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Page 1: Further Studies Segmental Sodium Transport in Kidneyduring… · transport duringextracellular volumeexpansion is

Further Studies on Segmental Sodium Transport in

the Rat Kidney during

Expansion of the Extracellular Fluid Volume

RIcHARDW. OSGOOD,H. JOHNREINECK, and JAY H. STEIN, Division ofRenal Diseases,Department of Medicine, The University of Texas Health Science Center,San Antonio, Texas 78284

A B S T RA C T The present studies were designed tofurther investigate the possibility of heterogeneity ofnephron function during Ringer loading in the rat, andto determine the specific nephron segment responsiblefor this finding. As in previous studies from this labora-tory with smaller rats (50-125 g), net addition ofsodium between late distal tubule and papillary base(6.9 vs. 10.4% of the filtered load, respectively, P< 0.005) was found in more mature rats (170-230 g).In contrast, there was net reabsorption of sodiumbetween these two segments in nonvolume-expandedanimals, 1.70 vs. 0.45% of the filtered sodium load,P < 0.005. Because nephron heterogeneity of sodiumtransport during extracellular volume expansion is themost likely explanation for these findings, furtherstudies were performed to determine the specificjuxtamedullary nephron segment responsible for thenet addition pattern between late distal tubule andpapillary base in Ringer-loaded animals. First, a com-parison was made of sodium delivery to the lateproximal tubule of superficial nephrons vs. the deliveryrate to the bend of Henle's loop of juxtamedullarynephrons in both hydropenia and Ringer loading. Frac-tional sodium delivery was quite comparable betweenthe superficial and juxtamedullary nephrons in bothhydropenia and Ringer loading although the absolutelevel was much greater in both groups of nephronsin the Ringer studies. Chlorothiazide (15 mg/kg loadingand 15 mg/kg per h) given during Ringer loadingmarkedly increased late distal sodium delivery, 19%of the filtered load, but did not prevent net addi-tion of sodium at the papillary base. In contrast,furosemide (5 mg/kg loading and 5/mg/kg per h)given during Ringer loading completely reversed thesegmental pattern, 35.5 and 28.8% at late distal tubuleand papillary base, respectively, P <0.005. Thesestudies demonstrate that the net addition of sodium

Received for publication 3 June 1977 and in revised form22 March 1978.

between late distal tubule and papillary base duringRinger loading is not limited to immature rats andthat the segmental pattern does not occur in non-volume-expanded animals. Further, the reversal of thenet addition pattern with furosemide, but not chloro-thiazide, and the comparable proximal nephron de-livery rates in Ringer loading suggest that the loop ofHenle of juxtamedullary nephrons reabsorbs lesssodium than the same portion of superficial nephronsin this setting. A model is proposed to explainthis finding.


In a recent study from this laboratory, evidence waspresented which suggested that there was a differencein sodium transport between superficial and moreinner cortical nephrons in the rat during Ringerloading (1). Although there was net reabsorption ofsodium between the late distal tubule of superficialnephrons and the final urine in this setting, directmicropuncture of the most proximal portion of thepapillary collecting duct consistently revealed a greaterfractional delivery of sodium to this segment than to thelate distal tubule. Because net sodium reabsorptionoccurred along the papillary collecting duct, it wassuggested from these data that there was greater inhibi-tion of sodium transport in more inner corticalnephrons during Ringer loading.

The present studies were designed to further investi-gate the possibility of heterogeneity of nephron func-tion during Ringer loading and to determine thespecific nephron segment responsible for this finding.The results further strengthen the view that sodiumtransport in inner cortical nephrons is inhibited to agreater extent during extracellular volume expansionand suggest that this is primarily because of alteredsodium transport in the thin ascending limb of theloop of Henle of these nephrons.

J. Clin. Invest. © The American Society for Clinical Investigation, Inc., 0021-9738/78/0801-311 $1.00 311

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Studies were performed on male and female Munich-Wistarrats weighing 170-230 g. This specific breed of rats wasutilized because they are endowed with an exceptionallylarge and accessible papilla (2 mmor more in most instances).The rats were anesthetized with Inactin (100 mg/kg; Pro-monta, Hamburg, West Germany) and placed on a thermoregu-lated heating board. Two polyethylene catheters were in-serted in one jugular vein for infusion and administrationof Lissamine green, and one catheter was placed in thecarotid artery for blood withdrawal and monitoring of bloodpressure. A tracheostomy was performed and a PE-50 catheterwas inserted in the bladder. A small left subcostal incisionwas made and the left kidney was gently separated fromthe adrenal gland and contiguous perirenal fat and placedin a plexiglass cup. The surface was illuminated with a fiber-optic light source and the kidney was bathed with mineraloil at 37°C. If the rat had a proximal tubular transit timegreater than 15 s, undue retention of the dye in the distaltubule, or a mean arterial pressure less than 100 mmHg, itwas discarded.

