since layout topology types are limited within spe-cific area, we automatically synthesize local topology patternsbased on size and spacing rules. The benefits of the arti-ficial patterns are twofold: 1) we avoid to train the neuralnetwork with large images and facilitate the training proceduresignificantly and 2) automatically designed patterns are dis-tributed uniformly and to some extent alleviate the over-fittingproblem. Observing that most ILTs update the mask throughsteepest descent that resembles the training procedure in neu-ral networks, we connect an ILT structure with the generativenetworks and pretrain the generator through backpropagat-ing the lithography error to neuron weights. With the abovepretraining phase, the generative model converges faster thantraining from random initialized neuron weights. Observe thatGANs are typically much deeper than regular neural networkswhich bring inevitable training challenges. We further enhancethe framework with an advanced generator design that inte-grates the U-Net [29] and the subpixel super-resolution (SPSR)structure [30] which are more computationally efficient,promise faster convergence, and provide better mask imagequality. The main contributions of this article are listed asfollows.

1) We synthesize training patterns to enhance the compu-tational efficiency and alleviate the over-fitting problem.

2) We propose an ILT-guided pretraining flow to initializethe generator which can effectively facilitate the trainingprocedure.

3) We design new objectives of the discriminator to makesure the model is trained toward a target-mask mappinginstead of a distribution.


4) We enhance the GAN-OPC flow by integrating a U-Netand an SPSR structure into the generator that promisebetter model convergence and generated mask quality.

5) The experimental results show that our framework cansignificantly facilitate the mask optimization procedureas well as generating mask that has better printabilityunder nominal condition.

The rest of this article is organized as follows. Section IIlists basic concepts and problem formulation. Section IIIdiscusses the details of GAN-OPC framework, ILT-guidedtraining strategies, and enhanced GAN-OPC (EGAN-OPC)framework with the U-Net and SPSR techniques. Section IVpresents the experimental results, followed by the conclusionin Section V.


In this section, we will discuss some preliminaries of themask optimization and the generative adversarial nets. Majormath symbols with their descriptions are listed in Table I. Inorder to avoid confusion, all the norms || · || are calculatedwith respect to flattened vectors.

The Hopkins theory of the partial coherence imaging systemhas been widely applied to mathematically analyze the maskbehavior of lithography [31]. Because the Hopkins diffractionmodel is complex and not computational friendly, [32] adoptsthe singular value decomposition (SVD) to approximate theoriginal model with a weighted summation of the coherentsystems

I =N2∑


wk|M ⊗ hk|2 (1)

where hk and wk are the kth kernel and its weight. As sug-gested in [13], we pick the Nth

h order approximation to thesystem. Equation (1) becomes

I =Nh∑


wk|M ⊗ hk|2. (2)

The lithography intensity corresponds to the exposure levelon the photoresist that controls the final wafer image. In real

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Fig. 2. Different types of defects. Same lithography images result in differentEPE violation counts due to different choices of measurement points. Somedefects are not detectable through merely checking EPE.

design and sign-off flow, it is far from enough to use con-stant threshold model to analyze resist images, especially foradvanced technology node. For the methodology verificationpurpose only and for simplicity, we still adopt the simple con-stant threshold resist model throughout the experiments, whichis consistent with the ICCAD 2013 CAD contest settings [33].In the constant threshold resist model [34], only area withintensity greater than a certain threshold will contribute to thefinal wafer image, as

Z(x, y) ={

1, if I(x, y) ≥ Ith0, if I(x, y) < Ith.


Mask quality is evaluated through the fidelity of its waferimage with respect to the target image. Edge placement error(EPE), bridge, and neck are three main types of defect detec-tors that are adopted in a layout printability estimation flow.As shown in Fig. 2, EPE measures horizontal or vertical dis-tances from the given points (i.e., EPE measurement sites) ontarget edges to lithography contours. Neck detector checks theerror of critical dimensions of lithography contours comparedto the target patterns, while bridge detector aims to find unex-pected short of wires. Note that unlike EPE violations, bridge,and neck defects can appear in any directions. Because EPEviolations could happen with good critical dimension and neckor bridge occurs with small EPE, none of these defect typesindividually can be an ideal representation of mask printabil-ity. Considering the objective of mask optimization is to makesure the remaining patterns after lithography process are asclose as target patterns, we pick the squared L2 error as themetric of lithography quality since a smaller L2 indicates abetter wafer image quality.

Definition 1 (Squared L2 Error): Let Zt and Z as targetimage and wafer image, respectively, the squared L2 error ofZ is given by ||Zt − Z||22.

