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Page 1: G plus volume 1 issue 48

VOLUME 01 | ISSUE 48AUG 30 - SEP 05, 2014PRICE `10

Bear Grylls PG24



Land Rover has announced British adventurer Bear Grylls as a long-term global ambassador for the brand

CaKes, CaNDles & COsMeTICsA young entrepreneur is bent on pursuing her passions for as long as she can

CITy aUTHOr BaGs saHITya aKaDeMIAuthor Kaushik Barua, has been awarded the prestigious Sahitya Akademi Yuva Puraskar in English for his debut novel Wind Horse.

If you are an antique lover, then In Conversation is a must-go for you. Situated on the RG Baruah Road,

WarD WaTCHsaraNIa

PG 13







A dead body of a 22-years-old man was recovered from

Lokhra on 20th July, because of which the people of Jijua at Lokhra are still getting harassed. According to a resident of Jijua, everyday, police picks up someone from the village for ques-tioning and the family mem-bers get scared regarding the involvement of that member with the case. According to

police, on 20th July, a body was recovered from a village near Lokhra under mysteri-ous conditions. The face of the body was totally crushed by stone and bamboos. There was a tattoo on the right shoulder which helped the police to identify the body. According to Gorchuk po-lice, this is one of the most mysterious murder cases they are working on this year.

Continued on PG 10


The Assam-Nagaland border conflict has been pacified as of now but the aftermath has left trails of blood, anger, pain and conspiracy

in the region. With the real reasons for the conflict still being investigated, the fingers seem to point at political motives behind the situation. With many observers blaming the dissidence within the ruling Congress and the ones at the Centre as well, the peo-ple who have suffered are looking forward to picking up their lives and moving on.

On PG 02

Page 2: G plus volume 1 issue 48

G PLUS AUG 30 - SEP 05, 20142

Lead Story

“Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Kiren Rijiju will never be able

to solve the Assam-Nagaland border issue as Assam has border problems with Arunachal Pradesh too and when there was a problem in Borgang in Sonitpur a few days back relating to the Arunachal-Assam border issue, Rijiju did not do anything. He might be a representative of Central govern-ment, but he can only blame Assam for any chaos. Centre has a good un-derstanding with Nagaland govern-ment as NPF directly backs BJP,” said All Adivasi Students Association of Assam (AASAA) vice president Rejan Horo.

He further added that the Naga militant group is the mentor of all re-bel groups in the northeast and all the rebel groups are sometime or other trained under them so even central forces are cautious about dealing with them. Moreover they have a truce which makes them officially secured.

Horo requested all the politicos to refrain from playing politics, taking aim using the poor people’s shoulders living in the border areas. All the anal-ysis by experts somewhat proves that the border clashes were a result of po-litical feuds between various political parties, the only result is that the poor people living in border areas suffered and lost their lives.

Political warThese days, any problem that

arises in Assam people tend to blame the dissidence issue in the state Con-gress party. Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Kiren Rijiju recently hinted that internal politics of the ruling Congress in the state is one of the factors responsible for the clash along the Assam-Nagaland border. The minister’s reaction is the latest in the ongoing controversy over the pur-ported intelligence report that held the dissidents in the Congress party as having played a role in the Assam-Nagaland border clash. Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi’s decision to hand over the probe to CBI has further twisted the matter.

According to some local residents of Uriamghat, after the August 12th firing, when Gogoi tried to meet the displaced villagers in the relief camps, the people protesting against his visit was no one from the people affected by the violence at the border. It was a group of people planted by the lo-cal Congress leaders who agitated and turned the protest into a violent one.

Similarly, according to sources there were also BJP supporters trying


their best to fuel the stir in the context of their government is in the Centre who will help the poor homeless vil-lagers.

Present scenarioNever before has the relatively

sleepy town of Golaghat seen the kind of violence witnessed in the last couple of weeks. At least 4 people were killed in brutal clashes between protesters and the police. Although curfew and army flag marches brought the situa-tion under control, the protests have not stopped.

At the epicentre of the trouble, a guar-antee of peace is what Golaghat wants. Even the deployment of ex-tra security personnel has not been able to instil trust in the residents. Around 11000 refugees were there in 14 camps in Uriamghat. People are gradually going back to their villages but vil-lages like Chetiagaon, Roman Basti and Sukanjan were the worst affected and people from those villages are still scared to reach their places. Moreo-ver there is nothing much left there. NSCN cadres have almost taken eve-rything from the villages including the grain which they planned they would eat the entire year.

Meanwhile, the Assam Police, Sashastra Seema Bal personnel and CRPF have been deployed at the bor-der areas, but the people are not confi-dent of the security as previously too, the CRPF were not able to help the villagers. These villages are located in such areas where there is very poor communication and even mobile networks are not available. The roads

rahul Chanda

are so poor that to cover a distance of three kilometres, it takes around half an hour.

According to sources, there is an NSCN(IM) camp based nearby these areas, were the Naga rebel groups are planning their future plan of action. Nagaland has deployed their police but NSCN rules Nagaland. As NPF backs the BJP, the local people doubt they will get any assured security from the Centre. Some NGOs are trying their best to rehabilitate the displaced villagers, but how far will it be possi-ble, only time will explain.

It is almost accepted that politicos fuelled the clash for personal motives, killing many innocents. But it is the state government which has to take a stand to bring about a permanent so-lution to the problem.

[email protected]

around 11000 refugees were there in 14 camps in uriamghat. People are

gradually going back to their villages but villages like Chetiagaon, roman Basti and Sukanjan were the worst

affected and people from those villages are still scared to reach their places.

Page 3: G plus volume 1 issue 48

G PLUS AUG 30 - SEP 05, 2014 3

Tightening the screw in the multi crore rupee Saradha chit fund scam, the CBI on

28th August carried out simultane-ous raids in Kolkata, Guwahati and Mumbai. In Assam the premises of well-known figures were raided by the CBI. Residences of two former Assam ministers including former Health Minister Himanta Biswa Sar-

ma, who recently left the state cabi-net, were among 12 premises that the CBI raided in Guwahati on Thursday in connection with the multi-crore chit fund scam. The raid was carried out across the city and the state, scar-ing many businessmen who were in touch with Saradha owner Sudipta Sen previously.

Other placesOther premises raided by the

CBI included the residences of anoth-er former Congress minister Anjan Dutta, former Assam DGP Shankar Barua and well-known singer and filmmaker Sadananda Gogoi, as was the office of NewsLive and three other

television channels owned by Sarma’s wife Riniki Bhuyan Sarma.

Sarma, who was once the most trusted lieutenants of Tarun Gogoi who later turned out to be a rebel, was dropped in July after he openly revolted and demanded the ouster of the chief minister. According to sources, while singer and filmmaker Sadananda Gogoi is said to be very close to Sarma, former Assam DGP Shankar Barua is close to Gogoi. Before this raid, owner of Frontier TV Manoranjana Sinh, former MP Matang Sinh and city businessman Rajiv Bajaj were also grilled by the CBI in Kolkata.

All these days during the tenure of Congress in the Centre, the inves-tigation by concerned agencies was looking to have slowed down, but as soon as BJP came to power, the peo-ple related to the chit fund scam di-rectly or indirectly are facing a tough time from the agencies.

Another prominent Congress leader, present legislator and former transport minister in the first Gogoi government (2001-2006), Anjan Dut-ta also came under the CBI scanner


with the agency raiding his residence here on Thursday. Dutta, who owns ‘Ajir Dainik Batori,’ an Assamese daily, had tied up with Saradha to run his newspaper for some time.

CM pushChief Minister Tarun Gogoi said,

“Nobody should be allowed to go scot-free in connection with Sarad-

ha and other chit fund scams. Those found guilty must be punished.” He also claimed that it was his govern-ment that first sought a CBI investi-gation into the chit fund scams in-cluding Saradha.

Gogoi however was not sure un-der which particular case were the CBI raids conducted on Thursday. “I don’t know. It could be in the Bengal case which is being investigated un-der orders of the Supreme Court,” Gogoi said.

In 2013, when such a scam was recognised and Saradha owner Sudipta Sen was arrested, he wrote a letter to the CID mentioning many names including the name of Himan-ta Biswa Sarma, but, then the state Chief Minister did not say much. Ac-cording to sources, Himanta Biswa Sarma also went to Dhubri in 2010 to inaugurate the biscuit factory opened by Saradha.

The Saradha scam has not only looted money from poor people but because the Saradha group opened up various media houses across the country, many journalists were also left jobless when all the media house were closed down after Sen’s arrest. The chit fund has scam has affect-ed many, and the scam is related to many high profile people which the CBI’s raid proved. Justice though, is still awaited.

mrinmOyee hazarika

[email protected]

I don’t know. It could be in the

Bengal case which is being investigated

under orders of the Supreme Court”

- Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi

In The News

Page 4: G plus volume 1 issue 48

G PLUS AUG 30 - SEP 05, 20144

Since its inception, the 102 na-tional ambulance service has at-tended to a total of 84528 emer-

gencies across the state of Assam. The service, which provides only inter fa-cility transfer (IFT) from one (lower) hospital to another (higher) had been introduced in the state in the month of September last year.

The free ambulance service has been looked after by the state gov-ernment along with GVK EMRI, a private emergency management en-terprise, in the PPP (public private partnership) mode.

“In the last one year of opera-tions in the state, we have attended to 84528 cases across the state. In the meantime, the response centre of the service located at Guwahati has received over 18,76,682 calls, out of which 16,02,626 were ineffective calls comprising of hoax, child and other prank calls,” Santanu Sharma, Chief operating Officer, GVK EMRI, As-sam said on Friday.

Considering the huge number of hoax calls received by the response centre in the last one year of its op-eration in the state, Sharma clearly mentions that the 102 service does not provide emergency service unlike 108. “102 is a referral service provider and operates according to the de-mand and requirement of the author-ity of the government hospitals only. But in certain cases, like transferring a delivery case from hospital to home or vice versa, we provide emergency services as well. Therefore, it would be very helpful for us, if people would dial 108 in case of any emergency instead of dialling the 102 toll free number.”

It is also noteworthy that the 108 emergency ambulance service has been looked after by GVK EMRI in the state along with the other two services including the 102 ambulance

102 ATTENDS 84,528 EMERGENCIESIN A YEARmrinmOyee hazarika

service. Currently, the 102 ambulance

service is operating with the help of 279 vehicles, which cover 27 dis-tricts of Assam. This number will be increased to 450 ambulances in a phased manner. Till August 24, 2014, it has attended to 107831 emergency calls, 82377 IFT cases, 1237 drop-backs and 704 home to hospital cases, covering 24 civil hospitals, 13 sub-di-visional civil hospitals, 40 FRUs and 108 CHCs across Assam.

Urging the people of the state to file any complaints against any mis-conduct faced by them while availing both the 108 and 102 service, by di-rectly dialling 108, Sharma said, “We are aware that some of the ambu-lances running under 108 emergency service are dysfunctional. In order to solve this issue, 137 new ambulances will be added to the 108 emergency service. Out of that, 90 have come and 25 have been replaced. The cur-rent strength of the service is 380 along with 5 boat ambulances.”

In the last one year of operations in the state, we have attended to 84528 cases across the state. In the meantime, the response centre of the service located at Guwahati has received over 18,76,682 calls, out of which 16,02,626 were ineffective calls comprising of hoax, child and other prank calls,”

Santanu Sharma,Chief operating Officer, GVK EMRI, Assam

Types of emergency handled by 102



In order to inculcate a spirit of scientific temperament and ana-lytical thinking in the minds of

young students, the regional science centre, Guwahat in collaboration with Directorate of Secondary Edu-cation, Govt. of Assam, last Friday (29th august) has organized a state level science seminar.

A total number of 26 students studying in classes VIII- X from 13 districts of Assam participated with their presentation on the topic “Inno-vations in Agriculture for a Sustain-able Future: Prospects & Challenges” for 6 minutes before a panel of judges.

.The winner in the Seminar Swar-namoyee Nath, class X of Sipajhar B J Girl’s High School(Dist. Darrang) has been selected for National Sci-

ence Seminar to be held at Visves-varaya Industrial and Technological Museum, Bangalore on 11th October, 2014. Swarnamoyee Nath will repre-sent Assam in the National Science Seminar.

State Level Science Seminar held at Regional Science Centre, Guwahati

Dr. R. N. Goswami, dean, faculty of veterinary science, Guwahati was present as Chief Guest in the valedic-tory function held in the evening and gave away the prizes and certificates to winners and others.

In The News

Page 5: G plus volume 1 issue 48

G PLUS AUG 30 - SEP 05, 2014 5

The killing of 16-year-old Priya Basumatary as ‘punishment’ for reportedly leaking infor-

mation on the movements of five Na-tional Democratic Front of Bodoland (Songbijit faction)( NDFB (S))cadres, who were gunned down by the police following a tip-off, has sent shock-waves across Assam. Priya was shot from point-blank range in front of the inhabitants of Dwimuguri village in western Assam’s Chirang district on August 20. The NDFB(S) militants then took her body along with them.

The issue rocked the Budget Ses-sion of the Assembly with the gov-ernment agreeing to an opposition demand for a discussion on it. Mean-while, Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi announced a probe into why the police delayed recovering the girl’s body. While Priya was killed on Au-gust 20th afternoon, the police never went to Dwimuguri, the forest village close to the Bhutan border where the murder took place. It was some vil-lagers who recovered her body next day and handed it over to the police at Salbari. Gogoi also denied that Priya

Has the Priya Basumatary incident turned a few sympathisers against the rebel group?

was a police informer, and said she was innocent.

ExploitationAccording to highly placed

sources in BTAD area, the NDFB(S) militants have geared up in recent days to recruit women in their group, as women are not suspected eas-ily and are also exploited and abused in the camps. The source said that Priya was just a school girl and in no ways she would have informed the police about the whereabouts of the NDFB(S) cadres. The source said that it may be that the cadres approached her to join the rebel group and she denied which irked them to kill her publicly. She was a beautiful and smart student who could have added up to the rebel group’s strength.

The NDFB(S) militants came to the village from the adjoining dense jungles of Chirang Reserve Forest and dragged out Priya from her house and shot her dead in front of her par-ents and villagers accusing her to be an informer. The source added that before pulling Priya out, the cadres


had a conversation for around half an hour long, with Priya and her family.

Police and Army could not re-cover the body for more than 24 hours and cited reasons that the vil-lage is located in a very remote area and only approachable on foot and the local villagers were unwilling to co-operate out of fear. Some villagers recovered the body and brought it to Salbari and after that the police team took it to Civil Hospital in the even-ing on August 21.