The animals were then given a solution containing 10%inulin dissolved in Ringer solution at a rate of 20 ul/min.While the inulin was equilibrating, late proximal and (or) latedistal segments were localized with two or three injectionsof Lissamine green (10 ,ul of a 10% solution).

1 h after the inulin infusion had been started, the papillawas exposed and bathed in 37°C mineral oil as previouslydescribed (1). The tubules were then punctured withsharpened pipettes varying from 7 to 10 uM for proximalsamples, 5 to 7 ,uM for loop, vasa recta, and distal tubulecollections, and 10 to 13 ,uM for samples obtained from eitherthe base or tip of the collecting duct. The late proximal, latedistal, and collecting duct samples were obtained by methodspreviously described (1, 2).

A puncture of the collecting duct was performed as far proxi-mally in the papilla as possible (this will hereafter be calledthe base sample). In each instance, the specific papillary tippunctured with each base sample was chosen because the oilcolumn injected at the base was seen to exit at that particularduct. Samples were obtained from Henle's loop as close tothe hairpin turn as possible, and quantitative fluid collectionswere made at the intratubular flow rate so that nephronglomerular filtration rate (GFR)' could be calculated. Inadditional studies, samples were obtained from the loop ofHenle and adjacent ascending vasa recta, by the techniquesdescribed by Johnston et al. (3). Ascending vasa recta sampleswere immediately centrifuged and plasma was separated forsubsequent analysis. As specified by the particular protocol,two to four late proximals, two or three late distals, oneto four loop samples, one to four ascending vasa recta, or twoto four papillary base and tip collections were obtained ina given study. Seven groups of studies were performed.

Group I, nondiuretic studies (n = 6)In our previous study (1), it was not possible to ac-

curately collect late distal tubular fluid during hydropeniabecause of the small size of the rats utilized and the conse-quential low tubular flow rate. In the present study, muchlarger rats were utilized and control experiments were per-

'Abbreviations used in this paper: GFR, glomerular filtra-tion rate; JMN, juxtamedullary nephron; SN, superficialnephron; (TF/P)in, tubular fluid to plasma inulin ratio;(TF/P)Na, tubular fluid to plasma sodium ratio; (TF/P)Na/In,tubular fluid to plasma sodium to inulin ratio.

formed to determine the fractional sodium delivery to the latedistal tubule and papillary base in a nonvolume-expandedstate. In four of the six studies, 10 ,ul/min of 5%mannitol wasgiven in addition to the 20 IlI/min maintenance infusion tofurther optimize tubular fluid collection. After initial prepara-tion of the animal as described above, late distal and papillarycollecting duct (base and tip) samples were collected.

Group II, Ringer loading studies (n = 8)After initial preparation, 10%-body-weight Ringer solution

was given over 40 min. The infusion was then reduced toa rate slightly above urinary losses. 20 min after the infusionrate had been reduced, late distal tubule and papillary col-lecting duct punctures were obtained.

Group III, comparison of superficial andjuxtamedullary nephron sodium transport(a) Hydropenia (n = 7). After initial preparation, late

proximal and Henle's loop samples were obtained duringcontinued hydropenia (infusion of only the maintenance in-fusion at 20 ,ul/min).

(b) Ringer loading (n = 6). These animals were expandedwith Ringer solution in the manner described above, and lateproximal and Henle's loop punctures were obtained in theseparticular studies.

Group IV, Ringer loading plus chlorothiazidestudies (=7)At the time of completion of the 10%-vol load, chloro-

thiazide (Merck, Sharp and Dohme, West Point, Pa.), 15 mg/kgloading and 15 mg/kg per h maintenance was begun. TheRinger infusion was continued at a rate slightly aboveurinary losses. 20 min after the initiation of diuretic adminis-tration, late distal tubule and collecting duct collectionswere obtained.

Five additional studies were performed in hydropenic ani-mals given the same dose of chlorothiazide. 20 min afterthe diuretic was initially administered, and as volumereplacement was being maintained, late distal tubular andcollecting duct punctures were obtained.

Group V, Ringer loading plus furosemidestudies (n = 8)The same protocol was utilized as in the previous group

except that furosemide (HoechstSoussel Co., Somerville,N. J.), 5 mg/kg loading and 5 mg/kg per h maintenancewas given at the conclusion of the 10%-body-weight ex-pansion. This does was chosen because it has been shownto have no effect on sodium delivery out of the superficialproximal tubule or to the bend of Henle's loop of juxtamedul-lary nephron (JMN) (4). The Ringer infusion was again keptat a level slightly above the urinary losses. 20 min afterfurosemide administration had begun, late distal tubule andcollecting duct collections were obtained.