In real manufacturing scenario, lithography conditions(e.g., focus, dose) are usually not fixed as we expected, whichresults in variations of wafer images. To measure the robust-ness of the designed mask, process variation (PV) bands areproposed [35]. The mathematical definition can be found asfollows.

Definition 2 (PV Bands): Given the lithography simulationcontours under a set of process conditions, the PV bands isthe area among all the contours under these conditions.

In this article, for simplicity, we use the XOR between theinnermost and the outermost images as an approximation of

Fig. 3. Conventional GAN architecture.

the PV bands. Following above terminologies, we define themask optimization problem as follows.

Problem 1 (Mask Optimization): Given a target image Zt,the objective of the problem is generating the correspondingmask M such that remaining patterns Z after lithography pro-cess is as close as Zt or, in other word, minimizing the squaredL2 error of lithography images.



A classical GAN architecture comprises a generator and adiscriminator. The generator accepts random vectors z ∼ pz asthe input and generates samples G(z;Wg) that follows somedistribution pg, where G is a convolutional neural networksparameterized by Wg. The discriminator acts as a classifier thatdistinguishes G(z;Wg) and the instance drawn from a data dis-tribution pd. The output D(x;Wd) represents the probabilitiesof x drawn from pd and pg. It should be noted that the origi-nal settings are not well suitable for the mask optimizationproblem. In this section, we will introduce the details ofour framework, including OPC-oriented GAN architecture andadvanced training strategies.

1) Generator Design: From the previous discussion, wecan notice that the generator learns a distribution of a givendataset, which is originally designed as a mapping functionG : pz → pg, where pz is a distribution that input vectors aredrawn and pg denotes the distribution of the training set. Theobjective of the generator is to generate samples that deceivethe discriminator as much as

maxEz∼pz [ log(D(G(z)))] (4)

which maximizes the log-likelihood of the discriminator givingpredictions that generated samples are real. Correspondingly,the generator comprises a deconvolutional architecture thatcasts 1-D vectors back to 2-D images through stacked decon-volution operations, as shown in Fig. 3.

Our framework, however, is expected to perform maskoptimization on given target circuit patterns and obviously vio-lates the deconvolutional architecture. To resolve this problem,we design a generator based on autoencoder [36] which con-sists of an encoder and a decoder subnets. As depicted in

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Fig. 4, the encoder is a stacked convolutional architecturethat performs hierarchical layout feature abstractions and thedecoder operates in an opposite way that predicts the pixel-based mask correction with respect to the target based on keyfeatures obtained from the encoder.

2) Discriminator Design: The discriminator is usually anordinary convolutional neural networks that perform classifica-tion to distinguish the generated samples from the given datasamples as

maxEx∼pd [ log(D(x))]+ Ez∼pz [ log(1− D(G(z)))]. (5)

In this article, the discriminator predicts whether an inputinstance is the generated mask M or the reference mask M∗which is the ground truth OPC’ed mask generated by a state-of-the-art academic OPC tool [13]. However, the discriminatorin (5) is necessary but not sufficient to ensure generator toobtain a high quality mask (Fig. 3). Consider a set of targetpatterns Z = {Zt,i, i = 1, 2, . . . , N} and a corresponding ref-erence mask set M = {M∗i , i = 1, 2, . . . , N}. Without loss ofgenerality, we use Zt,1 in the following analysis. Suppose theabove GAN structure has enough capacity to be well trained,the generator outputs a mask G(Zt,1) that optimizes the objec-tive function as in (4). Observe that log(D(G(Zt,1))) reachesits maximum value as long as

G(Zt,1) = M∗i ,∀i = 1, 2, . . . , N. (6)

Therefore, a one-to-one mapping between the target and thereference mask cannot be guaranteed with current objectives.To address above concerns, we adopt a classification schemethat predicts positive or negative labels on target-mask pairsthat inputs of the discriminator will be either (Zt, G(Zt))

or (Zt, M∗), as illustrated in Fig. 4. Claim that G(Zt) ≈M∗ at convergence with new discriminator. We still assumeenough model capacity and training time for convergence. Thediscriminator now performs prediction on target-mask pairsinstead of masks. Because only pairs {Zt,i, M∗i } are labeled asdata, the generator can deceive the discriminator if and only ifG(Zt,i) ≈ M∗i ,∀i = 1, 2, . . . , N, where N is the total numberof training instances.