NDFB(S) released a video to lo-cal electronic media on August 21 and said that they had killed the girl for being an informer and their five members were not killed by the Army

but members of NDFB (Daimary) group.

The militant group also threat-ened that they have released the video to warn others and if any person is found informing the security forces, they would also be killed. The gov-ernment, meanwhile, announced an amount of Rs 20 lakh as ex-gratia to the next kin of Basumatary and de-cided to institute a bravery award in her name besides recommending her to the Government of India for Na-tional Bravery Award.

The extremismABSU President Pramod Boro

said, “I do not have any authentic

data about it, but even I have heard that many girls are getting recruited by the extremists. We condemn the death of Priya and seek a judiciary inquiry. We have also demanded that the National Commission for Protec-tion of Child Rights to do an enquiry into the incident.” He further said that it is a very serious issue as around three students were killed by the rebel group last year too. Boro said, “The main problem is extremism which has remained unresolved by the government since ages. I request the government and the extremists not to use minors in their war. The extrem-ism issue should be resolved as soon as possible.”

The incident has proven that the NDFB(S) militants are following the Taliban pathway to make their pres-ence felt, but the situation is worsen-ing every passing day. The BTAD area is always submerged with violence and Priya’s brutal murder has once again put a question on authorities’ plan of action in solving the issue.

rahul Chanda

i do not have any authentic data about it, but even i have heard that many girls are getting

recruited by the extremists. We condemn the death of Priya and seek a judiciary inquiry”

[email protected]

The Maximum Prison Sentence in Nepal is 20 Years. Many countries in the world do not enforce the law of life imprisonment. In Nepal the maximum sentence that can be given to a criminal is 20 years

Over 2500 left handed people are killed each year from using products made for right handed people.

In The News

Page 6: G plus volume 1 issue 48

G PLUS AUG 30 - SEP 05, 20146

In The News

In the wake of growing ethnic conflicts, natural calamities cou-pled with poor economical back-

grounds and broken homes, the con-ditions have made both the male and females including minors of the state, vulnerable to trafficking. The data available with the state CID reveals that as many as 472 male and female have become victims of trafficking in the last three years.

Out of those victims, 170 are girls and 53 boys, belonging to the age group below the age of 18. Amongst the rest of the 249 victims of traf-ficking, 77 were men and 172 were women.

“Assam is more of a source area and transit and to a lesser extent also a destination area for trafficking of women and children, trafficked for purpose of sexual or labour exploi-tation, false marriage etc. Records reflect that the number of girls traf-ficked for sexual exploitation is high-er than the number of girls trafficked for labour,” speaking at a two day re-gional conference on addressing traf-ficking of women and children in the North-East at Guwahati on Wednes-day, Mukesh Sahay, Additional direc-tor general of police, CID said.

Highlighting the gravity of the problem, Sahay also stated, “As per available records, victims of Assam are trafficked to different parts of the country such as Mumbai, Chen-nai, Haryana, Bangalore and Siliguri either for sexual exploitation or for purposes such as domestic help and cheap labour. Boys are also found to be trafficked into labour inside and outside Assam.”

He also cited people living in char or riverine areas, socially and economically backward areas, refu-gee camps of internally displaced persons due to ethnic conflicts or natural calamities, widows, children of poor economical background are most vulnerable to trafficking. Be-sides, youths and minors are being recruited by various unorganised or dubious agencies for jobs and are get-ting cheated.

The record available with the CID also reveals that since 2009 until May 2014, more than 15,000 children went missing in the state. Out of those, 10046 were girls and 5530 were boys.

Contrary to the huge number of missing children and victims of traf-ficking, the state police have been able to rescue 422 victims and arrest 281 offenders during the period of July 2011 to April 2014.



“There is no doubt that flesh trade has gone up nowadays. Non-brothel prostitution is becoming a matter of serious concern and women and children are increasingly falling prey to such rackets. The rapid changes in our society are attracting women and young girls to the glamour of city life and they are moving out of their homes. Beauty parlours, spa centres and body massage parlours are be-ing used to run sex trade rackets,” Laldingliani Sailo, member, National Commission for Women, who was also present at the conference, said.

Stressing on the complexity of the problem, Sailo said that the issue of trafficking is becoming more complex nowadays and criminals are using In-ternet and mobile phones to run their business. The victims are no longer only illiterate and poor women. Edu-

Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 20132014 (upto May)

Missing female child

475 488 1416 1233 1002 409

Trace out female child

180 245 830 436 413 201

Not traced female child

295 243 586 797 589 208

Total 950 976 2832 2466 2004 818

Missing male child 338 292 709 619 618 189

Trace out male child

130 155 366 262 275 76

Not traced male child

208 137 343 357 343 113

Total 676 584 1418 1238 1236 378

mrinmOyee hazarika

cated girls have been brought to the cities with the promise of better job opportunities.

“The proper implementation of MGNREGS can provide jobs for women in their villages and stop them from going out and our traditional community organisations can chip in there. The intensity of the cross border trafficking is that the racket-eers have even managed to transport women and girls from the Northeast-ern region to overseas destinations with non-Indian passports, making it difficult to bring them back to India if rescued,” Sailo said.

Sailo, who hails from Mizoram stresses that all, particularly the en-forcement agencies, must step up vigil at transit points and supply routes to prevent the women and children from falling prey to such clandestine trade.

She also indicated that a review of the Immoral Trafficking (Prohibi-tion) Act to deal with new dimensions of human trafficking including those related to ‘non-brothel’ nature of prostitutions rampant in the country including the North East in the form of salons, massage centres and other places should be made.

“Involvement and participation of locals are very crucial in checking cross-border human trafficking from the rural and remotest areas along the border. Moreover, maintaining and improving relation with the neigh-bouring nations, exchanging infor-mation, proper implementation and monitoring of laws will also help in checking cross border as well as do-mestic trafficking,” Sailo said.

Gender breakup of trafficking victims

YearBelow 18 years of age Adult

Boys Girls Men Women

2011 8 28 9 48

2012 27 66 36 62

2013 18 76 32 62

Missing/traced children from 2009 to 2014 (Upto May)

Five persons got ar-rested by the city police on August

27 in connection with the August 23 GS Road theft case. Police also man-aged to recover 90 per cent of the stolen items, mostly jewellery. The ac-cused were arrested from different locations in Gu-wahati. The arrested have been identified as Hiralal Das (domestic help), Pan-cha Rabha, Arjun Mandal, Dilip Dey and Azimuddin. Though one more accused is still to be arrested. Se-nior Superintendent of po-lice (city) Anand Prakash Tiwari said that the city police has launched a drive against criminals indulging in crime against property. He also appealed to the people to check the char-acter antecedents before employing anyone in their house or anywhere else.

Five thieves held by city police

Kamrup Metro Dep-uty Commissioner Dr M Angamuthu

has directed the concerned officials to fill up all the potholes across the city within a fortnight and sub-mit compliance reports along with photographs. The district administra-tion has also directed the PWD(R) and the Guwa-hati Municipal Corpora-tion (GMC) to immediate-ly take steps to clear the drains, garbage and shift-ing of construction mate-rials along the VIP Road within a week and deputed a team of officials to mon-itor and coordinate with all concerned departments for the purpose. All the exec-utive engineers of all the divisions of PWD (Roads) have been directed to take immediate steps for filling up of all the potholes with-in a period of 15 days.

Directive to fill up city potholes

“There is no doubt that flesh trade has gone up nowadays.

Non-brothel prostitution is becoming a matter

of serious concern and women and children

are increasingly falling prey to such rackets.

The rapid changes in our society are attracting

women and young girls to the glamour of

city life and they are moving out of their

homes. Beauty parlours, spa centres and body massage parlours are being used to run sex

trade rackets,”

laldinGliani SailO,Member, National Commission for Women

Page 7: G plus volume 1 issue 48

G PLUS AUG 30 - SEP 05, 2014 7

Author Kaushik Barua, has been awarded the prestig-ious Sahitya Akademi Yuva

Puraskar in English for his debut novel Wind Horse. The award is presented to outstanding works of literature penned by young Indian authors. Wind Horse is a ma-jor work of fiction set in the Tibetan strug-gle and the turbulent period immediately following the Chinese occupation of Tibet. Set in Tibet, India and Nepal from the 1940s to the 1970s, the novel follows two main pro-tagonists – Lhasang and Norbu.

When G Plus spoke to Kaushik about his feelings on winning the prestigious award, he replied saying, “I was in office when I first saw the email. I informed my wife and par-ents and then went back to work with a surreal, tingly feeling, but not re-vealing much to anyone else which is I suppose typical of a writer’s life - so many of us lead double lives!”

On the award itself, the writer of Wind Horse said, “I think the

CITY AUTHOR BAGS SAHITYA AKADEMIsignificance of the award didn’t sink in till the next morning. And good it was a weekend, because by then I

was overwhelmed by the messages of con-gratulations and sup-port. A huge number of these were from Assam, which was re-ally heartening. Writ-ing and recording the progress of a society is such a crucial histori-cal act, and our state has such a complex and rich story, I hope many youngsters start telling it.”

The award will in-clude a copper plaque and a cheque of Rs 50,000. The award

was recommended by a jury of dis-tinguished writers and approved by the Executive Board of the Sahitya Akademi which met under the chair-manship of Dr Vishwanath Prasad Tiwari, president, Sahitya Akademi. Barua is the second author from the North East to win the Sahitya Aka-demi Young Writers Award (English) after Janice Pariat won the award for her critically-acclaimed collection of short stories ‘Boats on Land.’

G PluS Feature

“i was in office when i first saw the email. i informed my wife and parents and then went

back to work with a surreal, tingly feeling,

but not revealing much to anyone else which is i suppose typical of a

writer’s life - so many of us lead double lives!”

In The News

Page 8: G plus volume 1 issue 48

G PLUS AUG 30 - SEP 05, 20148

Sankardev, Madhavdev And Ajan Fakir

In a  disturbing  trend, the evil of ‘dowry culture’ had taken nearly 850 lives in the State in the last six

years. In 2013, as many as 135 dow-ry deaths were reported in the state, whereas in 2012, the figure was 140. Statistics available with the Assam Police, however, reveal that not a sin-gle case was registered under Dowry Prohibition Act in any of the police stations of the State in the year 2013 (till October) during  the course  of which 135 dowry deaths were re-ported. The Guwahati city also keeps witnessing dowry deaths time to time, and recently a case which is not clarified is a suicide or a murder, has raised many questions about the end of such evil practises in the society.

The case27-year-old Mitumoni Das of Piyali Phukon Nagar, Chanmari tied the knot with 40-year-old Kobin Mali from Alok Path, Jayanagar on 23rd January 2014. The marriage was ar-ranged by her parents. It’s just six months of the marriage and Mitu-moni’s body was recovered entirely burnt from her in-laws place on 22nd August 2014. According to police, Mitumoni stayed with her husband on the top floor of a double storied building at Jayanagar. According to the statement recorded by the police at the spot, it seems like Mitumoni closed the door of the room from in-side and set herself ablaze. After look-ing at the smoke the neighbours and the in-laws who were in the ground floor reached the room and tried opening the door, but till they opened the door, Mitumoni’s body was se-verely burnt and she died on the spot. According to police, the inves-tigation is not complete and it is yet


to be cleared that it was a murder or suicide. Mitumoni’s parents lodged a dowry complaint and a case (case number -1757/2014/489A, 304B IPC) has been registered in Dispur Police Station. The police said that it is look-ing like a suicide case, but nothing can be declared till the investigation process is over. The police have ar-rested Mitumoni’s husband Kobin Mali and mother-in-law Apati Mali. It is said that Kobin is a drunker and kept demanding for many things like TV and fridge from Mitumoni.

The murder angleThe police might believe or are pre-tending to believe that it is a suicide case, but according to the brother of Mitumoni, it is a brutal murder case. Talking to G Plus, Bikash said, “I can understand my sister very well and according to whatever we know about her, she is someone who can never commit suicide.” He then nar-rated that it was an arranged mar-riage and before marriage, it was not known that the husband was a drunker. “On 21st August it was As-sam Bandh and my sister told me that she would come to visit us. In the morning hours, there was no vehicle in the city so she informed that she will come in the evening at around 7 pm. I went to the market to get some good food for my sister. Because of some work, I reached home at around

9pm and asked my parents who in-formed me that she did not come. Next day I called her around 8.30 am and her mother-in-law received the phone. She told me that Mitumoni is upstairs and she will inform her when she comes down. Immediately I called Kobin and he did not receive my phone. After half an hour Mitu-moni’s brother-in-law called me and asked me to reach their place with my parents. When we reached there the police, media and all their relatives were already present there. The body of my sister did not have even a sin-gle cloth and nothing near the body was burnt. The bed, furniture and not even the curtains were burnt. Only my sister’s body was badly burnt and she was dead.” He further added that Mitumoni’s in-laws are rich and have good understanding with police, so, it is a murder case which will be proven as suicide and the culprits will roam free. He said that Mitumoni had previously informed one of her sister that her husband is asking for TV, fridge and some money.Crime against women is always in a rise in Assam, and it is pathetic that people still die of traditional evil practise like dowry. It is tough to say that it was a murder or a suicide case, but if it was a murder, the authorities should make sure that the case does not get twisted because of external forces like money power.

rahul Chanda

“I can understand my sister very well and according to whatever we know about her, she is someone who can never commit suicide”

In an effort to introduce Srim-anta Sankardev, Madhavdev and Ajan Fakir to a broader audi-ence than the Assamese people, the Meghalaya Rashtrabhasha Prachar Samity, Shillong has taken up an initiative to publish their lives and works in Hindi.The three books, ‘Srimanta Sank-ardev: Brojawali Samagra,’ ‘Ma-hapurush Madhavdev: Brojawali Samagra’ and ‘Sampriti Ka Sad-hak- Ajan Fakir.’ The books were released in a brief ceremony or-ganised last week in Guwahati.This initiative by the Samiti is ex-pected to enrich Hindi literature as well as promote the integrity and unity of the country. Srimana Sankardev: Brojawali samagra – The book is written by professor Krishna Narayan Pras-ad and professor Dinesh Kumar Choubey. The book talks the life of Mahapurush Srimanta Sank-ardev, the 15th century Assamese saint and other art forms created and popularised by Sankardev such as Borgget, Bhatima and Ankiya bhaona.Mahapurush Madhavdev: Bro-jawali Samagra – This book too has been written by the same writers and it includes the life and works of Saint Madhavdev, a disciple of Sankardev which

includes songs, drama, Bhatima and Jhumura written by the saint. Sampriti ka Sadhak- Ajan Fa-kir- The book is a collection of short stories written by Abidud-din Ahmed and translated from Assamese to Hindi by Professor Rafiqul Haque. The books in-cludes Jikir (a type of spiritual song which mentions Assamese folk culture) written by Ajan Fakir, a 17th century Muslim preacher and saint, who settled down in Assam and helped in re-forming the society.