Group VI, comparison of superficial nephron(SN) and JMNsodium transport duringRinger loading and furosemideadministration (n = 5)Animals were prepared in a manner identical to those in

the previous group. Samples were obtained from the late

312 R. W. Osgood, H. J. Reineck, and J. H. Stein

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proximal tubule of SN and the loop of Henle of JMN, withthe same protocol as in Group V.

Group VII, determination of loop of Henle tovasa recta sodium concentration gradientsIn these studies, the gradient between the thin loop of

Henle and ascending vasa recta was examined in threesettings.

(a) Hydropenia (n = 5). The protocol in these studies wasthe same as that used in group IIIA. However, samples wereobtained from Henle's loop and adjacent ascending vasa recta.

(b) Ringer loading (n = 6). These animals were expandedwith 10%-body-weight Ringer loading as described, and loopof Henle and ascending vasa recta samples were obtained.

(c) Ringer loading plus furosemide (n = 5). Again, ascend-ing-vasa-recta and loop-of-Henle punctures were performed.This group of animals was prepared in the same manneras that described for groups V and VI.

In all studies, the experimental collections were begun atapproximately the same time after initial preparation of theanimal and were completed in a similar period of time. Bloodwas obtained at the beginning and end of all collectionperiods. Clearance determinations were obtained from theright kidney at the same time as the micropuncture sampleswere being collected.

Plasma and urine inulin concentrations were determinedby the anthrone method (5) whereas the concentration ofinulin in tubular fluid was measured by the method ofVurek and Pegram (6). Sodium concentration in tubular fluidand vasa recta was measured with an Aminco helium-glowphotometer (American Instrument Co., Travenol Labora-tories, Inc., Silver Spring, Md.) and in urine and plasma withan Instrumentation Laboratory flame photometer (Instrumen-tation Laboratory, Inc., Lexington, Mass.).

Calculations. (a) A fraction of filtered load of sodiumdelivered to a given nephron segment = (TF/P)Naiin X 100,where (TF/P)Na/in is the tubular fluid to plasma sodium toinulin ratio; (b) a fraction of filtered load of sodium absorbedalong papillary CD= (TF/P)Na/in base - (TF/P)Na/in tip x 100;(c) the nephron filtration rate (V0) = VF x (TF/P)in, whereVF is the tubular flow rate in nl/min and (TF/P)ln is thetubular fluid to plasma inulin ratio.

The data were analyzed by standard statistical methods(paired or unpaired t test) and all results are presented as themean±SEM.

RESULTSNondiuretic studies. These studies are sum-

marized in Table I and Fig. 1. GFR and fractionalsodium excretion from the contralateral kidneywere 0.82 ml/min and 0.06%, respectively. Therewas no difference in the results obtained with orwithout a small infusion of isotonic mannitol, andthe studies have been combined. As can be noted fromTable I, fractional sodium delivery to the end of thedistal tubule was 1.7% of the filtered load. There wasnet reabsorption of sodium from late distal tubule topapillary base, the mean difference being 1.25% of thefiltered load, P <0.005 (Fig. 1). As was previouslydemonstrated in hydropenia, there was also net re-absorption of sodium from base to tip, 0.45 to 0.08%of the filtered load (P < 0.01).

Ringer loading studies. In these studies, meanGFRand fractional sodium excretion from the contra-lateral kidney were 1.03 ml/min and 4.9%, respec-tively. Fractional sodium delivery to the late distaltubule averaged 6.9%, a value significantly higher thanin hydropenia (P < 0.001). Further, as we had demon-strated in our previous study in smaller rats, there wasnet addition between late distal tubule and papillarybase in seven of the eight studies with the mean valueof the latter parameter being 10.7%, P <0.005, incomparison with late distal delivery (Table I and Fig.2). This difference varied from 3.1 to 6.9% of thefiltered load. Furthermore, as has been previouslydescribed (1, 7), there was substantial net sodiumreabsorption along the papillary collecting duct, thedifference being 5.4% of the filtered sodium load, P<0.01.

Comparison of SN and JMN sodium transport.These studies were designed to determine whether thenet addition of sodium between late distal tubule andpapillary base during Ringer loading (Fig. 2) was be-cause of a greater inhibition of sodium transport in the

TABLE ISummary of Micropuncture Results

Late distal tubule Papillary base Papillary tip

(TF/P)Na/tb§ (TF/P)N.Iln (TF/P)N.11.Model (TF/P)N.* (TF/P),I x 100 (TF/P)N. (TF/P), x 100 (TF/P)N. (TF/P),, x 100

Nondiuretic (n = 6) 0.26±0.05" 17.3±3.3 1.7±0.4 0.20±0.06 51.2±13.9 0.45±0.15 0.07±0.02 73.0±22.9 0.08±0.02Ringer loading (n = 8) 0.45±0.05 7.1±0.4 6.9±0.7 1.11±0.06 11.3±1.4 10.7±1.1 1.07±0.05 21.2±1.6 5.40±0.6Ringer + chlorothiazide

(n = 7) 0.58±0.01 3.2±0.4 19.5±1.5 1.11±0.03 5.0±0.7 25.4±2.1 1.26±0.06 8.9±1.8 17.7±0.9Ringer + furosemide

(n = 8) 0.91±0.03 2.8±0.3 35.5±3.4 1.01±0.02 3.8±0.4 28.8±2.8 0.99±0.04 4.6±0.5 23.3±2.6

* Tubular fluid to plasma sodium ratio.Tubular fluid to plasma inulin ratio.

