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DTHEWO • .-u Sftoratl r..,

COllEGE .s • .s.IlYIQ)411 "~."It TO--OonUn.. _ .... :-' .... J.." ... , ...... ,., ... er.. . .hUt '1oI&l1lf = ~

II ... , 001' ... WIUt of "",,_ "'~'"

.. ok .... ' ......... ~. "'mm' ... IIIirI "'"' 0' ,....... .n'_" Iooii

~les ' for \


one lth are straight gacross 'ee but­::J short as Hart :e them "1e new tans' at

:ld $50

THE WFATHER G·· BASEBAll BEGINS RaIn Wednesda)'; TJIUJ'8fflt)' rillul/)'

III wfillt; pnwltbly I'IIln III Ctl8t poriJon: telllperliture slime.

PInt camfJIJ 01 tbe 1821 _n hold llporta elM of nation ),Mterda,.

See lporta pac'" lor results.

Vobne 26 8 PAGES Oftl ... 1 1_ ••• N ••• p_r ,1.I.e,.", .f 'ft •• Iowa City, Iowa. Wedr .. eaday. April 13, 1927 .......................... efr ............ !"Q .. FIVE CENTS Number 248

• , ~~--------------------------------------------~----~------~~~-------~------------------------.. ~~ ~----------~-----------------------------------------~I ~._--------------

Mississippi Defeats Iowa 3:0 . Glee Club Opera I Nehruka Helll, Refulel Hurricane Flattens Chicago Pit Bars

Armours From AD

, T lade Privileges-

Directors, Charge Old Company Violated

Trade Rules '" Th. " ...... ,.ted I'r ... )

C\lICAGO, April 12.-Dlrector. of tilt Chlcll«o BoaI'll of "'l'I1(1e l'y _rPmoWl vote tonight denied all 11141", privileges to tho Armour Onin company which for, fprty ye/l.r. III ~n one of the letullng rlmls "'n""ctlng buslne.. on the "". ..nee. The declolon become. er· !letl .. at the clORe ot business next 'turdaY. ' , 'l'!te action was based on A. prelim· lNry report by 0. "pec'al committee Which tor Reveral weeks hA.a ~n \ifarI", wltnesae. In connection with !be ·recent findings ot an arljltrllto.· ill • d1~pute between the A rmoul' 0,.10 company and Hosenbaum dr&ln Interest. growing out of the ,,""allon' ot the defunct I\mln mar­IiItlDg company.

The arbitrator held that the Arm­IIJ' Grain company was Indebted to " . Oraln Marketing com\lIlny to .. extent ot and charged "I the Armour Omln company hA.<1 .tnd Interior grain a nd tU"ned It Ii u grain ot higher quality during q.e merger when the gral n ma rket' ie company was formed.

Cllarce Violatloll 01 "ule8 The lIjleclal commlltee t·.commend·

III ,th.1t all trading I!)rivlleges be de· lied the Armour O"aln cornrmny ,.ndlng trial . of chorges Against In· 4vldua18 connectpd with tho com· JiIIIY betore Ihe dlrectorH ot the Chl­ago board or trade .tor ali"ged viola · Uon 01 exchange rules.

The company's preliminary re· ,...a oaJd that thirty witnesses had IMn heard since It was 10 PPo\Jlled JIaro/I 8, an\l ndded: .

"'!'he testimony clearly shows ..... lI&ful acts for which we -deem tP Jlnnour Gr-un ~offi'po.ny respon-1Dl!e, 'slnce lhase nots were those of

'~IIO Ihen In the em"loy 01' un' ftt 1100 ~alag 1Il1h1m.c.. oC tlle ifI1uour ' Oraln Ct)mIPony. Sav""'al """'v. ongasM In these Wrong!u' ... ar. not membet·o ot the bOnrd at tnde or subjected to Its dl!IClvllne. !be .. act. were such a8 to consti­tute major olfense~, being acts at "honesty.

Irnpail'!! Goo" Namo , "As under ' ,board ot trade rules CWpOlil(\ons may not become mem· /IOrO. but mlly enjoy certain prlvl. tIcH through the 0011,'11 of trade _mber.hlps 'of certnln executive of· tIcer8 the provision Is wisely made that ouch e"ecullve offlcc.·, become I!flJ'On.lble to· the bonl'c\ of trade for ict. ot tbe COl'pOl'Rtlo~ _ wl,ethe.· or lOt luch IndJvlduals nre pel·~ollu.lly

rullty ot wrong tlolng. • "Pending the outcome of trilll or

tile oflleel's ef t\lO ArmOlll' Grain -iXUlY Who are to 'be held account· lI1Ie under the rule~. this commit· tee recom'mends ·to your bOat'd that all tJl'lvlleges which the A rlllour qratn company now enjor~ under tllf' rules, be withdrawn. Our rea sOli fOi' dtta II! thllt lhe co nduct at the Arm· I!II~ grain company has hlu'\ wille \'IIbIldty and hus te ndeet munirestly ta Impair the dignify and iood name of tbe association !lnd the co ntlnu· IIIce 01 I'rlvll~ges to the A.nnour Oraln compaqy tends rUl'ther to 1m· alair l uch good name."

Aclion Without Malice ' The commUtee IIIlld that the pre· IID\lnar~' rellOt·t "Is without preju­dice to Individual membe.·. of Ihe lIoard 01 trade Bi'llln~t whom chllrges ",y be·later tlle(1 by ou.· Investlgat· Jar committee;" .. 1. F. Oates, chall'man of the com· IIIt\ee and tormer president 9t the lillard ot trude. IIdvlsed President Iobn ,A. Bunnell or the 'bOIlI..:l · that lite committee will continue Its In· "Btlgatlon. until all phoses of tho _ hn.v~ been fully developed. Pr~.· lent Bunnell pointed out that the .~pa taken today were bUsed on the t\oklance bri;ught out In a pl'lvate "'pute and thnt the question or ,pub· J!o. )V8rehouoe~ wa. hi no WilY In· ,toIved. ~

ten Students Take ' ~ 'American Instit'ute • I.' of ~ctliaries Tests ;,t __ Tim.student. In the dellor(ment ot

,.Ibe'matici wrote ' fll" .Ix hours ~erday and will write for glx Iipci ... today on examination" ot the _rlcan. lnltltule ot Aetuorlrll. ~ These ' examlnu'tlon OIlve.· algebl'n, II!'omell'Y' trlgonomelr)' , analytical ~et.·y. dltrerenilql and Int.e'1rul

, ~.lCUIUS' .nd the clllculuM ot IInltll trence.. I'rocticlIlly all I hORe rir ' Ihe exumlnatlQn. oro 1,lon'

IiIftr to ~nter the , a~tuarlol depart· IIltft .. or lite In.uranee companies. !!jtd lOme have alreo"y IItcured such . IIDIdUorl •. , :hOlle laking the eXAmlnmlion8 ~: Leone E. Chlsll·e. 0 of Ana· ... : J, Kennelh DaVII, A4 of

tIlrOOkl>'n; lIerbert L. Feay: Alton

.. 9rotb, 0 'lit Saint An~gar; Cly(le . lames, A4 o( Keokuk: Elva E.

1ia!1I •• \1 .ot Lotan; «Jvellll\l A. Jli~~lI\an, 1.4 at MoUn., 111.; Her' .»" A. Mey,r. a of Dell Molnel;

~ lo .... rd C. RMder, A4 of Hopklng· :~~, 1114 Harold 4. ReIM. 0 or ~r. ,.

"Atlanta or Bu.t" Vow Carr()ll Guards Laws Celebrate at

. Annual Banque~ Love Club Wins

as Hawk!!~s Fad to HIt Ball Entertains Large to Prob_e Stadent Morab Inland Town; Rush

OXFORD. 111\ ...... April 12 (Special) I Reid's hard liner was the fielding En 1 A d' LINCOLN. April 1% (IP)-The Retef Expedih'ons -Collier. the mound ace ot the~nl fealure of the game. g lert U lence' holl8tl 01 repl'flSentaUvea toda)' re- 11

The Hawke),ea move on to ClIn· . fWled to pan a bill awhorlllJ\i • venlty ot M18lI1B.lppl nine. pitched ton tonJght where they will meet ___ reneral Investlcatlon Into ru. \ ,

justices F aville, Mor­lirig and Alberts

Judge Case

a no run. no hit game aialnsl the the MIII8I811lppl A. &: M. tomorrow Choruses and Dancl'ng mored lnunoral condltlona amon, University of Iowa team here thll and Thursday. atudents at the Vnlvenlt, 01 Ne-

Box 8oore: Feature ' Local braska, atternoon. I ow. AB Il H E Not only was the Ole Mlae pitcher ~err:, rf .. ............................. 0 0 0 Productl'On I P",ponentl 01 the bill said luch

In mJd·8e&.11on form, but he received MCN~, 2b .......................... 4 0 0 0 an Inveatlgatloll wu n_sar,

A oorr8&'e of wit, !l tuslllade ot salt,... aarlco.turlng oolh 6ludents and fllculty In the law sohool. along with a menu pleasing to the palate, chanlcte"lzed the fifth annual ban· Quet ot the Iowa law student's 88' ..oclatlon, held I .. t IIlght at ned Ball Inn.

wonderful BUPPOrt. not a Hawk Hioben, ib ........ ................ .. .... 4 0 0 0 - enlathuertht:mProbev,eO~hethrume)' :I'!!rewortooto hi thl d ba8e I th a e The Chlmeli of Normandy. a tom· ~ .~ ..

~c ;;r: k r n eh g ml Smith, ct ............ ... .. ............. 3 0 0 ' 0 Ie opera. In three acts, was present. aspenlve to the unlveI'IIlt:r &lId l' e aw eYe. completed t e On y Beahisley. If .......... ........ ...... 3 . 0 0 0 ed last night to a crowded houBe at to the .tudenta. Opponentil II&ld double play of the alternoon, whe~ Gla.asgow, 8S ...................... 8 0 0 IJ the Engl .... t. by the university glee the Inveetl,ratlon WIUI not nllCfJlJ. the pellet was to",,"d from G1bb. ~o Gibbs, ab ................................ 2 0 0 0 cluM, under the dh'ectlon ot Prot. IU)'. McNabb to Hobell. (or the dou e Thompson. c ............ .. .......... 3 0 ci 2 WllIter Leon. The opera. by Robert

Earl Car",1J • • •

Earl Carroll off to Federal Prison to Expiate Crime

Wife to Live in Allanla While Habby Hang. Oat

at Pen

I By The A""oeillted Pre .. )

NI~W YORK. April 12.-Eal·1 Car· ''0 11, theatdcnl lJl'oducer, was on hift way In a prison car tonight to ex· plate In Atlanta penitentiary the crime of telling Iwo federnl gra.nd Juries thnt no one occupied the tub a t his: bnth tub party" more than a y<!ar ago.

Surrende"lng to United State, Marshal Hecht thl ~ morning he wa" • p'H·ell th .. noloriety at a,nlea"lng . In e",.t1. """liP1[, "I~ lIlLorn.!'Y being ill lowe'd to rise before Judg~ Hand when the theall'lcal produce.··s name was called.

"He surrendel"Flt" the o.tlOl'ney 'laId, Carroll being then carefully locked away In the Marohal 's ortlee f"om Ihe crowd that Cmed the third floor of the federal bu ildlng. In th, Marshal's office he stayed until the p.rison cnr was ready.

Then he waS whiSked In nn auto· moblle and unmllnacled. to the sta lion whe.·. 'hls wife boat'ded a sleep· ' I" in tho Maille train. as he WM " ustled Into the barred cat' unde. ~uard at sevoral mal·fihals.

Mrs . ClI''I'oll will live In Ailanta while he.' husband serves his sen · I' ne(' or [l yC'nl' and o ne day.

Hal:nmill ' Favors

, Banking Me~sure Similar to Bill, Previ­

ously Framed by Governor

flfY Th@ A'UIDf'laled I'·re ... '

Dl!JS MOl NES, AllI'lI ' 2- Uover nor John ·Hammlll LOlllght let It bl known thut he IIPIJI'~JVCN t he sen ,,-to ",,"'<Ing 'Jill. JIU"sed ~ c vel'O l day. ll~O. aIHI that Ir tho hom e accept. . hilt IHeaslI l'(', . he \vlll con ~i'dc>r thut Lhi' legIHlutu,'" I,,,. "pa8s(.'d a con stl'uctl ve 1J1l nk measure." upon which he announced u week ugo. ho would Insist. "(tu.., Het.oelveM lWI

The spnute 1)111 was meAaaged 10 the MUR" today alld JlrOhubly wll' be b"ought out of the Klftlng com· mlttee tomorrow.

put out. . J Mulroney, p ........................ 3 0 0 0 Planquetle, opened on a scene at Mulroney, the Jl()phomore pItching Broden. c .. .... .... ............. ....... 1' 0 0 0 thl! Cornevllle Fnlr. with Berpolette,

The decision IIf !,he trial calla be· tween the law clubs whIch caile was 1rgued In the hQuse chamber ot Old Ca pitol ye.terday atternoon waR an· nounced by Ju~tlce 'F. }'. Faville, at the Iowa Supreme Gourt.

luminary ot Ihe Old Oold team, par , - - - - h III d ~ thl I I tormed In tine style tor the Invad 30 0 0 2 t e v age goo - or·no ng,. ng ng er8. He twirled the entire nIne In. MISSISSIPPI • the opening number. nlng., o.lJoowlng but tour hlta. 8trlk 3 0 Ga.part. the village miser. played Dugpr ....... ... ... .......... ........... 0 . 1 by Carl Seashore, wants to marry Ing .out five. and giving but three )fanhall ................................ 4 0 1 0 his ward. Germaine, to the Ballll,

Love Club WIlli paJlBes. PWhallllklPer8 A .. • ..... • • • • .... ·.::: · • • ·:::::::: :::·. ·. ·.· . .... ·.·.·.:23 11 1 0 the principle mailstrate at the vII.

Th.B Southerners scored all their 1 0 lage. but this arrangement does not

The three judlrel who rendered lhe lecl~lon on the case, JUBtlcee F. F. '1'avllle. E. A, Marling, and E. O. Albo.·ts of the ]owfl. Supreme Court, decla,·.d the appellant of the case to be the winner. The appellant ot .he cue were Loulll Carroll . • Ll of Davenport, olld Thoma. E. SheBrer. [,1 of Cumbe1'lond, who repreaented he Love club.

runa .n the fourth Inning on a ba8e T. Marshall .... .. .... .............. 3 0 O · 0 suit Germaine. the heroine at the on balls, a Single, a sacrifice, Thomp LIII), ............ .... ....... .. ... ..... ....... 3 1 0 0 piece, played by Helen Payne. The 5On's wild throw over third base and Reid .. ........... ................ ........... 3 0 0 0 marquis ,Senrl, Caldwell Johnson , another hit. The Iownns played er Hemph\IJ ................................ 3 0 1 0 comes back to the vUlage atter a rorlesa ball with the exception of 'Colller .. .... ...... ........................ 3 0 0 " long absence, and , Germa.\ne hires Thompson, catcher, who was credit· - - - ~ herseJr to hJm as a servant In oNler ed with two miscue.. But one error , 27 3 4 1 to avoid the ballli and .Tean Grenl-waa chalked against the locals Struck out by Mulroney 6, Collier cheux. a fisherman, In which part Dugger. short stop, miSSing 8J\ 6: BaileS on Ball. off Mulroney 3, Francis Tomasek W8.8 cast. ell.8y bounder. Collier 1: Double play, Gibbs to Mc· Hli.untellOastle Scene

The appelle WiUI Paul Toomey. 1, 1 ) t Iowa City, and Howard B. Fletch­~r. Ll of Ab('rdeen, S. D .. represfnt· ng the Dillon Club.

Deard.ley·s running catch ot Nabb to Hoben. The secon<:l act occurs In the =:================ haunted castle. and Henri reveals

The winning club was Ilreaent~d .vlth an el"hty dpllar check.

After the dinner at 6:80 o·clock. ,lUl' lng wl\lch Ed(lI .. Oorman's trio Illa'yed, Ch ,·I. E: Jones, L1 of Kan· ;as. City, Mo., 8ang leveral popular numbers to open the program.

Clever Teuts

Parliament Asks

Sacco's Freedom

Message Joins of Protests


Flood ~o

Cops Trace Wife's

Slayi~g to Surgeon

Murder Charge Rests on Detroit Man;

Hold Three ! ' , • The tOllst program for the most

pa.·t wo. gl,'en by niembers of the , ('nlo.· law cia ... , wllh "Judge" &1· ward L. V.0ller., L3 of Ft. Madison. . rBy The A ... elaled .r ...... ) I OJ' The A •• oc'atea Pr ... ) \ctlng as tOQJItmaste'·. lU. Intro. BOSTON. April 12.-F;xp,·eRelons DETROIT, March 12-The mys· luctlon or the various speakers on of o):olnlons widely divergent. dellv terlou8 cluiAllng to death In the tam­he tonst prog"am b"ougllt 'Forlh vol- et'ed to Oov. Alviln T. J.o'ull"r, con lIy home here the night or February ey. or applau8~ trom the embt'Yo tlnued tonlgl1t to provide the chle! 22 of Mrs. Grace Looml. resulted to· 3,wyers and trlendA. interest In the un"emlhlng rtght to !lay In lhe IIrrellt ot her husband.

Paul C. Clavi". LS at Des Moines. save Nlcoln. Sacco and Bntolemeo n~. :Fr;unk ,.H,.' ;Jf.lo.lT,lla, a p~r.jJlelan '1l"lIklng on " tIle ... bJed, "Dylns Van~eitl. convicted m\.rdere.·s from : Id s ul'lredn. on a charge o( rtrst fle ·

Dl'i!llll'fttioos" t'io'Jnted riUl tlie fllU· lh,· " le cITi \> chaW. ..""'. M.","r Ilnd tHe t1~t&nllon 119 'ul plight that wats Rhea,l foc tbo8s ~~ourteen nuombers of the :Brltl.h 1'001100 wltne""e. or three other. per· vho had not resisted the Casclna· 1ln.,·lIament. in a cllbleg .. am )'eeeived sons. ion 01 tile Inw protesslon. His tatk la.te tOdliy a ligned them.elves with Doctor Loomis had lleen grilled tal' vas sho .. t bul won a "ouslng han<1 twenty·lwo olhers who hlld 'pr(\vlouS' sevel'lll daYB late In Februa.·y and 'rom the audience. Iy demanded the liberation Of Ihe later released tlil'Ough habeas cor·

UprlegruJf \'odel,~ two men. The flood of letters reach- pus proceedIngs. A little more ."Ice waR ndMd to ing the state ,!louse was no longer The three held n. pollee witnesses

he III'ogl'am when I.e.onord E. Holf- unanimous In senUment. howeve.·, for are Roy Newell. 38; his divorced l)ann, L3 o( Aliantic, struck olT several "ecelved today u,·.ged the g(IV wlte. Gertrude, 39. and the later'8 lOme jazzy stro ll,. on the IVOl·le., ~rnor to make no move In behalf of rrlend, Mrs. Be ... ~le Frazer, 31. (ollo,.ed lJy 'l short toasl by pJ·or. the radicals. Detectives of the homlclde sq uo.d , IRl'ence M .. Utldegralf or lhe Illw ~"he English cablegram read: said .1"lrs. Newell had q.dmltted that ,Chool. · who conclulled his tull, hy "British mem'be.·s of "'lI'I\(LIllent ~he accompanied Doctor Loomls on ,'odellng. " emphatically lll'ote~t "galnst r~jec automobile rJdes previous to the time

.Jnm(,A M. Wilson, or Cr~ston . and t:OI1 of hew Irial and view w'th hal" M'·~. ~ooinls was Rlaln 'a nd that they 1. E. ,\Vard('fJ. of )>8e ·Molnes. dl·ess· ,'0" violation of JUStice committed In Ivere In the habit at stoPlllng at ·d as old men. gave a comedy skelch. Lhls CIl.l;O and demand withdrawal bootlegging estobllshments Ilnd 'H ellO.· ted Testimony." In which of death· sentence and t~ll' lmmedl- drinking. hey pletUl'ed p"esent mom ""I'. of .lte '·e/ease. (Signed) Pun'ell, Ken· ---------he If"v school as they would lIe n wbrthy. Compton. Sakla' Adum· C· lWDI'tt Sa tie . W l'ea"ij henc.. "n. LoLlge. Lindley. lildwtU·ds. Wll- 0 .. ee nc ons

. The comedy sketch was followed llama. Salter, Welch. Bun. Mon $500,000 to Ames 'Y Ihe cl'ltld"m~ or both the appel· tague. and Ba,·ker." . f

the hoax whlc" hM been perpetrated upon .the villagers. Gaspart, upon his denouement, goes mad, and Is a gibbering' Idiot until his memory re­turns long enough tor him to tell the vlllaj:ers that Germaine Is the true mo.rchlon .. s, no~. Serpolette.

In the third act, Germaine and Henl'! a ,re '1IIIted, and nil parties concerned, are rkonclled. A love ~l1et between the marquis and Ger· ml\lne. accompanied by the simper­Ing sentimentality oC Serpolette and G"enlcheul<, closes the opera.

A dance by tour ot the village maidens at the opening at th" third act pleased the audience particular· Iy, as did the trio .ung by the bull II, Serpolette, ond Orenlcheux In the second ocl.

Panlomlmo on the po.rt ot lhe ~tll>Ch"",n-, {Br"",rl!. vl1lage~1I.. and counlry maidens added malerially to the action of the opem, and Ihelr chOI'UseR livened up the piece con­"Iderably.

'fhe chimes of Normandy piny A

sym bolic part In the story, ther .. being a legend to the ,.-rect that when the lost marquis returns. the bells. which have been .lIent to ... years, will ring out again. \

Vee Mlldleval CoBtwlle8 Helen Cole and Orace Wa.tklns,

pianists, , {ul'nlshed the accompanl· llIent for the. opera.

The curlaln .. ose on the first !lct at 8:30, and waUs between acts nnd .cenes we"e shortened by lhe stage crew to the g"eatest possible extent.

Costumes of t he period were worn ' by the cast. and a suit ot 011111, worn by Grenlchetlx In lhe second. act. added to the medieval atmosphere of the production.

" nt and appellee nJ1t1. Justice E. 0.' T"~ derellse cOlllmlttep·s· leltel' ad-· or Dairy ,Building \I1lel't8 ',lId the ~alll" 1'01' the appel · ,"ocMlng u. similar cOUl'Se "lis I'ea~hed Labo U " f ,nt of the c88e. ~he govel'no.· and ten thousand c11'. STATE, rrOU~E. DElS M,OINES, ' r mons 0

t'I\"lIIe PrOOul'll1 Caalt eu lal's lending to prOVoke a la nd April 12 (II')- An appropriation tor .Justice I~.v\lle. Inh'(ldllced ' M n , IiOO of petilions tOt· clemency $600.000 to erect a dairy building at Chl'na Call Strik· e

'ep"esonlaUve or ' the romance In been Illaced In Ihe malls. Iowa ,slate co llege was ''elnserted in :tw. gA."!!, n shott address previous the bu4et appropriation bill la(e tv-o th~ presentation pt the law c lub State Refus"". Gl.ft ' IIny ,by CQnCel'ellce committees of ,·Ize. r"mlndhlg the laWN 01 the goo houRe and senate. E!ev.eml days ago ... at herlt~ge '\lat WaN fOl" them of Ellsworth College the houile cut the flem tram the bill.

'S well 3H the long pedigree that waR The. ' conference committees acted ehlnd them, In the line ot II1U8trl· unravOl'ably on a proposal to re~l'lte II" men In the I;ro[.solon or law. DES AlOlNES. April 12 (A')-A Into the bill the Item 'for $460,000 to

[n ,)res.nling . the eighty ilolla.· gUt to tile Bta te ot EllBworth Col· provide the first unit of n. library heck to the winning club, JUBllce lege at Iowa. Falls. together with an . bulldlnk' at the state university.

"'!I vII I" Ru ld that In the decision tho accompanying endowment estimated I A.II other changes made ln the bill udgeij took In consli1eration the ora' at $500,000 was declined todilY by W9re of minor nature. H'PRentation or the CtlS@., thl< ma8' action ot the [owa house of ~eJlresen- 'ri,e commlttee:s repo.·t will be act­e. y of the tlubjrct and knowledge of tatives. The vote by whiCh the re .d u!lOn In ooth houae.J of the legl"­.he cnse III hand, a~ well 88 the fusa ' was manifest was 46 to 65. lature tbmO"row with the Indication ,rl!lfs: I The <lnly .·""triction placed on the that the house will submit to the re'

With lito stralM ot "The LMV protrerred gift was that It Bhould InaerUon of the dnh'y b,uUdlng Item. School Goes Roiling Along." thlo be used fat· educatio na l purposes. ,fth annual Iowa law l!tudant. ~an' and supported by the state. Vlgor- FifteeD Year Old FortaDe lu el wn~ brought to 1\ close. ous objection to the gift was made

judge Y Oling' Set's . Hearing of P~att

Case for April 20

by SeveI'll I rellresentutlves who said IIlat the college would entail too ;reat an expen~e In upkeep-more, than the s tate can stand at this time.

CEDAR RAPIDS, t'ptll i2 (IP)-1111'. a nd lift's. T , C. Wright, C~ntral City. lert .here tonight for Carroll . Iowa, to be at the bedside of their oon

Protest Against Raids Made bI Moderate

Cant~nese I BJ' The A •• ",,'.led Pre •• J

SHANOIlAI, Alpril l2.-A ien· ~ral strike waa called tonight by the labor unions In protest agallUlt to· day's "alds 01\ labor union hallR by the moderate wing ot the Cantone.e political or&,anlzatlon. Ilnder orders from General Chiang KaI·She!<, Can tonese generllll.8Imo.

The strike will be etrectlve throughout the IIlternational settle· ment as well lUI In lhll naUve city.

The leadera asserted that more than 60.000 ' went on strike today In anSWer to the· call and that many more elilpected to go out tomo,," row. •

Gov. '1I1I\\mill hod f"lIm~d a bank bill and submitted It to lhe hollse ami s nale commlttee8 which 1'8 '

talneli mOlit of the Importanl J)I'O'

visions In meusures they HubHcquenl · Iy Im)ugh but. The Rcnnw bill I. NEW YORK:-;;':;I 12 (A')-Atter the only ~u"vil'or ot nil the bOnk denying ' an appllcallon ot David i)i ll ~ tuken Ul"' this keSHlon. fhomWl ThomP80n, at Dee Moines.

Sn.ow Falls In SOuth Dakota f\'an Wrlghi:, 15, who leCt home last RAPID CITY. S. D .• AI)rll 12 (1Pl week 881rlde a pony, 0 seek a for'

-Snow, ranging In d~llth from 3 tune 11\ the wodd. but lost a leg to 7 Inches, [ell throughout weHtern I ~onday wb.en altemptlng to board

Two mas. meetings were held III the native cIty today . to protest tI8'Illn.t the raids. I Later It WIUI reported that a. .ma ... mob attempted to atorm lhe bound· tiry barrier In the International set-

Oovel'nol' , rgeH l'l't)lIIpl ACltlun Iowa. -P: ' half brolher of Rolle.·t" 'romOlTOW'~ hOUSll jou"lllll will .JafJe Pratt tor llle custody of the

pontllin , a I Iter from the govemor ~Ix year old ,11'1. Judge Young ad. IU'glnll IJ"onIIJl ol'llon 011 "u can· slructl\'e mCIllIUl'C" "lit! he Indicated Jouriwil a -hearln, acheduled for tonight . that although It waH Qllplied Jhllllren'8 cpurL tOGay' \Inti I April 20. '10 his ow n bill when It WliR written Mr,. , Everett S . .... Prall. lolller he will regard tlte senute bill ", motllel· . of R9l]ert& Jane, I. awnlt-

Inl trial In epeclal 8e8.lona courl. N1lwlly nccu,Jtublr . She 1$ chArged with third , degre" as .

The chief tellture 01 this 'Jill 18 ~ult, l'esultl'nr from .elalme 'ml\de by tho dlKtrlct IIRsoclutlon Illan wllh the clUld that Mra . . P~tt I>lIrned ,1I8lrlcl clea"llIg hOURCH and examln· IllionM, hll!hc.· cllpltallr.atfon ,"'quh'e- 'tII' with a curlin. Iron as punlsh­mentA, 11I'OYlslon~ for C1Oi<OI' MCl'U . ment \ tor dl~obedl4:nc~ \"hUe the ,gIrl IIny of \lIP Hbuilltles ot oorl'owe,'O with ner toeter 'parentB were IUesl8

of Ihe hotel Pla,~. nnd /lTenter reservos. No dat~ hiUI 'been llet I I' Mr •.

Soulh Dakot ... toduy. IL moving traJn lit Cnnoll. ~~====;===~~~======'======±'====~~-

"Join th~ Strilce" Greets Younger .= Students as City Head Aids Fight

(n, Tho A •• oe'.I ... J> ...... ] Aon, whollC dismissal (rom the Cent· ElUPERlOR, Wis.. April 12 rHI IlIgh School IlI'ought about lhe

SllI·t>!ld (j', the high A~hool AWdl'nts ~ll'lke, may I'r~,vent the hea"lng thai .trlke to the gmde 8chool. was Jlre· 1M scheduled lQ be lIel,l tomorrow lind dieted hf're. today nrtcr city com as u "'e~tilt, no . sel tlement of the mlsslonet' John Scha~rer urg~d Huch ' walkout ~Itun tlon I_ eXfJ6cted this Ol:t1on to to"ce the reSignations 01 w.ek. · ,I

tlement. ' On seeing that this WIUI Impol8l­

ble. the cro~d then threw the cll-cu­lar~ Into the be.r):led wire and set tire to them, burnlni Beveral poots,

After the meetin, lhousands ot un · Ion members parAded to mlllta.ry headquarters and petitioned Oen: PaI·T8ung·Ohl. the Cantone... mill· tary commandant, tor protection. General Pal replied that It the union men would abandon the communIsts, would not jOin radical unlo08. wDuld disarm and behave thllmlltllves. he would 'gUllrantee them protecllon.

Senators Abandon Plan to Entertain Political Parties

New CuoliDe ' T u BiD Will Come ap for Road

Action Ti)day

IBT The A •• oelal"" Pr ... ) DES MOINES, April 12-The

Iowa senate today decided It prob· ably would be useles9 to Invite the national poUtical parties to hold theIr conventions at De8 Moines next year &nd voted down 29 to 14, a resolution extending an Invitation lO any or all the parties, to visIt the Iowa. cllpltol.

Before the resolution was defeat· ed the iMlnate rejected a section pro· posing a. state approprIation of $260,· 000 whIch would have applied. with a like amount to be raIsed by the city at Des Moines. to the conven­tion tund, should one of tM parties :lCcept.

Senator Thompson. of Muscatine and Representative Wolfe. of Linn county, were the a uthors of the resolution, which had not yet come up for aclion In, the house.

The senata today passed a bill permltllnt the treasurer ot etRte to Issue not more than '3,500.000 In warrants to pay art clalmlJ under the Brookhart'LQyrlen E\jl~, which pro­vIde" fo~ r~lllaoement or public fun<!~ lo~t lh bank failures. {I"om a 31nklng fund' comprISing Interest on .111 publlo deposits.

