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  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    Version 1.0

    By [email protected]

    Please feel free to e-mail me with questions, comments,an suggestions

    !o"yright #uly $005

    % lot of this information was taken from the &allo" 'acer$00( )nstruction Booklet. ) want to acknowlege *ecmo +t.

    for that. %lso, a lot of hel" was receie from the guysan girls on the &allo" 'acer $00( message oar at

    nline'acing+eague/[email protected] uner the &allo"'acer series. htt"233"04.e6oar.com3gallo"racerseries

    ). )8*'9:!*)8)). ;'9=%. &=**)8& ? ;'=8:

    =. '%!)8&1. B='= % '%!=

    $. 9:')8& *;= '%!=. %*=' % '%!=

    a. =V%+:%*)8 P)8*P *em"er - *he higher the tem"erament, the more

    likely it is the horse will ecome oer eager;'* ;eart - !om"etitieness on the final straight

    etermines the heart'

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    iel 'aar - *his is locate on the right "ortion of thescreen, an is the o you see with all the numers in circles.

    *he numere circles inicate the corres"oning horse to the circle.*his allows you to check your "osition.

    ;orse )nfo - *his o only a""ears for the ery eginning "ortionof the race an is locate in the ottom right corner. )t tells

    you the name of your horse an their leg ty"e, Gust to remin youefore you start running off.

    'aar *arget - *he horse that is currently the raar target.*he horse elow this mark is the current target.

    'es"onse &auge - *his is locate on the left sie of the screenHit ertical an has lue ars in it. *his gauge shows the

    changes in res"onse uring the race. )f you kee" the horse ha""yy kee"ing it in a goo "osition an not working it too har,the gauge will graually fill u". *he more the gauge is full,the etter the horse will run at the last leg of the race. ncethe gauge is as full as it will go, a K>aK notification willa""earH you cannot go any higher than the >a amount.

    /hi" &auge - *his is locate right net to the 'es"onse &auge.)t shows the ifferent effects of using the whi". /hi""ing

    when this gauge is em"ty will cause the horse to slow own anu"set the horse.

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae



  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae



    M1 /hen starting the game, you are aske to select a #ockey.;ereFs a list of the aailale choices2

    8atalie *hom"son - % Gockey, Gust like her father. Ain,gentle, an loes horses. %ims to collect all horse titles.Aate 9ean - Behin her light-hearte front lays a genius,

    gifte rier. iate on making lots of money.%ustin *urner - % Gockey who loes horses. ;is "assionate

    riing ha mae many fans. +ikes to win on un-"o"ular horses.>a 8ewman - *he greatest horse researcher, whose

    glittering glasses see all. %ll for the sake ofriing theoryE

    9erick #ones - % eteran of 5 years. ;e has a eryol attitue. ;e likes to consier himself a real laies man.

    ?oshio *anaka - % har worker, "ro riing main Gockey.;ols relationshi"s with trainers in the highest regar.

    9uncan !ollins - % worl wie iol-Gockey. ;e also has anatural sense of humor an is looking to ecome a comeian.

    !hris 8ielson - % narcissist in the worst way. :nflustereeen if he loses, Kecause ) am eautifulK.

    M$ %fter selecting a #ockey, "ick your choice of

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    )n oe youFll meet a few *rainers2

    %lert 8o6awa - % large lan wner. /arm of heart, he

    oes not lay lame een for a loss. ;is motto isKeelo" through "raiseK. ) like 8o6awa a lotH

    weFe eelo"e a K!loseK relationshi", an he alwaysgies me great horses.


  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    some great horses to offer, ut it neer seems likeheFs aroun when ) want to im"ress him an get the*rainer3#ockey relationshi" to rienly. h wellE

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    ;ere is where youFll fin all of the asic informationyouFll nee to know what race to race in,with what horse, an with what trainer.

    'eaing the menu here can e a little confusing.;ereFs how to rea it2

    &rae2*his is grae of the race2 !, &1, &$, &,

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    choose to rie another #ockeyFs horse. *his isonly aailale if the #ockeyFs name is in green.