§ Tubular fluid to plasma sodium to inulin ratio."Values presented indicate the mean±SEM.

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° 2-/





oZ Sz


FIGURE 1 Comparison of superficial late distal tubule andpapillary base sodium delivery during hydropenia.

proximal tubule of JMN. Because the reflection coef-ficient for sodium has been estimated to be approxi-mately one in the descending limb of Henle's loop(8), the sodium delivery to the bend of the loop ofJMN may be a reasonable marker of the sodiumdelivery out of the proximal tubule of these nephrons.It is recognized, however, that the data obtained fromSN late proximal tubules and JMN loops may not becompletely comparable because of sodium transport inthe straight portion of the proximal tubule. Theresults of these studies are summarized in Table IIand Fig. 3. In the hydropenic studies, the meancontralateral GFR and fractional sodium excretionwere 0.75 ml/min and 0.05%, respectively. The SNlate proximal tubular fluid to plasma inulin ratio(TF/P11) averaged 2.76 indicating that 38% of thefiltered load of sodium and water were delivered outof the accessible portion of the SN proximal tubule.There was almost identical delivery of sodium to thebend of Henle's loop (Table II and Fig. 3). The(TF/P,n) was higher than in SN, 6.64, but there wasalso a parallel rise in the tubular fluid to plasma sodiumratio (TF/P)Na to 2.33. Thus, 36% of the filteredsodium load was delivered to the bend of JMN, a valuenot different from the delivery out of the SN proximaltubule. As has been reported by others (9-11), JMNGFRwas consistently higher than SN GFR, 39 vs. 25nl/min, P < 0.005.

In the Ringer studies, contralateral GFRand frac-tional sodium excretion were 1.01 ml/min and 5.4%,respectively (P <0.01 and <0.001 in comparison to

hydropenia). When compared with hydropenic valuesthere was a marked fall in the (TF/P)1n to 1.64 and arise in fractional sodium delivery out of the proximaltubules to 62% (P < 0.001 for both parameters).Similarly, fractional sodium delivery to the bend ofHenle's loop significantly increased to 58% of thefiltered load (P < 0.005). This increase was associatedwith a 56% decrease in the (TF/P),1 ratio and onlya 29% fall in the (TF/P)Na ratio when compared tohydropenia. As is shown in Fig. 3, SN and JMNsodium delivery were both clearly greater duringRinger loading than in hydropenic rats. In addition,sodium delivery out of the SN proximal tubule tendedto be slightly greater than in JMN during Ringerloading although these values were not significantlydifferent. Although JMNGFRwas still higher than SNGFR, there was a tendency for the ratio of JMN toSN GFR to be lower in the Ringer studies than inhydropenia. In any case, there was no evidence fromthese studies to indicate that either fractional orabsolute sodium transport was disproportionately in-hibited in JMN, at least to the bend of Henle's loopduring Ringer loading.

Ringer loading and chlorothiazide studies. Theresults of these studies are summarized in Table Iand Fig. 4. Contralateral GFRand fractional sodiumexcretion averaged 0.85 ml/min and 17.8%, respec-tively. Late distal sodium delivery, 19.5% of the filtered


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2 4 6 8 K(


FIGURE 2 Comparison of superficial late distal tubule andpapillary base sodium delivery during Ringer loading.

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TABLE IIComparison of Superficial anidJuxtamedullary Sodium Delivery

Superficial late proximal tubule Juxtamedullary loop of Henle

Fractional Na Fractional Na(TF/P),* delivery Nephron GFR (TF/P)N.1 (TF/P)b, delivery Nephron GFR

% nl/mnimn nt/min

Hydropenia (n = 7) 2.76+0.225 38+3 25+2 2.33+0.11 6.64+0.53 36+2 39±4p'1 <0.001 <0.001 NS <0.01 <0.001 <0.005 NS

Riniger loading (n = 6) 1.64+±0.05 62+2 32+5 1.72±0.14 3.03±0.27 58±4 40±5P $I NS NS NS <0.01 NS NS NS

Ringer loading+ furosemide (nt = 5) 1.79+0.06 57+2 29+4 1.24±0.06 2.43±0.23 52±4 37±8

* Tubular fluid to plasma inulin ratio.Tubular fluid to plasma sodium rate.