Revlae Barber Bill A nother bill passed today Is a re­

vision of the barber license measure which Governor Hammill recently vetoed. The new bill Is fram ed to gscdpe Ihe constitutional objections rulsed by the goveFnor to tho pre· Vlous lllJ!Q.sure--that It was a. health measure and no exemptions should be made. The net Is to be admlnls· tered by the bOIlI'd of health and ap, plies to all barbers. . A new gllsollne tllX Increase bill. ~quei!t d by the highway commls· slon and . endorsed by Governor Hammill, Is to appeal' In the legis' lature tomol't'ow ond be ."oved rap­idly to the stall'e of action. owing to the short time remaining before ,.,djo urnment of the session.

The new bill will propose a three cent tax with the additional one ceri[ levy applied wholly to primary ,roada .

BanunJ'l Fa·von' Measure ~rter a conferen~ with good road

iea'ders late today. Gov. Hammill anld he hoped the new measure would be approved.

During the day, there was a re­port thllt an effort might be made to repelll the section of lhe highway control measure under Which about '5.000.000 will be taken from the )11'1· mary road tund tor NllmburaemSnt ot counties that have usell second· ary road money for prlma.'y ~6ad

b,·idges. This movement had not de· veloped tonight, however, and It was believed the good roadlt group had conRldered a ga.oll!'e till< Increue preterrable to reopening thl. long Hght over the refundS.


Senior Class to Preserit Portraits . for Union Lounge

The 1lO8SlbIlIly of pre!lentlng the university w(th the portraits or Cha.rlee B. NUtting, W. O. Raymond . nnd ·Chule. H. Weller I. fast becom· I ng & reality according lo Albert Carlson, S4 of Waterloo, chairman at the committee.

The girt 18 made 'POSlllble lhrough contribution a trom the trlends of the senior clallll as well a.a the membel'!! ot th!! cla88. The portraits will be hung In the lounge room or the Iowa UnlQn. The arUBt haa not been def· Initely seleet'ed. ' ..

Membel'!! of the cOlnmJttee In charge ' are Albert Carl80n, S4, Ger· aid Glbba. A4 ot Atton, Willis Gru· well, Cm. oC Eathervllle, Paul Dwyer. L3 of Oelwein, and Ralph Vei'ploeg, M4 ot Pella.

. Pratt·s trl*l. , Malon City Employ. .'... .

Ihe IlI'('MI('"nt or the .oi"'ol 1>00 ,'11' nnd . 1.11.8 , Dlckl""on'R ottOl'nd~, Opo. the ~ up.rlnl~n~ent or IlChool8. C. Cooper ,,"d W,ll. Sl~~1 . Inte to-

a,tpUI'I'('d or hy Iho commlflB lOlier'A do)' dedo "M lhnt Miss IlcklllMon's flpp~nl, stl'iklng stu/lonh plnced hpalth hi such , thot .he hUH bf'en ad­"pickets" At the ·olementd.·y· school. ' vised not t(l nUcnd the 8\18Cllil meet· Bnd d lstl' lhuted handbill " C/lliing on Ing. tle~plt(l . I~e ract thal It 18 hel' the ynungel' .tudonta to "join the desire to tlo ' eo. Her coun ... 1 olso ~trlkc. " PrincIpals nnd teoche rs re, eontenil(>d that the schOol honrd'8 ported to. the .. hool n.ulhorttie8 lhnt p"oee<lure Is not fll'Oper, In that lhey 01" hovlng difficulty In keeping they have rolled to .peelfy III l1etall the )'oungMterH In clnJI. I'ooma and the reallo,ns ror the leachet·'. dl •. they I!IIld lhat .. nUment Indicate" charge and thaI It IH unfah' to ex. lhe p"obable wlllkout o( trom 260 pi!Ct her to Ret JlP a detenlle without lo GOO studoeniH tomorrow. a momenl's dela)' when lhe hearlnll

• . ' U,ufOnD Bread BiD Place. Today's E<btonals ReatridioDi UpOD Baken Am. City Manaler Wincla .Force ULoa

AMES. AJll'1I12 (A')-P. F. Hopkin. An,elel" to Lana loday IlIl~Ounred hIs ... lrnaUon a. cit)' mannger ot 'Amel to accept u slmllo.r poit III M.a!OOn City, Iowa. He hnl been clt~ mana .. r here tor !leven 'yeare. 11e expect. to lltart hi. dUlI~8 nt ' .Mf.U!On Clly, ' )fay I . W. new IIIlary will be '8,000 B y,car. c0'!lpal'ed willi ,.,000 paId here.

NORFOLK .. )'n., April 1 ~ (IP)-Thc rllrlS;lbl ... 1.08 Angel,," lurned back lo loIlllehul'lllt, N. 11. : lonlght atter tall-111111 In an .atttmpt , tb tla to the ten· del' I'p.lokl.. ihp r"Robed the Ch!lrleR vlcTnlty at 7 P. 1)1 ., atie.· but tetln, Il 811'0111 wind. The I1lne88 01 MillS Lulu Dlckln· Is emlled.


Of II Weepa.h lVall- • SocralfIJ, Guilty

New Baskel Barl Rule Easter SymbolB Edtto,;al Nole,

The Man Eoonl1tt.y HaB Caught ) ~

DES MOINES, April 12 (A')-Oov· ernor , Hammill hOR ~Icnl'd thEl unl· torm bread bill whloh will requIre bil kel'!! ot Iowa to !leil bread of Ipeel­tied weight. and to mark on the \trappers the allll or the loaf.

The governor also el,ned the bill to petml! trial of 11\4lotabl. mIN" meanor, In municipal DOUrta.

Oklahoma, Arkansas Towns Report Big

Damage "

IB:r Til. AlOool.ted P"'II) SAN ANTONIO, April 12-)(01'.

than 126 persone were reported to have lost their IIvea In a that str~ the little town or RoqJr. Springs, county seat at Ed~ county, located 120 mile. weet of San AntonIo Ilt 8:31) o'clock ton"ht.

Intormatlon\ concemlne the dII­aster reached here over a.n impro­vised telephone. The first m-.e received In San AntonIo told .of the death of 128 persons with ID&IlY In· jured.

Subsequent Intormatlon. althoup meager, Indicated that the total 4ee.4 'Would mount~ stlil higher when .. tlnal check Is

Houston Reporb 150-200 Killed

HOUSTON, Tex., April 11 ~ Between 160 fl,nd ZOO persona were killed and hundreds InjUred tonl,ht when a tornado virtually laid wute the entire town ot Rock Sprfnp, 'fex., railway dlapatchea received here said.

Becauae the town 1. laolated, with­out either railroad or telegraph com. munlcatlon and bec8.UBe every avail· able telephone WIUI being WI8d Ia calls for rellet tram tha stricken area, only scanty details at the dII­".te.· could be obtaJned here,

Clearest o.ccounts, given by a line· Jnan who walked throu,h tha de'V1Ul' tated dletrlct to the nearellt tele­graph Une. eUmbed a pole, and tap­ped the wire thu.s getting commun­Ication wlth a Southern Pacific dJa. vutcher at Del Rio, said that the tor· na<lo slapped the town 11&1 ... lhuogh by a gigantic hand.

Del Rio Fean Stoma This report, relayed to a Houlton

rail way office, saId that t,.." ..... I(lents ot the town escaped dMth or Injury and that the aurrarlnll' of the Injured, without means ot re­lief. almost surpasses descrIption •

. The call to Del Rio urgsd that a II available doctOr! and nur.., with huge quantities or medical sup· . plies, be recruited at once and start· ed In automobllea tor the storm cen· tel'.

Meanwhile, accol'dlng to word trom Del Rio, the wlnd wal grow. Ing In Intensity there and residents teared that that city also might feel the tOl'ce or the same storm.

Rock Sprlngs Is an Inland town at 800 population without a. railroad about seventy miles northeast or Del Rio and sevenlY miles from Kerr­ville.

Order Out Cavalry; Send Rescue Parties

SAN ANTONIO,. April 12 (If!­One hundred and twenty-sJx pel'1lODI we"e killed by a tornado at Rock Sllclnl:s. Tex., county Beat of J!I4. wards county tonight, &ccordintr to t telephone message reoelved here by Mayor John Tobin.

Mrs. Jack Rate. a niece ot )(ayor Tohn W. Tobin at San Antonio tele­phoned the mayor ot the dl8ll.ter and estimated the delld at more thab 125 person •.

Wlth the telephone excban&'e ~Iown down. an operator at the Rook


Mineola Aviators Attempt to Break Duration, Record

'EDaine RaDDiDr FlU' M ..... Dropped te Earth Say. j

Fo, lJ,hb IfeIp

[B7 TIlt AIIHI,,1ed !"Q .. 1 MINEOLA, N. Y., April 12~ulel·

3d by flares, ll00d Ught. anel on. of the new tog plerclng neon U,hts. llert Aoosm and Clarence D. Ch,m· i)erlllln, civilian aviator., were airel. 'ng over Long hla.nd ton"ht In ~heir lttempt to stay a.lott tlfty houra, or at least to break the French dura,. tlon fll,ht record of a. ' tittle mont than torty·Hve hours.

Apparently all was well on board as observers checked Ihe movemente of the plane by t~e monotonoult hum or the motors atter darkness obIcur­ed the view of the ship. The lint meMags WB8 dropped by the plane, T hours atter the men hopped oil Roosevelt Held at 9:30 this mornl .. ~nd announced: "We ha.ven·t be.un to feel the trip yet."

"It '8 le88 tiresome than 4rlvl .. a olosed car." aa.ld the m ....... "We started to tly at 2,000 teat but round It smoother- at 1.100 to 1,SOO 80 will 8tlck at that hellht. PJ'Obo ably apend moat ot the time aroun4 the Island until tomorrow moraln •• when we will Iwlnl' down a!'Owl4 the Woolworth bulldln&', Th' en· gjne I, runnlnl' nne, ..

8leeplJ\i aooommodaUOII8 on the permItted the fll.... to take alternate .... t perlode durin, the n"ht.

Page 2: G - Daily Iowan: Archive

Page 2 ,tI" ~ 'ei I PI!L.i ' J n Daily Iowan: lowl \,,117 Wednesday, April 13, I~


\n Th~ Wor\d at ~OC\(lt)'

l A-tiki ~{~lIrI Elllfrlul1l8 I.,' ..... (~Iy \\'011"111'8 ( 'I"b

M l' HlU.' I"S ot th(' l Jlh' I'lltU I'f!

IhJl1 or lh .. T()WIl .It)' W oman's lub m I y lel'dny nl'l I'noon 01 3 o'clock al ~h(l home of Lellle Keol'1. 828 J~d"t \\'(lHhlll /; lo n strcH.

MI'". 0 , J I. D unlnp gov n "ovlelY or "~rOlllnl'llo \V l\1 0l' nlng 'l by Anne I..,,,·,·tsh . li nd !It,·s, J ohn Udggs I'e· vl. wed WIII[. Co thel" s " ~I y Mortal

+ + + Pn."!byjI'l1UIl8 Will MN't 'I'hls tUlcrlll101I

'fhn l' rf'Fl hy tc l'lllll M IJ'81onul'Y 1-10· ell' ly will nH'i'l lit the ehul'eh pal" 100'. I hlA " flN 'noon a t 2:30 o·clocl< . Mr~. J . K . I unean will be In CIHlrj; of tho d vnll(lnu l ))l'r t of lh~ 6 rv· Ie. Mr •. IV. 1., Hy wlltN' will clla, I' U~R " "I"'I'lll IOllle., lind 1.1 o·~, .r. M. j<11. k wil l tl1lk tin "1\I Ilun tlllneel·8. " 'I'h" Wo lll 11 w ill do WhIte 'I'OI!M wo,'I<,

Jl O.IV.",'" will b~ MI·s. }oJlme,' A 11· d~ '·.() n , M r ~ . . Iohn OAkl'A, ?In . Ralph Whll a nd MI'8. M. D . R I~mmons .

T b.,·o 11'111 b Ull a ll da y m ctlng ~'hu l'.uay to cOlllpl to t ho '''h it '''UNIt wa I·k .

lIallf'lllg Club 1';111 Pl1I1JlI~

+ + +

'rho Nonp 1'~ 11 Iln noln/:, club "'n, ler ulln /I last ('ve nlng at Var~lty hll\) n t th a nnuol spring purt y. Th~ commU teo In charge of Ih~

a tr,, " · Included : Or. ond Mr8, 180m Hn nkln. 1111'. onll MrA. R a ymond ... 11 , III I'. II nIl ~l rM, T~'\ u re nee Pa t. Ikk and MI'. on,1 MIS. 0""0 1' Stlm· I ll ... .

+ + + lr 1I1'f'11l 1I ~IJo 1(>tIM'y S O('/ejy feet Today M~mlx>rH of t h ' Vomall 's For~l"n

.ocl Iy ot the ~J"church w ill m el lht! afternoon al 3 o'cloc'K li t h hom or Mrs, l3. J, LIlmb rt .

4 I Ir <:11'('1... J I'II, F1o)'d 'agl'r will /I I t th" ho.1 ·F'.

t ..... 1.100 ~1> n n \\ III rend devo· 110nl,I •. lIIr~, A. H l'iltlwel\ wi ll htlvo ("IIH ot the p M' 'nlln.

1 0 '\'11 nlltl\(

(11111 M l..-t

+ + +

'·h .. r~g\l lnr Iouolnl" meeting of lop t tnl"" .... lly oC I 'mll Damcs haa

1."'11 ))0 1)'l00 ... 1 unlll M 1Y 27. + + +

Ih'\ja Tau O\olt I It .. 'I'au D.'lIa, H()('lu l ft"t~r n ll)'.

nn"(Junl"'~ th~ In\thulon IJf thl.' fo l· l"wlnlf: l"tanclK L. Br"dhnu" A I or ] • ~Joln ; \I<nry I . 1'.It-OM, A I or I Mulnrs: Thorn A. Parrott, At IIf \"pterloo: Paul M, Work~, AI of Ill'.. Jul""~: HAlph 81'lmalij. A1 of l",-dnr nll)l~h.: ChMh ... O·flrten.

A );/rl do()s,,·t. IIa \'I' 10 1;11 h' "" h!K,1 10 learll IL le"l! IIlI . =- -naU, a nd S lew I't ]~. ,,' lIson of l owl1. City.

A ba nfl u,·t wns g il' n S un(l(,y at thc IOW8 UnIon In ho nor of th e new· Iy Initlllt('d m mlX-I'H.

+ + + ~I I'll. nt'icllAri. 1(\ HMIJI<::Ik'S IA llies •

A t Ih~ I'Pllulnr mon lhly Oll'pll llg ot Iht' Elk 'a ladl e>! 11.ld y('.lerllay af, t m oon at Ihl' club 1'Il01 .,K t hp fol, lowln&, olllC<'ra " erp electf· 1 (01' th~

comlnl! )' 'or: Ill' Ml denl. Mrs, 11 I'· bert R eichardt: "lc~' Jl r . 1(len t. Mr., Hay I:Iluvata: tr 'lRUI'(I'·. 1IJ1'0. Ka th , erlne Ward; ('(,I'I'I"ry, Mr". Clltrord Pa lm .. r; dlrl'l'tol". JIll., ( '~,uolo JJaf· I~r, Jll rll. )\'111 F rytluf nnd Itkl ('I'my.

+ + + \\'pql nunRtel' G oJl.1 Mpet WHh M"'i. lklug lnA

nl"'rol1y ' \·l·.tmln.-IN' OUihl.or I hI' 1'1'1'"1,) 1"r1an ('\lur('h will mcP t at tlln hOllIp or • II' •• ('ul'lI. R Dou~,

ltu<. 12. N. ('lInlon a t r<'C t, th l, nftpr· noon. "upper \I III I, .el'\'~d n t n:30.

A pl'of(mll) In charge of H nrrt I 0 ,1\'1>1 ,,\II follow fl .hon bU8lncs" m lIm:.

+ ['hl I p'<lloll I'j

+ +

IA 0 11'1 St'Ollt Ofll"eJ'fj }<;lItertMn Ilt L'a1IOhe'bn

'1'he 011'1 Scout council nnll le!ldel'8 gave 11. luncheon yesterduy at You(Jo's Inn I'n hemol' of A/; nc.8 Way. mnn of olumblo unlvcl'slty, Twen, ty·flvo guos ts w 1'0 prcsent.

1I11ss Wl1ymun tulked 011. "Hea lth Educallon. "

+ + + AtvIln, KAPI,",1' I

I Ueln~ J -\ \'Ih:o n ,J -c nnlngs who wn~ g llldulUed fmlll lh o university In 1"clll 'U G, 'y Is Kcndlng- thl ~ week lit tho chuptel' hou8e. lIe Is nt prcs· (l nL COl~o ll.e(1 li S II. oommel'ce g'Todu­uto Htu(Jent at the UnIversit Y of Kentucky nt .LexIng ton.

+ + .. Zef II. TllII Alflh~ ~1:J. 'I'llU AI\}h l~ llnnQunC~R the

Jl' cd~ lng of (1 meo Llll'llo ' Ill k. J~ l of ,1\10ulton .

Des Moines Gets

National Meeting

of Social Workers

C'l\hllclty unll public health will be helH'lIy featul'cd in til!' PI'o/:'l'um Of th e Nutlunn l ('onf~ .. c. ll·e of !;ocl .. 1 \Io rk 1ll0" 1I11!( III De. 111 011",", IIl uy I I 10 IS.

Th cc1u ca Uol'w I pubJldly dlvl~lon

or whIch lilt·., Mary wa In R out· r.uhn or th p RU RR('II fln.g~ F ounda, tlon , New Yor k. Is c hull'mu n wi ll holel rp u,' Il'r nrl'ClI morn Ing "o"slons Ilnd lI11'e "ound lit hI H. Among the "pcn'kCI'S nnd s ubjects r.lre ' ''. JJ. BUlcher of the N~\V York rIme Comml~lIlon 011 "A 'rest of Olllnl on pn tho Causo of CrIme;" N~l son A.

rawCol'(l of the UnH cd Stntes Do, pu rlm(!lIl of Ag rlculturo on "Tho It~armcl' l..<Iooks nt SOl'ial \ Vork ;" I.~o n '''hll)))le, SUI' ey editor, on "Thl.' ?rogle C lrt of S ty l ~;" a nd round tnbl ... on news wrlUn g In ,'m u ll c1 t1~H, 3 1l11U, 1 1l,('('U ngg a nd a nnunl r I.'IIOrl •.

The nn 110110 I cOllllnl1l oc on publici· ly methods o r whtch H omer II . lIol's t of Ind iana polill Is chai rma n 'I' ll hold sesalons on sIx days Includ· Ing u tlernoon a nd dinner mcetiugR. Among the loplcs 11M' "Pu blll'l ty fvr Unpopular Ca u cs" by Mrs. ["Ion:oce Kelly. Nullonll l (.'o" ' um.r.· letlgue. N ew YOI'k ; a. rlJ n lc on w indow difS-11~1)'; ',,{urn l Nr 'H Il<lP<lr Publicity; 'rh ~ 1 Tire or Social S taVatlcs: ~ I ollon PIctures; Public Opllllol .. and Sull,os,

Students Observe

University Day at

Dubuque School

DI'DUQUC, April 12 (A,,}-'I'h, ' rou l'tll a n n u'l l U nl\' r Ity of Du , hu'l u e1r,y will IJ" (,"."rv I hero !;unlluy. AI)rll ~ 4 , T he dIll'. will be 01>. rVNl \vll h u n 01)(>11 how-c for ",.Itol's durIng Ow nrtcl'Ooon lind th(' n nnllu l l, nlvl"'Mlly nl!(llt 1ll"~S

llI .. ~t1ng In th~ ~vcnlng .

A Lady From Idaho

T hIs eh:II'mlng Htu(ly, t'ken In wI fe or lhe eeleln·nted Jda ho sen· W , s hlnglon rpc,'ntly Is the IMpst ntor , wllo I,oscd wIth her favol'lto

dOl; n~ she Rt,,,'tcd on a. ~hoP\llng porlralt of l\J1·~. \r IIlI~m R Domh, t ou r in the na tiona l capital.

_ --= .= - - -----='r~==== 1

AJ B I fIeld or physical educ<'\.t1on" Is lhe umnus estows litle or th r RI1ccch to be pl'esented

L C II F d hy Dr. j<'re<l eriek D. KnIg ht, P,'O­aw 0 ege un ! [C8801' of psychology. FrIday mol'll' I I lng,

i A IlUJIlS lhe RtMC m em bera of t he Chamberlain Presents DIvIsIon of I hys l7"1 Education who

wIll atle nd 0.1'0 Direelor P. E. Belt· Gift as Memorial lng, Mls~ Elizabeth H alsey, E, O.

U' F h Schroeder a nd n . E , Brlcela nd. to ,lIS at er

• \1 or loJlh, "uk,·r. ,,'IK,; l" hnund A . "('urrll'II, AI uf • ·wton; OlIo T .

lJvn k. Al ot l'NllIr Rllpltl s; '\1'11· 111110 L. ('"on, A I of DenlllOn; H arold II .. Z,·lgl,'r. Al of Odweln: Don E­WII)'t , A I of t'IC Ity: II rold N, }>·'llkHlhalnflr,.\1 t Altoona; ~'red.

I hI F:p,lInn PI nnnoun s Ih .. I('c tlon of the (,,1\0\\ Inlr (,m,· r for Ih .. YlOr' 8UIl('rlnr. JumeR Lu tz. 111 2 ot Oc" Joille.; d('o'~U(K'rlol'. ' 1'11118"' I{ rlgHt('n, "I 1)( On \\;l; \'Ceo,"'1 ng •• -(',,·tery, IJell JJ.J('h('nl)('rg, AS 0

D . ;\Iolnes: ('o .... '·.))Oo.lIng s('ct' .. · tllr)" Ephrnlm BIlI'lIn, A2 of Sioux City an(1 tr~. ~urer, J pll Rose ll' bt rg, r,l or MUIK'QUnc.

Dr, lIarry Burton Boyd. Ilaslo.. \\,I1I1:1m (·h:lI111o .. rl:lln, or Ceoa l'

To HelpYoll l,ook '~lOUf

rt k 11 •• 'ncw, A I f Inilelll'ndc ncp; J .. hn 1 'I'll' 11<·, Al or Intl'I' nih'nee; ('II rl(,11 ~'. lAO.I'. A I or Wllmelt~, III,; WII n Ra,lclltr .. , A 1 of ('Inctn·

+ ; +

of the Park P re!;byt .. rlan ehu , ('h at RO)lld~, "p'Il!lunl<' oC th., unIversity l!l r lp, Pa., nnd the )JI'ehldenl of t h~ In I ~OO. 11:'. """k' the cull{'ge of la w un lvcrslty's hoard ot dlrcctol''', will a Il'lft of $GIHI tl) 11<' USNI "s II loun I deliver nn ad(lr~>IlI on "ChrJ.stlanlly funn, The gIft W~'S mad .. In memory ,'

{'It! OIlM'I:R lIJ1d Education," MusIc wll l be fur. of his r3th 1', \1. I. (h,lInllt'r\;l ln. <hi Om('!\'a 110('1:11 "ororlty a n· nl, hea loy I I! u nlverslly "Jstc(\ Mr. (,hnmh~rlaln was glvcn hi.

nounc th (I tlon of t il follow· choIr. I) , A, At Ihp unlh'r>Jty In 19QO. Jl '~ Inlr omc"r~: Ill' pld, nt , Plwhe 'W II· U nlvcl'f'lty day WUs 61"I·t(! I her" attended the ~ollt-~e or I~w from lIum~. A3 or '''''flr It (lId.; vlcc· ilL the cunelublon of 0. Suere~"fu l 1899 to 1900, At prcs' nt he Is vkp· 1.rt:~ld .. nl. It In Jo'orb<·ft, '\'3 or Lone· campaig n In the ~I ty In 19~4 Whl'n l Jll'e'ld~nt and gCMrnl coun'K'l of Ihe 'r1'M: ,,,('1'( tnry , C')Il~tnn('e Meyer_, "Vel' $100,000 \Vos gl\'en to r UI'llol·t UnIted Lll"ht tlmJ POII'C!' rompnny. I 11 4 of Wr~t 1.1h<>rty anI' It· aouT~r, t fle In t itutlon. ]/1 milkIng tI,e gIft, Chnmberlaln ,

11001 ., 1I1nxlnc Wlntpl'1I, A3 or Jow City, T he Unh" ral ty of D ubuQu Is !ev· wrOle, " r ~hollid IIkc to have thIs nd 1~lIrhe \l Anted (mmPdlale- £1n1l .JO/l"~ ot E \'An. ton o nl1 TAls "!liy·five yrars old thIs year, and Is con>ldercd !IS In memory of my [<I'

I)' to fill Vltfuntl ror tlill C'ollling J on,," ot }·,,,,·t Dodge o r yl81t1ng plllnnln g to ob rvo It., diamond ju· ther. \1'. I. Ch~mbcrlal n. member 'par. Allply ~Iollnlnln Stille t h!'11' ~Ister ('ami J on ·ft and wl\l bo bi le!' y 01' wIth a celebr, lIolI and of th" "mil 10:,,·. nn(1 a f ult hful

'tC'a"hl' ' 1\ll"CIIU' . ~ IO TplIIlJlclOn dinner gu e~l8 Ilt tho chopler houso hom comIng during the l.'\sl week frlond of th., 1I11Iv(r~lty." I mdg., 10. It I .... ke l 'Uy, Vtah. thl8 ven lnS' . Iii Septemb~r , Chomb rl"ln's ..-Ift I .. th~ mo.l rl"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~ c.nt [lddillml lu lh!' fllnd bclnS r3J.,


~d hy the roll('/;. of law fOI' B"holar' 'hlJl'l "nil loun., Th,' !lonl, IK!t nco cOI'dln" tl) lin ,,~ timatQ of the nc 18 of thl' l'.llc;.:e III th 'l l ntld. Is $:>5.· 000. •

Fur I hi' runrl therl.' ha"e heen rorm£' I ''It·,,~dr Ii\'(' I",rmanenl .ehol· n ... hll"; two of SJUO .. ceh IUld th l'ee of $1:;0 l(tch. 'I'hno ar~ two tem, porn r )' 8eh!Jlur'hlp~ (>f $100 each . 1"01' no loan fuml $5,000 h a I) n rill d,

Tho comlvll"n to rulse t his fun d 1· .. KUltS rrom tllO atntemen t or Dean lI enry (., Jon". th:.t the collcge of law h. ,·" wa In i1dlnlte neell of sC)m~ mit'(luntp "',lIlll'IHJ ""\\-It h which to Ilro"l<l~ ro,' Sc\WIIlI'HhI11S, loa ns, and 111'1',('8.

FLOWERS Iowa Men to Speak at P. T. Convention



'['wn Unll'l' l'8lty of fown men will tllko I,art In the I.rogram of th Ame l'lc<l 1I l'hy.leo l g(l uclltio n aRllO' .. IIllion c'onVl'nllon ut D.,g Mol,wR. 'fhul'S(lny a nd 1"I·loay.

])1'. ArlllU,' Htclndl 1'. profellSOr or ol'lholl('(lll' HlIl'gC ry. wi'll s»(,u k on fa ulty iJl'ealhlnl': l)IIfol'c lh () them · pc uUc HI'<' t il", Th uI'Rdny tlcternoon,

Loveltest We Have Invited

Miss Grace Merritt fJptcio/ r~prumJoJtn of Pnm· lOll HOUJI, 3 EaIt S2nJ St., 1M 111011 txclfJJio~ &auty Saloft. 0/ VtfD York City ,

~ 10 di4poS6 muJ pres&rihl the corrective Primrose House Preparations for your particular individ­ual needs. She is care­fully trained to help you whether your IS the avera~e type or whether there IS some unusual con­~ition which needs CO~ recting. ~

Consult with her. Her time is yours and her k.nowledge is freely given, Y til will ",11",10 III" 1M-abolll tlH 1t,,.OIIS Pri,.,..,u HOlm

/dtthoJ of Pa" Mo/diag I

And don't forget to takc homewithyouthelittlebook­Ict," Here Dwells Youth," for in it you will find in detail specia I inronnation about Primrose House Prepara­tions, a rullline orwhtch is

sold ., 0111'

Toikt yoods rnepa,."",., 'Main Floor

~iil"9 , A Unique Service

"P o""IIoIl IUe<; of l'.spnl'C h In (ho

--~ .:~-= ~-~~= +++++{.+++++++++++++++++:tjf.f., +++++++++++++++++++++ Our "Flowers By Wire" seL'vice is use· ful to you as we can gUarantee satis­factory delivery anyWhere just the same a8 our local delivery.

Smart Raincoats SPECIAL


Wednesday, April 13 Sunday, April 17


It i n beautiful flower show that we want )"au to lIee whether you desire to purchase or not,




Correctly tailored in the latest mode, Duro Gloss I'ubber raincoats com­bine the smartness and service of any fine gar­ment of cloth. Dur~ Gloss coats are appro­priate for any occasion where a raincoat may be worn. Assorted colors.

Prices ,8,50 to $'10

New Frosted Raincoats, ages 6 to 14, also I wo­men's sizet! 16 to 42, each '2.98, ,.U8, ' ,U8.

I II It 111"'++++11 It •• til I leU++I+,,111I11 U ttl '.

University V! omen Will Elect Officer~

Dodge. Vlce,pl·coldent. Mn"lon Mal'e.h, A2

(If rowa City; nnd Ba"baro Klttl'c<1ge, A2 ot Icwl1. CIty.

(Jhalle),'s FatlrerDIetr

LOS ANOELES, AprIl 11 ~ Frank ha neY. 76. (nt!)er 01 ~ Chancy, film ncto,', dIed loolnr lho l'eMult of a strolw at Il)lOPlelt.-

Sccl'ctal'Y. Oeorglu Spflul(lltlg. AS of Avoen ; a nd MII<1I'cd Becker, AS of Elkader.

F"ourteen Candidates i 'ri'enHUI:e,' , Ruth Hogme,,, A2 or

B II f ,Chel'oke<!; and :Fl a l'l'let CUllllllack , A3 M;;W~;~;'. , . •...... ~ ... ~

~iiliinOiio .~, on a ot or or Oskalo08ll.

EI . 8pon~or,Spohsol'ce e1ltl.ll'mu n. Dol" ecbon o\)1Y Olllls. A2 ot Osoge; anll Mal'· -- . '!(ery Long. Al or AmeS.

mccllon of Orn Cer" oC '''ornon·. as, P ublicIty managel', Leona Kotren, "Dclatlon fol' t1;e coming yeur wm bach, A3 o( DubuC/ue: nnd pelen lr, be held tod"y In the IIbel'lll lll'ts wIn. ~3 ot Fort WOI'th. Texa •. buildIng (rom 8 until 4 o'clock, lUI ChaIrman oC the ))olnt " )'.tem. a nnounC(lG by Dean A{\elnJde B Ul'!(M Dorothy Gl'uwell, A2 of E"th~rv\lle ; a t tho Co,~d H op ln8t SlltUl'day, and ,Jane ,JarnagIn, AS of 810"11 'rovery vomlln In tho unI versity 10 LA'ke.