3) GAN-OPC Training: Based on the OPC-oriented GANarchitecture in our framework, we tweak the objectives of Gas follows:


EZt∼Z[ log(D(Zt, G(Zt)))] (7)

and for the discriminator D, we have


EZt∼Z[ log(D(Zt, M∗))]

+ EZt∼Z[1− log(D(Zt, G(Zt)))]. (8)

In addition to facilitate the training procedure, we minimizethe differences between generated masks and reference maskswhen updating the generator as


EZt∼Z ||M∗ − G(Zt)||n (9)

where || · ||n denotes the ln norm. Combining (7)–(9), theobjective of our GAN model becomes



EZt∼Z[1− log(D(Zt, G(Zt)))+ ||M∗ − G(Zt)||nn]

+ EZt∼Z[ log(D(Zt, M∗))]. (10)

Algorithm 1 GAN-OPC Training1: for number of training iterations do2: Sample m target clips Z ← {Zt,1, Zt,2, . . . , Zt,m};3: �Wg ← 0,�Wd ← 0;4: for each Zt ∈ Z do5: M← G(Zt;Wg);6: M∗ ← Groundtruth mask of Zt;7: lg ←− log(D(Zt, M))+ α||M∗ −M||22;8: ld ← log(D(Zt, M))− log(D(Zt, M∗));9: �Wg ← �Wg + ∂lg

∂Wg; �Wd ← �Wd + ∂ld


10: end for11: Wg ← Wg − λ

m�Wg; Wd ← Wd − λ


12: end for

Fig. 4. Proposed GAN-OPC architecture.

The previous analysis shows that the generator and thediscriminator have different objectives, therefore, the two sub-networks are trained alternatively, as shown in Fig. 5(a) andAlgorithm 1. In each training iteration, we sample a mini-batchof target images (line 2); gradients of both the generator andthe discriminator are initialized to zero (line 3); a feed forwardcalculation is performed on each sampled instances (lines 4and 5); the ground truth mask of each sampled target image isobtained from OPC tools (line 6); we calculate the loss of thegenerator and the discriminator on each instance in the mini-batch (lines 7 and 8); we obtain the accumulated gradient oflosses with respect to neuron parameters (lines 9 and 10);finally, the generator and the discriminator are updated bydescending their mini-batch gradients (lines 11 and 12). Notethat in Algorithm 1, we convert the min–max problem in (10)into two minimization problems such that gradient ascendingoperations are no longer required to update neuron weights.

Algorithm 1 differs from traditional GAN optimization flowon the following aspects.

1) The generator plays as a mapping function from targetto mask instead of merely a distribution, therefore, the

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gradient of L2 loss is backpropagated along with theinformation from the discriminator.

2) The discriminator functions as an alternative of ILTengine that determines only the quality of generatedmasks without any calibration operations. Besides, ourcombined input ensures that the discriminator will makepositive prediction if and only if the generated mask ismuch close to the ground truth, which also helps trainthe generator better.

B. ILT-Guided Pretraining

Although with the OPC-oriented techniques, GAN is ableto obtain a fairly good performance and training behavior,it is still a great challenge to train the complicated GANmodel with satisfactory convergence. Observing that ILT andneural network training stage share similar gradient descenttechniques, we develop an ILT-guided pretraining method toinitialize the generator, after which the alternative mini-batchgradient descent is discussed as a training strategy of GANoptimization. The main objective in ILT is minimizing thelithography error through gradient descent

E = ||Zt − Z||22 (11)

where Zt is the target and Z is the wafer image of a given mask.Because mask and wafer images are regarded as continuouslyvalued matrices in the ILT-based optimization flow, we applytranslated sigmoid functions to make the pixel values close toeither 0 or 1

Z = 1

1+ exp [−α × (I − Ith)](12)

Mb = 1

1+ exp(−β ×M)(13)

where Ith is the threshold matrix in the constant resist modelwith all the entries being Ith, Mb is the incompletely binarizedmask, while α and β control the steepness of relaxed images.

Combining (1)–(3), (11)–(13), and the analysis in [12], wecan derive the gradient representation as follows:


∂M= 2αβ ×Mb � (1−Mb)

�(((Z− Zt)� Z� (1− Z)� (Mb ⊗H∗))⊗H

+ ((Z− Zt)� Z� (1− Z)� (Mb ⊗H))⊗H∗) (14)

where H∗ is the conjugate matrix of the original lithographykernel H. In traditional ILT flow, the mask can be optimizedthrough iteratively descending the gradient until E is below athreshold.