§ Values presented indicate mean+SEM.11 Hydropenia vs. Ringer loading.1 Ringer loading vs. Ringer loading + furosemide.

sodium load, was markedly higher than the valuefound during Ringer loading (P <0.001). Yet, as isshown in Fig. 4, there was still net addition of sodiumbetween late distal tubule and papillary base. Themean value of papillary base sodium delivery, 25.4%of the filtered sodium load, was significantly greaterthan late distal sodium delivery, P < 0.01. There wasalso marked reabsorption of sodium between papillarybase and tip, the difference averaging almost 8%of thefiltered load, P < 0.001.

In five additional studies in which chlorothiazide

* Hydropeniao Ringer Loading






-- T- T --T l - ,10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


FiGURE 3 Comiiparisoni of fractional sodium delivery to thesuperficial late proximal tubule and juxtamedullary bend ofHenle's loop during hydropenia and Ringer loading.

was given to hydropenic animals, net reabsorption ofsodium between late distal tubule and papillary basewas noted in each study with mean values of 3.3 and2.1% of the filtered load, respectively, P < 0.02.

Ringer loading and furosemide studies. In thesestudies, contralateral GFRand fractional sodium ex-cretion averaged 0.89 and 24.4%, respectively. As wasthe case in the chlorothiazide studies, sodium delivery


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10 20 30


FIGuRE 4 Comparison of superficial late distal tubule andpapillary base sodium delivery during Ringer loading pluschlorothiazide.

Sodium Transport during Volume Expansion 315

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to the late distal tubule was markedly increased vs.Ringer loading alone; 35.5 vs. 6.9% of the filteredload, respectively (P < 0.001). Yet, in contrast to thechlorothiazide studies, furosemide not only abolished,but reversed the sodium delivery pattern betweenlate distal tubule and papillary base. As is shown inFig. 5, there was net reabsorption of sodium betweenlate distal tubule and papillary base in each of theeight studies with a mean difference of 6.7% of thefiltered load (P < 0.005). There was also net reabsorp-tion of sodium along the papillary collecting duct, themean change being 5.5% of the filtered load (P < 0.01).

Comparison of SN and JMN sodium transportduring Ringer loading plus furosemide. The reversalof the sodium delivery pattern between the late distaltubule and papillary base by furosemide suggested thatsodium reabsorption differed in the ascending limb ofJMN and SN during Ringer loading. It is important,however, to exclude an effect of this agent on sodiumtransport along more proximal nephron segments of SNand JMNduring Ringer loading. As shown in Table II,fractional delivery of sodium to the end of the super-ficial proximal convoluted tubule averaged 57% of thefiltered load compared to 52% delivered to the bendof Henle's loop of JMN. Neither of these values dif-fered significantly from those obtained during Ringerloading alone. It should be noted that the TF/PNa ratioat the bend of Henle's loop of JMN was significantlyless than the corresponding value during Ringer load-ing alone (Table II). This finding probably reflectsfurther papillary "washout" with furosemide andtherefore decreased water abstraction along the thindescending limb. Although the TF/Pin after furosemidewas not statistically less than that observed duringRinger loading alone, the fact that the fractionaldelivery of sodium did not differ between the twogroups tends to substantiate this interpretation.

- 50-


m 40-00

0 0*130- 0

a<./0~~~~~~~20-> 0

J, 10-


10 20 30 40 50ENDDISTAL Na* DELIVERY (%)

FIGURE 5 Comparison of superficial late distal tubule andpapillary base sodium delivery during Ringer loading plusfurosemide.

Determination of loop of Henle to vasa recta sodiumconcentration gradients. The results of these studiesare summarized in Table III. In hydropenia, there wasa constant gradient between thin ascending limb andascending vasa recta with mean values of 331 and262 meq/liter, respectively, P < 0.02. This concentra-tion gradient of 69 meq/liter is quite similar to thevalues found by Johnston et al. (3). In contrast, thesodium gradient was abolished during Ringer loading,the mean values being 207 and 209 meq/liter in as-cending limb and ascending vasa recta, respectively. Theadministration of furosemide to Ringer-loaded animalsdid not qualitatively alter the effect of Ringer loading.The sodium concentration in the loop of Henle andascending vasa recta averaged 165 and 177 meq/liter,respectively. Thus, the gradient between thin ascend-ing limb and ascending vasa recta was abolished inthe latter two groups.