\. .. _ ...... -................... ~

No Children Under 16 ,~ Be Admitted

elll;lule to' vole. The polls are in chal'ge of Alice STRAND Cundldlltes are I' s fo llows: ]' l'c81·

<lent, Ramontl ]~Vt\,1l 8, A3 ot OllUm, wa ; nnd Eleanol' 'I'h nHlli, A3 of Ft.

Cox. A4 oC Montezumo. ThdS(l elecl· ed will Q.'i8 UmC omcc Immediately arlel' sprlns vacation. Last Times Today

,,"---;-;:-' ~

1;afi~c , c/lcCf9ffOrieJu

Play Their Part In The Promenade on

Flower. On every ,shoulder will bloom a flower. Very new ones in bril­liant or su~dued col­orings,

-.. .........---.... '. Jewelry

Nothing more de­lightful than a bit of jewelry to adorn , the Easter costume. Nov.­elties by the score.

Eut~r , Handkerchief.

Thousands of them with a vivacious touch of color,

Neckwear, A bit of neckwear and ones Easter dreslI is fit for the 'paM~e, ,

Toilet Requlait.

for every need, eJC .. quisite odors of last-1111 frarrance. Prices a pleasant surprise

as er

on 1Jhe Gloves - Harmony of tone is the first es· sential in the selection of gloves. Then comes a choice from a hundred and one cuffs $1.26 to $4.98.

The Bag - Again, one must

have harmony first and a wise

choice might be from our large

display of glove and bag ensem­

bles in all colors $5.95 to $18.50

The Hosiery- Duo·tone

hosiery is given prefer.

ence for wear with the

Easter costume. Count·

ers of tan on champagne

and many others $1.65

to $2.85.

For Every Occa­caaion of Ea.ter

, Day from tbe lIIonllnjt walk til chun'h, UK! afternoon stroll or evening /putf. At'CelilHorle8 ot rare bellut)' ha ve been a._mh. led 10 mllke selecttofll easy and Invitllllt.


New Eaater


Lovely, dainty lingerie in delicate tints. And such fine details of fin· ish.

;eol'gotle nnd s ilk CI'Cll .

A 'Non(1erful a8S0rh",~nt

ChoolK! ono

today to w~nl' with yout'

new Eastel' OuWt,

Each $1.98, $2.98,

$3.98, $4.98 Umbrellu


Of good quality silk. The I

sizes when open are plenty large enough yet , they are very simple to , pac~, $1.69 to $10.00. r

Our saies people will ~ ' delighted to aid

you in selecting appropriate accessories.

Agriculture Le,aa«!rSI

Djscuss ~easure Compromise

[81 Tht A8HOtiutcd Itre8liJ

WASlIlKGTON, Apl'lI 1\ numoor or r on(cl'cncC':i kltnt Coolld;:~ . chairma n Ihe 8OnM3 ogl'loulturc C[tl'lTTlH'"'' deCided to dl'an n CWIl''1I}l'om relief ~I\I [or Int ... ducllon ilt rembe,· scssion of COllln·cs • . ro .. u11101' of tbe m<¥uro whlrh wus )IItII~cnt It te In IIho lust new FrOIIOlJU l, M,', lilY. would hu (Icslg nc<\ tu !lIIItan~e lO nt;l'Icul lure nnd .ame ti",e moot obj~etl ons

~dcnt to 1'1'O,,1810n8 In tbo IlIrll btl\.

~lcSIlI')' Leaves for W cst Farm le>l<Icl's who ha \'c III

the agrIculture .ltuatlon Ilt'Ildent I~tol)' say that p....,.ed a. ~Q!!iI'o to ho. vo bllon O1luclecj, bUL Is fJl'lnly to tj1e ~u[lll;:at,lon fee llrill~llllo

~I1;IIA olhe" tea tures of tho Nar)',Hl\ugcn bil l. •

In reachIng ; he ~eelgJon .~uld be best to wO['k oul n. mise Senator McNary h,," lhe conclusion th"t III Croce of Idenllnl oppOSition the orIginal

' llould /jav" n Blight cbllnce ot bocOlI'lng 11 law, He leaves roW Cor th~ wcst and will " "'CUSS)

"tuaUon with VUdOll~ ... and u(jvlsc thcm spirit of gIve anll tnke In I. work out a I~glslatlvc thal can be ca rrIed Into effect.

_VIII COllier With Fnl'IIICrs HI, fh'st stop will be In Ch

where he will confer l'hul'SUIlY tht 'heod. of the A merlenn bureau anll the National gra wut meet' other agrleullu "al men on hl8 iou"n ell 10 his OreJ!l)n and ~1Il'l ng llie "11Imnl. r meet (armel'S from VtlrlotJ8 !he counlry In an errort to ml", theh' dit ferences.

Laler Scnatol' McNa ry !repal"e n rough draft of n bill be will presenl to t/le presIde nt !frorl 10 get hIs endorselllent. II developed today tha t one of

mIssions of Chairma n Dull ... r of lI!pul>lJcan national committee hi! U':p Ihrough the west will ' feel Ihe pulse of the Ca rOlers.

Mr Bull .. · was In conference lifnalor McKnu today a nd peet to ",cet In p ortla nd. Ore. , In teo days to compa re note8,

"Art of Lettering"t

Subject of T a WSUI B

liThe Art Qf L etl('rlng ," w na subject of " In lk gl \' ~ n over Monday noon by Jane Co of Ihe art del)ul'ttm!nt. Mls~

Iry sketched brlc!\y the orlstn rar\()us forms of Ictters fn use today. The Old R om" n ~he described as the pa l'ent of sirles o[ lette,'l n" , " 'I'o(],,), It is only the most u fu l. bu t a lso mesl arllstlc form ," . he said.

'Though every day or our li ves are seeIng nil k Inds of print d 1m. yet lho mO"t grotesq ue of rorS arc ",ocle In tho Icuel'i ng on show cards und siunf;. ' N' 's' are qui te commonly made .nrd nnd often a capitot '1' I~

"Thera is a llr:\c tl r1.1 \ alU6 In

log able to leIter legibly," MIRM I'entry said. "ulbels hnve to prInted as well u.s a(ldrci8es 011 press packages, "Lelte" lng Is a p,·olei.lon In

llookcovers und title ll"gC • . plates, letterhead", grceting and 81gns a ll I'cpr • • onl lhe Ihis OCcuII'lUOn , 'rhO ular use evcr made ot see" now In the bl' i1 lh nl fligns In lhe Inr!;e e ll\ ~~."

BURL1NG110:-l , Iowa, API'jJ 12 -The 1'l" er stage here toela.y malned at 12 fee t, ono Inch , ' In~ no ehunl1e ovcr 'yes'/ river has l'cceded f,'om " high or 13 .

No ()ildren Undu 16 Be Admitted

STRAND Lut TUnes Today


TIMI you'lI n

\ cnlenl ,,10('" t, I)I'CllkrUHt 01' hm

lun 's-N(lr 0/10

tn"t)' (ll' denn,


W~en You T T.ftink I

Page 3: G - Daily Iowan: Archive

Wednesday, April 13.

Ohalle,'8 Father Dlea 12 e, LOS ANOELES, April 13

' Fl'llnk Chaney, 76, fatl)er o( ~ IS Chllncy, CIlm nctor, dIed tOd<l ~ lS the I'e.ult of a stroke ot aPop~ ~

======='= t,

~i ......... ---..... -... ==-~~ r Mrs. Wallice T2eids 'I" 1 .. ,iogllCr101tlttlUlfidngirli. '

:: IT~~~~t~.~ n, ' NI) Children Under 16 ,,~ e; Be Admitted In

STRAND :c t, Iy

Lalt Timel Today

, , romenade on,

Phe Gloves - Hannony );f tone is the first eg·

,entia I in the selection

)1 gloves, Then comes

L choice from a hundred

md one cuffs $1.25 to ,4,98.







I'y is given prefer.

for wear with the

r costume, Count­

, tan on champagne

nany others $1.65



C,ovely, dainty lingerie n delicate tints. And IUch fine details of fin· ish,


If good quality silk, The \ izes when open are lenty large enough yet , h.ey are very simple to) ac)<, $1.69 to $10.00;

e ·delighted to aid

iate accessories.

1\e DiiIr fowlD, JoWl ' r!fy ------------------------------------------------------- ,

McNary Intends You've Heard 'Em; Here'l Th£1I ATe Residents to ~elp -to Draft Second House 'Entrants in

Farm Relief Bill Musical Festival Agriculture Leaders to

Discuss Measure


rDr Th .. A""ut'lu11't1 l'r"8 ~J

WASHINGTON, AIll'il 12- After 1\ number or oonfcrcl1ccli \\~Ith ,P r C's­.I.nt Coolldgr , chflh'll1llll MrNary of the ",nMe 11g"loultl1l'o c,,",mllleo hUH declded to <,Iraft a eomp"omlse fa,'m !!lIef bill (01' Inh'6!luetlon at tho Dc· tember srsalon of CO ll lofl'CSt'. j 10 w us ",<1uthor or the McNnry· llal1gell ptcl\Surc whlrh IV"', votoed by the pnsil\ent latc In tho last scss!on , 1'bo new proposul, 111". ~Nar)' saId to ' oily, would bu lIeslg-noC\ to oCfe,' I'en l _tan~c to ut;rICullu\'e lind at the .am. time meot obJ~cllons of the president to 11rovl810ns In th e orl g· \Illli bill,

~Ie:'\arr Leaves for Wost

Finals in High School

Contest Scheduled

for Mpy 5-7 wtllh th e pl'Oblem pf 11Ousln,; liP'

p,'oxlmu.tely 2000 visit Ing high school student~ here fOl' the second «nnllal Iowa IIlgh School music fest/vo.l , May 5 to 7, an apT.e!ll Ie b~I Ng mado to the l'esldents of Iowa City to co· ol,oemte with tho unlver.lty In en' t e,'talnln g the g uests.

Last ' yelll' when tho Ceslival was In"ugu'~'ted, ave" 1900 ·"Isitlng 6tu , ilenl. Invaded the city, Some dlftl·

ully wae experlcnco<l In ilnalng lodging due to the un exl)ected num, bel' at vlsIto..... Elaborate pllln", how· ever, arc be ing mnde this year nnt! It Is expected thnt with the wholo hea,'ted co-operatlon or the resident. of the city, the vls!tors will be well cal'ed fOJ'. Farm Ie<ldcrs who ha l'e tltscussc.<l,

Ih. agriculture sltuution with lhe Imldent I~toly sOoy that he hUB ex , prtlj800 a \IQS il'o to huvo relief IC!liM' tallon epllotod, btl~ is [h'mly oppo"\I(l t.l~e Oqui\liU'i,lon, fee prlnell1la und <ertjdn othe,' fea Wres of tno 1)lc'

Any . radlo fnn l{n Ows this gang hy Gertrude La wrenoe Is tho pro·te m 1)11Ck row ure Irving Aa,'onson, Ben Ca '·. Probaply they 're lhe !il'e;1.le.t 1 concluctor, and the bo)'s seated, a re I Se lvin , Ernlo Golden ("th' next num' gro up of jazz orchestra leade". e"\Or - Sa m Lamln, Vincent Lopez a n!l bah!"), George Olsen, F"ed RI~h and Huth~ l'e(l Int o one small plcl~ro. I Rogcl' \Volf(; Kahn , while in the Ben Be,'nl. ,

~46 Schools Participate The ])Opulnrlty of the FestIval Is

evidenced by the 246 high 8Chool~

thut have enle,'ed this year In com· pQ.l'tson to tho 162 lust year. Coun· try wide attention was attracted to !.he Fesllval last spring and eeveral Internatlona l1y p,'omlnent musicians visited and judged the progmms.

, Nal'~,H'Iugen pili, -In l't!lching the ~ce IS\on that It

would be bc~t to work out 1\ comp"o· IIIlse Senator McNary has reach ed the conclusion that III fRee of pre~ · Idenllal npposltlon the original IJIlI

• 1I'ould have a slight chance of evor bocoflling a law. He leaves tQmo(­row far tho wost "11(\ will di .ou.s the s1tu~Uon with vurlotl s tlSTlcul tul'lll ltoders and .«vise them to ndopt a

, ,plrlt or give anll take in a" effo,'t t. work out " legislatlvo program that oan be carried Into cffecl.

VIII (]oilIer With FHrmers Ills Ih's t stOI) will be In Chicago

whero he will e~nfer Thul.,,(Iay wltl, the heads or tho American Cllrm bureau and lhe Nlltlonnl grange, li e will meet ' othee agrlcult Ul';U .'.OkCR' men on hi. jou,'ney to his home in Oregon and (lurIng tlie summer will meet farmers ft'om l'llrlOUS pllrts ot the country in nn efCort Lo compro, mise their di{Cerences.

Later Senato l' McNary expects to p .. pare a rough draft of a bill which b& will present to tIle IJresldent In a n !flort to get his endo,'soment . It developed today thllt one of the

missions of Chairman B uller of the ;'\!publlcan national committee on hi! tl':P through the wast will be to 1001 tho pulse of the fa rm ers.

M,· Butler WIlS tn confere nce with Sen.tor McNary t oday and they ex· pect to meet In portland, Ore" with· In len days to campare notes. ,

"Art"6f Lettering" l

Subject of Talk WSUI Broadcasts

"The Art of T"etterlng," was the ,ubject of a lalk gil'en ove,' WSUI Monday nocn by J~ne Coventry 01 ihe art dellartrn1!nt. MI~" Ou en· tr)' .~etc hed briany the origin of the various forms of letters I'n common use today. The Old Roman s tyle 'he described us the parent of a ll styles of leU.ring. "Tonny It i8 not only the most useful, but also the most n,'tJsUc fOI'Ill," s he said,

"Though every day of au l' lives we al'e seeing ali kin d. 0{ printed let· tm, yet th e most grotesque of er', 10rs are made In the letterln!,; done on show cardM and s iq-n R. ON' and 'S' are quite commonly mode· .. ard and often n capitol '1' Is dotted.

"There is a pl'actlc(ll "alu& In be, Ing able to letter legibly," Miss Co­I'entry said. "Labels ha ve to b~

prin ted aa well a~ a(I<I,·c,'sos on ex­press packagea.

"Lettering Is a profession In itsolf, Bookcavers und Iltle p,ge", book 1,IMtcs, letterheads, ,;"ceting Can1ll, end slgn8 all rcpn'"ont the output o[

this occupation, 'rhe m06t spcctnc· utal' use ever made of le ttering is seen now in the brill iant elect ric ~gns in the 1111'1;(\ CIUeJ," .

Miniui"i lie_aiD. Hilh BlJllLING'l1O:-<, Iown, April 12 (.1')

-The river singe here today re· mal ned at 12 feet , ono inch, show' In~ no ehanlle ovel' ~'es'l' t'day. The ril'.r has l'CCeded from a high murk ~( 13 feet 4 Inch1}s In th'e Ptlst ~~

!M;;:i,ij~ii~~~-·~;i~i;.-~.-: ... ",stmyolth.Ir.!(ici'rlirl, l

irrlllR£D~OnQ .- .. : I~~,.,,--............. --· .

Physical Education Convention Closes D~legate8 go on to Des

Moines for Similar


Hurricane Flattens

Inland Town; Rush

Relief Expeditions


Sp"ings exchange wimt with a line· -man t o a I)olnt one mile east of town and Installed a telephone with which Lo maintnin comnittnicaUon with tho outside wor ld,

An opcm pl'ogrnrn, 3 tOlll' of the Latot', tho ODsrntor ut Rocl, unlvN'sity .uTJd a physlc,,1 educa tion Sp l'ings ueclarc(l that ~he dead, hurt dpmons tt;(,tlon In tile cyen in" last and IOl s"i ng eOllllll'lsed 80 ne1\r the night <!Iilllllxcd the socond purt of tolnl populntion of the town thaI tho thr~e lluy convention of lhe No· th ere was little posslbiUly of oh· tional Di recto rs of Phy~icn l l~d ucn· tnlnlng the number of casualties be· tl a n here, A'fte,' the last of t'oday's fore morning. Ilrogl'llm the deli!gate8 from twenty D,·, ,V. A. King , city heal!.h oHi­stutos wlll go to Des ~ I olne' COl' lhe ccr, and ~'ire Chiof J. O. Sarran Amc)'lclln Physico I Educullon me~t· wero scnt hy Mayol' Toblll to tho ing '!'hu,'sday, Friday, nnd S,tlul'dny. stricken ctty with Instl'llc tions I to

lI1 is8 Karoline Niolson's Dunish render 0.11 assistance possible. ,;y mnaellc ol~ sses a nd 1I1iss :;lfa l'lon The .... {luthern P aclt'lc ottlces In Strengs' Interpretive dancers ,'-ecelv, San Antonio rellorled tlmt a cantIng­ad much appluuse In a demonstra· e nt of United States cavalry f rom tlon. '1'\,m]>ler8, cloggers, a nd swi m· ]o'ort Clark bad been ordered to Hock mOl'S were other spec i(l ltie~ on the Springe to assIs t in reUeving the dis, pro!ira m In which four hundred girls tressed town . [l8Ilicipaled, A la rge audience pack· The storm ollprou.e hed the tOW11 ed the gym naSlums and pool room. from the nort hens t , aceol'Jinll,.to the

D,·, Arthul' Stelndlcr, director of telephone opemt or , and ploughed tbe Orthojl 110 hosp ita l, wili give through, ta l' ing praetlcally every the "Orthopedic Conception or N01'· house In tOl\'n, cutting a swuth two ma l I'ost ure/' opening lh() nl0rnlng miles \~'WC and sweepi ng everything sessIon a t 9:30 In Old Cap itol se nate before it. Only five 01' six houses cham bel' . "The Cynccologist's Con- were lefl standing. ecptioll or Normal Posture" will bo R ock SprIngs had", population of discussed by DI'. l~ri tz Miller: of the app,'oxlmately 800 per~ons and Is colleS'G of mell iei ne , Dr, },lu ,'sal'Pt located In the heart of the sheep iLnd Bell, U niversity of Michigan , will ' callie countl 'y of southwest 'l'exas, lead tho c lOSing clif::cussion& No i nformation W(lS available a~ to

Departmental ,'epol'ts at 1:30 will the damage outside of the city, end the open s sslon, Health educa· tlon , h enlth wi!eks, leaching of fresh· man gymnastics, training te.-'\chel's in )lh)'sical erlucHtion for U10 pubJic.. sohool, 3.n(l 3. school of physio thel'aIlY In connection with a normal depal'!' l1\ent of )Jhyslcal cducation will bc tho subjects (or the reports.

A busineas·nweting o( the :llidwesl allege Directo,'s concludes th e can­

vcntlon, the thl\'d annua l meeting of its Idnn.

Math Confab Draws Trio of Local Men

Prof, 1'[, L, Rietz, P" of. E, \\', Chittenden, Mr. L . E, \Va"d, and Mr, N, B. Conk" r ig ht, a ll of the dOlltulmenl of mathem a tics, wiH at­tend the American mathematics so' elety meeting :t.t the University oC Chicago this Friday nnd Snturday,

lj rofesso1' Chltlen(le n wltl dell ve l' tl ~e principal lectu re, lie witl speak on, i'Some Phases of Genera l 'l'op­ology," Mr, W ard will road a paper on "Expun8ion of Functions," a nd Mr. Cunin"r1!;ht wlU I'end a pa per "The SummablJity of Blrkoff Series."

Towbllat May Esta6lish New Ceonedion. Between Ports

(TITCAGO, Aprlt 12 (iP}-The use o[ a especially deslgnell caterpillur dr iven towhoat In the 1111nols river fUlil the Illlnol , Mleh lsa n canul wilt cMble €hlppers In Chlcngo to tI ~e an HIl water routo from hero to 898 l'Iv· 0,' po,t. by Septemb ,. 1 of thl ot year, It wus pt'e11lotell hel'e yesterdny by Ca 1'1 J. Baer of St, LouIs,

McCurtain Alkl Help; 100 Home. ,iWrecked

T t't.Sf\ , Avril 12 (iP)-Several per­sons were reportpd killed a nd scores hlll't In a tornado tha t struck Mc­Curta in, Oklu., tbis artel'lloon,

"Several delld and nearly every one. is hurt/' was tho message ra­Illyetl by u. tell'phone opemto!' nL Stigler, Okla" f rom Dr. Wllllams at McCur ta in,

"Pleuse ~et help to us quick," lln· other mesll3se sai!!. Stigler Is fif­teen mJles from McCUl'taln.

Arrangements were helng made to senel rellet expeditions,

Officials estimate that 100 houses W(l'I"O \\Tecked .

The storm moved tram the BOl.jth-WC f:i l.

Two Dead as Storm Strikes Ft. Smith

FOR'!' SMI'l'H, Ark., Apl'lJ 12 (4') -'I'wo pe"so n" a rO known to be dead und six Injp red as the resu lt at 0. " hlch st.'uCk F ort Smith, Illte this nfternoon .

'rhe dead are MI&s T. L, Fuller, a n llged woman, Mrs . S" T, Hes· tel'.

The InJul'ed are Ml's. L, B. lofcAlcl) !lnd two small daughte,'". Jasper Stell'a"t, a lIl", And 1'son and Clem 1';, Beny, About fifty houses al'o blldly \\'I'edked 111ld the roois blown off many othel's. The storm moved from tho southwest,

Three Killed; Fifteen Injured at Stigler

Mr. Bael', presIdent of th e Stand· No Ckildren Unden 16 Will al'd Navigation comlJllny dec lared n

S'l'{(}LER, OklO,. Aprt't 12 (4')­Three persons are known to have been klllcd a nd flftelm possibly fat· a lly Injured by a tOl'I,(.do that stl'uck lll.skell und l'<1leau cou nties Illto toclay,

Be Admitted I test of the new boot lust September domons trated that the water wus s ufficiently decp thl'Oug hout the

STRAND ~t TUnea Today

I "oute fa" "ha liow draft bnrges, He &tld tbe new trnnspon"tloJl equJp ' ment would suve shipllcrS nbout 20 P CI' cen t .on a ll !ioods coslgnecl to ,'Ivar port •.


TIMt you' ll no t . find (. morc con,

vcnlr nt pltlco to ~top In fo,' " late I"'cal(f:t"t 0" hUl' rlc(l lu nch thu n Mor' la ll'o;-o-Nell' 0[10 wl)cro the (ood Is Il~

tA"t)' OT' clcn n.

Jl c ut a swath nbout 300 yards Wide and ten mil es long. demoUs., Ing buildings in Its path, I

Purt" of the residentia l districts of M~Curtnln a nd Bokoshe were de­slroyed,

Ohio Attend.nce Gro,... COLL'MBUS, 0 ., A\H' i1 12-Based

on til numhet' ot (OCS Iluld, the CUl" re nl !lttUlHlunce Ht Ohlp mule unl· verslty Is the hll'~C" t spring onroll, me nt In n~ b'~tO"y. T he totnl nUl1\ ' be l' of .;tu tlcn t" who h tlVe paid foea fo r th e Hprlng (juute l' 18 8249, Ii lVas a nnounoed today, 'rIle new quur ter began March 29.


MOYLAN LUNCH SHOP Just East of Garden

When You 1'hlnk of }laUPll_ T-hlnk Mo,~la"8

From The

Pari~ Cleaners Phone 6i

Reed Remarks on Kentucky Tobacco District contests are being held

thll week llnd the winners at foul" tee n dlgtrict8 who will be eligible to

-r- on lee Ihe fes tival, will be nnnounced

C Ex , t' f ' next week. !Prlzes wlll be g illen the ross amlna Ion 0 winning contestants In the testlval

Sapiro Continues; here, Seventeen Evenh

No End Seen There a ro seventeen events oren to the contestnnts: girls glee club, boy's

I ny The A.,o~I"ted Fr ••• ) I glee Cillb, mixed choruses, girl's DInROIT, lIfa I 12 -SI I small vocal groups-from trloo to sex·

< I'C' . ow y t e ts Inclusive , boy's small vocal and la boriously the Inspection of groups ft'om trios to sexte ts Inclu­Aaron Saph'o's account books for siye" soprano solo, alto solo" lenor !'ecords oC Cees pnld him by (armers' solo, baritone solo, orchestra, c ham-

associations he ol'ganlzed today ,:~~S:ul~~tr~~~n:IOis~V;::~~~:s 8~~i. reached the Burley tobllCCO gro\vers Included) pl",no solo, bands. of Kentucl,y, ndmlltedly a. rich fleld, In tho'events tOt' bonds, ol'chestras,

The occasion presented tb~ OPPOl" girl's and boy's glee clubs and mixed choruSll8 there 11'111 be three elallS'

tunity for Senator James A. Reed, tficatlons, based upon the ent'oJ), ~hief ot counsel for H enry Ford In ment ot the school. Raplro's $l,QOO ,OOO libel suit, 1.0 pay. his "espects to Fle,' ,ull'd M . Baruch oC Savings Banks to

New Yorl{ who was chall'ma n ot the Decrease Holdings Wat' Industries board undel' " 'ood · ' row ,Vilson durln~ t he World war. I in Western Roads

"When you first went to K en· __ lUcky upon whose InvltatlQn did you I KANSAS CiTY, AIll'1I 1Z (IP)­go?" SavIngs hanks have been fo rcen to

"Judge Robert W, Bingham of decrease thei!' 'bond holdIng In W est· T.Aluls"lIIe," replied Sapiro Indica.tlng I cI'n trunk line railt·oads. Sel'ernl of the publisher of the Co urler·J ournal these roads have he'en reUred (roni apd the Tln' es. the " legal Hst" witnesses saW to:

nee" J)qlllllJl "EcOllomlst" day Jn the Inte;'state commerce com· "Had YO u m et .Tudge Bingham missjon bearing of a request for i n­

before?" asked Heed, I1nd Sa.piro \'e, cre",scd class freight mtcs by C' ''"

luted that he first saw the Ken· riel'S of cleven middle western s ta t"s. tuoky publisher In N~w York. Phillh)s A, Benson testified on , :,e

"Where did you meet h im?" attitude of savings bunkers towa:', ls "In the oWee of Bernard M. n ar· western tl'unk line bonds. He Is

lich ." secretnr;' of the Dime Sa vings ba nl< "I'i' ha t were you doing?" of Bl'Ooklyn and chairma n of t'IC "blscusslng the K entucky tobateo Investment committee of the savln ';s

pI'oblem." bank aSSOCia tion of );lew York. Donll" "Dal'uoh Is a financIer, not a to' nlu st have paid at least foul' pOl'

iJaG'Co g rower, Isn't he?" cent continously for flv& yeurs to be " H e ia "n economist al~o and a n on the "lega l list."

adviser," r eplied Saplro, Earl ie r III the d,\), another e:plt, "He's a 'specu latol1 0n the boal'd of p,'n htlllker le.tIfiNI tha t propo ;l"l

trade Isn't be? '''ben did Barne~' Increase, lVould be Inadequate. T" is Dal'llch bec~e an economist?" assertion was made 'by Fairman H,

"About the lime he becume chair- Dick, a partner in t he Investment mUll of tho ~I' Industries boa1'(l (end bankln!; hom,,, of Hoosevelt lind le"l'ned 0.11 about business llnd ceo· Son, "'ew York, relll'~"enling sen:,., nomics lhrough the country, " ity holders of Ule \I'e:l tCl'Il Trunk

"That was his only trainIng, JInes. wasll't It 7" 'I' he roads need " " additlonu l

"It was II magnificen t t"llinlng," UO,OOO,OOO Income anll l he Tlropos<,d Large ~'ee to Sapiro Inc,'ease would yield nn additional

l!'ormallon ot the Du,' ley tobacco $23,000,000 to $30,000 ,000, Dicit suld, grower~' COoperative association then \l'llS undertaken st~p by step but the lU.,,'I\et fl/l' tlrul~rs fO "nlll1 s ta ting of the fee ' Saplro's BF.RKELElY, Cnl,~He18 i1 prices fll,m I'ecelved , aPll ,'oxlrnately $90" for busted C'll'~ in ~his state nrc 000 wus left for tomorrow. steady at around '20, on a dull ma,'·

T estimony on the f011no.lIon at the ket. 'I'ho e"ecutlvo cOll,mlttee of tile Nhtlonnl council of coopemtive ma," University of Callfol'lll.. awanlcd ketlng was haltod when Sapiro t~stl· tIlls amount tp Roy Nlswa'lder, fl d· ned positively ho han gotten no fee ball stnr, fol' one 'iauliflowcred 'JUI' tram 1t a lthough a.dmlttlng that at and t ne samp Sllm to Jamos E. least 16 at lhe assoclatlpns fonning Johnsen, wre~tler, for s ill\ilar injpr)" :t ' had paid, hIm Cecs. 'l'eeth ",rccke(l in busket hall \1' 01'0

It was Saph'O '" e levcnth day un , uneven. Lane Fletcher gol 150 for dc" el'088 examination nnd the end his; ~llt fpr a, smilller Ipss Jamp$

~~s_n?~~.8 Ig~~~t,==a~d~~Q=u~'~n~m~e=n=t=.==~D,=0=u=g~h~e~r2t)='="=·as===P~~I=d==Qn=I=Y~S7=.==~

durry and "get in, on" the attractive easy-term offer of-.

cJk~~HOOVER. .II 8EATS.~ .. til it Sweeps 4s:11 Cl"~nSj

, ~ _ ' " I

i¥J/~S~\{ . .""

(Co".",." W#h .DwtlPIl Too"') ., ,&Imu;. iII.rtrUlli monn.IY IlJ1IftftI'" \

IThis, offer llo1ds iood for a limited time only. Telephone NOW for a home

I demonstratiQn. See why The Hoover 'is the , choico of mo1L!~~ILtw9 _ D)iJ.; liqn women. f \

~This SpectaC\1l~ OfFer mikes-i~ibj; for I you to BI't the ~nest of electric dearie" .. limply ancl ... ily at an or4inllry cc~UJD 1

.. .. - -- -

It.. Lm.ral Allowan" (1) YOllr Old Cleaner

Iowa City Light & Power Co. . A United: I!.irht 'Property

, 1 Unti~' Sarti 'Gets Monell Back I American Novelist , ~-----.....--..-.....--------.---- to Visit University

In the cent.r of Ibis picture Is' In c urrency ancl bonds .reeovered from mail robbel'y at RawlinS, Wyo"

Postm~"ter General New receivIng last August, Money was dug up (rom P""t Office In~pectors A, A, from c>!che after nine bandits hud Imus and :fl, H. Robertson $245,OOQ been convicte!\.


Sham Battlers Attack Imaginary Enemies in War on Golf Course

During tho last two duys the solf The enemy WC1'e reported to be course hlls been not only It place to !n Coralville, and b~a.vy artillerY fire 1)lay lhe ancIent Scotch tJnme, but was imagIned fnJling over the flold, also the sce ne at hotly contested Orders w el'c giVen to adva nce battles, There was not a drop of through the zone of enemy fu'tlJ1ery, blood shed nor the sound of '" g un , yet the fll'lng line of the forces ad· vanced over the gole course to with, in 800 ya rds of the enem;', whQ were h iding In th~ grove of treos just nor th at the firth hole,

T hj! aclvllnclng forces wero the un· Its In the Iowa. R. O. T. C. (lemQn' strating the a pP"oach march this week In the fi eld.