The objective of mask optimization problem indicates thegenerator is the most critical component in GAN. Observingthat both ILT and neural network optimization share simi-lar gradient descent procedure, we propose a jointed trainingalgorithm that takes advantages of ILT engine, as depicted inFig. 5(b). We initialize the generator with lithography-guidedpretraining to make it converge well in the GAN optimizationflow thereafter. The key step of neural network training isbackpropagating the training error from the output layer to

Algorithm 2 ILT-Guided Pretraining1: for number of pre-training iterations do2: Sample m target clips Z ← {Zt,1, Zt,2, . . . , Zt,m};3: �Wg ← 0;4: for each Zt ∈ Z do5: M← G(Zt;Wg);6: Z← LithoSim(M) Equations (2)–(3)7: E← ||Z− Zt||22;

8: �Wg ← �Wg + ∂E


; Equation (14)

9: end for10: Wg ← Wg − λ

m�Wg; Equation (15)

11: end for



Fig. 5. (a) GAN-OPC training and (b) ILT-guided pretraining.

the input layer while neural weights are updated as follows:

Wg = Wg − λ

m�Wg (15)

where �Wg is accumulated gradient of a mini-batch ofinstances and m is the mini-batch instance count. Because (15)is naturally compatible with ILT, if we create a link betweenthe generator and the ILT engine, the wafer image error canbe backpropagated directly to the generator as presented inFig. 5.

The generator pretraining phase is detailed in Algorithm 2.In each pretraining iteration, we sample a mini-batch of targetlayouts (line 2) and initialize the gradients of the generator�Wg to zero (line 3); the mini-batch is fed into the generatorto obtain generated masks (line 5). Each generated mask isloaded into the lithography engine to obtain a wafer image(line 6); the quality of wafer image is estimated by (11)(line 7); we calculate the gradient of lithography error E withrespect to the neural networks parameter Wg through the chainrule, i.e., (∂E/∂M)(∂M/∂Wg) (line 8); finally, Wg is updatedfollowing the gradient descent procedure (line 10).

Compared to the training toward ground truth (i.e., directlybackpropagating the mask error to neuron weights), ILT-guided pretraining provides step-by-step guidance whensearching for a solution with high quality, which reducesthe possibility of the generator being stuck at local mini-mum region in an early training stage. Because ILT containscomplicated convolutions and matrix multiplications that arecomputational expensive, we approximate the pretraining stagethrough backpropagating errors of intermediate masks, which

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Fig. 6. New generator architecture with concatenation of intermediate featuremaps and an SPSR structure.

“guides” the generator toward optimality. We only adopt theILT engine in the pretraining stages and replace it with thediscriminator in the main training stage, where the generatoris optimized in an adversarial style.

C. Enhanced GAN-OPC Framework

In this section, we will introduce the EGAN-OPC frame-work, which significantly improves the training efficiencyin a more elegant way compared to pretraining with ILTengine. The EGAN-OPC framework includes a U-Net struc-ture that allows gradients to be easily backpropagated to earlylayers and an SPSR architecture for better generated maskquality.

1) U-Net: We have noticed the GANs are typically deeperthan traditional neural networks, which brings more challengesdue to a longer gradient backpropagation path. A commonsolution is creating shortcut links that allow addition or stack-ing of feature maps in different layers [29], [37], [38], suchthat gradients can be more efficiently backpropagated fromoutput layer to early layers. Here, we enhance our genera-tive design with a U-Net-like structure where intermediatefeature maps in the encoder are stacked at correspondinglayers in the decoder, as shown in Fig. 6. Such architec-ture has two good properties: 1) the inevitable informationloss in strided convolution layer can be drastically reducedand 2) the gradient vanishing problem can be alleviatedwith multiple shortcut links bypassing intermediate featuremaps.

2) Subpixel Super-Resolution: In the previous designs, lowlevel features in intermediate generator layers are cast back tomask images by standard strided deconvolution operation thatcan be visualized as in Fig. 7(a). In detail, zeros are insertedamong existing pixels such that the output dimension aftera convolution operation reaches the desired value. However,such mechanism requires multiple convolution operations onhigh resolution space which is not computational efficient andmight induce additional noises.