HC orders State Govt on reservation

The Gauhati High Court has recently delivered a signifi-cant order on the subject of

reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Hills and Plains) in promotions. The order of 8th August, 2014 was delivered by Justice Ujjwal Bhuyan, in a Writ Petition numbered 707/2014 (M.C. No.726/2014) filed by a batch of Assistant Engineers (Civil) serving under the Irrigation Department of the Government of Assam since 2007 who belong to the SC and ST categories seeking promotions to the rank of Assistant Executive Engineers. The writ petitioners claimed that this has amounted to a violation of the Assam Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Res-ervation of Vacancies in Services and Posts) Act, 1978, as amended

which provides for 7% reservation for SC, 10% for ST (P) and 5% for ST(H), besides ignoring the back - log. The order of the High Court has exposed the lackadaisical ap-proach of the State Government to the whole issue of providing reser-vation to STs and SCs in the matter of promotions. Lack of earnestness in the matter on the part of the State Government has resulted in deprivation of promotion to SCs and STs in the just concluded exer-cise of promotion in the Irrigation Department and the deprivation will continue in future promotions in other Departments too as long as the State Government delays the exercise of obtaining the requisite quantifiable data as per the three Constitutional requirements em-phasised by the Supreme Court.

CBSE examinees to get mobile alerts

In order to keep the examinees under Central Board of Secondary Examination

(CBSE) aware of all the latest developments and to improve communication, the board will soon start sending them alerts. Latest changes in course curriculums and different initiatives by the board will also be directly intimated to the students. Officials in CBSE’s Guwahati zone said the board has completed

procuring the mobile numbers and email addresses of students of classes X, XI and XII from most schools affiliated to it. A few schools located in remote locations are yet to submit details. “Email addresses and mobile numbers of the students will help us prepare a database. This will also enable us to know the approximate number of examinees who will sit for the two board examinations,” said regional officer Sanjib Das.


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G PLUS AUG 30 - SEP 05, 2014 9

It’s a very sacred moment and I wish all the pilgrims so that their

wishes are fulfilled at Mecca. I hope everybody will pray for the peace and

harmony of the state in Mecca.”

aditya GOGOi

NE PILGRIMS START FOR HAJThe holy journey has already

begun from Guwahati to Mecca. From Wednesday, the

Haj pilgrims of the northeast region have started their journey to Saudi Arabia.

The first batch, who had started their journey at 7.30 pm from LGBI airport, comprising of 240 pilgrims from northeast have already reached their destination.

This year, altogether 4064 pil-grims from the north-eastern states excluding Tripura will go to Mecca from Guwahati. The pilgrims from

Tripura go from Kolkata.“The first batch of the pilgrims

have left for Saudi Arabia at 6.15 this evening. We have made all the necessary arrangements for the pil-grims by posting our volunteers at the airport and at the Hajji Musha-

fir Khana from where they depart,” said Nekibur Zaman, Chairman of Northeast Haj Reception Commit-tee. The pilgrims will continue their journey till September 12 everyday in a batch of 240.

Earlier, Assam Chief Minister

Tarun Gogoi wished the pilgrims on the eve of their departure. The CM also asked them to pray for the well being and peace of the state.

“It’s a very sacred moment and I wish all the pilgrims so that their wishes are fulfilled at Mecca. I hope everybody will pray for the peace and harmony of the state in Mecca,” said Gogoi addressing the gathering of Haj pilgrims and their relatives at Haji Mushafir Khana in the city. On the occasion, he also felicitated 10 pilgrims.

The other ministers who were present on the occasion also ap-pealed for universal brotherhood through the pilgrims.

“We regard these pilgrims as messengers of peace, harmony and brotherhood. I hope they would car-ry the message of love and brother-hood to that part of the world. I wish for a safe journey for the pilgrims from our region and at the same time we will wait eagerly to receive them warmly,” said Assam agriculture minister Nilamoni Sen Deka.

Haj is an Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca where the largest gathering of Muslim people in the world is witnessed every year. The followers of Islam believe it to be one of the five pillars of the religion and it is re-garded that it must be carried out at least once in lifetime.


Page 10: G plus volume 1 issue 48

G PLUS AUG 30 - SEP 05, 201410

Web WatchCity

The caseThe body was of one Amit Ta-

lukdar from the Manpara area under Fatashil Ambari Police Station. After recovering the body and identifying it, the search operation for the mur-derers began. While investigating the telephone records and investigations near the area where the body was recovered, it was noticed that Amit went to the Lokhra jungle with three people, Biku Kunwar, Jayanta Kalita and Suraj Das. Police then arrested Jayanta Kalita and Suraj Das, but Biku Kunwar is still absconding. A case was registered in Gorchuk Police Station (case number – 331/2014/302, 201, 379 IPC) and the investigation of the case is still on.

According to the investigations of the police, the two arrested alleged murderers narrated their part of the story. As per their version, Jayanta and Amit came into contact when they used to work together in a chips factory at Lokhra. After a year or so, both of them left the chips factory. Jayanta then started working with a shop at Lokhara and he was in regu-lar touch with Amit as friends. Biku Kunwar, a higher secondary school dropout is a local boy from Lokhara and met Jayanta at the Lokhara shop. Through Jayanta, Amit met Biku and three of them became good friends who usually used to drink together.

SmugglingAccording to the police, Jayanta

informed that Amit was involved in some smuggling racket and used to, every now and then, ask Biku and Jayanta to get Gecko lizards to smuggle out to different countries. Amit had even paid Rs 20000 to Biku and Jayanta as an advance to get the Gecko. Biku and Jayanta then decid-ed to find out how rich Amit was and they planned a trip to Amit’s house and had lunch there. They discovered that Amit belonged to an average lower middle class family.

Then according to Jayanta’s nar-ration to the police, they thought that as he was involved in smuggling, he might have some money and so they

decided to kidnap him. On 20th July, they invited Amit to go to Lokhra as there was a death anniversary of one of Biku’s relative and they planned that they would drink and enjoy the whole day.

Amit and Biku went on Amit’s bike to get the liquor while Jayanta and Suraj (another friend of Biku who was also the part of the plan) went to the Lokhra jungle. The four of them drank and soon they started taking pictures with Amit’s mobile phone. As they were taking pictures, Biku went inside the jungle and brought a bamboo stick. He then hit Amit from behind and Amit fell down. They

(Biku, Jayanta and Suraj) then bru-tally killed Amit and threw his body near the small Lokhra – Garbanga River. But, according to police, their version cannot be entirely believed as the mastermind Biku is absconding and he is the one who can provide the actual picture.

Interestingly, Biku used to work under one Bulbul Das of Lokhra, who is known for his involvement in illegally timber smuggling. Accord-ing to locals, Bulbul is a very power-ful and rich man from that area who has good rapport with the police and the forest department. The local Area Sabha member of ward number 6 B,


Ulupi Rongpi said, “Bulbul cannot be prosecuted by the police as he is never found to be in the spot. He is very rich and exploits the young boys of our village by giving them work in the forest. He takes them to cut trees illegally and then smuggles it. There are several cases registered against him, but he roams around free and safe.” The person who informed the police about the dead body is from Lokhra and got the police’s number from Bulbul.

Some locals believe that there might be a twist in the murder case and the involvement of Bulbul cannot be overseen.

The body was of one Amit Talukdar from the Manpara area under Fatashil Ambari Police Station. After recovering the body and identifying it, the search operation for the murderers began. While investigating the telephone records and investigations near the area where the body was recovered, it was noticed that Amit went to the Lokhra jungle with three people, Biku Kunwar, Jayanta Kalita and Suraj Das.

Weather report for the week 30rd August to 5th SeptemberDay SaT

30 AugustSUN

31 AugustMON

01 SeptemberTUE

02 SeptemberWED

03 SeptemberTHU

04 SeptemberFRI

05 September


24 / 32 °C 25 / 32 °C 24 / 34 °C 25 / 36 °C 25 / 35 °C 25 / 35 °C 24 / 31 °C

WEaTHER Thunderstorms.Broken clouds.

Thunderstorms.Mostly cloudy.

Rain showers.Mostly cloudy.

A few Thunderstorms.Broken clouds.

A few Thunderstorms. Mostly cloudy.

Thunderstorms early. Mostly


Thunderstorms late. Mostly


Police atrocitiesAccording to a few locals who

do not want to be named, police picks up someone or the other every now and then from the area for questioning and to release that person, they ask for money. On asking the police about the inter-rogation of many village people, they claim that it is the process of investigation and they pick up peo-ple looking at the phone calls made by Biku.

Biku’s aunt said, “I am fed up as they keep picking up my hus-band to ask for Biku’s whereabouts which we do not know. We want him to be arrested and punished if he is guilty but we do not want to be harassed every now and then by the police.” On the other hand, Amit’s father is sad as his only son died and the reason is not yet clear.

Whatever the scenario is, the murder suspense should be solved soon, but looking at the pace of police work in the past, it some-times seems like if any crime oc-curs anywhere, instead of a bane, it becomes a money earning boon for several parties.

rahul Chanda

Page 11: G plus volume 1 issue 48

G PLUS AUG 30 - SEP 05, 2014 11




`1000/-Please Call 8486002303/4/5 Please Call 8486002303/4/5


Well known Psychiatrist Dr Sangeeta Dutta was at-tacked by a mob led by the

parents of one of her patients on 23rd August in the premises of the Agile Hospital. On 22nd August, the pa-tient was admitted in the emergency ward of the Nemcare Hospital in the evening.

The Patient, a 19 year old boy happened to be under consultation of Dr Dutta previously and was asked by the parents to have him admitted in the general ward but later alleged that it was only the doctor’s wish to do so. The patient’s father Mukut Barman, an Engineer, works in the Public Health Engineering. Due to the unavailability of wards in Nem-care Hospital, the patient was shifted to the Agile Hospital at night and ad-mitted there under the supervision of a doctor of Medicine.

The next morning, during the regular rounds, she was attacked by a mob in her chamber which was led by the parents of the patient. The al-legations were that of physical assault by the people in the mob on Dr Dut-ta. The boy being a patient of Hyste-ria, was not conscious according to the parents but the doctors said that he was acting to be unconscious since his medical parameters were normal.

Apparently the reason for such an attack was that she refused to shift the patient to the ICU as they de-manded since there were no abnor-malities in the parameters. She also mentioned that, “The patient was under the observation of a medicine

doctor and also a psychiatrist can-not refer the patient to shift to ICU until its very critical.” The mob fol-lowed her to the second floor of the


hospital where she took refuge in the washroom of Room no. 203 helped by the patients and the attendant in that room. She then called up the

CMD Dr Anup Bora , Agile Hospital, ASP Ujjal Baruah and her husband for help. Dr Anup Bora , having his chamber in the same floor, rushed to her rescue.

Later, she filed an FIR in the Bas-istha Police Station and the police as-sured to have arrested him the same day. But to her utter surprise she came to know that he was released on bail under section 41, which she was unaware of. On 25 August, both the doctor and the parents confronted each other on a TV show, where Mr Barman abused the Doctor to have their son admitted forcefully on the first day, but later was not given im-portance when needed on the second day. Barman also denied about his involvement in the attack.

The patient happened to be admitted in ICU for three days in GNRC after the incident. Dr Dutta , on the other hand, said that all they said were just to be in safe hands and that the hospital’s CCTV footages can be checked for confirmation. She fur-ther expresses a sense of insecurity as Mukut Barman had been freed and she fears another attack any moment.

Interestingly, Dr Dutta added that through her sources she came to know that no intimidation has been sent to Mukut Barman’s office regard-ing his arrest the other day and also doubts whether he was really arrest-ed, but she hasn’t checked the records back in Basistha PS. Also, she alleges that the patient’s severity is being ma-nipulated by his admission in GNRC for the next three days through the help of Dr Seema Hazarika who hap-pens to be the sister of Mukut Bar-man. SSP Anand Prakash Tewari said , “The case has almost been solved.” The matter is to be filed within a day or two.

Sneha ChOudhury

“The boy being a patient of Hysteria, was not conscious according to the

parents but the doctors said that he was acting to be unconscious since his

medical parameters were normal”

A total of only eight cases have been registered by the

city police against the vi-olators of the Guwahati Water Bodies (Preserva-tion and Conservation) Act 2008 in case of the Silasako Beel. This has come to light through the reply of the city’s Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) to an RTI applica-tion filed by RTI activist Rohit Chouhdury. The RTI application and first appeals were filed on 14 May, 2014 and July 21, 2014 with the office of the Deputy Commissioner, Kamrup (Metropolitan) District, and SSP, Guwa-hati. The reply of the SSP, which was issued on Au-gust 5, 2014, states that only eight cases were reg-istered in relation to the Silsako Beel – three under Satgaon Police Station and five under Noonmati Police Station. There is no case registered against the violators of the legis-lation in the cases of Sa-rusola Beel, Borsola Beel, Bondajan and Deepor Beel.

City police files only eight cases


Page 12: G plus volume 1 issue 48

G PLUS AUG 30 - SEP 05, 201412

Crisis within the Assam Gana Parishad, the regional party of Assam has become con-

spicuous when the party decided to lose the battle of the next by-elections without a fight. The party declared it on the last day of filing of nomina-tions for the three assembly constitu-encies while other parties were busy chalking out winning strategies.

By-Polls in Assam is slated to be held on the 13th of September in the three constituencies of Jamunamukh, Silchar and Lakhipur.

Assam Gana Parishad has almost no hope of winning any of the three seats going by their previous records. The party, which has almost lost its ground in the state, after a series of debacles in the assembly and parlia-mentary elections, highlighted their unpreparedness to fight the polls.

“The party is taking a lot of ini-tiative to produce a good result in the 2016 assembly elections. So instead of fighting the by-polls, we are focusing more on strengthening the organisa-tional base of Assam Gana Parishad.” said Ramendra Narayan Deka, Gen-eral Secretary of the party.

The party is now busy for its Na-tional Convention to be held on the 14th -15th of November in Guwahati. The party expresses that discussions would be held on how to address the burning problems of the state by the party. Chalking out a roadmap for re-vival of the party is in the top of the agenda for the party.