The companIes In the local unit fonned In sections In the r ear of the al'lnory. There were two sections In ellch platoon.

and scouts we re sent out. The sec· tlons then atta.cked , one section In asSll ult, and the other secti0b tol­lowJng In support.

'rhe lin e In frollt l and th o sccliolls In s upport , a dvanced in flltration,

Tho IIno of us~au,Jt moved to with, in 800 yards of the imaginary enem~'

(orces, which were s upposed to have moved fro m Cora lville to the g ,'o l'o of trees north of the fifth holo on the golf course. The outcome of the i:>ll ttJO a nd t ho 10,,"C8 suCfere!1 by the conlon.lHng Q,.l'miG8 are unknown.

Hamlin Carland Will Give Lecture, Hold

Round Table A ills tlnl!ulsheil 4merlcnll nov elist

wll! ,'cturn to th" land o~ his boy­hood when Hamlln Gru:la.nd, writer of the great Ainerlcnn plnnee, vllllt8 Iowa City and tho university on Ap­ril 25 an!! 26, Mr, OUI'Iand will speak In natural science lIudltol'lum on the eYOl,lng of AO"U 25 and )VIII lend a round table eanterenco In Old Capitol on Tuesduy 8ftOl'lloon, Ap1'i1 2G . H e cpmes here under tho /lus, 'IAce8 of the senatG \)pard qn unlve.'· sit)' lectUI'M,

J.)aught.r ASsIsts with tfogrnm MI'. Curllmd wilt he accompunled

by his dallghter , Mq"y ISEbbel, and her husbillld, MI'. Hardy .}ohlloon. Tho daushtel' will aPPl!qr with '/leI' ta· thel' at the lecture on MondllY eve­ning, and wlll read several exce!1f.t" from her father's work.. Mrs, John' son 'J. well known 1/1 dramatic clr· cleo throughout the country,

Plans are being made to have lIir. Hardesty John son appenl' on th" e vening program with his wlfa and Ml'. Garlund. Mr, Johnson Is a ten' or and has glvep recitals In many l}Ilrta ot the eounlt'y, Ho recolved his trnlnlng In Eiurope ullder J ea n <111 Reszlw,

Subject Not ~C!w" The subject upon Which ,Mr, Gal"

la nd will >:!peak h88 nob been announced, He Is ,bes\ ](lIown for his stories at plqnear days In the middle west. Some of hl1l !took. 8"", "A Son of tho M.lddlc Border," "The Trull of the 001(1 Seeket's," and "A Dau8'hter or the Mleldle Border,"

Besides leading lhe u"lve.-.lty round table discussion and giving hiM lecture, MI'. Garland Will addres8 Prof, F. L, Mott'g claM tn ","erlcan literature, on Monday. atter\loon, April 25,

,M.rkeb at I!l Qa.e. NEW YORK- Stocks h'l'egular:

eommercln l Solvents B 81 record hig h, Bon<ls ml'xed; $30,000,000 City or M1Jan Issue ove.subscrlbed, }o'or· eig n exchanges ateady; Ilnllan IIro hIg hest in sevora l days, Cotton hig her ; unfavorable weather. Sugar easillri liquldatton. Cqffee firmer; t l'Eldebuylllf:.

OHIOAGO-W hc!\ t steady; unfav. oro blo wea~he,' northwest. Oorn easy; large stooks, Cattle oasy, Hogs w alt,

BREMER~S Iowa City'. Finest Store for Men




-Reflect fop a m,oment and consider how that new Hat will be~ome you ••• mirror to yourself how others will approve. We invite yqu in • , • to view .yourself in the various n~w stllnl~S, the new colors. Ypu'll find it a plf,lasure ••• oIJr entire steck awaits your critlca1 inspection.

, ,

$4.50 ,$5 $6.00


Do~~s , Hats iii attractive Easter Colors:

$7.50 t~ $10.00 I


Page 4: G - Daily Iowan: Archive

P .. e • .I . nie Daily lowan.~. lowa- l"U.. W dn -'-'- A iI 13 - "" .... 'T . e elKJaY. pr , ' ... . A'I 13 1921 ..

__________________________________________________________________________________ ~ ____________ ~ ____________________________________________ ~" .~ ,_ll~~y pn

_mCI.L I~.N'" lOWI:rAnJI 1I .. 1Vl1.nrT 01' lOW.

.. 1I1U1be4 ..,.,., _tq eUIIIt II ... bJ BtudeDl PUllaatlon. laoor]IOI'atM, at 11.·111 Iowa ... ",.110, 10.a Cltr. low ..

.. w.4 u _4 .... .au. at tile P'* ollloe at ~ CllF.Io ....

luberlptloa ratell bJ mall • oanI.r, ..... for 11 _tlla; ,'.00 for aoa4.m1o 7"'. Blqle oopl-. I .. al&

1I.IfBIIlBl 01' Tlflll &88001&rlllD I'BB88 !'lie .... oolatod Pr_ I. exrlu" enUtle<! to th. UM

.. "publication ot all newe dl.l)atChea credlte<! to It or _ otherwl ... credited In thl. papcr, anti al80 the local aewl publilhed bereln.

.D ..... l'I.ING .JIIP.llillllNT&TI ..... 0... ,Rotbellbute ,. Nee, Inc" » fllUt n .. St., Ne.

~ark; ... North Mlolqan AVI., Cbl(lllilo. lII, ; au Vic· wla BIde. 8t. Lou ... Mo, ; lAnd Bank Bldll. Kan .... CIt.F, 110.; &'1 Donovu BIds.; UG8 Woo4ward Ave" De· troIt. Mleb.; OoaotnuUon Bide" Atlanta, 0 ... ; Holbrook ..... BaD J'ruclaco, Cal; ,01 SocurlUe. ..... Loll ADeel... Cal.; ROJ BlLrIlhlll, Inc., 40 Ill. Uth •• New York; ColI •• late Bpsol&l Advertl.'nl Allon." JM., Ita J'lttll ... V.. N 1'If York; .11 N. MlohlllUl BI v4" CIoI ...... lJL

BOARD OJ' TRUSTlDlII8 "'en If. KaAlIIlw.n, chlLl.rman; FrederIck J. La •• 'I ; GlL7mont B. Klllredlr8; Bldney 0, Winter. ; Jobn H. )fol­...... 11; Mvlhall C. WallOn; .hlarl E. Beman; Marlon M, JlAmbo; Aln.-J .. lIl. Hlck_rlOn.

Ban7 I . Bunker. O.n_1 ](u., ...

{ B4ltorlaJ om-. IUt. 'IWLm'IIO~_ BUIlD •• om ..... 180, III.

• DITO ... &L I ... AW. ~a 'I. TlltcIa-__ • ___ • ______ .. lDdltor

aatberIae :r. 1facJ'-.-.----.--. ___ N.w. B41tor 1I1,"t N •• I Mllon

.... nee. Wln1<elman. Donald A. MeOulre, Frnnk A. l;tlNUl, W. Walter Graham, I:'ler Aldcrehof. W. llarry

per. a-u WI'" ______ .. ____ ... _ .. CII' B4lte. = .. B. NoJ-. .. __ ..... _..Jl:dlto.1aI pq. Manqer

.. W. TaInL-- __ ~8ool.ty Editor fteodar. J(oop .. _______ ....... __ ... _.CaIllPu. IIlcIlt~ Albert .. .btL.... _________ ..... COlumalal "-In ...... Blall_ } S •• Edit Marvin Lopa ---..... -.-.... por_ or.

BU81NE8S 11'&" .... r. W.bbtr._ ....... .. _ ..................... _ .... Bullne_ Mana •• r 'IV, H&r..,. HarJ)er. __ ......... _ ........ _ .... Clreullll lon 10111.1\11.&'--.wu. B. O ... n __ ..... _ .... OI ... I(I.d A4verU.11l1r M .... ,/I.Ir.r ...... 1. Dolly .... __ ...... _____ .... "'·or Itrn Ady.rUslns 01..- W. Blackburn ........... .-........ ___ .AdverU.lnar Mllotanl BoIIert V. Blbert .... __ .... __ ....... _.Advertl.lntr AaIIllt&nt 7nderlclc A ... hn. lI . r ................ _ ..... .Adverll .lnar A8II1IItant ,WUllam T. Bac.boeek..-__ .... _ ... ...AdvuU.lnr A8.181&nl 0-._ W. Olaon_. ___ . ___ .... Advertl.lnar A •• I.la1\t end 8. Parrott .. _____ .... __ .Advertlslng .A8IIlllAnt

loert 8. 8tiOl'nbertr .. __ . ...Adv.rtl.lnar vlD .. LoIrl'n_. ___ .'---"dverllslng .A"'llAnt

CllaPlaa B. ~lJaber _ ... _. __ . ....Accountant

Wednesday. April 13, 1927 mom N1tW8 EDrroR

Floyd .'llel dn«er

Out Weepah Way-OUT on II sandy ~tretch or desert lind wa8te

llind rrllts a city of tent, shac.ks, and make. hift (lwellingM. Almost over night has thi low-lying mbryonic city sprung up­V{ pah-the m('ccli for the "nugg t·mad." Scareely " fortnight 11ll!l ra. d since this dt'sert tract ~com th goal for men, women and hildren from all parts of thc United State!!. Two 19.year·old bOYij rrying into a badg r bole in 01 W~cpah di. trict of te_ "ada di overed gold. 1 ew~ or this sort passes quickly. Th(' crnde path.~ leoding to the" lucky Rtrike" wer crowd d by II fev­ered lu l·drh' n mo of humanity.

The world Jla~ progressed. But under­l1('aOI this maRk or b1asc. and super·sophi. ti­cation, i. r waled th r al man. TIuman natur change not at nIl. 'Man is a ~ave to hi emotiolls, e\'el1 though he forcibly can· trol himself by re on under ordinary con· dilions of ven Hying. ndcr suddell or UIl·

tillual htrain, the averngc man can only with effort con. trai n bim. If; tho mol' ad vent­l\roU. soul. ; letters or no fetters, succumb to COli cli tiollB. It may be cxplai ned 08 the psycltoJogy of the mob mind coupled with the instinct of weliurc. Many xample of man 'R r action to nch conditions are appal" 'nt: '1'h California gold rush of thl' '49 's; tho Tcxas oil boom j the l'ccent Florida land boom.

So long Ill! man exist, so long will man be sway I'd this way !lnd th!lt lUI unusual and llpectaeular events startl the usually placid publie mind. But thc gr at solaco remail1ll that there will be a majority of level·headed men, who though motivated by th almost ovenvh Iming urge 1 t di cr tion fly to tbe winds, will e.tcrcise their sound judgment and maintain the bolane .

Socrates, Guilty T'YENTY.TllREE Rnd a quarter centurics 1 ago " the wi t, ju tCRt. best of men," Socrates, partook of the IJOiHOnolU~ hemlock, and paid the penalty prononn d upon him by a jury vote of 2 1 to 220 with his life.

The verdict of the trial court in thot mem­orable in tance was l' ent1y upheld by the Oreek supreme court at Athens in it.'! rccon·

, "ideration of the C8lle. Socrates died con· • victed of impi ty, innovation, and corrupt­

ing youth with bis unorthodox doctrines. The attorney who IiiI'd th suit for a retrial 1old, the court that .. tho lJOnor of Orecco demands that Socrate6' jnnocence be re· etJtabU bed."

The supremo court of arc co is worthy of its name. 1t b&lltily rej tcd the plea on the grotl1ld that world opinion 118d villuicated the great philoMOpber, h ne Il'glil action W&ll no lon~r need d. Und r tll Jaw of that diy, at lelll!t, &CrllteH Will! Ruilty.

Thu8 h88 the window of the past been opened, 8ud wi8('ly elo!l('d. Sooratespaid 1 be penalty bf the mlln nhl'l\(1 of hiH time. Yet lie hll8, great thoulI;Jt he IVa!!, left noth .. ing in writing to the world j ho did not even prole to be "teacher. JIe waN a man of learning, of ideBI!, and of truth.

~ BecaulJO hiN purpose in lifo WM to "ex-pelle the hollowncHl! of what p8lllOd for knowledge aud to lIubstitute, or rather to IIY tbe loundntion for, truth and lJOientific 'knQwl dge," tbe man of hi tory W88 haled into court alld tried for hiN life. In the eyes of 'his world, he Wile guilty,

Yes, }cgalJy Hoeratcli Will a menace to hiA

MloWli j bill, W811 he bitter toward them, know lJlIt a he did th ir narrow point of Vitlw' No. .

Her then is th great 8oorates, whom tbe opiniOIl of th worlll hall completely vindl­at -<1, wht·1t h \ lIIIid to hill jlldgeH, ., Men of

~ ~the\)a, I honor ami lov ,rou i but 1 sball

obey God rather than you. . •• Whatever you do I shall not alter my ways, not even if 1 have to die many times ..• , But it is well. ... 'rho hour of departUre has arrived, aud we go our w8ys- I to die and YOll to live. W bieh is better, God only knows."

The New Basket Ball Rule B'ASKETBALL will bo a different game

next year. '1'ho new rule limiting the dribble to II singlo bounce moans the passing of the fast, twisting, swerving, floor demon . Tho BIt or dribbling through tho opposing team for a short basket will be a lost art.

Coaches must revolutionize their styles of play to meet the new rClluiremen1.R. The short bounce pass play will finel a host of new patrons. And long shot orti!>ts will be in greater demand than ever before.

Will the ncw ruling bclp t ho gamoY Will it eliminatc rougbness Y

It is true that roughness often results from physical contact wllon II mon is drib­bling. But what chance will a playcr have if all hi. ' matcs are covcred by all opponent ond he cannot dribble to a sa(o place'

Nothing is more beautiful or thrilling on a baRket ball floor than to sco a gt'aceful 1)Ia.yer carry the bali down the floor by dribbling .

'1'he question iA, " 'an the new rule be obeyed Y" Tbe chances arc that it will re­sult in both tcams losing the b U frequently bee all so of llDintentional violation of it. It praetically tics a player to the f lool'. He moy dribble once, then take 0110 step, and he is done. lIe must then THISS thc bull or lose it. '1'hore will be no need of gUll rcls to baIt II pluyer who breaks loose down the f loor.

Tbe new ruling is entitled to a fair trial. But why nol give it this trial bcfol'!l it new !\Cllson starts 80 that we will not. Hpoil an entire year by a rule th!lt cannot be obeyed or that IIloW's 1I p the game too m ncb 1

Easter Symbols LIKE many Christian customs, that of as·

sociating eggs with Ellktl' I' was ilcrived from pagan llsages. Authorities disagree with J' gard to th origin of the name, Ea, tel'. orne woukl have it thot its deriva· tion is from the Teutoni(· goddrsfl, Eostre. OtherR say it W!L\i named for an old spring f tival in 1101101' of the lin's ncw birth in the east.

As its tim ooinci(lctl with the r surrec· tion, the synlbol was takcn over by the council of Nice 1,602 years ago. That body fixed the d/ly of elecbration as the first Sun­day atter the paschal full moon, thc sca'lOn of th llebrcw passov !'.

The lore of Easter eggs may he traCl'd in mony countries. With its Iifc germ, des­tincd to burst forth oCter tbe appearance of death, the egg became geuel"1I lIy ai.'lOciated with the idea of re urrection.

nder the old ecclesiastical laws of Eng­land, rent could be paid in Easter eggs.

hildren played games with them. In some eountrie" people deisted from rating egg during Lent, tben on Eastpr day they were taken, a.'! the first fleshy nourishment after tbe fa t to Mnetify tbe bedy.

For centurics, }It'ople ha\'e enjoyed the cnstom of dyeing eggs at Eo~ter time. 'om· monel's colored tbcm red to signify the blood of Chri , t. Lords and ladies covered tilCirs with gold leaf, IJllter, and ('sp<'cially on the continent of Em'opc, color designs became ,'ery elaborate.

A rter all, time has n bl1t littlc cbange in EIll ter gg. Tho. o[ th pa t werc, as II rule, more elaborate than those of today. Even [ifty years ago, they were made of porcelain, ivory, Vel1l'tian gla' , silvel', and similar material.'!.

Doubtle public opinion would agrce, bow vcr, that therc bas bl'en one very ap· preciable change. As the result of the genius of modern confection rH, the adopted Easter cgg of todoy is very pala table, very gorg ons, but exceedingly sticky.

Editorial Notes i"raternily ercst.'! hav\, long sorved snch

uRCful purposcs as d corating vanity cases, eu rf liJlks, lamp sbodes, 011 mauner o[ jewel­ry, IImbrella h8ndl('~, letl!'r cases, nnd Leath· (' I' belts. Rut thc-y have reached theil' height of utility in fashioll'R latest foiblc; neckt ie deRignen; hav woven variou" fra­t('rnity crest~ in silk, so t hat cv~n more "by his club shall ye know him."

The sexes may bo equal, but how do YOll explain that a til' d bllSillc s man goes to a revile and a tired hOllsowife gocs to beel Y

Not at tho timo b ehoos s, but eventually he w.ill come to know that a good cook is ruther to be chosen thilll great riches. -

Tb principal difrerpnc bctw<' .n a stnt('s­mall ontl a practical politician is that the lalter ahvays RCcm~vc mOIlCy.

OpportunitY 'lj oth 'r name is Work.

Poem. That Live The M4n Economy Has Caught

A mouth of ivory snoy{ and coral, A plenteous body'H qui·t horn. Breasts like a swelling bloom of lnurel, Thele are the erOWII8 that I ha\'o worn.

Bere, with no crown, I have no power And ericketll could outwit my brain. 1!'allow be liell. 1 may hot )low her Who Iic8 beyoncl this picket rain,

What in this arch of hm and vR1ley But the field, woman, is wortb thought' What but her grain could hope to rally The man cconomy hal! cangbtf

- lhvMONIl TIoWEN', ill 1'/11; Natioll,

~ . :w~ t t t ~

Official Daily Bulletin 1...-1 p_: __ ~--~_iz-a_·8_=_in_=_T_=_ro-u __ b-l_e-A_g=ai-n_ -_ -_ -_-=_-·_-_-~T-. ~-B- --Y~1lu-J ---T-h-e-U-t The University of Iowa

a.Uetta. ... ... ... au ..... t. for .... 0'&1" Dan:r BIIlJ_1a eol..... ma.. b. 10 tho offle. of lb. "al ••• oI.,. .. ner. Pra'. () •• rlel B. WeUer. r.... 101 je .... aIt •• buUdla., b:r 4 0·.1..... 1ft lb. alt •• aooa •• appear Ia ... 'ollow". _.~.f. Da1l7 ......

VOLUME 2, No. 154 APRIL 12, 1~27


Exnmlnntlon Thurf!(]ay, Ap"n 14, on Hnn-II '1"Amhros cont"oYOI'sy : Usc or notebooks during teat wJII not bo permitted. Only those studen ts 0. 1· r~ady d~8lgnnted will be excused from tho exrunlno.tlon; a ll othol'S Will 'be examined, but need not hnnd In 1'IlJlOrt orlglnD.lly a.aslg ned,


LlIllti\RY nOURS IIUR1NG EASTER RECtJSS Tho main rCltdJng room and rcscrVA reading room. beginning Thursday,

p. m .. April 14 Ih"ough Mon(lflY evening April 18, will be ojXln 8:30 to 12 a nd 1 to 5, 'l'he undc, 'graduate study 11aHs will be open 9 to 12 nnd 1 to 5,

HOUl'S for <I [lartmenta l Ilbral'les will vo,·y and will be bulletin d at tho en tranco to each JIb,'ary.

GRACE \VOHMEn, acting dll'ector of Ilbl'ul'lcs.

SUMMER SESSJO~ CATAU)GUES REAOY The S um mel' Session ca ta logues 0.1'0 now r eMY ontl mUy be Illul by

calling .t the Summ er Session Office, ground floor, N. 1':. r oom, Old Call ' Itol, C. E. YOUNG.

( 'III<::\UST"Y CLUD MC'QUng or Iho Chemistry club. Wednesda y, April 13 at 7:00 p. m" In

tho ~mall chem is try autlitodu lll , Re port or th ono n houqc cOll1'nltl~c. MAH.ION 'rA YLQR secretary.


Ji)vcry WOntll" In the un Iv rslty Is Quallfl d to voto In the e l cUons to· day. .l'olls llro locnted In !looml arts building.

IOWA DAMES The llnlve"slty or Iowa Dames will 'postponc the "CgUllll' bURlnoss meet·

Ing until May 21.

\ MilS. C. II. l'OST, pre~ldent .

HAI'I'A FlU The"e will 1)(' a regular Kalll)a. Phi me tlng ,\Vcdnpsday evenin g a t 7

o'dock nt lhe Center , Nole the tlmo. Thel'o will bo no chorus 1>I'ac lice so a li momitC','" rnu~l bo III·eacnl.

LEONA BOllA IT, sccrotary.

OCTAVE TIIANr~T Th(\ next me(·tlng of Detav 'L'hanc-t has been )lostponed until aft r va·

cn\lon, BETTY CA Y, J),·esldcnl.J

UNIOS CMII'AlGN WOmmRS Plea,*, tm'n in to Ihe offict> ot tho Iowa. UnIon 0 11 pledge cards and other

Information (IS 800n as pOll."lble. ODA McAVOY, secretary.

ELECl'nON OF )mlTORS - IOWA Ll'rEHAHY ~L\GAZI~E Appllcnnts for poslUor,s on tho editorial !board of the Iowa Literary

Mngazln fm" next year sbou l(l " nd their applications to Charles Drown NelRon, 20 Suuth Linn strept. before April 21. Any undergrad uato Is e1ig!· 1110 tor a jXlsltion on the board.


IOWA LlTElt.\I~\: MAGAZINE The deadline for monu"crlpt" (or the May issue of the Iowa Literary

Mugazlne hu~ been sct (01' A \l1'1l 14, MnteL'lnl sbould be addressed In cal'e of Student l'ublicatJons Jnco,·porulcd.


The Book·World Views and Reviews of the Latest In Print

Art and Life nE..~S(;TO CRLLD>I; N:l'lIJolrs l\l'U/PH by lIimsclf. Oxford UIl;'·cr·

s lty l'I'ess. 19%7. $.80.

Horaer " 'nll)ole tI cuned thnt Ben· world which slll'ang from tbe mar· venuto Celllnl's Memoirs were "more rlogo of ],'aust wIth lIelen." If yOU amusing than any nove!." So great· nre acqual ntcd wIth thoso two ta· Iy admired by the Hallan literati has mou" chnraeters (lwd who Is not?), been this remarkable 8uto'blogl'nl)t1y the dictum c10es not seem at all ran· thM they have described It as "the tastlc; e~llcclally In the light thrown most entertaJ n,lng and delightful 80 recently on the Indy's chru'Mter work In the whole compass of Italian by D,·. J~ .... klne, In any case, here IIlcrature;" surely high, If not ex· I. YOUl' chanco to possess this mo.ster· Ira.VQg-olnt, praJse. Celllnl's place of piece tor a very moderate ouLlay; ~minence In lho times ot tbe gr~<Lt und the investment will pay high dlv· Uo.slers of Art hiS Intlmllcy with Idcnds. At the nd ot th text wllJ such Giants 3.8 'Michael Angelo, Tl· hi> (ound t(lur Ind ices: (l) Persons ; l inn. and all the great Italian s ulp ' (2) Places; (3) Personal matters; (4) tors and palntl'rs o( the age, as well \\'o"kg ot art. These occupy more 11.8 his Intereou,"se with kings, popes. than fourtcen pngcs and will be ap· dukes, stat men, commanders and I)rcclated by all 8crlou8 studcnts. cc<:lesla.stics, a!torded him unriva led - .\.l1ne Wakely Jueliso l'f . opportunltle8 for observation. And no ma n was ev l' morc capable or avolling h lmselt of such advantages,l People Are Saying Ilo hR. len to succeedinG generations a distinct view o( these l>ersonage3 ".'\ 11 freedom I~ rpiaUvc Ilnywny. In their private moments, when they I know lhat many good Ame"lconR did not dream that tbey WeI' Silting are dlssutlsfh'd with the Bocllll condl. for thclr l>ortraltll-1>Ortl'al18 to !Jc t1o n ~ In AmerIca, and that Is a good pllinted by such 11. consummate artist tblng, fol' tile dissatisfied nrc the so. lho.t tbey would live tor centurl 8. clal evoluUol1a1'les nnd the contl'lbu.

Orlgtllalln F1o~nce .. tinK' cau,qe ot prog~SIl. In Rllyi ng This world·fltmous o.utoblography. that Ame"lea hilS mOre elements tor

In Ittl('l( the Italian ox· ,'o.l)ld develoJlment a long 80clal lines pre88ed In personality, was written than [lny othor country. In ludlng betw en the yenrs 1558 lind 1662. Hu.slll. I nm aware that you are no t 1"he orlglna"MS. belo ngs to tho Lau· per(l'Ct h~rc. but thut you are furth· l'~nUan COllection In Florence. It or ahend or flny other country In Eur· has been t,'anslnted Into other Ian· op~, I hav(> been a ll over" EUl'OIlC g uage8 by gr~at wrIters who have a nd speak f"om comp(Lrlson. At u steeped themaelves In Its atmosphere, Ume wh n tile world Is looking to Coelhe translated It Into German, International I)rogl'css, Anwrleo. Is the Leopold Leclauehe In to French, Nu· dodslvo tactol' nnd I 18 or wo,' ld 1m· gent, Roscoe ond ymond8 Into E ng· portanc whethc,' the American peo. Heh. R08I'oo writes thllt, according pIe 'lttuln to lh h' l)Qtentialltles fOl' to tho learned Italia n editor, CiIr· jXlHUcal malu'"lty.'·-Alexan~er K er. l>I\nl, "this precJou8 document" was ol1sky, Corm er premier or RUBsla, accldenlo.lly discovered by "Segre· tarlo" 'I"olrot In It bookseller's shop lIelped Three Uuck lie's Out of Luck In 1810; Itnd that at his death In 1826 It l)(I.I!I!cd, with !til hIs MMS" Into t b Lnu" ontlan libra ry.

In thIs notable !tddltlon to that m08t OX client Il6rl I of pocket vol · umes Known as tbe WOrld's 011UlIllc8. th Roscoe lransllLUon of the Me­moirs h'lI! been tollowed; a nd It has boon rovlsed throughout. Roscoe's translatio n of 1822 Will!! blU!ed on Nu· gont 's of 1711. a l1d was not a lItt1r oxpurgnted, In tho prtlllent edition tho omltt d IX'/ dUg 8 ho.vo !x-en reo stored, ho.vlng been nowly t1'llnslllted from the Itallnn. Now that this just· Iy ru loh''Iltcd "human <1 ocum ent" Is nVallahl In s uch f\ (1<,.II'(1blo nnd In· oxpo nslvo form dOllbllrl!ll mo.ny who havo lOng dcelroa to r ell/l It will bo mol'c a/lt to do 80. It I" not tho sort or book lhat ono wants to borrow (rQtn 0. llbrnry and he (ol'ccd to hurry through. but onc to hn.vo nt haml tor leisurely rending, when In th mood tor It .

Fa .. t and lIelen Cellini WI\J! a wor8hlpcr ot heauty.

0. IlCUII)tor nnd worker In IWl'clous mcl!I18, 1\ man of viol nt IlllRe lons­the very embodiment of the "llI'tieUo tcmpel'tunclil"-fllll!fl1ltlcently born· balltle, lie lived 0. turbulent, highly colored lI(e durIng one of tbe great· C8t perlod8 ot hl~tory. No man WIlH ~ver !noro Intenllllly alive, moro Nlrthlly human . lIlH amulng Rtory Wile elrculated In M8. 1111 to J 7S0, when It WIU! fIrst printed. Ono writ· er BaYB th!tt "Judged by hiM OWn 'l)fO· .. ntmenl, he WU6 the o»ltoll\o of that

CLYDE, O,-B y Behnko Is I\n lion· cs t mon who gets a long os brst ho can , II drlvcs his lIlvvcr dny o.nd night and looks to neither lott or r ight. Th(\ OthN' oven lng II nt'y \\' nt out (Ol' a d r ive on pleasure be nt. lIo had no errand, hauled no load, ju~t hendrd fOI' tho oprn I'Oa(\, Th(\ nig ht was wa,.," and Hent'y thought "to moro a ir, r rcnlly OU/I'h I. " He open~d up tho fllvvcr door nnd drov nl ong just ns berm'e whon sudd nly without a Mund 08 llenl'Y IIII' nNI '1 cor nr r rount! thl'l'o grt'at fllt (luel,llngs flew nilanI'd ot I rlllll'Y'H gnlllvnn tlng J~Of·d. The COn" l ll~ I" took Jlenry In . a fn ,'mer tilled with KOl'e chagri n nccWiM /loor 11 ~nt'Y fiB n ~I'ook, the Judg~ him n dirty look find fin ed him len "Ight on th,' I1M~, thon nrlclNI roMS, I'oor Il rnl'y "o~(' with dignity, find gravrly hOlVed; "rou,' honor," then he crlrtl nloutl, "tl", nrNt limn flny duck nMkH 11111 10 glv., him l1'n n~'

11OI'I'lllon frN·. 1'1/ IJl\!!8 hi s ,,11'[1 ('om' plrtc- Iy hy , " I'll m'l!to th conslll·Iw.l c,'lllrl' flyl"

NebrlMM \vln8 neillde AMl';S, A 111'11 Jl (IP)-Nrbr'lHkn

unlvcr~ lt y (I"hutrm won [1" {tu/ll · (' nee {Iecls lon oVUr tho IOW1. ~t'l to co/J.'g tl"'lm hl"'o B'lttll'day, The ~uhJcct WIIS "Hcoolvcd that th o C8' ""nUll I Ilrlncllllt"8 oC th McNlu'y, J (augen bill should be enactoo Into 11. IIiW, " ,Nl!IlI'llskll . UJlllOlted tho n gull VI.

Who~s Who AT IOWA

Fredcriclc Sehneller Versatility ha.a be.n the keynote

o( Frederick Schneller's activities luring his two years In tho unlver·

slty, Schneller, a oophomoro In lhe col/ege ot Ilberal arts, hns specia l· Ized on Mvc:rUalng In his two yeurs of atu lly here.

Wlwn he 'nlnll'loulated here In the 'nll or j 925 he began work In the bual nel!S offlce of The Dally Iowan, Du,'ln/!, the year, 1925·1926. he serv· cd ns business manage,' of Privol, university hUl1101'OUS publication nnd was classlfled ad vertlslng mllnagel' of Th\! .DnJly Iowan. During the Pllst nClldemlc yeaI' h e has conUn· ued bls work on The Dally Iowan bu.lness stall, !x-sldes in king work In the ctll orinl d()[lltrtment of the newspa/ler.

But Ild"ertlelng olono has not claimed a ll his time. lIo WIUI pros 1-d nt of the fl'eshma n closll at the Quadrangle yea I', and a member ot this year's PIca. Ball committee. In J 925 hI) won first plllce In the Quadrangle cross-country run.