In a previous study from this laboratory, net additionof sodium was found between the end of the distaltubule of SN and the base of the papillary collectingduct during Ringer loading (1). The results of thatstudy performed in young rats (50-125 g) were in-

TABLE IIISummary of Measurement of Papillary Structure

Sodium Concentration

Sodium concentration

Ascending AscendingModel No. liml) vasa recta Gradient


Hydropenia 1 298 243 +552 338 229 +1093 262 242 +204 295 208 +875 463 388 +75

Mean±SEM 331±35 262±32 +69±15

Ringer loading 1 184 178 +62 233 234 -13 168 156 +124 195 202 -75 220 237 -176 217 246 -29

Mean±SEM 207± 10 209± 15 -5±6

Ringer loading 1 198 197 +1+ furosemide 2 163 182 -19

3 150 172 -224 162 163 -15 153 171 -18

Mean±SEM 165±9 177±6 -12±5

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terpreted to indicate that sodium transport was in-hibited to a greater extent in some segment of moreinner cortical nephrons during volume expansion. Thepresent work confirms this finding in larger rats (170-250 g) indicating that this phenomenon is not limitedto immature animals. Further, in contrast to the findingsduring Ringer loading (Fig. 2), there was net reabsorp-tion of sodium between the late distal tubule andpapillary base in nonvolume-expanded animals (Fig.1). In previous studies in which only late distaltubule sodium delivery and urinary sodium excretionwere measured, it was suggested that collecting ductsodium transport was inhibited during Ringer loading(2, 12, 13). Yet, as is shown in Table I, the fractionof the filtered sodium load reabsorbed along theterminal collecting duct is much greater during Ringerloading than in hydropenia, 5.3 vs. 0.37% (P < 0.001).These results are also quantitatively similar to ourprevious results in young rats (1) and further enhancethe view that the papillary collecting duct responds toan increment in sodium load during extracellularvolume expansion by markedly increasing absolutesodium reabsorption.

Thus, the small difference between superficial latedistal sodium delivery and urinary sodium excretionduring Ringer loading is not because of diminishedsodium transport in the terminal collecting duct butrather is related to a marked increase in the amountof sodium delivered to the most proximal portion ofthe accessible collecting duct. It even seems likelythat the magnitude of this net addition is under-estimated because an even longer segment of thepapillary collecting duct is inaccessible to micropunc-ture. In any case, the remainder of this discussion willexamine the determinants of this net addition of sodiumbetween late distal tubule and papillary base duringRinger loading.

Two possibilities can be invoked to explain thisphenomenon. First, it is possible the net sodium secre-tion occurs along the collecting duct system proximalto the papillary base. Second, Ringer loading mayinhibit sodium reabsorption to a greater extent inJMN than in SN.

Regarding the first possibility, sodium secretion dur-ing Ringer loading would have to occur along the corti-cal collecting tubule because significant net sodium re-absorption occurs along the papillary collecting duct.If this were the case, it is likely that sodium secre-tion would occur down a concentration gradient frominterstitium to tubular lumen, probably via the inter-cellular pathway. Yet, Tischer and Yarger (14) havepreviously presented evidence which suggests that theintercellular pathway of the cortical collecting tubule isless permeable than that of the papillary collectingduct. In addition, in vitro studies by Burg et al. (15)and Helman and co-workers (16) describe a relatively

high electrical resistance along the cortical collectingtubule. Isotopic studies of unidirectional sodium fluxindicate that very little back leak occurs along thisnephron segment (17). It should also be pointed outthat in the present studies, the gradient for sodiumaddition, as judged from the TF/PNa ratio of fluidentering the collecting duct, is greatest in hydropenia(Table I), a model in which net reabsorption oc-curred between the late distal tubule and papillarybase. Finally, the observation that furosemide abo-lishes the pattern of net sodium addition between thesesites would require an effect of this agent on thecortical collecting tubule. There is no evidence, how-ever, that furosemide alters sodium transport alongthis nephron segment. In fact, Burg et al. found thatthis diuretic failed to effect either net sodium transportor the transepithelial electrical potential in the iso-lated cortical collecting tubule (18). Thus, even thoughwe cannot totally exclude collecting tubule sodiumsecretion with absolute certainty, the bulk of experi-mental evidence makes this possibility highly unlikelyand therefore favors heterogeneity of nephron sodiumtransport as the explanation for the net addition be-tween the late distal tubule and papillary base duringRinger loading.