Ramendra Narayan Kalita, said, “Survey by party leaders revealed that the AGP doesn’t stand much of a chance in any of the constituencies, as money and muscle power will play a crucial role in the outcome”. He also said that the elections were likely to be fought along “communal lines”.

AGP practically has no hold in any of the three constituencies in the Barak and the Brahmaputra valley. Given its organisational and finan-cial health, the party has been in a free fall since its ouster from power in 2001. Since then the party has been performing very poorly in almost all the elections.

As many as 11 candidates filed their nomination papers for the Ja-munamukh Assembly Constituency by-election. Along with the candi-

dates of the BJP, Congress, AIUDF and CPI(M), seven independent can-didates filed their nomination papers. The main candidates are Abdur Ra-him Ajmal of the AIUDF, Basir Ud-din Laskar of the Congress, Belal Ud-din of the BJP, Sanaram Bora of the CPM. Some independent nominees are Sohid Hussain, Ranjit Debnath, Prafulla Saikia, Bodor Uddin, Hus-sain Ahmed and Nojmal Islam.

Likewise, 12  candidates submit-ted  their nomination papers for the Silchar seat. Despite losing the Silchar seat in the recently held Lok Sabha election, the Bharatiya Janata Party is confident of winning the  Assem-bly by-polls for the Silchar and Lakhi-pur constituencies.

In the Lakhipur assembly con-

stituency, six candidates filed nom-inations. Congress candidates Arun Dutta Mazumdar and Rajdeep Goala filed their nomination papers for the two  Assembly  seats  along with can-didates from other  political parties. Likewise, the BJP nominated Dilip Paul and Sanjay Thakur for Silchar and Lakhipur seats respectively. Sudhand-hu Mittal, State BJP observer, has said that the by-polls would be a contest between a “party of hope and a party of despair”.

With the AGP not in the fray, the three seats will see a triangular fight between the ruling Congress, BJP and AIUDF. If AIUDF comes up with a tie up with the Congress, the BJP will have to fight hard to have the last laugh.


Syeda amBia zahan

“Survey by party leaders

revealed that the

aGp doesn’t stand much of a chance

in any of the constituencies,

as money and muscle power

will play a crucial role in the outcome”

ramendra narayan deka,General Secretary

Since the literacy rate of Northeast is increasing and moreover, the regional channels have improved. They also include various kinds of programmes to generate awareness. So, I would say it is increasing bit by bit.

Yunnan Guv to attendagri-horti show in Ghy

The Governor of the Yunnan province of China will partici-

pate in the 2nd International Agri-Horticultural Show 2015 scheduled to be held in Guwa-hati on February 10-14, 2015. This was decided during  the visit  to Yunnan by a delega-tion of senior industrialists and professionals organised by the Centre for  Promotion of  India-China Cooperation (CPICC). The 16-member delegation visited Kunming

and Lijiang in Yunnan from August 21 to 26. It was led by CPICC Chairman and Chair-man of Indian  Chamber of Commerce  (ICC), North Eastern  Region  Mahesh Sa-haria. The delegation had de-tailed discussions with Gov-ernor of Yunnan, Li Jiheng, who recalled the historic con-nections between his prov-ince and Eastern India and desired to seriously connect with West Bengal and the North Eastern part of India.

Bharalu water-carrying capacity examined

MGVK Bhanu, Princi-pal Secretary to  the Chief Minister, to-

day visited the pump  house at Bharalumukh to take stock of the discharge of flood water and examined the possibility of enhancing the water  dis-charge  capacity. He was ac-companied by Kamrup Metro Deputy Commissioner Dr M Angamuthu, Guwahati Mu-nicipal Corporation (GMC) Commissioner S Viswana-than and other senior offi-cials. They also inspected the Mora Bharalu River at

different sites to verify the water carrying capacity of the water body which has been enhanced after  the chan-nel clearance  process as the flood water of the Bharalu can be diverted through the Mora Bharalu to the Deepor Beel and to the Brahmapu-tra. Meanwhile, the Kamrup Metro district administra-tion has said that due to  the rising  trend of water in the Brahmaputra River, a similar rising trend is expected in the Guwahati area over the next four days.

It’s massive, especially af-ter the emergence of regional television media. Just take the present example of the recent border conflicts between As-sam and Nagaland. Things would not have gone haywire if the media wasn’t proactive. The clashes, the agitations, the bandhs - all occurred because of media. There was a clash in 1984 in Merapani between Assamese and Nagas where 100 people died but hardly anyone knew about it. On the contrary, see the transition now. There are many such examples like the big dam movement and the GS road incident. But you can say that the influence is more on the negative side


You cannot say that in respect to Assam. But of course, the overall quality of reporting in the NE is poor. So, a section of people don’t believe in the media.

Yes! While a trifle matter in the centre draws crazy media attention, mass violence and murders in the northeast go unreported. No one re-ally bothers what is happening in the ‘East’. I agree we should stand up for cases like Nirbhaya and Jessica Lal, but at the same time, there are hundreds of Nirbhayas and Jessica Lals in the Northeast and the num-ber just keeps on increasing due to little or no media attention.

Impact of media is low in the northeast because it has great politi-cal influence. Media houses are themselves owned by political leaders and telecasts news mostly on their behalf respectively. This is not only in case of electronic media, but this goes on with print media as well.

Gaurav BOrthakur,

Project Field Assistant,ICMR Tezpur university

Suman ChakraBOrty , Additional SP Lakhimpur

naBajit talukdar , Business Analyst , S & P Capitalist IQ

mayurim daS, Content Writer, Clearpath Technology, Delhi

krinalini tanti , MBBS Student, Silchar Medical College



City Politicking

Page 13: G plus volume 1 issue 48

G PLUS AUG 30 - SEP 05, 2014 13

The South Sarania main road that connects both Lachit Na-gar and Gandhi Basti happens

to witness problems in garbage dis-posal and has one of the worst drain-age systems in the city either side of the lanes. Speaking to Nipon Kumar Kalita, Councillor (13) and Sontara Choudhury, area member (13A), and some of the residents in this area , G Plus tries to shed some light on the is-sues.


The garbage disposal in this area is not up to expectations. The main road of South Sarania has no dustbin and garbage is dumped just adjacent to the main road. The NGOs are said to be working but reportedly, it is not satisfactory in regards to some of the areas like Islampur.

A shopkeeper named S. Ali said, “It’s the usual scene here. We had a dustbin but it has been removed by the GMC. Yet people from different parts of the area come and throw their garbage here. The whole area stinks due to this and it creates an unhygien-ic environment.” Councilor Nipon Ku-mar Kalita adds that the NGO’s clean-ing drives cover 60-75% of the area.

The Lachit Nagar Bye Lane 1 espe-cially, does not have a proper dustbin and a proper drainage system. To have a more closer look, G Plus insisted some of the residents to show the drainage system of their own com-pounds and found that there were no proper drainage in the compounds itself. According to the area member, due to an accident, which had oc-curred quite earlier, the residents there now refuse to have any proper garbage and drainage system in their lanes.

ROADApart from the main road of this

area, the bye lanes are in a very poor condition. The area being partially sloppy, the rainwater gets blocked in the low areas and it is in these areas where the lanes are in the worst con-ditions. “Under my sub-division, the Lachit Nagar lanes 1, 2 and 4 need im-mediate attention, which would be re-paired possibly in another 2-3 years,” said the Area Sabha member.

Most of the roads are either bro-ken or left half repaired. On being asked about the Rs 30 Lakhs sanc-tioned for the ward, the area member says no work has been done under her area. According to the Councilor, there are five roads which have been newly listed for repairs in the ward as a whole, under this allotted money.

OTHER ISSUESWater supply is also a problem in

this area. During the monsoons, as there are water logging issues in the area, the drinking water pipes are seen to have been damaged and the impure water leaks in. “The GMC is already installing new pipes in this area at the moment but until the water logging is-

SUB DIVISIONSouth Sarania, Islampur, lachit Nagar 13a, Gandhi Basti, East Sarania 13b , Part of Rajgarh 13c

WARD POPULATION30,000 (approx.)

TOTAL VOTERS16000 (approx.)



AREA’S POPULATION13,000 (approx.)

AREA’S VOTER’S12,600 (approx.)

COUNCILOR’S NAMENipon kumar kalita,Phone no. – 9864173209

MAJOR ISSUESDrainage system, worn out bye lanes, garbage disposal


sue is solved , this will continue,” said Lina Devi , a resident.

Lighting is also a matter of con-cern. “Most of the streetlights are in working condition and the ones, which need to be replaced or repaired are to be completed by Durga Puja,” added Sontara Choudhury. Some of the streetlights are damaged as soon as it is put up by the local youths. In ad-

dition, there were some cases of drugs and alcoholism, which is registered under the Paltan Bazar PS. The area has also seen some reported cases of eve teasing.

CHANGES REQUIRED“People lack the very basic civic

sense. If they maintain the simplest

form of cleanliness along with being a responsible citizen, then these are not big problems,” said Sontara Choud-hury. She also expressed the need of a different allotment of funds to be sanctioned to the area member so that there could be more work done for their respective areas.

Sneha ChOudhury

AREA MEMBERSontara Choudhury,Phone no. – 9954860904

“ People lack the very basic civic sense. If they maintain the simplest form of cleanliness along with being a responsible citizen, then these are not big problems ”

[email protected]

Ward Watch

Page 14: G plus volume 1 issue 48

G PLUS AUG 30 - SEP 05, 201414

Majority of the traders in the state face difficulty in sur-viving if they try to be hon-

est in the present political situation of the country. They have to oblige with the political leaders and parties, some of whom have ‘stained’ backgrounds. Trade is the ‘spinal cord’ of a coun-try’s economy and the traders are its protectors. It was said at one time, when our traders were among the most trusted nationals, who sacrificed all their earnings of life and belong-ings, when the country needed those.

Now, the time has changed and the national feelings in the trading community have gradually dimin-ished. ’Honesty,’ the essence of the trade has lost its value and it is no more the ‘best policy’ in trade. To ful-fill the demands of such parties and gain more profit out of their business, most of the traders have invented the technique of more earnings with less investment and spurious products. They try to evade legal taxation and the loopholes of our taxation policy encourages them to adopt such unfair practices for their monetary gains, even at the cost of their national du-ties.

It has become common practice among the trading community to show less transactions in ‘black and white’ with the intention to evade taxation. Nowadays, there are a few professionals, who teach them the technique of evading taxes and pro-tect ‘black money’. In business, trans-actions of crores of rupees is done without valid documents. Such trans-actions affect the co-traders, who in return have to practice the same pro-cedure. This automatically results in the loss of revenue by the government.

This practice leads to accumulation of black money and crisis in circulation of ‘white money’. The traders, who try to remain honest and sincere in the trade lose interest in such circum-stances.

The consumers complain about the quality of products and the high prices they pay for sub-standard goods. They do not mind paying high prices, provided they get qual-ity products. It is a fact, that our in-dustries are competent at producing quality products, but because of the middlemen’s interest the consumers get the adulterated or inferior quality goods, which are rejected and sold at the cheapest rates.

It is easy for the middlemen to turn things according to their conve-nience. They either change the label and signs of the sub-standard goods for the standard ones or they mix up a sub-standard product with the stan-dard one. This practice also creates a lot of confusion in the minds of con-sumers, who become the victims of their faith and trust in the traders.

Our law makers, the members whom the people have sent to legis-latures have made a ‘defective law’ namely, Maximum Retail Price (MRP) to print the prices of packed goods as per their sweet will in the interest of the big corporate hous-es or manufacturers without going through the quality and cost of pro-duction. Imagine, the reaction in a consumer’s mind, when he finds that a particular item is sold at a cheaper rate than the declared Maximum Re-tail Price (MRP) which is meant to fa-cilitate the interest of producers.

On many occasions cement, polyester fabrics, utensils, cosmetics,

daya nath SinGh

vegetable oils etc; have appeared in the market at cheaper rates and van-ished in due course. Such items never got regular customers. Such products were driven out of the market, but not before a few ‘dishonest traders’ mint-ed hefty money out of the trade.

Adulteration has become a com-mon practice in the trade due to heavy competition, taxation and lack of honesty. Even some of the big busi-ness houses, who were conscious of their quality and reputation are now involved in such malpractices. This gradually compels the petty traders to follow them for their own survival. Political corruption is highly respon-sible for moral degradation of the trading community.

The men with political influ-ence dominate over the trade. They need funds for their political activ-ities, which they can only get from the trading community. They assure some benefits and relief to them in lieu of their favor. The traders’ unfair means are overlooked by the men in power. Whereas the political parties get the fund, the nation as a whole re-mains deprived of its legitimate dues.

Almost every year there is a defi-cit financing in the budget, heavy tax-ation, increase in inflation and despite all this development as planned for is never achieved. Black money, which grows in the country leads to many other illegal and illicit acts and harms the entire human society. To build up the character of the nation, the mor-al of the traders must be high. Unless they are sincere to their people and country’s reputation, they can’t ex-ist in the long run. The slogan of the ‘Honesty is the best policy’ is an uni-versal truth and has to exist for ever.

Political corruption responsiblefor moral degradation of traders In a meeting of the Union

Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Naren-

dra Modi on August 27th in New Delhi, the Airports Authority of India (AAI) de-cided to swap land from the SOS village in Guwahati for upgrading the Internation-al Airport. This will facili-tate construction of hangars at the Lokpriya Gopinath

Bordoloi International Air-port (LGBI). According to the release, the Secretary General, SOS Village, has already given his approval in writing for the swapping of the village land with AAI land. Moreover, the con-struction of the hangars on the swapped land will facil-itate the development of the LGBI airport.

LGBI airport to swap land with SOS village

The bicentenary birth year of Saint John Bosco (1815-2015),

popularly known as Don Bosco – the 19th centu-ry Italian catholic priest who was a ‘friend and educator of youth’ was officially in-augurated at a function held at the auditorium of Don Bosco School, Panbazar on August 23. On the occasion, Pradyut Bordoloi, Minis-ter, Education, Power and Industries, presided over the function, while Jitesh Khosla, Chief Secretary of Assam was the chief guest. The programme started with a colourful prayer

dance item performed by the students of St Mary’s School, Guwahati, followed by the hoisting of the bicen-tenary flag, lighting of the ceremonial lamp as well as paying floral tributes to Don Bosco by the dignitaries present on the dais. Pradyut Bordoloi in his address quoted Swami Vivekanan-da’s famous speech at Chi-cago, “India would rise like a phoenix if education is taken to the doorsteps” and heaped praise on Nobel lau-reate Muhammad Yunus for his path-breaking Grameen Bank model for empower-ing the rural poor.