SPSR [30] is another upsampling solution that has beenwidely used in super-resolution tasks. It conducts convolutionoperations in lower resolution space and generates additionalfeature maps such that the number of feature map entriesmatches the desired size of target image, as shown in Fig. 7(b).The major step of SPSR is called periodic shuffling that casts

a tensor with shape H×W× r2C into shape rH× rW×C as

thri,j,k = tlri′,j′,k′ (16a)

i′ = � i

r� (16b)

j′ = � j

r� (16c)

k′ = C · r ·mod(j, r)+ C ·mod(i, r)+ k (16d)

where �·� is the math floor operator, mod(x, y) finds theremainder of x divided by y, thr

i,j,k, and tlri′,j′,k′ denotes the (i, j, k)and (i′, j′, k′) entry of high resolution images (or feature maps)and low resolution images (or feature maps), respectively. Itshould be noted that (16) represents only a reshape operationwhich is still differentiable as other convolution layers. SPSRhas several advantages compared to Fig. 7(a).

1) SPSR is ideally r2 times faster than the strided deconvo-lution operation. As shown in Fig. 7, same convolutionkernels have to scan over a r2 larger feature maps intraditional deconvolution layers to achieve same outputtensor size as SPSR layers.

2) SPSR layers reduce noises in generated masks by a sig-nificant amount, as can be seen in Fig. 8. Such resultscan be explained by the fact that explicit interpolationsare removed in SPSR structure, where the upscaling andrendering are automatically learned during the networktraining.

Traditional deconvolution layers, on the other hand, have toapply padding or zero insertion to increase the feature mapsize before feeding them into next level convolution layer forrendering, which in turn results in noises (as empty dots) inthe generated masks because it is hard for limited numberof convolution layers to smooth such noise. On the contrary,SPSR directly organizes the low resolution feature maps intothe high resolution space, where every pixels are informative,compared to manually inserted zeros in deconvolution layers.

3) Enhanced GAN-OPC Architecture: We follow the basicconvolutional autoencoder architecture for the generatordesign with additional shortcut links for U-Net feature mapsharing and SPSR layers for upscaling. The detailed architec-ture can be found in Table II, where column “Layer” includeslayer types and layer ID, columns “Filter” and “Stride” listconfigurations for convolution layers, “Output” lists the outputtensor shape of corresponding layers, and “Parameter” rep-resents the total number of trainable parameters of a givenlayer. The proposed generator architecture contains five reg-ular convolution layers for feature extraction and five SPSRlayers for mask image construction. It should be noted that theinput tensor of the ith SPSR layer has 2× channel numbersas the output tensor of the (i − 1)th SPSR layer, because ofthe existence of U-Net concatenation.

The discriminator design is detailed in Table III. The neuralnetwork architecture resembles VGG [39] with more layersand smaller kernels. “repeat2” and “repeat3” indicate twoand three consecutive convolution layers with the same con-figurations. We replace all the pooling layers with stridedconvolution layers to attain information as much as possi-ble. Three densely connected layers are connected following

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(a) (b)

Fig. 7. Visualization of (a) standard deconvolution operation and (b) SPSR.

(a) (b)

Fig. 8. Patterns generated from (a) deconvolution layers and (b) SPSR layers.



the last convolution layer for final class prediction. The totalnumber of trainable parameters of the discriminator are inten-tionally designed much larger than the generator (88M versus39M) in case of model collapsing.

Fig. 9. Framework summary.

D. Framework Summary and Discussion

The proposed GAN-OPC family is summarized in Fig. 9.With the given training data that includes target patterns andmask patterns, we propose three alternative solutions to obtaina trained generator that include direct GAN-OPC proposed inSection III-A, GAN-OPC with ILT-guided pretraining as inSection III-B, and the EGAN-OPC solution with U-Net andSPSR techniques as in Section III-C.

Although ILT engines are, to some extent, suffering maskmanufacturability (e.g., violation of mask notch rule and maskspacing rule [7], [11] which are not considered in this arti-cle) and runtime issues compared to traditional model-basedOPC, our framework still takes advantage of such methodol-ogy with the following reasons. Our framework is built uponthe structure of conditional GAN that learns a pixel-to-pixelmapping from the target pattern to the OPC’ed pattern. Theoptimization scheme is in a continuous form that compensa-tion patterns can appear in any shapes and any places withinthe clip. Thus, the patterns generated by GAN are inconsistentwith the model-based OPC results (e.g., [6] and [7]), wherecompensations are made by moving polygon segments inwardor outward. However, we observe that the mask patterns arenaturally compatible with the process of ILT, which becomesone reason that we choose ILT for our refinement tasks. Ascan be seen in the previous works [13], [14], ILT is asso-ciated with a highly nonconvex optimization problems thatmeans the mask initialization affects the final results. The ILTrefinement results outperform direct ILT optimization and alsoexperimentally demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposedGAN-OPC framework. Another reason that we choose ILT isthat theoretically and intuitively ILT provides a larger solution

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space in mask optimization problems and tends to offer bettermask quality. There are two major advantages of our proposedframework.