    ?ou will e ale to race that #ockeyFs horse if youhae at lest K&ooK traits more than the #ockey

    or at least two etra "oints more than that #ockey inone area &oo $.

    >aG 'eq >aGor 'equest2*his a""ears if you are a horseFs >ain #ockey. *he o"tionto ecome a horseFs >ain #ockey will ha""en only if youare aske re"eately to rie the same horse y the same

    trainer. ?ou must o well an meet or ecee thetrainerFs e"ectations to e aske. ?ouFll know youFre

    on the way to ecoming a >ain #ockey when the trainermentions that theyFre thinking aout making you ahorseFs >ain #ockey efore you start a race. )f you

    win or meet their e"ectations for that race, youwill e aske an hae a new horse in you >y ;orses list.

    CC/hen you select a race from the 'ace menu, a newscreen will a""ear. )n this screen, you will see

    the horse an their stats. *he screen reas as follows2

    8ame2*his is the horseFs name.

    'ank2*he rank of the horse is is"laye here.*he orer from lowest to highest goes2

    = Pur"le I >ost )ne"erience,

    9 &reen I ILLL

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    )m" )m"roement2*his is the numer ase on the horseFs im"roement.

    !on !onition2

    *his tells you in what conition the horse is. )t isalways goo to get a horse whose conition is in the lue.

    *his means the horse will run the est that it can. fcourse, ) hae hear of "eo"le who think itFs goo to runcertain horses oneFs that are tough for instance when

    they are in the yellow or re. *he conition colors are asfollows2 Blue I &reat, &reen I &oo,

    ?ellow I 8ot ain #ockey.;aing a K>y ;orseK allows you to change the scheuling

    of a horseH that way you can race them in a s"ecificrace of your choosing so that you hae a etter

    chance of winning a title or cu".

    ;ere is how to rea the >y ;orse +ist2

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    8ame2*his is the horseFs name

    'ank2*he rank of the horse is is"laye here. *he orer from

    lowest to highest goes2= Pur"le I >ost )ne"erience,9 &reen I ='a amount

    of stamina efore you start whi""ing them towars the

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae



    /hen the race ens, you will e shown another screen thattells you the etails of your race. )t is here that youFll

    fin out whether or not youFe met the trainerFs e"ectations.)f you receie a horseshoe with the wors K&oal 'eacheK you

    oiously know that youFre goalFs een reache. ;ere youFllsee the #ockey =aluation screen. *his is where youFre total"oints are gien for eery area of the race a horse is Gugeon. ?ou will also see =aluation 9etails. *et that is lue

    here are goo remarks, an tet that is re here are aremarks.

    *here is also the "ossiility that you will get an )nquiry.*his means that you somehow offene another horse an its

    Gockey y either slamming into it towars the en of therace, or locking it from getting to the goal efore you.

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    !ontact - /hen you make contact with another horse

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    ?ou will see a *otal =al gien y the trainer.*hese "oints are locate in the large yellow oaoe the trainerFs hea. *he "oints in this o

    go towars your #ockey "oints which can e use toselect a 1st timer horse or 8egotiate a race./hen you "ress an return to your >a",you will see another screen. *his is calle

    the 'ace 'esults.


  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    you can et on horses. ?ou can o this in oe y selecting KViewK from the 'ace screen.#ust "ress the %P

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae



    *his section is a guie to the areas of your ma".)n each location, there are a numer of things to o.

    %s you "rogress through the game, you will e ale togo throughout your catalog an Ku"graeK the "laces on

    your ma". ?ou will also e ale to a new "laces.:nlocking these areas has to o with how much golyouFe accumulate, what sort of awars youFe won,what kins of races youFe won, how many lessons

    youFe unlocke, etc.


    ?our home is where you can iew information onyourself an orer from your catalog. ?ou

    can u"grae your home y uying the O100,000 !ustomhouse from the catalog. ?ou can u"grae it one more

    time with O1,000,000 an you must hae you must hae

    the !ustom house. *he last house is enormous anlooks like the *aG->ahalE

    ;ere is a list of what is aailale when selecting K;omeKfrom the >a".