Don Bosco celebrates its founder’s birthday

In a bid to provide the medical ser-vices to remote areas

of the north-eastern re-gion, GNRC has recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Pawan Hans Limited for facilitating medi-chopper service. The service, based on the concept of ‘Medi-reach buses – Hospitals on wheels’, will regularly fer-ry doctors from GNRC to difficult-to-access locations across the north-eastern

region and provide door-step medical support to the population across the eight NE States. It will also bring critical patients from remote locations to the hospital. The MoU was signed by Anil Srivastava, Chairman cum Managing Director, Pawan Hans Ltd, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation, Govern-ment of India and Dr Nomal Chandra Borah, Chairman cum Managing Director, GNRC Hospitals Limited.

GNRC joins Pawan Hans The Guwahati Mom & Me outlet of Mahindra Retail, a part of the Mahindra

Group, has announced contests and special offers for customers to celebrate its first anniversary.

These include a Supermom Contest where mothers are in-vited to fill in a questionnaire related to child care and drop the same at the Mom & Me store. The lucky winner receives a gold pendant. In addition to this, the store will hold a lucky draw every day with one customer per day receiving an exciting gift. Moms can also get a personalized T-shirt with their baby’s picture printed on it if their purchases total up to over Rs. 2,000/-.

“This is a special milestone for Mom & Me Guwahati and what better

way to celebrate than with our custom-ers. These contests and special offers are also our way of thanking all the new mothers and mothers-to-be who have

Mahindra Retail Guwahati celebrates first anniversary Announces Supermom Contest,

lucky draw and lots more for customers

contributed to our success over the past one year,” said Surender Gnanaolivu, EVP & Head- Marketing and Store De-velopment, Mahindra Retail.


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The new government is trying to locate Rs 13000 Crore. This non-lapsable central pool of

resources (NLCPR) meant for the development of Northeast India ear-marked since 1998, has remained only on papers.

DoNER Minister Gen (retd) V K Singh who was in Guwahati said that this amount of Rs 13000 Crore is no-tional. “These were funds earmarked by various ministers from 10% of the Gross Budgetary Support.”

The DoNER ministry is put-ting a new system where realistic assumption is made. Singh added, “We will ask different ministers to declare how much they have allocat-ed for Northeast under NLCPR and accordingly we will make plans and programmes.”

The Atal Bihari Vajpayee Gov-ernment created the NLCPR. Singh however asked the Northeastern states to work towards generating self-revenue. “Funds are always at

a premium for any government. The states must go for genera-tion of self-revenue. The Centre can be there only for assistance. It cannot be that states will have zero revenue and all funds will come from the Centre,” Singh said after the two-day conference of Chief Ministers from North Eastern states recently.

He also said that the respec-tive state PWD departments should partner to complete the delayed or abandoned roadways projects with the Centre. “In the next 2-3 years, we will have much better connectivity with North East.”

NLCPR Funds Sweden India Nobel Memorial

Quiz 2014 comes to Guwahati

Air ambulance Launched for NE

It is time for chartered aircrafts as Deccan Charters Private Limited has partnered with a local entre-

preneur of Northeast India, Luan Airways for operating dedicated air ambulance service. While Capt G. R Gopinath’s Deccan will provide the logistics including the aircraft while Luan will carry out the day to day op-erations.

Nakul Chhawchharia, Promoter of Luan Airways said, “We have tied up with Deccan Charters Private Lim-ited to provide medical evacuation services in the North –east. The Pila-tus PC 12 aircraft, which is one of the most suited aircraft for medical evacu-ation worldwide, will be used for the first time in the region.”

He added that the aircraft is equipped with all modern medical fa-cilities along with a dedicated team of doctors to look after the patient. The advantage of having the aircraft based in Guwahati is that it can be immedi-ately made available to patients and precious lives can be saved without wasting any time, which may not be the case if the aircraft has to come from say Delhi or Mumbai which involves a lead time of approximately 24 hours.

Gopinath added that the Naren-dra Modi government is giving special focus on Northeast India and taking up new initiatives. “Several airports in Northeast India lack night landing facilities and there is need to have the same.”

The second qualifier round of the 10-city annual in-tercollegiate quiz compe-

tition, Sweden India Nobel Me-morial Quiz, will be organised in Guwahati on September 6, 2014 at Indian Institute of Technolo-gy at 10:00 am. The competition, which is a part of The Sweden India Nobel Memorial Week, is organised by the Embassy of Sweden and Swedish industry in India. Ambassador of Sweden to India H.E. Mr. Harald Sandberg and Sweden’s first astronaut Mr. Christer Fuglesang will be the Chief Guests at the event.

This is the first time ever that this popular quiz competition takes place in Guwahati. With the addition of Guwahati and Indore, the Quiz now takes place in a total of ten cities including Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chen-nai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mum-bai and Pune over the month of September to culminate in the national finals in New Delhi.

Winners from Guwahati will compete for the national championship with finalists from the other cities to win all-expenses paid trip to Sweden, where they will get to visit head-quarters of global Swedish com-panies, Swedish Universities and the Nobel Museum among other things.

In an endeavour to make the quiz bigger and better and to build up the excitement in ad-vance a few new elements have been introduced, which includes official quiz trailers, through Question of the day on, weekly quizzes and download-able quizzes on, which can be used as prac-tice sessions, since there will be questions from here in the Preliminary Rounds at the ven-ues.Participants stand a chance to win prizes and feature on a Leaderboard that would fa-cilitate self-assessment and the rules of the quiz have been amended this time around to en-sure greater democratisation of the process. Students will be al-lowed to participate only in their own city. Only if prelims are not happening in the home city, will a team be allowed to participate in the nearest venue city. A team will be allowed to participate in a Live Round (prelim) only once. This ensures a level playing field and will also ensure that the team that wins in a certain city actually represents that city.

This year the quiz will be conducted for the first time by Kunal Savarkar, a mastermind semi-finalist and content editor for Kaun Banega Crorepati.


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Sneha ChOudhury

Mrs Nisa Sarma, Owner

Nisa Sarma , an enthusiastic and forward thninking en-trepreneur of the city talks

to G Plus about her exciting idea on themed cakes. Having had a career in the Airlines industry for eight long years, after getting married, she delved into the business of catering in 2012. Her theme cakes are better known as ‘Nisa’s Celebration Cakes’ which runs under the banner of Airchef Private Limited.

The theme cakes are of two categories in terms of their shapes. The first one is of square, circle and rectangular shape and the other is of a three dimensional nature. The three dimensional form gives a more natural look to the delicacy. Any special designs can be given in both the forms. These includes variety of flavours which includes chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, Irish cream, blue-berry , passion fruit, cream cheese,

liquor cakes(rum). The prices range from `800 – 1̀200 depending on the size, shape and quantity of the cake. The cakes carry marzipan layers which is the needed for the different layers and shapes on it.

“We don’t rush for more orders but rather concentrate on 5 - 10 cakes at a time in a week. Also we have some regular customers and people come for our cakes through them,” said Mrs Nisa Sarma on how she manages the orders. Her celebration cakes includes interesting shapes on

CAKES, CANDLES & COSMETICSA young entrepreneur is bent on pursuing her passions for as long as she can

Doraemon, Barbie , Winnie the Pooh ,clown , lady bird , coffee mug , laptop, beach , champagne bottle, Nikon Camera and many more interesting designs and shapes.

Apart from the celebration cakes, she also owns Nisa’s Natural Handmade soaps and cosmetics since 2006.Made by cold process method, the soaps and cosmetics are made from seasonal fruits, vegetables, flowers, honey, milk, herbs, roots, and essential oils of various types. The products vary from natural soaps, cosmetics, shampoo, hair spa and lip balm which ranges up to Rs 500 maxi-mum.

Nisa Sarma alongwith her husband Manash Sarma also arranges jungle trek-king and camping in the months from September to March every year to vari-ous places. The trip includes food and lodging both in the nearest village of the destination which would cost Rs 1000 per day trek and Rs 2000 per night. Being a young entrepreneur Nisa Sarma looks forward to hold on to her passion for her work and take them to new heights.

We don’t rush for more

orders but rather concentrate on 5 - 10 cakes at a time

in a week. also we have some regular

customers and people come for

our cakes through them.”

Bajaj Motorcycles launched the new Discover 150 in Guwa-hati on August 26. Launched

in 2004, the Discover brand has been known for its modern and dis-tinctive styling and responsive per-formance. Eric Vas, President (Mo-torcycle Business) who launched the bike said, “The newly launched Discover 150 breaks the monotony and drudgery of daily commute by providing the rider with a reserve of power to enjoy his ride.” This third variant under the Discover brand is said to carry that “Extra dose of Josh” for the riders.

The new Discover 150 has two variants - Discover 150 F and Dis-cover 150 S and offers an unbeat-able combination of excellent pow-er and great mileage. The features

include 4 valve 145cc DTS-i engine to deliver 14.5 Ps power and 72km/l mileage. It has monoshocks with nitrox suspensions for a comforta-ble ride for both the pillion and the rider, Petal Disc Brake for sure shot braking, modern and attractive Digital meter, Wide tubeless tyres for better road grip and safety and DC lighting for bright light even at low speeds.

There are four colour options available – dark blue, wine red, ebony and dark bottle green. The Discover 150 F claims to be India’s first half faired bike in the segment. With 18 dealerships in and around the city, Bajaj Motorcycles expects a growth of another 1000 bikes added to its sale of 5000 units per month.

Bajaj Launches Discover 150 - Ek Naya Josh

In Conversation

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If you are an antique lover, then In Conversation is a must-go for you. Situated on the RG Baruah Road,

it is a sister concern of IndiaCon-nection in Uzanbazar, popular in the city as a unique handicraft and home decor store. At In Conversation, art is carefully infused with lifestyle and passion.

This is a first of its kind lifestyle store in northeast India, bringing about a fusion and feel of similarities in the art and culture of the neigh-bouring South east Asian countries all under one roof.  It has a virtual demarcation between sections of fur-niture, artefacts, contemporary Indi-an women’s wear and accessories.   It provides a wholesome solution, espe-cially to women who walk in to the store. Kakuli Priyam Dutta Bairagi , the Co-owner and Manager said, “The idea of coining the name In Conversa-tion is that it provides a platform for people to talk and relate with art and craft.”

The store has a unique handpicked collection of furniture in different forms ranging from conventional fin-ish to Tibetian and Indian paintings.

The artefacts range from Glass-ware, Pottery, Warli, Madhubani, Bastar etc, ideal for home decor and gifting.   The Womens wear and ac-cessories section has a collection of Kurtis, Patialas/Lowers, Dupatta, accessories  designed with a blend of traditional designs with contempo-rary feel. The book section has novels, children’s reference and books on life-

style. The furniture collection contains TV units, sideboards, coffee tables, bench, consoles, cabinets, chest of drawers, study table, bar unit, planters and more.

Rendezvoused with crisp texture and rich palette, the collection at In Conversation provides for enough reasons to bond and communicate with Art lovers. In Conversation aims to compose, curate and channelise art

and life with a range of benchmarked products and services through an honest business practice. The collec-tions are sourced straight from the ar-tisans, which gives them direct expo-sure to the dealers and thus they gain contacts and improve and increase their business.

The artefacts are priced a bit high-er than the average prices found or ex-pected by the buyers. On being asked

about it, Mrs Bairagi said , “We have customers with taste in artefacts and no complaints have been addressed so far.” Miss Lila Roy, a customer adds, “To have such a collection in a single store, the price might not matter if you really want to add a natural look to the decor of your house and connect an interesting element to every nook and corner of your living space.”


We have customers

with taste in artefacts and

no complaints have been addressed

so far”

Mrs Kakuli Priyam Dutta BairagiCo-owner and Manager

Sneha ChOudhury


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Director: Jonathan LiebesmanStarring: Danny Woodburn, Jeremy Howard, Megan Fox, Noel Fisher, Whoopi Goldberg, Will Arnett, William Fichtner e


Artist: Linkin Park

TheHunting Party

Dark Souls 2

As a movie, “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” is about as predictable as movies get

these days. Once again, a film ends with a bad guy’s scheme involving a glowing doodad on a rooftop and people hanging off of things one-handed, and I couldn’t care any less about any of that. The film plays fast and loose with established mythology, making April O’Neil far more important to the lives of the Turtles than ever before, and the main result is it makes the world feel much smaller. Everything is related. There is nothing coincidental about April and the Turtles ending up together, and if that drives you crazy, then this may not be the “Turtles” movie for you.

In this new film, April (Megan Fox) is trying to make her bones as a crime reporter even though she’s stuck doing cutesy lifestyle pieces for the Channel 6 news. The only person who seems to believe in her is Vernon Fenwick, and when she starts trying to chase down a big story about The Foot Clan, Vernon helps her.

Her efforts to crack the story bring her into contact with the Turtles, and from the moment they’re introduced, the film pretty much leans heavily on the family dynamics of the Turtles and their sensei, Master Splinter. They argue, they make jokes, and at the appropriate time, Raphael declares himself finished with everyone. Throw in a pumped up version of The Shredder, and that’s pretty much the entire movie. There’s a bad guy hiding in plain sight, and all secrets are revealed at just the right time, and it all seems to be very easy.

The greatest thing this film brings to the table is a kinetic fighting style that makes the Turtles seem like they are actual physical threats to the bad guys. There are

three big action scenes where the film kicks into a higher degree of fun that, taken together, add up to just enough of a thrill for me to recommend the film. There’s one in particular that is inventive and impressive, and if the whole movie had been able to demonstrate that same level of energy, then I might be more enthusiastic about it.

Technically, the film is solid across the board. The character work on the Turtles (design quibbles aside) is actually pretty well-done, and the same is true of Splinter. My kids had a great time with it, and since it feels to me like they are the exact target audience, I’ll call that a success. I can honestly say I was there at the very beginning of this long weird phenomenon, thanks to my friend Bill Rosemann. He was the comic nerd in our neighborhood, just like I was the movie nerd, and he told me the week it came out that I should buy a copy of the very first black-and-white comic featuring the characters. I remember thinking how very silly it was, and how it felt like they were making fun of comics in general, trying to be more ridiculous than anything else. Director Jonathan Liebesman couldn’t have had it easy here with the Platinum Dunes/Michael Bay combination riding herd as producers. They can be incredibly demanding and specific, and they’ve driven other filmmakers crazy at times. Liebesman seems to have come to this ready to play, and at its best, “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles” shares something very important with last weekend’s “Guardians Of The Galaxy”: it is fun. That fun is something that a lot of big summer movies lack these days, and while it doesn’t totally add up as a movie, I think the audiences that are excited to see it will walk away satisfied.