1) Compared to ILT itself, the GAN-OPC family offers abetter starting point for ILT optimization that promisesfaster convergence and better mask quality.

2) Compared to the model-based OPC, the proposed frame-work attains good properties of ILT, i.e., a lager solutionspace that has the potential to generate better patterncompensation for better mask printability.

Although we did not consider the mask notch and spacingrule in our framework, it is straightforward to conduct maskmanufacturability rule check on the generated masks, and fixthe violated region by making minor pixel changes in the gen-erated masks. Actually, if the ground truth masks used fortraining can meet the mask manufacturability requirements, theGAN-OPC framework is supposed to capture these rules dur-ing training, because the discriminator is specifically designedto tell whether the generated masks are good or not. Here, a“good” mask refers to the mask that has good printability andgood manufacturability.


The GAN for mask optimization is implemented basedon Tensorflow [40] library and tested on singleNvidia Titan X. The lithography engine is based on thelithosim_v4 package from ICCAD 2013 CAD con-test [33], which also provides ten industrial M1 designs on32-nm design node. We pick Nh = 24, α = 50, and β = 4for the lithography simulation procedure. The ILT refinementwill be stopped if the average gradient per pixel as calcu-lated in 14 is smaller than 5 × 10−4. Related parameters arechosen according to the experimental results on one test case.The OPC framework applies 8-nm resolution during the initialmask generation stage and 1-nm resolution for refinement.

A. Synthesizing Training Data

As a type of deep neural networks, GAN can be hardlywell trained with only ten instances. To verify our framework,we synthesize a training layout library with 4000 instancesbased on the design specifications from existing 32 nm M1layout topologies. We adjust the wire sizes to make sure theshapes in synthesized layouts are similar to those in the givenbenchmark. To generate experimental cells, all the shapes arerandomly placed together based on simple design rules, asdetailed in Table IV. An example of such synthesized target-reference mask pair can be found in Fig. 10. In addition, mostgenerative models have shown obvious weakness in imagedetails, which makes it extremely hard to optimize images

(a) (b)

Fig. 10. Example of (a) target and (b) reference mask pair.

Fig. 11. GAN-OPC flow: generator inference and ILT refinement.

with size 2048 × 2048. Therefore, we perform 8× 8 averagepooling on layout images before feeding them into the neu-ral networks. In the generation stage we adopt simple linearinterpolation to convert the layout images back to their originalresolution.

B. Evaluation of GAN-OPC and PGAN-OPC

The proposed GAN-OPC flow is illustrated in Fig. 11,where we first feed target patterns into the generator and obtainthe quasi-optimal masks, followed by refinement through anILT engine. In the first experiment, to verify the effective-ness of ILT-guided pretraining algorithm, we record trainingbehaviors of two GANs which are denoted by GAN-OPC andPGAN-OPC. Here, “GAN-OPC” and “PGAN-OPC” denoteGAN-OPC flow without generator pretraining and GAN-OPCflow with ILT-guided pretraining, respectively. “ILT” corre-sponds to MOSAIC_fast in [13]. The training procedure isdepicted in Fig. 12, where x-axis indicates training steps andy-axis is L2 loss between generator outputs and ground truthmasks, as in (9).

The training time for both GAN and PGAN are around10 h on our platform. Although L2 loss of GAN-OPC dropsslightly faster before 3000 iterations, the training curve showsthat PGAN-OPC is a more stable training procedure andconverges to a lower loss. Besides, it takes much moreefforts for GAN-OPC to search a direction to descending thegradient fast, while the training loss of PGAN-OPC dropssmoothly and converges at a lower L2 loss than GAN-OPC,which indicates ILT-guided pretraining indeed facilitates mask-optimization-oriented GAN training flow. We will also showthat PGAN-OPC exhibits better mask optimization results inthe following section.

In the second experiment, we optimize the ten layout masksin ICCAD 2013 contest benchmark [33] and compare theresults with the previous work, as listed in Table V. Here,the wafer images are calculated from the simulation tool(lithosim_v4) in the contest [33]. Note that all the GAN-OPC and PGAN-OPC results are refined by an ILT enginewhich generates final masks to obtain wafer images. Column“L2” is the squared L2 error between the wafer image and thetarget image under nominal condition. Column “PVB” denotesthe contour area variations under ±2% dose error and defo-cus range of ±25 nm settings as in the contest. It is notable

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Fig. 12. Training curves of GAN-OPC and PGAN-OPC.

