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Dr. Ross is a highly skilled, aesthetically driven medical professional.
FUT Hair Transplant For New Hair Growth
Look Natural Hair Restoration
The FUT Hair Transplant New Jersey procedure includes surgically removing a small strip from the scalp from the back of your head and transplanting the hair follicles. This method is mostly preferred for people with long hair because the surgery might be visible if one carries very short hair. After the strip is removed from the scalp, it is stitched together. There is a special microscope through which hair follicles are viewed.
What will one look after the FUT procedure?
After FUT Hair Transplant New Jersey, you will notice and feel small hairs in your bald area. You won’t get natural thick hairs immediately after the surgery. Initially, the transplanted hair will fall, and then you can see hairs growing in thin density, but
gradually, they will grow at a natural pace.
Why choose FUT over FUE?
There are several reasons to use FUT over FUE
Long-lasting in nature.
Don’t really need cutting of hairs short. Provides a large number of hair follicles. It’s been a proven method for years.
It is really helpful for people having extensive balding issues.
How to get prepared for FUT?
Avoid any medication that thins the blood for 10days before surgery.
Don’t use any anti-inflammatories for 3 days before the procedure.
Avoid consuming alcohol and smoke for around a week before surgery
Make sure you don’t expose your head to sunlight.
No hair conditioner for 3days
Look Natural Hair Restoration offer expert FUT Hair Transplant New Jersey.
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