The worlds of the Souls games have consistently excelled in conveying a sense of history.

There’s the impression that their castles and other fortifications have changed ownership by various invaders many times over. The kingdom of Drangleic in Dark Souls II not only feels ancient, but haunted as well. In the Crown of the Old Iron King add-on, the ashen bodies that litter the open spaces of Brume Tower effectively echo the flash-heated victims of Pompeii. Merely touching them casts their fragile shapes into the wind, which is inevitable given that they’re littered around the game’s fields of battle. Dark Souls might be punishing, but it doesn’t punish you for disrespecting the departed, not surprising for a series that encourages the player to embrace death.

Whereas the South-American-

inspired temple in Sunken King helped give the first DLC an aptly disconnected feel from the main game, there’s a sense that Old Iron King is meant as natural extension of Iron Keep. It’s as if Brume Tower were the original mine and furnace of Drangleic, and Iron Keep were built as the fancier upgrade. It explains the lack of moving parts in the map’s various towers. In a land strewn with large misplaced gears and other clockwork pieces, Brume Tower is both antiquated and charming. It’s of little surprise that recovering the towers’ keys and switches make up many of this DLC’s objectives. These towers, by the way, are impressively intricate and are more involving than Dark Souls II’s other vertical areas, like The Pit. Brume Tower feels like a fortification built around its towers as opposed to the other way around.

Linkin Park have been one of the most successful and productive rock bands of the 21st century, but

that’s not stopping them from changing things up on their sixth album. After spending the last couple of discs leaning more melodic, the band is thoroughly embracing a guitar-driven hard rock sound with ‘The Hunting Party.’

Co-vocalist Mike Shinoda recently stated that the change in direction was due in part to what he was seeing in the music industry. “I was looking for something that was visceral and aggressive [in music] and I wanted to hear this certain kind of music and I couldn’t find it,” Shinoda told Rolling Stone. “I had to look back to the bands that I listened to in the ’90s.”

Doing their part to bring back the rock, ‘The Hunting Party’ offers a variety of hard-hitting songs. The lead single, ‘Guilty All the Same,’ provides a more thrashy feel to it, while ‘War’ offers a more punk aesthetic and their second single ‘Until It’s Gone’ and the recent preview song ‘Wastelands’ have more of a tribal sound.

Book tries to give us an insight into the industry of writers and publishers. It tells how writers play foul against each other. How innocents become victims while the corrupted

ones end up winning the race of Bestseller’s List. As I have also closely watched the industry from 3-4 years, I could understand exactly what Rahul Saini wanted to speak through this book. This book could have become talk of the town for writers if Rahul would have added “Inspired from true events” on the cover page. Haha! Because I have myself observed a publisher who’s quite gay in approach, a writer who always prefer to write with a female co-author, an author who always writes love stories and a team that organizes award show themselves and feature all their friends and everyone walks away with a trophy.

The first half of the book isn’t very fast and hence you find it very unconvincing to read but as soon as Nisha leaves Rohit, story accelerates and many events that takes place between authors excites you to know what happened and how did your favorite character managed to survive. Karun’s character is wonderfully portrayed. I also liked the way climax is handled because it could not have been easy considering the way narration progressed. I also liked a particular scene of a book fest because I have found many a times that authors try to pull down their competitor by counter-attacking them and getting personal. This book is certainly a fine attempt by Rahul Saini.





Ninja Turtles Step Up: All in Raja Natwarlal Mahapurush


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G PLUS AUG 30 - SEP 05, 2014 19

Indrajeet Bhuyan is a 16 year old tech blogger and secu-rity researcher. He is passionate about computers and be-lieves in sharing knowledge and information . He uses his spare time helping people and compa-nies secure themselves.

Government launches dot Bharat domain in 8 languages

The Indian government has launched a new Dot Bharat domain in Devanagari script.

The domain has been launched for non-English speaking people, and

will cover eight languages like Hindi, Dogri, Bodo, Maithili, Konkani, Mar-athi, Nepali and Sindhi.

Communications and IT Min-ister Ravi Shankar Prasad, launched the dot bharat domain and stated that the venture will add all Indian languages in the near future. “This initiative should not stop at eight languages. I asked the department to make .Bharat domain name avail-able in all the Indian languages very soon,” he added.

The domain was developed by

the joint efforts of National Internet Exchange of India and Centre for Development of Advanced Com-puting. The government hopes that the domain will help bring growth in economic activities in rural India resulting in creation of business op-portunities and jobs for almost all sections of the society.

NIXI chief executive Govind stated that, “The dot Bharat initiative was taken up for our non-English speaking people. With this initiative, people can now type the URL in their

own languages. This will help people in the villages and remote places. Hence it will help bridge the digital divide. This will also encourage gen-eration of local content.”

“After the dot Bharat domain name, in some time we will launch six regional URLs in Bengali, Telegu, Tamil, Gujarati, Punjabi and Urdu,” Govind added.

Facebook tests posting stickers in comments

Facebook has confirmed that it is currently testing the option to post stickers while com-

menting on a post. Select users have been using the stickers in comments section for testing, though no de-tails have been given about a global rollout.

Now users will be able to add stickers in comments is similar to the way they do in the Facebook Messenger app. The sticker button is placed in the comment bar be-sides the camera button. When a user clicks on the sticker button, he would be able to see a number of de-fault stickers as well as other sticker packs purchased by the user. The stickers have been only Facebook

Messenger exclusive until now.A Facebook spokesperson stat-

ed, “We are running a test which allows you to add a sticker to a com-ment on Facebook. Simply tap the sticker to add it to the comment, in the same way you would in Mes-senger”.

Facebook has updated its mes-senger app for the Windows Phone last week. The update allows users to send emoticons from within the up-

dated Facebook Messenger app. Us-ers can access the feature via a dedi-cated button on the navigation bar.

Facebook is also testing a ‘Sat-ire’ tags to avoid confusion on its news feed. Facebook stated that they started testing ‘Satire’ tags after getting received feedback that peo-ple wanted a clearer way to distin-guish between articles. A Facebook spokesperson confirmed: “We are running a small test which shows the text “[Satire]” in front of links to satirical articles in the related articles unit in News Feed. This is because we received feedback that people wanted a clearer way to dis-tinguish satirical articles from oth-ers in these units.”

Gmail rejects emails with misleading combinations of


We all played games like mario, contra, adventure island, excite bike etc in

our childhood. But as we grow up, our relations with these awesome games started getting loose.

Today is the era of online and console gaming and these video games are termed as old schools games. But deep inside you know that mario is your favourite game and you wish to play again. So in order to play those games and bring back your childhood memories all you have to do is download nester rom game pack.

Games That nester ROM game pack contains are :

Adventure Island, Amagon, Ancient Super Mario, Arebian, Arkenoid, Bomberman Collection, Chip and Dales, Circus, Contra, Dig Dug, Excite Bike, Felix the Cat, Hyper Olympics, Ice Climber, Jaws, Jungle Book, Kung fu, Load Run-ner, Mappy, Mario Bros, Mighty Final Fight, othello, Pacman, Pool, Road Fighter, Super Contra, Tanks, Tennis, The Real Super Mario, Tiny Tunes, Top Gun.

Steps to play old ROM games in PC

Step 1:Download NESTER ROM

GAME PACK from the given link.

Step 2:Extract it and open nester.Exe

file from the extracted folder.

Step 3: Now click on file and select the

game of your choice.

Steps To Play Super Mario And Many

More Old ROM Games In PC.

Google has announced a new spam filtering support to its email platform to stop spam-

mers from sending misleading or phishing messages.

This mean that emails from do-mains that use what the Unicode community has identified as poten-tially misleading combinations of let-ters will be rejected. Most websites, companies and apps use Unicode standard icons, however some char-acters look similar, such as the Latin and Cyrillic lowercase “a.”

Google says that its new filters will reject any of these combinations included in emails sent to Gmail us-ers. The internet giant added that this will “strike a healthy balance” be-tween legitimate use of domains and abused ones.

“Scammers can exploit the fact that ο look nearly identical to the let-ter o, and by mixing and matching them, they can hoodwink unsuspect-ing victims,” Mark Risher from Goog-le’s Spam and Abuse team wrote in a blog post. “Can you imagine the risk of clicking ‘ShoppingSite’ vs. ‘Shop-pingSite’ or ‘MyBank’ vs. ‘MyBank?’”

Google is making a lot of efforts to stop spammers and hackers. Ear-lier this week Google and Yahoo have made phone numbers mandatory for creating of new email id’s to check spam. To create new email addresses users will have to provide a telephone number which the internet giant will use for verification.

The internet giant has partnered with yahoo to create secure email encrypted system by 2014. The move would bring an advanced privacy technology to widely used consumer service and would help secure emails of the 425 million Gmail users and Yahoo’s 100 million email users from hackers as well as Government sur-veillance.

Welcome to the world of the extremely low-cost, low-end smartphone, at least if

you live in India.Mozilla’s feature phone-priced

smartphone went on sale on the website, India’s larg-est e-marketplace, the company an-nounced on Monday. The Firefox OS-powered Cloud FX sells for Rs 2490, but it’s currently available at a 20 per-cent discount for Rs 1999, or around US $33 at current exchange rates. The Cloud FX is one-quarter the cost of the first phone in Google’s low-cost AndroidOne phone program.

Mozilla wants the Cloud FX, built by Indian smartphone maker Intex Technologies, to be an afford-able alternative to “dumb” feature phones that will help people in de-veloping countries gain full Inter-net access. By running Firefox OS, Mozilla’s mobile operating system that runs Web-based apps, Mozilla is also hoping that Firefox will thrive in a mobile world that has yet to warm

up to the mobile version of the Web browser.

The Cloud FX has a 3.5-inch, 320x480-pixel capacitive HVGA dis-play, a 1 GHz Spreadtrum processor, a 2-megapixel camera, and supports two SIM cards. Intex said its 1250 mAh battery gives the Cloud FX around 4 hours of talk time and 200 hours of standby time.

The Intex Cloud FX runs Web apps powered by HTML5, and works with Facebook, Twitter, and What-sApp out of the box.

It runs only on the 2G GSM 900 and 1800 MHz frequencies, and it comes with 128MB of RAM and 256MB of memory that can be ex-panded to 4GB. The Cloud FX lacks a GPS chip but comes with an FM radio, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.

The phone comes preloaded with Facebook, Twitter, and a selection of games. People can also text to What-sApp friends through the third-party app ConnectA2. It supports English, Hindi, and Tamil out of the box.

Mozilla launches low-cost Firefox OS phone in India

Music videos to get online age rating in UK pilot scheme

Online music videos will carry an age classification from Oc-tober as part of a pilot scheme

by YouTube, music video service Vevo and the British Board of Film Clas-sification to protect children from “graphic content”, David Cameron announced on Monday.

As he warned of the dangers of al-lowing the internet to become “some sort of lawless space”, the prime min-ister said the rules for online videos should be brought into line with con-tent bought offline. He admitted that he had banned his own children from viewing some videos.

Web Watch

Page 20: G plus volume 1 issue 48

G PLUS AUG 30 - SEP 05, 201420

Stop People Taking Advantage Of You

We become what we think...

Veiled Vermillion

Thought refers to ideas or arrangement of ideas that results from thinking. The cliché “you are what you think” is actually quite profound. This is why it is really important to consider what you think and how you envision yourself, because your thoughts can over time become reality. In many situations when we are stuck and we don’t know how to come out of it we start thinking for a solution. Our thought process either pushes us to move forward or just give up. We have to make a choice. It’s our thought which binds us together. It is our thoughts that helps us to come to conclusions and forms an image about people, place or object. It is important to always replace a negative thought with a positive one. Having a positive outlook is a choice which we have to make. By doing so you can begin to shift out of a negative frame of mind and see life as filled with possibilities and solutions instead of worries and obstacles. Everything is there in our mind it’s up to us how we want our life to be. Positive thoughts help us to bring happiness in our lives but negative

The facial mutilation of the attractive Apatani women, in the days of yore, was the circumstantial compulsion to discourage Nyshi warriors from

forcefully taking them away. Similarly, during the Burmese invasion, pretty women smeared their faces with ash to protect themselves.

The use of tilak and regha by men and sindoor and bindi by women in India since ages old was more to dissuade hypnotisers and face-readers.

The wearing of sindoor and bindi is more a cultural phenomenon than a religious one. And the Indian woman looks best with her red bindi and sindoor. No other fashion statement can beat the Indian woman’s rich intricately designed ensemble, not to forget, the fiery red vermillion and bindi, which sets her apart from the rest of the crowd.

This bindi fixation has been with me since I was a little girl. I have loved wearing traditional clothes and my colourful bindis to go with them. Red being an all time favourite with me, I feel my ensemble is complete when a round, oval, a mere dot, crystal, an intricately done with thread or just a mere black line with small leaves drawn with an eyeliner bindi sticks between my two not-so-shapely-brows, starts a conversation with whoever I meet.

Well, talking about conversation, a couple of years I had quite a bit of gaggle following me around and wondering wide-eyed about my bindi and sindoor. Yes, you heard me right; sindoor! I have always had this fascination for women who have had this ornately done up line of red vermillion, right through the middle of their neatly parted hair. Beautiful may be too miniscule a word to describe the exquisite ornament on the Indian

ritu [email protected]

tinat atiFa maSOOdhiS hOlineSS Sri Sri ravi Shankar ji


thought ruins our life. We experience 50,000 to 60,000 every single day of our lives. Nobody has a control over it. They are your thoughts.

Benefits Of POsitive thOughts

Increased life span Lower rates of depression and distress Greater resistance to the common cold Better mental and physical well-being Better coping skills during times of stress A more natural ability to form relationships and cement bonds

Stop being a negative thinker: which means conquer the negative thoughts. Try not to let the negativity overtake you. At the very onset of a negative thought try to overtake it as it is said that they are the weakest at the onset. In order to shift away from the negative thinking that is holding you back from having a positive outlook, you’ll need to become more aware of your “automatic negative thoughts”. When you recognize them, you’re in a position to challenge them to move away from your mind. For example

Negative thought: “I don’t have a bright future”. Positive thought: “I have a very bright future”

Negative thought: “I have no qualities to be proud of ”. Positive thought: “I have so

many qualities to be proud of ”

Replace all negative thoughts with positive ones. If you practice daily this in your life you will be definitely a positive person because doing this trick trains your mind to filter thought and giving permissions to only positive thoughts.

hOw tO Change a negative thOught tO a POsitive One?