The first group of studies evaluating this finding wasdesigned to attempt to compare sodium transport inthe proximal tubule of SN and JMN (Table II andFig. 3). Although it is not possible with micropuncturetechniques to directly compare sodium delivery in thesuperficial and juxtamedullary proximal tubule, it ispossible to measure the sodium delivery to the lastaccessible segment of the proximal convoluted tubuleof SN and the amount of sodium delivered to thebend of Henle's loop of JMN. Even if sodium trans-port were comparable in the convoluted portion ofSN and JMN, these two measurable parameters wouldstill seemingly be different if significant sodium trans-port occurred in the pars recta and (or) descendinglimb of SN. In studies with the isolated tubular per-fusion technique, sodium and water movement in thestraight portion of the proximal tubule have beenfound to be -Y2-1/3 of the values obtained fromsegments of the convoluted tubules per unit length(19-22). In further in vitro studies, however, nosodium transport was found to occur along the des-cending limb of Henle's loop (8). In addition, thereflection coefficient for sodium was found to be ap-proximately one in this latter segment (8). Thus, if thesein vitro data are reasonably applicable to the in vivosetting, there may be modest net sodium transport be-tween the late proximal convoluted tubule and thebend of Henle's loop. Yet, as is shown in Table II andFig. 3, no significant difference was noted in eitherhydropenia or Ringer loading between SN late proxi-mal and JMN bend sodium delivery. These findings

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are quite comparable to observations obtained by Jami-son et al. during hydropenia and the administrationof furosemide alone (4). Whether this lack of differencebetween SN late proximal and JMN bend sodiumdelivery indicates that pars recta sodium transport isquite small in the rat in vivo or that sodium transportin the proximal convoluted tubule of JMN nephronsis less than in SN cannot be determined with thepresent data. Yet, several points are worthy of note. Asis shown in Figs. 1 and 2, net addition of sodium oc-curred between the late distal tubule and papillary baseduring Ringer loading but not during hydropenia. Yet,the relationship between SN late proximal and JMNbend sodium transport remained the same during hy-dropenia and Ringer loading although in the lattermodel the absolute delivery rate increased markedlyin both groups of nephrons. Thus, there is no evidencefrom these data that sodium transport proximal to thebend of Henle's loop of deep nephrons was dispropor-tionately inhibited during Ringer loading when com-pared to hydropenic values. From Table II it is alsoapparent that absolute sodium delivery did not in-crease disproportionately in JMN during Ringer load-ing. In fact, there was a tendency for GFRto increaseto a greater extent in SN with volume expansionalthough this alteration was not significant. In any case,there is no evidence from these data that either frac-tional or absolute sodium delivery to the bend ofHenle's loop of JMNwas disproportionately increasedduring Ringer loading. Yet, because of the constraintsof this method, small differences in SNand JMNproxi-mal delivery during Ringer's loading can not betotally excluded.

Jamison and Lacy have previously compared sodiumand water delivery to the bend of Henle's loop ofJMNduring hydropenia and Ringer loading in 55-95 grats (23). Fractional water delivery was increased, butsodium delivery was not consistently altered by extra-cellular volume expansion. Whether these apparentdiscrepancies are because of differences in experi-mental design, the age of the rats or other factorsis not known.

The next series of experiments was designed toevaluate the effect of chlorothiazide on the patternof sodium delivery between late distal tubule andpapillary base during Ringer loading. Clearance andmicropuncture studies have suggested that the mainsites of action of chlorothiazide are in the corticalportion of the ascending limb of Henle's loop and thedistal convoluted tubule (24, 25). If Ringer loading in-hibited sodium transport in this chlorothiazide-sen-sitive portion of JMN to a greater extent than in SN,administration of this diuretic may reduce or abolishthe net addition pattern. Yet, as shown in Fig. 4, thiswas not the case. Thus, it seems unlikely that thechlorothiazide-sensitive portion of the distal nephron

is responsible for the net addition of sodium betweenlate distal tubular and papillary base during Ringerloading.

In contrast to chlorothiazide, furosemide not onlyabolished but reversed the sodium delivery patternbetween late distal tubule and papillary base duringRinger loading. As is shown in Fig. 5, there was netreabsorption between late distal tubule and papillarybase in each of eight studies with a mean dif-ference of 6.7%. This phenomenon was not just a con-sequence of the marked increase in distal delivery be-cause it can be seen that there was overlap in thisparameter with the chlorothiazide experiments inwhich net addition of sodium between late distaltubule and papillary base was consistently noted(compare Figs. 4 and 5). Thus, the administration offurosemide, which presumably inhibited sodiumchloride transport in the thick ascending limb ofHenle's loop of all nephrons (18), reversed the patternof sodium delivery between late distal tubule andpapillary base seen with Ringer loading alone.