Fig. 13. Average runtime comparison of different methods.

that GAN-OPC significantly reduces squared L2 error of waferimages under the nominal condition by 9% and with theILT-guided pretraining, squared L2 error is slightly improvedand PVB is further reduced by 1%. We also compared thisarticle with one academic state-of-the-art model-based OPCengine [6], which exhibits larger L2 error (42 196.4) and worsePVB (59 828.3 nm2) compared to GAN-OPCs.

Because we only focus on the optimization flow under thenominal condition and no PVB factors are considered, ourmethod only achieves comparable PVB areas among ten testcases. Additionally, feed-forward computation of GAN only

(a) (b)

Fig. 14. Some wafer image details of (a) ILT [13] and (b) PGAN-OPC.

Fig. 15. Training behavior of the EGAN-OPC framework with faster andbetter convergence.

takes 0.2 s for each image which is ignorable, therefore, run-time of our flow is almost determined by ILT refinements.Runtime of different frameworks are illustrated in Fig. 13.Items ILT, “Model-Based,” GAN-OPC, and PGAN-OPC listthe average mask optimization time of [6] and [13], GAN-OPC, and PGAN-OPC, respectively. For most benchmarkcases, GAN-OPC and PGAN-OPC show a earlier stop at asmaller L2 error and, on average, reduce the optimization run-time by more than 50%. We also observe that model-basedOPC engine shows advantages on execution time at the cost ofwafer image quality as well as PVB area, as shown in Table V.For most test cases, [13] exhibits a smaller PV band area pos-sibly because the printed images are more likely to have largewafer image CD and shorter wire length, which makes masks

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Fig. 16. Result visualization of PGAN-OPC, EGAN-OPC, and ILT. Columns correspond to ten test cases from ICCAD 2013 CAD contest. Rows from topto bottom are: (a) masks of [13]; (b) wafer images by masks of [13]; (c) masks of PGAN-OPC; (d) wafer images by masks of PGAN-OPC; (e) masks ofEnhanced GAN-OPC; (f) wafer images by masks of Enhanced GAN-OPC; and (g) target patterns.

suffer less proximity effects while inducing bridge or line-endpull back defects, as shown in Fig. 14.

C. Evaluation of Enhanced GAN-OPC

Here, we show the effectiveness and the efficiency of theEGAN-OPC framework. In the first experiment, we illustratethe training behavior of PGAN-OPC and the EGAN-OPCframeworks as shown in Fig. 15. Red curve stands for theoriginal PGAN-OPC model, which fluctuates fiercely arounda large value. Dark curve refers to the results with U-Net gen-erator. Blue curve represents the complete version of enhancedGAN model with both U-net structure and the embedded SPSRstructure. It is encouraging to see that U-net alone can alreadyensure a good convergence in terms of L2 loss. As we havepointed out in algorithm section, such structure attains the neu-ral network capacity with significantly lower computationalcost, which is consistent with the trends of L2 error duringtraining.

In the second experiment, we compare the maskoptimization results of the EGAN-OPC with original GAN-OPC and PGAN-OPC, as depicted in Fig. 16. The quantitative

results can also be found in column “EGAN-OPC” of Table V.EGAN-OPC outperforms PGAN-OPC and GAN-OPC on mosttest cases with better L2 error (39 500 versus 39 948) andsmaller PVB area (48 917 nm2 versus 49 957 nm2) with only70% average runtime of PGAN-OPC (see Fig. 13), whichdemonstrates the efficiency of EGAN-OPC framework. Itshould be also noted that EGAN-OPC can be trained end-to-end without any interaction with the lithography engine whichinduces a large amount of computational cost in PGAN-OPC.

D. On the Scalability of GAN-OPC Family

In order to verify the scalability of our frameworks, weconduct further experiments on ten additional testcases thatcontain more patterns and larger total pattern areas. Similarto [7], these ten testcases are created from the original IBMbenchmarks with additional geometries. The results of oneexample can be found in Fig. 17. It can be seen that our frame-work generalizes to more complex patterns. We also visualizethe ILT convergence in terms of different mask initializationin Fig. 18. Here, we use testcase 18 as an example. It can be

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(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 17. Larger-case example of (a) mask pattern, (b) its wafer image, andthe (c) corresponding target pattern.