Sch oollcr was' born In Mus0l,l Cl\y In 1900. He Il ttcnaed eleme ntnry SC ltools In thllt city und graduated F"om lhe lIf"~on City high school In 10 24. In high school ho WOS o.ctlvo In st udent J)u b\lcallon work and wa.a a m~b l' of the Mason City high school track team.

11 Is 0. mcmbm' of the Sigmo. Nu socia l fmt rnlty, I rving lnstltute, and Is secretary or 1'1 Epsilon 1'1, natlon!i.l pep organization .

Non-Greek Club. ~ead Scholarship

'l'hc l\!onncoons, 0. frnternlty thM Is not ,t O"cell leiter'.II.tion, led tho list at compus societies in sc holarship at Northwost I'll unl · v~I'slty during tho O" st s mrstor of thi s yen l'. Theh' Itvel'llg'o. ill! csU· matNl hy til<' I' glJltr!lt·'s ofllcc, W!l S 1 168~ (oC a posRlblo 3.00). The Wl'!ln· g lPO's were sccon~, anolher nOll· (1rcrk l o tl~r fl·otcrnlty. nnd tho 8CI'lbbl(,1'8, of the su me closslfication, \\'cr ll thh'<l. Then call1e Phi Kltppn. P~I with Ihr bcat o.verago mnde by them In r ecent yeors nnd the othe,' O,'eek le ttel' (rats In closo ortlcr.' Phl D 1111. 'J'1t to. ont! I'hl K llllPn. !-Ilgmn. we,'c Lho litKt on tll O lI~t o( lh e la ,'g· et· fralernltles.

A II l11 r n In (rnlcrnltlcR aV()l'Oged 1.l~ 8, DeihL lIfu led tho R()r(ll' lt y JI ~t with a. point nverngo oC 1.812. then cllmo I'hl OmMa VI, Ilnd AI· I)h(\ XI Deltn, All gll'ls In ~nrorltlc8 'tve"llgcd 1.471, or hlghor than t he oll' mnn avrrllgc 111 tho Cmt I' nltles,

J\ II ml)n In dormltorle~ nvcraget'l 1.231, or 9. IIl1ll'htly ,hlghel' g"lIdo thlln the Craternlt)' men.

Schools Pay Men Teachers Higher,

Research Shows Diredon of Physical Education

Draw Top Salaries; MIIJic, Mathematics Lowest

Thot men enterIng the teaehlng nrofesslon I' eelve the highest sal· urles for teaching physlcnl educa· tlon Or commel'cllli subjects. IH reo vealed by ligures on the teacher· Rn lu,'y situation collected by HIl1'l'Y ;\, Greenr, (\irecto,' or tho unlver· Alty bureau of cducationa l r('.enrch.

I'orelg n I'lnguages 0,· physIcal ed­ucation give a woman tcaehel' the b(ost'Y, Profeosor Greene found. The man during his llrst year of teaching receives on the nv{'ral'e eighteen dollars a month mo,'e tha n the wOllla n enterIng the profession with similar preparation. ' Profes~or Grcene has taken rec·

Ords of 404 high school teachers and 237 grade tcachet·s who nre serving their !I"st yenr. Initia l sa lurles were s tudied because they tend to follow the h'en 1 of economic condltiollJ! more closely thun average sa lary IlI'U l'('s. which ,,"oul<1 tuke into COn· s lderation age, trulnlng. cXllcrlence, and type of 1l000ltlon.

1\lon Avel'8ge8 $J57 The average M.lnry tor a mlln

tcnchlng In Iowa high schools Is S1G7 a month during his first year. A woman's salary ave"ngcs $l3~ for high school positions, 01' $102 for gl'lllle teachel·s.

Professor Gr enc's r~port .howetl an average s.~lnry of $164 a month for a man who teacheR physical ed· ucatlon. A man teaching commer· clnl subjects receives $161. Science Is the third cbolce, paying 1155 a month.

Teaching ph ysico I cducallon 01' foreign Inngua ges wll1 net the liver· ago J owa womnn lpoeher $140 a month during her first yt'al', 'l'he social science tcaehel' averages $138 It month,

Mnthematlcs I'ay& Lowest The lowest sa lnry or Ihe various

subjects for a man Is mathematics, pitying $160, A woman tea.chlng music 0" scie nce receives on ly ,134 nccordl ng to these statistlc.s,

Sa lnrles on the ba81s oC the s ize or the schoul showed lhat a mnn touching In towns between 2,000 a nd 5,000 pOIJulntion r ece ives $10G a month. while a worno n I'Pcelvcs $146,



A strong bac1< o.ntl a weak berul,

• • • W o aro slartill~ " fund 10 Ii..,. &

calee of Roa p for cleaning the mit­rol'S III the men's gym. Some folJu c.QJlleJld thal I hf'86 ",ere Ilf'iIInIII tros ted glass, but we beUe," ~ once upon " time Uley actuall, re­flected Ihe image oC the penOO who loolced Into them,

"0 will some friend, the petlnWt gio us

To see ourseJ1s as Ithen 'see m," • • •

"Is tho AmerlCltn University a Fnll ure," Is tho topIc ot an Impor· tant debato to bo delivered by Har· Vlll'd and lawn, In C<lual halves. Well, that a ll depends on the point of view, llB the gent a t the water cooler s.~1<1 when he saw the girl hastening to tho Latin Library.

• • • The (Irst two games scheduled for

the Iowo. baseball teo.m were stop' ped by l'ul n, We don 't think Ihat·, quite sportsmansll1<e for the 8\. Louis weatherman to conspire with his local sandlotters to keep tht boys from beallng them.




worn) HONOR SOCIETIES (that aretl't




• • • "Whatcho daln' tonl,htr" "Aw, I'm gonta go Old lOll

make merry." "Say, Usten here, J DeYer

thoughtcha wu that kInh a rella."


- CHAPTER 51 Tile rorem, n of the Jut .. mill

San Quentin Clime out (It his oinc aod his slentol'la n volca r08e nbo' Ibe whir oi machIn ery.

l"b Mlson al,.ndtln~d hi s tosl' pul ling 11'1"0 sirups Ill'o und a ba ll1 gunny sacks and uP/>I 'ollched t1 forrmun,

"You','e to report to the wa "der . rrlC!'. Mason." tho laUel' ordere.

"What fol' ?" ....:·1 rl unno. Oll {'S!'J the old nlon n art! yo u'd ou!;ht to do n lilt drl'ICb In 80lltary fOr jumpln::: yo, jib t}tnt tim. w!th tlw 1'1)[111 gan HOpe nol. HOI) to It. ;\fMon. 1 i«sh like 10 be Iccllt wultln g. " W~.n. lil'e mlnu !t·. Intel'. In

!'II« to his (\mld , ... p R t the tile !Varden's private orrtc~, 1I0h ... found (acing him An lhon y .... and Sheriff Bentley, Both .lUng broadly at him, Wit wltancy and timidity that are tI the atrlct discipline of prls')n JloIt merely nodded to bJs frlenils lureed re8pectfully to the warden

"Prlaoner Mason r eporta, si r ," "Oh, yes, Maso n. 1 sent fo t·

.. d, by tho way, you'r~ Mr, Ihls morning, not Prisoner ~I

»'l'6'8 an uncondltlon" 1 pa"doll 111<> Go"e,'nor of th~ Stal·e of fGrnin, logether with :l letter the gove l'not' to you. 1 im:tg-ino telling YOll he's awfully Rorr~T . mblakcs wil happen In the 1)~At

ulated famlli es-nntl It appea l '~

111Yl: been the victim of a.'"'''' '''" ''' horrible mlslakc. Put your co p man. You're frec."

Bob reachEd for ihe large en the wnrden held towuo'd him, ,~! nol ~ cstl n ed 10 rece:v~ 711(0,. WfiS a Rudell Impo.'; l h~ broad br.lUlt and Bome'l1 11 lhrust close Ull under his lom.thlng warm and sor, a nd ,t:\n-Il little boy's faee.

"Here's your son. Bob denr." nita Dale's voice In formed him. Ihoughl he ough t to be th e firs! fl)n 10 welcome hl~ du<Tdy, Takf' In rour 8"ms, silly. , bO'TO\\," " from your 8is(el·. She was III


TOMORROW One of the most

mous of screen

sonalities in his

elt production.


l7m111it ,/IlIOn tht woruki hom. .;~




Comedy and

~gular Prices

The "The

Page 5: G - Daily Iowan: Archive

.:----B-Y-\Thi-~ I---..... ~-- ----.



01 soap lor e1eanl"g tile mlr­In the men's gym, Sorae lollu

that t he!l& ,,'ore orIrInaIIt gl!lSS, but we bellole IIIIt

11 tlmc tllcy actuall, '" the lmage or the ptnen wllo Into thl'lIl,

"0 \l'1J1 SOlllo friend. tho penDIes gio us

To sec oursens as Ithen '!lee u." • • •

"Is tho American University a IUI'e." Is tho to"lc of an Impor,

debato to be delivered by Hnr, and Iowa, In "Clual halves, that all depends on ilio point

• 118 the gent at the water Mid when he saw tho girl

to the Latin Library, • • •

first tlVO gnmes scheduled lor Iowa b1l8eball team wore stop­by rnin, 'We don't think that'.

sportsma nsll ko tor tbe Bt. Is weatherman to conspire wltb local Mndlotters to keep the from beating them,

• • •

I'r:~GJ6JRAL.o S BATTLESHIfS (whleb aren't

(that aren't



• • • .. \VhAt~ho daJn' tonJ,hU" "Aw, J'DI gonta ,0 out aII4I

m.e"",." )Jsten here, J Dner

iholuglltc-tlA w .. that kInh •


I !!'lie Daily towan. Iowa Cit{ ... ! , fqe 5

,The V nderstanaing Heart ..

CHAPTER 57 The foreman oC th Jutc mill lit

II1II Quentin CI,"le out of hIs ufflcp., IlId hIs st~ntol'lnn voice 1'08C aOovc lbe whir 01 mnchlncry,



couldn't come-oh, Bob, my denr. ry-and the flabby big blufl bl'QI(~ deal' (rlend-" down , when he saw h~ h:ldn t fl

Anti Rome how. Bob MaISon (Ound chunce to appell l from th~ vrl'tll~t "" thelll i)oth in his a,'m8, wIth two beat the cnse, POlll'" or '\I' rns IlI'ound hl~ n('ok, ~Iun' "Bofol'e the Il'Ia l had lJePI .'rml' srlly he dl'elV th e child'. fuce UP pleted his IUIVY. " c',lIed on ,11111 I{ ' I" "g"I "~t hl>l I'ough cheek o nd hold It by anrl of Cered to 111eod gull,;" 1.1'(/, 010'<'; hi .. eyes clos('d b1.,t tllroullh viele<! Jim would Intrrcrde wIth the tho (I'ht II (Is the doggM tenr" Judge to get Jethroe a light sen, 8~epNI ro,'th, as Monica drew his tencc, 1'10 Jim gOt a confeSSion out

I Filipino Students Praise Homeland

Declare Islands Ready for Independence F rom America

h ",,1 [lawn on hel' bl'east and kissed of Je throe on the witness stand, It "You'l'e 10 report to the w~l'den'a him nnd helil him to her grenl, un. seems he 'rl hnd the gun In his desk

oIf!ce, Masol1 ," tI'e lullel' ordered" drl'Rtn n(llng helll't, The clock tiCked ot Dogwood Fln(F, nnd Bal'dwell "What 100'?" - IL booming noise In tha t moment o[ know he had It Ihel'e ond helped "I dunno, Guess thr old man fig· olhol'll'l,o pel'ftct . llenee nnd pel" himself to It. It Wus all the In(ol"

Itt! )'ou'd ou!;ht til do 0. little I'('<: t D,'uc('-an~ presently Bob Ma . maUon IVP required ,u eloCan up Our rirtt<h In solllary for Jumping your Hon opcn~<l his misty eyes and case,

l<1b ~hson ubum1C1ne(1 his tllRk o[ ~.tllni; 11'11'0 strups "l'ouml a i)ule of tunn)' sucks an(l oPlIl'onchcd tho fOl'l'mon,

"Tho Phillipillc Islands lire U IJI'Idg(.' of unelcl'.tanalng between the enst lind the W(·tlt," decllll'("d MC!na L:,rd(· .<lbel, Fillrlno stud~nt, Sunday eve· nlng before the intel'llClUollal co un~lJ III the home of Prof, Clyde W, Il urt, "The ]'Ilipino peopl fll'C uniqu e both phYHlcally oml cul t urally," he went On, " The)' al'e a unIon of the orient tlnd th e occhl~nl,

"DOlllocI'a<'y Is till' re~ult of popu' lar .. ducutlon ond, thl'Ough 110Iluiar educntlon, -we aro getting- d~mocl·:tcy

In the PhlUiplnes," )lb l)lnt tlm~ with the r~n(\ gun/r, ",,,III"l. "J~throe's out on ball. pendln.,; flope not. lIop to It, Mason, lIe "'J'h .. t'~, the,'(', d~oJ', " Monic" scntence, Jud,;e )(enly agreed to cle . iotl~'t like 10 be l(ept wailing," Hoothed. nnd wlpoo his wet eyes with I'e,' passing scntence upon him to \r~.n, five minute" hlt('I', In nn· Ill''' ha ndk el'chlcf, ' ''rake It look at give hIm time ,to clenn UP his busl.

"Nlnety·fIve pel' cent of the people are literate," 6al(l another speo'lker, "'Ve have n unlvel'slty Il.l Mnnlla ... he declal'ed. "that Is older than any AJmerlcan univel'sity, It dates back to about the Ume of JamestolVn. Va., W1l8 founded, There are ninety-one high schools In the Phlillipines, Thlrty·Cour of these a re vocational, Over 0. million ,pupils ul'e In the pub, lie schoo ls, The gngllah Itlllguago unites us In 0. gl'Oup,"

- 10 his BmW .. ap at the door of him, Boh, I&n't ho J1. bustlfero us ness afCairs; then he's going to Hen. lie warden's pl'lvate office. lI~b ;\10.' boy?" tence him to this 1101'1'01' for .. term ... found (a ~lng hIm Anthony Cnl" "He-he looks like-his mother," wblch. allowing for credits duo for JoiJd Ind Sherilf Bcntley, Both wel'e lho man murmured, and klsaecl the good behavior, will mea n that he wilt ,.lIng broadly at hIm, With th .. fleAh oC his flesh and blood of his have to be In the penitentiary B

Mlltancyand timidIty that aI'" born blood, "Poor little Kelcey," From period equal to th at served by YOU, of the ,trlet diSCipline of pl'js')n lite, a long scrutiny of his baby's face And of course, socially and In a !.lus. JIoII merely nodded to his t rlends and -8.' scrutiny seml·agon lzed. sem I· InC86 wuy, he Is ruIned-while yoU torne<! respeetfully to the warden , hungl'y-he turned to Monica and are not. You 've been vlnulcated .

"Prtsoner Mason reports, sir," Rwept he,' to him with a long l'lght I but lhat can ncvor happen to J'lth, "O~, yeB, Mnson, I sent COl' you- I1l'm, roe," "WI> OI'C ,'euely for tJle Indep od·

once whlell we w erc PI'oml"cd by the AmN'ican A'ovel'nment ," heated ly al'oll'ed 'mother 1"ll1plno, "Uut yoU AmerIcans do not RCem to want to glvo til) the isI.'lnds, Your gov~l'n, ment wants thclll fOl' a na.val base. for n ,;atewflY to the east. AmHic8n capitalistic inte l'ests might surfel' if tho United States withdrew he,' au· thol'lt)', Jopan I. wIlling to sign " treaty gunrrtnteeJng Us OUI' incle· ,j oClldence In tho orient Ir yOU \VIII give us OUI' C,'cedom, It is an ethlcn.! a nd 11101'0.1 Qucstion that you Amerl, ca ns h" ve to [[loe,

and, by tho way, YO Il'I'~ Mr, ~fA~o n "You don't mlncl-do you, rrlcn.H" "Why did he do it to me?" MaStl11 Ibis morning, not Prisoner ;o.1080n he s!lld to C"l'lancl, and kissed hpI', queried pathetically, "I neVel' dl(l Htro'8 on uncon(ltUontt ] pnn)on {I'om Brntlt'Y and Garland now cume him a moment's harm." 1iK' Govel'nor of the Stat- of ('nil· fOI'\\'nl'tl and wl'ung his h3.lld; tho "He wunted you out of th.1 W:O,V' 80 torulll, together with n 1 0tt~J' fl'om "arden r.,llow<':1 suit Ilnd once more J'ou would sell him ~Ioney V'nll",y 110< governor to you, I Imall,no h 's ]lres~ntNl tile document that ro' chcflpLand If you WOUldn ' t do tll"t telling you he's a.wfully sorry, IJut ftOl'cd Hobert Lee Mason to life lib, he figured on tho valley for mistake. wil happen In the Ile~t reg· I ('rty, nnd the purSUit of ha.PPl~eSR, hla pUI'Pose anyhow, You wouldn't ubted rnmlllcs-nnd It aPl"'nl'~ yo" 1'(.'Iltiey wns quite beside hill1~e lf be lhere to protect it," h.I,v~ been tho victim of a eln;:<ulorly \\ Hh delight, 'I"his wus Ihe sort of "I'd ought to kll him Cor th::lt, horrible mlstnke, Put your cap on, tableau th(tt appealed most to his Carland, but killing folks ne~er set. IIlln, You're tree," honest, sympo.tlletle. fiel'ce, priml' tIcs anythIng, I'vc Ilveo:l to I<:<lrn

Bob reached (01' the lar/rc envelope lIv~ soul. that." He picked up the Sllitcase, the wnrden held toword 1!lm, but hc "It·s a. long lane that ain' , Il'ot n "'I'hanks for these clothes, You 're '1S,not destined to l'ece,l'p It - yot. blind pig Ihe end of It thes" cluys: 1111 mighty kind and thoughtful." There was a suden impad u.uainst SOil," hc rtsSUT'e<\ Bob, "\Vu'v' li e 100kNI towal'd the wardell, "I h~ broad

l b,reast an~ sO,methi"l: was work,,(1 fllst, but s till YO]1 been cutin' s upposo I can dress In th~ change

Ihru,1 C osc Ull u clel hIs nose-- stntp rallonR a aight longel' than aey room, sir," hc suggested, "AmI I'm ,omethlng wal'm, nnd soft ana hu· or us found agl'eeable," 1':I'e picl{eti It good fo,' a sh,we In the "rlsqn bUI" nl~n-I1 ~Ittlo boy s f<lce, .. large sultca.~o oCf the (1001', ':1 got bel' shll>, 1 suppose,"

Here s, your son, Bob denr. ~f,?' YOUO' 1)O'ison clolhes measurements The warden nodded and Doll tuok

Educator Obtains Grant for Study of

Colonial Governor nlca Dale s voice In(ormed ~Im, J from the warden .. week ugo." he his depal'ture; and when, :on •• our thought he ought to be the C,rs! r'~I" l'aWed on, liller, he ,'eJolned them he lookerl fW)~ to welcome his {la(Tdy, Take him "Seein' as how you got sent up thllt whIch he had once bccn-a T..eonl<lu~ 00<1"011. oC tho hi, tol'y In )'our al'ms, Silly, 7 bOI'l'oweoJ him for IIle I ' flgul'ed you'd nevel' take jJl'ospel'ous ""nehel', Only the SC[lI'S depa"tment. is one of thp twenty,ulle lrom your sls\el\ She was III and the u'ouble to hang on to the c[vllan on his faco and soul remained to I'e. pel'sons glv .. n grants to do resem'eh

___ ._= clothes you IlI'ought with you Into mInd him of man 's Inhumanity to work in 1927 'by tho American Co un,



thIs hellhole; so Ton y and Monica mon, I Ie picl(ed his baby bOl' up In c il o( Leal'ne[l SocleUes, picked you out a su it oC hand ,me' his arms and stepped out lilt" the 'l'ho subject of Mr, Douson's re ' (]own~ and a coupler shh·t.c;; n.nd sonlp. world, prepa l'ed to o ccept with his 3etlrch will ur Covel'no,. Alexander' unllPl'II'''Ol' and socks and 0. pall' oC tisuso l equanimity whatevel' of gnod Spotswoou or Vh'slnla., Th e money slloes and n nooktie and tho kind o· or evil, ROI'l'OW or JOY, thnt lVol'ld granted to him will b ... used i n pay· Ilat you used to wea r~ a nd iC you'll .rught have in store (01' him, Ing his expenses lIlls summer In hand thflt sUI'prlsed kId (0 MonIca "1'01 not a convict nnd I neVel' Hlchmond, Virginia. and in Wash, nne1 go dress YOllrself, son. "e'll ull wos, so I can't be an ex,convlct and ington, D, C" while Ij(' Is looking up get to hell out 0' here a,whoopln' I'm not. The pardon pl'ovldos fOl' material on the 8ubj~ct, Thl. work and Qo/i!houtin', thot, I don't (eel any different here. Is In line with the I'c.euo'eh which

"Here's your dUdS, boy, Beat it to Monica," he explained. and laid his Mr, Dod..on Is doing fOl' his doctor's " dl'cssln',room somewhel'e, Thi" hand on his happy heal'!, thesls, prison smeil 0' chloride 0' lime "Where's Uncle Charley's fliv, 'rhe subject or his thesis Is "AI<,x·

One of the most fa. makes my ey ... watel'Y, I- I can't VCl'?" Garland demanded, "You andel' Spotswood, n Govp':nor of

mous of screen

sonalities in his elt production.



WILLIAM FOX 'p1'esents


stand It--even In iny-own dog'gone drove back In It when you sUJ'fenu- Colonial VirginIa," Tho corning -jail," ered, you know," will be tho scC()nd Mr, Dod,

Monica Dale walk d up 10 h!m all'~ "It's In Ihe pt'l80n g!lrng<'. wultlng son will have SI)()nt in Vlo'glnia on put her arms around his burly neclc to be called for. Garlnnd," this el'l'D nd, "You're 11 denl' human bein!:," she Sheriff Bcptley I'Ulsed a freckled "Governor Spotswoo(l I~ ono of llIul'mul'oo, and klssell hilll on both paw, "I forbid this additiona.l oul, the mo"t puwc,'ful of "II Ihe colonial cheeks, "[ treated you terl'll;)ly I'Uge and humilIullon," he declared, l"oVel'IlOl'S, lie waR h~fluclltIal III onee, "'on't you forgive me?" "Bob ain't a'goln' to have 10 dl'lvp his time (1710·1722) and did mUCh for

"You go to thunder," he protested, that ruin hack 10 Siskiyou, No, all'. I his stote, Ve,'y IIttl" ho s h,>tI" (Jom' "YOU'I'C a connlvln.' sly. slick young not on ll. het, I'll drIve It back my· ill the "'"Y of " blo~raphl~al nalul'C womun, that's-what you-are, and self; and you, Bob, and, Mpnlca, on hIm," said Mr, Do,lson In dhiCUSS. -you mnke a stnr ... pangted monkey and you. Garland, talw my officIal Ing his resea,'eh work, out 0' m and mal'e me like It, Here, car and i1rlv e back home like regu, MI', Dodson l'eccl';~d nis n, A, you leggo, I glt mos' kissed 10 death luI' folks," and hiS 111, A, from the nlverslty by them fOUl' glt'ls 0' mine-well, Thus the honest fellow's cdIcl, nOl' of 'Vlsconsln, seeln' 3S how I can't seem to gil could tll eh' comblnell p1'ote8ts sway _______ _ slwt 0' you no other way, , , gal. hIm, "I'd run the dog·goned rattle· YOU'I'O sweet kls"ln'! Yes, I ain't tl'(ll) off the wharf Into the bay If it holtlln' no grudge, Hell's bells, I ddln't belong to Uncle Charley's ee, been too busy to think about It stnte." he (leclared. ",'a the,' thun Apologize 10 my horse when you seo bother with It; but It wou ld be just him ngaln, and I guess the recol'd'll like that Judge Kenly to ask about be clear," it when checkln' UP on the probate

lIe blew his nOBe into his red of the ee·state, That man cel'talnly bandanna handkerchlel with a ),," does lea n backward In his ofCiclal port like a. rifle shot, His smllc \\'0.8 duty," • curiously vacuous; the Ilush of a (NEW (J HAPTER IN NEXT ISSUE)

Watkins Speaks on Poultry VTNTON - Summel' monagement

or poultry, I'mphaslzlng p l'eventton lind conlrol of disease wIII be the I,eynote or a. series of poultry .chools held In Benton. county, May 23 to 27, Roy L, Ilt.kins, poultry specIalist, will be In charge at these schools, held In VUI~OU" parts of the county,

proCound em\).'lt'assment hud almoRt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::--~- ~- ~~~~ emplll'pled his sun·baked face, I!

"This Is mos' certaInly a proud day for mo." he finally ejaculated, "When n. feller's life business Is put· tin' folks In jail he sure does relish an opportunity to git 'em out. Be, ing sherlCf's got Ita drawbacks, but l'm bound to admit there's times wh n I wouldn't tmde my job fJr a ll the land In Sacramento Valle)',"

Bob looked up from his perusal of the pardon, "You remember that talc Uncle Charley told-about Kel· cey? You didn't have to drag hCI' Into COUl't to get thls for me, did you?" LAST TIMES-TODAY

Comedy d N Garland shook his head , "n isn't an ews In the official record, The public An Added Attraction Well Worth Seeing and Hearing

Regular Prices knows no thing about tllat, Bob, We Cound thp loaded bun and the six ompty carll'idges; we traced th<' ownershlll of the gun to Jethroe; we "GEORGETTES"

'-------------.:.. landed him high and dry for pcrJu, Famous Player. of Musical

Novelties and

The End of "The Easiest Way"

A Powerful and Daring Expoae De1icately Preaented


MrsWal1ace Reids startlin& screen

-,~story of white slavers

''1"[ RED KIMOnO' Adults, 50e-Matinces and Eveninra


Swisl Bell Ringers They play the following instruments: Violin, Piano,

Cello, Banjo, Steel Guitar. Ukulele, Piano Accordion, Xylophone, Saxophone, Duiciner, Swiss Hand Bells, etc,

Hear the Most Celebrated Young Artist in America

Miss Josephine Georgette She Plays 7 Different Instruments

Musical \<\cts Come on About 3:00 8:00 9:45

-also showing-

Priscilla Dean ---In---

'Jewels of Desire' A Tornado of Thrills

-also showlng-Selected Comedy-"OLD TIN SIDES" ,,uternoons-Adults, 4Oc; Children, lOc Evenings-Adults, 50c; Children, 25c

DON'T MISS THIS GREAT MUSICAL ACT Has played Chautauqua for 15 years

New Sundial, Exactly Accurate, AlWays, May Banish All Clocks

other 1M to he ljRNI hy lho Lick ob­sel'vlttol'Y at Mt. ,"lomJlton,

Accol'dlng to authoritles on the Bubject. tbe su ndial. in Its cl'udest fOl'm, was perhaps man'a rtl'sL In· strument fOl' dls8~etlng time, In It. tIret slagel! it was no more than a tl'eo or pole Btuck in the 'Boll. the lilllldow ,,! which, moving from weHt to cast. as the sun I'OSC 01' (lceltned In tho sky, would lood men to Indi, cate by Btrok~s on tho gl'ound the gmdual progression of tho hours dUI'lng which time duyllliht lostl'cI ,

It WlU! a Ion" Jum!) fl'om this de, vice used hy primitive nlrtti to the ~uppo""dly peJ'feeled dials modo by the rned lov81a aftp" ll1athe'll1l1t1c~ Imd become nn exact Rclenc(',

AHked if the [liul wna 10 hll vo a motto. Wangenhelm Mill he !lid not l<llow. but added thOl he oo nMirlered the most ap"ro[)l'lato mOLlO fOl' nlly sundial to he. "I Tell None but Sun' ny Hours,"

P.E.O. Lays Corner Stone of Library

MOUNT PI..,BASANT, Apl'li 12 (A',1 -The cornel' stone fo,' the nQW p , E.O , llbl'al'y a t Iowa We.leY(lIl col, l"ge hel'e will be lal{1 A 1),' lI 25 at 2 o'clock, Notional oWe 1'8 of tho sis· tCl'hood will be in Lbal'lIc or the eel'o' mony,

JULTUS WANCENHEm (L.I':1"'I') A1\1) His EVER·TRUTlJICUL TIMI~ TgLLElR Th lIbl'Ury is rIsing ropldly, tho

roof huvlng been pOured tlli. week, Laying of stone ana bl'i~k wlli start today, The building is of reinforced concrete construction with a veneer oC Indl[lnn lime stone £lnd buff fnco brIck,

By .J, S, I'HlLlPS SAN DIEGO. Co l.. April .12 (EFi'i)

-.Before you buy thRt eJocle hesitate, By the time you get it homo It may b~ obsoleto,

.Julius 'Vo ngen h~l m, mathematl· cian, inventor, and membcl' of lhe hoard or rege"-t. 01 the Univ~l'slty of CallCornla, bas made a sundial, which he claims moo'e nCCUl'ato ~han any clockwol'k timepiece ,can ever hf'. Devoid or nil m('chani!:lm, .. eglslerlng only by light and "had· ow. on a dial dIvided Into exnct (ImP units established tln'oug h a. serIes of mathemati e" l e:olculatlons, the 'Wongcnhelm dial, lIccol'dlng 10 fts own el', will l'cgl stCl' the exoct time year in and yeat' out, I'equlrlng no adjustment whalevel',

The hIstory of sundinls, wplch he· gins wIth the record oC the on owned by A hnz, who I'elgnefl ovel' .rudah in tho eighth century, 13, C,' is thnt tilC"y have 0 Iways bC('11 mUllt .. to tell thp time only In the latitude III which they wel'e Int~nded to be lIse'l, During he mWdlo flgcs the [Ha18 wero Improved and tolcl time On the basiS vr the avel'llge ~4·1IOu" nay, but .~Inc{" {'nell <lny \\IUS not ac· ["ally tha t long tho dill I WUs only correct foul' times (ll1J' ln~ the yea a' , a.nd it m3 .hPI11I1UC:l) table of correc­tion had II} be made to tal,o co I'e of the ext"" accumulated time which I woul() somellmes Hmount to us much as 16 minutes,

'Vhen standard, or merldin n t1m~, I was adopted In.ter I another rOlT('IC·

tlon had to be oddoo to the (able'

Starts Thursday Before you go home

see Sherlocks of Smiles

A Screaming Burlesque on Boobs

Don't Fail to See

Ben Lyon in

Perfect Comedy­Perfect Romance-­A Perfect ,Joy!