    *his is where you will e ale to iew a etaile

    escri"tion of your "rogression as a Gockey.?ou will e shown the information you usually

    see when a 'ace ens, an when you are at the >ain>enu. ?ou will also see information net to your

    #ockeyFs ailities. ;ere is how to rea it2

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------#ockey +eel !urrent Points +eel :" Points

    ;ere are the GockeyFs ;ere are the current "oints ;ere is how manystats acquire for these stats "oints the Gockey nees

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    to go u" a leel-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    :nerneath of this information is a iew ofhow your relationshi"s are with your trainers.*he color of the trainerFs name inicates your

    relationshi" with them. 'e I LLL ?ellow I 8ormal,&reen I rienly,

    Blue I !lose.

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    from a trainer.

    %erage =al - *his will tell you youraerage ealuation.

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    !onition2!ustom ;ouse - nce ?ou hae oer 100,000 &. - 100,000 &

    )ncreases stamina in 8orth %merican s"ecial races.

    !onition2nce you hae oer 1,000,000 &. - 1,000,000 &

    >ust hae the !ustom ;ouse. )ncreases s"ee in 8orth%merican s"ecial races.


    !onition2 &reen >eaow - 50,000 &/in &) with a >y horse. %llows you to "rouce

    original horses.

    !onition2/in &) with an original horse.

    !onition2=nter an original horse into the ;all of ame.

    >ust hae the &allo" Pasture.

    !onition2%cquire oer 10 >y horses. >ust hae the &allo"

    Pasture. ;orses will get worn out less.

    !onition2;ae more than $ horses in a conition. >ust

    hae the clinic. ;orses will recoer quicker.


    !onition2 !hee"

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    !onition2:nlock 15 further lessons at the %caemy

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    an escri"tions are aailale here as well.

    /hen you select a trainer, you can iew the horsesin the stales. Pressing the

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    Broomares -

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    "ortion of the >a". ;ere you will finthe following enus2

    CCCCC'%9 >%PCCCCC2

    *hese are the scheules for the si ty"es of race which are2 -

    $? - two years ol horses race in this ty"e2% "ath for $ year ols. !olts aim for the ?:8& !'/8 !:P, an

    fillies the )++? !:P. >i-istance horses are not suite tothese two races, an may e etter to use the year en i3+ong - four years ol an oler run in these >i-istance races2% "ath for (S long istance horses.

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    % "ath for (S irt horses. P2 /in 5 &1 races of 7 furlongs or less

    >)+= !;%>P2 /in Q &1 races of 4 furlongs>)9 !;%>P2 /in 5 &1 races of J - 11.5 furlongs

    +8& !;%>P2 /in 5 &1 races of 1$ furlongs or more9)'* !;%>P2 /in Q &1 irt races

    ;'P=''2 /in the :niersal !u" times&%++P '%!='2 /in oth the :niersal !u" an the Paris !u"


  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    >8 8%2

    /ashington 9.!. - % counter-clockwise track with othturf, irt, an a long slo"e on the straight. it

    requires stamina no matter the istance.

    >iami - *wo istances of turf track. 'un onthe insie or the outsie. % short straight with

    a touch slo"e nees "ower an s"ee.

    *oronto - % track with ery shar" corner so eminful of rift. Power is also require for

    the iagonal slo"e on the straight.

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    *he insie has irt, a short straight,an tight comers. *he outsie has a long straight.

    8ew rleans - +ea an hea hae an aantage

    on this trackFs tight corners an suen straight.Pack an follow will nee to cut olly on corners.

    Philael"hia - *he insie an irt tracks areleel. outsie has the longest omestic straight.

    *he (th straight only cane oer within moments.

    Phoeni - % flat, tight track with a short straight.&oo for lea. ;orses that can use what s"ee they

    hae will often take it.

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    with a straight of 1.4urlongs.

    Baltimore - % short, tight track with Gust 1.7urlongs on thestraight. % flat track with no slo"es.

    +os %ngeles - *urf on the outsie, irt on the insie oth haea 1.5furlong straight, are tight an counter clockwise. !an

    also comine into the ;illsie *urf course.