There are obviously a number of possible explana-tions for these findings. Because, as discussed above,there is evidence that furosemide is without an ef-fect on the cortical collecting tubule, and the presentdata in our group VI animals (see Methods) excludea proximal effect (Table II), it seems reasonable tointerpret these studies to suggest that sodium trans-port in the loop of Henle of JMN is inhibited to agreater extent than in SN during expansion of theextracellular fluid volume. The mechanism responsiblefor this heterogeneity of nephron function cannot beclearly delineated from the present work. Yet, from theknown functional and anatomical characteristics of theloop of Henle of SN and JMN, one possible modelcan be constructed. This proposal is schematicallydemonstrated in Fig. 6. The ascending loop of Henleof SN in the rat is composed only of a thick seg-ment which begins at or slightly before the bend of theloop (26). This usually occurs at the border of the outerand inner zones of the medulla in the rat. The thickascending limb then ascends into the cortex until itcomes in apposition with the parent glomerulus and thenbecomes the distal convoluted tubule. In contrast, theascending limb of JMN is composed of both a thick andthin segment. The thin ascending limb begins in thepapillary portion of the inner medulla. The transition tothe thick segment occurs at approximately the samepoint that the SN thick ascending limb is formed (26).The JMN thick ascending limb also ascends into thecortex and becomes the distal tubule in an area inclose proximity to the parent glomerulus. Becauseboth the SN and JMN thick ascending limb originateat approximately the same place, the total length ofthe thick ascending limb tends to be greater in SN.

The isolated tubule technique has been utilized to

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w wz0Nwzz

7-k 4A -NA*LH-331 meq/L ier ) A L


FIGURE 6 Proposed model to explain heterogeneity of Na+ transport during Ringer loading.-- denotes active salt transport in thick ascending link of both SN and JMN. In hydropenia(left panel), a sodium concentration gradient exists between thin ascending limb (ALH) andascending vasa recta (AVR), 331 vs. 262 meq/liter. During Ringer loading, however, this gradientis abolished. Thus, sodium transport would be markedly decreased in the thin ascending limb ofJMNbecause transport in this segment presumably occurs totally by passive means.

characterize the transport characteristics of the thickand thin ascending limb. Burg and Green (27) andRocha and Kokko (28) demonstrated that the thick as-cending limb actively transports chloride and thatsodium movement is secondary to this active transportprocess. Furosemide inhibits active transport in thisnephron segment and consequently reduces the nettransport of sodium chloride (18). In contrast, thereis no evidence for active transport of sodium orchloride in the thin ascending limb, but the nephronsegment is permeable to both ions (29).

In the formulation of passive models developed toexplain the urinary concentrating mechanism, one ofthe critical points is the presence of a sodium con-centration gradient between the thin ascending limband the medullary interstitium (30, 31). Recently,Johnston and associates have, in fact, directly demon-strated the presence of such a gradient (3), and thepresent data confirms this finding. As shown in TableIII and Fig. 6, sodium concentrations of 331 and 262meq/liter were found in ascending limb and vasa recta,respectively. Thus, passive sodium transport may occuralong the thin ascending limb as a consequence of thedevelopment of this concentration gradient. DuringRinger loading, however, the circumstances are quitedifferent. The concentration gradient normally foundduring hydropenia is the consequence of the accumu-lation of urea in the medullary interstitium and theabstraction of water out of the descending limb ofHenle's loop. During extracellular volume expansion,blood flow may markedly increase in the renal medulla

leading to a "washout" of the interstitial hypertonicity(32). Indeed, Ringer loading abolished the sodium con-centration gradient (Table III and Fig. 6) and thus mayinhibit passive sodium transport in the thin ascendinglimb. This alteration will have no effect on sodiumreabsorption in the thick ascending limb which pre-sumably occurs as a consequence of active transport.In fact, numerous micropuncture studies have demon-strated a marked increase in absolute sodium transportin the superficial ascending limb during volume ex-pansion (12, 23). Thus, because the ascending limb ofSN is totally composed of a thick segment whereas theJMN contains both a thick and thin portion, it seemspossible that Ringer loading may disproportionatelyalter sodium transport in this latter group of nephronsby reducing reabsorption in the thin limb and therebydecreasing total ascending limb sodium reabsorption.After the administration of furosemide, sodiumchloride transport in Henle's loop will be markedlyinhibited in both groups of nephrons. Because Ringerloading, per se, has already inhibited thin ascendinglimb reabsorption, the quantitative effect of this agentwill be greater in SN than in JMN, thus obviating thenet addition pattern seen with Ringer loading alone. Inthis regard, it should be pointed out that furosemidedid not reestablish the gradient for sodium reabsorp-tion in the thin ascending limb (Table III). Further-more, the net reabsorption between late distal tubuleand papillary base seen in the furosemide-Ringerstudies may be a result of the combination ofequivalent delivery of sodium to the distal portion of

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SNand JMNcoupled with significant sodium reabsorp-tion along some portion of the medullary collectingduct proximal to the papillary base.

The quantitative contribution of this phenomenon tothe natriuresis of Ringer loading seems substantial. Theaverage net addition in these and our previous studiesis -n5% of the filtered sodium load and clearlyrepresents a minimal estimate (1). Only the sodiumreabsorptive capacity of the papillary collecting ductprevents a much greater increase in sodium excretionin this setting. It should also be emphasized that ifthe above formulation is correct, it may have relevancein other circumstances, such as drug-induced renalvasodilatation.


This work was supported in part by National Institutes ofHealth grant AM-17387.

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