-also showing-

Latest Pathe News Fa~les

Selected . Comedy

bcrore n sundial wouW tell the right York, Chlo['go 01' SRn Fl'nnclsco, and lImf;\ . Dut on this I)PW dial j~ tl.' upon jnvo~tigation!i wali assured tha t I;CI"'W which will Mt It to any laU, It W8N somelhing entll'ely "n w un· Iud 'l1ld the two corrections neecs' del' the su n," JIowevcl' , he finally "MY on uny othel' sun(lIal al'e worl" had it made In San Diego, NI out wilh curvpd Jines on a con, For Ucl, (JOOenoatol'Y vex uuse, 80 thot on~ who Is of A replica of hIs own dIal Is to h .. the ar;e to l'ead It limepieee of any v<'rsity qt Callfot'nia at Bel'ke!ey to kind may t'P",1 this aile as accut'· Irr1p lhe studenls at! nd theIr class, "tely, es mOl'e promptly, whllc stili an,

And('llls f{ lll'W of 1t P(lrh!lpH Uw mUAt n~t()niKhing f('a·

tUl 'O of thlH IIlI'pntlon 1$ that Wan· genhclm suppuRcd thnt stich 0. dial hufl. 1>oc n lVo,'keu out befOre, e"lle, clal~y durill!: the 14th and 15th een, lurH~~, Whl' l1 they \\'('o rc- RO ('XlC'l1Kivc

ly u~cd, pruc'lk llll y rtR well aA ot'nfl.· mentally, III 191!J he desired to have a. RUIJdlnl In the A':IJ'den of his Ilomo, and belm: It mathematlclnn derided 10 mul,e hi,. uwn, When he had fin, ikhl'll h iH (,uIllPutallon~ . which he d er (')UI'('H W f'rf' III)l (Uffkull, Iw ~ct nut

In 11UVP thf' lmhtUl' dlnl madf'. 11e "a" 'I"ahlc to gel It done In New


No Children Under 16 WiD Be Admitted

STRAND Last Times Today

One Night Only Thurs., Apr. 21

-" An Approved Play"-


CHARLES FnOHl"lAN, [>resents

Jl.dopbi. ~ PAUL M, POTTER ' ". (rom. lk plaJj


'1Ja.sed en &lzac:S 'Romance~11n. 7Itena#e de 04'tCO~"

MAIL ORDERS NOW I'I'ices Ellt h'p MIIIIl FloOI'-2,50 Lodge.-$2,no

Bnleony: 2 1'0\\'8-2,00 5 rows- 1.50 8 row_1,OO Add Tax 10%

-The­Thrill. of War

-The­Throbs of Romance

"A Saucy Gypsy Maid-



"Underworld Drama"

Side-Show Sensa­tions-

The Glamorous love of a Rogue who took what he wanted­and a Girl who gave all.

HN GILHEnl ,:. f SHOW ftl '

AmI What A Comedy "DUeR SOUP"

-Latest News­f'Gartlen Ol"Cbe.~tra, "

Mlltinecs-.~Oc Nlghts-40c

A Scion of Wealtb"_ -And Then The Demands of Con­vention, The Iron Hand of War, Tore Them Apart-

STARTING- --- t ~- -.

TO-DAY Last Times Saturday

E~eLERT -r 1-1 r::: /\,. r I.,. ~



Page 6: G - Daily Iowan: Archive

.. ------~ .. ------------,.------~~------~----r_----------~~,-.-------~------~--------------------~i~;$~,~,~, '~it'~i~4------~_1------~------.. ----------------------~------------------------~----------------------------------~

First "Game, 8 • In

Babe's Club Fails as Grabowski and Combs Score Win

----------------~--------------------~---------------------------,r---~--------------------------------~ ~------------------------------~C~p~~Th~ I~~M~~~ IS Ca ' a~dR~~d~~~ ~~

A Milky Way of Track ,Stars Sets From Williams Wh.,·te Elephants ,enators, pture ~ season fo,' Washlnl'ton.

S Op 'f"ls Spoaker. playing hie flta! 4 in HaJ'ldbaH Tourney' eason 5 ' ener orlean Leaguo garno In n. .W~

Cobb Leads Attack in Sixth Inning With

Race to Third 187 The AI.Ol'l .. t"dl'r'~.1

N I'1W YORK, " ,11'11 12~A r COI'\1

hreoklnlJ n l..., nln~ throllg or uo,ooo "ItW the chnmnlon N w YO"k Yank· rrtJ oft to It thundcrj nl\' 8tll l't In tho Amel'lclllI Itogu '1'111\ typica l out· burS1S of hitting In IWQ In nln llll whiCh hru shcd u81(\c the Ath letics 8 In a.

Bl'caklnll OUI wllh n clug t~'· or sizzling dl'II'C8 In the firth nnd sixth (l'nm~", th HUlim n hummel'cd l.(> fty OI'O Y(" Connie l\luck'M ")wed king, und look IHll'Mntngo of bl'en kH In th A thl lieu deCense, WullO Hoyt hurled smoothly oil the wal', 11 V " 1I 1'I J~ul'lng In scrlouK dunb("r. OI'OVC wa/l IUken Ollt fln~J' til(> sh'th,

Cobb r;,llll~he. Ue lelllfe Pla)'ln8 hlH first game In a T'hll,,·

d IrJhl~ unlrorm Ty obb led nn at· tuek In the sixth In ning which p n. ('truled t ho New York ilert'nl1(' fQI' the flr8t lime, j{,wtlnll out I\. per· .-------:'1 (Cl \lUllt with II

of hi. old apeed, th e Tlg ,. I~nd·

rnccd 10 third a Hhol't plnglc

I hllc, 811(Jlnl;' u 11 de,·

Comb'. throw to Dugan. I Ie the n ICOl'cd th e fil'sl "Iln for till' Mllt'k·

whll Lax·

"Jlnh(''' lind hll! mlgllly Hick filII ·

In Iho h ILvy Yankfc orr,·nslv. Aft r strll"n!; (jut IWlc~ lind I Pllln/!, liP In (l Ihlrd IlpJ)car· nne, Ruth wa. yank trom the "nlup In th IXlh by lIfllna(;~r nug· gllUl lind 11 n PllfIChal w nt In aa 1,lnch lUll r, I'Il"ch' ,1 dell I 'r'll Im;1 nnd then Onl hed out the

"Ime In RuUl'a rl.lfhl 11 III ]lo.llIon, (\111 n)' ErTOI'S

Th~ AlhlcUc. :tn<lwlch'd gl1rlng ,'r rors hehVI'(>lI the Ynnkee cloullng or Ih firth anti IIblll Innln" r:tllle~. Th~ l>ntl ""]lfled oul of llronom'~ han& after h,. hod failed n 8t· I I11Pled I!U.C'rl8ee, ftlllng th I)" '8 8f1 r .. or Xl8 lettguer by Dugan and II pus to Oraoowskl. Combs then IJrought two runs In \\1th doubl,

K nl was thro\l'n out nd Ruth lonn d bUI Uehrlg .Iammed II ground r throu~h Collins for anoth· I'r double whleh ,W<l '(I t\\O /\lUI' run,

Lon hit. bl' l..anel'l , Grabowski, J\()(!j'(1 ana P\utcbal, coupled wllh a hunt. a cl'lRce and nn rror pll d up th on<l Yankee In tallment or four rllnl In the l.xth. 1'1\1 L.- AB. R . I1. PO,A.E. ll. Oolllns. 2b. ..4 0 0 3 0 1 La.mar, Ir 6 0 0 0 0 0 Cohb. \.[ .................. ,4 1 1 1 0 0 Hlmmona, cf ............. 1 ~ 1 0 0 Ha le, 3b .... _............ 1 2 1 4 0 Unrnom. Ib ......... _ .... 1 0 1 10 2 1 ·Ol'hrnne. .. .. _ .. 3 0 1 7 1 0

Boley, \Ill ............. 8 0 0 1 4 ~'rcnrh. x ................ 1 0 0 0 0 0 Orove, p ..... _._._ ... ~. 0 0 0 4 1 TIl hop x.x ....... ... 1 0 0 0> 0 0 Quinn, p .. ..0 0 0 0 0 0 Whoot xu:or ............ 1 0 1 0 0 0

------/ Total . ... , .............. 3. a 24 15 6 1I Balled tor Boley In elh, ~'£. ~a\\ Ii (or Grove In 7th. xu Balled ror Quinn In !tth.

:O<l-:W YOHK- AU, R. Jr. 1'O.A.E.

Entrl s COl' Ihe nnllunl Drake re'l dl I'H of Amel·" Virgil F'nll'rhlld, lay". whIch tnk place on April 29

1 of Kansas Aggi 8, J. R. Allison, of

.nd 3", or" g""nt l' this year thlln IOWR, anJ Morris Penqulte, ot Cflr' nny 1)I'~vlQus cornlval. Drske. Th. boys Rre capuble of

.1. 1I . Butler, of the Oregon Ag· record time und will likely be among 1;11", \I ho"c mller~ Inst yeur won th. the len!l~I'M In Ihe 120 yar(1 slleclul (nul' mil rdlll', will ngaln hrlng tt hurdle nIce at the DrRke reln).'s . dt>lellatlon of dl.tnncp runners to NOI,thll'eRlel'll unlverslt)' has nn lho lll~pt. rn "adltlon he wUt be ~"c.lI~nt track team In Ihp makln!(, td re thIs year. It nllpe::trs from earl).' I·esull!!. ond

Amop>; th~ "'or~ of leadlnll lIur· the Purpl~ I. ('speclltlly \\ c ll forti· ~ .=>

OI'8nom: left on ba e, Ncw York 8, 'I Phllallrlpllia 8; 1"\8e on baJis otc HQrnsby'l Homer Aid. 110yl 3, GroVE'S 3, Quinn 2: atruck I O\l~ hy Tlul' t 3, Grove G; hl18 ofC \.-------...... ------' 0'01'0 In~, Quinn 1 In 2; pa sed '}'lIlLADJ::LPHIA, AJlrll 12 (JP)­haJI Cochrane; losln I)llcher Gr.ove; The vllunled atlack of lhe Gia nts umpiJ' s :Cvans, Hildebrand a nd Me· hl'DUghl down the Phllllos today 15 GowRn:-tlme 2:07. to 7 In the opening "ame of the

L Pirates Defeat Red. !Ulon In thla city us 22,000 fa ns

lookpcl on, ohlefly In .1I<>n('e. Agill nM the pitching of pul Carl·

~on Rnd Arlhur D calur, th" ai· nl~ mo(l 10 hlls, Includln!( home

(,I~ 'I 'SAT], 0 ., Am'" 12 (A'J- run .• by }Jill Terry. George llal'llcr A r 1'01'11 breakln/f ollrnlng day nnd Hog~rs Horn<by. T rry's bomcl' ('1'01\11 nf 3~, 7QO II' th~ PittRhurgh came wllh Ihe hasc. IIl1rd. I>I"'H~ 'I ,10\\ II th CinCinnati RNls ~ AI Ty~o n led th Giant bluc1geon· 10 1 In thp -cuson's Innuguru l g"me Ing with II tl'lJllr, tlVO <1oul)les a nd

hr,'c t r. !~: ~~(~~~~ .~~ ;~~. 1~;~~~dul;~t ~'~~I; CIlmb8, cr ..... _ ........ 4 2 1 a 1 0 l{ IIlg, (III ................ 3 1 II • 5 0 n ulh, ,'r .................... 1 0 0 0 0 1'llllchal, rt .. " ......... _.~ II 1 I 0 0 o hrlg, lb ........ _ ... 4 0 1 12 1 Mue I, It ............. 4 0 0 2 0 0

JJ)ucrJ, :b _ .......... n •• a J J , 2 0 .\)Ulan, Ib ....... _ ..... .4 1 ~ 1 0 0

1'h ",,~ h ' tR nnd 1\ lIlIcrWct' fly, llunchNI In the, tlt'Sl 1t1l'ln;; b"ought III tWo run. ('It th.' I'im te, and II ve them " n th~ !\(IVOlltilI!C they \)cc(leli. 0, ntham lind r.. "'an~I' got on ha . ('UyIN' sarrlflcf'd lind P . ,,'(lner l\l'()ve u. lean Illt to !lCoro ooth.

to tho .hoIVerA In tho I\(th nfter Tp""y'R cll'l'ul~ dout. Virgil nal'llel! 'ullI Jo'llzHIIl11l10nK, Giant l1urler8, \\ 1'1'(> 10llched fo,' II hits hut kept t h m seu !tored.

!4 OI'A by InnlngR: :-Irw York ........ 020 2H O~3-1 6 17 2

OroboWllkl, Q ............ 3 2 1 4 Z 0 Hoyt, p ...................... 2 1 /I 0 2 0 The Red~ 1K'0rhi their Ion" 'tally

In tho ll(th \I hen I olngl 8 and an

Totaiw .",." .......... .32 -; ;0 ;r ;:; '"i; c~or brought llur .... m ve acr 58 the l 'hIiIlMh'hla .. ........ 000 OC/! 010-3 '1',. I . • •

New York .................... 000 044 00·-TWo billie hlu., 0 hrl!f, Lnzzcrrl,

I:IhQmOn8: three hue lilts, l<.o nl r; """rlflcM, Koenig, Jloyt 2. Ilul,O: douhl. plaY, lJrunom, Doley nnd

, ore by lnnlnr.: Plttsbur"h . ,. _ 200 000 000- 2 7 I , 'Indonutl ...... . 000 010 000-1 6 2, I,rl'mer und Smith ; Donohuc, Lu· Il and lInr",·u I' .

Philadelphia ...... 101 021 02- 1 11 I Bltl· n~. li'(tZ!llmmons 11 nd Devor·

mer; u,'180n, Decatur and Wllllon.

Brooklyn Throu,h

DO TON. April 12-Tlmply hl\s behlntl good plll'l',loll hy J,'"" Pol· ty put the r~"ookIYn Hobin. out In


tlcd In thp wl'lght ('vfnta. Al ~lg!JC, an pxcellent shot pUlle,' I~ onll of the team.

The Drake tlcl(N office rcports very hcuvy o"del'~ io,' reservations nnd J)rcdlCIM that the grontest crowd in the elshteen yenrs of D,'ake re· lays 11'111 be on hond this year to sen galaxy of Rln"S unequalled, In nny similar cvent In Iho world thl~

rtgured In Ihe balUng ,·"llIelt which cllnchcd Eroolclyn 's I'lclory. Bob 'mith stnrting on lhl' 81nh for Bos·

ton, fall d to sUI'vlve tile lhlrd Inn· Inlr, Mogrldll'P who replaced him. (unned nine batsOl n but w(\s nicked (01' lh,'ee runs In tho seventh, llVO o( which came home on a double by Hc'dr:cks. P e tty ulJ!lwcd only two h ltl! In the first st~ Innings,

Scor~ by Innings: Brooklyn ............ 012 000 3()O-G fi O. Bo' ton .................. 100 000 100-2 7 2.

Pelty nnd Henline; Smith, Mog· ridge and Taylor.

I Baseball Re~ults I Ameril'flll ,\, /to('la tlnQ

[\III1S0. ' Ity ..................... 8 Hi 0 olumbus ......................... "". 5 11 1 Sll('('hnn, Olson, S<:haak anf\ Pet·

cr.; 111 cl<("', Zumbro, Wlttcm and Wingo.

~III\I'aukeo .......................... 0 15 12 TOledo "......................... ...... . 2 • 2

Jonnord nn(1 l\IcMcnemy; Ryan, MaUD u nd Urhl1n.

11]!lIn nltPolia .. " ....... ~ ............... 0 6 1 SI. 'Poul .... " ............... ............... I 4 1

Burwell and Snyder; Zahniser and O[1Oton.

front In their 01'('n11l1\' NotlQt1l1l Irll' ~1In1l.'al)u l'tI ............................ 1 r. 0 r":"'----II!II--------------...;.;. .. IIII!l!!!~ .... guO "ncountc\' IIli1nh'Rt Iho ]Joston Loulsvlll ............. ....... " ...... .... 0 6 0 HI'''V~b tOOfly 6 to 2. ' Moon (lnd Krnna; Cullop IU1d


. ,

, ,

"Let 'Er Rain­, Let 'Er Pour"-

Thett Are Great Old Nlghls To , Caleb Up on Sleep


$2.00 ..


Ha .. " y lI"n,lrlek nnll 'M(lX Carry Meyer.

Buffalo Trails They wer~ indexes to our

present day restern civiliza­

tion. If you are wise you will

follow the "buffalo trails" of satisfied customers daily to

.. THE

Memorial Union Grill

One n10,'0 In the university ~nndbnU touMiamont hns Ix'cn de · ~Idp<t, C(lmp hnvlng trounce'l Will· lamH two ou t of three with 8COl'Ca or 21·19, 10·21 a nd ~ 1·6.

Cum ll will play Logarlo In the 8en'l)' flnnls n.nd the winneI' or thltt match , will talte on L utz In the flo rlls.

Action has 810w~~ down o\lnsldel'a· bly clurlr\l~ the fc~ (lays In the tlllll·I1\lmoll t. The dlr/Hent contest· ants seem to have dlrflculty In rtnd' Ing time to meet clloh otlter. The 101ll'nament 18 scheduled to clultlO {-prll 1'. Thp~e \lltt)'lng I). tlle filIal" wi\1

fan,,) 'fQr Nve l>l(lme~; tile wJ,1Qcr Of three wll) 1)<i the '!y cham· 'I'lon. 4 lIold 'I1l\dllt Will be "Iven ' to (he thilLl W!nner lind one oS Sl{I'or tq ~he r lllinct·\U1.

Col~,. :au.hall . Indiana 5; DePlluw 5. (Called at

end or sevenlh b~aueo Of durkncs~ , Purdue 8; Butler 3.

IlUnQls 4; Misstsslppi A. &. M. 2. ;:=----, ---- .. ----

F R I v o L


T ...

o D

ton uniform , had tho honor;Of tlI4

F B st n 6 2 Ing the ball tossed out by the p~ rom 0 0 , .. d ent. Ho made Iwo hlte In nt tl 010" at bat. f

President Tosses Ball ta' T ris Speaker

in Inaugural I n y Th. A ••• "itlted ]· .... 1


though oulhlt lVashlngton opened tho souson toda), wllh u 6 to 2 vic· tO I'Y OV('r hUMlun 1n it tume game

n'uyeu before about ::0,000 ]lcl'sons. Including Prcsldent nnd MI·s. Cool. Ipgo . " E;l tim" JlnL'r\;! who usually hos been (l 1)U.zlo to the 80nlllo,'s, wus not so efl'rc tlvc today and (Vila taken o,lIt lifter 101.\" Innings,

ol",ne<1 the season yeste l'<lny i:Hojlley CvlovcsklO workea f"'1"

Score hy Inntngs: Roston .......... , ..... 000 100 100- 2 II I Washington ...... 203· 200 000- I I ,

Banlo, Wlngftejd, Welzer, Mcl\c. (Ion nnd HofTml\nn; Covclea~le; 1I&t. be,'ry and Rue!.

Mr •. Wlllle. Rtl41 •,.flici'lrl& •

r .............................. ~-

,~~~ . No Chl~ren Under 16 '.

Be A4~~t~etJ

STRAND , L •• t Time. Text"

as a member of the Phlladclphl:t inninflS in the bo>: In Wa.hlngton Athletic.. 1\ ftel' the soandol at last :\l arbcrry COIllI)loU ng' the game, It win tel', ('obb said ho desired 10 Ililly " \V"" til l} first lImc In yea l's lhat 'Wul· hut one "~ason . ·'lor vindication." tel' Joh,,;;oo, who la 1I,ld up with --====.=========================

F R I v o L


T In the Days of ~unt Polly and o

D NOW A y • y

Qe~Qte4 to tqe pe~t .prinr PUtjme.

What . ,


whale of a

If you're tired of Iif.

read FRIVOL.

difference a I I


few years make. Read about ; . . "

tt In


. ,.~

, ,

f~esaay, April 13, 1927 ,,-


bnmense:Crowd IWatches Chicago

·Beat Cardinal Webb Slugs Out T w

Homers I Grimm Knocks One

CHICAGO, April 12 -Playing (010 a ctOwd ot 42,000, the Ittr!;, lhlt ev~r ~pi..cked In to W!l'lg ley fiE Jlt8 Chk!a!:o Cubs, wiU. throo hOI 19'" overwhelmed the wO I'1 f~0l' St. LOu'" Cardinals tod II to 1, In tho season's open I pme,

flirl Webb, outfielder, obtulr ~st winter f"om the Louisville A ",can tIl!soclation club, led CUbS' slugging at· lICk with IWO !IOnIC rUI1f5, "' whne II r 8 t basema n tharley Grimm, a · lonner Pimto, ' i1ammoo out tho other, '~lVebb's Oro! round trip .e~t over the ",hI field bleach· If ~'a ll , while the acond teU a few teet short of

Charley i ' IIIId the oham­PIon. to seven bits and nevOl' seemed In any daJ .r.

G,oover Cleveland Alexander, lu ol last [uJl'. world series, stRr! aIIsplcioual.v !Jut mn into trouble tho lhlr~ Inll ing when th e C" I1\thered five runs. Herman B Itld the Cubs scoreless for tho nE Il'p Innings but Eddic Dyer, W

lo~.d the lu st two for the Cai InaJs, was burtel] undel' a sho" 01 blows in the eh;hth, sturting wi Webb'. ,voom1 homel'.

Riggs 011 Third Base lRiggs Stephenson, the outfleU who ll! being made Into a Ihit'd ba IIIIn, played t\ sensu tlonal "am e ( Ibe Cubs both In the field (I nd lbe pi.te getting three hits, one "uble.

BasObaJI C<litnmIBslon,el' Lan, cm:re the Caruina is,cub. cont. (or hi. opening day vi"it and M, IX' William Hille 'fhompson tOSE

Qat the first ball, The new seco ,lory 'octlon of the lert field gra ,,,,.<1 WaH fillet] to capacity a Ihousands stood in ("ont of t bil'1.Chcrs, making long hits Into t crowd goOd fC>r (lnly two bases.

Sununary ST, LOU IS- AB, R. n. PO.A, lJOulhit, cf .... " ...... ..4 0 1 1 0 Southworth, l'f ....... .4 1 1 1 0 l'T' s~h, 2b ......... "." . .4 0 1 0 5 Bottomley, Ib ........ 3 0 1 14 0 L, Bell" Sb ....... " .. .4 0 2 0 2 »ruey, IE .. .............. '<1 0 0 1 0 Wan'ell, c ........... .4 0 1 3 1 Tho.enow, ss ............ 3 0 0' 4 7 Alexnndcr, p ." ......... 1 0 0 0 2 (lorkxx .................. 10000 H, BcD, p ................ 0 0 0 0 1 Torporcer xxx ........ 1 0 0 0 0 Dyer, p .................... 0 0 0 0 0

Total" ................. 33 1 7 24 18 x IJattrd fot' II, Boll 'in 7th. IX llnttrd tor Alexandel' in 5th

ClIICtl.Co, AB. R. H. PO.A, Ad,,",s, 2b ................ 5 1 2 4 2 HC1tllcote, rC ." ..... 6 0 0 2 0 Webb, IC .................... 2 2 2 1 0 Wilson, cf ................ 3 0 3 0 Stcllhcn80n, 3h ..... .4 2 3 3 1 Grimm, Ib ............. ".3 2 2 5 0 GonZilI~s , c ........ " .. 3 0 2 q 0 ~n~y, 5S ..... " .. " .. .4 0 0 2 2 Ron, p " .......... " ...... 3 1 0 1

Totaln ... "" .. " ....... 32 10 12 27 6 fl, Louis .................. ,, ] no 000 000-Chicago ." ............ , ........ 105 000 041-

1'\\'0 base hilS: Douthit;' L. Dc !loot, Stephenson; homo r\lns, V,rc 1, Grimm; sac"if!ces, Ol'lm; doul play, Fdsch to Thcvenow to Bo iORlley 2, A<lflms to Grimm; lert ' baSI!, SL Louis 10, Chlc.,go 4; ba on balls 011 R{)ot G, Alcxandel' 1, Bell 2, Dyel' 2; struck oul by Ro 7, n , Bell l, Dyel' 1; hlta off Ale andel' G In fo ur, ll, Doll 1 In 2, Dy i In 2: wild pitches H, Bell; rtass 0011 Gon7.ales; losing pitcher AI( ander; umpires: K tem, Wilson al ReardOIl, ~======~~---~

rM;;w~i;~~··R;id~· .. ··,~"

ITi~i.~ No ,Children Under 16 Wi

Be Admitted

STRAND _ Lut Timel Today - --=

\' Mill Rumford b.



~er which I


RU Th.

lAKIN ..... ~

Page 7: G - Daily Iowan: Archive

nf, 8 • r ___ U Il bot! IInkle, did not Slart r Ket'SOn tor W~8hlnll\on. o~ '"

T"ls Spoaker, playing hili OI'lca n Lengue game In a ~iJ.n ... ton uniform, had the hunor .. ~ Ing the bul! tOln!ed out b fll CI~ j Y the (cnt. Ho nmde two hit p~ tJm08 III bat. S In a.,

Sco"e by Innings : Roston ........ ........ 000 100 100-Washington ...... 20a- 200 000- Z III

Barris, Wlngfteld, Welzer I I, qen and HolTml\nn; Covcle8R~cr~ be''!'y and Rue!. ' lI!r.

r·p .. ·········~·-················· . Mr •. '111111« Rt14's

... uio& atcryallktlr.!fil i_pia

i lHERmKllion . .~ •• -.,.-••• -.-••••• :-•• , .. "":O:1"'r

No Children Under 1'6 WI n., Ad~ltte~

STRAND , L •• t Time. T~~J

F R I v o L


T o D A y

'. fdeadaY, April 13, 1927 , llie Daily lowiII', Iowa CIt .. Page ~

Chicago _ Cubs __ Smother, W_o--,--rl~d'_~C~_ h_a_m~p_io.--7-;-n~~ _in--:--' _F_irs_t_E_n--:--c_ou_n_fe_r 1 . . .

Immense'Crowd Watches Chicago

Beat Cardinals Webb Slugs Out Two

Homers I Grimm Knocks One

C1UCAGO, Allrli 12 -Playing be· fore a crowd of 42,000, the I,u·ge.l tiIIl eVFrflltCkcd Into Wll'Igley fialel, \ill Citil',go Cubs, wlLh thl'oe hOlhe MiDI, overWhelmed tho worl~ 'Il I~Op St. LOul~ Cal'dinals to4J.y II 10 1 In thc senson's Ollenlng pme.

Earl Webb, outfielder, oblalned iI!I .. Inter from the Louisville Am· tric'.n IIlisoclntion club, led the CUbS' ,lugging ttl· latk with two lOme runs. ' while finl bruleman Charley Grimm. a. , 1.!lIlor Ph'ato, i1ammCJI out Lho otber. '. l'Wehb's ' Orst roun~1 b'IP ,eDt ovel' the rlghl [ield bleach· .. "o'an, while tho ItCOnd len It fe''> flf! .hort 01

Charley, . 11114 the eM nt· pions to seven , WII and nevol' seemed In any dan'g· ,r.

Grover Clevcl~nd Alexander. hero or ]a.t faJl 's wOI'I(l 8el'les, SllU·t d auspiciollsly bul !'Un Into t.'ouble In !ho lhll'\! Inning IVh~1l tho Cubs I'\ihered li"e runs. Hel'man 13011 Itld the Cubs scol'eless for lhe nexl tlrj) Innings bul l:ddle Dyer, who toUed the 1[[8t lwo for lhe Ca,·d· lIals, was buded under a shower of ~Iow. In the elghlh, starting with Webb'. second homer. • Riggs Oil Thil'(T 8:,so

Riggs Slephenson, the outfielder who Is being mado Into 0. thil'd base· man, played .. acnsu tlonal game for the Cubs bolh I n the field n nd at (he plole geltlng th.·co hits, ono a "uble.

BaS<'b<tll C!Jknmlsslon,er Landis cho'le the Cardlnals.cuhs contest for hi' opening day vl~it and May· ,.. William Jl3Je Thompson tosBcd out \he first ball. 'rhe new second !tOry section or the left field grand

A ~A\..t-\'~'r £1041 \'LL ~N~ 1E~ -A \,f,)\.\\~L -:: M(~,<aE

~"r. C"N '\£LL ME \~ \'tv\ Go\NG "fie c;~LL M'r ~C\)~L O~ NOT.

Yes, We Hal'e Hits, 'Errors And No Runs in Frat Ban

Tn bl~ kague basebll II the um· III!'e fl'cqu ently s turl!es Ihe crOwl1 w1th hiM stcntOl'iall, "no runs, 110 hitM, no ClTOI'S," bul not 80 in In· te.· (rat~l'nlly bnseball. 'Vhon Karl Caml1us dons IlIB gym mU'a, 11he",,0 lIa. a nd tests the resiliency o( horNe·hlde·lJollnd cotton agaillst

11'",11 Cl;i 19c1s, the umpire, i( he c llOs to call oUl the l'Csuit of e!loh Inning, would usually be forced to .yell. " lot o( hll~, a (cw l'UIlS, lnnurn(.'rablc C1TOI'8,"

Thili "' wa!! tJ1C ca~ In l:Ot nigh t \I hen Dell" Tn u Delt...1. won n comp:u 'atlvely easy galllo f,'om ::;i!~llla Phi EMllon . 'fhe Tnu Ddt'. <unwed through seven In· nlngs In a decidedly ecccntrie munn(,r' n'lannghlg to triumph ove,' lho Sig :00's til tho Lune of 14-5.

S igma Chi scar d an cnsy vic· to ,·y over Alpha Chi Sigma by fo'·lrlt.

rl'l -0 next g'n mcs in the. first Bel'~ iea tllke I'luce tonight ill lhe I'll II'K ,g~'mnaslum al 7 and 8 o'clool<. The first Is b tw".n Phi Kapnfl Sigma o.nd Phi Epsilon 1'1; anD thc second between. Phi Ko.]l]J(c Psi n nd Chi Kuppo. 1:'1.

- \

od ic of Michigan, lUO·yanl l)tlCk "I "oke ,·cco,·d·hol<lCl·: a nd Darnllil of 1I1lchl · !,:Jln , 50 lind J ilO,yu.I'd free sly If" holel · el' of 100'Yu"!l record.

The chomplon a nd I'econl·m:ll<ing "eltty te!lms arc "nehlgan's 200,yu1'I1 quartet of 6eng~rJ 'Ntttso n, Samson, and \;AlI'nall; and the ~OO ·yu"d me<l· Icy tCltm o{ '\'ugnCI', Splndl", uml Scoge'·.

IndlvWwLls and "ela y tcams'ivhleh 1(01'(:('(1 th!.' Ch:-1l1 1J)luIl H to r ecord per­forlllHnces will agai n be on deck. Among theso "U nne,'~'up In the \Vcijlcl'll Confe,' nee ",ret are: S.

1~1II1 oC ~Iinnc.'·o la, GO·y"nl f!'ee slyle; J'ul'(l)' of Mlnn,,~ol". 200':IUI'(I !," Nlst 811'01«'; Moody or ~llnnesoUl. 100·

I ran rl~e Htyle; " 'ug ne!' of Mic.lligan, 440·yard frec stl'le; an<1 \ 'o\balh or " Qrthll'cslc" n, [oncy dlvln;,


1\JjIlJl(,8ota's lX.lir or re la y leamH ~'I::iO fitdbhc(i ill ."'t'''c(lnd placo u ntl ,,"If) strive for )'cvengo Sntll rdny. a'h ese a.'" C,·ocke.·, Denn t t, lIIoody and S. III 11 , In lhe 200'yard relny and J. Hili. PU"(ly, and Bennetl In tho 300'yard medley event.

atan(l was flIlrd to cl\paclly and '--_____________ -'

FoUl' places \\'i11 be nlckod In 011 pf the nine ovents and medals /twQ n]c'(\ 10 each 1>lace·wl nner, but lc'am points will not be scored. J'!vcntt; to he contested tWO the 50, 100, 220, and HO'yard free styles; ~50.yard hack s troke, 200·ym·d breast storke, fancy low·boll.'d dlv· lng, 200·yard ' free st),le reillY and ;lOO·yard medley relay.