(a) (b)

Fig. 18. Visualization of convergence during ILT refinement. (a) L2 and(b) PV band.

seen that ILT converges much faster when using the mask ini-tialized by EGAN-OPC as input, with only ignorable PV bandpenalty. We did not compare the performance with the model-based OPC as the binary release in [6] encounters unknownfailure on the new benchmarks.

We list the detailed optimization results in Table VI, wherecolumns are defined exactly the same as Table V. It canbe seen that GAN-OPC exhibits tradeoffs on nominal imagequality and PVB compared to pure ILT, while both PGAN-OPC and EGAN-OPC show significant advantages on L2error (86 105.7 versus 90 486.3) with similar or slightly betterPVB (108 690.7 nm2 versus 109 842.7 nm2). Besides, compet-itive results of our framework are also achieved with shorteroptimization time thanks to the good initialization offered bythe generator, as shown in Fig. 19.

Fig. 19. Average runtime comparison on larger benchmarks.


In this article, we have proposed a GAN-based maskoptimization flow that takes target circuit patterns as inputand generates quasi-optimal masks for further ILT refinement.We analyze the specialty of mask optimization problem anddesign OPC-oriented training objectives of GAN. Inspired bythe observation that ILT procedure resembles gradient descentin backpropagation, we develop an ILT-guided pretrainingalgorithm that initializes the generator with intermediate ILTresults, which significantly facilitates the training procedure.We also enhance the GAN-OPC flow by integrating U-Net andSPSR layers in the generator that ensures better model conver-gence and mask quality. The experimental results show thatour framework not only accelerates ILT but also has the poten-tial to generate better masks through offering better startingpoints in ILT flow.


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Haoyu Yang received the B.E. degree from QiushiHonors College, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China,in 2015. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degreewith the Department of Computer Science andEngineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong.

He has interned with ASML, San Jose, CA,USA, and Cadence Design Systems, San Jose. Hereceived the 2019 Nick Cobb Scholarship by SPIEand Mentor Graphics. His current research interestsinclude machine learning and very large-scale inte-

gration design and sign-off.

Shuhe Li received the B.Sc. degree from theChinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, in2019, where he is currently pursuing the in computer science.

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Zihao Deng received the B.Sc. degree (First ClassHons.) in computer science from the ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, in 2019.

His current research interests include machinelearning algorithms, deep neural networks, andinformation theory.

Yuzhe Ma received the B.E. degree fromthe Department of Microelectronics, Sun Yat-senUniversity, Guangzhou, China, in 2016. He iscurrently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with theDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering,Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

He has interned with Cadence Design Systems,San Jose, CA, USA, and NVIDIA Research, Austin,TX, USA. His current research interests include verylarge-scale integration design for manufacturing,physical design, and machine learning on chips.

Bei Yu (S’11–M’14) received the Ph.D. degree fromthe University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA,in 2014.

He is currently an Assistant Professor with theDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering,Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Dr. Yu was a recipient of the five Best PaperAwards from Integration, the VLSI Journal in 2018,the International Symposium on Physical Design in2017, the SPIE Advanced Lithography Conferencein 2016, the International Conference on Computer

Aided Design in 2013, and the Asia and South Pacific Design AutomationConference in 2012, and five ICCAD/ISPD Contest Awards. He is theEditor-in-Chief of the IEEE Technical Committee on Cyber-Physical SystemsNewsletter. He has served as the TPC Chair for ACM/IEEE Workshop onMachine Learning for CAD, many journal editorial boards, and conferencecommittees.

Evangeline F. Y. Young received the B.Sc. degreein computer science from the Chinese Universityof Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong, and thePh.D. degree from the University of Texas at Austin,Austin, TX, USA, in 1999.

She is currently a Professor with the Departmentof Computer Science and Engineering, CUHK. Shewas actively on floorplanning, placement, routing,DFM, and EDA on physical design in general. Hercurrent research interests include optimization, algo-rithms, and very large-scale integration CAD.

Prof. Young’s research group has won several championships and prizesin renown EDA contests, including the 2016, 2015, 2013, and 2012 CADContests at ICCAD, DAC 2012, and ISPD 2011 Routability-driven PlacementContests and ISPD 2010 High-Performance Clock Network Synthesis Contest.She also served on the Editorial Boards for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS

ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS,ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems andIntegration, and Very Large Scale Integration Journal. She has served onthe organization committees for ISPD, ARC, and FPT and on the programcommittees of conferences, including DAC, ICCAD, ISPD, ASP-DAC, SLIP,DATE, and GLSVLSI.

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