Everyday thank God for everything. Always try to look for the good qualities in people and things you see around you. Accept challenges and look as an opportunity. Always be very optimistic. Learn from others weak points.

Thoughts are a cluster of your own imaginations. Don’t let it rule you. You should take over the charge of it. It takes time to become a positive thinker but once you have achieved it, life becomes blissful. Sometimes the past or the future hinders positive thinking. If you’re stuck in the past, letting sad or bad experiences from the past direct your present experiences, learn to acknowledge what happened without letting it impact today’s thinking and outlook. If you’re totally focused on the future to the detriment of now, try to be a little less worried about what’s coming ahead and start living more in the present.

i find that very often people take advantage of me. for a while it seems okay, but then it makes me angry that they are just walking all over me. where do i draw the line? if i resist i often feel guilty that i’m being selfish. how can i differentiate between self respect and ego?

Now you are mixing up too many things up.

First of all, you should know when a person is taking advantage of you and when you have to be compassionate. This is like asking me how to balance a bicycle. Just balance! I can’t say if you fall to the right, push over to the left! No, balance like how you would ride a bicycle.

If people are taking advantage of you, put your foot down and say no more. Where you need to help, there you help them. It’s not self respect issues all the time, but you should not be vulnerable to people taking advantage of you as well.

If someone is in need of help it’s okay to help, but someone is unduly asking help from you all the time then you should say ‘No, it won’t work’. Our compassion should always be accompanied by wisdom.

I was in the California Bay Area recently. Our AOL volunteers came there very enthusiastically to tell me that they fed thousands of homeless people and that they wanted to do it on a regular basis. I refused and I asked them to stop. They were shocked because they thought I would be pleased listening to the service they had done.

I said, ‘No, I appreciate you did it this once but no more. Look at those people, they are not old or invalid people. These are strong men and women who can work and earn their bread. If you keep giving them food like that, while they are sitting on the roadside or in the homeless shelter, they will keep on eating and enjoying and they won’t do anything. You are spoiling them’.

So I said no, this is not compassion but misled compassion. Compassion would be to instead teach them bhastrika (a breathing technique taught in Art Of Living programs) and do some skills training for them.

Labour is not available these days; there is lack of drivers, construction workers, and many other areas. People should do some hard work. If they are invalid or very aged then definitely they need to be helped, but not someone who is in their youth and quite strong. Otherwise we are cultivating a wrong culture.

Compassion should always be accompanied with wisdom. wisdom is knowing whom to give, where to give, what to give, how to give.

woman’s forehead.To satiate this desire, I have had endless opportunities

on stage to overtly decorate the parting in the middle of my head. In one play, when the director saw me, he had the most perplexed look on his face, “Tina, I am not quite sure if the character you are playing needs so much vermillion. A mere scratch will do.” I however, talked him around saying the audience at the end of the hall might not see the red line and might be confused about my marital status in the play. He decided not to argue with a ‘crazy’ woman and spoil the show!

Going back to the gossip about my sindoor, on one of my compering sessions at the Rabindra Bhawan, I decided that I would wear just a wee bit of vermillion to complement my mekhela sador and bindi. As I walked into the hall, the people who usually talk to me, raised an eyebrow and curiously smiled. Instead of looking straight at me, they constantly shifted their eyes to the vermillion. It amused me no end.

On the same day, during a meeting, more than being interested in what the speakers were emoting, people, especially the women, kept nudging each other, slyly looking at me once in a while. I was however enjoying the histrionics. The men, however, were nonchalant, preferring to manage a stoic countenance even if they did have some ‘horrific’ or ‘disbelieving’ thoughts cooking in their not-so-pious-minds. One lady shrilly asked me, “Hey Tina, when did you get married?” I smiled back and told her, “Oh several years now, baidew. You didn’t know?” “No, I didn’t! I have seen you wearing sindoor only today!”

However, I was numbed to a statue, when a lady rechristened to Islam by law against the wishes of her family, but which didn’t make much of a difference now, came up to me, with the most emotional face I had ever seen. She stood

in front of me and stared at the vermillion on my head for several uncomfortable seconds, while she held my shoulders with both hands endearingly. “You know what,” she started saying. “You are looking beautiful with this red sindoor.” I smiled. Though I was shifting in the place where I was standing, I preferred to feel the emotions coursing through this dejected lady. “I never had a chance to wear the vermillion. I so wished to wear it too.” Till the time we sighed together and managed to give each other a bleak smile, everything seemed fine. The conversation that followed left me desperately wondering what to do next. The lady’s fingers dug tighter around my shoulders as she pulled me closer and whispered, “Oh, I am so sad for you. I heard a while ago that your husband passed away and you are now married to a Hindu man.”

“Oh goodness, baidew. That’s not true at all.”“Then, why the vermillion?”“Oh, this was just to complement my ensemble, that’s all.”I rolled my eyes upwards and pretended to faint. Both of us

laughed out loud. (Writing in the Hadith goes this way! Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH) in one of his several meetings, noticed that one of his followers was wearing an outfit, which had a combination of red and yellow. The Prophet commenting about the colour red asked, “What is this colour you are wearing?” The faithful disciple, scared that he might have hurt the Prophet, returned home and burnt up his clothes. The next day when The Prophet found him in a different set of clothes, asked him, “Where are your clothes?” The man said he had burnt it as he felt he might have hurt The Prophet.

“You shouldn’t have done this. You could have given away your clothes to one of the ladies in the house to wear.”

The Prophet was never against the colour red. He however preferred the men to wear any other colour apart from red but never passed a doctrine that the women could not wear red.)

(*Ref. To Abu Dawood Hadith 4057. Narrated by Abdullah Ibne Amr Ibne Al As.)

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G PLUS AUG 30 - SEP 05, 2014 21


I do not think that the govern-ment should impose parking fee on the public. Because at

the time of buying a vehicle, peo-ple have to pay a registration fees, which is not a small amount. The commercial vehicle owners pay even a higher fee of registration than the private vehicle owners.

The people who have been pay-ing taxes or registration fees in lieu of their vehicles do not even have a good road to drive their vehicles on. Because of the awful road con-ditions of Guwahati, apart from a few major roads, the lifetime of a vehicle gets reduced and the own-ers have to spend huge amounts of money in repairing their vehicles.

Above all, these people of the city have been facing a new breed of problems in the last couple of years, especially during mon-soons. The flash flood, which has become a ghastly menace for the

city residents, has left the city roads devastated after every show-er. Most horrifyingly, the people who get stranded on the roads in the flash floods would not be able drive his vehicle next time without paying a visit to the mechanic.

Now, coming to the issue of paying a parking fee, I should mention that even after paying the registration fee and other un-wanted expenses, which are not even taken account of, people are being expected to pay parking fee whenever they have to park their vehicles in times of emergency. Is there any logic to impose an extra burden in the name of parking fees on the taxpaying citizens?

The authorities might say that people will have pay in return for the services they get, but in this case, what kind of service do people get? The people of the city are already paying property tax or whatever tax is being imposed upon them by the GMC (in case of Guwahati). Then, what is the reason of imposing or rather bur-dening the public with another fee or tax?

Moreover, there is a bound-ary or a notice that is put up at the place of parking on the roads in the city. How can the public know that they are parking their vehicles safely in a parking lot or paying the fee to the right person?

The person who rushes to you only at the time of leaving the parking place does not hold any identity card or any other creden-tials.

It is the right of a citizen to park their vehicles in a designated parking lot, since he has already paid tax to the authority. It might be called vehicle or road tax, but ultimately the people are paying their hard money to the authority.



Although, the kind of ser-vice provided by the les-sees present at the park-

ing lots of the city is very poor, it would not be appropriate to ask the authority to scrap the park-ing fee.

First of all, the parking fee in all the GMC designated park-ing lots is very nominal and it also provides a sense of safety when people go out shopping or to watch a film, leaving their ve-hicles in someone’s custody.

As far as I know, there are certain norms and guide-lines like taking pictures of the parked vehicle, which should be followed by the lessees in Gu-wahati. The lessees should wear uniforms and identity cards, which have been provided to them by GMC, so that it would be beneficial for the public to identify them.

I have heard that in Singa-pore, if someone overstays in a parking place, then he has to pay fee, which is a very good idea and can be adopted in our place too. Because, sometimes, it is not feasible to pay parking fees if someone parks his car just for a few seconds in a parking lot. Moreover, paying a fee would make the people accountable for using public property more efficiently.

Besides, monitoring a park-ing place is the most important and lessees can be very helpful in this regard. It would help in minimising the traffic on road, since all the GMC parking lots are situated on the roadsides.

For the last few months when there were no lessees to be found at the parking places of the city, the traffic congestion had worsened. Everybody was

parking their vehicles right on the roads and no one was there to direct them during parking.

In return for good service, everybody would love to pay and I, as a law abiding citizen would never mind paying for a service. Therefore, what the au-thority could do is to improve the present situation existent in the case of parking. If the parking structure of the city becomes systematic, then there will be lesser traffic on road and people will be willing to pay their hard earned money at the parking places.


Sir,I am writing this letter regarding the recent traffic regulations imposed by the local administration on the movements of the vehicle in the city. This is for sure a tem-

porary solution because the heavy traffic congestion can be easily spotted on the city roads. As the number of vehicles have been increasing in the state capitals, the move-ment of vehicle should be streamlined. There has to be a permanent solution for this haphazard situation. Like the other developed countries our government should also try to encourage public transport in Guwahati and if possible in the whole state. They should properly maintain and increase the trips of ASTC buses, trekkers and autos.

Dear Editor,I mostly travel by city bus as a mode of conveyance. This is to bring to your notice that I have seen a lot of people creating menace regarding the seating arrangements

in the city bus and arguing on who has more right to the seat. As per the rules of the city bus seat arrangements, the last two seat in the ladies side is unreserved and anybody can sit on them.

Moreover, the first two seats in the gents section is reserved for senior citizens irrespective of the gender. However,many a times it can be seen that an elderly male is made to leave the seat if they happen to sit on the ladies section. I believe this information would be helpful for those travelling by bus and clear their doubts.

ramen daS,Ganeshguri

dikSha ChOudhury,Rukminigaon

there are certain norms and guidelines like taking pictures of the parked vehicle, which should be followed by the lessees in Guwahati. the lessees should wear uniforms and identity cards, which have been provided to them by GmC, so that it would be beneficial for the public to identify them. the authorities might

say that people will have pay in return for the services they get, but in this case, what

kind of service do people get? the people

of the city are already paying property tax or

whatever tax is being imposed upon them by the GmC (in case of Guwahati). then,

what is the reason of imposing or rather

burdening the public with another fee or tax?

MOUSHMI DEYCorporate employee



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G PLUS AUG 30 - SEP 05, 201422


solution (Last Issue)


Someone needs some attention on Monday — someone you adore, someone who deserves all the attention the world has to offer — but they might be too shy to ask for it. Regard them and they’ll smile for days. Tuesday and Wednesday, you have little attention for anyone. In fact, you can barely keep your eyes open, and you feel like you’re walking through molasses. You don’t come into your own this week until Thursday and Friday. Suddenly you’re leading a charge of pals in a game that entails following the leader. Saturday and Sunday, use your friends to help you get something you want. Success is there for the taking.

The way to get motivated about a new fitness routine is to get someone else to do it with you — a friend you’re comfortable being sweaty in front of. Play tennis on Monday or, if you’re feeling ambitious, go for a long jog. Exercise keeps you thinking clearly. On Tuesday and Wednes-day, you’re going to need as much exercise as possible! They are strange, passionate days. By Thursday and Friday, as much as you might want to wind down the workweek (or school week) doing something social, being on your own will be more rewarding. Same goes for the weekend.

Put all of your energy — and you have tons to spare on Monday — toward another person. If they’re a romantic partner, lucky you. You two are like peas in a pod: You fit nicely together. Tuesday and Wednesday are slower, murkier days. You’re in an observational mood. But Thursday and Friday, get in on the action again. If you feel like taking an impulsive road trip with this person and you have the time to do it, well, what’s holding you back? Saturday and Sunday are less purely enjoyable. Something’s going on below the surface and you can’t quite put your finger on it.

Domestic life is the source of heartache on Monday. None of your projects around the house are panning out the way you wanted them to. You and you-know-who see things differently. Frustrating! Tuesday and Wednesday, the emotional intensity extends to your work life, leaving you indecisive and unable to think clearly about the particulars of a financial transaction. Put it off for now. Thursday and Friday, do something that only you would find fun: Go to a movie that no one else in their right mind would see, or take the car through a car wash just for kicks. Then, this weekend, chill.

You blurt out an idea without even thinking about it on Monday, and suddenly everyone’s acting like you’re Albert Einstein. You’re brilliant! You’ve solved the world’s biggest mystery! Not quite. But it’s exciting to be so loved and respected. Tuesday and Wednesday, you see through the surface of a social interaction to what’s really going on, and you can’t help but share your theories with a trusted pal. A burning-hot romance is in the stars on Thursday and Friday — maybe it’s new, or maybe you’ve been dating this person for a while, but suddenly the intensity jumps up a few notches. Spend the weekend together.

Make a big splash on Monday. Show up wearing a dressy shirt with an image of a whale on it, or get a new haircut, maybe even a Mohawk. It’s okay to go for a look that’s totally bizarre. Your friends will flip — in a good way. Tuesday and Wednesday, however, your energy should be focused on intellectual matters (rather than fashion). Delve deeply into a subject that fascinates you. Thursday and Friday, you’d love to rush through work and get things done — you’re obsessed with efficiency — but you’re much better off taking a passive role and going with the flow. Saturday and Sunday are romantic. Yippee!

Things just don’t get better than Monday. Romance is the order of the day, and someone is set to flirt with you in an unspeakably adorable way. It thrills you. It puts a spring in your step. Tuesday and Wednesday are more money-focused — material possessions, bank accounts and bills all figure strongly — but Thursday and Friday return you to the very happy territory of feelings, ideas and friends. You feel more balanced than you have in a long time. That is, except at home. In the domestic sphere, everything falls out of whack on Saturday. Weird. Stick around the house this weekend.