.bousands stood In front of lhe bJe.\chers, making long hits Inlo the Mermen Prepare crowd goOd for only t \va bases.

or. LOUIS-summ;;; R. II, PO.A.E. f or Collegiate AA ~~;~~~~~ ... ~:t ... ::: .. :.::.:.! ~ ~. 1 ; ~ Title Races Here ~awkeye Postal BoUomley, lb ....... 3 0 J 14 0 0 S M' -hi L d H Track Meet Geu L. Ilfl!, Bb ........... .4 0 2 0 2 0 ampson, Ie' gan ea er, as

H~ey, If ........ ........ 3 0 0 1 0 0 Chance to Break World', Many Prep Men a'Parrel!, c ........... .4 0 1 3 1 0

Thovenow, ss ............ 3 0 (] 4 7 1 220 Yard Record Intllcotions poinl 10 a big !leld of AlUllnder, p ............ 1 0 0 0 2 0 hl~h school athletes fo" Coach Clark xx .................. 1 0 0 0 0 0 Oeorge T. Bresnnhnn'-s Invitation H. nel!, p ................ 0 0 0 0 1 0 Ten unlver91tles, rep,'es ntlng sev· posta l broad jump and javelin throw Torporcer xxx ........ 1 0 0 0 0 0 en sla too and four athletic con C.,', meet. Fiftee n schools hnve scnt Dyer, p .................... 0 0 0 0 0 0 eneo", have ent<.ll'ed n tolal of 37 In enll'les ond live additional onos

, ______ RwlmmC'rs nnd <11\'(')'8 in the Nationnl Tota," .................. 33 1 7 24 18 1 Collegiate A.A. In(livldual ebamplon· have signified lhelr lntcntlon of x llottetl for 11. Bell )n 7th. s hlpR to be decided in tho Unlvel'slly conweling. xx Baited for Aiexttll(ler In 5th. of lowo pool Ralul'day. It Is lhe J.elte.·s from Eldora, Alta, Lltwlel',

CIIICAGO.... All. R. H. PO.A.E. fourlh Itnnual tllIe meet of tho us· and Bluncha.'d have been received Adam., 2b ................ 5 1 4 2 0 socla~lon. recently flllng theh' entries for the Hc.Uhcote, rf .. ...... 6 0 0 2 0 0 Tn thc field, IJrisliing with ct,,"", m~el, anJ lelle rs [,'am ~lIJ!ken. WclJb, I~ .................... 2 2 1 0 0 are one American Intercollegiate rcr· f'lea8llntvillc, Milo, and Glenwood Wilson, o[ ................ 3 0 3 0 0 ol'd holde,' in two events, one nation· ha,'r been received a"klng for In· Slephenson, 3b ..... 4 3 3 1 0 nJ coll~!(la te A.A. defendin!\, cham· formation about the meet. Grimm, Ib ................ 3 2 2 [, 0 0 I ]lIon Aml I'ecoro hOlder. \lve a lhl etes Eldol'l1 Enh'les Gonzales, c ............ 3 0 2 V 0 0 holding Beven 'Veslern Contercncr Coach R. O. Roge,'s of E lflorn has fulncy, 85 ............. ,4 0 0 2 2 0 I ~itle~ and t~vo Big T,en ~hnmpion j.n~ entel'cd 'Vhite, Schwark, and Lenlz Ro~t, p .................... 3 1 1 0 1 1 ,eco,d·holdlng ,eln~ te,lms. Amnno In the b"oad jump an<1 White, Gnr.

- - - - - ~ the nomlnutlons ore hoWers of five ne.·, and Lenlz In the javelin lhrow. Total" ................. 32 10 12 27 6 1 Big 'fen records. ouch It·1I. E. PC"ry of Alta hilS en·

Ilt. Louis ................. ... I ~.O 000 000- 1 • I I'~ S "-- S t.el'c'J &\m~on in tho h"ouc.1 jump and Ch· lOt r ,o;;an ell(", , e,'en ,caso ........................ 105 000 041-10 Javelin lhrow. Conoh LCo M. CUI"

Two base hils: Douthit; ' L. Bell; '1'he Wesle.·" Conference ',lel"g,,· lin o[ Lawler has placed entries for Hool. ~Icphenson; home runs, Webb tion Is led, by ;\lI ehlg~ n, which wiU Young, Schuman, Itelhle, Na(vlg, l, Grimm; SIlcrlflces, G"lm; double havfl SCV~ 11 alhletes In lho meet. O'Connor, Ba ll , und Ryan in UIC pLV, Frisch lo Thcvcnow to Bot· Minnesota. und Iowa have named broad jumJ) nncl Carrigan aml DOl. tomley 2, Adams to G"lmm; left on ~I", l'lu"IIl\vrst~rn flvr, 'Vlscon"ln ge.· In the javelin throw. Coach base, Sl. Louis 10, Chicago 4; base thl'~e, aml )lIInols one. Columhia's X. F. Decklin of Blanchard entel'c<I On b,'lls olt Root 5, Alexandel' 1, H . uno enlrant will rellreSent the l,(',· ]{c"ns, Walldngston, McElIt·oy, ,lohn. Ben 2, Dyer 2; .truck oul by Root A.A., while the Missouri Valley ron· ~on. Ilnd Deck In the j~velin throw. 7, H. Bell I, Dyer 1; hit. orc Alex· fOI''6nco (1elegates are lwo elly<'I's I Coach B" eanahan has prepared a nnde,' 6 In four, H. Bell 1 In 2, Dyer f"om Iowa Stato eollego. Nplro !rou,' weeks sched Ule of p"actlce tor i In 2; wild pllches H . .Heil; IlaSsed I Dame, '\11h rou.' mell, ond Mi 'hlglln !the benefit oC lhose dc@lrlng to tmln ball Con7.ales; 10"l l1g pitcher Alex· I Slule, wllil two, uph old the centl'lll fOl' the mcet. / and~r: umpires: 100m, Wilson un t!it ntcrcolleglatc confe,·eneo. Tho al"t.,. Folwcl11>rnw!1'kturcs Renrdon. of illinois, 10Wll, Wisconsin, Mlnne·

~-=-= se lo, Michigan, New YOI'](, nnd In· J)]agl'3ms illustrating the prope,'

~• ---. IJlllna 0."0 "epre ented. terms of brood jumping and javclln

rj:;;;-W~i~~e··R;id';··· , Slunson lIolds Reeor() Ihrowlng have been (I"awn by .Iohn 1..,;,g"",>,tilMt"lficintirl$ , Capt. Paul C. Sumson. Michlglln's ~;'Olwoll, S4 of Davenpol'l, whi ch may • ~ ' " . greal 8\\'lmm~ .. who will ult~mpl 10 ):>0 obtalne,l upon request. LettQl'S l,1iH£ JltOno . . . shalter the world's 220.yard

l froe ["om COucch Fh' o!'~est CO. '~llllllllkken, Ofr II slyle record, Is lhe most lIIus rlollsroledo, cac n. "" en, 0 .1.:............................. . In(llvld uo.l enlered. He holds tho I'leasantville, 11'. L. J{I\Y, sUllerln·

No ,Children Under 16 Will Be Admitted


Amel'lcan Inlercolleglale marks In tilndent of schools at Milo, Cotleh lho 220 and 440·yard swims. iLeo 1\1. CUllin of L~wlcr, !lnll Conch

De[o:ndl,/lg his national collegiate iJl:ur l SlUl'ges at Glenwood have bopn lillo an{l r{'Cord, Cltpt. J. llill of "cccivoo signifyi ng their Intention of ~lhIJ' C"ot.~ wHl "wlm tho lGO·ynrd enlcl'lng un(1 l'e(lUcsting lhe training

clIO Illillon. aro: Kl·al~. o( Wllwonsln, Enll'le8 fo .· lhe mcet cloJIe May 1 I hl\ck sl!,oke. ""cstern Co nfe"cnco schedu le.

Lad Times T oc:Iay \. ~OO ·yard bl'CUHL all'oke rccord holder; ! nd competiLion will lak 11lnCe from _ _ _ Orol., of illinois, [llll<'y <l1,,!n!: ; SJ)ln.~ 10 10 21. M"r~le In dl~t·

Millions Use Rumford because they know from actual e~perience that it ~ the one baking pow· der which never fails to leaven evenly-.completely-pertectly.

RUMF RD X 02-1)

- ... _ - ,·-ro .... _...,P"' _____ .... "!'" ... ~-__ .. P¥p¥· ...... "'!'----------....... .. ~ ...... -_ ... _- .. ~

,,~ ~~ <O\\\~~ ~ ~v.~\S\"'~'i\~~ _ '< --,u~ ~~~~ C\l~£C'\~\lE_

au", ,,<olR ~"'"T£ L\tIlE ~L q~~iL ""' .... ~\' O~ '(O~~ ",o~e:s ~O~ '~\)('CE;~~ _ ,':t

~L"C:K ~N~ Me:,,*C'\~~ ....... ;tr.~

riel tl'acle mecls will 1>e [lccepted If "f'nt In by the nrneial, and thMIl n"1(10 In practice ilt home will bo counted if eC"Wlcd t.o by tho tl'ack c03ch 0.' s upel'lntendent. 'Ien high pl(leo mon In ench event will be I' wa1'dM wllh lllCllal". Rlbllons will 10 gh'en to all entl'lcs coming thl'ough with a juml> ovel' twenty feet 01' a javelin IhrolV of Ovel' no fcct.

Business Men's .League Closes

Academy Five Takes Three Games and

I Championships

Cleveland Indians Win .First Battle

Geo~e Uhle, Pitching Ace. Shuts Out

White Sox rOy The Al80cJafftd J;"rlelJlll)

CLEVELAND, April 12 -Ooo!'ge Uhle, Cleveland pItch er, who last Year Icd the Amm'lcun leaguo with twenty·soven vic/ados, Hta.· ted the 1027 """son today wllh aHothCl' trl· umph, dereatlng tho ChIcago White Sox 3 to 2,

Uhle won his own gunle, driving In 'Cleveland's first run with a sin· glo and then coming through In the 'nInth with a double thut brought In the winning rurl. Uhle w!los wild,

It ",as lho last round fo,' COIllPC' 'passing soven men and hilLing one tition In tl1c 'bn"in"~s m"n's bowling but in the pinches he was effective.

Be allowed only six hIts and Chi· league at the D"e alleys las t night. eago left 14 men on base. The In. 'fhe leading Academy aggrcgntion as dlans a pparontly won the game In I usual camo through vlclorlous, this the eighth when Nel. doubled, send· lime tal<lng three st.'alght games Inl; J. Sowell aC"O~8 the plate, but from the American Legion five. Me· tho umph'e ruled that Nels, who Chesnoy of the Acmle'll1Y 'Iulnlct was reUred In (I'ylng (0 make third I bowlod a high IndlvlduLl! galllo HCo .. e on his hit, had been put out before of 233, and three gamo lotul o[ 577. Sewell's foot touched lho plato. The Densmore's team tool( two out . ot box score; thTeo f!'Om Garlner MOlo,' company. CliICAG{)- AB. R. H. PO.A.E. The Slavnla five defea ted Iowa CilY'S Moore, I'f .................. 5 0 0 3 2 0 1.Ight and Powcr team lwo out of 'Yay, 2b .................. 0 0 O~ 1 0 0 t h" eo gamea. Kamm, 3b ................ ~ ;1 0 1 0 P

Final team standing' fOI' the busl· Ila.rreU, cf ....... ....... ,.4 0 2 2 0 b

Quadrangle Sports Program Includes

Baseball This Year Quadrangle 1}l)scbull will slurt 1m·

'ncdlillcly nflc ,' Ells lor, uccol'llln!; to It. lIf. Ood lw vo, athl tic <111·ecto.·. A hlg Hcuson Is XI> chid fOI' tho boys (1C1'088 th{l ,'1\'01' Us Illany Of tllC fel· I"W8 I'caiding nt the quuu arc for­

Ille,' colle;;e oM high school .~ln'·s.

rrhc :';[t rllC s{'ctJoO!\ tlwl ptll'ticlput .. NI In lhe olher Sports will IJC rC)lI'~'

~eJltr(l by hall l'!>nms. I','aet Iro will he held out weal of lho 1I0ld hOU80 . (':11'0 shoui'\ he tuken, Ilowovel' thllt Ihe 1I1en do nOl Inle!'fe!'e with tho 'f,·cshm.ln ba~ci)~ 11 Q.. lhe vursJly ,"cig-hl men. Th e g,,,no" will p!'Ob· ull l)' hogln April 22. Ail frcshmen 01' vlII'sHy baseball mon Il['O poslLlve· ly har!'ed from comllctition. Thel'" '' 'VIIS sOllle f1i s]Juto about lhls !'ule dul'ing the bas ketiluJl S03;'on, but lhe "thletlc cOU nell ha" made t h18 de· ... clslon and Il will In enforced here· ,,' arter.

Meeti ngs In the "nl'ious soctlons will be helJl lonh.;hl to l""('t oal"

l'S 10 do Lhell' ShlU'Q oC the work. I cannot give 100 much Ill"llisc to r .'Unk le '].·,·Iscll. Ti c fils Into (lur oomblnatlon pe rfectly. Tho fa ns know what Thovenow, Lea Bell, Dou · ~hlt, Sou t'hworth , BOltoll1ky and the othel' boys can do. 1 do not fenr the Giants. I: expecL the slrongest C'ompctlLJon fI'olll the :r'illsbUl'gh PI· rat~~.

Highway Engineers Discus, I talns lInJ to ('orn plete " s('ilC(l ul c, , 1.A1l men who ('On play 01' lhlnk they

Summer s Paving ProgralUl ellll p!tly ure ilsked to "c port to you,' I divl!:ion. "

Shade Wins Bout.

l'ED.\T: IlAPlDS, April 12 (JI')­

) lI:;-h wuy en;;-Inee,·s representing IJenllJn, Tuma, Johnson, Cedar, Clin· ton, I.fnn counties. met hel'e today \\,:th r"l'l'~sontl\Llvc:; or tho state hlghwuy commisHion l.u discuss pav­

ing' ))f gr~lIn s fOl' the comJng' seasor..

'l'h(\ eng in OrB discussed vlans for OH1CAGO, April 12 (!P)-Davc

beginning wO"I, on marc thun 13G Shade, San Francisco '1Ili<l(]]ewol!(ht,

lIlilcH of pCtvlng In the six counties. "'on ilia vel'(]lct oC lhe two judges

A eonslru -liun cumpany of '\\'alcI" anti referee ove" Phil K"ug of 1 aleI" 100 will tlltu·t pouring ellnOl'ole In son, N, J .• in l.on tilow rounds at the UC'J1lon county 'f.'hlll'sd:l.y if ,"'eather­Coli~eum tonight. Shade "uted as l ' I ~'r IllIIS' II wn~ doubtful whcthCl' the outslnndlnl; chalJ,,"gel' fu,· Lhe 11'01'1< could be ,turted In Tama an,l mWdlewcight litle , won olght of tho ('ellar Co.' flome lime lJeco ll~' of tho ten rOun(\s h!l.llally. "oft co nt1 1l1on of tho roads.

B.ddy McDoIl!lld Wins : ' DU3 ~JOINES, Apr!! 12 (,1»-:

:Duddy McDonald, St. 1'aul \Veltel·· ., ~velght won a newspal}('r decision f o"el' Mike ltozgull, Omnhu, in tell ; round~ here lQnig ht. In the semi· , wlndU)l, lUI J lunl, Des MolnrK. light I hNlVY weighL, won a declHtoJl ovel' • 1<: ,ldlo T~shul< of Omaha In ~ '·4umls. :

Fartey 'Cets .oed,ion • Pll1LADElLPlIIA, Ap"11 12 (11')- •

Tommy Farl y, l'hl'adclphla, 11~ llIed • hl~ way 10 U ten round Ju<lge's de· ; ci.lon loni>:ht ove,' Lew ~laYr8 . Bal· tlmOl·c. Flll'ky wclght"\l 137; MaYI'll 134.


The Dail y Iowan

Classified Advertisipg RATES: C1aRslfied display .. 50e per Inell

Oile or two dayit " _ ...... ,,lOc line Count five words to the Une. One Inch. cards per montb, .••. 00 Three to five day8 .. .. 7e per line Each word In the advertllIement ClasslCled advertis ing in by & SIX days or longer •••. 6c per line must be counted. p. m. will be publlahed the tol· Minimum charge::.:.;,,~ .. :: • .:..:.. --=. • .:..~a;;:O.:c _________________ )...;o;,.w...;i.:.n..:w:~m.:.o;,.r.:...;nln;;;g:::. ______ -.:




ness men'. Icague arc (IS rollpws: Falk, It ...................... 3 1 1 2 0 0 FOR SAJ.,E-CI101CE LOT ALONG I F'OU;'ID-CHILD'S DLUJ,; 'iAT ON COlO. ] owa Ave. & Duhuquo St . • ,

OwnCl' may ha ve same by calling at W J. Sheely, III ................ 5 0 1 8 1 0 Academy .......................... ......... .. . 65 11 'Word, 2b ................. 3 0 0 1 5 0 Qualily Bakery ......................... .48 18 13oone, rf ................ 1 0 1 0 0 0

fl'Utel'Olty rowan ' N. Dubuque street. :Price(l "e"so n"lJlo fo r quick allie. Wdle 1)·4 DJ.lly Iowan.

Du,'kett UIJdc""a(' 44 22 Peck, ss ......... .. ........ 3 0 0 2 4 0 Slavab,:s ....... ~ ... ~ ... ~ ... :::::::::::::::::::·42 2. Schalk, c ........ , ........... 2 0 0 5 1'-.() FOR SAJ.E-LOl'· IN UNIVERSITY I B"eme,"oS ...................................... 38 28 Tbomas, p ................ 2 0 1 0 2 0 Uelght~, With water, sewer, gas, American J..eglon ................. : .... 34 32 - - - - - - sidewalk anu paving. Phone 2621J. Dcnsnlore'o 31 32 Totals ................ 32 2 6'25 15 0 ., .................................. FOR SALE Al\'D m~MO\' AL-,'\ Daily Iowan .............................. 24 36· one out when winning run scored medium sized barn. Inqulro al 1. C. Fruit Co, ............................ 21 45 CLF;VELAND- AB. R. H. PO.A.E. 828 E. Wnshlngton or phone 3552. Garlner Molor Company ........ 20 46 JRmieson, Il ........... .4 0 0 2 1 01 T. C. 1.lght and POlVer ............ 19 47 Spurgeon, 2b ... ! ...... 3 1 1 1 1 0 l l~OR S.l.J:.E - llANO PAINTED K, ot C ......................................... 16 ~8 Summa, ,.f .............. 8 0 1 2 0 0 hundkerchlefs. Phone 10BG.

Individual and team scores for th~ Burns, Ib ................ 3 0' 1 6 1 0 games last nighl- J. Sewell, ss ............ 4 0 2 1 2 1

American Leglo" Nels, ef .................... 3 0 1 6 0 0 O. Kanak ............. 114 160 189 472 L. Sewell, c ............ 3 2 1 5 0 0


Snavely .......... .. ...... 141 J80 J96 5 17 Lutzke, 3b .............. 3 0 1 3 3 1 VACATION OPPOIlTUNITY- AT· I.. LindeI' ............ 186 137 112 4GG Ville, p ...... ................ 3 0 3 2 2 0 ' tI'!\ctlve position open fo,' sludenl Vogt ....................... 224 U 172 53~ - - - - - - ove,' 21. a'· te"eher. Will pay enN" Barrows ................ 190 1<10 154 484 Totals .................. 29 3 11 27 10 2 get!e youn>: man 01' woman $4f1 pl'r

__ -- -_ -- Ch.lcago ......................... .100 000 001 2 week. Write ])"JO, Dally Iowan. Totals .................. 855 76·1 853 2472 Clevela,nd ...................... 010 000 011-3

Academy Summary: Two base hits, Barrelt, STUDENT a lUL WAKTS ! WOHK ll'vlne , ..................... 187 102 180 !;5!1 Uhle, Spurgeon, Bul'Ds, Nel.; &terl· In ]}"ll'ute homo. Call 17G3J. Griffith ......... ........... 140 123 174 446 flces, Thomas 2. SeIH .• lk, Summa, Taylor .................... 103 174 178 51. lJUtzkc; doublo 1>lays Ward, Peck TEAClmRS-ICOH JlIOH SCHOOL Dee .......................... 156 143 lG8 467 and Sheely; Pock, Wn"d and Shee· am1 Orade pOSitions. Pl'Ofesslonal McChesney .... .. ...... 233 167 177 577 Iy; lett on base Chlcag'(} 14, Cleve· Teache'·.' Ag..,ncy, Des l\Ioines, In.

________ lan,l 8; base on balls oit Uhle 7,


"E I~\'E Somebody E~'cry 1J" y II nd ,. ';\Il°l'ybo(]y sotue d .. y. rlrey uro waiU"1: I" so,, v 0 evel'ybody c"cl·yda),.



WANTED-YOUNG COUPL E DE· siro to take cure of n.. l1uUse during

the summer. Dales ol'ranged and l'orel'onceS glvcn on I'eq uest. Cull ~645.

; J owan na~ p(.ylng Cor this nd.

LOST-WOOL SW1MMl 'G SUI1" blue Rc<I Cro.~s Inslgnlo.. Lost be·

lween campus and Sig Ell house. Re· LUrn to Merlin Carler. Reward. FOUND-HOSAHY ON BURLING·'

ton sl!Yet nea,· depot. Owne,' may have sa me by calling at Iowan and IY..tylng (or th is ad.

J'OUND - WOMAN'H CHA IN " bracelet. Owner may have SAme

by calling at Iowan and paying for this "d.

lJOS'I'-SII,\fj>;1l IJ INK nnACELBT wllh foul' groen sloncs a nd Zeta

Tau Alpha e,·e"l. ;Phon a 2860W.

l.pS1': NOTE ]JOOK AND FRENCH rollder. Retul'n to 'Iowan office.


STm)ENTS CLASS NOTES AN" themes typed. A Iso mimeograph'

fng of all kind.. Mary V. Burne. Phone 1999·J 01' 1810·W.

Totals .................. 8 7~O 87i 2564 Thomas 6; slruck out by Uhle 5, ~'OR RE)I'l'-A GOOD BOUSE FOn WANT1,;D-'I·ypmVP.1'1'ING copy PRIVATE DANCINO LESSO!olS, Gurlner Motor Co. Thomas ~; hit by pltehe,', by Uhie

O'Dden .................. 158 134 1&4 4:;6 (Falk); umpires, Connolly, Rowland

Ga.'ln,' .............. ... . 145 133 161 439 ~-----Fink ............. : ......... .166 134 147 43" I und Geisel.

~:t~~:\:n .. :::::: : :: :::::::~~~ ~~~ ~~~ :~; ,-P-e-n-n-a-n-t-Ch--a-n-C-e-s-,· TotalS ..... ....... .. .... 765 742 814 23H


Monahan ........... ... .. 204 158 171 53a. By Dob O'FlD"rell Bocek ...................... 134 1 if 145 450 1 Managc.· st. r.ouls Carllln"ls Mclnncrny ............ 155 175 160 490 My club may not be fancied by Stryko.' ................... .1 30 130 130 390 mnny exports this' !!prine: as the l'on' Moullon ..... : ......... .138 138 138 411 nant, wlnncl', but having he~n

-- -- -- -- through this mill 1 know ball gfLmes 'J:'ptnls ........ ......... . 'lUl 772 744 2277 are deddefl on th~

J. C. J •. " ..,,"'01' tleld by the p)'U" Wiedel' .................... 18n 104 124 417 aI's. In splle o~ Cl'fLln ...................... 128 110 H1 388 "'hat hUA been Pellock ... ........ ......... 138 162 168 468 rumul..,(\ [ can MYCl'A ............... ....... 147 147 H7 441 Il'ulu'nntre pcrt(t( t Glpplo .................... 148 148 N8 444 ha,·mon .I' V"evalls

-- -- -- -- on th') (I.un. 'Ve 'Iolal" ..... ..... ........ 7.0 680 728 2158 ql'e not .;ohW to

RI:Lvl\tfL's attompt 10 win Bl'idge .................... 172 106 14G GH lhe National ]lSII' ~IRVllllt .................. 110 12~ J23 357 IlIlnt on OUl' ropu· Hclahardl .............. 150 1 Gfi 146 4QO lillian as worl\l Wonl ........... ...... ..... 138 114 1iw 441 chamvlons. The Kosel' ...................... 156 14 7 ~ 74 476 Pllst has been (01"

-_ -- -- -- gotten and we 'He Tolala ................. i~5 74G 777 2248 gotng Out to win o 'FA Ii!.(l ELL

thl~ one bctt>l'~

T ems Knocks Out H'erman us. I fcd I havo 0. big surprise In ~{01'O COl' the tans this season-AI~x' l

OLEVEr_AND, AI~l'l\ 12 (II')-SI<1 (thdel'. Watch Grovel' Alexanl\cr ~el'l'ls of New YOl'k knocked out l:.Itch next summel'. I haven·t 11 one· Dabe I·Jerlllan, NelV Yo('k, In the man Btaff clthe,', for I expecl Eill thil'd round of a soh dulcd 12 round Shol'del, J esse I1alncs, Jimmy Ring, bout a.t public hall hel'e lonlght. Vic Ke~n n ntl n II of the olh I' pilch· -- .:

Always keep

a little


on your hip

fraternlly 01' sororlly. Itent rca· worl<. Call 1656. PIJOne 3312 for aplJOlntment. .onnblc. 115 N. Clinton. 20fl5W. I





$1.00 All Other Work At ('roportlooate


'XHY PAY L\IORET Experts are at ,our ttervlce llere. WE VALL )'OR AND DELtVEIt

RONGNER Frollch Hr, CleaDln~

~(erl'bao& Tallor 109 S. Clinton rhone %2


12 CARS AJWa" Ready to ~

Mileage Basta Tel. 2425

THE LETTER SHOP Notes typed Prompt),

Tbemetl and Thosel Prepared Mlmeo~raph Work

Chapter Letters Inatrueto..,. Outnn61

A'r \vlLL'IAl\1'~


When )'011 Ihlnll 01 8110F. IUWA,HUNG


JOE ALBERT (Al'r""~ frllm 1illlll'lerl)

'" _ \\'nrll fi'Dllrnnlrrll _.


SPECIAL Till 1\1 ay 1st.

Eugollo SI e.\1Il Per",allent Waves $]0,00

Blackstone Deaul, Sboppe 123 So. Dubuque

l'lwne 1299 J. Marcels 75"


We !tepalr FountaIn Pen. -J'rolllpt re· , ,!re­Export W d(ma nshlp

Satislae/lull Guaranteed WILL MI'S

IOWA SUl'PL'r ou Clinl·OIl Slroot

(N.xt 1)001' 'fo Coast's)


$3 Per Night PHONE 171


CAlJI. 12S·W •




I DI"_ 01 We.e. I Over 'slavata's Ston

'Clinton -Btrtet

Boan Z to 6 P.l!:.....-. (


INFIRMARY Co1lege 'Of Dentistrr

Open for ClinIcal Servlee HOIl1'8-10·12 a. ... ~·I ,.m.


Il:¥eti Exalllined U Ill) GIlWeti Fitted

Iowa City Savings Bank Bldg.

BEST PRICES PaM, rill' nil IIhll)8 ' ", flCrolll)·hlnd clqthln\:, Jhoes and other artlc:le§,

Phone 1793 M. K~mei 24 College st.

i I

Page 8: G - Daily Iowan: Archive

Latest City, Sport., CampUl, and Wire New. Report.

T I h { Bu~ne.. 1'0. IU e ep on~ ; EdItorIal 28Jt

Demory Changes Plea; Technicality Causes Demurrer

O'Conner Claims In­formation Filed

Illegally J) nlUnlng on lIw grouMs IhAl

In(ol'maUou ",nR filed by pl'lvllt~ I)ro· M cu tm'. OO'OI'((C D~t1lory wlthd,'('w I,I~ III.:, of gu ilty to It chn,1I'c or sell· Ing c1~nt'ett 8 to mlnor~ In Jusllce H, I". ('orter's COIl,·t yo.ll·rday.

'I'ho dt'mul'PI' Willi i)uM(lc1 un vRl ' lOU K

"Inlllll'o III th~ ('o~<' whlell Int.r thot In r", mn tI,," m Uijl 00 fil M IlY n n IJlllhullzp,1 SllIt(' 0 " rount l' OtllCCI'. )n (" ",/\lIon figlli n t Delllor), wa., Illl·,1 hy !':r nPH HU/,~P.H "lid l.eo P oltflr. Vnr I hlM 1'(l1I~(1TI h(\ nHkM thut the NIH [1(("l nRt him b dlRmlij·

I Kitty Mayme Goes Bankrupt; Hearing

for Creditors Soon 'VI til lIahlllll ~" 11 . t.NI OR ,G,23S.a2

ond a"HN. us $3.fll0 Hobel·t UUHch, IH·r.!>I'INOI· of the Kitty ~Jt\)"l1~ Choc· ollito "hop, 22 Soulh ('linton "treet, cl08~d ~OOI'H Monday n fle"noon 1ft :; 11. m. The bunl"'uptcy papers WN'~ fI1~c1 In tlw United States oourt y~stel'doy morn ing.

An cXBllI lltlon was modo for house· hold lloods vlllu~d III $100 and $2.000 IIrp InHul'llnce policy. A date fOI' the h~lIl'lng of ('red ltol'~ will be -et In the fl('11I ' future hy Hefel'ee R. A . ·OI1P~ I·.

.!luseh 10 out. or tn,.n ror It .hort tlmo until rInnJ (H'I·u ngNn~ltt. al'" ' ollwlcted.

Barrow Givea Out Petit Jury Name.