    +ong Beach - % tight, counter clockwise track, flat, with a1.5urlong straight.

    *eas - %n orthoo oal course, at 4.0furlongs a la"with a 1.(urlong straight. )ts large "on an fountain are

    its traemarks.


    *okyo - lat an clockwise. % long 1.Jurlongstraight an right corners are goo for hea

    an lea. %lso hols night races in summer.

    Ayoto - % tight, counter clockwise track, flat,Q.0furlongs a la" with 1.5furlong straight.

    %s with most #a"anese tracks, often comes ownto lea horses.

    saka - % track oasting massie scale. % $.0urlongstraight with "lenty of set-u", making any leg-ty"e

    a contener.

    ;iroshima - % ery small track only 5.5urlongsa la" with a 1.0urlong straight. lat, clockwise.

    9istance increases mean many more corners.

    8agano - % flat, small track at 7.0urlongs a la"an a 10.5urlong straight.

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    8ormany - % flat clockwise track. %lso has 4.0furlongstraight track. !ontinues to hol ig races in summer,

    when most other tracks reak.

    >arseille - % counter clockwise trackH rare in rance./ith a 1$.0urlong a la" an a .0furlong straight.*he slo"e is so gentle that it can e consiere flat.

    +yon - % tough course, with 1$.0furlong a la" an a.0furlong straight with little set-u". *here is also

    a stee" slo"e leaing u" to the goal.

    !amrige - *wo massiely long straights. Anown asthe straight &) can run to 10.furlongs. Very little

    set-u" an a tough slo"e u" to the goal.

    +onon - !lockwise an $.5furlongs straight withunulations of u" to $0m. >assie "ower is require

    to win on the track.

    Birmingham - % counter clockwise track with a .5furlongstraight. /ith a tough set-u", timing is the key an "ower

    an stamina are require.

    +ees -

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    races are going to e hel. *his will also hel" you eciewhere you might want to "ut your K>y ;orseK. *he 'ace onth to >onth. ?ou an iew any race in anyweek.

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae



    *he Gockey hall is where you can iew your own "ast ees. ?ou cansee all of your awars, all of your horsesF awars, an what races youFewon. *he #ockey ;all can only e acquire after you get a #ockey *itle.

    *here are more #ockey ;alls that will unlock after this.

    CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCV. *)P< %89 ;)8*< ' '%!)8& )8 i horses, it is wise if hitting all 7Fsut the last one to strike with the whi" at aout $. furlongs.

    /ith Preceer or ront horses, it is wise to o this at aout 1.Q furlongs.

    - /ith horses like !loser ;orses an >i horses, it is not alwayswise to try an start them off with a "erfect start. *hey want to

    stay in the ack, so go for a little im"erfection.

    - 'ememer to check your horseFs latent ailities efore a race.*his can e crucial to winning es"ecially if you hae a K+ast to irstK

    or a K

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    - =ery track is ifferent. a"K. *he 'oa >a" will

    show you eery race throughout the year an who won it.

    M$2 %cquire as many horse3Gockey titles as you "ossily can. ?ou cane sure of this y checking you #ockey ;all, which is unlocke once

    you hae O100,000 an hae acquire a Gockey title.

    M2 >ake sure you win all three &/< categories in one year- you9 8* hae to use the same horse throughout. 'ememer that in

    orer to e entere in the &/< races, you must e in the *o" *enest #ockeys. *he &/< races are throughout the year. )t aims toecie the est in the worl in three sectionsH s"rint, turf, an irt.!oming in highly "lace in the 4 races that com"rise each section

    awars "oints, the total of which will ultimately ecie the winner.*he $( races the make u" the entirety of the &/< are all worl class

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    races, an the rials you will face there are highly skille. Be sureto use your est >y ;orse for these races. ?ou can select you K>y

    ;orseK y "ressing the square utton efore the race.

    M(2 ?ou must hae "urchase eerything in the !atalogue that you"ossily can.

    *his will unlock the 9ream !u" which is one race. ?ou will also unlockthe 9ream CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC


  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    9o names like >an-o-/ar an

  • 8/11/2019 Gallop Rae


    Blit6en/oner !hime

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