You’re a snail on Monday, and you’re hanging out under your shell. It’s not that you’re unhappy; you just don’t feel like making any decisions. You’re feeling shy. Besides, it’s a lot cooler under your shell than in the blazing-hot sun. Tuesday sees you emerging a bit, rubbing your eyes. You might say something funny in passing that has friends busting up for hours. Wednesday is a great day. Thursday and Friday, with your spirits up and your confidence fully restored, you find yourself the life of a party. This weekend, you have some business to attend to.













Just fOR LaughsA burglar has just made it into the house he’s intending ransacking, and he’s looking around for stuff to steal.

All of a sudden, a little voice pipes up, “I can see you, and so can Je-sus!”Startled, the burglar looks around the room. No one there at all, so he goes back to his business.

“I can see you, and so can Jesus!”

The burglar jumps again, and takes a longer look around the room.

Over in the corner by the window, almost obscured by curtains, is a cage in which sits a parrot, who pipes up again, “I can see you, and so can Jesus!”

“So what,” says the burglar, “you’re only a parrot!”

To which the parrot replies, “Maybe, but Jesus is a rottweiler!”

People keep coming to you for answers on Monday. It’s like you’re on a quiz show or something. The truth is, they just want an excuse to talk to you. They love you, you know. Tuesday and Wednesday, much as you love everyone right back, all you want to do is be alone. It’s not because you’re mad or gloomy; it’s just that you’re in a dreamy space and you don’t want to have to explain yourself to anyone. And that’s perfectly understandable. But Thursday and Friday, someone grabs you by the arm and pulls you into a social situation. Lo and behold, you have an incredible time. Saturday and Sunday, save your pennies.

The start of the week is the start of the rest of your life — and your approach on Monday is rightfully optimistic. Pour your energy into new projects. It’s okay if you haven’t hammered out all the details. Let them come into focus in time. Tuesday and Wednesday, a few friends might want to jump on the bandwagon. Obviously, the more the merrier. Thursday and Friday, you feel pangs of doubt: Can you do so many things at once? And is this really what you want? But you have the discipline to persevere, and you’ll be glad you did. This weekend, you’ll already start to see results.

A short, funny note to someone you barely know — but have always felt you wanted to know better — may be the start of an incredible new friendship. Monday is about connection. It’s about putting yourself out there. Tuesday and Wednesday, you feel emotionally exposed, but in a way that’s healthy, natural and good. Then, on Thursday, you have something of a breakthrough — suddenly you feel like a cloud. Better yet, you feel invincible. Thursday evening and Friday should be spent with groups of people who value what you value. You’ll have so much fun. This weekend, the fun is in sleeping.

You’re standing at a crossroads on Monday. Well, it’s more of a cross of paths than roads, and there are many to choose from. The best guidance is going to come from that place in your chest. (So if your heart and head are at odds, go with your heart.) Tuesday and Wednesday, someone on another path might tempt you with where they’re headed and want you to follow them, but the timing is wrong. Don’t get involved in anything you’re unsure of. Thursday and Friday, be alert. Luck comes to those who are ready for it. This weekend is a breeze.



1. Preheat the oven broiler. Lightly grease a baking pan.

2. In a microwave safe bowl, mix the butter, garlic, soy sauce, pepper, and parsley. Cook 2 minutes on High in

the microwave, or until but-ter is melted.

3. Arrange chicken on the baking pan, and coat with the butter mixture, reserv-ing some of the mixture for basting.

4. Broil chicken 20 minutes in the preheated oven, until juices run clear, turning oc-casionally and basting with remaining butter mixture. Sprinkle with parsley to serve.

1. 1/2 cup butter2. 3 tablespoons minced garlic3. 3 tablespoons soy sauce4. 1/4 teaspoon black pepper5. 1 tablespoon dried parsley6. 6 boneless chicken thighs7. dried parsley, to taste


Easy Garlic Broiled Chicken

Page 23: G plus volume 1 issue 48

G PLUS AUG 30 - SEP 05, 2014 23

g Plus will keep on publishing such relevant and useful information in this page in the coming issues.

Compiled by Mautapa Dhar


Ambulance 102Arya Hospital, Ulubari 2606888, 2606665

Downtown Hospital 9864101111, 9435012669GLP Social Circle 2737373

GGUMTA (Mirza) 03623-227109Marowari Yuva Manch 2542074, 2547251

BLOOD BANKArya Hospital, Ulubari 2606888, 2606665

Ganga Blood Bank 2454742, 2455029Lion’s Club of Ghy Central 2546611

Marwari Yuva Manch 2546470, 2547251Saharia’s Path Lab (24 hours) 2458594

24-HOUR PHARMACIESArya Hospital, Ulubari (2606888, 2606665)

DEAD BODY CARRYING VANGLP Social Circle 2737373, 9435047046Marowari Yuva Manch 2542074, 2547251GGUMTA 98640-16740


0361- 2222233Green Cabs

0361-7151515My Taxi

0361-2228888Cherry Cabs8876222288

OTHERSFire Emergency 101State Zoo 2201363

GMC Carcass Pickup 9435190720, 9864047222

LPG Emergency/Leakage 2385209, 2541118

CINEMA HALLAnuradha Cineplex – 0361-2656968, 99545-44738

Fun Cinema (HUB)- 98648-00100, 98648-00200 Gold Cinema (Paltan Bazaar) – 98540-66166

Gold Cinema (Salasar) – 0361-2735367, 98540-77177Gold Cinema (Narengi) – 88110-01898

SP, Kamrup District: Ph- 2540278DGP Control Room: Ph- 2540242SB Control Room: Ph-2261511Police Control Room: Ph-2540138, 2540113Azara PS: Ph2840287Basista PS: Ph-2302158Bharalumukh PS: Ph- 2540137, 2731199Borjhar PS: Ph-2840351Chandmari PS: Ph- 2660204Chandrapur PS: Ph-2788237, 2785237Dispur PS: Ph-2261510Fancybazar PS: Ph- 2540285

Fatasil Ambari PS: Ph-2471412Geetanagar PS: Ph-2417323Hatigaon: Ph-2562383Jalukbari PS: Ph-2570587Jalukbari Out Post: Ph-2570522Jorabat: Ph-2896853Khanapara: Ph- 2281501Khetri PS: Ph-2787699, 2787220Latasil PS: Ph-2540136Noonmati PS: Ph- 2550281North Guwahati PS: Ph-2690255Paltanbazar PS: Ph-2540126Panbazar PS: Ph-2540106Pragjyotishpur Ps: Ph-2785237Women PS Panbazar: Ph-2524627


Call Centre – 9678005171

Arya Hospital, Ulubari(2606888, 2606665)B Baruah Cancer Institute(2472364/66)Brahmaputra Hospital Ltd(2451634/678)Chatribari Christian Hospital0361-2600051, 92070-44374Downtown Hospital2331003, 9864079366, 9435012669Guwahati Medical College(2529457, 2529561)Guwahati Medical CollegeEmergency (2263444)

International Hospital0361-7135005Mahendra Mohan Choud-hury Hospital(2541477, 2543998)Marwari Hospital & Re-search Centre0361-2602738/39Marwari Maternity Hospi-tal 0361-2541202/01Nemcare Hospital0361-2528587, 2455906, 2457344

HOSPITALS Pratiksha Hospital0361-2337260, 2337183/84Basistha Military Hospital (2304617/0351)Railway Central HospitalCasuality (2671025)Redcross Hospital(2665114)Sri Sankardeva Netralaya0361-2233444, 2228879, 2228921TB Hospital(2540193)Wintrobe Hospital0361-2519860,98647-77986


GNRC Hospital 0361 2227702GNRC Life First Ambulance 9401194011

CONNECTAddress: Survey, Beltola, Guwahati-28

Contact : 03612227874

MABIKA INTERNATIONALAddress: Zoo Narengi Road, Guwahati-21

Contact : 03612459239

AKANGSHAAddress: Chanmari Colony, Guwahati-3

Contact : 03612664821

ANKUR PRINTSAddress: Beltola Tiniali, Guwahati-28

Contact : 03612611344

BANICOMAddress: Noonmati, Guwahati-20

Contact : 0361 2556623

BIG MATEAddress: Bora Service, Ulubari,

Guwahati-7Contact :0361 2459067

CLICK CYBER CAFÉAddress: Kalpana Market,

Silpukhuri,Guwahati-3 Contact : 03612662978

COMPU TECH AND SOFT TECHAddress: PP Road, Rehabari,

Guwahati- 8, Contact : 03612520583

COMPUPRINTAddress: Dighalipukhuri, Guwahati-1

Contact : 03612516471

CYBER NESTAddress: SJ Road, Athgaon, Guwahati-1

Contact : 03612637944

CYBER PALACEAddress: Hafizen Complex, Ulubari,

Guwahati-1, Contact: 03612601546, 0361 2630922

CYBER POINTAddress: Vijaya Market, Paltanbazar,

Guwahati- 8, Contact : 03612635890

CYBER WAVEAddress: MRD Road, Bamunimaidam,

Guwahati- 21, Contact: 03612552013

CYBER ZONEAddress: Sonaram Market, Maligaon,

Guwahati- 11, Contact : 03612670748

CYBERIAN.COMAddress: B Baruah Road, Ulubari,

Guwahati- 7, Contact : 03612455101

DELTA INFOTECHAddress: GS Road, Ulubari, Guwahati- 7

Contact : 03612455958

E-NETAddress: AKAzad Road, Rehabari,

Guwahati- 8, Contact : 03612341340

INTERNET POINTAddress: East Point Tower,

Bamunimaidam, Guwahati- 21Contact : 03612653099

JIT COMMUNICATIONAddress: GNB Road, Ambari, Guwahati-1Contact: 03612515540, 03612639530

INTERNET CAFEJOHNS INTERNAT BARAddress: Col J Ali Road,Lakhtokia, Guwahati-1

Contact : 03612515784,0361 2600470

KLICK ONLINEAddress: Shoppers Point, Fancybazar, Guwahati-1, Contact : 03612602544

MINDA NETCOMAddress: AT Road, Machkhowa, Guwahati-

9, Contact: 03612602082

NET CATAddress: TN Baruah Market, Silpukhuri, Guwahati- 3, Contact : 03612660246

NET TO NETAddress: 2nd Byelane, Rajgarh Road, Guwahati- 3, Contact : 03612456889

NET VISION CYBER PARKAddress: MLN Road, Panbazar, Guwahati-1,

Contact: 03612601461

NET ZONEAddress: Lokhra Road, Lalganesh,

Ghy-34 Guwahati- 34,Contact : 03612477202

PADMAVATIAddress: Ahmed Building, Fancybazar, Guwahati-1, Contact: 03612516736

PARK INTERNET CAFEAddress: Hengerabari Road, Guwahati-6

Contact : 03612592688

PRINCE INTERNETAddress: RGB Road, AIDC, Guwahati- 24

Contact : 03612456828

PUBLIC CYBER CAFÉAddress: MN Road, Panbazar, Guwahati-

1Contact : 03612639204

RAJ COMPUTERSAddress: MN Road, Panbazar, Guwahati-

1Contact : 03612604708

RAJDHANI INFOTECHAddress: Opp Tax Office, Ganeshguri,

Guwahati- 5Contact : 03612665743, 03612592569

SKYLINE INFOTECHAddress: Matilda Complex, Ghy Club, Ghy-7

Guwahati Contact : 2455101;

SOFTLABAddress: Lakshmi Mandir, Beltola,

Guwahati-28Contact : 03612301966, 9864026349

THE NET ZONEAddress: Ganeshguri, Guwahati- 5

Contact : 03612200880

TM COMMUNICATIONAddress: Narengi Tiniali, Guwahati- 26

Contact : 03612649021

UNIVERSAL COMPUTER CENTREAddress: Ganeshguri, Guwahati- 5

Contact : 03612201230

X-ZONEAddress: AT Road, Bharalumukh,

Guwahati- 9, Contact: 0361 2600284

YAHOO DOT NETAddress: Byelane 3, Lachitnagar, Ulubari,

Guwahati- 7Contact : 03612454705


Page 24: G plus volume 1 issue 48

G PLUS AUG 23 - AUG 29, 201424

Printed & Published by Sunit Jain on behalf of Insight Brandcom Pvt. Ltd. and Printed at Arkashish Publications (P) Ltd., Katahbari, Garchuk, Guwahati and Published at H/No. 34, K. C. Choudhury Road, Chatribari, Guwahati - 781008, Editor: Koushik Hazarika. Phone: 0361 2737737, Email: [email protected], RNI No: ASSENG/2013/52641

Catching Up

Bear Grylls Signed as Land Rover Brand AmbassadorLand Rover has announced British adventurer Bear Grylls as a long-term global ambassador for the brand, with his first collaboration being the September 3 launch of the Discovery Sport. Bear Grylls, who has climbed Mount Everest and led expeditions from Antarctica to the Arctic, will support Land Rover activity at global level and “will play an integral part in the global launch of the New Discovery Sport,” which will see its online reveal on September 3 ahead of its public debut at the Paris Auto Show. As part of his ambassador role, Bear will also mentor Land Rover’s Next Generation Explorer, 22-year-old Alex Woodford, during a high-adrenalin adventure later this year.

piC oF the Week

The queen of social media, Poonam Pandey’s Facebook

account has been deactivated. It must have come as a rude shock to Poonam who thrives on her daily

updates on social networking sites.A visibly upset Poonam tweeted-

”Really Sad that my Official @facebook Page got Deactivated!

It had over 2.1Million fans ... Let me Know Tweethearts how can I get it back?” With a following of 2.1 million, Poonam’s ‘sins’must

have been too many and too great to have been tolerated by the

Facebook team.

It may have come as a surprise to his fans all over

the world, but rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh has not only confirmed that he has a wife but also

admitted that he takes her opinion very seriously. On

the sets of reality show India’s Raw Star, Honey refused to go ahead with the shoot due to the stress and the nervousness he was dealing with given that his new album Desi Kalakaar was releasing in a day. So, Honey insisted his wife, Shalini, be called to the studio to salvage his low spirits.

Facebook deactivates Poonam Pandey’s account

Mrs Yo Yo Honey Singh Exists

What did i Just hear?

a leader of Mamata Banerjee’s trinamool

Congress has provoked a howl of protests in Bengal with his

comment, “There was rape earlier, there is

rape today. as long as the earth exists, there will be rape.” Deepak

haldar, trinamool legislator from

Diamond harbour, made the comments at a public meeting in his

constituency. dOuBle Whammy - Guwahati faces acute child labour & Garbage problems