H'tl. f~"V{ln ly· (I\'(1o r eHltlt.' ntM of .Johnson It h" .. heN' thp ~ommbl) I)I'SNIN' "ounty have b<>en r hoscn n. pet it

th" oug hout th ~ ~tllte for ~ounty nt. urOl'S fOI' th~ May tC"m of district w, l1~y~ to [I ··C~ 1I1 Inrol'mn.lIon alv· ' ou rt. Thl'Y ore to repo"t May D. ~n Ih 01 by Indll'tdunla a nd f,'om It 1927. Ilt 2 II . m . They a"e: make a ll ot't'eJ't, According to Ed· Manville, Ilertha; Kos., Cha$. J. wllrd L . O·Connel·. ottorney for J otfel'son ; J ehle, Jo'mnk . j.'remont; JJ'·mo,·y. tltls I ~ lh~ flt',t lim 1I1ut Hossler , J acob F ., Ne\VlPOrt; Brown, th (IU~Rtlon hUK I.>"rn I,,,rore n court. ~ lIa G .. Baker. l\1. Ill" Oxford; Cor·

/I ..... for (>III.ok!!1I Sleu.h,,, ny. L. F. ; HU l!o8e ll. W , B.: /lotfelder. I'",·vluu. til hi. Rrrekt Demory hnll Louis; . Joe T. , 1I10nroe; Orlm.

nUrll""8 and Pollp,' RrtCsted to,' Ag nes; Judy. lIenry : " ' h II e. Wm. J .: ~hlcken te ling a nd he mnl ntul nPll HumReY O. F .; G"Unth, Ke nneth ; In his arlo\'um~n l Ihut the Inrormatlon . Lake. Alorl'19. Liberty ; J<i1bergcr. filed o"ol not him hy ~h boys wns \\'e81<,)' . J efferson; McLa ughlin. Roy U 1Ilf"IlIlM Qr "1{~ttJng yon," I. , Hupperl, George l .... , "::;ust l .. UCR8 ;

Oklnhomll, Kans"N. a ntl 1I11""our l Jon,'8, 'Iyde, WIlHhlngton ; He"rlng, lIuv(Io hud Rhnllfi" ('a~ .... In which tlw \'lo P, Fremont; IPoweNl, I~. A .; Brant, ~1I1J 1·~ ln .. rou l' l _ hove {Il>cldl'd th llt on S. L. Malliso n; Ebright. 1. S., PIM@' In(o"'l\atlon must llf\ filcd by nn l nt Valley; HartSO/'k. Ouy A.; Lie· om N' of th .. s tute Itnd not hy IL )l1'i. hlg, Geo.; WoodfOl'lI , Cullle; {o'ul1r. "lIl rlUzen. The cLtlz n's Ilort In lllLstcr . \Vm .. Newport; Healy. J08' th . 0 lion I~ thl\J or making a on1' ~jlh , LIberty ; Lehman. John : Derk · ,'llIlnt to th" <'ounty or filUte olncer, . e n, 'VlnlfrM. S 'ann I. N~llIe: Park. ;\11'. O 'eonn~I' Ilolnt~d Olli. Art... r. Robet't: no H. Mary ; KllIOr, C. th" I'Onllllolnt ho s l:t/>~n Hign d It I. IV.; pm eyer. P . W .. Big Grove ' til" county (jm~er 's dUlY to InvI·oll · lliscock Mlll'lln : Yode r. Ledger C.; lIa t" the cha rICe n1a~p arnln8t till' Winter.' Jo~. Oxrord; Jlaber.troh . Illun ( d t rmln wh OWl' therp I, ~I ory : Fonda. O. H .: Dooly, )o'ior. • nUUlrh I'vlden<'e to warl'llnt hi . nr· e nc ; SuePPeI. Fra ncIs ,v.; Hamillon . I l'M l . I.1rnmll. ~'rt'mont; Burnes. A. E .,

Ru t"Il flrftOl' ... 1 1'10,1(' Scolt; Doven. Thos .• lIardln ; I illIteI'. H th 1'(> 1M kullkl"nt pvl,I"'Il'r CI," ·{I . Sharon ; Cerny. Oeo. J.; Oroh.

nRl1 fnHl lhp mtLn lhp CHunty ftltorrw)' \\t , J .: FJ'nunholtz. Ch lUt., Scott: th"n til Info,·tlI~tl()n. Thla. nco Kranz. C. W .• ~'remont ; Peter son, (n, ~Inff to Mr. O' ' onnN··. QI·gument. ~"'I\nk; 'Vn.llpra . W, W .. Lincoln' I ror the prot('(; tion of n chlzen Crom t·homas. C. H.: Pallsch. Flol'ence : 1.1·lng unJu~t l y neeu. d a nd 1I1·I'('.t,,<I I{ w ·edg .. , F;thl'l; Munn, Josh. 0 • . loy ono holding a grudge against ru n! ; Cannon, Wilbur D.; CarHOn hIm, ~'r:lnk S .. " 'eAt Lucns : Mc:'>ln lly. Jo • •

'ouoty allorlle), C. n. 1tu"~pl1 \\n. ('llhlnp: BU,·netl, ChllA. A .; Quinlan

~~ .. ~::!..~ e:t~'~fO~~nh~~~w;~ ;:h:~: ~Jd, Hardin : Lelnbaugh. W . ~'.; Mil "I'IWIll nt 1\ t eorth by .Ir. 0 ' olln r. ler. A. 0" Wa8hlngtOn: Falk, Pear!

O'Conner .tatrd that he hell 1'1'<1 H.: \\·('('l:t/>r. W. J.: Kutz, Clara, thl. CI1Ae would h ve no !)earlng PI .. rutnnt Vall y: Ru Il. Vera: UllOn any prison r8 In th .. eoullty Knopf, 1:. J ; /l(>ard ley. John : Nor· J;)l1 du" to the fact thnl by ollowlnl;' rl~. J . A. Ilardln ; Kolda . Oeo. A . 11 1~lr C • to b U'led they had ,,"Iv. Big Orov<>: Mar ~h M a: !>femlcr , (I) the rI, ln to demu,r. Am lIa. Sharon: KasPer. h~red, Penn .

P,,11 Judge Paul J. u l I' mllM Omaha Authoritiea Nab Check F orler

.. hu.lne", trip to l):,v nl>o,·t Y •. t r· d: y morning. lip' \\'111 ,,' turn to l u\\o ~ty In time to hold ~ourt Ihl. mOl nlng,

Information "'Its given out last - • nlllht I,y DI'I('('II\ (> O. E. rroll to


•• _. ___ •••••••. ~.. the errert WIlliam p . AI xa nd· Mra. w.tlici R.idi (I'. wl\ntro her(> on bog U8 check ...uc....,./' • , e h'l rg(>H. ho" Iwen arrested by Oma·

~ R If. h .. nuthorlllp., T he mnn will be

~_._~.~~O I 'I'h" IIfle,1 e:lmp olt~r n. two we"k 1\1 hl'ou!; ht hel'~ hnmNlnl~I)'.

HMn' h ml"t(> lIy ()('[eeUve ort'oll.

No ClUldren Under 16 Will Be Admitted

j \lt1xundpl·. n Ol:ln ubou t 37 yent's 01<1. \\!llt trn\,(>l1lns; a. a Ho I sman wllh lettl'l'8 o~ Introdurtlon a lleged to IJj> (ok pd. lie p .sed nUlllerou ,herkB htrp on ~I a"rh 22, all 01

= .

STRAND Lut Times Today

I whkh \\ ere 10 ter returne{1 rroth the

I MI. Houri bonk on whIch they had II/ '('n drawn.


SOCKO , • Take 8 'ul~ eonfitienL 8wlng, Into the

golf 8NIIOn with lOll equipment from

the ''Jlore 011 the tOrIMr."


Complete Set, 4 Clubs & Bag $9.00

The University Bookstore "On the Comer"

I Dealers Elect Dane Association Head

Magazine Comments on Retailer's Plan

of Advertising rr. J . Dnno, local COllI denIer, w""

~Ieoted pres ident ot the Corn }jell eoal dea lel's ll.8soclation at their reo cent meeting heW In Dee Moines. The Coal Deale,', mld·weet coal mag· ".Inc conllaue N: "M.l'. Dltne Is a .uc· cesarul coul merchant at Iowa CIty, agg"c"slve und Ilr08're~"lve. lIo lert It v ,'y f,\VO"llblo Imp" esslon upon the jfathe"lng held at 0 08 MoInes whe,'e Iw tJl'nl,lt' d Ilks (L veteran at the Job, 110 hns been In buslnes8 tour yelu 14 nL lown City, whel'e he Is now '>"eeLing 0. $30,000 con I handling plunt."

"The RNall onlman." natlonal coal a~nl~r~ magn zln e. currIed a col, limn or nows commenting On th(' hUIl)[tll Int~I'est Involved in th e coUI ltd with tho co.ptlon, "Four yenr. old a nd gl'owl ng steadilY," which ,\I ,' . Dane I'ccently wl·ote. The ad wa. "un In a March l8tluo OC The Dully Townn .

Bal~c Adaptation to Feature Skinner in Englert Promotion

In the lending role of It production taken rmm a stol'Y regarded as one ot fInlZltc'& (lnest annlytic POl'tray· IL ls of human PfUlslon, Oll. Sklnncr will In vllde Iowa CIty theatredom (0" onc night, Thursday, April 21. The drama I. tho "The Iionor of Ihe ~~l1ntlly " to b- I)reaented at the F:nglert thentpl·.

A dn 11tM from the FI'~nch tro nsln.· lion of Emile F'abre ot "Raboull· leuse" " 'om PaUl M. ·Potter, tlw I'Ce ttes give alTllple opportunity for Mr. Skinner to act to the best of his ablilly In the PIlrt ot Colonel Phllll)110 Rrldnu.

The F" pnch piny 1'0 n ror seven months Itt the Odpon In Paris with senM.tlonal "tl<'C~8S. It WRs later re, vlved at the Theatre Antoine whel'~ ' t playrd for tour month • .

Rotary International Will Meet in Sioux

City April 25, 26 SIOUX CITY, AIII .. 1 12 (.4')-When

the nIneteenth district conference or Rotnry lnterna llonal IR held het'e Apl'll 26 and 26. It wll hovp a (f18· Unction denied to all of the other fifty Similar conferences held throughout the United StBtes n.nd :.anadn during the s pring months.

This will ~ that ot hlt,'lng In nt · 'end3nce stx men who thought up nnd wrotc th e code oC ethics which ror Ihlrteen yenrs haa been recog· nlzed a8 the ornclal code or Rolary Intel'national In thlt·ty-elght dlf!er· ent countries or the world. The dis·


mJJt InillfSlDWaU Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday, April 13, 192j

Aato Cruh Send. Evelya Bradley to Loea) Ho.pita)

l~velyn B,·adley. N2 oC Towa City, wll8 .truck but not •• rlous· Iy Inju"ed by an automobile drlv· en by Carl Hart last evening while she wu waiting tor a bUH In front oC the chlldren's hoepltul. The accident halQ)Cned about 7 o·cIOCk.

M 1l1li Bradley WB.II taken to the univerllity hOllpltal by Hatt but waH releQJled atter a ,hort time. l-ful't WI18 not held,

Students Display Much Interest in

Hospital Progr~ms' y, M. c. A. Memben Prese.t

Varied Friday Night EatertaiDmeat

Student~ nl'e Inte,'eRted Ir the hos· pltol work done by the Y. M. C. A. So rar thl .. yellr 324 Mudents have taken port In the p,·ograms.

EIlch Friday night 0. group ot stu· dents present a program compoaed entirely of unlvcrs lty talent In the wa"ds or the children'. Rnd psycho· pathlc hospItals. Twenty·two pro· grams have been given with 276 men an<! 48 women taking part.

Each progrn m has been !rupple· mented by moving pictures and mu· s ic rurnlshed by two vlolim., n trum, pet, nnd pInna.

Chalk Talks The children's ho. pllal ha. heen

'l'lven 0. c,'os. section or the enter· talnlng IIblllti.. o( the uhlve"81ty students. Some oC the prOIn'8mM presente!l have been 'Chalk Talks " of Illc lures and carloo ns. a .trlng c hOir or Chrl"hna~ musfc, university tumbl.rR. aesthetlo danc ing by girls or "v. A . A .• a twenty.two piece or· cheBt,·n. the Ocn.mpo 'Brothers. and varIous readings.

('om)ruUee In Charge The student committee In chat'ge

of the entertainment Is co mposed of : James L . !{eze,· , A1 ot Towo. Ity. ehn lt'mon ; Keith W. \Voodhouse. Al

Miller Expounds Idea to Kiwanians

Fears and Suspicions Must Not Hamper

Good Mixer "Man will nevcr be a good mixer

unlll he 18 II ble to l)I'ell k loose trom the shells of feur nnd fill"plelon ." This Is the opinion set torth by PrOf. F . J. MilIcI' . of the Latin de· partmont of the II nl verslty In hl8 talk to thr membe,'S of the Iowa CIty KlwlInls club Ilt the regular weekly noondoy lun~heon Ilt Youdc's Inn yestr ,'day. His subj ct W08

"'rhe M I"e'·." Mon In his pt'lmltlvp .tote and

the cavc mun we,'e hI8to"Y's I'ool'est mlxe,·s. p"OreRRol' Miller contended. In dl"cu"slng mlln 'x nbillty (InrI luck or nbillty \0 r""tel'nize with hl8 rei ' inw m l'n. 'l'hc f.lptlai( er tJointpd out how s ince the beginning I·"cla l l'ift. and .chls ms hllve Inte"Cered with ma n's mixing deve lopment. F ear. s uspicion. co ntempt, a" InferiorIty complex and pride urc the IlUman qualities whioh most retl,,'11 mnn'" ability to """"c lnte with his rellow~.

"Civic clu bs. l11 ado up of men IIk ~

his listen ers. perfo"m a noteworthy service In hnprovlng mun's mIxing quulltleR." snld the spea ke,' In con· elusIon.

Suvoong and Zecha Practice in Orient

Dr. Cha"le~ D . Suvoong, who W9S graduat d f "om the college o~ den· lIs try in 1U 26. I. Ilmcllclng l don tis· 1(- yin Ihe Methodist hO-"pltut l~t Pel.lng. China . By Jui'y 1fj. Iw ex· I,ect. to establish hi" ow n prltcUce there:

0,'. LIi y 7..,cho. a lso U ll a lumna of the class of 1926. I. 10cMe!! In Sockaboeml. J fLva , (l Cte,' travelling the Eureo(lf'an conli nont s ince last July.

St, 'Louis Honors .$isler at Banquet

of Vinton ; Harolll E. Cerny . At at ST. J.OlT IR, AIII'Il 12 (IP)-G~o"g~ Belle P131n ; Mel'le B . Brus h, A4 or, f; i "l~r. I1I'Ht iJnM!mn n Ilnd former C h el~ea. ; 11'I'.ry E. Deal. A 1. or Dov'l ma nugo,' of the St. Loul. B"ownH enport, Neb., EIII. S. Cra.wford, A 1 It nll lIl~ Ameri('an league '. "m".t or Iowa Clly ; ('lesson Beckwith. At , "luabl(' [,layer" In 19~2, WaH the of ornlng: AlCred J. Henderso n, AS guest oC hanOI' tit a t~"Llmon l" l din. or Paullina; J en.n O. Cbamberla.ln. n~,' t<mlght. A I of HumbolJ t ; and EIIZltbeth i\lnyor Vlotor .T. ~ III : ~I' waR mall. Schunk. A I ot Wt'lghl. tpr of ceremonies an,) Ic.'l.dl ng fig.

Badge of Merit to Honor Girl Scout

The Olrl Scouts of lown. City will hold a rally April 80 In the field hOUile. Marlon Mar sh. A2 or Iowa C1iy. will receive her Oold n eaglet hadge at thu t time. Thi s Is the hIghest hOllol' given to a ny Girl Scout.

ures In nil IJI'ant'h<'R or St. Loul. n mateu,· anll profe"slonn I n thlet ic8 at tended.

Trnln Hills /lipgm DBS MOINES, All rll 12 (JP)-(1 l1l1 p

1 lin , 40, N('gl'o, of Vu ll ... y ~JlIn('lIfln ,

lown. wak In"tantly klll,,/l tOllny wh en h~ jUIllI",d (rom a ll .Mth,," nd tmin Into the path or {I. "(l('pdl ng weRtbound tmln of Ihe l:ork Island ,.allt·oad.

, Two Cars Crash'

at Washington 'and Dodge Intersection

A FOl'd coupe driven by l"ol'eman 11 Ill, 443 S . Gove"nor street. c"ol!h~ Into" ,.,,,. <1t'1ven by George Alber· hosky nt t.h e · COrnel' of Doelgo and Washington streets at 7:15 last night.

No one was Injured although the steel'lng gear of the Alberhaaky ca,' was damaged.

Rain , which obscured the vtolon ot the driver., WBB given a. the rea<lon for the accident.

Radio Operators Ames

A,R.R.L. Plans Two Day· Program of

Discussions UIl' Th .. . <\ ,ulu"1 III ",I ]'re ... I

A~I1~S. April 12-The ' midwest tlIvlRion of til e Amf" 'lclln Rudlo Re· lay league, an orgnnlzn,tlon of ama· teur radio men who t,'ansmlt and receIve communications vln. ether waves. will holll Its olllcial conven· tlon here FI'ic1ayn nd Sntu,'day, In co nn ctlon with the sixth radio . hort COUl'80 nt Iowa Stat~ college.

The two.(lUY program Includes tnlks nnd dlscussio!)s on p,·oblem. or nmnteul' radlo·casting and tecelv· Ing arid explanations of new devices and sys tems Which hove come into tile 11e;(1 81nce th e last convention.

To DillctL~" JmprO\lem,llIW! New hints ror Improving amateur

s ta tions and their ope rating proc· tl ce will be dealt wlUI . The entl,~ series of tnlkg nnd dlocusslo/IJI Is designed to make amateur opemtors more useful In thei r field. P,·of. D. C. Fabel'. head of the engineerIng ex tensIon divisIon. under whose suo pel'v lslon the co nvention and short COU I'SO IS Mlng heW. suid. today.

Robert S. Kruse, technical editor. a nd 1.'. E . Handy, communications mana ger of the American Radio Re, lay league. will be two oC the prln. c \J)al spoo ker •.

/)emoniJtrate New AC<'PMlllies Demonstrations of th e oaolllo·

graph . batteries and other a·ccessor· iea wll l fea ture the progmm. Can· tests dm'lng the two day .. arc plan· ' ~ed by the a mateurs' association with prizes ot radio apparatus (or the winners.

But-lie Can'l Use III NE'V YORK.- A IpllOnKo J . Steph·

an i I. {I. wealU1Y m" ,,- a nd a tnt lot of good It does him . Stephani WM "('n tenced to life fOt' mUl'de,· In 1903. ond he has been In Dannemora prl· sO n tOI' the " "im inHI In!!l!.ne ever .Ince. The tough pnl'! Is thM Steph· nnl drew nn Inheritance from his (t' l her·. estntc. or about $30.000: \\'hlch, In the hnn!!. ot trustees hno now occumula,tpd to ' $185,182, not one ce nt of which Is of the slightest use to Stephnnl.

fubliabed E.elJ Momia&' Except Monday, by Student Publications


i ,

-Noles from the Jessup Receives

Schools Plans for, Wd VAC,\TION nAYS

,",PI';II,' vacallon OOll'hl8 tOlllnr· row and clillthlUl'8 ulIlII lIext Monday, April 18, ror the I)ubllc schoobJ or the rlty.

"HO'rrENTOT" RESERVATIONS Rellervallon. COt' "The Hottentot"

a th,'ee-act tarce by VIctor Mapes, which will be pl'esented at the Eng· le,·t thellter 'Vcdnesday, April 20, as the aenlOr elaa. play will begin Mondny, April 18 at 4:30 . o'clock .

SENIOR·«'RESHMAN PARTY 'l'he 8enlol' girls will entertain the

freshman 11'11'18 at a pal'ly In the gymnasium till. evening.

It Is knO'Wn lUI the annual spon· 80r'8pon80ree party to which each upper cJa8Sman brings an under· classman. The attalr I. similar to the COed Uop ann uully sponllOred by 'Voman"s association.

FRESHMAN DEBATE The freshman class debllt~. "Re·

SOlved: thnt the elghteonth amend· ment should be I'epealed," will be given at assembly period this morn· Ing at 9 o·clock.

The membe,'s ot the artlrmatlvo team are Woodlawn, Woodward, Ha.t'old IJotack, and Franc Carson.

The negative team Is composed ot Allen Fleming, Clinton Moyer, and Ha''illd Magnuoon.

)'. T. A. MEETING The Parent·Tea.cher's ASBOClatlon

met In the gymnasium last nIght at 7:30. The glt'ls' physical educatIon classes unde,' the supervision of MI •• Helen Hayes gave an exhlbl· tlon tor theft· benetlt.

Followinl; the class demonstra· tlons the parents and teachers ad· journed to the hIgh ochOol auditor· lum where a bUsiness meeting waS held. A luncheon was served In the cafeterIa atter the meeting.

DEBATERS MEET The Debating club held Its week ·

Iy meeting Inst night. "Re801ved: that a course of biology Should be substituted tor the present zoology al'd botany com'see," wqs the q ues , tlon <lJacussed.

Harold Wickham and Clea.tman represented the afflrma· tlve; Leslie IIaln and ClarencE> Gllck uph eld the negative.

Current events were contributed

. -- , Chamber Commerct

Endeavors to Cut Out Congestion

A new plan oC entran~ .., ~ campUH at Iowa Ilvcnue dellf~ Ii reduco tl'Ofrlc dange,·., hqa ... submitted hy the Satety and TI1fIIt committee of the Chn.mber ct eo. fl'\erce to President Waller A. 1_ sup for apP,·oval. .

The plan Inoludes 11., semleln:"", walk to Ue constl'ucted at tbe • trance with It. two points rOllt~ east a nd milking n straight line WitI thll two sidewalks On 10wI1 am ... Thus pedestrlllns will no longer"", Clinton sh'eet dlago~ally tc th. C4 pUR. .

The walk trom Old capitol 111 m L ... t this halC mOOn In lhe cemt 3 nd tho dlagonnl walk. from I" natu.-al science a nd liberal buildings will join It On tbe IIOIIl and south sides respec~lvely 01 II! center.

Instead oC lengthening tbe a. tance from Iowa avenue acroa II! campus. tho new Illan will actlllil, .hol'ten It.

Chicago Capitaliab Bid on Road 80nda

C1:DAR HAPIDS. April 12 ~ The Willin m R. Compton and U" Contlnentlll and Commercial hank ~ Chica go wel'e the highest bidden 011 $400,000 WOt·th of Linn oounty rOll honds here tOllny. The bid 1111 made jointly, paying $4.000 PI'eI> lums tor rour nnd one·hal! per 0!1t IlOnda, declared to be the 1:I"nIl eV ~ I' puld he.-e.

The money will be used to fln.'1It road paving In this county.

~ 1111111I1111111ImUIIIlIIlIlIlIlltllllI~ :j . ~ ' EUROPE ' i :: Where do :),OU want to g01 ;

r.ri.- London- RoOle-Veaktl i To (h. h.lian Hill Tow .. of LU"? Uown the R hiol!? To Swiaet1lndl

To SCI"dina.i. ? To HoUandl Mo.oria. io E.,land .o~ Scu,,*1

by Vernon Putnam, and speeches_ were given by Donald RIChard'j" Lloyd Sidwell, nnd Harry Bur,·ell. ::

The critic ot the debate was Rob·

Gates Tours ' vbllt all tb_ placet

Mod.rare In cost. OpeCIII.d br a compl4)' of eJ(abli.btd repUCllioa

(Found.' d 11921 Gil •• Studeat ' ·o.n .... Ideal to. youn. people who WIlDt to ""ea

a.reubly ),f:' yltry ecoeoaicaU,.

ert Cornog and Russell Gardner ' ... judged the tal ks. . :3

Couple Seeks to Wed AppHc..'ltlon ror license to mo.rry

was filed thIs week with County Re· cOl'de,' J. M. Bnrrows by Vernon L . Holdeman. 25. oC Lone Tl'ee, and Vh'glnla D. Holyoke, 22, or LOllC Tree.


~ ::

Fur """"Ie .. (I ,ok> ($485 .. '12m ..... ik

GATES' TOURS-2UFiftbA ... .,N.Y.

L(Wut Repreuft&.II,. CIIAHLJ<:!! H. TII'PEftl

T.1.: Ollire SOH·" 1I .. 'd •••• tort·"


('loud, Thunda7; I lOullt Il6rtlnllM; IJO day III ' eAII& lind

~=-6 ____ 6P !;.--

--Se~te Approves , Bergmans to Gasoline

Believe Wamsted Will Meet Death

in Committee (J, TN "._fl.l ... P" .. I

DES MOINES, Aprll I S.-The .., today approved by a vote to II, a three cents 0. gallon }lie bu. The one cent Increase the tu wa. po$8ed In the form • ~1Ier to a bill that had been tlnttd by the house tor coflcurrenl .. be .... &me,ulment •.

'rM 1Iteuure new goeR back Qe IleUIe, whIch has rejected • lour ~nt tu and a three 1i'1. I The three cent rider was

., Senatcr A. H. Bergman ot pit county, author of the two Iil act now In effect. The rrenue Is desired by the good puup to cover $0.000.000 In It countlefl that have _tf I'IlIId money on primary lrfdB8. This refund Is to be tlthe rote of $1.000.000 n. Ifltr the payment. are cOlnpletl\ ~ ltvenue rrom the added 1iJ will go to the primary road ". one cent Incroose will lIIoul 12 .600.000 a year. ~o thnt 'lih the hrldge ,·cfund.. the 1111')' road rund would profit tIIout 11 600.000 a year.

AlUendment Opl\08ed FriendJI ot the county ropd

11m' strenuously opposed the CIIIt amendment. Senators G 0( Pocahontas and Browne or .n attempting to block the fir to have the Increase a,J,porU"ni IDIOItg tne counties on bull!.

Alter paSSing the lax an',endmlel th. senale concurred tmendment. providing prd or audit nn.llle an auditor the highway eommlsAlon Instead the IOvernor and thal the n/UfldJllie made u.t the tn lP ...... yeu. The bU1 ... orlJ1nally designed to the main road control bill In ftlpecls. aft req ueste<l by the

tlnetlon 10 enhanced by the fn ct that I N Pi h . I ' nil six of Ihe nUlho,·. 0( the code OW aying at t e Pastime . >Yere members of the Sioux City clul), nnd five of the m still maintain ------......;---------------:.....----------....... ----______ --'

nor. How They "oted

The roll call on' I he gDR IftOJe follows :

Aye-26: Baird . Bt>nty. lhelr connoctlon wllh the organlza· tlon hel'e.

Ten States to Meet for Student Concert

SPHINOF'IFJI,D, Ill " Apl'iI ]2 (IP) - Young voices. singing the old 'lOngfI nnd the new, will Ilo cnrrled Into homes In ten north central s tates vIa radio trom here next Fri· Jay nrternoon.

The singen tepl'eBent the choice voice. (rom hIgh school glee clubs and choruses In Iowa. Nebraska. I South Dakota. North Dllkota. Min· nesota. Illinois. "Vlsconsln. Indiana. Ohio. Rnd IIUchlgan. The chorus, 400 strong. will meet here In con · nectlon with the annual conterence ot 8uperYiI!ora oC stud), In the ten stale •.

A high ochool band of 225 pIeces, making 011 or the largelt student enllCmblu ever radlocast, will aC· company the chorus. Station WeBS (242.&1 will broa.dcaat the program.




. ,

Durin' IIO\IIIe('l"",,11I1 tI_ ,ou are 811re to IIIIC~O\ler IKOII", 1\OIIIM!hold artl~le. lor whll'h ,ou hav~ no larth!'r UIIf'. Hillcly tablew, relldllli In'IM rhlllrM, and ma,,, artle'l. 41f rll",u IIrft are aI.a,. In lklmand, If ynll have an, for thMe II .. , yOU .lIlh to If'l .... 0', the la""'t, quk>lcl!llt. a.nd moM ec-IIn(Omlc-.. 1 .a, 01 lIHurlnr . ' blly!'r I~ ,\troltlh tho! lOW AS C·I,,\NH· ItrlBil ('OLl)MNI'I .

YOUR Want Ad, Phone I.

EASTER "SWEETS" Everybod)' "craves" Candy on Easter, The kiddies all "they can hold" of fascinatin&" delicious Candy Eggs . , , tJte grownups a bite now and then of. delightful Candies.


YOU'RE probably fed-up with

food advice. It's a bothersome barrage, But you actually can enjoy sensible eat­ing by just making one meal, any

. me~, every day, of Shredded Wheat.

Through thirty-five years of "Eat this an~ that," this pioneer whole wheat biscuit has captured ever-growing favor. Made of the most carefully selected wheat grains, shredded for utmost digestibility and cooked crupclear through for appetite enchantment that's the Shredded Wheat Story.

New appetite appreciation, freedom from druKJ and laxative., better health every day; Shredded Wheat can give all ~hia­and make you like it.



Be,·gman. Booth. CJ.lrden. .ug~, Clark. Clearman. ElIIl!. Frailey, Johnston. Lanrtltt . MeFarla ne. Mills. Rl&4Jy, /l.obert • • Shaff, Shane, ley •. Topplng, Wilson. of Pagll.

Nal's-%3: Break~nrldge. I ... Browne. Campbell, Dean, l/itckler. ~'ulton, Ollchrlst . lIOn. Hartman. Kern, "'_ •. _ ... Klemme. McLeland. Rkt'lllllme. S·lemlllon •. ThompllOn. UI.tad. \V1I,,"n

The !lenate engaged In other heated legislative bollles .., 48 the reault of the near PI'Olch of 81ne. die ndjournmpnt lhe anxlely or some mem!)ers l1li11 In ,,'hleh they 0 "e Ialmtted.

Wamstead IJIII IIeIlllIOnl Campbell and (l

/IorIon wI,ed .. Jonr rl/j'hl Ilk. lrom Ih. alrllnr w'ttmfltf,. l • WlI plarln, the

• llle4lcal t",lltlllent lor peI'IIOM llpon the rounty ... IIK'I, patlents to the ,"l'IlIy hOllpltl1 at Iowa TIlls lreatmen& .. til Ihe lItoat 'I,AM,OOO elM!h blelIUlhUlI.! The WlII1\IIlead bill ~ In tbe bellel lbat ~uuntle.l WODId. not be 80 rree 10 lIItIenla 1.0 the hOllpll al Ir " ... tlt!! were Pllylnr ror

, lrea&ment, and i hat. II()III6 Ilc l!I'Ol1OIIIl mllhl. thllS

· lCbI.ftII. ~e MIIlte, howe"er, failed

· 9II'Ovo the Campbell move trItadR D' the bill l!IIIt

, IIchI bl one ,oot.. The are ..... bly .111 die In tJte .... I'IImmlttee, ~nntor Elilit ot Alppnnooae

tempted to taKe It bill trom the btr committee but lost by a vote 11 to 11. The bill In Que~tlon wo l.ave /node workmen's eOllnlJenflllll~ '-billty applicable to nil caul

tOI'll. The lellllt. took filial octlon

III the budtret iblll by ftCCeptlng ,*,Ieronce commIttee'" report JllIlIng dltrerencea between houses. The hOllse hOI yet to IIpt lite n>port.

r.a.u-rina Society " AakI Curtit to T I A Jeller extending an In

. to -P.ak at tho University /leroni Ihe 80clely lor l'rlom,otlcm tn,Inel!l'lng Education wus ~ P,·of. DonAld J). CUl'tl8, or 110110,1 01 opplied IKllence. I l+OreMo,' C;\l1'I16 WI'Ot~ {I. pnper ~ limp ago, ,xpl"lnlng tltl! lulla ot his refleQrch work on t III;aIleIII of education.

MI.r reading the article, P. L. Bishop Of the Pltttbur., who .1" .t'Creta ry ~ty, ...... uelted ProtellOr 10 ;\tPI!d lhe annual convention

IDelet" 'l'hlch I. belnr held Jun. thl. year at Orono, tea" the Piper b.for. Ihe

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